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oryzameng 2013-6-3 15:32
原文链接: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v422/n6934/full/nature01626.html 基因组学研究前景展望-译自Nature.pdf
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热度 2 slsql2013 2013-3-11 10:35
十年过去了,基因图谱产生的新疗法却如此之少 十年前,比尔·克林顿( Bill Clinton )总统宣布人类基因组的第一份草图完成。现在十年过去了,医学领域还没有看到任何当时许诺的较大的好处。 对生物学家而言,基因组已产生了一个接一个的有深刻见解的惊奇发现。但是,耗资 30 亿美元的人类基因组计划( Human Genome Project )的首要目标——找到像癌症和阿尔茨海默症( Alzheimer’s disease ,即老年性痴呆)这些常见病的基因根源,然后研制出治疗方法——大部分仍是令人困惑的。的确,经过 10 年的努力,在探明从何处寻找常见病的基因根源方面,遗传学家现在几乎是从头再来。 迄今为止,基因组在医学领域有限应用的一个标志是近来的心脏病的基因预测检验。位于波士顿的布莱根妇女医院( Brigham and Women’s Hospital )的尼娜· P ·潘德( Nina P. Paynter )领导的一个医学团队收集了 101 个遗传变异体,这些变异体在多种基因组扫描研究中按照统计学的意义与心脏病联系起来。但是,变异体证明对在 19,000 个已患心脏病长达 12 年的妇女中预测心脏病没有价值。 潘德 博士今年 2 月在美国医学会杂志( Journal of the American Medical Association )上报道,采取考察家族史的老方法仍是一个较好的指导原则。 不过,在 2000 年 6 月 26 日 宣布人类基因组第一份草图完成的时候,克林顿先生说它将“对大部分人类疾病(即使不是全部)的诊断、预防和治疗产生彻底性变革”。 在一个新闻发布会上,时任美国国立卫生研究院基因组研究机构主管的弗朗西斯·柯林斯( Francis Collins )说,疾病的基因诊断将在 10 年内完成,基因治疗将可能在 15 年后开始铺开。 “更长远地看,或许在又一个 15 或 20 年内,”柯林斯补充说,“你将看到治疗医学的彻底转变。” 制药界已花费了数十亿美元以获得基因组的秘密,并正开始把基因组指导开发的几种新药投向市场。尽管制药公司继续向基因组研究倾注大量的资金,但是目前已清楚地表明大多数疾病的遗传学比预期的更复杂,在新疗法可能改变医学之前,将要经历更长的时间。 纽约纪念斯隆 - 凯特琳癌症中心( Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center )的主任哈罗德·瓦穆斯( Harold Varmus )说:“基因组学是做科学的一种方式,而不是做医学的方式。”瓦穆斯今年 7 月将就任美国国家癌症研究所( National Cancer Institute )所长。 过去的十年里,在人类基因组中发现了一大批可致病的基因突变。不过,这些发现只能解释患病风险中的一小部分。并且一些科学家开始担心,很多跟疾病联系起来的遗传变异体可能是统计的假象。 人类基因组计划开始于 1989 年,目标是对人类的遗传指令系统中全部 30 亿个化学单元(碱基对)进行测序或识别,找到疾病的基因根源,然后开发出疗法。基因组序列拿到后,下一步就是鉴定使患常见病(如癌症和糖尿病)风险增大的遗传变异体。 当时认为测序病人的整个基因组实在太昂贵了。因此,国立卫生研究院想到了一个聪明的捷径,即仅仅看基因组上的一些位点——在这些位点上,很多人都有一个变异的 DNA 单元。但是,那个捷径似乎不太成功。 上述捷径依据的理论是,因为多数疾病是常见病,所以太多的人都将是能导致患病的遗传变异体。该理论认为,在儿童长大之前,自然选择使人类基因组不会产生损害健康的变异体,但是它无法解释这类变异体——生命中后来的打击又让这些变异体变得很常见。 2002 年,国立卫生研究院启动了一个 1.38 亿美元的项目——人类基因组单体型图计划( HapMap ),该计划将为欧洲人、东亚人和非洲人的基因组中的常见变异体进行编目。 目录拿到后,第二阶段就是看,是否任何变异体在患某种疾病的病人中比在健康人群中更常见。这些研究需要大量的患者,每位患者要花费几百万美元。到 2009 年,完成了大约 400 个人的单体型图。目前的结果是,数百个常见的遗传变异体已经与多种疾病在统计学上联系起来。 但是,这些常见的变异体证明只能解释遗传风险的一部分。现在似乎更可能的是,每种常见病主要是由大量的稀有变异引起的,这些变异体太稀少而没有被 HapMap 编入目录。 HapMap 和全基因组关联研究( genome-wide association study )的支持者说,这些方法是有意义的,因为寻找稀有变异体眼下正变得异常便宜;另外,很多常见变异体确实在疾病中起到了作用。 位于马萨诸塞州剑桥市的博大研究院( the Broad Institute )的主任埃里克· S ·兰德尔( Eric S. Lander )说,在这一点上,基因组中大约 850 个位点(大多数位点在基因附近)都已经跟常见病牵扯到一起。兰德尔还是人类基因组单体型图计划的一位领导人,“因此,我强烈地感到,这个假设已证明是正确的。”他说。 但是,跟疾病联系在一起的大多数位点都不在基因里(基因就是告诉细胞制造蛋白质的 DNA 片段),并且这些位点没有已知的生物学功能,这让一些遗传学家怀疑这些关联性是假的。 华盛顿大学(西雅图)的遗传学家乔恩·麦克莱伦( Jon McClellan )和玛丽 - 克莱尔·金( Mary-Claire King )在发表于今年 4 月 16 日的《细胞》( Cell )上的论文中写道,许多位点可能“起源于特殊的因素——不是与疾病风险真正关联的因素”。在遗传学家中,把稀有变异体看作是引起常见疾病的主要原因,这一新的转换是“人类遗传学中一次重要的思考模式转移”,他们写道。 找到稀有遗传变异体的唯一方法是对人的整个基因组进行测序,或至少是全部的基因编码区。这个方法现在正变得可行,因为测序费用已大幅下跌: 2003 年完成第一个人类基因组精细图耗资约 5 亿美元,而预计明年只需花费 5 千到 1 万美元。 但是,尽管基因组的这十年对医学做出的贡献很少,但基础科学的面貌发生了很大变化。基因组研究改变了生物学,产生了一连串令人惊奇的成果,且稳定增长。第一个就是发现跟那些低等动物(如实验室用的线虫和果蝇)相比,人的基因的数量少得令人惊讶。小得仅能勉强看见的线虫需要 20,000 个基因来制造蛋白质和细胞的各种部件,而在进化水平上明显高得多的人类,似乎只有 21,000 个编码蛋白质的基因。 随着研究慢慢深入,对此的解释是人和其它动物有几乎相同的一套编码蛋白质的基因,但是人的这套基因受到更加复杂方式的调控,通过精确使用 DNA 的同伴分子—— RNA 。 如果没有可用的人类基因组序列的数据,那么上述研究中仅有很少的一点(如果有的话)能被完成。现在,每个基因和控制元件都可以被绘制到它在基因组上的正确位置,这能使系统的所有部件彼此建立联系。 兰德尔博士说:“有这样一个共同的、人能把所有的信息都放在其上的脚手架(此指人类基因组序列的数据——译者注),显著加速了进步。” 基因组序列还激发了许多强大的新技术来探究基因组的秘密。其中一个就是芯片测序,这项技术使研究人员能了解神秘的、必不可少的染色质,以及复杂的蛋白质机器,这些机器既能包装基因组的 DNA ,又能进行控制。 从人类基因组单体型图计划( HapMap )获得的数据,也使群体遗传学家重建了自大约 5 万年前人类从非洲扩散开来的人类群体历史。他们能精确找到哪些基因具有近代自然选择的指纹,哪个基因揭示了不同大洲的人类群体不得不适应的特别的挑战。 随着更多的人的完整基因组被破译,遗传病的根源或许最终被揭示。不过那时候,我们也无法保证新疗法将随之诞生。如果每种常见病是由许多稀有遗传变异体引起的,那么它可能对药物是不敏感的。 兰德尔博士说:“唯一理智诚实的回答就是现在还无法知道。有的人喜欢做乐观主义者,有的喜欢做悲观主义者,但最好是做一个经验主义者。”
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bingansuan 2013-1-4 23:46
鸟类是这个星球上最神奇的物种之一,不说大自然中目光所及的鸟类,从风靡世界的卡通人物唐老鸭到电影里约大冒险里的金刚鹦鹉便可见一斑。连"愤怒的小鸟"这款游戏,游戏开发商Rivio公司也正在打造其电影版。 鸟类是体表被覆羽毛、有翼、恒温和卵生的高等脊椎动物。旺盛的新陈代谢和飞行运动是鸟类与其它动物显著不同的特征。其在分类上属于动物界脊索动物门鸟纲。目前全世界记录到的鸟类有9700多种,分为3个总目(平胸总目、企鹅总目、突胸总目),约28个目,其中雀形目就包括5000种以上的种类。中国现有鸟类1332种(2261种及亚种),隶属于24目101科429属,其中105种为特有种。(来自百科,不一定准确) 鸟类漂亮的身躯后,藏着许多值得研究的问题。例如: 古鸟类研究主要关注三大起源问题,即鸟类起源、飞行起源、羽毛起源。这些原本在学界存在巨大争议的问题,随着在中国大地上一些关键恐龙化石的相继发掘,从而为争端的解决提供了一些核心证据,也使得中国跻身于该领域强者之列。 鸟类的系统分类研究。早期主要借助于形态学分类,后来逐渐引入了分子生物学手段,借助部分细胞核和/或线粒体基因序列来进行系统分类研究。 鸟类行为,栖息地及环境适应研究。鸟类求偶行为,繁殖行为、取食行为、社群行为等等,皆是鸟类适应环境的结果。以鸟类鸣叫为例,雀形目鸟类的鸣叫,如同婴儿学语一般,也是后天习得,故而鸟类鸣啭控制系统已成为人们研究神经系统与学习、行为和发育关系的重要模型。 当然如果要说起与人们生活息息相关的鸟类研究,可能便是家禽的驯化与育种,以及禽流感H5N1了。 随着全基因组测序技术兴起后,鸟类研究也迅速进入了该领域。 第一个被破译全基因组序列的鸟类是鸡形目/雉科/原鸡属下的红原鸡(现代鸡的祖先),其为揭示脊椎动物进化提供了新的视角(2004,Nature,Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution)。 时隔六年之后,雀形目/文鸟科/梅花雀属下的斑胸草雀基因组破译(2010,Nature, The genome of a songbird);同年,鸡形目/吐绶鸡科/吐绶鸡属下火鸡基因组破译(2010,PLoS Biology,Multi-Platform Next-Generation Sequencing of the Domestic Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo): GenomeAssembly and Analysis)。2012年,雀形目/鹀科/地雀属下达尔文雀基因组破译(http://gigadb.org/darwins-finch/),同年,雀形目/鹟科/姬鹟属下白领姬鹟基因组破译(2012,Nature,The genomic landscape of species divergence in Ficedula flycatchers)。目前,暂时雀形目处于破译优势地位,难道是因为其叫声婉转之故?更易博得研究人员“另眼相待”? 在鸟类基因组学研究中,Avian Genomes(http://aviangenomes.org/)是个不错的网站,其主旨是打造鸟类基因组学研究平台,但不知何故,更新很慢。随着越来越多鸟类, 尤其是处于进化关键地位的鸟类 基因组破译,依靠全基因组序列,构建整个鸟类进化树的目标将会变得越来越近。同时,更多鸟类基因组学数据的积累,将会产生下一个“鸟类大爆发”,新的发现(理论)呼之欲出。
个人分类: 鸟类|6074 次阅读|0 个评论
bioseq 2012-9-4 09:48
在生物学特别是基因组学的研究工作中,经常会遇到多重假设检验(multiple testing)的问题;此时,得到的原始p值需要进行校正后才能使用,那么哪种校正方法更加适合自己的研究工作呢?p-values, false discovery rates(FDR) 和 q-values有什么不同?它们分别代表什么意义?对于统计科班的同学来说,这不过是小菜一碟;但对于纯生物出身的同学来说,别说去看公式了,光是听听就觉得头大!不过幸运的是,有牛人(William S Noble)了解我们的苦衷,于是一篇nature biotechnology的文章诞生了——《How does multiple testing correction work?》。这片文章不长,只有3页,用不了多长时间就可以看完。更加令人高兴的是,全篇没有一个让人头大的公式;了解基本的统计学知识、特别是p值的相关概念之后,阅读这片文章就不会有太大的困难了。作者以一个生物学例子贯穿全篇,这个例子对于大多数生物专业的同学来说都非常容易理解——在人的21号染色体上寻找CTCF(一个高度保守的锌指DNA结合蛋白)的潜在结合位点。作者先介绍了零假设(null hypothesis),进而引出了p-value的概念。之后,解释了为什么原始p值不能够直接使用,从而过渡到p值校正的话题。在这一部分,作者层层深入,以简洁明了的语言介绍、解释了Bonferroni adjustment、false discovery rate (FDR)、q-value和local FDR的概念、由来、意义等基本但非常重要的知识。最后作者给出了实际应用时的指导建议,并以点睛之笔概括总结了全文中的要点。如果你的工作涉及p值的校正、FDR、q值等概念,这篇文章绝对胜任引你入门的角色(但绝不仅限于此!)。 文章链接: http://www.seq.cn/forum.php?mod=viewthreadtid=3504 1 2 3 When prioritizing hits from a high-throughput experiment, it is important to correct for random events that falsely appear significant. How is this done and what methods should be used? Imagine that you have just invested a substantial amount of time and money in a shotgun proteomics experiment designed to identify proteins involved in a particular biological process. The experiment successfully identifies most of the proteins that you already know to be involved in the process and implicates a few more.
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jjb8104149 2011-2-21 15:46
美国著名的基因组学公司赛勒拉(Celera)最近宣布,将关闭其在马里兰州Rockville市41,000平方英尺的研发部门,裁减当地剩余25名员工中的20名。 在赛勒拉正式宣布关闭马里兰研发部门之前,已经有多家基因组公司改组或重新定位自己的发展方向。这一决定被媒体称作“以赛勒拉为代表的基因组学年代的正式终结”。 诱惑变困惑 成立于1998年的赛勒拉公司,是由美国基因组学研究所的著名基因组学家Craig Venter博士和当时的Perkin-Elmer公司(后被Applera公司收购)共同创办的,以基因组学信息的应用研究和商业化运作为主业。Venter担任第一任总裁,直到2004年离职。公司成立前,Venter领导的团队成功地完成了第一个完整的生物体基因组测序。虽然当时已有多家基因组公司在基因组测序和信息服务方面运作多年,但Venter团队的技术更加高效和经济。 公司成立后不久,正好赶上本世纪初的人类基因组热和生物技术产业投资热。赛勒拉借助其母公司的实力和华尔街投资银行的鼎力支持,在1999年以Applera公司的子公司形式成功在美国纳斯达克上市,募集到大笔资金。这家没有什么实际收入的生物技术公司,上市不到两年就被炒高股票,股价一路冲高,翻了十几倍,曾达到每股250美元的顶峰,创造了生物技术产业的神话、奇迹和泡沫。 不过,2000年以后,赛勒拉公司股票开始一路下滑,直到2003年后期才稳定在十几美元的正常水平。 公司在测定第一个人类组基因序列中独领风骚,后来居上。其采用的弥弹型测序方法既快又省,花费只是政府NIH资助的人基因组测序30亿美元的十分之一。 2001年,赛勒拉公司在科学杂志上发表了人类基因组第一张序列图。随后,它获得了NIH 2100万美元的资助,开展小鼠基因组的测序工作。公司很快就完成了小鼠的基因图谱,但只允许学术性单位免费使用数据库。此举遭到了业内人士的批评。因为虽然赛勒拉采用不同的技术路线在更短的时间内完成了整个测序,但其还是利用了许多已经公布于众的信息,是站在前人的肩膀上才走出了自己的捷径。 一年后,NIH的小鼠基因组测序也宣告完成,随即公布所有的信息。NIH效率虽低,起步却早。当赛勒拉开始做全序列测定时,NIH组织的基因测序已经过半。赛勒拉公司通过数据库赚钱的如意算盘由此落空。 鼎盛时期,赛勒拉曾在马里兰州雇有550员工。在人类基因组图谱绘制和测序中,赛勒拉起了非常关键的领军作用。但由于基因组测序完成后,基因组学平台服务公司的模式不被看好,公司被迫进行战略调整,不断裁减基因组学研究的研发人员和业务部分。2008年,赛勒拉公司宣布将总部搬迁至加州。 被迫转型新药开发 公司手中有大把现金,但缺乏真正的产品和可持续发展的商业模式,使得公司股票在2000年泡沫消失后一直低迷不振。为了生存和发展,大股东Applera决定对公司进行大刀阔斧的改组。 2002年1月,Venter离开了公司。有消息称,他的离职正是因为与Applera首席执行官Tony White在发展方向上有重大分歧。Tony很快挑选了女强人Ordonez 出任公司总裁。 Ordonez上任后,马上裁减了从事DNA测序和信息服务的132名员工。 2003年,赛勒拉公司股票跌去50%。当时公司拥有人类基因组信息庞大的数据库和无形资产,以及8.64亿美元的现金,现金在生物技术公司中算是比较丰富的。但是,赛勒拉公司仍未找到自己的发展方向。 之后,公司开始进行收购和技术合作等一系列交易活动。2003年收购了生物技术公司Axys Pharmaceuticals,出资1.75亿美元;先后又与雅培、基因泰克、通用电气等签署合作协议,为这些公司提供开发抗肿瘤药和其他靶向治疗产品。 到2004年底,Ordonez已经把核心业务从基因信息服务公司转型成为新药研发和诊断产品开发公司,度过了最困难的时期,同时还保留了7亿美元现金。 近几年,赛勒拉利用自己在基因组和数据库方面的优势,通过技术开发合作、转让和兼并,不断地构建自己的个性化诊疗服务的产品开发和服务体系。公司从仅仅靠基因组数据库订阅服务为主营业务逐渐脱胎换骨,变成有自己独特诊断测试和服务、有新药研发服务及项目、并有广泛战略合作网络的生物技术公司。 赛勒拉目前还不能说已经取得转型的成功。但与其他类似公司相比,赛勒拉有Applera公司强大的背景和支持,应该还是有很大胜算的。 当然,基因组测序和分析服务与新药开发有很大差异,要取得转型成功一定要充分利用基因组学公司的历史积累和技术优势。由于基因组学公司有自己的工具和数据库,其技术优势和经验有助于找到更好的生物学标记物,用于诊断和靶向治疗。尽管开发这类产品和服务需要时间、资金和经验,但开发新药需要这么长的周期、这么多的资金和人力物力投入,以基因组学为平台的生物技术公司要做好转型并不容易。 而随着更多基因功能被鉴定,以及更多生物标记物被发现,基因组学公司在个性化医疗诊断和遗传信息服务将有较大的发展潜力。 链接 艰难的转型后岁月 业内人士都不否认,转型,是基因组学类公司发展的必由之路。同处马里兰的人类基因科学公司(HGS)早在2000年就开始调整其发展战略,现在已经成为一家开发生物技术产品和临床治疗药物的公司。 成立于1992年的人类基因组科学公司最初也是单纯的基因组测序和数据库服务公司,曾经与史克公司签约过上亿美元的基因组学服务协议。2000年后,该公司开始转型,将自己定位为发现、开发、生产和销售创新药的公司,主要开发的产品是生物大分子蛋白药物和抗体药物。 根据2008年所披露的信息,HGS公司拥有许多涉及丙肝、癌症、红斑狼疮、关节炎和艾滋病治疗领域的新药开发库候选产品。其中有3个进入临床Ⅲ期:与葛兰素史克合作的红斑狼疮治疗药物Belimumab、与诺华合作的丙肝治疗药物Albuferon,以及与美国政府合作的炭疽防治药物Abthrax。 从基本经营状况看,HGS的转型相当艰难,现在还谈不上成功。HGS公司在1999~2000年曾募集了20亿美元。但由于经验不足,加上运气不佳,先后有两项新药研发项目以失败而告终。2004年,公司创办人退休离职,由比较有经验的职业经理人Thomas Watkins担任CEO。 目前判断HGS转型成功与否,就要看其上市产品能否赚钱。公司今年第一季度的报表还不错,1.77亿美元的收入远高于2008全年的4800万美元。不过,投资界对其疑虑重重。因为公司只有1.9亿美元的现金,却有近6亿美元的债务。公司的股票从顶峰时期的140美元下滑到如今的2~3美元,市值不到3亿美元,很可能会被某家大型药厂所收购。 Incyte Genomics公司是另一家基因组学研发公司,最初也是以基因测序和基因数据库服务为主业的公司,同样经历2000年股票的水涨船高,冲高到每股140美元以上。 2004年,公司改名为Incyte Corporatioin,经营方向变成了新药研发公司。公司曾经花费几千万美元用于基因序列专利保护,现在改走小分子新药专利申请。2005年后期,公司与辉瑞建立了长期战略合作关系。 目前Incyte公司新药合作及技术转让方面的收入有几百万美元,并有多项产品处于合作开发阶段。但是,公司目前股价只有2.5美元,市值滑落到2.85亿美元,持有现金1.75亿美元,每个季度研发费用和其他开支大约为4300万美元,负债近4亿美元,收入主要靠合作伙伴提供的资金支持和技术转让费。新药研发项目进展不顺利,或资本市场回暖过慢,都会给公司带来很大的压力。 对于像HGS和Incyte这样独立运营的生物技术公司,从一度有现金5亿~10亿美元,股价高达140美元的泡沫型公司,如今变成不断烧钱、债台高筑、豪赌新药研发的公司,反差巨大。如果这类公司在未来12个月内没有好的临床数据问世,它们的融资机会和生存空间就会受到威胁。
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lry198010 2010-9-12 23:43
个人分类: next-generation-sequence|6 次阅读|0 个评论
基因组学遗传学优秀国际论文 by F1000 Factor
xupeiyang 2010-8-17 08:33
详细信息见 http://f1000biology.com/browse/GENOMGEN 国际生物学专家按F1000 Factor评出的基因组学遗传学国际优秀论文,你可以选择查阅近一周至近五年发表的优秀论文。 可按以下分类进行检索查阅: Genomics Genetics Animal Genetics Bioinformatics Evolutionary/Comparative Genetics Genomics Medical Genetics
个人分类: 生物科学|3575 次阅读|0 个评论
wanyuehua 2010-7-28 06:45
2008 年11月创刊的《植物组学》(Plant Omics),ISSN: 1836-0661,双月刊,澳大利亚(SOUTHERN CROSS PUBL, 8 91-93 MCKENZIE ST, LISMORE, AUSTRALIA, NSW 2480)出版,2009年入选 Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded,目前在SCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2008年的第1卷第1期到2010年第3卷第3期共51篇论文。 51 篇文章包括学术论文44篇、评论7篇。 51 篇文章的主要国家分布:印度14篇,孟加拉国、巴基斯坦各7篇,伊朗6篇,中国(其中台湾地区1篇)、加拿大、埃及、韩国各4篇,日本、马来西亚、土耳其各3篇,美国、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国各2篇等。 中国学者以通讯作者单位在《植物组学》(Plant Omics)上发表论文的是河南科技学院(Henan Inst Sci Technol)1篇。 51篇文章共被引用18次(其中2009年被引用3次、2010年被引用15次),平均引用0.35次, H指数为2(有2篇文章每篇最少被引用2次)。 《植物组学》( Plant Omics )投稿指南: 该刊的副标题为植物生物学和分子组学杂志,是一跨学科国际同行评审刊。涉及植物、作物和农业生物所有领域,特别是植物的基本知识和应用分子组学,包括:基因组学、生物信息学、 转录组学、 蛋白质组学、代谢组学、 表型组学、脂质组学、 糖组学、 细胞组学、 药物基因组学、生 理组学、相互作用组学等。 该杂志所涵盖的主要领域: Genomics (study of plant genes, regulatory and non-coding sequences) Bioinformatics (study of computational algorithms and methods in plant sciences) Transcriptomics (study of RNA complement of an plant organism, tissue type, or cell with association to gene expression) Proteomics (study of plant proteins and their expressions) Metabolomics (study of primary, secondary etc. Metabolites in plants) Phenomics characterization of plant phenotypes (normal and mutant) via the interaction of the genome with the environment Lipidomics (study of non-water-soluble metabolites particularly lipids in plant organisms and cells) Glycomics (study of plant glycomes including genetic, physiologic, pathologic and other aspects) Cytomics (study of cytomes and cell systems at a single cell level) Cytogenomics (study of chromosomes and their association with plant characters) Pharmacogenomics (study of genetic effects to produce plant medicinal drugs) Physiomics (physiological dynamics and functions of whole plant) Interactomics (bioinformatical and biological study of interactions among plant molecules such as proteins, lipids etc.within a plant cell or organs). 该刊是OA期刊,读者可以免费获得该刊的全文。 网址: http://www.pomics.com/ 编委会: http://www.pomics.com/editorial.html 作者指南: http://www.pomics.com/guidlines.html 在线投稿: http://www.pomics.com/login.html 《植物组学》(Plant Omics )热点论文: 1.标题: Efficient in vitro plant regeneration, flowering and fruiting of dwarf Tomato cv. Micro-Msk 作者: Mamidala P, Nanna RS 来源出版物: PLANT OMICS 卷: 2 期: 3 页: 98-102 出版年: MAY 2009 被引频次: 3 2.标题: Approaches for enhancing salt tolerance in mulberry (Morus L) - A review 作者: Vijayan K 来源出版物: PLANT OMICS 卷: 2 期: 1 页: 41-59 出版年: JAN 2009 被引频次: 3 3.标题: Proteomics profile of pre-harvest sprouting wheat by using MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry 作者: Kamal AHM, Kim KH, Shin DH, et al. 来源出版物: PLANT OMICS 卷: 2 期: 3 页: 110-119 出版年: MAY 2009 被引频次: 2 4.标题: Alterations in non-enzymatic antioxidant components of Catharanthus roseus exposed to paclobutrazol, gibberellic acid and Pseudomonas fluorescens 作者: Jaleel CA, Gopi R, Panneerselvam R 来源出版物: PLANT OMICS 卷: 2 期: 1 页: 30-40 出版年: JAN 2009 被引频次: 2
个人分类: SCI投稿|6774 次阅读|2 个评论
科学家 Patrick O Brown(基因组学)
xupeiyang 2010-7-21 10:21
Patrick O Brown Biochemistry and HHMI, Stanford University, Stanford, USA Head of Section: Genomics Genetics Genomics 部分论著与科研绩效: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=Patrick+O+BrownbtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns pnas.org MB Eisen, PT Spellman, PO Brown , - Proceedings of the , 1998 - National Acad Sciences A system of cluster analysis for genome-wide expression data from DNA microarray hybridization is described that uses standard statistical algorithms to arrange genes according to similarity in pattern of gene expression. The output is displayed graphically, conveying the ... Cited by 9913 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 187 versions Quantitative monitoring of gene expression patterns with a complementary DNA microarray ensmp.fr M Schena, D Shalon, RW Davis, PO Brown - Science, 1995 - AAAS Cited by 6923 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 22 versions Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling cmu.edu , W Wilson, MR Grever, JC Byrd, D Botstein, PO Brown , - Nature, 2000 - nature.com Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, is clinically heterogeneous: 40% of patients respond well to current therapy and have prolonged survival, whereas the remainder succumb to the disease. We proposed that ... Cited by 5096 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 82 versions Molecular portraits of human breast tumours , SX Zhu, PE Lnning, AL Brresen-Dale, PO Brown , D - Nature, 2000 - nature.com Human breast tumours are diverse in their natural history and in their responsiveness to treatments 1 . Variation in transcriptional programs accounts for much of the biological diversity of human cells and tumours. In each cell, signal transduction and regulatory systems transduce ... Cited by 3713 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions Exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on a genomic scale ramapo.edu JL DeRisi, VR Iyer, PO Brown - Science, 1997 - sciencemag.org DNA microarrays containing virtually every gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the temporal program of gene expression accompanying the metabolic shift from fermentation to respiration. The expression profiles observed for ... Cited by 3645 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 91 versions Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridization molbiolcell.org , MB Eisen, PO Brown , D Botstein, B - Molecular biology of , 1998 - Am Soc Cell Biol In 1981 Hereford and coworkers discovered that yeast histone mRNAs oscillate in abundance during the cell division cycle (Hereford et al., 1981 ). To date 104 messages that are cell cycle regulated have been identified using traditional methods, and it was estimated that some ... Cited by 3383 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 84 versions Gene expression patterns of breast carcinomas distinguish tumor subclasses with clinical implications pnas.org JC Matese, PO Brown , D Botstein, PE - Proceedings of the , 2001 - National Acad Sciences The purpose of this study was to classify breast carcinomas based on variations in gene expression patterns derived from cDNA microarrays and to correlate tumor characteristics to clinical outcome. A total of 85 cDNA microarray experiments representing 78 cancers, three ... Cited by 2902 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 31 versions Genomic expression programs in the response of yeast cells to environmental changes molbiolcell.org , MB Eisen, G Storz, D Botstein, PO Brown - Molecular biology of , 2000 - Am Soc Cell Biol We explored genomic expression patterns in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae responding to diverse environmental transitions. DNA microarrays were used to measure changes in transcript levels over time for almost every yeast gene, as cells responded to temperature shocks, ... Cited by 2151 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 54 versions Exploring the new world of the genome with DNA microarrays ctu.edu.vn PO Brown , D Botstein - nature genetics, 1999 - ctu.edu.vn The genome project has revitalized exploration in biological research. Not long ago, it was possible for biologists to imagine that the genes that had been discovered via mutations, selections and cloning schemes represented a good approximation of the total universe of genes, and ... Cited by 1919 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 82 versions Use of a cDNA microarray to analyse gene expression patterns in human cancer stanford.edu J DeRisi, L Penland, PO Brown , ML Bittner, PS - Nature , 1996 - cmgm.stanford.edu ... microarray to analyse gene expression patterns in human cancer Joseph DeRisi1*, Lolita Penland2 Patrick О ... with significantly higher expression (10-fold) in the tumorigenic cells was the human brown locus pro ... Filters were washed to a strin- gency of O .lx SSC at 42 C for 20 ... Cited by 1699 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions
个人分类: 名人传记|5826 次阅读|0 个评论
crter 2010-7-18 14:57
  英国《自然》杂志是一本刊登科学论文的学术刊物。4月29日出版的《自然》杂志的封面是两名女性的剪影,一人站着而另一人坐在轮椅上。封面论文讲的是这对基因完全相同的同卵双胞胎姐妹不同的生命故事:她们一人罹患多发性硬化症,而另一人完全健康。论文得出的结论是,基因并不决定一切。      参与这项研究的科学家赛尔吉奥巴兰兹尼说,虽然这对双胞胎的基因组相同,但由于后天不同的环境因素等原因,导致了两人完全不同的结果。      近年,全球基因科学发展迅速,但公众对于基因的认识有走向偏颇的势头。此次研究,恰好是对这种偏颇敲响了警钟。   今年是首个人类基因组草图公布十周年。十年来,基因测序技术飞速发展。绘制首份基因组草图需要多国科学家联手,耗时十年、耗资数十亿美元。现在,一个小规模的研究小组可以在几个月之内以一两万美元的成本测出一份基因组。   技术的巨大进步导致基因研究工作在全球迅速铺开。目前这方面研究以发现某种疾病的致病基因为主。如去年澳大利亚和新西兰研究人员在《自然遗传学》上报告发现了两个与多发性硬化症有关的基因。   但是这类研究经常受到大众的错误解读。如《自然遗传学》曾刊登与吸烟有关的基因研究报告,随后大众媒体上出现了诸如吸烟易上瘾都是基因惹的祸、戒不掉烟,可怪基因之类的标题。这种论调否定了后天环境和个人生活习惯对健康的影响。本次研究及时揭示了问题的另一面:虽然基因对人类健康影响重大,但并不决定一切。
个人分类: 中医药及针灸疗法与神经再生|1097 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 lpzhao 2010-6-17 06:11
6月17日出版的《自然》杂志,在NEWS and VIEWS栏目刊登了我校赵立平教授的文章。   应该刊编辑部的邀请,针对《自然》和《科学》杂志最近发表的有关人体元基因组的论文,赵教授评价了这些论文在理解肠道菌群与慢性病的关系的意义。文章指出,下一阶段人体元基因组学研究的重点应该是关注营养如何改变菌群从而导致慢性病的发生。   文章说,在人体中,人的细胞数量仅占细胞总量的10%,而共生微生物的细胞所占比例高达90%。共生细菌大部分生活在肠道里,有大约1.5千克。这些细菌在生长活动中产生的代谢物可以进入人的血液,影响人的健康。有益菌可以产生消炎、镇痛、抗氧化的物质,还可以合成维生素、氨基酸、丁酸盐等营养成份,对人体有滋养和保护作用。有害菌则可以产生神经毒素、致癌物质和游离抗原,进入血液后能够引起儿童自闭症、老年痴呆、肥胖症、糖尿病、冠心病、甚至癌症等各种慢性病。   因此,结构失调的肠道菌群可能是诱发慢性病的重要因素,这个观点叫“慢性病的肠源性学说”。该学说由赵立平教授提出并发表在近期出版的《生物技术杂志》上(J Biotech, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.02.008)。   肠道菌群具有至少1000多种细菌,携带着大量的基因。3月4日的《自然》杂志刊登封面文章,报道了深圳华大基因研究院与法国农科院等单位用一次可以产生上百万条短标签序列的新一代测序方法,对124个欧洲人肠道样品大规模测序的结果,发现了至少3百万个新的基因。   这就意味着,人体内其实有两个基因组在影响人的健康,一个是先天遗传来的人的基因组,带有约2万多个基因,另一个是后天进入人体但终身与人相伴的所有共生微生物构成的“微生物组”,带有至少上百万个基因,相当于人的第二个基因组。第二基因组的基因容量是第一基因组的至少100倍,可见其对人体的健康的作用和影响是不可忽视的。   赵教授研究组的工作表明,饮食是影响肠道菌群组成的最重要的因素,不同的饮食结构,可以形成不同的菌群结构。无基因缺陷的动物,食用高脂食物后就可以患肥胖症和早期糖尿病,这是因为,长期食用高脂肪、低纤维的食物,可以造成肠道菌群结构失调,增加进入血液的毒素的量,诱发慢性炎症,从而导致肥胖、糖尿病、冠心病等慢性病的发生。这个工作成果发表在近期出版的《国际微生物生态学会会刊》上(ISME J. 4: 232)。   因此,人的第二基因组的结构具有可塑性,改变饮食就可以改变第二基因组的基因组成,从而可以改变人的健康状况。这就为通过合理的膳食调理身体、进而预防慢性病奠定了理论基础。   为了更深入地理解肠道菌群与健康的关系,找到与慢性病直接相关的细菌,需要对肠道菌群携带的基因进行精细的测序。通过与菌群的代表性菌株的参考基因组序列进行对比,可以快速而准确地知道哪个片段来自哪个细菌,也可以知道其可能的功能。5月21日出版的《科学》杂志,报道了178个来自人体的共生细菌的基因组的序列,成果来自美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的人体微生物组路线图计划资助的项目。这个工作,为人体微生物组的参考基因组制定了统一的标准,而且所有数据都对公众是开放的。   国际人类微生物组联盟计划至少测定1000个人体微生物的参考基因组。这是一个十分庞大的计划。由于不同国家和民族的肠道菌群结构有各自的特点,美国人的参考基因组,不一定适合中国人用。因此,各个国家都应该分离和测定自己民族的人体微生物组参考基因组。   由于很多肠道菌是不能分离培养的,很难获得它们的参考基因组。赵教授在文章中提出,依托我校“系统生物医学科技创新平台”建立的“功能元基因组”技术为解决这个问题提供了途径。他们与帝国理工医学院等单位合作,建立了通过测定尿液代谢物的组成变化和肠道菌群结构变化的关系,来判断哪一种细菌可能影响人体的哪一部分代谢的方法,就有可能将具有重要功能的细菌鉴定出来。然后再设法通过单细胞分离和全基因组扩增获得其参考基因组序列。整个过程不需要分离培养细菌,可以突破培养技术的瓶颈,获得更多重要细菌的参考基因组序列。   这种通过测定尿液代谢物组成和肠道微生物组成来监测人体健康状况变化的 “人体系统生物学”新技术经陈竺院士推荐,2008年2月发表在《美国科学院院刊》上(PNAS 105:2117)。发表后连续2个月是PNAS网站被阅读最多的50篇论文之一。微生物领域的顶级评论刊物《Nature Reviews: Microbiology》对论文进行了点评。目前,该论文已经被引用超过100次,而且多次被顶级刊物发表的论文引用。   在《Nature》评论中,赵立平教授以我国自主创新建立的“人体系统生物学”作为技术框架,以“慢性病的肠源性学说”为理论框架,对目前的国际人类元基因组研究进展做了评述。在最后,赵立平教授呼吁国际学术界开展多学科交叉研究,特别是基因组专家与微生物专家要密切合作,力求在慢性病的病因学和早期预防技术研究方面取得实质性突破,以遏制慢性病在全球的蔓延趋势。 :生命学院 第二基因组的故事
个人分类: 肠道菌与健康|3658 次阅读|22 个评论
yangjunchao 2010-5-24 14:11
我们离人造生命还有多远? 作者 量子猫 这两天因Craig Venter把整个基因组成功转入支原体细胞,从Science到The New York Times,到各种报刊、网站,引发了一轮新的人造生命讨论的热潮。不过,正像一个网友随即指出的,Scientists have been putting synthetic pieces of DNA into bacterial for decades now - it's at the heart of recombinant DNA technology. This is just the logically linear culmination of that process - introducing an entire genome.To call it synthetic life is not science, it is marketing or PR。这里结合上下文译为:科学家们把合成的DNA片段成功导入细菌,到现在已经几十年了,这是重组DNA技术的核心。Craig Venter的工作只不过是这个过程逻辑上的线性积累,把整个基因组导入而已。把这叫做人造生命,不是科学,是市场运作或公关行为。 显然,把自然生命的DNA局部进行突变、剪切、组合等加工,再导入宿主细胞并可以繁殖自身,这项DNA重组技术只不过某种程度上复制并缩短了生命自然进化的过程,在尽可能短的时间里形成一些对人类有利的性状,如通过基因工程技术生产胰岛素等各种药物,培育抗旱、抗病虫等转基因作物,等等。这并非真正意义上的人造生命。而且,由于受生物自身极其复杂的系统结构和自洽的内在调控机制的限制,这种为某一特定目的人工加快进化的改造,是有限度的,成功的机率也会越来越低,投入的人力和资金成本也会越来越高,最终也会导致这项技术失去研究的意义和发展的动力。 象任何工程都必须有蓝图一样,人造生命至少需要把一个最简单的单细胞的全部基因调控和对应的生物体结构和功能搞清楚,然后才可以合理设计全新的物种。在此之前,人造生命或合成生物学,包括通过干细胞定向诱导人工制造器官,都还只是概念,只是处在初期的研究阶段。任何宣称制造出或可以短时间制造出人工生命或人工器官的,都只是有意无意的炒作。 那么,我们离真正的人造生命还有多远?答案可能会让人失望,很远很远。而且更可能让人们失望的是,我们现在都还没有彻底弄清楚到底有多远。 基因编码了生命个体全部的关键分子构件的结构和调控、代谢机制。虽然10年前对包括人在内的一个生命个体进行全基因序列分析已不是问题,但对各个基因的功能,也就是其对应的蛋白分子等功能组件和相互调控关系,我们虽然一直不断地取得进展,但很遗憾,至今仍所知甚少。从概念上说,对一个生物个体或细胞的全部蛋白等分子组件进行分析、分离纯化、进一步的结构分析并研究相互作用关系和调控机制的技术早已成熟,甚至可以大规模、高通量、高度自动化的进行。但是,我们至今不能准确地知道,生命到底由多少种基本的蛋白构成,甚至不知道一个最简单的单细胞到底由多少种蛋白构成。当涉及到具体问题,特别是那些少量或稀有蛋白时,尽管技术和方法一再创新,我们仍然几乎无法找到并捉住它们,更不用说分离纯化了。而且,现在发现,有些中间过程是多蛋白因子相互作用,尝试把这些组件分开后,它们就失去活性和功能,从而让研究无法进行。还有,即使一个蛋白可以分离纯化拿到纯品,也不是所有的蛋白都可以拿到结晶体从而进行三维结构分析的,而且对已经可以分离的蛋白,不能进行结构分析的远多于可以分析的。如果不清楚结构,就不太能彻底弄清楚这些组件的相互作用关系而理解整个生物个体的构造和调控机制。 这些很可能只是困难的一部分。确切地说,我们现在离彻底弄清楚一个最简单的细胞的全部基因调控关系,也就是一个最简单的生命的蓝图,还不知道有多远。很可能随着研究的进一步深入,我们还会遇到更多的目前技术上无法克服的困难。也就是说,我们会发现这个路程会更遥远。分子生物学研究不仅需要技术上的突破,更需要观念和方法的创新。 当然,不必怀疑人类在科学方面的创新能力。只有当这些困难一一呈现出来的时候,方法和技术创新也才成为可能,这些困难也才能最终被克服。而且,也不必对真的人造生命大惊小怪,成熟的技术可以克服现在一切假想的负面问题。人造生命涉及的技术会极其复杂,显然也会通过知识产权层层保护,根本不是一个个人或普通机构可以实施的。还有,人造生命可以和现在的转基因生物不同,比如,人造生命由某些特定基因或分子组件构成,我们可以通过对这些组件的控制随时杀死它们,或使其离开特定人工或自然环境就不能生存。也就是说,我们可以通过功能细菌清除环境污染,通过功能植物让沙漠变绿洲。更可以建设各种生物工厂,高效生产粮食而让农田退耕以改善美化环境,制造针对各种疾病并精确制导的抗体药物,通过高效利用光能和空气中的二氧化碳制造煤炭石油等能源替代品并改善变暖的环境,等等,但不用担心这些人造生物会危害环境和人类之身。 很多在这一领域工作并做出重大贡献的科学家们非常辛苦,但他们却默默无闻,甘于奉献,甚至工作处境困难。相对来说,有些并没有在这一领域做出什么基础性或重大贡献的,借助于商业活动,反而名利双收,早已是亿万富翁,同时也把科学研究导入歧途,误导公众并浪费了公共资源。这是商业或功利目的对科学研究纯洁性的不幸侵蚀。 人类的智慧的物质基础,神经系统,在对环境的适应中不断进化。人类早已经成为了地球的主宰。人类不断对自身和环境进行深入和广泛的探索,并在不断的试错过程中发展出了科学。科学以人类最广泛并与实践过程一致的那些经验为公理,并以此为基础通过严格的逻辑演绎扩展对自身和环境的认识。一旦发觉新的现象或问题与科学固有的原则不相符合,那么新的公理就会创造出来,这使科学可以建立起一种内在的自我纠错机制。所以,科学家们一旦发现某些科学研究结果可能会存在负面问题,马上就会设计新的方法或措施改善。当然,当某些和科学有关的概念被误导或有人利用科学概念进行有意无意的炒作时,很快也就会有人站出来纠正。 只有当科学的理念而不是商业利益或功利目的越来越成为社会发展的主导时,人类社会才有可能变得更加美好。 (转自2010年5月22日《新语丝读书论坛》)
个人分类: 科学思想|3779 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-3-21 21:03
信息分析平台: http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB03cj58zzkl5v6I1sI3iI0 检索策略:bacterial genome and Intestines Humans 分析结果: 292 of 569 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 Top Years Publications 2006 30 2008 29 2007 29 2005 25 2009 21 2002 19 2004 18 2000 15 1998 14 2003 13 2001 10 1996 10 1995 9 1999 8 1994 8 1997 7 1993 7 1992 3 1983 3 1990 2 1 2 1 2 Top Countries Publications USA 106 United Kingdom 31 France 23 Japan 19 Canada 16 Germany 10 Australia 9 Sweden 8 Italy 7 Netherlands 6 Belgium 6 Finland 5 China 5 India 4 Mexico 4 Brazil 4 Ireland 2 Spain 2 Switzerland 2 Bangladesh 2 1 2 1 2 3 ... 7 Top Cities Publications St. Louis 17 Paris 8 London 7 Baltimore 7 Vancouver 6 Tokyo 6 Aberdeen 6 Urbana 6 Boston 5 Kolkata 4 Wageningen 4 Davis 4 Jouy-le-Moutier 4 Gainesville 4 Clermont-Ferrand 4 Birmingham 4 Helsinki 3 Laizhou 3 College Station 3 Saint Paul 3 1 2 3 ... 7 1 2 3 ... 7 Top Journals Publications Infect Immun 38 P Natl Acad Sci Usa 16 J Bacteriol 14 Mol Microbiol 12 Appl Environ Microb 11 J Clin Microbiol 9 Science 8 Fems Microbiol Lett 7 Microbiol-sgm 7 J Infect Dis 7 Curr Top Microbiol 6 J Med Microbiol 4 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 4 Appl Environ Microbiol 4 Gastroenterology 4 J Appl Microbiol 4 Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 4 Res Microbiol 3 Rev Latinoam Microbiol 3 Vaccine 3 1 2 3 ... 7 1 2 3 ... 71 Top Authors Publications Gordon J 17 Kaper J 8 Fraenkel G 7 Salyers A 6 Ley R 5 Donnenberg M 5 Hampson D 4 Chiang H 4 Phillips A 4 Flint H 4 Sonnenburg J 4 Baumler A 4 Knutton S 4 Honda T 4 Finlay B 4 Sansonetti P 4 De Vos W 3 Dor J 3 Comstock L 3 Coyne M 3 1 2 3 ... 71 1 2 3 ... 126 Top Terms Publications Humans 292 Intestines 220 Genes 195 gut development 190 Genes, Bacterial 167 Animals 147 Virulence 123 Escherichia coli 103 Genomics 96 Genome 93 Escherichia 93 Bacteria 93 Proteins 81 Intestinal Mucosa 77 Mice 72 Bacterial Proteins 72 viral reproduction 65 Epithelial Cells 64 DNA, Bacterial 60 Base Sequence 58 1 2 3 ... 126
个人分类: 基因组学|3819 次阅读|0 个评论
helmholtz 2010-1-24 17:34
德国科学家加入人类基因组计划之后最大也最雄心勃勃的生物医学研究项目:在德国癌症研究中心的协调下,明年1月初国际癌症基因组学计划协作组(ICGC)的德方参与者将正式启动研究,系统地分析儿童脑肿瘤的分子遗传学原因。研究人员希望通过这些研究成果找到目标准确、副作用小的新疗法。国际癌症基因组学研究项目ICGC囊括了世界范围典型的基因变异产生的重大癌症。迄今为止共有22个国家参与该项目。德国联邦教育研究部与德国癌症援助协会共同为德国参与ICGC的5年项目投入1500万欧元。 脑肿瘤是儿童年龄段的癌症死亡的主要原因。即便可以治愈,受治儿童往往要遭受很大痛苦,而且可能影响其大脑的继续发育。因此迫切需要针对性强而副作用小的疗法。儿童中最重要的脑肿瘤是髓母细胞瘤,德国每年大约有100位这种小患者,另外每年还有200人左右被诊断出患毛细胞星形细胞瘤。“恰恰是对这两种疾病,我们在德国癌症研究中心已经完成了一些很好的前期工作,而且已经收集了很全面的肿瘤样本”,德国ICGC协作组发言人彼得.利希特尔(Peter Lichter)教授说。 德国ICGC研究协作组将对这两种疾病各进行300例的肿瘤样本分析。另外也将对相同数量的同一病人的健康样本进行对照,以期找到癌症性的差异。对于成人常见癌症而言,ICGC的标准是要对每种癌症进行500个样本量的检查。 启动国际癌症基因组学项目的重大契机是美国在结肠癌和乳腺癌方面的研究,结果表明在每个肿瘤中存在着比人们当初所猜测的要多得多的基因变异。另外,对于不同的癌肿类型,相互之间有着极为不同的基因变异特征。由此可以认定对不同的癌症可能应采取完全不同的全新疗法,在某些情况下也应当采用鸡尾酒式多种靶向混合药物以提高康复的机会。 不同的分工任务:采集,测序,分析 德国ICGC协作组的各项任务将由国际知名专家领衔。共同的目标是要在分子学水平对肿瘤做尽可能详细的分析。所以除了发现新的针对性治疗靶点以外,还希望找到有助于更早,更准确地辅助诊断的生物标志物。此外,研究人员还希望找到某些治疗有效果或者产生某些预期副作用的分子学证据。“尤其是对于儿童,那些不必要的治疗,必须尽量回避,因为他们更容易遭受放疗和化疗之后危险的后效应的折磨”,儿科医生与分子生物学家、同时也是一位项目负责人的斯蒂芬.普菲斯特(Stefan Pfister)说。 研究人员现在掌握了不同的方法,可以对细胞核中DNA单元进行测序。特别要区别对待的是那些具有蛋白质规划作用的DNA片段的序列。另一个子项目是要检查DNA上的哪些区域可以通过某种化学标记、即所谓的表观遗传突变,而置于休眠态。另外还有一组研究人员则是研究能够调节单个基因活性的小的RNA分子。 我们将把一部分测序工作委托给专业化的公司。我们在试行阶段就曾试着把工作交给地处康斯坦兹的GATC生物技术公司”,彼得.利希特尔说。“技术的迅猛发展使得DNA测序的价格不断下降,所以我们总是只约定6个月的工作,由此降低减少整个项目的成本。” 来自海德堡五家一流科研机构的科研人员参与这项宏大科研计划:德国癌症研究中心,国家肿瘤疾病中心(NCT),海德堡大学及大学临床医院,欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL)。除此以外,参与协作任务的还有杜塞尔多夫大学医院以及柏林马克斯.普朗克分子遗传学研究所的科学家。 癌症基因组项目中的数据管理:绝非易事 人们所面临的一项特别挑战是对国际癌症基因组计划执行过程中产生的海量数据进行分析和储存。一个细胞的遗传基因约由30亿个基本单元构成,在不同的分析中为了保证结果的质量,测量量甚至会被放大30倍。所有德国ICGC计划的数据将在联盟的副发言人、罗兰.爱尔斯(Roland Eils)教授那里归总。身兼德国癌症研究中心理论生物信息学部主任的爱尔斯为此目的在海德堡大学建造了一个“生物量子中心”(BioQuant-Zentrum),后者将拥有世界上最大的面向生命科学的数据存储单元。该项目所需的资金- 几百万欧元 – 将由联邦政府和巴登符腾堡州联合提供。这套系统的容量将达到数十兆亿字节 – 十兆亿字节等于一百万个十亿字节 – 是在1的后面加15个零! 联盟发言人彼得.利希特尔相信,这份投入是非常值得的:“我们自己的前期工作以及海德堡地区的医院和研究机构之间出色的协作保证了我们将能就儿童脑肿瘤很快获得结果,并且将可以从根本上改善对这些小患者的治疗。” “PedBrainTumor”科研协作团队的子项目及子项目负责人: 项目主持协调 :德国癌症研究中心彼得.利希特尔(副协调员:罗兰.爱尔斯) 组织样品库 :德国癌症研究中心和海德堡大学医院的安德烈.考休诺夫(Andrey Korshunov),亨德里克.维特(Hendrik Witt,),斯特凡.普菲斯特(Stefan Pfister) 病理学和质量控制 :杜塞尔多夫大学医院圭多.赖芬贝格尔 分析的产品纯化分离 (脱氧核糖核酸,核糖核酸):海德堡国家肿瘤疾病中心克里斯托夫.冯.卡勒(Christof von Kalle) DNA 基因组的测序 :德国癌症研究中心的斯特凡.普菲斯特,彼得.利希特尔, 配对形成谱图 :杰恩.科贝尔(Jan Korbel),欧洲分子生物学实验室 甲基化状态分析 :伯恩哈德.科恩(Bernhard Korn),伯恩哈德.拉得维默(Bernhard Radlwimmer),德国癌症研究中心 基因转录组 :玛丽-洛尔.雅士波(Marie-Laure Yaspo),汉斯.雷拉赫(Hans Lehrach),柏林马克斯普朗克分子遗传学研究所 小分子RNA 分析 :帕布罗.兰德格拉夫(Pablo Landgraf),阿恩特.博客哈德(Arndt Borkhardt),圭多.赖芬贝格尔,杜塞尔多夫大学医院 生物信息学 :贝尼迪克.布洛尔斯(Benedikt Brors),罗兰.爱尔斯(Roland Eils),德国癌症研究中心和海德堡大学 数据管理 :罗兰.爱尔斯,和德国的海德堡癌症研究中心大学 德国癌症研究中心 (DKFZ)是德国最大的生物医学研究机构,是德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心联合会成员之一。包括850多位科学家在内的2000多位工作人员在这里研究癌症的机制、总结癌症的风险因素。他们的成果是用于开发各种癌症的预防、诊断和治疗手段的基础。此外,癌症信息服务中心(KID)的工作人员还将病人、病人家属以及对癌症疾病感兴趣的公民提供有关癌症的咨询服务。该中心的经费90%来自联邦教育和研究部,10%来自巴登符腾堡州。
个人分类: 2009年科技新闻|187 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-12-13 08:49
http://news.ifeng.com/mainland/200912/1213_17_1472585.shtml 2009年12月13日 05:35 中青在线-中国青年报 本报广州12月12日电(记者林洁)记者今天从华南理工大学获悉,国际著名科学期刊《自然》(Nature)12月7日在其生物技术分刊《Nature Biotechnology》上发表了由深圳华大基因研究院领衔、华南理工大学主要参与的合作研究论文《构建人类泛基因组序列图谱》。 取得这一重大优秀成果的研究团队平均年龄不超过25岁,最年轻的是并列第一作者的罗锐邦和另一名署名作者金鑫。他们分别是华南理工大学大三和大四学生,同为华南理工大学深圳华大基因研究院基因组科学创新班学生。 在论文中,作者阐述了人类基因组研究中的重大进展发现人类基因组中存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因,并首次提出了人类泛基因组的概念。 在论文匿名审稿过程中,一名科学家毫不吝啬地对该论文评价道:这是一篇激动人心、发人深思、严谨清晰的文章。除了对新序列的检出和分类,这篇文章还通过使用相当有趣的独创分析方法,使我们对这些新序列中所能展示的种群多样性和进化保守性有了更深的认识。 本科生论文登上国际著名科学期刊,对于华南理工大学而言,并非偶然事件。 2008年,该校两名2004级应届本科毕业生参加深圳华大基因研究院炎黄一号基因组研究,并作出贡献,成为以封面文章发表在《自然》杂志上的论文作者; 今年8月,创新班的另一名本科生邵浩靖在《科学》杂志署名发表了名为《40个基因组的重测序揭示了蚕的驯化事件及驯化相关基因》的论文。 华南理工大学校长李元元表示,该校正在积极探索与顶尖科研机构合作培养学术型人才,同时也在进一步探索高校与企业联合培养创新人才的运行机制。牵手华大基因研究院联合组建基因组科学创新班,是华南理工大学开展产学研合作教育的一次大胆创新。目前,华南理工大学每年投入100万元专项资金,立项支持产学研合作教育的探索与实践。 http://www.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/12/225947.shtm 我国科学家首提人类泛基因组 人类基因组存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因 经过不懈研究和攻关,我国科研人员在人类基因组研究中获得新的重大进展――发现人类基因组中存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因。科研人员还首次提出了人类泛基因组的概念。 由深圳华大基因研究院领衔,华南理工大学参与的研究论文《构建人类泛基因组序列图谱》12月7日在国际著名科学期刊《自然生物技术》( Nature Biotechnology )上发表。 在研究中,科研人员运用第二代测序技术和自主研发的基因组组装工具,对炎黄一号基因组――首个亚洲人个人基因组进行了进一步的深度测序和拼接,发现人类基因组中除原先公认的单核甘酸多态性、插入删除多态性和结构性变异以外,还存在着种群特异甚至个体独有的DNA序列和功能基因,例如主要在亚洲人群内特有的基因序列。 科研人员同时对近两年发表的非洲人基因组和韩国人基因组进行了重新组装,也得到类似结论。科研人员还首次提出了人类泛基因组的概念,即人类群体基因序列的总和。 国际人类基因计划基于欧洲人DNA完成的参考基因组序列,是目前绝大多数人类基因组学研究的数据基础。多年来,大多数科学研究都认为每个个体的基因组均与这一参考基因组相似,仅有替换或重排性质的变化。 专家指出,这一研究树立了新的人类基因组测序标准,进一步证明自主构建中国人群医学基因组学图谱、推进个人基因组研究和个体化医学研究的必要性,是中国科学家在人类基因组研究领域的又一重要贡献。 在论文同行匿名审稿过程中,一名科学家评价说:这是一篇激动人心,发人深思,严谨清晰的文章。除了对新序列的检出和分类,这篇文章还通过使用相当有趣的独创的分析方法,增强了我们对这些新序列中所能展示的种群多样性和进化保守性的认识。 更多阅读 《自然生物技术》发表论文摘要(英文) http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nbt.1596.html Analysis abstract Nature Biotechnology Published online: 7 December 2009 | :10.1038/nbt.1596 :10.1038/nbt.1596 Building the sequence map of the human pan-genome Ruiqiang Li 1 , 2 , 7 , Yingrui Li 1 , 7 , Hancheng Zheng 1 , 3 , 7 , Ruibang Luo 1 , 3 , 7 , Hongmei Zhu 1 , Qibin Li 1 , Wubin Qian 1 , Yuanyuan Ren 1 , Geng Tian 1 , Jinxiang Li 1 , Guangyu Zhou 1 , Xuan Zhu 1 , Honglong Wu 1 , 6 , Junjie Qin 1 , Xin Jin 1 , 3 , Dongfang Li 1 , 6 , Hongzhi Cao 1 , 6 , Xueda Hu 1 , Hlne Blanche 4 , Howard Cann 4 , Xiuqing Zhang 1 , Songgang Li 1 , Lars Bolund 1 , 5 , Karsten Kristiansen 1 , 2 , Huanming Yang 1 , Jun Wang 1 , 2 Jian Wang 1 Abstract Here we integrate the de novo assembly of an Asian and an African genome with the NCBI reference human genome, as a step toward constructing the human pan-genome. We identified 5 Mb of novel sequences not present in the reference genome in each of these assemblies. Most novel sequences are individual or population specific, as revealed by their comparison to all available human DNA sequence and by PCR validation using the human genome diversity cell line panel. We found novel sequences present in patterns consistent with known human migration paths. Cross-species conservation analysis of predicted genes indicated that the novel sequences contain potentially functional coding regions. We estimate that a complete human pan-genome would contain 1940 Mb of novel sequence not present in the extant reference genome. The extensive amount of novel sequence contributing to the genetic variation of the pan-genome indicates the importance of using complete genome sequencing and de novo assembly. Top of page BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518083, China. Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Fondation Jean Dausset, Centre d'tude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH), Paris, France. Institute of Human Genetics, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark. Genome Research Institute, Shenzhen University Medical School, Shenzhen, China. These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence to: Jun Wang 1 , 2 e-mail: wangj@genomics.org.cn Correspondence to: Jian Wang 1 e-mail: wangjian@genomics.org.cn
个人分类: 基因组学|5138 次阅读|0 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:47
Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome Delseny M. Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 101-5. Several more- or less-elaborated rice genome sequences have been produced recently using different strategies. It has become possible to compare them and to unravel the major features of the rice genome in terms of nucleotide composition, repeats, gene content and variability. It has also become possible to compare the rice and Arabidopsis genomes and to evaluate rice as a model genome. Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome Yu J, Ni P, Wong GK. Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome. Trends Plant Sci. 2006 Aug; 11 (8): 387-91. Epub 2006 Jul 13. The rice genome has now been sequenced using whole-genome-shotgun and map-based methods. The relative merits of the two methods are the subject of debate, as they were in the human genome project. In this Opinion article, we will show that the serious discrepancies between the resultant sequences are mostly found in the large transposable elements such as copia and gypsy that populate the intergenic regions of plant genomes. Differences in published gene counts and polymorphism rates are similarly resolved by considering how transposable elements affect the sequence analysis. Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome Diversity in Oryza genus Vaughan DA, Morishima H, Kadowaki K. Diversity in the Oryza genus. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 139-46. The pan-tropical wild relatives of rice grow in a wide variety of habitats: forests, savanna, mountainsides, rivers and lakes. The completion of the sequencing of the rice nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes affords an opportunity to widen our understanding of the genomes of the genus Oryza. Research on the Oryza genus has begun to help to answer questions related to domestication, speciation, polyploidy and ecological adaptation that cannot be answered by studying rice alone. The wild relatives of rice have furnished genes for the hybrid rice revolution, and other genes from Oryza species with major impact on rice yields and sustainable rice production are likely to be found. Care is needed, however, when using wild relatives of rice in experiments and in interpreting the results of these experiments. Careful checking of species identity, maintenance of herbarium specimens and recording of Genbank accession numbers of material used in experiments should be standard procedure when studying wild relatives of rice. Diversity in Oryza genus Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice Han B, Xue Y. Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol.2003 Apr; 6 (2): 134-8. Genome-wide comparative analysis of the DNA sequences of two major cultivated rice subspecies, Oryza sativa L. ssp indica and Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica, have revealed their extensive microcolinearity in gene order and content. However, deviations from colinearity are frequent owing to insertions or deletions. Intraspecific sequence polymorphisms commonly occur in both coding and non-coding regions. These variations often affect gene structures and may contribute to intraspecific phenotypic adaptations. Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice Sequencing the maize genome Martienssen RA, Rabinowicz PD, O'Shaughnessy A, McCombie WR. Sequencing the maize genome. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 102-7. Sequencing of complex genomes can be accomplished by enriching shotgun libraries for genes. In maize, gene-enrichment by copy-number normalization (high C(0)t) and methylation filtration (MF) have been used to generate up to two-fold coverage of the gene-space with less than 1 million sequencing reads. Simulations using sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones predict that 5x coverage of gene-rich regions, accompanied by less than 1x coverage of subclones from BAC contigs, will generate high-quality mapped sequence that meets the needs of geneticists while accommodating unusually high levels of structural polymorphism. By sequencing several inbred strains, we propose a strategy for capturing this polymorphism to investigate hybrid vigor or heterosis. Sequencing the maize genome Genomic diversity in forest tree Savolainen O, Pyhjrvi T. Genomic diversity in forest trees. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 162-7. Epub 2007 Feb 9. Forest trees in general are out-crossing, long-lived, and at early stages of domestication. Molecular evolution at neutral sites is very slow because of the long generation times. Transferring information between closely related conifer species is facilitated by high sequence similarity. At the nucleotide level, trees have at most intermediate levels of variation relative to other plants. Importantly, in many species linkage disequilibrium within genes declines within less than 1000 bp. In contrast to the slow rate of neutral evolution, large tree populations respond rapidly to natural selection. Detecting traces of selection may be easier in tree populations than in many other species. Association studies between genotypes and phenotypes are proving to be useful tools for functional genomics. Genomic diversity in forest tree Complex gene families in pine genomes Jumping genes and maize genomics
个人分类: 科学感想|8379 次阅读|3 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:35
Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation Schoof H, Karlowski WM. Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 106-12. Several versions of the rice genome were published in 2002, providing a first overview of the genome content of this model monocot. At the same time, the genome of the model dicot, Arabidopsis thaliana, reached a new level of annotation as thousands of full-length cDNA sequences were integrated with the genome sequence. Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation The ABCs of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes Schranz ME, Lysak MA, Mitchell-Olds T. The ABC's of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 2006 Nov; 11 (11): 535-42. Epub 2006 Oct 6. In this review we summarize recent advances in our understanding of phylogenetics, polyploidization and comparative genomics in the family Brassicaceae. These findings pave the way for a unified comparative genomic framework. We integrate several of these findings into a simple system of 24 conserved chromosomal blocks (labeled A-X). The naming, order, orientation and color-coding of these blocks are based on their positions in a proposed ancestral karyotype (n=8), rather than by their position in the reduced genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (n=5). We show how these crucifer building blocks can be rearranged to model the genome structures of A. thaliana, Arabidopsis lyrata, Capsella rubella and Brassica rapa. A framework for comparison between species is timely because several crucifer genome-sequencing projects are underway. The ABCs of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae-building blocks of crucifer genomes Comparative biology comes into bloom: genomic and genetic comparision of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis Izawa T, Takahashi Y, Yano M. Comparative biology comes into bloom: genomic and genetic comparison of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 113-20. Huge advances in plant biology are possible now that we have the complete genome sequences of several flowering plants. Now, genomes can be comprehensively compared and map-based cloning can be performed more easily. Association study is emerging as a powerful method for the functional identification of genes and molecular genetics has begun to reveal the basis of plant diversity. Taking the flowering pathways as an example, we discuss the potential of several approaches to comparative biology. Comparative biology comes into bloom-genomic and genetic comparision of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility Touzet P, Budar F. Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility? Trends Plant Sci. 2004 Dec; 9 (12): 568-70. Cytoplasmic male sterility can be thought of as the product of a genetic conflict between two genomes that have different modes of inheritance. Male sterilizing factors, generally encoded by chimeric mitochondrial genes, can be down-regulated by specific nuclear restorer genes. The recent cloning of a restorer gene in rice and its comparison with restorer genes cloned in petunia and radish could be regarded as the beginning of a general molecular scenario in this peculiar arms race. Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility
个人分类: 科学感想|6483 次阅读|0 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:22
The genetic colinearty of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis Bennetzen JL, Ma J. The genetic colinearity of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 128-33. Small segments of rice genome sequence have been compared with that of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and with several closer relatives, including the cereals maize, rice, sorghum, barley and wheat. The rice genome is relatively stable relative to those of other grasses. Nevertheless, comparisons with other cereals have demonstrated that the DNA between cereal genes is highly variable and evolves rapidly. Genic regions have undergone many more small rearrangements than have been revealed by recombinational mapping studies. Tandem gene duplication/deletion is particularly common, but other types of deletions, inversions and translocations also occur. The many thousands of small genic rearrangements within the rice genome complicate but do not negate its use as a model for larger cereal genomes. The genetic colinearty of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis Updating the crop circle Devos KM. Updating the 'crop circle'. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Apr; 8 (2): 155-62. Comparative analyses unravel the relationships between genomes of related species. The most comprehensive comparative dataset obtained to date is from the grass family, which contains all of the major cereals. Early studies aimed to identify chromosomal regions that have remained conserved over long evolutionary time periods, but in recent years, researchers have focused more on the extent of colinearity at the DNA-sequence level. The latter studies have uncovered many small rearrangements that disturb colinearity in orthologous chromosome regions. In part, genomes derive their plasticity from genome- and gene-amplification processes. Duplicated gene copies are more likely to escape selective constraints and thus move to other regions of the genome, where they might acquire new functions or become deleted. These rearrangements will affect map applications. The most popular applications, especially since the complete rice genomic sequence has been available, are the use of comparative data in the generation of new markers to tag traits in other species and to identify candidate genes for these traits. The isolation of genes underlying orthologous traits is the first step in conducting comparative functional studies. Updating the crop circle Colinearty and gene density in grass genomes Keller B, Feuillet C. Colinearity and gene density in grass genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 2000 Jun; 5 (6): 246-51. Grasses are the single most important plant family in agriculture. In the past years, comparative genetic mapping has revealed conserved gene order (colinearity) among many grass species. Recently, the first studies at gene level have demonstrated that microcolinearity of genes is less conserved: small scale rearrangements and deletions complicate the microcolinearity between closely related species, such as sorghum and maize, but also between rice and other crop plants. In spite of these problems, rice remains the model plant for grasses as there is limited useful colinearity between Arabidopsis and grasses. However, studies in rice have to be complemented by more intensive genetic work on grass species with large genomes (maize, Triticeae). Gene-rich chromosomal regions in species with large genomes, such as wheat, have a high gene density and are ideal targets for partial genome sequencing. Colinearty and gene density in grass genomes Comparison of genes among cereals Ware D, Stein L. Comparison of genes among cereals. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 121-7. Comparison of partially sequenced cereal genomes suggests a mosaic structure consisting of recombinationally active gene-rich islands that are separated by blocks of high-copy DNA. Annotation of the whole rice genome suggests that most, but not all, cereal genes are present within the rice genome and that the high number of reported genes in this genome is probably due to duplications. Within the cereals, macrocolinearity is conserved but, at the level of individual genes, microcolinearity is frequently disrupted. Preliminary evidence from limited comparative analysis of sequenced orthologous genomic segments suggests that local gene amplification and translocation within a plant genome may be linked in some cases. Comparison of genes among cereals Patterns in grass genome evolution Bennetzen JL. Patterns in grass genome evolution. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 176-81. Epub 2007 Feb 8. Increasingly comprehensive, species-rich, and large-scale comparisons of grass genome structure have uncovered an even higher level of genomic rearrangement than originally observed by recombinational mapping or orthologous clone sequence comparisons. Small rearrangements are exceedingly abundant, even in comparisons of closely related species. The mechanisms of these small rearrangements, mostly tiny deletions caused by illegitimate recombination, appear to be active in all of the plant species investigated, but their relative aggressiveness differs dramatically in different plant lineages. Transposable element amplification, including the acquisition and occasional fusion of gene fragments from multiple loci, is also common in all grasses studied, but has been a much more major contributor in some species than in others. The reasons for these quantitative differences are not known, but it is clear that they lead to species that have very different levels of genomic instability. Similarly, polyploidy and segmental duplication followed by gene loss are standard phenomena in the history of all flowering plants, including the grasses, but their frequency and final outcomes are very different in different lineages. Now that genomic instability has begun to be characterized in detail across an array of plant species, it is time for comprehensive studies to investigate the relationships between particular changes in genome structure and organismal function or fitness. Patterns in grass genome evolution The rice genome and comparative genomics of higher plants The rice genome and comparative genomics of higher plants
个人分类: 科学感想|7273 次阅读|0 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 11:53
Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants: strategies for capturing unique information Paterson AH. Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants: strategies for capturing unique information. Nat Rev Genet. 2006 Mar; 7 (3): 174-84. Crop plants not only have economic significance, but also comprise important botanical models for evolution and development. This is reflected by the recent increase in the percentage of publicly available sequence data that are derived from angiosperms. Further genome sequencing of the major crop plants will offer new learning opportunities, but their large, repetitive, and often polyploid genomes present challenges. Reduced-representation approaches - such as EST sequencing, methyl filtration and Cot-based cloning and sequencing - provide increased efficiency in extracting key information from crop genomes without full-genome sequencing. Combining these methods with phylogenetically stratified sampling to allow comparative genomic approaches has the potential to further accelerate progress in angiosperm genomics. Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants-strategies for capturing unique information Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery Borevitz JO, Chory J. Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 132-6. In recent years, several new genomics resources and tools have become available that will greatly assist quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and cloning of the corresponding genes. Genome sequences, tens of thousands of molecular markers, microarrays, and knock-out collections are being applied to QTL mapping, facilitating the use of natural accessions for gene discovery. Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery Tandem gene arrays: a challenge for functional genomics Jander G, Barth C. Tandem gene arrays: a challenge for functional genomics. Trends Plant Sci. 2007 May; 12 (5): 203-10. Epub 2007 Apr 9. In sequenced plant genomes, 15% or more of the identified genes are members of tandem-arrayed gene families. Because mutating only one gene in a duplicated pair often produces no measurable phenotype, this poses a particular challenge for functional analysis. To generate phenotypic knockouts, it is necessary to create deletions that affect multiple genes, select for rare meiotic recombination between tightly linked loci, or perform sequential mutant screens in the same plant line. Successfully implemented strategies include PCR-based screening for fast neutron-induced deletions, selection for recombination between herbicide resistance markers, and localized transposon mutagenesis. Here, we review the relative merits of current genetic approaches and discuss the prospect of site-directed mutagenesis for generating elusive knockouts of tandem-arrayed gene families. Tandem gene arrays-a challenge for functional genomics Re-valuating the relevance of ancenstral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement Delseny M. Re-evaluating the relevance of ancestral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 126-31. In addition to the Arabidopsis and rice genomic sequences, numerous expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and sequenced tag sites are now available for many species. These tools have made it possible to re-evaluate the extent of synteny and collinearity not only between Arabidopsis and related crops or between rice and other cereals but also between Arabidopsis and rice, between Arabidopsis and other dicots, and between cereals other than rice. Major progress in describing synteny relies on statistical tests. Overall, the data point to the occurrence of ancestral genome fragments in which a framework of common markers can be recognised. Micro-synteny studies reveal numerous rearrangements, which are likely to complicate map-based cloning strategies that use information from a model genome. Re-valuating the relevance of ancenstral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement Synteny: recent advances and future prospects Schmidt R. Synteny: recent advances and future prospects. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2000 Apr; 3 (2): 97-102. Their small sizes have meant that the Arabidopsis and rice genomes are the best-studied of all plant genomes. Although even closely related plant species can show large variations in genome size, extensive genome colinearity has been established at the genetic level and recently also at the gene level. This allows the transfer of information and resources assembled for rice and Arabidopsis to be used in the genome analysis of many other plants. Synteny-recent advances and future prospects Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics Gregory TR. Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics. Nat Rev Genet. 2005 Sep; 6 (9): 699-708. Until recently the study of individual DNA sequences and of total DNA content (the C-value) sat at opposite ends of the spectrum in genome biology. For gene sequencers, the vast stretches of non-coding DNA found in eukaryotic genomes were largely considered to be an annoyance, whereas genome-size researchers attributed little relevance to specific nucleotide sequences. However, the dawn of comprehensive genome sequencing has allowed a new synergy between these fields, with sequence data providing novel insights into genome-size evolution, and with genome-size data being of both practical and theoretical significance for large-scale sequence analysis. In combination, these formerly disconnected disciplines are poised to deliver a greatly improved understanding of genome structure and evolution. Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes Morgante M, De Paoli E, Radovic S. Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 149-55. Epub 2007 Feb 14. The comparative sequencing of several grass genomes has revealed that transposable elements are largely responsible for extensive variation in both intergenic and local genic content, not only between closely related species but also among individuals within a species. These observations indicate that a single genome sequence might not reflect the entire genomic complement of a species, and prompted us to introduce the concept of the plant pan-genome, which includes core genomic features that are common to all individuals and a dispensable genome composed of partially shared and/or non-shared DNA sequence elements. Uncovering the intriguing nature of the dispensable genome, namely its composition, origin and function, represents a step forward towards an understanding of the processes that generate genetic diversity and phenotypic variation. The developing view of transcriptional regulation as a complex and modular system, in which long-range interactions and the involvement of transposable elements are frequently observed, lends support to the possibility of an important functional role for the dispensable genome and could make it less dispensable than previously thought. Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics Fernie AR , Geigenberger P, Stitt M. Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Apr; 8 (2): 174-82. Genomics approaches aimed at understanding metabolism currently tend to involve mainly expression profiling, although proteomics and steady-state metabolite profiling are increasingly being carried out as alternative strategies. These approaches provide rich information on the inventory of the cell. It is, however, of growing importance that such approaches are augmented by sophisticated integrative analyses and a higher-level understanding of cellular dynamics to provide insights into mechanisms that underlie biological processes. We argue the need for, and discuss theoretical and practical aspects of, the determination of metabolic flux as a component of functional genomics. Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics Genomics of sex chromosomes Ming R, Moore PH. Genomics of sex chromosomes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr ;10 (2): 123-30. Epub 2007 Feb 14. Sex chromosomes in plants and animals are distinctive, not only because of their gender-determining role but also for genomic features that reflect their evolutionary history. The genomic sequences in the ancient sex chromosomes of humans and in the incipient sex chromosomes of medaka, stickleback, papaya, and poplar exhibit unusual features as consequences of their evolution. These include the enormous palindrome structure in human MSY, a duplicated genomic fragment that evolved into a Y chromosome in medaka, and a 700 kb extra telomeric sequence of the W chromosome in poplar. Comparative genomic analysis of ancient and incipient sex chromosomes highlights common features that implicate the selection forces that shaped them, even though evolutionary origin, pace, and fate vary widely among individual sex-determining systems. Genomics of sex chromosomes And then there were many: MADS goes genomic De Bodt S, Raes J, Van de Peer Y, Theissen G. And then there were many: MADS goes genomic. Trends Plant Sci. 2003 Oct; 8 (10): 475-83. During the past decade, MADS-box genes have become known as key regulators in both reproductive and vegetative plant development. Traditional genetics and functional genomics tools are now available to elucidate the expression and function of this complex gene family on a much larger scale. Moreover, comparative analysis of the MADS-box genes in diverse flowering and non-flowering plants, boosted by bioinformatics, contributes to our understanding of how this important gene family has expanded during the evolution of land plants. Therefore, the recent advances in comparative and functional genomics should enable researchers to identify the full range of MADS-box gene functions, which should help us significantly in developing a better understanding of plant development and evolution. And then there were many-MADS goes genomic Plant functional genomics: beyond the parts list Stewart CN Jr. Plant functional genomics: beyond the parts list. Trends Plant Sci. 2005 Dec; 10 (12): 561-2. Epub 2005 Nov 14. Plant functional genomics-beyond the parts list Genomics-deeper and wider in order to understanding plant diversity Genomics-deeper and wider in order to understanding plant diversity The consequences of gene and genome duplication in plants The consequences of gene and genome duplication in plants
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