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热度 3 孙学军 2012-7-8 21:32
Effects of hydrogen-rich saline treatment on polymicrobial.pdf 脓毒症( sepsis )是指由感染引起的全身炎症反应综合征( systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS ),临床上证实有细菌存在或有高度可疑感染灶。虽然脓毒症是由感染引起,但是一旦发生后,其发生发展遵循其自身的病理过程和规律,故从本质上讲脓毒症是机体对感染性因素的反应。脓毒症曾经被称为败血症。从严重程度上分为 3 种类型:脓毒症、严重脓毒症( severe sepsis )和脓毒性休克( septic shock )。脓毒症发生率高,全球每年有超过 1800 万严重脓毒症病例,美国每年有 75 万例脓毒症患者,并且这一数字还以每年 1.5% ~ 8.0% 的速度上升。脓毒症病死率高,全球每天约 1.4 万人死于其并发症。流行病学调查显示,脓毒症病死率已经超过心肌梗死,成为重症监护病房内非心脏病人死亡的主要原因。脓毒症治疗花费高,医疗资源消耗大,严重影响人类的生活质量,已经对人类健康造成巨大威胁。 治疗和预防脓毒症最有效的方法是以脓毒症的发病机制为基础进行治疗和预防,但是遗憾的是目前脓毒症的发病机制仍未完全阐明,在这种情况下,针对发病原因应做好临床各方面的预防工作,努力降低诱发感染的危险因素对脓毒症的治疗和预防有着重要作用。 最近来自南京总医院麻醉科的一项研究在线发表在《外科研究杂志》上,证明氢气生理盐水对脓毒症的治疗作用。 2009 年天津医科大学谢克亮等的研究证明呼吸氢气可以对脓毒症具有治疗作用,随后他们用不同的模型证明了同样的治疗效果,最重要的发现是首次在世界上报道了氢气在治疗疾病的同时具有促进内源性抗氧化酶活性的作用,并发现对 HMGB1 具有影响。 氢气可以选择性中和毒性自由基羟基自由基和亚硝酸阴离子,对许多疾病和病理状态具有治疗效果,呼吸氢气对脓毒症的治疗作用早就有报道,本研究是观察氢气生理盐水对脓毒症的治疗作用。 SD 大鼠盲肠结扎和穿孔制备脓毒症疾病模型, 24 只动物平均分成假手术、脓毒症和氢气生理盐水等 3 组。在模型制备后 0 、 6 和 18 小时 3 次给动物腹腔注射 5ml/Kg 氢气生理盐水或无氢气正常生理盐水。手术后 24 小时分别检测 MDA (脂质过氧化指标)、 SOD (抗氧化酶)、炎症介质、肺组织 NO 、 MPO (中性粒细胞)、干湿重(肺水肿程度)、组织病理学指数(病理变化)、细胞凋亡分析、丙氨酸转氨酶(肝细胞损伤)、肌酐和血尿素氮(肾脏功能)。手术后 7 天的动物生存率也进行了详细记录。结果发现氢气生理盐水可以使血清内 HMGB1 下降(这是最近几年研究比较热门的炎症因子,正常情况下分布在细胞内,在细胞核内和 DNA 结合发挥调节基因表达的作用,当细胞死亡或损伤时,可以被动或主动释放到细胞外,和一些重要炎症受体 RAGE TLR 结合,并启动炎症反应)。另外转氨酶、肌酐、尿素氮水平均显著下降。肺组织白介素 6 、 HMGB1 、 NO 、 MDA ;肺干湿比、组织学变化指数和细胞凋亡阳性细胞等君明显改善。 SOD 明显升高。但动物生存率无明显改变。研究结果证明氢气生理盐水可以对脓毒症具有治疗作用。 Effects of hydrogen-rich saline treatment on polymicrobial sepsis Guo-min Li, MDa, 1, a Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Jintan Hospital, Jiangsu University, Changzhou, China Received 18 April 2012. Revised 18 June 2012. Accepted 22 June 2012. Available online 7 July 2012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2012.06.058, How to Cite or Link Using DOI Background Hydrogen has been reported to selectively reduce hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite anion in many pathologic processes. This study aimed to test the hypothesis that hydrogen-rich saline (HRS) may ameliorate organ dysfunction in a rat model of polymicrobial sepsis. Methods Sepsis was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). Twenty-four rats were equally assigned to Sham group, CLP group, and CLP + HRS group (n = 8). At 0, 6, and 18 h after CLP or sham operation, rats received an intraperitoneal injection of HRS (5 mL/kg) or the same volume of normal saline. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase activities, inflammatory mediators, pulmonary nitric oxide, myeloperoxidase activities, wet-to-dry weight ratio, histologic scores, apoptotic analysis, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen were assessed at 24 h after operation. The 7-d survival rate was also recorded. Results HRS administration significantly reduced the serum high-mobility group box, alanine aminotransferase, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen levels; the pulmonary interleukin 6, high-mobility group box, nitric oxide, and malondialdehyde levels; and the wet-to-dry weight ratio, total histologic scores, and TUNEL-positive cells, whereas it increased the superoxide dismutase activities 24 h after CLP when compared with the CLP group. However, there was no significant difference in survival rate between the CLP + HRS and CLP groups. Conclusions HRS has potential protective effects against sepsis by decreasing proinflammatory responses, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in a rat model of polymicrobial sepsis.
个人分类: 氢气生理盐水|5788 次阅读|5 个评论
xuxiaxx 2012-7-6 08:42
据世界卫生组织(世卫组织)称,除非采取紧急行动,否则数百万淋病病人可能面临缺少治疗方案的风险。已经有包括澳大利亚、法国、日本、挪威、瑞典和英国在内的若干国家报告了对头孢类抗生素产生耐药的病例,此类抗生素是针对淋病的最后治疗方案。每年估计有1.06亿人通过性传播途径感染淋病。 治疗方案很少 “由于感染率很高并且治疗方案很少,淋病已成为一项主要公共卫生挑战,”世卫组织生殖健康和研究司Manjula Lusti-Narasimhan博士说。“现有的数据仅仅展示了冰山一角。不进行适当监测,我们就不会知道淋病的耐药程度,不进行新的抗菌制剂研究,可能很快就会无法对病人施以有效治疗。” 必须正确使用抗生素 世卫组织今天发布了新的指导,其中呼吁各方对抗生素的正确使用保持更高的警惕性,并且对治疗淋病感染的替代方案开展更多研究。世卫组织在控制淋球菌的抗生素耐药性传播和影响的全球行动计划中还呼吁加强耐药菌株的监测和报告,并增进淋病感染的预防、诊断和控制。 健康影响显著 淋病占四种可治愈的主要性传播感染的四分之一 1 。自开发出抗生素以来,病原体已对多种用来治疗的常用抗生素产生了耐药性,包括青霉素、四环素类和喹诺酮类抗生素。 “我们十分关注最近对头孢类抗生素这种最后的有效治疗方案出现的治疗失败报道,因为尚没有新的正在开发中的治疗药物,”Lusti-Narasimhan博士说。“如果淋病感染成为无法治疗的病症,那么将会带来很大的健康影响。” 抗菌素耐药性 抗菌素耐药性是由于毫无限制的得到抗菌素,过度使用并且药物质量低劣,以及致病生物自然产生基因突变造成的。此外,即便不再继续使用抗菌素,淋病菌株往往会保留对以往所使用药物的基因耐药性。由于缺乏许多国家在淋病方面的可靠数据并且缺乏研究,尚不知世界上出现这种耐药性的严重程度。  淋病 对淋球菌感染不加治疗可对男性、女性和新生儿带来健康问题,包括: 尿道、宫颈和直肠感染; 男女不孕不育; 大大增加艾滋病毒感染和传播的风险; 异位妊娠、自然流产、死产和早产; 在没有进行淋病治疗的妇女所生的婴儿中,有30-50%会出现严重的眼部感染,最终可能会导致失明。 淋病可以通过更加安全的性交得以预防。要控制性传播感染,必须做到早期发现和及时治疗,其中包括性伙伴。来源:WHO网
1440 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 孙学军 2012-7-4 10:27
氢气生物学研究目前进展迅速,虽然有大量的动物实验证明对许多疾病具有治疗作用,但如果没有严格的随机对照临床试验的证据,则无法获得临床治疗特别是国家医药管理局等的最终许可,也就是说无法获得官方的正式批准用于临床的使用。开展严格对照的临床研究是氢气医学发展最重要的任务和手段。也是将来深入研究氢气生物学效应最重要的环境保障和研究目的。 但国际上在临床试验方面进展并不快,到目前为止,临床试验的报道基本都来自日本,这里是从世界卫生组织临床试验注册的信息中检索到的临床试验注册信息也说明这个问题,这些信息显示出日本在神经系统损伤治疗方面的关注度比较大,例如 6 项注册试验中有 3 项属于神经系统损伤治疗效果的研究,分别是中风、巴金森病和中度认知障碍的研究。比较有意思的是,最早报道氢气生物学效应的日本医科大学没有注册临床试验的信息,是他们没有信心,还是没有获得研究经费的资助。因为他们曾经获得来自商业公司的赞助,并成立氢气医学中心。从这一点上看,似乎没有这些问题。但内情不清楚。 第一项:氢气水治疗巴金森病 第二项:氢气水对正常人的抗氧化效果评价 第三项 氢气生理盐水注射对脑缺血的治疗效果评价 第四项 氢气水对中度认知障碍治疗效果的研究 第五项 氢气水治疗间质性膀胱炎 第六项 氢气水对糖尿病的治疗效果评价 所有信息可从世界卫生组织的临床试验注册网上免费检索,更详细的信息可从 http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/AdvSearch.aspx 检索。 建议检索词为 : hydrogen 。 Recruitment status 选择 ALL 。否则无法获得全面的信息。 详细信息 第一项:氢气水治疗巴金森病 2012 年 3 月 14 日注册的用“氢气水治疗巴金森病”开始实验 2010 年 1 月 1 日顺天堂大学附属医院神经外科,联系人 Asako Yoritaka 。日本学者曾经报道使用氢气水治疗巴金森病的动物实验效果,发表论文 3 篇。全部使用自由饮用氢气水。治疗设计 The subjects should make 1000 ml of molecular hydrogen water which contains 1.6 ppm dissolved hydrogen by Aquerable, and consume for 48 weeks . Placebo water which is not contained molecular hydrogen water made from pseudo-machine. The subjects consume for48 weeks. 第二项:氢气水对正常人的抗氧化效果评价 Studies on in vivo effects of drinking a water product dissolving hydrogen gas as an in vitro antioxidant additive 杏林大学 Atsushi Hiraoka 自 2009 年 5 月 1 日开始的针对健康人的一项研究,排除肝脏肾脏功能异常和月经期女性。 Ingestion of 500ml per day of hydrogen gas-dissolving water for 1 week.Ingestion of 500ml per day of control water without hydrogen gas for 1 week.. 观察指标 the levels of serum LPO and urine 8-OHdG in subjects immediately before and after 1-week drinking period for 500ml per day of tap water with or without dissolved hydrogen gas at 0.34mg/l and 1-week before and after the drinking per day. 第三项 氢气生理盐水注射对脑缺血的治疗效果评价 日本国防医科大学神经外科 Hiroshi Nawashiro 于 2011/06/01 开始的 Molecular hydrogen for ischemic stroke 。选择诊断后症状发生 24 小时内脑缺血患者 Patients were eligible for enrollment if they were 18 years or older and had a clinical diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke within 24 hours of symptom onset. They had to score at least 6 on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) with at least 2 points for limb weakness. All patients received appropriate routine stroke care as per local treatment practices, including alteplase for eligible patients presenting 3 hours from onset; patients receiving alteplase had to commence the study drug before the alteplase infusion.Exclusion criteria: Patients with acute ischemic stroke beyond 24 hours of symptom onset. 治疗方法为静脉点滴注射氢气生理盐水。效果评价 modified Rankin scale (mRS) (days 7, 30, and 90), the NIHSS (days 7 and 90), and the Barthel Index (days 7, 30, and 90) Safety Assessments Vital signs were recorded at enrollment and at specified times throughout the infusion and follow-up periods. Routine laboratory data and ECGs were performed at the time of enrollment, at 24 and 72 hours, and on day 7 and were analyzed centrally (ECGs at day 7 were performed only if abnormal at 72 hours). To assess any effect of hydrogen on hemorrhagic transformation after alteplase administration, brain imaging was repeated after 72 hours in patients who were receiving concomitant treatment with alteplase. Symptomatic hemorrhagic transformation was defined as an increase in the NIHSS score of at least 4 points within 36 hours, plus evidence of any blood on neuroimaging after treatment with alteplase. Patients meeting criteria for progressive stroke (NIHSS increase of 4 points within 72 hours) or new stroke in the first week were also reimaged. 第四项 氢气水对中度认知障碍治疗效果的研究 筑波医科大学临床医学研究所神经精神学系 Takashi Asada2009/07/01 开始的 A randomized trial to assess the effects of hydrogen-ride dissolution water for the patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). 中度认知障碍的研究。 招募对象: Inclusion criteria: 1) Participants of the Tone project. 2) Being able to give a written informed consent to the participation in the present study. 3) Having diagnosis of the mild cognitive impairment. 4) Being able to observe the following requirement: good compliance with the water; participation in the scheduled examinations for assessment; keeping a log-diary recording the consumption of the water. 5) Having a modified Hachinski Ischemic score of 4 or less. 6) Having the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale score of 6 or less. Exclusion criteria: 1) Meeting DSM-IV TR criteria for dementing illnesses. 2) Having serious or unstable illnesses. 3) Having a history within past 5 years of serious infectious disease affecting the brain and/or malignant diseases. 4) Having a history of alcohol or drug abuse or dependence (on DSM-IV TR) within the past 5 years. 5) Receiving any types of anti-Alzheimer drugs. 6) Recent (within 4 weeks) initiation of medications that affect the central nervous system.Age minimum: 67years-old.Age maximum: Not applicable Gender: Male and Female 研究内容: mild cognitive impairment 治疗手段 The patients of hydrogen group will be intervened with 500ml hydrogen dissolution water every-day for 2 years. The patients of placebo group will be intervened with 500ml ordinary water every-day for 2 years. 效果评价 Score in Japanese version of ADAS-Cog and Mini Mental State Examination. Scores in Japanese version of ADCS-ADL, MRI and SPCET imaging, and Geriatric Depression Scale. 第五项 氢气水治疗间质性膀胱炎 Koushinkai Hospital 的 Comprehensive Support Project for Clinical Research Office 于 2008/07/01 开始的 A randomized trial to asses the effects of hydrogen-rich dissolution water in patients with interstitial cystitis 。至少现在没有氢气在间质性膀胱炎方面的研究报道,无论是动物实验还是临床报道。 研究对象标准: Inclusion criteria: 1) Patients who are able to give written informed consent 2) Patients who has the characteristic finding under hydraulic distension of the bladder in interstitial cystitis by cystoscope 3) It has taken more than 12 weeks after patients took the hydraulic distension of the bladder, and symptom of patients are in stable. 4) More than 7 marks in total of Interstitial Cystitis Score in registration 5) More than 4 marks in Q4 (degree of bladder pain) in Interstitial Symptom Score 6) Age is over 20 years and less than 80 years 7) Patients are able to do the following things in this trial; getting good compliance with intaking investigating food and coming to hospital, and writing the diary and the questionnaire accurately by themselvesExclusion criteria: 1) More than 200ml of an average voided volume at a time before the registration 2) Patients with active infection of urinary tract 3) Patients with bacterial cystitis within 12 weeks before registration 4) Patients with vaginosis 5) Patients with calculus of lower urinary tract or urethral diverticulum 6) Patients with nephrosis syndrome 7) Patients with active genital herpes 8) Patients who have operated the surgery in pelvis or its circumference and it has not taken more than 24 hours after the surgery 9) Patients with cerebrospinal disease 10) Patients with the follow disease or suspected disease; neurogenic bladder, cystitis radiation, tuberculous cystitis, cystitis with BCG, drug associated cystitis 11) Start, stop, or change of the dose of the following drugs within 4 weeks after the registration; (a) Antiphlogistic analgetic (b) Antidepressant (c) Anticholinergic drug (d) Antihistamine drug (e) Ataractic drug (f) Drug treatment for frequent urination and acraturesis (g) Steroid drug 12) Start or stop new bladder training or diet therapy within 4 weeks befor registration 13) Patients who has received bladder instillation therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, or acupuncture and moxibustion within 12 weeks before registration 14) Patients with serious hepatic or kidney damage 15) Patients with serious heart disease 16) Patients with malignant tumors which effect their general status or survival time 17) Patients with the history of serious drug-induced adverse effect 18) Patients who are in pregnancy, while breast-feeding, or have possibilities of them, or desire pregnancy in test period 19) Patients who have taken part in the her clinical research within 12 weeks 20) Patients who have taken part in the her clinical research within 12 weeks 21) Patients who are inadequate, which their physicians assessed itAge minimum: 20years-old Age maximum: 80years-oldGender: Male and Female 治疗方法 The patients will be intervened with hydrogen dissolution water group (hydrogen group) 200ml every three times in a day in 2 months (56days) . After that, the patients in hydrogen dissolution water group will be transferred to the additional intervention term after the end of intervention.And after that, the patients will be randomized to withdrawal terms for more 1 month with hydrogen dissolution water or with placebo water. The proportion of the patients who has been assessed "success" at the end of the intervention Secondary Outcome(s) 1) Changes of the Symptom Score in Interstitial Cystitis Symptom Index(ICSI) 2) Changes of the Problem Score in Interstitial Cystitis Problem Index(ICPI) 3) An Average frequency of urination per day 4) An Average voided volume at a time 5) Degree of urge to urinate; PUF symptom score 6) Degree of bladder pain 7) Impression by patients with GRA (Global Response Assessment) 8) Urine Test; 8-OHdG in urine 9) Adverse Events (we cannot deny the association between the food and the event) 第六项 氢气水对糖尿病的治疗效果评价 研究京都大学医学院 Comprehensive Support Project for Clinical Research Office 于 21/08/2008 开始的 A Randomized trial to assess the effects of hydrogen-rich dissolution water for patients with impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose 。该研究已经发表论文。 研究对象标准: Inclusion criteria: 1) Patients who are abele to give written informed consent 2) FBS is over 100mg/dl and under 126mg/dl in registration 3) Age is over 20 years and less than 80 years 4) Type of practice: outpatient department 5) Patients are able to do the following things in this trial - getting good compliance with consuming investigational food and coming to hospital, and writing the diary and the questionnaire accurately by themselvesExclusion criteria: 1) Patients who have receive drug treatment for diabetes 2) Patients with the diseases which have possibility with impaired glucose tolerance 3) Patients with serious liver or kidney damage 4) Patients with serious heart disease or cerebrovascular disorders 5) Patients with serious disease in pancreas or blood disease 6) Patients with malignant tumors which effect their general status or survival time 7) Patients who are in pregnancy, while breast-feeding, have possibilities of them, or desire pregnancy in test period 8) Patients with alcohol abuse 9) Patients who have taken part in the her clinical research within 12 weeks 10) Patients who have taken part in the her clinical research within 12 weeks 11) Patients who are inadequate, which their physicians assessed it Age minimum: 20years-oldAge maximum: 70years-oldGender: Male and Female 研究内容 Impaired glucose tolerance or impaired fasting glucose 治疗手段 The patients will be intervened with hydrogen dissolution water group (hydrogen group) 200ml every three times in a day in 3 months (84days) . The patients will be intervened with normal water group (placebo group) 200ml every three times in a day in 3 months (84days) 效果评价方法 1)75gOGTT(glucose);0 minute (in the fasting state),30,60,90 minutes later after loading2)Delta AUC(0-120min);The difference of the area under the plasma glucose concentration before and after administration
个人分类: 氢气医学临床|5574 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 fan102433 2012-7-3 15:25
治疗颈椎病如下方法: 1.颈椎五把推; 2.犀牛望月; 3.一指禅拨筋; 4.拔罐:颈三罐; 5.针刺......
1450 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 孙学军 2012-7-1 16:52
Hydrogen saline is protective for acute lung.pdf 四川大学华西医院 麻醉系刘进教授课题组 2011 年在《外科研究杂志》上发表了氢气治疗兔肺缺血再灌注损伤的文章。 该实验室是国际上最早开展氢气研究的单位之一 。 最近 上海 胸科医院发表类似论文,证明注射氢气生理盐水可以治疗大鼠肺缺血再灌注损伤,该文章发表在 Heart, Lung and Circulation 杂志上,该研究证明注射氢气生理盐水(先连续提前 3 天,然后在缺血再灌注时注射 0.5 ml/kg )可以治疗肺缺血再灌注组织损伤,作者分别采用肺组织干湿比(可以分析肺水肿程度)、肺动脉体外收缩和舒张功能(分别用乙酰胆碱和肾上腺素诱导血管的扩张和收缩功能)、 HE 染色(肺组织病理损伤程度)、 TUNEL 染色和 caspase-3 活性(显示肺组织细胞凋亡的程度)、 MDA 和 8-OHdG (组织氧化损伤程度,分别代表脂质和核酸氧化损伤的程度)以及血液白细胞 CRP 等生物标志。等研究手段,证明氢气盐水注射对大鼠肺缺血再灌注损伤有治疗作用。 疑问: 1 、为什么要提前使用药物,什么原因?提前抗氧化有什么价值?如果有,为什么没有和单独损伤后进行对比,至少过去没有见过类似给药物的方法。 2 、氢气生理盐水剂量为什么采用 0.5 ml/kg ,有什么依据? 3 、我前面提到 2011 年就有四川华西医院发表氢气生理盐水对兔肺缺血再灌注损伤有治疗作用,本文为什么没有引用?本文投稿日期是 2012 年 2 月,应该可以看到该文献,从文献类似度上考虑,这是一篇绝对必须引用的文献。 Hydrogen saline is protective for acute lung ischaemia/reperfusion injuries in rats Jianxin Shi1, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, People's Republic of China Protective effects of saturated hydrogen (H2) saline on cardiac ischaemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury have been demonstrated previously. This study was designed to show that hydrogen-rich saline is protective in preventing lung I/R injury in rats. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats underwent 45 min occlusion of the right lung roots and 120 min reperfusion. Rats were divided randomly into three groups: sham-operated control group, I/R plus saline treatment, and I/R plus hydrogen-rich saline treatment (0.6 mmol/L, 0.5 ml/kg/d). Three days of intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen-rich saline before the reperfusion combined with immediate administration of hydrogen-rich saline after the reperfusion were performed. Following reperfusion, the lung tissue and the pulmonary artery was immediately obtained and the W/D ratio, pulmonary artery contraction and relaxation ability, H–E staining, TUNEL staining, caspase-3, MDA, 8-OHdG content and measurement of such biomarkers as WBC, CRP were measured or carried out. Results Hydrogen saline significantly protected vasoactivity of the pulmonary artery, reduced pulmonary oedema, decreased lung malondialdehyde (MDA), 8-OHdG concentration, alleviated lung epithelial cell apoptosis and lowered the level of such biomarkers as WBC, CRP, ALT and TBiL. Conclusions It is concluded that hydrogen-rich saline is a novel, simple, safe and effective method to attenuate pulmonary I/R injury. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Attenuates Lung Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rabbits.pdf
个人分类: 氢气生理盐水|4751 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 3 孙学军 2012-6-29 15:13
来自北京天坛医院神经外科中国工程院院士王忠诚课题组的一项研究表明,氢气对颅脑创伤后氧化应激、神经功能障碍有治疗作用,该治疗作用和脑源性神经营养因子相关的神经突触可塑性相关分子如突触素 I 、 CREB 、 Sir2 和钙调素依赖蛋白激酶 II 等关系密切。 颅脑创伤占全身创伤发生率第二位,但致死率和致残率却位居第一位,成为儿童和中青年人群最主要的死亡原因。美国每年发生颅脑损伤的人占总人口的 2 %,颅脑创伤已成为青年人伤残和死亡的首要原因。在中国,每年有大约 60 万颅脑创伤病人,其中死亡约 10 万人。随着中国国民经济和道路交通等快速发展,中国颅脑损伤的发生率也逐年上升,已成为中国严重的公共卫生问题。如何降低颅脑损伤患者的死亡率和残废率,提高患者生存质量,已成为医学诸学科共同关心的问题。随着对颅脑创伤发病机制的认识不断深入,临床治疗药物不断增加,治疗方法的改进,监测条件和护理水平的提高,颅脑创伤病人救治水平已有明显提高。在中国第三届颅脑创伤研讨会上,中国工程院院士王忠诚报告,中国因创伤导致的死因顺位不断前移,成为继肿瘤、心脑血管病之后第三位重要死因,其中颅脑创伤占创伤总数的 15% 左右,死亡率占创伤总数的 85% 。在不知不觉中,社会发展把创伤医学提到了前所未有的重要位置。王忠诚院士说,近年中国颅脑创伤临床技术和基础研究都取得很大进步,天津和上海发展处于国内领先水平,有一整套成功的救治经验,但中国发展不平衡。对于严重颅脑创伤病人来说,伤后最初的抢救 “ 黄金一小时 ” ,不但关乎性命,而且影响日后生存质量(根据网络资料整理)。 颅脑创伤后遗症主要包括学习记忆能力受损的认知障碍,由于大脑组织多不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富,因此对各类病理损伤因素非常敏感,如氧化应激和颅脑创伤存在密切联系。氧化应激是颅脑创伤后期神经功能和可塑性破坏最重要的早期启动因素。活性氧过度增加导致氧化应激,可破坏脂类、蛋白质和核酸。在颅脑创伤病理生理过程中,氧化应激可造成细胞骨架破坏、细胞线粒体功能障碍和改变信号传导。抗氧化剂可保护脑组织对抗氧化损伤,提高神经突触异常和认知功能障碍的修复能力。 氢气是一种安全有效的抗氧化剂,能自由透过细胞膜,容易扩散到细胞浆、线粒体和细胞核内。氢气通过中和羟基自由基保护细胞和组织对抗氧化应激损伤,在慢性束缚应激模型中,曾有学者证明氢气可保护动物受损的空间学习能力 。也可以减轻快速衰老动物的认知功能障碍 [] 。目前尚无关于氢气对颅脑创伤后认知功能障碍效果的研究。 脂质过氧化是细胞损伤的重要机制,也常作为细胞和组织氧化损伤的标志。脂质过氧化物不稳定,可分解形成一系列复杂的物质,例如活性羰基化合物,多不饱和脂肪酸过氧化可产生丙二醛( MDA ),检测 MDA 可反应脂质过氧化程度。 Sir2 是一种依赖 NAD 的组蛋白去乙酰化酶,在细胞能量代谢和基因表达调控,如在细胞抗氧化系统调节功能中具有重要作用。颅脑创伤后氧化应激水平和 Sir2 存在密切关系。尽管在多种模型中,氢气可以影响 MDA 水平。但目前不清楚氢气是否可影响 颅脑创伤后 Sir2 的改变。 尽管氧化应激影响认知功能的机制目前尚不十分明确,但许多证据表明,大量分布在海马神经元的脑源性神经营养因子( BDNF )在神经突触可塑性、神经兴奋性和学习记忆能力等方面发挥重要作用。最近的证据显示,氧化应激可导致 BDNF 水平下降,并导致认知功能障碍。 BDNF 可通过调节其下游效应因子如突触素 I 和 c AMP 反应元件( CREB ) , 影响和学习记忆相关的突触功能。钙调素依赖的蛋白激酶 II 是学习记忆功能关键的信号调节因子,在 BDNF 介导的认知功能中发挥重要作用。 本研究通过液压颅脑创伤模型制备、水迷宫行为学、氧化应激( MDA )指标、 ELISABDNF 免疫活性、蛋白含量(突触素 I 、 CREB 、 Sir2 和钙调素依赖的蛋白激酶 II )等研究技术,证明氢气生理盐水注射可以减少大鼠颅脑创伤后氧化应激和神经功能异常,该效应和 BDNF 相关的突触活性关系密切。 (作者后记:次前第二军医大学长征医院麻醉科曾报道氢气对脊髓创伤的保护作用,第四军医大学西京医院神经外科曾报道对脑创伤的保护作用,但都是在现象上的描述,在分子机制方面本研究尚有一定新意。尽管氢气对颅脑创伤可能具有治疗作用,但目前的证据只停留在动物实验水平,而且该效应主要是在损伤发生早期,一旦损伤已经稳定,例如损伤后 1 周,氢气是否仍具有保护效应,目前没有任何证据。因此氢气对颅脑创伤可能具有作用,仅仅只是在早期可能有作用。) Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects Against Oxidative Damage and Cognitive Deficits af.pdf
个人分类: 氢气生理盐水|5473 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 4 sunsong7 2012-6-24 03:08
干细胞治疗的机会窗口(三) Awindowofopportunityforstemcelltherapy      黑箱中的小老鼠:设想有一个密封的黑箱(black box),黑箱的四壁为非常厚的铅层,只有一个小窗可以打开,只有打开小窗才能使光线进入黑箱使我们观察箱内。假设箱内有一个行动迅速的小老鼠非常想逃出黑箱,小窗一旦打开就会发现小老鼠在窗口处。问题是:在不打开小窗时,老鼠在哪里呢?老鼠在干什么呢?   所谓黑箱是指这样一个系统,我们只能得到它的输入值和输出值,而不知道其内部结构。人们对于黑箱过程并非无所作为,如果将小老鼠放入黑箱前对其进行遴选、甄别,了解其习性并加以模拟和训练,就有可能对黑箱中小老鼠的行为规律做出判断,而不是根据“打开窗口时老鼠就在窗口”的结果就得出老鼠就一直呆在窗口的结论。   干细胞临床应用恰如将一群小老鼠关入黑箱,干细胞植入体内后我们不知道它们去了哪里,做了些什么?只能静静观察身体出现的相关反应,以及不相关的“安慰剂效应”等。干细胞的“黑箱”过程触及生命本质问题,挑战了传统的医疗技术和药物开发一些基本思想体系,但人们有能力从伦理学、安全性、有效性、质量可控性和技术经济可行性几个方面入手,在将干细胞植入受者体内前对其进行筛选、观察、操作、模拟以及控制,从而突破制约干细胞治疗“机会窗口”开启的技术瓶颈。 三、制约干细胞治疗“机会窗口”开启的技术瓶颈      1. 合理的干细胞来源的是其临床应用的出发点   许多实验室发布自己在干细胞领域的研究成果,而事实上多数发表在顶级刊物上研究成果却难以重现,排除试剂、装备、操作等方面的因素,干细胞做为研究主体,其来源的差异对研究结果的判断影响不容忽视。       干细胞供者遗传背景复杂难以追溯 :家族史、既往病史、性别、年龄、种族、血型、组织相容性抗原、身体条件(体格、体质以及精神、心理、生理疾病等)、生活习性(饮食习惯、工作习惯、休息习惯、运动习惯、用药习惯、吸烟饮酒习惯等),生存环境(大气环境、水环境、生物环境、地质和土壤环境和其他自然环境,居住环境、工作环境、交通环境、文化环境和其他社会环境等)。受各种物理、化学、生物因素的动态影响,世界上不存在两株遗传背景一致的干细胞。       不同组织来源干细胞生物学特性似是而非 :人体260多种组织均由干细胞分化而来,干细胞无处不在,有细胞活动的地方就有干细胞的身影,干细胞的组织来源非常丰富,包括胚胎、成体组织(骨髓、牙髓、毛囊、上皮、肌肉、血管、脂肪、粘膜、神经等)、围产期组织(脐带、羊水、羊膜、胎盘、脐血等)、体液及分泌物(血液、淋巴液、经血、乳汁、尿液、泪液、唾液、汗液)中均含有干细胞。但是不同组织来源的同种细胞生物学特性却似是而非,例如间充质干细胞,除了骨髓、脐带来源外,脂肪干细胞、胎盘干细胞、宫内膜干细胞、外周血干细胞、毛囊干细胞、牙髓干细胞、粘膜干细胞、羊水干细胞、羊膜干细胞、乳汁干细胞、尿液干细胞等均含有或本身就是间充质干细胞。       不同种类干细胞缺乏明确界定且可相互转化 :干细胞大致可以分为全能干细胞(胚胎干细胞、生殖母细胞、诱导性多能干细胞等),亚全能干细胞(vsel细胞、muse细胞,胎儿、胎盘亚全能干细胞等)、多能干细胞(间充质干细胞、造血干细胞等)、寡能干细胞(血管干细胞、淋巴样干细胞等)、专能干细胞(成纤维细胞、肝细胞、神经祖细胞等)。干细胞种类包罗万象,不同种类干细胞之间是动态渐变的,并没有严格区分界限,而且在某些条件下它们可以相互转化,甚至多数高度分化的细胞在特定条件下同样具有干细胞特性。比较细胞与干细胞的定义,几乎所有活着的细胞都可以被称作“干细胞”,区别仅在于干性(stemness)的强弱。    干细胞为动态活物缺乏一致性 :目前临床上包括抗生素、化学小分子、生物大分子在内的药物等均为结构和成分明确并相对稳定的体系。而干细胞不但成分不确定,其大小、形态各异,有老有小、有强有弱,功能、行为、状态不同,世代不一、多代同堂,宛如大千世界芸芸众生相。可以想见在体内干细胞有的在生长、增殖,有的在分化、在分泌;有的在休眠,有的在迁移;有的在辛勤地建造自己的niche,有的在恶劣微环境中挣扎;去有的帮助组织再生,有的为疾病铺路...同种干细胞的在不同微环境中可以改头换面,不同种类的干细胞生物学性状又可以相互交叠,可以说干细胞是一些定义不清、标准不明,分化能力不一,摸样大致有点相像,多代同堂,个个都能干的“派系”细胞。    供临床用干细胞种类(组织来源)的选择可考虑以下几方面 :a. 无伦理学障碍;b. 材料有稳定的来源;c. 具有明确筛选指标和理论依据;c. 符合规模化制备要求;c.体外过程可控性; 6. 安全性在可接受范围内;下图总结了一些干细胞的临床应用前景:     2. 有效的评价技术是干细胞临床应用的基本前提     规模化制备并非制约干细胞产业化的关键技术 :一方面,目前干细胞库技术、规模化扩增技术、无血清培养技术、超低温保藏及冷链传输技术等已基本成熟,多数干细胞开发机构能够制备出足量的干细胞制品供临床前和临床研究用。另一方面,cGMP已在国际上施行数十年,制药行业的经验积累为干细胞产业化制备提供了可以借鉴的丰富知识,国际机构和先进国家也提出了FACT、AABB及GTP等标准用以参考。         质量可控性是干细胞临床安全性和有效性的基础和前提 :干细胞组织来源多样,供者遗传背景复杂,体外分离、纯化、扩增、诱导和细胞制品制备过程漫长且要引入抗生素、生长因子、抗体、胶原酶、蛋白酶、动物血清等多种外来成分;还可能污染细菌、支原体、病毒等外源因子;体外操作过程可能会引起干细胞的增殖潜能、分化潜能、生物学效力、组织相容性抗原、端粒酶、核型、原癌抑癌基因等发生改变带来免疫毒性和致瘤风险;在保存、运输、复苏、配制过程中,细胞制品的存活率、生物学效力、均一性无时不在变化。在其制备过程及细胞制品缺乏有效的质量控制方法和标准的情况下,干细胞临床应用的安全性和有效性无法实现。         干细胞制品普遍缺乏有效性评价指标 :目前临床上一般采用活细胞计数方法决定输注干细胞数量,在个别病人身上干细胞治疗似乎显现出了“令人惊讶”的效果,而在更多患者则反映“没什么效果”,呈现出“冰火两重天”情况。事实上,干细胞的体外操作是一个动态过程,活细胞数量并不能有效反映干细胞的生理状况的改变,有人甚至将处死的干细胞输注到动物体内获得了与输注活细胞相当的试验结果,这里引入一个干细胞的定义单位——生物学效力(biological potency)。    生物学效力或称为“效价”是一个评价生物药物有效性的重要指标,用来测量药物产生特定生理功能的浓度或数量;生物药物的物理数量(质量)往往无法直接代表其生物学效力,如蛋白质失活后含量不变效力下降,一般需要重新定义效价单位做为金标准来衡量其生物学效力;譬如:通常用抑菌试验的半数抑制微生物生长的最高稀释度测量抗生素效价单位,干扰素用细胞病变抑制法(CPE)测量能抑制50%细胞病变或50%病毒空斑形成效应的最高稀释度来测量干扰素活性单位;    干细胞的生物学效力的要求:a.效力指标设定需要找出与临床治疗效应相关的关键机理通路,能够真实反映量效关系,要考虑到干细胞是多靶点、多通路的;b. 效力指标设定需要能够代表细胞制品在制备过程中与临床使用时具有一致性;c. 效力指标设定应是优化的,最好用体外试验来替代动物模型,要求操作便捷、能够成为制品放行标准;d. 效力指标设定应通过分析方法学验证:线性、范围、准确度、精密度(包括重复性和重现性)、检测限、定量限和耐用性等;    细胞表面标志物虽可以用来鉴别干细胞的种类和评价干细胞的纯度,但无法直接反映细胞的生物学功能,甚至无法区分细胞死活;诱导分化试验虽然比较直接,但是很难定量,而且周期长、变异性大;细胞共培养法问题更加突出,除了周期长变动大外,供试细胞株来源差异极大,经常造成矛盾的实验结果;miRNA及因子表达直接测定难以反映体内状况...       实验动物模型困扰干细胞临床前安全性和有效性评价 : 实验动物常用来评价新药的体内分布、代谢,有效性、急性毒性、特殊毒性、长期毒性等,为新药人体临床观察提供基础数据。动物模型建立的一般原则:a. 在动物身上复制的模型应尽可能近似于人类疾病的情况;b. 物模型应该是可重复的,甚至是可以标准化的;c.复制的模型可特异地、可靠地反映疾病机能、代谢、结构变化和主要症状和体征;d.复制动物模型时应尽量考虑到今后临床应用和便于控制其疾病的发展;e.复制动物模型时所采用的方法应尽量做到容易执行和合乎经济原则。   但是,在动物模型是否能够为临床研究提供有效参考仍然值得怀疑:a.干细胞可增殖、可转化,可被排斥,不符合一般药物代谢规律;b.干细胞具有种属特异性,异种干细胞植入难以说明问题,同种植入供试品又与未来临床试验不一致;c. 干细胞组织配型(不相合、半相合,相合)试验难以实现;d. 标记后的干细胞生物特征发生改变,定植、分化、转实验归追踪困难;e.动物生命周期不足以体现人类干细胞长期植入后果。f.动物生理结构、细胞周期与人类存在差异,动物干细胞制备成本相当于开发一种新来源的干细胞,开发者缺乏制备动物干细胞的积极性。      3. 风险控制预案是干细胞临床研究的保障       干细胞临床应用开启“潘多拉魔盒”: 干细胞技术让一些传统医疗手段束手无策的患者重新燃起希望,但干细胞治疗的“机会窗口”打开的同时也开启了“潘多拉魔盒”,人们充满了好奇、期待和恐惧。恐惧源自于结果的不确定性,只有我们对最差的状况有了充分的估计和应对准备,把风险被控制在可以接受的范围内,人们才能充分享受新技术和产品带来的福祉。根据已有资料干细胞移植可能引起的不良反应包括:免疫系统紊乱(移植物抗宿主病、过敏反应、红斑狼疮等)、神经系统紊乱(发热、头痛、晕厥、癫痫等)、心肺血管功能紊乱(低血压或高血压、心动过缓、出血倾向、静脉阻塞病、间质性肺炎综合征)、代谢和内分泌失调(脑垂体、甲状腺、和肾上腺激素分泌紊乱)、食欲问题(缺乏食欲、恶心、呕吐)、并发感染(局部或全身细菌、真菌、病毒感染)、肿瘤(致瘤、促瘤、移植性肿瘤)、其他(白内障、不育症等)。       谁来保护小白鼠? 必须承认的是,某些特殊情况下,干细胞技术的临床应用可能先于严格的新药开发程序完成,就是所谓的“医疗新技术”,医学史上有不少这样的例子。但是,对于公众和潜在的消费者而言,在干细胞科学研究尚在进行、临床应用条件尚未成熟以及管理规则还有待制定的情况下,如何采取必要的措施保护自身的健康与经济利益,如何配合科学界与管理机构监督干细胞治疗的规范性,避免被不正当的商业手段所蒙骗,是一个值得认真考虑的问题。同时,我们必须清醒地认识到,从干细胞的研究到实际的应用还要经过漫长艰苦的研究发展过程。面对具有无限潜力的干细胞研究和应用前景,科学界、临床工作者、产业界以及广大消费公众,都需要有一个现实的态度,需要耐心与理解,需要承担各自的责任,互相配合,以保证科学研究与临床应用能够在最有利的环境中进行。    干细胞治疗病种和人群选择建议考虑几点 :a. 无有效手段控制疾病进程者;b. 有突破现有手段局限性的理论依据;c.干细胞治疗带来可能的利益明显大于潜在风险;d. 非肿瘤患者或高危人群;e. 可明确组织HLA配型(相合、半相合)?f.无生育愿望人群?g. 能够长期随访者?   4. 科学家“越位”,工程师“缺位”      科学是探索自然规律的活动,回答“why”的问题; 技术是规律的运用活动,回答“how”的问题。既然有了科学与技术,所谓的 “科技”是什么东东? 到目前为止,还没有任何人能给出一个明确的定义,或许“科技”是用于回答关于“when”,“where” or “who”之类的问题吧?“科技”这个字显然混淆了科学和技术的边界,造成目前我国“干细胞乱象”,科学家“越位”难咎其责。   企业是技术创新的主体,“技术优先,科学随后”是世界各国技术和科学发展的一般规律。一个企业、一个国家对技术和科学的需求总是由近及远、由浅层次到深层次。科学家有一定的技术预测能力,吸收一定数量的科学家参加国家干细胞技术决策咨询是必要的,但以科学家为主体,左右干细胞技术发展则是本末倒置的。我国干细胞技术发展规划、计划、重大技术创新项目的选择和评价等等历来是科学家的天下,企业家、工程师很少有发言权。在几乎所有的干细胞技术决策过程中,大科学家的结论往往成为决策的唯一依据,形成了目前我国跟风iPS热而轻视成体干细胞开发的局面。我们反对无所作为,也要抵制科学家耐不住寂寞急功近利,干细胞技术决策过程中工程师“缺位”亦成为制约干细胞治疗“机会窗口”开启的技术瓶颈。 前 文: 干细胞治疗的机会窗口(二) 干细胞治疗的机会窗口(一) 【扩展阅读】 间充质干细胞(MSC)是机体组织的脚手架 细胞王国 异基因干细胞移植会造成生殖细胞遗传性改变吗? 干细胞广泛临床应用后将带给人类什么? “干”细胞乱象
7361 次阅读|8 个评论
zlhtcm 2012-6-19 21:37
第八届上海国际大肠癌高峰论坛举行 微创手术成大肠癌治疗最佳选择 6月16日,第八届上海国际大肠癌高峰论坛在沪举行。全球600余名代表参会,8位国内外知名专家就结直肠癌微创外科、化疗、放疗等领域的最新进展作了报告。记者从论坛上获悉,先进微创手术治疗大肠癌已成为目前最好选择。 近年来,大肠癌的发病率在我国逐年上升。最新数据显示,恶性肿瘤已成为继心脑血管疾病后的第二大死因。其中,大肠癌(包括结肠癌和直肠癌)发病增速最为显著,已从常见恶性肿瘤排行榜上的“老六”升至“老二”。 复旦大学附属中山医院普外科主任秦新裕介绍说,腹腔镜下大肠癌切除术、内镜黏膜下剥离术治疗早期大肠癌以及机器人手术等微创手术治疗,由于具有无须剖腹,患者术后恢复快、疼痛轻、术后肠粘连少、住院时间短、住院费用低并能增加美容效果等优点而备受推崇。 中山医院教授许剑民表示,几乎所有的传统开放结直肠手术均可应用腹腔镜技术完成,腹腔镜结直肠癌的手术适应症与开腹手术大致相同,适用于早期和进展期结直肠癌。 据悉,中山医院年收治结直肠癌患者数超过1500例次。由秦新裕和许剑民牵头的科技成果“结直肠癌肝转移的外科和综合治疗”获2011年教育部科技进步奖一等奖。
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孙学军 2012-6-17 15:57
Hydrogen-rich saline reduces the oxidative stress and relieves the severity of t.pdf 胰腺炎是胰腺因胰蛋白酶的自身消化作用而引起的疾病。常见类型有急性胆源性胰腺炎、蛔虫性急性胰腺炎、胆源性急性胰腺炎、急性出血坏死型胰腺炎等急性胰腺炎,自身免疫性胰腺炎、胆源性慢性胰腺炎等慢性胰腺炎。治疗原则是手术和对症支持治疗。 胰腺是人体第二大消化腺体,是消化作用最强的器官。胰腺分泌的胰液是人体最重要的消化液。正常情况下,胰液在其腺体组织中含有不活动即无活性的胰酶原。胰液沿胰腺管道不断地经胆总管奥狄氏括约肌流入十二指肠,由于十二指肠内有胆汁存在,加上十二指肠壁粘膜分泌一种肠激酶,在二者的作用下,胰酶原开始转变成活性很强的消化酶。一般情况下,胰管和胆管虽然都经过一条通道流入十二指肠,但由于胰管内的压力高于胆管内的压力,胆汁不会反流入胰管内。只有当奥狄氏括约肌痉挛或胆管内压力升高,如结石,肿瘤阻塞,胆汁才会反流入胰管并进入胰腺组织,此时,胆汁内所含的卵磷脂被胰液内所含的卵磷脂酶 A 分解为溶血卵磷脂,可对胰腺产生毒害作用。或者胆道感染时,细菌可释放出激酶将胰酶激活,同样可变成能损害和溶解胰腺组织的活性物质。这些物质将胰液中所含的胰酶原转化成胰蛋白酶,此酶消化活性强,渗透入胰腺组织引起自身消化,亦可引起胰腺炎。 胰腺炎发病原因有胆道系统疾病、酒精或药物引起、传染病并发胰腺炎,家族性高脂血症患者、动脉粥样硬化及结节性动脉周围炎、十二指肠克罗恩病波及胰腺容易发生胰腺炎,胰管阻塞,胰管结石、狭窄、肿瘤等可引起胰液分泌旺盛,胰管内压增高,胰管小分支和胰腺腺泡破裂,胰液与消化酶渗入间质,引起急性胰腺炎。低蛋白饮食可导致慢性胰腺炎,多见于东南亚、非洲及拉丁美洲各国。遗传性胰腺炎 (hereditary pancreatitis) 较少见,属染色体显性遗传。 外伤与手术是急性胰腺炎的常见原因,只有在创伤严重或损伤主胰管后方可能引起慢性胰腺炎。 胰腺炎该病主要由胰腺组织受胰蛋白酶的自身消化作用。胰腺炎时因某些因素(下述)激活了胰蛋白酶,后者又激活了其它酶反应,如弹性硬蛋白酶( elastase )及磷脂酶 A ( phospholipaseA ),对胰腺发生自身消化作用,促进了其坏死溶解。另外,胰蛋白酶对由脂蛋白构成的细胞膜及线粒体膜并无作用,而胰液中的磷脂酶 A 被脱氧胆酸激活后,作用于细胞膜和线粒体膜的甘油磷脂,使之分解变为脱脂酸卵磷脂,亦称溶血卵磷脂( lysolecithin ),后者对细胞膜有强烈的溶解作用,可溶解、破坏胰腺细胞膜和线粒体膜的脂蛋白结构,致细胞坏死。脂肪坏死也同样先由胰液中的脱脂酸卵磷脂溶解、破坏了脂肪细胞膜后,胰脂酶才能发挥作用。 急性胰腺炎是胰酶消化胰腺及其周围组织所引起的急性炎症,主要表现为胰腺呈炎性水肿、出血及坏死,故又称急性出血性胰腺坏死( acutehemorrhagicnecrosisofpancreas ),好发于中年男性,发作前多有暴饮暴食或胆道疾病史。临床表现为突然发作的上腹部剧烈疼痛并可出现休克。按病变表现不同,可将本病分为急性水肿性(或间质性)胰腺炎及急性出血性胰腺炎二型。坏死出血型较少见,但病情严重,死亡率高。 急性胰腺炎非手术治疗除常规支持疗法,如禁食鼻胃管减压、补充体液防治休克、解痉止痛、抗生素、中药和腹腔渗出液的处理外,比较特异的方法是抑制胰腺外分泌及胰酶抑制剂,胃管减压、 H2 受体阻滞剂 { 如西咪替丁 ) 、抗胆碱能药 ( 如山莨菪碱、阿托品 ) 、生长抑素等,但后者价格昂贵,一般用于病情比较严重的病人。胰蛋白酶抑制剂如抑肽酶、加贝酯等具有 — 定的抑制胰蛋白酶的作用。 曾经有报道氢气生理盐水可以治疗精氨酸诱导的急性胰腺炎,最近 J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 发表来自成都军区总医院的文章,证明氢气生理盐水注射可以治疗创伤性急性胰腺炎,研究发现氢气生理盐水注射后,尽管创伤性急性胰腺炎血浆中淀粉酶、脂酶活性未见明显改变,但治疗组动物死亡率明显下降,血浆炎症因子、胰腺组织 丙二醛显著下降, 胰腺组织谷胱甘肽和超氧化物歧化酶( SOD )显著增高。研究结果表明,氢气对创伤性急性胰腺炎后全身炎症反应、局部组织抗氧化能力和氧化应激等均有改善作用。提示氢气对创伤性急性胰腺炎具有治疗价值。 Ren J, Luo Z, Tian F, Wang Q, Li K, Wang C. Hydrogen-rich saline reduces the oxidative stress and relieves the severity of trauma-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Jun;72(6):1555-61. Currently, little evidence exists to support whether the therapeutic approaches for treating ordinary acute pancreatitis (AP) are effective in trauma-induced pancreatitis. Hydrogen-rich (H2) saline is an antioxidant treatment capable of ameliorating the severity of L-arginine-induced AP. In this study, we attempted to validate its protective role against traumatic pancreatitis (TP). A previously established experimental rat model of TP was generated by controlled delivery of high pressure air impact. The protective effects of H2 saline against TP were evaluated in this model system by measuring survival rate and determining changes in histopathology, plasma enzymes, cytokines, and oxidative stress-associated molecules. Intraperitoneal administration of H2-rich saline produced a pronounced protection against TP in rats. Significant improvements were observed in survival rate and histopathological findings. In addition, plasma cytokines concentrations were reduced in H2 saline-treated TP rats. Although no marked inhibitory effect on plasma amylase and lipase activities was observed, H2 saline caused considerable suppression of pancreatic malondialdehyde level and recruitment of endogenous pancreatic antioxidants, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase. H2-rich saline has beneficial effects on TP, presumably because of its detoxification activities against excessive reactive oxygen species. Our findings highlight the potential of H2-rich saline as a therapeutic agent of trauma-induced AP.
个人分类: 氢气生理盐水|5291 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2012-6-15 11:01
知识发现平台修好了,可以用了。 对科研选题、科研参考都很有意义。 大家多用,熟能生巧,巧能生华。 Start A-Literature C-Literature B-list Filter Literature A-query: Reovirus C-query: cancer and therapy The B-list contains title words and phrases (terms) that appeared in both the A and the C literature. 132 articles appeared in both literatures and were not included in the process of computing the B-list but can be viewed here . The results of this search are saved under id # 7146 and can be accessed from the start page after you leave this session. There are 5291 terms on the current B-list (903 are predicted to be relevant), which is shown ranked according to predicted relevance. The list can be further trimmed down using the filters listed in the left margin. To assess whether there appears to be a biologically significant relationship between the AB and BC literatures for specific B-terms, please select one or more B-terms and then click the button to view the corresponding AB and BC literatures. Use Ctrl to select multiple B-terms. http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi?refresh=TID=7146 job id # 7146 started Thu Jun 14 21:56:30 2012 Max_citations: 50000 Stoplist: /var/www/arrowsmith_uic/data/stopwords_pubmed Ngram_max: 3 A_query_raw: ReovirusThu Jun 14 21:56:36 2012 A query = Reovirus started Thu Jun 14 21:56:36 2012 A query resulted in 2905 titles C_query_raw: Reovirus Thu Jun 14 21:56:39 2012 C: Reovirus 2905 A: pubmed_query_A 2905 AC: ( Reovirus ) AND ( Reovirus ) 2905 C_query_raw: cancer and therapy Thu Jun 14 21:57:22 2012 C: cancer and therapy 1211456 A: pubmed_query_A 2905 AC: ( Reovirus ) AND ( cancer and therapy ) 132 C_query_raw: cancer and therapy Thu Jun 14 21:57:25 2012 C: cancer and therapy 1211456 A: pubmed_query_A 2905 AC: ( Reovirus ) AND ( cancer and therapy ) 132 C query = cancer and therapy started Thu Jun 14 21:57:26 2012 C query resulted in 50000 titles A AND C query resulted in 132 titles 5291 B-terms ready on Thu Jun 14 21:58:28 2012 B-list on Thu Jun 14 22:00:12 2012 1 akt 2 rotavirus 3 proteomic 4 stat3 5 expression analysis 6 toll receptor 7 jnk 8 jak stat 9 bcl-2 10 rna interference 11 nf kappab 12 ribavirin 13 kappab 14 oncolytic virotherapy 15 capsid protein 16 sequencing 17 parvovirus 18 p38 19 induce apoptosis 20 caspase 21 induced apoptosis 22 related apoptosis inducing 23 rna silencing 24 pancreas 25 human immunodeficiency virus 26 inflammatory cytokine 27 activated protein kinase 28 nuclear factor 29 cancer stem 30 cancer stem cell 31 proteasome inhibition 32 marek disease 33 mapk 34 lymphokine activated killer 35 p38 mapk 36 p53-dependent 37 cloning 38 smac diablo 39 ribozyme 40 p38 mitogen activated 41 cd4 42 signaling pathway 43 proteasome 44 regulatory t cell 45 p53 46 zinc finger 47 activated killer 48 fas fas ligand 49 c jun 50 pcr detection 51 cyclosporine 52 oncolytic 53 anti idiotype 54 il-12 55 trail 56 3-kinase akt 57 metapneumovirus 58 molecular dynamic 59 factor related apoptosis 60 jak 61 proteomic analysis 62 human immunodeficiency 63 growth factor receptor 64 t cell mediated 65 apoptosis inducing ligand 66 encoding 67 myxoma 68 expression vector 69 cytotoxic t 70 caspase dependent 71 baculovirus 72 sclerosing cholangitis 73 epidermal growth factor 74 fusion peptide 75 gp130 76 inducing ligand 77 pcr assay 78 helicobacter 79 pcr 80 apoptotic 81 cytokine 82 mitogen activated protein 83 translational 84 marek 85 resistant gastric cancer 86 primary sclerosing cholangitis 87 fluoroquinolone 88 taqman 89 related apoptosis 90 design synthesis 91 choledochal cyst 92 cd4 cd8 93 avian influenza 94 toll receptor signaling 95 temperature sensitive 96 mrna expression 97 fas ligand 98 il-10 99 stat3 signaling 100 necrosis factor related 101 ikappab kinase 102 jun n terminal 103 stat signaling 104 obliteran organizing pneumonia 105 cytotoxic activity 106 cell cycle arrest 107 homology modeling 108 intraepithelial 109 interferon regulatory 110 adenovirus vector 111 nf 112 hbv 113 bronchiolitis obliteran organizing 114 jak stat signaling 115 liver disease 116 baff 117 cd8 t cell 118 hiv 119 cd4 cd25 regulatory 120 proapoptotic 121 cd8 122 caspase-3 123 cloning expression characterization 124 bax bak 125 attenuated salmonella 126 double stranded 127 marek disease virus 128 cd8 t 129 expression profiling 130 adenovirus 131 c jun n 132 ikappab 133 monoclonal antibody 134 chaperone 135 molecular dynamic study 136 idiotype 137 tumor suppressor 138 electron cryomicroscopy 139 promoter 140 chromogenic situ 141 lymphokine 142 transcriptase polymerase chain 143 seroprevalence 144 expression characterization 145 apoptosis 146 cd25 regulatory t 147 cytokine gene expression 148 cdna 149 chromogenic situ hybridization 150 serum immunoglobulin 151 deletion polymorphism 152 thyroid 153 apoptosis inducing 154 polymorphism 155 hepatitis c virus 156 fas mediated 157 gene encoding 158 erythroleukemia cell 159 sclerosing 160 chicken anemia virus 161 bursal 162 gene therapy malignant 163 bax 164 initiation factor 165 factor receptor 166 apoptotic signaling 167 enterotoxigenic escherichia coli 168 bioinformatic 169 defensin 170 plasmid 171 dendritic cell 172 bronchiolitis obliteran 173 autophagy 174 n terminal kinase 175 hepatocellular 176 activation p38 177 tobacco 178 sentinel 179 killer 180 e3l 181 pro apoptotic bcl-2 182 transcription 183 dna vaccination 184 akt activation 185 binding motif 186 stat signaling pathway 187 transformed 188 caspase dependent pathway 189 newcastle disease 190 crystal structure 191 retroviral vector 192 dna vaccine 193 tlr7 194 inflammasome 195 integrase 196 bladder cancer 197 caspase-3 activation 198 interferon beta 199 cryptosporidiosis 200 protein protein interface 201 genomic 202 rt pcr 203 thymoma 204 translation initiation 205 recombinant plasmid 206 cancer cell down 207 transcription factor 208 ddx1 209 profiling 210 capsid 211 interferon regulatory factor 212 hepatitis c 213 dna binding 214 death receptor mediated 215 akt nf 216 nucleolin 217 apoptotic pathway 218 monoclonal antibody based 219 atadenovirus 220 mitogen 221 bile duct 222 reverse transcription pcr 223 transcription factor nf 224 mrna 225 cytotoxic t lymphocyte 226 egyptian propolis 227 coxsackievirus 228 hepatoma 229 beta1 integrin 230 hsp90 231 interferon signaling 232 consensus interferon 233 crystal 234 gene expression 235 eif4e 236 marek disease vaccine 237 real time 238 diabetes 239 biliary 240 dna damage signaling 241 cholangitis 242 ifn gamma 243 viral capsid 244 smac 245 anti inflammatory cytokine 246 hematopoietic 247 pituitary 248 cd4 cd25 249 t cell 250 g1 251 vaccinia virus e3l 252 natural killer cell 253 akt nf kappab 254 m cell cycle 255 epstein barr virus 256 epstein barr 257 identification expression 258 mitogen activated 259 vesicular stomatitis virus 260 stranded 261 trail resistant 262 engineered 263 monoclonal 264 psoralen 265 protein phosphorylation 266 receptor gene 267 hepatitis 268 il-8 269 microtubule associated protein 270 chicken anemia 271 toll 272 mediated trail 273 killer cell 274 situ hybridization 275 cytokine production 276 human dendritic cell 277 transcriptional 278 ctl 279 cd4 cd8 t 280 expressed escherichia coli 281 nf kappab dependent 282 reverse transcriptase polymerase 283 polymerase 284 icos 285 mhc class 286 microcarrier 287 cell cycle 288 m cell 289 mass spectrometry 290 cytokine response 291 cancer cell 292 monoclonal anti 293 structural basis 294 apoptosis mediated 295 pcr assay detection 296 factor kappa b 297 specific antigen 298 magnetic resonance imaging 299 cik cell 300 reverse transcription 301 cytokine gene 302 resonance imaging 303 t cell receptor 304 t cell response 305 anti idiotypic 306 rac1 307 nuclear factor kappa 308 natural killer 309 interferon regulatory factor-1 310 cell death 311 genome 312 structural insight 313 polymorphism haplotype 314 cytotoxicity 315 vector 316 shrna 317 rt 318 activation death receptor 319 18f 320 molecular chaperone 321 dendritic 322 gene therapy 323 monoclonal antibody specific 324 microfluidic 325 cd56 326 nested pcr 327 crystal structure human 328 cell response 329 rupture 330 formalin fixed paraffin 331 embryo transfer 332 echovirus 333 apoptosis related 334 delivered attenuated salmonella 335 m cell targeting 336 myocarditis 337 amp activated protein 338 molecular evolution 339 rna binding protein 340 feline 341 insect cell 342 nude mice 343 cytomegalovirus dna 344 jun 345 targeting 346 polyclonal antibody 347 factor nf 348 mediated caspase 349 gastric cancer 350 eif-4e 351 down regulation 352 rna 353 hepatobiliary 354 elongation factor 355 deoxynivalenol 356 ccr5 357 kappa 358 cd25 359 ras signaling 360 translation 361 tlr 362 reverse transcriptase 363 cytomegalovirus 364 newcastle 365 cytotoxic t cell 366 g m cell 367 il-15 368 epidermal 369 idiotypic 370 death receptor 371 acute respiratory distress 372 vp1 373 virotherapy 374 stat 375 adenovirus vector a 376 mediated apoptosis 377 cpg oligodeoxynucleotide 378 encephalitis 379 regulatory t 380 laser 381 newcastle disease virus 382 novel human 383 promoter activity 384 activation p38 mapk 385 chinese hamster lung 386 targeted 387 apoptosis induced 388 human cytomegalovirus 389 pichia pastoris 390 core protein 391 domain 392 chinese 393 scid mice 394 endonuclease 395 silencing 396 expression system 397 hydrocephalus 398 apoptosis induction 399 vaccinia virus 400 association polymorphism 401 colon adenocarcinoma cell 402 mortality 403 methylation 404 immunosuppression 405 cytotoxic 406 3-deazaneplanocin a 407 rna binding 408 protein kinase 409 apoptotic bcl-2 410 organizing pneumonia 411 inducible gene 412 marrow derived macrophage 413 bone morphogenetic protein 414 carcinoma cell 415 microenvironment 416 blocked bcl-2 417 immunodeficiency 418 dendrimer 419 apoptotic bcl-2 protein 420 il-4 421 role interferon regulatory 422 diffuse alveolar 423 efficacy interferon 424 situ hybridization immunohistochemistry 425 tobacco smoke 426 major capsid 427 aminoglycoside 428 retrospective study 429 cd43 430 bladder cancer a 431 kinase c delta 432 polymorphism susceptibility 433 proanthocyanidin 434 intercellular adhesion molecule-1 435 expression apoptosis 436 apoptosis dna repair 437 chain reaction assay 438 interferon 439 pancreatic beta cell 440 p53-dependent apoptosis 441 mediated gene therapy 442 intercellular adhesion 443 infected cell 444 oncolytic virus 445 protein involved 446 specific cytotoxic t 447 therapy malignant glioma 448 synthesis biological 449 protein kinase mapk 450 e6 451 pancreatic beta 452 recombination 453 elisa 454 stranded rna 455 cpg 456 transcriptase 457 pancreatitis 458 bluetongue virus 459 bcl-2 protein 460 epitope 461 proapoptotic peptide 462 bone morphogenetic 463 translational efficiency 464 kappa b 465 cytokine human 466 pi 3-kinase 467 fixed paraffin embedded 468 salivary gland 469 double stranded rna 470 colorectal 471 pancreatic 472 apoptosis cultured 473 modeling 474 eif2alpha 475 adenovirus e1b 476 autoimmunity 477 nitric oxide 478 duct 479 qpcr 480 cytotoxic cell 481 exocrine pancreas 482 s6 483 hepatocarcinoma cell 484 suppressor 485 parainfluenza-3 486 esophageal 487 tlr3 488 musculoskeletal 489 disease virus 490 ifn alpha 491 scid 492 oncogene 493 enzyme linked immunosorbent 494 b cell 495 fusion protein 496 chorioallantoic membrane 497 distress syndrome 498 rhinosinusitis 499 clathrin 500 mutational analysis 501 endothelial 502 deletion mutant 503 imaging 504 nasal 505 oxidative damage 506 erythroleukemia 507 hematopoietic cell 508 cell surface 509 expression profile 510 chronic hepatitis 511 myxoma virus 512 cell tropism 513 cdc2 514 pro apoptotic 515 adam10 516 microtubule 517 lymphoma 518 p38 signaling pathway 519 jnk dependent 520 colorectal carcinoma 521 linked immunosorbent assay 522 trimerization domain 523 helicase 524 thermosensitive 525 reconstruction 526 insulin 527 etching 528 immunohistochemistry situ 529 nadph oxidase 530 myeloid dendritic cell 531 immunohistochemical 532 molecular detection 533 mutation 534 kinase 535 dot blot 536 cap dependent translation 537 calpain 538 bicistronic 539 rna polymerase 540 lymphocyte 541 codon 542 disease free 543 pcr method 544 oncolysis 545 nf kappa b 546 biliary tract 547 mhc 548 s-1 549 interleukin-4 550 inhibitor apoptosis protein 551 parvovirus a 552 rna replicase 553 bronchiolitis 554 cap dependent 555 myeloid 556 polyoma 557 colon 558 tendon sheath 559 activation nf kappab 560 cell activation 561 effect transforming growth 562 ifn 563 thyroglobulin antibody 564 tendon 565 cd4 t cell 566 novel oncogene 567 mdck cell 568 mitochondrial mediated 569 repair gene 570 prospective study 571 transfected 572 cd4 t 573 mhc class i 574 e1b 575 inhibitor apoptosis 576 protein kinase pathway 577 palmitoylation 578 lymphocyte function 579 murine natural killer 580 formalin fixed 581 cell subset 582 risk factor 583 jaundice 584 src kinase 585 hsp70 586 proapoptotic protein 587 polymeric immunoglobulin receptor 588 database 589 recombinant protein 590 follicular 591 vaccination 592 colorectal carcinoma cell 593 cd56 t cell 594 dendritic cell subset 595 construction recombinant 596 cancer a 597 fluoroquinolone derivative 598 directed 599 beta adrenergic receptor 600 bone marrow 601 crystallographic 602 beta cell 603 phase cell cycle 604 histone 605 trna 606 marrow 607 anti thyroglobulin antibody 608 slice culture 609 mouse model 610 vaccine 611 murine hepatocarcinoma 612 thymosin 613 novel proapoptotic 614 mitochondrial 615 respiratory epithelial 616 bak 617 ifnar 618 carcinoma 619 quantitative pcr 620 epithelial 621 fas 622 neonatal hepatitis 623 t lymphocyte 624 capture 625 immune system 626 immunosorbent assay elisa 627 retrospective 628 experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 629 replicative 630 ligand 631 cell receptor beta 632 pkr mediated 633 gastrointestinal 634 killer dendritic cell 635 effect cyclosporine 636 ms2 637 serological 638 embryo 639 oligomerization 640 growth factor 641 lineage 642 hepatocarcinoma 643 adhesion molecule icam 644 adhesion molecule 645 kinase signalling 646 antimicrobial peptide 647 targeting facilitate 648 attachment protein 649 virus entry 650 ifn beta 651 immunity 652 transformed cell 653 integrin 654 activation nf 655 anti thymocyte 656 myelitis 657 macrophage 658 cpg odn 659 igf 660 activation antigen 661 induce apoptosis cultured 662 restriction vaccinia virus 663 rel 664 antiproliferative 665 tumor cell 666 tumor suppressor gene 667 cell line 668 bacteriophage 669 complex adaptor 670 immunodeficient mice 671 small interfering 672 u937 cell 673 double positive 674 dominant negative 675 regulatory 676 glioma 677 p53 pathway 678 hiv-1 679 peritoneal 680 mammalian cell 681 constrained 682 cholestasis 683 glycoprotein mediated 684 protein a 685 pkr 686 invasion 687 transcriptional activity 688 cellular immune 689 colon adenocarcinoma 690 intestinal epithelial 691 expression brain 692 dependent protein kinase 693 mucosal 694 allograft 695 ionizing 696 vitamin 697 islet cell 698 infection cancer 699 fusion 700 replicase 701 role transcription factor 702 necrosis 703 antimicrobial activity 704 protein signaling 705 t cell precursor 706 interleukin-2 707 otitis media 708 transgene 709 two initiation site 710 coiled coil 711 mediated lysis 712 central nervous system 713 g m phase 714 t helper 715 syngeneic 716 ribosomal 717 hepatoma cell 718 lymphoblastoid 719 regulate 720 ra 721 kinase pathway 722 measle 723 prediction 724 osteoporosis 725 igm 726 required 727 microscopy 728 virion 729 adenosine 730 acute respiratory disease 731 antitumor 732 autocrine 733 thymocyte 734 islet 735 discovery 736 fusogenic 737 viral 738 replication protein 739 virus vaccine 740 retinoic acid inducible 741 proliferation 742 k562 743 hematology 744 gtpase 745 ribosome 746 mediated caspase dependent 747 hl60 cell 748 arrest 749 associated lymphoid tissue 750 stomatitis 751 poly 752 irradiation 753 german 754 helper t 755 dietary 756 extrahepatic 757 facial nerve 758 construction 759 dna binding protein 760 live cell imaging 761 induced hamster 762 capping protein 763 cathepsin b 764 translational control 765 pulmonary 766 head 767 heart 768 renal 769 src 770 lipid 771 panleukopenia 772 image 773 conformationally constrained 774 identification a novel 775 arthritis 776 burkitt lymphoma 777 intercellular adhesion molecule 778 c virus low 779 viral hepatitis 780 apoptosis protein 781 characterization temperature 782 neutrophil elastase 783 hybrid 784 shock 785 genomic dna 786 tumor necrosis factor 787 cell targeting 788 giant 789 inhibition nf 790 extrahepatic biliary 791 synthesis antiviral 792 liposome 793 synthetase 794 rna structure 795 range restriction vaccinia 796 nucleoside analogue 797 rhoa 798 multiscale 799 biliary atresia 800 precursor cytotoxic 801 related infection 802 cellular immune response 803 gerbil mouse 804 methyltransferase 805 qrt pcr 806 minocycline 807 activation transcription factor 808 dsrna 809 situ 810 murine 811 associated diarrhea 812 lymphoproliferation 813 infantile 814 3'-diindolylmethane 815 granulocyte macrophage 816 avian 817 purging 818 dna repair gene 819 ethnicity 820 intestinal 821 antibody 822 minor capsid protein 823 p65 824 erbb 825 prostaglandin h 826 cik 827 validation 828 leukocyte 829 prevalence 830 mapk kinase 831 angle x ray 832 hsp25 833 fibroblast cell 834 receptor signaling 835 dependent translation 836 tyrosine 837 basal expression 838 chicken 839 resistant 840 murine monoclonal 841 spindle 842 induced g m 843 mrna translation 844 cardiac 845 t cell subpopulation 846 herniation 847 survival 848 single base 849 plus 850 regulation expression 851 history 852 expression level 853 neck 854 specific cd4 855 minor capsid 856 bladder 857 nzb 858 respiratory virus 859 assay detection 860 intestinal epithelial cell 861 herpes simplex virus 862 analysis full 863 coxsackie 864 hct116 865 synthesis biological evaluation 866 protein coding 867 interleukin-4 il-4 868 fibrosis 869 immunocompetence 870 rna dependent rna 871 western blot 872 inos expression 873 chaperone function 874 nude 875 mammalian 876 effect interferon 877 coding region 878 immune 879 lymphocyte proliferation 880 activated protein 881 interferon gamma 882 small gtpase 883 magnetic resonance 884 amyloid 885 cell oncolytic 886 monoclonal antibody directed 887 t lymphocyte response 888 identification characterization a 889 retinoic acid 890 ubiquitination 891 specific t 892 lung 893 polymerase chain reaction 894 mcp-1 895 calpain inhibitor 896 uv 897 induced apoptosis mediated 898 major capsid protein 899 virus replication 900 immunodeficiency virus infection 901 endocytosis 902 independent pathway 903 prospective Science医学:新型癌症病毒疗法  研究人员发现了一种有前景的病毒治疗对癌症提供了双重打击,通过搭乘血细胞的便车可以偷偷地靠近未被检测到的肿瘤。相关论文发布在《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)杂志上。 http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/2012-6/2012614170840255.htm http://arrowsmith.psych.uic.edu/cgi-bin/arrowsmith_uic/edit_b.cgi?refresh=TID=7146
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phenome 2012-6-14 18:40
microRNAs 作为当前癌症领域一种全新的靶向治疗、网络化治疗治疗策略,治疗性 microRNAs 代表了一种全新的药物开发品种,目前大量在其给药途径、临床前毒性研究方面进展迅速 。作为新型靶向治疗策略, microRNAs 的优势非常明显: (1) 表型切换的高效性。例如,最近报道 microRNAs 能实现高效的诱导多能干细胞 (iPS) ,亦能直接靶向肿瘤干细胞 (cancer stem cells) 发挥治疗作用 ; (2) 网络药理学作用。实验证明 microRNAs 通过靶向多个基因、多个 pathway ,对癌基因及其 pathway 具有很强的拮抗作用 ; (3) microRNAs 能使肿瘤对传统的放疗、化疗更敏感,大大增强其疗效; (4) microRNAs 治疗不仅针对肿瘤组织,更可以针对肿瘤的转移过程; (5) 其活性药物成分是短 RNAs ,分子量在 15kDa 以下,远小于传统基因治疗( DNA 载体一般在 22000kDa 左右);且 microRNAs 发挥作用只需达到细胞质(基因治疗 DNA 需进入细胞核),因而药物递送更方便 ; (6) 具有抑癌基因作用的 microRNAs 往往在肿瘤中低表达,因此可以将 microRNAs 类似物注射如体内(补充疗法, replacement therapy ),由于 microRNAs 是人体本身就存在的内源分子,对正常细胞与组织无不良反应 ,其毒副作用较易掌握与预测,因此有人预测 治疗性 microRNAs 进入市场的速度将远快于传统药物 。 由于单个 microRNAs 能调控多个靶基因,而单个靶基因受多个 microRNAs 调控,二者形成一个复杂的“多对多”的调控网络,因此,在个别 microRNAs 成功完成临床前研究进入临床试验后 ,亟需发展网络药理学的工具,从网络水平识别与鉴定治疗性 microRNAs 及其组合。 1. Bader, A.G., et al., Developing therapeutic microRNAs for cancer. Gene Ther, 2011. 2. Garofalo, M. and C.M. Croce, microRNAs: Master regulators as potential therapeutics in cancer. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 2011. 51 : p. 25-43. 3. Liu, C., et al., The microRNA miR-34a inhibits prostate cancer stem cells and metastasis by directly repressing CD44. Nat Med, 2011. 17 (2): p. 211-5. 4. Wiggins, J.F., et al., Development of a lung cancer therapeutic based on the tumor suppressor microRNA-34. Cancer Res, 2010. 70 (14): p. 5923-30. 5. Kota, J., et al., Therapeutic microRNA delivery suppresses tumorigenesis in a murine liver cancer model. Cell, 2009. 137 (6): p. 1005-17.
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huangzhong 2012-6-14 08:05
顽固性失眠一例 2005 年 3 月 13 日 ,笔者陪同朋友一起去拜访山西省人大代表、知名企业家胡某,这位胡董事长看上去有六十岁左右,满头银发,和蔼可亲,但当我们谈话还不到五分钟的时侯,笔者的肝区就感应到了一种剧烈的疼痛,因为笔者是初次拜访人家,也不便说什么,只是按着自己的肝区皱了皱眉,这个细节被笔者的朋友看到了,他知道笔者有感应疾病的特异功能,本来要说什么,笔者觉得时机未到,就暗示他先不要说,半小时后我们就告别了这位胡董事长。 没想到两天后,也就是 16 日的早上,朋友打电话说,胡董事长因心脏病发作住院了,让笔者一起赶过去看看。一路上笔者就在想肝区疼痛与心脏病的关系,越来越佩服老祖宗留下来的中医真的很神奇,在中医理论上,肝属木,心属火,是母子关系,看来这位胡董事长的病是典型的母病及子型:中医讲肝主疏泄,对情志的疏导、气血津液的代谢有着至关重要的作用,看来这位胡董最近心情不好,影响了肝的疏泄功能,进而影响了心脏的供血,那么他还应该兼有肝失疏泄,郁而化火的其他病症,比如:口苦、失眠、头晕、耳鸣等,治疗方案已经成竹在胸了。不知不觉已到了医院,朋友已在那里恭候多时,我们互相打完招呼,就一起前往探视。当笔者把他的发病原因及兼有症状说出来的时候,这位胡董事长看了笔者良久,然后开心的说:“这次病的值得啊,这么神奇的医生,没能早认识你可真是我的损失。”随后他就给笔者讲了他的身体状况,他说:“两年来,我患有严重的失眠,我的失眠和别人不一样,我是每晚一挨枕头就能睡着,一个小时后必然醒来,就再也睡不着了,入睡快,醒得快,西医就是让我吃安定、舒乐安定,我已经吃到最大量了,也只能睡三个小时,第二天头还昏昏沉沉的,比不吃药还难受,最后就放弃了;人家说中医治本,我就找中医,山西的名医我找了好几个,北京的特需专家门诊我也看了好多次,一直没什么起色,这次我可算遇到神医了,你既然能看出来,就一定可以治疗了,那你就给我开个药方吧,花多少钱也无所谓。”笔者告诉这位胡董事长,中医治病的方法很多,有的医生擅长开药,有的医生擅长针灸与点穴,中医治病贵在辨证论治,也就是抓病根的意思,找到病根了,一切问题都迎刃而解了。笔者坦言道:“您老不用担心了,我马上给您开个健康处方,一两个穴位就解决问题,今晚您就可以安然入睡了。” 根据感应诊断,笔者已经知道了具体是那两个穴位阻滞不通了,就在晚上的 7 : 00 到 9 : 00 给他做了穴位点揉,第二天早上,胡董事长激动地告诉笔者,两年来,他第一次知道什么叫睡觉。昨晚从十点睡到早上的六点,中间都没起夜,并且睡的很沉,真是太感谢了!后又坚持为他调理了十多次,至今未犯。 反流性食管炎一例 2008 年 6 月初,一个 65 岁左右的老太太李某,一边用手从上往下捋着前胸,一边走进笔者的工作室。黄教授,救救我吧,我的心都快烧死了。询问才得知她从 2001 年开始就患上了返流性食管炎 , 进行性加重至今。 2005 年曾到北京 301 找专家看病 , 服西药一月余 , 临床症状消失 , 可过了一个月又复发了 , 再调了几个方案均未奏效 , 现在每天就靠西米替叮维持 . 自述胃和食道有强烈烧灼感 , 好像胃都快烧烂了 , 每天都很害怕 , 并伴有胃部作酸。 当笔者进入功能态,感应到她的足厥阴肝经阻滞严重,进一步感应到相关的两个穴位阻滞,遂采取了拍痧、点穴和营养等方法综合调理,十天后,患者胸骨后的烧灼感就明显减轻了 , 患者自述这几天也配合服用了专家给开的西药;笔者知道 , 对大多数患者来说,拍痧、点穴和营养能好病是不可思议的。感应诊断和中医外治经常是幕后英雄,这次也不例外,又为他人做了一次嫁衣 , 多年来的经历让笔者已经习惯了这种误解。笔者只好说 , 那你从今天开始就不用服药了 , 看看效果吧。又过了半个月,她高兴的告诉笔者最近再也没有烧灼感 , 也不作酸了,后又巩固治疗一个周期,至今未见复发 。 胆管炎一例 2008 年 10 月的一天早上,笔者还没进工作室,就看见一位不到七十岁的老人紧锁眉头,坐在侯诊椅上,她的老伴正在给她按摩背部,看见笔者来了,急忙打招呼:教授,快给俺家老太太看看吧,她昨晚背痛了一夜。职业的敏感,使笔者的脑子立即闪现出几个病:颈椎综合症、心脏病和胆囊炎,但笔者还是很镇静的说,先气功感应一下再说吧。当笔者进入气功状态时,笔者的胆经出现了抽痛,笔者再进一步感知,这时,阻滞的穴位痛感越来越强烈,笔者已经胸有成竹,果断地说,您的背痛是胆囊的功能失调引起的;这时,老两口眼睛都瞪得老大, “ 不可能吧?教授,您再看看吧,她的胆囊早在二十年前就动手术摘除了 ” 笔者心里明白,他们满脑子都是现代医学知识,要让他们接受中医的精髓,现在还不是时候,笔者就笑着说:道理一时半会也讲不清楚,这样吧,先给您老治治,等疼痛缓解了再说。 笔者就在胆经感知到的穴位上按摩了三分钟,这时,这位老太太眉心舒展地说: “ 咦,真神了,俺现在背不抽了,也不痛了。 ” 她老伴怎么也不相信眼前的事实,“不可能吧?老婆子,你多体会一会再说” “ 真的,还是假的? ”“ 这也太神了吧? ” 好像自家老太太在说谎似的,老太太可不高兴了 “ 你看你这老头子,怎么说话的?俺不痛了你还不高兴吗? ” 这时,他们都把目光集中在笔者的身上,老太太先开口了:“您不知道,昨晚,大约一点钟,俺的后背就痛的很厉害了,痛醒了,睡不着,也不愿打扰俺家老头子,就起来用后背撞门边子来缓解疼痛,能舒服些。”“早上看老头子起床了,就让老头子帮俺按摩,把他累得满头大汗的,俺的背痛也没见缓解”“我是个老师,平时也爱看一些保健方面的书籍,书上说背痛的原因较复杂,有颈椎病的可能,也有胆囊病的可能,更有心脏病的可能,俺首先排除胆囊的问题,因为俺已经没胆了,而颈椎病引起的背痛按摩后应该会缓解,俺想坏了,可能是心梗了。”老头子接着说:“我也担心是心梗,就劝老婆子先做个检查再说,老婆子听朋友说您这的诊断很准的,理疗加营养就能好病,您也知道,我们这些老人,吃药都吃怕了,我们就抱着试试的心理来了。”“不过,俺还是不明白,胆囊摘除了,怎么还会有病呢?” 笔者只好从胆囊炎和胆结石说起,从肝胆功能失调到病理产物的形成,从胆的系统疾病又讲到高血压、失眠和坐骨神经痛,没想到这位老太太越听越惊讶,她说:“大夫,你所说的病俺全有,而且,这也是俺目前最烦心的事,药不离口,病却越来越多。 ” 笔者说 :“ 没事的,你就一种病,胆的功能失调了,只要坚持调理一个周期,所有的病都没了 ” 。三个月很快过去了,老太太的身体来了个改头换面,血压平稳了,睡眠正常了,口不苦了,腿痛也减轻了很多。老太太逢人就说:三分钟,改变了俺的人生,三个穴位,让俺年轻了二十岁,早认识神医的话,俺就不用受那么多的罪,花那么多的冤枉钱 …… 。
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xupeiyang 2012-6-13 16:07
基因治疗的概念其实很简单:如果一个突变基因引起了问题,就用一个新的正确的拷贝来取代或是补充它。理论上,这样的策略不仅可以治疗,还可以治愈无数的人类遗传疾病。然而实际上,开发安全有效的基因治疗却并非是一件易事…… http://www.ebiotrade.com/newsf/2012-6/201265233111472.htm
个人分类: 基因组学|2572 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 王汉森 2012-6-7 06:50
基因治疗从概念上来讲很简单,就是用含有正确序列的新基因拷贝来取代或补充致病的突变基因。从理论上来说,基因治疗策略不光仅仅能够用以治疗,而且可以从根本上治愈人类遗传病。然而,在实际应用中要实现安全有效的基因治疗,从来就不是理论上设想的那么简单。 从 1989 年首次应用于人类,基因治疗临床试验至今已走过了二十余载跌宕起伏的路程。如果不是最近几年以来相继报道的基因治疗在肿瘤(实体肿瘤和白血病)、血友病和神经遗传病等领域的突变性进展,人们对基因治疗的信心恐怕远不会像今天这样乐观。 6 月 1 日 《科学家》杂志发表《 Targeting DNA 》一文,以访谈形式系统总结了基因治疗的历史与现状。 Targeting DNA By Jef Akst | June 1, 2012 T he concept is simple: if a mutated gene is causing a problem, replace or supplement it with a new, accurate copy. In theory, such a strategy could not just treat, but cure countless human genetic diseases. In practice, however, developing safe and effective gene therapies has not been easy. Even when identifying a disorder’s genetic basis is fairly straightforward, finding the appropriate delivery vector to target the diseased tissues in the body, while avoiding unintended consequences, has challenged would-be gene therapists for more than 20 years. But more and more researchers are convinced that the technique is on the brink of becoming a common medical practice. “It’s an incredibly exciting time for the field,” says researcher and medical oncologist David Kirn, founder, president, and chief medical officer at Jennerex, Inc., a San Francisco-based biotherapeutics company that develops and commercializes oncolytic drugs. In the last year alone, he says, major breakthroughs have been published for the use of gene therapy in patients with hemophilia, solid tumors, and leukemia, not to mention the dozens of trials yielding positive results for gene therapies to treat various types of blindness. “It’s just remarkable,” he says. “These decades of work are suddenly really paying off.” Fits and starts It hasn’t always been such high times for gene therapy, however. The field was booming in its early days, with approvals for gene therapy clinical trials rising exponentially from the first one in 1989 to 116 in 1999. But that year, gene therapy trial participant Jessie Gelsinger, a relatively healthy 18-year-old who had an unusually mild form of liver disease caused by mutations in a gene on the X chromosome, died 4 days after receiving an injection of an adenovirus carrying an unmutated copy of the gene meant to correct his condition. The viral vector apparently triggered a massive immune response that caused multiple organ failure and brain death. Then, starting in 2002, reports from Paris and London told of patients developing a leukemia-like disease following treatment in clinical trials for a rare autoimmune disorder called severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), or “bubble-boy” disease. SCID patients lack a functioning immune system, and thus must live in highly sterile conditions to prevent life-threatening infections. The studies started out extremely well: most of the infant boys were able to live relatively normal lives, no longer confined to their “bubbles.” The trials were hailed as the first unequivocal gene therapy success. But in the years that followed, 5 of the 20 trial patients developed a leukemia-like disease—an effect that was traced to the retroviral vector used to deliver the corrective gene to bone marrow cells ex vivo. The vector had inappropriately inserted the gene into the babies’ genomes close to a proto-oncogene involved in white blood cell proliferation, activating the gene and triggering a flood of T cells. After the second child fell ill, the US Food and Drug Administration suspended 30 US trials using the same retrovirus, or about 15 percent of the 200 gene therapy trials under way at that time—a move the agency called a precautionary measure. Of the five patients that developed leukemia, one died; the rest are in remission. Events like these had “a big negative impact in the field,” recalls molecular cell biologist Mien-Chie Hung of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Interest in gene therapy started to wane, and treatments that might have been expected to hit the market years ago are still plugging through the clinical trial process. But things are looking up. Just last year, for example, researchers published long-term survival data for two UK gene therapy trials for SCID: the original London trial for X-linked SCID (SCID-X1) and a second trial for adenosine deaminase (ADA) SCID. 1 , 2 In both trials, the researchers had extracted the patients’ bone marrow, inserted a functioning copy of the disease-causing gene, and infused the altered cells back into the patients. The impressive bottom line: up to 9 years after treatment, 14 of the 16 children treated have had their immune systems restored and have been able to live relatively normal lives free of any bubbles. “These kids were living in bubbles with a life expectancy of less than 20 years; they had no quality of life,” says Kirn. “And now many of them are essentially cured. I mean, it’s a medical miracle.” Many other gene therapy trials are currently underway—and yielding positive results—for numerous other diseases, including various forms of hereditary blindness, HIV, hemophilia, neurodegenerative diseases, and a variety of cancers. Though no gene therapies have yet received FDA approval, nearly 2,000 clinical trials have been initiated in the last 5 years alone, according to clinicaltrials.gov, many with seemingly miraculous results and—thanks to improved vectors and techniques—none of the devastating side effects that plagued the field in its earlier days. “There is a lot of exciting information coming out right now,” says Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Katherine High of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who coauthored a report published last December of a successful gene therapy for hemophilia B. 3 Loading up an adenovirus-associated virus with a gene encoding a functional version of the clotting agent known as factor IX, researchers in the United Kingdom infused the vector into six men with severe hemophilia B. A single treatment was enough to increase clotting factor IX to levels that, while still well below normal, enabled sufficient clotting to allow four of the patients to discontinue factor IX replacement therapy altogether, and the other two to receive factor IX injections less frequently. “To me, clearly is going to be a therapeutic pathway forward for a whole range of diseases,” predicts High. An eye on gene therapy Nowhere has gene therapy made more of a splash than in blindness research. Because the eye is an immune-privileged site, injecting viruses is unlikely to result in the sorts of immune complications that killed Gelsinger in 1999. Indeed, there are some 23 completed and ongoing clinical trials for various types of blindness disorders, and no serious side effects have been reported. “It’ll be a few years” before these therapies reach the market, says University of Florida molecular virologist William Hauswirth. But the results so far are “bordering on spectacular as far as improving vision in the patients,” he adds. In a recent, 3-year follow up on 15 patients with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), a degenerative retinal disease that causes childhood blindness, Hauswirth and his colleagues found that within the area of the retina they are targeting for treatment, “patients have gained light sensitivity from as little as to 200-fold to as much as 60,000-fold,” he says. Twelve of the patients have also demonstrated significant improvement in visual acuity, reading an extra three lines lower on an eye chart, and in 13 of the patients, their pupils constricted when exposed to light as much as 100-fold dimmer, a more objective measure of light sensitivity. 4 This particular group of patients was treated with a modified adeno-associated virus (AAV) carrying the gene RPE65 , which helps metabolize a form of vitamin A that allows rods and cones to function. The modified virus was injected behind the eye, directly under the retina, where the corrective gene entered some 15 to 20 percent of cells in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the nourishing cell layer just beneath the retinal visual cells. The AAV is a popular choice for gene therapies now in development. It is a nonpathogenic virus that usually elicits no noticeable immune response, and does not integrate into the host genome, meaning there is little risk of triggering disease-causing mutations, via the activation of an oncogene, for example. The virus simply delivers the gene to the cell’s nucleus, where it forms small circles of DNA called episomes that can be expressed under the control of promoters, also delivered by the virus. “AAV is by far the most successful vector for many applications in disease so far,” says Hauswirth. The disadvantage to this strategy is that if the replacement gene is not integrated into the cell’s DNA, it will be lost when the cell divides, as circular DNA is not replicated with the rest of the nuclear genome. But because retinal cells are extremely long-lived, a nonintegrating virus is perfectly suitable for treating eye diseases. The main factor limiting the utility of AAVs as gene vectors is their small size—no larger than a nanoparticle. This means they can only carry about 4.7 kilobases of DNA, and that must include any promoters needed to regulate the expression of the therapeutic DNA. This works just fine for Hauswirth’s RPE65 replacement therapy, but many other ocular diseases, as well as diseases of other body systems, result from mutations in genes that are quite a bit larger. For therapies to correct these disorders, researchers must turn to other options. Most early experiments in gene therapy for eye diseases used adenoviral vectors, which, like AAVs, are nonintegrating vectors, but, with a 36-kilobase genome, provide much more space for therapeutic DNA. However, because many humans already carry antibodies to adenovirus, the great drawback of this approach is the risk of immunotoxicity, which can disable the therapeutic vector or cause side effects in the host. It was an extreme reaction to an adenoviral vector that killed Jesse Gelsinger. Because adenoviruses are efficient at entering many cell types and delivering the goods, they are targets of intensive research to make them safer for the treatment of cancer, diabetes, HIV, and genetic diseases. Lentiviruses, a type of RNA retrovirus, also have a sizeable carrying capacity: some 9 kilobases of genetic material. “You only have to delete a few genes to get lentivirus to carry twice as much as AAVs,” Hauswirth says. And in contrast to adenoviruses and AAVs, they do integrate into the genome, making them efficient at delivering and establishing stable high levels of transgene expression in both dividing and nondividing cells. While they cannot yet be targeted to integrate at specific sequences, they don’t gravitate to oncogenes or growth-related genes as some other retroviral vectors do, and are at the forefront of the race to market. Oxford BioMedica, for example, is using its integrating lentiviral vector, called LentiVector, to deliver treatments for a variety of eye diseases, including wet age-related macular degeneration, Stargardt disease, Usher syndrome, and corneal graft rejection. All of these therapies are in phase I/II development in partnership with Sanofi, and “the results we have seen in our clinical trials to date have been encouraging,” says the company’s chief scientific officer, Stuart Naylor. “We believe it is only a matter of time before a gene therapy is approved for the market.” “The field is running at the speed of light,” agrees veterinary ophthalmologist and basic vision scientist Gustavo Aguirre of the University of Pennsylvania. “We’re beyond anything that we thought in the ’90s.” Targeting cancer: pluses and minuses As with gene therapies for other diseases, the technique’s use in treating cancer is gathering steam. Oncolytic viruses that target and destroy tumor cells are being combined with gene therapy techniques to provide tools to jack up those viral vectors with more potent genetic loads. “The concepts have been around for centuries—the fact that viruses can certainly destroy cancer cells,” says Jennerex’s Kirn. Now, “in addition to replicating and expressing viral genes, we also express therapeutic transgenes and imaging genes.” Jennerex is developing a vaccinia virus vector called JX-594, for example, to deliver genes that activate the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)/Ras pathway in cancer cells, resulting in cell lysis and increased anticancer immunity. In multiple phase I and II trials involving numerous cancer types, including liver, colon, kidney, lung, and melanoma, JX-594 has shrunk tumors and is well-tolerated by patients. Last November, Jennerex researchers announced that advanced liver cancer patients receiving JX-594 in a phase II trial had a 60 percent decreased risk of death after 1 year as compared to controls. Another engineered oncolytic virus nearing clinical approval is OncoVEX, developed by Massachusetts-based biotech BioVex, which last year partnered with Amgen in a deal that could be worth $1 billion. The drug, named last year as one of FierceBiotech’s 10 promising late-stage cancer drugs, is a special strain of the Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) virus that carries an immune-boosting component. Results of a phase II trial for metastatic melanoma announced in 2009 showed that 26 percent of 50 patients responded to treatment, with 8 completely recovering, 5 and the treatment is now in phase III trials. OncoVex has also shown activity against breast and pancreatic cancers in phase I trials. And these successful examples are not the outliers. “We’re entering a golden age here of genetic therapies and viral therapies,” says Kirn. Getting to this point took some careful planning, however, to avoid the destruction of healthy tissue. “The most important thing is you need a specific target,” says MD Anderson’s Hung. Most oncolytic viruses are designed to target a receptor or surface protein that is overexpressed on cancer cells, to increase the chance that the viruses enter and kill only diseased tissue. But this, of course, requires that tumors have unique surface antigens. “That’s the ideal situation—to find something on tumor cells that’s not on normal cells,” says hematologist-oncologist David Porter of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. “That’s not possible in most tumors,” he says, which may be part of “the reason this field has been so slow to develop.” So Hung is taking a slightly different approach. Instead of focusing on viruses that selectively target cancer cells, or rigging them to do so, Hung and his colleagues have designed a vector, dubbed VISA, that goes everywhere, but whose package is only activated in cancer cells. “DNA by itself does not cause side effects—every cell has DNA,” says Hung. “It the gene product.” The VISA vector is designed to amplify expression of the genes it carries under the control of a promoter that is expressed at higher levels in tumors. “Then whatever DNA we inject into the bloodstream may go anywhere, but will express only in cancer cells,” Hung explains. In 2007, the researchers used VISA, equipped with a modified apoptosis promoter, called BikDD , to knock down pancreatic cancer in mice. 6 The protocol is currently being tested for safety in a phase I trial, and Hung and his colleagues are now applying the VISA vector to breast cancer, with promising preclinical results coming out just last year, 7 as well as to lung, ovarian, and liver cancers. Yet another gene therapy strategy for fighting cancer involves the collection of immune cells from patients, insertion of genetic material that essentially trains the cells to target and kill cancer, and the infusion of those cells back into the patients. “The idea is to somehow modify a person’s own T cells so they can now recognize and attack tumor cells that they otherwise aren’t able to kill,” says Porter. “By definition, if someone has a tumor, their T cells aren’t able to kill .” In 2011, Porter, along with Carl June and other colleagues at Penn Medicine, reported that they had engineered a patient’s T cells ex vivo to target chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells, marking the first gene therapy success for advanced cancer. The researchers used a lentivirus to insert a chimeric antigen receptor targeting CD-19—a molecule found on “all CLL cells but only a small subset of normal cells,” Porter says—as well as two potent signaling domains, which help the T cells survive longer and activate strongly at the appropriate time. Last August, the researchers published the results of a phase I trial, in which two participants had been in complete remission for up to a year, and a third was showing signs of a strong antitumor response. 8 , 9 In addition, some of the cells persisted as memory T-cells, primed to attack in the event of a recurrence. However, researchers had to weigh the fact that the engineered T cells could also attack healthy tissue. CLL is characterized by the abnormal proliferation of B cells, but it’s not just the malignant B cells that express CD-19; normal B cells also carry the antigen on their surface. As a result of the lentiviral therapy, patients experienced a loss of B cells down to undetectable levels. “ potentially makes them susceptible to infections,” Porter notes. But he is not worried. No patients have contracted any unusual infections in a year and a half of follow up, and antibody replacement is always an option. “We think it is possible to live without B cells,” he says. But it’s an important concern when developing such therapies, he adds. “If you were to target a cell that was also on the lining of your heart or your lungs or your intestines, that wouldn’t be safe.” This strategy is now being applied to diverse cancer types, including mesothelioma (a type of lung cancer), breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and melanoma, all in early-stage trials. With the improved ability to grow T cells in the lab and make better-targeted viral vectors, “the field is really growing,” Porter says. “You can now use this technology to target really almost anything you can identify as a unique target.” The gene’s the limit In 2007, Timothy Brown, a 40-year-old American living in Berlin, had a relapse of acute myeloid leukemia and received a bone-marrow transplant to boost his immune function. Because he was also living with HIV, his doctor chose a donor with a mutation in both copies of the CCR5 gene, which encodes an HIV co-receptor carried on the surface of T cells to which HIV usually must bind in order to enter the cells. People with mutations in both copies of the CCR5 gene are resistant to HIV infection. A year later, Brown relapsed again, and once again received a stem-cell transplant from the CCR5 -mutant donor. Finally, he beat his cancer, and as of 2010, his HIV was still at undetectable levels, despite his having discontinued immune-suppressive treatment. 10 By most accounts, Brown is the first person to have been cured of an HIV infection. The impressive result validated Sangamo Biosciences’ efforts to design a gene therapy to modify the CCR5 gene of HIV patients’ T cells. This is done ex vivo, using an adenovirus vector that delivers its package to T cells carrying the glycoprotein receptor CD4, after which the cells are infused back into the patients. This strategy is different from corrective gene therapies in that it’s taking a normal gene and replacing it with a defective copy. In this case, it’s important to not just supplement the existing copies of the gene, which would continue to produce normal CCR5 receptors, but to render the gene defective so the cells present no CCR5 receptors on their surfaces. To do this, Sangamo researchers are using zinc-finger nucleases, which act as molecular scissors to edit the existing gene. “What we’re doing is . . . actually editing the gene in a way that changes its nucleic acid sequence,” says Sangamo CEO Edward Lanphier. “It’s quite different from classical gene therapy, where you’re just essentially putting in the coding region of a gene.” Preliminary results of these trials, presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) last March, have shown that all 21 HIV patients treated with one infusion of their own modified T cells have tolerated the treatment well, and show increased CD4 + T cell counts more than a year later. And when six of the patients took a planned 12-week hiatus from antiretroviral treatment, they had lowered HIV viral loads that correlated with the levels of circulating modified CD4 + T cells. One patient, who naturally carried one copy of the defective CCR5 gene, had undetectable viral levels. The results are promising, says June, who is heading up one of two phase I trials of the therapy, and who hopes that such gene-editing techniques will be applicable to a wide range of diseases. “We’re trying to make a good gene bad in the case of the HIV, so that the cells aren’t infected,” he says, “but you can do the inverse, which is to take a bad gene and fix it.” Such genome editing would be permanent, and leaves the gene under the control of natural promoters, making it more therapeutically appealing, says Lanphier. “The downstream biology of changing the endogenous gene is fundamentally different—and quite frankly, from a therapeutic outcome, superior—than conventional gene therapy approaches,” he says. Other novel gene therapy strategies are also in development, such as employing transiently expressed RNA to confer a therapeutic benefit, and using cell- and protein-based delivery systems instead of viral vectors. With these and other techniques, researchers have recently demonstrated successes in treatments for hemophilia, with promising trial results released last December; numerous neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s; and autoimmune disorders, such as SCID, among others. And importantly, there have been no more safety scares like the ones that rattled the field a decade ago. “The history of medicine says every new technology starts with a great idea and then requires hard work and optimization,” says Kirn. “And I think that’s exactly what’s happened with gene therapy. Hurdles were identified—and there’s always hurdles once you get into a complex human disease situation—and they’ve been addressed.” “The concepts aren’t that much different than they were early on, but the tools are much better,” agrees June. “Now is actually fulfilling the promise that people said it would have.” References H.B. 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热度 30 何裕民 2012-6-6 10:05
——访我国著名肿瘤专家、中华医学会心身医学分会会长、上海中医药大学博士生导师何裕民教授 2012 年 5 月 25 日上午 9:00 时,《 暖心橙 》报刊的记者有幸采访了 我国著名肿瘤专家、中华医学会心身医学分会会长、上海中医药大学博士生导师何裕民教授 。 记者: 何裕民老师,您是现任 中华医学会心身医学分会主任委员 ,而且早在 1993 年就被中华医学会评选为中华医学会心身医学学会第一届委员会副主任委员 , 您能给我们谈谈您是如何定义中医心理学的吗? 何裕民老师 : 其实中医心理学是有中国中医特色的临床心理学。我对医学心理学这个词一直不是很乐意用的 , 我们一般讲心身医学。为什么呢?因为医学心理学往往是心理学家在谈,临床上发现其实更多的是医生说的临床心理学,所以这里面就有一个学科界限。国外比较规范的医学体系应该是 psychological medicine, 就是心理的、生理的合在一起就是心身医学。这是一个很规范、很成熟的学科。在医学领域当中,医学心理学都是心理学家谈的,不是很主流,至少在临床上不是主流。所以严格意义上,中华医学会这个分会的名称是“中华医学会心身医学分会 ” 。你可能看到我主编的《中医心理学临床研究》,其实当时我就对“中医心理学”这个名字有异义。“中医心理学 ” 这个提法可以这么说,但是如果要和世界医学接轨的话,可能“中医心身医学”更合适一点。所以,凡是牵涉到病人的,和疾病和心身有关的问题,都是我们心身医学的研究领域。你们可能会问个问题:医学心理学和心身医学有什么区别?其实是兄弟俩,但是角度不一样。医生讲的临床心理问题往往就是心身医学,心理学家讲的往往就是医学心理学,所以是站在不同角度去看问题,因此,一般我们临床医生提到这个学科,很少说“医学心理学 ”, 都说“心身医学 ” 。 记者: 何老师,您早在 1989 年就出版了《中医情志病理学》,在 1990 年又出版了《心身医学概论》, 到了 1995 年,您还出版了 《中国传统精神病理学》 ,您能和我们说说你是怎样一步步认识中医心理学的吗? 何裕民老师: 其实我是拉郎配学的中医。那个时候没有志愿填报 , 但我觉得我的哲学根底很扎实。当时国内的医学体系,不管是中医还是西医,都不完善。所以在 80 年代初 , 我做研究生课题选择的时候就在考虑,我们今天都是讲治病没有讲治人,这就是问题。当时,西方的心理学才刚刚引进,所以我的研究生课题就是情志问题。那个时候我就觉得作为医生 , 抛开了人的灵魂,人的精神情感,去谈医学,那将是事倍功半。不说是劳而无益吧,至少是守其末,而舍其神。因此一开始我就觉得这个问题很重要。那个时候中国这个学科刚刚引进,我就介入了,所以我会在心身医学会成立的时候 . 讲到这些问题 , 在心身医学界打响了一面旗帜。不管是中医也好 , 西医也好 , 医学是要解决问题的。就是说临床手段需要完善,至少要再多加一个心理呵护手段,那就可以事半功倍。这是一个很聪明的举动。 记者: 在 2009 年 12 月,您承担了国家重点项目:国家卫生部全国高等中医院校研究生教育 “ 十一五 ” 规划教材《中医临床心理研究》的主编 ,您认为中医心理学的临床应用价值可以体现在哪些方面呢? 何裕民老师: 那本书探讨了很多问题 , 把中医心身医学的问题好好理了理,包括探讨了心身之间的关系。心身关系的探讨是个永恒的话题。哲学界、医学界、心理学界 , 凡是牵涉到人的都要谈这个问题。我们作了深入探讨,但还远远不够。中医的心理学知识绝不只是我们现在教科书所介绍的这些,它是一整个体系。比如说中医认为有三个神:元神、识神、欲神,这就构架了一个很完整的心身层次关系。中医对心理问题的认识非常丰富。因为心理学到目前为止还不能算是一门实证科学,它更多的是长期观察得出的结论。我们一直说的情志致病,肝气郁结,肝主疏泄,那就是中医学构建的一个本能学说。弗洛伊德理论大家都知道。弗洛伊德是上个世纪初期提出本能学说的,我们中国人是在宋朝时期提出的,而且这个架构终归还不够完善。朱丹溪讲的相火,不仅提出了一整套理论,而且提出了一套防范的方法。朱丹溪的学生王履提出了“气为百病之先”,“百病皆生于郁”,他认为心理因素起很大作用。在我们这本书里强调了今天的很多病 , 特别是白领的疲劳,亚健康 , 都是情志因素占主导的。然后再看看今天我们最常见的慢性病 ---- 冠心病、糖尿病、高血压、癌症都有情志因素。所以今天的医生如果只知道开什么药,那很难施展才华。我自己临床搞肿瘤 , 很有体会,我觉得肿瘤病人首先是精神问题,心态问题,要建立信心。这点我们今天是集体缺课的,普遍缺课,不仅中医缺课,西医也缺课。那是从历史里流失的。我们怎么补上这一课,是个大问题。 记者: 何老师,您不仅是一位杰出的心身医学专家,还是一位优秀的肿瘤专家,在 2010 年您出版了《从心治癌》这本书,引起了很大的轰动。您能结合您的临床经验给我们谈谈您是如何在临床中应用中医心理学的吗? 何裕民老师: 那很简单,我刚才说了,生病的是人,人是有情感需求 , 有七情六欲 , 有各种各样的需要。这个方面得不到某种满足,或出了偏差,会刺激癌。你不把这问题解决掉了,那问题就出来了。所以,你首先要认识到这个问题。我在临床当中,我刚才讲了常见病,比如说我们现在女性癌发病率很高,一些特别认真的很容易生癌。像癌症这些东西,生在人身上,人是有精神情感的。因此,应该说治病要治人,首先要治人,治人要治心。这些是首先要确定的。而且,治心并不是很高深的,你首先要有一个爱心。在医学领域 , 知识和同理心(或者叫同情心)同样重要。有知识没有同理心,这个知识有可能是危险的。就像我们临床运用知识乱来 , 有化工知识搞三聚氰胺!没有知识他搞不到这样。包括像毒胶囊,加铬的胶囊也是 , 他有了知识才会想尽办法。有知识没有同情心 , 这个知识是可怕的。有同情心没有知识也是有问题。不能解决问题。那么换一句话说,在我们临床治疗当中,你光有躯体医学知识 , 光知道开方,没有同情心,这个知识不说可怕,至少是有局限的,这两者缺一不可。在临床上,我觉得中医其实在号脉当中,在问诊当中,和病人交谈过程当中,其实就在做心理这些工作。首先了解他,接受他,然后再适当的疏导他,那就是心理疏导了。不要把心理治疗简简单单就理解为走进心理咨询室,坐下来,一本正经地进行心理咨询。当然,你要有专业知识,对这个问题有兴趣,要有爱心,然后要钻研进去,这样才行。 记者: 2010 年 11 月 10 日— 17 日,您作为大会主席参加第 16 届中华医学会心身医学会分会年会时作了一个以《心身健康、生态安全与社会的和谐及可持续发展——兼论心身医学当今发展的社会学意义》为主题的报告,您认为中医心理学在当今社会有哪些现实意义呢 ? 何裕民老师: 首先第一点,作为医生是看病的。病人的心身问题要合乎病人的情况。更多的人群是因为社会在快速发展 , 有了很多观念的冲突。我们的心理矛盾、焦虑普遍存在。上海在启动 2020 年的城市健康建设。它里面就有这样一条“人人心身愉悦”。一个和谐社会,健康社会,首先是每个人身在其中,得其所,然后能安居,能心身愉悦。如果每个人是失落的,愤愤不平的,这个社会健康吗?所以,在这个问题当中,你不要小看中医的很多东西,我们说“精神内守,病安从来?”像这些东西对我们今天建设和谐社会,建设上海的健康社会是很有意义的。当然,一般人涉及不到,我们专业人士有义务去传播它。所以我们心身医学提出,我们不仅是要治病。我们是医生,还有一种社会责任。这个社会责任可以通过我们来完成。那么我们今天的心理问题很多是和你本人的认识有关。你明明有了辆车,桑塔纳,还可以了,但你说“我的同事开的是宝七”,你拼命想买宝七,那你心里不平衡了;你明明能穿普通衣服的 ,“不行,我的同事是穿名牌衣服,背名牌包,我要向她看齐”,然后你心里不平衡了。用老祖宗的说法,“恬淡虚无,真气从之!”我们现在很多人看来不能接受,其实这是很有价值的。你应该在基本生活条件满足的情况下,你要缓一缓,要把自我对策调整好。我们现在的很多欲望是过分的,这些我们有责任去告诉他们,我们不是在作宣教。所以我觉得医生不仅应该以医病作为职业职责,还应该承担社会职责。社会职责,从心身医学角度看,从我研究心身医学的角度看,在今天我们建设和谐社会的过程当中,首先要关注心身和谐问题。心身和谐了,才能健康长寿;你的心身和谐了,你同社会关系才会和谐,我们社会才会和谐。这是非常重要的。可以说心身和谐是和谐社会的最基本的细胞。这心身和谐,中医当中可以挖掘很多东西。《黄帝内经》中就有很多。当然我们要用今天的方式告诉大家 ,明明开的是桑塔纳,还想换宝七。你能满足吗 ? 所以这种欲望是没有价值的。人首先要把心安顿好,人活在世界上要考虑考虑。故我们在和谐社会的建设过程当中,医学家,特别是心身医学家或者中医出生的心身医学家,它还有一份社会责任,帮助整个社会把心安顿好。但是这不是那么简单,这会引来了很多不满,很多挫折。当然社会在改进,这是政府和我们共同要做的。 记者: 您认为中医心理学的发展趋势是怎样的?它与现代西方心理学相比有哪些优势? 何裕民老师: 西方的医学心理学还比较客观的。西方的心身医学参与者更多的是精神病理学家。精神病理学家在西方的主流医学当中,不说是打入冷宫吧,至少相对来说话语权不强。那么中医没有这个学科。治心治病,我们老祖宗说“上工治神”。中医这方面特点是非常明显的。因为西方经历过实验医学,实验医学必须把所有的东西剥离了。我们没法把心理问题做实验研究。我们至少没法把心理问题实验做在老鼠身上。所以它是心身剥离的,我们是相对心身合一的。这个思路中国人比世界先进。但是有些方面我们做的不够。以前我们不重视,因为我们落后,现在我们在追赶。那么我们中国人,中医人应该静一下,认真地去挖掘,至 少你作为一个医生,你要安顿好自己的心,然后劝说周围的人,再后在临 床上应用,让更多的人收益,此外,你还可以不断提升。 记者: 您能给想要学习中医心理学的同学们一些建议吗? 何裕民老师: 其实我们接触的时候是没有教材的。我们搞研究的时候,就是凭着一股热情,然后发展起来的,现在我们已经有教材了。我觉得心理学的问题,教材上的知识只是一部分,更重要的是首先有颗爱心才行。然后你会站在他(患者)的角度思考。第二个问题,要会观察。现在我们临床看病,不仅要知道他看什么,而且要随时随地观察。所以,我们是通过向患者学习,丰富了自己的心理知识。患者他说话有什么潜台词,他找你有什么需求,比如号脉,我一号脉,就发现它跳得很快,这样的人往往情绪不稳定,好紧张,因为他看到你时紧张了所以心跳加快。如果你一号脉,这个脉始终变化不大,那就说明他的心里很平稳。所以对很紧张的人,你说话就要注意了。我觉得第一,应该有同情心;没有道德品质就不要做医生。第二要善于观察,向患者学习,书本只是干巴巴的几条,而且书本上的东西都是海外的。外国人的个性和中国人不一样,所以更多的要向病人学习。在临床上向病人学习只要有观察力就可以了。你就观察、分析,然后增加自己的阅历。第三,你说话要注意语言艺术。我和病人的关系我们认为是咨客关系,就是他来咨询你,你为他服务,你们是对等的。你不能居高临下,只有平等了才能对话。所以这三点具备了,你再选修些课程,我相信你就会是一个非常好的临床心理医生。 记者: 恩,我们也相信热爱中医的莘莘学子们在听了何老师的这番话后定能更好地发扬中医事业!今天非常感谢何老师能给我们这样一个机会来采访您,谢谢 ! 本报记者:胡紫洁 上海中医药大学 2012 年 5 月 25 日
个人分类: 何裕民谈肿瘤|2676 次阅读|30 个评论
热度 1 孙学军 2012-6-2 19:38
Treatment of hydrogen molecule abates oxidative stress and alleviates bone loss .pdf 太空飞行因为失重可导致航天员一系列的器官功能改变,特别是骨骼钙丢失和肌肉萎缩等,这些改变不仅对航天员的健康产生危害,而且会影响他们的运动能力,容易使他们在执行太空任务中遇到麻烦,因此开展对这些改变的机制和对抗治疗手段的研究非常重要。对一些希望正在发展太空飞行的国家尤其重要。 氢气是最近几年发现的一种非常特殊的抗氧化物质,虽然目前人们仍没有完全弄清楚氢气治疗疾病的具体分子过程和机制,但大量的临床和动物实验结果表明,氢气对许多类型的炎症、氧化损伤和细胞凋亡等具有非常显著的治疗效果,给人们试图使用氢气治疗许多重要疾病带来了许多联想。 当然民航和太空飞行还会遇到太空辐射的危害,美国航空航天局已经开展了氢气对太空辐射损伤的研究,初步研究证明氢气对太空辐射具有理想的预防效果,并提出将来用氢气作为预防太空辐射的手段。辐射损伤的最重要机制是辐射引起的自由基增加,这是自由基生物学最经典的研究结果,由于氢气具有抗氧化损伤的作用,因此使用氢气作为治疗太空飞行辐射损伤是非常容易从理论上猜测到的。 本研究者根据文献分析认为,太空飞行过程因为示众导致的骨骼肌萎缩和钙丢失和氧化损伤关系密切,采用细胞学和动物模型两类手段,证明使用氢气可以对抗失重导致的动物骨质丢失,并证明这种效应和关键信号分子例如erk、NfkB和iNOS等关系密切。由于骨质疏松不仅在太空飞行,也经常见于临床长期卧床患者的情况,长期卧床由于长期不使用肌肉运动和承受重力,非常容易发生肌肉萎缩和骨质丢失,这种情况和太空飞行存在类似性,因此本研究也提示,氢气可能对那些长期卧床患者的骨质丢失也值得尝试。曾经有研究发现,氢气对废用性肌肉萎缩有一定治疗作用,因此从这个角度考虑,氢气对那些卧床患者可能有对肌肉和骨骼的双重价值。 本研究来自北京 301 医院急救科,文章发表在《国际骨质疏松》杂志上。文章的题目作者和摘要如下: Sun Y , Shuang F , Chen DM , Zhou RB . Treatment of hydrogen molecule abates oxidative stress and alleviates bone loss induced by modeled microgravity in rats. Osteoporos Int. 2012 May 31. Abstract Treatment with molecular hydrogen alleviates microgravity-induced bone loss through abating oxidative stress, restoring osteoblastic differentiation, and suppressing osteoclast differentiation and osteoclastogenesis. INTRODUCTION: Recently, it has been suggested that hydrogen gas exerts a therapeutic antioxidant activity by selectively reducing cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). The aim of the present study was to elucidate whether treatment with molecular hydrogen alleviated bone loss induced by modeled microgravity in rats. METHODS: Hindlimb suspension (HLS) and rotary wall vessel bioreactor were used to model microgravity in vivo and in vitro, respectively. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to HLS for 6 weeks to induced bone loss and simultaneously administrated with hydrogen water (HW). Then, we investigated the effects of incubation with hydrogen-rich medium (HRM) on MC3T3-E1 and RAW264.7 cells exposed to modeled microgravity. RESULTS: Treatment with HW alleviated HLS-induced reduction of bone mineral density, ultimate load, stiffness, and energy in femur and lumbar vertebra. Treatment with HW alleviated HLS-induced augmentation of malondialdehyde content and peroxynitrite content and reduction of total sulfhydryl content in femur and lumbar vertebra. In cultured MC3T3-E1 cells, incubation with HRM inhibited modeled microgravity-induced ROS formation, reduction of osteoblastic differentiation, increase of ratio of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand to osteoprotegerin, inducible nitric oxide synthetase upregulation, and Erk1/2 phosphorylation. In cultured RAW264.7, incubation with HRM aggravated modeled microgravity-induced ROS formation, osteoclastic differentiation, and osteoclastogenesis. CONCLUSION: Treatment with molecular hydrogen alleviates microgravity-induced bone loss in rats. Molecular hydrogen could thus be envisaged as a nutritional countermeasure for spaceflight but remains to be tested in humans. PMID:22648000 细胞学研究方法,日本学者是将培养瓶或板放在一个密封的湿盒内,用三个气源根据比例通气,并通过一个排气空气体排到房间外,如果先混合在灌入培养瓶,如何操作? Over a 2-h period, we dissolved H2 into DMEM under 0.4 MPa pressure based on the method described by Ohsawa et al. . We dissolved O2 into a second medium by bubbling O2 gas at the saturated level, and CO2 into a third medium by bubbling CO2 gas. All three media were maintained at atmospheric pressure. Then, we combined the three media (H2 medium/O2 medium/CO2 medium) in the proportion 75:20:5 % (vol/vol/vol) and added fetal bovine serum to achieve a final concentration of 1 %. For culture, we put the combined medium into a culture flask. Then, we filled the culture flask with mixed gas consisting of 75 %H2, 20 % O2, and 5 % CO2 (vol/vol/vol) and cultured cells in the closed culture flask.
个人分类: 氢气细胞学研究|6073 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 3 冯用军 2012-5-26 13:46
言论:甘肃省卫生厅厅长刘维忠:“在医院开展真气运行治疗,对减少医疗纠纷、避免过度医治等将起到积极作用。” 推论:1、学真气可以维稳;2、学真气,可以安邦治国;3、学真气,可以保家卫国;4、学真气,可以全球和谐! 李一道长?张悟本神仙?李少波真气?李XX法轮? 重庆一名副市长:李一就是中华传统文化的代表,他很神的。 甘肃省卫生厅厅长刘维忠——李小波真气可以打通任督二脉。 中国中医科学院养生保健中心主任鄢良:张悟本说的吃绿豆能治一切病,经过实验科学有效。 ... 这究竟是科学?还是伪科学? 这究竟是迷信?还是反物质? 这究竟是骗术?还是些真理? 盛世出的祥瑞?还是出怪象? 建议科学网-中国科学报社去认真调查一下! 参考文献: 甘肃卫生厅长:运真气治疗可减少医疗纠纷甘肃医务人员真气运行学骨干培训班学员则透露,打通任督二脉时“脑中出现水开声” 类别: 国内新闻 浏览量: 1040 版次: AA03 版名: 主页 稿源:南方都市报 2012-05-26 作者: 张东锋 9天培训,“有41名学员打通任督二脉”。这段从甘肃省卫生厅官网一则医务人员培训班结业通报中扒出来的消息,近日成为网络热点。(南都5月24日A21版曾作报道)昨日,有媒体报道了几名学员匿名讲述参加培训的感受。其中一名称,“培训到第四天时脑中出现水开声,若细沙流温养丹田。这时老师说,我已经通督了”。 此外,甘肃省卫生厅官网的一篇文章称,厅长刘维忠今年4月出席培训班开班仪式时指出,“在医院开展真气运行治疗,对减少医疗纠纷、避免过度医治等将起到积极作用”。 学员:通督时脑中有水开声 就在“打通任督二脉”引发的网络争议闹得沸沸扬扬时,昨天《兰州晨报》以《感受到真气玄妙和中医神奇》为题,报道了几名学员匿名讲述参加培训的感受。报道称,培训班学员、某三甲医院负责人在培训的第4天“通督”。这位年近50岁的学员,向记者描述了自己从未有过的感受:“我练习到第二天时静功守丹田,但身体还是没什么感觉;到第三天中午时肾区发热,全身舒畅,到了晚上就出现头热、身热、头内响的情况;第四天时脑中出现水开声,若细沙流温养丹田。这时老师说,我已经通督了。” 另一位5天即“通督”的藏医院院长则表示,“那天下午开始,我感觉有很多蚂蚁从脸上不断地往百会爬,头很痛,然后这种感觉渐渐消失。另外胸椎处像是针刺般难以忍受”。 此外,“通督”的据称还有一位西医博士生导师,这位职称最高的学员用了8天。对于“通督”前夕的感受,他记忆尤深:“就是觉得双肾炽热,沿督脉上行,晚上上行到头部,头部像被箍住、感觉非常重闷。” 报道最后说,对此次“通督”,这些学员的普遍感受是切身感觉到真气运行的玄妙经过,体验了博大精深的中医的神奇,证明了经络学说的存在,进而对中医产生了信心。 真气运行研究所引关注 除了学员“现身说法”,随着网络关注度的增加,李少波真气运行研究所也成为网友关注的对象。一位教授功法的于老师日前在接受中国广播网记者采访时称,真气运行学经过“70多年的探索,40多年的临床观察,10多年的科学实验。这不是气功,这是真气运行,专门养生治病的”,治好的病例中不乏癌症患者。 按于老师的说法,真气运行培训班,“2008年开始办,一个月办两期,一期十天,有时候一期三十几个人,有时候一期二十几个人”,“学费静功是1800,动功是1200.静功相当于你吃米饭,动功相当于吃菜”。 中广网的报道还提到,“李少波真气运行研究所”自称是由甘肃省科委(现科技厅)批准成立的医疗保健科研机构,但记者调查发现,这里更像是一家以教学培训和售卖相关书籍光盘为主的盈利机构。甘肃卫生厅的工作人员也曾表示,“(研究所负责人)李天晓所持证件是由甘肃省科技厅颁布,非卫生厅(颁布的)。” 刘维忠:没必要争执通督标准 针对打通任督二脉的争议,甘肃省卫生厅长刘维忠昨晚再次回应,称“实在没有必要争执任督二脉的打通标准”。“我看到很多朋友在留言争论任督二脉的打通标准,各执己见,谁也说服不了谁。”刘维忠在回应中表示,类似高考(表现好坏)这样的事情是有量化标准可循,但“有些东西是没有标准的”,就像饥饱取决于不同人的感受一样。“他认为他吃饱了,那就是吃饱了,千万不要劝人吃饭”。 所以在他看来,“按这个逻辑,实在没有必要争执任督二脉的打通标准”:“只要感觉精力比过去更好,饮食、睡眠、二便比过去有比较明显的改善即可。不用和别人做横向对比,只需要自己和自己过去的状态做纵向的对比。学习真气运行学只是学了一种强身健体的方法,不需要去参加华山论剑”。 南都记者还了解到,除了5月这次的“真气运行学骨干培训班”,甘肃卫生厅上月还组织过一次“真气运行初级培训班”。当时,参加的学员主要来自该省疾控中心,以及省第二、三人民医院,一共35名医务工作者,培训时间从4月10日至19日,“每天进行6至8小时的实践锻炼”,“大部分学员已打通任督脉”。 与此次出席毕业仪式类似,甘肃省卫生厅厅长刘维忠也出席了今年4月的培训班开班仪式,同样做了讲话。他指出,“在医院开展真气运行治疗,对减少医疗纠纷、避免过度医治等将起到积极作用,希望学员们认真学习,掌握真气运行基本功法,在各自的工作岗位上充分发挥真气运行的防治作用”。南都记者张东锋 相关新闻 采访真气研究所记者遭学员围堵 甘肃省卫生厅官网上有关“打通任督二脉”的消息,让培训47名学员的“兰州李少波真气研究所”备受关注,但就在前天,甘肃本地记者前去采访时,却传出“遭到学员拘禁”的消息。 “正在采访真气打通任督二脉一事,在甘肃李少波真气研究所遭到学员拘禁,随后报警,现正在兰州五泉派出所”。5月24日,“记者马骏”的这条微博引发众多网友关注。据悉,马骏是甘肃电视台记者。按照兰州警方通报的说法,当天上午10时许,马骏“到我辖区李少波真气运行研究所暗访其授课情况,研究所一般人员对其讲解了相关情况,后马骏在拍摄讲课过程时遭到阻拦,后双方发生争执”。 按马骏接受《兰州晨报》采访时的说法,他说明来意后,起初研究所的接待人员同意了他拍摄的要求,“并强调普通网友所理解的打通任督二脉的效果和实际效果相差甚远”,但后来却要求马骏删去拍摄资料才能离开。据“张磊今年奔三”透露,马骏当时“被现场学员围堵,称侵犯了他们的肖像权,不让他离开”。 兰州警方称,在接到马骏报警后,民警赶到现场,将双方带回派出所处理,双方协商后各自离开。
个人分类: 反伪科学研究院|3311 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 chinaneonate 2012-5-20 18:04
如何治疗急性化脓性淋巴结炎 2008-07-31 责任编辑:摇篮编辑 我要评论 我要提问 我要测评 【导读】控制感染,及时排脓是急性化脓性淋巴结炎的治疗原则。 lt;SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"gt;var browVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);if (navigator.appName=="Netscape" amp;amp; browVersionlt;=4) document.write("lt;SCR"+"IPT LANGUAGE=\"Javascript1.1\" SRC=\"http://adpub.yaolan.com/afp/door/;ap=284;ct=js;pu=4c451ece10ff899d0001;/?\"gt;lt;\/SCR"+"IPTgt;");lt;/SCRIPTgt; 为了更好地 治疗 急性 化脓 性 淋巴结炎 ,应在临床分型的基础上采用不同的治疗方案。 最常见的临床类型叫作局限型,又称典型淋巴结炎。这种病儿除了发烧等全身症状外,主要是患病淋巴结肿痛及化脓的表现。在治疗上应早期使用抗生素。 发烧特别是高烧的病例,最好静脉点滴抗生素,连续治疗3-5天,直到病情控制再改口服抗生素,可以选用新青霉素2号和氨其青霉素联合静点。如果对青霉素过 敏,可选用红霉素、西力欣、凯福隆等抗生素7-10天,以阿莫西林、红霉素、希舒美等最常用。除抗生素外,淋巴结肿胀处可外敷药物,如鱼石脂软膏,如意全 黄散等,也可以实施理疗,如大型超短波等。大约有80%以上的病儿,局部因化脓而形成脓肿,早期脓量少时,可实施局部穿刺抽脓,并配合脓腔注入适量庆大霉 素;发病后期脓液量多或者脓液稠厚时,应该及时切开排脓,并定期换药。切开的伤口不用缝合,伤口塞入的凡士林油纱条(有人叫作"油纱条"),一方面能引流 脓液,另一方面有压迫止血作用。随着换药,切开伤口的脓液越来越少,伤口也逐渐愈合,变得越来越浅,最终愈合成一疤痕。 第二种类型叫作“蜂窝织炎型”,多见于1-3岁的婴幼儿。由于起病急,病情有时比较严重,所以治疗要及时。除早期静脉点滴大量抗生素外,有时须配 合静脉点滴肾上腺皮质激素,如地塞米松等,以减轻中毒症状和局部病灶肿胀的蔓延。此外,应注意控制并发症,如高热,惊厥、呼吸困难、低铀血症等。病情重者 最好住院抢救。有脓时要早期穿刺抽脓或切开引流。 第三种类型称“硬肿型”,由于病情较缓和,除口服抗生素7-10天外,主要用中药治疗,如复方双花口服液、西黄丸等内服,必要时配合理疗。 最后一种类型称“中毒休克型”,一经诊断即应急诊住院。除抢救休克和控制感染外,应加强支持治疗,如输入新鲜血、血浆等。对于这一类型早期诊断比较困难,如果抢救不及时,死亡率可高达10%。幸好,这一型比较少见。 本病总的治疗效果满意,绝大多数病例经过治疗后都可痊愈。
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