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Rain, spring rain
zuojun 2013-2-26 08:22
Sitting in front of my laptop, suddenly I heard raindrops. It's so refreshing. If I am not mistaken, Guangzhou could use some rain. I don't mind if it rains the whole morning, but I hope it will stop after lunch (because I don't like to get soaked as I did one summer morning 2-3 years ago, when I had to give my lectures barefoot).
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2282 次阅读|0 个评论
[生化危机1-5 Resident Evil 1-5 (2002-2012)][1080PMKV/90.81G]
lcj2212916 2013-1-13 16:20
电影名称:生化危机1-5 Resident Evil 1-5 导演:Paul W.S. Anderson 主要演员:米拉 乔沃维奇 (Milla Jovovich) ...... Alice       Michelle Rodriguez ...... Rain Ocampo       艾力克马毕斯 (Eric Mabius) ...... Matt Addison       James Purefoy ...... Spencer Parks       Martin Crewes ...... Chad Kaplan       科林 萨蒙 (Colin Salmon) ...... James 'One' Shade       Pasquale Aleardi ...... J.D. Salinas       Heike Makatsch ...... Dr. Lisa Addison        Michael a Dicker ...... Red Queen       Liz May Brice ...... Medic       Torsten Jerabek ...... Warner       Marc Logan-Black ...... Commando #2       Anna Bolt ...... Dr. Green       Joseph May ...... Dr. Blue        Robert Tannion ...... Dr. Brown 电影类型:动作 / 惊悚 / 科幻 制片 国家 或地区: 美国 语言:英语 上映时间:2002 - 2012 剧情介绍 : 1)情节改编自电脑 游戏 故事 ,Umbrella Corporation进行地下研究基因生化实验,岂料研究尚未成功就泄漏病菌,实验室工作人员全变成疯狂怪物,而病菌仍然在迅速散播。政府派出特种部队成员爱莉丝等人在三小时内把病菌控制住,否则后果堪虞…… 2)故事以《生化危机1》的最后一组场景作为开始:艾丽丝(米拉·乔沃维奇饰)被强制休眠了很久,终于悠悠转醒,却发现自己最担心的事已然变成现实--嗜杀成性的活死人僵尸遍布Raccoon城。很快,艾丽丝意识到,在“保护伞”化学公司的秘密研究基地“沉睡”的这段时间里,她在无意识的情况下成为了 科学家 研究生物遗传学的实验品,这赋予她全新的力量和灵敏性,正是这些艾丽丝不甚熟悉的新技能保全了她的性命。   除了艾丽丝,还有那么一小撮人未受病菌感染,领导他们的是吉尔(希艾娜·盖尔利饰)和卡洛斯(奥德·菲尔饰),两人都曾是“保护伞”公司特警队伍中的精英份子,可是现在,他们连自身都难保,眼看着围困自己的活死人越集越多……艾丽丝适时地伸出缓手,三人终于逃离了“保护伞”公司,然而,Raccoon城的每一个角落仍然暗含着无法预知的危险。   艾丽丝从吉尔和卡洛斯口中知晓,三人惟一存活的契机在查尔斯博士(埃德· 哈里斯 饰)身上--他是“保护伞”公司主要的科学家之一。查尔斯博士答应可以帮助艾丽丝和其他幸存者逃离这个正在死去的城市,但前提是:找到他走散的小女儿安吉(索菲·瓦瓦苏饰),这个小女孩和父亲分开之后,因为恐惧而躲藏在城市的某处。艾丽斯、吉尔和卡洛斯不得不再次面对可怖的活死人,找到安吉后方能一起寻求生的希望。 3)本片根据《生化危机》第一部的导演Paul W.S. Anderson的剧本拍摄。女主角Alice依然是Anderson的妻子兼名模Milla Jovovich 主演 ,剧情上本片将会延续第一部的故事。讲述Alice逃出安布雷拉公司的实验室之后,整个城市已经沦为废墟,如今她将会在美国西南部沙漠地带碰到更多的丧尸。 4)电影《生化危机:战神再生》承接上一部的故事,以爱丽丝出现在东京开篇,经过一番血雨腥风的打斗之后,爱丽丝一行人转战洛杉矶,继续寻找数量有限的幸存者。炫目的真人PK僵尸大战在电影一开始就激烈开战,将影片的刺激感官推向极致。 5)保护伞公司研发的T病毒持续侵袭地球,仅存的人类被逼到面临人吃人的绝境。人类唯一的希望全在生化人爱丽丝(米拉·乔沃维奇饰)身上,当她从保护伞公司的秘密实验室里苏醒后,跑遍东京、纽约、华盛顿和莫斯科四地,试图追出散播病毒的凶手。   没想到,一连串的意外让爱丽丝面临真假难辨的困境,在昔日伙伴和新盟友艾达(李冰冰饰)的加入下,艾莉丝该如何在天谴大限来临前找出生路,带领人类度过末日危机? 下载地址 : http://www.ctdisk.com/file/15481303 http://radarew.5d6d.net/thread-1131-1-1.html
5401 次阅读|0 个评论
More rain in the paradise...
热度 1 zuojun 2013-1-3 08:00
It's not really a problem if it just drizzles, but it's hard to go out when the strong wind blows the raindrops all over the place. the drizzles may come down at 45-deg angle, or travel horizontally. Many people seems to be taking today off, since the parking lot at the mall is more than full, with cars waiting for spaces. I will just walk over to see The Hobbit.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2256 次阅读|2 个评论
Rain storm in San Francisco
zuojun 2012-12-3 01:04
so, we will stay in.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2322 次阅读|0 个评论
《单曲循环》:November Rain
热度 1 freefloating 2012-11-3 22:27
Guns N' Roses - November Rain When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained But darlin' when I hold you Don't you know I feel the same 'Cause nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain We've been through this such a long long time Just tryin' to kill the pain But lovers always come and lovers always go An no one's really sure who's lettin' go today Walking away If we could take the time To lay it on the line I could rest my head Just knowin' that you were mine All mine So if you want to love me Then darlin' don't refrain Or I'll just end up walkin' In the cold November rain Do you need some time...on your own Do you need some time...all alone Everybody needs some time...On their own Don't you know you need some time...all alone I know it's hard to keep an open heart When even friends seem out to harm you But if you could heal a broken heart Wouldn't time be out to charm you Sometimes I need some time...on my Own Sometimes I need some time...all alone Everybody needs some time...On their own Don't you know you need some time...all alone And when your fears subside And shadows still remain I know that you can love me When there's no one left to blame So never mind the darkness We still can find a way 'Cause nothin' lasts forever Even cold November rain Don't ya think that you need somebody Don't ya think that you need someone Everybody needs somebody You're not the only one You're not the only one
个人分类: 单曲循环|2981 次阅读|2 个评论
The sky is falling (in Xiamen)...
zuojun 2012-4-27 09:12
I like the sound, but I hope it will stop at some point, or I will be soaked.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2190 次阅读|0 个评论
I will have to work, work, and no play in Xiamen
zuojun 2012-4-25 20:03
It started to pour as soon as we returned from lunch. So Xiamen is soaked by today's rain. The weather forecast says it will rain for the next two days. On the other hand, I will be more motivated to come back since I want to SEE Xiamen and its surroundings.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2733 次阅读|0 个评论
I like the pre-dawn in Xiamen
热度 1 zuojun 2012-4-24 06:23
Before the light reveals too much, the city is quiet (as least around my hotel). A bird or two started to chirp, with more in the background --the spring here is not silent. I could hear the rain drops falling, which brings me peace and joy. My body is still tired, but my mind is keen --how wonderful it is to be able to think.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2527 次阅读|2 个评论
Sunshine, rain, horizontal rain...
热度 1 zuojun 2012-3-9 10:50
The best thing to do is to look at the sky before you step out. The wind is so strong that umbrella does NOT help much. The light rain drops simply go horizontally. I wanted to go to the CMIP5 workshop, but my shoes were getting soaked in the morning (so I quickly stepped into my office building) and my clothes were half soaked after lunch (so I had to return to my office to let them dry on me). What a day in paradise!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2472 次阅读|4 个评论
A cold (and wet) welcome for CMIP5 workshop participants
zuojun 2012-3-6 05:23
If you care about IPCC reports, you may know how important these CMIP workshops are. The participants compare many climate models and submit their manuscripts by certain deadline so that their results can be included in the upcoming IPCC report. This week is the WCRP Workshop on CMIP5 Climate Model Analyses, at U. Hawaii. It started to rain last night, when many of the participants were arriving. It continued to rain... ps. Just when I needed my umbrella most, it broke. My co-worker joked: "Made in China?" Unfortunately, she was right!
个人分类: My Research Interests|2593 次阅读|0 个评论
Nanjing is cold
热度 3 zuojun 2011-12-7 22:24
and raining. But, I am well taken care by my host.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2208 次阅读|6 个评论
GFZ in the rain
shenxzh 2011-10-27 16:12
GFZ in the rain
It is rain this morning. Some photos were taken on the way from the guest house to the office. Very beautiful and peaceful place GFZ park is! Anyway single people can't live here for a long time. The guest house will become ghost house as my friend Prakasha said. He stayed here for long time from 2002 to now. The long continuous period he lived here lonely is about two years. He will be die for much long time he said (just a joke). Guest house Still guest house Road from guest house to office Office Road in the front of the office Office Road Office building Parking place in the right of the office
3109 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Another 35 people died...
zuojun 2011-7-28 15:45
Today, heavy rain killed 35 people in South Korea. http://www.kitv.com/news/28677144/detail.html Who to blame this time? God?
个人分类: News|1572 次阅读|0 个评论
【习语】rain check/改天吧
seawan 2011-5-6 20:51
rain check 延期; 改期; 留作下次继续用的票根 take a rain check 改期 take a rain check on 对...改期 ==== Rain check,典故出自露天举行的棒球比赛。如球赛进行时突然下雨,观众可以领取“雨票”,或用原票存根作为“雨票”(rain check),球赛改期举行时可凭之入场。 比方说有人请你吃饭或看戏,假如你刚巧因事不能奉陪,你可用婉谢的口吻说:May I take a rain check?这次不能赴约,下次有请必到。 如果你们很熟,可直接说 I'll take a rain check。
个人分类: 学习|3255 次阅读|0 个评论
I am glad the weather forecast failed, again
zuojun 2011-2-7 15:24
On Thursday (Feb. 3rd), the Weather Channel suggested 50% chance of rain in Honolulu on Saturday. I was concerned, because a big rain would be terrible for Punahou’s Carnival . It didn’t rain until 6 pm today (Sunday). In fact, it poured shortly after I got home, and still did not stop after more than 2 hrs. Why do I care, because I cannot take the trash out when it rains like this.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2247 次阅读|0 个评论
A song
hillpig 2010-8-24 12:11
Kiss the rain Whenever you need me Kiss the rain Whenever I'm gone too long If your lips feel lonely and thirsty Kiss the rain And wait for the dawn Keep in mind We're under the same sky And the night's As empty for me as for you If you feel You can't wait till morning Kiss the rain Kiss the rain Kiss the rain
个人分类: music|2860 次阅读|0 个评论
雨季, 广州 (Rainy Season, Guangzhou)
zuojun 2010-6-27 06:58
I haven't checked the climatological data, but I think this is probably an anomalous summer for Guangzhou. It rained when we arrived on the 15th of June from Hawaii, and it rained yesterday (June 26th) when I got off the plane from Beijing. I tuned off the a/c when I checked into my room at Dong Shan Hotel, because there is no non-smoking room, period. If you don't smoke, then it's a non-smoking room. This is my favorite quote by hotel staff. I was surprised that the room temperature was cool enough that I never used the a/c the whole night! Did other guests in the hotel realized that they had no need for the a/c last night? I doubt it. To save energy whenever possible, it may still take a while especially when the cost of energy is not related to personal saving (such as the a/c at a hotel).
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3425 次阅读|1 个评论

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