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sciencepress 2015-9-11 14:16
借 ChinaNANO 2015 大会的契机 ,《国家科学评论》 ( National Science Review , NSR )编辑部在国家纳米科学中心的支持下,于 9 月 4 日下午在北京国际会议中心组织召开了以“ 中国的纳米科技向何处走,如何走 ”为主题的论坛。本次论坛是 NSR 举办的第 9 次论坛,也是继前 8 次视频形式论坛之后,首次举办开放形式实体论坛。 本次论坛由 NSR 主编、中国科学院院长 白春礼 主持,受邀参加论坛的专家有北京大学纳米科学与技术研究中心 刘忠范 ,上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院 杨培东 ,国家纳米科学中心 刘鸣华 、 王琛 、 赵宇亮 等国际知名学者。 与会专家围绕我国在纳米科技方面的投入 及主要发展方向、纳米科技研究与成果转化方面的进展及突破、纳米科技的特色与不足、需要加强关注的领域、纳米科技发展的挑战及障碍、培育原创性研究的政策和环境条件、未来 10 年最有可能带来产业发展变革的纳米科技成果、纳米颗粒对人体健康和生存环境的潜在负面影响、纳米生物安全性研究的进展及管理规范等话题展开了深入、全面的研讨。 论坛吸引了 200 余位 ChinaNANO 2015 的与会人员参加,江雷、梁锦荣、王中林等多位专家学者在论坛过程中发表了自己的观点,讨论十分热烈、精彩。 本次论坛的内容将整理为文字在 NSR 的“ Forum ”栏目发表。敬请关注。 National Science Review NSR致力于全面展示国内外各科学领域的代表性研究成果,追踪报道重大科技事件,深度解读中外科学界热点研究和重要科技政策等。为全方位、多角度地反映中国自然科学各领域的重要科学成就,NSR除了偏重于发表以中国代表性重大研究进展为主题的综述性论文外,还设立社论、观点、研究亮点、读者来信和短评、专家访谈、圆桌论坛等多个栏目,对国家科技管理者的高端访谈和对国家科技政策的解读是其重要特色之一。 Forum (论坛):作为有及时性和争议性议题的讨论平台,如有关科技发展、科技政策和体制、基金分配机制、和其他与社会有关议题。可以各种形式发表,包括点评、圆桌会议或对话记录等。 Forum 栏目文章样例 : 1. Higher education and research innovation in China http://nsr.oxfordjournals.org/content/1/4/623.full 2. Controversy of GM crops in China http://nsr.oxfordjournals.org/content/1/3/466.full 3. Safeguarding research integrity in China http://nsr.oxfordjournals.org/content/2/1/122.full 《中国科学》杂志社微信公众号 关注请加: scichina1950 / 中国科学杂志社 或扫描识别二维码:
个人分类: 国家科学评论|2886 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 sciencepress 2015-8-31 08:32
NSR论坛:中国的纳米科技向何处去,如何走? http://nsr.oxfordjournals.org
个人分类: 国家科学评论|2689 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 1 sciencepress 2015-3-27 08:17
作者: Mihail C. Roco 纳米技术的定义 (始于 1999 年的“纳米技术研究方向”) 纳米技术是指在 1-100 nm范围内操控原子和分子尺度的物质,并利用这一尺度下单个原子或分子或其集团行为的特性和现象的能力,旨在通过设计其小尺度结构来创建具有全新特性和功能的材料、器件和系统。这是经济有效地改变材料特性的终极前沿,也是制造业和分子医学的最有效尺度。相同的原理和工具用于不同的相关领域将有助于为纳米尺度科学、工程和技术建立统一的平台。从单个原子或分子行为向原子和分子组装集体行为的过渡是一个自然的过程,而纳米技术充分利用了这一天然的界限。 1999 年制订的纳米技术构想推动了美国国家纳米计划(NNI) 和其他国内国际研发规划的设立,激起了全球的纳米技术研发热潮。 图 分两个基本阶段创建一个新的领域和社区(“NS &E”指纳米科学和纳米工程) 在该计划的第一个十年期间,主要工作集中在建立纳米尺度的基础知识。截至2009年,在价值约1万亿美元的全球纳米产品市场上,由新知识产生的产品约占四分之一,其中约910亿美元为美国产品,包括纳米元件。 图 工业原型开始和纳米技术商业化的时间轴:2010~2020 年新一代产品和生产过程的引入 随着纳米技术的不断发展,到2020年它将成为一项通用技术,这期间会产生四代产品,按其结构和动态复杂性递增的顺序:①被动的纳米结构;②主动的纳米结构;③纳米系统;④分子纳米体系。到2020年,纳米科学和工程知识以及纳米系统的集成将更进一步增加和拓展,纳米技术将大量应用于工业、医药、计算领域,更好地理解和保护大自然。 图 碳纳米管电缆和片材平台 (由 Nanocomp Technologies, Inc. 的 Peter L. Antoinette 以及 R. Ridgley、NRO 提供,2010) 纳米技术在全世界的迅速发展见证了这一概念和趋势的变革力量,并展现出一幅多种科研领域协同创新的宏伟蓝图。 本文在此简要叙述2000年以来NNI在国际范围内发展所获得的经验教训,以及最重要的——纳米技术界应该如何应对未来的发展。 经验教训 1.经过十年发展后尚未完全实现的目标 实现纳米尺度“材料设计”和复合材料的通用方法:阻碍发展的原因是直接的理论建立、建模和模拟工具以及具有足够分辨率的测量技术尚未就绪。 可持续发展项目:用于能源解决方案的纳米技术仅在计划启动五年后便形成了良好的势头,而用于水过滤、海水淡化和气候研究的纳米技术的研发经费仍然不足;目前,我们尚不清楚是否由于利益相关方比其他部门更缺乏组织,拉动作用和协作不足,从而导致这些主题纳米技术研发的资金短缺。 传播纳米技术的公众意识;对纳米技术有所认知的公众比例较低,约为 30%;这对增加公众参与监理来说是一大挑战。 2.2000打破质疑,2010 达成目标 科学论文和发明数量激增:纳米技术的增长速度为准指数(年增长18~35%),比其他科学领域平均值高出至少两倍。 跨学科研究和教育的重大进展:纳米技术的研发推动了大量跨学科项目、组织和共同体的建立。 据估计,美国纳米技术研发投资的年均增长率将达到约 30 %(政府和私营部门,深入的纵向发展和新领域的横向发展):2000–2008 年期间发展速度始终保持在 25~30%。 3.十年发展后超出预期的成就 2002~2003 年后的主要行业参与:例如,超过 5400 家美国公司在 2008 年发表了论文、专利和/或产品;摩尔定律在过去十年中持续得到验证,尽管在 2000 年曾有人严重质疑发展趋势是否能够继续到纳米级。 多个科学和工程领域发生超过预期的发现和进展,包括等离子体、超材料、自旋电子学、石墨烯、癌症检查和治疗、药物输送、合成生物学、神经形态工程和量子信息系统。 国际纳米技术团体的形成及其不断增长的实力,包括纳米技术的 EHS 和 ELSI:这些发展超出了我们的预期,而监管研究的推出更是意料之外。 4.十年的主要经验教训 需要对纳米尺度的理论、直接测量和模拟继续进行重点投资;纳米技术仍处于形成阶段。 除了研发新的纳米结构金属、聚合物和陶瓷外,传统行业中也潜藏着纳米技术研发的绝佳机会,如纺织、木材和造纸、塑料、农业和食品行业。需要改进公私合作机制,为有针对性的发展计划建立财团或平台。 有必要促进科学、工程学与转化型研究之间更紧密的结合,同时创造就业机会。 有必要继续加强利益相关团体和公众参与纳米技术监管。 未来纳米技术研究和发展的愿景 本报告总结了各方对未来纳米技术研究和发展的愿景,从整体和各领域角度出发进行了论述(工具、制造、应用、基础设施、监管等),旨在根据纳米技术界的顶尖专家们提供的咨询,为纳米技术研发提供长期和及时的愿景报告。 整体而言,近十年来,NNI 一直是美国乃至全球纳米科学和纳米技术发展与应用的主要推动力,由于意识到该技术的基础科学、经济和社会价值,许多其他国家还将继续快速扩大其纳米技术相关研发项目。 除了产品、工具和医疗外,纳米技术研发无疑还将对教学、成像、基础设施、发明、公众接受程度、文化、法律以及其他各种社会经济因素的架构产生深远影响。1997~2000 年,美国科研机构制定了纳米技术研发愿景,这一愿景在国家纳米计划的第一个十年(2001~2010 年)中已经实现。本报告的目的是将这一愿景延伸到未来十年,即 2020 年及更远的未来。 长期愿景是 NNI 最初发展的主要推动力,目标是探索新现象和过程、开发统一的纳米级科学与工程平台,利用分子和纳米尺度的相互作用从根本上提高生产效率。为了配合这些目标,纳米技术研发作出了广泛的社会承诺,包括预计到 2015 年,每年以纳米技术为主导的产品总值将达到 1 万亿美元,这将需要 200 万具备纳米技术相关技能的工人。纳米技术论文和专利的数量以每年 25% 的增长率迅速增加,市场增长率将紧随这一发展趋势,预计到 2020 年,以纳米技术为主要性能组件的产品总值将达到约 3 万亿美元。纳米技术市场及相关就业机会预计将每三年翻一番。 纳米技术不断迎来各个领域的新科学和工程挑战,如纳米系统组装、纳米生物技术和纳米生物医学、开发先进工具、环境保护以及社会影响研究。论文、专利和全球投资趋势仍有望实现准指数增长,几年内可能出现潜在拐点。因此需要利益相关方参与持续的长期规划、跨学科活动和采取预见性措施。 未来十年,由于多个主流发展趋势发生了转变,纳米技术的挑战可能会转向新的方向: 从专注于创建单一纳米元件到专注于建立复杂的主动式纳米系统; 从专业或原型研发到先进材料、纳米化工、电子、医药中的大规模使用; 从先进材料、纳米电子和化学工业应用扩大到新的相关领域,如能源、食品和农业、纳米医学以及纳米尺度的工程模拟等需要高竞争力解决方案的领域; 从纳米尺度的第一原理认知到加快知识发展,应用领域中的发现率仍有极大变化; 从几乎没有专门的基础设施到为纳米技术研究、教育、工艺、制造、工具和标准建立完善的方案和设施。 虽然我们可能高估了纳米技术在短期内的发展,但如果我们在未来几年内加大教育和社会问题的关注力度,纳米技术在医疗、生产效率和环保方面的长期影响却被低估了。 根据以上所述,我们必须在未来十年内关注纳米技术发展的四个不同方面,包括:①加深对自然界的理解,推动知识进步;②寻求经济和社会解决方案,推动材料进步;③建立可持续发展的国际合作,推动全球进步;④全民参与监管,推动道德进步。 作者 Mihail C. Roco 曾作为 NSET 小组委员会创会主席,帮助协调 NNI 计划,并与国际纳米技术政策领域进行了大量互动。本文是作者根据自身在纳米技术领域的丰富经验编写而成,仅代表作者本人观点,不代表 NSTC/NSET 或 NSF 立场。 本文由刘四旦摘编自 米黑尔·罗科、查德·米尔金、马克·赫尔萨姆 主编, 白春礼 等译 《 面向2020年社会需求的纳米科技研究 》 一书。 纳米科技作为新兴的前沿科技领域,是全球关注的焦点,正在对社会未来的发展产生重要影响。 《纳米科学与技术:面向2020年社会需求的纳米科技研究》 为美国国家自然科学基金会出版的科技政策报告。 该书简要地叙述了过去十年中纳米技术在基础知识和基础设施建设方面的发展,同时探讨了2020年以后美国和全球纳米技术企业的发展潜力,旨在重新定义纳米科学与工程学融合的研发目标,在未来十年中使纳米技术成为一项通用技术。纳米技术未来愿景借鉴了美国该领域专家的科学见解、过往的经验教训,此外,由主要作者主办或联合主办的5次国际头脑风暴会议中,来自35个国家的参与者也提供了宝贵的全球视野。 全书共13章,涉及纳米科技的各个领域,包括理论计算、纳米制造、生物医学、能源存储、环境健康与安全等,全面总结了过去十年纳米科技的成就,规划了未来十年纳米科技的发展计划和重点领域。 非经授权,请勿转载 转载请留言或联系:(010)64000159 一起阅读科学! 科学出版社│微信ID:sciencepress-cspm 专业品质 学术价值 原创好读 科学品味
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zhpd55 2015-1-23 11:30
国际技术新闻提要 诸平 刚刚看到物理学家网站发布的2015年1月22日的技术、健康卫生与化学新闻提要,由于内容较多,分两部分摘引如下,下面是国际技术新闻部分,供大家了解国际科技最新动态参考。 Nanotechnology news Smart keyboard cleans and powers itself—and can tell who you are (Update) By analyzing such parameters as the force applied by key presses and the time interval between them, a new self-powered non-mechanical intelligent keyboard could provide a stronger layer of security for computer users. The self-powered device generates electricity when a user's fingertips contact the multi-layer plastic materials that make up the device. Graphene brings quantum effects to electronic circuits Research by scientists attached to the EC's Graphene Flagship has revealed a superfluid phase in ultra-low temperature 2D materials, creating the potential for electronic devices which dissipate very little energy. Transparent artificial nacre: A brick wall at the nanoscale Natural materials have extraordinary mechanical properties, which are based on sophisticated arrangements and combinations of multiple building blocks. One key aspect of today's materials research therefore is to develop bio-inspired materials reaching to the properties of natural materials – or even exceeding those in certain functionalities. The Walther group at DWI now prepared a nacre-inspired nanocomposite that combines exceptional mechanical properties with glass-like transparency and a high gas- and fire-barrier (Nature Communications, 2015). Gold 'nano-drills' Spherical gold particles are able to 'drill' a nano-diameter tunnel in ceramic material when heated. This is an easy and attractive way to equip chips with nanopores for DNA analysis, for example. Nanotechnologists of the University of Twente published their results in Nano Letters. The importance of building small things Strong materials, such as concrete, are usually heavy, and lightweight materials, such as rubber (for latex gloves) and paper, are usually weak and susceptible to tearing and damage. Julia R. Greer, professor of materials science and mechanics in Caltech's Division of Engineering and Applied Science, is helping to break that linkage. Technology news Law enforcement personnel using see-through radar tech Radar that 'sees' through walls has raised privacy concerns, said the BBC on Tuesday. At least 50 US police forces are believed to be equipped with radar devices that can send signals through walls. The radar device, known as Range-R, is a radar motion detector. Range-R sends out radio waves that can detect the slightest movements, including breathing, from as much as 50 feet away. The story circulated widely among news sites this week, after Brad Heath, an investigative reporter at USA Today, wrote how the agencies had the radars enabling them to look through the walls to see if anyone was inside. Range-R was developed to assist US forces fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, said the BBC, later taken up by law enforcement agencies. USA Today said those agencies included the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service and began deploying the radar systems more than two years ago. L-3 CyTerra describes its Range-R as a highly sensitive handhe! ld radar system designed to detect and measure the distance to moving and near-stationary personnel through walls constructed of common building materials. 'Bike sense' research will tap drivers on the shoulder to prevent cycling accidents Jaguar Land Rover is developing a range of new technologies that would use colours, sounds and touch inside the car to alert drivers to potential hazards and prevent accidents involving bicycles and motorbikes. Research aims to improve lithium-based batteries Research probing the complex science behind the formation of dendrites that cause lithium-ion batteries to fail could bring safer, longer-lasting batteries capable of being charged within minutes instead of hours. Privacy is dead, Davos hears Imagine a world where mosquito-sized robots fly around stealing samples of your DNA. Or where a department store knows from your buying habits that you're pregnant even before your family does. UK monitoring system sets out to catch illegal fishing As many as one in five fish are landed outside of national or international regulations. These high numbers are not due to stray boats but are the result of industrial-scale pirate operations. The value of this trade could exceed more than $20bn (17bn euros) a year, according to some estimates. New Scientist said up to 9000 kilograms of seafood is stolen from the ocean every second. A satellite watchroom in Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK, is on the lookout for illegal fishing. LG to launch curved G Flex 2 smartphone next week LG Electronics Inc. said it will start selling a new curved smartphone next week in its latest effort to bring the curve to a mass market. Reports: Google planning to sell wireless phone service Google is planning to sell wireless phone service directly to consumers using the networks of Sprint and T-Mobile, according to reports published Wednesday. Netflix eyes empire as Internet TV battle heats up Netflix is ramping up efforts to conquer the world with its streaming video service, even as competition is heating up in the growing market for Internet television. Advocates pressure US Congress to let small drones fly Letting small drones fly for profit in US airspace would give a big lift to the development of unmanned aerial vehicles of all sizes, a Congressional committee heard Wednesday. Apple buys British analytics company Semetric, gains music data tool Apple has purchased the startup Semetric, gaining music analytics and other valuable data gathered by the British company. Nadella: Microsoft aspires to get consumers 'loving Windows' Microsoft upped its bid to capture the hearts and minds of technology consumers Wednesday with Windows 10, announcing everything from free upgrades for the majority of Windows users to support for nascent holographic display technology. Review: New TV tech focuses on better picture It's taken them a while to get there, but TV makers now seem to think that the way to improve the boob tube - and sell more sets at higher prices - is by having it display a better-looking picture. Review: Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 brings big screen, smaller price I guess we're just getting used to seeing really big phones. Google Glass, apps and interactive exhibits change the museum-going experience Looking at a painting no longer means simply looking at a painting. Millennials use tech tools to jump into investing It's the Facebookification of financial investing. From social networking platforms that allow young investors to follow each other's stock-picking mojo, to websites for first-timers hungry for a piece of the Silicon Valley venture capital pie, to mobile apps that let 20-something hipsters find equally hip financial planners, the millennial generation is embracing new tech tools to put their newfound wealth to work. Fukushima executives to be spared charges over nuclear disaster Japanese prosecutors said Thursday that executives in charge of the Fukushima nuclear plant will not be charged, setting up a possible showdown with a citizens' panel that wants someone brought to book for the disaster. Researchers examine role of 'white hat' hackers in cyber warfare From the Heartbleed bug that infected many popular websites and services, to the Target security breach that compromised 40 million credit cards, malicious hackers have proved to be detrimental to companies' financial assets and reputations. To combat these malevolent attackers, or black hats, a community of benign hackers, i.e., white hats, has been making significant contributions to cybersecurity by detecting vulnerabilities in companies' software systems and websites and communicating their findings. Researchers at Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) are studying white hat behaviors and how the talents of the white hat community can be most effectively used. The power of social media in massive emergencies When a powerful earthquake devastated China's Sichuan province in 2008, the disaster was too catastrophic for authorities to stay on top of events as they unfolded. Computer scientists improve the privacy of the Internet currency Bitcoin It is traded on special stock exchanges and is accepted not only by various online shops, but also by thousands of brick-and-mortar stores across the globe: the virtual currency Bitcoin. The users benefit from its advantages: Since it does not require a central bank, the transactions can be concluded more quickly and with reduced charges. Moreover, many Bitcoin users appreciate more anonymity while paying. Nevertheless, its popularity is also resulting in thefts with increasing frequency. Computer scientists in Saarbrücken have now presented an approach that enhances anonymity and can be applied without long waits. Research leads to better asphalt roads In cooperation with eleven road construction companies, the University of Twente is working on improving asphalt roads in the Netherlands. By using new technology during the asphalt paving process, the resulting road quality is 10 to 30 per cent higher. The improved life span of the road in turn naturally means less maintenance and, therefore, less nuisance. What's more, it becomes easier to plan road maintenance work, leading to decreased traffic congestion. The UT findings have by now been put to use during more than 50 asphalt paving projects in the Netherlands. If Obama is talking about securing the net, it should be on everyone else's lips too We have spent years promoting the need for change in our approach to internet infrastructure, forcing politicians to recognise it as a serious issue. So it's great to see Barack Obama tackling the issue in his State of the Union address. How Hawk-Eye ball tracking can improve tennis performance The evolution of professional tennis has always been linked to the changing technology of the day. For example, the decline of the wooden racket lead to the whole new power-based style of play we enjoy today. App improves the safety of blind pedestrians in cities Siemens is developing a system that helps blind and visually impaired people walk safely through cities. In cooperation with the Technical University of Braunschweig and several partners, Siemens is working on a comprehensive assistance system for visually impaired people. The system is the result of a research project titled InMoBS. Among other things, the solution relies on the data transmitted between the traffic infrastructure and blind people's mobile devices. Critical situations occur at intersections, for example. Although walk signals usually emit a beeping sound to inform visually impaired people, but they don't know how long the light is green or where exactly it is safe to walk. To provide such information, Siemens enabled smartphones for its car2x technology, which is used to transmit data between cars and traffic infrastructures. Intelligent algorithm finds available carsharing vehicles A new program will make it easier to combine different modes of transport. Siemens is developing a service for predicting the availability of carsharing vehicles at a given location at specific times. The forecasting tool will be incorporated into the integrated SiMobility Connect mobility platform, which links carsharing firms, public transport companies, taxis, and bike-rental services. Customers will then be able to use just one app to plan all segments of their trip and immediately see which combinations of transport modes are most advantageous at the moment or at a later time. The goal is to make the planning of inter-modal journeys (combinations of different forms of transport) more effective in order to combat growing traffic congestion in metropolitan areas. The new software also incorporates car-sharing users whose cars do not have a permanent parking space. Massive chip design savings to be realized IT researchers working at the University of Twente have developed a programming language making the massive costs associated with designing hardware more manageable. Chip manufacturers have been using the same chip design techniques for twenty years now. The current process calls for extensive testing after each design step - a massively expensive state of affairs. The newly developed, so-called functional programming language makes it possible to prove, in advance, that a design transformation is a hundred per cent error-free. Consumers favor home security over efficiency in smart home technology The message from the yearly CES consumer electronics extravaganza was clear: the list of gadgets that can be connected to the internet of things is growing rapidly. These smart-home technologies have the potential to save homeowners energy – but that may not be the primary feature attracting consumers. Engineers develop world's longest 'flat pack' arch bridge Civil Engineers at Queen's University Belfast in collaboration with pre-cast concrete specialists Macrete Ireland have developed the world's longest 'flat pack' arch bridge. Got Battery? Lots of low battery hacks but no quick fix At a cozy watering hole in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood, bartender Kathy Conway counted four different phone chargers behind the bar. Call it the scourge of the red zone, call it battery anxiety. Smartphone users are tired of begging to charge devices behind bars or hunting for hidden electrical outlets in airports and train stations. Where, oh where, is a better battery? Artificial intelligence future wows Davos elite From the robot that washes your clothes to the robot that marks homework: the future world of artificial intelligence wowed the Davos elite Thursday, but the rosy picture came with a warning. Denmark likely to ban ridesharing service Uber Two months after the ride-hailing app Uber was introduced in Denmark, the country's transport minister has said the service likely will be banned because it violates Danish law. Profitable phishing schemes slyly tinker with our heads, then rip us off In the first study of its kind, researchers at the University at Buffalo have found evidence that the incredible spread of email phishing scams may be due to phishers' increased use of information-rich emails that alter recipients' cognitive processes in a way that facilitates their victimization. California's policies can significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions through 2030 A new model of the impact of California's existing and proposed policies on its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals suggests that the state is on track to meet 2020 goals, and could achieve greater emission reductions by 2030, but the state will need to do more to reach its 2050 climate goals. Email scam nets $214 mn in 14 months: FBI An email scam which targets businesses with bogus invoices has netted more than $214 million from victims in 45 countries in just over one year, an FBI task force said Thursday. NTSB: Planes should have technologies so they can be found Responding to recent incidents in which airliners vanished, U.S. accident investigators recommended Thursday that all passenger planes making long flights over water carry improved technology that will allow them to be found more readily in the event of a crash. Twitter to update users 'while you were away' Twitter is updating its feeds to give users a recap of tweets missed while not connected to the messaging platform. Gov't adds emergency brake features to safety device list The U.S. government's auto safety agency wants to add two automatic emergency braking devices to its list of recommended safety features for new-car buyers. Ford goes Silicon Valley with new research center Ford opened a new research center in Silicon Valley on Thursday, stepping up the company's efforts on connected vehicles, autonomous driving and ways to use big data. Student digital privacy protections welcomed by parents, teachers When Courtney Lorentz's 6-year-old daughter brought home an iPad from school last fall, the Deerfield, Ill., mom wanted assurance that the thoughts, ideas and personal information her daughter typed into the device would not follow her for years to come - or be sold to marketing companies for a quick buck. Shazam receives $30 million investment at $1 billion valuation Shazam has closed a $30 million round of funding that values the music app at more than $1 billion. T-Mobile to offer new phone deals to people with bad credit T-Mobile says it will offer deals on new smartphones to customers with bad or no credit, regardless of how they pay, and charge no interest. Journalist linked to Anonymous gets five years' prison A journalist also known as an informal spokesman for the hacker group Anonymous was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday in a case which rallied activists for press freedom, his supporters said.
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zhpd55 2012-11-30 09:14
虽然纳米微乎其微,但是纳米构建的世界却是神奇而宏大的。21世纪,信息科学技术、生命科学技术和纳米科学技术是科学技术发展的主流。人们普遍认为,纳米技术是信息和生命科学技术能够进一步发展的共同基础。纳米技术所带动的技术革命及其对人类的影响,远远超过电子技术。 纳米研究的内容涉及现代科技的广阔领域,是一门交叉性很强的综合学科。纳米科学与技术主要包括:纳米体系物理学、纳米化学、纳米材料学、纳米生物学、纳米电子学、纳米加工学、纳米力学等 。纳米材料的制备和研究是整个纳米科技的基础,其中,纳米物理学和纳米化学是纳米技术的理论基础,而纳米电子学是纳米技术最重要的内容。 由于纳米技术不可估量的经济效益和社会效益,包括为信息产业的电子、光电子的继续发展和提高;为制造业、国防、航空和环境应用提供更物美价廉的材料;为医疗、医药和农业上加速生物进步将起的作用。人类预计21世纪,纳米科学和技术将会改变人造物体的特性,产生工业革命。IBM的前首席科学家约翰·阿姆斯特朗曾写道“我相信纳米科学和技术将会是下一个信息时代中心,就像在七十年代的微米引起的革命一样”。 2000年以来,一些国家纷纷制定相关战略或者计划,投入巨资抢占纳米技术战略高地。日本设立纳米材料研究中心,把纳米技术列入新5年科技基本计划的研发重点;德国专门建立纳米技术研究网;美国将纳米计划视为下一次工业革命的核心,美国政府部门将纳米科技基础研究方面的投资从1997年的1.16亿美元增加到2001年的4.97亿美元。 随着纳米技术的不断发展,其应用产品已经延伸至众多的行业领域。因纳米技术而得到发展和创新的领域和产品主要有: 电子和通讯: 用纳米薄层和纳米记录点的全媒体存贮器;平板显示器;全频道通讯工程和计算机用的器件,信息存贮密度和运算速度都要比现在大3-6个数量级,且廉价而节能。 计算机: 通过极小的晶体管和记忆芯片提高电脑速度和效率几百万倍,体积只有针头大小的计算机。 纳米医疗: 新的纳米结构药物;可到达身体的指定部位的基因和药物传送系统;有生物相容性的器官和血液代用品;家用早期病情自诊系统;生物传感器;骨头和组织的自生长材料。 化学和材料: 能提高化工厂燃烧效率,减少汽车污染的各种催化剂;超硬但不脆裂的钻研头及切削工具;用于真空封接和润滑的智能磁性液体;化学、生物载体的探测器和解毒剂。 能源: 高电能存储量、体积和重量小且成本低的新型电池;使用人工光合作用的清洁能源;量子阱式太阳能电池。 制造工业: 基于扫描隧道显微镜原理的一系列扫描探针显微镜和测量仪器的微细加工;新的操纵原子的工具和方法;渗有纳米粒子的块状材料;使用纳米粒子的化学/机械磨削。 飞机和汽车: 由纳米粒子加强的轻质材料;由纳米粒子加强的轮胎,耐磨,可直接再生;不需要洗涤的外壳油漆;廉价的不燃塑料;有自修补功能的涂层和纤维;生产出比钢强度大10倍,而重量只有其几分之一的材料来制造各种更轻便,更省燃料的交通工具。 航天: 轻型航天器;经济的能量发生器和控制器;微型机器人。 下一代神舟飞船将使用纳米材 。 环境保护: 工业废污处理;廉价的海水除盐膜;确定环境中纳米粒子的效应;从原子或分子做起的制造工艺,无切削、无化学处理,材料消耗最少。 更多信息请浏览: http://www.winintech.com/html/news/2012/11/7425.shtml
个人分类: 新观察|3053 次阅读|0 个评论
haoyaoming 2012-1-6 13:34
实验室“纳米铜(合金)专利及生产技术”转让合同签订 12 月 10 日 下午,河南大学与南通 众诚生物技术有限公司在江苏省南通市签署“ 油溶性纳米铜(合金)相关专利权及生产技术”转让合同,合同金额为 1260 万元。河南大学纪委书记雷霆,科研处处长苗琛,审计处处长赵乃璞,财务处副处长、结算中心主任赵德营,特种功能材料教育部重点实验室主任张治军,河南省纳米材料工程技术研究中心工艺技术部主任李小红及南通市科技局,发改委、人事局、组织部等有关部门的领导出席了签字仪式。 张治军教授深入浅出的为与会领导作了一场关于“纳米科学和纳米材料”的学术报告,使大家对纳米科学技术的发展趋势及我校在纳米科研领域的研究现状和取得的成果有了进一步了解,翔实的数据展示了油溶性纳米铜(合金)的优异性能和广阔应用前景。众诚生物技术公司工作人员现场为各位领导演示了产品的神奇性能,让与会领导感叹不已。 油溶性纳米铜(合金)项目是国家“ 863 、 973 ”计划支持的重点项目,是我国著名摩擦学家、“两弹一星”功臣、中国科学院院士党鸿辛先生带领的研究集体研制的多功能修复抗磨剂,河南大学拥有自主知识产权。油溶性纳米铜(合金)克服了金属纳米材料在非极性介质中难以稳定分散和抗氧化性能差的缺陷,能长期稳定分散在润滑油品中,作为添加剂起到了自动修复磨损作用,节能减排功效显著。应用于汽车发动机可降低油耗 5% ~ 15% ,降低噪音 5 ~ 10 分贝,减少积碳 30% ~ 40% 。除用于各种车辆外,还可用于船舶、石油化工机械和矿山机械等大型机械设备的润滑系统。 南通众诚生物技术有限公司是一家集车用化学品研发、生产、营销于一体的专业化企业,近几年一直在使用和跟踪 油溶性纳米铜(合金)的市场表现, 充分认识到了本项目产品的科技含量和市场价值,迫切希望能将油溶性纳米铜(合金)产品进行产业化,在创造经济效益和社会效益的同时,为我国的节能减排事业贡献一份力量。本次合同的顺利签约,是我校产、学、研相结合及科技成果转化为现实生产力的又一个成功范例,将提升我校在经济社会发展中的作用、影响力和显示度。
个人分类: 转载|331 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]FYI #97: Senate Committee Optimistic About Future of Nanotec
AIPBeijing2010 2011-8-2 10:05
Tuesday, August 02, 2011 02:18 Number 97: August 1, 2011 Senate Committee Optimistic About Future of Nanotechnology The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s Subcommittee on Science and Space held a hearing last month to examine the reauthorization of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI). Members on both sides of the aisle touted their support for the program because of the potential nanotechnology holds to improve human welfare and create new jobs. Full Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) gave the first opening statement, setting the tone of the hearing: “There are significant economic and societal incentives to maintain our lead in this field. The global market for nanotechnology-related products was more than $200 billion in 2009, and projections suggesting that it will reach $1 trillion by 2015. With this growth, comes demand for workers with nanotechnology-related skills. “Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize such areas as health care, information technology, energy, homeland security, food safety, and transportation. “At a time when Americans and American businesses are struggling financially, we must do whatever we can to stimulate the economy. This Committee has spent a lot of time this Congress focusing on job creation and manufacturing. I believe nanotechnology plays a key role in boosting the economy and creating jobs.” Ranking Member Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), echoed Rockefeller’s enthusiasm, citing nanotechnology as one of the few growing areas of the American economy. She said that “the United States must do more to take advantage of the already great growth we have seen,” and noted that the Nobel Prize-winning researchers who invented the buckyball were at Rice University. Science and Space Subcommittee Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR) said that “there is no doubt that advances in science and engineering are essential for ensuring American’s economic growth and global competitiveness” and called federal investment in nanotechnology research a “striking success story.” He stressed the need for more outreach to states and further efforts to work collaboratively, but praised the NNI for having earned a reputation as being an effective, successful, and cooperative organization. Subcommittee Chairman Bill Nelson (D-FL) was equally enthusiastic about nanotechnology, speaking about exciting applications such as improved cancer detection and advanced materials many orders of magnitude stronger and lighter than conventional steel. The first witness was Chad Mirkin, Director of the Northwestern University International Institute for Nanotechnology and member of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He discussed the contributions nanoscience are making in a variety of fields and the need for the U.S. to continue making substantial investments. He said that: “the rest of the world now understands the importance of this field, and many countries are building efforts that rival what has been established by the NNI. This includes dozens of institutes throughout China, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, and many countries in Europe, including Germany, Switzerland, and Great Britain. If the United States does not act now and aggressively pursue the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology, we will lose our position as the global leader in this transformative field; moreover, we will lose the opportunities it can afford us to build our economy and new manufacturing base.” The second witness was Charles Romine, Acting Associate Director for Laboratory Programs at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), who discussed the NNI Strategic Plan and NIST’s role in advancing nanotechnology. He emphasized the variety of partnerships NNI engenders, saying that: “NIST’s partnership with the Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (NRI), a consortium that brings together the semiconductor electronics industry, government agencies, and universities, has leveraged a modest NIST investment ($2.75 million per year) by $5 million per year from industry partners and $15 million per year from states to support projects at 30 universities to work in 4 regional centers. The partnership has attracted $110 million over five years in state and private funding to support business development and commercialization.” The final three witnesses discussed their experiences working in various fields within nanotechnology and the fact that their work was made possible in large part by investments made through the NNI. Diandra Leslie-Pelecky, Director of the West Virginia Nano Initiative and Professor of Physics at West Virginia University, spoke of her work, which uses magnetic nanoparticles attached to chemotherapy molecules to target tumors. Thomas O’Neal, Associate Vice President of Research in the University of Central Florida’s Office of Research and Commercialization, discussed the need for better-supported university technology transfer programs. George McLendon, Provost and Professor of Chemistry at Rice University, discussed his institution’s efforts to combine state, federal, and private resources to create an “innovation ecosystem.” Following the witnesses’ prepared remarks, senators asked them a wide variety of questions. Nelson wanted to know blockbuster examples of technological or market successes driven by nanotechnology in the last decade. Mirkin discussed medical diagnostic tools that are able to detect diseases at much earlier stages, making treatment possible where it previously would not have been. Romine said that IBM had used tools available at NIST’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology to cut six months off the development time for new supercomputing technologies. Building on Mirkin’s example, Rockefeller asked for further information on the use of nanotechnology to detect and treat cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Mirkin said that nanotechnology makes targeting brain tumors possible because nanoparticles can be designed to pass through the blood-brain barrier and to selectively target tumor cells. Pelecky followed up, saying that as the delivery particles for chemotherapy become more targeted, side effects can be greatly reduced. Picking up on the responses to Rockefeller’s questions, Boozman raised the question of safety, particularly with regard to molecules crossing the blood-brain barrier. Mirkin replied that small size does not carry any inherent dangers, and that the Food and Drug Administration and other agencies are taking a proactive look at how to screen nanotechnology-enable products for safety . Changing topics, Rockefeller asked if we are spending enough money on translational research, noting that only two percent of federal investment goes to that purpose. He argued that countries like Japan and Germany essentially take American basic research and turn it into commercial products. Mirkin responded that this is less of an issue in the last twenty years because patent law gives protection to those doing the basic research. McLendon cautioned against taking investment away from basic research, saying that using up all of our “seed corn” would be a flawed strategy. Instead, he argued for better incentives to draw private capital into the commercialization process. Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR) also expressed his belief that a better job needs to be done to turn basic research in nanotechnology into commercial products. He noted that he has introduced legislation that would provide a 25 percent tax credit to angel investors who invest in early stage technologies. Pryor and Nelson also questioned witnesses further on how well public-private partnerships are working within the NNI. Romine said that the track record has been strong and referred to the significant private investments that have been leveraged. McLendon described an ongoing program at Rice that matches federal dollars with Lockheed Martin dollars. Lockheed scientists investigate ongoing work and figure out how to integrate new materials developed through basic research into marketable products. Towards the end of the hearing, Boozman asked Mirkin, who had been a National Science Foundation post-doctoral fellow prior to becoming a professor, what effect his federally funded fellowship had on his later success. Mirkin explained that it had a large impact because it was at NSF that he developed an interest in nanoscience and was able to start his career. Ultimately, Mirkin said, his federal fellowship “is in large part the reason I’m here today talking to you.” Boozman and Nelson closed the hearing by congratulating the witnesses on their many successes and thanking them for their illuminating testimony. David A. Kronig Government Relations Division American Institute of Physics dkronig@aip.org 301-209-3094 Subscribe to FYI If this was forwarded to you, you can subscribe to FYI by sending a blank e-mail to fyi-subscribe-request@listserv.aip.org . You may also subscribe via RSS For permission to use text from this e-mail, please contact Richard M. Jones . For more science policy news, visit FYI's website . If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please send a blank e-mail to fyi-signoff-request@listserv.aip.org . A publication of the American Institute of Physics © 2009
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wumingdl 2010-6-4 23:17
用CA数据库进行纳米科技的文献计量分析 ,世界科技研究与发展,2006,28(1)91-94
个人分类: 学术论文共享|4885 次阅读|0 个评论

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