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lin602 2014-2-10 23:11
职业操守与职业精神这二个词我想不需要解释了。社会上职业门类很多,这里就说说高校。也不用进行论述,还是说说例子。 1 高校中评职称是一件大事,只要职称没有到顶,总是一个台阶一个台阶地升职称。讲师-副教授-教授。评职称一般是评委投票,由院一级的职称评审组及校一级的职称评审组投票,评委是学校定的。按道理,做这样的评委一定要公正、公平、客观,这就涉及到操守问题。有的评委比较客观,做得好,但也有一些评委,不那么公正,与自己关系好的,材料不行也投,与自己关系不好的,材料好也不投。听一个朋友说北方一个学校,每年到评职称时,晚上许多人提着礼去找评委。 2 评项目一般是省部及自然基金委请专家函审及会审。这里面名堂太多了,凡是经常去参加评审的评委,仔细分析一下他的项目数与经费数,一般是比较多的,因为他帮其他评委忙,别的评委也会帮他忙。自己的熟人就给高分,以牺牲其他人的利益。这其实是一个职业操守问题, 这个现象也是非常严重的。评奖也是这样的。 3 职业精神方面的例子更多些,不少人做教学与科研是副业,炒股投资炒房是正业,上课指导研究生是副业,办自己公司是正业。不是说办公司就不好,但一定要摆正关系。 4 现在既做学校的管理又做教授的人叫‘双肩挑’,在分配资源、公资私用、近水楼台先得月方面,已经成为高校的一个公害。其实仔细分析,这也是缺少职业操守。 现在社会上不良现象也在影响着高校,加上房价上涨年轻教师收入太低,买房困难,也是影响年轻教师全身心投入于教学科研的一个原因。当然大多数年轻教师都在兢兢业业做教学与科研工作,但这大环境在时刻影响着他们的‘心’。 总体上我感觉,中国的大学教师与发达国家相比,职业精神有所不如。可能也是中华文化中一些不好的东西吧。
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热度 33 wangdh 2012-9-20 12:39
科学家的良心 (王德华) 科学家有职业操守,有行业规范,有社会责任。科学家更需要良心。科学家丧失良心,利欲熏心的话,职业操守、行业规范、社会责任,都谈不上。若要坚持谈,也无非是空蒙拐骗、假大空。这就是良心的重要性。 我曾呼吁过学术界要建立学术规范,研究生和青年学者要清楚行业规范,树立职业精神,坚守职业操守。我也曾寄希望于国家高薪引进的各类人才,能够明白自己的责任,勇于担当起这个责任,为国家的学术规范和职业精神的树立和建设,作出表率,作出贡献。 现在,我更觉得科学家的良心更重要。要求科学家首先需要有良心,似乎有点带有侮辱性质了。可现实中,我们真的需要。社会需要,老百姓更需要。科学家科普,需要责任和良心;科学家进行科研成果的宣传和推广,需要责任和良心。科学家对各种成果的评奖、各种科技产品的评审、鉴定,更需要责任和良心。 我昨天下午在科学院大学讲授《动物生态学》课程的时候,谈到生物统计在生态学研究中的重要性。我给学生说,生物医学研究一定要有一种责任,关键的时候要有良心,坚守自己的底线。我举了一个例子,两组数据比较,统计结果差异不显著(如 P= 0.058 ),没有达到自己的预期,但是从数据的散点图看,如果去掉偏离平均值过大的两个数据,统计结果显示差异极显著了 ( 如 p 0.001) ,你是删去这两个数据呢,还是保留?去掉数据,自己不说,导师不会知道,如果写成论文,审稿人也不会知道,期刊编辑也不会知道,这样自己就顺利毕业获得学位了。如果不删除这两个数据,如果是取样的问题,很可能需要加大样本量再重复一次。统计学上, 0.058 就不能认为 P 0.05 ,那么就不能认为差异显著。我说如果你正在为某公司的某种药品或营养品进行这类研究,他们需要正面的结果,正等着产品推广呢,如果公司老总给你 500 万,要求你修改数据,或者只是删除那两个不理想的数据,你是收着这 500 万呢,还是坚持自己的实验结果?这些关口,很多科学家会碰到,这时就需要科学家的职业操守,需要科学家的良心。如果产品是药品和营养品,有效无效、甚至有毒无毒,关系到人们的生命和健康,如果科学家昧良心,造成的危害就很清楚了。 学术界需要规范,学者需要懂规矩,学者更需要守规矩。 责任、规矩很重要,良心更不可昧。 坚守,不容易,尤其在面对利益和诱惑的时候。
个人分类: 研究生教育|10829 次阅读|72 个评论
shxzhang 2010-10-8 14:39
《纽约时报》 十月六日 《欺诈威胁中国进步》一文评点 张 名先鉴 字 少雄 《纽约时报》今年十月六日刊载署名文章《猖獗的欺诈威胁中国的轻捷进步》。文章声称:在中国,学术欺诈猖獗,而学术欺诈将直接威胁中国的轻捷进步。 说中国学术欺诈猖獗,是一种恶评。这种恶评,在一部分中国学人看来,会是羞辱,因此,他们会愤怒,会在愤怒中做出种种表白或反驳;在一部分中国学人看来,会是镜子,因此,他们会反思,会在反思中以实际行动推动中国学术进步,以推动中国及世界学术进步来维护中国学术声誉与赢得世界好评。 Rampant Fraud Threat to China s Brisk Ascent By ANDREW JACOBS Published: October 6, 2010 BEIJING No one disputes Zhang Wubens talents as a salesman. Through television shows, DVDs and a best-selling book, he convinced millions of people that raw eggplant and immense quantities of mung beans could cure lupus, diabetes, depression and cancer. 经商天才张悟本名扬世界啦! 以经商天才张悟本开篇,暗示中国学术商业化。中国学术商业化有种种表现:学者商人化;商人混迹于学术界,冒充学者;商业价值观介入学术评价;等等。 For $450, seriously ill patients could buy a 10-minute consultation and a prescription except Mr. Zhang, one of the most popular practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, was booked through 2012. 挂号及十分钟咨询费要四百五十美元,在美国可能也算特高。顺便说一说,国内报道大多说两千人民币,如果属实,将两千元人民币折算成四百五十美元,一种可能是作者在搞人民币对美元升值把戏(达到四点四四比一),另一种可能是作者的算术水平有些问题。希望是后者。 But when the price of mung beans skyrocketed this spring, Chinese journalists began digging deeper. They learned that contrary to his claims, Mr. Zhang, 47, was not from a long line of doctors (his father was a weaver). Nor did he earn a degree from Beijing Medical University (his only formal education, it turned out, was the brief correspondence course he took after losing his job at a textile mill). 说张悟本经历造假。 The exposure of Mr. Zhangs faked credentials provoked a fresh round of hand-wringing over what many scholars and Chinese complain are the dishonest practices that permeate society, including students who cheat on college entrance exams, scholars who promote fake or unoriginal research, and dairy companies that sell poisoned milk to infants. 张悟本造假,引起人们对不诚行为的关注。高考舞弊,以非原创性研究冒充原创性研究,奶粉掺假;不诚行为,形形色色,几乎见于社会每一角落。 The most recent string of revelations has been bracing. After a plane crash in August killed 42 people in northeast China , officials discovered that 100 pilots who worked for the airlines parent company had falsified their flying histories. Then there was the padded rsum of Tang Jun, the millionaire former head of Microsoft China and something of a national hero, who falsely claimed to have received a doctorate from the California Institute of Technology. 飞行员飞行经历造假,打工皇帝学历造假,造假之风猖獗。 Few countries are immune to high-profile frauds. Illegal doping in sports and malfeasance on Wall Street are running scandals in the United States . But in China , fakery in one area in particular education and scientific research is pervasive enough that many here worry it could make it harder for the country to climb the next rung on the economic ladder. 世界上每个国家都有欺诈,美国也不例外。美国的丑闻只见于声誉本来就不好的华尔街,不见于不应该存在欺诈的教育界与科学研究界。而在中国,教育界与科学研究界,居然和商业界一样,也存在种种欺诈。 A Lack of Integrity China devotes significant resources to building a world-class education system and pioneering research in competitive industries and sciences, and has had notable successes in network computing, clean energy, and military technology. But a lack of integrity among researchers is hindering China s potential and harming collaboration between Chinese scholars and their international counterparts, scholars in China and abroad say. 中国投入巨大资源,着力发展世界级教育与科研体系,并且在很多领域做得相当成功。但是,中国学术界缺乏学术操守。一些人什么都不缺,就是缺德! If we dont change our ways, we will be excluded from the global academic community, said Zhang Ming, a professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing. We need to focus on seeking truth, not serving the agenda of some bureaucrat or satisfying the desire for personal profit. 不根除欺诈,中国学人将会被排斥在全球学术圈之外!这话说得在理。 Pressure on scholars by administrators of state-run universities to earn journal citations a measure of innovation has produced a deluge of plagiarized or fabricated research. In December, a British journal that specializes in crystal formations announced that it was withdrawing more than 70 papers by Chinese authors whose research was of questionable originality or rigor. 一些剽窃者和剽窃同情者把剽窃归因于学术评价机制,把板子打在管理者身上。这里直接采用这种说话,是因袭,还是嘲弄式间接引用? 问题是,在相同体制与机制下,一些学人从不剽窃!!有趣,有趣! In an editorial published earlier this year, The Lancet, the British medical journal, warned that faked or plagiarized research posed a threat to President Hu Jintaos vow to make China a research superpower by 2020. 英国医学期刊刊论说,中国学术界的造假和剽窃威胁到研究强国的建设进程! 这话真不假,论文发表大国不等于研究强国。有研究表明:在很多领域,尤其是人文社会科学领域,美 国大学 教授,人均每年发表论文不到一篇。从论文数量上看,中国学人们太了不起啦。 下节引刊论的建议:以此为契机,加强研究伦理和研究操守建设。建议不错。 Clearly, Chinas government needs to take this episode as a cue to reinvigorate standards for teaching research ethics and for the conduct of the research itself, the editorial said. Last month a collection of scientific journals published by Zhejiang University in Hangzhou reignited the firestorm by publicizing results from a 20-month experiment with software that detects plagiarism. The software, called CrossCheck, rejected nearly a third of all submissions on suspicion that the content was pirated from previously published research. In some cases, more than 80 percent of a papers content was deemed unoriginal. 所谓学术论文,有百分之八十以上没有原创性内容!这个数据如果可信,加强研究伦理和研究操守建设之事,真要提到国家议程上来啦。 The journals editor, Zhang Yuehong, emphasized that not all the flawed papers originated in China , although she declined to reveal the breakdown of submissions. Some were from South Korea , India and Iran , she said. The journals, which specialize in medicine, physics, engineering and computer science, were the first in China to use the software. For the moment they are the only ones to do so, Ms. Zhang said. Plagiarism and Fakery Her findings are not surprising if one considers the results of a recent government study in which a third of the 6,000 scientists at six of the nations top institutions admitted they had engaged in plagiarism or the outright fabrication of research data. In another study of 32,000 scientists last summer by the China Association for Science and Technology, more than 55 percent said they knew someone guilty of academic fraud. 引用两个最新研究结果!!!一个是政府部门研究结果,它表明:六家顶级国家用研究机构六千研究人员中有三分之一有抄袭行为。另一个是科学技术协会研究结果,它表明:三万两千科技工作者之中,百分之五十五以上的人遇到过有学术欺诈行为的人。学术欺诈如此猖獗,令人发指。 先鉴想读一读这两个研究报告,目前还没有找到!! Fang Shimin, a muckraking writer who has become a well-known advocate for academic integrity, said the problem started with the state-run university system, where politically appointed bureaucrats have little expertise in the fields they oversee. Because competition for grants, housing perks and career advancement is so intense, officials base their decisions on the number of papers published. 说到方舟子打假啦。对于学术欺诈者而言,方舟子讨厌,方舟子该打。不过,方舟子的存在,为世界提供一个证明:在中国,有不欺诈的学人! Even fake papers count because nobody actually reads them, said Mr. Fang, who is more widely known by his pen name, Fang Zhouzi, and whose Web site, New Threads, has exposed more than 900 instances of fakery, some involving university presidents and nationally lionized researchers. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/07/world/asia/07fraud.html?pagewanted=1 Rampant Fraud Threat to China s Brisk Ascent Published: October 6, 2010 (Page 2 of 2) When plagiarism is exposed, colleagues and school leaders often close ranks around the accused. Mr. Fang said this was partly because preserving relationships trumped protecting the reputation of the institution. But the other reason, he said, is more sobering: Few academics are clean enough to point a finger at others. One result is that plagiarizers often go unpunished, which only encourages more of it, said Zeng Guoping, director of the Institute of Science Technology and Society at Tsinghua University in Beijing, which helped run the survey of 6,000 academics. 在中国,剽窃不是不被揭发,是被揭发之后没人处理剽窃者!高校护短!高校护短,原因又是没几个人屁股干净! He cited the case of Chen Jin, a computer scientist who was once celebrated for having invented a sophisticated microprocessor but who, it turned out, had taken a chip made by Motorola, scratched out its name, and claimed it as his own. After Mr. Chen was showered with government largess and accolades, the exposure in 2006 was an embarrassment for the scientific establishment that backed him. But even though Mr. Chen lost his university post, he was never prosecuted. When people see the accused still driving their flashy cars, it sends the wrong message, Mr. Zeng said. 即使欺诈者受到处理,处理也往往很轻很轻。对剽窃者与造假者处理太轻,受到轻微处理后,他们依然风光无限,这给人们种种错觉!不严惩剽窃与造假,实际上是变相鼓励剽窃与造假。 The problem is not confined to the realm of science. In fact many educators say the culture of cheating takes root in high school, where the competition for slots in the countrys best colleges is unrelenting and high marks on standardized tests are the most important criterion for admission. Ghost-written essays and test questions can be bought. So, too, can a hired gun test taker who will assume the students identity for the grueling two-day college entrance exam. 将问题根源挖到高中教育阶段啦。应该教育和标准化考试害人! 说到中国论文枪手与考试枪手啦。哈哈,他们也是世界闻名啦。 Then there are the gadgets wristwatches and pens embedded with tiny cameras that transmit signals to collaborators on the outside who then relay back the correct answers. Even if such products are illegal, students spent $150 million last year on Internet essays and high-tech subterfuge, a fivefold increase over 2007, according to a Wuhan University study, which identified 800 Web sites offering such illicit services. 手表与钢笔中可以暗藏舞弊设备,考试舞弊手段高超! 如果属实,中国人实在是聪明,不过聪明用得不是地方。 Academic deceit is not limited to high school students. In July, Centenary College , a New Jersey institution with satellite branches in China and Taiwan , shuttered its business schools in Shanghai , Beijing and Taipei after finding rampant cheating among students. Although school administrators declined to discuss the nature of the misconduct, it was serious enough to withhold degrees from each of the programs 400 students. Given a chance to receive their M.B.A.s by taking another exam, all but two declined, school officials said. Nonchalant Cheating Ask any Chinese student about academic skullduggery and the response is startlingly nonchalant. Arthur Lu, an engineering student who last spring graduated from Tsinghua University , considered a plum of the countrys college system, said it was common for students to swap test answers or plagiarize essays from one another. Perhaps its a cultural difference but there is nothing bad or embarrassing about it, said Mr. Lu, who started this semester on a masters degree at Stanford University . Its not that students cant do the work. They just see it as a way of saving time. The Chinese government has vowed to address the problem. Editorials in the state-run press frequently condemn plagiarism and last month, Liu Yandong, a powerful Politburo member who oversees Chinese publications, vowed to close some of the 5,000 academic journals whose sole existence, many scholars say, is to provide an outlet for doctoral students and professors eager to inflate their publishing credentials. 近五千家学术期刊没有学术目标与学术价值,因此没有存在价值,应该停刊!中国政府关注到这种问题! Fang Shimin and another crusading journalist, Fang Xuanchang, have heard the vows and threats before. In 2004 and again in 2006, the Ministry of Education announced antifraud campaigns but the two bodies they established to tackle the problem have yet to mete out any punishments. 教育部关注到学术欺诈,并建立反学术欺诈机构! In recent years, both journalists have taken on Xiao Chuanguo, a urologist who invented a surgical procedure aimed at restoring bladder function in children with spina bifida, a congenital deformation of the spinal column that can lead to incontinence, and when untreated, kidney failure and death. 说 萧铁锤 教授哩。 In a series of investigative articles and blog postings, the two men uncovered discrepancies in Dr. Xiaos Web site, including claims that he had published 26 articles in English-language journals (they could only find four) and that he had won an achievement award from the American Urological Association (the award was for an essay he wrote). 还是说 萧铁锤 教授哩! But even more troubling, they said, were assertions that his surgery had an 85 percent success rate. Of more than 100 patients interviewed, they said none reported having been cured of incontinence, with nearly 40 percent saying their health had worsened after the procedure, which involved rerouting a leg nerve to the bladder. (In early trials, doctors in the United States who have done the surgery have found the results to be far more promising.) Wherever the truth may have been, Dr. Xiao was incensed. He filed a string of libel suits against Fang Shimin and told anyone who would listen that revenge would be his. This summer both men were brutally attacked on the street in Beijing Fang Xuanchang by thugs with an iron bar and Fang Shimin by two men wielding pepper spray and a hammer. 说方舟子遭锤打之事啦。 When the police arrested Dr. Xiao on Sept. 21, he quickly confessed to hiring the men to carry out the attack, according to the police report. His reason, he said, was vengeance for the revelations he blames for blocking his appointment to the prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences. 说到那把铁锤啦。 萧氏弧可能不会载入中国科学技术史,而萧氏(铁)锤却可能会载入世界科学技术史! Despite his confession, Dr. Xiaos employer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, appeared unwilling to take any action against him. In the statement they released, administrators said they were shocked by news of his arrest but said they would await the outcome of judicial procedures before severing their ties to him. 萧铁锤 教授招供快。快意情仇,快意快行,快行快供,哈哈哈! 萧铁锤 教授被捕后,华中科技大学表示:被铁锤新闻震惊;将等待司法判决结果。在中国学人眼中,这已经是不护短啦。但是,外国人看到是却是华中科技大学似乎不愿意采取积极的惩处举措,而在外国人眼中,这种不愿意隐含着某种护短。 有意思的是,在中国,有很多不护短的学人,先鉴就认识不止一位。 一位老教授发现自己的门生剽窃,亲自写信给学校领导和国内同仁,通报门生剽窃之事。其门生由此痛恨老师,恨之入骨,只是没有请出铁锤。在一次聊天之中,先鉴问老教授为什么这样做。老教授说:若要人不知,除非己莫为,剽窃文章,迟早会被人发现;我自己不通报,只有两种可能,一是我学术水平低劣到无法发现门生剽窃,二是我道德水平低劣到容忍甚至变相怂恿门生剽窃;一旦我的门生剽窃之事先被校外同仁揭发,我肯定会面对这两样的指控!老教授还说:一旦我的门生剽窃之事先被校外同仁揭发,而学校护短,校外同仁也会认为学校的学术水平和道德水平和剽窃者一样低下;只有防止、揭发、查处与清除学术欺诈,才能维护学校的学术清誉! Jacobs 的文章是镜子!在这镜子面前,老教授的话尤其值得重视。学术清誉靠学术操守来确立与维护,于个人如此,于学校如此,于国家亦如此。 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/07/world/asia/07fraud.html?pagewanted=2
个人分类: 教育漫話|4020 次阅读|4 个评论
fxf 2008-9-14 19:07
??学者的操守,除却天成,大半与学问有关,一方面,学者的操守限制学问的品质,另一方面,学问的品质影响学者的操守;对于操守的理解,仅仅限于道德范畴,不符合其原义,更不符合词义的发展,操守,作为一个人平素的行为、品德,涉及的意义是广泛的,道德之外,更见精神。 ??学者是有修养的。 ??学者的修养,既包括学问修养,又包括品德修养。学者的品德修养,会限制学问修养,这就是人们常说的人有多高,学问有多高,不往高了说,整天琢磨着让学生白做课题、想着各种奖金的人,学问修养肯定好不了;做学问做得一知半解的人,不见得品德差,但有个别人,忘乎所以,如同这个时代,把自信委曲成自大、疯狂,这些人的品德修养迟早会滑坡、崩盘。 ??学者是谦逊的。 ??真的学者,没有不谦逊的,偶尔的狂妄也是为了讽刺赝品。任何领域的研究,做得愈深,学者愈能感觉到何谓一家之言,何谓学海无涯,珍惜一己之见的同时,倍加重视同行所得;再进一步,做学问深了,学者会发现,自己钻研的领域没有那么特别,没有那么重要,不仅个人,即使研究领域,也不过沧海一粟,珍爱自己领域的同时,倍加尊重其它领域的研究。 ??学者是认真的。 ??学者的认真,源于做学问的要求,求学问固然需要认真,做学问更需要认真。做学问,需要严肃对待,马虎不得,因为学问是实实在在的东西,任何领域的研究,无论研究对象如何的玄妙,研究者首先需要是认真的,甚至可以说,没有认真,就没有真的研究,也没有真的学问。学问与虚假是天敌,虚假在有关学问的任何一个阶段存在,都是极其危险的。 ??学者是严谨的。 ??学者的严谨,不同于认真,认真考虑的是态度,是求实,严谨考虑的是步骤,是求准。学者的认真,宛如立论,立论要真实有据;学者的严谨,宛如论证,论证要谨慎周密。只有严谨的学者,才能凡事认真,实事求是;也只有认真的学者,才能行事严谨,步步为营。学者的严谨,不分巨细,越是细微处,越是一丝不苟;漏洞百出的学问,只能算是谎言。 ??学者是沉静的。 ??学者的沉静,得于做学问。学问做久了,做深了,人自然会沉静。做学问的人,首先会变得安静,不再喧嚣,不再忙于事务;然后变得宁静,心气平和,不争一时长短;最后变得沉静,用心体会学问,体会自然的奥妙。做学问,有如佛家修持,表面看来是参透物相,实质是回归本心,之所以有那么多聪明人做学问,最大的原因就是为了找到自己,而人只有沉静了,才能观本心。 ??学者是乐观的。 ??学者因为做学问,会变得更加乐观,原因有二,一是由于做学问的过程,柳暗花明的风景不断,绝处逢生的遭遇常有,希望一直在前面闪烁,从无死路一条;二是慢慢发现,不管研究多么辛苦,也不管研究者已是第几代,而研究对象自在依然,少有改变,自然物质是这样,人类活动也是这样,改变的只是研究者的看法,于是,天要下雨,娘要嫁人,随它去吧。 ??学者是开放的。 ??学者的开放,根源于研究对象的不可穷尽,研究宛如登山,上了一峰,又见层峦叠嶂,学问是没有尽头的,也没有唯一的通道,真的学者,自然拥有开放的心态,能够坦然面对失败,面对新生事物,面对不同意见,只有那些顽固的、守旧的人,才会自封为王、唯我独尊,为学问立江湖,为学者划山头,这样的人很好识别,全是把私利拴在肋骨上的人物,动一动都肝儿疼。 ??学者是恬淡的。 ??学者做学问变得沉静后,恬淡自然来,真的重视自我的,没有争名夺利的,因为无论争名还是夺利,人都得出卖自己的尊严,天下没有白吃的午餐,何况名利?争夺名利后的潇洒,是揉了沙子的眼睛,谁的难受谁清楚。做学问,是自己和自己叫劲,用不着看别人脸色,真的学者,没有争名夺利的,因为有欲折刚,折了刚的学者,太监一般,不男不女。 ?? ??虽然,不同的学问对学者的操守,会有不同的影响,文科学者的操守会有别于理科学者的操守,但对于真的学者,这种区别是非常渺小的,完全可以忽略不计。学者的操守是维护学问的一道屏障,学问是有尊严的人类活动,人类学问破败的一天,也将是人类退步的一天,人类学问繁荣的一天,也将是人类进步的一天,因此,真的学者,只能是有操守的学者。
个人分类: 关于学者|4054 次阅读|3 个评论

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