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大毛忽洞 2017-6-27 11:59
靠一个很离谱的定律在全世界闻名的物理学家 Lars Vegard (1880 - 1963) 是挪威物理学家,一个最有名的贡献是 Vegard’s Law ,再一个就是北极光。下面是正规学术期刊介绍 Vegard 在北极光方面的贡献。 https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-9917-7_9371 The Norwegian physicist Lars Vegard is primarily remembered for his contributions to the physics of the Northern Lights and in particular his exploration of their optical spectra. He is remembered in theVegard-Kaplan band, forbidden emission by nitrogen molecules between 2340 and4324 angstroms, seen first in aurorae and later in laboratory experiments and in the Martian dayglow. Lars Vegard grew up under modest conditions in a ruralpart of southern Norway.He was the youngest of seven children of the farmer Nils Gundersen and his wifeAnne. He married Inger Hervora Petersen in 1915. The couple had a daughter. In the years 1899–1905, Vegard studied science at the Oslo University and there after worked as an assistant for Kristian Birkeland. From 1909 he was employed by the university, appointed associate professor 1915, and finally made full professor in 1918 succeeding to the chair of Birkeland. 北极光产生的物理原理 北极光产生的物理原理 北极光颜色和大气层的气体分子 新闻报道说,这位摄影师8年没有回家了,在北极圈蹲守了8年,下面是这位摄影师拍摄的照片 下面的照片和这位8年没回家的摄影师无关。 在空间站观看北极光 在空间站观看北极光 B.C. man travels 3,800 km in 4 days for the northern lights inthe N.W.T. So this January, he packed his equipment, loaded uphis truck, and drove from Kamloops all the wayto the Northwest Territoriesto chase his winter obsession.
个人分类: 留学游学温哥华|2896 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 fengzhigu123 2012-6-8 07:41
无题之五 作者:曹文得 你在雨中等我 我们以风为马,和北极光一同疾驰 等待山峦苍老 地球挂在月亮的上面 愤怒也难以将我们毁灭 因为我们已成功的迈过中年
个人分类: 诗流成河|4119 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 3 杨学祥 2011-10-28 06:12
太阳粒子喷射致美国南部出现罕见红色极光(1/6) 24日,来自太阳的带电粒子云撞向地球并引起强地磁暴,进而又在美国夜空中制造绚烂的北极光秀。照片在密歇根州拍摄,展现了我们熟悉的绿色极光和罕见的红色极光,二者交织在一起,景象十分壮观。摄影师肖恩-马隆表示,极光从各个方向占据夜空,甚至连南部地区也不放过。 http://slide.geo.sina.com.cn/slide_29_16805_11634.html
个人分类: 图片|2014 次阅读|2 个评论
Marstown 2011-5-4 22:08
2008年是近一个世纪以来太阳活动的最低谷,太阳黑子几乎消失了,太阳耀斑平息,太阳出奇地安静。从那时起,科学家开始了等待。因为太阳的安静并不新奇,每11年是太阳的一个活动周期。虽然这一等就是三年,但科学家已经发现了太阳开始活动的迹象。 今年2月15日和3月9日,地球轨道卫星两次检测到“X级”太阳耀斑,而之前一次太阳耀斑发生在2006年12月。3月7日,太阳以2200公里/秒的速度向外喷发出数十亿吨的等离子云。虽然这次迅速喷发的等离子云并没有直接瞄向地球,但对地球磁场还是产生了很大的影响。3月10日,北极光越过加拿大边境,蔓延到美国的威斯康星州、明尼苏达州和密歇根州。这是6年以来最迅速的一次日冕物质抛射,不禁让科学家联想起1997年11月,第23个太阳活动周期拉开序幕的类似情景。科学家认为,这是第24个太阳活动周期开始的标志。   美国分析服务公司空间气候分析师罗恩·特纳近日在空间气候杂志发表文章表示,从18世纪中叶开始,科学家已经编号了24个太阳活动周期。从有记录以来,只有4次太阳活动周期像本次太阳活动周期这样姗姗来迟。一次是在1755年左右的第1个太阳活动周期,其他3次均发生在19世纪初的道尔顿极小期。而太阳活动的关键指标是太阳黑子,特纳认为,第24个太阳活动周期已经缓步登场了。 From: http://www.sciam.com.cn/html/tianwen/taikongtansuo/2011/0418/16859.html
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zlyang 2010-6-7 12:37
美丽的北极光: 将对人类产生怎样的影响? http://www.sputn1ksputn1k.com/Images/Chans/Aurora-Borealis.jpg http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Aurora_Borealis.jpgimgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aurora_Borealis.jpgusg=__0YtwJtNT1WgZkEFMnJkp5RnnNlM=h=1312w=2000sz=641hl=enstart=6um=1itbs=1tbnid=KPtAesZePGGTvM:tbnh=98tbnw=150prev=/images%3Fq%3Daurora%2Bborealis%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DG%26tbs%3Disch:1 http://chamorrobible.org/images/photos/gpw-20050129-NASA-STS111-362-036-red-green-Aurora-Australis-seen-from-Space-Shuttle-Endeavour-STS-111-June-2002-medium.jpg 美丽的北极光, 里面蕴涵了怎样的道理? 这些道理将对人类产生怎样的影响? 更多的漂亮图片请看: Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus God's Precious Words http://chamorrobible.org/gpw/gpw-20050129.htm 解决人类能源困境的出路
个人分类: 科研|9240 次阅读|9 个评论
ywang69 2008-9-2 08:26
一张典型的北极光照片(A Photo of Aurora ) Aurora is also known as the Northern Lights , an Aurora is a beautiful natural phenomenon that often occurs in the polar regions of Earth. It appears as colorful clouds and rays of green and red (and sometimes blue) light that dance across the sky. The aurora borealis and aurora australis (Latin for northern and southern dawn, respectively) occur in symmetric ovals centered on the northern and southern magnetic poles of Earth. The aurora is formed when charged particles (electrons and protons) are guided by the Earths magnetic field into the atmosphere near the poles. When these particles collide with atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere, primarily oxygen and nitrogen , some of the energy in these collisions is transformed into the visible light that characterizes the aurora. What causes the Aurora? The energy source for the aurora is 149 million kilometers (km) (93 million miles) from Earth at the sun. The sun continuously emits charged particles (mostly protons and electrons), which are the byproducts of thermonuclear reactions occurring inside the sun. These charged particles make up the solar wind, which travels away from the sun through space at speeds ranging from 300 to 1,000 km/sec.about a million miles per hour. Traveling at this high speed, the solar particles can reach the Earth in two to three days. At Earth, the steady solar wind is deflected by Earths magnetic field, or magnetosphere. The solar wind flows around the magnetosphere much like a river flows around a stone. It also pushes on the magnetosphere and distorts it so that instead of a symmetric set of magnetic field lineslike one might have around a bar magnetthe magnetosphere is stretched and elongated into a comet shape with a long tail trailing away from Earth on the side away from the sun. When there is a disturbance on the sun, such as a solar flare or coronal mass ejection, it can produce a disturbance in the solar wind. This in turn will cause a disturbance in the balance between the solar wind and Earths magnetic field. As a result, electrons and protons are accelerated within the magnetosphere. These charged particles are constrained to the magnetic field lines much like beads on a wire. The accelerated particles will travel down the magnetic field lines of Earth and collide with the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere where the magnetic field lines reach down to surface of the Earth near the north and south magnetic poles. When the particles from the magnetosphere collide with the atoms and molecules of the atmosphere, the particles energy can be transferred to the atoms and molecules (typically O, N, and N 2 ) of the atmosphere forming excited states of O, N and N 2 . When these finally release their energy and return to their normal ground state, they give up energy in the form of light. This is the light that we see from the ground as an aurora. The physics of Auroral light formation The high-energy electrons and protons traveling down Earths magnetic field lines collide with the atmosphere (i.e., oxygen and nitrogen atoms and molecules). The collisions can excite the atmospheric atom or molecule or they can strip the atmospheric species of its own electron and create an ion. The result is that the atmospheric atoms and molecules are excited to higher energy states. They relinquish this energy in the form of light upon returning to their initial, lower energy state. The particular colors we see in an auroral display depend on the specific atmospheric gas struck by energetic particles, and the energy level to which it is excited. The two main atmospheric gases involved in the production of auroral lights are oxygen and nitrogen: Oxygen is responsible for two primary auroral colors: green-yellow wavelength of 557.7 nanometers (nm) is most common, while the deep red 630.0 nm light is seen less frequently. Nitrogen in an ionized state will produce blue light, while neutral nitrogen molecules create purplish-red auroral colors. For example, nitrogen is often responsible for the purplish-red lower borders and rippled edges of the aurora. The process is similar to the lights that illuminate a neon light or computer and TV screens. In a neon light, neon gas is excited by electrical currents. Likewise, in a picture or computer screen, a beam of electrons controlled by electric and magnetic fields strike the screen, making it glow in different colors, according to the type of chemicals (phosphors) that coat the screen. Auroras typically occur between 95 and 1,000 km. Auroras stay above 95 km because at that altitude the atmosphere is so dense (and the auroral particles collide so often) that they finally come to rest at this altitude. On the other hand, auroras typically do not reach higher than 500-1,000 km because at that altitude the atmosphere is too thin to cause a significant number of collisions with the incoming particles. 资料来源: Environment in Focus Archives
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