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关于Christian Konrad Sprengel:歌德反对他、达尔文喜欢他
livingfossil 2017-6-12 20:53
德国神学家、教师和博物学家 Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) ---- 歌德反对他、达尔文喜欢他 德国神学家、教师和博物学家 Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) 与诗人及博物学家歌德 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749--1832) 几乎是同龄人。 有一种说法, 1782 年身为教师的 Christian Konrad Sprengel 的健康状况出现了问题。他结识了医生兼业余植物学家 Ernst Ludwig Heim (1747--1834) 。后者激发了 Christian Konrad Sprengel 对植物的兴趣。 1787—1793 年, Christian Konrad Sprengel 独立开展了传粉生物学研究。 他对很多植物的花的结构进行了严谨的科学观察, 天才般地发现了有些两性花的雌雄蕊异熟现象 (dichogamy) 。 1793 年, Christian Konrad Sprengel 出版了一部传世之作 -- 《大自然的秘密:花的结构和传粉之发现》。翌年, Christian Konrad Sprengel 不仅失去了教职,而且遭到 歌德的差评和猛烈反对 。 Christian Konrad Sprengel 的大作 被忽视了近半个世纪。 1838 年夏, Charles Darwin FRS ( 达尔文 , 1809--1882) 开始 传粉生物学的观察和研究 。达尔文在 1859 年出版的《物种起源》及后来的植物学著作里引述并高度评价了 Christian Konrad Sprengel 的卓越研究。 最后,值得一提的是 “Sprengel” 家族对德国植物学和古植物学的发展做出了重要贡献。在 “ 德国古植物学之伞 ” 专题,我曾谈到过 Anton Sprengel (1803--1851) 。在 Christian Konrad Sprengel 之后,我计划谈谈他的侄子 Kurt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel (1766--1833) 。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of German theologist, teacher and naturalist Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) --1750: Born in Brandenburg, Germany ; --1770: Began to study theology and philosophy at the University of Halle ; --1774: Became a teacher of the Great Frederick's orphanage and the military school in Berlin; --1780: Moved to Spandau ( a borough of Berlin ) to serve as rector of the Great Lutheran Town School; --Initiated strong interest in plants largely because of the inspiration of German physician and amateur mycologist and botanist Ernst Ludwig Heim(1747--1834); --1787: B egan to observe the pollination of Geranium flowers during the summer of 1787 ; --1787: Co-worked with German botanist Carl Ludwig Willdenow (1765--1812) on Florae Berolinensis Prodromus ; ---1793: Published Das entdeckte Geheimniss der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen ( The secret of nature discovered in the structure and pollination of flowers ); --1794: Dismissed, but with a pension; then went to Berlin; --1816: Died in Berlin at age of 66. =========== P.S. --1833: Scottish botanist and palaeobotanis Robert Brown FRS(1773--1858) published an article about pollination and cited some of Christian Konrad Sprengel’s research; --1841: At the advice of Robert Brown FRS, Charles Darwin FRS (1809--1882) read Christian Konrad Sprengel’s book; --1859: Charles Darwin FRS confirmed Christian Konrad Sprengel’s observations about dichogamy in the chapter “Natural Selection” of the Origin of Species (1859); --1862: Charles Darwin FRS made comments on Christian Konrad Sprengel’s research in the Orchids (1862); --1876: Charles Darwin FRS made further comments on Christian Konrad Sprengel’s research in the Cross and Self Fertilization (1876). --------------------------- Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany-20 German theologist, teacher and naturalist Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) and pollination biology 德国神学家、教师和博物学家 Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) 2017 年 6 月 相关阅读 : Lectures on Neobotany and palaeobotany: a teaching project and catalogue 古今植物学大讲堂 ( 工作目录 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031964.html 2017-2-6 21:44 ---- German theologist, teacher and naturalist Christian Konrad Sprengel (1750--1816) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Konrad_Sprengel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Konrad_Sprengel https://www.britannica.com/biography/Christian-Konrad-Sprengel ----------- Timeline of microscopes 显微镜的时间表 https://www.nobelprize.org/educational/physics/microscopes/timeline/ ( 转载 -- http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1055400.html 2017-5-17 09:46) --- 植物形态解剖学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学( 2 ) 结构植物学 : Neo Paleo- 植物学 (2) Morphology Anatomy: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Structural Botany: Neobotany+Paleobotany(No.2) Macroscope( 宏观镜 ) vs Microscope( 显微镜 )(in English with Chinese introduction) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-951574.html 2016-1-21 00:16 --------- 古植物学的故事( 84 ): 钻研古植物学要读《维管植物比较形态学》 Story of Palaeobotany Series (84): Graduate students majored in palaeobotany should spend enough time in perusal of Comparative Morphology of Vascular Plants co-authored by A. S. Foster and E. M. Gifford. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-396369.html 发表于 2010-12-23 7:17:57 ============================= 古今植物学大讲堂 Lectures on Neobotany Palaeobotany-17a Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632—1723) and plant anatomy (Chinese Part) 为何显微镜宗师列文虎克 (1632--1723) 的植物学贡献被忽略? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1057189.html 2017-5-26 09:56 -------- 古植物学的故事 521 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.521) The Epic of Palaeobotany-521 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (43) German botanist and palaeontologist Anton Sprengel (1803--1851) 德国植物学家和古生物学家 Anton Sprengel (1803--1851) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1026781.html 2017-1-10 23:01 ------------- 古植物学的故事 436期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.436) Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (37) 英国著名植物学家 Robert Brown FRS (1773--1858) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-968110.html 2016-4-605:05 ===========================
个人分类: Structure: Neobotany & Paleobotany|17681 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 22 zhangpengju 2012-11-6 10:00
旗帜鲜明这个词比较红色和主旋律,我不提倡用。 教学型教授这称呼比较有意思,我的理解是绝大部分时间搞教学的professional teacher;这个教师很专业,专业在于传道授业解惑,而不是在某一个科研领域达到了非常professional的水平。 举个例子,我一个老师,量子力学教的很好,我特喜欢听,精品课程,大家都喜欢听,化学院的童鞋也来听,也蛮喜欢。我们都一致认为他是好老师,他对于这门课的教学环节做到了专业水平。他也做一些科研,但是,我放狗搜了一下他的文章,几篇英文物理学报,没有一篇国外杂志的第一作者或者通讯作者文章,做他那个领域的研究的同行对他不甚了解,学术水平还不到一个国外博士生的水平,和国外博后的水平相距甚远,根据中国目前绝大多数教授水平的标准—欧美日等科研发达国家做过一到两期博后的水平,他不满足,因此,他的教授头衔,如果我们不放低对教授的要求的话,是有水分的。他课上的确实很好,这姑且算一个教学型教授的例子吧。 这种类型的教授,本着祖国科研进步的大方向,我不赞成,更不提倡,些许反对。这样的可爱老师,对于刚入门的学生来说可以做到游刃有余,从容应对,但是作为一个博士生他指导不了,倘若硬要指导,这样的毕业的博士也很有水分。我相信,支持教学型教授的教授们不会把自己的亲戚朋友等推荐给这样的老师做博士生,博士不是硕士后,硕士不是学士后,不能够为了增加博士学位而读博士,为了拿到高薪读博士。当然,我基于一个大的,好的方向来讲这个话,一部分人不这么想,先混学位,那是另外一说,不具有可比性。 其实,国内大学里面 大部分教授 —科研大国2期博后水平,来指导国内的博士生本来就是一种不和谐,跟着三流科学家想成为二流科学家,需要付出太多的努力,且具备超凡的天资,希望不大,那么跟着教学型博导教授要成为什么样的科研人员呢?科研民工?(无歧视)混学位?答案不得而知。因此,国家早了解这种现状,目前国家大规模的公费留学计划很大一部分原因就是基于国内教授和学生的这种惨淡现状做出的英明决定,我且不说大学教授里面有一半是教学型的时候,这个国家的科研会日后成为什么样,就目前的博后水平,要坚持科研型强国,不知道你信不信,元芳会说:这背后隐藏着一个天大的笑话! 最后,我要说的是,教授这个头衔不能够给教学型老师。 但是,教学型高级老师的劳动必须得到极大尊重,包括在校内的社会地位,因此,工资待遇一定要和教授的持平,只有这样,才能够从根本上避免搞教学的绞尽脑汁当教授这种畸形现象发生,你想想,人家一天上课不累么?面对那么多小青椒,课堂上呛也被呛得差不多了,那还有时间和心情看文献,做实验,编程序,发文章,改文章啊?人家不欠。。。 另外,教授科研搞得好,也必须抽出时间来授课,这一点我不想多说,否则会被放大。。。参考吕博主: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-111635-629689.html 我呼吁,体制内的教授们,若您反对教学型教授,怕他们来抢你们的饭碗,我太阴暗了。。。那么就先倡议把课时费提高,让搞教学的老师们的待遇和自己有匹敌,只有这样,你好,他好,我们大家都好。
6656 次阅读|70 个评论
热度 1 whm669 2012-9-25 21:06
9 月 22 日 We had politics classes for the first time in Chang‘an Campus.Our teacher’s name is Wang Junshuan,and I thought his lecture was very good.So I wrote down many words which were not only on the ppt but also Mr. Wang said. I went to Chang'an Campus from Yanta Campus by school bus.On the way,I sat beside my adviser Mr.Zhang,and told him what I’m reading and thinking these several days .I’m reading a thin interesting book about teaching technology and ability of maths in class.I felt my constructure of knowledge is like a small magnet,which can not absorb thick books ,but only little ideas.I also told Mr. Zhang some articles and papers I wrote before. In the afternoon,I planed to go to the library to read newspapers and surf on the Internet.But I followed some students to a classroom and enjoyed an interesting English optional class. I’m very satisfied with my experience today.But to my surprise in the evening, I found a series of wonderful books written by professors of The Chinese Academy of Sciences in the library.
个人分类: 生活乐趣|2198 次阅读|7 个评论
Good morning teacher?
xiaoyanghe 2012-9-11 10:48
我所在学校的附小,每天会安排几个学生站在校门,每当老师出入时,学生要向老师敬礼并喊道:“Good morning teacher”。其实,在英语国家,teacher只是一种职业,人们一般不会用“teacher加姓氏”来称呼人。只是用Mr.,Ms.,Miss.,Professor,Doctor等加姓氏来称呼人。如果是同事之间,往往就会比较随意,只称呼名字。例如,他们都会称呼我Xiaoyang。在澳洲时,我的导师是Ted White教授。大家往往就称呼他Ted,包括本科生也是如此。 学生要尊重老师,这当然没错。但是,老师就可以不尊重学生吗? 师生之间应该是平等的呀! 我看到,多数老师对学生的敬礼往往是视而不见的,连一个基本招呼都没有。再说了,学生是未成年人,有必要让他们在门口站上几十分钟来向老师表达敬意吗? 更不用说,我们经常看到,让学生淋雨或者在寒风中站立去迎接领导。 当然,最为可耻的,就是克拉玛依大火中(剧院中大部分是孩子)的那句:“让领导先走”!
个人分类: 人生感悟|3405 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]about teacher
yyang2010 2011-12-19 10:35
The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires. --William Arthur Ward. 平庸的老师,说教;好的老师,解说;更好的老师,示范;伟大的老师,启发.---威廉A.沃德 A teacher affects eternity; no one can tell where his influence ends. --Henry Adams.
2535 次阅读|0 个评论
jiangming800403 2011-8-15 15:41
我不想再对“老猫”解释西藏问题。就像英国人不会对我们解释北爱尔兰问题和伦敦的街头起义,法国人不会解释布列塔尼和科西嘉问题,西班牙人不会解释“埃塔”,美国人也不会解释.......一样。 “Morry,Do you know Sajia fawang Basiba,the teacher of Boerzhijin Hubilie?”听着我蹩脚的夹杂着中文的英语“老猫”自然一头雾水。有人不愿意睁开眼睛了解整个世界,那就让他继续做梦去吧。 从本源上佛教并不是一种宗教,更不是偶像崇拜,而是一种哲学思想和人生态度。带有浓郁神秘主义色彩的密宗藏传佛教实际上已经接近外道。但是藏传佛教从来就没有过唯一的最高领袖,就像罗马教皇不是基督教的唯一领袖一样。 藏传佛教1000多年的历史中涌现了莲花生、阿底峡、八思巴、宗喀巴等著名的大宗师,开创了宁玛派(红教)、噶举派(白教)、萨迦派(花教)、格鲁派(黄教)四大流派,在历史上,萨迦政权(花教萨迦派)、帕竹政权(白教噶举派)、拉萨政权(黄教格鲁派)都曾执西藏政教之牛耳。达赖和班禅只是宗喀巴大师座下两大弟子转世,而且早在达赖和班禅之前明成祖曾经册封过宗喀巴座下首席弟子释迦也矢为大慈法王。黄教格鲁派也是在清朝和漠西卫特拉(厄鲁特)蒙古和硕特部支持下打败了卫特拉蒙古准噶尔部支持的噶举派帕竹政权,才获得了西藏僧俗共主的地位,建立了西藏历史上最后一个政教合一的政权,但是这只是政治上的,而不是宗教上的,而且拉萨的政治权威也受到代表中央政府的驻藏大臣的节制。
个人分类: 国际观察|2834 次阅读|1 个评论
期末英语口语考试—How to educate a child?
热度 1 jay1060201001 2011-6-1 09:32
We will take the English final test this morning.The teacher assigned each team a topic,our team's topic is "how to educate a child?".well,that's a good question.Here I want express my own opinoin on this topic. First of all,the importance of education can not be too much emphasized.Because it is closely connected with the future of our nation. Education help us to developourscience and technology, education improvethe people's quality ,and it's the education help us lead a better life.In my piont of view,children's education plays the most important role in a man's life.To educate a child well,parents are their children's best teachers.because of this,in the family,the parents should create a good atmosphere ,they must set a good example to their children. Secondly,the children's chioce should be amply respected.parents must give their children enough personal space and freedom,which is very important in the westen education.while in china,it has always been overlooked . Finally,a famousphilosopher once said:"edcation is the power of awakening consciousness",I couldn't agree more! The children themselves should form a good habit,it has a close relationship with the family 、 school and society.Here I want to say,education is not only the parents' responsibility,but the every member of our nation!
6604 次阅读|2 个评论
jingyanwang 2011-4-8 17:14
Dear Sir/Madam: As a teacher at xxxx school, I am writing to provide you a recommendation for Miss/Mr.xx so as to help you assess her/his application for acceptance into your program and consideration for financial aid. Considered a promising student with originality and sophistication in her/his thinking, (she/he was asked, in the spring semester of 1999, to develop a subsystem of a DBMS project for her B.S.thesis, for which I was the chief leader. T his subsystem was designed to manage the information of materials in NO.1 Fo undry Plant of Dongfeng Auto Works.To do the job, she/he read many books about software engineering and took some courses in Database Principles and Management. Keenly aware that the design of a DBMS decides the quality of the whole software system, she did her/his utmost from the beginning of the project.). From analyzing user’s requirements to designing the whole system, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she was very level-headed and full of innovation every step of the way. Taking full advantage of her ability and creativity, she firmly focused herself on her objective and gnored all distractions. She successfully reached her goal. In the final software testing, only a few bugs were found in her subsystem. My appreciation of her talelent was thus confirmed.Miss is a very personable woman, friendly and helpful, and she has always been a team player in her work. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give her application for candidac y to your Ph.D. program favorable consideration. Should you need any further information in your deliberation, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely xxxx
个人分类: POSTDOC|1734 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Teachers – A Most Significant Influence
jiashengxu 2010-9-15 13:03
Teachers A Most Significant Influence Everyone is unique, but the key to unlock what is special in each individual is elusive. Teaching provides a special opportunity to support the journey to search for the key. To explore and reach out potential in areas great and small is motivational and can be inspirational. The interplay between psychological well being and realising that potential is well recognised. More challenging are the practical solutions to develop a problem solving approach to the knocks along the way. I congratulate the committee of the Positive Schools conference in providing a forum to tackle the problems and share solutions
个人分类: 生活点滴|2979 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Florida governor vetoes teacher merit pay bill
panfq 2010-5-7 06:17
NEW YORK TIMES Florida governor vetoes teacher merit pay bill By Trip Gabriel and Damien Cave New York Times POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Apr 16, 2010 Share 0 Comments (Single Page View) | Return to Paginated View MIAMI Gov. Charlie Crist has been jawboned and buttonholed as he has traveled around the state in recent days, and his office was deluged with 120,000 messages. Passions have not run so high in Florida, the governor said, since the controversy over ending the life of Terry Schiavo in 2005. This time, the point of contention was eliminating tenure for Florida public school teachers and tying their pay and job security to how well their students were learning. On Thursday, Crist picked a side, vetoing a bill passed last week by the Florida Legislature that would have introduced the most sweeping teacher pay changes in the nation. The veto puts Crist, a moderate Republican, at odds with his party base in the Republican-controlled Legislature. His decision has also renewed speculation that he might drop out of the Republican primary for a U.S. Senate seat and run in the general election as an independent. For months he has been trailing the more conservative Republican candidate, Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, in polls. Crist said Thursday that his decision was not political. He cited the incredible outpouring of opposition by teachers, parents, students, superintendents, school boards and legislators. The bill was supported by the Florida Department of Education and statewide business groups, which expressed disappointment in the governor's decision, saying that teachers should be held more accountable. But the governor, announcing his veto in the Capitol in Tallahassee, said the changes envisioned would put teachers in jeopardy of losing their jobs and teaching certificates, without a clear understanding of how gains will be measured. Linking teacher pay to student achievement has long been a goal of some education reformers. They are mostly conservatives, but their ranks also include people in the Obama administration. They argue that teachers should be treated like people in most professions, and paid based on how effective they are. The issue has made for a season of strange bedfellows, with the Obama administration's chief education initiative, Race to the Top, seemingly encouraging just the kind of overhaul that Florida Republicans endorsed and that teachers and their allies furiously opposed. Race to the Top dangles $4.3 billion in grants before states that develop programs that promote teacher accountability and parental choice in schooling. In the first round of grant awards last month, Florida did not win but came close, and the merit pay bill was promoted as a way to improve the state's chances of winning $700 million in aid. Analysts said the state had the most ground to gain specifically in this area for the federal contest. The vetoed bill is consistent with what Race to the Top wants, said Andy Smarick, an education policy analyst who was an official in the U.S. Education Department under President George W. Bush. Reformers have tried to draft policies that allow student-achievement data to be used to reward good teachers and identify poor ones. When Florida proposed strict accountability measures, teachers, parents and administrators pushed back. They argued that the proposed systembasing renewal of teacher contracts and at least half their raises on how well students did on standardized testswould hold them responsible for factors in students' lives beyond their control. I am not a puppet master; I can't pull strings and make them perform, said Amy Horr, a second-grade teacher in the Miami-Dade School District who attended a rally Monday. I can't even make them come to school. The president of the state teachers union, Andy Ford, argued that the pressure on children will be immense when the teachers' salary evaluation, contract and certification are all tied to that score. Teachers coordinated a huge phone and e-mail campaign to lobby the governor, in part through a 70,000-member Facebook group. Reactions on the site moments after the noontime veto were ecstatic: Sweet victory! and Woohoo!!! I love you Charlie Crist ... For now!!! Republican leaders of the Legislature, who said they did not have time to resubmit a new bill before the end of the current session, criticized the governor. Former Gov. Jeb Bush, who backed the bill, said in a statement that Governor Crist has jeopardized the ability of Florida to build on the progress of the last decade, during which Republicans ushered in other controversial changes that they say are responsible for rising student achievement statewide. It is unclear what Crist's veto will mean for him politically. Even some Tea Party followers had turned to opposing the pay and tenure overhauls because of the increased bureaucracy. A Quinnipiac poll published Thursday showed that if Christ ran as an independent candidate in the Senate contest, he would finish narrowly ahead of Rubio and Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate. Repeatedly, Crist has said he would not run as an independent. With an April 30 deadline for switching parties, some political analysts said his veto could be a final push to close the gap with Rubio. He's betting on the fact that the Republican legislators themselves have been catching some heat for this, said Susan A. MacManus, a political science professor at the University of South Florida, referring to the merit-pay bill. He'll wait and see if this moves the polls within the Republican ranks; he still has time to make a decision. A few hours after his veto, Crist attended a rally in his honor on the steps of Leon High School in Tallahassee, which was draped with a big sign saying, Thank You, Governor Crist. The people spoke, and they spoke loudly, and boy, did I hear from them this week, the governor told the crowd of teachers, students and administrators. Manny Joanos, energy director for Leon County schools and a Republican, said that he had been leaning toward Rubio in the Republican primary, but that Crist had changed his mind. I'll be voting for the governor, he said. Crist again declined to say whether he would remain a Republican. That's the last thing on my mind right now, he said. Gary Fineout contributed reporting from Tallahassee and Catharine Skipp from Miami. MIAMI Gov. Charlie Crist has been jawboned and buttonholed as he has traveled around the state in recent days, and his office was deluged with 120,000 messages. Passions have not run so high in Florida, the governor said, since the controversy over ending the life of Terry Schiavo in 2005. This time, the point of contention was eliminating tenure for Florida public school teachers and tying their pay and job security to how well their students were learning. On Thursday, Crist picked a side, vetoing a bill passed last week by the Florida Legislature that would have introduced the most sweeping teacher pay changes in the nation. The veto puts Crist, a moderate Republican, at odds with his party base in the Republican-controlled Legislature. His decision has also renewed speculation that he might drop out of the Republican primary for a U.S. Senate seat and run in the general election as an independent. For months he has been trailing the more conservative Republican candidate, Marco Rubio, a Tea Party favorite, in polls. Crist said Thursday that his decision was not political. He cited the incredible outpouring of opposition by teachers, parents, students, superintendents, school boards and legislators. The bill was supported by the Florida Department of Education and statewide business groups, which expressed disappointment in the governor's decision, saying that teachers should be held more accountable. But the governor, announcing his veto in the Capitol in Tallahassee, said the changes envisioned would put teachers in jeopardy of losing their jobs and teaching certificates, without a clear understanding of how gains will be measured. Linking teacher pay to student achievement has long been a goal of some education reformers. They are mostly conservatives, but their ranks also include people in the Obama administration. They argue that teachers should be treated like people in most professions, and paid based on how effective they are. The issue has made for a season of strange bedfellows, with the Obama administration's chief education initiative, Race to the Top, seemingly encouraging just the kind of overhaul that Florida Republicans endorsed and that teachers and their allies furiously opposed. Race to the Top dangles $4.3 billion in grants before states that develop programs that promote teacher accountability and parental choice in schooling. In the first round of grant awards last month, Florida did not win but came close, and the merit pay bill was promoted as a way to improve the state's chances of winning $700 million in aid. Analysts said the state had the most ground to gain specifically in this area for the federal contest. The vetoed bill is consistent with what Race to the Top wants, said Andy Smarick, an education policy analyst who was an official in the U.S. Education Department under President George W. Bush. Reformers have tried to draft policies that allow student-achievement data to be used to reward good teachers and identify poor ones. When Florida proposed strict accountability measures, teachers, parents and administrators pushed back. They argued that the proposed systembasing renewal of teacher contracts and at least half their raises on how well students did on standardized testswould hold them responsible for factors in students' lives beyond their control. I am not a puppet master; I can't pull strings and make them perform, said Amy Horr, a second-grade teacher in the Miami-Dade School District who attended a rally Monday. I can't even make them come to school. The president of the state teachers union, Andy Ford, argued that the pressure on children will be immense when the teachers' salary evaluation, contract and certification are all tied to that score. Teachers coordinated a huge phone and e-mail campaign to lobby the governor, in part through a 70,000-member Facebook group. Reactions on the site moments after the noontime veto were ecstatic: Sweet victory! and Woohoo!!! I love you Charlie Crist ... For now!!! Republican leaders of the Legislature, who said they did not have time to resubmit a new bill before the end of the current session, criticized the governor. Former Gov. Jeb Bush, who backed the bill, said in a statement that Governor Crist has jeopardized the ability of Florida to build on the progress of the last decade, during which Republicans ushered in other controversial changes that they say are responsible for rising student achievement statewide. It is unclear what Crist's veto will mean for him politically. Even some Tea Party followers had turned to opposing the pay and tenure overhauls because of the increased bureaucracy. A Quinnipiac poll published Thursday showed that if Christ ran as an independent candidate in the Senate contest, he would finish narrowly ahead of Rubio and Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate. Repeatedly, Crist has said he would not run as an independent. With an April 30 deadline for switching parties, some political analysts said his veto could be a final push to close the gap with Rubio. He's betting on the fact that the Republican legislators themselves have been catching some heat for this, said Susan A. MacManus, a political science professor at the University of South Florida, referring to the merit-pay bill. He'll wait and see if this moves the polls within the Republican ranks; he still has time to make a decision. A few hours after his veto, Crist attended a rally in his honor on the steps of Leon High School in Tallahassee, which was draped with a big sign saying, Thank You, Governor Crist. The people spoke, and they spoke loudly, and boy, did I hear from them this week, the governor told the crowd of teachers, students and administrators. Manny Joanos, energy director for Leon County schools and a Republican, said that he had been leaning toward Rubio in the Republican primary, but that Crist had changed his mind. I'll be voting for the governor, he said. Crist again declined to say whether he would remain a Republican. That's the last thing on my mind right now, he said. Gary Fineout contributed reporting from Tallahassee and Catharine Skipp from Miami. http://www.starbulletin.com/news/nyt/20100416_Florida_governor_vetoes_teacher_merit_pay_bill.html
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