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zhuyucai1 2019-9-15 13:30
我常说,叫什么不重要,就是个名字,内涵才重要。直到现在。 我的系统辨识课,给研究生开的,叫《系统辨识》,今年报了十几位学生。 给本科生开的,叫《数据分析与系统辨识》,今年报了一百多位学生。问了六位同学为什么选我的课,五位说因为数据分析,一位说因为系统辨识。 以后我这门课改名为《数据科学之系统辨识》。 一定会火。
3781 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhuyucai1 2018-11-5 19:14
2015 年和 2016 两年没有招到毕业设计学生,可能因为课题都是有关系统辨识的,学生不感兴趣。去年( 2017 年)出了一个股票预测的课题,一下来了 5 位学生。为了满足学生的兴趣我又增加了一个股票课题。选学生的方法是先来后到。 为了引起学生的兴趣,今年出了两个课题,一个股票预测和投资;一个商业大数据分析。不出所料,每个项目有三个学生响应。这次是通过简单面试选学生。选好学生后,给落选同学发邮件时,觉得非常对不起他们。 做个好老师不容易。
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热度 12 zhuyucai1 2016-8-25 01:05
今年第一个基金结题,所以申请了第二个面上基金,题目是: “ 面向故障诊断的系统辨识 ” 基本思想是这样的:故障诊断方向的研究有 30 多年了。主要有两种方法,基于模型的方法和基于数据的方法。基于模型的主要使用机理模型,假设模型已经得到,研究各种方法,其中未知输入观测器是主流方法。基于数据的方法有 PLS 、 PCA 等。不用想就知道,基于模型的方法优于基于数据的方法,如果能得到模型的话。 30 多年过去了,两种方法均没有规模的工业应用。我认为原因是:基于数据的方法不够深刻;基于模型的方法。。。得不到模型。 而过去的 30 多年,模型预测控制( MPC )在工业界广泛应用,成功的原因就是能得到模型,通过系统辨识手段。我就想,为什么不研究基于系统辨识模型的故障诊断方法?所以就提出了这一课题。与面向控制的系统辨识不同,面向故障诊断的系统辨识需要解决输入含有测量噪声的 EIV 系统辨识。 花了两个星期写申请,中间请两位同事帮我八股八股。四位评审,两个优先资助,两个资助,又中啦! 听说资助比例是 20% ,我已中两次,后面的八次就不能申请了吧?
16203 次阅读|25 个评论
辨识的小船,也是说翻就翻 -- EIV 系统辨识
热度 4 zhuyucai1 2016-5-8 14:21
系统辨识的一个重要理论基础是统计学。基于统计学,辨识所得模型的好性质有两个 : 一是(渐近)无偏性,即模型误差的均值为零;二是(渐近)有效性,即模型误差的方差最小。搞系统辨识方法研究,首先要达到第一条要求,尽量追求第二条。 在系统辨识领域,预测误差方法是最先进的方法,因为在满足一些条件后,模型是渐近无偏(也叫一致)和渐近有效的。预测误差方法的一个基本假设是系统的输入信号不含测量噪声。这假设对于计算机控制的系统是对的;但对于非计算机控制的系统不合适,因为输入是测量所得,有测量噪声。很容易证明,预测误差方法在输入有噪声的情况下是有偏的,所得模型不准确。 也就是说,过去四、五十年系统辨识界提出的大多数方法的小船,到了输入有噪声的河里,就翻了。两本厚厚的专著, Ljung (1999) 和 Soderstromand Stoica (1997) ,到了这里也不灵了 (当然也包括我那本不太厚的书。) 在辨识界,输入含噪声系统叫 errors-in-variables 系统,缩写为 EIV 系统。这是我见到的最差的名字了,不知是谁、在什么背景下起的。相对输入无噪声系统,对输入有噪声的 EIV 系统辨识的研究工作就少多了,可能是技术难度大吧。但现实世界,输入有噪声系统比输入无噪声系统要多得多。当前一些学者提出的方法只能达到渐近无偏(一致性)。 在翻船的地方,把船翻过来、开起来,便是顶尖研究了。
9463 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 5 zhuyucai1 2015-3-18 18:46
常有人问我要我的《过程控制的多变量系统辨识》书中的matlab文件,在这里 m-files_new.zip ,但愿对你有用。
6380 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 1 zhuyucai1 2015-1-4 21:56
控制系统建模有两种方法,物理 / 机理建模法和系统辨识法。在工业应用中, 99% 的建模使用的是系统辨识手段,因为即经济又准确。(有人说我太夸张,认为只有 95% 使用系统辨识,我就不跟他争了。)所以,系统辨识应是自动控制专业最重要的一门课,没有之一。但是,全世界控制专业几乎没有在本科开系统辨识课的。难怪控制学科日益没落。问题很严重,领导很生气。 新年里,改邪归正还来得及。三年一次的 IFAC 系统辨识大会 SYSID 2015 将于 2015 年 10 月在北京召开,到时辨识界的大牛小牛都会来。投稿还有 10 天时间。 好消息,投稿期限延长到2015-02-15.
3671 次阅读|1 个评论
河南人在荷兰:18. 陪 Lennart Ljung 游杭州
热度 10 zhuyucai1 2013-6-18 20:28
瑞典人,控制(辨识)界知名学者 Lennart Ljung 教授来杭州了。 又走了。 事情是这样的, IEEE ICCA 2013 ( 一个国际控制会议 ) 6 月 12-14 日在杭州举行,请他作大会报告。在开会的前三天,我给他发了一个 email 说我在杭州工作,也去开会,如果他有时间请他吃个饭。他回答说当天他和夫人已到杭州,知道我回国了,但不知道就在杭州。并说他们计划花两天在杭州游一游。国际会议的惯例是不对特邀的学者提供特别的接送和游玩招待。这两天刚好是端午节放假,我说我就当你们的导游吧。好啊,他说。 第二天一早我骑车到酒店接他们夫妇,打的到了北山路苏堤,然后就在苏堤上散步往南走。阴天,温度舒适,苏堤上游人不多不少,大家心情都很好。 Lennart Ljung 1982 年第一次来中国,他记得当时全中国男女都穿一样的制服,北京的大街上满是自行车流。从那以后他常来中国,参加学术会议,还有专门的中国瑞典两国控制界的学术交流。他们夫妇还没有在杭州游过,非常向往西湖,还知道苏堤和东坡肉。看着西湖美丽的风景和悠闲自得的游人, Lennart 发出感叹,说三十年来他见证了中国的快速发展,真是世界一大奇迹。 我试着介绍杭州和西湖,发现自己的知识太贫乏。解嘲说我是在文革十年上的中小学,没学多少历史和文化(下回接待外国朋友前一定恶补一下。)说着说着就说起了科研和系统辨识。 Lennart 说过去的三十年中国的科研进步很大。我说看起来轰轰烈烈,但原创的成果不多。他想了想,说真是这样啊,以前没仔细想这个问题。我问他为什么中国人的科学创造力低下,他想了一会儿,说不知道。我说我认为中国的能人大都去当官了,中国的研究者(还有其他各行各业的人)得不到应有的尊重和尊严。在荷兰,有名的大厨、运动员和学者常和首相和部长平起平坐,参加电视访谈节目。这在中国是不可想象的。 Lennart 夫人插话说,在瑞典,名厨师比首相和部长重要多了,因为瑞典人最近对美食很感兴趣。 读过我博客的朋友知道我提出的渐近辨识法的理论基础是 Ljung 1985 年提出的渐近理论。走到苏堤的中段,我问 Lennart 为什么 1985 年突然发表了几篇关于辨识模型频域特性的文章。他说他是受到 Zames 1981 年一篇文章的启发。我顿时明白了。 Zames 那篇文章是一个里程碑,开启了后来 20 年鲁棒控制时代。我也是受到那篇文章的影响,把自己博士工作定位为为鲁棒控制做辨识。现在我不但要感谢 Lennart ,还要感谢 Zames! ( Zames 多年前患病, 60 多岁就去世了。) 转眼到了码头。我们乘船到了三潭印月。转到一个有茶馆小吃店的地方,我们坐下来点了一壶龙井( 120 元),买了点小吃( 40 多元)。小吃中有一包鹌鹑蛋,夫妇俩特别喜欢。 Lennart 夫人说鹌鹑蛋在瑞典很贵的。微风吹着,我们品着茶点,看看近处的荷叶,望望远处的山峦和寺庙,惬意极了。 乘船回到了苏堤,我们向雷峰塔走去。到了雷峰塔售票处, Lennart 非要买门票,说我已经买了船票和茶点,该轮到他了。我犹豫了一会儿,说好吧。登上雷峰塔,我们一边眺望西湖美景,我一边试着讲白蛇传的故事。又讲了个稀里糊涂,都是文革把我害得。 从雷峰塔下来, Lennart 夫人在纪念品柜台前盯着几件精美的礼品走不动了,说想给孙子孙女们买礼物。我看时间不晚,就建议去河坊街转转,告诉他们那里整条街都是卖纪念品的。等出租车等不到,我问他们愿不愿意走去。他们说很喜欢步行的,他们每周都锻炼几次。 到了河坊街,看到满街的纪念品商店,夫妇二人开心极了,很快就给每个孙子孙女还有他们自己买好了礼物。他们特别喜欢生肖纪念品,把每个人的出生年月告诉我,让我告诉他们是什么属相。我又不行了,我只知道自己的属相和跟我差 12 岁人的属相,其他的搞不清楚。都是文革把我害得。还好,问问店老板和街上的游人就搞定了。 转完河坊街该回旅馆了。从北山路上苏堤走到现在,我们一共步行了 7 公里。等出租车等了很久。有个黑车要 100 块拉我们去酒店,我说 30 快,没谈成。我告诉 Lennart 夫妇现在中国大城市出租车问题很大,出租车司机工作很苦还挣不了多少钱。又等了一会儿,叫到一辆出租车。很快就到了酒店,车费二十来块。当天晚上我要去参加组委会的一个工作餐,就跟他们告别了。 第二天我开车带他们去西溪湿地。坐电瓶船转了一圈,中间在一个餐馆吃午餐。吃完 Lennart 又要抢着付钱,说门票和船票是我付得。我说我是地主,应该我付,以后我到瑞典你招待我不就行了?他说一定快点儿去啊。午饭花了 141 块。晚上会议管饭,我说我就不请你们了。 在组委会上我提出我来主持 Ljung 的大会发言。下面是我主持时介绍 Ljung 的话: “我来介绍一下 Lennart 教授。首先我告诉大家他的姓的正确发音。 Ljung 的正确发音是 Yiong ,而不是 Liong 。第二我提醒大家 Ljung 教授是瑞典皇家科学院院士,在座的如果想得到诺贝尔奖提名,最好跟他搞好关系。” “他的简历我就不念了,大家可以自己读。我就讲一下我跟 Lennart 的特殊关系,一个 27 年前开始的故事。” “ 1986 年 1 月我开始在荷兰 Eindhoven 技术大学跟 Eykhoff 教授读博士。我选的课题是多变量工业系统的辨识方法。经过几个月的文献学习和多次讨论,我认为解决问题的关键是要有一个理论能描述辨识模型在频域的误差特性。很快我发现了 Ljung 教授 1985 年发表的文章‘ Asymptotic variance expressions of identified black-box transfer function models ’,正是我需要的。我把它叫渐近理论。使用该理论,我提出了系统辨识的渐近法,系统解决了测试信号设计、参数估计、模型阶的确定和模型校验四个问题,顺利取得博士学位。” “博士毕业,我进入工业界,使用渐近法做先进控制 / 预测控制项目,效果非常好。几年后我成立自己的控制软件公司,把渐近法做成商业软件,卖给炼油厂和化工厂。渐近法的优点是把测试和模型辨识的效率提高三倍,并提高模型精度。在过程控制技术中,我们首创地把传统的手动、单变量和开环测试改为自动、多变量和闭环测试,把先进控制技术提到一个新的水平。现在全世界有一百多家炼油厂、化工厂、电厂、造纸厂、采矿场等使用含有渐近法的控制软件。所有这些成果,都来源于 Ljung 的渐近理论。有人问我理论有用吗?我现在回答你。” “他的一篇文章让我为其工作了 27 年。我是有点慢。我现在研究工作的重要部分仍然是渐近法的扩展,看来我这辈子是无法摆脱他了。他的一篇文章就产生这么大的作用,他一共发表了 250 篇文章,大家可以估算一下 Ljung 教授对系统辨识和控制技术有多大的影响。” “现在就请 Ljung 教授给我们作报告。” 我还想讲自己的一个奇特经历,又怕耽误太多时间,就没有讲。把这段放在这里,但愿对年轻人有所启发。 “找到 Ljung 的那篇渐近理论文章后,我读了无数遍,纸都磨烂了。总觉得自己还有哪里不懂,有点神秘感。几个月以后,我在荷兰的 Groningen 大学参加一个讨论会, Ljung 被邀请作主讲。我听了他的报告(不是讲渐近理论,他似乎有点看不上自己的渐近理论,从来没听他讲过),又在下面跟他聊了几句。我发现他就一平常人,一个鼻子两只眼,特别喜欢喝可口可乐,对别人提出的问题经常说我不知道。 Zames 也去了,我问他有关 Smith 预测器的一个问题, Zames 说他不知道什么是 Smith 预测器。开完会回到学校,我又拿起那篇文章,眼前一亮,我现在能读懂每一句话,能理解每一个公式和所有的证明!年轻的朋友,这是为什么?” 这个故事我上辨识课时给同学们讲过的。 Ljung 开讲后我坐下向会场听众扫了一眼,发现我的学生全来了。我对他们点了点头,会心地笑了。 第二天 Lennart 夫妇要去上海飞美国参加另一个学术会议。早上我把他们送到火车站候车室。这两天跟他们一起游杭州自己很快乐,我以前没有和 Lennart 进行过这么长时间交谈。 Lennart 说了几遍我们欠你很多,你要快点去瑞典我们好招待你。我跟他们握手道别,离开了候车室。我一边走一边想,我整个职业生涯都在吃你那篇渐进理论的文章,以后还要吃,咱们两个谁欠谁呀? 上一篇:17. 把指标当目标,能达到目标吗? 下一篇:官本位,科技的中国和舌尖上的中国
11436 次阅读|16 个评论
josh 2012-10-29 16:42
http://www.taijicontrol.com/ http://www.taijicontrol.com/PhDIntro.pdf INTRODUCTION 1.1 An Integration Approach, What and Why? Today’s science and technology have reached such diversity that a young researcher can easily get lost in the face of countless disciplines. Therefore some philosophical guideline might be helpful for motivating the road chosen for the research and development pursued, on which this thesis reports. Since the celebrated work of Newton 300 years ago, Western society has experienced scientific and industrial revolutions which constitute an important component of today’s Western civilization. Due to its success Newtonianism, or the mechanistic world view, has been dominating Western science and technology, especially natural science. This world view perceives the universe as a machine, governed by exact mathematical laws. By this philosophy, in principle, any system can be modelled like a clock; it consists of different elements like the parts of the clock. If all individual elements of the system and their interactions can be analyzed clearly, one will get perfect understanding of the total system behavior. Under such a philosophy, the methodology of the present Western science, especially natural sciences, can be characterized as analytical, rational, reductional and experimental. This method has been extremely successful for studying mechanical systems. Recent developments, however, are showing that this method cannot give satisfactory solutions to problems when studying modern physics, sociology, economy, biology, and so on. Now Some researchers are convinced that modern science should be guided by at philosophy that has an organic systematic and dynamic world view; cf. Capra, (1984); in fact this was the world view of ancient Eastern philosophy and wisdom (Chinese and Indian). Perhaps it was also the world View in the West before Newton. Coming from China, Let me try to tell some Chinese stories. In the old time, the Chinese believed that there is an ultimate reality which underlies and unifies the multiple things and events. This reality was called the Dao (Tao), inadequately translated as ’the Way’. A principal characteristic of the Tao is the cyclical nature of its ceaseless motion. This world view was symbolized by the Tai-Ji-Tu 太極圖 or ’Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate’, see Fig. 1.1. This diagram is a symmetric arrangement of the polar opposites: the dark yin ( 陰 ) and bright yang ( 陽 ), From this pattern, one feels strongly a Continuous Cyclic movement: The yang returns to its beginning; the yin attains its maximum and gives place to the yang (Kuei Ku Tzu, 鬼谷子 , fourth century B.C.; translated by J. Needham, 1956). The two dots in the suggest the idea that the two forces contain in themselves the Seeds of their opposites. Yang is associated with strong, male and creative power; yin is associated with receptive, female and maternal element. Further associations are: yin yang earth heaven moon sun night day winter Summer water fire coolness warmth interior surface The relation between yin and yang is complementary. It is important to recognize that these opposites do not belong to different categories but are extreme poles of a single whole. Yin does not exist without yang and vice versa. Nothing is only yin or only yang. All natural phenomena and social events are manifestations of a continuous oscillation between yin and yang. Just as it does not make sense to ask which is more important for life, the is good is not yin or yang but the dynamic balance or harmony between the two; what is bad or harmful is imbalance. There were two most influential schools in old China: Confucianism, founded by Kong Fu-Zi (Confucius, 孔夫子 479 B.C.), and Taoism, founded by Lao Zi (Lao Tzu, 老子 , who was said to be 20 years older than Confucius). Confucius studied social system; and he believed that in order to keep the balance of the society there must be a strict convention of social etiquette. One of the rules Confucius made for the people was that everyone in society should behave according his social position - an emperor should act as an emperor, minister as minister, father as father and son as son ( 君君臣臣父父子子 ). He also advised people not to be extreme and radical ( 中庸之道 , moderation). Taoists studied more on the relation between the human being and nature. The harmony of this system is achieved if people can discover the Tao, or the law of nature, acting spontaneously. Wu Wei ( 無為 ) is the action Taoists took; it means follow the nature and do not act against nature. In our time, when talking about social life and scientific research, the following associations of yin and yang might be acceptable: yin yang feminine masculine contractive expansive conservative demanding responsive aggressive cooperative competitive intuitive rational synthesizing analytic integral reductional Examining this list of opposites, we see that at least since 300 years ago, Western society and science have consistently favored yang over yin (when compared with Eastern culture): competition over cooperation, exploitation of nature over conservation, rational knowledge over intuitive wisdom, reduction over integration, analysis over synthesis, and so on. After having recognized this imbalance, it is not difficult to understand why Western scientists are so fond of formal mathematics; why they are so good in differentiating problems into their smallest possible components; and why they often forget to put the pieces back together again, This imbalance also shows that there is a need to emphasize more strongly yin in Western research, i.e., to emphasize intuition, synthesis and integration. Under such a guideline, in this work, we will try to integrate identification and control for industrial manufacturing systems; we will show how this philosophy can be useful for choosing a research topic and even for generating new ideas. In the last few centuries in the history, however, Chinese preferred yin to yang (when compared with Western culture) - they would give response to the nature rather than exploit it, they tried to follow the rules in order to avoid conflicts, they preferred talking about general philosophy to the completion of a concrete project, they preferred intuitive wisdom and common sense to analytical reasoning. This is perhaps one of the reasons why modern science has not been born in China. One might ask what modem China can learn from Western culture. The author believes that there is a need to emphasize yang. For example, make competition fair play and bring it into the public eye from underground; give individuals more freedom and opportunities for self-fulfillment; use more scientific reasoning and analytical approach to study social, political and economic problems; test theories by facts instead of by doctrines; and so on. The science and technology in modern China, however, suffer the same illness as in the West, that is, there is in general a lack of intuition and integration approach. One of the reasons is that most researchers in China are in the learning period, we do not have enough experience and confidence yet to go further to Combine the Western and the Chinese approaches. Time and an open policy are needed to achieve a good combination of the Western and the Eastern approaches and, more broadly, their cultures. But if this happens, there will be a renaissance of Eastern culture, which will be enjoyed, this time, by both Eastern and Western people due to modern communications. More discussions on this topic are beyond the scope of the thesis. 1.2 The Philosophy of Identification There are basically two ways of building models of systems – th e mathematical modelling approach and th e identification approach. Mathematical modelling is the most common and conventional method in Western science and technology. By this approach one starts with decomposing the system into its subsystems, and subsystems into their elements; then one writes down the equations for each element based on first principles, e.g., physical laws; and finally one forms the system model by putting the equations together according to the interrelations between the elements and the subsystems. Some people also call this approach physical modelling. From the methodological point of view, this is typically a reductional, rational and analytical approach; a yang approach. System identification can be defined as deriving system models from observations and measurements. In this approach, the system is viewed as a whole; there is perhaps no need or intention to analyze each element of the system; the systems behavior is observed by measuring some relevant variables; and such a model is chosen of which the behavior fits best the measurements. By this approach one does not attempt to go deep into the system, the precise physical knowledge of the System elements and their interrelations is not necessary; therefore identification is also called black-box modelling; see Fig. 1.2.a. Identification is a new branch in the field of dynamic systems and control; and is formally founded about 25 years ago (the first IFAC symposium on identification was held in Prague, 1967). In contrast with the mathematical modelling approach, the philosophy of identification is the wholeness; its methodology is integral and synthetical. This i s, however, not very much a typical modern Western methodology. It has a strong yin force. Here we see another parallel between ancient Eastern philosophy and modern Western science and technology (physicists have pointed out many parallels between Eastern philosophy and modern physics; see c.g., Capra, 1984). It is interesting to observe that modern identification has been born on the bed of systems and control. From a philosophical point of view, it is not difficult to see why this happened. Needless to say, the philosophy behind dynamic system theory is the systems view or the wholeness. The mathematical modelling approach follows Newton’s philosophy; its use is limited whenever the fundamental laws of some system elements and/or some interrelations are not known yet or too complex. With the aid of identification, which has also a systems view, one might go beyond this limit. A remark should be given here that we are not trying to say that identification is better than mathematical modelling or vice versa. To obtain the best model of a system in practice, one should Combine the two approaches (that is, to reach at balance between yin and yang). There is more to tell about identification. Chinese medicine is a good example to show how the ancient Chinese philosophy and wisdom influenced the practice of Chinese people. The human body was modelled as the universe; viewed as an organic whole and there are yin and yang parts. For example, the back is yang, the from is yin; the skin or surface is yang, the interior is yin. Inside the body, there are yin and yang organs. Of the five viscera the heart and liver are yang organs and the spleen, lungs and kidneys are yin organs. The balance between and yang is maintained by a continuous flow of qi (chi 氣 ) or vital energy, cyclically between yin and yang organs. Whenever the fl o w between yin and yang is obstru c ted (hindered), an imbalance will occur and the body falls ill. Te detect the illness, pulse feeling was the most important method of diagnosis of Chinese medicine. The examinations made upon both the right and left wrists, the physician using three fingers (index, middle and ring fingers) to feel the pulse of his patient. It is recorded t hat Bian Qian (Pien Chiao, 扁鵲 ) who lived about 255 B.C. was the inventor of this idea; cf. Wong and Wu, (1936). Before him the pulses from many places of the body should be measured. But Bien Qiao realized that one could gather enough information only from the two wrists of the patient, which was much more convenient. One of the rules made by Confucianism was that men and women should not be close with each other ( 男女授受不親 ), except within the family; and an unmarried girl should not be seen by male outsiders. But this rule was not really a restriction for a Chinese doctor to perform diagnosis for his female patient. In such a case, he could simply feels the pulses of the lady behind the curtain; see Fig. 1.2.1b. This procedure, however, fits very well to the definition of identification; and we note that the doctor was identifying a three output system! This story of pulse feeling suggests that the history of system identification is at least 2000 years longer than we usually think. So much about philosophy. Let us now turn to more practical and technical issues. Preface to Multi-variable System Identification for Process Control by Yucai Zhu Systems and control theory has experienced a continuous development in the last few decades. The state space approach and Kalman filter are the products of the 1960s which, for the first time, made it possible to solve general linear multivariable control problems. Since 1970 adaptive control theory and techniques have been developed. In the 1980s robust control and H-infinity control of multivariable systems were developed. Fault detection and diagnosis techniques were also developed in this period. These new techniques are very promising for industrial applications and have attracted much interest from the academic researchers. The impact of these developments on process industries, however, has been very limited. When we visit plants in process industries, we find that a typical modern computer control system is a combination of the state-of-the-art computer technology and classical PID (proportional, integral and differential) control algorithms which are the restrictive single variable control techniques of the 1940s and 1950s. Many possible reasons for this failure of technology transfer can be identified. One important reason is the lack of accurate dynamic models of industrial processes, since all the above mentioned modern techniques are model-based and need reasonably accurate process models. Another reason is the lack of good communication between the modern control community and process industries. However, one process industry has made a distinction. In the last decade, model predictive control (MPC) technology has gained its industrial position in the refinery and petrochemical industry, and has started to attract interest from other process industries. There are over 500 control engineers from contracting and operation companies several thousands of applications have been reported. Most often, an MPC controller uses a linear dynamic model of the process that is obtained by way of black-box identification. However, due to various reasons, the cost of current MPC identification is very high and many trials and errors have to be made by the user. The test time is rather long (from several weeks to several months) and the tests are carried out manually around the clock. This, on the one hand, demands very high commitment of engineers and operators and, on the other hand, makes MPC project planning difficult. It is believed nowadays that process modeling and identification is the most difficult and time consuming part of an MPC project. Wide spread applications of MPC technology call for more effective and efficient identification technology. Process identification is the field of mathematical modeling using test data. This branch of automatic control has been very actively developed in the last three decades, with many books published on the topic. Most of these books have very high academic quality. However, they are too theoretically oriented for industrial users and for undergraduate students. Therefore, the purpose of this book is to fill the gap between theory and application and to provide industrial solutions to process identification that are based on sound scientific theory. We will study various identification methods; both linear and block-oriented nonlinear models will be treated. We will present, in detail, project procedures for multivariable process identification for control. Identification test design and model validation will be emphasized. The book is organized in a way that is reader friendly and easy to use for engineers and students. We will start with the simplest method, and then gradually introduce other methods. In this way, one can bring more physical insight to the reader and some mathematics can be avoided. Each method is treated in a single chapter or section, and experiment design is explained before discussing any identification algorithms. The many simulation examples and actual industrial case studies will show the power and efficiency of process identification and will make the theory more applicable. Matlab® M files are included that will help the reader to learn identification in a computing environment.
个人分类: Engineering Cybernetics|3871 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 guanyinghui 2010-10-2 20:33
系统辨识就是了利用输入输出数据得到与对象模型比较接近的模型,传统最小二乘要求比较苛刻,为了能让最小二乘适应其他环境例如有色噪声干扰的线性系统、强非线性系统等,那么我们就有必要对最小二乘算法做变形与改进。 作者最近利用利用改进的最小二乘算法辨识单输入单输出非线性Hammerstein-ARMAX模型,利用同样的RLS算法做对比仿真,结果表明改进的最小二乘算法能够快速收敛于真值并且估计的参数精度较高。
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