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热度 20 weijia2009 2017-1-16 06:42
你从哪里来? 贾伟 前些天搭朋友的车,车里播放着她自己按照古诗词谱曲和演唱的作品,其中有一首《南乡子》让我印象深刻。歌词是这样的: 乘彩舫,过莲塘, 棹歌惊起睡鸳鸯。 带香游女偎伴笑, 争窈窕,竞折团荷遮晚照。 这是晚唐词人李珣的十七首《南乡子》词作中的一首,写的是南粤水乡少女的一个生活片断:莲塘泛舟, 欢声笑语惊起了安睡的鸳鸯,姑娘们竞折荷叶,笑遮夕阳而不忘展示各自妖娆美丽的体态。短短几句词,整个画面动态可掬,散发着浓浓的南国少女的气息。 这首《南乡子》让我的思绪飞得很远。让我浮想联翩的不是花间词人李珣的那些清疏、婉约的作品(事实上我也记不住多少他的作品),而是他的特殊身份。从血统上说,李珣不是汉族,甚至不是我国的少数民族,而是一个蓝眼睛高鼻梁的波斯人后代。他的祖辈经商来到唐朝,随国姓改姓李,安史之乱时入蜀定居梓州。也就是说李珣是出生于四川梓州的波斯“侨民”。北宋黄休复《茅亭客话》卷2中记载:梓州李珣,其先波斯也。珣有诗名,以秀才预宾贡。这里说的“宾贡”要翻译一下,就是说地方政府听说某人很有才干,便会具名推荐到朝廷去,让中央的组织部门来考核是不是有资格当官,到了朝廷会受到上宾一样的接待,考核通过则会获得大概相当于“国务院特殊津贴”这样的待遇。李珣还有一个弟弟,叫李玹,爱好炼制丹药;还有一个妹妹叫李舜弦,长得漂亮(估计是大眼睛高鼻梁的那种),而且精通诗文,是唐代第一位“外国女诗人”,被选入宫中封为昭仪。一个出身中东伊朗的四川人家庭,生活在晚唐,一家人以诗、书、画、药学闻名于西蜀乃至整个晚唐五代时期,与当时的文化习俗、邻里百姓相处得水乳交融,那个时代到底是怎样的一种社会啊! 其实古代中国一直很“国际化”,几乎各朝各代都有外国人侨居。盛唐时期在我国定居的侨民多得不计其数,光是在长安置办田产的外国人就有上千户,数千人之多,按人口比例计算远大于我们今天各个都市的外籍居民比例。当时的老外们大都选择生活在长安、洛阳、成都三地,估计这些城市的房价适中,远比不上今天的北上广,当然更没有雾霾。有一年杜甫在四川见到一种很奇怪的高大树木,问了很多人都不知道是什么树。后来一个西域和尚操着不太流利的中文说,这是从西域移植过来的海棕树。杜甫觉得很有意思,作《海棕行》说:“左绵公馆清江渎,海棕一株高入云。移栽北辰不可得,时有西域胡僧识。”可见当时蜀地的胡人不少。 在我国地处中原的河南开封,曾长期存在着一个发源于西亚以色列和希伯来地的犹太移民教派。开封是宋朝的帝都,曾商贾云集,极尽繁华,在宋代,曾有数千也可能是逾万的犹太人在开封聚居。公元1134年,犹太人在开封建教堂,至元十六年(1279年)重修,明朝又曾重修。元明两代,开封的犹太人逐步进入“主流”社会,有的经商,有的参加科举,跻身国家公务员行列。因具备政治与经济实力,犹太人教派不仅得以生存延续,并出现生机勃勃的景象。 有关犹太人最早在什么时候进入中国的历史,目前国内外学者存在争议,没有一个定论。据《重修清真寺碑记》碑阴的铭文《尊崇道经寺记》(成于明正德七年,1432年)所载,有开封犹太人“厥后原教自汉时入居中国”之说。另据现存于罗马的另一《重修清真寺碑记》(成于清康熙二年,1663年)之碑文拓片,这个犹太教派曾自称早在先秦时期就已来到中国。一些学者认为犹太人来华侨居,有漫长的历史,大致可归纳为始于周、汉、 唐等数说。如果从周开始算起,到现在则有三千多年的历史了。 近年来网络上有一种中华文明“西来”的假说,其核心思想是:全球文明主要发源于今天的北非、阿拉伯半岛以及两河流域,伊朗、印度、中国、美洲是一个次第晚近排列的文化序列,古文明的起点在中东一带。当然这仅仅是一个基于一些考古发现和人文现象形成的假说,其中的一个依据,是位于四川省成都平原的三星堆文化遗址。自从上个世纪20年代开始,在成都平原陆续发掘到一些明显区别于黄河流域的各种文物,尤其上个世纪八十年代前后在几个工地出现的大批以青铜器和玉石为主的出土文物,震撼了全球考古界。这些与中国商代并行的三千多年前的文物特点明显有“西方”特点,比如鼻子高挺、眼睛奇大,最奇特的是那里还发现了一根西方王室常用的金质王杖。 这个“文化西来”的假说认为中华民族的一个重要构成就是以色列人,三星堆应该属于犹太文明。例如在几个大型祭祀场所,都有摆放石子的习惯,并且这些石子相当于祖先牌位;另外,四川以及其他长江流域有悬棺这一现象,而世界上只有犹太民族既有悬棺葬俗同时又有石头崇拜的传统。当然,当年三星堆的这批人并不是我们今天熟悉的犹太人。在大约七千年前中东发生过一次气候的急剧变化,导致了人类的第一次大迁徙。四千到五千年前由于北非和中东地区的人口急剧增加以及农业过度开发和生态破坏,北非和中东的大面积荒漠化导致人类第二次从中东往外迁徙,其中的一支往东走,到达了位于今天的中国境内,形成了中国夏朝。亚伯拉罕的妻子“夏甲”带领子孙建立了中国的夏后朝;以扫的妻子Judith 很可能就是商朝之母“简狄”,以色列之子旦的后代建立了中国周朝,以上时间全部符合中国朝代时间逻辑。据此还有人说我国的李姓(也是世界第一大姓)的重要来源之一就是犹太人,甚至可能是以色列的支派之一利未人的后裔。总之,这些假说因为彻底颠覆了我们既有的历史观念,令人耳目一新,当然这些毕竟是假说,是在没有充分证据支持下想像出来的,其可靠性需要得到严谨的论证。 从科学的角度来看,我们相信古代人类迁徙的众多谜团将随着人类遗传学和其他组学的兴起而逐步得到破译。人类有23对染色体,其中一对为性染色体,XY组合为男性,XX组合为女性。Y染色体只能父子相传,与民族群体的主流传承模式一致,所以检测Y染色体,可以发现各地区人群的关系。我们单位有一个芬兰裔同事,我第一次跟她见面聊天,便想给她出个难题,我问她:你是做基因组的,你信不信你们芬兰人是中国汉族的分支这个研究结果呢?据报道,从Y染色体单倍群N的多样性分析显示芬兰人是从中国汉族祖先中分化形成的,与汉族人基因的相似性达到97%。通过计算两个民族基因序列上的差异,可以推算他们的分化时间在六千至八千年前。这个金头发的芬兰同事听完我的话后,点头说她的确听说过这样的研究结果,但是她眨巴了两下绿眼睛笑眯眯地反过来问我,你相信吗? 我没想到她很快就把皮球踢给我了,只能跟着打哈哈:我们长相这么接近,让我不得不相信有这么回事啊……
14714 次阅读|52 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:47
Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome Delseny M. Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 101-5. Several more- or less-elaborated rice genome sequences have been produced recently using different strategies. It has become possible to compare them and to unravel the major features of the rice genome in terms of nucleotide composition, repeats, gene content and variability. It has also become possible to compare the rice and Arabidopsis genomes and to evaluate rice as a model genome. Towards an accurate sequence of the rice genome Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome Yu J, Ni P, Wong GK. Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome. Trends Plant Sci. 2006 Aug; 11 (8): 387-91. Epub 2006 Jul 13. The rice genome has now been sequenced using whole-genome-shotgun and map-based methods. The relative merits of the two methods are the subject of debate, as they were in the human genome project. In this Opinion article, we will show that the serious discrepancies between the resultant sequences are mostly found in the large transposable elements such as copia and gypsy that populate the intergenic regions of plant genomes. Differences in published gene counts and polymorphism rates are similarly resolved by considering how transposable elements affect the sequence analysis. Comparing the whole-genome-shotgun and map-based sequences of the rice genome Diversity in Oryza genus Vaughan DA, Morishima H, Kadowaki K. Diversity in the Oryza genus. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 139-46. The pan-tropical wild relatives of rice grow in a wide variety of habitats: forests, savanna, mountainsides, rivers and lakes. The completion of the sequencing of the rice nuclear and cytoplasmic genomes affords an opportunity to widen our understanding of the genomes of the genus Oryza. Research on the Oryza genus has begun to help to answer questions related to domestication, speciation, polyploidy and ecological adaptation that cannot be answered by studying rice alone. The wild relatives of rice have furnished genes for the hybrid rice revolution, and other genes from Oryza species with major impact on rice yields and sustainable rice production are likely to be found. Care is needed, however, when using wild relatives of rice in experiments and in interpreting the results of these experiments. Careful checking of species identity, maintenance of herbarium specimens and recording of Genbank accession numbers of material used in experiments should be standard procedure when studying wild relatives of rice. Diversity in Oryza genus Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice Han B, Xue Y. Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice. Curr Opin Plant Biol.2003 Apr; 6 (2): 134-8. Genome-wide comparative analysis of the DNA sequences of two major cultivated rice subspecies, Oryza sativa L. ssp indica and Oryza sativa L. ssp japonica, have revealed their extensive microcolinearity in gene order and content. However, deviations from colinearity are frequent owing to insertions or deletions. Intraspecific sequence polymorphisms commonly occur in both coding and non-coding regions. These variations often affect gene structures and may contribute to intraspecific phenotypic adaptations. Genome-wide intraspecific DNA-sequence variations in rice Sequencing the maize genome Martienssen RA, Rabinowicz PD, O'Shaughnessy A, McCombie WR. Sequencing the maize genome. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 102-7. Sequencing of complex genomes can be accomplished by enriching shotgun libraries for genes. In maize, gene-enrichment by copy-number normalization (high C(0)t) and methylation filtration (MF) have been used to generate up to two-fold coverage of the gene-space with less than 1 million sequencing reads. Simulations using sequenced bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones predict that 5x coverage of gene-rich regions, accompanied by less than 1x coverage of subclones from BAC contigs, will generate high-quality mapped sequence that meets the needs of geneticists while accommodating unusually high levels of structural polymorphism. By sequencing several inbred strains, we propose a strategy for capturing this polymorphism to investigate hybrid vigor or heterosis. Sequencing the maize genome Genomic diversity in forest tree Savolainen O, Pyhjrvi T. Genomic diversity in forest trees. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 162-7. Epub 2007 Feb 9. Forest trees in general are out-crossing, long-lived, and at early stages of domestication. Molecular evolution at neutral sites is very slow because of the long generation times. Transferring information between closely related conifer species is facilitated by high sequence similarity. At the nucleotide level, trees have at most intermediate levels of variation relative to other plants. Importantly, in many species linkage disequilibrium within genes declines within less than 1000 bp. In contrast to the slow rate of neutral evolution, large tree populations respond rapidly to natural selection. Detecting traces of selection may be easier in tree populations than in many other species. Association studies between genotypes and phenotypes are proving to be useful tools for functional genomics. Genomic diversity in forest tree Complex gene families in pine genomes Jumping genes and maize genomics
个人分类: 科学感想|8384 次阅读|3 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:35
Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation Schoof H, Karlowski WM. Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 106-12. Several versions of the rice genome were published in 2002, providing a first overview of the genome content of this model monocot. At the same time, the genome of the model dicot, Arabidopsis thaliana, reached a new level of annotation as thousands of full-length cDNA sequences were integrated with the genome sequence. Comparison of rice and Arabidopsis annotation The ABCs of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes Schranz ME, Lysak MA, Mitchell-Olds T. The ABC's of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae: building blocks of crucifer genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 2006 Nov; 11 (11): 535-42. Epub 2006 Oct 6. In this review we summarize recent advances in our understanding of phylogenetics, polyploidization and comparative genomics in the family Brassicaceae. These findings pave the way for a unified comparative genomic framework. We integrate several of these findings into a simple system of 24 conserved chromosomal blocks (labeled A-X). The naming, order, orientation and color-coding of these blocks are based on their positions in a proposed ancestral karyotype (n=8), rather than by their position in the reduced genome of Arabidopsis thaliana (n=5). We show how these crucifer building blocks can be rearranged to model the genome structures of A. thaliana, Arabidopsis lyrata, Capsella rubella and Brassica rapa. A framework for comparison between species is timely because several crucifer genome-sequencing projects are underway. The ABCs of comparative genomics in the Brassicaceae-building blocks of crucifer genomes Comparative biology comes into bloom: genomic and genetic comparision of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis Izawa T, Takahashi Y, Yano M. Comparative biology comes into bloom: genomic and genetic comparison of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 113-20. Huge advances in plant biology are possible now that we have the complete genome sequences of several flowering plants. Now, genomes can be comprehensively compared and map-based cloning can be performed more easily. Association study is emerging as a powerful method for the functional identification of genes and molecular genetics has begun to reveal the basis of plant diversity. Taking the flowering pathways as an example, we discuss the potential of several approaches to comparative biology. Comparative biology comes into bloom-genomic and genetic comparision of flowering pathways in rice and Arabidopsis Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility Touzet P, Budar F. Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility? Trends Plant Sci. 2004 Dec; 9 (12): 568-70. Cytoplasmic male sterility can be thought of as the product of a genetic conflict between two genomes that have different modes of inheritance. Male sterilizing factors, generally encoded by chimeric mitochondrial genes, can be down-regulated by specific nuclear restorer genes. The recent cloning of a restorer gene in rice and its comparison with restorer genes cloned in petunia and radish could be regarded as the beginning of a general molecular scenario in this peculiar arms race. Unveiling the molecular arms race between two conflicting genomes in cytoplasmic male sterility
个人分类: 科学感想|6488 次阅读|0 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 13:22
The genetic colinearty of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis Bennetzen JL, Ma J. The genetic colinearity of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 128-33. Small segments of rice genome sequence have been compared with that of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and with several closer relatives, including the cereals maize, rice, sorghum, barley and wheat. The rice genome is relatively stable relative to those of other grasses. Nevertheless, comparisons with other cereals have demonstrated that the DNA between cereal genes is highly variable and evolves rapidly. Genic regions have undergone many more small rearrangements than have been revealed by recombinational mapping studies. Tandem gene duplication/deletion is particularly common, but other types of deletions, inversions and translocations also occur. The many thousands of small genic rearrangements within the rice genome complicate but do not negate its use as a model for larger cereal genomes. The genetic colinearty of rice and other cereals on the basis of genomic sequence analysis Updating the crop circle Devos KM. Updating the 'crop circle'. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Apr; 8 (2): 155-62. Comparative analyses unravel the relationships between genomes of related species. The most comprehensive comparative dataset obtained to date is from the grass family, which contains all of the major cereals. Early studies aimed to identify chromosomal regions that have remained conserved over long evolutionary time periods, but in recent years, researchers have focused more on the extent of colinearity at the DNA-sequence level. The latter studies have uncovered many small rearrangements that disturb colinearity in orthologous chromosome regions. In part, genomes derive their plasticity from genome- and gene-amplification processes. Duplicated gene copies are more likely to escape selective constraints and thus move to other regions of the genome, where they might acquire new functions or become deleted. These rearrangements will affect map applications. The most popular applications, especially since the complete rice genomic sequence has been available, are the use of comparative data in the generation of new markers to tag traits in other species and to identify candidate genes for these traits. The isolation of genes underlying orthologous traits is the first step in conducting comparative functional studies. Updating the crop circle Colinearty and gene density in grass genomes Keller B, Feuillet C. Colinearity and gene density in grass genomes. Trends Plant Sci. 2000 Jun; 5 (6): 246-51. Grasses are the single most important plant family in agriculture. In the past years, comparative genetic mapping has revealed conserved gene order (colinearity) among many grass species. Recently, the first studies at gene level have demonstrated that microcolinearity of genes is less conserved: small scale rearrangements and deletions complicate the microcolinearity between closely related species, such as sorghum and maize, but also between rice and other crop plants. In spite of these problems, rice remains the model plant for grasses as there is limited useful colinearity between Arabidopsis and grasses. However, studies in rice have to be complemented by more intensive genetic work on grass species with large genomes (maize, Triticeae). Gene-rich chromosomal regions in species with large genomes, such as wheat, have a high gene density and are ideal targets for partial genome sequencing. Colinearty and gene density in grass genomes Comparison of genes among cereals Ware D, Stein L. Comparison of genes among cereals. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2003 Apr; 6 (2): 121-7. Comparison of partially sequenced cereal genomes suggests a mosaic structure consisting of recombinationally active gene-rich islands that are separated by blocks of high-copy DNA. Annotation of the whole rice genome suggests that most, but not all, cereal genes are present within the rice genome and that the high number of reported genes in this genome is probably due to duplications. Within the cereals, macrocolinearity is conserved but, at the level of individual genes, microcolinearity is frequently disrupted. Preliminary evidence from limited comparative analysis of sequenced orthologous genomic segments suggests that local gene amplification and translocation within a plant genome may be linked in some cases. Comparison of genes among cereals Patterns in grass genome evolution Bennetzen JL. Patterns in grass genome evolution. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 176-81. Epub 2007 Feb 8. Increasingly comprehensive, species-rich, and large-scale comparisons of grass genome structure have uncovered an even higher level of genomic rearrangement than originally observed by recombinational mapping or orthologous clone sequence comparisons. Small rearrangements are exceedingly abundant, even in comparisons of closely related species. The mechanisms of these small rearrangements, mostly tiny deletions caused by illegitimate recombination, appear to be active in all of the plant species investigated, but their relative aggressiveness differs dramatically in different plant lineages. Transposable element amplification, including the acquisition and occasional fusion of gene fragments from multiple loci, is also common in all grasses studied, but has been a much more major contributor in some species than in others. The reasons for these quantitative differences are not known, but it is clear that they lead to species that have very different levels of genomic instability. Similarly, polyploidy and segmental duplication followed by gene loss are standard phenomena in the history of all flowering plants, including the grasses, but their frequency and final outcomes are very different in different lineages. Now that genomic instability has begun to be characterized in detail across an array of plant species, it is time for comprehensive studies to investigate the relationships between particular changes in genome structure and organismal function or fitness. Patterns in grass genome evolution The rice genome and comparative genomics of higher plants The rice genome and comparative genomics of higher plants
个人分类: 科学感想|7276 次阅读|0 个评论
Bobby 2008-9-1 11:53
Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants: strategies for capturing unique information Paterson AH. Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants: strategies for capturing unique information. Nat Rev Genet. 2006 Mar; 7 (3): 174-84. Crop plants not only have economic significance, but also comprise important botanical models for evolution and development. This is reflected by the recent increase in the percentage of publicly available sequence data that are derived from angiosperms. Further genome sequencing of the major crop plants will offer new learning opportunities, but their large, repetitive, and often polyploid genomes present challenges. Reduced-representation approaches - such as EST sequencing, methyl filtration and Cot-based cloning and sequencing - provide increased efficiency in extracting key information from crop genomes without full-genome sequencing. Combining these methods with phylogenetically stratified sampling to allow comparative genomic approaches has the potential to further accelerate progress in angiosperm genomics. Leafing through the genomes of our major crop plants-strategies for capturing unique information Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery Borevitz JO, Chory J. Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 132-6. In recent years, several new genomics resources and tools have become available that will greatly assist quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and cloning of the corresponding genes. Genome sequences, tens of thousands of molecular markers, microarrays, and knock-out collections are being applied to QTL mapping, facilitating the use of natural accessions for gene discovery. Genomics tools for QTL analysis and gene discovery Tandem gene arrays: a challenge for functional genomics Jander G, Barth C. Tandem gene arrays: a challenge for functional genomics. Trends Plant Sci. 2007 May; 12 (5): 203-10. Epub 2007 Apr 9. In sequenced plant genomes, 15% or more of the identified genes are members of tandem-arrayed gene families. Because mutating only one gene in a duplicated pair often produces no measurable phenotype, this poses a particular challenge for functional analysis. To generate phenotypic knockouts, it is necessary to create deletions that affect multiple genes, select for rare meiotic recombination between tightly linked loci, or perform sequential mutant screens in the same plant line. Successfully implemented strategies include PCR-based screening for fast neutron-induced deletions, selection for recombination between herbicide resistance markers, and localized transposon mutagenesis. Here, we review the relative merits of current genetic approaches and discuss the prospect of site-directed mutagenesis for generating elusive knockouts of tandem-arrayed gene families. Tandem gene arrays-a challenge for functional genomics Re-valuating the relevance of ancenstral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement Delseny M. Re-evaluating the relevance of ancestral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2004 Apr; 7 (2): 126-31. In addition to the Arabidopsis and rice genomic sequences, numerous expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and sequenced tag sites are now available for many species. These tools have made it possible to re-evaluate the extent of synteny and collinearity not only between Arabidopsis and related crops or between rice and other cereals but also between Arabidopsis and rice, between Arabidopsis and other dicots, and between cereals other than rice. Major progress in describing synteny relies on statistical tests. Overall, the data point to the occurrence of ancestral genome fragments in which a framework of common markers can be recognised. Micro-synteny studies reveal numerous rearrangements, which are likely to complicate map-based cloning strategies that use information from a model genome. Re-valuating the relevance of ancenstral shared synteny as a tool for crop improvement Synteny: recent advances and future prospects Schmidt R. Synteny: recent advances and future prospects. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2000 Apr; 3 (2): 97-102. Their small sizes have meant that the Arabidopsis and rice genomes are the best-studied of all plant genomes. Although even closely related plant species can show large variations in genome size, extensive genome colinearity has been established at the genetic level and recently also at the gene level. This allows the transfer of information and resources assembled for rice and Arabidopsis to be used in the genome analysis of many other plants. Synteny-recent advances and future prospects Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics Gregory TR. Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics. Nat Rev Genet. 2005 Sep; 6 (9): 699-708. Until recently the study of individual DNA sequences and of total DNA content (the C-value) sat at opposite ends of the spectrum in genome biology. For gene sequencers, the vast stretches of non-coding DNA found in eukaryotic genomes were largely considered to be an annoyance, whereas genome-size researchers attributed little relevance to specific nucleotide sequences. However, the dawn of comprehensive genome sequencing has allowed a new synergy between these fields, with sequence data providing novel insights into genome-size evolution, and with genome-size data being of both practical and theoretical significance for large-scale sequence analysis. In combination, these formerly disconnected disciplines are poised to deliver a greatly improved understanding of genome structure and evolution. Synergy between sequence and size in large-scale genomics Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes Morgante M, De Paoli E, Radovic S. Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr; 10 (2): 149-55. Epub 2007 Feb 14. The comparative sequencing of several grass genomes has revealed that transposable elements are largely responsible for extensive variation in both intergenic and local genic content, not only between closely related species but also among individuals within a species. These observations indicate that a single genome sequence might not reflect the entire genomic complement of a species, and prompted us to introduce the concept of the plant pan-genome, which includes core genomic features that are common to all individuals and a dispensable genome composed of partially shared and/or non-shared DNA sequence elements. Uncovering the intriguing nature of the dispensable genome, namely its composition, origin and function, represents a step forward towards an understanding of the processes that generate genetic diversity and phenotypic variation. The developing view of transcriptional regulation as a complex and modular system, in which long-range interactions and the involvement of transposable elements are frequently observed, lends support to the possibility of an important functional role for the dispensable genome and could make it less dispensable than previously thought. Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics Fernie AR , Geigenberger P, Stitt M. Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Apr; 8 (2): 174-82. Genomics approaches aimed at understanding metabolism currently tend to involve mainly expression profiling, although proteomics and steady-state metabolite profiling are increasingly being carried out as alternative strategies. These approaches provide rich information on the inventory of the cell. It is, however, of growing importance that such approaches are augmented by sophisticated integrative analyses and a higher-level understanding of cellular dynamics to provide insights into mechanisms that underlie biological processes. We argue the need for, and discuss theoretical and practical aspects of, the determination of metabolic flux as a component of functional genomics. Flux an important, but neglected, component of functional genomics Genomics of sex chromosomes Ming R, Moore PH. Genomics of sex chromosomes. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2007 Apr ;10 (2): 123-30. Epub 2007 Feb 14. Sex chromosomes in plants and animals are distinctive, not only because of their gender-determining role but also for genomic features that reflect their evolutionary history. The genomic sequences in the ancient sex chromosomes of humans and in the incipient sex chromosomes of medaka, stickleback, papaya, and poplar exhibit unusual features as consequences of their evolution. These include the enormous palindrome structure in human MSY, a duplicated genomic fragment that evolved into a Y chromosome in medaka, and a 700 kb extra telomeric sequence of the W chromosome in poplar. Comparative genomic analysis of ancient and incipient sex chromosomes highlights common features that implicate the selection forces that shaped them, even though evolutionary origin, pace, and fate vary widely among individual sex-determining systems. Genomics of sex chromosomes And then there were many: MADS goes genomic De Bodt S, Raes J, Van de Peer Y, Theissen G. And then there were many: MADS goes genomic. Trends Plant Sci. 2003 Oct; 8 (10): 475-83. During the past decade, MADS-box genes have become known as key regulators in both reproductive and vegetative plant development. Traditional genetics and functional genomics tools are now available to elucidate the expression and function of this complex gene family on a much larger scale. Moreover, comparative analysis of the MADS-box genes in diverse flowering and non-flowering plants, boosted by bioinformatics, contributes to our understanding of how this important gene family has expanded during the evolution of land plants. Therefore, the recent advances in comparative and functional genomics should enable researchers to identify the full range of MADS-box gene functions, which should help us significantly in developing a better understanding of plant development and evolution. And then there were many-MADS goes genomic Plant functional genomics: beyond the parts list Stewart CN Jr. Plant functional genomics: beyond the parts list. Trends Plant Sci. 2005 Dec; 10 (12): 561-2. Epub 2005 Nov 14. Plant functional genomics-beyond the parts list Genomics-deeper and wider in order to understanding plant diversity Genomics-deeper and wider in order to understanding plant diversity The consequences of gene and genome duplication in plants The consequences of gene and genome duplication in plants
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