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[转载]Associate Editor of Genomics, Wiston Hide, resigned
zhangt10 2012-5-18 03:41
With a Guardian science blog post against Elsevier: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/blog/2012/may/16/system-profit-access-research "Today I resigned from the editorial board of a well respected journal in my field – Genomics. No longer can I work for a system that provides solid profits for the publisher while effectively denying colleagues in developing countries access to research findings." "As associate editor at Genomics, I have managed, reviewed and edited many manuscripts. The majority now come from China. I do not know how accessible the Elsevier journal Genomics is in Chinese universities, ..."
个人分类: 未分类|1707 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wangyk 2012-2-1 16:49
2012-02-01 Wang Yingkuan Selective List of Open Access and Paid Access Fees (also available as PDF document ) http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/scholarlycommunication/oa_fees.html Below are lists of open access and hybrid publishers. For a much more complete list of titles, see Journal and Publisher Directories below. Please note: consult the publisher directly for the latest information on open-access fees as these numbers are subject to change. Berkeley faculty members who wish to make their articles free to all readers immediately upon publication by paying the open access or paid access fee may apply for funding through the Berkeley Research Impact Initiative (BRII) program . Open Access publishers An open-access journal is one that provides free global online access with minimal or no copyright limitations. Open-access articles are freely available for redistribution and reuse. In many cases, publishers are creating online-only journals designed to disseminate barrier-free research results rapidly; these publications are peer reviewed, fully open access and are designed to publish new scientific or academic findings. Publisher Open Access Fee Creative Commons License Sample titles American Institute of Physics (AIP) $1350 CC-BY 3.0 AIP Advances American Physical Society $1500 CC-BY 3.0 Physical Review X American Society of Microbiology $2000 (members) $3000 (non-members) CC-BY-NC-SA mBIO BioMed Central $730 - $2505 (15% reduction for UCB authors due to UCB membership) CC-BY BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Informatics, Genome Biology, Nutrition Journal BMJ $1500 CC-BY-NC BMJ Open Cell Press $5000 CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND Cell Reports Company of Biologists $1350 CC-BY-NC-ND Biology Open (BiO) Ecological Society of America $1,250 ESA members, $1500 for non-members yes Ecosphere European Geosciences Union varies (see journal) yes Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Genetics Society of America $1650 - $1950 CC-BY G3 Hindawi Publishing free - $1500 yes J of Marine Biology, Advances in Astronomy, Advances in Condensed Matter Physics Institute of Physics (IOP) varies, sample fees=$1040, $1600 no New Journal of Physics , Environmental Research Letters Nature $1350 - $5000 CC-BY-Nc-ND or CC-BY-NC-SA Scientific Reports Optics Society of America varies, see Publication charge page no Optics Express Oxford University Press $3000 yes Bioscience Horizons, DNA Research, Genome Biology and Evolution, Nucleic Acids Research Public Library of Science (PLoS) $1350, $2250,$2900 (10% reduction for UC authors due to UC membership) CC-BY PLoS Biology, PLoS Medicine, PLoS One Royal Society $2040 CC-BY Open Biology SAGE $695 yes Sage Open Springer Open $1065 - $1730 (15% reduction for UC authors due to UC membership yes Applied Nanoscience, Health Economics Review, Psychology of Well-being, J of Mathematical Neuroscience Wiley Open Access $3000 in general (with some exceptions) yes Brain and Behavior, Ecoloy and Evolution, MicrobiologyOpen last updated August 2011 Major hybrid journal publishers (last updated June 2011) A "hybrid journal" is published by a traditional subscription-based publisher; articles can be made immediately available to the public if the author pays an additional publication fee (also referred to as "paid access," "open choice," "sponsored article," etc.). "Hybrid open access" differs from the true open access in that hybrid publishers often have restrictions on redistribution and reuse. A fully open-access journal, on the other hand, has limited copyright restrictions which means anyone, anywhere with access to the Internet may read, download, copy, and distribute that article. See refer to the specific publisher's site or the Directory of Open Access and Hybrid Journals for the most current information on fees and copyright policies. Publisher Article Processing Charge (does not include page charges, color charges, etc.) Creative Commons License Sample titles American Chemical Society ( ACS Author Choice ) $3000 ($1000-$1500 for ACS members) unspecified ACS Chemical Biology, Analytical Chemistry, J of the American Chemical Society, J of Organic Chemistry American Institute of Physics (AIP) (Author Select) $1500-$1800 unspecified Applied Physical Letters, Chaos, J of Mathematical Physics American Physical Society (APS) (Free to Read) $1700-$2700 yes Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, Reviews of Modern Physics BMJ Unlocked (Online Open) varies yes J of Medical Ethics, Medical Humanities, Practical Neurology Cambridge Journals Cambridge Open Option $2700 unspecified Behaviroal and Brain Sciences, Genetics Research, J of Fluid Mechanics, Robotica Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press $2000 no Genome Research Genes and Development Learning and Memory Elsevier Sponsored Articles available for ~40 of their 1800 titles $3000 no J of Molecular Biology, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Nuclear Physics A and B, Nano Today European Physical Journal (EPJ)
个人分类: OA开放存取|4855 次阅读|1 个评论
You are not always "innocent until proven guilty"
热度 1 zuojun 2011-11-11 13:02
The best example is when you go apply for a visa to the US. For Chinese, the American immigration officer often assumes you intend to immigrate to the US until you can prove that you have no reasons to (by showing your wealth and/or your job status, etc.). The good news is this may soon change as more and more Chinese are becoming rich and as American policy makers begin to realize most Chinese hate to live a quiet life in a foreign land where bilingual does not include Chinese. Truly, most Chinese only want to come to the US for a visit, and some may want to buy lots of brand name handbags, shoes, and clothing, which is what the US economy needs now. What I want to write about today is not about US visa application. I am concerned about Chinese scientists who write research papers in English. They are getting noticed, but not in a positive way. The pressure to publish or perish is greater for Chinese these days than for any other country’s citizens. Some of them have become “bounty hunters.” The more you publish in SCI journals, the more cash rewards and promotions you receive. Until now, many foreign journals are not prepared to “deal with” Chinese authors. Their first reaction may be “language problem.” The “victims” may not be limited to Chinese who work in China these days, because some of my colleagues suspect “name profiling” might be at work for some journal editors. (The truth is many English native speakers don’t know how to write well. But we scientists should set our bars higher.) Such initial reaction may soon be followed by concerns for plagiarism, and authorship, namely, some names on the author list may not be willing co-authors (these people don’t know they are co-authors until the paper is published). I think sometimes the first author may think he is doing someone a favor by adding his name to the paper as a co-author, but please stop being so “generous.” To be a co-author may be an honor, but may ruin someone’s reputation… Since a journal can no longer assume every author is innocent, to protect a journal’s reputation the journal may have to come up with some policy as a prevention measure. One such measure came my mind is to ask the department chairman (or division leader) sign off each submission. I used to work as a NASA center. The policy there was each manuscript submission had to be signed off by the branch head. I never asked how the policy came to exist, and don’t know if the policy still exists. Somehow, I feel this is a relatively easy step to take. Sorry for the department chairmen in China, but you don’t need to read the manuscript you sign off (since I don’t think my branch head ever read mine when he signed his name). No one can guaranty this will work, but I think it’s harder to “fool” a Chinese than a “foreign devil,” at least in this case. My hope is that the department chairman cares about his department’s reputation enough to at least know what he is signing off... It’s not a bad idea for the chairman to know what his staff is working on and how productive they are. As we all know, there are lawyers whose job is to find loop holes in every law and policy. We also know scientists are generally smarter than lawyers. But, one can only hope, and one has to have hope to go on... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounty_hunter
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3103 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 5 zhilinyang 2011-10-8 11:55
稿件被审稿人拒绝,再也正常不过了。不过有的审稿人实在可恶,写出不负责任的拒稿意见。以下就是几例这样的审稿意见。 1) Although the results seem interesting and correct, the ideas and methods are standard and the results and examples are simple. Hence I do not think this paper deserves to be published in XX. 2) The studied problem is interesting, but, overall, the paper does not reach the high standards of XX. 3) The argument here is standard and not suprizing. the paper does not meet the high standards of XX. 4) Although the paper has some merit it does not contain new ideas. Most of the ideas have appeared in the literature. As a result the paper does not meet the standards of XX. 5) The argument in Section 3 is standard (once the results in Section 2 are derived). Many authors are now presenting results similar to section 2. Unfortunately this paper does not meet the HIGH standards of XX.
个人分类: 教学与科研|8038 次阅读|11 个评论
Show and tell
热度 1 liwenbianji 2011-7-20 01:51
Show and tell
制作高质量的图表和显示项目 在本贴中,我将介绍制作高质量图表的关键要素以及在 此前帖子 中所介绍的显示信息的重要性。制作高质量的显示项目也许会很耗时,但却是十分必要的,原因有二:其一,为了满足目标期刊的投稿要求;其二,便于自己撰写结果部分。你在显示项目上所画的时间越多,越能说明你对此深思熟虑过。这有助于你用清晰、简洁的方式描述它们的主要特点,进而使读者方便快捷地了解你所阐述的内容。 Good maps and figures can help you avoid excessive writing A picture is worth a thousand words Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Apart from the abstract and conclusions, the first things I look at in a scientific paper are the maps, figures and diagrams (also called display items). I believe you can tell much about the overall quality of a paper by the quality of these things. In my previous post I described how concise written English can be difficult and time-consuming to achieve. However, it is ultimately worth the effort and seeking help to achieve this because the result is clarity of language that facilitates dissemination of your research. The same can be said for maps, figures and diagrams. The more time spent on them to improve their clarity and ease of viewing, the easier it will be for your reader to see quickly what you are trying to show. Another significant advantage of having precise and clear display items is that it makes it easier to write about your study area and results, which will hopefully contribute to achieving written concision. Among other things, I am a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analyst and have spent much time making maps, and conducting spatial analysis and presenting the results cartographically. All maps should have an indication of where the area they represent is located. For regional location maps you should always give an indication of the latitude (specifying northern or southern hemisphere) and latitude. This is often done through presenting a graticule (segmented frame) around the region, or sometimes using single latitude and longitude lines nearest to the study area (Figure 1). A scale bar should be used. More detailed maps must have a scale bar, north arrow and legend (sometimes called a key) to describe clearly all the elements depicted in the map (Figure 2). If you are presenting three-dimensional perspective images, you should indicate the distance along at least one of the horizontal dimensions to give an indication of scale, and also show a North Arrow (Figure 3). Figure 1 Components of a regional location map. Figure 2 Components of a study area description map. Figure 3 Components of a three-dimensional perspective map. These examples are from my own published work. I created all of them initially using ESRI’s ArcGIS software, which I used to do the basic cartography. I then exported the raw images to a drawing package for line work and text (I used CorelDraw, but any other graphics/drawing package would suffice such as Adobe Illustrator). This was because I found the drawing and text capabilities of ArcGIS to be less satisfactory than the specially designed graphics package. I used Sigmaplot for most of my graphing work. Similar to my maps, I used the graphing software to produce the basic graph format (axis ticks and the plotted data themselves), and then exported the result to a drawing package, where I had most control over formatting lines, points and text. It was also easy to import other kinds of graphs from different software packages. Figure 4 is an example of a diagram where the axes and stratigraphic data were originally plotted in Sigmaplot, the two plant fossil graphs were produced originally in specific paleoecological data software (Tilia Graph), and both kinds were imported into CorelDraw to complete line work, shading and text. Figure 4 Example of a combined diagram and graphs, using outputs from Sigmaplot and Tilia Graph that were imported into CorelDraw in which line work, shading and text were then completed. In designing the layout of both maps and figures, I always size images according to the end use. For example, in my postgraduate theses I always sized the document to A4 size, taking into account margin widths. For journal submissions, I look at the Guide for Authors to determine the required image size (width), and if there is no image size information I literally measure with a ruler the typical full-size images in a published article, and use these dimensions. Having established my image size, I make the most of the space I have. I always print out the images to see if the labels and other text are legible at the intended size or final production. Usually journals will recommend or specify font types and sizes, and you should follow these instructions. The above process can be time consuming, but is absolutely essential for two reasons: 1) to meet a journal’s requirements; and 2) to make it easier for you to write about your results. The more time you spend on perfecting your display items, the more you have thought about them. This should enable you to describe their main features in a clear, concise way so that the reader can easily and quickly see what you are writing about. Although Napoleon Bonaparte said “a picture is worth a thousand words”, it is probably difficult to quantify exactly how many words your display items are worth. However, based on my own experience the creation of clear maps and graphs is invaluable in making your own thinking clear about what your results are and how you should summarize them concisely in your results section. Happy mapping and graphing! Matthew Hughes, PhD Soil Sciences Editor, Edanz Group China
4008 次阅读|1 个评论
Simple is best
热度 2 liwenbianji 2011-7-15 00:54
Simple is best
简单的语言 在本贴中,我将介绍简单的语言对于学术文章的重要性。科学是复杂的,因此语言需简练。复杂的语言会让读者难以理解你想表达的学术内容。最好使用简单、清楚、简洁的语言让读者易于理解。我在后面还会提供一个图表帮助作者来简化文章中的语言。 Simple is best The nature of reality and science are complicated enough without English getting in the way "Easy writing's curse is hard reading." --Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816) The origins and evolution of the universe, the Earth and life. The climate system and effects of humans on the environment. Alternative energies and sustainability. The struggle to understand ageing, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. These are only some of the issues being addressed currently by modern science, and they are all extremely complex. A commonly-used approach in science to manage this complexity is to tackle one small part of the problem at a time, and it is in this incremental approach that the modern scientific endeavor has been so successful in helping us understand our universe. Never the less, the methods, technologies and language of science are also extremely complex. Our disciplines are replete with their own vocabularies of technical jargon, often with their specific “grammars” in which only certain combinations of terms make scientific sense. Given this complexity of nature and our scientific methods and language, clear and concise written scientific English is essential. Unfortunately the English language is not intrinsically concise, although it is becoming more so. Compare, for example, the following lists: a majority of most a number of many, several, some at a rapid rate rapidly as a consequence of because of at this point in time currently based on the fact that because despite the fact that although due to the fact that because in order to to so as to to on the basis of based on On the left are terms that are perfectly correct, but not concise. The concise versions are on the right. The list on the left is a legacy from when English was more formal and “wordy”. These terms are still used frequently in much English writing, but in technical scientific writing they are being discarded increasingly in favor of the terms on the right. Many native English writers believe that using the wordy terms appears more intellectual or clever, and non-native writers have also been taught the same. This is wrong. The use of these wordy terms is fine in creative literature and poetry and in other types of writing where style may be considered as important as substance, but in scientific writing we should be aiming for concision. In my time here in China, I’ve twice had Chinese people tell me about their school education in English. A common task would be for the teacher to tell the class to write, for example, 200 words on a particular topic. Frequent use of terms such as “in order to” and “at this point in time” were a good way to reach the word limit, but in scientific writing the objective is usually the opposite: to say as much as you can in as few words as possible. The less you use these wordy terms the more space you have to use the technical and often complex scientific language you should be focusing on. This is especially the case for abstracts, where upper word limits need to be strictly adhered to. Another simple way to improve concision is the use, or rather not using, the word “of”. As you know, this word indicates the possessive of something, for example “the slope of the mountain”. This can be shortened to “the mountain slope”, where the word “mountain” is now used essentially as an adjective to describe the slope. Now take the short sentence “the slope of the mountain that is covered with forest.” This can be shortened to “the forested mountain slope”, where the adjective “forested” means the same as “covered with forest”. The sentence has been reduced from 10 words to four, and means exactly the same thing. This is a very simple and general example of improving concision, but this process constitutes much of the editing I perform on English manuscripts written by non-native English writers. The opening quote of this post – “easy writing's curse is hard reading” – means that writing the first thing that enters your head will usually convey most of what you want to say, but will often contain too many words and too much repetition. This can make it difficult and tiring to read. An initial draft of a piece of English writing can almost always be improved and made more concise. One of the great things about English is that although it has the capacity to be unnecessarily wordy, it is flexible enough to improve concision dramatically, as the above example showed. Unfortunately, this is often not an easy thing to do, especially for non-native speakers and writers. Similar to native speakers, non-native speakers need to spend time both writing and reading in English to develop the writing (and re-writing) skills needed for optimal concision. It is not just in English that this is an issue. The 17th Century French mathematician, physicist and theologian Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) famously said to a correspondent in a letter: “I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” He meant that to have improved the concision of his letter would have required much more thought and effort than the initial draft. Pascal wrote this in French, but it still applies equally to making things concise in English. Returning to a theme of an earlier post (Writing and the art of scientific reading), good readers make good writers. The more English text you can read in your scientific field, and the greater familiarity you gain with the scientific vocabulary and grammar of your discipline, the more easily you will be able to use it in your writing. This includes learning the most concise way to write things. The nature of reality and science are complicated enough without wordy English getting in the way. Try your best to write concisely and clearly, and let your English language be an open doorway to the importance of your research, not an unwieldy barrier. Matthew Hughes, PhD Soil Sciences Editor Edanz Group China
3703 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]Plagiarism: German Defense Minister resigns
liwenbianji 2011-3-2 21:30
Plagiarism is a serious ethical violation. In this fair, but sad, event German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg resigned after it was found that he plagiarized large portions of his 2006 doctoral thesis. However, we can learn from this case, among others, how critical it is to maintain high ethical standards. Moreover, it is also clear that it is impossible to ever fully “get away with” plagiarism in a published work. Eventually, someone will probably notice the ethical violation; when they do, it may have a profound impact on your career. German Defense Minister Resigns: BBC News Daniel Broaddus, PhD Chief Physics Editor, Edanz Group China
个人分类: 未分类|0 个评论
Reasons Chinese prefer to submit their English paper abroad
waterlilyqd 2010-9-30 22:35
I personally think that people don't want to submit their high quality papers toChinese journals for the following several reasons: One, most Chinese journals are not Science Citation Index(SCI) -included; Two, mostSCI Chinese journals have low impact factors; Three, too many people submit their papers to the limited Chinese journals and thus the publication period is usually very long; Four, most Chinese journals chargepublication fees; Five, many Chinese editors or editorial boardare indifferent or have slow responseto the authors' consultation or inquirements; Five, some (including the researhcers and the sci-techevaluation officer) take it for granted that foreign journals are in higher quality just as theforeign moon is brighter.
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|3015 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Please read this article before you consider publishing on the Net...
zuojun 2010-4-23 14:48
... or you could be stuck with a rejected manuscript that can no longer be considered by a paper journal... What does this mean for you? The Internet has greatly facilitated scientific publication. It has also made possible the creation of entirely new types of publication venues that do not conform to the traditions of the pre-Internet era peer-review system. In this brave new world all is not what it might seema reference in the format of a peer-reviewed journal may not have passed peer review; it might very well be rejected work that is published on the Internet. Similarly, authors who are considering submitting their work to a journal that publishes submissions on-line should be aware of the possible consequences. If their work is not accepted, it could end up in scientific limbo because traditional journals will very likely consider it as already published. While one intent of EGUs publication model is to ensure publication precedence for authors, in practice it can serve as a barrier to publication. You can read the whole article here: ASLO_Bullein
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2307 次阅读|0 个评论
My Publication
jiashengxu 2010-3-17 13:55
Publications (Citations160, H-index = 8) 29. Jiasheng Xu* , Jie Zhang, Jianhua Qian. Hydrothermal synthesis of cuboidal PbSe microcrystals via an EDTA reduction route . Mate . Lett. , 2010, 64 (6): 771774. 2 8. Jiasheng Xu* , Jie Zhang, Jianhua Qian. Hydrothermal synthesis of potassium copper phosphate hydrate and ludjibaite microcrystals . J . Alloy . Comp . , 2010, 49 4 ( 1 2 ): 319 322 . 27 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Five branching growth patterns in the cubic crystal system: a direct observation of cuprous oxide microcrystals. Acta Mater. , 2007, 55 (7): 23972406. ( Citations : 30 ) 26 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Hydrothermal synthesis of lindgrenite with a hollow and prickly sphere-like architecture. J. Solid State Chem. , 2007, 180 (1): 1 19 1 26 . ( Citations : 3 ) 25 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue, Yingchun Zhu. Room-temperature synthesis of curved ammonium copper molybdate nanoflake and its hierarchical architecture. J. Phys. Chem. B , 2006, 110 (35): 1740017405. ( Citations : 11 ) 24. Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Fabrication of copper hydroxyphosphate with complex architectures. J. Phys. Chem. B , 2006, 110 (15): 77507756. ( Citations : 15 ) 23. Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Fabrication of upended taper-shaped cuprous thiocyanate arrays on a copper surface at room temperature. J. Phys. Chem. B , 2006, 110 (23): 1123211236. ( Citations : 13 ) 22 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Chemical synthesis of BaCO 3 with a hexagonal pencil-like morphology. J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 2006, 67 (7): 1427 1431. ( Citations : 8 ) 21 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue, Chenglin Yan. Chemical synthesis of NaTaO 3 powder at low temperature. Mater. Lett. , 2005, 59 (23): 29202922. ( Citations : 14 ) 20 . Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Fabrication of malachite with a hierarchical sphere-like architecture. J. Phys. Chem. B , 2005, 109 (36): 1715717161. ( Citations : 44 ) 19 . Xu Zhao, Xiue Ren, Congting Sun, Xu Zhang, Yunfei Si, Chenglin Yan, Jiasheng Xu , Dongfeng Xue. Morphology evolution at nano- to micro-scale. Funct. Mater. Lett. , 2008, 1 (3): 167-172. (Citations: 16)
个人分类: 生活点滴|6926 次阅读|1 个评论
Publication Bias(出版倾向性)相关文献分析
xupeiyang 2010-2-25 12:17
Publication Bias\ \出版倾向性 The influence of study results on the chances of publication and the tendency of investigators, reviewers, and editors to submit or accept manuscripts for publication based on the direction or strength of the study findings. Publication bias has an impact on the interpretation of clinical trials and meta-analyses. Bias can be minimized by insistence by editors on high-quality research, thorough literature reviews, acknowledgement of conflicts of interest, modification of peer review practices, etc. 基于研究发现的方向或强度,研究结果对出版机会和研究者、评论者趋向以及编辑交付或接收出版手稿的影响。出版倾向性对临床试验和meta分析的说明具有影响。可由编辑对高质量研究、全面的文献综述、利害冲突的确认、同行评议实践修正等的坚持使偏倚降到最低。 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/go3r/1?WEB01drkqqtas9z9wIjIzI0 2,926 documents semantically analyzed statistics 1 2 Top Years Publications 2009 434 2008 333 2007 288 2006 287 2005 241 2004 214 2002 168 2003 160 2000 132 2001 115 1998 95 2010 73 1999 73 1997 67 1994 58 1996 42 1995 36 1993 28 1992 23 1991 15 1 2 1 2 3 Top Countries Publications USA 682 United Kingdom 459 Canada 162 China 112 Germany 110 Netherlands 93 Australia 92 Italy 77 France 64 Greece 46 Spain 46 Japan 41 Sweden 36 Brazil 35 Belgium 35 Denmark 33 Switzerland 27 India 18 New Zealand 17 Norway 15 1 2 3 1 2 3 ... 24 Top Cities Publications London 128 Boston 98 Oxford 47 Toronto 43 Baltimore 32 Copenhagen 29 Bristol 29 Leicester 27 Sydney 26 Ottawa 24 Shanghai 23 Athens 23 Los Angeles 23 Edmonton 22 New York 22 San Francisco 21 Milan 21 Birmingham 20 Lyon 20 Hamilton, Canada 19 1 2 3 ... 24 1 2 3 ... 52 Top Journals Publications Cochrane Database Syst Rev 143 Jama 95 Bmj 93 Lancet 76 J Clin Epidemiol 59 Lakartidningen 41 Stat Med 30 Ugeskr Laeger 28 Ann Intern Med 27 Am J Epidemiol 18 Cmaj 18 Bmc Med Res Methodol 17 Am J Gastroenterol 17 Int J Occup Environ Health 17 Int J Epidemiol 16 Am J Clin Nutr 16 J Natl Cancer Inst 15 Stroke 15 Am J Psychiatry 14 Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14 1 2 3 ... 52 1 2 3 ... 401 Top Names Publications Ioannidis JP 21 Moher D 19 Altman DG 16 Davidson BR 14 Gurusamy KS 14 Sutton AJ 14 Egger M 14 Moher D 12 Song F 12 Coleman C I 11 Sitaras NM 10 Bonovas S 10 White CM 10 Klassen TP 10 Chalmers I 9 Filioussi K 9 Abrams KR 9 Sutton AJ 9 Ernst E 9 Lau J 8 1 2 3 ... 401 1 2 3 ... 108 Top Terms Publications Patients 848 Statistics 652 Confidence Intervals 613 Clinical Study 484 Odds Ratio 457 Risk 285 Drugs 278 Medicine 202 Genes 137 Risk Factors 126 Methodologies 121 Surgery 115 Long-Term 113 Genotype 111 Probability 104 Oral 103 Alleles 101 Epidemiological Study 97 Adverse Effect 81 Independant Peer Review, Validation Study 78 1 2 3 ... 108
个人分类: 信息分析|2706 次阅读|0 个评论
My CV and Publication
pangxb2009 2010-2-19 00:01
Dr. Xiaobing PANG Current corresponding address: Group of the Atmospheric Chemistry Department of Chemistry the University of York YO10 5DD York * : pangxbyuanj@gmail.com , pangxb2009@hotmail.com Working Experience July, 2007 to Jan. 2008, Assistant professor, Nankai University, China Jan. 2008 to present, Post-doctor, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Nov.2009 to present, BP-Amoco Research fellow, the University of York,UK. Education 2004-2007 Ph.D. in Environment Science in the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Thesis topic : Long-term measurement and source analysis of atmospheric carbonyls 2001 -2004 M .S. of Analytical Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry, Southwest of China University , Chongqing , China 1997-2001 Bachelor of Sciences Degree in the Department of Chemistry, Southwest of China University , Chongqing , China Awards 2009, BP-Amoco fellowship from Royal Society,UK. 2007, First-class scholarship of RCEES, CAS. 2007, Honor of Excellent Student in Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2006, Honor of Excellent Student in Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2005, Third-class scholarship of RCEES, CAS. Foundations 1. National Natural Scientific Foundation of China. 2. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation for Excellent postdoctor (200801270) 3. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (20080430861). 3. Municipal Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province , PRC ( 2008GZ02725 ). 4. BP-Amoco fellowship from Royal Society,UK. Publications 1. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Nitric oxides and nitrous oxide fluxes from typical vegetables cropland in China : Effect of canopy, soil properties and field management. Atmospheric Environment , 2009, 43 , 2571-2578 . 2. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Contribution of isoprene to formaldehyde and ozone formation based on its oxidation products measurement in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 2142-2147. 3. Xiaobing Pang , Yujing Mu, Juan Yuan, Hong He, Carbonyls Emission from Ethanol-blended Gasoline and Biodiesel-ethanol-diesel Used in Gasoline and Diesel Engines, Atmospheric Environment , 2008, 42, 13491358. 4. Yujing Mu*, Xiaobing Pang , Jianlong Quan, Xiaoshan Zhang, Atmospheric carbonyl compounds in Chinese background area-a remote mountain of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere , 2007, 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD008211. 5. Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu, Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds in vehicles of Beijing city: concentrations, sources, and personal exposures, Atmospheric Environment , 2007, 41, 1819-1824. 6. Xiaobing Pang , Yujing Mu , Seasonal and diurnal variations of carbonyl compounds in Beijing ambient air, Atmospheric Environment , 2006, 40 6313-6320 . 7. Xiaobing Pang , Xiaoyan Shi, Yujing Mu, et al., Characteristics of Carbonyl compounds emission from a diesel engine using biodiesel-ethanol-diesel as fuel, Atmospheric Environment , 2006, 40, 7057-7065 .. 8. Xiaobing Pang , Cheng Zhi Huang, A selective and sensitive assay of berberine using total internal reflected resonance light scattering technique with fluorescein at the water/1,2-dichloro ethane interface, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis , 2004, 35, 185-191. 9. Xiaobing Pang , Cheng Zhi Huang, Yuan Fang Li, Wei Lu, Assay of Nucleic Acids at the Water/Tetrachloromethane Interface with Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide by Total Internal Reflected Resonance Light Scattering, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan , 2003, 76, 1941-1946. 10. Xiaoyan Shi, Xiaobing Pang , Yujing Mu, Hong He, et al., Emission reduction potential of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel blend on a heavy-duty diesel engine, Atmospheric Environment , 2006, 40, 25672574. 11. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang , Yuan Fang Li, Yi Juan Long, A resonance light scattering ratiometry applied for binding study of organic small molecules with biopolymer, Talanta , 2006, 69, 180-186. 12. Cheng Zhi Huang*, Xiaobing Pang , Yuan Fang Li, Determination of Heparin Using Azure B by Flow Injection Analysis ‐ Resonance Light Scattering Coupled Technique, Analytical Letter , 2005, 38, 349-362.. 13. Xiaobing Pang , Yujing Mu, Xinqing Lee, et al., Influences of meteorological conditions on ambient air carbonyls in Beijing , China . AtmosphericResearch 2009, 93, 913-919 . 14. Zu Xu, Xiaobing Pang, Yujing Mu , 2006 . Measurement of carbonyl compounds in Bering ambient air and rain . Acta Scientiac Circumstantiac , 26(12) : 1948- 1954 (In Chinese). 15. Yujie Zhang, Xiaobing Pang , Yujing Mu, The contribution of isoprene emitted from vegetable to atmospheric formaldehyde in the ambient air of Beijing city. Environ. Sci. 2009, 30(4). (In Chinese. 16. Xiaobing Pang, Xinqing Lee , Temporal variations of atmospheric carbonyls in urban ambient air and street canyons of a Mountainous city in Southwest China, Atmospheric Environment(Be Accept) Research Interests Atmosphere composition plays a critical role in connecting human welfare with global and regional changes such as global climate change and photochemical smog. Currently, I conduct research in a range of areas of atmospheric composition as the following: 1. Long-term characterization of atmospheric carbonyl compounds both in a polluted urban environments ( Beijing ) and in clean background air (Mt.Waliguan) including temporal and regional variation, source apportionment and species identification. Carbonyls are the obligatory intermediates of the photo-oxidation of hydrocarbons and offer important mechanistic insights into the oxidation processes and contribute ozone formation. 2. Contribution of isoprene emitted by vegetables to formaldehyde and ozone formation based on its oxidation products (methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone) measurement in Chinese cities. Isoprene (C5H8) is the principal VOC emitted from vegetation. Its global emission is several times higher than the anthropogenic VOCs emissions, and typically more reactive than anthropogenic VOCs. As the vegetation coverage in Chinese cities significant increasing during past decades, the adverse impacts of isoprene from vegetables should also be considered especially for photooxidants formation. 3. Investigating nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from typical vegetable fields in the Yangtze River Delta and Karst area in Southwest China . In China , vegetable croplands were characterized by intensive fertilization and cultivation, which are importance source of nitrogenous gases. Yangtze River Delta is the agricultural base while Karst area is infertile in China . To study the emissions of nitrogenous gases reveals the loss mechanism of nutrient-nitrogen in different types of soil. 4. Isotopic analysis of atmospheric organic acids. Organic acids are a major component of secondary organic aerosol (SOA), which serve as CCN and affect radiation forcing. Isotopic analysis of organic acids would provide the important information about the anthropogenic and biogenic contribution to SOA.
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Dr. Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.-Publication
zhao1198 2010-2-10 17:37
Dr. Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann D.-Publication www.uni-goettingen.de/de/68711.html pdf版
个人分类: Econ.经济学家|165 次阅读|0 个评论
Publications at Asian Development Bank
zhao1198 2009-12-18 06:42
Publications at Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines http://ideas.repec.org/d/asdevph.html Publications by members of Asian Development Bank Manila, Philippines 2009 Menon, Jayant Melendez-Nakamura, Anna, 2009. Aging in Asia: Trends,Impacts and Responses , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 25, Asian Development Bank. Menon, Jayant, 2009. Managing Success in Viet Nam: Macroeconomic Consequences of Large Capital Inflows with Limited Policy Tools , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 27, Asian Development Bank. Warr, Peter Menon, Jayant Yusuf, Arief Anshory, 2009. Regional Economic Impacts of Cross-Border Infrastructure: A General Equilibrium Application to Thailand and Lao PDR , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 35, Asian Development Bank. Kim, Soyoung Lee, Jong-Wha Park, Cyn-Young, 2009. Emerging Asia: Decoupling or Recoupling , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 31, Asian Development Bank. Lee, Chee Sung Park, Cyn-Young, 2009. Beyond the Crisis: Financial Regulatory Reform in Emerging Asia , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 34, Asian Development Bank. Chang-Jin Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 2009. Exchange Rate Regimes and Monetary Independence in East Asia , Finance Working Papers 149, East Asian Bureau of Economic Research. Lee, Jong-Wha Pyun, Ju Hyun, 2009. Does Trade Integration Contribute to Peace? , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 24, Asian Development Bank. Capannelli, Giovanni Lee, Jong-Wha Petri, Peter, 2009. Developing Indicators for Regional Economic Integration and Cooperation , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 33, Asian Development Bank. Madhur, Srinivasa Wignaraja, Ganeshan Darjes, Peter, 2009. Roads for Asian Integration: Measuring ADB's Contribution to the Asian Highway Network , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 37, Asian Development Bank. Fan Zhai, 2009. Agricultural Impact of Climate Change: A General Equilibrium Analysis with Special Reference to Southeast Asia , Working Papers id:1944, esocialsciences.com. Zhai, Fan Hertel, Thomas, 2009. Economic and Poverty Impacts of Agricultural, Trade and Factor Market Reforms in China , Agricultural Distortions Working Paper 52787, World Bank. Rigg, Robert Schou-Zibell, Lotte, 2009. The Financial Crisis and Money Markets in Emerging Asia , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 38, Asian Development Bank. 2008 Menon, Jayant, 2008. Cambodia's Persistent Dollarization: Causes and Policy Options , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 19, Asian Development Bank. Lee, Jong-Wha Park, Cyn-Young, 2008. Global Financial Turmoil: Impact and Challenges for Asia's Financial Systems , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 18, Asian Development Bank. Lee, Jong-Wha, 2008. Patterns and Determinants of Cross-border Financial Asset Holdings in East Asia , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 13, Asian Development Bank. Kim, Soyoung Lee, Jong-Wha, 2008. Real and Financial Integration in East Asia , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 17, Asian Development Bank. Lee, Jong-Wha Shin, Kwanho, 2008. Welfare Implications of International Financial Integration , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 20, Asian Development Bank. Kawai, Masahiro Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2008. Regionalism as an Engine of Multilateralism: A Case for a Single East Asian FTA , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 14, Asian Development Bank. Joseph Francis Francois Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2008. Economic Implications of Deeper Asian Integration , Economics working papers 2008-13, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2008. FDI and Innovation as Drivers of Export Behaviour: Firm-level Evidence from East Asia , UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series 061, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology. Francois, Joseph Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2008. Economic Implications of Deeper Asian Integration , CEPR Discussion Papers 6976, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers. (restricted) Roland-Holst, David Verbiest, Jean-Pierre Zhai, Fan, 2008. Growth and Trade Horizons for Asia: Long Term Forecasts for Regional Integration , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Lejot , Paul Arner, Douglas Schou-Zibell, Lotte, 2008. Securitization in East Asia , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 12, Asian Development Bank. Schou-Zibell, Lotte Wells, Stephen, 2008. India's Bond Market-Developments and Challenges Ahead , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 22, Asian Development Bank. Wan, Guanghua, 2008. Poverty Reduction in China: Is High Growth Enough? , Working Papers UNUPB4/2008, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wang, Yongqing Wan, Guanghua, 2008. China?s Trade Imbalances: The Role of FDI , Working Papers RP2008/103, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Qureshi, M.S. Wan, Guanghua, 2008. Trade Expansion of China and India: Threat or Opportunity , Working Papers RP2008/08, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Shorrocks, Anthony Wan, Guanghua, 2008. Ungrouping Income Distributions: Synthesising Samples for Inequality and Poverty Analysis , Working Papers RP2008/16, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yuan Wan, Guanghua, 2008. Can We Predict Vulnerability to Poverty? , Working Papers RP2008/82, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2007 Bob Deacon Isabel Ortiz Sergei Zelenev, 2007. Regional Social Policy , Working Papers 37, United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs. Isabel Ortiz, 2007. Social Policy , Policy Notes 6, United Nations, Department of Economics and Social Affairs. Hanan Morsy Akiko Terada-Hagiwara Maria Pia Iannariello, 2007. Role of Debt Maturity Structure on Firm Fixed Assets During Sudden Stop Episodes: Evidence from Thailand , IMF Working Papers 07/11, International Monetary Fund. Hiroshi Fujiki nd Akiko Terada-Hagiwara, 2007. Financial Integration in East Asia , IMES Discussion Paper Series 07-E-12, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan. Hiroshi Fujiki Akiko Terada-Hagiwara, 2007. Financial integration in East Asia , Working Paper Series 2007-30, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Sanghoon Ahn nd Jong-Wha Lee, 2007. Integration and Growth in East Asia , IMES Discussion Paper Series 07-E-14, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan. Plummer, Michael G. Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2007. The Post-Crisis Sequencing of Economic Integration in Asia: Trade as a Complement to a Monetary Future , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 9, Asian Development Bank. Michael G Plummer Ganeshan Wignaraja 3rd author's name, 2007. Integration Strategies for ASEAN: Alone, Together, or Together with Neighbors , Economics Study Area Working Papers 92, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Yang, H. Pollitt, M., 2007. Distinguishing Weak and Strong Disposability among Undesirable Outputs in DEA: The Example of the Environmental Efficiency of Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants , Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0741, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge. Yang, H. Pollitt, M., 2007. Incorporating Both Undesirable Outputs and Uncontrollable Variables into DEA: the Performance of Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants , Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0733, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge. Yang, H. Pollitt, M., 2007. Incorporating Undesirable Outputs into Malmquist TFP Index: Environmental Performance Growth of Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants , Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0740, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge. Wan, Guanghua Zhang, Yin, 2007. Explaining the Poverty Difference between Inland and Costal China: A Regression-based Decomposition Approach , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua, 2007. Regional Income Inequality in Rural China, 1985-2002: Trends, Causes and Policy Implications , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Jun Wan, Guanghua Jin, Yu, 2007. The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China: 1987-2001 , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Sridhar, Kala Seetharam Wan, Guanghua, 2007. Firm Location Choice in Cities: Evidence from China, India, and Brazil , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2006 Carl Bonham Christopher Edmonds James Mak, 2006. The Impact of 9/11 and Other Terrible Global Events on Tourism in the U.S. and Hawaii , Working Papers 200602, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics. Carl Bonham Christopher Edmonds James Mak, 2006. The Impact of 9/11 and Other Terrible Global Events on Tourism in the U.S. and Hawaii , Economics Study Area Working Papers 87, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Christopher Edmonds Sumner J. La Croix Yao Li, 2006. The China's Rise as an International Trading Power , Economics Study Area Working Papers 88, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Christopher Edmonds James Mak, 2006. Terrorism and Tourism in the Asia Pacific Region: Is Travel and Tourism in a New World After 9/11? , Economics Study Area Working Papers 86, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Soyoung Kim Jong-Wha Lee Kwanho Shin, 2006. Regional and Global Financial Integration in East Asia , Discussion Paper Series 0602, Institute of Economic Research, Korea University. Jong-Wha Lee Warwick J. McKibbin Yung Chul Park, 2006. Transpacific Trade Imbalances: Causes and Cures , Discussion Paper Series 0601, Institute of Economic Research, Korea University. Kim, Soyoung Lee, Jong-Wha Shin, Kwanho, 2006. Regional and Global Financial Integration in East Asia , MPRA Paper 695, University Library of Munich, Germany. Jong-Wha Lee Warwick J. McKibbin, 2006. Domestic Investment And External Imbalances In East Asia , CAMA Working Papers 2007-04, Australian National University, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis. Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2006. Foreign Ownership, Technological Capabilities and Exports: Evidence from 205 Clothing Firms in Sri Lanka , UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series 032, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology. John Malcolm Dowling Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2006. Central Asias Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices , Working Papers 04-2006, Singapore Management University, School of Economics. Dowling, Malcolm Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2006. Central Asia after Fifteen Years of Transition: Growth, Regional Cooperation, and Policy Choices , Working Papers on Regional Economic Integration 3, Asian Development Bank. Lei Lei Song, 2006. The Comovement between Fuel Prices and the General Price level in Australia , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2006n17, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Yang, H., 2006. Overview of the Chinese Electricity Industry and Its Current Issues , Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 0617, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge. Zhou, Zhangyue Wan, Guanghua, 2006. The Public Distribution Systems of Foodgrains and Implications for Food Security: A Comparison of the Experiences of India and China , Working Papers RP2006/98, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua Lu, Ming Chen, Zhao, 2006. The Inequality-Growth Nexus in the Short and Long Runs: Empirical Evidence from China , Working Papers RP2006/92, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2006. The Impacts of Growth and Inequality on Rural Poverty in China , Working Papers RP2006/94, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2006. Globalization and the Urban Poor in China , Working Papers RP2006/42, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2006. Poverty Reduction in China: Trends and Causes , Working Papers RP2006/152, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Meng, Xin Gregory, Robert Wan, Guanghua, 2006. China Urban Poverty and its Contributing Factors, 1986-2000 , Working Papers RP2006/133, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua, 2006. Poverty Accounting by Factor Components: With an Empirical Illustration Using Chinese Data , Working Papers RP2006/63, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua Lu, Ming Chen, Zhao, 2006. Globalization and Regional Income Inequality: Empirical evidence from within China , Working Papers RP2006/139, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Yin Zhang Guanghua Wan, 2006. Globalization and the Urban Poor in China , Discussion Papers 196, University of Dundee, Economic Studies. Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2006. Poverty, Pro-Poor Growth and Mobility: A Decomposition Framework with Application to China , Working Papers RP2006/154, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Fan, Peilei Wan, Guanghua, 2006. China's Regional Inequality in Innovation Capability, 1995-2004 , Working Papers RP2006/153, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2005 Christopher Edmonds Manabu Fujimura, 2005. Relative Economic Decline and Unrealized Demographic Opportunity in the Philippines , Economics Study Area Working Papers 77, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Nobuhiko Fuwa Christopher Edmonds Pabitra Banik, 2005. How inefficient are small-scale rice farmers in eastern India really?: Examining the effects of microtopography on technical efficiency estimates , Economics Study Area Working Papers 79, East-West Center, Economics Study Area. Fuwa, Nobuhiko Edmonds, Christopher Banik, Pabitra, 2005. How Inefficient Really Are the Small-Scale Rice Farmers in Eastern India?: Examining the Effects of Microtopography on the Estimation of Technical Efficiency , 2005 Annual meeting, July 24-27, Providence, RI 19435, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association). Sungsup Ra, 2005. Bad Credit Equilibria with the Abnormally Utilized Commerical , Finance 0503012, EconWPA. Akiko Terada-hagiwara, 2005. Explaining the Real Exchange Rate during Sudden Stops and Tranquil Periods , International Finance 0504006, EconWPA. Jong-Wha Lee Kwanho Shin, 2005. IMF Bailouts and Moral Hazard , International Finance 0501005, EconWPA. Jong-Wha Lee Innwon Park Kwanho Shin, 2005. Proliferating Regional Trade Arrangements: Why and Whither? , International Trade 0501010, EconWPA. Lee, Jong-Wha Shin, Kwanho, 2005. Does Regionalism Lead to More Global Trade Integration in East Asia? , MPRA Paper 706, University Library of Munich, Germany. John Malcolm Dowling Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2005. Central Asia: Mapping Future Prospects , Working Papers 05-2006, Singapore Management University, School of Economics, revised Feb 2006. Penelope A. Smith Lei Lei Song, 2005. Response of Consumption to Income, Credit and Interest Rate Changes in Australia , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2005n20, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Zhai, Fan Hertel, Thomas, 2005. Impacts of the Doha Development Agenda on China : the role of labor markets and complementary education reforms , Policy Research Working Paper Series 3702, The World Bank. Wang, Jiao Mayes, David Wan, Guanghua, 2005. Effects of WTO membership on income distribution and labour movement in China A CGE analysis , BOFIT Discussion Papers 18/2005, Bank of Finland, Institute for Economies in Transition. Wang, Jiao Mayes, David Wan, Guanghua, 2005. Income Distribution and Labour Movement in China after WTO Membership: A CGE Analysis , Working Papers RP2005/38, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Guanghua Wan Ming Lu Zhao Chen, 2005. Globalization and Regional Income Inequality--Evidence from within China , Econometrics 0511014, EconWPA. Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2005. Why Do Poverty Rates Differ From Region to Region? The Case of Urban China , Working Papers RP2005/56, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2004 Irini Maltsoglou Kiyoshi Taniguchi, 2004. Poverty, livestock and household typologies in Nepal , Working Papers 04-15, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA). Maltsoglou, Irini Taniguchi, Kiyoshi, 2004. Poverty, Livestock and Household Typologies in Nepal , PPLPI Working Papers 23784, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative. Akiko Terada-Hagiwara Gloria Pasadilla, 2004. Experience of Asian Asset Management Companies (AMCs): Do they Increase Moral Hazard? - Evidence from Thailand , Finance 0410001, EconWPA. Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko Pasadilla, Gloria, 2004. Experience of Crisis-Hit Asian Countries: Do Asset Management Companies Increase Moral Hazard? , Discussion Papers DP 2004-17, Philippine Institute for Development Studies. Jong-Wha Lee Kwanho Shin, 2004. Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Linkages , International Finance 0409006, EconWPA. Wignaraja, Ganeshan Nixson, Frederick, 2004. Non-Tariff Measures, Technological Capability Building and Exports in India's Pharmaceutical Firms , Discussion Papers 06, United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies. Lei Lei Song John Freebairn, 2004. ow Big Was the Effect of Budget Consolidation on the Australian Economy in the 1990s? , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2004n30, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Hertel, Thomas Zhai, Fan, 2004. Labor market distortions, rural-urban inequality, and the opening of China's economy , Policy Research Working Paper Series 3455, The World Bank. Xing, Yuqing Wan, Guanghua, 2004. Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2004. Output and Price Fluctuations in China's Reform Years: What Role did Money Play? , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2004. China's Business Cycles: Perspectives from an AD-AS Model , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua Zhou, Zhangyue, 2004. Income Inequality in Rural China: Regression-based Decomposition Using Household Data , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2004. What Accounts for China's Trade Balance Dynamics? , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua Lu, Ming Chen, Zhao, 2004. Globalization and Regional Income Inequality: Evidence from within China , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Shorrocks, Anthony Wan, Guanghua, 2004. Spatial Decomposition of Inequality , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2003 K. Renuka Ganegodage Kiyoshi Taniguchi Xiaojun Wang, 2003. Learning by Eating: A case study on the cost of hunger in Sri Lanka , Working Papers 03-05, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA). Jose De Gregorio Jong-Wha Lee, 2003. Growth and Adjustment in East Asia and Latin America , Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 245, Central Bank of Chile. Jong-Wha Lee Warwick J. McKibbin, 2003. Globalization and Disease: The Case of SARS , Departmental Working Papers 2003-16, Australian National University, Economics RSPAS. Robert J Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 2003. IMF Programs: Who Is Chosen and What Are the Effects? , Departmental Working Papers 2003-09, Australian National University, Economics RSPAS. Lei Lei Song, 2003. The Role of the Unit of Analysis in Tax Policy Reform Evaluations , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2003n29, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Zhai, Fan Hertel, Thomas Wang, Zhi, 2003. Labor Market Distortions, Rural-Urban Inequality and the Opening of Chinas Economy , GTAP Working Papers 1323, Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. David OConnor Fan Zhai Kristin Aunan Terje Berntsen Haakon Vennemo, 2003. Agricultural and Human Health Impacts of Climate Policy in China: A General Equilibrium Analysis with Special Reference to Guangdong , OECD Development Centre Working Papers 206, OECD, Development Centre. 2002 Thomas Dalsgaard Jrgen Elmeskov Cyn-Young Park, 2002. Ongoing Changes in the Business Cycle: Evidence and Causes , OECD Economics Department Working Papers 315, OECD, Economics Department. Xiaojun Wang Kiyoshi Taniguchi, 2002. Does Better Nutrition Cause Economic Growth? The efficiency cost of hunger revisited , Working Papers 02-11, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA). Wen S. Chern Kimiko Ishibashi Kiyoshi Taniguchi Yuki Tokoyama, 2002. Analysis of Food Consumption Behavior by Japanese Households , Working Papers 02-06, Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA). Robert J. Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 2002. IMF Programs: Who is Chosen and What Are the Effects? , NBER Working Papers 8951, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Lei Lei Song, 2002. Public Capital, Congestion and Private Production in Australia , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2002n23, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Wan, Guanghua, 2002. Income Inequality and Growth in Transition Economies: Are Nonlinear Models Needed? , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Wan, Guanghua, 2002. Regression-based Inequality Decomposition: Pitfalls and a Solution Procedure , Working Papers UNU-WIDER Research Paper , World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). 2001 Taniguchi, Kiyoshi, 2001. A General Equilibrium Analysis Of Japanese Rice Market Trade Liberalization , 2001 Annual meeting, August 5-8, Chicago, IL 20660, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association). Yung Chul Park Jong-Wha Lee, 2001. Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia , NBER Working Papers 8373, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2001. Firm Size, Technological Capabilities and Market-Oriented Policies in Mauritius , Discussion Papers 1, United Nations University, Institute for New Technologies. Elizabeth Webster Lei Lei Song, 2001. How Segmented Are Skilled and Unskilled Labour Markets: The Case of Beveridge Curves , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2001n14, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Lei Lei Song John Freebairn Don Harding, 2001. Policy Options to Reduce Unemployment: TRYM Simulations , Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2001n19, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne. Harding, Don Song, Lei Lei Tran, Duy, 2001. Evaluation of the Australian Industry Group / PricewaterhouseCoopers - Performance of Manufacturing Index (Ai-PMI) , MPRA Paper 3697, University Library of Munich, Germany. Yan Wang Dianqing Xu Zhi Wang FanZhai, 2001. Implicit pension debt, transition cost, options, and impact of China's pension reform : a computable general equilibrium analysis , Policy Research Working Paper Series 2555, The World Bank. 2000 Taniguchi, Kiyoshi Chern, Wen S., 2000. Income Elasticity Of Rice Demand In Japan And Its Implications: Cross-Sectional Data Analysis , 2000 Annual meeting, July 30-August 2, Tampa, FL 21755, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association). Robert J. Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 2000. International Data on Educational Attainment Updates and Implications , NBER Working Papers 7911, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Robert J. Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 2000. International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications , CID Working Papers 42, Center for International Development at Harvard University. JongWha Lee Changyong Rhee, 2000. Macroeconomic Impacts of the Korean Financial Crisis: Comparison with the Crosscountry Patterns , RCER Working Papers 471, University of Rochester - Center for Economic Research (RCER). Kim, J.Y. Lee, J.W., 2000. Technological Change, investment in Human Capital, and Economic Growth , Papers 29, Chicago - Graduate School of Business. Eduardo Borensztein Jong-Wha Lee, 2000. Financial Crisis and Credit Crunch in Korea - Evidence from Firm-Level Data , IMF Working Papers 00/25, International Monetary Fund. Hemanta Shrestha Bobur Alimov Stanley McMillen, 2000. The Economic Impact of the Proposed Gasoline Tax Cut in Connecticut , CCEA Studies 2000-06, University of Connecticut, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis. Stan McMillen Bobur Alimov Na Li Dawson Tapas Ray, 2000. The Economic Impact of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Operations on Connecticut , CCEA Studies 2000-08, University of Connecticut, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis. Stan McMillen Bobov Alimov Ed Zolnick, 2000. Renaissance Place: A Dynamic Impact Analysis , CCEA Studies 2000-01, University of Connecticut, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis. 1999 Edmonds, Christopher M., 1999. The Effect Of Technology Transfer Program Participation On Small Farms In Chile , 1999 Annual meeting, August 8-11, Nashville, TN 21520, American Agricultural Economics Association (New Name 2008: Agricultural and Applied Economics Association). Yong Jin Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 1999. Overinvestment, Collateral Lending, and Economic Crisis , CID Working Papers 4, Center for International Development at Harvard University. Jong-Wha Lee Changyong Rhee, 1999. Social Impacts of the Asian Crisis: Policy Challenges and Lessons , Working Paper Series no2, Institute of Economic Research, Seoul National University. Jos De Gregorio Jong-Wha Lee, 1999. Economic Growth in Latin America: Sources and Prospects , Documentos de Trabajo 66, Centro de Economa Aplicada, Universidad de Chile. Yong Jin Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 1999. Technological Change, Investment in Human Capital, and Economic Growth , CID Working Papers 29, Center for International Development at Harvard University. Jos De Gregorio Jong-Wha Lee, 1999. Education and Income Distribution: New Evidence from Cross-country Data , Documentos de Trabajo 55, Centro de Economa Aplicada, Universidad de Chile. Kim, Y.J. Lee, J.W., 1999. Overinvestment, Collateral Lending, and Economic Crisis , Papers 4, Chicago - Graduate School of Business. Eduardo Borensztein Jong-Wha Lee, 1999. Credit Allocation and Financial Crisis in Korea , IMF Working Papers 99/20, International Monetary Fund. Stan McMillen Bobur Alimov Na Li Dawson Ed Zolnick, 1999. Tweed-New Haven Airport Expansion: An Economic Analysis , CCEA Studies 1999-02, University of Connecticut, Connecticut Center for Economic Analysis. 1998 Lee, J.-W. Barro, R.J., 1998. Schooling Quality in a Cross Section of Countries , Papers 659, Harvard - Institute for International Development. 1997 Jong-Wha Lee Robert J. Barro, 1997. Schooling Quality in a Cross Section of Countries , NBER Working Papers 6198, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) 1996 Prema-Chandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1996. Export-led Industrialisation, Employment and Equity: The Malaysian Case , Departmental Working Papers 1996-05, Australian National University, Economics RSPAS. Prema-Chandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1996. Export-led Industrialisation, Employment and Equity: Then Malaysian Case , Trade and Development 96/5, Australian National University, Department of Economics. Jayant Menon, 1996. How Reliable are Intra-Industry Trade Measures as Indicators of Adjustment Costs? , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-119, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. 1995 Premachandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1995. Modelling Manufactured imports: Methodological Issues with Evidence From Australia , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-112, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Peter B. Dixon Jayant Menon, 1995. Measures of Intra-Industry Trade as Indicators for Factor Market Disruption , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-113, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jayant Menon Peter B. Dixon, 1995. Regional Trading Arrangements and Intra-Industry Trade: The Case of ANZCERTA , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-114, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jong-Wha Lee, 1995. Government Interventions and Productivity Growth in Korean ManufacturingIndustries , NBER Working Papers 5060, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Eduardo Borensztein Jose De Gregorio Jong-Wha Lee, 1995. How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth? , NBER Working Papers 5057, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) 1994 Jayant Menon, 1994. Flexible Exchange Rates and Traded Goods Prices: A Theory of the Short-Run , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-108, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jayant Menon Peter B. Dixon, 1994. How Important is Intra-Industry Trade in Australia's Rapid Trade Growth? , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-110, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jayant Menon, 1994. Trade Liberalization and Intra-Industry Specialization: The Australian Experience , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers g-107, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jong-Wha Lee Phillip Swagel, 1994. Trade Barriers and Trade Flows across Countries and Industries , NBER Working Papers 4799, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Jong-Wha Lee Phillip Swagel, 1994. Trade barriers and trade flows across countries and industries , International Finance Discussion Papers 476, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.). Jong-Wha Lee, 1994. Capital Goods Imports and Long-Run Growth , NBER Working Papers 4725, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Eduardo Borensztein Jong-Wha Lee Jose De Gregorio, 1994. How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth , IMF Working Papers 94/110, International Monetary Fund. 1993 Athukorale, P. Menon, J., 1993. Pricing the Market Behaviour and Exchange Rate Pass- Through in Japan Exports , Papers 13-93, La Trobe - Department of Economics. Jayant Menon, 1993. Import Price and Activity Elasticities for the MONASH Model: Johansen FIML Estimation of Cointegration Vectors , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers ip-58, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Jayant Menon, 1993. Exchange Rate Pass-Through for Australian Manufactured Imports: Estimates from the Johansen Maximum-Likelihood Procedure , Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre Working Papers ip-60, Monash University, Centre of Policy Studies/IMPACT Centre. Robert J. Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 1993. International Comparisons of Educational Attainment , NBER Working Papers 4349, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) Robert J. Barro Jong-Wha Lee, 1993. Losers and Winners in Economic Growth , NBER Working Papers 4341, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (restricted) 1992 Jong-Wha Lee, 1992. International Trade, Distortions and Long-Run Economic Growth , IMF Working Papers 92/90, International Monetary Fund. 1991 Cheryl Brown Grace Dote Christopher Edmonds Jeffrey Perloff Howard Rosenberg Nanyan Xiong, 1991. Agricultural Industrial Relations Bibliography , Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, Working Paper Series 1059, Institute of Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley. Undated Peter B. Dixon Jayant Menon,, . Measures of Intra-Industry Trade as Indicators of Factor Market Disruption , Discussion Papers 95/15, University of Nottingham, CREDIT. Jayant Menon Peter B. Dixon,, . Regional Trading Agreements and Intra-Industry Trade , Discussion Papers 95/14, University of Nottingham, CREDIT. Journal articles 2009 Menon, Jayant, 2009. Macroeconomic management amid ethnic diversity: Fifty years of Malaysian experience , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 20(1), pages 25-33, January. (restricted) Jayant Menon, 2009. Dealing with the Proliferation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 32(10), pages 1381-1407, October. (restricted) Jong-Wha Lee Cyn-Young Park, 2009. Global Financial Turmoil: Impact and Challenges for Asia's Financial Systems-super- , Asian Economic Papers , MIT Press, vol. 8(1), pages 9-40, January. (restricted) Yang, Hongliang Pollitt, Michael, 2009. Incorporating both undesirable outputs and uncontrollable variables into DEA: The performance of Chinese coal-fired power plants , European Journal of Operational Research , Elsevier, vol. 197(3), pages 1095-1105, September. (restricted) 2008 Unite, Angelo A. Sullivan, Michael J. Brookman, Jeffrey Majadillas, Mary Anne Taningco, Angelo, 2008. Executive pay and firm performance in the Philippines , Pacific-Basin Finance Journal , Elsevier, vol. 16(5), pages 606-623, November. (restricted) Edmonds, Christopher La Croix, Sumner Li, Yao, 2008. China trade: Busting gravity's bounds , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 19(5-6), pages 455-466. (restricted) ChangJin Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 2008. Exchange Rate Regime And Monetary Policy Independence In East Asia , Pacific Economic Review , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 13(2), pages 155-170, 05. (restricted) Lee, Jong-Wha Shin, Kwanho, 2008. IMF bailouts and moral hazard , Journal of International Money and Finance , Elsevier, vol. 27(5), pages 816-830, September. (restricted) Kim, Soyoung Lee, Jong-Wha, 2008. Demographic changes, saving, and current account: An analysis based on a panel VAR model , Japan and the World Economy , Elsevier, vol. 20(2), pages 236-256, March. (restricted) Jong-Wha LEE, 2008. Comment on Rapid Economic Growth: Contributing Factors and Challenges Ahead-super-1 , Asian Economic Policy Review , Japan Center for Economic Research, vol. 3(2), pages 207-208. (restricted) Jong-Wha Lee Innwon Park Kwanho Shin, 2008. Proliferating Regional Trade Arrangements: Why and Whither? , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 31(12), pages 1525-1557, December. (restricted) Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2008. Foreign ownership, technological capabilities and clothing exports in Sri Lanka , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 19(1), pages 29-39, February. (restricted) Fan Zhai Jianwu He, 2008. Supply-side Economics in the People's Republic of China's Regional Context: A Quantitative Investigation of Its VAT Reform , Asian Economic Papers , MIT Press, vol. 7(2), pages 96-121, June. (restricted) Brooks, Douglas H. Roland-Holst, David Zhai, Fan, 2008. Behavioral and empirical perspectives on FDI: International capital allocation across Asia , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 19(1), pages 40-52, February. (restricted) Vasco Molini Guanghua Wan, 2008. Discovering sources of inequality in transition economies: a case study of rural Vietnam , Economic Change and Restructuring , Springer, vol. 41(1), pages 75-96, March. (restricted) Mahvash Saeed Qureshi Guanghua Wan, 2008. Trade Expansion of China and India: Threat or Opportunity? , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 31(10), pages 1327-1350, October. (restricted) Guanghua Wan Yin Zhang, 2008. Explaining the Poverty Difference between Inland and Coastal China: A Regression-based Decomposition Approach , Review of Development Economics , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 12(2), pages 455-467, 05. (restricted) Guanghua Wan, 2008. Introduction to the Special Section: Poverty and Inequality in China , Review of Development Economics , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 12(2), pages 416-418, 05. (restricted) Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2008. Correcting China's trade imbalance: Monetary means will not suffice , Journal of Policy Modeling , Elsevier, vol. 30(3), pages 505-521. (restricted) Mahvash Saeed Qureshi Guanghua Wan, 2008. Distributional Consequences of Globalisation: Empirical Evidence from Panel Data , The Journal of Development Studies , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 44(10), pages 1424-1449. (restricted) Guanghua Wan Amelia U. Santos-Paulino, 2008. Introduction , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 31(10), pages 1273-1276, October. (restricted) 2007 Nobuhiko Fuwa Christopher Edmonds Pabitra Banik, 2007. Are small-scale rice farmers in eastern India really inefficient? Examining the effects of microtopography on technical efficiency estimates , Agricultural Economics , International Association of Agricultural Economists, vol. 36(3), pages 335-346, 05. (restricted) Garcia-Herrero, Alicia Terada-Hagiwara, Akiko, 2007. Do Asian investors rebalance their portfolios and what are the consequences? , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 18(1), pages 195-216, February. (restricted) Maria Pia Iannariello Hanan Morsy Akiko Terada-Hagiwara, 2007. Role of debt maturity on firms fixed assets during sudden stop episodes: Evidence from Thailand , Journal of Applied Economics , Universidad del CEMA, vol. 0, pages 309-335, November. (restricted) Hong, Kiseok Lee, Jong-Wha Lee, Young Soo, 2007. Investment by Korean conglomerates before and after the crisis , Japan and the World Economy , Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 347-373, August. (restricted) Jong-Wha LEE Changyong RHEE, 2007. Crisis and Recovery: What We Have Learned from the South Korean Experience? , Asian Economic Policy Review , Japan Center for Economic Research, vol. 2(1), pages 146-164. (restricted) Soyoung Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 2007. Demographic Changes, Saving, and Current Account in East Asia , Asian Economic Papers , MIT Press, vol. 6(2), pages 22-53, May. (restricted) Aunan, Kristin Berntsen, Terje O'Connor, David Persson, Therese Hindman Vennemo, Haakon Zhai, Fan, 2007. Benefits and costs to China of a climate policy , Environment and Development Economics , Cambridge University Press, vol. 12(03), pages 471-497, June. Zhang Jun Guanghua Wan Yu Jin, 2007. The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China: 1987-2001 , Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 5(1), pages 37-49. (restricted) Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2007. What accounts for China's trade balance dynamics? , Journal of Policy Modeling , Elsevier, vol. 29(6), pages 821-837. (restricted) Guanghua Wan Ming Lu Zhao Chen, 2007. Globalization And Regional Income Inequality: Empirical Evidence From Within China , Review of Income and Wealth , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 53(1), pages 35-59, 03. (restricted) Guanghua Wan, 2007. Understanding Regional Poverty And Inequality Trends In China: Methodological Issues And Empirical Findings , Review of Income and Wealth , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 53(1), pages 25-34, 03. (restricted) 2006 Lee, Jong-Wha Shin, Kwanho, 2006. Does regionalism lead to more global trade integration in East Asia? , The North American Journal of Economics and Finance , Elsevier, vol. 17(3), pages 283-301, December. (restricted) Jong-Wha LEE, 2006. Comment on How China is Reorganizing the World Economy , Asian Economic Policy Review , Japan Center for Economic Research, vol. 1(1), pages 98-99. (restricted) Jong-Wha LEE, 2006. Comment on Deep Economic Integration: Is Europe a Blueprint? , Asian Economic Policy Review , Japan Center for Economic Research, vol. 1(2), pages 280-281. (restricted) Yong Jin Kim Jong-Wha Lee, 2006. A Model Of Self-Fulfilling Financial Crises , The Japanese Economic Review , Japanese Economic Association, vol. 57(1), pages 87-100. (restricted) Michael G. Plummer Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2006. The Post-Crisis Sequencing of Economic Integration in Asia: Trade as a Complement to a Monetary Future , Economie Internationale , CEPII research center, issue 3Q, pages 59-85. Lei Lei Song John Freebairn, 2006. How Big Was the Effect of Budget Consolidation on the Australian Economy in the 1990s? , Australian Economic Review , The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 39(1), pages 35-46, 03. (restricted) Peter J. Lloyd Lei Lei Song, 2006. A Currency Union Between Australia and New Zealand? , Economie Internationale , CEPII research center, issue 3Q, pages 149-172. Iwan Azis Wing Thye Woo Zhai Fan Chanin Manopiniwes, 2006. ChinaS UrbanRural Disparity Under Alternative Financial And Fiscal Policies , Icfai University Journal of Applied Economics , Icfai Press, vol. 0(3), pages 7-32, May. Hertel, Thomas Zhai, Fan, 2006. Labor market distortions, rural-urban inequality and the opening of China's economy , Economic Modelling , Elsevier, vol. 23(1), pages 76-109, January. (restricted) Yuqing Xing Guanghua Wan, 2006. Exchange Rates and Competition for FDI in Asia , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 29(4), pages 419-434, 04. (restricted) Wan, Guanghua Zhang, Xiaobo, 2006. Rising inequality in China , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 651-653, December. (restricted) Zhang, Yin Wan, Guanghua, 2006. The impact of growth and inequality on rural poverty in China , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 694-712, December. (restricted) Wan, Guanghua Lu, Ming Chen, Zhao, 2006. The inequality-growth nexus in the short and long run: Empirical evidence from China , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 34(4), pages 654-667, December. (restricted) 2005 Jong-Wha Lee Innwon Park, 2005. Free Trade Areas in East Asia: Discriminatory or Non-discriminatory? , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 28(1), pages 21-48, 01. (restricted) Barro, Robert J. Lee, Jong-Wha, 2005. IMF programs: Who is chosen and what are the effects? , Journal of Monetary Economics , Elsevier, vol. 52(7), pages 1245-1269, October. (restricted) Lee, Jong-Wha, 2005. Human capital and productivity for Korea's sustained economic growth , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 16(4), pages 663-687, August. (restricted) Eduardo Borensztein Jong-Wha Lee, 2005. Financial reform and the efficiency of credit allocation in Korea , Journal of Policy Reform , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 8(1), pages 55-68, March. (restricted) Raballand, Gael Kunth, Antoine Auty, Richard, 2005. Central Asia's transport cost burden and its impact on trade , Economic Systems , Elsevier, vol. 29(1), pages 6-31, March. (restricted) Francois, Joseph F. McQueen, Matthew Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 2005. European Union-developing country FTAs: overview and analysis , World Development , Elsevier, vol. 33(10), pages 1545-1565, October. (restricted) Lei Lei Song, 2005. Do underlying measures of inflation outperform headline rates? Evidence from Australian data , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 37(3), pages 339-345, February. (restricted) Lei Lei Song John Freebairn, 2005. Policies to Reduce Unemployment: Simulations with Treasury Macroeconomic Model , The Economic Record , The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 81(255), pages 351-366, December. (restricted) Ravi Kanbur Anthony J. Venables Guanghua Wan, 2005. Introduction to the Special Issue: Spatial Inequality and Development in Asia , Review of Development Economics , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 9(1), pages 1-4, 02. (restricted) Wan, Guang Hua, 2005. Convergence in food consumption in Rural China: Evidence from household survey data , China Economic Review , Elsevier, vol. 16(1), pages 90-102. (restricted) Guanghua Wan Zhangyue Zhou, 2005. Income Inequality in Rural China: Regression-based Decomposition Using Household Data , Review of Development Economics , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 9(1), pages 107-120, 02. (restricted) Anthony Shorrocks Guanghua Wan, 2005. Spatial decomposition of inequality , Journal of Economic Geography , Oxford University Press, vol. 5(1), pages 59-81, January. (restricted) Yin Zhang Guanghua Wan, 2005. China's Business Cycles: Perspectives from an AD-AS Model , Asian Economic Journal , East Asian Economic Association, vol. 19(4), pages 445-469, December. (restricted) 2004 Cyn-Young Park, 2004. New Economy and the Effects of Industrial Structures on International Equity Market Correlations , Icfai University Journal of Applied Economics , Icfai Press, vol. 0(4), pages 7-34, July. Jong-Wha Lee Warwick J. McKibbin, 2004. Globalization and Disease: The Case of SARS , Asian Economic Papers , MIT Press, vol. 3(1), pages 113-131. (restricted) Warwick McKibbin Jong-Wha Lee Inkyo Cheong, 2004. A dynamic analysis of the Korea-Japan free trade area: simulations with the G-cubed Asia-Pacific model , International Economic Journal , Korean International Economic Association, vol. 18(1), pages 3-32, March. (restricted) Wang, Yan Xu, Dianqing Wang, Zhi Zhai, Fan, 2004. Options and impact of China's pension reform: a computable general equilibrium analysis , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 32(1), pages 105-127, March. (restricted) Gary Gang Tian Guang Hua Wan, 2004. Interaction among China-related stocks: evidence from a causality test with a new procedure , Applied Financial Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 14(1), pages 67-72, January. (restricted) Yin Zhang Guang Hua Wan, 2004. Liquidity constraint, uncertainty and household consumption in China , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 36(19), pages 2221-2229, September. (restricted) Wan, Guanghua, 2004. Accounting for income inequality in rural China: a regression-based approach , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 32(2), pages 348-363, June. (restricted) 2003 Clarete, Ramon Edmonds, Christopher Wallack, Jessica Seddon, 2003. Asian regionalism and its effects on trade in the 1980s and 1990s , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 14(1), pages 91-129, February. (restricted) Lei Lei Song Elizabeth Webster, 2003. How Segmented are Skilled and Unskilled Labour Markets: the Case of Beveridge Curves , Australian Economic Papers , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 42(3), pages 332-345, 09. (restricted) K. Aunan H.E. Mestl H.M. Seip J. Fang D.O'Connor D.O'Connor H. Vennemo F. Zhai, 2003. Co-benefits of COSUB align=rightSMALL2/SMALL/SUB-reducing policies in China - a matter of scale? , International Journal of Global Environmental Issues , Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, vol. 3(3), pages 287-304, January. (restricted) 2002 Kim, Yong Jin Lee, Jong-Wha, 2002. Overinvestment, collateral lending, and economic crisis , Japan and the World Economy , Elsevier, vol. 14(2), pages 181-201, April. (restricted) Borensztein, Eduardo Lee, Jong-Wha, 2002. Financial crisis and credit crunch in Korea: evidence from firm-level data , Journal of Monetary Economics , Elsevier, vol. 49(4), pages 853-875, May. (restricted) De Gregorio, Jose Lee, Jong-Wha, 2002. Education and Income Inequality: New Evidence from Cross-Country Data , Review of Income and Wealth , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 48(3), pages 395-416, September. (restricted) Jong-Wha Lee Changyong Rhee, 2002. Macroeconomic Impacts of the Korean Financial Crisis: Comparison with the Cross-country Patterns , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 25(4), pages 539-562, 04. (restricted) Ganeshan Wignaraja, 2002. Firm Size, Technological Capabilities and Market-oriented Policies in Mauritius , Oxford Development Studies , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 30(1), pages 87-104. (restricted) Li Shantong Zhai Fan, 2002. China's WTO Accession and Implications for its Regional Economies , Economie Internationale , CEPII research center, issue 4Q, pages 67-102. Zhang, Yin Wan, Guang Hua, 2002. Household consumption and monetary policy in China , China Economic Review , Elsevier, vol. 13(1), pages 27-52. (restricted) 2001 Barro, Robert J Lee, Jong-Wha, 2001. International Data on Educational Attainment: Updates and Implications , Oxford Economic Papers , Oxford University Press, vol. 53(3), pages 541-63, July. Lee, Jong-Wha Barro, Robert J, 2001. Schooling Quality in a Cross-Section of Countries , Economica , London School of Economics and Political Science, vol. 68(272), pages 465-88, November. (restricted) Steven Radelet Jeffrey Sachs Jong-Wha Lee, 2001. The Determinants And Prospects Of Economic Growth In Asia , International Economic Journal , Korean International Economic Association, vol. 15(3), pages 1-29, October. (restricted) Wan, Guang Hua, 2001. Decomposing Changes in the Gini Index by Factor Components , Applied Economics Letters , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 8(1), pages 1-3, January. (restricted) Wan, Guang H Cheng, Enjiang, 2001. Effects of Land Fragmentation and Returns to Scale in the Chinese Farming Sector , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 33(2), pages 183-94, February. (restricted) 2000 Dixon, Peter B Menon, Jayant Rimmer, Maureen T, 2000. Changes in Technology and Preferences: A General Equilibrium Explanation of Rapid Growth in Trade , Australian Economic Papers , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 39(1), pages 33-55, March. (restricted) Jayant Menon, 2000. How Open is Malaysia? An Analysis of Trade, Capital and Labour Flows , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 23(2), pages 235-255, 02. (restricted) Jong-Wha Lee Phillip Swagel, 2000. Trade Barriers And Trade Flows Across Countries And Industries , The Review of Economics and Statistics , MIT Press, vol. 79(3), pages 372-382, August. (restricted) Ragner Tveters G. H. Wan, 2000. Flexible panel data models for risky production technologies with an application to salmon aquaculture , Econometric Reviews , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 19(3), pages 367-389. (restricted) Wan, Guang H, 2000. Measuring Technical Change under Variable Returns to Scale: A Dual Approach , Bulletin of Economic Research , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 52(1), pages 59-65, January. 1999 Menon, Jayant Greenaway, David Milner, Chris, 1999. Industrial Structure and Australia-UK Intra-industry Trade , The Economic Record , The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 75(228), pages 19-27, March. Prema-chandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1999. Outward Orientation and Economic Development in Malaysia , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 22(8), pages 1119-1139, November. (restricted) Wan, Guang Hua, 1999. Wan's New Approach to Technical Change: A Reply , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 27(2), pages 365-366, June. (restricted) 1998 Menon, Jayant, 1998. Total factor productivity growth in foreign and domestic firms in Malaysian manufacturing , Journal of Asian Economics , Elsevier, vol. 9(2), pages 251-280. (restricted) Jayant Menon, 1998. The Expansion of AFTA: Widening and Deepening? , Asian-Pacific Economic Literature , 2004 Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, The Australian National University and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, vol. 12(2), pages 10-22, November. (restricted) Borensztein, E. De Gregorio, J. Lee, J-W., 1998. How does foreign direct investment affect economic growth?1 , Journal of International Economics , Elsevier, vol. 45(1), pages 115-135, June. (restricted) Wang, Zhi Zhai, Fan, 1998. Tariff Reduction, Tax Replacement, and Implications for Income Distribution in China , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 26(2), pages 358-387, June. (restricted) Wan, Guang H, 1998. Nonparametric Measurement of Preference Changes: The Case of Food Demand in Rural China , Applied Economics Letters , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 5(7), pages 433-36, July. (restricted) Wan, Guang H, 1998. Linear Estimation of the Nonlinear Almost Ideal Demand System: A Monte Carlo Study , Applied Economics Letters , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 5(3), pages 181-86, March. (restricted) 1997 Dixon, Peter B Menon, Jayant, 1997. Measures of Intra-industry Trade as Indicators of Factor Market Disruption , The Economic Record , The Economic Society of Australia, vol. 73(222), pages 233-37, September. Menon, Jayant, 1997. Japan's Intraindustry Trade Dynamics , Journal of the Japanese and International Economies , Elsevier, vol. 11(2), pages 123-142, June. (restricted) Jayant Menon Peter Dixon, 1997. Intra-industry versus inter-industry trade: Relevance for adjustment costs , Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) , Springer, vol. 133(1), pages 164-169, March. (restricted) Prema-Chandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1997. AFTA and the Investment-Trade Nexus in ASEAN , The World Economy , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 20(2), pages 159-174, 03. (restricted) Usui, Norio, 1997. Dutch disease and policy adjustments to the oil boom: a comparative study of Indonesia and Mexico , Resources Policy , Elsevier, vol. 23(4), pages 151-162, December. (restricted) 1996 Menon, Jayant, 1996. The Degree and Determinants of Exchange Rate Pass-through: Market Structure, Non-tariff Barriers and Multinational Corporations , Economic Journal , Royal Economic Society, vol. 106(435), pages 434-44, March. (restricted) In, Francis Menon, Jayant, 1996. The Long-Run Relationship between the Real Exchange Rate and Terms of Trade in OECD Countries , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 28(9), pages 1075-80, September. (restricted) Jayant Menon Peter Dixon, 1996. How important is intra-industry trade in trade growth? , Open Economies Review , Springer, vol. 7(2), pages 161-175, April. (restricted) Lee, Jong-Wha, 1996. Government Interventions and Productivity Growth , Journal of Economic Growth , Springer, vol. 1(3), pages 391-414, September. Barro, Robert J Lee, Jong Wha, 1996. International Measures of Schooling Years and Schooling Quality , American Economic Review , American Economic Association, vol. 86(2), pages 218-23, May. (restricted) Usui, Norio, 1996. Policy adjustments to the oil boom and their evaluation: The Dutch disease in Indonesia , World Development , Elsevier, vol. 24(5), pages 887-900, May. (restricted) Wan, Guang H, 1996. Measuring Input Substitution and Output Expansion Effects: A Nonparametric Approach with Application , Empirical Economics , Springer, vol. 21(3), pages 361-80. Wan, Guang H, 1996. Using Panel Data to Estimate Engel Functions: Food Consumption in China , Applied Economics Letters , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 3(9), pages 621-24, September. (restricted) Guang H. Wan, 1996. Income elasticities of household demand in rural China: Estimates from cross-sectional survey data , Journal of Economic Studies , Emerald Group Publishing, vol. 23(3), pages 18-33, September. (restricted) 1995 Athukorala, Premachandra Menon, Jayant, 1995. Modeling manufactured imports: Methodological issues with evidence from Australia , Journal of Policy Modeling , Elsevier, vol. 17(6), pages 667-675, December. (restricted) Athukorala, Premachandra Menon, Jayant, 1995. Exchange Rates and Strategic Pricing: The Case of Swedish Machinery Exports , Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics , Department of Economics, University of Oxford, vol. 57(4), pages 533-46, November. Menon, Jayant, 1995. Exchange Rates and Import Prices for a Small Open Economy , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 27(3), pages 297-301, March. Menon, Jayant, 1995. Exchange Rate Pass-Through , Journal of Economic Surveys , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 9(2), pages 197-231, June. Premachandra Athukorala Jayant Menon, 1995. Developing with Foreign Investment: Malaysia , Australian Economic Review , The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 28(1), pages 9-22. (restricted) Menon, Jayant, 1995. The Relationship between the Law of One Price and Exchange Rate Pass-through , Economia Internazionale / International Economics , Camera di Commercio di Genova, vol. 48(4), pages 551-568. Anil Bera Sungsup Ra, 1995. A test for the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity within arch-m framework , Econometric Reviews , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 14(4), pages 473-485. (restricted) Lee, Jong-Wha, 1995. Capital goods imports and long-run growth , Journal of Development Economics , Elsevier, vol. 48(1), pages 91-110, October. (restricted) Wan, Guang H., 1995. Technical Change in Chinese State Industry: A New Approach , Journal of Comparative Economics , Elsevier, vol. 21(3), pages 308-325, December. (restricted) 1994 Athukorala, Premachandra Menon, Jayant, 1994. Pricing to Market Behaviour and Exchange Rate Pass-Through in Japanese Exports , Economic Journal , Royal Economic Society, vol. 104(423), pages 271-81, March. (restricted) Jayant Menon, 1994. Trade Liberalisation, Closer Economic Relations and Intra-Industry Specialisation , Australian Economic Review , The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, vol. 27(2), pages 31-42. (restricted) Menon, Jayant, 1994. The Theory of Exchange Rates and Traded Goods Prices in the Short-Run , Economia Internazionale / International Economics , Camera di Commercio di Genova, vol. 47(1), pages 55-68. Barro, Robert J. Lee, Jong-Wha, 1994. Sources of economic growth , Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy , Elsevier, vol. 40(1), pages 1-46, June. (restricted) 1993 Jayant Menon, 1993. Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Australian Imports Of Motor Vehicles , International Economic Journal , Korean International Economic Association, vol. 7(3), pages 93-109, October. (restricted) Isabel Ortiz Jos L. Curbelo, 1993. Economia poltica de la poltica econmica en Espaa 1977-1993 , Nova Economia , Economics Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), vol. 3(1), pages 83-122, September. Shrestha, Rajendra B Gopalakrishnan, Chennat, 1993. Adoption and Diffusion of Drip Irrigation Technology: An Econometric Analysis , Economic Development and Cultural Change , University of Chicago Press, vol. 41(2), pages 407-18, January. Barro, Robert J. Lee, Jong-Wha, 1993. International comparisons of educational attainment , Journal of Monetary Economics , Elsevier, vol. 32(3), pages 363-394, December. (restricted) 1992 Jayant Menon, 1992. Exchange rates and prices of Australian manufactured exports , Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv) , Springer, vol. 128(4), pages 695-710, December. (restricted) White, Howard Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 1992. Exchange rates, trade liberalization and aid: The Sri Lankan experience , World Development , Elsevier, vol. 20(10), pages 1471-1480, October. (restricted) Wan, Guang H Griffiths, William E Anderson, Jock R, 1992. Using Panel Data to Estimate Risk Effects in Seemingly Unrelated Production Functions , Empirical Economics , Springer, vol. 17(1), pages 35-49. Zhou, Zhang Y. Dillon, John L. Wan, Guang H., 1992. Development of township enterprise and alleviation of the employment problem in rural China , Agricultural Economics , Blackwell, vol. 6(3), pages 201-215, February. (restricted) Wan, Guang H., 1992. Institutional effects on changes in Chinese foodgrain production and its variability , Agricultural Economics , Blackwell, vol. 6(3), pages 217-250, February. (restricted) 1990 G. H. Wan J. R. Anderson, 1990. Estimating Risk Effects In Chinese Foodgrain Production , Journal of Agricultural Economics , Blackwell Publishing, vol. 41(1), pages 85-93. (restricted) 1989 Gopalakrishnan, Chennat Khaleghi, Gholam H Shrestha, Rajendra B, 1989. Energy-N on-energy Input Substitution in U.S. Agriculture: Some Findings , Applied Economics , Taylor and Francis Journals, vol. 21(5), pages 673-79, May. 1988 Wignaraja, Ganeshan, 1988. Concentration of land holdings and income : Comment on N.T. Quan and A.Y.C. Koo , Journal of Development Economics , Elsevier, vol. 29(2), pages 229-232, September. (restricted) Anderson, J.R. Dillon, J.L. Hazell, P.B.R. Cowie, A.J. Wan, G.H., 1988. Changing Variability in Cereal Production in Australia , Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics , Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, vol. 56(03), December. Wan, Guang H. Zhou, Zhang Y. Dillon, John L., 1988. On the reform of rural supply and marketing cooperatives in China , Agricultural Economics , Blackwell, vol. 2(1), pages 73-88, June. (restricted) Books 2002 Thomas Dalsgaard Jrgen Elmeskov Cyn-Young Park, 2002. Ongoing changes in the business cycle - evidence and causes , SUERF Studies , SUERF - The European Money and Finance Forum, number 20 edited by Morten Balling, October. Chapters 2003 Yung Chul Park Jong-Wha Lee, 2003. Recovery and Sustainability in East Asia , NBER Chapters , in: Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, pages 275-320 National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
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publication list
ydj0203 2009-11-21 13:12
2013 1. R. Bo,S. Sarina, Z. Zheng, D. Yang , H.Liu, H. Zhu, J Hazardous Materials , 2013, 246-247, 199-205. (IF: 4.173) 2. D.Yang * , J. Zhao, H. Liu, A. Moses, X. Liu, H. Zhang, Z.Zheng, J. Bell, J. Zhao, H. Zhu, Chem. Eur. J. , 2013, 19, 5113-5119.(IF=5.9) 3. D. Yang * , H. Liu, Z. Zheng, H. Zhu, Nanoscale , 2013, 5,2232-2242. (IF=6.2) 4. D. Yang * , H. Liu, S. Sarina, Z. Zheng, H. Zhu, Nanoscale ,2013, In press. 5. M.Wahab, Y. Jia, D. Yang , H. Zhao, X.Yao, JMater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 3471. 6. Z.Zheng, J. Zhao, Y. Yuan, H. Liu, D. Yang ,S. Sarina, H. Zhang, E. Waclawika, H. Zhu, Chem. Eur. J. , 2013, 19, 5731-5741. 7. X.She, N. Wu, J. Li, J. Sun, R. Frost, H. Zhu, D. Yang * , Materials Chemistry and Physics ,submitted. 8. Y. Lu,Q. Sun, X. She, D. Yang * , Y. Xia, Y. Liu, J. Li, CarbohydratePolymers , In Press. 9. X.Pang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhou, X. Wang, X. She, Y. Che, D. Yang * , J. Zhao, Journal of AmericanChemical Society , Submitted. 2012 10. Q. Sun, Y. Lu, H. Zhang, D. Yang , J. Xu, J. Li, Y. Liu, J. Shi, Mater.Res. Innov. , 2012, 5, 326. 11. Y. Peng, B. Teng, Y. Jia, D. Yang , H. Zhao, S. Qiu, X. Yao, Journalof Physical Chemistry C , 2012, 116, 25694-25700. (IF=4.805) 12. N. Wu, X. Lin, D. Yang , X. Wu, F. Su, Y. Chen, Synthesis of network reduced grapheneoxide in polystyrene matrix by a two-step reduction method for superiorconductivity of the composite, J Mater. Chem. , 22, 17254-17261.(IF=5.9) 13. X. Liu, J. Zhang, S. Wu, D. Yang , P. Liu, H. Zhang, S. Wang, X.Yao, G. Zhu and H. Zhao, RSC Advance , 2012, 2, 6178-6184. 14. Y. Lu, Q. Sun, D. Yang * , X. She, X. Yao, G. Zhu, Y. Liu, H. Zhao, J. Li, 2012 ,Fabrication of mesoporous lignocellulose aerogels from wood via cyclic liquid nitrogenfreezing-thawing in ionic liquid solution, Journal of Materials Chemistry , 13548-13557.(IF=5.9) 15. Y. Che, D. Gross, H. Huang, D. Yang , X. Yang, E. Discekici, Z. Xue,H. Zhao, J. Moore, L. Zang, 2012 , Diffusion-Controlled Detection of TNT: Interior Nanoporous Struc-ture andLow HOMO Level of Building Blocks Enhance Selectivity and Sensitivity, Journalof American Chemical Society , 134, 4978-4982. ( IF: 10.7 ). 16. H. Zhang, Y. Li, P. Liu, Y. Li, D. Yang , H. Yang, H. Zhao, ANew Vapor-Phase Hydrothermal Method to Concurrently Grow ZnO Nanotube andNanorod Array Films on Different Sides of a Zinc Foil Substrate, Chem.Eur. J. , 18, 5165-5169. (IF=5.9) 17. Y. Wang, T. Sun, D. Yang , H. Liu, H. Zhang, X. Yao, G. Zhu, H. Zhao, 2012 , Atheoretical comparison of Ti-O based materials, PhysicalChemistry Chemical Physics , 14, 2333-2338. ( IF:3.8 ) 18. H. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Li, Q. Sun, Y. Wang, B.J. Wood, P. Liu, D. Yang , H. Zhao, 2012 , Vertically aligned nanorod-like rutile TiO 2 singlecrystal nanowire bundles with superior electron transport andphotoelectrocatalytic properties , Journalof Materials Chemistry , 22 ,2465-2472. ( IF: 5.9 ) 19. H. Zhang, Y. Wang, D. Yang , Y. Li, H. Liu, P. Liu, B. Wood, H. Zhao, 2012 , Directly Hydrothermal Growthof Single Crystal Nb 3 O 7 (OH) Nanorod Film for High PerformanceDye-Sensitized Solar Cells , Advanced Materials , 24, 1598-1603. ( IF:14.8 ) 20. Q. Sun, Y. Lu, H.Zhang, H. Zhao, H. Yu, J. Xu, Y. Fu, D. Yang * , Y. Liu, 2012 , Hydrothermal fabrication of rutile TiO 2 submicrospheres on wood surface: an efficient method to prepare UV-protective wood, Materials Chemistry and Physics ,133, 253-258. 21. Q. Sun, Y. Lu, H. Zhang, D Yang , Y. Wang, J. Xu, J. Tu, Y. liu,J. Li, 2012 , Improved UV resistance in wood through the hydrothermalgrowth of highly ordered ZnO nanorod arrays. Journal of Materials Science ,47, 4457-4462. 22. J. Xu, Y. He, J.Zhang, J. Qian, D. Xu, X. He, D. Yang , 2012 , Preparation ofsodium tantalate powder via a combustion method, Micro Nano Letters , 7, 72-75. 2011 23. D.Yang , S. Sarina, H. Zhu,H. Liu, Z. Zheng, M. Xie, S.V. Smith, S. Komarneni, 2011 , CapturingRadioactive Cs + and I - from Water with TitanateNanofibers and Nanotubes, AngewandteChemie International Edition , 50, 10594-10598. ( IF: 12.730 , featured by CE News , Nanowerk ) 24. D.Yang , C. Chen, Z. Zheng,H. Liu, E. R. Waclawik, Z. Yan, Y. Huang, H. Zhang, J. Zhao, H. Zhu, 2011 ,Grafting Silica Species on Anatase Surface for Visible Light PhotocatalyticActivity, Energy and Environmental Science , 4, 2279-2287. ( IF: 9.50 ) 25. X. Ke, S. Ribbens, Y. Fan, H. Liu, P. Cool, D. Yang , H. Zhu, 2011 ,Integrating Efficient Filtration and Visible-light Photocatalysis by LoadingAg-doped Zeolite Y Particles on Filtration Membrane of Alumina Nanofibers, Journalof Membrane Science , 375, 69-74. ( IF:3.673 ) 26. J. Li, Y. Lu, D. Yang , Q. Sun, Y. Liu, H. Zhao, 2011 , LignocelluloseAerogel from Wood-Ionic Liquid Solution (1-allyl-3-methyimidazolium chloride)under Freezing and Thawing Conditions, Biomacromolecules , 12, 1860-1867. ( IF: 5.325 ). 27. B. Paul, D. Yang , W. N. Martins, R. Frost, 2011 , Sodium NiobateAdsorbents Doped with Tantalum (Ta V ) for the Removal of BivalentRadioactive Ions in Waste Waters, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science ,356, 240-247. ( IF: 3.066 ) 28. Q. Zhou, W. Gong, C. Xie, D. Yang ,X. Ling, X. Yuan, S. Chen, 2011 , Removal of Neutral Red from aqueoussolution by adsorption on spent cottonseed hull substrate, Journal ofHazardous Materials , 185, 502-506. ( IF: 3.723 , Citataion:7) 29. H. Tian, D. Yang , Yao Xu, D.Wu, Y. Sun, 2011 , “Single-layer silica anti-reflective films modifiedwith polytetramethylene glycol”, Materials Science Forum , 663-665,969-973. 30. J. Zhang, J. Xu, H. Zhang, X. Yin, J. Qian,L. Liu, D. Yang , X. Liu, 2011 ,Fabrication of Octahedral Atacamite Microcrystals via a Hydrothermal Route, Micro Nano Letters , 6, 119-121. 31. J.Zhang, J. Xu, H. Zhang, X. Yin, D. Yang ,J. Qian, L. Liu,X. Liu, 2011 , Chemical synthesis of SrCO 3 microcrystals via a homogeneous precipitation method , Micro Nano Letters , 6, 205-208. 32. Q. Zhou, W. Gong, Y. Li, S. Chen, D. Yang , C. Bai, X. Liu, N. Xu, 2011 ,Biosorption of Methylene Blue onto spent corncob substrate: kinetics,equilibrium and thermodynamic studies, WaterScience and Technology, 63, 2775-2780. 33. Q. Zhou, W. Gong, D. Yang , C. Xie, Y. Li, C. Bai, X. Liu, 2011 , Assessment of BiosorptionCharacteristics of a Spent Cottonseed Husk Substrate for the Decolorization ofMethylene Blue, Clean- Soil, Air, Water , 39, 1087. 34. J. Zhang, X. Yin, J. Zhang, D. Yang , H. Zhang, J. Qian, L. Liu, X.Liu, 2011 , Esterification Process to Synthesize Isopropyl ChloroacetateCatalyzed by Lanthanum Dodecyl Sulfate, Brazilian Journal of ChemicalEngineering , 28, 259-264. 2010 35. D. Yang , Z. Zheng, Y. Yuan, H. Zhu, H. Liu, E. R. Waclawik,X. Ke, M. Xie, 2010 , Sorption Induced Structural Deformation of SodiumHexa-titanate Nanofibers and their Ability to Selectively Trap RadioactiveRa(II) Ions from Water, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ,12, 1271-1277. ( IF: 3.453 ) 36. D. Yang, B. Paul, W. Xu, Y. Yuan, E. Liu, X. Ke, R. M. Wellard,C. Guo, Y. Xu, Y. Sun, H. Zhu, 2010 ,Alumina Nanofibers Graftedwith Functional Groups: A New Design in Efficient Sorbents for Removal of ToxicContaminants from Water , Water Research ,44 , 741-750. ( IF: 4.546 ) 37. H. Liu, Z. Zheng, D. Yang , X. Ke, E.Jaatinen, J. Zhao, H. Zhu, 2010 , Coherent Interfaces between Crystals inNanocrystal, ACS Nano , 4, 6219-6227. ( IF: 9.885 ) 38. H. Liu, E. Waclawik, Z. Zheng, D. Yang ,X. Ke, H. Zhu, R. Frost. 2010 , TEM Investigation and FBBmodel explanation to the Phase Relationships between Titanates and TitaniumDioxides. Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 114,11430-11434.( IF: 4.520 ) 39. X. Yang, X. Ke, D. Yang , J. Liu, C.Guo, R. Frost, H. Su, H. Zhu, 2010 , Effect of ethanol washing of titania clay mineral composites on photocatalysisfor phenol decomposition, Applied Clay Sicence , 49, 44-50. 40. B. Paul, D. Yang , X. Yang, X. Ke, R.Frost, H. Zhu, 2010 , Adsorption of theHerbicide Simazine on Moderately Acid-Activated Beidellite, Applied ClaySicence , 49, 80-83. 41. H. Liu, Z. Zheng, D. Yang , E.Waclawik, X. Ke, H. Zhu, R. Frost, S. Palmer, 2010 , A Raman spectroscopic study on theallocation of ammonium adsorbing sites on H 2 Ti 3 O 7 nanofiber and its structural derivation during calcination, Journal ofRaman Spectroscopy , 41, 1311-1315. 42. H. Liu, D. Yang , Z. Zheng, E.Waclawik, X. Ke, H. Zhu, R. Frost, 2010 , A Raman spectroscopic study on the active site ofsodium cations in the structure of Na 2 Ti 3 O 7 during the adsorption of Sr 2+ and Ba 2+ cations, Journalof Raman Spectroscopy , 41, 1502-1506. 43. H. Liu, D. Yang , Z. Zheng, E.Waclawik, X. Ke, H. Zhu, R. Frost, 2010 , A Raman spectroscopic and TEM study on the structuralevolution of Na 2 Ti 3 O 7 during the transition toNa 2 Ti 6 O 13 , Journal of Raman Spectroscopy ,41, 1331-1337. 2009 44. D. Yang , H. Liu, Z. Zheng, Y. Yuan, J. Zhao, E. R. Waclawik,X. Ke, H. Zhu, 2009 , An Efficient Photocatalyst Structure: TiO 2 (B)Nanofibers with a Shell of Anatase Nanocrystals, Journal of AmericanChemical Society , 131, 17885-17893. (IF: 9.019, featured by Chemistryin Australia ) 45. X. Yang, D. Yang , H. Zhu, J. Liu, W.Martins, R. Frost, L. Daniel, Y. Shen, 2009 , Mesoporous Structure withSize Controllable Anatase Attached on Silicate Layers for EfficientPhotocatalysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 113, 8243-8248.(IF: 4.520) 46. X. Ke, R. Shao, H. Zhu, Y. Yuan, D. Yang ,K. R. Ratinac, X. Gao , 2009 , Ceramic Membranes for Separation ofProteins and DNA through In Situ Growth of Alumina Nanofibres inside PorousSubstrates, Chemical Communication , 1264-1266. (IF: 5.587) 2008 47. D. Yang , Z. Zheng, H. Zhu, H. Liu, X. Gao, 2008 ,Titanate Nanofibers as Intelligent Absorbents for Removal of Radioactive Ionsfrom Water, Advanced Materials , 20, 2777-2781. (IF:14.8, featured by Nature Nanotechnology and Chemistry in Australia ) 48. D. Yang , Z. Zheng, H. Liu, H. Zhu, X. Ke, X. Gao, Y. Xu, D.Wu, Y. Sun, 2008 , Layered Titanate Nanofibers as Efficient Adsorbentsfor Removal of Toxic Radioactive and Heavy Metal Ions from Water, Journalof Physical Chemistry C , 112 , 16275-16280.(IF: 4.520) 49. D. Yang , Y. Xu, W. Xu, D. Wu, Y. Sun, H. Zhu, 2008 ,Tuning pore size and hydrophobicity of macroporous hybrid silica films withhigh optical transmittance by a non-template route, Journal of MaterialsChemistry , 18, 5557-5562. ( IF: 5.009 ) 50. D. Yang , Y. Xu, D. Wu, Y. Sun, 2008 , One-stepsynthesis of hydrothermally stable mesoporous aluminosilicates with strongacidity, Journal of Solid State Chemistry , 181, 2401-2405. ( IF:2.261 , Citation: 7 ) 51. S. Hu, D. Yang , Y. Xu, D. Wu, Y.Sun, 2008 , A novel moisture-resistant film for NiSO 4 •6H 2 Ofilter based on isophorone diisocyanate-bridged polysilsesquioxane, Materials Chemistry and Physics , 114, 868-873. 2007 52. D. Yang , Y. Xu, H. Zhu, D. Wu, Y. Sun, F. Deng, 2007 ,Super hydrophobic mesoporous silica with anchored methyl groups on surface by aone-step synthesis without surfactant template, Journal of PhysicalChemistry C , 111, 999-1004. (IF: 4.520) 53. L. Guan, J. Li, D. Yang , X. Wang, N. Zhao, W. Wei, Y Sun, 2007 , Highlyhydrophobic mesoporous materials as matrix for gas chromatography separation ofwater-alcohols mixtures, Studiesin Surface Science and Catalysis ,165,885. 2006 54. D. Yang , Y. Xu, L. Zhang, S. Zhai, D. Wu, Y. Sun, 2006 ,Highly moisture-proof polysilsesquioxane coating prepared via facile sol-gelprocess, JCT Research , 3(2), 127-131. (Citation: 3 ) 55. D. Yang , J. Li, Y. Xu, D. Wu, Y. Sun, H. Zhu, Feng Deng, 2006 ,Direct Formation of Hydrophobic Silica-based Micro/mesoporous Hybrids fromPolymethylhydrosiloxane and Tetraethoxysilane, Microporous and MesoporousMaterials , 8(34), 1138-1139. (IF: 2.652, Citation: 18 ) 56. X. Sun ,Y. Xu, D. Jiang, D. Yang , D. Wu, Y. Sun, Y. Yang, H. Yuan, F. Deng, 2006 ,Study on the ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis kinetics of singlephenyltriethoxysilane and mixed phenyltriethoxysilane/tetraethoxysilane systemsby liquid-state 29 Si NMR, Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 289, 149-157. (IF:1.988, Citation: 2 ) 57 S. Zhai, L. Wei, D. Yang ,D. Wu, Y. Sun, 2006 , Preparation and Applications of Silica/Aluminum- BasedMicro/Mesoporous Composite Molecular Sieves, Progress in Chemistry ,18, 1330-1338 (inChinese).
个人分类: publication|9358 次阅读|9 个评论
zuojun 2009-11-12 03:41
Some thoughts after reading 作者的 贡献 度 by 武夷山. I would like to share some of my own experience and observation on this sensitive issue. I dont want to be too revealing since I am still an active researcher in the field; however, I see faces when I write each of the following stories. (Warning: If you are to name the names in your public comments on this Blog, I will delete them.) In physical oceanography, a common rule is whoever writes the paper gets to be the first author. You may disagree, but knowing how hard it is to draft, revise, revise, and revise a manuscript, not to mention dealing with other big (editors rejection and reviewers comments) and small (getting all the references right and uploading files for online submission) issues, I will be happy NOT to be the first author. My first co-authored paper was published in 1992, which was written (and typed word by word) by my PH.D thesis advisor, McCreary. I confess that I was bored to death, since he cared not only about words but punctuations! What I didnt realized then was how valuable that experience was to me later on. In fact, I can say without any doubt that I have the confidence to be a non-native English editor because of that experience and many more co-writing of research papers with him. McCreary is one of the best writers in the field. We joke about not many colleagues write more than one paper with him, because it is just too hard work. Try it if you dont believe me. Does thesis advisor deserve to be the first author? It depends. In my case, I was the second author for my first English publication, which was fair because I didnt write it (and didnt know how to write an excellent paper then). My second paper was written by me, though heavily edited by my advisor, so I was the first author. I did hear a story from a former colleague (who is no longer in the field) that her advisor changed his mind after he asked her to write the paper: You need to write it if you want to be the first author. I could not think of a reason why she would lie about such a thing because she already quit the field when she told us the story. In fact, her advisor is well-known, and had another complaint from his former student before this incident. Can it be difficult to rank the authors? Yes, sometimes. Dr. X may have the idea, Dr. Y may be the PI who obtains the grant for the research project, and Dr. Z can be the workhorse who gets his hands all sore daily (from running numerical models, debugging codes, and analyzing output). So, personally I agree the person who writes the paper should be the first author, and the rest should be ordered according to their contributions or simply according to their last names (a bad practice for me though). Should authorship be a gift? No, but it happens. A colleague was given two papers when he was applying for a new position because he needed help with his publication record. I was the first author of one of those two papers, and I knew he didnt deserve to be on at least one. Why didnt I object? At that time, I was only thinking what a gentleman Dr. Zee was because he was the second author. If he didnt ask me to add a third author, the paper would be cited as Yu and Zee. By adding a third author, it would become Yu et al. What I did was wrong, but I was young. Should one co-author 20 papers each year? It depends. If a colleague of mine publishes 20 papers each year, he will be noticed but not necessary in a positive way. (I dont understand why some people want to have so many papers.)
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4628 次阅读|3 个评论
Some thoughts on “如何将高水平论文发表在我国国内期刊上?”
zuojun 2009-10-23 11:09
There are quite a few articles on this topic. To answer such a question, I think we need to first ask ourselves WHAT FOR? For a scientist who only cares about sharing his latest results, he should go for a journal with the most potential readers. Therefore, it really depends on where his readers are. If he studies how to improve k-12 education (before college) in China, I think he is better off with a Chinese language journal. However, if this scientist studies climate change, the impact would be much bigger if he publishes it in an English journal. Since English journals in China are relatively less established than some older journals in English-speaking countries, he naturally wants to publish it in a better established journal abroad. I see nothing wrong with that. Of course, there is an issue with copy right. If we believe in science has a boarder, then the Chinese government can insist Chinese scientists publish in journals with Chinese publishers. The government can do so by rewarding these authors with cash, new funding for future research, etc. To ensure China is not enclosed by a new great wall of publication, the government can invest in money for the top journal in each field to be bilingual, in both Chinese and English. What am I missing? Right, the cost of purchasing papers published by non-Chinese publishers. I think Open Access (OA) is going to change journal publication in a big way. We can encourage scientists to go for OA journals wherever they are available. Scientists need to be educated about journal publication. Then, many of them will consider OA, lets hope. Do scientists in other countries have to ask themselves the same question? Lets imagine for a minute that each of the G20 requires its citizens to publish in his own countrys journals. My brain cannot handle this assignment; you try it.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3889 次阅读|2 个评论
my papers
impzhf 2008-9-19 12:00
List of Selected Publications Hongfei Zhang , Junqing Li, Wei Zuo, Zhongyu Ma, Baoqiu Chen, and Soojae Im, Properties of the superheavy element 287 115 and its alpha-decay time Phys. Rev. C 71, 054312(2005) . Hongfei Zhang , Junqing Li, Wei Zuo, G. Royer, Alpha decay half-lives of new superheavy elements in a generalized liquid drop model, Phys. Rev. C 74, 017304 (2006). Hongfei Zhang, Soojae Im, Junqing Li, Wei Zuo, Zhongyu Ma, Baoqiu Chen, Improved BCS-type pairing correlation for relativistic mean field theory, Euro. Phys. Jour. A30, 519 (2006). H. F. Zhang, J. Q. Li, W. Zuo, X. H. Zhou, Z. G. Gan, N.Wang, Ground state properties of superheavy nuclei in relativistic mean field theory, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, Vol.15, 1613 (2006). ZHANG Hong-Fei , ZUO Wei, LI Jun-Qing, Soojae Im, MA Zhong-Yu, and, CHEN Bao-Qiu, Anomaly in the Charge Radii and Nuclear Structure, CHIN. PHYS. LETT Vol.23, 1723 (2006). H.F. Zhang , Z.H. Li, U. Lombardo, P.Y. Luo, F. Sammarruca , W. Zuo, Nucleon-nucleon cross section in dense nuclear matter, Phys. Rev. C 76, 054001 ( 2007 ) H.F. Zhang , and G. Royer, Theoretical and experimental alpha decay half-lives of the heaviest odd-Z elements and general predictions, Phys. Rev. C. 76, 047304 (2007). ZHANG Hong-Fei, ZUO Wei, Soojae Im, ZHOU Xiao-Hong, and LI Jun-Qing, Systematic Study of Stability of Super Heavy Nuclei, Commun. Theor. Phys. Vol.42, 871 (2004). G. Royer and H.F. Zhang, Recent alpha decay half-lives and analytic expression predictions including the superheavy nuclei, Phys. Rev. C. 77, 037602 (2008). H.F. Zhang, and G. Royer, alpha particle preformation in heavy nuclei and penetration probability, Phys. Rev. C. 77, 054318 (2008).
个人分类: 未分类|5226 次阅读|3 个评论

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