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Jackass can trash but it takes scholarship to create one
LongLeeLu 2013-2-14 06:04
Jackass can trash but it takes scholarship to create one
Jackass can trash a manuscript but it takes good scholarship to create one Writing our own manuscripts and reviewing our colleagues’ manuscripts become routine tasks, sometimes so daunting that I have been dealing with up and down mood swings for quite some time. Sometimes up for reading a beautifully written manuscript (A fresh idea or an inspirational story, you can sense the authors put their souls and hearts into writing); sometimes down for a poorly written manuscript (It is the same old story; you wonder if the authors read any updated literature or just no means to catch it up). Sometimes, I can hardly imagine a colleague who reviews my own manuscript of a poorly written version under time pressure. Understanding one's different perspective may help develop a good rapport with one another. Reading again the article by David G. Drubin,, Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Biology of the Cell, reminded me of scholarship and professionalism. I post it here to remind myself of these ten commandments, in particular as follows: “ Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.” That is so true: “Any jackass can trash a manuscript, but it takes good scholarship to create one”. “What goes around comes around.” Someone who has received unfair reviews on his or her manuscripts is more likely to treat others similarly. That is, do ing someone a favor create good will that will ultimtely benefit the doer of the good deed as much as it does the recipient of the favor. Here it is: 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 Editorial Any jackass can trash a manuscript, but it takes good scholarship to create one (how MBoC promotes civil and constructive peer review) David G. Drubin * + Affiliations 1. Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Biology of the Cell . The title of this editorial is a variation on the observation of the late U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, that “ any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one.” These words apply as well to the peer review process as they do to politics. Authors pour their hearts, souls, and creative energies into performing experiments and reporting the results in manuscripts, yet reviewers often seem more intent on kicking down the barn than they are on trying to help the carpenter with its design and construction, or they demand the addition of an entire new wing to the original structure . Because publications are the most important currency for securing employment and research funds, and for a researcher’s scientific legacy , peer review issues are critical to all practicing research scientists. Here I provide guidelines to help reviewers, editors, and authors make the peer review process more constructive and civil, and highlight what Molecular Biology of the Cell ( MBoC ) is doing to realize these principles. HOW PEER REVIEW ALLOWS MBoC TO SUCCEED IN ITS MISSION The peer review process plays a vital role in allowing MBoC to succeed in its mission “to enhance scientific communication among cell biologists” and “to serve all cell biologist authors” (Botstein, 1998 ). The MBoC review process ensures that authors meet the highest standards for performing experiments and reporting and interpreting the results. A rigorous review process establishes that articles published in MBoC are reliable and credible. No scientist has the perspective required to detect every flaw in the design of his or her own studies or in the interpretation and presentation of the results. Input from one’s peers is essential. PROBLEMS WITH PEER REVIEW While the peer review process is generally considered indispensable to scientific communication, almost every scientist has experienced frustration and anguish upon receiving unfair, hypercritical, obstructive, and even mean-spirited manuscript reviews. Conflict of interest is a major concern, because “the persons most qualified to judge the… merit of a submitted research paper are precisely those who are that scientist’s closest competitors” (Judson, 1994 ). TEN RULES FOR REVIEWING A MANUSCRIPT SUBMITTED TO MBoC 1. Review a manuscript only if you can do so objectively Never accept an invitation to review a manuscript unless you can do so without bias, which results when an author is given too little or too much respect or when you have a stake in whether the manuscript is published. 2. Review a manuscript only if you can do so in a timely manner If you are too busy and cannot review a manuscript in a timely manner, don’t do it . MBoC , like most other journals, sets guidelines for what is an acceptable time for reviewing a manuscript. (We ask reviewers to complete their reviews within two weeks.) 3. Understand your role As a reviewer, you are a consultant to the monitoring editor, selected for your expertise . Your job is to evaluate the rigor and originality of the science and the clarity of the writing. On the basis of the advice of two or three reviewers, the monitoring editor decides whether a manuscript should be accepted, returned to the authors for revisions, or rejected. 4. Recognize the authors’ efforts and the merits of the work while being clear in identifying faults Manuscript reviews should start with a positive statement acknowledging the authors’ efforts and the merits of what was attempted and accomplished. Importantly, although reviews should always be written in a respectful and civil manner, it is also crucial that reviewers be explicit when identifying problems with a manuscript. If, in attempting to not hurt the authors’ feelings, reviewers give the impression that they think that the work is acceptable when they in fact think the opposite, they do a disservice to both the authors and the editor. 5. Be critical, but be constructive Whenever possible, reviewers should provide constructive advice to authors on how to improve their research and on how to communicate their results more clearly. 6. Be judicious in suggesting additional work It is obstructive to create work for authors by proposing additional experiments that are tangential to the study and that are not necessary to support the study’s main conclusions or to provide sufficient substance to justify manuscript acceptance. As a reviewer, you may wish to pass some suggestions to the authors that you do not consider essential for the manuscript. In this case, organize your comments into distinct sections, differentiating suggestions that you consider essential from those that could be part of a future study. 7. Leave it to future generations to judge a manuscript’s impact Rarely is it possible to predict a manuscript’s future impact. Therefore, reviewers should focus on the questions “Is it new and is it true?” originally articulated by MBoC ’s founding Editor-In-Chief, David Botstein. 8. Be a champion for your field Sometimes reviewers write obstructive reviews when someone else attempts to make an important contribution in their field. Remember, “What goes around comes around.” Someone who has received unfair reviews on his or her manuscripts is more likely to treat others similarly. Thus, if you want your papers to be reviewed in a just and civil manner, then follow this variant of the Golden Rule: “Review unto others as you would have them review unto you.” Start a positive feedback loop by being a champion for your field. In addition to helping to create a civil esprit de corps within your field, there are other advantages to being an advocate for papers in your research area. When reviewers promote papers in their field, editors are made aware of the excitement in the field, and more papers are likely to be accepted. Everyone benefits. 9. Remember that it is not your paper When reviewing a manuscript, your job is to help make the work more rigorous, complete, and clearly presented. Provided that the work meets the journal’s quality standards, the authors should have the final say in how material is presented and interpreted. It is their paper, not yours. 10. Be a good role model Reviewing manuscripts with your students and postdocs can provide a great teaching opportunity. Be aware, however, that young scientists can be a bit too eager to demonstrate their ability to find a manuscript’s faults rather than its strengths. Train them in the principles just outlined. Remember, if one of your students reviews the manuscript, it is up to you to make sure that the comments also accurately reflect your opinion, as you are the one submitting the review.
个人分类: Scholarship|2302 次阅读|3 个评论
lcj2212916 2012-12-16 14:56
◎译 名 突击中央银行 ◎片 名 Assalto ao Banco Central   ◎年 代 2011   ◎国 家 巴西   ◎类 别 动作/犯罪/剧情/惊悚   ◎语 言 葡萄牙语   ◎字 幕 中英双字   ◎IMDB评分 5.8/10 (186 votes)   ◎文件格式 BD-RMVB   ◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576   ◎文件大小 1CD   ◎片 长 1:41:07 (h:m:s)   ◎导 演 Marcos Paulo   ◎编 剧 Rene Belmonte ....written by   Lucio Manfredi ....collaborating writer   Tais Moreno ....research   ◎主 演 米尔黑·考塔兹 Milhem Cortaz ....Barao   Lima Duarte ....Amorin   Giulia Gam ....Telma   Creo Kellab ....Saulo   Eduardo Magalhaes ....Federal Agent   Romulo Medeiros ....Federal Agent 剧情简介  “男爵”在策划一起完美的银行抢劫案,目标是重达3吨的现金,又不用暴力强抢。为此他需要找到合适的、愿意为百万美元酬金为他效力的人……   本片根据实事改编,2005年,一家巴西中央银行1.68亿里拉被盗(相当于8千万美元),这是历史上最大的和平时期抢劫案,也是一次最大胆的银行抢劫案 下载地址 : http://www.ctdisk.com/file/13632669 http://radarew.5d6d.net/thread-1033-1-1.html
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The US College Admission - a student's viewpoint
热度 3 何毓琦 2012-12-14 01:03
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求 , please read my 公告栏 first) It is that time of the year again for college applications in the US. I have written previously about the college admission process http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=1565do=blogid=621163 Below is an essay (unedited) written by my number five grand child who is a senior in high school and editor of his school newspaper that offers a somewhat different view of college admission. Brad Kim My Epic College Process By mid-October most high school seniors who are seriously concerned with their college prospects and applications have already filled out their Common Apps, completed final drafts of their essays, obliterated the supplements, and chosen early action/decision schools. I, on the other hand, do not have a level of dedication even close to this. At the time of this writing, I have not yet completed my college essay, let alone the collection of supplements that follow. I took the SATs once and was satisfied with my score. I haven’t heavily researched most of the colleges to which I am applying and at the only college meeting I attended, I felt uninterested and bored. I’ve seen few schools and I don’t intend to visit any more. In my four years at The Beak I have observed that the board of editors tends to be disproportionately populated with extremely motivated applicants. I have seen many editor meetings get sidetracked into conversations about colleges, rankings, application choices, and the process in general. Without condemning or condoning anyone’s life choices, the editing staff has had a prominent fondness over the years for AP classes, We the People , shiny extracurriculars, and in general being absurdly well-equipped for choosing and applying to colleges. Having an editor position in the first place goes hand in hand with this. The school newspaper, aside from being a phenomenally enjoyable and existentially rewarding experience, is often something people sign up for with the intent to improve a resumé. To reiterate, I do not claim this approach or choices like these are necessarily the best way of living life. It certainly bears little resemblance to the choices I have made regarding the college process, or the lack of choices I have made. But I also do not criticize anyone for trying their hardest to have the best chance in applying. I do not criticize anyone for pushing their limits academically if they believe in its importance. Everyone has the freedom to do whatever he or she wants with regards to high school and college. Lately, however, I’ve incurred a modicum of wrath from my Beak coworkers about my apparent lack of motivation and poor judgment regarding the college process. All of my actions have very simple rationales behind them, but rationales many may disagree with. Certainly being a little lazy, apathetic, and especially cynical about the whole ordeal contributes to my underwhelming efforts, but I don’t think I would have changed things substantially even if I did force myself into overdrive. I haven’t visited many schools or attended many meetings because I just do not really enjoy it. Every school tells me they fit me perfectly, that I am just the guy for them. I have no need for a tour guide to show me how awesome their university is, nor do I need a representative to tell me. This might sound like a silly justification, because only a fool would choose his place of education and residence for the next four years without making absolutely sure he would love it there right? My response to this is simple: I hope to achieve happiness wherever I go. Certainly certain centers of schooling might bring me more intense jubilation or an ultimately more satisfying educational experience, but that holds true for everything in life. I cannot be caught up in trying to find a perfect fit that may not even exist. So long as I embrace my surroundings and take what they have to offer, I feel confident I will fit in. I’d much rather spend my time going to classes that I signed up for and learning things here and now that I know I have interest in than constantly questioning whether I have done enough or could have done more. To get into a “good” school, it is said that one should try harder, do more research, and work faster. But what constitutes a “good” school is itself debated. Whether or not a school is good should definitely be determined by the appropriateness for you, not a national ranking. Seeing as I have already established that I will fit in anywhere, this becomes less of a concern. I accept that the grass will always be greener on the other side. I do care a little bit, and I admit I would feel awesome having a killer app and getting into Harvard early. But I know my future is going to be determined by who I am as a person, not where I am for the next four years. As for now, I would rather work enough to enjoy life and see where I can get in with that.
9681 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]美麗的文字, 完美的人生
热度 1 xusuowen 2012-11-12 10:53
Someone has written these beautiful words: 有人寫了這些美麗的文字: 1. Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout. 禱告不是“備胎”,讓你在遇到麻煩時拉出來用,禱告其實是“方向盤”,指示正確的道路。 2. Why is a Car's WINDSHIELD so large the Rear view Mirror is so small?Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, Look Ahead and Move on. 為什麼汽車的擋風玻璃這麽大,而後視鏡卻如此的小?因為我們的過去沒有像我們的未來這般重要。所以,集中精神向前看,向著未來前進。 3. Friendship is like a BOOK. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write. 友誼就像一本書。燒一本書只需要幾秒鐘,但寫一本書需要很多年。 4. All things in life are temporary. If going well, enjoy it, they will not last forever. If going wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either. 生活中所有的東西都是短暫的。如果生活順利,享受它,它們不會永遠不變。如果生活遇到艱難,不用擔心,艱難也不會永遠不變。 5 . Old Friends are Gold! New Friends are Diamond! If you get a Diamond, don't forget the Gold! Because to hold a Diamond, you always need a Base of Gold! 老朋友是金,新朋友是鑽石,如果你得到一顆鑽石,不要忘了黃金,因為要托住一顆鑽石,你總需要黃金做托架! 6. Often when we lose hope and think this is the end, GOD smiles from above and says, "Relax, sweetheart, it's just a bend, not the end! 當我們失去了希望,常會悲觀地想到這是末路,上帝從上面微笑著說:“放輕鬆些,親愛的,它只是一個彎,不是末路! 7. When GOD solves your problems, you have faith in HIS abilities;when GOD doesn't solve your problems HE has faith in your abilities. 當上帝解決你的問題,你相信上帝的能力 ; 當上帝不解決你的問題,那是上帝相信你自己有解決的能力。 8. A blind person asked St. Anthony: "Can there be anything worse than losing eye sight?" He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!" 一個盲人問聖安東尼:“有什麼東西比失去視力更差?”他回答說:“有的,失去你的視野!” 9. When you pray for others, God listens to you and blesses them, and sometimes, when you are safe and happy, remember that someone has prayed for you. 當你為別人禱告,上帝聽你的,祝福他們,有時,當你平安和快樂時,記得那是有人已為你向上帝祈求。 10. Worrying does not take away tomorrow's TROUBLES, It takes away today's PEACE 。 擔憂帶不走明天的煩惱,只會帶走今天的和平
1275 次阅读|1 个评论
R语言:Project Euler Problem 46
itellin 2012-10-18 16:20
It was proposed by Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number can be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square. 9 = 7 + 2 1 2 15 = 7 + 2 2 2 21 = 3 + 2 3 2 25 = 7 + 2 3 2 27 = 19 + 2 2 2 33 = 31 + 2 1 2 It turns out that the conjecture was false. What is the smallest odd composite that cannot be written as the sum of a prime and twice a square? require(gmp) n - 1:10000 p - n for (i in seq(3,10000,2)) { if (any(p==i)) next x - sqrt((i-p )/2) if (any(round(x) == x)) { next } else { cat (i, "\n") } } 5777
1858 次阅读|0 个评论
王汉森 2012-5-14 04:14
今天是母亲节。有兴趣的读者,请按照下面的链接欣赏五首关于母亲和女儿的乡村歌曲。 http://music.cbc.ca/#/blogs/2012/5/Hey-ma-Mother-and-daughter-country-songs-for-Mothers-Day 可以点击画面里的YouTube,在YouTube里直接欣赏。 1. Shania Twain, “Coat of Many Colours” The song was written by Dolly Parton and tells the story about how Parton’s mother made her a coat out of rags. It was sewn with her mother’s love and Parton felt “rich as I could be” with it. The coat now hangs in Parton’s Chasing Rainbows museum. 2. The Wilkinsons, “26 Cents” Twenty-six cents doesn’t seem like a great goodbye gift from a mother. As the story unfolds, however, we learn “it’s a penny for your thoughts and a quarter for the call and all of your mama’s love.” Priceless. 3. Taylor Swift, “The Best Day” Speaking of gifts, Taylor Swift recorded this song without her mother’s knowledge. Later, home video was added. Her mother received the final package for Christmas. As a result, Swift’s mother spent Christmas day crying – way to go! 4. Carrie Underwood, “Mama’s Song” The reassurance a mother wants, when her daughter marries and starts a new life. Underwood’s mother stars alongside her daughter in this video. 5. Martina McBride, “In My Daughter’s Eyes” The lyrics say it best: “In my daughter's eyes, I can see the future, A reflection of who I am and what will be, And though she'll grow and someday leave, Maybe raise a family, When I'm gone I hope you see, How happy she made me, For I'll be there, in my daughter's eyes.” Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there!
个人分类: 生活点滴|3719 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Social Approaches 8
carldy 2012-2-26 11:05
http://eca.state.gov/education/engteaching/pubs/BR/functionalsec3_8.htm Social Approaches 8 I Think That Perhaps You Should: A Study of Hedges in Written Scientific Discourse Fran cediloise Salager-Meyer Hedging is a linguistic resource which conveys the fundamental characteristics of science of doubt and skepticism. The first part of this paper considers three views of hedges: a. threat minimizing strategies used to signal distance and to avoid absolute statements,b. strategies to accurately reflect the certainty of knowledge and c. politeness strategies in the social interactions and negotiations between writers and editors. The second part of the paper examines the use and frequency of hedges according to genre and to the different (rhetorical) sections of scientific papers. The final part of the paper presents a taxonomy of hedges with a few practical exercises (sensitization, translation and rewriting exercises) which ESP practitioners could use to help their students become aware of these subtle and often neglected language forms. Introduction: The Concept And Importance of Hedges One of the most important aspects of scientific discourse is to weigh evidence and draw conclusions from data. Fundamental characteristics of science are uncertainty, doubt and skepticism. Stubbs (1986) argues that all sentences encode a point of view and that academic texts are no different in containing the author's presence: Scientists inevitably indicate their attitude in their writings. Because science is not the coolly objective discipline as asserted in many textbooks and scientific style guides, academic writing cannot be considered as a series of impersonal statements of facts which add up to the truth. Moreover, research from a variety of disciplines (e.g., sociology of science) has revealed ways in which academic discourse is both socially situated and structured to accomplish rhetorical objectives. Linguistically these objectives are realized as hedges --mostly verbal and adverbial expressions such as can, perhaps, may, suggest, which deal with degrees of probability. Hedges can be considered as the interactive elements which serve as a bridge between the propositional information in the text and the writer's factual interpretation. As Skelton (forthcoming) remarks, hedges could be viewed as part of the larger phenomenon called commentative potentials of any language. Natural languages are reflective: not only saying things, but also reflecting on the status of what they say. In one of the first explorations of this phenomenon, Lakoff defined hedges as words or phrases, whose job is to make things fuzzy or less fuzzy (1972: 175), implying that writers are less than fully committed to the certainty of the referential information they present in their writings. One could state a proposition as a fact (e.g., This medicine will help you recover quickly), or one could use a hedge to distance oneself from that statement, e.g., I believe that this medicine could help you recover quickly. Research on LSP (Languages for Specific Purposes) has repeatedly shown that hedges are crucial in academic discourse because they are a central rhetorical means of gaining communal adherence to knowledge claims. Indeed, scientific truth is as much the product of a social as that of an intellectual activity, and the need to convince one's fellow scientists of the facticity of experimental results (or of the correctness of a specific point of view) explains the widespread use of hedges in this type of discourse. Hyland (1994), for example, asserts that hedging exhibits a level of frequency much higher than many other linguistic features which have received considerably more attention. Skelton (1988) argues that epistemic comments are equally common in the arts and sciences, occurring overall in between one third and one half of all sentences. Along the same lines, Gosden (1990) reports that writers' perception of uncertainty realized through modality markers constitutes 7.6% of grammatical subjects in scientific research papers. More specifically, modals appear to be the typical means of marking epistemic comment in research papers: Adams Smith (1984) found that they make up 54% of all the forms used to denote epistemic modality; Butler (1990) states that they account for approximately 1 word in every 100 in scientific articles; Hanania and Akhtar (1984) report that they make up 8.1% of all finite verbs ( can and may being the most frequent); finally, modals were also found to constitute 27% of all lexical hedging devices in Hyland's (1994) corpus of biology articles. Four Reasons For Hedging 1. The most widely accepted view is that hedging is the process whereby authors tone down their statements in order to reduce the risk of opposition and minimize the threat-to-face that lurks behind every act of communication. This position associates hedges with scientific imprecision and defines them as linguistic cues of bias which avoid personal accountability for statements, i.e., as understatements used to convey evasiveness, tentativeness, fuzziness, mitigation of responsibility and/or mitigation of certainty to the truth value of a proposition. In this view, hedging is what Skelton (forthcoming) calls the politician's craft, not only a willed mitigation, but an obfuscation for dubious purposes. Kubui (1988) and Fand (1989), for example, state that hedges are used to signal distance and to avoid absolute statements which might put scientists (and the institution they work at) in an embarrassing situation if subsequent conflicting evidence or contradictory findings arise. The following sentence, which ended a paper in a university conference illustrates this use of hedging: Our results seem to suggest that in Third World countries the extensive use of land to grow exportation products tends to impoverish these countries' populations even more. The epistemic verb seem combined with the modal lexical verb suggest allows the speaker to avoid making a categorical statement and to negotiate some degree of flexibility for his claims. 2. Salager-Meyer (1993) and Banks (1994) claim that the exclusive association of hedges with evasiveness can obscure some important functions of hedging, and that expressing a lack of certainty does not necessarily show confusion or vagueness. Indeed, one could consider hedges as ways of being more precise in reporting results. Hedging may present the true state of the writers' understanding and may be used to negotiate an accurate representation of the state of the knowledge under discussion. In fact, academic writers may well wish to reduce the strength of claims simply because stronger statements would not be justified by the experimental data presented. In such cases, researchers are not saying less than what they mean but are rather saying precisely what they mean by not overstating their experimental results. Being too certain can often be unwise. Academics want their readers to know that they do not claim to have the final word on the subject, choosing instead to remain vague in their statements. Hedges then are not a cover-up tactic, but rather a resource used to express some fundamental characteristics of modern science (uncertainty, skepticism and doubt) which reveal the probabilistic nature science started acquiring during the second half of the 19th century. (During the 17th and the 18th centuries and the first half of the 19th century, science was more deterministic). Moreover, because of the close inter-connection between different scientific fields, no scientist can possibly claim to wholly master the field of knowledge of a given discipline. The seem/suggest combination of the example above could display the speaker's genuine uncertainty and thus allow him to offer a very precise statement about the extent of his confidence (or lack thereof) in the truth of the propositional information he presented. 3. Myers (1989) argues that hedges are better understood as positive or negative politeness strategies, i.e., as sophisticated rational strategies used to mitigate two central positions expressed in scientific writing: to present claims (or findings) pending acceptance by the international scientific community, and to deny claims presented by other researchers. Indeed, to express an opinion is to make a claim (particularly central claims in establishing a niche to use Swales' expression 1990a: 141, and to make a claim is to try to impose one's opinion on others. For example, in the following double-hedged statement:1 Our analyses indicate that higher doses of fish oil can benefit individuals with untreated hypertension. The authors are presenting a claim to the scientific community while trying to convince their readers of the relevance of their findings. But, in doing so, they remain somewhat vague because they cannot claim to have the final word on the subject. In the social interaction involved in all scientific publishing, hedges permit academics to present their claims while simultaneously presenting themselves as the humble servants of the scientific community (Myers, 1989: 4). As soon as a claim becomes part of the literature, it is then possible to refer to it without any hedging, as the following example illustrates: Influenza is the most important viral infection of the respiratory tract. Thus, because new results/conclusions have to be thoughtfully fit into the existing literature, hedging is not simply a prudent insurance against overstating an assertion, but also a rational interpersonal strategy which both supports the writer's position and builds writer-reader (speaker/listener) relationships. A hedged comment such as, I think that perhaps you should have analyzed the benefits these exportation products could have on foreign currency increases, could reflect a polite and diplomatic disagreement, or it might also display genuine uncertainty on the speaker's part (definition 2). 4. Banks (1994) argues that a certain degree of hedging has become conventionalized, i.e., that the function of hedges is not necessarily to avoid face-threatening acts (definition No. 1), but simply to conform to an established writing style . This established style of writing arose as a consequence of the combination of the needs and stimuli mentioned in definitions 1, 2 and 3 above. A totally unhedged style would not be considered seriously by journal editors. It should be made clear at this stage that it is difficult to be sure in any particular instance which of the four above-mentioned concepts is intended nor need we assume that the authors of hedged utterances always know why they hedge their statements in the first place. As we explained elsewhere (Salager-Meyer, 1994), hedges are first and foremost the product of a mental attitude, and decisions about the function of a span of language are bound to be subjective. Taxonomy of Hedges Although not totally comprehensive nor categorically watertight, the scheme below represents the most widely used hedging categories, at least in scientific English. Typically, hedging is expressed through the use of the following strategic stereotypes: 1. Modal auxiliary verbs (the most straightforward and widely used means of expressing modality in English academic writing), the most tentative ones being: may, might, can, could, would, should: - Such a measure might be more sensitive to changes in health after specialist treatment. - Concerns that naturally low cholesterol levels could lead to increased mortality from other causes may well be unfounded. (Observe the cumulative hedging effect: the main and the subordinate clauses are both hedged.) 2. Modal lexical verbs (or the so-called speech act verbs used to perform acts such as doubting and evaluating rather than merely describing) of varying degree of illocutionary force: to seem, to appear (epistemic verbs), to believe, to assume, to suggest, to estimate, to tend, to think, to argue, to indicate, to propose, to speculate. Although a wide range of verbs can be used in this way (Banks, 1994), there tends to be a heavy reliance on the above-mentioned examples especially in academic writing: - Our analyses suggest that high doses of the drug can lead to relevant blood pressure reduction. (Here too we have a cumulative hedging effect) - These results indicate that the presence of large vessel peripheral arterial disease may reflect a particular susceptibility to the development of atherosclerosis. (Same cumulative hedging effect as above) - In spite of its limitations, our study appears to have a number of important strengths. - Without specific training, medical students' communication skills seem to decline during medical training. 3. Adjectival, adverbial and nominal modal phrases: 3.1. probability adjectives: e.g., possible, probable, un/likely 3.2. nouns: e.g., assumption, claim, possibility, estimate, suggestion 3.3. adverbs (which could be considered as non-verbal modals): e.g., perhaps, possibly, probably, practically, likely, presumably, virtually, apparently. - Septicemia is likely to result, which might threaten his life. - Possibly the setting of the neural mechanisms responsible for this sensation is altered in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. - This is probably due to the fact that Greenland Eskimos consume diets with a high content of fish. 4. Approximators of degree, quantity, frequency and time: e.g., approximately, roughly, about, often, occasionally, generally, usually, somewhat, somehow, a lot of. - Fever is present in about a third of cases and sometimes there is neutropenia. - Persistent subjective fatigue generally occurs in relative isolation. 5. Introductory phrases such as I believe, to our knowledge, it is our view that, we feel that, which express the author's personal doubt and direct involvement. - We believe that the chronic fatigue syndrome reflects a complex interaction of several factors. There is no simple explanation. 6. If clauses, e.g., if true, if anything - If true , then, our study contradicts the myth that fishing attracts the bravest and strongest men. 7. Compound hedges . These are phrases made up of several hedges, the commonest forms being: 1. a modal auxiliary combined with a lexical verb with a hedging content (e.g., it would appear ), and 2. a lexical verb followed by a hedging adverb or adjective where the adverb (or adjective) reinforces the hedge already inherent in the lexical verb (e.g., it seems reasonable/probable ). Such compound hedges can be double hedges (it may suggest that; it seems likely that; it would indicate that; this probably indicates ); treble hedges (it seems reasonable to assume that); quadruple hedges (it would seem somewhat unlikely that, it may appear somewhat speculative that), and so on. As can be seen then, all the forms presented above imply that the statements in which they appear contain personal beliefs based on plausible reasoning (or empirical data). Without these strategic stereotypes, readers would imply that the information conveyed pertains to universally established knowledge. Hedges According To Genre And Rhetorical Function The literature on hedging has also revealed the distributional variability in academic prose, the difference being attributable to variation in the communicative purpose not only of different genres, but also of different sections within a text. Salager-Meyer (1993, 1994) showed that medical editorials and review articles are more heavily hedged than research papers and case reports per se. She argues that the stronger the generalization and claim to universality (review papers and editorials), the more hedged the discourse. On a scale from general to particular (or from universality to individuality), editorials and review articles, which evaluate, persuade or argue and appeal to a broad audience, will have many hedged statements. Research papers, which both inform and argue, will be in the middle; and case reports will be at the other end of the scale as illustrated in the figure below: Encyclopedia-like writing Pretension to generalization Editorial Review Paper Author Critical essay writer/evaluator Content: Judgment/value/instruction Novel-like writing Some pretension to generalization Research Paper Author Observer/instructor/critical writer Content: Description/suggestion/advice Short story No pretension to generalization Case Report Author Objective informant Content: Almost pure description Because case reports are clinical observations of a single (or a few) generally rare and even unique entities, they are almost purely descriptive and, therefore, relatively unhedged. Typical of case reports are short-story and anecdote-like sentences such as the following: A previously well 4-year-old boy fell about one meter from a wall and struck the back of his head on concrete. He was not knocked out and got up immediately and continued playing. He did not complain of headache and visual disturbance but shortly afterwards he vomited and his mother took him to the accident and emergency department. By contrast, review articles collect, select, order and interpret the huge outpouring of scientific reports and present relevant (and often controversial) findings and generalizations in a form useful for researchers outside the immediate group working on a given problem. This is why in almost every one of the review paper statements, there is, as Bazerman and Paradis say (1990: 60), some qualifying adverb or adjective that makes the statement more cautious: - The panel suggests that all adults 20 years of age and over should have non-fasting serum cholesterol measured at least once every 5 years. - This seems to support the possibility that depression may be an important clinical feature in monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis. (Observe the cumulative effect of hedging: both the main and the subordinate clauses are hedged.) The frequency of occurrence and types of hedges are not evenly distributed throughout different sections of academic papers (Banks 1994, Salager-Meyer 1994). The typical introduction section of academic papers (Swales, 1990a) includes, inter alia, a survey of the field. It is a hypothesis-making opening section where the unknown or poorly understood is delineated and where scientists mention (mostly with hedge-attributing verbs such as to indicate, to seem, to suggest ) previous research which bears on the same issue as the one their article deals with. - In most cases a psychiatric disorder is involved in the chronic fatigue syndrome and it has been suggested that depression may be a secondary phenomenon. - Although earlier studies indicated that infants who received solids at an early age were heavier than those who were introduced to solids at the recommended time, more recent reports have been unable to confirm this association. The writers use hedging to convince the reader that work remains to be done in their area of inquiry (what Swales refers to as establishing a niche 1990a: 145), i.e., to suggest that the niche they wish to establish does indeed exist. The questions raised in the Introduction section will be answered in the rest of the paper, as what was up to now uncertain is about to be made certain. In the Introduction sections of academic papers, then, hedges serve the purpose of building arguments to support the researchers' own work. As described in Skelton (1988), the Introduction of a scientific article is almost as tentative as an Arts paper. Hedges appear least in the almost purely factual (i.e., unhedged) Methods section, the least discursive and commentative section of academic papers where confirmatory statements are the rule, e.g., - We used data from 31,561 computer files and a computer model was designed to test our risk program. - We recruited 671 infants born after 38-45 weeks' gestation. The Results section is also characterized by a relative absence of hedging devices. When they do appear, however, they tend to foreshadow the discussion which will follow: - This finding strongly suggests that these CNS sites contain neurons and fibers. - One explanation could be that basal glycemia was 151 vs. 127 mg/dl for NA. The abrupt change from objective recounting (Methods and Results sections) to subjective discussion ( Discussion/Conclusion sections) is reflected in the much higher incidence of hedging in the Discussion/Conclusion sections of academic papers. It is in these last two discursive and speculative sections that authors put forward controversial ideas or interpretations and hence most feel the need of protecting themselves from counter argument or other forms of attack: - Repressed homosexuality may have played a role in generating symptoms in some patients. - Our six psychotic patients had possibly quite different aetiologies. - The probability of multiple sclerosis is likely to be much less in clinically atypical cases. - Although it is attractive to suggest that the increased frequency of cervical neoplasia in smokers may be related to another factor, this is by no means proven. Pedagogical Justification In spite of the widespread use of hedges in academic writing, this phenomenon is largely ignored in pedagogical materials geared to non-native speakers of English (NNSE). In an excellent review and critical analysis of ESP/EAP textbooks, Hyland (1994) concludes that in most ESP course books explanations on epistemic strategies are inadequate, the practice material is limited, alternatives for modal verbs are omitted, and empirically-based information concerning the sociolinguistic rules of English scientific discourse communities is absent. In other words, the important pragmatic area represented by hedging devices is under-represented (not to say neglected) in most ESP course books and style manuals. As Hyland (1994: 244) states, the overall picture indicates a need for greater and more systematic attention to be given to this important interpersonal strategy. There are two clear pedagogical justifications for explicitly addressing hedging as an important linguistic function and for assisting learners (even those in the earliest stages) to develop an awareness of the principles and mechanics of its use. 1. It has been stated that foreign language readers frequently tend to give the same weight to hedged (provisional or hypothetical) statements or interpretation as to accredited facts. Since comprehending a text entails both decoding information and understanding the writer's intention, it is of prime importance that students be able to recognize hedging in written texts. 2. The appropriate use of hedging strategies is a significant communicative resource for student writers at any proficiency level, and it plays an important part in demonstrating competence in a specialist register. Crismore and Farnsworth (1990: 135) go as far as saying that hedging is the mark of a professional scientist, one who acknowledges the caution with which s/he does and writes on science. The problem is that proficiency in that pragmatic area appears to be notoriously difficult to achieve in a foreign language (Cohen and Tarone, 1994). Hyland (1994) remarks that the use of modality presents considerable problems for linguistically unsophisticated writers of academic texts, while Bazerman (1988) has noted that a pragmatic failure to modulate successfully represents a feature of the work of L2 students at Western universities. Skelton (1988) further remarks that even those students who have a good control over the grammar and lexis of English write in a direct/unhedged fashion. Student writers (especially NNSE) should then be made aware of the fact that unhedged conclusions are open to criticism and could even be considered as intellectually dishonest. Reading And Writing Classroom Exercises In order to empower NNSE academics to express (and recognize) doubt where there is no certainty, to know how and when to mediate their claims, and to use these techniques successfully, I propose the following reading and writing classroom exercises (presented here below in increasing order of difficulty). The hope is that these exercises will enable learners to use their limited linguistic resources to achieve greater delicacy of meaning. To enhance students' motivation to perform the tasks, I recommend using authentic and challenging materials from their own field of study, which is one of the best ways of developing our students' academic meaning potential. The approach followed in the exercises below is interdisciplinary in nature, combining reading comprehension, writing and sociolinguistic awareness. Reading exercises 1.1. Ask students to circle tentative verbs and modal auxiliaries in a passage: - We conclude that seamen seem to be a special group with a high risk of fatal accidents. This might be because the men who choose to be seamen are accident prone. The occupation is more likely to be having an effect because the mortality from several kinds of accidents appeared to be related to length of employment. We believe that to prevent accidents at work as well as during leisure time, attention should be focused not only on technical devices but also on seamen's lifestyle in general. 1.2. Ask the students to underline all the hedges they can find in a passage and to justify their use. This exercise generally leads to class discussion on the manner in which scientists mitigate and modulate their discourse. Moreover, it gives students a chance to articulate the fact that hedging is a human enterprise whose purpose is to limit the degree of certainty about a fact. Students can also state how a given hedging tactic in English would be rendered in their native language. 1.3. Give the students a reading sample with several reporting verbs and have them identify the different speech acts involved (e.g., making a claim, disagreeing with a colleague's opinion, suggesting further research). Then ask the students to explain which verbs express neutrality, opinion, uncertainty, tentativeness or fact. This exercise will help the students to identify subtle language forms, e.g., to distinguish between weak and strong reporting verbs or to identify mitigation (e.g., a somewhat interesting finding ). The following sample (drawn from the Discussion section of an article on smoking and cervical cancer) illustrates the point: - Our results show a relation between smoking habit and the proportion of DNA modification in cervical epithelium. The presence of modification in cervical epithelium and the correlation with smoking habit strongly suggests that the modifications are a consequence of exposure to tobacco compounds... Women with high proportions of DNA modifications may have an increased susceptibility to cervical cancer. Our study then contradicts the results of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (1986) which claimed that there was not enough evidence to conclude that smoking is a cause of cervical cancer. Prospective studies of women with a high proportion of modified cervical DNA should be carried out to establish the risk. Writing exercises In preparing a written statement, ESP students have to choose speech acts that are socioculturally appropriate (e.g., knowing how to disagree with the results of previous research) and they need to know which strategies or semantic formulae are generally used for a speech act such as disagreement. The main purpose of the following exercises is to help the students to gain some control (in their written assignments) over the language forms that are considered socioculturally appropriate at a given level of formality. 2.1. Present students with utterances containing facts and ask them to rewrite the sentences with tentative verbs of interpretation/opinion (or vice versa, to present students with opinion or comment utterances and ask them to rewrite the sentences with assertive verbs). The following passage could serve as an example: - Middle insomnia is ( may be) associated with exacerbations of illness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with fragmented sleep experienced ( seemed to experience) increased fatigue and joint pain. This is ( appears to be) consistent with findings in animals and humans that sleep deprivation reduces ( tends to reduce) the pain threshold. These findings show ( indicate ) that it is ( may be) possible to treat pain and insomnia concurrently. 2.2. Explain to the students that when they report their own study, they should not sound too sure of the benefits (either practical or theoretical) of their work, without undermining the importance of their research. Students should know, for example, that tentative verbs such as to appear, to seem, to suggest can be used instead of the modals may, can, could to generalize from results when presenting their findings and to emphasize the speculative nature of their statements. 2.3. Instruct students to use tentative verbs when necessary (e.g., suggest, argue, indicate, tend to ) when citing the work of others, i.e., when they write the review of literature of their papers: - The questionnaire called Nottingham Health profile has been criticized because it tends to overlook some very important factors. Indeed, the task of performing a critical review of the work of others (while offering one's own views) is culturally difficult for non-native speakers of English. Cohen and Tarone (1994) report that when confronted with such a task, NNSE simply present views without interpretation, i.e., without taking a stand on the matter. They simply opt out of performing that task. Students need to have at least some control over the linguistic forms or structural conventions that are considered sociolinguistically appropriate when performing speech acts in an academic context. 2.4. This exercise--which could first be done in the students' native language and then in English--is more appropriate with intermediate/advanced students. It consists of presenting two (or more) articles (approximately 1,500 words in length) with conflicting views on a challenging academic theme and in asking students to express their opinion about each article. I believe that this exercise could also help develop the students' critical facilities, especially in contexts where the learners--because they come from a culture where the infallibility of the written word is deeply ingrained--consider it heretical to criticize and question what is written. Conclusion Hedging is a human enterprise, a resource which is inherent in common language. In our daily interactions with our peers, we, human beings--as social beings, par excellence--feel the need to modulate our speech acts in order to guarantee a certain level of acceptability and the possibility of coexistence. The same remark applies to scientific language which is a product of human relations. The strategic stereotypes called hedges permit language users to say something and to comment on what they are saying. From the repertoire of linguistic forms at their disposal, scientists--as any other language user-- resort to those forms which better fit their communicative purposes and which they think will allow them to gain communal adherence and warrant the highest degree of acceptability for the claims they present to the world's store of knowledge, i.e., to the scientific community at large. It would be somewhat erroneous to consider hedges as linguistic devices merely used to convey fuzziness or vagueness. Indeed, because 18th and 19th century deterministic science evolved (in the 20th century) into a probabilistic science, hedges should also be viewed as devices (or discourse strategies) used to reflect not only fundamental characteristics of modern science (skepticism, uncertainty and doubt), but also the true state of the writers' understanding and state of knowledge. Last but not least, the mild speech conveyed by hedges allows researchers to present themselves as cautious, coy, humble and modest servants of their discipline, and to diplomatically negotiate their claims when referring to the work of colleagues and competitors. In other words, hedges enable academics to anticipate peers' criticism and to take oratory precautions, i.e., to participate in the complex game of social interaction and negotiations involved in all scientific publishing where bold and presumptuous statements are frowned upon. The appropriate use of hedging strategies for academic argumentation is a significant resource for student writers and plays an important part in demonstrating competence in a specialist register. Materials writers and LSP practitioners therefore have the responsibility to help students acquire an awareness of why, how and when hedges are used. NNSE scientists should not only be made aware of the need to mediate their claims, but they also need to be taught when to mediate and what semantic formulae are used in English to successfully achieve that goal. A full understanding of hedging devices is critical to academic success and eventual membership in a professional discourse community. Françoise Salager-Meyer holds an. M.A. in Russian language and literature from the University of Lyon (France) and a Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education from the University of Texas at Austin. She has taught Russian for Specific Purposes and French at the University of Texas at Austin and has been teaching ESP at the Graduate School of Medicine of the University of the Andes (Merida, Venezuela) since 1980. Her research interests include discourse analysis and contrastive rhetoric. Notes: 1. The examples presented throughout this paper are authentic statements drawn from the British Medical Journal (1993, Vol 306). 2. One difficulty in assigning a given hedging category to discrete linguistic items is that grammatical forms are capable of fulfilling more than one function. Indeed, many indications of tentativeness are not easily quantifiable and cannot be readily isolated as classes of formal items. Moreover, not all the items listed here correspond to hedging devices. For example, the may in, We may not turn to the following aspect of the problem, or the could in, We could not detect any statistically significant difference, are obviously not hedges.
个人分类: 论文撰写技巧 skills for graduate thesis|1926 次阅读|0 个评论
请教xiaohong, zuojun等英文高手:这个ONLY如何理解?
热度 3 liuli66 2012-1-8 17:08
Plagiarism is incredibly common — 40% of students admit to doing it in written assignments4. Some offenders rationalize the practice by claiming ignorance about what distinguishes acceptable paraphrasing from plagiarism, or by complaining that “ there are only so many ways to say the same thing ”. Providing a footnote to verbatim text won’t suffice. 文中标示出来的句子中的only是什么意思?整句话是什么意思? 凭感觉,这句话应该是: 说同一个东西,就那么几种表达方式,我还能变出什么别的花样来? 原文见 任先生博文提供的 附件。 谢谢xiaohong, zuojun等,也谢谢任先生提供的一样理解。
个人分类: 杂感|680 次阅读|7 个评论
[转载]Matlab 7.0 添加语音处理工具箱(voicebox)
linpandr 2011-11-21 14:51
Matlab 7.0 添加语音处理工具箱(voicebox) voicebox语音处理matlab工具箱,用于语音编码 语音压缩和语音识别。 VOICEBOX is a speech processing toolbox consists of MATLAB routines that are maintained by and mostly written by Mike Brookes, Department of Electrical Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BT, UK. Several of the routines require MATLAB V6.5 or above and require (normally slight) modification to work with earlier veresions. The routines are available as a zip archive and are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License. The routine VOICEBOX.M contains various installation-dependent parameters which may need to be altered before using the toolbox. In particular it contains a number of default directory paths indicating where temporary files should be created, where speech data normally resides, etc. See the comments in voicebox.m for a fuller description. For reading compressed SPHERE format files, you will need the SHORTEN program written by Tony Robinson and SoftSound Limited www.softsound.com. The path to the shorten executable must be set in voicebox.m. Please send any comments, suggestions, bug reports etc to mike.brookes@ic.ac.uk. 官方主页: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.html 官方下载: http://www.ee.ic.ac.uk/hp/staff/dmb/voicebox/voicebox.zip 1、解压voicebox.zip,将整个目录voicebox复制到MATLAB的安装目录的TOOLBOX目录下,如D:\MATLAB7\toolbox\ 2、打开Matlab,在MATLAB命令窗口中输入以下命令: cd D:\MATLAB7\toolbox\voicebox addpath(genpathKPM(pwd)) 将TOOLBOX下新加的voicebox工具箱加到MATLAB的搜索路径中去。 添加voicebox工具箱的MATLAB的搜索路径也可采用如下指令 addpath(genpath('D:\MATLAB7\toolbox\voicebox')) 3、为了永久保存上面的路径,以免下次重启MATLAB时重新添加,在MATLAB命令窗口下使用下面的命令: savepath 4、检验是否成功设置的方法: 在命令窗口中输入以下命令:which activlev.m(可以为所加工具箱的任一个M文件名称),如果显示正 确,就说明上面的设置成功。 which activlev.m D:\MATLAB7\toolbox\voicebox\activlev.m
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Paper written by HL Wang was Accepted
yuzige 2011-10-28 08:33
Ms.Ref.No.:JMAD-D-11-02389R2 Title:TemperatureDependencyofInterlaminarShearStrengthof2D-C/SiCComposite MaterialsandDesign DearMr.chengyuzhang, Iampleasedtoinformyouthatyourpaper"TemperatureDependencyofInterlaminarShearStrengthof2D-C/SiCComposite"hasbeenacceptedforpublicationinMaterialsandDesign. Belowarecommentsfromtheeditorandreviewers. ThankyouforsubmittingyourworktoMaterialsandDesign. Yourssincerely, K.L.Edwards EditorinChief MaterialsandDesign Commentsfromtheeditorsandreviewers: Editor:Thankyouformakingthechangessuggested.Yourpaperisnowconsideredacceptableforpublicationinthejournal. ****************************************** ForanytechnicalqueriesaboutusingEES,pleasecontactElsevierAuthorSupportat authorsupport@elsevier.com Globaltelephonesupportisavailable24/7: ForTheAmericas:+18888347287(toll-freeforUSCanadiancustomers) ForAsiaPacific:+81355615032 ForEuroperestoftheworld:+35361709190
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