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11/24英论阁线上国际研讨会,与诺贝尔奖得主一同See the Future
Enago 2020-10-20 19:04
想要与诺贝尔奖得主近距离交流吗?想要听学术界大咖对未来学术界的发展趋势的洞见吗?2020年11月24日,See The Future英论阁线上国际研讨会特别邀请了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主理查德.罗伯茨爵士Sir Richard Roberts致专题演讲。大会中文同声传译全程支持! 此外,参加本次研讨会的还要来自国内外学术界及出版界的专家,包括爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER)STM期刊总经理Philippe Terheggen、哈佛大学首席研究合规官Ara Tahmassion、Taylor Francis集团高级副总裁胡昌杰、IEEE亚太区业务高级总监华宁、QS世界大学排名创始人首席执行官Nunzio Quacquarelli、美国大学研究行政管理委员会(NCURA)全球倡议总监Claire Chen、《自然》期刊前出版人Sarah Greaves等专家。 诺贝尔奖得主理查德·罗伯茨(Richard J. Roberts)爵士将在本次线上会议中做专题演讲,他因发现真核DNA内含子和基因剪接机制而获得1993年的诺贝尔奖。罗伯茨博士将讨论获得诺贝尔奖对当代研究人员的重要意义,以及什么是颠覆领域的研究。其他演题包括哈佛在疫情肆虐期间如何管理其研究办公室、展望2022年高等教育的未来以及后疫情时代高教界的情况、科学传播、科研的经济和政策面影响等等。 “COVID疫情大流行给研究人员和出版商提出了新的议题,全世界从未像现在这样如此执着于科学和追求真理。我们在这个关键的时间节点,将最有经验的研究和教育专家聚集在一起讨论未来。”——英论阁Engao首席执行官色拉德·米塔尔(Sharad Mittal) See The Future英论阁国际研讨会将于2020年11月24日在线上举行,会议议程包括主题演讲、网络研讨会、小组讨论、在线演示以及互动问答的环节。大会将以中文和英文进行,英文场次将有同步中文翻译。 免费报名注册 点击以下链接或图片即可免费报名注册,与英论阁Enago一起展望学术科研界的未来,迎接更多未知的挑战! See The Future官方网站 : https://www.enago.cn/see-the-future/conference-2020/ 免费报名注册 : https://www.enago.cn/see-the-future/conference-2020/register/ 英文润色 学 术翻译 SCI全程支持 英论阁 科研视频微信小程序 ,教学短片、专家访谈让您学术出版一看就通! 请关注英论阁微信公众号 EnagoChina
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Lifestyle Design---Day 42
dymseu 2014-3-28 10:39
3/27/2014 Thursday 10:30:56 PM Lifestyle Design---Day 42 2013 Winter Training Crystallization-Study of Genesis (2) Message Two: Living by Faith—Being Today’s River Crossers to Livethe Life of the Altar and the Tent Morning Nourishment WEEK 2 — DAY 4 Gen. 12:7 And Jehovah appeared to Abram and said, To your seed I will give this land. And there he built an altar to Jehovah who had appearedto him. 13:3-4 And he continued on his journey from the Negev as faras Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, betweenBethel and Ai, to the place of the altar, which he had made there formerly; andthere Abram called on the name of Jehovah. In Genesis 12:7 we see that the altar is based on God's appearance.Where there is no divine appearance, there is no altar. We cannot offer ourselves to God unless we have first met God....Consecration is not the result of man'sexhortation or persuasion but of God's revelation. God’s appearing and transfusing issue in our consecration, causing us to build an altar, live in atent, and live totally for God; by God’s appearing and transfusing, Abraham trusted in God for His instant leading, taking God’s presence as the road mapfor his traveling— Gen. 12:7-8; 13:3-4, 18; Heb. 11:8: It comes when we see Him . When we meet God, a radical change takes place in our life. We can no longer do what we did in the past. When we meet God Himself, we have the power to deny ourselves. Such an appearance will alter the whole course of aperson's life. For a Christian, the power to live for God is based on his vision of God . It is not our will to build an altar that produces an altar. Analtar is built when God comes to a man. Lord, may You appear to me again andagain, attract me day by day! Only Your appearing to me can enable me to denymyself. Lord I need Your true appearance! Br. Michael invited me to have dinner in the Red Onion, Chinese Restaurant. This is our third time there,but everything is so refreshed. We had an open heart fellowship as usual,enjoying the flow of life within us. I did not remember exactly what Brother told me, but I felt deeply shepherded. Brother’s love in theLord really touched me, I even cannot find a word to describe. May Lord make me a life giving vessel like Brother Michael ! Lord I love You.
个人分类: My Life in the United States|1416 次阅读|0 个评论
How people in science see each other?
热度 3 wfshigiat 2013-5-8 14:46
Beijing, 2:30pm, Institute of Zoology. I have been swampted by writing a new manuscript and got stucked this afternoon, partly due to fatigue and partly due to the terrible weather of Beijing. Anyway, I would like to share you guys an old figure that a lot of people might have seen. I hope this figure would make you feel happy and have a nice afternoon. Definitely, every guy will have his own understanding to this funny figure. However, it really means something. Finally, can I ask you a question? Who you are? The genius, the gossipy girls, the slaves, the Donald Duck or the great hero?
个人分类: 科研心得|5590 次阅读|5 个评论
Idiom (1): I see
zuojun 2010-5-30 05:39
If you live in an English-speaking city, you hear it often: I see. A colleague asked me how to print out a one-piece poster . I said: Believe it or now, I have never printed one by myself. It's quite tricky. The system admin can help you. I see. he replied. Do you understand this idiom now? Can you offer me some Chinese translation in the comment? Thank you in advance. Chinese translation: 1) 哦,是这样啊. 2) 我明白了.
个人分类: From the U.S.|3421 次阅读|1 个评论

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