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jiangming800403 2019-5-22 22:31
五月的鲜花盛开,映衬着伟大卫国战争纪念碑和无名烈士墓长明火下的铭文“你们无名,你们不朽”。五月17日华为海思总裁何庭波星夜发出的公开信中写道“这个至暗的日子里,是每一个平凡的海思儿女成为时代英雄的日子”,这也是百万中国电子工程师的集结号。 “ 华为立志,将数字世界带给每个人、每个家庭、每个组织,构建万物互联的智能世界,我们仍将如此。今后,为实现这一理想,我们不仅要保持开放创新,更要实现科技自立!今后的路,不会再有另一个十年来打造备胎然后再换胎了,缓冲区已经消失,每一个新产品一出生,将必须同步科技自立的方案。 ”这不仅是十多万华为工程师的集结令,也点燃了华为背后超过100万中国电子工程师的激情。再不奋进,吾生已老。 从20多年前,中国最优秀的理科生一批批进入电子信息和生命科学这两个属于21世纪的专业。 二十年来,百万中国电子工程师都在期待这一高光时刻。即使有一到两代摩尔周期,但是我们有九九六,加班加点,实现技术跃进肯定不需要十八个月。 然而中国中国生物科学工程师的春天何时来到? 近20年来,一直有人面对进口芯片的冲击,“龙芯”一直难以民用化耿耿于怀。但是在军品和通信导航领域,龙芯的价格已经远远低于同等功能的美国芯片。虽然包括宇航级芯片的军品可能只有民品市场的百分之一,但是军品领域积累了我国微电子产业的基本力量,4G通信对于中国电子工业已经没有太大的挑战,中国军品芯片和宇航级核心芯片不仅基本满足国内需要,而且宇航级芯片成批量进入和俄罗斯和欧航局市场。甚至美国军队的供应商也曾经采购过来自中国的三无半导体,从而酿出了丑闻。通讯卫星、导航卫星都相当于在空中的基站,只是军品和民品相比,太贵。从50-100nm到28nm还有一代摩尔周期,但是中国已经有了足够的工程师和资本储备去研制、生产10-20nm的核心芯片,只要有明确的下游市场,即使不是很快,不用多长时间也能做得出。中国卫星、超算芯片可以国产化,基站和手机芯片也不会更难;但这是属于重复建设,而且纯民用领域,起决定作用的是利润。 不仅中国,欧洲也没有可以挑战美国的核心芯片企业,虽然最好的光刻机是欧洲制造。甚至欧洲还不存在类似于中国BAT可以挑战美国的互联网和软件企业,这不是因为欧洲人技术不行,而是因为事实垄断已经控制了上下游市场,后来者根本没有进入的空间。作为一个商业公司,华为不会排斥外部供应链,不论过去、现在还是将来,华为都不会拒绝采购美国产品。正式依靠这些采购,作为后来者,华为才可能颠覆摩托罗拉、诺基亚、索爱等在手机市场的垄断地位。 然而,特朗普总统任性的政策正在加速打破这种垄断,如果是纯市场作用,这种垄断即使消解也会很缓慢。华为、中兴是全球业务最全面、产品线最长的顶级网络通信设备供应商,显而易见具有极强的市场供应链整合能力,就像即使中航工业断供,也不会影响波音的供应链。 等集成电路全部国产化再发展移动互联网的思想是列宁批评过的左派幼稚病 ,那样的话现在中国手机市场仍然是摩托罗拉、诺基亚、索爱的天下。而且只有消费端做大以后,才可以保证上游原件稳定的市场。中国核心芯片去给iPhone配套,不仅技术上不现实,而且人家未必同意。 只要有明确的市场需求,华为-中兴需要的电子元件,一定会有上游厂商研制出来,即使中国企业研制不出来,难道欧洲的科学家和教授也研制不出来吗?某些国人即使对自己人不自信,难道对欧洲也不自信吗?华为5G编码的理论核心就是一位土耳其的大学教授提出的。 但是5G功耗爆炸,需要10/7nm或更先进的芯片,这确实超出了中国电子工业的实力。但是,华为即使什么也不生产,五G产品也绕不开华为的专利和知识产权。实际上,5G还处于摸索阶段,并没有成熟的商用模式。虽然在北上广深等大城市,超高人口密度地区5G可能显著改善通信质量和稳定程度。但是人口密度一般的地方,5G需要暴力堆砌基站,这可能并不是一件好事。
个人分类: 科研八卦|867 次阅读|0 个评论
lkrocksthone 2016-9-22 10:20
首先,看题目不要误会,说的不是生命科学,说的是关于产品研发的一个现象。 不管是消费产品还是工业产品,也不管是小产品还是复杂系统产品,要想做出一个好产品的确不是一件简单的事情,甚至可以说,这是一个复杂性系统。研发过程 存在各种的误解和约束限制, 既要符合用户看得到的期望需求,又要高于用户看不到的需求,同时产品技术上能有足够的活力和生命力,当然,还有关于时间、成本与价值的平衡,也就是产品本身得要内外兼修。因此,在开始工作之前,定义一个产品就是很重要的一步。在这个位置上,我们通常都可以看到一个这样的现象,那就是,产品的定义往往经不起需求与成本的洗礼,出来的产品,一般都会面目全非,打个比喻就是,明明期望创造一个“人”,出来的却是一头“猪”,为什么? 当然,这是一个大问题,涉及各种确定及概率事件的混搭,想必不可能有那么一条黄金法则可以指导而规避问题的出现。因此,这不是一个学习的过程,而是一个历练的过程。学习过程和历练过程是有区别的,学习是期望规避时间,而历练的原材料就是时间。 “人”“猪”问题,是我用来思考产品研发过程的一条参考线索。最近在和同事讨论一款产品的定义和研发思路时,发现可能有一个很容易忽略的情况,是导致这个问题出现的一个重要原因,那就是市场需求分析和产品研发思路的矛盾。大体意思就是,市场分析用户对A、B、C三个功能的需求达到95%以上,那我们的产品就该花95%的研发时间在这个三个功能上,只要我们的产品在合理的成本下实现这三个功能,那产品就大功告成。当然了,往往这种产品的研发都会“失败”告终。失败有不同的定义,我一般是指,产品寿命不超过 三 个月,三个月没能把成本收回也就算失败了。失败的原因当然不能一概而论。关于需求认知模型的分析一个容易忽略的情况。 真实的思路需要从经济学的角度去看,看到耦合的市场需求,也就是可能存在看到的95%的需求是建立在另外1%的需求之上的,然后往往这1%的需求在直接建立了2%的需求之后,再间接创建了95%的需求。这只是一种耦合的例子,实际可以更加复杂。如果看到这种需求的耦合特性,那我们从创建产品的角度去看,就可能花90%的精力在1%的需求上,然后用1%的功能去建立3%的需求,然后,用1%的精力耦合出95%的需求。这样就很容易理解为什么会出现 “人”“猪”问题了。
个人分类: 哲学思辨|2703 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 14 jmluo0922 2014-10-9 15:26
首先,三位获奖人是非物理专业人士,最终学位是工学学位。当然不懂相对论,更不懂量子论。在科学网文傻理呆们的眼里,可能连物理都没有入门,属于没有谈论现代物理理论资格的“民科”; 他们的成就基本上是在公司产品研发过程中取得的,可能没有国家经费的支持,甚至曾经还招到了公司反对和压制; 研究的领域:半导体材料与器件,方法:MOCVD沉积GaN膜,PN掺杂和器件制备,没有什么学术创新,只能叫做技术发明。 成名之后,从公司研发人员变身为大学教授。 作为一般公司的研发人员,解决了蓝光LED制作的材料与器件非学术性的技术难题,为新一代高效高亮度的照明光源的开发与利用奠定了基础。 面对这种局面,掌握量子力学深奥理论,半导体性能都可以算得一清二楚的物理学家们,有何感慨?情何以堪! 我要借此劝告那些歪曲事实的人,停止所谓“没有量子力学,就没有电子时代,更没有信息时代和大数据时代”不实宣传。事实上,这几个时代的到来,是实验科学的发展和突破,带来的结果。与有没有量子假设和理论,没有太大的关系。如果一定要讲其作用的话,那我只能说起到了“事后诸葛”的解释作用。 如果你不服,那就请你用量子理论设计出新的超导或LED材料体系。
个人分类: 杂谈|5706 次阅读|42 个评论
enphine 2013-9-11 13:03
1.专利地图; 2.技术突变的源头(研究工作的目标、经济来源、组织方式); 3.研发/商品鸿沟(是中介能够解决的吗?); 4.科学部门的产品研发; 5.产业部门的科学研究; 6.基于技术进步的产品研发管理方法;
个人分类: 思路推广|2485 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 shxf 2013-7-16 10:21
民用航空产品研发 和审定活动中的需求分析与管理问题 研究 朱亮 韩冰冰 黄铭媛 (中国民用航空上海航空器适航审定中心, 200335 ) 摘要:研究了民用航空产品研发和审定过程中有关需求分析与管理的若干问题。总结了开展需求分析和管理过程步骤和关键要素。阐明需求分析与管理在民机研发和审定过程中的重要作用。深入分析了当前我国在民用航空产品研发和审定过程中存在的问题。提出解决我国民用航空产品研发和审定过程需求分析和管理突出矛盾的方案。最后对全文进行总结。 关键词:民用航空,需求分析,需求管理,适航审定,系统工程 Study of Requirement Analysis and Management for Civil AviationProducts Development and Certification ZHU Liang, HANBing-bing , HUANG Ming-yuan (ShanghaiAircraft Airworthiness Certification Center of CAAC, Shanghai, 200335) Abstract: Some problems about requirement analysis andmanagement for civil aviation products development and certification arestudied. The process and the related essential factors of requirement analysisand management are summarized. The importance of requirement analysis andmanagement to civil aviation products development and certification isillustrated. The problems and conflicts in the current situations of domestic civilaviation products development and certification activities are analyzed. Thesolutions are provided to these problems and conflicts. A summary is present atlast. Keywords : Civil Aviation , Requirement Analysis , Requirement Management , Airworthiness Certification , System Engineering 1. 引言 民用飞机、机载系统及其它相关航空产品的研制活动是一项复杂的系统工程,其中一项重要的工作即需求分析和管理。 “ 需求分析 ” ( RequirementAnalysis )指:基于对客户需要和目标,任务和操作,人、产品和流程的预期使用环境,约束条件和效率的衡量后所确定的、系统特定的性能特性和功能特性。 “ 需求管理 ” ( RequirementManagement )指:记录、分析、跟踪和优先需求,并就需求与相关客户达成一致的过程,也是控制需求更改并就更改与相关客户沟通的过程 。对于民用航空产品研发和审定来说,需求分析和管理贯穿于整个产品研发和审定活动的全过程,对产品研发和审定工作起到非常重要的作用 。 本文针对民用航空产品研制和审定过程中必须面对和解决的需求分析和管理问题进行研究,就其中若干问题进行了深入探讨并提出解决方案,以促进我国大型民用飞机等民用航空产品的研制和适航取证活动顺利进行。 2. 需求分析与管理过程概述 总的来说,需求分析与管理的过程包括五大核心步骤,即提炼需求、分析需求、撰写需求、确认需求和管理需求,这五项工作随着项目的进展相互影响、高度迭代 。每项工作的主要内容具体如下: (1) 提炼需求。 提炼需求建立在理解客户需要和其他输入限制(如任何相关的法律、法规和政策)的基础上,通过紧密地与项目相关方一起工作,来定义一系列产品需求的雏形。 (2) 分析需求。 分析需求是对提炼需求阶段获得的需求雏形进行更细致的分析。通过分析,使得雏形需求变得清晰、需求间的冲突和矛盾得以解决、含糊不清的和冗余的部分得以去除。 (3) 撰写需求。 需求的撰写应严格按照规范进行,确保针对每个需求的描述均符合清晰、正确、完整、一致的特征要求。此外,为确保需求的可追溯性,在撰写需求内容的同时,还应明确每项需求的一些附加特征,如需求的编号、来源、作者、制定日期、更改历史、验证方法、优先级、状态等以方便需求管理,确保需求的可追溯性。 (4) 确认需求。 确认需求的一致性、正确性和完整性是非常重要的活动,其对于尽早发现需求的不足、确保产品符合各方要求至关重要,同时尽早发现需求描述中的问题对于降低项目风险、节约研发成本也是至关重要的。 (5) 管理需求。 管理需求的目的:第一,跟踪和控制需求的定义、更改和再分配;第二,设立顶层需求到底层需求之间的追溯性;第三,设立底层需求到硬件、软件、接口和人之间的追溯性;第四,检测、识别、量化和引导需求变更的范围和影响。 3. 需求分析与管理在民机研发和审定过程中的重要作用 民用飞机及相关民用航空产品的研发同其它产品研发一样,都属于基于需求的工程( Requirement-BasedEngineering )。“需求”不仅是产品研发活动中构型管理( ConfigurationManagement )的重要对象,需求管理也是产品研发活动的关键组成部分。 民用航空产品的设计输入至少来自两大方面:第一,客户需要。客户需要主要从航空产品使用角度提出,其特点是无穷无尽、各不相同。同时由于各种原因,客户需要又会混杂在各种不连贯的概念、想法甚至错误的假设之中,因此民用航空产品设计和制造单位必须同时考虑纷繁复杂的客户需要和工程的可实现性,才有可能开发出满足客户需要的民用航空产品;第二,适航标准。适航标准的主要特点是以强制执行的法律法规形式出现,它们或强调民用航空产品的安全性、或强调民用航空产品的环保性 。因此民用航空产品设计和制造单位必须确保适航标准在产品设计和制造过程中正确贯彻,并同时接受民用航空适航管理当局遵照相应法律和管理程序对其产品进行的适航审定 。在整个民用航空产品研发、制造和审定的过程中,无论是客户需要还是适航标准的实现和确认,都紧密围绕民用航空产品研发单位的需求分析和管理工作展开 ,因此必须对需求分析和管理工作加以足够的重视。 4. 当前我国在民用航空产品研发和审定过程中存在的问题 4.1 定义混淆、概念不清 尽管对于 “ 需求 ” ( Requirement )这个词的定义,当前在工业界和学术界没有统一的标准,但是对于产品研发来说,应当将 “ 需求 ” 明确为一个具有特定含义的专有名词,并特别注意将其与 “ 需要( Need ) ” 或 “ 期望( Expectation ) ” 严格区分开来: “ 需要 ” 或 “ 期望 ” 都带有明显的主观色彩,不能直接用于工程实现;而 “ 需求 ” 则具有客观性,并能够被工程方法和手段所实现。 举个简单的例子:某生产汽车安全气囊的公司遇到一个问题,即气囊释放故障率过高,无法满足客户的使用需要。为解决该问题,该公司首先投入大量人力和物力重新设计了安全气囊的释放机构,并使用了新的材料以提高释放机构的强度,然而经过大量测试后,改进的释放机构仍没有使低气囊的故障率降低至客户满意的程度。因此该公司不得不重新审核整个安全气囊的设计,最终发现由于气囊在组装线上由人工折叠包装,折叠的松紧程度非常的不统一,从而导致气囊不能正常释放。基于这一发现,该公司最终解决问题的方案是设计研发了自动折叠气囊的机器。 上述例子充分体现 “ 需要 ” 和 “ 需求 ” 两者之间在含义上的巨大差异。从当前我国民用航空产品研发的工程实践来看,绝大多数情况下混淆了 “ 需要 ” 和 “ 需求 ” 两个概念。对于民用航空产品研发来说,适航法规是其必须遵守的设计输入,但适航法规不仅有强制性特点,而且兼具通用性特点,即并不针对某一特定的产品型号,这意味着尽管适航法规明确了最低的安全性标准,甚至有些还包括详细的设计指标,但总的来看绝大部分适航法规不能直接用于设计,即仍然属于 “ 需要 ” 的范畴,必须结合具体的型号设计,经过需求分析变成可实现、可验证的设计需求,同时对这些由适航标准转化得来的设计需求进行严格管理,从而最终保证研发和制造出的民用航空产品满足适航标准。 4.2 对于需求分析和管理工作地位和作用的认识有待提高 根据国际知名的市场研究公司 Standish Group 在 1996 年针对 352 家公司的 8000 多个项目调查,对项目产生 “ 伤害 ” (如取消、超出预算、超期等)的最重要的三项原因均与需求分析和管理相关,它们分别是:缺乏用户参与( 12.8% )、不完整的需求和规范( 12.3% )、需求和规范的变更( 11.8 )。美国军方也曾经对美国空军项目的错误根源做出研究,研究结果显示超过 41% 的错误来自需求错误。对于国内民用航空产品研发项目来说,缺乏对需求分析和管理工作重要性的认识和理解的典型表现或带来的危害就是型号研制任务超期,为此国内的研发单位不得不额外付出高昂的研制费用为代价。另外,缺乏对需求分析和管理工作重要性的认识和理解,也会使民用航空产品的适航取证面临危险和挑战。由于民用航空产品的特殊性,中国民用航空产品若想得到世界的认可,不仅要通过中国的适航认证,更必须通过欧美发达国家的适航认证。围绕需求分析和管理问题,欧美发达国家不仅投入巨大的精力和财力进行研究,同时结合工业实践制定了完善而庞大的工业标准体系,这些都已成为或将成为中国民用航空产品取得国际适航证,进军国际市场的门槛和严重阻碍。 4.3 缺乏需求分析和管理的知识、经验和手段 显然,需求分析工作是非常顶层和非常核心的设计工作,完成需求分析的工程师既要理解客户的需要、适航的标准,又要能利用其丰富的工程知识写出合适的需求文档以便设计实现。对于民用航空产品来说,需要考虑和完成的需求类别包括:安全性需求、功能需求、运行需求、性能需求、物理和安装需求、维护性需求、界面需求、衍生需求、附加的审定需求等等 。此外,由于需求定义的结果对整个项目研发会产生非常巨大的影响,因此还须确保撰写出的需求具有:可实现、可验证、清晰、正确、完整、一致、适合产品架构层级等特征 。实践证明,我国在开展民用航空产品需求分析工作方面知识和经验非常缺乏、基础非常薄弱。 另外一方面,需求管理也是非常重要的工程管理工作。民用航空产品研发和审定过程中会形成大量的设计文档和验证数据,这些设计文档和验证数据均围绕需求展开,因此需求管理活动不仅奠定了构型管理、风险管理、数据管理等工程管理活动的基础,还是整个民用航空产品研发工程管理活动的核心。由于民用航空产品研发非常复杂,整个研发过程中不仅形成的需求数量异常庞大,相应的更改活动也非常频繁,因此需要借助必要的管理手段,特别是数字化手段以完成需求管理任务。 4.4 缺乏必要的工业标准进行规范和支持 基于工业实践的充分总结、理解和认识,欧美发达国家非常重视需求分析和管理相关的理论方法研究、工业标准制定和工具产品研发。以工业标准为例,为确保需求定义正确、完整,满足上述可实现、可验证等特征需要,美国国防部( DOD )制定的军用标准 MIL-STD-961E 和美国联邦航空局( FAA )制定的标准 FAA-STD-005E 就明确规定:需求应以清晰、简单的语言撰写,没有含糊不清或容易让人误解的词语,所有的语句在语法上应是完整的。 MIL-STD-961E 中的规定涉及语法、文体、缩写、缩略语、符号、专有名词、常用单词和词组等等,详细到如: l 引述参考文件时,应使用:( 1 ) “ 遵照( conforming to ) …” ;( 2 ) “ 如 … 中规定( as specified in ) ” ;( 3 ) “ 根据( in accordancewith ) …” 。此外,任何情况下在给定的文件及与之相关的一系列文件中使用相同的措辞 l 需求的描述中不能使用 “ 和 / 或 ( and/or ) ” 、 “ 合适的 ( suitable ) ” 、 “ 足够的 ( adequate ) ” 、 “ 第一等级 ( first rate ) ” 、 “ 最大可能 ( best possible ) ” 、 “ 以及其他 ( and others ) ” 、 “ 如同 ( the like ) ” 等含糊不清的词语;还要避免使用 “ 例如 ( e.g. ) ” 、 “ 等 ( etc. ) ” 、 “ 也就是 ( i.e. ) ” 这样的词语等等 根据当前我国民用航空产品研发和审定的工程实践经验,由于缺乏必要的工业标准进行规范和支撑,一方面使得制造商在转化客户需要、适航标准,使之成为设计需求时面临困难,而这些困难随着需求向供应商,特别是国外供应商传递的过程中更加困难;另一方面使得适航管理当局在适航审定的过程中,既难以理解制造商提供的审定数据,也难与其达成一致。总之,缺乏必要的工业标准会给整个项目研发和取证工作造成很大阻碍。 5. 针对我国民用航空产品研发和审定过程中解决需求分析和管理问题的思考 正如上文所述,需求分析和管理工作贯穿于整个民用航空产品研发和审定过程始末,也是相关设计研发、工程管理和适航取证工作的基础,因此应在民用航空产品研发和审定活动中特别重视做好相应的需求分析和管理工作。此外,还应当特别重视做好如下几方面工作: (1) 加强工业方自身能力建设 应当认识到需求分析和管理工作的好坏将事关产品和项目的成败和企业的生死存亡,因此,工业方应围绕需求分析和管理加强相关能力建设。考虑到需求分析和管理一方面既是一个知识和经验密集、对工程师能力需要很高的技术问题,也是一个庞大而复杂的工程管理问题,因此能力建设应围绕包括组织、职责、程序和资源等方面进行。比如应设立专门的组织机构,并赋予其适当的职责,然后根据明确定义的管理程序或操作手册开展需求分析和管理工作,同时,考虑到需求管理的信息巨大、可能出现的更改数量,以及对于需求一致性和可追溯性等的需要,需要投入专门的人力和物力确保需求分析和管理工作的可行性。 (2) 加强适航管理当局与工业方的交流与合作 尽管处于公众安全的考虑,民用航空产品必须经过适航审定,但是各国适航管理当局的职责作用均包括为工业方提供服务以推动工业方的发展。中国在民用航空产品研发和制造领域属于后进国家,更加应当加强适航管理当局与工业方的交流与合作。一方面适航管理当局应充分发挥 “ 宣传、帮助、监督、检查 ” 的职能,在帮助工业方理清思路的同时,督促工业方努力提高需求分析和管理水平;另一方面工业方应充分提高与适航管理当局的合作意识,特别在适航标准向设计需求转化方面,尽量在型号产品设计初期与适航管理当局达成一致,以减少后期出现设计更改和反复的可能。总之,通过合作,达到加快我国民用航空产品的研发过程、提升民用航空产业能力的目的。 (3) 加强需求工程理论和方法的研究和标准制定 需求工程( Requirement Engineering )作为一门学科,是伴随着西方工业化生产进程而发生和发展的,并且已在解决产品,特别是复杂产品研发过程中有关需求分析和管理问题方面取得很多成果。然而,这些成果并不能完全适用于解决我国未来工业化发展过程中存在的问题。例如,需求工程研究的出发点主要针对西方用户,适用语言主要为英语。那么随着我国工业化发展的需要,特别是当我国提出自主创新,建设创新型国家的战略目标之后,如何基于我国用户的使用需要、汉语语言的特点等进行需求分析,是一项极具挑战的研究课题。特别像民用飞机这样的大型复杂产品,当其采用“主制造商 + 供应商”模式进行研发之后,会使需求转换的恰当性和传递的一致性变得更加困难和复杂。因此,特别需要针对我国的实际情况和工业化特点,加强需求工程的理论和方法研究,并以此为基础,加快建立我国相关工业标准体系,以规范、指导和促进我国工业化的发展,从而支撑我国自主创新、建设创新型国家的宏伟战略目标。 6. 结论 大型民用飞机或其它复杂产品能否满足包括客户在内的各方需要,能否以高质量、高水准的形式参与激烈的国际竞争,从而确保产品在商业上的成功,离不开需求分析和管理工作,需求分析是整个研发活动的开始,需求管理则贯穿整个研发活动的始终,因此需求分析和管理是民用航空产品研发和审定活动中非常重要的环节,这也恰恰是我国当前民用航空产品研发和审定过程中的薄弱环节。本文针对这一问题进行了研究,所得结果将对我国民用航空产品的研制和适航取证起到良好的促进作用。 7. 参考文献 ElectronicIndustries Alliance , Systems Engineering Capability Model , EIA-731.1 , 2002 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements_management ElectronicIndustries Alliance, Processes for Engineering a System , ANSI/EIA-632 , 1999 Wymore,W. , Model-BasedSystems Engineering. Boca Raton: CRC Press , 1993 Grady,J. O. , SystemRequirements Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill , 1993 Booch,G., Rumbaugh, J., and Jacobson, I. , The Unified Modeling Language UserGuide. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley , 2005 Societyof Automotive Engineers, Guidelines for Development of Civil Aircraft andSystems (SAE ARP 4754A), 2010 中国民用航空总局,民用航空产品和零部件合格审定规定, CCAR-21-R3 , 2007 中国民用航空局,运输类飞机适航标准, CCAR-25-R4 , 2011 中国民用航空总局,航空器型号和适航合格审定噪声规定, CCAR-36-R1 , 2007 中国民用航空局航空器适航审定司,航空器型号合格审定程序, AP-21-AA-2011-03-R4 , 2011 DefenseAcquisition University , System Engineering Fundamental , Fort Belvoir : DefenseAcquisition University Press , 2001 Departmentof Defense, Defense and Program-Unique Specifications Format and Content(MIL-STD-961E), 2003 FederalAviation Administration, Preparation of Specifications , Standardsand Handbooks(FAA-STD-005E), 1993 【注意】本文已正式发表于《民用飞机设计与研究》,2013年第2期。转载请指明出处。
个人分类: 系统工程|5370 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 sendtogzh 2012-2-10 23:19
个人分类: 随记|4307 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 cuncaoxin 2012-1-18 13:27
傅蕴德 在日常生活中,通过自己的实践和观察,对一些我们日常使用的家用电器、服装商品的 满足需要能力(质量) 持续进行改进有一些看法,从产品研发、改进的角度说,也可以称作“创意”。 1 、在操作洗衣机时,感觉如果洗衣机自身配置的电源线能长一些将很方便操作,中间多余线路部分可以设计专用盘线盒放置,虽然有单独的插线板可供解决线短的问题,但洗衣机本身加长电源线就是产品的小亮点。同理,耳机的电源线加长一些也会很受消费者欢迎。 2 、手机、数码相机原装充电器如能配置两个最好,方便使用,虽然成本高一点儿。 3 、衬衣和内衣背心的商标总是缝在靠近我们脖子的内侧部位,把人们磨得很难受,我们一买到衣服便先把商标剪掉,厂家可以找个其他部位缝制商标。 希望产品设计师、企业能贴近生活,不断创新,激发出更多的好创意,设计生产出更多更好的创新产品。
个人分类: 技术创新|2517 次阅读|2 个评论
shxf 2011-9-4 20:59
本标题结论由以下观点所支持: 从事“高端”经济活动所获得的收益要超过(经常是大大超过)从事“低端”经济活动,“高端”经济活动集中于驱动经济增长的“领导部门”(leading sectors。比如:英国工业革命时代的棉纺织、炼铁、煤炭、机械制造等;第二次工业革命时代的炼钢、石油、汽车、化工和电力等;20世纪70年代至今,信息通信、航空航天、生物制药、医疗设备和信息密集的服务业等 一个国家能够生产出经受得住国际竞争、提高国民收入水平、持续获得超过平均利润率收益的产品和服务的主要源泉,是该国拥有和不断发展、提高的技术能力 技术进步如果能够对经济发展产生作用,就必须采取产品形式。关键产品的开发可以带动相关技术网络和创新系统的发展。因此,关键技术领域中的关键产品开发对于国家技术能力的增长具有重大意义,而在这种产品研发过程中,做好需求分析和管理往往成为整个项目和产品成败的关键 复杂产品的需求分析和管理是非常复杂和困难的: (1)客户的要求(Needs)和期望(Expectations)难以捉摸、不可穷尽 (2)做好需求(Requirement)分析和管理的标准又很高:需求应当是明确(Unambiguous)、正确(Correct)、完整(Complete)、一致(Consistent)、可追溯(Traceable)、可实现(Achievable)和可验证(Verifiable)的 (3)需求存在多样类别:比如安全性需求、功能需求、客户需求、运行需求、性能需求、物理与安装需求、维修需求、接口需求、附加审定需求、衍生需求等等 欢迎大家做个小游戏:假如开发一个能够令自行车自动驾驶的装置,需要定义多少种设计上的需求? 如下是摘自wikipedia的,有关requirement、requirement analysis and management的一些资料,仅供参考。 一、Requirement 源自: Wikipedia In engineering , a requirement is a singular documented need of what a particular product or service should be or perform. It is most commonly used in a formal sense in systems engineering , software engineering , or enterprise engineering . It is a statement that identifies a necessary attribute, capability, characteristic, or quality of a system in order for it to have value and utility to a user. In the classical engineering approach, sets of requirements are used as inputs into the design stages of product development . Requirements are also an important input into the verification process, since tests should trace back to specific requirements. Requirements show what elements and functions are necessary for the particular project. The requirements development phase may have been preceded by a feasibility study , or a conceptual analysis phase of the project. The requirements phase may be broken down into requirements elicitation (gathering, understanding, reviewing, and articulating the needs of the stakeholders ), analysis (checking for consistency and completeness), specification (documenting the requirements) and validation (making sure the specified requirements are correct). Contents 1 Product versus process requirements 2 Requirements in systems and software engineering 3 Product requirements 3.1 Types of product requirements 3.2 Characteristics of good requirements 3.2.1 Verification 3.2.2 Requirements analysis or requirements engineering 3.3 Documenting requirements 3.4 Changes in requirements 4 Disputes regarding the necessity of rigour in software requirements 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Product versus process requirements Projects are subject to three sorts of requirements: Business requirements describe in business terms what must be delivered or accomplished to provide value. Product requirements describe properties of a system or product (which could be one of several ways to accomplish a set of business requirements.) Process requirements describe activities performed by the developing organization. For instance, process requirements could specify specific methodologies to be followed, and constraints that the organization must obey. Product and process requirements are closely linked. Process requirements often specify the activities that will be performed to satisfy a product requirement. For example, a maximum development cost requirement (a process requirement) may be imposed to help achieve a maximum sales price requirement (a product requirement); a requirement for the product to be maintainable (a Product requirement) often is addressed by imposing requirements to follow particular development styles (e.g., object-oriented programming ), style-guides, or a review/inspection process (process requirements). Requirements in systems and software engineering In systems engineering, a requirement can be a description of what a system must do, referred to as a Functional Requirement . This type of requirement specifies something that the delivered system must be able to do. Another type of requirement specifies something about the system itself, and how well it performs its functions. Such requirements are often called Non-functional requirements , or 'performance requirements' or 'quality of service requirements.' Examples of such requirements include usability, availability, reliability, supportability, testability and maintainability. A collection of requirements define the characteristics or features of the desired system. A 'good' list of requirements as far as possible avoids saying how the system should implement the requirements, leaving such decisions to the system designer. Specifying how the system should be implemented is called "implementation bias" or "solution engineering". However, implementation constraints on the solution may validly be expressed by the future owner, for example for required interfaces to external systems; for interoperability with other systems; and for commonality (e.g. of user interfaces) with other owned products. In software engineering, the same meanings of requirements apply, except that the focus of interest is the software itself. Product requirements Types of product requirements Requirements are typically placed into these categories: Architectural requirements describe what has to be done by identifying the necessary system architecture of a system , Functional requirements describe the functionality that the system is to execute; for example, formatting some text or modulating a signal. They are sometimes known as capabilities. Non-functional requirements describe characteristics of the system that the user cannot affect or (immediately) perceive. Nonfunctional requirements are sometimes known as quality requirements or ilities . Constraint requirements impose limits upon the design alternatives or project/process operations. No matter how the problem is solved the constraint requirements must be adhered to. Non-functional requirements can be further classified according to whether they are usability requirements, look and feel requirements, humanity requirements, performance requirements, maintainability requirements, operational requirements, safety requirements, reliability requirements, or one of many other types of requirements. In software engineering this categorization is useful because only functional requirements can be directly implemented in software. The non-functional requirements are controlled by other aspects of the system. For example, in a computer system reliability is related to hardware failure rates, and performance is controlled by CPU and memory. Non-functional requirements can in some cases be decomposed into functional requirements for software. For example, a system level non-functional safety requirement can be decomposed into one or more functional requirements. See FURPS . In addition, a non-functional requirement may be converted into a process requirement when the requirement is not easily measurable. For example, a system level maintainability requirement may be decomposed into restrictions on software constructs or limits on lines or code. Characteristics of good requirements The characteristics of good requirements are variously stated by different writers, with each writer generally emphasizing the characteristics most appropriate to their general discussion or the specific technology domain being addressed. However, the following characteristics are generally acknowledged. Characteristic Explanation Unitary (Cohesive) The requirement addresses one and only one thing. Complete The requirement is fully stated in one place with no missing information. Consistent The requirement does not contradict any other requirement and is fully consistent with all authoritative external documentation. Non-Conjugated (Atomic) The requirement is atomic , i.e., it does not contain conjunctions. E.g., "The postal code field must validate American and Canadian postal codes" should be written as two separate requirements: (1) "The postal code field must validate American postal codes" and (2) "The postal code field must validate Canadian postal codes". Traceable The requirement meets all or part of a business need as stated by stakeholders and authoritatively documented. Current The requirement has not been made obsolete by the passage of time. Feasible The requirement can be implemented within the constraints of the project. Unambiguous The requirement is concisely stated without recourse to technical jargon, acronyms (unless defined elsewhere in the Requirements document), or other esoteric verbiage. It expresses objective facts, not subjective opinions. It is subject to one and only one interpretation. Vague subjects, adjectives, prepositions, verbs and subjective phrases are avoided. Negative statements and compound statements are prohibited. Mandatory The requirement represents a stakeholder-defined characteristic the absence of which will result in a deficiency that cannot be ameliorated. An optional requirement is a contradiction in terms. Verifiable The implementation of the requirement can be determined through one of four possible methods: inspection, demonstration, test or analysis. To the above some add Externally Observable, that is, the requirement specifies a characteristic of the product that is externally observable or experienced by the user. Such advocates argue that requirements that specify internal architecture, design, implementation, or testing decisions are probably constraints, and should be clearly articulated in the Constraints section of the Requirements document. The contrasting view is that this perspective fails on two points. First, the perspective does not recognize that the user experience may be supported by requirements not perceivable by the user. For example, a requirement to present geocoded information to the user may be supported by a requirement for an interface with an external third party business partner. The interface will be imperceptible to the user, though the presentation of information obtained through the interface certainly would not. Second, a constraint limits design alternatives, whereas a requirement specifies design characteristics. To continue the example, a requirement selecting a web service interface is different from a constraint limiting design alternatives to methods compatible with a Single Sign-On architecture. Verification All requirements should be verifiable. The most common method is by test. If this is not the case, another verification method should be used instead (e.g. analysis, demonstration or inspection or review of design). Certain requirements, by their very structure, are not verifiable. These include requirements that say the system shall never or always exhibit a particular property. Proper testing of these requirements would require an infinite testing cycle. Such requirements must be rewritten to be verifiable. As stated above all requirements must be verifiable. Non-functional requirements, which are unverifiable at the software level, must still be kept as a documentation of customer intent; however they may be traced to process requirements that are determined to be a practical way of meeting them. For example, a non-functional requirement to be free from backdoors may be satisfied by replacing it with a process requirement to use pair programming . Other non-functional requirements will trace to other system components and be verified at that level. For example system reliability is often verified by analysis at the system level. Avionics software with its complicated safety requirements must follow the DO-178B development process. Requirements analysis or requirements engineering Main article: Requirements analysis Requirements are prone to issues of ambiguity, incompleteness, and inconsistency. Techniques such as rigorous inspection have been shown to help deal with these issues. Ambiguities, incompleteness, and inconsistencies that can be resolved in the requirements phase typically cost orders of magnitude less to correct than when these same issues are found in later stages of product development. Requirements analysis strives to address these issues. There is an engineering trade off to consider between requirements which are too vague, and those which are so detailed that they take a long time to produce - sometimes to the point of being obsolete once completed limit the implementation options available are costly to produce Documenting requirements Requirements are usually written as a means for communication between the different stakeholders. This means that the requirements should be easy to understand both for normal users and for developers. One common way to document a requirement is stating what the system shall do. Example: 'The contractor shall deliver the product no later than xyz date.' Other ways include use cases and user stories . Changes in requirements Requirements generally change with time. Once defined and approved, requirements should fall under change control . For many projects, requirements are altered before the system is complete. This is partly due to the complexity of computer software and the fact that users don't know what they want before they see it. This characteristic of requirements has led to requirements management studies and practices. Disputes regarding the necessity of rigour in software requirements Most agile software development methodologies question the need for rigorously describing software requirements upfront, which they consider a moving target. Instead, extreme programming for example describes requirements informally using user stories (short summaries fitting on an index card explaining one aspect of what the system should do), and considers it the developer's duty to directly ask the customer for clarification. Agile methodologies also typically capture requirements in a series of automated acceptance tests . See also Business requirements Software requirements Requirements analysis Requirements elicitation Requirements management Requirement prioritization Requirements traceability Specification (technical standard) References ^ Stellman, Andrew; Greene, Jennifer (2005). Applied Software Project Management . O'Reilly Media. p.98. ISBN 978-0-596-00948-9 . http://www.stellman-greene.com/aspm/ . SPAN title="ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:bookrft.genre=bookrft.btitle=Applied+Software+Project+Managementrft.aulast=Stellmanrft.aufirst=Andrewrft.au=Stellman, Andrewrft.au=Greene, Jenniferrft.date=2005rft.pages=p.wbr98rft.pub=O'Reilly+Mediarft.isbn=978-0-596-00948-9rft_id=http://www.stellman-greene.com/aspm/rfr_id=info:sid/en.wikipedia.org:Requirement" ^ Wiegers, Karl E. (2003). Software Requirements, Second Edition . Microsoft Press. ISBN 0-7356-1879-8 . ^ Young, Ralph R. (2001). Effective Requirements Practices . Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0201709124 . ^ Davis, Alan M. (1993). Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, and States, Second Edition . Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-805763-X . External links Look up requirement in Wiktionary , the free dictionary. Discovering System Requirements The International Institute for Business Analysis and The IIBA's Business Analysis Body of Knowledge Writing Good Requirements Gottesdiener, Ellen (2009). The Software Requirements Memory Jogger: A Desktop Guide to Help Business and Technical Teams Develop and Manage Requirements . Addison-Wesley. ISBN 157681114X 二、Requirement Analysis概念解析 源自:Wikipedia Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software engineering , encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders , such as beneficiaries or users. Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development project. Requirements must be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design. Requirements can be architectural , structural , behavioral , functional , and non-functional . Contents 1 Overview 2 Requirements engineering 3 Requirements analysis topics 3.1 Stakeholder identification 3.2 Stakeholder interviews 3.3 Joint Requirements Development (JRD) Sessions 3.4 Contract-style requirement lists 3.4.1 Strengths 3.4.2 Weaknesses 3.4.3 Alternative to requirement lists 3.5 Measurable goals 3.6 Prototypes 3.7 Use cases 3.8 Software requirements specification 4 Types of Requirements 5 Requirements analysis issues 5.1 Stakeholder issues 5.2 Engineer/developer issues 5.3 Attempted solutions 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading 9 External links Overview Conceptually, requirements analysis includes three types of activity: Eliciting requirements : the task of communicating with customers and users to determine what their requirements are. This is sometimes also called requirements gathering. Analyzing requirements: determining whether the stated requirements are unclear, incomplete, ambiguous, or contradictory, and then resolving these issues. Recording requirements: Requirements might be documented in various forms, such as natural-language documents, use cases , user stories , or process specifications. Requirements analysis can be a long and arduous process during which many delicate psychological skills are involved. New systems change the environment and relationships between people, so it is important to identify all the stakeholders, take into account all their needs and ensure they understand the implications of the new systems. Analysts can employ several techniques to elicit the requirements from the customer. Historically, this has included such things as holding interviews , or holding focus groups (more aptly named in this context as requirements workshops) and creating requirements lists. More modern techniques include prototyping , and use cases . Where necessary, the analyst will employ a combination of these methods to establish the exact requirements of the stakeholders, so that a system that meets the business needs is produced. Requirements engineering Systematic requirements analysis is also known as requirements engineering . It is sometimes referred to loosely by names such as requirements gathering , requirements capture , or requirements specification. The term requirements analysis can also be applied specifically to the analysis proper, as opposed to elicitation or documentation of the requirements, for instance. Requirements Engineering can be divided into discrete chronological steps: Requirements elicitation, Requirements analysis and negotiation, Requirements specification, System modeling, Requirements validation, Requirements management. Requirement engineering according to Laplante (2007) is "a subdiscipline of systems engineering and software engineering that is concerned with determining the goals, functions, and constraints of hardware and software systems." In some life cycle models, the requirement engineering process begins with a feasibility study activity, which leads to a feasibility report. If the feasibility study suggests that the product should be developed, then requirement analysis can begin. If requirement analysis precedes feasibility studies, which may foster outside the box thinking, then feasibility should be determined before requirements are finalized. See Stakeholder analysis for a discussion of business uses. Stakeholders (SH) are people or organizations (legal entities such as companies, standards bodies) that have a valid interest in the system. They may be affected by it either directly or indirectly. A major new emphasis in the 1990s was a focus on the identification of stakeholders . It is increasingly recognized that stakeholders are not limited to the organization employing the analyst. Other stakeholders will include: anyone who operates the system (normal and maintenance operators) anyone who benefits from the system (functional, political, financial and social beneficiaries) anyone involved in purchasing or procuring the system. In a mass-market product organization, product management, marketing and sometimes sales act as surrogate consumers (mass-market customers) to guide development of the product organizations which regulate aspects of the system (financial, safety, and other regulators) people or organizations opposed to the system (negative stakeholders; see also Misuse case ) organizations responsible for systems which interface with the system under design those organizations who integrate horizontally with the organization for whom the analyst is designing the system Stakeholder interviews Stakeholder interviews are a common technique used in requirement analysis. Though they are generally idiosyncratic in nature and focused upon the perspectives and perceived needs of the stakeholder, very often without larger enterprise or system context, this perspective deficiency has the general advantage of obtaining a much richer understanding of the stakeholder's unique business processes, decision-relevant business rules, and perceived needs. Consequently this technique can serve as a means of obtaining the highly focused knowledge that is often not elicited in Joint Requirements Development sessions, where the stakeholder's attention is compelled to assume a more cross-functional context. Moreover, the in-person nature of the interviews provides a more relaxed environment where lines of thought may be explored at length. Joint Requirements Development (JRD) Sessions Requirements often have cross-functional implications that are unknown to individual stakeholders and often missed or incompletely defined during stakeholder interviews. These cross-functional implications can be elicited by conducting JRD sessions in a controlled environment, facilitated by a trained facilitator , wherein stakeholders participate in discussions to elicit requirements, analyze their details and uncover cross-functional implications. A dedicated scribe and Business Analyst should be present to document the discussion. Utilizing the skills of a trained facilitator to guide the discussion frees the Business Analyst to focus on the requirements definition process. JRD Sessions are analogous to Joint Application Design Sessions. In the former, the sessions elicit requirements that guide design, whereas the latter elicit the specific design features to be implemented in satisfaction of elicited requirements. Contract-style requirement lists One traditional way of documenting requirements has been contract style requirement lists. In a complex system such requirements lists can run to hundreds of pages. An appropriate metaphor would be an extremely long shopping list. Such lists are very much out of favour in modern analysis; as they have proved spectacularly unsuccessful at achieving their aims; but they are still seen to this day. Strengths Provides a checklist of requirements. Provide a contract between the project sponsor(s) and developers. For a large system can provide a high level description. Weaknesses Such lists can run to hundreds of pages. It is virtually impossible to read such documents as a whole and have a coherent understanding of the system. Such requirements lists abstract all the requirements and so there is little context This abstraction makes it impossible to see how the requirements fit or work together. This abstraction makes it difficult to prioritize requirements properly; while a list does make it easy to prioritize each individual item, removing one item out of context can render an entire use case or business requirement useless. This abstraction increases the likelihood of misinterpreting the requirements; as more people read them, the number of (different) interpretations of the envisioned system increase. This abstraction means that it's extremely difficult to be sure that you have the majority of the requirements. Necessarily, these documents speak in generality; but the devil, as they say, is in the details. These lists create a false sense of mutual understanding between the stakeholders and developers. These contract style lists give the stakeholders a false sense of security that the developers must achieve certain things. However, due to the nature of these lists, they inevitably miss out crucial requirements which are identified later in the process. Developers can use these discovered requirements to renegotiate the terms and conditions in their favour. These requirements lists are no help in system design, since they do not lend themselves to application. Alternative to requirement lists As an alternative to the large, pre-defined requirement lists Agile Software Development uses User stories to define a requirement in every day language. Measurable goals Main article: Goal modeling Best practices take the composed list of requirements merely as clues and repeatedly ask "why?" until the actual business purposes are discovered. Stakeholders and developers can then devise tests to measure what level of each goal has been achieved thus far. Such goals change more slowly than the long list of specific but unmeasured requirements. Once a small set of critical, measured goals has been established, rapid prototyping and short iterative development phases may proceed to deliver actual stakeholder value long before the project is half over. Prototypes In the mid-1980s, prototyping was seen as the best solution to the requirements analysis problem. Prototypes are Mockups of an application. Mockups allow users to visualize an application that hasn't yet been constructed. Prototypes help users get an idea of what the system will look like, and make it easier for users to make design decisions without waiting for the system to be built. Major improvements in communication between users and developers were often seen with the introduction of prototypes. Early views of applications led to fewer changes later and hence reduced overall costs considerably. However, over the next decade, while proving a useful technique, prototyping did not solve the requirements problem: Managers, once they see a prototype, may have a hard time understanding that the finished design will not be produced for some time. Designers often feel compelled to use patched together prototype code in the real system, because they are afraid to 'waste time' starting again. Prototypes principally help with design decisions and user interface design. However, they can not tell you what the requirements originally were. Designers and end-users can focus too much on user interface design and too little on producing a system that serves the business process. Prototypes work well for user interfaces, screen layout and screen flow but are not so useful for batch or asynchronous processes which may involve complex database updates and/or calculations. Prototypes can be flat diagrams (often referred to as wireframes ) or working applications using synthesized functionality. Wireframes are made in a variety of graphic design documents, and often remove all color from the design (i.e. use a greyscale color palette) in instances where the final software is expected to have graphic design applied to it. This helps to prevent confusion over the final visual look and feel of the application. Use cases Main article: Use case A use case is a technique for documenting the potential requirements of a new system or software change. Each use case provides one or more scenarios that convey how the system should interact with the end-user or another system to achieve a specific business goal. Use cases typically avoid technical jargon, preferring instead the language of the end-user or domain expert . Use cases are often co-authored by requirements engineers and stakeholders. Use cases are deceptively simple tools for describing the behavior of software or systems. A use case contains a textual description of all of the ways which the intended users could work with the software or system. Use cases do not describe any internal workings of the system, nor do they explain how that system will be implemented. They simply show the steps that a user follows to perform a task. All the ways that users interact with a system can be described in this manner. Software requirements specification A software requirements specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describe all of the interactions that the users will have with the software. Use cases are also known as functional requirements . In addition to use cases, the SRS also contains nonfunctional (or supplementary) requirements. Non-functional requirements are requirements which impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, quality standards, or design constraints). Recommended approaches for the specification of software requirements are described by IEEE 830-1998. This standard describes possible structures, desirable contents, and qualities of a software requirements specification. Requirements are categorized in several ways. The following are common categorizations of requirements that relate to technical management: Customer Requirements Statements of fact and assumptions that define the expectations of the system in terms of mission objectives, environment, constraints, and measures of effectiveness and suitability (MOE/MOS). The customers are those that perform the eight primary functions of systems engineering, with special emphasis on the operator as the key customer. Operational requirements will define the basic need and, at a minimum, answer the questions posed in the following listing: Operational distribution or deployment : Where will the system be used? Mission profile or scenario : How will the system accomplish its mission objective? Performance and related parameters : What are the critical system parameters to accomplish the mission? Utilization environments : How are the various system components to be used? Effectiveness requirements : How effective or efficient must the system be in performing its mission? Operational life cycle : How long will the system be in use by the user? Environment : What environments will the system be expected to operate in an effective manner? Architectural Requirements Architectural requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary system architecture of a system . Structural Requirements Structural requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary structure of a system . Behavioral Requirements Behavioral requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary behavior of a system . Functional Requirements Functional requirements explain what has to be done by identifying the necessary task, action or activity that must be accomplished. Functional requirements analysis will be used as the toplevel functions for functional analysis. Non-functional Requirements Non-functional requirements are requirements that specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Performance Requirements The extent to which a mission or function must be executed; generally measured in terms of quantity, quality, coverage, timeliness or readiness. During requirements analysis, performance (how well does it have to be done) requirements will be interactively developed across all identified functions based on system life cycle factors; and characterized in terms of the degree of certainty in their estimate, the degree of criticality to system success, and their relationship to other requirements. Design Requirements The “build to,” “code to,” and “buy to” requirements for products and “how to execute” requirements for processes expressed in technical data packages and technical manuals. Derived Requirements Requirements that are implied or transformed from higher-level requirement. For example, a requirement for long range or high speed may result in a design requirement for low weight. Allocated Requirements A requirement that is established by dividing or otherwise allocating a high-level requirement into multiple lower-level requirements. Example: A 100-pound item that consists of two subsystems might result in weight requirements of 70 pounds and 30 pounds for the two lower-level items. Well-known requirements categorization models include FURPS and FURPS+, developed at Hewlett-Packard . Requirements analysis issues Stakeholder issues Steve McConnell, in his book Rapid Development , details a number of ways users can inhibit requirements gathering: Users do not understand what they want or users don't have a clear idea of their requirements Users will not commit to a set of written requirements Users insist on new requirements after the cost and schedule have been fixed Communication with users is slow Users often do not participate in reviews or are incapable of doing so Users are technically unsophisticated Users do not understand the development process Users do not know about present technology This may lead to the situation where user requirements keep changing even when system or product development has been started. Engineer/developer issues Possible problems caused by engineers and developers during requirements analysis are: Technical personnel and end-users may have different vocabularies. Consequently, they may wrongly believe they are in perfect agreement until the finished product is supplied. Engineers and developers may try to make the requirements fit an existing system or model, rather than develop a system specific to the needs of the client. Analysis may often be carried out by engineers or programmers, rather than personnel with the people skills and the domain knowledge to understand a client's needs properly. Attempted solutions One attempted solution to communications problems has been to employ specialists in business or system analysis. Techniques introduced in the 1990s like prototyping , Unified Modeling Language (UML), use cases , and Agile software development are also intended as solutions to problems encountered with previous methods. Also, a new class of application simulation or application definition tools have entered the market. These tools are designed to bridge the communication gap between business users and the IT organization — and also to allow applications to be 'test marketed' before any code is produced. The best of these tools offer: electronic whiteboards to sketch application flows and test alternatives ability to capture business logic and data needs ability to generate high fidelity prototypes that closely imitate the final application interactivity capability to add contextual requirements and other comments ability for remote and distributed users to run and interact with the simulation See also Business analysis Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) Business process reengineering Creative brief Design brief Information technology Data modeling Functional requirements Model-driven engineering Model Transformation Language Non-functional requirements Process architecture Process modeling Requirements elicitation Requirements management Requirements Traceability Search Based Software Engineering Software prototyping Software Requirements Specification Systems analysis System requirements Software requirements References ^ a b c d e f g h Systems Engineering Fundamentals. Defense Acquisition University Press, 2001 ^ Executive editors: Alain Abran, James W. Moore; editors Pierre Bourque, Robert Dupuis, ed (March 2005). "Chapter 2: Software Requirements" . Guide to the software engineering body of knowledge (2004 ed.). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN 0-7695-2330-7 . http://www.computer.org/portal/web/swebok/html/ch2 . Retrieved 2007-02-08 . "It is widely acknowledged within the software industry that software engineering projects are critically vulnerable when these activities are performed poorly." ^ Wiegers, Karl E. (2003). Software Requirements (2nd ed.). Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press. ISBN 0-7356-1879-8 . http://www.processimpact.com . ^ Phillip A. Laplante (2007) What Every Engineer Should Know about Software Engineering . Page 44. 三、Requirements management 源自:Wikipedia Requirements management is the process of documenting, analyzing , tracing , prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome (product or service) should conform. Contents 1 Overview 2 Traceability 3 Requirements activities 3.1 Investigation 3.2 Feasibility 3.3 Design 3.4 Construction and test 3.5 Release 4 Tools 4.1 SysML 4.2 RMsis for JIRA 4.3 RequirementOne 5 See also 6 References 7 Further reading 8 External links Overview The purpose of requirements management is to assure the organization documents, verifies and meets the needs and expectations of its customers and internal or external stakeholders . Requirements management begins with the analysis and elicitation of the objectives and constraints of the organization. Requirements management further includes supporting planning for requirements, integrating requirements and the organization for working with them (attributes for requirements), as well as relationships with other information delivering against requirements, and changes for these. The traceability thus established is used in managing requirements to report back fulfillment of company and stakeholder interests, in terms of compliance, completeness, coverage and consistency. Traceabilities also support change management as part of requirements management in understanding the impacts of changes through requirements or other related elements (e.g., functional impacts through relations to functional architecture), and facilitating introducing these changes. Requirements management involves communication between the project team members and stakeholders, and adjustment to requirements changes throughout the course of the project . To prevent one class of requirements from overriding another, constant communication among members of the development team is critical. For example, in software development for internal applications, the business has such strong needs that it may ignore user requirements, or believe that in creating use cases , the user requirements are being taken care of. Traceability Main article: Requirements Traceability Requirements traceability is concerned with documenting the life of a requirement. It should be possible to trace back to the origin of each requirement and every change made to the requirement should therefore be documented in order to achieve traceability. Even the use of the requirement after the implemented features have been deployed and used should be traceable . Requirements come from different sources, like the business person ordering the product, the marketing manager and the actual user. These people all have different requirements for the product. Using requirements traceability, an implemented feature can be traced back to the person or group that wanted it during the requirements elicitation . This can, for example, be used during the development process to prioritize the requirement, determining how valuable the requirement is to a specific user. It can also be used after the deployment when user studies show that a feature is not used, to see why it was required in the first place. Investigation In Investigation, the first three classes of requirements are gathered from the users, from the business and from the development team. In each area, similar questions are asked; what are the goals, what are the constraints, what are the current tools or processes in place, and so on. Only when these requirements are well understood can functional requirements be developed. A caveat is required here: no matter how hard a team tries, requirements cannot be fully defined at the beginning of the project. Some requirements will change, either because they simply weren’t extracted, or because internal or external forces at work affect the project in mid-cycle. Thus, the team members must agree at the outset that a prime condition for success is flexibility in thinking and operation. The deliverable from the Investigation stage is a requirements document that has been approved by all members of the team. Later, in the thick of development, this document will be critical in preventing scope creep or unnecessary changes. As the system develops, each new feature opens a world of new possibilities, so the requirements specification anchors the team to the original vision and permits a controlled discussion of scope change. While many organizations still use only documents to manage requirements, others manage their requirements baselines using software tools. These tools allow requirements to be managed in a database, and usually have functions to automate traceability (e.g., by allowing electronic links to be created between parent and child requirements, or between test cases and requirements), electronic baseline creation, version control, and change management. Usually such tools contain an export function that allows a specification document to be created by exporting the requirements data into a standard document application. Feasibility In the Feasibility stage, costs of the requirements are determined. For user requirements, the current cost of work is compared to the future projected costs once the new system is in place. Questions such as these are asked: “What are data entry errors costing us now?” Or “What is the cost of scrap due to operator error with the current interface?” Actually, the need for the new tool is often recognized as these questions come to the attention of financial people in the organization. Business costs would include, “What department has the budget for this?” “What is the expected rate of return on the new product in the marketplace?” “What’s the internal rate of return in reducing costs of training and support if we make a new, easier-to-use system?” Technical costs are related to software development costs and hardware costs. “Do we have the right people to create the tool?” “Do we need new equipment to support expanded software roles?” This last question is an important type. The team must inquire into whether the newest automated tools will add sufficient processing power to shift some of the burden from the user to the system in order to save people time. The question also points out a fundamental point about requirements management. A human and a tool form a system, and this realization is especially important if the tool is a computer or a new application on a computer. The human mind excels in parallel processing and interpretation of trends with insufficient data. The CPU excels in serial processing and accurate mathematical computation. The overarching goal of the requirements management effort for a software project would thus be to make sure the work being automated gets assigned to the proper processor. For instance, “Don’t make the human remember where she is in the interface. Make the interface report the human’s location in the system at all times.” Or “Don’t make the human enter the same data in two screens. Make the system store the data and fill in the second screen as needed.” The deliverable from the Feasibility stage is the budget and schedule for the project. Design Assuming that costs are accurately determined and benefits to be gained are sufficiently large, the project can proceed to the Design stage. In Design, the main requirements management activity is comparing the results of the design against the requirements document to make sure that work is staying in scope. Again, flexibility is paramount to success. Here’s a classic story of scope change in mid-stream that actually worked well. Ford auto designers in the early ‘80s were expecting gasoline prices to hit $3.18 per gallon by the end of the decade. Midway through the design of the Ford Taurus, prices had centered to around $1.50 a gallon. The design team decided they could build a larger, more comfortable, and more powerful car if the gas prices stayed low, so they redesigned the car. The Taurus launch set nationwide sales records when the new car came out, primarily because it was so roomy and comfortable to drive. In most cases, however, departing from the original requirements to that degree does not work. So the requirements document becomes a critical tool that helps the team make decisions about design changes. Construction and test In the construction and testing stage, the main activity of requirements management is to make sure that work and cost stay within schedule and budget, and that the emerging tool does in fact meet requirements. A main tool used in this stage is prototype construction and iterative testing. For a software application, the user interface can be created on paper and tested with potential users while the framework of the software is being built. Results of these tests are recorded in a user interface design guide and handed off to the design team when they are ready to develop the interface. This saves their time and makes their jobs much easier. Release Requirements management does not end with product release. From that point on, the data coming in about the application’s acceptability is gathered and fed into the Investigation phase of the next generation or release. Thus the process begins again. Tools There exist both desktop and Web-based tools for requirements management. A Web-based requirements tool can be installed at the customer′s datacenter or can be offered as an on-demand requirements management platform which in some cases can be completely free . On-demand services would normally include all special hardware and software. Other services may include technology and processes designed to secure your data against physical loss and unauthorized use, 24×7 data availability, and assurance that the service will scale as you add users, applications, and additional activities. Some on-demand requirements management platforms charge a fee while others are free to use. SysML The system engineering modeling language SysML incorporates a requirements diagram allowing the developer to graphically organize, manage, and trace requirements. RMsis for JIRA RMsis is simple, intuitive and specific requirement management extension for JIRA . This tool provides a user friendly collaborative platform for effectively managing requirements . The tool is currently not available as a standalone product. It works with JIRA only. RequirementOne RequirementOne is an on-demand requirements management platform. It is a fully hosted requirements management solution, where the only system requirements would normally be Internet access and a standard Web browser. See also Requirement Requirements analysis Requirements traceability Process area (CMMI): Requirements Development (RD) Requirements Management (REQM) Product requirements document References ^ Stellman, Andrew; Greene, Jennifer (2005). Applied Software Project Management . O'Reilly Media. ISBN 978-0-596-00948-9 . http://www.stellman-greene.com/aspm/ . ^ "Requirements management" . UK Office of Government Commerce . http://www.ogc.gov.uk/delivery_lifecycle_requirements_management.asp . Retrieved 2009-11-10 . ^ A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (4th ed.). Project Management Institute. 2008. ISBN 978-1-933-89051-7 . http://www.pmi.org/ . ^ Gotel, O., Finkelstein, A. An Analysis of the Requirements Traceability Problem Proc. of First International Conference on Requirements Engineering, 1994, pages 94-101 ^ "Requirements Management Tools Survey" . International Council on Systems Engineering . http://www.incose.org/ProductsPubs/products/rmsurvey.aspx . Retrieved 2009-11-10 . ^ "RMsis Documentation" . Optimizory Technologies Private Limited . http://docs.optimizory.com/display/rmsis . Further reading CMMI Product Team (August 2006) ( PDF ). CMMI for Development, Version 1.2 . Technical Report CMU/SEI-2006-TR-008. Software Engineering Institute . http://www.sei.cmu.edu/library/abstracts/reports/06tr008.cfm . Retrieved 2008-01-22 . Colin Hood, Simon Wiedemann, Stefan Fichtinger, Urte Pautz Requirements Management: Interface Between Requirements Development and All Other Engineering Processes Springer, Berlin 2007, ISBN 354047689X External links Critical Issues in Requirements Management - Panel Discussion with Executives from IBM/Rational, Cognition Corporation, PTC, Chrysler, and Siemens. Web 2.0 Requirements Management - What does it look like and why is it relevant? Forbes Requirements Management Software Directory INCOSE Requirements Tools Survey Jiludwig Requirements Management Tools Directory Requirements Management Tool Resources Washington State Information Services Board (ISB)policy: CMM Key Practices for Level 2 - Requirements Management U.K. Office of Government Commerce (OGC) - Requirements management Requirement Writing 101 for Product Management The 2011 State of Requirements Management Report
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medinstru 2011-4-6 20:22
虽然在2011年制药行业可能会取得一些令人瞩目的突破性成果,让本已低迷的产品研发线有所增色,但是,制药业的整体前景依然严峻,因为与几年前的辉煌岁月相比,处于研发中的新药数量在持续萎缩。   虽然制药公司和生物科技公司可能确实有众多项目正在开发中,但有行业顾问和研究人员指出,新一轮重磅炸***物将极少有机会很快走进市场,来取代那些即将陆续失去专利保护的药物。   此外,美国FDA审批新药的速度继续以缓慢的步伐前进,2009年和2008年分别有25只和26只新药获批。2010年有17只新药获批(截至 2011年1月15日的统计数据),其中13只药物将被定义为专业药物;而在非专业类药物的审批中,2只是避孕药,1只是眼科抗过敏药物。   确实,与3年前产品研发线健康而旺盛的状况相比,制药业目前的景象可谓天壤之别。1998~2008年,处于研发中的产品数量大幅上升,从约950只增加到近1450只。但是,根据纽约证券公司Cowen Co提供的数据,截至2009年12月,这一数据已经下降到不足1250只。   与此同时,制药公司提交新药申请(NDAs)的药物数量也在下降,从2009年的160只减少到了2010年初的125只。而在前几年,这一数据稳步上升。让事情变得更为糟糕的是临床前试验项目的数量:2005年曾经达到250个这一峰值,随后在2010年第一季度暴跌到只有60个。   由此,在几大药物领域,产品研发线明显出现萎缩,它们包括心血管疾病、中枢神经系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病和糖尿病。   药物开发转向   在研药物大幅下降的另一面则是专业药物市场的发展,因为越来越多的制药公司正在将它们的关注重点转向专业药物。   美国明尼苏达州药品福利管理机构Express Scripts公司负责新兴治疗产品的高级临床顾问Aimee Tharaldson表示,新的重磅炸***物即将出现在丙型肝炎和多发性硬化症治疗领域,而更多的开发产品预计将被用来治疗罕见疾病和癌症。   专业药物的批准数量正在上升。2010年,获得FDA批准的专业药物是传统药物的3倍多。预计这种趋势将会保持下去,因为制药公司正在将它们的开发努力重新聚集到专业药物上。   根据Express Scripts公司的“2009药物趋势报告(DTR)”数据,专业药物的年度增长幅度为19.5%,而传统药物为4.8%。   DTR数据中包括了被药品福利覆盖的药物,而年度趋势则是PMPY(每只药物每年)费用支出的年度增减率。市场因素和行为因素影响着这一趋势。市场因素包括发病率、单位成本、每张处方的单位量、专利到期以及进入市场的新药,而行为因素包括治疗强度和产品组合。   2009年,专业药物的PMPY支出为111.10美元,相比之下,传统药物的这一费用支出为800.23美元。虽然在药品福利框架下专业药物的PMPY支出低于传统药物,但专业药物的PMPY支出仍然很大,因为只有不到1%的病人使用专业药物。   根据专业药物的PMPY支出,2009年,在美国,专业药物治疗领域位居第一的是炎症,紧随其后的是多发性硬化症、癌症、抗凝血剂,以及生长激素缺乏症。   明尼苏达州药品福利管理机构Prescription Solutions公司的产品研发和趋势预测主任Brian Kolling表示,很显然,转向专业治疗领域现在已经成为新药开发的一个重点。   仿制药持续繁荣   除了对专业药物市场给予关注以外,Kolling还作出了以下预测:制药公司将从“研究和开发”转向“探索和共同开发”模式;随着今后5年里50只顶级(非专业)药物中的25只将失去专利保护,仿制药的研发将会持续“发烧”;对新兴市场(如中国、墨西哥、土耳其和巴西)的药物开发产生影响,因为这些市场的利润要低于美国,但是,这些市场有着更高的增长速度,有更大的机会推广专利失效后的品牌产品(因为它们对仿制药的审批途径不一);制药公司将继续将疫苗作为一个重要的产品研发方向。   制药业顾问——费城Pembroke Consulting公司总裁Adam Fein同意Kolling作出的预测,他认为,虽然其他产品的研发似乎停滞不前,但仿制药的研发将会继续蓬勃发展。业内分析人士预测,由于仿制药的入侵,2012年,品牌药将失去大约283亿美元销售额。   Fein表示,到2012年年中,仿制药的销售比例将超过80%,这意味着,零售药店配售的80%以上的药品将属于仿制药。这是制药行业正在发生的重大变革的一部分。以往(比如10年前),药品价格远远超过它的经销成本,而现在,药品价格只是经销成本的一小部分。由此,供应链所具有的价值正在日益显现。   业内人士预计,2011年及以后年份的仿制药包括阿托伐他汀、孟鲁司特(montelukast)、外用拉坦前列腺素、血管紧张素受体阻滞剂(ARBs),以及第二代抗精神病药物。   从今年年底开始,制药行业将完全淹没在仿制药风潮之中,2012年及今后10年将是仿制药推向市场的高峰年份。   新研发模式   与此同时,从现在起到2015年,销售额大约为1000亿美元的品牌药将失去专利保护,其中大约有一半预计会在今年到2012年之间发生。   Kolling表示,看上去似乎无休止的专利失效周期已经导致制药行业在新药研发模式上发生了根本变化,因为新药的推出速度跟不上研发费用的增长速度。   此外,Kolling指出,新药进入市场面临更高的门槛意味着制药公司要投入更多的资金,然而目前的现实是,大部分资金花费在了Ⅱ期或早期试验阶段,这些试验阶段有着最高的失败几率。   为了应对市场上出现的如此巨大的变化,Kolling建议制药公司通过技术授权引入处于后期开发阶段的产品,而将早期开发工作交给一家合作伙伴公司。   此外,Kolling预测,许多制药公司将会与规模相似的合作伙伴共同承担开发风险,并向“更加友好的市场”(比如专业和新兴市场)转移。   根据上文所述,研究和开发项目将会继续寻找突破。预计以下重要疾病领域的开发工作将会实施起来。   心血管:5年内不会有新药?   与其他疾病治疗领域相比,心血管疾病的药物开发可能经历了更大幅度的衰退。   事实上,在治疗和预防心脏疾病方面获得重大突破近25年之后,心血管研究似乎进入了停滞状态,而重磅炸***物进入该市场的步伐也大大放缓。2009年,这一治疗领域形成了766亿美元的市场规模,但到2015年,这一市场规模有可能下跌到600亿美元。   Kolling还指出,降胆固醇和高血压药物市场预计将会明显萎缩,因为它们的生命周期接近结束,顶级他汀类药物、ARB以及抗血小板药物(都在全球药品销售中名列前10名)将在2012年失去专利保护。   总的来说,这一治疗领域一直在努力寻求突围。一些前景被看好的药物曾经给该领域带来了希望,但最终它们被证明具有危险性。心脏病仍然是美国的第一大健康杀手,心脏病学专家和研究人员表示,目前还不清楚下一只重磅炸***物何时出现,又将出自何处。   不过,从长期来看,令人鼓舞的一个信息是,许多新药仍然在由几家大药厂进行开发,其中包括辉瑞公司,该公司在心血管市场上出现了近4年的真空之后再次现身,并重新开展工作,开发用来治疗和预防心脏疾病的新药。   不过,就现阶段来看,研究人员预测,除了新的血液稀释剂以外,这一领域至少在5年内不会有任何新产品面世。事实上,人们一直在关注几只已经显示出巨大潜力的抗凝血药物,这些药物有可能取代华法林,成为新的治疗选择。Kolling预测,抗血小板药物和抗血栓形成药物今年将得到更大的关注,并推动整个心血管治疗药物的发展。   以下这些抗凝血剂/抗血小板药物的情况值得关注:   1.Rivaroxaban(Xarelto,由拜耳医药保健公司开发)。这是每日使用一次的口服Xa因子抑制剂,用来预防接受髋关节或膝关节置换术病人的静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE),治疗VTE,预防心房颤动(AF)病人出现中风,预防急性疾病而住院的病人出现VTE,治疗急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)。   2.Apixaban(由百时美施贵宝/辉瑞开发)。这是一种口服高选择性直接Xa因子抑制剂,用于治疗AF,以及预防和治疗VTE。去年11月,百时美施贵宝和辉瑞中止了对ACS 病人使用Apixaban或安慰剂进行治疗的Ⅲ期APPRAISE-2临床试验,因为有证据表明,随机使用Apixaban的病人临床上出现了较重的出血现象。两家公司仍然承诺要开发Apixaban,用来预防AF病人发生的中风,以及预防和治疗VTE。    3.Ticagrelor(Brilinta,由阿斯利康开发)。这是一种口服P2Y12腺苷二磷酸(ADP)受体激动剂,用来治疗动脉血栓形成。Ⅲ期 PLATO试验显示它的疗效大大优于用来治疗ACS的氯吡格雷。它也许将成为第一只获得FDA批准的可逆性结合口服ADP受体拮抗剂。不过,2010年 12月,FDA发出了一份完整的答复函,要求对PLATO试验数据开展更多的工作。   4.Elinogrel(由诺华/Portola公司开发)。这是一种可逆性P2Y12 ADP受体拮抗剂,用来预防慢性冠心病患者可能发生的心肌梗塞(MI)和中风,预防ACS患者的死亡、MI和中风。迄今为止,它是唯一一只有可能以静脉注射(IV)和口服制剂使用的P2Y12 ADP受体拮抗剂。Ⅱ期试验结果显示它的抗血小板作用要快于和大于氯吡格雷。Ⅲ期试验将在今年开始。   5.Edoxaban(由日本第一三共株式会社开发)。这是一只口服Xa因子抑制剂,用来预防和治疗血栓栓塞性疾病。早期研究数据显示其疗效与dabigatran相似。目前,为Ⅲ期临床试验招募病人的工作已经结束。   6.Vorapaxar(由默沙东开发)。这是一种凝血酶受体拮抗剂或抗血小板蛋白酶激活受体-1抑制剂,用来预防和治疗血栓形成。它也正在接受用于治疗ACS的研究。Ⅲ期研究已经招募完病人,首批研究成果可能会在今年晚些时候出来。   7.Betrixaban(由Portola制药/默沙东开发)。这是一种口服直接Xa因子抑制剂抗凝血药,用来预防AF引发的中风。Ⅲ期试验计划在今年开始,FDA提交预计将在2014年或晚些时候。   中枢神经系统(CNS):走向成熟   与新的品牌药带来的影响相比,用于治疗CNS疾病的新仿制药产生的影响可能要更大一些。Kolling预计新的抗抑郁药将成为利基产品,并预计今年到2012年一些重要产品将面临专利失效。   Kolling还预测所有CNS治疗领域都将走向成熟。   预计处在CNS治疗药物开发前沿的新药如下:   1.Vilazodone(由临床数据公司开发)。这是一种选择性血清素再吸收抑制剂(SSRI),具有5-HT1A激动剂部分活性,用来治疗抑郁症。目前该药公开的数据还较少。遗传生物标记测试或许可预测病人对该药可能作出的反应。   2.TC-5214(由Targacept和阿斯利康开发)。这是一种烟酸通道阻滞剂,用来辅助治疗重症抑郁障碍(MDD)病人,这些病人对SSRI或血清素肾上腺素回收抑制剂(SNRI)等一线治疗药物无法做出足够的响应。目前,Ⅲ期试验正在进行之中。   3.Cariprazine(由Forest/Gedeon Richter公司开发)。这是一种非典型性抗精神病药物,用来治疗精神分裂症和躁郁症。Ⅲ期试验预计将在今年晚些时候进行。   4.Telcagepant(由默沙东开发)。这是第一只口服降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)受体阻滞剂,用来治疗急性偏头痛和预防偏头痛。这只产品本该在2009年提交FDA,但是,由于参与试验的病人肝酶升高,从而导致Ⅱ期预防性试验受到挫折。目前尚不清楚Ⅱ期试验和FDA提交时间表。   糖尿病:大批新药即将上市   今后10年里,糖尿病诊断病例预计会继续急剧攀升,而新药开发预计将紧随其后,未来几年里,大批新药预计将会上市销售。   UnitedHealth集团公司最近发表的一份研究报告指出,如果不采取有力措施来遏制不断增加的糖尿病病例,那么到2020年,糖尿病将让美国付出10%的医疗保健费用。   美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)所做的时间更长的预测表明,如果目前的趋势继续发展下去,那么到2050年,高达1/3的美国成年人可能会患上糖尿病。Ⅱ型糖尿病是美国增长最迅速的疾病之一,而肥胖则是它的一个主要致病因素。   制药公司似乎正在直面挑战。根据美国药品研究与制造商协会(PhRMA)发表的一份研究显示,过去1年中,生物制药公司正在对用来治疗糖尿病和相关疾病的235只药物进行研究,这一数据创下了历史记录。   Cowen Co公司表示,到2015年,糖尿病治疗药物(用来治疗Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型糖尿病的药物)的市场规模预计将达到379亿美元,比2009年的233亿美元将有较大幅度的增长。   Kolling预测,胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)类药物将是一个主要的研发途径,而钠-糖协同转运蛋白-2(SGLT2)抑制剂将是出现在这个市场上的下一类药物。   此外,用来治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的许多新降糖药(具有新的作用机制)正在研发之中。   预计未来以下研发活动即将开展:   1.吸入型胰岛素(Afrezza,由MannKind公司开发)。这是一种超快起效的胰岛素,用来治疗Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型糖尿病。Ⅲ期临床试验表明它并不劣于胰岛素aspart。在与胰岛素glargine结合在一起的另外的试验中,它也显示出不错的疗效。预计FDA将会在今年3月作出完整的答复。   2.LY2189265(由礼来开发)。这是一种GLP-1类似物,用来治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病,每周一次通过皮下注射。目前,该药正处于Ⅲ期临床试验阶段,预计研究数据将在2012年以后得出。   3.Lixisenatide(由赛诺菲安万特开发)。这是一种用来治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的GLP-1类似物。Ⅲ期试验的初步数据表明它的作用类似于其他GLP-1s。   4.Albiglutide(由葛兰素史克开发)。这是一种新颖二肽基肽酶-4-抗性GLP-1二聚体,用来治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病。   5.Dapagliflozin(由百时美施贵宝/阿斯利康开发)。这是一种SGLT2抑制剂,与该药有关的潜在安全问题是生殖道感染和尿路感染几率会增加。   似乎无休止的专利失效周期已经导致制药行业在新药研发模式上发生了根本变化,也有越来越多的制药公司将它们的关注重点转向专业药物。 来源: 医药经济报
个人分类: 药事点评|1384 次阅读|0 个评论
nikem1 2011-3-8 06:25
(source: http://www.bokee.net/newcirclemodule/article_viewEntry.do?id=462668circleId=102861 )作者:飘零人 计算机为化工产品研发人员带来了方便,同时,计算机将成为生产技术配方泄密的另一种途径。 最近我得知:一个企业的工程师因为得不到报酬,离开了公司,他邻走时,把计算机中所有的化工资料给删除了,并且把硬盘也格式化。然而,当他走后,企业里的一个管理人员用一个删除资料还原软件,把工程师所有的技术机密都给还原出来。然后,他把这些配方以几千元的价格卖给了别人。我知道后,为那些配方惋惜,那个工程师辛辛苦苦研究出的配方被他糟蹋了。 所以,有什么重要的化工技术机密,一定不要存在电脑中。除了删除的文件可以被还原 ,也可能因为网络黑客而泄密。 毕竟,计算机使用起来很方便,如果要存资料,最好存在自己带的U盘,或者移动硬盘中,在这些移动盘中储存、更改或删除你的资料比较好。 为什么删除,并且硬盘被格式化后,文件还能还原?这个问题你最好去问计算机高手。可能是资料虽然删除了,但是它留下的痕迹还在,如果你再在同一硬盘上储存、建立文件时,这些文件一般先占领空白的地方,除非文件大了,才有可能把你以前删掉的文件的痕迹覆盖掉。 如果你已经在计算机上储存的有机密资料,要想使别人不能把你删除的机密文件还原,把文件删除后,最好的办法是在你的硬盘上装满其他无用的资料如MP3、电影等,把你删去的机密文件留下的痕迹覆盖掉。然后再把这些MP3、电影等没用的东西删除,别人还原你的文件了,也只是还原了一些没有用途的东西。 (source: http://www.bokee.net/newcirclemodule/article_viewEntry.do?id=462668circleId=102861 )
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zlhua 2011-2-18 10:08
这的确是一个系统工程,涉及到信息工程,物流工程,食品工程等系列工程.... 信息工程问题,发展战略的问题,想做行业标杆,对标杆是如何理解和定义的... 物流工程问题 1个生产基地,4个物流基地,近50个门店,还要走出国门,如何设计并管理好这个物流工程? 面对如此大摊子,如何一个快捷的物流高速公路?这是这个计划需要解决的核心问题,要在这么大范围管理好这个物流系统,必须施以合适的信息科技手段,这就是如何信息化的问题... 善假于物,依靠信息工程助力,如何助力?物联网技术的确派得上用途...但怎么用?可以以其中一个物流基地为试点,成功后再推广... 人员素质的问题. 餐饮行业的做产品的学历门坎一般不高,对待这样的人群,必须要有好的企业文化,使得员工有归属感,愿意为企业奉献,可以以此为突破口,先跟他们讲梦想,然后跟他们讲现实,然后告诉他们可以怎么改变现实实现梦想......其中,那些素质不高,又不愿意学习和提高的人都吸引到生产基地去....做一些简单重复的工作,他们素质不高,有没有什么太多想法,比较适合做生产基地那些简单重复的工作...然后是将那些素质布告,但愿意学习和提高的人集中起来,给他们讲理想,然后鼓励他们参加系统培训,在做中学,学成之后委以重要的管理岗位... 谁是餐饮行业的标杆,需要市场说了算,比如,要打造一个火锅为特色的餐饮标杆企业,首先需要有市场,有特色,有市场,做的东西老少皆宜,大家都喜欢,有特色,这个特色不仅是服务和味道,更重要的还有健康...服务,让人感觉舒服,味道,吃得巴适,健康,让人越吃越精神... 抓住了这三点,然后则是如何推广的问题了,他现在是川派不在川(好在生产基地还在川),这是他发展中的一个小辫子,为了不让别人抓小辫子,可以尝试在川开一家川派火锅博物馆...其次,他现在服务已经赢得了口碑,味道也还过得去,现在的问题是健康的问题,这关系到可持续发展的问题,解决了服务和产品的口感和健康这个基本问题后,他就需要解决推广的问题,如何推广,开设直营店...先国内,再国外,如何走出国门?这又是下一步计划...终上所述,这
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putin24 2011-1-20 13:35
PDM(Product Data Management)产品数据管理,CIMDATA定义:“PDM是一种帮助工程师和其他人员管理产品数据和产品研发过程的工具。 PDM系统确保跟踪那些设计、制造所需的大量数据和信息,并由此支持和维护产品”。Product Data Management: Database driven systems designed to manage the various components used in product development and manufacturing. PDM技术是一种对制造企业产品形成过程中的有关信息和过程进行统一管理的技术。PDM系统是信息化孤岛之间的桥梁 。如图所示。PDM是依托IT技术实现企业最优化管理的有效方法,是科学的管理框架与企业现实问题相结合的产物,是计算机技术与企业文化相结合的一种产品。企业文化为企业自身所积累、表现出来的各方面特色之总和。 PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)产品生命周期管理,CIMDATA的定义:“PLM是一种应用于在单一地点的企业内部、分散在多个地点的企业内部,以及在产品研发领域具有协作关系的企业之间的,支持产品全生命周期的信息的创建、管理、分发和应用的一系列应用解决方案,它能够集成与产品相关的人力资源、流程、应用系统和信息。” PLM是一种企业信息化的商业战略。它实施一整套的业务解决方案,把人、过程和信息有效地集成在一起,作用于整个企业,遍历产品从概念到报废的全生命周期,支持与产品相关的协作研发、管理、分发和使用产品定义信息。PLM为企业及其供应链组成产品信息的框架。它由多种信息化元素构成:基础技术和标准(如XML、视算、协作和企业应用集成)、信息生成工具(如MCAD、ECAD和技术发布)、核心功能(如数据仓库、文档和内容管理、工作流和程序管理)、功能性的应用(如配置管理)以及构建在其他系统上的商业解决方案 。 在PLM理念产生之前,PDM主要是针对产品研发过程的数据和过程的管理。而在PLM理念之下,PDM的概念得到延伸,成为cPDM,即基于协同的PDM,可以实现研发部门、企业各相关部门,甚至企业间对产品数据的协同应用。PLM软件的功能是PDM软件的扩展和延伸,PLM软件的核心是PDM软件。 PLM完全包含了PDM的全部内容,PDM功能是PLM中的一个子集。但是PLM又强调了对产品生命周期内跨越供应链的所有信息进行管理和利用的概念,这是与PDM的本质区别。 Internet技术已经被广泛地用于制造业企业中的各个领域,使得人们在任何时候都可以用一致的、简单的方式查询各种信息,从而提高员工的工作效率。PDM/PLM是Intranet的一个重要的应用方面,例如通过HTML主页实现与PDM/PLM系统的通信。 网络化制造为PDM带来了机遇,同时也带来了挑战。机遇是PDM/PLM可以充分利用网络技术来增强其原有功能;挑战是网络化制造使得产品开发、制造等方式发生变化,要求PDM/PLM适应新的制造模式。无论是机遇还是挑战都促使国内外的学术界和商业界把注意力投向研究网络化制造环境下的PDM/PLM,研究内容主要集中在以下几个方面: PDM/PLM以软件为基础,研究最多的就是其软件的整体框架或结构,国内研究PDM/PLM的文献有80%都集中于此,主要区别在于使用了不同的软件开发和运行时用到的分布式对象和网络协议等技术。为了处理异构环境中对象的互操作,有的文献采用CORBA与Web技术相结合的方法 ;有的采用微软的COM+/DCOM/.NET技术 ;还有的采用SUN公司提出的J2EE架构 或面向服务的计算(Service Oriented Computing, SOC) 。利用XML表示系统间的交换数据是一种趋势。 国外商业软件分web使能和纯web两种架构,PTC公司的Windchill PDMLink为了表示与其他web使能的PDM/PLM产品不同,称自己是“web-centric”,其系统框架完全基于Internet、Web、Java和Oracle等技术标准。其他web使能的PDM/PLM产品,如SDRC公司的Metaphase,用户界面为可以下载Java Applet的浏览器;Inso公司的Sherpa Works PDM/PLM;Unigraphics公司的IMAN,IMAN/Web Browser供只在线浏览不在线编辑的用户使用,IMAN/web reviewer供在线审批的用户使用;WTC公司的CMS能够提供网络的实时多媒体信息访问;Smart Solution的Smart Web基于Java,允许用户远程创建、编辑、浏览、控制和注释文档。 PDM/PLM与商用CAD集成的两种方式 :基于客户端和服务器端;网络环境下CAPP与PDM/PLM系统的集成方式。在系统的集成性和可扩展性方面国外商业软件占有绝对优势,如PTC公司架构在纯网络之上的Windchill PDMLink能够与很多企业应用软件集成:Pro/ENGINEER、CADDS、AutoCAD、CATIA V4、CATIA V5、Unigraphics、I-DEAS、Inventor、Solid Works等。 一般国外软件都提供数据模型定义功能,而国内软件在此功能方面普遍较弱。国内也有做的比较好的PDM/PLM系统,例如:CAXA V5 PDM/PLM是CAXA V5的数据管理平台,以产品数据为核心,为企业级设计、工艺、制造提供协同工作环境,是一个可以迅速实施、方便定制的易扩展的数据管理平台。 CAXA V5 PDM/PLM基础功能覆盖产品数据管理的各个方面,包括对各种CAD工具的集成、图文档管理、统一BOM管理、工作流管理等,其它增强的功能还包括基于BOM的协同、网络会议等。CAXA V5 PDM面向企业级的应用方案包括企业应用集成、异地协同、高级开发套件等。 在技术实现上,CAXA V5 PDM/PLM以CAXA V5为核心构件,采用通用软组件的方式提供标准化的服务,支持C/S和B/S体系结构,支持各种流行的关系型数据库。 西安交通大学建立了国内第一个支持产品合作设计的网站—现代产品设计与研究开发网络。上海制造热线开发了上海敏捷制造网络集成平台,建立了以上海电气集团总公司、电梯等有关企业和上海交大、同济、上海大学等高校、研究所等网络互联成一体的上海先进制造网络体系。实现基于网络的制造资源共享和设计制造过程的集成,建立了以网络为基础的、面向广大中小企业的先进制造技术虚拟服务中心和CAD/CIMS培训中心网络,建立了上海网络化制造的示范工程。由清华大学熊光楞教授负责的国家863计划自动化领域重大关键技术攻关与应用工程项目“加速铁路货车更新换代的信息集成与并行工程方法、技术”,重点研究了产品开发过程重组、协调与冲突解决、产品数据管理、基于STEP的信息集成,数值模拟等并行工程关键使能技术与工具。美国EAI公司推出E-VIS.com协同设计网站,提供设计项目管理、设计信息管理、知识获取、网上会议等协同功能 。 随着因特网的普及,Web技术的发展,市场和业务活动的全球化将进一步发展,它将会影响每一个制造企业,成为一种推动变革的力量。企业间竞争的优势不再是仅仅依靠技术,这就要求企业加强合作和全球化的可能性。企业间通过互联网联接,多个机构组成的一个组织,能共享知识和资源,并协同提供一种产品或服务。这种协作和联盟可以最大限度地发挥各自的优势,通过向客户提供综合解决方案,在更好满足顾客全面需求的同时,去实现每个联盟伙伴自己的目标,最终实现共赢的目的。 PDM/PLM系统是以软件技术为基础,以产品为核心,实现对产品相关的数据、过程、资源一体化集成管理的技术。PDM/PLM系统明确定位为面向制造企业,以产品为管理的核心,以数据、过程和资源为管理信息的三大要素。传统的PDM/PLM系统主要面向企业内部的基于C/S体系结构的数据管理,在企业间的信息协同交流、用户友好性、维护复杂性等方面都存在不足,而基于网络的PDM/PLM系统则是利用不断成熟的WWW浏览器技术,结合浏览器的多种脚本语言,不但解决了系统安装、修改和维护的方便性,而且提供了异种机、异种网、异种应用服务的联机、联网、统一服务等。因此,研究基于网络的PDM/PLM系统已成为业界的热点。 基于网络的PDM/PLM系统必须能够向用户提供更加丰富的功能,利用Web浏览器可以与PDM/PLM进行双向通信,只有如此,才能在Internet或Extranet中进行有效的数据管理、任务和文档的分配以及产品数据的生成和更改等工作,新一代的PDM/PLM系统必须完全建立在Internet技术的平台上的,以Java和CORBA为基础,这样才能在任一分布的客户/服务器环境中,在对象之间进行无限制的通信,其中也包括基于CORBA,在PDM/PLM服务器和OODBMS之间的通信。基于Internet的PDM/PLM系统在这方面应该比传统的、用于管理任务的Web工具具有更加明显的优势,这样才能保证该PDM系统更加具有生命力。 基于Web的PDM/PLM系统采用的是Web对企业各部分数据信息进行集成的过程,也将有Web带来的诸多问题,其中有三大主要问题:首先安全性是很多的问题,包括数据安全、技术侵权、PDM/PLM系统安全等,如今采取的措施主要采用冗余独立磁盘阵列(RAID)来解决,然后数据的安全依然是今后基于Web的PDM/PLM系统遇到主要问题;其次的问题是Web的访问速度、通信速度等,现在我国在建设IPv6新一代的基础网络设施,也将缓解这个问题;再则是个应用程序与集成于Web的PDM/PLM系统存在接口的问题,目前主要采用的是应用程序接口API技术。 基于网络的PDM/PLM发展趋势 基于网络的PDM/PLM未来发展趋势将在以下几个方面: 1.通过标准化与第三方应用软件的接口,实现最大限度数据信息共享和通讯。建立从原材料采购、库存管理、设计、生产、销售、质量检验、财务管理、售后服务等公司各部门、产品产生到报废回收全过程的子系统集成,实现从产品设计到报废回收的全生命周期管理系统。 2.可视化的PDM/PLM系统,采用Internet技术、多媒体技术、无线通讯技术、3D技术等最新的网络化技术,使得PDM/PLM系统实现可视化。系统不仅是对简单的报表、图纸、文字形式的信息进行可视化显示,而是更加快捷、准确、丰富、易于理解的多媒体影像信息。 3.支持及时通讯的基于网络的PDM/PLM系统。应用Web2.0、Web3.0技术,使得客户、供应商、生产管理等都可以及时观察到产品的流动位置和产品的市场销售情况、顾客的满意度等动态信息。 4. 基于网络的知识管理、知识创新型的PDM/PLM系统。建立有生命的PDM/PLM系统,可以神经网络等不断学习、改进、创新、完善,能够快速获取和利用www上丰富的专业资源和交流平台。 5.个性化的PDM/PLM系统。每个企业都有不同于其它企业的PDM/PLM系统,将PDM/PLM融汇于企业文化。相同的核心模块、相同的网络层接口和不同的用户风格界面模块、不同企业各部门操作模块安装来实现整个基于网络的PDM/PLM系统是模块化、个性化的系统。例如:在个性化方面还具有开发符合人因工程的操作界面、结合个人的喜好特点、知识背景等,提供个性化模块组合、由基本类变型产生派生类等; 6.合作化的基于网络的PDM/PLM系统,各企业间和各部门间能快速组建研发、科研、项目组等,满足市场突变或者特殊任务要求下的团队组合要求。应用网络上的组织和个人、专家等进行新的团队快速组合。 相关阅读 约瑟夫·萧塔纳著,祁国宁译. 制造企业的产品数据管理 . 机械工业出版社,2000(12) 顾新建,祁国宁等. 网络化制造的战略和方法 . 高等教育出版社,2001 托夫勒, Alvin Toffler,未来的冲击 ,中信出版社, 2006 刘飞.制造系统工程 .北京:国防工业出版社,2000 童秉枢,李建明.产品数据管理(PDM)技术 ,清华大学出版社,2000(11)3-4 刘清华,万立,钟毅芳等. 基于CORBA和Web的产品数据管理系统的体系结构研究 .计算机集成制造系统-CIMS,2000,50-54 谢久红,刘延林,谢建平.基于Internet/Intranet的分布式产品数据管理系统模型 .计算机工程,2004,60-64 张利,王跃飞,张建军.基于COM+的开放式分布PDM系统 .兵工自动化,2003,14-20 王海洲,陈南,胡如夫等. 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zoumouyan 2010-8-19 00:12
研究脱离产业使中国科技界难以摆脱困局 中国科技界总是和国民经济主战场有距离。一方面,缺乏自主创新技术,使我们的产业集中在劳动密集型的低端。缺乏技术进步,没有人创造新产业,这种状况就难以改变。另一方面,中国的科技界关注创造产业的人,实在太少。大致地说,多数科技人员只关心两点:一是能不能搞到国家项目,二是能不能多得 SCI ,这两点都与生计和前程直接相关。 科技研究脱离产业,在欧美恐怕不太好过日子。很怪的现象是,在中国可以说是科技人员的最佳选择!不然的话,例外的情况为什么那么少? 既然成为通例,就不能不说是制度的结果。事实上,在研究所里总是将国家项目作为主流。如果哪位科技人员想搞产品研发,将被排斥在主流之外,在聘任、工资一系列问题上马上出问题,你敢吗?当然还有靠科研基金过日子的情况。这种情况下 SCI 就太重要了,因为这是基本的考核依据,影响晋升和将来。在科技领域中所推行的绩效工资制是每个科技人员必须遵循的规则。产品研发?在产品出来之前的绩效何在?失败了怎么办?国家的哪一种政策能容忍研发失败?总是说产品研发主要靠企业,本来也理该如此。但中国研发力量的主体在哪里?中国研发力量的主体与产业脱离,还能奢望有多少中国创造? 科技界似乎上上下下许多人都认定产品研发缺少科技含金量或科技创新性,适合于企业而不适合于中科院这类科研殿堂。而真实的情况是,中国的科技界长期脱离产业,普遍缺乏解决产业发展中所提出科学技术问题的能力。 脱离产业使科研项目缺少提出研究问题的源头和经费支持,这已经成了恶性循环。不过中国知识分子变通性很强,脱离产业既然是最佳选择,不妨添一点理论油彩:如研究和工程各司其职;基础研究和应用研究需严格分离;宣传理论研究因为无用,所以高雅;如此等等。如果学生们和后生们相信这些高论,将来的生存就会成问题。 脱离产业当然不能全拿体制说事。每个科技人员自己都在走自己的路。有教授、院士的头衔至少不是坏事。但如果在一个公众场合,大家都知道你是 XX 专家,于是要你说说市场上怎么没有一个中国创造的 XX 产品?,不知道你是不是仍然感觉良好?
个人分类: 生活点滴|4738 次阅读|3 个评论

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