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Wi-Fi speed
热度 1 zuojun 2016-2-24 05:51
When I am home, I hardly use Wi-Fi for my MacBook Pro. This is because I believe wired connection is faster and safer. However, my new MacBook Air (11) has no port for the internet cable! I tried to download the Office 365, and failed again and again. Finally, I used speedtest to test the Wi-Fi speeds, and found they were horrible! The downloading speed was only about 4 Mbps! I pay for 20 Mbps downloading speed monthly, and I felt I was ripped off by Hawaiian Tel.! So, I called. Monday was not a good day to call for service. I waited and waited; finally a human voice came online. He was very friendly, and patiently guided me through some tests. I learned that I need to pick a server to do speedtest on my cell, which I didn't know. Since I am a Hawaiian Tel. user, I should use its server for the test. (The software would pick any server for speedtest.) I was also told to turn off all other devices, to get a more accurate read of the test results. Finally, he told me to turn off the router, wait for 10 seconds, and turn it on again. He explained to me that many users may be sharing the same channel at the same time. By turning the router off and on, it will try to pick a better channel! That was very nice of him explaining this to me. (My son used to turn the router off and on, when he felt it was too slow. So, I passed on the theory behind what he did.) I felt that the service person was really smart by walking me through this process. This way, I may not need to call again when I see slow Wi-Fi speed, and would save me 29 mins as well.
个人分类: Education|3172 次阅读|2 个评论
weiwenjie 2010-8-19 16:07
Wi-Fi是Wireless-Fidelity的缩写,就是保真的无线,起初问了几个人,各人的读法都不一样,有的读wai-fai,有的读wi-fi,但是查了全名才知道,最贴切的读法应该是wai-fi,很难听的。 Wi-Fi是一种点对点连接技术,作用空间范围比蓝牙大,传输质量比蓝牙差,但最大的优势是传输速度极快。目前Wi-Fi最普及的一项技术是在公共场所设置连接到互联网的热点,装有Wi-Fi设备的终端就可以在10至100米范围内高速上网。 Wi-Fi联盟成立于1999年,自2000年3月以来已有7500种产品通过了其认证。该联盟新开发的技术有: Wi-Fi Direct对等网络技术:在没有Wi-Fi网络的情况下也可实现设备互连,并可实现直接从相机中打印照片,直接与朋友分享音乐,同步联系人信息和音乐文件,在电视、投影机上直接显示手机、笔记本中的图片等 60GHz Wi-Fi技术:这项技术将以千兆位/秒而不是以兆/秒为测量单位,这预示着,利用Wi-Fi网络,我们下载一部高清电影到终端可能只需要花几秒钟的时间,听上去很爽,很期待 智能电网:家电可以通过Wi-Fi连接智能电网,各种产品耗能情况均可反映。 参考: http://hi.baidu.com/halodoping/blog/item/8bb80258383c54222834f0c9.html Wi-Fi,点对点直联,《数码家居》2010年第8期
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