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hty333 2008-9-15 13:45
8. 中山大学基础医学院院长黎孟枫教授 中山大学副校长,长江学者特聘教授 中国医学科学院病毒所博士 美国皮茨堡大学博士后 美国皮茨堡大学助教授 代表文章: (1). Frank Riedel, Karl Gtte, Mengfeng Li, Karl Hrmann, *Jennifer Rubin Grandis (corresponding author). Abrogation of VEGF expression in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma decreases angiogenic activity in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Oncology. 2003, 23(3): 577-83. (2). Hideo Niwa, Abbey Wentzel, Mengfeng Li, William L. Gooding, Vivian Wai Yan Lui, *Jennifer Rubin Grandis (corresponding author). Antitumor Effects of EGFR Antisense Oligonucleotides in Combination with Docetaxel in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck. Clinical Cancer Research, 2003, 9:50285035. (3). Caisheng Ye, Chong Feng, Xiaoning Liu, Shenming Wang, Yongjie Lin and *Mengfeng Li (corresponding author). sFlt-1 gene therapy of follicular thyroid carcinoma. Endocrinology, 2004, 145 (2): 817-822. (4). Chong Feng, Caisheng Ye, Xiaoning Liu, Hong Ma and *Mengfeng Li (corresponding author). b4 integrin is involved in statin-induced endothelial cell death, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2004, 323(3): 858-64. (5). Zhuo Chen, Xin Zhang, Mengfeng Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Harry Samuel Wieand, Jennifer Rubin Grandis, *Dong Moo Shin (corresponding author). Simultaneously targeting epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase and cyclooxygenase-2, an efficient approach to inhibition of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Clin Cancer Res. 2004, 10(17): 5930-9. (6). 叶财盛、王深明、林勇杰、刘晓宁、*黎孟枫(通讯作者),转内皮抑素基因通过抑制血管生成抑制甲状腺滤泡状癌生长.中国实用外科杂志,2003,23(3):153-156. (7). 叶财盛、王深明、林勇杰、郑朝旭、刘晓宁、*黎孟枫(通讯作者),甲状腺滤泡状癌抗血管生成治疗的实验研究,中国实用外科杂志,2004, 24 (11): 688-690. 9. 中国科学院北京基因组研究所新所长吴仲义教授 加拿大 British Columbia大学 群体遗传学专业博士 美国Wisconsin大学Madison分校遗传学实验室博士后 美国芝加哥大学生态学与进化系教授、系主任, 台湾中央研究院院士 代表文章: (1). Ting, C.-T., S.-C. Tsaur, M.-L. Wu and C.-I Wu, 1998 A rapidly evolving homeobox at the site of a hybrid sterility gene. Science 282: 1501-1504. (2). Fay, J. C. and C.-I Wu, 1999 A human population bottleneck is not incompatible with the discordance between patterns of mitochondrial vs. nuclear DNA variation. Molec. Biol. Evol. 16:1003 - 1006. (3). Wyckoff, G. J., W. Wang and C.-I Wu, 2000 Rapid evolution of male reproductive genes in the descent of man. Nature 403: 304 - 309. (4). Sawamura, K., A. W. Davis and C.-I Wu, 2000 Genetic analysis by means of introgression into Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97:2652-2655. (5). Wang, H-Y., H. Tang, C. K. Shen and C.-I Wu 2003 Rapidly evolving genes in human I. The glycophorins and their possible role in evading malaria parasites. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20:1795-1804. Greenberg, A. J., J. R. Moran, J. A. Coyne, and Chung-I Wu 2003 Ecological adaptation during incipient speciation as revealed by precise gene replacement. Science 302: 1754-1757. (6). Lu, J., W.-H. Li and C.-I Wu. 2003 Chromosomal speciation and gene flow. Science 302:988c. Wu, C.-I, S. Shi and Y. Zhang 2004 A case for conservation. Nature 428:213-214. (A commentary in a supplementary issue). (7). He, J et al. (51 authors) 2004. Molecuar evolution of the SARS-conronavirus during the course of SARS-epidemic in China. Science 303: 1666-1669 (C.-I Wu is a communicating author for the data analysis section). (8). Sun, S, C. Ting, and C.-I Wu 2004 The normal function of a speciation gene, Odysseus, and its hybrid sterility effect. Science 305: 81-83. (9). Song, H.-D. et al. C.-I Wu and G.-P. Zhao 2005 Cross-host evolution of SARS coronavirus in palm civet and human. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102: 2430-2435 (10). Lu J, Tang T, Tang H, Huang J, Shi S, Wu C-I. 2006 The accumulation of deleterious mutations in rice genomes: a hypothesis on the cost of domestication. Trends in Genetics 22:126-131. 10. 清华大学生命科学与医学院副院长施一公教授 The Johns Hopkins 大学生物物理学博士 纽约斯隆/凯特林癌症研究中心结构生物学实验室博士后 普林斯顿大学Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis终身教授 美国休斯医学研究所研究员 代表文章: (1). Xing Y, Li Z, Chen Y, Stock JB, Jeffrey PD, Shi Y. Structural mechanism of demethylation and inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A.Cell. 2008 Apr 4;133(1):154-63. (2). Feng L, Yan H, Wu Z, Yan N, Wang Z, Jeffrey PD, Shi Y. Structure of a site-2 protease family intramembrane metalloprotease.Science. 2007 Dec 7;318(5856):1608-12. (3). Xu Y, Feng L, Jeffrey PD, Shi Y, Morel FM. Structure and metal exchange in the cadmium carbonic anhydrase of marine diatoms.Nature. 2008 Mar 6;452(7183):56-61. (4). Feng L, Yan H, Wu Z, Yan N, Wang Z, Jeffrey PD, Shi Y.Structure of a site-2 protease family intramembrane metalloprotease. Science. 2007 Dec 7;318(5856):1608-12. (5). Yan N, Shi Y. Allosteric activation of a bacterial stress sensor. Cell. 2007 Nov 2;131(3):441-3. (6). Nieng Yan, Jijie Chai, Eui Seung Lee, Lichuan Gu, Qun Liu, Jiaqing He, Jia-Wei Wu, David Kokel, Huilin Li, Quan Hao, Ding Xue, and Yigong Shi (2005). Structure of the CED-4/CED-9 complex provides insights into programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans.Nature 437, 831837. (7). Stefan J. Riedl, Wenyu Li, Yang Chao, Robert Schwarzenbacher, and Yigong Shi (2005). Structure of the apoptotic protease activating factor 1 (Apaf-1) bound to ADP. Nature 434, 926933. (8). Nieng Yan, Lichuan Gu, David Kokel, Jijie Chai, Wenyu Li, Aidong Han, Lin Chen, Ding Xue, and Yigong Shi (2004). Structural, Biochemical and Functional Analyses of CED-9 Recognition by the Pro-apoptotic Proteins EGL-1 and CED-4. Mol. Cell 15, 9991006. (9). Eric N. Shiozaki, Jijie Chai, Daniel J. Rigotti, Stefan J. Riedl, Pingwei Li, Srinivasa M. Srinivasula, Emad S. Alnemri, Robert Fairman, and Yigong Shi (2003). Mechanism of XIAP-mediated Inhibition of Caspase-9. Mol.Cell 11, 519-527. (10). Jijie Chai Qi Wu, Eric Shiozaki, Srinivasa M. Srinivasula, Emad S. Alnemri, and Yigong Shi (2001). Crystal Structure of a Caspase Zymogen: Mechanisms of Activation and Substrate Binding. Cell 107, 399-407. (11). Jijie Chai, Eric Shiozaki, Srinivasa M. Srinivasula, Qi Wu, Pinaki Datta, Emad S. Alnemri, and Yigong Shi (2001). Structural Basis of Caspase-7 Inhibition by XIAP. Cell 104, 769-780. (12). Geng Wu, Jijie Chai, Tomeka Suber, Jia-Wei Wu, Chunying Du, Xiaodong Wang, and Yigong Shi (2000). Structural Basis of IAP Recognition by Smac/DIABLO. Nature408, 1008-1012. (13). Jijie Chai, Chunying Du, Jia-Wei Wu, Saw Kyin, Xiaodong Wang, and Yigong Shi (2000). Structural and Biochemical Basis of Apoptotic Activation by Smac/DIABLO. Nature 406, 855-862. (14). Hongxu Qin, Srinivasa M. Srinivasula, Geng Wu, Emad S. Alnemri, Yigong Shi (1999). Structural Basis of Procaspase-9 Recruitment by the Apoptotic Protease Activating Factor 1. Nature 399, 549-557. 11. 清华大学医学院首届院长吴阶平院士 中国泌尿外科的先驱者之一, 2001 年受聘为清华大学医学院首届院长。吴阶平院士曾任第八、九届全国人大常委会副委员长。是中国科学院院士,中国工程院院士,第三世界科学院院士,美国医师学院荣誉院士,比利时皇家医学科学院院士,英国爱丁堡皇家外科医师学院名誉院士,香港皇家外科医师学院院士;中国科学技术协会名誉主席,中华医学会名誉会长,中国医学科学院名誉院长,中国协和医科大学名誉校长,首都医科大学终身名誉校长,南京大学医学院名誉院长,和全国著名大学、学院、研究机构等二十余家单位的名誉校长、名誉教授,以及国外著名大学、学院的荣誉院士或荣誉博士。 吴阶平院士长期从事泌尿外科的临床治疗和科研工作,是中国泌尿外科的先驱者之一,在肾结核对侧肾积水和肾上腺髓质增生研究中有独创性见解。 1957 年首创用输精管结扎并用精囊灌注术,增强了避孕效果,是我国男性节育技术的奠基人。 50 年代,首先提出的肾结核对侧肾积水的概念,被国内外公认为在临床上有极重大的意义,并率先利用回盲肠行膀胱扩大术治疗膀胱挛缩取得成功,到 70 至 80 年代国外才作为最新方法介绍给公众。 60 年代设计了特殊的导管改进前列腺增生的手术,使手术出血量大为减少,手术时间缩短,被称为吴氏导管。 1977 年提出的肾上腺髓质增生是一个独立的疾病,被收进 1979 年《美国泌尿外科年鉴》。 1995 年吴阶平泌尿外科医学基金会在北京成立。 12. 复旦大学发育生物和分子医学研究所所长许田教授 耶鲁大学遗传学博士 耶鲁大学遗传学博士后 美国休斯医学研究所研究员 耶鲁大学医学院遗传系教授,副系主任 代表性文章: (1). Xue L, Igaki T, Kuranaga E, Kanda H, Miura M, Xu T. (2007). Tumor Suppressor CYLD Regulates JNK Induced Cell Death in Drosophila. Dev Cell 13:446-454. (2). Ding S, Wu X, Li G, Han M, Zhuang Y, Xu T. (2005). Efficient Transposition of the piggyBac (PB) Transposon in Mammalian Cells and Mice. Cell 122(3):473-483. (3). Yang XL, Yu KP, Hao YW, Li D-M, Stewart R, Insogna KL, Xu T. (2004). LATS1 tumor suppressor affects cytokinesis by inhibiting LIMK1. Nature Cell Biology 6:609-617. (4). Pagliarini, R.A., and Xu, T. (2003). A genetic screen in Drosophila for metastatic behavior. Science, 302(5648):1227-31. (5). Potter CJ, Pedraza LG, Xu T. (2002). Akt regulates growth by directly phosphorylating Tsc2. Nat Cell Biol., 4: 658-665. (6). Zhang S, Xu L, Lee J, Xu T. (2002). Drosophila atrophin homolog functions as a transcriptional corepressor in multiple developmental processes. Cell, 108: 45-56. (7). Potter, C. J., Huang, H. and Xu, T. (2001). Drosophila Tsc1 functions with Tsc2 to antagonize insulin signaling in regulating cell growth, cell proliferation, and organ size. Cell, 105:357-368. (8). Tao, W., Zhang, S., Turenchalk, G.S., Stewart, R.A., Chang, W., St. John, M.A.R., and Xu, T. (1999). Human homolog of the Drosophila melanogaster lats tumor suppressor modulates CDC2 activity. Nature Genetics, 21:177-181. (9). St. John, M.A.R., Tao, W., Fei, X., Fukumoto, R., Carcangiu, M.L., Brownstein, D.G., A.F. Parlow, McGrath, J., and Xu, T. (1999). Mice deficient of Lats1 develop soft tissue sarcomas, ovarian tumors and pituitary dysfunction. Nature Genetics, 21:182-186. (10). Qi, H., Rand, M., Wu, X., Sestan, N., Wang, W., Rakic, P., Xu, T., and Artavanis-Tsakonas, S. (1999). Processing of the Notch ligand Delta by the Metalloprotease Kuzbanian. Science, 283:91-94. 13. 北京生命科学研究所邓兴旺共同所长 加州大学伯克莱分校生物学博士 北大耶鲁植物遗传学联合研究中心主任 耶鲁大学计算生物学与生物信息学讲座教授 (1). Feng S, Martinez C, Gusmaroli G, Wang Y, Zhou J, Wang F, Chen L, Yu L, Iglesias-Pedraz JM, Kircher S, Schafer E, Fu X, Fan LM Deng XW. Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and gibberellins.Nature2008 Jan 24; 451(475-479). (2). Li L, Wang X, Sasidharan R., Stolc V, Deng W, He H, Korbel J, Chen X, Tongprasit W, Ronald P, Chen R, Gerstein M, Deng XW. Global Identification and Characterization of Transcriptionally Active Regions in the Rice Genome PLoS ONE.2007; 2(3): e294。 (3). Li L, Wang X, Stolc V, Li X, Zhang D, Su N, Tongprasit W, Li S, Cheng Z, Wang J, Deng XW. Genome-wide transcription analyses in rice using tiling microarrays.Nature Genetics.2006 Jan;38: 124 129. (4).Rubio V, Deng XW. Phytunes: phosphorylation status and phytochrome-mediated signaling. Cell. 2005 Feb 11;120(3):290-2. (5). Yanagawa Y, Sullivan JA, Komatsu S, Gusmaroli G, Suzuki G, Yin J, Ishibashi T, Saijo Y, Rubio V, Kimura S, Wang J, Deng XW. Arabidopsis COP10 forms a complex with DDB1 and DET1 in vivo and enhances the activity of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes. Genes Dev. 2004 Sep;18: 2172-2181. (6). Saijo Y, Sullivan JA, Wang H, Yang J, Shen Y, Rubio V, Ma L, Hoecker U, Deng XW. The COP1-SPA1 interaction defines a critical step in phytochrome A-mediated regulation of HY5 activity. Genes Dev. 2003 Nov 1;17(21):2642-7. (7). Suzuki G, Yanagawa Y, Kwok SF, Matsui M, Deng XW. Arabidopsis COP10 is a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme variant that acts together with COP1 and the COP9 signalosome in repressing photomorphogenesis. Genes Dev. 2002 Mar 1;16(5):554-9. (8).Wang H, Ma LG, Li JM, Zhao HY, Deng XW. Direct Interaction of Arabidopsis Cryptochromes with COP1 in Mediation of Photomorphogenic Development. Science 2001 Oct 5;294(5540):154-8. 14. 复旦大学生物医学研究院院长贺林 英国佩士来大学博士学位 英国爱丁堡大学博士后 中国科学院院士,(973)首席科学家 代表文章: (1). Chen L, Qin S, Xie J, Tang J, Yang L, Shen W, Zhao X, Du J, He G, Feng G, He L, Xing Q.Genetic polymorphism analysis of CYP2C19 in Chinese Han populations from different geographic areas of mainland China。 Pharmacogenomics. 2008 Jun;9(6):691-702. (2). Xu MQ, St Clair D, Feng GY, Lin ZG, He G, Li X, He L.BDNF gene is a genetic risk factor for schizophrenia and is related to the chlorpromazine-induced extrapyramidal syndrome in the Chinese population. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2008 Jun;18(6):449-57. (3). Ma J, Fan JB, Bian L, Zhang CS, Li XW, Gu NF, Feng GY, St Clair D, He L. Association study of a (TG)n dinucleotide repeat at chromosome 15q13.3 and schizophrenia in the Chinese population.Psychiatry Res. 2008 May 30;159(1-2):245-9. (4). Du J, Duan S, Wang H, Chen W, Zhao X, Zhang A, Wang L, Xuan J, Yu L, Wu S, Tang W, Li X, Li H, Feng G, Xing Q, He L. Comprehensive analysis of polymorphisms throughout GAD1 gene: a family-based association study in schizophrenia.J Neural Transm. 2008;115(3):513-9. (5). Xu MQ, Ye Z, Hu FB, He L. Quantitative assessment of the effect of angiotensinogen gene polymorphisms on the risk of coronary heart disease.Circulation. 2007 Sep 18;116(12):1356-66. (6). Xing Q, Gao R, Li H, Feng G, Xu M, Duan S, Meng J, Zhang A, Qin S, He L.Polymorphisms of the ABCB1 gene are associated with the therapeutic response to risperidone in Chinese schizophrenia patients. Pharmacogenomics. 2006 Oct;7(7):987-93. (7). Li D, He L. Association study of the G-protein signaling 4 (RGS4) and proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) genes with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis.Eur J Hum Genet. 2006 Oct;14(10):1130-5. (8). Gao B, Guo J, She C, Shu A, Yang M, Tan Z, Yang X, Guo S, Feng G, He L.Mutations in IHH, encoding Indian hedgehog, cause brachydactyly type A-1. Nat Genet. 2001 Aug;28(4):386-8. 15 南开大学校长饶子和教授 澳大利亚墨尔本大学博士 牛津大学结构生物学博士后 中国科学院院士 中国科学院生物物理所前所长 代表文章: (1). Sun F, Huo X, Zhai YJ, Wang AJ, Xu JX, Su D, Bartlam M Rao Z*. 2005. Crystal Structure of Mitochondrial Respiratory Membrane Protein Comples Ⅱ. Cell, 121: 1043-1057 (2). Yang H, Xie WQ, Xue XY, Yang KL, Ma J, Liang WX, Zhao Q, Zhou Z, Pei DQ, J. Ziebuhr, R. Hilgenfeld, K. Y. Yuen, Wong L., Gao GX, Chen SJ, Chen Z, Ma DW, Bartlam M Rao Z*. 2005. Design of Wide-Spectrum Inhibitors Targeting Coronavirus Main Proteases. PLoS Biology, 3(10):e324, 1742-1752 (3). Zhai Y, Sun F, Li X, Pang H, Bartlam M Rao Z*. 2005. Structural insights into coronavirus transcription/replication from the crystal structure of the SARS-CoV hexadecameric nsp7?nsp8 super-complex. Nature Structural Molecular Biology, 12(11): 980-986 (4). Wu B, Li P, Liu Y, Lou Z, Ding Y, Shu C, Ye S, Bartlam M, Shen B Rao Z*. 2004. 3D structure of human FK506-binding protein 52: implications for the assembly of the glucocorticoid receptor/Hsp90/immunophilin heterocomplex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 101(22):8348-8353 (5). Bartlam M, Wang G, Yang H, Gao R, Zhao X, Xie G, Cao S, Feng Y Rao Z*. 2004. Crystal Structure of an Acylpeptide Hydrolase/Esterase from Aeropyrum pernix K1. Structure, 12(8):1481-1488Xu Y, Liu Y, Lou Z, Qin L, Bai Z, Pang H, Tien P, Gao G* Rao Z*. 2004. Structural basis for coronavirus-mediated membrane fusion: Crystal structure of mouse hepatitis virus spike protein fusion core. J Biol Chem., 279 (29): 30514-30522 (6). Yang H, Yang M, Ding Y, Liu Y, Lou Z, Sun L, Zhou Z, Ye S, Pang H, Gao G, Anand K, Bartlam M, Hilgenfeld R Rao Z*. 2003. The Crystal Structures of SARS Virus Main Protease Mpro and Its Complex with an Inhibitor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 100(23): 13190-13195 (7). Ding Y, Xu M, I Ghosh, Chen Xi, S. Ferrandon, G. Lesage Rao Z*. 2003. Crystal structure of a mini-intein reveals a conserved catalytic module involved in side chain cyclization of asparagine during protein splicing. J Biol Chem., 278(40): 39133 - 39142. (8). Rao Z, Belyaev A, Fry E, Jones I, Roy P&Stuart D. 1995. Crystal Structure of SIV Matrix Antigen and its Implications for Virus Assembly. Nature,378(6558): 743-747. (9). Rao Z, Handford P, Mayhew M, Knott V, Brownlee G&Stuart D. 1995. The Structure of a Calcium Binding Epidermal Growth Factor-like Domain - its Role in Protein-Protein Interactions. Cell, 82(1): 131-141.
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hty333 2008-9-12 17:01
1.中国医学科学院、协和医科大学校长刘德培 中国科学院院士院士, 中国医学科学院基础所生化博士, 加州大学旧金山分校博士后 代表文章: (1).UMJ,LvX,HaoDL,ZhaoGW,WuXS,WuF,LiuDP,LiangCC.MafK/NF-E2 p18isrequiredforbeta-globingenesactivationbymediatingtheproximity ofLCRandactivebeta-globingenesinMELcellline.IntJBiochemCellBiol .2008;40(8):1481-93. (2).ZhouGL,XinL,SongW,DiLJ,LiuG,WuXS,LiuDP,LiangCC.Active chromatinhubofthemousealpha-globinlocusformsinatranscription factoryofclusteredhousekeepinggenes. MolCellBiol.2006Jul;26(13):5096-105. (3).LiHL,WangAB,ZhangR,WeiYS,ChenHZ,SheZG,HuangY,LiuDP, LiangCC.A20inhibitsoxidizedlow-densitylipoprotein-inducedapoptosis throughnegativeFas/Fasligand-dependentactivationofcaspase-8and mitochondrialpathwaysinmurineRAW264.7macrophages. JCellPhysiol.2006Aug;208(2):307-18. (4).LiuDP. ZhonghuaYiXueZaZhi(中华医学杂志).2005Sep21;85(36):2526. (5).ShenW,HuangY,TangY,LiuDP,LiangCC.Ageneralmethodtomodify BACstogeneratelargerecombinantDNAfragments.MolBiotechnol.2005Nov;31 (3):181-6. (6).LvX,ShiHZ,LiuDP,HaoDL,ZhangS,XinL,LiXG,XuHM,LiangCC. Highfidelityscreeningofregulatorysequencesinapolipoprotein(a)- plasminogencluster. IntJBiochemCellBiol.2005Sep;37(9):1846-57. (7).WuXS,XinL,YinWX,ShangXY,LuL,WattRM,CheahKS,HuangJD,Liu DP,LiangCC. Increasedefficiencyofoligonucleotide-mediatedgenerepairthroughslowing replicationforkprogression.ProcNatlAcadSciUSA.2005Feb15;102(7): 2508-13 (8).LiuDP,SchmidtC,BillingsT,DavissonMT.QuantitativePCRgenotyping assayfortheTs65DnmousemodelofDownsyndrome.Biotechniques.2003Dec; 35(6):1170-4。 (9).FengDX,LiuDP,HuangY,WuL,LiTC,WuM,TangXB,LiangCC.The expressionofhumanalpha-likeglobingenesintransgenicmicemediatedby bacterialartificialchromosome.ProcNatlAcadSciUSA.2001Dec18;98(26) :15073-7 2.北京大学生命科学院院长饶毅 加州大学旧金山分校神经生物学博士 哈佛大学博士后 美国西北大学神经科学研究所副所长,正教授 北京生命科学研究所副所长 代表文章: (1).LiX,GaoX,LiuG,XiongW,WuJ,RaoY.Netrinsignaltransduction andtheguaninenucleotideexchangefactorDOCK180inattractivesignaling. 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