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FIS 2010 在北京的图片新闻
gl6866 2010-8-24 12:29
FIS 2010大会于今天完成。实际上,今天的日程主要是安排各国学者的观光活动,中国学者昨天傍晚就大多自行活动,大会不再做任何限制和安排。我作为此次大会的特邀代表,在如意宾馆住会三天后,也就回家了。由于此次大会是一个集好几个会议如一身的国际会议,所以除了22日的大会开幕式之后,便各自到相应的会议室召开小会了。先发若干照片,供各位网友先睹为快。 大会开幕式(22日) FIS 2010会场 来自西班牙的FIS 2010副主席Pedro C. Marijuan教授准备发言 华中科技大学欧阳康教授发言完毕后在接受瑞士学者的提问 美国北肯塔基大学的学者们在FIS 2010大会集体合影前的团队合影 北肯塔基大学的Kelvin Kirby教授与我是分组会Co-Chairs 合影完毕钟义信教授在发言 投影仪出故障了,FIS 2010主席Wolfang Hofkichner教授宣布提前茶歇 Kelvin Kirby教授在发言 我在会议上的发言 “革命自有后来人”北京印刷学院的于滨在发言 Kelvin和我主持分组会的一角 我们分组会的最后一位发言人,东京大学的Wataru Hashimoto在发言 Joseph E. Brenner获FIS 2010优秀论文奖与欧阳康教授在晚宴上合影 合影留念王巍(左),刘钢(中),陈刚(右)
个人分类: 信息哲学|3770 次阅读|1 个评论
关注北京国际基础信息研讨会FIS 2020的召开
nipy 2010-8-19 16:22
关注北京国际基础信息研讨会 FIS 2020 的召开 . 集中式科技专业会议与分布式网络虚拟会议结合模式的探讨 第四届国际基础信息研讨会 FIS 2020 将于 8.20-8.23 在北京举行,根据会议有关文件,把会议主题思想转录如下 会议主题:建立新的信息科学 会议论文的主题: 1 .新的信息科学对社会的冲击和影响 2 .智能科学在信息科学中的地位 2 . 1 信息和智能 2 . 2 在信息科学中作为一门工程信息学的智能科学 3 .其他的应用信息科学学科 计算机科学,人机接口,计算机媒体通信,计算机支持的合作,信息传播技术与社会,图书馆与档案科学, 4 .新信息科学的基础 4 . 1 定义单一的、通用的信息概念的可行性 4 . 2 理论信息学(或一般信息学)的概念、原理与方法 4 . 3 统一信息理论的知识结构 5 .信息哲学 5 . 1 信息伦理学 5 . 2 认识论,社会认识论,社会信息论(信息与科学方法,) 5 . 3 信息本体论 5 . 4 信息与科学哲学(信息与科学知识系统 ― 跨学科性 ― 契合 ― ) 6 .信息与真实世界系统 6 . 1 关于物理和化学系统的信息科学(量子信息,分子识别,) 6 . 2 关于生命系统的信息科学(生物符号学,系统生物学,生物信息学,) 6 . 3 关于人和社会系统的信息科学 6 . 3 . 1 关于人类认识的信息科学(心 - 脑理论,意识,) 6 . 3 . 2 关于人类传播的信息科学(语言学,社会网络,传播学,) 6 . 3 . 3 关于人类合作的信息科学(集体智慧,知识管理,高端智能,) 7 .关于信息社会和信息时代的科学(信息社会理论,因特网研究,社会信息学,新媒体研究,) 8 .其他相关的信息研究 我们在 在科学网上建立<信息本质探讨>圈子的倡议 中也列举了建立这一圈子的意义和理由,也是我们希望利用开放的网络平台开展信息本质问题讨论的主题思想,这些思想实际上也是我们许多朋友多年来在网络上讨论信息有关问题逐步形成的思想,也转录如下: ( 1 ) 21 世纪初,科学出版社出版的 21 世纪 100 个交叉科学难题中把信息是什么?列为交叉科学难题之一,信息是什么实际上就是探讨目前还有很大争议的信息本质问题。在科学网博客论坛上建立专门圈子集中讨论一下这个科学难题,应该还是有意义,也是符合科学网宗旨的吧!有的朋友提出广义信息的概念,我认为也是探求信息本质的含义。 ( 2 )信息本质在本体层次的研究,有可能进一步揭示物质、能量、运动、时空、结构、状态、力、场等这些组成物理世界基本元素之间的关系以及它们与信息的关系。从而进一步认识世界的本原。 ( 3 )信息本质在认识层次的研究,有可能从信息的观点把认识、思维、智能、智力、知识、科学、技术、生产力等认识层次的许多重要概念联系起来。有可能进一步推动思维科学研究的深入,也为科学界一直在探讨的什么是科学?、科学是什么?的问题提供更基础的依据。 ( 4 )哲学的基本问题是思维和存在的关系。我们把认识层次与本体层次对信息本质的研究联系起来,揭示人脑思维认识客观世界的信息活动过程,从而为研究哲学基本问题提供更科学的依据,有可能推动哲学的发展并形成信息哲学。 ( 5 )信息本质研究揭示了信息的产生与传递起源于客观事物普遍存在的相互联系与相互作用。而事物的相互联系又是形成系统、系统观和系统科学的基石。因此,信息科学与系统科学天然地存在相互依存、相互推动的关系。一切信息的采集、传输、存储、处理和利用都是系统行为,而一切系统的功能、性能都是通过系统内外信息的活动和作用体现的。人类认识事物获得知识的信息量,与客观事物的系统复杂性有密切关系。信息熵的概念又是与系统的无序性、不确定性相联系的。 ( 6 )信息技术源于人自然信息功能的扩展与增强,信息本质研究揭示了信息采集、传输、存储、处理和利用控制的内部机理,从而有可能更有前瞻性的指导和推动信息技术更深层次的发展。尤其是在计算机网络技术、人工智能技术、多媒体技术等方面。 ( 7 )人类社会主要是由于人与人之间的信息联系而形成,信息本质研究有可能使我们更深刻的认识人类社会的发展规律,更深刻的研究现代社会发展中有关社会信息化、信息化社会、全球一体化、知识经济、网络经济、科学发展观等问题。 ( 8 )信息本质研究有助于进一步理解生命体基因遗传信息对于生物进化、人类智能发展的重要作用和基因信息的传递机理,因而有助于推动生命科学、医学的更深入地发展。 可能还可以举出很多! 比较以上两份材料可见,我们在网络上探讨信息本质的主题思想与 FIS 2020 会议 的主题思想是比较一致的,这是否也说明国内外许多研究信息科学或信息问题的科技工作者,已经逐步地对信息科学的研究思路和方向有了更多的共识: ( 1 )在研究信息本质概念的基础上开拓新的信息科学研究。进一步研究能适应一切信息领域的单一的、通用的、本质的信息定义。新的信息科学已有基础信息科学、信息科学基础、理论信息学、一般信息学、广义信息论等提法。 ( 2 )信息科学与哲学的结合形成新的信息哲学。进一步研究信息认识论、信息本体论、信息与科学知识的关系。 ( 3 )信息科学与社会科学的交叉与融合。进一步认识人类社会的发展规律,研究现代社会中社会信息化与信息化社会问题; ( 4 )信息科学与自然科学的交叉与融合,推动生物信息学、化学信息论、量子信息理论和地球信息科学以及生命科学、思维科学、智能科学等的进一步深入。 ( 5 )信息科学与系统科学的结合。研究信息、系统、网络的内在联系,推动复杂系统理论与网络理论的深入。并可能成为哲学与社会科学、自然科学之间的重要中界和支柱科学。 北京第四届国际基础研究信息研讨会的召开,无疑是信息科学界的一大盛事,它集中世界范围研究信息科学的专家和精英们与一堂,肯定会有许多高质量的文章与发言推动新信息科学的发展。但这种集中式的科技专业会议也有它的局限性:参加人数有限和会期时间有限。我们在科学网博客论坛上倡议建立 信息本质探讨 圈子是试图探索一种 分布式网络虚拟会议 的模式,这种会议具有参会人数无限和会期无限的更开放的特点。如果能把这两种会议模式结合起来,在集中开会时把平时分布会议上讨论的观点反映到集中会议上提炼、升华;而在集中会议休会期间,把会议的文集、观点转贴到分布网络平台上在更大范围更深入讨论。应该更有利于新信息科学的发展! 科学网可能已有一些朋友应邀参加了北京 FIS 2020 会议,希望能把会议好文章和有关信息及时反馈到网上让更多关心新信息科学发展的朋友共享会议成果,也希望钟义信、姜璐等老师也能在科学网上建博,把基础信息的讨论在分布网络虚拟会议平台上与更多朋友更广泛地交流! 预祝北京第四届国际基础信息研讨会 FIS 2020 园满成功!永不闭会! 相关链接: * 第四届国际信息科学基础研讨会( FIS 2010 ) http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=342584 * 诚邀信息科学与信息哲学的各位专家学者出席 FIS 2010 北京会议! http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=351755 * 在科学网上建立<信息本质探讨>圈子的倡议 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=352223 * 全世界信息科学家联合起来 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=351824
个人分类: 信息本质探索|2907 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]“Information Scientists of all Countries – Unite!”Pedro的修改稿
gl6866 2010-8-11 00:21
Information Scientists of all Countries Unite! Suggestions for a New Community of Scholars The rudiments of a new community of scholars all over the world, ISIS, i.e., International Society of Information Science, or International Science of Information Society, and the draft of a formal document for the participants in FIS 2010 are discussed. 1. General thinking on the Global Movement towards a new science of information There are one historical mission and two concrete aims in FIS 2010. The historical mission is the proclamation of the new science of information, as a continuation and culmination of the series of FIS Conferences on Foundations of Information Science, starting in Madrid 1994, when the first milestone in the approach was made. As for the two aims, one is to promote the exchange of academic achievements, and the other is to create a new community of scholars for the regular networking of information science practitioners and related events. The academic exchange is a common task for every scholarly meeting. Our special goal in FIS 2010 is to confirm the direction of a new science of information and the approach to it, i.e., the foundations of information science. This idea is at the center of the FIS 2010 program. 2. Let's try to gather the different groups working on information science into one boat It is becoming clear, gradually, that information science is parallel to material science, e.g., physics, chemistry, biology, etc., because the new disciplines emerge one by one after related material subjects informatization. Without an open, multi-disciplinary community whose members come from all over the world, it is very difficult for us to control and promote the whole information science project and realize the whole mission ahead. We should undertake an effort to combine the forces of those who are already longing for transdisciplinary thinking. What we can do is to create an international framework in which we can facilitate research that goes beyond the state of the art and undertakes in-depth reflection; a kind of unity-through-diversity construct open for everybody who shares the aim of digging a little bit deeper. It is good to have many experts from different information related subjects in an international advisory board, because by that they are forced to show commitment and they are really interested in the stuff. Furthermore, by means of this conference we will succeed in gathering a bandwidth of different groups which so far did not sit together in one boat! One of current tasks for us is to network them to make them aware of each other and that there might be common goals shared. We believe that it will not be easy to create this new community. Let's try! Let's start with it! 3. Let's start building up a new community of scholars, out from FIS 2010 One of our main purposes of Beijing conference is to network researchers and research institutions as well as knowledge transfer institutions in the promotion of the new science of information. We know it is a hard job and needs much time to discuss all of them. However it's far easier to discuss face-to-face if we think it over beforehand. In our opinion, the missions of new community are: (1) to gather all those parties both outside and inside SoII and FIS, and from very different disciplines and new countries, into one or several clubs to give both new life, and develop their own views. (2) to push a grass-roots movement, and feed up the whole information science project. (3) to gather around one certain topic in some organised groups, discuss it, have a website to make public their work, and get funded projects. 4. What is a suitable form for ISIS? In order to provide the future global movement with some organizational backbone, there are several possibilities. First, it's a scientific society which has persons as members. These persons are either elected or appointed by a rigid ritual like in or they are broad member organizations in which everyone who works in the field is welcome. And there might be chapters or working groups along disciplinary or other lines as is usual in nearly all of these big international organizations. Second, it's kind of an umbrella organization, that is, a federation which has members that are organizations themselves only. Each organisation has delegates to the general assembly which votes for the board. A third possibility which is a mixture of the two: a society that has persons and organizations as members and the board is made up of representatives of the personal memberships as well as of representatives of the organisational memberships. Whatever the option, we have to take into consideration that the organization should remain open so as to enable further development and further inclusion of interested people and groups. And it should try to be representative as for the geography and disciplines (and do the best as for gender mainstreaming) and maybe meet other criteria. 5. Let's organize Regular FIS Conferences (each two years) for the global movement Any global movement consists of two factors: people and events. Any international academic conference attempting a developmental milestone should be organized and some permanent mechanisms out of the main organization must mature gradually as long as the discipline becomes fruitful and the movement gets the recognition and acceptance in the academic field and society. If we hold the FIS conferences regularly (i.g., each two years), our new community of scholars will be established gradually, i.e., its organizational structure and dynamic mechanisms will be advanced. We may imagine that the locus of the FIS conference may be: Madrid 1994, Vienna 1996, Paris 2005, Beijing 2010, Moscow 2012, Tokyo 2014, Washington 2016, London 2018, Vancouver 2020, Souel 2022, Madrid 2024, Amsterdam 2026, etc. When we celebrate the 30 years of the global movement of the new science of information in Madrid 2024, what the discipline will become? Geographically speaking, a global movement is composed of many national movements. (So we group the members of the International Advisory Board under 20 countries.) After or before an international conference in a country, a national symposium in the country may be held. For example, a China-FIS 2011, i.e., First National Conference on the Foundations of Information Science, which is sponsored by Huazhong University of Science and Technology, will be held in October 2011 in Wuhan. Furthermore, Chinese scholars design a series of national conference which will be held every two years to play a supporting role of international conference. We believe that the same situation will happen in Russia, Japan, etc. We believe that after 10 years, there will be some achievements gauged by certain measures, among them: (1) research projects; (2) publications (e.g. journals, book series); (3) conferences; (4) scientific societies; (5) others. The hunch is that information science could have a multi-centric development in this new Century, as mechanics historically was an exclusively European centered achievement. A Russian academician, Professor Kolin, put out a proposal for holding the FIS 2012 in Moscow, Russia. If so, they should raise their plan for FIS 2012 in the closing ceremony of FIS 2010. Maybe we can welcome some scholars advance that the FIS 2014 will be held in their country, e.g., in Japan. If two or more organizations want to sponsor the same FIS conference, we can ask them to state their favourable conditions or terms then choose a better one. 6. Design a new community of scholars around the event of the FIS conferences In general, due to their own tradition, type, and development, scholars in different countries explore the same problem with dissimilar views and from various angles, and their achievements may be complementary of each other. Therefore, an international conference on the foundations of information science and the whole information science at regular intervals is needed absolutely. At its early stage of development, ISISs main function is to organize and hold a regular conference. That means to arrange its works around the FIS conference event. For this purpose, the structure and mechanism of ISIS should consist on five levels: (1) Top level: Honorary Presidents. This is the leading core for the global movement. They are the outstanding experts of theory and practice in the field of the foundations of information science and in charge of the whole designs of FIS conferences and the global movement of new information science. Their positions are unchangable. (2) Second level: Exacutive Presidents. Their positions are changeable along with each conference. They are some presidents in one national conference (if any) and three continuous FIS international conferences, e.g., past president, current/duty president, and president elect. The most important one of them is the International President on duty. (3) Third level: Governing Board. The members of the board are on duty by turns, changeable along with each conference. It is a working team, e.g., Programme Committee, Oganization Committee, etc., and responsible for the exacutive presidents, especially for the current president. (4) Fourth level: International Advisory Board. The members of IAB come from different countries, organizations, disciplines, groups, etc., who represent the scholars all over the world. There are two kinds of members in the IAB. One is the outstanding scholars in each country, an oganization, a discipline, a research field, etc. The other is the representative of the scholars in a country, organization, discipline, field, etc. All of these members are the nodes of the ISIS network. The first IAB of ISIS consists of scholars from 20 countries. If more than one, the members in a country in IAB should elect one who represents them to keep contact with the Standing Secretariat of ISIS and designs the progress of the new science of information in his/her country. We need a slogan for our ISIS: Information Scientists of all Countries Unite! After an international conference, the experts who work at second and third levels will become the members of IAB automatically. If a scholar is qualified in an FIS conference then he or she has the requisite qualification for the membership of ISIS all along, unless he or she declares to ISISs Standing Secretariat that the membership is not needed any more. The scholars from a country may organize a branch of ISIS, e.g., the Chinese Branch of ISIS, etc. (5) Fifth level, two secretariats: a Standing Secretariat and a Conference Secretariat. The former is in charge of the continuity of the global movement, e.g., to establish and maintain a communication platform, edit and issue a newsletter of ISIS, keep the documents of each FIS confernce, etc., under the leadership of the top level of ISIS, whose members are collected by honory presidents. The later is in charge of a FIS conference in two-year period, which is composed of some scholars and administrative staff from a country, in which a FIS conference is being prepared and will be held, which works under the leadership of governing bord. 7. Let's think over and design the framework before Beijing conference for FIS 2010 For the FIS 2010, we may design its five-level structure: (1) Honorary Presidents: Pedro Marijuan (from FIS) Wolfgang Hofkirchner (from SoII) K.K. Kolin (from Russia) Yi-Xin Zhong (from China) Kang Ouyang (from China) (2) Exacutive Presidents of FIS 2010: Ai-Nai Ma (the President of National conference on Information Science, in 2005, in China) Lu Jiang (the President of National conference on Information Science, in 2005, in China) Michel Petitjean (the last President of FIS 2005, in France) Kang Ouyang (the current President of FIS 2010, in China) K. K. Kolin (the President elect of FIS 2012, in Russia) (3) Members of Governing Board of FIS 2010: Hua-Can He (Program Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Zong-Rong Li (Program Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Xue-Shan Yan (Program Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Wei-Ning Wang (Organization Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Wei Wang (Organization Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Wen-Guang Chen (Organization Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Jin-Shan Wang (Organization Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) Lin Zhang (Organization Co-chair of FIS 2010, China) (4) Members of International Advisory Board (sorted by country and name): i, Austria Peter Fleissner (retired University Professor, Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Austria; UTI Research Group) Gnther Witzany (telos, Philosophische Praxis, Brmoos, Austria) ii, Brazil Charbel Nio El-Hani (Professor of History, Philosophy, and Biology, Institute of Biology, Federal University of Baha, Salvador, Brazil; Executive Committee, ISBS) iii, Canada Allenna Leonard (President, International Society for the Systems Sciences, Canada) Robert K. Logan (Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada) iv, China Bing-Jiang Gao (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Jifa Gu (Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Qi-Quan Gui (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Wuhan University, China) Xiao-Han Huang (Professor, School of Marxism, Peking University, China) Xin-Zheng Jin (Professor, Center for Health Information Resources Research, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Chuan-Yin Li (Professor, Institute of History Study, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Gang Liu (Professor, Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China) Shi-Long Ma (Professor, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China) Dong-Sheng Miao (Professor, Renmin University of China, China) Wei Wang (Professor, Institute for Science, Technology and Society, Tsinghua University, China) Kun Wu (Professor, Xian Jiaotong University, China) Zheng-Kun Yin (Professor, Department of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) v, Denmark Sren Brier (Professor in the Semiotics of Information, Cognitive and Communication Science, Department of International Culture and Communication Studies, Centre for Language, Cognition, and Mentality, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; Executive Committee, ISBS) Luis Emilio Bruni (Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark; Executive Committee, ISBS) Charles Ess (Visiting Professor, Department of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark) vi, France Joseph Brenner (International Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Paris, France) Michel Petitjean (MTi, INSERM, Universit Paris Diderot, France) vii, Germany Rafael Capurro (Director, Steinbeis-Transfer-Institute Information Ethics (STI-IE), Germany; Founder, ICIE) Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski (retired Professor, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany) Klaus Kornwachs (Professor, Philosophy of Technology, BTU Cottubs, Germany) Rainer E. Zimmermann (Professor of Philosophy, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany; President, Institut fr Design Science, Munich) viii, Hungary Gyrgy Darvas (Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Research Organization, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; Director, Symmetrion) ix, Japan Yukio-Pegio Gunji (Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Japan) Koichiro Matsuno (Professor em., Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan) Toru Nishigaki (Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan) x, Nigeria Omotayo Ikotun (Doctor, University of Ibadan, Nigeria) xi, Romania Basarab Nicolescu (Professor, Babe?-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; President, CIRET) xii, Russia N.I. Gendina (Professor, Director,R D Institute of Information Technology of Social Sphere, Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts, Russia) I.M. Gurevich (Professor, Director, the Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) V.G. Kinelev (Director, Academician, Laboratory of UNESCO Knowledge Society and new Information Technologies, Russia) K.V. Sudakov (Director, Academician, the Scientific research Institute of Normal physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russia) A.D. Ursul (Director, Academician, The Centre of researches of global processes and sustainable development, the Russian state trade and economic university, Russia) xiii, Slovenia Matjaz Mulej (former President, International Federation for Systems Research; Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Slovenia) xiv, South Africa John Collier (Professor, Philosophy and Ethics, University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa) xv, Spain Jos Mara Daz Nafra (Visiting Professor, University of Len, Spain; Coordinator, BITrum Research Group) xvi, Sweden Tom Ziemke (Professor of Cognitive Science and Cognitive Robotics, Cognition and Interaction Lab, University of Skvde, Sweden) xvii, Switzerland Shu-Kun Lin (Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland) xviii, Thailand Soraj Hongladarom (Director, Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) xix, UK Luciano Floridi (Research Chair in Philosophy of Information, Department of Philosophy, University of Hertfordshire, UK; President, IACAP) xx, USA Elizabeth A. Buchanan (Director, Center for Information Policy Research, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA) Mark Burgin (Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, USA) Jerry Chandler (Research Professor, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Studies, George Mason University, USA; President, WESS) Mary Jo Deering (Board of Directors, Science of Information Institute, Washington, USA) Dail Doucette (Director, Science of Information Institute, Washington, USA) Ted Goranson (Sirius Beta, USA) Alicia Juarrero (Professor, Prince Georges Community College, USA) Kevin G. Kirby (Chair, Department of Computer Science, Northern Kentucky University, USA) Michael Leyton (Professor, DIMACS Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Rutgers University, USA) Stuart A. Umpleby (Professor, Department of Management, George Washington University, Washington D.C., USA) (5) Secretariat: Members of Secretarist of the Standing Committee and of FIS 2010 Zong-Rong Li (from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Jian-Wei Zhang (from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) Gen-Hui Liu (from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) 8. Russian scholars should advance a new framework of ISIS for FIS 2012 at the Close Ceremony of Beijing conference For the FIS 2012, Russian scholars should redesign a new framework of ISIS, i.e., a plan of the rudimentary community of scholars in a five-level structure at the Close Ceremony of Beijing conference. In China, if some scholars want to organize a new community, they should apply for the organization to serial authorities, from university level, to province level, then to national level. Up to date, there is not any society of information science in China, eventhough scholars have applied again and again. So we do not hope that before FIS 2010, Chinese authority may approve our proposed community of scholars, ISIS. However, as an emergent community, we need a document to affirm it. In the procedure of its development, we should expand while consolidating.
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