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Political Parties Before the Constitution
黄安年 2019-3-9 14:56
Political Parties Before the Constitution 【Jackson Turner Main 著 《 宪法前的政党政治 》, 1974 年 版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 395 】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 3 月 09 日 发布(第 21155 号) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过394单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Jackson Turner Main 著 Political Parties Before the Constitution ( 《 宪法前的政党政治 》)W.W. Norton Company Inc , 1974 年 版,481页。 照片21张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1224 次阅读|0 个评论
The Past Before US Contemporary Historical Writing in the U.
黄安年 2019-3-2 08:01
The Past Before US Contemporary Historical Writing in the U.S. ( 下 ) 【American Historical Association by Michael Kammen 编 《 面对当下,当代历史写作在美国 》, 1981 年复印 版】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 331 )】 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 3 月 2 日 发布(第 21079 篇) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过330本,每本单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的 American Historical Association by Michael Kammen 编 The Past Before US , Contemporary Historical Writing in the U.S. ( 下 ) ( 《 面对当下,当代历史写作在美国 》第 10-20 章), Cornell University Press, 1981 年复印 版, 252-510 页。ISBN-0-8014-1224-2 照片7张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1163 次阅读|0 个评论
Three Kingdoms
yuewenxiong 2016-11-3 16:55
Here before us,wine and song! For man doese not live long . Like daybreak dew, his days are swiftly gone. Sanguine-souled we have to be! Though painful memory haunts us yet.
1480 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][喜劇] [深情触摸 터치 바이 터치 (2015)][720p .
lcj2212916 2015-12-27 17:45
导演: 金豪俊 主演: 许娜京 类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2015-04-30(韩国) 片长: 75分钟 又名: Touch By Touch The first ever intimate experience!   Seon-mi (Koo Ji-sung) hands a name card to Joo-hee (Ha Na-kyeong) who is about to get married, saying that she'll be able to feel sexual satisfaction like never before. Joo-hee experiences something new and starts expressing her rising emotions to her fiance despite the time and place. Unlike Joo-hee who is enjoying this, Min-woo is getting tired. He tries to satisfy her to the best of his abilities and even asks for advice from friends but it's not enough. What is that place that has her upside down like this? 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/file/139550048
6067 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][愛情] [两面神:欲望的两张脸 야누스: 욕망의 ...
lcj2212916 2015-11-23 17:06
导演: Son Yeong-ho 主演: 吴仁惠 / Lee Eun-mi 类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 情色 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2014-08-07 片长: 83分钟 又名: Janus: Two Faces of Desire The dirty desire in her is unveiling!   Department of Dance student Da-hee (Oh In-hye) is a born solo who has never had a boyfriend before. However, she has nightmares every night. She dreams about violent sex every night. What she would never ever imagine even in her dreams is bothering her in reality and she cannot share this with anyone. In addition, the new performance projector is her long-time crush, professor and Woo-kyeong’s husband Gong-woo (Chris Jo) and it’s making her suffer. In the end, Da-hee goes through therapy and finds out she’s suffering from a trauma she’s had when she was a kid. Then she stumbles upon Myeong-joong, a Tantra yoga instructor online... 下载地址: http://page92.ctfile.com/file/133541195
8141 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]【演讲】Steve Jobs: How to live before you die
ziyoufeihcl 2013-9-24 10:41
2481 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]C语言中 编译错误 syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
hailuo0112 2013-3-14 10:40
C语言中 定义参数一定要在函数调用之前,否则报错。 在VC6中运行以下代码 //////////////////////////////// //main.c #include stdio.h int main() { char a ; memset(a, 0, 100); char b; return 0; } ///////////////////////////////// 编译器将会报一个编译错误, syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 这个错误出在 char b; 这一行。 然后将程序改为 //////////////////////////////// //main.c #include stdio.h int main() { char a ; char b; memset(a, 0, 100); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////// 程序就会顺利通过编译。 经过测试发现 在VC中编译c程序,在一个大括号括起的范围内,如果变量声明放在了函数调用的后面,那么编译的时候就会报错: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 然后你可以修改为把变量声明放在函数调用之前。就会顺利通过编译。 这个问题在vc编译c++程序,或者gcc编译c程序的时候都不会出现,仅仅在vc编译c程序的时候才会出现.
个人分类: C++|6794 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The Old Regime and the Revolution
ytkui 2012-12-11 20:09
by Alexis de Tocqueville The book analyzes French society before the French Revolution — the so-called "Ancien Régime" — and investigates the causes and forces that caused the Revolution. It is one of the major early historical works on the French Revolution. In this book, de Tocqueville develops his main theory about the French revolution, the theory of continuity, in which he states that even though the French tried to disassociate themselves from the past and from the autocratic old regime, they eventually reverted to a powerful central government.
20 次阅读|0 个评论
I could be the one(我可以是那个人)
ztr56917 2012-8-23 22:39
I could be your sea of sand   我可以是你海洋中的一粒沙   I could be your warmth of desire   我可以是你心中温暖的期待   I could be your prayer of hope   我可以是你希望的祷告   I could be your gift to everyday   我可以是你每一天的礼物   I could be your tide of heaven   我可以是你前往天堂的潮水   I could be a hint of what’s to come   我可以是你预知的未来   I could be ordinary   我可以是最平凡的存在   I could be the one   我可以是最特别的   I could be your blue eyed angel   我可以是你蓝眼睛的天使   I could be the storm before the calm   我可以是你平静前的风暴   I could be your secret pleasure   我可以是你秘密的快乐   I could be your well wishing well   我可以是你期待越来越好的愿望   I could be your breath of life   我可以是你生命的呼吸   I could be your European dream   我可以是你欧洲的梦   I could be ordinary   我可以是最平凡的存在   I could be the one   我可以是最特别的   Now I would lie here in the darkness   现在我可以躺在这样的黑暗中   Now I would lie here for all time   现在我可以无时无刻在这里守候   Now I would lie here watching over you   现在我可以静静地看着你   Comfort you   轻轻的安慰你   Sing to you   轻轻的唱歌给你   I could be your worry partner   我可以是你制造麻烦的拍档   I could be your socialite   我可以是你的社交能手   I could be your green eyed monster   我可以是你绿眼睛的小怪物   I could be your force of light   我可以是你力量的光芒   I could be your temple garden   我可以是你嬉戏的乐园   I could be your tender hearted child   我可以是你眼中撒娇的小孩子   I could be ordinary   我可以是最平凡的存在   I could be the one   我也可以是最特别的   Now I would lie here in the darkness   现在我可以为你躺在这样的黑暗中   Now I would lie here for all time   现在我可以无时无刻在这里守候   Now I would lie here watching over you   现在我可以静静地看着你   Comfort you   轻轻的安慰你   Sing to you   轻轻的唱歌给你   Will I ever change the journey   我将永远改变旅程吗   Will the hushed tones disappear   安静的气氛将消失了吗   Oh little Rita 哦,我的小丽塔   Let me hold you   让我拥有你   Oh little Rita   哦,我的小丽塔   Let me love you   让我爱你   I could be your leafy island   我可以做你岛屿的绿叶   I could be your thunder in the clouds   我可以做你云中的雷鸣   I could be your dark enclosure   我可以做你遮挡黑暗的围栏   I could be your romantic soul   我可以做你美丽的心灵   I could be your small beginning   我可以做你通往成功的小小开端   I could be your suit in universe   我可以做你飞往宇宙中的宇航服   I could be ordinary   我可以是平凡的   I could be the one   我可以是那个人 (PS:Today is valentine‘s day ,listen to the song ,I feel we all could be the one of another)
3577 次阅读|0 个评论
data analysis especially the risks of preprocessing data
xiaoxinghe 2012-4-23 11:07
data analysis especially the risks of preprocessing data before modeling itpdf
个人分类: data analysis|2304 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 guowenjiao 2012-2-29 11:58
1. Many women actually abandon ship before they reach the pinnacle of their success. (The New York Times) 许多女性在即将获得成功之前,均选择了放弃。 2. If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him. (Benjamin Franklin) 如果一个人愿意将其钱财均用于学习知识以充实自己的头脑,那么没有人可以将这些知识夺走。 3. Supply and demand are two blades of scissor. 供给活动和需求活动是休戚相关的。 4. To reach the port of heaven , we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift , nor lie at anchor . 为了到达成功的彼岸,我们有时候必须要顺风前行,有时候又要逆风而上,但我们必须要航行,而不是游荡或是停止前进。 5. At twenty man is a peacock , at thirty a lion , at forty a camel , at fifty a serpent , at sixty a dog , at seventy an ape , at eighty nothing at all. 人们在 20 岁时,略显稚嫩; 30 岁时,春风得意; 40 岁时,埋头苦干; 50 岁时,胸有城府; 60 岁时,满足现状; 70 岁时,回归本性; 80 岁时,无欲无求。 • 6. The streets were filled with the rush hour flood of people . 高峰时期,大街上挤满了来来回回的人流。 • 7. Down the street people came pouring in a torrent ---faces, faces, faces… 街道上人头攒动,能够看到的,只有脸、脸、脸······ • 8. Difficulty is a nurse of greatness —a harsh nurse who rocks her foster children roughly but rocks them into strength . 困难是一位伟大的保姆——一位严厉的保姆,她会粗鲁地摇晃她所抚育的孩子,但会使孩子慢慢变得强壮。 • 9. A bull market is a market in which prices are rising. 牛市是指股价不断上涨的市场。 / 价格不断攀升标志着牛市的到来。
3211 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 waterlilyqd 2011-12-29 18:19
JMS-How torespondto reviewer’s comments--An example Generally, most manuscripts need revision before they are formally published. Authors are usually required to respond to each item of remark (comment) and revision suggestion in a separate document, and mark the revised parts in different colors in the revised manuscript. If the manuscript has additionalchanges besides the reviewers’ and editors’ requirements, it’s better to be listed too. Here I present an example to show how to respond to each comment or suggestion. @@_____@@@____@@@ Dear Sir, Thank you for the opportunity to respond to suggested edits on manuscript “11-XXXX”.We have carefully considered each element of the very thorough and helpful review, and we respond to each in the remainder of this document. In addition, we have conducted substantial revision of the grammar and expressions in this manuscript to bring it up to a general standard for peer-reviewed literature in the English-speaking world. Please see below for specific editorial comments from your team (in italics), and our response to each editorial suggestion (in plain text). Please advise if we can be of any further assistance in the improvement and publication of this manuscript. Specific Editorial Comments and Author Responses Thank you for your excellent review. We are glad that the editor feels that the manuscript merits further consideration following a substantial revision of the document. We hope that this work may be published, and serve as a valuable contribution for creating awareness about the immediate need of hill restoration and conservation for sustainable natural resources management. I General Comments 1.Objectives of the manuscript should be specified in the introduction. We are agreed. Line 70-76- We have included objectives of the research in the introduction of the revised manuscript. 2.Public metric system should be consistently used throughout the manuscript. For instance, use km and m instead of mile and feet. Agreed. Line 90-108- We have revised and included km and m in the revised manuscript. 3.Section 3.2 is a review of a broader region, and therefore should either be deleted or be incorporated in the intro. Agreed. Line 35-45-Information from section 3.1 and 3.2 from previous manuscript are revised and now incorporated in introduction of the revised manuscript. II Specific Comments 1 .In 3.1, you stated that “Hilly areas are home to most of the armed confliction in the world as well as too many of the world’s poorest and least food secure populations”. Can you add your reference to this statement? Agreed. As the line is not related to the concept of the research, we have decided to delete the line. 2.Quantitative description of forest changes at the end of section 3.4.1 is very confusing. Can you use a figure or a diagram to represent these changes? Agreed. Line 152- 153- We have revised and included Table 1 to show the changes pattern of forest in quantitative number. 3.Please add page and line numbers to facilitate comments from reviewers. Thank you. We have incorporated page and line in the revised manuscript. Additional changes 1.Line 26- key words are changed, key words from the previous manuscript, Natural Resource depletion in hill and Threatened hill degraded site, are deleted. Hill restoration and conservation, DPSIR are incorporated in the revised manuscript. 2.Line 81-88- Methodology has been revised. DPSIR method is incorporated for system structuring of problem analysis in the hill area. 3. Line 28-303 - Structure of the revised manuscript has changed into four parts (1.Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3.Hill and mountain ecosystem of Bangladesh, 4. Analysis of natural resources in the hill areas of Bangladesh according to the DPSIR framework. 4.Line 141-157 - 4.2.1 Deforestation in the revised manuscript, are shortened from the last manuscript. Also recent publications are inserted. 5.Line 159- 173-4.2.2 Land degradation are also revised and shortened from the previous manuscript. 6.Line 217-303 –Suggestions for the future are revised as 4.5 Responses for integrated natural resources management. 7.Fig 1 is included to show the different elevations of hills in Chittagong and Chittagong hill tracts. 8. Fig 2 corresponds to causes consequences and responses of natural resources depletion in the hilly region are analyzed using DPSIR framework.
个人分类: JMS信息|5543 次阅读|5 个评论
The road before us
热度 3 BaoHaifei 2011-12-2 12:28
The road before us 鲍海飞 2011-12-2 There is a long way that we need to go Where a rainbow in the blue sky does show ; I wander what will occur on the earth, It is known that new life will take a birth; Like a small boat still sails on the dark sea, In the long journey that no one can see. As it is shown leaves floated in the stream That would not take away a true man’s dream. The field with snow can easily be seen, The mountain after spring will gain new green. They are the children who like the big rain, Run into the world they will fresh their brain. Oh, the hopes they bring upon us lies high, Do not give up and do not give a sigh.
个人分类: 流水诗|2834 次阅读|7 个评论
how to win before forty
stone1971111 2010-6-10 08:15
前几年和一个外企合作,遇到该企业的一个华人总裁,谈话甚欢。他喜欢给员工讲励志思想,我拿到了他的一个讲稿。采用的就是how to win before forty这本书的内容,做的比较好,贴出来共享。 how to win before forty
个人分类: 教学闲论|4181 次阅读|0 个评论

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