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103D Congress 1st Session S . 1757 A Bill (Health Security
黄安年 2019-3-15 17:32
103D Congress 1 st Session S . 1757 A Bill ( Health Security Act ) 【 103D Congress 1 st Session 辑 《 第 103 届过会第一次会期 S 参议院 . 1757 议案 ,1993年11月 22日】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号4 43 】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 3 月 15 日 发布(第 21216 号) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过442单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 103D Congress 1 st Session 辑 103D Congress 1 st Session S . 1757 A Bill ( Health Security Act ) ( 《 第 103 届过会第一次会期 S 参议院 . 1757 议案 ,1993年11月 22日》,第335号, 1364页。 照片3张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1346 次阅读|0 个评论
【已隐藏】SIBER运行 "rjags" 或"siberMVN"时系统崩溃的解决方法
meiweipingg 2016-5-30 23:19
本博文内容,请勿外传!!! SIBER运行 rjags 或siberMVN时 R 软件系统崩溃 的解决方法 How to resolve R session aborted when rjags or siberMVN ellipses.posterior - siberMVN(siber.example, parms, priors) R session aborted When run R codes above from SIBER package for fitting the Bayesian models to the data. How to resolve this? When you try to fix it following JAGS Version 4.0.0 installation manual ,then you maybe fall into chaos. OK,a simple method to resolve that problem: Run the following R codes into your Rstudio: install.packages(runjags) install.packages(rjags) install.packages(coda) install.packages(SIBER) That's all. Now try it briefly one more time: library(SIBER) SIBER-test - read.csv(***/Desktop/ SIBER-test.csv) View( SIBER-test) siber.example - createSiberObject( SIBER-test) #-------------------step4.Fitting the Bayesian models to the data------------------------- # options for running jags parms - list() parms$n.iter - 2 * 10^4 # number of iterations to run the model for parms$n.burnin - 1 * 10^3 # discard the first set of values parms$n.thin - 10 # thin the posterior by this many parms$n.chains - 2 # run this many chains # define the priors priors - list() priors$R - 1 * diag(2) priors$k - 2 priors$tau.mu - 1.0E-3 # fit the ellipses which uses an Inverse Wishart prior # on the covariance matrix Sigma, and a vague normal prior on the # means. Fitting is via the JAGS method. ellipses.posterior - siberMVN(siber.example, parms, priors) No error warning, right? Ok, then run other codes as you like forward. Yeah, problem is gone.
个人分类: R语言|12 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 MinYi 2016-3-12 02:12
第一次在会议上 chair 一个 session GAMM2016 年会于 3 月 7 号至 11 号在德国的布伦瑞克工业大学召开。以前我介绍过, GAMM 是德国的应用数学与力学学会的德语缩写,每年举办一次年会,至今已举办 87 届。今年的 GAMM 年会与 DMV 德国数学学会年会合办,因此规模比往年更大。会议包括 29 个 section , 5 个 Young Researchers Minisymposia , 7 个 Minisymposia , 9 个大会报告和 4 个颁奖报告。报告总数 1000 个左右。其中所颁发奖项的名字分别是: Ludwig Prandtl 奖, Emmy Noether 奖, Richard-von-Mises 奖(颁发给两个人)。出乎意料的是,明年的 GAMM 年会将在德国境内的魏玛大学召开,这与往年在德国境内和境外轮换召开的模式有所区别,或许会降低其在欧洲的影响力。 参会人员基本上都是来自德国的学术圈,每次都是熟悉的那些人,打招呼讨论问题也很方便。有些人,我甚至在不同的会议场合见过并且交流过五次以上。毕竟这个圈子就这么大,每个大学的力学课题组都能一一列举。此外,由于德国学术圈重视合作以及经常联合申请 DFG 大项目,这些课题组或多或少都有合作关系。 与往年参会不一样的是,今年我除了自己要作报告之外,还要 chair 一个 section ( coupled problems )中的一个 session 。这个机会源自我的合作导师。本来她应该来的,但碰巧的是,这一周她要为晋升 W2 教授的事情与校长谈论具体事宜,而且著名学者 LQ Chen 也在这一周访问我们系。所以在 2 月份时,她就向这个 section 的组织者推荐我代替她。就这样,我的名字作为某个 session 的 chair 出现在了会议手册上。 第一次 chair 一个 session ,其实比我自己本人作报告还紧张。做个合格的 chair ,不仅要有调动欢乐气氛的语言能力,还要有调动讨论交流的学术能力,更要有在冷场时向报告人提问的能力。会议前,我仔细阅读了我 chair 那个 session 的报告人的投稿摘要,甚至他们发表的相关的文章,试图去理解他们的工作,并预留一些简单可以探讨、容易回答而又不至于尖锐的问题,以防没有观众提问的冷场境地。幸运的是,因为接下来有大会报告,我 chair 的这个 session 只有三个报告,这让我的准备时间减小了不少。事实上,我之前的准备还是有效的,也是必要的。三个报告,其中有两个报告做完后,观众鸦雀无声。没办法,我只能拿出我自己预留的问题。也不知是我表述不清楚,还是提问不够专业,还是做报告的伊朗学生过于紧张,我重复了两遍,报告人还是满脸茫然。幸好他的导师就坐在下面,针对我的提问做了一些说明和解释。最让我头疼的是第三个报告,这个报告人是来自格鲁吉亚的一位年长的教授,他的工作偏向数学,全是定理和解存在性的证明,这可能是东欧那边的一种风格。因此,冷场是自然的。最要命的是,他做完报告还有六分钟剩余。我只能坦诚的说,我对您的工作不熟,然后讨论性的问了一个特别泛的问题,他老人家慢慢翻着 PPT ,娓娓道来。最后整个会场提前进入 coffee break 时间。 值得一提的是,布伦瑞克这个城市也不错,很有韵味,下面贴上会议海报的宣传图片,也贴上自己手机拍的夜景。
17896 次阅读|10 个评论
王军强 2012-10-24 22:27
INFORMS年会 2012-10-23 18:16 王军强 运筹学和管理科 学研究协会(Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences ,INFORMS)是由美国运筹学会(Operations Research Society of America,ORSA)和美国管理学会(Institute of Management Sciences, TIMS)于1995年合并而成,是全世界公认的运筹学(OR)、管理科学(MS)和商 业分析领域最具影响力的专业学会,致力于提高系统运作的效率和效益,并做出更好的管理决策,为促进、推动运筹学和管理学的学术交流、学科发展、人才培养做 出了杰出贡献,本领域全球最顶级的学术期刊《OR》、《MS》均出自INFORMS。 INFORMS年会(INFORMS Annual Meeting)作为运筹学和管理科学领域的年度顶级盛会,得到了全世界OR/MS学 者、专家的关注和热捧,大会邀请的报告人不乏诺贝尔奖获得者、院士、学术界顶尖学者、企业界杰出领袖、全球知名学者。通过OR/MS理论探索、学科交叉、 前沿分析以及对OR/MS科学的工具和方法付诸工业企业实践等方面的深度研讨,促进OR/MS在国际范围内进行广泛的学术交流,对推动数理科学、管理科 学、计算科学、信息科学、制造科学、服务科学、工业工程及其它相关领域学科的发展起到了重要的作用。 2012年INFORMS年会于2012年10月13日至17日在美国亚利桑拉州的菲 尼克斯国家会展中心举办,会议主题为“信息时代的OR/MS”,旨在用OR/MS技术更好地理解自然系统与人工系统,进而结合计算机信息处理技术和通信技 术,推动决策科学发展,提高企业核心竞争力,保障国家国土安全,促进环境可持续发展,提升人民生活质量。会议邀请到Richard O’Lear将军介绍了OR在国防安全方面的应用,重点介绍了国防科学委员会重点资助的OR在人工智能、监测、侦察方面的研究项目。国土安全部Caryl Brzymialkiewicz介绍了国防决策风险与决策科学研究与实践情况。美国国家工程院院士Bill Pulleyblank分析了当今系统由集中组织向动态网络组织转变的特征,介绍了OR在医疗保健系统、商务系统、实时决策系统等网络化系统中的分析决策 研究。英国皇家学会会士、大英帝国司令勋章爵士George Poste介 绍了医疗保健系统中“大数据”对现代计算与分析带来的挑战。Intel和IBM会士、IBM超级计算机"蓝色基因"首席架构师Alan Gara介绍了高性能计算的研究现状及未来。诺贝尔奖得主Edward Prescott介绍了OR技术在总量经济学中的研究与应用。国际运筹学会联合会(IFORS)前主席、EURO金质奖章获得者Paolo Toth介绍了OR在铁路优化中的研究与应用。美国施奈德公司的董事长兼CEO Christopher Lofgren介绍了创新的基本原理以及在企业的应用。INFORMS、MSOM、POMS、IIE和SME的会士Wally Hopp介绍了制造业的发展现状及未来走向。 此次大会共吸引了来自全球超过5000名专家学者参会,会议总计安排4000多场报告(oral presentation),分1160余个分会场(session)进行,内容涵盖生产运作、决策优化、计算科学、信息科学、医疗保健、行为运作、国防 安全、能源经济、绿色供应链、营销科学、交通运输、电信系统、服务管理和可持续发展等众多相关领域。参会者主要来自欧美,亚洲以日本、韩国、香港、台湾等 地学者为主。
13151 次阅读|0 个评论
Call For Paper of Special Session, IWSIS2012
xuqingzheng 2012-3-31 15:45
2012 International Workshop on Swarm Intelligent Systems (IWSIS2012) http://www1.tyust.edu.cn/yuanxi/yjjg/iwsis2012/iwsis2012.htm Special Session- Recent Advances on Opposition-Based Learning Applications Session Chair: Dr. Qingzheng Xu Department of Military Electronic Engineering, Xi’an Communication Institute, China Scope: Diverse forms of opposition are already existent virtually everywhere around us and the interplay between entities and opposite entities is apparently fundamental for maintaining universal balance. However, it seems that there is a gap regarding oppositional thinking in engineering, mathematics and computer science. A better understanding of opposition could potentially establish new search, reasoning, optimization and learning schemes with a wide range of applications. The main idea of opposition-based learning (OBL) is to consider opposite estimates, actions or states as an attempt to increase the coverage of the solution space and to reduce exploration time. OBL has already been applied to reinforcement learning, differential evolution, artificial neural network, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, and genetic algorithm, etc. Example applications include large scale optimization problem, multi-objective optimization, traveling salesman problem, data mining, nonlinear system identification, image processing and understanding. However, finding killer applications for OBL is still a hard task that is heavily pursued. The objective of this special session is to bring together the state-of-art research results and industrial applications on this topic. Contributed papers must be the original work of the authors and should not have been published or under consideration by other journals or conferences. Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to: l Motivation and theory of opposition-based learning l Opposition-based optimization techniques l Reasoning and search strategies in opposition-based computing l Real-world applications in signal processing, pattern recognition, image understanding, robotics, social networking, etc. l Other methodologies and applications associated with opposition-based learning Submission and review process: Submissions should follow the IWSIS2012 manuscript format described in the Workshop Web site at http://www1.tyust.edu.cn/yuanxi/yjjg/iwsis2012/iwsis2012.htm . All the papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only via email to Dr. Qingzheng Xu at xuqingzheng@hotmail.com . All the submitted papers will be strictly peer reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers. Based on the reports by the reviewers, the final decision on papers submitted to this Special Session will be taken by General Chairs of IWSIS2012, Prof. Zhihua Cui and Prof. Jianchao Zeng. All accepted papers will be published in some EI journals as regular papers : Important dates: Submission Date: April 20, 2012 Acceptance Date: May 20, 2012 Registration Date: June 1, 2012 Final version Date: June 1, 2012 Publication Date: All accepted papers will be published in EI-indexed international journals within the late of 2012 and early of 2013
个人分类: 写作投稿指南|5048 次阅读|0 个评论
A kind reminder-MINES2010 Special Session Submission Due Approaching
chinyung 2010-5-20 13:58
Dear colleagues, Please care MINES2010 Special Session on Security, Privacy and Copyright in Multimedia Social Network. Important Dates Submission deadline: May 31, 2010 Notification date: July 1, 2010 Final Manuscript Due: July 10, 2010 Registration Due:July 20, 2010 MINES2009 is a successful conference, we hope a prosperous special session this year. Welcome to your contributions. The special session's CFP is attached. Meanwhile, please help us advertise and forward it to your colleagues. Thanks in advance. ●MINES2009's papers have been included in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please see http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=5368002 . ●About 50 papers selected from MINES2009 have been accepted by international journals (indexed by SCI and EI). ●Some international journals (indexed by SCI and EI) have promised to publish best papers selected from MINES2010. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2010) November 4-6, 2010 in Nanjing , China http://www.ieee-mines.org/ Special Session on Security, Privacy and Copyright in Multimedia Social Network http://www.ieee-mines.org/s2.html Introduction Multimedia content sharing in social networks becomes more and more popular, e.g., YouTube, Tudou, MySpace, Facebook, etc. While most social networking sites feature user-generated content, sites like MySpace, Facebook and YouTube could morph into transaction-oriented commerce sites. The transition from file sharing to commerce brings some security and privacy issues. For example, the shared content may be copied from an official content provider illegally, and the user ID or credit card information may be stolen. Additionally, some sensitive contents related to terror, sex or privacy may be spread out illegally. Although some issues are still open, e.g., who (uploader or website operator) will be responsible for the content, it is sure that supervisors or operators of multimedia social networks are expecting the solutions. Now, some methods have been proposed to solve the copyright issues or security flaws in social networks. This special session aims to bring together research work in the area of security and privacy protection in multimedia social network, investigate the novel solutions and discuss the future trends in this field. Topics The paper may focus on surveys, architecture construction, system modeling, algorithm designing or hardware implementation. Both review paper and technical paper are expected. The topics include but are not limited to Techniques for multimedia content sharing in social networks Copyright issues and solutions of multimedia sharing social networks Privacy issues and solutions of multimedia sharing social networks Sensitive (sexual, terrorized, etc.) content detection and control in social networks Business model and secure interaction in social networks Authentication, Authorization and Usage Control for DRM in social networks Security and risk management on copyrighted multimedia contents transaction Submission The paper should be formatted according to Author Kit on Paper Submission page of http://www.ieee-mines.org/ . And, the PDF paper should be submitted by using MINES2010's online submission system, by selecting Special Session on Security, Privacy and Copyright in Multimedia Social Network . . The accepted papers will be published in the MINES2010 conference proceedings. The revised or extended versions of the best papers presented in the session will be invited to special issues of refereed international journals: Telecommunication Systems (SCI Indexed) Journal of multimedia (EI Indexed) Organizers Dr. Zhiyong Zhang Cultural Property Preservation Digitization Research Center, Henan University of Science Technology, Luoyang , China No. 48, Rd. Xiyuan Luoyang , P. R. of China Email: xidianzzy@yahoo.cn , zhangzy@mail.haust.edu.cn Dr. Shiguo Lian France Telecom RD (Orange Labs) Beijing , China E-mail: shiguo.lian@orange-ftgroup.com International Committee Members (to be continued) Andreas U. Schmidt, Novalyst IT AG, Germany ( andreas.schmidt@novalyst.de ) Dimitrios Koukopoulos, University of Ioannina , Greece ( dkoukopoulos@cc.uoi.gr ) Fahim Akhter, Zayed University , United Arab Emirates ( fahim.akhter@zu.ac.ae ) Hugo Jonker, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg ( hugo.jonker@uni.lu ) Zheng Yan, Nokia Research Center , Finland ( Zheng.Z.Yan@nokia.com ) Qingqi Pei, Xidian University , China ( qqpei@mail.xidian.edu.cn ) Fagen Li, Future University-Hakodate, Japan ( fagenli@fun.ac.jp ) Kefeng Fan, China Electronic Standardization Institute, China ( fankf@cesi.ac.cn ) HsingBai Chen, Feng Chia University , Taiwan ( hsingbai@yahoo.com.tw )
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