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BaoHaifei 2010-5-19 11:53
永无止境 鲍海飞 译 2010-5-19 A never ending hasmukh amathalal Life is never ending process It has no pause or recess It beats on in different form Constant changes with very good reform 人生将永无止境, 没有停止或退缩, 人生需千锤百炼, 造就并不断完善。 We have come to stay for short but for a long Nothing to gain but committing wrong Find no time for looking back and sum up It is too late to think and stop 岁月悠长人生短, 无所收益错不断, 无暇回顾难概言, 回首停步已太晚。 Who makes your life memorable and sweet? Lovely friends when they come and greet? Call on you and occasionally meet? You surge ahead with energy in feet 谁让你甜美难忘? 朋友远来胸膛敞? 偶尔相遇或专访? 脚下生风满心畅。 Endless drive and non stop journey Sometimes bitterness and sometimes honey No mad race for treasure or money Even though it looks sometimes funny 无尽之旅永向前, 有时苦涩有时甜, 不为钱财狂奔忙, 尽管有时觉荒唐。 I wish to enjoy it at full length Though I may not have enough strength Is it not the strange wish for oasis water? After all what do we search after? 我愿身心全投入, 也许力气不太够, 谁不渴望那甘露? 要不究竟干何苦? I may have come across many hurdles Worries too might have come in bundles It is all over by the grace of God How should I express it in words? 几经波折不可免, 焦虑也会不间断, 那是上苍所赋予, 让我如何诉心言? I must venture in no mans land Sometimes I may find very good friends I wish I have some treasure to share I searched all over but found no where 我要踏上荒凉地, 也许会有几知己, 愿去寻宝来分享, 但在世上难得觅。 Life seems to me as no problem at all I take it as challenge and useful call What is use of crying over split milk? When there is no water even to drink 人生于我非艰险, 只当挑战和召唤, 当已无水喝之际, 打翻牛奶哭何当? It can be made worthwhile by staying positive No place for thinking destructive or negative It has to be accepted as destiny or fate Life is still worthwhile even if we start late 人生应当正面对, 莫要消极尘灰念, 无奈命运之航船, 虽迟扬帆未为晚。 (后面两句意译了)
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