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热度 2 jiangjiping 2018-8-29 09:12
教育的宗旨是为社会培养各方面的人才 蒋继平 2018年8月29日 一个国家的教育关系到这个国家的未来, 是国家兴衰的关键因素之一。 因而, 教育是一个国家的重要组分。因为一个国家是一个非常复杂的体系, 涉及到方方面面, 有360行,各行各业都有自己的特色, 需要各色各样的人才, 所以,教育的宗旨应该为各行各业提供优秀的人才。 怨我直言, 凭我个人的直觉, 现在中国的教育体系采用的升学规则和学校培养学生的做法好像偏离了这个宗旨。 根据媒体上的信息, 中国的各级学校在招收学生时, 主要看考试成绩, 这点尤其在大学招生时更为明显。 从我本人的认知来看, 学生的考试成绩只能反映学生的智商,而面对社会问题时, 既需要智商, 也需要情商, 有的行业需要智商高的人, 有的行业需要情商高的人才能胜任。 要是学校一律按照考试成绩来选用学生, 那么, 智商高的学生就占有优势, 情商高的学生就自动遭到淘汰。这样下去, 必然导致这个国家智商高的人占据主导地位, 而情商高的人就成为弱势群体。 智商高确实是一种优势, 但是, 这种优势也只能用在需要智商高的行业和领域。 不过, 在360行中, 有很多行业并不需要高智商的人来担任。 比如说, 大多数服务行业的工作人员不需要智商很高, 但是, 需要有一定的情商, 需要会与人打交道。 与人打交道需要感情的交流, 所以, 情商高的人就会做得比较好。 中国社会正在发生着巨大的变化, 今后服务行业将在国民经济中占有越来越高的比例。 这些行业的个人素养比他们的知识学问更加重要。 鉴于以上的认知, 我认为中国的教育体系应该把为社会培养各色各样的人才作为首要任务, 而不是把重点放在学习成绩优异的学生身上。 换句话说, 就是不要把学习成绩作为考量学生的唯一标准。 我始终认为, 每个人都有自己的天才, 这种天才因人而异。 正如上面所说, 有的人智商高, 而有的人情商高。 教育的目的就是发现每个人的天才, 使其得到最大限度的发挥,从而为社会提供最大的价值。要做到这点, 从幼儿园开始, 老师们的责任就是发现孩子们的天才, 根据孩子们的不同天才, 分别加以施教和引导。在这点上, 美国的学校就做得比较好。比如说,美国的大多数大学在选择学生时不仅仅看学生的考试成绩, 而是综合考量学生的表现。 这个综合考量包含几个因素: 1. 全国标准考试成绩, 2. 学校的成绩。 3. 老师的推荐信(学校的表现),4. 课外的社会活动记录(社会义务服务记录), 5. 自己的一篇短文。 我这样说, 不会被认为外国的月亮比中国的圆吧?
个人分类: 教育|5821 次阅读|3 个评论
sqdai 2010-8-10 12:48
去年,我在上海大学乐乎论坛上开博后,不少朋友劝说我在科学网开一个分坨,我始终有点犹豫。因为我还没有退休,教学科研负担较重,生怕精力不够,对于博友的留言、评论不能及时作出回音。 我的乐乎博客以30岁上下的年青朋友为主要交流对象,开博18个月,已发了600余篇博文。尽管躲在上海大学网站里,已然拥有一批校内外博友,大家无话不谈,交流无拘无束,非常开心,但是,交流的范围终究有些局限。因此,去年10月在科学网注册开博。十个月来,我仍无暇顾及经营新博客。近来,常想对科学网博客的文章发表意见或评论,于是改变初衷,比预定计划提前四个月进站。 这个博客想结交的朋友仍是30岁左右的年青教师和学生,因为这么多年来与年青人交谈已成了我的习惯,而且成了我保持年青心态的途径。我想对年青人关注的话题随时发表点滴想法,同时,精选乐乎博客上的博文,加以编辑,放到这里来。 我仍坚持在乐乎论坛开博的做法,与博友们自由地平等地交流,努力做到直言不讳,言之有物,不作无病呻吟,不来矫柔造作。自问才疏学浅,所发表的言论若有不当之处,还希望各位批评指正。 写于2010年8月10日
个人分类: 灯下琐语|5494 次阅读|8 个评论
CIGR期刊章程-Bylaws of the CIGR Journal
wangyk 2010-6-7 13:10
王 应 宽 2010-06-07 Beijing, China CIGR 期刊章程(草案) Bylaws of the CIGR Journal Article 1: Name The name of this journal is The CIGR Journal (herein the Journal). Article 2: Purpose The Journal is the official, refereed, scholarly Journal of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR). The purpose of the Journal is to provide an open forum for researchers and practitioners of agricultural and biosystems engineering to exchange new and original knowledge. Manuscripts published in the Journal make new and unique empirical, theoretical and/or applied contributions to the field of agricultural and biosystems engineering. The Journal is published online. The official language of the Journal is English. Article 3: Governance 3.1 The CIGR Presidium has final authority on all matters related to the Journal. 3.2 The Journal shall be governed by a Journal Policy Board (herein the Board). The chairman of the Board shall be the CIGR President, the Editor and other members appointed by the CIGR Presidium. 3.3 The Journal shall be managed by the Editor. Final authority over the content of the Journal is retained by the Editor. The Editor receives manuscripts submitted to the Journal, assigns them to Section Editors and ensures that each article accepted for the Journal is made available online to the scientific community immediately after the review and editing process is complete and aggregated on a quarterly cycle. The Editor may enlist assistance from CIGR members to maintain the flow of the Journal. 3.4 Each CIGR Section Chair will appoint one or more Section Editors. Section Editors will ensure that: 1) a rigorous and timely manuscript peer review process takes place, including finding appropriate reviewers, and 2) the presentation of the document meets CIGR standards, including language. Article 4: Terms of Service 4.1 The terms of service of any position associated to the Journal will be two years. 4.2 Terms of service for appointed positions may be extended for up to two additional terms. 4.3 The CIGR Presidium may remove any individual associated to the journal should they fail to perform their duties. Article 5: Hosting and Security 5.1 The Journal shall be hosted at a secure site proposed by the Journal Policy Board and approved by the Presidium. 5.2 Domain names and passwords related to the web site and the journal management shall be kept by the CIGR Secretary General and cannot be changed without his/her approval. Article 6: Acceptance of Manuscripts 6.1 Submissions will be evaluated by at least two Referees who will judge the quality and appropriateness of each manuscript for publication . 6.2 Based on the recommendations of the Referees and the Section Editor, the Editor will decide to publish the manuscript as submitted, publish the manuscript with suggested revisions, or reject the manuscript for publication. 6.3 In all cases the author will be notified of the Editors decision, and in the event the manuscript is rejected, a summary of the reasons for that decision will be forwarded. Article 7: Copyright 7.1 When a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors assign world rights to the article to The CIGR Journal, for publication in any form. 7.2 Authors are free to use their articles in any work written by them, or in any collection of their own works, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given to the Journal . 7.3 During the submission process, Authors must provide assurance that their manuscripts have not been previously published. 7.4 It is the Authors responsibility to secure copyright releases for using the work of other people, including text or images, unless this can be accomplished through proper citations. 7.5 Permission is granted for reproduction of articles from the Journal for educational purposes so long as the only charge made to the user is the cost of reproduction. T he title, names and affiliations of the authors should be clearly visible in the first page. In addition, t he following notice must appear on the first page of the reproduced materials: Copyright, ( Insert Appropriate Year Here ), by The CIGR Journal. Reproduced for educational use with the permission of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Article 8: Meetings 8.1 The Board shall meet during the CIGR Congress and the CIGR International Conference. 8.2 The Board shall meet online as needed to ensure rapid resolution of issues that fall under its purvey. 8.3 The agenda for each meeting must be sent by the chair to the members of the Board in advance to the meeting. 8.4 A Board member may in advance to the meeting request the chair to include an item in the agenda. 8.5 Quorum for any meeting shall be 51%. 8.6 Voting may take place by Proxy or by email. 8.7 Minutes of each meeting must be taken, approved and submitted to the Secretary General. Article 9: Modification to these Bylaws. 9.1 Changes to these bylaws can be proposed by any CIGR member to the Journal Policy Board. 9.2 Proposed changes to these bylaws must be submitted to the Presidium by the Journal Policy board for approval. 9.3 Amendments to these bylaws shall become effective at the end of the Presidium meeting in which they are approved.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|4479 次阅读|1 个评论

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