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AGU 发布全新期刊深度试水开放获取
WileyChina 2014-4-9 17:16
今年晚些时候, AGU (美国地球物理联合会)会发布一本全新的完全开放获取( OpenAccess, OA) 的同行评审期刊 —— Earth and Space Science 。 Earth and Space Science 是 AGU 在过去 12 个月里发布的第二本全新 OA 期刊,它也是唯一一本能广泛代表 AGU 的 62000 名科学家研究领域的期刊,包括地球科学、行星科学、空间科学、环境科学、地质工程、航天工程、生物地球化学等相关研究领域。 Earth and Space Science 在完成编辑团队组建后即会开始接收稿件。 Earth and Space Science 会加入AGU这样一个声誉卓著,拥有严格同行评审的科技出版的大家庭,AGU旗下有名列前茅的 GeophysicalResearch Letters 和 Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres ,及完全开放或者期刊 Earth’s Future 和 JAMES: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 。 了解同行关注热点,欢迎点击阅读与您相关领域的AGU各个期刊高访问量文章: • Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems • Geophysical Research Letters • Globa Biogeochemical Cycles • Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems • Paleoceanography • Radio Science • Reviews of Geophysics • Space Weather • Tectonics • Water Resources Research Journal of Geophysical Research • Atmospheres • Biogeosciences • Earth Surface • Oceans • Planets • Solid Earth • Space Physics
个人分类: Life Science|2256 次阅读|0 个评论
WileyChina 2014-3-3 13:46
2014 年3 月6 日, Wiley-AGU 作者研讨会 将 于中科院地理科学与资源研究所 举行 ,我们欢迎感兴趣的朋友注册参加。 活动的详细信息如下: 主讲人: Dr.Brooks Hanson ,美国地球物理联合会(AGU )出版总监 Brooks Hanson 博士拥有25 年学术出版及相关方面的研究经验,目前担任美国地球物理联合会(AGU )出版总监。在加入AGU 之前,Brooks Hanson 博士是Science 杂志的自然科学副主编。他所管理的编辑团队负责Science 杂志中自然科学类文章的审稿工作,以及为Science 杂志编辑部的发展提供指导性帮助。Brooks 毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校,获得地质学博士学位,并在史密森尼博物院从事过博士后研究工作。此外,他还担任过华盛顿地质学会主席以及美国矿物学会财务总监。目前他是美国地球物理联合会及美国矿物学会的会士。 主题:科技出版与论文发表 在本次讲座中,Brooks Hanson 博士将介绍论文投稿、期刊选择、学术道德、作者资格、学术出版趋势及AGU 期刊和相关出版方面的内容,并当面解答广大作者在论文发表中遇到的问题。 由于场地有限,如果您对本次研讨会感兴趣,请于 3 月4 日前 登陆以下网址进行 会前注册 ,我们会为注册者准备资料并预留席位, 讲座的具体时间和地点 我们也会以邮件通知注册者。 注册地址: http://www.diaochapai.com/survey875371
个人分类: All Sub|4180 次阅读|0 个评论
Wiley与AGU联合推出全新OA期刊Earth Space and Science
WileyChina 2014-2-18 09:51
2014年2月初, 美国地球物理联合会(AGU) 和Wiley共同宣布,将全新推出一份全新的同行评审开放获取期刊 ——Earth and Space Science . Earth Space and Science 是AGU在最近一年内推出的第二份开放获取新期刊,也是唯一一份展现了AGU 62,000名会员所从事的广泛研究领域的期刊,涵盖了所有地球、行星和空间科学,以及环境科学、地球工程、航天工程和生物地球化学等学科内的相关领域。 Earth and Space Science 将在编辑团队到位后立即开始接受投稿。稿件应展示并解释有助于更广泛的科学认识地球及其环境、太阳系及宇宙空间的重要数据集和观察结果。 Earth and Space Science 同时也欢迎为上述观察增加新维度或探讨方法学、理论、映射和建模等方面主题的研究项目。 除直接投稿外, Earth and Space Science 也欢迎其它期刊转介那些能够达到AGU优秀论文标准、但不符合其它期刊独特要求的论文。 AGU 主席Carol Finn说:“AGU的出版原则基于以下理解,作为地球和空间科学出版领域内的世界领先机构,我们有责任支持和提高相关科学的发展水平以及我们的科学家在改变周围世界方面的能力。我们知道,在通报基础和应用研究以及塑造社会决策方面,在同行评审刊物上发表高质量研究和观察报告可以发挥重要作用。 Earth and Space Science 正是为了满足这一需求而推出的,我们很高兴可以和Wiley这样的全球出版领先机构合作推出这份全新的开放获取期刊。” Wiley全球研究业务部副总裁兼出版主管Colette Bean表示:“能够有幸和AGU一同推出这份开创性的全新开放获取期刊,让Wiley感到非常自豪,这份期刊的内容相当广泛,涵盖了一些现有出版物未能充分介绍、正在快速发展中的新学科。我们致力于与AGU合作,拓展其在地球和空间科学领域内的开放获取期刊影响,并为研究界提供推动学术交流的一个全新的高质量平台。” Earth and Space Science 也将和其他知名的AGU期刊一样,由AGU进行严格的同行评审把控。这些期刊包括高排名的 Geophysical Research Letters 、 Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 以及2013年推出的开放获取期刊 Earth's Future 。 Earth and Space Science 将根据知识共享署名授权(Creative Commons Attribution License)发表文章,使作者可以完全符合资助机构的开放获取要求(如适用)。出版费用将与其它类似的开放获取期刊相当。 目前 Earth and Space Science 正在寻找首任主编,他将负责领导一批与各学术领域联系紧密的学术编辑。 关于 Earth and Space Science 的更多信息,请参见 http://earthspacescience.agu.org 。Wiley中国博客也将及时与大家分享这本期刊的最新动态。
个人分类: Life Science|4222 次阅读|0 个评论
AGU与Wiley联办的地学开源新期刊—— Earth's Future
baul 2013-7-12 09:27
Open acess现在成为了期刊的新时尚,AGU也不甘落后,7月11日宣布,它将和Wiley合办一个开源期刊—Earth's Future,并从7月17日开始接受投稿。AGU负责审稿,Wiley负责出版。 ------ 这个期刊的办刊宗旨: Earth’s Future will emphasize the Earth as an interactive, evolving system under the influence of the human enterprise and will reflect the risks and opportunities associated with environmental changes and challenges. It will feature primary research across disciplines and connect it to policy through the inclusion of editorials, essays, reviews, and other commentary pieces. Contributors will tackle solutions to such grand challenges as population increase, industrial and agricultural development, urbanization, climate change, energy, food and water resource sustainability and security. Dr. Guy Brasseur has been appointed to lead the launch of Earth’s Future as its inaugural Editor-in-Chief. Brasseur is the director of Germany’s Climate Service Center. Previously, Dr. Brasseur was associate director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, and head of NCAR’s Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory. “ Earth’s Future represents an important and innovative contribution not only to transdiciplinary research, but also to the ability of the public and policy makers to navigate and connect with our science, and to successfully incorporate it into their decision making processes,” said AGU President Carol Finn. “AGU is pleased to be able to partner with a global leader like Wiley to provide this new platform for the exploration of global change and sustainability. Launching Earth’s Future represents a key achievement in our mission to promote discovery in the Earth and space sciences for the benefit of humanity.” “We are extremely excited to launch Earth's Future , an open access journal, with our partner AGU that spans the scope of their disciplines," said Colette Bean, Vice President and Associate Publishing Director in Wiley's Global Research business. "This is truly a unique publishing opportunity for emerging research within and beyond the geophysical research community. Earth's Future will play an important role in disseminating this critical research on a global scale." ------- 期刊主页: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%292328-4277 ----- 费用:如所有开源期刊一样,作者负担全部费用。 ​
个人分类: 科研|9418 次阅读|0 个评论
If you missed the 2012 Fall AGU, or
zuojun 2013-1-7 07:42
simply missed some "big talks" due to various reasons, here is the link for taped lectures: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2012/calendar/lectures/ I recommend three of them, at least . DEEPSEA CHALLENGE: New Science and Technology at Extreme Depths (The best talk in my view) AGU Presidential Forum - Ira Flatow, NPR Science (not great talk but he is a great NPR host o f Science Friday) Union Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture - Professor Sir Bob Watson, CMG, FRS, Chief Scientific Adviser to Defra (on page 2 ; a boring talk but it tells you how bad the CO2 emission is--due to "business as usual" since the 2007 IPCC report)
个人分类: Education|2793 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 WileyChina 2013-1-5 12:21
2013 年 1 月 2 日, Wiley 与美国地球物理学会 (AmericanGeophysicalUnion ,以下简称 AGU) 正式成为合作伙伴。读者将可以通过 WileyOnlineLibrary 访问 AGU 旗下的期刊。 AGU 是世界领先的地球与空间科学学会,共出版 17 种期刊,其中的 GeophysicalResearchLetters 和 JournalofGeophysicalResearch-Atmospheres 的影响力在气候变化研究的同类期刊中一直居于前 10 位。 详细内容请访问: http://publications.agu.org/journals/ AGU 期刊列表: CurrentTitles · EarthInteractions · Geochemistry,Geophysics,Geosystems · GeophysicalResearchLetters · GlobalBiogeochemicalCycles · JournalofAdvancesinModelingEarthSystems(JAMES) JournalofGeophysicalResearch* ( Atmospheres Biogeosciences EarthSurface Oceans Planets SolidEarth SpacePhysics ) · NonlinearProcessesinGeophysics · Paleoceanography · RadioScience · ReviewsofGeophysics SpaceWeather( OnlineJournal PrintQuarterly ) · Tectonics · TerrestrialMagnetism · TerrestrialMagnetismandAtmosphericElectricity · WaterResourcesResearch Virtualjournals · PersonalChoice OtherTitles Previoustitles · InternationalJournalofGeomagnetismandAeronomy Journalsdistributedonline · ChineseJournalofGeophysics
个人分类: 业界新闻|4098 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]AGU Partnership with Wiley-Blackwell
zuojun 2012-8-2 09:20
个人分类: My Research Interests|2521 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 hongyuhuang2011 2012-6-18 16:55
参加了两次 AGU(American Geophysical Union, 美地球物理协会 ) 秋季会议 (AGU Fall Meeting) 。 其一虽然说是秋季会议, 实际会议时间是 12 月的第二或第三周, 因为是固定定在旧金山举行,北加的天气依旧舒适宜人, 说是秋季大家似乎也没有意见。其二, 虽说只是 American , 并没有宣称、挂任何 International 的头衔, AGU Fall Meeting 号称是全球最大的地球科学专业会议, 每 年有三四万人 参加, 规模宏大, 囊括了地球科学及其衍生、相关的其他学科, 如生物生态、行星科学( Planetary Science )等, 此其三, 非局限于地球物理也。在这里你可以遇到与自己研究专业、方向相关的全世界的科研小组, 不论你的研究如何超前, 或如何偏、专。正因如此, 虽然会议时间恰逢美国众多大学的期考时间, 导师们还是鼓励研究生们调整安排好考试,尽可能地去参加会议。 因为在会议上你能得到的知识、获得的建议和偶得的灵感, 可能不会比从课堂上获得的少。 会议在旧金山市中心的 Moscone 会议中心举行;旧金山的亚裔人口众多,会场距离唐人街也近,开会那几天街道上熙熙攘攘的不是亚裔, 就是一群群背着 poster 卷筒宛如侠客,脚本匆匆的 earth scientists 。 另一令人难忘的场景是庞大的 Poster Session. 在短暂的几天时间里,上千个张贴报告轮流展开, 每人给半天时间,自己张贴布置,结束时自己取下; 要求在自己的展板前至少站一小时与观众直接介绍交流。会场如中国的集市一样,人声鼎沸,磨肩接踵。在美国这样热闹、叫人兴奋的场面可不常见。
个人分类: 缤纷万象|18916 次阅读|4 个评论
AMS beats AGU, in terms of publication quality
zuojun 2012-3-27 04:23
Well, you may disagree with me. For one thing, AMS has copy editors, at least it used to (since I haven't published anything with AMS lately), but AGU does not (and still does not). Both AMS and AGU started to post links to editing companies. If you exam the two sites, you will likely agree with me that AMS's links are better than AGU's. http://www.ametsoc.org/pubs/preeditservices.html http://www.agu.org/pubs/authors/ You may wonder why I should care? Well, I was contacted by the CEO of AGU, regarding how to help researchers to improve their skills of writing and speaking (because my name and email were sent to her by someone on an AGU committee). Here is what I wrote to her: "I think the AGU can call for volunteers, especially those who have recently retired and want to stay in touch. Another way is to use freelancers like me. I checked the AGU site for authors, and it has three links to editing companies. I think more, and better, links should be added. (I made an attempt to be listed, but failed--the staff I contacted at the AGU didn't know how to find the person who is responsible for the web site.) For example, the AGU can list Nature Publishing Group Language Editing: http://languageediting.nature.com/editing-services Elsevier English language editing: http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageservices/ http://www.liwenbianji.cn/ is the biggest editing company in China. The AGU could also set up its own editing company..."
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3303 次阅读|0 个评论
请去Singapore参加2012西太平洋地球物理会议(WPGM)+ 后补
热度 2 nwpacific 2012-2-18 10:17
请去Singapore参加2012西太平洋地球物理会议(WPGM)+ 后补
亚洲海洋地球科学学会( AOGS )与美国地球物理联合会( AGU )联合( AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly )在西太平洋国家每两年举行一次西太平洋地球物理会议( WPGM ), 今年确定在新加坡举行( http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012 ),时间为 2012 年 8 月 13 - 17 日 。 AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly 来函邀请我们召集一个分会,该分会有关信息如下 题目: Development of Marginal Basins of the NW Pacific and its Correlation to Tectonic Evolution of Other Circum-Pacific Regions 召集人: 主要召集人: Prof. Junyuan Xu (China University of Geosciences, China). 共同召集人: Prof. Zvi Ben-Avraham (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Prof. Tom Kelty (California State University, Long Beach, USA) Prof. Ho-Shing Yu (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) 内容: A great deal of research has been devoted to studying development of marginal basins in the NW Pacific since Wegener (1929) speculated that the basins had formed by extensional process. Under the classical plate tectonics, there are numerous hypotheses proposed to explain origin of these basins. But none of them is widely accepted. On the other hand, tectonics of other Circum-Pacific regions including Tibetan Plateau, Arctic, Western North America, Antarctic and Australia has been found to be related to tectonics of the NW Pacific in various ways. Purpose of this session is to exchange recent scientific knowledge on origin and evolution of the individual marginal basin and the marginal basin system in the NW Pacific, on tectonics of the other Circum-Pacific regions and on possible historical correlations between marginal basins of the NW Pacific and the other Circum-Pacific regions. 详细请连接 : http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2012/mars/confSessionView.asp? sID=165 作为召集人,欢迎您参加此分会,该分会将讨论与西太平洋边缘盆地起源和演化各种有关构造物理问题,例如:西太平洋各边缘盆地自身构造、环太平洋其他地区构造(包括青藏高原构造以及北冰洋、北美、南极洲、澳大利亚等地区构造、西太平洋各边缘盆地构造与环太平洋其他地区构造两者联系(全球构造背景)。至现在,该分会还没有专门邀请有关知名专家作口头报告,以免“老生常谈”。如果您有新研究成果需要作口头报告,可来信提出要求,我们酌情满足( 请注意:现在已经开始提交论文摘要 )。 西太平洋地球物理在全球地球物理中占有独特地位,这是美国地球物理联合会( AGU )除一年一度举办涉全球范围地球物理的 Fall Meeting 外,还两年一度地专门与西太平洋国家(或地区)联合举办西太平洋地球物理会议的原因。西太平洋地区构造物理( Tectonophysics )问题又是全球固体地球科学( Solid Earth Sciences )领域最复杂、最令人困惑、最令人感兴趣的重大问题之一, 其中西北太平洋边缘盆地起源、青藏高原隆升 及其两者关系更是备受地球科学家乃至科学爱好者的关注。欢迎地球科学家,特别是年轻的地球科学家,投身到该问题研究、交流中去。 杨振宁 博士说: 20 世纪初物理学“遍地是黄金”。这里也要说: 21 世纪初从全球最深的马里亚纳海沟到最高的喜马拉雅山脉广大区域的构造物理学“到处是黄金”。 请去 Singapore ,说出您的想法,听取同行的意见,定有意想不到的收获。 AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly 13 to 17 August, 2012 Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore ========================================================================================== 后补 会场之一(摄于2012-08-13) 会场之二(摄于2012-08-14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010-08-29并 2012-08-13所发博文: Singapore绿化环境好 --西太平洋地球物理会议(WPGM)期间初见 西太平洋地球物理会议 于今天正式开始( 参见: 请去Singapore参加2012西太平洋地球物理会议(WPGM) )。初来新加坡,感觉绿化环境真很好,所住的旅馆被绿树花丛环抱,人们以及小鸟享受其中。会议中心(the Sentosa Resorts World Convention Center)环境也同样优美(最后两张)。
10803 次阅读|4 个评论
agu videos
baul 2011-12-15 02:04
agu会议已经结束了,由于时间安排或未参加会议的同志也不要悲伤,一些重要的session和union 都有录像,因为我只关心活动构造的相关的东西,以下是我收集的一些session的录像。 日本大地震section: A small comfort for all those who have missed the AGU2011 fall meeting (and so did I) might be that some sessions are now available on video for free. The AGU session on demand page has lots of videos, among them four sessions on the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. So if you’re ready for ~8 hrs of earthquake talks, you should definitely have a look. AGU2011 Tohoku earthquake session The April 2010 M7.2 Baja, Calif. Quake: On April 4, 2010, a long-locked segment of the boundary between the massive Pacific and North American tectonic plates ruptured violently just south of California's border with Mexico. While not "The Big One" that Southern Californians have long feared, the resulting magnitude 7.2 earthquake--the region's largest in nearly 120 years--was nonetheless an important earthquake. Felt throughout northern Baja California and a broad region of the American Southwest, the quake killed two, injured hundreds and caused substantial damage. But beyond its obvious physical effects, the quake has proven to be one of the most complex ever documented along the Pacific/North American tectonic plate margin, providing scientists a unique opportunity to better understand earthquake processes along this volatile plate boundary. New techniques of remote sensing and image analysis developed by NASA and other agencies have revealed numerous surprises about the quake and have greatly aided field geologists in mapping and understanding the rupture. In this briefing, observations of the quake and its aftermath by scientists at NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey, California Geological Survey and the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada, Baja, Calif., will be detailed, along with results of new data analyses that show how this quake has increased the potential for additional large earthquakes throughout Southern California. 2010 M7.2 Baja, Calif. Quake
个人分类: 科研|3318 次阅读|0 个评论
Superpowers in geosciences
热度 1 zuojun 2011-11-13 07:23
As a meteorologist (BS and MS) and an oceanographer (Ph.D), I have known the AGU and the AMS for a long time. As a contributing author on ocean modeling, I know where I would go to submit my manuscripts before I ever heard of the IF (impact factor). A recent conversation with a friend prompted me to take another look at these two societies again, which made me realize what superpowers they are! (Just check out EGU and AOGS yourself. There is no comparison.) AGU vs. AMS (where "A" stands for American) AMS: The AMS, founded in 1919 , is the nation's leading professional society for those involved in the atmospheric and related sciences. With more than 11,000 (13,000?) members , the Society promotes the development and dissemination of information on atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciences through scientific journals, conferences, and public education programs across the country. AGU: The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is an international non-profit scientific association with over 60,000 members . Established in 1919 as a committee within the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, AGU was independently incorporated in 1972. Since its founding, AGU is dedicated to furthering the sciences of geophysics through the individual efforts of our members and in cooperation with other national and international scientific organizations. These goals are met through publishing scientific journals and other technical publications, sponsoring scientific meetings of various sizes throughout the year and a variety of other educational and scientific activities. My impression was that the AMS was more serious about publication quality than the AGU. This is probably due to my personal experiences with JPO (by AMS) and GRL/JGR (by AGU). You can also tell by the listing at the AMS below. Editorial Staff: technical editors and copy editors http://www.ametsoc.org/pubs/index.html Lately, the AMS has added a new link, as many journals do nowadays. Pre-Submission Editing Services: http://www.ametsoc.org/PUBS/preeditservices.html Personally, I think the AMS can do better than listing these editing companies, but that's another Blog. The AGU has been making lots of progress. One thing I really like is their "Editors’ Highlight." http://www.agu.org/pubs/journals/highlights.shtml Clearly, the AGU care a lot about publications. For example, it shows the IF at its web site. http://www.agu.org/pubs/journals/statistics.shtml It also lists some editing companies at its web site, which really needs a "make over." Language-Editing Services http://www.agu.org/pubs/authors/ I saw some pie charts at the AGU site, which show the publication brings in a net 2% (so does the membership). I don't know how to run a big non-profit organization like the AGU or the AMS, but I suppose 2% is a lot of money (and a lot of work) ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2892 次阅读|2 个评论
leen 2011-10-2 21:11
参加如AGU这样的国际学术会议,并不是专注于听和理解,而要做相当数量的会议记录。 学生论文与Awards方面:每年AGU会议都会设立学生论文奖,包括口头报告和Poster部分,组委会邀请各个方面的参会人员参加评选,每个学生的论文(无论口头报告还是Poster)都有3位评委。其评价标准值得借鉴: (1)介绍是否表达清楚,是否能够清楚地解释每项内容; (2)是否能够把背景、中间过程和结论有条理地介绍; (3)是否不需要指导教师代替回答问题; (4)Poster是否安排结构合理,逻辑性强; (5)图表是否简洁,易懂; (6)数据资料是否完整,结论是否可信; (7)是否有原创性; (7)版面是否漂亮,是否吸引人 等每一项都要打分的内容。 中外报告比较方面:我们的报告总体内容做的很多,但是报告结果并不令人满意,主要的问题可能出在,什么都想介绍,内容太多太杂,不突出;PPT做的不好,文字太多;有的报告甚至是全部读PPT上的长篇文章。外国的报告大都是专注于一个问题和难点的提出、思考、分析、解决方法上,不必做得面面俱到,但是一定自称系统性。
个人分类: 科研笔记|8933 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 7 nwpacific 2011-2-4 20:34
中国 “ 土鳖 ” 于 2010 年 12 份在 San Francisco 召开的 2010 AGU Fall Meeting 的一个 session 上作了一个口头报告 ,与有关学者讨论、交流当今地球科学领域重大问题之一 “ 西北太平洋边缘海起源和演化及其与青藏高原隆升关系 ” 。虽然 “ 土鳖 ” 的报告一方面宣称自己及其合作者“惊世骇俗”的理论框架是隐藏在复杂表象后简单漂亮的真理等,另一方面明确否定了流行学说,但并未遭公开质疑。 中国 “ 土鳖 ” 以为, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting 已告一段落,成为历史,不想,最近收到一家著名出版公司著名编辑的邀请函,要为他们想打造的一本 “ 精品文集 ” 撰稿。起因是编辑在参加了 2010 AGU Fall Meeting 若干个议题略有不同的 session ,其中一小部分的口头报告引起了他们的特别关注。被邀的通讯作者一共 11 名, 其他 10 名所在的大学是: Massachusetts Institute Technology 2 名(教授,包括 1 名美国院士) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 1 名(博士后) University of California 3 名( 2 名教授, 1 名副教授) University of Cambridge 2 名(教授,包括 1 名美国院士) University of Colorado 1 名(教授) University of Missouri 1 名(教授) 这些外国学者所在大学或学科不但是世界一流,而且他们在各自的专业领域鼎鼎有名。 2 名年轻人(副教授和博士后)是耀眼的新星,按发表文章数量及其影响因子,他们在中国应该是 “ 某某计划 ” 的学者了。他们当中有的在 Nature 和 Science 上发表文章比中国 “ 土鳖 ” 在国内一般期刊发表文章似乎更容易甚至更多(例如 University of Colorado 那位 教授 ) , 有的是地学界少数几个被敬仰的大学者之一。与之成鲜明对照,中国 “ 土鳖 ” 所在的大学在中国可能都算不上一流(勉强是个 “ 985 ” ),估计在世界上被认为不入流; “ 土鳖 ” 个人在国际地学界也属无名之辈(如果有名的话,那也是 “ 私下 ” )。因此,中国 “ 土鳖 ” 在 2010 AGU Fall Meeting 作 口头报告是有个“意外收获”:被邀在一个 “ 老中青三结合的华丽舞台 ” 上与国际著名学者一起,展示自己及其合作者的理论。 想说的是,在科技信息交流合作如此方便的今天,进行科学研究,无论是在国内,还是在国外,只要 “ 有心 ” ,都能取得同样重要的成就(少数情况可能例外),特别是基础科学领域。俗话说 “ 只要心诚,石头都能开出花来 ” 。在科研上,只要心诚就有可能成为一流乃至超一流。
个人分类: 生活点滴|8867 次阅读|15 个评论
AGU wants YOU!
zuojun 2010-5-12 12:07
Ok, AGU wants your manuscript, or your page charge Here, AGU stands for American Geophysical Union. It recently came up with instructions for authors in five languages: http://www.agu.org/pubs/authors/instructions/ I highlight some common mistakes I see as an English editor. 以下检查列表列出了AGU 文稿最常见的更改。对照该检查列表进行检查,将帮您加快文稿的处理速度。 在扉页列出所有撰稿者的姓名,并提供所有撰稿者的完整地址 使用美国英语, 不要使用英国英语 将脚注信息放入正文中(脚注仅作附属和辅助材料之用) 缩写/简称在第一次出现时进行定义 将日期更改为国际日期格式 :25 January 2008(在表格中可简写月份) 将项目符号列表更改为数字编号列表 在数字和计量单位之间添加空格;不要使用圆点 按顺序对正文中的公式依次编号;不要按节编号,附录中的公式除外,附录中的公式必须与正文主体中的公式分开编号 提供可编辑的公式,不要采用图片格式 按照AGU 文风确定参考资料引用格式 :使用姓名-日期格式,参考资料不用编号,在方括号中附上引用内容: 或Smith et al. show 以上述形式提供每项参考资料的完整信息 在正文中引用所有参考资料,并为每个独有的正文引用提供参考 提供可编辑的表格,不能采用图片格式 (请注意表格可以Excel 格式提交) 包含地图的图形中应至少包含两个注明纬度和经度的点 LaTeX:请勿使用\newcommands,特别是其中带有#的命令(对于参考资料引用,可使用\ref、\label 和\cite 命令) You can learn more by going to: http://www.agu.org/pubs/authors/manuscript_tools/journals/pdf/AGU_Author_Guide_CHN.pdf For those of you who are more comfortable with instructions in English. Most Frequently Made Changes The following checklist covers the changes made most frequently to AGU manuscripts. Following this checklist will help speed the processing of your manuscript. List all authors on title page and provide complete addresses for all authors Use American spellings rather than British spellings Incorporate footnoted information into text (footnotes are used only for affiliations and auxiliary material) Define abbreviations/acronyms at first use Change dates to international date format: 25 January 2003 (in tables, months may be abbreviated) Change bulleted lists to numbered lists Add space between numeral and unit of measure; do not use a dot Number text equations consecutively throughout; do not number by section, except appendix equations, which must be numbered separately from main text equations Provide equations that are editable, not formatted as pictures Format reference citations to AGU style : use name-date format, not numbered references, and enclose citations in brackets: or Smith et al. show Provide complete information for each reference, as outlined above Cite all references in the text and provide a reference for each unique text citation Provide tables that are editable, not formatted as pictures (note that tables may be submitted in Excel) Include at least two points of latitude and longitude on figures containing maps LaTeX: Do not use \newcommands, particularly ones with # (using \ref and \label and \cite commands for reference citations is acceptable)
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4509 次阅读|0 个评论

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