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xudong07 2017-2-5 14:24
acquistion: the common-midpoint (CMP) recording is the most widly used sesimic data acquistion technique influence: surface condition: example: karstic limestone(highly porous) result in energy scattering and absorption environmental and demographic restrctions weather condition condition of equipment ...... processing: (goal: supress the noise and enhance the signal) (processing strategies and results are affected by the field acquisition parameters.) three principal processes: deconvolution, CMP stacking, migration deconvolution: (goal: improving the temporal resolution by collapsing the seimic wavelet to approximately a spike and supressing reverberations) CMP stacking: assumpation: hyperbolic moveout assumption( it is violated in areas with severe structural complexities) supressing uncorrelated nose, increasing the S/N ratio. attenuate a large part of coherent noise (mulitples) (it is better to supress the multiples before stacking) (theory: NMO use the primary velocity function. For the multiples, there is larger moveout, they are undercorrected and, hence, attenuated during stacking) migration: (goal: collapse diffractions and move dipping events to their ture subsurface locations--imaging process) theory: wave equation key: velocity information (other function: time-depth transformation) challenge: 1: the choice of paremeters and the detailed aspects of implementation of prosessing algorithms. 2: one of features that makes a production program different from a research program, which is aimed at testing wether the idea works or not, is refinement of the algorithm in the production program to minimize artifacts.
个人分类: basic of data processing|1908 次阅读|0 个评论
kejidaobao 2015-7-3 15:17
2014 年英国皇家学会发布报告《应对极端天气》(Resilience to extreme weather),报告中指出,在接下来几年中,全球极端气候现象将会频繁发生,特别是随着温室气体排放的增加带来的一系列问题。例如洪水、干旱等明显环境现象,同时气温增高产生的热浪也会对老龄化人群产生威胁。英国皇家学会认为,发布该调查报告的关键点是希望可以帮助全球、国家和地方各级机构制定有关适应和减少风险的重要决策,通过对比不同的抉择,考虑恢复力的基本构建模块,来探讨可以做出怎样的改善措施来保护人们的生命和生产。 关于气候变化的讨论已经持续了很长的一段时间,2005 年1 月18 日至22 日联合国在日本兵库县神户市召开了“减少灾害问题世界会议”,通过了《2005— 2015 年行动纲领:加强国家和社区的抗灾能力》,即《兵库行动纲领》。会议为促进从战略上系统地处理减轻对危害的脆弱性和风险提供了一次独特的机会。它突出了加强国家和社区抗灾能力的必要性,并为此确定了各种途径。会议的预期成果是在生命以及社区和国家的社会、经济和环境资产方面大幅度减少灾害损失。要实现这一成果,政府、区域组织和国际组织、包括志愿人员在内的民间社会、私营部门和科学界等所有有关行为者,都必须作出充分的承诺和参与。2012 年“里约+20”峰会,也聚焦于全球的可持续发展,就“可持续发展和消除贫困背景下的绿色经济”以及“促进可持续发展的机制纲领”达成一致。 因此在2015 年,英国皇家学会发布声明《采取联合行动应对灾害、可持续发展和气候变化》(Taking joint action on disasters, development and climate change),呼吁人们在应对未来变化的同时,应降低极端天气对人们产生的影响,需要科学地建立全球系统的恢复力,重点强调了关于建立应对灾害、可持续发展和气候变化一致性纲领的必要性,同时帮助执政者以决定应采取何种行动更加有效地构建恢复力系统。人类发展正处于一个关键时期,但是包括气候变化,生物多样性的丧失、食物、水和能源安全、人口增长和消费等都将阻挡未来繁荣。2015 年将达成的3 项国际协议: (1)减少灾害风险(3 月,兵库行动纲领的后续计划); (2)实现可持续发展(9 月,全球可持续发展目标的更新); (3)气候变化(12 月)。 灾害、气候变化和可持续发展有着千丝万缕的联系。斩断这三者间联系的问题是极端天气。极端天气会对人们的生活和生计造成灾难性影响。它代表了发展的主要障碍,经常阻止人们摆脱贫困,或把人们拉入贫困之中。社会并不能很好地适应现在正在经历的极端天气。更可怕的是,未来的气候和人口结构的变化将使人们和人们的财产更加暴露于这个威胁之下。联合国这三个纲领提供了一个独特的机会,以公平和可持续的方式推动相关的活动,建立人们抵御极端天气的恢复力。声明认为,可以从以下几个方面促进人们采取联合行动来应对灾害、可持续发展和气候变化问题。1)国际纲领间保持一致。预备达成的国际协议应该从目的、设计和实施应对极端天气上保持一致。加强全球努力,建立恢复力;避免重复工作;防止混淆每个协议的角色和任务;减少对国家级和低一级的监测报告的要求。强调跨越所有三个协议问题的重要性。包括自然生态环境在构建恢复力中的作用而不仅仅是导致的风险,同时需要采取先一步的投入,以限制灾难响应的高昂代价。使用相同或相似的度量标准激励协调行动,允许不同措施比较的有效性。利用区域、国家和当地收集到的信息进行探索,不仅仅是帮助跟踪新的灾难纲领的进展情况也可以帮助追踪可持续发展的目标。2)把科学证据放在国际纲领的核心地位。科学家和政策制定者之间的持续参与将有助于这些新协议的谈判和执行,以决定采取何种行动最有效地构建恢复力。加强政策制定中的科学应用。 英国皇家学会在之前2014 年的报告《应对极端天气》中认为,政府有责任制定恢复力策略,并且各国政府应采取共同行动,在国际层面上建立恢复能力,分享专业知识,协调政策,集中资源,以应对共同的风险。更多的国家和国际的资金将需要被引导到建设抵御极端天气的措施当中,以限制灾害应对时的高昂代价。同时特别强调了有关极端天气的信息应该适合用户的需求。资助者应鼓励知识的生产者和使用者之间进行合作和持续的对话;并且受极端天气所带来的风险需要在更广泛的金融体系中进行更好地评估,以便协助估值和投资决策,并引导组织减少他们在其中的暴露。皇家学会明确提出了构建合作与持续对话、并且使灾害风险能够在更为合理的体系中进行评估的角色承担者。自然和社会科学家在构建一幅全景俯瞰全球挑战、不确定性和潜在解决方法的有效性上发挥至关重要的作用。应增加研究以改善从目前的天气得来的风险认知并准确模拟未来气候变化的影响,为决策者提供相关的信息,特别是在区域和地方各级。目前,数家机构提供科学和技术咨询的纲领:这些团体应当与灾害、气候变化和发展部门建立紧密的联系,共享知识和信息。 (编译 田恬)
个人分类: 栏目-RS推介|637 次阅读|0 个评论
lixujeremy 2014-4-4 10:33
IPCC原文地址 描述 随机天气发生器( WG )产生基于某地观测天气的统计特征的当地无限长度的天气数据的时序合成。产生随机天气的模型通常由两步开发( Hutchinson , 1987 )。第一步是模拟日降水,第二步是模拟其他感兴趣的变量,诸如:日最大和最小温度、太阳辐射、湿润度和降水产生的风力条件。每月都需要不同的模型参数,反应这些变量数值和他们的交叉关系的季节性变化。 “ Richardson ”和“序列”类型 也许最为知名的开发的 WG 手段是 Richardson ( 1981 )综述的,基于方法的 WG 通常视为“ Richardson 类型”。第一步,降水量的估算包含利用 Markov 过程模拟干、湿天数的发生,然后利用降水量频度分布函数估计模拟降水量在湿天数的发生数量。然后,其余的变量基于他们之间的关系和每日的干、湿状态进行计算。发生器的“ Richardson 类型”已经广泛地成功用于水文、农业和环境管理。 Richardson 类型 WG 的不足之一是不能适当地描述干和湿序列的长度(例如:持续事件如干旱和长期的降水)。在一些应用中,这些都是非常重要的(如农业影响)。因此,出现了“序列方法”( Racsko et al. , 1991 ),它第一步应用在干、湿序列的天数继起,而后模拟其他的变量如降水总量和依赖于干、湿序列的温度。 影响评估中采用 WG 影响评估中采用何种 WG 需要参考以下一个或多个要求: Ø 日天气的产期序列,它不能由观测记录得到 Ø 数据稀疏区域的日天气数据 Ø 空间分析的栅格日天气数据(比如:风险分析) Ø 探究气候均值和日交叉变动变化的能力 一旦决定已下,接下来选择一个适合的 WG 。选择的原则将取决于模型的可及性以及模型的特点是否适合影响评估中的需求。有必要测试一些模型来评估他们的适宜性。选择模型后,分析的几个步骤将 WG 参数化和测试是必需的。 1. 数据收集——收集感兴趣的变量和地点的观测日气候学数据,并控制质量和正确的格式。如果 WG 将为 1961~1990 基准线时期参数化,那么这段时间的数据则越多越好。另一方面,如果数据对模拟低频率和高范围事件很重要,则需要最长可能的观测时间序列的数据。对于空间分析,观测时段在样地之间的一致性可能很重要。 2. 参数化——模型的参数采用 WG 文件中的方法估算。如果还要进行空间分析,这将要求在许多站点及其后来的参量插值向栅格或其他空间类型的参数估算。部分 WG 项目已经实现参数估算的自动化过程。 3. 模型测试——模型产生的天气时间序列和他们的统计特征与基于的观测数据进行分析和对比。 WF 产生的和观测时序之间的任何差别的显著性将在一个影响模型中对比两个序列评估。再次,自动模型测试程序在部分公共 WG 项目中已经建立。 4. 气候情景——如果 WG 被用于创建一个天气时间序列来代表一个变化的气候,那么此过程也要求应用气候变化信息调整 WG 的参数(例如:在 GCM 得出的气候变异性变化方面)。部分 WG 软件掌握了气候情景。 WG 的空间应用 采用不同方法的 WG 已经在气候影响评估中被测试和应用,而且方法之间也进行了比较。然而,他们都普遍在站点应用,发展出来的方法用于空间站点的 WG 参数的插值,有助于空间分析(比如:风险)。然而,因为 WG 时间序列通常是站点独立的,并忽视了气候观测空间相关性,这就限制了部分空间影响评价的值域。 例如,一个 WG 可能仿真 A 地 3 个长期干旱在 30 年时间序列的发生,它也可以仿真临近 B 地干旱的相同数量,但在不同的年份。另一方面,两地的观测气候也显示 3 个干旱年,但很可能是相同的年份,因为干旱是共同且广泛的现象。因此, WG 可能为每一站点提供一个精确地统计特征,一并考虑,干旱不是同时发生和集成的影响(例如:在水资源和农业)可能并相比真实情况没有那么严重,广泛的干旱会影响很大的地区。 以上问题和开发随机时空天气模型努力的进一步讨论可以参考 Hutchinson ( 1995 ),气候情景发展中 WG 的作用请看 Mearns et al. ( 2001 )。
个人分类: IPCC/DDC|6966 次阅读|0 个评论
Another day without sunshine in the paradise...
热度 1 zuojun 2014-2-5 03:25
If you rush to work every morning and stare at your computer screen the whole day, you may not notice this. Things are not alright in the paradise. We have been without sunshine for more than a week now. For those of us who used to live in Seattle, we feel like time has travelled backwards... It is also the tax season. I heard that someone takes a chance not doing tax return until the last minute, in case he should have a heart attack before April 15th. That goes too far. Out of curiocity, I checked on news about the ObamaCare site for people in the paradise. Am I glad that I didn't wait! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/hawaiis-health-insurance-exchange-is-no-paradise/#postComments
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2507 次阅读|2 个评论
Greenhouse effect
热度 1 zuojun 2013-3-3 08:42
The web says is 1C outside in Hangzhou. It feels like 20C in my room, thanks to the sunshine. Thank goodness, the temperature will rise daily from now on. Yeah!
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2465 次阅读|5 个评论
It will snow in Hangzhou
热度 1 zuojun 2013-2-23 12:19
If the weather forecast turns out to be good , I will see snow in Hangzhou during this visit. I know snow can be beautiful, but I would rather see it from a distance...
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3007 次阅读|3 个评论
Slowly getting there...
热度 2 zuojun 2012-12-24 17:55
With only about 20+ people on my shopping list this year, I finally finished my job at Santa's workshop. Next, I will try to answer some email. It was easy to click and send out a bunch of e-card. However, i f a lengthy reply comes back, it deserves a thoughtful reply. This could well drag into the New Year! Well, I cannot comp lain, when it rained in Seattle during the entire Seaha wks' game and the temperature dropped below 15C in Beijing. I am as happy as one can be in the paradise!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2390 次阅读|4 个评论
Besides hot,what impress me here
ztr56917 2012-7-15 18:32
There are only two seasons in NC(short for NanChang). one is summer,the other is winter. and this time i would like to talk about summer.which i am suffering . it impresses me not only the hot weather. besides that, there are something else. what are they?  Changeable weather . it maybe sunny in the morning,raining in the afternoon,colding in the evening. you could experience different seasons in a day or even just some hours. you nerve got to know what is happening next and what is prepared for you. maybe you think it is a good day for going out. be careful about that. something bad are around the corner. never go out without fully prepared and planned. Long period . the summer of NC may start from may, end at october . it lasts more than six months. in fact,it kills the autumn. that is why we don't have autumn in NC. sometimes i would complaint about the long time. and wonder howlife here survival from long period of so hot wether. are they special? Water shortless . i mean in my dormitory. water suppling is sometimes going wrong. during that time. i feelvery misery and how valuable the water is ,how hard our life is. and my daily life goes in a mess. the WC is dirty and full of bad smell. i can't take a comfortable bath and enjoy the colding feeling. i wake up a lot of times during the short night. i am sleepless. it is the nightmare of me. the biggest pain is not the death of your best loving, it is without water ! To summer up . living in NC is not that easy aswe think,especially in the summer. those who are survivaling here is not onlyneed a strong heart. a good health. besides that , we eagerly neednon-stopped suppling offresh water!
3479 次阅读|0 个评论
一篇文章被《Monthly Weather Review》接受
热度 1 merric 2012-3-26 15:09
最近有一篇关于热带气旋内外雨带动力结构比较的文章被《Monthly Weather Review》接受,从投出到接受大概前后5个月时间,还算顺利,审稿人也给出了认可的评价:the authors have more than adequately addressed my concerns that called for minor revisions and, in my opinion, have also addressed the other reviewer's insightful critiques as well, especially when considering the scope of this study, which is mostly an introductory, but needed survey to a rich topic that will probably be receiving a lot of attention by a number of research groups in the next three years. 接下来还有许多进一步的工作要做,但愿不要被其他的杂事所干扰。
8165 次阅读|2 个评论
Fifty-fifty, for those who remained after the CMIP5 workshop
zuojun 2012-3-11 04:15
It's windy, but there is no rain yet. The chance of rain is 50% today. Good luck, my friends and colleagues.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2456 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 28 ldh 2012-3-10 15:32
今天早上来到办公室,打开自己的邮箱,发现美国华盛顿大学教授,美国大气科学杂志 J. Atmos. Sci. 主编K. K. Tung 教授发给我的email,他通知我投给该杂志的第二篇文章被顺利地接收了。很显然,寒假我修改这两篇文章的心血没有被白费,终于成功了,开心!!!祝贺一下自己!!!当然,这是我在该杂志发表的第四部电视连续剧(第四个Part系列)。 这两篇文章,从构思,写稿,投稿,被拒稿,再重写稿,再投稿,再改稿,被接收,等反反复复花掉了我一年多的时间。这两篇文章是我09年申请”国家重点基金“研究内容的一部分。尽管”重点基金“一直没成功,但我们并没有放弃我们的研究。加上2010和2011年发表的三篇论文,我们一共在 J.Atmos. Sci. 杂志发表了与申请重点基金内容密切相关的5篇文章。虽然粮草不多,但我们的研究不会停止下来。我们时常感到没经费的压力,因此我多么希望科学院能实行年薪制,这样自己也好安安心心地搞自己喜欢的研究。尽管如此,目前我们经费的困境也阻止不了我们前进的步伐,相信不久的将来我们会有更多的成果在 J. Atmos. Sci. 上发表。 下面是接受通知: (1)Dear Dr. Luo, Thank you for your revised manuscript "Weather regime transitions and the interannual variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part I: A likely connection ." I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences . Congratulations! (2)Dear Dr. Luo, Thank you for your revised manuscript "Weather regime transitions and the interannual variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Part II: Dynamical processes ." I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences . Congratulations! Best regards, Professor,K. K. Tung Editor in Chief Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
个人分类: 科研心得|9750 次阅读|64 个评论
Be careful what you wish for, and something about God...
热度 5 zuojun 2012-3-10 01:53
I woke up before my alarm, which is unusual. (Yeah, I often set two alarms to be sure I am on time.) The traffic on H-1 was fine, and the sky was dry. And my alarm was still sleeping, so I daydreamed a bit. Maybe it's going to be a fine day, which would be good because I will go out to have dim sum with some friends, rain or shine. Then, I thought, IF it rains again, then it may mean God is trying to tell me something. Since this week's CMIP5 is very important for the upcoming IPCC report (on climate change). I tried to sit through, to get a big picture about how climate models are doing these days. I did for two days, but failed to go yesterday. Yesterday, both morning and afternoon, each time I was on my way to the CMIP5 workshop, I was half soaked by the rain and I had to go to my office quickly to avoid being completely soaked. I did a lot of work on our OMZ (oxygen minimum zone) project, which may be God's will (I am joking here, since I don't believe in any god). But, it started to down-pour again... The outside is misty, and beautiful (as long as it stops when I need to go to work). God, are you trying to talk to me? Can you simply write your message using clouds, big and clear: "THERE IS NO GLOBAL WARMING!"???
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2695 次阅读|7 个评论
Hope you are NOT on vacation in Honolulu now...
zuojun 2012-3-9 01:31
Waking up by gusty winds, which started last night. Cold, raining, and windy. The paradise is under assault...
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2437 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Five myths about extreme weather,极端天气的五个神话
yue 2011-7-24 22:28
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-extreme-weather/2011/07/21/gIQAcjZaTI_story.html Five Myths Challenging everything you think you know Five myths about extrem weather By Manish Bapna and Jennifer Morgan, Published: July22 It’s too darn( annoyance) hot. From Maine to Hawaii, the mercury温度计 has been rising relentlessly无情(过去我们经历的是无情的阶级斗争). The oven-like conditions in the United States are just the latest in a series of extreme weather events over the past year — epic史无前例 floods in Pakistan and Australia , record heat waves in Moscow , the heaviest snowfall in more than a century in South Korea. These extremes are pushing the limits of human experience. What is driving this phenomenon? And rather than just complain, what can we do about it? 1. This summer is much hotter than normal. It feels hot for a reason, and not just in the United States. Last month’s global average land surface temperature was the fourth warmest on record. And July is doing its best to outdo June. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 49 states — all except Delaware — have had record highs in the past three weeks. In Washington, a heat wave sweeping the East Coast is pushing temperatures into triple digits. However, while suffering Washingtonians might be forgiven for regarding this summer as an aberration, they would be wrong. Globally, June was the 316th month in a row that had a higher temperature than the 20th century average. So, while it is indeed much hotter than it used to be, we may be witnessing a new normal in heat and other extreme weather. This month’s temperature records may not stand for long. 2. “Hundred year”百年不遇 weather events happen only once every 100 years. Hundred-year weather events no longer live up to their name. In 2005, for instance, a devastating “once a century” drought hit the Amazon, only to be followed by another in 2010. Globally, previously rare weather events have been occurring with startling frequency. Consider the massive floods that inundated淹没a fifth of Pakistan last year and submerged eastern Australia and America’s heartland this year. It’s time for meteorologists to come up with a new, more accurate term. Of course, what scientists actually mean by “one in 100 years” is not that a major flood, drought or hurricane will strike a given place only once a century, but rather that there is a 1 percent chance of such an event in any given year. Either way, the fact that what were once considered hundred-year events seem to be happening more often is consistent with climate models projecting that rising global average temperatures will lead to more frequent and severe extreme weather . 3. Extreme droughts and extreme floods can’t both be due to climate change. It seems counterintuitive that climate change could be responsible for both withering droughts and devastating floods. Yet it can. Scientists have found that climate change can trigger periods of intense rainfall followed by long spells of dry weather. This combination of severe rainstorms and droughts, in turn, can lead to more flooding, landslides, soil erosion and other disasters. There are signs in some places that this may already be underway. For example, from 1951 to 2000, heavy monsoons in India became more frequent and intense, while more moderate rains happened less often. Similarly, in China, severe droughts this spring were followed by massive flooding, which has killed nearly 200 people and caused more than 1.5 million to be evacuated. 4. An extra one or two degrees in temperature is no big deal. When it’s already 100 degrees outside , one degree more doesn’t seem like much. But in terms of the global average, a one-degree temperature rise has huge implications for people and the planet. Since pre-industrial times, the global average surface temperature has increased by 1.4 degrees — with more than one degree of that warming happening in the past three decades. And we are already witnessing significant changes. In many parts of the world, cold days and nights have become rarer, and hot days and nights more common, over the past half-century. Arctic sea ice , Greenland’s ice sheet , and glaciers in the Alps and the Antarctic Peninsula are all melting faster. The oceans have become more acidic as a result of the buildup of greenhouse gases, and the warming of rivers and lakes is affecting freshwater fish and other species. As are result, animals and plants are migrating toward poles or higher elevations in search of more hospitable habitats. And all this is happening with just 1.4 degrees of warming. What’s more, this is just an average, with actual temperatures rising at different rates, and with varying impacts, around the world. Without action to reduce carbon emissions, many leading climate scientists are projecting that the planet’s average temperature could rise as much as 11.5 degrees by the end of the century. The consequences are hard to imagine. 5. Everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it. We all love to complain about the weather. But the old saying is not quite accurate. There is, in fact, a lot that governments, businesses and individuals around the world can do — and are already doing — to cut back on heat-trapping gases and prepare for extreme weather. At least 85 nations have pledged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or limit their growth by 2020 by shifting to renewable energy, increasing energy efficiency and protecting forests, among other efforts. Similarly, some Fortune 500 companies and even the U.S. military are working to reduce their carbon emissions. A good start, but not nearly enough. Many countries, cities and communities are preparing for the impact of rising global temperatures. In Bangladesh, for example, the government’s actions to improve disaster preparedness have helped reduce death tolls from cyclones. Cyclone Sidr in 2007 claimed 3,400 lives, whereas a similar cyclone in 1991 led to roughly 140,000 deaths. And Vietnam has invested in mangrove红树林 restoration to rebuild a natural barrier to protect coastlines from flooding. The World Resources Report 2010-2011 , produced by the World Resources Institute, the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Environment Program and the World Bank, highlights how governments are planning for climate change and extreme weather. But we can do much more to reduce the carbon emissions that contribute to the problem in the first place. When it comes to our warming planet, it’s time for less hot air and more action. Manish Bapna is interim president of the World Resources Institute. Jennifer Morgan is director of the institute’s climate and energy program. Morgan will be online to chat at 2 p.m. ET on Friday, July 22. Submit your questions and comments now . Read “In the heat wave, the case against air conditioning.” Want to challenge everything you know? Visit our “Five myths” archive.
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Yantai, 18C with fog (June 18th, 2010)
zuojun 2010-6-18 21:41
I truly enjoyed the two-day workshop on the coastal zone research. I didn't even have a chance to walk around the hotel or the street outside the hotel until 5:30 pm this afternoon, at the end of our session. Since the dinner would start at 6 pm, we took a 30-min walk to exercise our tired legs after having been sitting mostly for two days. The air temperature was only 18C, and the city was under the veil of white fog. Very nice walk, though a bit too short because I had to rush back for a quick dinner before lecturing at 7 pm. To me, Yantai is young and beautiful. Please don't rush to grow up too soon.
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