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热度 2 tanghe1510 2016-4-9 13:55
最近收到港大理学院的一份电邮,是关于港大总体学科以及理学院各个学科的基本科学指数(essential science indicators)在世界范围内的排名情况。此份客观数据是汤森·路透(Thomson Reuters)公司根据科学网(web of science)所收录的全世界各个学术机构于2005-2016年间所发表的科学论文的被引用数据而排列出的,具有基本的客观性。 首先,根据这份客观数据,港大的总体学科排名位于世界第210位。例如,港大所有学科于2005-2016年间在科学网所记载的发表总量是29670篇,被引用的总次数是475050次,平均单篇文献(以下简称“均单”)的被引用次数是16.01,高端论文(top paper)的篇数是583(参见附后的数据截图I)。就港大目前最高约1100位助理教授及以上的教职人员(港大2014/2015年度教授系列人员(Professoriate Staff)数据)而言,这个数据还是相当不错的。粗略估计,港大助理教授及以上教职员在过去的十年间,大约每人每年发表约2.7篇学术论文。港大的总体学科排名在香港所有院校中名列第一,领先于港中文的第299位以及港科大的第462位。这反映了港大总体的学科实力,以及在香港所有院校中的领先地位。众所周知,港大是一所综合性的大学,其医学、牙医学、人文学科、商科、经济、管理等学科均有较高的世界排名。 再就港大理学院的分科而言,地球科学(Geosciences)排名最高,在世界上排第140位,均单的被引用次数是24.94,高端论文数是63。在基本科学指引者(Essential Science Indicators)数据库中,港大地球科学系有5位教授系列人员位列其中,这也说明港大地球科学系教授研究论文的素质。港大分子生物与基因学(Molecular Biology Genetics)的世界排名是240,均单的被引用次数是38.64,高端论文数是27。港大的环境/生态学(Environment/Ecology)的世界排名是276,均单的被引用次数是16.07,高端论文数是13。港大农业科学(Agricultural Sciences)的世界排名是280,均单的被引用次数是17.96,高端论文数是9。港大的生物/生物化学(Biology Biochemistry)的世界排名是307,均单的被引用次数是18.52,高端论文数是13。港大植物/动物科学(Plants Animal Science)的世界排名是386,均单的被引用次数是16.12,高端论文数是12。港大理学院有关的上述学科在香港所有院校中的世界排名最高。但以下最基础的理学学科的排名,港大却落后于香港兄弟院校。 港大化学(Chemistry)的世界排名是248,均单的被引用次数是22.15,高端论文数是22。这些指标落后于香港科大(世界排名第145),位于香港所有院校中的第二位。港大物理(Physics)的世界排名是465,均单的被引用次数是12.42,高端论文数是45。香港城大物理的世界排名是374,均单的被引用次数是13.51,高端论文数是33。香港科大物理的世界排名是419,均单的被引用次数是14.41,高端论文数是46。香港理工物理的世界排名是514,均单的被引用次数是10.04,高端论文数是12。而香港中文物理的世界排名是550,均单的被引用次数是11.76,高端论文数是35。从这些数据看,港大物理在香港所有院校中位于第三位,落后于城大和科大(参见附后的数据截图II)。 港大材料科学(Materials Science)的世界排名是204,均单的被引用次数是16.55,高端论文数是25。港大材料科学的世界排名在香港所有院校中排第四位,落后于城大、理工和科大。港大数学(Mathematics)的世界排名是224,均单的被引用次数是4.97,高端论文数是5。港大数学的世界排名在香港排第五位,落后于城大、中大、浸会和理工。 通过以上客观基本科学数据的排列和分析,港大总体的学科实力还是不错的,但离世界顶尖水平(如世界排名前50位)仍有相当大的差距。港大的最基本理学学科,如数学、物理和化学都排名不尽理想。笔者不知道这个数据是否包括天文学科(Astronomy),港大物理系现有助理教授及以上的教授人员18名,其中有5位从事天文学科的科研,其馀从事凝聚态物理以及材料科学方面的科研。虽然与世界上的主要大学的物理系乃至香港其它兄弟院校的物理系相比,港大物理系教授系列人员体量偏小,但科研产出,尤其是科研论文的质量需要大幅提高,如将均单论文的被引用次数从目前的12.42提高到16-20仍然是一个亟需巨大付出的挑战。笔者相信,随着教授系列新晋年轻教员的崛起,港大物理在接下来的10年学科排名会有较大幅度的提高。 (2016年4月9日星期六写于港大庄月明物理楼)
个人分类: 说说而已|7948 次阅读|5 个评论
再谈 脑见(brainsight)
热度 2 张能立 2016-4-2 11:18
在“ 脑见(brainsight)与 眼见(see) ”博文中,笔者 创造出 一个 新的 概念(concept):脑见(brainsight)。文中 给出了 脑见(brainsight)的 定义:从 信息学 角度讲,脑见 是 大脑 对 五官 所接受到的 外界 信息 进行 深加工(deeply process);从 思维学 角度讲,从 众多 特殊性(specialization) 中 归纳(induce) 出 普遍性(generalization) 或 共同 基础(common base);由 普遍性(generalization) 或 共同 基础(common base) 演绎(deduce) 或 预示(prediction) 某些 特殊性(specialization)。这篇 博文 将以 一道 小学 4年级 数学 题目,继续 讨论 脑见(brainsight) 问题。 小学 4年级 数学 有 小数 内容。有一道 题目:填写 下述 小数 相邻的 整数,如图1 所示: 图1 一道 小学 数学 题目 这个 题目,无论 是 对于 小学生,还是 成人,都是 小儿科。问题 在于,看到 这道 题目 后,除了 马上 写下 1 1.6 2 之外,脑海 还能 想象出 与 这个 题目 相关的 其它 对象 或者 场景? 当然,一个 很自然的 联想 就是 直尺,如图2 所示: 图2 直尺 除了 能够 联想到 直尺 之外,图1 所示的 不等式 能否 在生活 或者 工作 之中,寻找到 其 身影? 某一天 上午,我 在 邻居 华师大的 体育场 跑步,看到 一位 体育 老师,拿着 秒表 在 记录 10多位 学生 800米 跑步的 成绩,顿时 产生了 一个 顿悟:一个 秒表 如何 记录 多位 同学的 跑步 成绩的 呢? 图3 大学生 跑步 在 晚餐 交流 中,我 将 这个 问题 抛给了 正在 读小学 4年级的 孩子。她 想了 一下 回答:“有一种 秒表 可以 记录 多个 时间,一个 同学 过终点线,就按 一下。” 我 说:“问题 中的 秒表 没有 这个 功能,那么,如何 解决 问题的 呢?” 她 又说:“找 多个 人 来 记录。” 我 继续 说:“问题中 就 只有 一位 体育 老师 和 一块 秒表,那么,如何 解决 问题的 呢?” 她 无法 将 图1 所示的 不等式 与 这个 跑步 计时 场景 关联 起来。见状,我 顺手 用 餐桌上的 纸巾,搓 几个 纸团,当 学生,以 餐桌 当 跑道,给 她 讲解 一种 解决 方法:当 第一位 同学 冲过 终点线的 时候,眼睛 看一下 秒表,且用脑袋 记忆;最后 一位 同学 冲过 终点线的 时候,同样 如此 操作。其他 同学 所用的 时间,就 介于 第一位 和 第二位 同学 两者 之间。于是,就有 这样的 关联: “1”:第一位 同学 “2”:最后 一位 同学 “1.6”:其他的 同学 从 图2 所示的 看似 不起眼的 问题,如果 展开 讨论,我们 就可以 发现 brainsight 是 一种 从 不同 场景,抽象 出 共同 模式(pattern)的 能力 。例如, 从 直尺 和 跑步 计时 两个 不同的 场景,抽象 出 图1 所示的 不等式 这个 模式(pattern) 。 有一次,我 从 菜场 买回 一块 冬瓜。我 正要 用刀 切 冬瓜的 皮的 时候,产生了 一个 教育 契机。我 向 孩子 展示了 两种 不同的 切分,然后 问 孩子:“切法 1 和 切法 2 有何区别?”孩子 立即 回答:“切法 1,我们 可以 多吃 一些 冬瓜。” 图4 冬瓜 与 数学 孩子 目前 只有 眼见(see)能力,因此,无法 洞见:随着 多边形的 边数 越多,多边形 越是 接近 圆。 从 切冬瓜 这个 事例 可以 看出,brainsight 是 一种 极限 和 外推的 思维 能力。 还有 一次,我 和 孩子 就 洋葱的 截面 进行了 一番 对话。我 向 孩子 提出 一个 问题:“你 看,洋葱的 截面,是 由 很多 圆 组成的。这些 圆 有 什么 特征的 呢?” 图5 洋葱 与 数学 孩子 回答:“这些 圆 越来 越小。”从 孩子的 回答 可以 看出,她 目前 也只具有 眼见(see) 能力,而不具备 brainsight 能力。她 没有 能够 洞察出:这些 不同的 圆 具有 相同 圆心,属于 数学上的 同心圆;这些 看似 大小 不同的 圆,无论 大小(周长) 怎么 变化,但是,周长 与 直径 之比 不变(PI)。 从 洋葱 截面 这个 事例 来看, brainsight 是 一种 能够 从 多个 变化的 对象 之中 洞察出 不变的 对象的 能力 。 综上 所述,本篇 博文 在上一篇 博文的 基础 之上,进一步 拓展了 brainsight的 内涵: brainsight 是 一种 能够 洞察 不同 场景 蕴藏 相同 模式(pattern)的 能力, 是 一种 极限 和 外推的 思维 能力 及 能够 从 多个 变化的 对象 之中 洞察出 不变的 对象的 能力 。 思维 规律 博文 汇总
个人分类: 教育|1943 次阅读|2 个评论
lixujeremy 2014-10-18 17:25
问题:已知多幅裁剪之后的影像,他们存在着多一行(或列)的问题,将其中行(列)最小的影像作为多幅影像的共同区域,达到批量提取其他影像的目的? 方法: ENVI+IDL 。 练习数据中, mask.tif 是行(列)最小的影像,即为多幅影像的共同区域。 1 比 mask.tif 多一行(列),代码运行的结果是 result ,行(列)与 mask.tif 一致,其第一波段即是 mask.tif ,其他波段为 1 影像。 文件 test.pro 是代码的入口。代码运行结果与 ENVI 操作 结果一致。 附上练习数据及代码( practice.rar Updated by LI Xu 7 November, 2014 )。 注意不同文件之间数据类型差别,可能在批处理过程中要适当修改代码中选择数据类型的规则( out_dt=max(in_dt) )。 References IDL Data Types .
个人分类: ENVI/IDL|6624 次阅读|0 个评论
决定佛里德里希共济失调 GAA/TTC扩增的途径被确定?
duke01361 2013-1-10 08:41
决定佛里德里希共济失调GAA/TTC扩增的途径被确定 引自美国SCIENCEDAILY(米国科学日报) 米国佐治亚理工大学的研究人员发现,决定佛里德里希共济失调GAA/TTC扩增得基因多达33个,显然这似乎也是一个多基因决定的数量遗传。但是,如此众多的基因对患者基因组上特定位点的GAA/TTC扩增的具有影响,而不是对整个基因组内所有GAA/TTC重复序列都具有影响,这很让人费解。 众多基因针对特定基因座内的GAA/TTC重复序列产生影响,而不是对基因组范围内的所有同类重复序列的稳定性产生影响不合情理。尽管如此,此文发表在去年的著名杂志《分子细胞》上。该项研究由美国NIH和国家自然科学基金共同支持,但相同的工作却得不到中国国家自然科学基金的支持。 笔者为争取中国国家自然科学基金的支持,在长达7~8年时间里连续申请中国国家自然科学基金均没有成功。 这也反映了中国和米国“国家自然科学基金”的眼界和高度据有明显的差异。 Sep. 10, 2012 — A study of more than 6,000 genes in a common species of yeast has identified the pathways that govern the instability of GAA/TTC repeats. In humans, the expansions of these repeats is known to inactivate a gene -- FXN -- which leads to Friedreich's ataxia, a neurodegenerative disease that is currently incurable. In yeast, long repeats also destabilize the genome, manifested by the breakage of chromosomes. Working with collaborators at Tufts University, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology identified genetic deficiencies associated with the instability of the repeats in four different classes of genes that control replication, transcription initiation, checkpoint response and telomere maintenance. They were surprised to find that the GAA/TTC repeats could promote gene expression in yeast, suggesting that the repeats may play both positive and negative roles in cells. While the study examined the repeat metabolisms in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae , the researchers believe their discoveries may have implications for human disease because many components of genetic machinery have been conserved in evolution. The study was reported online Sept. 6 in the journal Molecular Cell . The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF ). The expansions occur in GAA/TTC sequences located on the FXN gene that plays a vital role in cell metabolism. Patients with Friedreich's ataxia can have as many as 1,700 copies of the nucleotide sequence, compared to fewer than 65 copies in individuals without the genetic expansion. Although not yet observed in humans, in yeast the expanded repeats can cause chromosomal fragility, which -- despite cellular repair mechanisms -- can produce errors resulting in dramatic genomic rearrangements. "How these expansions happen is a very mysterious process, and we do not know why some people get the disease and some people do not," said Kirill Lobachev, an associate professor in Georgia Tech's School of Biology. "We are trying to develop a simplistic way to determine what individuals may be predisposed to the disease and to find the genotypes where these expansions occur with great frequency." At the core of the study was detailed screening of the yeast's entire genome, some 6,000 genes in all. Conducted by graduate research assistant Yu Zhang, the exhaustive assay identified 33 genes associated with the repeats fragility and expansions. The connection between genomic expansion and genes that initiate transcription came as a surprise. "We found that these repeats can recruit transcription initiation factors and induce transcription," said Lobachev. "The repeats seem to work as non-traditional promoters for an abnormal type of transcription. It turns out that this ability to drive transcription is a significant factor in their instability. That makes this a more complicated story for sure, however, it also opens new avenues to examine the repeats." The ability of the repeats to affect the activity of genes may indicate a broader effect on the genome, and if the effect is also seen in humans, could account for some of the subtle differences between individuals. "By some estimates, there may be a thousand locations in our chromosomes where these repeats can expand," said Lobachev. "Probably each person differs in the number of repeats in specific locations. This is important because of their ability to change gene expression." Among the next steps in the research is to determine how the expansions occur in cells that aren't dividing, such as neurons. The genetic mechanisms involved in cell replication offer clear opportunities for repeat expansions, but the mechanism for repeat amplification in non-dividing cells remains a mystery. The researchers believe the finding that GAA/TTC repeats can promote transcription provides clues for understanding what is going on in terminally differentiated cells. Why repeats with the detrimental ability to expand have remained a part of the genomes also remains a question. Genetic processes that hinder an organism's competitiveness are normally eliminated during the process of evolution. "Perhaps these repeats play a positive role in the cell when they are small, but because of their ability to expand, they sometimes get out of control and become larger," Lobachev said. The findings reported in the yeast, which is commonly used in wine-making and brewing, may help chart a new course in human studies. Scientists often begin genetic research with simpler organisms such as yeast, and use the findings to provide direction for examining similar mechanisms in humans. "A lot of the processes that are going on in our cells and in yeast cells are the same," Lobachev noted. "These processes are highly conserved throughout evolution. The history of biology tells us that most probably what we find in yeast is going to turn out to be true in humans." Lobachev hopes the study will lead to new research, both in yeast genetics and humans. "We have built a map for future analysis so that when people sequence the genome and find deficiencies in particular genes, that will be a clear prediction that individuals with those deficiencies will be predisposed to instability," Lobachev said. "There are now several directions for us and other labs to pursue to see what is really happening here. In addition to those already mentioned, the study's authors also included Alexander Shishkin, Dana Marcinkowski-Desmond and Sergei Mirkin from Tufts University, and Yuri Nishida, Natalie Saini and Kirill Volkov from Georgia Tech.
个人分类: Science in action|3328 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-9 13:33
This time, it is really about common sense. I stayed home on Monday, though I went to work briefly after 4 pm (so I could park near my office) to refine a model parameter . I took the Election Day off on Tuesday, and stayed home on Wednesday again. When I finally went to work at lunch time today, I found a strange "welcome." I showed up at my office after lunch, and said hello to my "office mates." Then, I went to my computer, to get some work done. M y mind was on something, my research, but distractions came again and again. I had to deal with one a fte r another truly stupid question, about office space or luncheon , and I was getting irritated . Oh, Lord. Wher e is the common sense? Didn't your mother ever t e ll you to say nothing IF you can't say something nice???
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|90 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 zuojun 2012-11-7 02:07
No, this is actually NOT about common sense , to th ink about it again. A NEW client came to me, with a manuscript coauthored by two people, WHO and HU. I knew HU very well, since he is a good friend of mine, and also an old client of mine. So, I did my editing, and told the new client that another round of editing is needed before the paper is submitted. WHO said ok. I waited, and did others things while waiting. FIVE more new clients came (yeah, I guess I must be good at editing), which kept me busy, not to mention that I have my own paper to write (which gives me many real headaches). This morning, I received an invitation from JGR to review a paper. I thought the topic was familiar but the authors we re NOT; in particular, I knew the second author and I did not edit his paper on this topic. So, I clicked "accept" to review, and thinking that I could get this review done today, because voting in Kahala should not take much time. As soon as I saw the first author's affiliation, I knew I was IN BIG TROUBLE. I went back to my log and saw I did edit this paper a month ago! Shxt, I was pissed! I had to search for the editor's real email, and explained to him why I messed up... This Blog will not be open for long, since I don't think WHO will read it soon but might if I kept it open. It bothers me a great deal why WHO did what WHO did, such as changing the second author's name, and naming me as one of the potential reviewers. Does WHO know what honesty is, or what conflict of interest means??? T he tough question for me is whether or not I should blacklist WHO ...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|240 次阅读|4 个评论
One earth, one life------Human common belief in future
shermanwang 2012-9-21 04:47
One earth, one life ------Human common belief in future Xiao Ming Wang Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine China E-mail: shermanwang@yahoo.com.cn , foxglove@163.com Abstract: The author proposed a new perspective to contemplate the nature of life and pursue the philosophy of life and healthy. He first g a ve the definition of what is one life sufficiently and necessarily. Any one thing or one body which has following five characteristics is one life: from small to big (growth); from one to two or one generation to next generation (reproduction); self-regulation; can be killed; age to death; he concluded the basic tendency of life development on the earth, discuss ed the relation of human life and the life surround human. The human life faced the challenge in era of globalization . Propose d human should have a community common belief in future: one earth is one life. All people of whatever country or ethnic should love one earth life and preserve the life of earth . It is determine the destiny of the humankind Keywords : the definition of one life; human common belief; the development of life; the philosophy of life and healthy; the challenge of globalization 1. I ntroduction As the developing of internet technique and globalization of world economy, the knowledge of science and technology spread all over the world. Human society has tremendous change. The environment of the earth also changes sharply. All life on the earth inevitably to adapt to this new tendency. What life may survival in future on earth? Human behavior has made a great impact on the system of all bio-organisms on the earth . T he integration of t he world economy gradually impacts all human society to become one life organism. But this change may also cause many great challenges for every people survive in the world life system. It may cause financial crisis, political conflict, military competition , nuclear war and other social problem , or disaster , or tragedy. One human life need all man has common belief. Only human common belief can make human have common criterion of human behavior that can judge about what is correct and what is wrong. H uman also need to regulate their behavior to accommodate to the change of environment . Without common belief, human life will has endless social and state conflicts. 2. The concept of one life and The development of life on earth Aristotle said that all man by nature want to know. Man wants to know every being as being surrounded him and every thing about himself. What is the most general and fundamental inquiry that man wants to know? What is life? How is the life on the earth developing? What is the relation of the human life and the lives surrounded us? Because the abundan ce of phenomena of life, people are perplexed by the concept of what is life. The current understanding is descriptive. Life is considered a characteristic of organisms that exhibit all or most of the following: Homeostasis :. Organization :. Metabolism :. Growth :. Adaptation : Response to stimuli :. Reproduction : Although it is still a challenge for scientists and philosophers to define life in unequivocal terms, we can precisely, sufficiently and necessarily give a definition of what is one life. Any one thing or one body has following five characteristics that can be said one life: growth (from small to big); reproduction (from one to two or from one generation to second generation); self-regulation; can been killed; age to death. Each one life has four period of life expectation: birth; growth; reproduction; death. From this philosophical perspective, we can better understand the life of human body, human society and the lives surrounded human. We can better survive on the earth, preventing our lives from diseases, wars and social tragedy. We can better treat the relation of the human life and the lives surrounded us and adjust our life to coordinative with the environment, protecting the environment and prolonging our lifespan. It is so common and important question that everyone should know what is one life. One life is a process, not a pure substance. Any definition must be sufficiently broad to encompass all life with which we are familiar, and must be necessarily general to include life that may be fundamentally different from life on Earth. The holistic idea of the Earth as an integrated whole, a living being, has a long tradition, but the first scientific discussion was by the Scottish scientist James Hutton . James lovelock first proposes the Gaia hypothesis that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system , maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. According to the perspective that we suggested, you know each cell of you body has one life. All cells of yours compose one body, which is your one life. Your central nervous system regulates all lives of your cells, adjusted whole body to adapt the change of surroundings. Your body is one complicate cell social organism. Your family is one life. Your company is one life. The city you lived in is one life. Your native is one life. Your country is one life. The whole biosphere of the earth is one life. It regulates all lives on the earth, self- sustaining itself from one generation to second generation and keeping all material on earth surface to recycle, especially carbon , nitrogen and water recycling . It transport solar energy to biological energy and transmits energy on the surface of the earth. From the history of life developing on earth as we known, we can conclude: The earth biosphere consist of many different life species, life types, and life levels. Same life species live on same energy and materials in same way. Different life species live on different material or different energy or in different space. A species of life can differentiate to many different types of life. Different life type live on same material in same space has different function. A level of life may be composed of many life types and/or life species,. More life levels sustain the life more stable on the earth. Which kind of life can survive a long lifespan? The development of life has three tendencies: Life Species evolution --- survival of the fittest , which Charles Darwin first proposed the T heory of Evolution; Life Type specialization ---- survival of the most efficient, Life Level multiplication --- survival of the more stable homeostasis system. Chemical material transform, energy transmit, information transport t more efficient in multi level life system. 3. T he relationship of human life and the life around human According to the perspective we suggested above, human life is a part of one earth life. One earth life has self-regulated all species of life on the biosphere; one life is an open self-regulation system. No life can survive in an isolated close space consistently. This has been demonstrated by the Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona (USA) . As the climate change, all life species should evolve to adapt the change. All life level control wh at species may sustain to survive. Human life belongs to his ecological life . H uman has no ability to control his ecological life, but human life or human behavior may force the ecological life change or evolution. We all often see some specie life suddenly burst out in some ecological system, all of this species regulated by his ecological life when the species life unbalance. If the life specie sharply unbalance, that may cause many species life extinct. Some new evolve specie life bring out. Or wholly ecological life dies . The more specie life in one ecological life, the more stable ecological system, and the stronger the one ecological life is. Otherwise on contrast the ecological life is weak er . As the human life become too strong, it may cause may other species life extinct. This behavior wills weak the ecological life. All material should recycle on biosphere of earth. In o ne health life , chemical materials transform continua lly , energy transport in balance. The e arth rotates day and night. It causes s olar light energy transport on earth unbalance on the surface. This unbalance cause s the transport ation of energy and material of the earth unsmooth . Thus lead the climate unstable a nd atmosphere recycle unstable. At the life beginning on the earth, there was only one kind of original primitive specie of life. As this life was from one to two, and more, the shortage of space and energy and material happened . Some move d to other place or space to survive, some evolve d new specie life to live on new material and energy, some organize d more level to more efficiently use material and energy . A ll of this improves the climate stable and environment stable. Life grows gloriously on earth. 4. T he challenge of human life in an Era of Globalization As the developing of human society and economical globalization, the human gradually been integrated to one human life. This also causes great challenge for the survival of human life. Different country and ethnic have different history, culture and value. They are on different developing level. Different h uman r ights conception and c ultural d iversity may cause many conflicts. The growing economy disparity in wealth and access to resources, coincide with an alarming increase in violence, poverty and unemployment, and the erosion of environmental stability. At the same time, previously isolated peoples are being brought together voluntarily and involuntarily by the increasing integration of markets, the emergence of new regional political alliances, and remarkable advances in telecommunications and transportation that have push all people to become a life organism which need more complicate self-regulate mechanism. . This situation sharpens a long-standing dilemma: Li fe existed on the earth face many challenges and risk . M any factors can kill the life. Some unbalances may cause human social tragedy: How human can keep human life healthy developing and prevent from economic and social crisis? Does our generation can find enough wisdom to solve the problem? W henever and what ever kind change take place between groups of human, nobody can change that all human life belong a part of an earth life, one earth life certainly regulate all human life in itself own natural mechanism. 5. Human common belief Although Human life has not integrated to become one life completely and perfectly nowadays, human life certainly belongs to one earth life . I n the history of human, human individual or organisms or country have no ability to destroy the one earth life . A s the science and technology develop in whole world in future and economy growth and environment destruction, the behavior of some country or some individual may have some ability to do some thing destroy the one earth life that the earth life can not self-regulate to repair the damage of human behavior, that will be made the one earth life can not from one generation to next generation. The life on the earth is end. As the human life gradually to become one single life, wholly people need common belief. Only have common belief that human can build up a series of self-regulation method to sustain one human life with one earth life harmony . P eople from different culture and different history can set up same criterion to have international law or rule to regulate human behavior, to force human life adapt to one earth life change .and prolong human life expectation . The development of human economy system and politics system is more health , social stability economic prosperous keep the life system harmony growth and reproduction . Only all human have common belief can rescued human life from nuclear war and massacre . without common belief , the growth of country must lead the contest of the material source and space. Different political philosophy can not coexist together finally the military war happens. Human society may conflict endless and individual may easily has mental disorder People believe G od he unwilling to do anything against Jesus, people believe Buddhism he unwilling to do anything against Buddha Mani. People believe Muslim he unwilling to do anything against Mohammed. People believe one earth is one life, he unwilling to do anything harmful the life system of the earth. Although some religious belief that earth is alive, that one earth is one life is scientific belief . I t is truth of life. WE BELIEVE IN THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH, THE QUEST FOR BEAUTY, AND THE STRUGGLE FOR EXCELLENCE; IS GOOD LIVING; A. Vaughan Abercrombie References Iztok Prezelj , HUMSEC Challenges in Conceptualizing and Providing Human Security http:// www. humsec .eu/cms/index.php?id=356 Diana Ayton-Shenker, The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity ( Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information ) DPI/1627/HR--March 1995 http://www.un.org/rights/dpi1627e.htm Joseph Morales , The Definition of Life Psychozoan: A Journal of Culture Copyright 1998 http://www.baharna.com/philos/life.htm Daniel E Koshland Jr , The seven pillars of life . Science . Washington: Mar 22, 2002 . Vol. 295, Iss. 5563; pg. 2215, 2 pgs h ttp:// www.sciencemag.org/content/295/5563/2215.full.pdf Definition of life Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Ultimate Reference Suite Wikipedia, Life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition_of_life Wikipedia, Philosophy of biology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy_of_biology A. V. Abercrombie, COMMON BELIEFS TO LIVE BY , http:// www.naccc.org/CMSUploads/474_ Common _ Beliefs .pdf
5966 次阅读|0 个评论
amelielele 2012-7-12 05:14
Propensity score matching 是时下经济学评价政策效应的流行方法。或许用生物里的对照实验来解释比较好。假设我们需要了解一种新药的疗效,我们不能同时观察到同一个体接受治疗和没有治疗的结果。所以它的基本思想是在找到未参与者作为 对照组 ,他们接受治疗前特征与实验组应该尽可能的相似,所谓“其他条件一致”。这个特征(common support)的选择,以及相似的标准(matching algorithm)则正是propensity score matching的核心了。这个方法从生物学研究发展到经济学研究政策效应或许都源于个体对自己的思考。 你的面前有两条路,你选择了一条,如何知道选择了另一条与现在的你有多大的差别呢?这个世界再找不到一个同样的你来完成这样的一个实验,所以这对生物学家来说一定是一个难题,因为这无法在实验室完成,对经济学家而言,一定是成本大于收益的。但他们可以找到另一个特质与你及其相似的你,可惜总不能让你的父母生下双胞胎的另一个你来完成这样的一个实验, 但无论如何这都是兴师动众的一样活。 又或者当人们都好奇到如此,形成了一个市场,让物理学家们来开发这样的一个产品,在另一个星球有另一个你(正物质,反物质?),在交叉口你选择了另一条路,再现在地球上生活的你。让你得以瞥见另一个自己,是欢笑是悲伤,又或者是一样的碌碌无为。这或许应该交给像Robert Frost 这样的诗人。 The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I marked the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
个人分类: 心情笔记|3311 次阅读|0 个评论
activated carbon
hubin 2012-6-4 11:44
1996 Effect of steam and carbon dioxide activation in the micropore size distribution of activated carbon The three series of activated carbons were prepared from a common char, prepared by the carbonization of olive stones (nitrogen flow of 80 ml min -1 ; 850 ℃ ; heating rate, 5 ℃ min -1 ; residence time 2 hours). Activated carbons prepared by carbon dioxide activation exhibit a larger micropore volume and a narrower micropore size distribution than those prepared by steam activation. 2001 Mesoporous high-surface-area activated carbon The shells or seeds were dried at 110 o C, crushed and sieved to a uniform size of 1.0–2.0 mm. Subsequently, ZnCl 2 in the form of a powder and about 10 ml of water were added to the raw material to provide ZnCl 2 -to-shell ratios varying from 0.25 to 3 by weight. The mixtures were dehydrated overnight at 110 o C and pyrolysed under a flow of nitrogen in a quartz tube held in a horizontal furnace (Carbolite). The temperature was ramped at 10 o C/min up to 800 o C. Nitrogen was replaced by CO 2 when the temperature reached 800 o C and the carbon soaked at these conditions for 2–3 h. The activated products were then cooled, washed successively with deionised water, hydrochloric acid (0.1 mol/l) and hot deionised water to remove the zinc and chloride compounds. After overnight drying in air at 110 o C, N 2 adsorption–desorption isotherms of the carbons were measured using a gas sorption analyser (Nova-1000, Quantachrome) to determine surface area and pore volume. At low ZnCl 2 -to-shell ratios, micropore formation is the dominating mechanism; pore widening becomes important as the ratio increases. Pore widening takes place at the expense of micropore formation for high ZnCl 2 -to-shell ratios, thereby reducing the micropore content. 2003 Production of granular activated carbon from fruit stones and nutshells and evaluation of their physical, chemical and adsorption properties Almond, walnut, hazelnut shells and apricot stones were used as starting materials. These raw materials were broken with a Waring commercial blender and sieved to a particle size of 1–1.25 mm in diameter. Granulated raw materials were dried at 110 o C for 24 h. Dried raw materials were mixed with a solution of ZnCl2 (30 wt.%). The mixture was dehydrated at 103 o C for 6–10–18–24 h and subsequently activated at 750–800–850 o C for 2 h in the presence of N 2 (40 ml min -1 flow rate). The activated samples were washed initially with 1.2 M hydrochloric acid solution. Further washing was done with hot distilled water. Products were dried at 110 o C for 24 h in a thermostatically controlled oven.
个人分类: 科研笔记|3070 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 waterlilyqd 2012-5-13 22:11
Several common issues in English papers written by Chinese Authors 1. 不按投稿要求准备稿件 Manuscripts are not prepared according to the requirements of the object journals. This phenomenon is very common, especially in literature citation and reference indexing. Some manuscripts submitted to the JMS still follow the citation-order system while JMS requires author-year system. Besides reference, JMS have strict requirements on figure format and size, even on the word fonts and the word size in the figures. In addition, JMS requires the authors’ family names be capitalized, the corresponding author’s email address be listed. The manuscripts which can’t follow the JMS Guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision and then resubmit. This will greatly prolong the manuscript processing period. 2. 摘要很短或者摘要中大部分介绍研究目的 The manuscript has only a brief abstract or the research objective occupies the large part of the abstract. In an original paper, an abstract should include the research objective (should be introduced concisely), the study methods or technology (such as the study sites, study materials, major test equipment or facilities, main experimental process, statistical or analytical methods), and the important study results and conclusions. Some papers use a great deal of words to describe the research purpose (objectives) but only one or two sentences to describe the research methods and results. It looks top-heavy. 3. 只把读者定位在中国人群 Some Chinese authors seem to take the papers’ readers to be Chinese only. To a Chinese, some abbreviations have very clear meaning, but it's not the case to a foreignreader or reviewer . Usually they have the following characteristics: (1) Writing some events in abbreviations and don’t give any further description, such as “the 5.12 Earthquake ”; (2) Frequently using “at home and abroad” in the paper while it refers to “China and other countries”. In fact it doesn’t need to add this phrase. As an international English journal, JMS has readers and authors around the world. So every author with his manuscript submitted to JMS should take his readers globally, and his literature review also should NOT be limited in his own countries’ literature but all the important and directly relevant literature around the world. In the discussion part, it should bethe same. Here I have several examples which repeatedly mention “at home and abroad” in the literature review. Example one : “The quantitative test and analysis about the viscoelastic behaviors of different viscous debris flows from triggering, thixotropy and shearing movement were not developed both at home and abroad for the restrictions of rheological equipments. Example two : The rheological dynamic oscillatory tests were made to study the debris flow slurry from Jiangjiagou Ravine with the further rheological research at home and abroad . Example three : The quantitative test and analysis about the viscoelastic behaviors of different viscous debris flows from triggering, thixotropy and shearing movement were not developed both at home and abroad for the restrictions of rheological equipments. (3) Use a chain of Pinyin for the names of the sites, which greatly confuse a reader who can’t understand Pinyin. In a manuscript about the secondary disaster caused by the May 12 Wenchuan Earthquake, the authors mentioned many sites, including administrative regions, rivers, mountains, valleys, and so on, but they are all in Pinyin. Example: The 5.12 Earthquake along the Longmenshan has caused great economic and life loss, and a chain of secondary disasters in Wenchuan, Qingchuan, and Beichuan. The 8.13 Big Debris Flow in Qingping town occurred with extremely high hazard grade.
个人分类: 科技写作|6089 次阅读|8 个评论
Common statistical errors in scientific papers
SEALAIR 2012-5-11 21:19
Common statistical errors in scientific papers.pdf 审稿人在SCI审稿时,经常遇见的错误。从审稿人的角度,撰写自己的Paper,与大家分享。
1651 次阅读|0 个评论
王汉森 2012-3-30 09:48
最近的两项研究表明,目前常用的杀虫剂,即使是低剂量的使用,也会造成蜜蜂存活和繁殖能力下降。 1. Neonicotinoid Pesticide Reduces Bumble Bee Colony Growth and Queen Production Penelope R. Whitehorn , Stephanie O’Connor , Felix L. Wackers , and Dave Goulson Published online 29 March 2012 2. A Common Pesticide Decreases Foraging Success and Survival in Honey Bees Mickal Henry , Maxime Beguin , Fabrice Requier , Orianne Rollin , Jean-Franois Odoux , Pierrick Aupinel , Jean Aptel , Sylvie Tchamitchian , and Axel Decourtye Published online 29 March 2012 Bees harmed by low levels of common pesticides CBC News Posted: Mar 29, 2012 2:03 PM ET Last Updated: Mar 29, 2012 5:10 PM ET Buff-tailed bumblebees produced 85 per cent fewer queens when exposed to low doses of pesticides. (P. Whitehorn/Science/AAAS) Even low doses of popular pesticides can reduce bees' survival and reproduction, two new studies show. The findings bolster evidence that such chemicals may be partly responsible for recent declines in populations of honeybees and bumblebees in North America and Europe, which have caused alarm due to the insects' importance as crop pollinators. The researchers suggest the widespread use of the pesticides needs to be re-evaluated in light of the findings. The two studies, published Wednesday in the journal Science, looked at the effects of pesticides called neonicotinoids on bumblebees and honeybees, respectively. Neonicotinoids, first introduced in the 1990s, are used to kill aphids and other sap-sucking insects. According to a news release from Science, they are now some of the most widely used crop pesticides in the world. Bayer Crop Sciences, which is the leading producer of this type of pesticide, told The Associated Press that it is used on 90 per cent of the corn grown in the U.S. and is safe. In the first study, led by Penelope Whitehorn at the University of Stirling in Britain, colonies of buff-tailed bumblebees were fed doses of a neonicotinoid pesticide called imidacloprid in doses similar to those that they would be exposed to in the wild when foraging among crops sprayed with the pesticides. The bees were then allowed to forage for six weeks. The researchers found that bumblebees exposed to the pesticide had nests that were an average of eight to 12 per cent smaller than colonies that weren't exposed. They also produced 85 per cent fewer queen bees. That could have a huge effect on bumblebee populations, because all bumblebees except the queens die when winter sets in. Bumblebee populations rely on the queens to survive the winter and found new colonies in the spring. In the second study, led by Mickal Henry of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research in Avignon, France, honeybees were fed small doses of a different neonicotinoid pesticide called thiamethoxam. They were then tracked with small microchips called RFID tags. The researchers found that 10 to 31 per cent of bees exposed to the pesticide did not return to their colony after being released to forage for the day. That was up to double the estimated normal mortality rate for a honeybee on a given day, about 15 per cent. The pesticide appears to interfere with the bees' ability to navigate and find their way back to the colony, an effect that has been shown in previous studies. Henry noted that currently, in order to get a pesticide approved, the manufacturer must show that the product does not directly kill bees when applied to a field. "But they basically ignore the consequences of doses that do not kill them but may cause behavioral difficulties," he said in a statement. David Goulson, who co-authored the British study with Whitehorn, said the use of neonicotinoid pesticides "clearly poses a threat" to the health of bees and "urgently needs to be re-evaluated." However, Bayer eco-toxicologist David Fischer said the honeybee study used doses of pesticides far higher than those used on crops bees normally pollinate. The study had described the dose as "field-realistic." Many bee species have been declining in North America and Europe, and some have even gone extinct or are believed to be close to extinction. Meanwhile, honeybees, which are used to pollinate important crops such as raspberries, cherries, and almonds have been suffering since around 2006 from a phenomenon called Colony Collapse Disorder, in which worker bees disappear suddenly. Pesticides are only one of the possible causes. Recent studies have suggested that fungi and viruses or parasites may be to blame. http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2012/03/29/science-bees-decline-pesticides.html
个人分类: 百科拾零|3777 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-12-11 05:42
请进 http://scienceblog.com/ Chronic pain in children and adolescents becoming more common NASA doomsday? Paleoclimate record points toward potential rapid climate changes Evidence for early ‘bedding’ and the use of medicinal plants at a South African rock shelter Atoms dressed with light show new interactions, could reveal way to observe enigmatic particle Changing the locks: HIV discovery could allow scientists to block virus’s entry into cell nucleus Survival of the fittest: Linguistic evolution in practice The physics behind great white shark attacks on seals
个人分类: 科学博客|2437 次阅读|0 个评论
做研究别忘了common sense
热度 30 Namychan 2011-11-22 10:39
ARVO 是世界眼科界最大的学会 , 每年参加会 议 的人数近万 ,研究的 发 表数量也是以千 为计 。在无数的发表内容 中如何找出亮点并非易事 , 因 为 有 课题是为了研究而研究的 , 缺乏基本常 识 (Common Sense), 辛辛苦苦做出来的 东 西最后没什么 实际 意 义 。 我曾 干 过 一件 不给别人面子的“ 坏事 ” 。 有次在 ARVO 会上看展示 (Poster ) , 见 一位熟 识 的朋友正在与一展示的作者 说 : 你做的研究真了不起 , 非常好 , 很先 进 , 光学 设计 很 别 致 ...... 等等 , 作者笑 脸 如花地 倾 听着。于是我好奇地停下来看了下 这 个 Poster 。作者是哈佛大学某工科 实验 室的博士生 , 研究内容是 设计 了一套非常 复 杂 的光学 设备 加 计 算机来 测试 人的客 观视 力 , 即不用 测试 者告知便可知道其 视 力多少 , 作者 们认为这 个研究具有 临 床推广和 应 用价 值 。看到占了半 间 房子 复 杂 的 设备 , 实 在没能忍住 , 我 对 作者坦率地 说 : 您 这 玩意的 确 很了不起 , 但 基本没什么 实 用价 值 ! 对 此 刚赞 口不 绝 朋友被我毫不客气 评论 吓 了一跳 : 你怎么能 这样 否定 别 人的研究 ? 那位哈佛博士生 顿时 也由笑 脸变 惊 愕 , 涨红 了。 尽管万分抱歉 , 我 还 是把理由 对 他一一道来 : 您 这 个研究的目的是 测试 人的客 观视 力 , 对吗 ? 他点 头 同意。我接着 说 : 一个人看不看的到 东 西 , 自己是很容易表 达 的。 现实 中需要 测试 客 观视 力的机会 极 少 , 一般主 观测 量 ( 自我 报 告 ) 就可以 满 足 绝 大部分临 床需要。 测视 力 时 一 张简单 的 视 力表、适当距离和光 线 就可以判断 视 力好坏了 , 为 何 费 力 费钱费 工做 这 么 复 杂 的 仪 器 设备 来了解 视 力 ? 还 有 , 您 这 套 设备 价格不菲 , 谁 又会 为 你的研究投 资 , 谁 又愿意花 钱买 , 如何能推广 呢 ? 博士生 显 然没想到这些, 怔 在那里好一会儿答不出 话 来。原来 认为 我太直白的朋友也恍然大悟 说 : 原来不要 这 么 复 杂 , 查 个 视 力表就行了耶。 对 呀 , 一个能 简单 解决的 问题为 什么要 复 杂 化 ? 看到那位博士生有点沮丧的样子,我有点不忍心继续 “ 打 击 ”下 去 , 安慰 道 : 您 的研究 还 是有某些意 义 的 , 比如 婴 幼儿不 认识视 力表不会 表达 , 可能需要类似 这 种 设备 。 还 有 临 床中有 时怀 疑病人假装 视 力不好或 诈 盲 ( 我 见过 几例 这样 的病例 ) , 或者假装 视 力好 ( 常 见 背 记视 力表以通 过视 力 检测 ) , 这 种 情况也可以用的。 还 有 ...... 博士生大概看出来了我在搜 肠 刮肚找些用途 , 便礼貌地打断了我的 话说 : 非常 谢谢 你的提醒 , 看来我需要与一位眼科 专 家 谈谈 再决定是否 继续 下去。我松了口气 说 : 对 , 找个 专 家 质询 一下 , 你的 聪 明才智一定可以 让 你做些更有意 义 的研究。 类似 这样 花 费 了不少精力 , 技 术 含量看来也很高 , 但因缺乏 Common sense 无意 义 的研究 还 真不少。也 许这 个 问题 在美国的医学方面比 较 突出 , 美国的 临 床与 实验 室脱 节 比 较严 重 , 或者 说 MD 和 PhD 合作交流不 够 , 以至于有 时实验 室 PhD 绞 尽 脑 汁做出的课题, MD 却嗤之以鼻 , NIH 的研究 费 不少浪 费 在 这 方面了。 其 实 不 说 别 的 , 单 眼科就有 许 多未能解决 问题,我们一个看似不难的课题找了不少搞理工科的专家,至今未有突破。 研究者的努力 创 新 一定要使 对 地方,如果人 们 的 创 新、敢想、敢干的研究一旦找到 坚实 的土壤 (make sense) , 其成果可能无比 辉 煌 , 比如大家熟悉的 CT , MRI 等等就是 这 方面的成功代表之作。 ==================== 后记: 没想到这篇博文引起了不同观点讨论,来的都是用心思考的读者,非常谢谢各位参与讨论者,特别是提出不同意见的博友们。在平时工作中,我们确实见到不少这样情况:有的研究看起来无用,其实意义非凡;有的研究看起来很先进复杂,其实意义有限。如何鉴别一个研究课题的意义大小,如何将有限的时间精力和经费用到刀刃上,其中也是一门科学。对此,各位讨论见仁见智,非常精彩,本人受益非浅。博文也是门遗憾艺术,有时看到评论才知道自己何处没有写清楚,何处没有表达好。 不过我无意修改原文了,原汁原味的博文和讨论是我写博的真实记录。这里仅选一回答评论作为背景补充。 spiegboy 2011-11-23 06:45 我提出一点意义,研究的成果不一定只是在技术本身,还有实现这个技术的思路,没有无意义的研究,不能指望每个课题都有大的意义。试想如果每项科研都有重大的意义,那我们社会就不是现在这个样子了,这是不符合客观世界的发展规律的。存在即有意义。 博主回复(2011-11-23 08:22) : 客观视力检测研究已有70年以上的历史,最初的设计原理至今缺乏突破,70多年来进步有限。随着计算机技术完善,人们试图从技术上改良推广,结果进展还是不大,因为这种检测需要病人注视目标配合,这对于最需要客观视力检测的婴幼儿没什么用处,对动物实验也不行。如果研究精力放在新原理突破上,如果有一天能发明一种新方法无须全神贯注地注视,照一下瞳孔就能测出准确的客观视力,这个革命就太有意义了。我相信有人会把自己的努力放在这个方向上。之所以我对哈佛这位博士生泼了冷水,是因为他并没有从新思路上突破,而是在重复过去已经证明有局限行的原理,只在技术上改进。 “存在即有意义”,70多年了一个设想不能推广就说明了其局限性,它的意义就是: 此路可能有问题,要吸取经验,要开创新路。一个非眼科专业的工科博士生可能不了解眼科真正的需要在那里,看着他的努力可能打水漂了,建议他与专家讨论是一个善意的提醒,这个“坏事”我做的至今不悔。 事实上,这是近10年前的事了,显然哈佛的那位博士生和导师也没有继续沿这条路走下去,相信他找到了更好的课题来完成其博士论文。而眼科需要的客观视力检测也依然是我们的一个期望和目标。
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zhao1198 2011-10-29 18:13
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xihonghao 2011-9-17 15:31
沉重的话题: 一个97级的名校高才生,毕业后进微软的,上月死了,只不过25岁的黄金年龄,珍视自己的生命吧,大家。对自己好一点。   对了,又听到一个悲伤的消息。广告界的好青年,又挂了一人了。此人是联旭的,是业务还是设计我也搞不清楚,。前几天在连续加班后的某晚, 回家睡觉后第二天就叫不醒,挂了。   奇的是,约二个月前,也是联旭的一位女生业务,也是这样,不过她是离职后第二天,还是第几天,睡一觉就起不来了。医生说是猝死,推测是过劳。   总之,这些天九点联旭就全部关灯,大家都不加班了。大家要好好保重身体呢。   那两名.............发生迹象:原本一向身体健康,时常运动(打篮球)但在近日连续熬夜数晚,经过数日后,突然第二天起床会觉得很疲劳!一闭眼就想睡觉!(跟前一日熬夜的感觉不同),而且会腰酸背痛,但一到晚上精神又好起来!   别以为这是小事!根据中医的看法,是因过劳而造成体内器官阴阳失调,就是体内器官起内讧,互相打架,最后造成器官衰竭而死,所以希望你不是下一个! 晚上9-11点为免疫系统(淋巴)排毒时间,此段时间应安静或听音乐 晚间11-凌晨1点,肝的排毒,需在熟睡中进行。 凌晨1-3点,胆的排毒,亦同。 凌晨3-5点,肺的排毒。此即为何咳嗽的人在这段时间咳得最剧烈, 因排毒动作已走到肺;不应用止咳药,以免抑制废积物的排除。 凌晨5-7点,大肠的排毒,应上厕所排便。 早上7-9点,小肠大量吸收营养的时段,应吃早餐。 疗病者最好早吃,在6点半前,养生者在7点半前, 不吃早餐者应改变习惯,即使拖到9、10点吃都比不吃好。 半夜至凌晨4点为脊椎造血时段,必须熟睡,不宜熬夜。 如果觉得好一定要分享。。。独乐乐不如人人乐。。。我只希望看过的你能多为自己为家人着想,能尽量早点睡… ------- 手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏 (图) 下面这几张图显示了,咱们的手、脚、身体各个穴位所对应的内脏。按摩的时候,对准穴位下力,才能对我们身体有益。 如图所示,比如我们的脚趾分别代表了我们眼睛和耳朵,而整个脚底就相当于人体身体的主干。 下面是手 身体是革命的本钱,学会了自己给自己按摩一下吧。 拉拉耳朵养护全身器官 肾是人体重要脏器之一,乃先天之本。肾脏功能是否正常,对健康长寿有着举足轻重的作用。    中医五行学说认为,肾主藏精,开窍于耳,医治肾脏疾病的穴位有很多在耳部。所以经常进行双耳锻炼法,可起到健肾壮腰、养身延年的作用。    一、提拉耳垂法 双手食指放耳屏内侧后,用食指、拇指提拉耳屏、耳垂,自内向外提拉,手法由轻到重,牵拉的力量以不感疼痛为限,每次3~5分钟。此法可治头痛、头昏、神经衰弱、耳鸣等疾病。    二、手摩耳轮法 双手握空拳,以拇、食二指沿耳轮上下来回推摩,直至耳轮充血发热。此法有健脑、强肾、聪耳、明目之功,可防治阳痿、尿频、便秘、腰腿痛、颈椎病、心慌、胸闷、头痛、头昏等病症。   三、提拉耳尖法 用双手拇、食指夹捏耳廓尖端,向上提揪、揉、捏、摩擦15~20次,使局部发热发红。此法有镇静、止痛、清脑明目、退热、抗过敏、养肾等功效,可防治高血压、失眠、咽喉炎和皮肤病。    四、搓弹双耳法 两手分别轻捏双耳的耳垂,再搓摩至发红发热。然后揪住耳垂往下拉,再放手让耳垂弹回。每天两三次,每次20下。此法可促进耳朵的血液循环,有健肾壮腰之功效。    五、双手拉耳法 左手过头顶向上牵拉右侧耳朵数十次,然后右手牵拉左耳数十次。这一锻炼还可促进颌下腺、舌下腺的分泌,减轻喉咙疼痛,治慢性咽炎。    六、双手掩耳法 两手掌掩两耳廓,手指托后脑壳,用食指压中指弹击24下,可听到“隆隆”之声,曰击“天鼓”。此刺激可活跃肾脏,有健脑、明目、强肾之功效。    七、全耳按摩法 双手掌心摩擦发热后,向后按摩腹面(即耳正面),再向前反折按摩背面,反复按摩5~6次。此法可疏通经络,对肾脏及全身脏器均有保健作用。    八、双手扫耳法 以双手把耳朵由后面向前扫,这时会听到“嚓嚓”的声音。每次20下,每日数次,只要长期坚持,必能强肾健身。    以上八法,可根据各人所需选择,或单项或几项配合进行,只要能持之以恒,一定能收到理想的效果。 简单易学的强肾健体保健法 祖国传统医学认为,肾为先天之本,生命之源,肾气充盈,则精力充沛,筋骨强健,步履轻快,神思敏捷,肾气亏损则阳气虚弱,腰膝酸软,易感风寒,生疾病等。   肾虚病症有阴虚、阳虚之分。   肾阴虚者,有肺热、咽燥、腰膝酸软、头晕耳鸣、舌苔偏红等症状。    肾阳虚者,常见有肢体畏寒、精神萎靡、腰酸耳鸣、舌淡、体胖等症状。    中医认为,肢体的功能活动,包括关节、筋骨等组织的运动,皆由肝肾所支配,故有“肾主骨,骨为肾之余”的说法,因此坚持体育锻炼,以取得养筋健肾、舒筋活络、畅通气脉、增强自身抵抗力之功效,从而达到强肾健体目的。散步、慢跑、打球、做操、练拳舞剑等,都是不错的锻炼项目。下面介绍几个简单的保健方法,您可以试试。   搓擦腰眼:两手搓热后紧按腰部,用力搓30次。“腰为肾之府”,搓擦腰眼可疏通筋脉,增强肾脏功能。    揉按丹田:两手搓热,在腹部丹田处按摩30~50次。丹田乃人之真气、真精凝聚之所,为人体生命之本。此法常用之,可增强人体的免疫功能,提高人体的抵抗力,从而达到强肾固本的目的,有利于延年益寿。   发“吹”音 “吹”与肾相应,肾属水,故有滋养肾水的功效。反复做6~9遍。    另外,心脏对应的是“呵”音,肝脏对应的是“嘘”的音,脾对应的是“呼”的音,肺对应的是“斯”的音,三焦对应的是“唏”的音。发音的时间长一些,次数多一些。    健脾通胃肠气的保健方法:   双手重叠,顺时针绕肚脐揉腹,以通为主,可促进胃肠气通畅,逆时针绕肚脐揉腹,则以补为主,可起到健脾作用,便秘患者,多顺时针揉,脾虚者,则加逆时针揉,每次300~500下,每天1~2次。 祝福朋友们都有一个健康的好身体!
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[转载] New Year Resolutions: Reducing Common E-mail Mistakes
zuojun 2011-1-25 09:32
New Year Resolutions for Reducing Common E-mail Mistakes Related to Work http://finance.yahoo.com/news/18-Common-Work-Email-usnews-1004018741.html?x=0
个人分类: From the U.S.|1496 次阅读|0 个评论
JGR: Lame parameters of common rocks in the Earth’s crust and upper mantle
majorite 2010-7-5 20:56
Lame parameters of common rocks in the Earths crust and upper mantle Shaocheng Ji , Shengsi Sun, Qian Wang , and Denis Marcotte Dpartement des Gnies Civil, Gologique et des Mines, cole Polytechnique de Montral, Montral, Qubec, Canada JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, B06314, doi:10.1029/2009JB007134, 2010. Received 13 November 2009; revised 15 January 2010; accepted 28 January 2010; published 24 June 2010. Lame parameter () and shear modulus () are the most important, intrinsic , elastic properties of rocks. , which relates stresses and strains in perpendicular directions, is closely related to the incompressibility and contains a high proportion of information about the resistance to a change in volume caused by a change in pressure . Recent studies have emphasized the role played by in the discrimination of gas sands from carbonates and shale in sedimentary basins. Here we analyzed the equivalent isotropic elastic data of 475 natural rocks in order to characterize values for common types of crystalline rocks in the Earths crust and upper mantle and their variations with pressure (P), temperature (T) and mineralogical composition. When no partial melting, metamorphic reaction, dehydration or phase transformation occurs, of a crystalline rock as a function of P and T can be described by , where a is the projected value at zero pressure if micro crack s were fully closed ; b is the pressure derivative in the linear elastic regime ; c is the initial drop caused by the presence of microcracks at zero pressure; k is a decay constant of the drop in the nonlinear poro-elastic regime; and is the temperature derivative of . increases nonlinearly and linearly with increasing pressure at low (~300 MPa) and high (~300 MPa) pressures, respectively. In the regime of high pressures, decreases quasi-linearly with increasing temperature with values in the range of 1-10 10 -3 GPa/C. Approaching the - quartz transition temperature, quartzite displays negative values. In the - (density) and - plots, the main categories of lithology can be clearly distinguished. The ultramafic rocks display systematic decreases in both and with increasing the degree of serpentinization. Eclogites, mafic rocks (gabbro, diabase, mafic granulite, and mafic gneiss) and felsic rocks (granite, diorite, felsic gneiss, intermediate gneiss and metasediments) are characterized by high, moderate and low and values, respectively. For pyroxene and olivine, both and increase but decreases with increasing the Fe/Mg ratios. In the plagioclase series, both and increases with increasing the anorthite content. Increases in the contents of garnets, sillimanite, rutile, zircon, ilmenite and spinel result systematically in an increase in rocks and values. The present results provide improved constraints on the discrim in ation of composition for crustal and upper mantle rocks in terms of and .
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