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rwmf 2013-3-1 09:44
我和吴瑞奖学金——宋威(第二届吴瑞奖获得者) 来波士顿已经一年多了,现在回头看,当时对我影响非常大的应该是获得吴瑞奖——让我脱离学生时代的浮躁,坚定做自己喜欢的生物研究。这里借着写博文的机会来顺便来谈谈我的经历,同时也对吴瑞基金会的老师们表示诚挚的感谢! 我叫宋威,博士毕业于上海生命科学研究院营养科学研究所,是 2010 年第二届吴瑞奖的获得者,现在哈佛医学院 Norbert Perrimon 实验室做博士后研究,利用果蝇模型来研究神经组织与脂肪组织对糖脂代谢的网络调节。 记得 2009 年吴瑞奖第一次开放申请的时候,我的文章正在 Cell Metabolism 审稿,出于试一试的心态,就申请了。因为文章还没有发表,所以当年海选直接落选。 2010 年文章接收,我鼓起勇气再次申请,幸运地拿到面试资格。 事实上我对面试一点信心都没有,因为我的文章不是最好,当时面试的学生中发 CNS 的大有人在;导师也不牛,吴瑞奖的评委和组委会他一个都不认识;所在的研究所也不是很有名,几乎没有学生可以到有影响力的会议上露脸。这样被淘汰是很正常的事,我心想。但是既然申请了,就管不了那么多,硬着头皮上吧。 我至今还清楚的记得当时面试的情形,在复旦,面试人有管俊林老师、罗明老师、马红老师和 李凌衡 老师。问的问题很广泛,有实验设计和研究思路的,例如“课题的创新点在什么地方,哪些不足”、“接下来如何扩展”;也有一些实验细节的,“细胞里做 Co-IP 有什么缺点,如何改进”、“如何根据实验结果设计药物靶点”等等。所幸,问题几乎都是我曾经和导师刘勇老师、合作导师芮良优老师讨论过的,很顺利地就把自己知道的都说了。 但最后一个问题,“如果治疗糖尿病的药物真的诞生了,会不会让更多病人依赖药物而不注意自我保护,从而导致更糟糕的社会问题?” 我从来没有想过,所以当时很坦然的说我还没有成熟的想法。 这里顺便提醒一下以后申请的同学们,面试时千万不要忽悠。可以自信,但是要坦诚。在那些做了几十年研究、在科学领域里根深蒂固的教授们面前,我们年轻学生的投机真的很可笑。做学问如此,做人也是如此。最后我通过了面试,非常激动。获奖、对自己的肯定,是一方面。但更多的是,通过那次面试,我看到了“学术至上”的公正,在人心浮躁的社会里,这些显得极其珍贵。 获得吴瑞奖最大的收获莫过于结识了更多踏实做科研的老师和同学,相互交流,开拓视野,提升对科研的认识。 记得在做完报告后,我和解亭老师聊到“生物体单个器官衰老和整体机体衰老的关系”,虽然当时并没有太细致的想法,但后来这就给了我“研究不同器官与器官间的网络调节”的提示。 管俊林老师曾提到“以一个分子为结点,来研究不同信号通路间的相互作用”,这个观点就给我很大的震撼。 另外就是,在吃饭的时候,饶毅老师和傅向东老师讨论“生物研究是否会走向大科学式的终结”。言者无意,听者有心。然而我并不了解“大科学”,天真的以为就是“大规模筛选”,所以在进 Norbert 实验室后建立了新的果蝇代谢模型,并以此做了两轮体内基因敲除的大规模筛选,并初步得到一些有意思的表型。今年有幸再碰到饶毅老师,问他这个事情,才知道“大科学”根本就不是我想的那回事,我做的仍旧是“小科学”的范畴。不管怎样,这也是促进我做研究的一种动力。 多听听不同研究领域的想法,尤其是听听那些科研做得非常杰出的老师的想法,一定会带来全新的冲击,让我们更全面地理解现在的研究。而吴瑞奖就为我们提供这样一个绝佳的场所。 当然也有其他方面更实际的收获。孙晓红老师非常诚挚的承诺我们,如果在以后的工作中如果有任何困难,例如申请博士后、奖学金、教职等等,都可以告诉吴瑞基金会,他们会尽一切可能帮助我们。 果然,在我申请哈佛医学院 Norbert Perrimon 实验室博士后的时候,解亭老师作为和 Norbert 合作过的朋友,非常高兴的为我写了推荐信,我相信这也是我能进 Norbert 实验室的原因之一。 在我来波士顿之前,孙晓红老师就帮忙联系了施扬老师和袁钧瑛老师,告诉我在波士顿有需要的时候,可以请两位帮忙。虽然后来一切顺利,就没有去麻烦施、袁老师,但我还是从心里感激孙老师所做的一切。我也相信,对于其他吴瑞奖的同学,孙老师和其他吴瑞基金会的老师也一定会一视同仁、竭尽所能、热心帮忙到底。 站在遗传系新研究大楼的落地玻璃前,每每想到这些经历,我都心存感激。是吴瑞奖和吴瑞基金会的老师们,给我们提供了这样广阔的空间,让我们自由地发挥,我们将一直受到他们默默的支持与帮助。 尽管在申请的时候,我并不了解吴瑞奖,只看到委员会里大牛的名字,但是当在北大遇到岳锐、雷凯、游富平、田烨、徐墨、王翊一帮志同道合的朋友,一起聊天,才知道吴瑞先生、 中美生物化学联合招生( CUSBEA )和吴瑞奖学金的渊源,敬佩之心油然而生。 在中国相对闭塞与落后的时候,吴瑞先生创立 CUBSEA ,前后共选派四百多名中国学生,给予他们宝贵的机会到美国留学深造,二十多年后的今天他们已然是一股促进中国生命科学研究发展的强大力量,然后他们再组织吴瑞基金会来资助我们新一代的学生,给予我们机会,希望能薪火相承。 时代发展单向向前,相比孙晓红老师他们一代,我们这一代人更加幸运,社会稳定,时代开放,而且机会更多。因此也勉励自己勤勤恳恳,认真刻苦,不要辜负得到的支持与帮助,希望今后能做出一些扎实的成就,做出应有的贡献。 宋威 于波士顿 2012年7月饶毅老师造访哈佛大学,化学楼前 2010年9月北大吴瑞奖颁奖典礼,从左往右(游富平、我、雷凯、王翊、岳锐、徐墨、田烨)
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rwmf 2013-2-6 16:59
胡家志 Background : Mr. Hu entered the PhD program at Peking University in 2006. His advisor is Dr. Daochun Kong. In his studies of mechanisms of DNA replication using multiple approaches, Mr. Hu made a major breakthrough that Dna2 cleavage of regressed nascent strands prevents fork reversal and thus stabilizes stalled forks to maintain genome stability during replication stress. Citation : Mr. Hu is a talented and hard working student with the ability to think and work independently. During the interview, he addressed all questions clearly, and has shown broad knowledge beyond his field of research. He is committed to his work. Overall, the committee thinks that he is clearly an outstanding graduate student. 王传超 Backgroun d : Mr. Wang received his BS from Ocean University of China in 2010, and is conducting his Ph.D. study in the field of anthropology under the direction of Dr. Hui Li at Fudan University. During the past two years, he mainly studied the origin and diversification of the Chinese and other East Asian populations utilizing genomic tools as well as archaeological, linguistic, historical, and ethnological methods. He also applied biostatistic and bioinformatic methods to investigate the development rules of the languages. Citation : Mr. Wang is an outstanding student and has accomplished significantly in a short period of time (He is only a second year student). He made a very good impression during the interview by offering clear and concise answers to all the questions. His broad knowledge in genomics and bioinformatics would benefit greatly for his future research in the field. His work is unique in China and is important for anthropology of Chinese. He demonstrated independent thinking and a strong desire to have a career in science. 黄鹏羽 Background : Mr. Huang received his BS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology University in 2008, and entered the PhD program in Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBCB), Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where he studies under Dr. Li-Jian Hui. His research focuses on cell reprogramming. His work showed that one can induce mouse mesenchymal fibroblasts directly into iHep cells by transduction of three hepatic transcription factors Foxa3, Gata4, HNF1a, and inactivation of P19Arf. iHep cells show typical epithelial morphology, express hepatic genes and acquire hepatocyte functions. Importantly, using fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase-deficient mice as a liver injury model, he showed that transplanted iHep cells could repopulate the liver and rescue recipients from death by restoring liver functions. This work provides a novel strategy to generate functional hepatocyte-like cells for liver engineering and regenerative medicine to treat liver diseases. Citation : Mr. Huang works hard and made an important breakthrough. His work is a milestone. He has in depth knowledge of his research area, and at the same time broad knowledge of life science research. He has some good ideas in his future plans, which reflects well on his own independent thinking. 杨 辉 Background : Mr. Yang received his bachelor’s degree in life sciences and biotechnology from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Jinsong Li at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on reprogramming in fertilization and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). He has successfully accomplished four projects, i.e. nuclear transfer with intact MII oocytes, fertilization ability of two-cell blastomeres, the role of Tet3 in epigenetic reprogramming and establishment of haploid embryonic stem cell. He has recently made a major breakthrough in transgenesis using haploid embryonic stem cells. He is exploring the possibility of using this approach to alter the genome of other species such as monkeys. Citation : Mr. Yang made many unique and crucial contributions to a series of important work in his group. His method is potentially a novel approach to generate genetically modified animals. He demonstrated good understanding about his field, and is especially knowledgeable about embryonic development. He gave sharp and precise answers to all the questions. 巴钊庆 Background : Mr. Ba entered the Ph.D. program in National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Beijing Normal University in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Yijun Qi. He works on the mechanisms and functions of small RNA pathways in plants. He has conceived the ideas and worked on identification of miRNA targets through profiling AGO1-associated RNAs and the examination of the role of small RNAs in DSB repair. He wisely chose a well-established reporter system for assaying DSB repair efficiency in RNAi mutants, which led to the discovery that small RNAs (named diRNAs for DSB-induced small RNAs) are specifically produced from the sequences around the DSB site and that diRNAs are important for DSB repair.These findings represent a conceptual breakthrough of the mechanism of DSB repair. Citation : Mr. Ba did a lot of work and made breakthroughs in a unique system. His work revealed a novel mechanism of DNA repair, which may have a big impact in the field. He has broad knowledge of the field. His answers are clear. He was able to describe the novelty of his work, reflecting well on his own independent thinking. 杨 辉 Background : Mr. Yang received his BS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology University with a No. 1 ranking in his class. He began his Ph.D. study under the direction of Dr. Yue Xiong at Fudan University in 2008. He is involved in two highly competitive projects: 1) Investigating the effect of altered metabolites, especially the TCA metabolites, on changing epigenetics, and 2) identifying epigenetic biomarkers for clinical cancer diagnosis. Citation : Mr. Yang is very energetic and has recently obtained interesting results, which could expand his study into new directions and potentially make paradigm-shifting findings. He is very familiar with the general regulation of gene expression and is able to think quite independently. During the interview, he responded well to most questions. 张 丽 Background : Ms. Zhang received her BS degree from Sichuan University in 2008, and entered the Ph.D. program in National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Peking Union Medical College in 2008. Her advisor is Dr. Feng Shao. Her work reveals a novel mechanism in bacterial inhibition of host innate immune defense, and for the first time shows that cysteine methylation, as a new posttranslational modification, can regulate eukaryotic signal transduction. Cysteine methylation in zinc-finger motifs of TAB2/3 by a bacterial effector called NleE disrupts ubiquitin-chain binding of TAB2/3 and subsequently blocks host NF-κB signaling. Citation : Ms. Zhang did an excellent job, and made a novel finding which can be considered as a “landmark”. She mastered the general biochemistry techniques. Her answers are clear and good. She is highly motivated and enthusiastic. 朱 书 Background : Mr. Zhu received his BS degree from University of Science Technology of China, and entered the Ph.D. program of Institute of Health Science, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the direction of Dr. Youcun Qian in 2006. His Ph.D. thesis is investigating molecular mechanism of development and pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases for potential therapeutic applications. He identified TRAF3 as the first receptor proximal negative regulator in IL-17 signaling and verified the in vivo function of TRAF3 in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. He also contributed to another study on the role of IL-17RE on mucosal immunity. Citation : He discovered the role of miR-23b in regulation of autoimmune diseases. Collection of the disease tissues was a major effort. Systematical analyses led to the important findings mentioned above. He has a broad interest in autoimmune diseases, and he worked on several areas including some out of his own initiation. He made a good presentation, and showed enthusiasm in science. 赵 越 Background : Ms. Zhao received her BS degree from Nankai University in 2007, and is conducting her Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Feng Shao in the National Institute of Biological Science (NIBS)/Peking Union Medical College. Her project has been centered on how microbes activate the host inflammation pathway. She works on an inflammasome complex mediated by an NOD-Like receptor protein called NLRC4. She identified the NAIP family of NLR proteins as the inflammasome receptors for bacterial flagellin and the TTSS apparatus component. At the same time, she confirmed the presumed innate immune receptor function for the large NLR family of proteins. Citation : Ms. Zhao found out that the intracellular proteins from the pathogen bind to NLR, which triggers the caspase1 pathway. Her project required efforts and unique approaches to map the interactions between the receptor and the target. She appears to have read broadly so that she could apply multiple approaches to overcome the difficulty. She is knowledgeable, and can sometimes go beyond the current project. During the interview, she could address a broad range of questions, and is quite excited about her own work. 王 超 Background : Mr. Wang obtained his bachelor’s degree from Xiamen University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Zhizheng Wang at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research concerns the mechanism of action of human Protein disulfide isomerase (hPDI), a key enzyme involved in protein folding. He has made several findings during his doctoral research including 1) the major flexibility of the whole hPDI molecule is due to the intrinsic flexibility of the b’xa’ but not the ab region as in yeast PDI; 2) the oxidation of domain a’ releases the compact conformation and exposes the substrate binding residues to facilitate its high chaperone activity; and 3) he succeeded in producing high quality crystals and determining the 3D structures of hPDI at high resolution not only in the reduced but also in oxidized states. Citation : Mr. Wang is an energetic guy. He did good work and has excellent understanding of the implications as well as limitations of his work. The project dissects the structure of the protein and mapped a little more of the molecular mechanisms of the reactions. The work is a typical biochemical study of a protein. He can answer all of questions clearly with fluent English. 穆 宇 Background : Mr. Mu entered the Ph.D. program in Institute of Neurosicence, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Science, Chinese Academy of Science in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Jiulin Du. He is involved in investigating the role of visual input in modulating auditory signaling in the zebrafish. Through an elegant combination of zebrafish genetics, electrophysiological recording (in vivo whole-cell recording), and behavioral studies, he has shown the light stimulus within a critical time window of a few seconds prior to the onset of a sound stimulus that evoked startle responses in zebrafish larvae could enhance the startle responses by modulating the signal-to-noise ratio of the auditory nerve spiking activity and the synaptic efficacy of auditory nerve. This modulation was also shown to be mediated by specific group of dopamine neurons. He has recently developed an excellent behavioral paradigm for studying learning and memory in zebrafish. Citation : Mr. Mu designed a visual-auditory program in zebrafish and mapped the neuron modulation by using visual-auditory relationship. He showed potential for innovation, and has interesting ideas about new topics on virtual reality of perception. He did excellent work and knows his field very well. He was able to notice unexpected effects of the experimental conditions. He gives a very clear presentation to a complex study, and shows good enthusiasm in science. 冯 锋 Background : Mr. Feng received his bachelor degree from Henan Agriculture University in 2005, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Chaozu He at Tsinghua University in 2008. His project is to study the interaction of plants with pathogenic bacteria. He demonstrated that the Xcc effector protein AvrAC is able to inhibit both PTI and RPM1-specified ETI by targeting BIK1 and RIPK, two receptor-like cytoplasmic kinases that are known to mediate immune signaling in Arabidopsis. AvrAC is a uridine 5’-monophosphoate transferase that uridylylates the conserved serine and threonine residues in the activation loop of BIK1 and RIPK. Citation : Mr. Feng is dedicated to his work and showed some impressive accomplishments. He is knowledgeable in the field. He was able to notice unexpected results that helped the progress. His ways of thinking and description are straight forward. He has good knowledge about plant immune system. 李中伟 B ackground : Mr. Li received his bachelor degree from Sichuan University in 2007, and is conducting his Ph.D. research in the laboratory of Dr. Ye-Guang Chen at Tsinghua University. His major research interest is to investigate how transforming growth factor- and Wnt signaling is regulated. He found out that the mouse embryonic stem cell can be maintained without loss of pluripotency in culture medium supplemented with LIF and BMP (bone morphogenic protein). Moreover, BMP can upregulate the dual specific phosphatase DUSP9, which in turn dephosphorylates and inactivates ERK. Citation : He did an outstanding job to link two key pathways that have an effect on mESC maintenance, and this work made a step forward in defining the signal pathway. The progress is interesting and may lead to novel discoveries. He is knowledgeable and is able to come up with follow up experimental procedures when he observed interesting results. He is clear about what he knows or not. He has a broad mind about research. He offered a good presentation and responded well to questions. 都 浩 Background : Mr. Du received his Bachelor of Science degree from Huazhong Agricultural University in 2007 entered his Ph.D. program in Huazhong Agricultural University in 2008. His advisor is Dr. Lizhong Xiong. He was engaged in studying the molecular biology of resistance to hazards in rice. He studies the hormonal regulation of plants under the abiotic stress environment, epigenetic regulation, and biological rhythm regulation by using rice mutant screening. Citation : He works very hard and made a lot of progress covering a wide range of topics. He is able to define the mechanism of several gene functions. He is able to compare and contrast stress defense by plants and animals, which reflects his broad knowledge. He has a very clear mind and dedicated to the work. He is active as a student organizer in academic activities and a frequent visitor of RWMF blog. 顾天鹏 Background : Mr. Gu received his bachelor degree from Shandong University in 2007, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Guoliang Xu at Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. His research has focused on the mechanism of epigenetic reprogramming in the early mouse embryo. He first managed to raise an antibody specific for the oxidation product in DNA, 5hmC. With this antibody, he discovered that 5hmC is generated in the male pronucleus of fertilized eggs. Moreover, he demonstrated that oxidation of 5mC to 5hmC is mediated by the dioxygenase Tet3 in a gene-knockout model. Citation : The candidate can explain his body of work adequately. He carried out most of the biochemical work. He independently found out the approach to generate hmC specific antibody. His description was clear and precise. He is also modest. 姜小倩 Background : Ms. Jiang received her bachelor degree from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology in 2007, and entered the Ph.D. program in the laboratory of Dr. Shiheng Tao at Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in 2007. Her research focuses on evolutionary biology using computer-simulation methods. She revealed that the mutation rate in asexual populations was determined by both population size and mutation effects. Furthermore, she found that in the ‘‘strong-selection weak mutation (SSWM)’’ regime or in the ‘‘clonal interference (CI)’’ regime, deleterious mutations rarely influence the distribution of ‘‘selection coefficients of the fixed mutations (SCFM)’’; while in the ‘‘multiple mutations’’ regime, the accumulation of deleterious mutations would lead to a decrease in fitness significantly. Citation : She was able to accomplish a complicated project and is productive. She is very independent as most of her work was done by herself. One interviewer thinks she has the potential for innovation. She is knowledgeable in many aspects. She answers questions clearly and is passionate about her research topic. Sayli Kong Background : Ms. Kong received her BS from Universiti Putra Malaysia and MS from National University of Singapore. She began her Ph.D. study under the direction of Dr. Edison T Liu at National University of Singapore in 2009. Her research focuses on estrogen receptor (ER) regulation and its impact on cellular biology. Using the workhorse MCF7 human mammary carcinoma cell as the study model, the genomewide binding events for estrogen receptor (ER) and its co-regulators, namely FOXA1 and GATA3, were mapped. Cellular reprogramming was regulated by the conjoint action of ERα, FOXA1 and GATA3 to a ligand inducible growth state. Growth and proliferation of breast cancer cells were shown to be related to the core estrogen responsive cassettes. Citation : The committee recognizes her outstanding productivity and was impressed of her academic maturity, well organized presentation and confidence in science. She demonstrated that she is independent, and passionate about her research and career. She knows her research field well beyond her own subject and has a good understanding about the mission of RWMF. She interacted with each of committee members well and answered challenging questions confidently and clearly. 详情请登录: http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/2012winner.php
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Announcement of 2013 Ray Wu Prize
热度 1 rwmf 2013-1-11 17:00
THE RAY WU PRIZE The Ray Wu Prize for Excellence in Life Sciences is established to inspire Asia’s most promising young Ph.D. students to become future leaders in life sciences.Professor Ray Wu (1928-2008) was a world-renowned biologist who, in the 1970s, developed the first method for DNA sequencing and pioneered the recombinant DNA technology. In the later part of his career, he devoted to genetic engineering of rice.Professor Wu was a life-long advocate for developing life science research in Asia.In 1982, Professor Wu initiated the first large-scale exchange program in biology which brought over 400 students from China to obtain Ph.D. degrees in the US.The program opened the door for thousands of more Chinese students to study abroad and marked the beginning of Sino-US exchanges in life science research. This prize is dedicated in honor of Professor Ray Wu’s seminal contributions in training China’s new generation of biologists. Forty one prizes have been awarded so far. The Ray Wu Prize is awarded each year to graduate students for excell ence in life science research. The process for selection of recipients is outlined in the following sections. The Prize: The prize consists of USD $3000, a medal, a certificate, and a citation by the Ray Wu Memorial Fund (RWMF). Financial assistance for travel is available to the recipients for career advancement purposes. RWMF will serve as a liaison for the awardees who wish to seek consultation from established investigators as they develop their scientific careers. Ten or more awards may be made each year. Candidates from all geographical areas are encouraged to apply and special considerations will be given to semifinalists from each underrepresented major geographical area. Criteria: The Ray Wu Prize recognizes excellence in life science research by a graduate student for innovation, independent thinking, and dedication. Qualifications: A candidate must be a graduate student who is pursuing a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in an institution located in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Singapore. The candidate must have advanced to candidacy in the PhD program by the deadline of application. Nomination: A candidate may be nominated by a faculty member of the institution from which the candidate plans to receive the PhD. The faculty member shall be a PhD mentor and is actively conducting life science research. Materials to be submitted: A candidate who wishes to be considered for this year's Ray Wu Prize must submit the following materials by the deadline for application: 1. A completed application form. (Please download the application form available below. Fill out in English or Chinese) http:// www.raywumemorialfund.org/application_process.php . The com pleted application form must be signed by the Dean of the School in which the candidate is currently enrolled to certify all materials as true and authentic. 2. A two page essay (English or Chinese) by the candidate in which the motivation of pursuing a PhD degree, personal interest in the current field of own research, and outlook for future career development should be addressed. 3. A progress report of the candidate's current PhD research project (limited to 3 pages, not counting references). 4. A current transcript of courses taken in the PhD program. 5. A list of publications 6. Copies of two representative published materials. 7. Awards or honors received. The candidate must collate items 1-7 in a single PDF file (limited to 10MB) in the right order. The name of the PDF file must be Familyname_Givenname_RWP2013.pdf (e.g. Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2013.pdf). Submit the PDF file by clicking the button below: Online Submission In addition, the candidate must request a letter of recommendation from the nominating faculty member (letter1), and two additional letters of recommendation from other faculty members who know the candidate well professionally (letter2 and letter3). The letter must be in an envelope sealed by each faculty member with candidate’s name on the back of the envelope, sent to: Dr. Yan Wu Mail Box 77 School of Life Sciences Peking University Beijing , China 100871. or sent directly by the faculty members via email to: raywuprize@pku.edu.cn . The name of the letters must be Familyname_Givenname_RWP2013_letter1(2 or 3).pdf (e.g. Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2013_letter1.pdf). Important Dates: March 31, 2013, deadline for applications to be received. April 30, 2013, notification of receipt of completed applications (by email or other means). August 31, 2013, completion of review. Award ceremony, to be announced. Website of Ray Wu Memorial Fund : http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/ The Ray Wu Prize committee Chair: Xiaodong Wang ( 王晓东 ) Director, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing Members: Sheng Ding ( 丁胜 ) Professor,Universityof California, San Francisco Xinnian Dong ( 董欣年 ) Arts Sciences Endowed Professor of Biology, Duke University Xin-Yuan Fu( 傅新元 ) Professor, National University of Singapore Jun-Lin Guan ( 管俊林 ) Professor, University of Michigan Nancy Y. Ip ( 叶玉如 ) Head Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hsou-min Li ( 李秀敏 ) Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Yang Liu ( 刘阳 ) Charles B. de Nancrede Professor, University of Michigan Ming Luo ( 罗明 ) Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham Hong Ma ( 马红 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University Yi Rao ( 饶毅 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University Xiao-Hong Sun ( 孙晓红 ) Lew and Myra Ward Chair and Member, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Yue Xiong ( 熊跃 ) William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor,University of North Carolina Xian-Jie Yang (杨先洁) Professor, University of California, Los Angeles Weimin Zhong ( 钟伟民 ) Associate professor, Yale University
5199 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 5 rwmf 2013-1-11 12:39
吴瑞奖学金 吴瑞教授( 1928 — 2008 ),国际著名生物学家,在二十世纪七十年代发明了 DNA 测序的第一种方法,晚年专注于水稻基因工程研究。吴瑞教授一生致力于促进亚洲科学研究工作的发展,并于 1982 年在中国创建了生物学领域的国家公派留美 CUSBEA (即中美生物化学与分子生物学博士研究生)项目。 CUSBEA 项目历时 8 年,共选派了 422 名优秀学生赴美攻读博士学位。 CUSBEA 项目同时也推动了中美两国在生命科学研究领域中的学术交流。 吴瑞纪念基金会( RWMF )设立“吴瑞奖学金”,旨在鼓励博士研究生努力将自己塑造成未来生命科学领域的学术带头人,同时也纪念吴瑞教授在培养中国新一代生物学家方面所做出的杰出贡献。吴瑞奖学金至今已颁发逾四十人次。 奖励 :包含奖金三千元美金、奖章、 奖状及证书。 获 奖人可向 吴瑞纪念基金会 申请与专业发展有关的旅费资助。 获 奖人在其科学生涯中如有需向资深研究员寻求咨询, 吴瑞纪念基金会 将帮助联系。 本奖项可每年颁发十人次以上 ( 对以往 获 奖人缺少地区的入围者给予优先考虑 ) 。 选拔标准 :吴瑞奖学金奖励从事生命科学领域的 , 有创新性、独立思考能力和专注奉献精神的博士研究生。 选拔条件 :在中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾及新加坡的大学或研究所攻读博士学位的在读学生均可提出申请。 在提交申请书截止日期之前,该生必须已经获得博士生资格。 提名 :申请人应由 本 人导师提名。提名人须是高级研究人员,并且仍活跃在科学研究的第一线。 需要提交的材料 :拟申请当年 ” 吴瑞奖学金 ” 的申请人须在申请截止日期之前提交下列材料 : 1. 申请书:登陆吴瑞纪念基金会官网下载 ( http://www.raywumemorialfund.org/application_process.php ) ,中文或英文填写。 申请书须由申请人当前所在单位的学院院长或研究所所长亲笔签名,以确认所提交全部材料内容属实且有效 ; 2. 限两页纸的自我介绍(中英文均可),内容主要阐述本人攻读博士学位的动机、 对目前所在研究领域的理解、 以及对未来职业生涯的设想; 3. 目前研究工作的进展状态小结(限三页纸,并列主要参考文献); 4. 研究生学习阶段的课程成绩单; 5. 已发表著作的名录。 6. 两篇代表著作的复印件。 7. 已获奖励或荣誉称号证书复印件。 请将以上七项文件合并成为一个 PDF 文件(小于 10M ) , 文件命名 ( 必须用英文 ) 为: Familyname_Givenname_ RWP2013.pdf ( 例如 : Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2013.pdf ) ,点 击 0nline Submission 在 线 提交。 8. 提名人的推荐信一封,以及了解申请人科研工作的其他高级研究人员的推荐信两封。三封推荐信由推荐人密封后直接邮寄给: 吴艳博士 北京大学 理科 4 号楼 生命科学学院 319 室 77# 信箱 中国 北京 100871 或发送邮件至: raywuprize@pku.edu.cn 推荐信命名 ( 必须用英文 ) 为: Familyname_Givenname_ RWP2013_letter1 (2 or 3).pdf ( 例如: Chen_Xiaohua_RWP2013_letter1.p df) 2013 “吴瑞奖学金”申请的时间安排: 提交申请材料截止日期: 2013 年 3 月 31 日。 基金会给申请人正式接受申请的通知(以 e-mail 或其它方式): 2013 年 4 月 30 日。 公布 2013 年获奖人名单: 2013 年 8 月 31 日。 颁奖典礼:日期待定。 “吴瑞奖学金”网址 : http://www.raywumemorialfund.org “吴瑞奖学金”评审委员会 主席 Xiaodong Wang ( 王晓东 ) Director, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing 委员 Sheng Ding ( 丁胜 ) Professor, University of California, San Francisco Xinnian Dong ( 董欣年 ) Arts Sciences Endowed Professor of Biology, Duke University Xin-Yuan Fu ( 傅新元 ) Professor, National University of Singapore Jun-Lin Guan ( 管俊林 ) Professor, University of Michigan Nancy Y. Ip ( 叶玉如 ) Head Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hsou-min Li ( 李秀敏 ) Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Yang Liu ( 刘阳) Charles B. de Nancrede Professor, University of Michigan Ming Luo ( 罗明 ) Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham Hong Ma ( 马红 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University Yi Rao ( 饶毅 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University Xiao-Hong Sun ( 孙晓红 ) Lew and Myra Ward Chair and Member, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Yue Xiong ( 熊跃 ) William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of North Carolina Xian-Jie Yang ( 杨先洁 ) Professor, University of California, Los Angeles Weimin Zhong ( 钟伟民 ) Associate professor, Yale University
8263 次阅读|13 个评论
pcao79 2012-11-14 10:17
很多人都知道沃森和克里克发现DNA双螺旋结构的故事,更进一步,有人还可能知道他们与莫里斯·威尔金斯因此分享了1962年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。然而,有多少人记得罗莎琳德·富兰克林,以及她在这一历史性的发现中做出的贡献? 1953年,沃森和克里克在英国《自然》杂志上发表了题目为《脱氧核糖核酸的结构》的论文。这一发现成为了生物学发展的一座里程碑,是分子生物学时代的开端。然而他们的发现在很大程度上是依靠罗莎琳德·富兰克林拍摄的DNA晶体的X射线衍射照片。当时,富兰克林与她的合作伙伴威尔金斯也在进行DNA结构的研究。1962年,沃森、克里克和威尔金斯因为这项发现而分享了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 短暂而辉煌的一生 富兰克林1921年生于伦敦,15岁就立志要当科学家,但父亲并不支持她这样做。她早年毕业于剑桥大学,专业是物理化学。1945年,当获得博士学位之后,她前往法国学习X射线衍射技术。她深受法国同事的喜爱,有人评价她“从来没有见到法语讲得这么好的外国人”。1951年,她回到英国,在剑桥大学国王学院取得了一个职位。 在那时候,人们已经知道了脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)可能是遗传物质,但是对于DNA的结构,以及它如何在生命活动中发挥作用的机制还不甚了解。 就在这时,富兰克林加入了研究DNA结构的行列———然而当时的环境相当不友善。她开始负责实验室的DNA项目时,有好几个月没有人干活。同事威尔金斯不喜欢她进入自己的研究领域,但他在研究上却又离不开她。他把她看做搞技术的副手,她却认为自己与他地位同等,两人的私交恶劣到几乎不讲话。在那时的剑桥,对女科学家的歧视处处存在,女性甚至不被准许在高级休息室里用午餐。她们无形中被排除在科学家间的联系网络之外,而这种联系对了解新的研究动态、交换新理念、触发灵感极为重要。 富兰克林在法国学习的X射线衍射技术在研究中派上了用场。X射线是波长非常短的电磁波。医生通常用它来透视人体,而物理学家用它来分析晶体的结构。当X射线穿过晶体之后,会形成衍射图样———一种特定的明暗交替的图形。不同的晶体产生不同的衍射图样,仔细分析这种图形人们就能知道组成晶体的原子是如何排列的。富兰克林精于此道,她成功地拍摄了DNA晶体的X射线衍射照片。 此时,沃森和克里克也在剑桥大学进行DNA结构的研究,威尔金斯在富兰克林不知情的情况下给他们看了那张照片。根据照片,他们很快就领悟到了DNA的结构———现在已经成为了一个众所周知的事实———两条以磷酸为骨架的链相互缠绕形成了双螺旋结构,氢键把它们连结在一起。他们在1953年5月25日出版的英国《自然》杂志上报告了这一发现。这是生物学的一座里程碑,分子生物学时代的开端。 富兰克林的贡献是毋庸置疑的:她分辨出了DNA的两种构型,并成功地拍摄了它的X射线衍射照片。沃森和克里克未经她的许可使用了这张照片,但她并不在意,反而为他们的发现感到高兴,还在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇证实DNA双螺旋结构的文章。 这个故事的结局有些伤感。当1962年沃森、克里克和威尔金斯获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的时候,富兰克林已经在4年前因为卵巢癌而去世。按照惯例,诺贝尔奖不授予已经去世的人。此外,同一奖项至多只能由3个人分享,假如富兰克林活着,她会得奖吗?性别差异是否会成为公平竞争的障碍?后人为了这个永远不能有答案的问题进行过许多猜测与争论。 声誉逐渐得到公认 去年2月,英国为了纪念她对发现DNA结构的贡献而设立了一个奖章。据报道,英国贸易与工业大臣帕特里厦·休伊特在一次关于女性与科研工作的讲话中说,她将通过英国皇家学会设立“富兰克林奖章”,奖励像罗莎琳德·富兰克林那样在科研领域做出重大创新的科学家。这一奖项每年评选一次,获奖者可以得到3万英镑的奖金。休伊特说,男性和女性科学家都可以角逐富兰克林奖章,但她希望该奖项能够重点起到提升女性在科研领域的形象的作用。 历史上对于女科学家的歧视并不仅有这一个例子。1967年,苏珊·贝尔和她在剑桥大学的导师休伊什共同发现了脉冲星,但是1974年的诺贝尔物理学奖只发给了休伊什。迄今只有10位女性获得了科学方面的诺贝尔奖,科学界对女科学家的歧视依然存在,种种社会原因使许多有科学才能的女性缺少发挥其专长的机会。 设立富兰克林奖章,是休伊特为使更多英国女性进入科研岗位而进行努力的一部分。据调查,英国约有5万名毕业于科学和工程专业的女性在当全职家庭妇女,其中大部分是在生育孩子之后放弃了工作。暂时中断事业后重新开始工作的女性,有三分之二的人大材小用。休伊特对这种惊人的人才浪费感到不安,于去年初发起一项“让母亲回到工作岗位”的活动,加紧制定促进女性参与科研事业的战略,鼓励有理工学历背景的女性从事合适的工作。
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美国物理学会George E. Valley Jr. Prize首次授予中国优秀博士生
spetea 2012-11-6 17:47
2012 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Jinhui Chen (陈金辉)(我注:2012入选 首批青年拔尖人才支持计划 ) Chinese Academy of Science(中国科学院 上海应用物理研究所 ) Citation: " In recognition of his discovery of the first antimatter hypernucleus and his seminal contributions to the study of partonic matter using φ mesons produced in relativistic nuclear collisions. " 获奖原因:首次发现反超核物质核用相对论重离子核反应中用 φ介子对partonic物质的有创意的贡献. Selection Committee: Pierre Meystre, Chair; S. Tan; C. Callan; R. Byer; B. Barish 近日的好消息.陈同学获得了以上奖项.该奖据说是aps在全球毕业5年内的博士中遴选出来的.每年只授予一人,奖金若干.该奖从2002年至今,每两年评审一次,目前仅有六人获得. 祝陈同学蒸蒸日上. 如今不在一个地方,我就不说我们俩当时是一起读研,一起毕业,一个办公室的了. ps: winners in past years: 2010 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Shina Tan Georgia Institute of Technology 2008 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Paul Sorensen Brookhaven National Laboratory 2006 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Irfan Siddiqi University of California, Berkeley 2004 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient Ivo Souza University of California, Berkeley 2002 George E. Valley Jr. Prize Recipient David Goldhaber-Gordon Stanford University
个人分类: 研究介绍|4983 次阅读|1 个评论
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012 was awarded to GPCR study
albumns 2012-10-10 18:40
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012 was awarded jointly to Robert J. Lefkowitz and Brian K. Kobilka "for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/2012/ Robert J. Lefkowitz Born: 1943, New York, NY, USA Affiliation at the time of the award: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA Prize motivation: "for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors" Brian K. Kobilka Born: 1955, Little Falls, MN, USA Affiliation at the time of the award: Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA Prize motivation: "for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors"
个人分类: 科研笔记|3919 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 等离子体科学 2012-6-28 14:54
昨晚收到等离子体所朋友的短信,EAST刚刚有又取得了一项世界先进水平的成绩:400秒放电期间,电子温度达到2keV(两千万度)。 按照世界上几个超导托卡马克目前的水平看,这个纪录可以保持相当长一段时间。而在这段时间里,EAST的NBI(中性束注入)和ECRH(电子回旋共振加热)会投入使用。有这些加热手段,EAST取得400秒H模(能量约束时间会大大提高)都是可能的。 祝贺! 中国等离子体物理界还有另一桩喜事,会在11月APS Plasma Division年会上宣布:陈骝教授被授予今年的James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics。这是国际等离子体物理学界的最高奖项之一(另一个是EPS的Hannes Alfven Prize,陈骝老师在四年前已经获此殊荣)。 陈骝老师的主要贡献之一是关于Alfven波的。 笔者在这里有一些介绍。 双喜临门! “正是浴兰时节动,菖蒲酒美清尊共”。 把酒同祝!
个人分类: 学海无涯|4075 次阅读|2 个评论
美国“青年”才俊的年龄上限: 52周岁
热度 1 xpzhan 2012-6-10 11:25
LURIE PRIZE OVERVIEW In 2013, the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) will present the first Lurie Prize, an annual award recognizing outstanding achievement by a promising young scientis t in biomedical research. The Prize amount is $100,000, to be used as the awardee chooses. It is made possible by a generous gift from FNIH board member Ann Lurie. The Awardee will be selected by a jury of six distinguished biomedical researchers, chaired by Solomon H. Snyder, M.D., Distinguished Service Professor of Neuroscience, Pharmacology Psychiatry, The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The Award will be presented to the selected scientist in the spring, 2013, in Washington, DC. NOMINATION CRITERIA Nominations are broadly solicited and can be made by any member of an accredited educational and/or scientific institution. There is no limitation on the number of nominations that may be made by a single nominator or institution. No institutional approval is required. Nominations are to be for an outstanding young biomedical investigator, who shall not have passed his/her 52nd birthday on April 12, 2013. Nomination materials must be in English. Nominations will not be accepted for candidates whose current location or permanent residence is in countries sanctioned by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control. See the current list of sanctions at http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx .
个人分类: 随想杂谈|3767 次阅读|1 个评论
Announcement of 2012 Ray Wu Prize
热度 1 rwmf 2012-1-6 01:12
THE RAY WU PRIZE The Ray Wu Prize for Excellence in Life Sciences is established to inspire Asia’s most promising young Ph.D. students to become future leaders in life sciences. Professor Ray Wu (1928-2008) was a world-renowned biologist who, in the 1970s, developed the first method for DNA sequencing and pioneered the recombinant DNA technology. In the later part of his career, he devoted to genetic engineering of rice. Professor Wu was a life-long advocate for developing life science research in Asia. In 1982, Professor Wu initiated the first large-scale exchange program in biology which brought over 400 students from China to obtain Ph.D. degrees in the US. The program opened the door for thousands of more Chinese students to study abroad and marked the beginning of Sino-US exchanges in life science research. This prize is dedicated in honor of Professor Ray Wu’s seminal contributions in training China’s new generation of biologists. Twenty one prizes have been awarded so far. The Ray Wu Prize is awarded each year to graduate students for excellence in life science research. The process for selection of recipients is outlined in the following sections. The Prize: The prize consists of USD $3000, a medal, a certificate, and a citation by the Ray Wu Memorial Fund (RWMF). Financial assistance for travel is available to the recipients for career advancement purposes. RWMF will serve as a liaison for the awardees who wish to seek consultation from established investigators as they develop their scientific careers. Ten or more awards may be made each year. Candidates from all geographical areas are encouraged to apply and special considerations will be given to semifinalists from each underrepresented major geographical area. Criteria: The Ray Wu Prize recognizes excellence in life science research by a graduate student for innovation, independent thinking, and dedication. Qualifications: A candidate must be a graduate student who is pursuing a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in an institution located in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Singapore. The candidate must have advanced to candidacy in the PhD program by the deadline of application. Nomination: A candidate may be nominated by a faculty member of the institution from which the candidate plans to receive the PhD. The faculty member shall be a PhD mentor and is actively conducting life science research. Materials to be submitted: A candidate who wishes to be considered for this year’s Ray Wu Prize must submit the following materials by the deadline for application: 1. A completed application form. 2. A two page essay (English or Chinese) by the candidate in which the motivation of pursuing a PhD degree, personal interest in the current field of own research, and outlook for future career development should be addressed. 3. A progress report of the candidate’s current PhD research project (limited to 3 pages, not counting references). 4. A current transcript of courses taken in the PhD program. 5. A list of publications and copies of two representative published materials . 6. Awards or honors received. 7. A letter of recommendation from the nominating faculty member, and two additional letters of recommendation from other faculty members who know the candidate well professionally. The letter must be in an envelope sealed by each faculty member with candidate’s name on the back of the envelope, sent to: Yan Wu, Ph.D. Room 319, Science Building 4 School of Life Sciences Peking University Beijing , China 100871. 8. The application form is signed by the Dean of the School in which the candidate is currently enrolled to certify all materials as true and authentic. All application materials must be submitted online as PDF files except for letters of recommendation. Important Dates: March 31, 2012, deadline for applications to be received. April 30, 2012, notification of receipt of completed applications (by email or other means). August 30, 2012, completion of review. Award ceremony, to be announced. The Ray Wu Prize committee Chair: Xiaodong Wang ( 王晓东 ) Director, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing Members: Sheng Ding ( 丁胜 ) Professor, University of California, San Francisco Xinnian Dong ( 董欣年 ) Arts Sciences Endowed Professor of Biology, Duke University Xin-Yuan Fu ( 傅新元 ) Professor, National University of Singapore Jun-Lin Guan ( 管俊林 ) Professor, University of Michigan Nancy Y. Ip ( 叶玉如 ) Head Chair Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hsou-min Li ( 李秀敏 ) Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Yang Liu ( 刘阳 ) Charles B. de Nancrede Professor, University of Michigan Ming Luo ( 罗明 ) Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham Hong Ma ( 马红 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University Yi Rao ( 饶毅 ) Dean and Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University Xiao-Hong Sun ( 孙晓红 ) Lew and Myra Ward Chair and Member, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Yue Xiong ( 熊跃 ) William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor, University of North Carolina Xian-Jie Yang (杨先洁) Professor, University of California, Los Angeles Weimin Zhong ( 钟伟民 ) Associate professor, Yale University
5060 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]闲谈中国(人与 Nobel Prize v4. 有希望得奖的中国人
热度 1 harvard2000 2011-4-23 03:34
这项工作可能有希望得奖。 不过 AIC (activation induced cytidine daminase), MBD4, and GADD45A involved in DNA demethylation work had already been demonstrated in Zebra fish. Tet3 is also involved in active demethylation in ferilized egg (recent paper published in PNAS). 基本上化学机制是: C 5mC5hmC5hmUAP sitesDNA repair by BERC Hydroxylation of 5-Methylcytosine by TET1 Promotes Active DNA Demethylation in the Adult Brain References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article. JunjieU. Guo 1 , 2 , Yijing Su 1 , 3 , Chun Zhong 1 , 3 , Guo-li Ming 1 , 2 , 3 and Hongjun Song 1 , 2 , 3 , , 1 Institute for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 2 The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA 3 Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA Received 31 October 2010; revised 23 January 2011; accepted 11 March 2011. Published online: April 14, 2011. Available online 14 April 2011. Summary Cytosine methylation is the major covalent modification of mammalian genomic DNA and plays important roles in transcriptional regulation. The molecular mechanism underlying the enzymatic removal of this epigenetic mark, however, remains elusive. Here, we show that 5-methylcytosine (5mC) hydroxylase TET1, by converting 5mCs to 5-hydroxymethylcytosines (5hmCs), promotes DNA demethylation in mammalian cells through a process that requires the base excision repair pathway. Though expression of the 12 known human DNA glycosylases individually did not enhance removal of 5hmCs in mammalian cells, demethylation of both exogenously introduced and endogenous 5hmCs is promoted by the AID (activation-induced deaminase)/APOBEC (apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme complex) family of cytidine deaminases. Furthermore, Tet1 and Apobec1 are involved in neuronal activity-induced, region-specific, active DNA demethylation and subsequent gene expression in the dentate gyrus of the adult mouse brain invivo. Our study suggests a TET1-induced oxidation-deamination mechanism for active DNA demethylation in mammals. Graphical Abstract Full-size image (41K) High-quality image (258K) Highlights ► 5mC hydroxylation promotes active DNA demethylation irrespective of CpG context ► Deamination and base excision repair are involved in 5hmC demethylation ► 5hmC demethylation is highly processive, transcription dependent, and strand biased ► Tet1 and Apobec1 regulate activity-induced DNA demethylation in the mouse brain Article Outline Introduction Results TET1 Promotes DNA Demethylation in Human Cells 5hmC in Both CpG and CpH Contexts Can Be Demethylated in Human Cells 5hmC Demethylation Requires the BER Pathway AID/APOBEC Deaminases Facilitate 5hmC Demethylation 5hmC Demethylation Recapitulates Properties of AID-Mediated Deamination TET1 and AID/APOBEC Deaminases Promote Region-Specific DNA Demethylation in the Adult Mouse Brain Tet1 and Apobec1 Are Involved in Neuronal Activity-Induced DNA Demethylation in the Adult Mouse Brain Discussion Experimental Procedures DNA Constructs Methylated Reporter Assay and Quantitative Analysis of DNA Methylation Detection and Quantification of 5hmC and 5hmU by Immunoblotting, ELISA, and Immunocytochemistry Methylation and Gene Expression Analysis of the Adult Mouse Dentate Gyrus Acknowledgements Further Reading Supplemental Information References
3245 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]2010年拉马努金(Srinivasa Ramanujan)奖授予北大教授史宇光
zhpd55 2011-3-29 15:49
Ramanujan Prize awarded to Chinese mathematician ICTP's2010 Ramanujan Prize has been awarded to Professor Yuguang Shi of the School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University. This was announced by International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy on 28 January. The prize is in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the geometry of complete (noncompact) Riemannian manifolds, specifically the positivity of quasi-local mass and rigidity of asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. The prize is also in acknowledgement of the substantial contribution that Professor Shi has made to mathematics in China through over 15 years of teaching and research. The Ramanujan Prize, which is funded by the Norwegian Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund, is awarded annually to a researcher from a developing country less than 45 years of age on 31 December of the year of the award, who has conducted outstanding research in a developing country. Researchers working in any branch of the mathematical sciences are eligible. The Prize carries a $15,000 cash award. ICTP awards the prize through a selection committee of five eminent mathematicians appointed in conjunction with the International Mathematical Union (IMU). The Ramanujan prize ceremony will take place at ICTP on10 May, during theSchool and Conference on Mathematics and Physics of Soft and Biological Matter, which runs from 2 - 13 May 2011. Srinivasa Ramanujan(拉马努金)是位富有传奇色彩的印度怪才数学家。当年G.H.Hardy(哈代)慧眼识珠的故事,为数学史增添荣光。 Hardy曾经说过的一句话:他看到Ramanujan写来的满是奇特数学公式的信,起初认为这应当又是一个民间数学骗子,但转念一想:有本事造出这类公式的骗子比数学天才更为罕见。 Ramanujan出生于印度南部,信奉婆罗门教。他应当是“数感”最好的诠释者:有一次Hardy去医院看望他,抱怨自己搭乘的出租车号码为1729:“是个乏味透顶的数字,是个不好的预兆。”Ramanujan安慰他:“不是的,先生,事实上它很有趣——它是可用两种方法表为两数立方和的最小自然数。”现在国际上主要有两项Ramanujan为名的奖:SASTRA Ramanujan Prize和The Ramanujan Prize。 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize由Ramanujan故乡的Shanmugha Arts, Science, TechnologyResearch Academy在2005年创立,颁发给与Ramanujan有相同数学兴趣的杰出数学家。Ramanujan的天才与寿命成反比,32岁即辞世,因此SASTRA特意将获奖者的年龄限制在32岁。2006年的获奖者是陶哲轩。 Ramanujan Prize是ICTP于2005年创立的,颁发给发展中国家的优秀数学家。获奖者的年龄限制在相对宽松45岁,但总体看来这奖以Ramanujan为名是很匪夷所思的事情。但这项奖的评奖委员会由IMU(International Mathematical Union)成员组成,算是很有权威性的;并且奖金为15,000美元,和SASTRA的10,000美元比起来更为慷慨。清华数学中心访问学者张伟荣获2010 SASTRA Ramanujan奖。
个人分类: 数学研究|4358 次阅读|0 个评论
Nobel Prize killer —— Red-hat scholar-tyrant
baijiab 2010-11-1 09:39
Nobel Prize killer Red-hat scholar-tyrant Yonghe Zhang American Huilin Institute, http://www.amhuilin.com/ In the technology society, Marx created a political regime as to the value of technology. Authorities with powers to act as technology and become Red-hat scholar-tyrant . Red-hat scholar-tyrant despite their ignorant and incompetent , as long as keeping their hats red by loyalty to their superior, they can loot or kill someone else's advanced achievements and maintain their own authority, forming of the cocoon, backwater situation. This is the technology source of corruption! China is so, the Soviet Union is all about.
个人分类: 哲学观点|478 次阅读|0 个评论
2010 Nobel Prize Announcements
tianli99 2010-10-11 19:04
Home FAQ Press Contact Us Nobel Prizes Alfred Nobel Educational Video Player Nobel Organizations Search 2010 Nobel Prize Announcements jQuery(document).ready(function() { $('#countdown_dashboard').countDown({ targetDate: { 'day': 11, 'month': 10, 'year': 2010, 'hour': 11, 'min': 00, 'sec': 0, 'utc': true } }); }); Economic Sciences Monday 11 October, 1:00 p.m. CET, 11:00 a.m. GMT, at the earliest. LIVE Webcast at Nobelprize.org! ECONOMIC SCIENCES Watch the live webcast from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, on Monday 11 October, 1:00 p.m. CET, 11:00 a.m. GMT, at the earliest. Following the announcement, an interview will be held with one of the Prize Committee members about the 2010 Prize in Economic Sciences. Freedom of Speech in China PEACE Among the many people campaigning for human rights in China, Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, has become the most visible symbol of the struggle. A long-term exponent of non-violent protest, he is currently serving an 11-year prison term. Read more. Mario Vargas Llosa LITERATURE Peruvian by birth and a truly international citizen, the 2010 Nobel Laureate in Literature embraces multiple genres (novels, plays, essays), and politics too, in his commitment to social change. Read more. Molecule Makers CHEMISTRY Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki share the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing new, more efficient ways of linking carbon atoms together to build the complex molecules that are improving our everyday lives. Read more. Graphene: Carbon's New Face PHYSICS Imagine a sheet of material that's just one atom thick, yet super-strong, highly conductive, practically transparent and able to reveal new secrets of fundamental physics. That's graphene, isolated by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, 2010 Nobel Laureates in Physics. Read more. The Father of the Test Tube Baby MEDICINE Robert G. Edwards, the 2010 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, battled societal and establishment resistance to his development of the in vitro fertilization procedure, which has so far led to the birth of around 4 million people. Read more. Facts on the Prize in Economic Sciences ECONOMIC SCIENCES The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel have been awarded every year since 1969. More facts about the Prize in Economic Sciences. Laureate Interviews ECONOMIC SCIENCES Discover the stories behind the Laureates in Economic Sciences. Watch a video interview! 2008 Laureate in Economic Sciences Paul Krugman discusses how science fiction made him become an economist. Finn Kydland discusses the combination of abstract thinking and practical experience needed in academic research. Watch Daniel McFadden talking about growing up on a North Carolina farm without electricity or running water. Why Trade? EDUCATIONAL The 1977 Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded for a theory showing that countries engage in and benefit from trade if their production resources differ from each other. Play the Trade Ruler Game and learn more! Play the Trade Ruler Game! 822 Nobel Laureates NOBEL PRIZE Between 1901 and 2009, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 537 times to 829 people and organizations. With some receiving the Nobel Prize more than once, this makes a total of 802 individuals and 20 organizations. More Nobel Laureate Facts. Origin of the Nobel Prize ALFRED NOBEL On November 27, 1895 Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament in Paris. See a slide show marking the major events and circumstances leading to the awarding of the first Nobel Prizes. See the Slide Show.