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热度 1 fs007 2012-12-4 13:11
【按:亦明兄面对《自然》杂志的古怪John Maddox首届奖授予中国著名剽客方舟子发出的最强烈抗议,在这一系列的抗议中,方舟子的本来面目得到了充分爆光。我们要从两个角度感谢《自然》,一是《自然》颁奖终于敲开了方舟子紧闭的大嘴,方舟子终于秀了一把十三年的美国博士如何挣扎着讲英语;二是《自然》逼迫方舟子的批评者公开用英文爆光他,让中国以外的人有机会认识中国式的岳不群,连《自然》《科学》都能欺诈的欺诈者。】 Shamelessness Shouldn’t Be Anyone’s Nature ── An Open Letter to Nature (Part I) Xin Ge, Ph. D. Columbia, SC, USA On November 6, 2012, Nature announced that Shi-min Fang (aka Fang Zhouzi) was one of the two inaugural winners of the John Maddox Prize. According to Nature , Fang’s achievement was “root out the fakers” in China’s scientific community. Nature also gave a few examples showing what he had done: “For example, Fang called into question DNA supplements that were widely advertised as a means to rejuvenate the tired, the pregnant and the old. Eventually, the government issued warnings about the supplements. Fang seemed to especially relish smacking down powerful or popular scientists. He even challenged official support of traditional Chinese medicine. But his targets fought back, in one case with particular hostility. In the summer of 2010, thugs hired by a urologist attacked Fang with a hammer and, according to Fang, tried to kill him. Fang had previously challenged not only the efficacy of a surgical procedure developed by the urologist, but also his CV.” (Nature Editorial. John Maddox prize . Nature 491,160.) Shameless cover-up Nature didn’t tell the world that Fang’s initial motivation to “question DNA supplements” was to revenge on a Chinese academician, who showed his support to a Harvard scientist when Fang attacked that person and his new book, apparently because the subject of that book was in the same area as a book Fang was “writing,” by plagiarizing other people’s ideas and words, and pirating images and figures. ( Yi Ming. Why Fang Zhouzi busts nutrient nucleic acids? 《 方舟子为什么要打 “ 核酸营养品 ” ? 》 . Note: the original article is in Chinese if its Chinese title has hyperlink, it is in English if its English title has hyperlink. ) The covers of Dr. Wu Bolin’s Human Body Revolution (left) and Fang’s Disillusionment of Longevity Dr. Wu’s book was published in 2000, Fang’s book in 2002. Fang’s book has 134 pages, contains 145 pictures, none of these pictures was made by Fang himself, yet, none of them had source acknowledgement. At least 2,500 Chinese characters in the book were plagiarized. (Xin Ge. MSU PHD plagiarizes WSU Professor .) Nature didn’t tell the world that before Fang “challenged official support of traditional Chinese medicine,” he was the biggest traditional Chinese medicine book seller in the United States and Canada, and his “challenge to TCM” started right after his online bookstore was forced to close, because someone reported to U. S. government that Fang was using his “not-for-profit” website, the New Threads , to conduct “for-profit” activities, which, of course, was illegal, even criminal. The fact is, as late as 2006, Fang was using the New Threads to sell TCM supplements. (Yi Ming. Investigating Fang’s anti-TCM motives by looking at the history of Hanlin Online Bookstore . 《 从汉林网上书城的兴亡看方舟子反中医的动机 》 ). Nature didn’t tell the world that Fang’s challenge to TCM was so ignorant and ridiculous, that he has to write by plagiarizing, cheating, and robbing , literally. (Yi Ming. The four big secrets of Fang Zhouzi’s Criticize TCM: stealing, burglarizing, robbing, and cheating . 《 〈批评中医〉的四大秘密:偷、盗、抢、骗 》 ). Nature didn’t tell the world that before “thugs hired by a urologist attacked Fang with a hammer and, according to Fang, tried to kill him,” that urologist, including his wife and his mentor, had been harassed and attacked by Fang and his thugs, on the internet and in print media, for nearly ten years. Of course Nature won’t tell how the feud between the two started. Let me tell you: It started when Xiao reported one of Fang’s many plagiarism cases, 94 in total and still counting , to Science magazine in 2001. (Yi Ming. A list of the facts that Dr. Xiao Chuanguo is a victim of long term character assassination and framing by Fang Zhouzi and his gang of New Threads .) Nature didn’t tell the world that Fang’s challenges to “the efficacy of a surgical procedure developed by the urologist, but also his CV” were nothing but revenge. The “surgical procedure” was approved by NIH of the United States, and promoted by Chinese government; his CV was neither “padded,” as Nature implied, nor faked. The fact is, that urologist, Dr. Xiao Chuanguo, is a well-respected scientist and neurosurgeon, both in China and in the world. In 2006, he offered 50,000 RMB to anybody in the world who could point out and demonstrate one fraudulent entry in his CV. So far, nobody, including Fang himself, has yet come out to collect the money. One may wonder, how could Nature know all of these? Let me tell you how: right after Nature published an article in Sept. 2010, Brawl in Beijing , which was used as the sole supporting document for selecting Fang to be one of the first winners of John Maddox prize, I wrote a letter to Nature (see the appendix), telling them everything I knew about the Brawl. To my surprise, the author of the article, Mr. David Cyranoski, didn’t challenge the authenticity of the facts I provided, instead, he tried every way he could think of to defend his one-sided, biased story. So I knew he, as well as Nature, didn’t care much for the truth, since Nature ’s news editor, Dr. Mark Peplow, didn’t ask much either . Also, since the end of 2010, China Academic Integrity Review , a website built “to safeguard Chinese scholars’ human dignity, academic reputation, and legal rights from harassment, intimidation, threats, and terror by a certain transnational internet group,” has convicted Fang in 5 individual plagiarism cases. And the verdicts (Links: The 1st Verdict , The 2nd Verdict , The 3rd Verdict , The 4th Verdict , The 5th Verdict ) have been sent to Nature whenever they were made public. So, we do know Nature knows. What we don’t know is, why Nature pretends he doesn’t know? The five “Plagiarism Certificates” issued by AIR-China to Fang Zhouzi Nature was notified in each case (to be continued) Appendix: A letter sent to Nature to challenge its fairness in Sept. 30, 2010 The screen image of the email I sent to Nature on Sept. 30, 2010 The complete content, in its original form, is shown below. Note: I have been requesting permission from Mr. David Cyranoski to make the communications between us public. So far, I have not received his response yet. on Cyranoski’s recent report Sept. 30, 2010 nature@nature.com Dear Nature, I am deeply troubled by Mr. David Cyranoski’s recent report, Brawl in Beijing, ( Nature 467 , 511.) The article contains several factual errors, for examples, it gives wrong website address, gives a wrong name of one of the sources he cited. However, more importantly, some key facts are missing in his report. The Feud between Drs. Fang and Xiao started long time ago: ten years before the “Brawl in Beijing”, five years before “ Xiao's clash with” Fang. The fact is, in November 2000, a few months after Fang started his so called “fraud busting” crusade, Xiao, using a web ID Hun professor, on Fang’s website expressed a different opinion on Fang’s certain activities. Eight months later, Xiao wrote a lengthy article criticizing Fang, the title was: Reflections and Criticism on Fang’s ‘Academic Fraud Busting’”. The article hurt Fang so much that he wrote six posts to refute it, and a few days later, he issued a “wanted” on his website for Hun professor’s true identity. The matter getting even worse when Xiao, in October, 2001, reported to Science magazine that Fang plagiarized a Science paper for one of his so called “science popularization essays”, which was published in a prominent Chinese newspaper. Fang immediately re-issue the “wanted”. There are numerous evidences showing that the fight between the two is about revenge, and having nothing to do with science or patients’ well-bing. For example, in 2003, Fang suddenly started a smearing campaign against a Chinese scholar, Dr. Yao Xuebiao. And the campaign ended abruptly when Fang found out that Yao was not Hun professor. Fang didn’t find Hun professor’s identity until Sept., 2005, and the smearing campaign against Xiao started immediately, just as most people who knew Fang thought. In about one month’s duration after Xiao’s exposure, Fang had 38 articles against Xiao published on his website, all of them, except one by Fang himself, i.e. the “ essay in Beijing Sci–Tech Report ”, were written by either anonymous or pseudonym authors. It was later found out that the 10 articles without author’s name were by Fang himself, and he even used a pseudonym Shuizhonghua (“sailing in water”) authored a series of 6 defamatory articles. Since Sept. 2005, the war between Xiao and Fang only stopped once, between January 2008 to early August, 2009. Why the fight stopped? Because Fang lost his final court battle to Xiao in Wuhan, and he was supposed to pay Xiao a punitive fine of 30,000 Chinese Yuan, plus a public apology. Fang vowed to do neither, he simply stopped attacking Xiao, hoping the matter would disappear. However, in August, 2009, Wuhan’s court sent people to Beijing to enforce the judgment, taking more than 40,000 Chinese Yuan (interest and other fees included) away from the bank account of Fang’s wife (Fang did not have a bank account at that time). Guess what? The attack on Xiao re-started immediately. The numbers of anti-Xiao articles each month on New Threads, Fang’s website (Based upon New Threads “Collection of Xiao’s incidence”, http://www.xys.org/dajia/xiaochuanguo.html ) Just 3 days ago, I posted the following two questions on Science magazine’s website: “If the fight between you and Xiao is really about science, about the well-being of the patients, then why did you hide your secretive and illegal investigation results for more than two years, from 2007 to August 2009? And why did you reveal the results immediately, right after Wuhan court enforced its judgment by taking away more than 40,000 Yuan from your wife’s bank account in August 2009?” ( http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2010/09/urologist-arrested-for-attacks.html ) Even though Fang watches that thread closely, he dare not come out to answer them. All he did was sending out his followers to threaten me, spreading rumors against me, and asking “ the moderator do something ” about me, obviously asking I be banned on posting. I have been studying Fang and his gang for more than three years, and on the day of Xiao’s arrest, Sept, 21, 2010, I posted one of my books of my study, The Feud between Drs. Fang Zhouzi and Xiao Chuanguo, online for free downloading ( https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0Bz7FQgH_VoaTZGYxZTY0MmQtNTBmYi00NDZkLTk0MjQtNTZmNzBkMjZlODk3hl=zh_CN ). Based upon this book, the website of Guang Ming Daily, the largest newspaper in China for intellectuals, made a webpage, the title is: Reflections on Fang and Xiao’s Ten Year Bloody Hatred. http://topics.gmw.cn/node_9803.htm Dr. Fang is a master of manipulating public opinions, and one of his tools is using his appearance on Western media, especially on the prestigious ones like Science and Nature, for his own good. As a matter of fact, Fang counts the times he have been reported by Science, and uses that as a leverage to pressure China’s courts, media, and any people who have a different opinion about him. To most Chinese people, Fang is some sort of “Science certified” fraud-fighting Hero. But the truth is, he is the biggest fraud I have ever seen. I don’t expect you to believe anything I just said. What I expect for you is, download my book, asking a person who is fluent in Chinese to read it, and see what I wrote is believable. I also put an appendix below for your quick reference. Since Fang is an extremely vicious revenger, I request that my real name not be revealed to any Chinese people, please use my pen name Yi Ming when you have to mention me to them. Thanks. Yours, Xin Ge, Ph. D. Appendix: A list of the facts that Dr. Xiao Chuanguo is a victim of long term character assassination and framing by Fang Zhouzi and his gang of New Threads By Yi Ming ( detailed documentation of evidence is provided in my yet to be published book, in Chinese, The Feud Between Drs. Fang Zhouzi and Xiao Chuanguo. The book contains about a half million Chinese characters, and provides nearly 1,000 references. Downloading website: http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/10200595.html ) 1. The enmity between Fang and Xiao started in late 2000, when Xiao, using a pen name “Hun professor”, expressed his opinion against Fang’s activities to certain Chinese oversea scholars. In July, 2001, Xiao published an article, which pointed out the nature of Fang’s whistle blowing is for his own personal gain, such as fame and monetary profit. In October, 2001, Xiao reported to Science magazine that one of Fang’s articles published in a prominent Chinese newspaper was a plagiarized version of a Science paper by a Princeton group. 2. Xiao’s activities against Fang, who is extremely sensitive to other people’s criticism, made him at the top of Fang’s enemy list. (The list is secret to public, of course, but on New Threads’ homepage, there are two lists: Judges Who Bend the law, and Bad Journalists. The former contains about 20 judge’s names, the only reason for them being listed is because they have made judgments against Fang. The Bad Journalists contains about 70 names. Again, the reason for them being “bad” is because they have written reports or articles which contain something Fang dislikes.) In August of 2001, Fang issued a “wanted”, asking his followers to provide information so he could identify Hun professor’s identity. Two months later, right after the Science incidence, Fang issued another one. At least once, Fang publicly encouraged his followers to trace Hun professor’s internet IP. 3. In early 2003, Fang mistakenly thought another Chinese oversea scholar as Hun professor. So he started a smearing campaign against that person, both on his website and in Chinese media. As soon as he knew that person was not Hun professor, the smearing activities stopped abruptly. 4. In September of 2005, Fang finally knew that Xiao was Hun professor. In about a month, Fang had more than 3 dozens of articles against Xiao published on New Threads, all except one were written by either anonymous or pseudonym authors. It is later found out, Fang himself was among the latter group, using a pseudonym Shuizhonghua (“sailing in water”), he published at least 6 defamatory articles. 5. In September 21, 2005, Fang published an article in Beijing Science and Technology News, criticizing Xiao was a person who “straddles two boats”, meaning Xiao was holding two full time jobs simultaneously. He also accused Xiao boasting, to his colleagues in China, his academic achievements in the United States. Xiao sued Fang in Wuhan, China, and in July, 2006, Xiao won his lawsuit. Fang appealed, but the upper court upheld the primary court’s judgment. 6. During the time frame of the lawsuit, which spanned from October, 2005, to February, 2007, Fang and his followers continued their verbal abuse of Xiao, his family, and his Master’s thesis advisor, who was a prominent urological surgeon in China, and was more than 90 years old at that time. Even the primary court judge, who is a female, was repeatedly abused by gross language. 7. Right after the primary judgment, Fang plotted and personally participated in an open letter scheme, hoping to use it to pressure the higher court. Later, people found out that some signees of the open letter used fake names, fake affiliations, some even non-existent at all, and someone didn’t know their names were on the letter. At least ten signees had openly asked Fang to remove their names, and Fang refused to do so for every one of them. The open letter is still on New Threads homepage. 8. At the same time of plotting the open letter campaign, Fang also organized two money collecting organizations, one in China, one in the United States. Both organizations claim their very purpose of existence is to help Fang fight Xiao in courts, either in China or in the US. As a matter of fact, the Chinese organization is completely illegal, because there are specific laws in China prohibiting people from doing so, and the one in the US used false document to gain its federal 501c(3) status. 9. In September, 2006, Fang asked his personal friend Rao Yi, a professor at Northwestern University, wrote a malicious letter against Xiao, which was published on New Threads. Xiao sued Rao and New Threads in the federal court in New York. Rao settled the case outside court room by paying Xiao $10,000. 10. In February, 2007, a delivery company delivered to Fang at his Beijing office a package of US federal court documents of Xiao’s lawsuit against New Threads. Fang reported this incidence to public as someone sending him a life threatening letter. At that time Fang was promoting his new book, which criticizes Chinese health products, so he repeatedly hinted to the news media and public that the “threatening letter” were from health products manufacturers or related interest groups. He later admitted the “threatening letter” and court document delivery are the same incidence. 11. Right after losing the court fight against Xiao in Wuhan, Fang’s personal lawyer and friend Peng Jian began his secretive and apparently illegal investigation of Xiao’s procedure. Peng admitted later that neither his aides nor himself had received any training in biology and medicine. The investigation was supported by one of Fang’s two funds, and lasted until 2010. Its main conclusion is that Xiao’s procedure has a 0% success rate. 12. During 2008, and before July, 2009, Fang and his followers stopped attacking Xiao almost completely. It was found out later, that was because Fang was hoping he would not have to pay the punitive damage and legal fees the court had awarded Xiao. In August, 2009, the Wuhan court bailiffs went to Beijing, and enforced the law, taking away more than 40,000 Chinese Yuan from the bank account of Fang’s wife. Almost immediately, Fang’s attack against Xiao, as well as against Wuhan’s court, the judges, started all over again. He and his lawyer even lured two patients who received Xiao’s procedure to sue the hospital. 13. From October, 2009, Fang and his friends in Chinese media launched a campaign to smear Xiao and Xiao’s procedure. 2 newspapers and 2 magazines participated in the campaign, which lasted more than 6 months, and published at least 14 articles. The main theme of the campaign was to disclose the investigation results cooked by Fang and Peng, that is, Xiao’s procedure is not only ineffective, but also causing disability. None of the 4 media conducted their own independent investigation. Their purpose, as indicated in an editorial by Science News magazine, is to fix Xiao as “China’s Hwang Woo-Suk.” 14. The fact is, Science News, the major campaign participant, which initiated the campaign and published 9 of the 14 articles, has an extraordinary close tie to Fang: its chief editor Jia Hepeng, who was a contributor to Science, is a firm believer of Fang. The executive chief editor, Fang Xuanchan, not related to Fang Zhouzi, is a very close personal friend of his, their friendship started as early as 2004. Fang Xuanchan later, after he was attacked personally in Beijing, admitted to public that he “plotted” the campaign, obviously suggesting that Xiao was behind the attack. 15. Besides Science News, the other participants of the campaign are interrelated: the Chinese News Weekly is the old employer of Fang Xuanchang’s, who started his Science News job right after the start of the campaign; Beijing Science and Technology News was Fang Zhouzi’s old employer, they were co-defendants in another Xiao’s lawsuit in Wuhan. Also, one of the major expert witnesses appeared in many of the 14 articles, Xiaolong Ji, who has no training in neither urology nor neurosciences, is also a close friend of both Fangs’. 16. In November, 2009, after Peng’s investigation appeared in Chinese media, Fang thought their investigation results were “washed” clean, so he engineered another campaign against Xiao, sending his followers to America’s BBS like http://sci.rutgers.edu/ , and http://spinabifidaconnection.com , to spread rumors about Xiao’s Procedure. They even named the campaign with a military term, “Advancing Across the Pacific”. Their activities were either blocked or banned by the BBS owners or operators. 17. In February, 2010, Fang pressured his followers to send an anonymous complaint letter to various US government agencies, accusing Xiao falsified his research results, along with many malicious personal attacks. NIH’s ORI declined to “assist” them, due to “ the absence of specific allegations of possible research misconduct. ” 18. In June, 2010, Fang Xuanchang was attacked in Beijing by two people. Fang Zhouzi immediately suggested to Chinese media that Xiao might be involved. 19. In August, 2010, Fang Zhouzi reported to Beijing police and public that he himself was attacked by two people. His lawyer Peng immediately told media that Xiao was a suspect. Three weeks later, Sept. 21, 2010, Xiao was arrested by Beijing’s police in Shanghai, just after his returning from his academic trip to South America. 附:PDF版本,建议下载收藏阅读。 Shamelessness shouldn't be anyone's Nature.pdf
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《自然》杂志向叶诗文道歉 并未提及集体签名抗议行为
黄安年 2012-8-7 07:52
《自然》杂志 向叶诗文道歉 并未提及集体签名抗议行为 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2012 年 8 月 7 日 发布 8 月 3 日 到 7 日 , 《自然》杂志表现了 “ 大逆转 ” ,从质疑到“公开道歉”,以示“平衡”,但是争议是否告一段落,依然难以逆料。 一篇报道说 : “ 北京时间 8 月 7 日 , 英国权威杂志《自然》刊文对之前有意 “ 抹黑 ” 叶诗文的文章向读者和叶诗文本人进行公开道歉,从另一方面也证实了叶诗文的 “ 清白 ” 。 在 2012 年 8 月 3 日 ,享有很高国际声望的科学刊物《自然》发表记者 Ewen Callaway 的新闻报道,称叶诗文成绩异常,而目前药检并不能查出所有可能的用药。此文引起海内外大批学生、学者的愤慨。很多人致信《自然》,指出 Callaway 搞错事实、歪曲真相。《自然》经过调查后,承认 Ewen Callaway 的报道有失公允,发表公开道歉书,向读者和叶诗文本人进行道歉。 道歉书的落款者是《自然》杂志的杂志总编阿彭泽勒和总主编坎贝尔。道歉书中称,他们本来想用科学帮助解决关于叶诗文的争议,但他们没有很好地解读那些数据,在没有科学依据的情况下,将叶诗文的成绩描述为 ‘ 反常 ’ ,这在一定程度上误导了读者,也给叶诗文造成了不良影响,他们因此向读者和叶诗文本人道歉。 此外,《自然》还主动张贴了一封来自宾夕法尼亚大学学生睐江质疑 Ewen Callaway 报道的信件,该质信件从六个方面有理有据、条理清晰地论证了 Ewen Callaway 的谬误。 睐江在信件中称他本来非常相信《自然》杂志,但是读了《自然》杂志对叶诗文的报道后,他对 “ 最有名望、最有影响力 ” 的自然科学杂志扭曲事情真相的行为感到很失望,他还对《自然》杂志记者 Ewen Callaway 的报道提出了六点质疑。编译如下: ” (全文见下) 《自然》杂志的杂志总编阿彭泽勒和总主编坎贝尔在文中并没有提到 北京大学留美学生王立铭发起国内外学生 集体签名的抗议事件。在凤凰网的相关联结文稿中也没有提及科学网 Z 支持的集体签名事件。 笔者在《质疑偏见与傲慢的质疑者》博文中谈到 : “ 质疑或怀疑对于澄清事实和科学发展是必要的 , 没有质疑或怀疑那来创新 , 问题是在一系列铁的事实面前依然带有偏见与傲慢 , 没有事实和科学根据地固执己见质疑 , 那就偏离了事实和科学 , 走向了对于被质疑人的严重伤害和诽谤 , 对舆论媒体的误导。” (黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2012 年8 月3 日 发布, http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=415do=blogid=598521 ) 8 月 4 日 , 笔者《在叶诗文事件上不宜采取集体签名方式》博文谈到:“在学术是非问题上 , 我一直不主张采取集体签名的方式,即使在叶诗文事件上我也不主张采取集体签名的方式向自然杂志表达抗议,尤其将这一事件和自然杂志的 投稿、审稿,订阅捆绑在一起,将体育是非事件争议扩大化。(签名发起人称:强烈要求: “ 自然杂志立即撤回该文并公开向叶诗文及所有被无端指责的运动员道歉 ” 。而在此之前,所有参与签名抗议的学生、学者将不再为 Nature 投稿、审稿,不再订阅 Nature 及其子刊,不在 Nature 上登任何广告。)” “ 科学网编辑部的成员可以以个人名义发表具有说服力的批驳文章,但是还是不要采取征集集体签名方式为好。我们需要的是说理的有说服力的科学分析批驳文章”。 (黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2012 年 8 月 4 日 发布, http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=415do=blogid=599092 ) 对于事实的界定和科学论证并不取决于表态的人数多少,而是事实认定和科学论证本身。 *************** 英国学术杂志向叶诗文道歉:服兴奋剂是杜撰 2012 年 08 月 07 日 06:02 来源:凤凰网体育 作者:潜龙 凤凰网体育讯 叶诗文的伦敦奥运会赛程已经结束,但是关于叶诗文讨论还远没有结束。北京时间 8 月 7 日, 英国权威杂志《自然》刊文对之前有意 “ 抹黑 ” 叶诗文的文章向读者和叶诗文本人进行公开道歉,从另一方面也证实了叶诗文的 “ 清白 ” 。 在 2012 年 8 月 3 日,享有很高国际声望的科学刊物《自然》发表记者 Ewen Callaway 的新闻报道,称叶诗文成绩异常,而目前药检并不能查出所有可能的用药。此文引起海内外大批学生、学者的愤慨。很多人致信《自然》,指出 Callaway 搞错事实、歪曲真相。《自然》经过调查后,承认 Ewen Callaway 的报道有失公允,发表公开道歉书,向读者和叶诗文本人进行道歉。 道歉书的落款者是《自然》杂志的杂志总编阿彭泽勒和总主编坎贝尔。道歉书中称,他们本来想用科学帮助解决关于叶诗文的争议,但他们没有很好地解读那些数据,在没有科学依据的情况下,将叶诗文的成绩描述为 ‘ 反常 ’ ,这在一定程度上误导了读者,也给叶诗文造成了不良影响,他们因此向读者和叶诗文本人道歉。 此外,《自然》还主动张贴了一封来自宾夕法尼亚大学学生睐江质疑 Ewen Callaway 报道的信件,该质信件从六个方面有理有据、条理清晰地论证了 Ewen Callaway 的谬误。 睐江在信件中称他本来非常相信《自然》杂志,但是读了《自然》杂志对叶诗文的报道后,他对 “ 最有名望、最有影响力 ” 的自然科学杂志扭曲事情真相的行为感到很失望,他还对《自然》杂志记者 Ewen Callaway 的报道提出了六点质疑。编译如下: 第一、 Callaway 报道中说叶诗文在伦敦奥运会的成绩比 2011 年上海世锦赛的成绩快了 7 秒,认为这样的进步让人 “ 无法相信 ” 。但是,叶诗文的个人最好成绩是 2010 年亚运会游出的 4 分 33 秒 79 ,比伦敦奥运会上的成绩快了 5 秒 38 ,而不是 Callaway 宣称的 7 秒,这就从一方面证实了 Callaway 论证的不科学、不严谨。 第二、叶诗文本身现在只有 16 岁,对于一个快速成长的少年来说,成绩在两年内大幅度提高不是不可能,而 Callaway 仅凭主观臆测就认定这样的提高是 “ 异常 ” 的,这样的结论是毫无根据的,也是一种不科学。 第三、 Callaway 将罗切特和叶诗文最后 50 米的速度进行比较的方法本来就不科学。罗切特在最后 50 米确实比叶诗文慢,但他前 300 多米一直处于领先位置,已经耗用了很多的体力,而叶诗文在前 300 多米一直落后,最后的 100 米的自由泳又是她的强项,难道叶诗文的最强项就没法就一定比男选手非强项差吗?从这样的角度来说,叶诗文最后 50 米比罗切特快不是没有可能,因为双方当时的具体情况本来就不一样。 Callaway 不考虑实际情况,直接从 “ 女人怎么可能跑得比男人快 ” 的角度切入,用先入为主的形式向读者暗示这是完全不可能发生的事,这本身就是一种不科学。 第四、再从另外一个角度论证将罗切特与叶诗文进行比较本身就不合理。事实上,在男子 400 米混合泳比赛的最后 50 米,有 4 个男游泳运动员游得比罗切特( 29.10 秒)和叶诗文( 28.93 秒)要快,他们分别是:日本的萩野公介( 28.52 秒)、美国的菲尔普斯( 28.44 秒)、日本的堀畑裕也( 27.87 秒)和 澳大利亚 的福尔摩斯( 28.35 秒)。罗切特随是冠军,但这不能证明他任何时候的速度都是最快的, Callaway 的论证方法完全没有科学严谨性,这是一种悲哀。 第五、 Callaway 直接引用了罗斯塔克的话,暗示读者药检通过也不能排除服用兴奋剂的可能,这种行为本身据很可笑。《自然》难道是想通过这样的方式告诉我们药检的不可信吗?如果是这样的话,我想在《自然》上刊登的学术论文有很多都应该撤回。看完 Callaway 写的文章,我们可以理解成他认为所有的运动员都可能服用兴奋剂, Callaway 从始至终都没有拿出叶诗文服用兴奋剂的证据,他凭什么质疑叶诗文呢? 六、 Callaway 为了达到抹黑叶诗文的目的,一直都在强调药检不可靠,称 “ 几乎没有人未通过奥运会药检 ” 。而世界反兴奋剂机构已经证实,本届参加奥运会的运动员早在开幕式前六个月就已经进行药检,其中共 107 名运动员被查出使用兴奋剂。这难道就是 Callaway 所说的 “ 几乎没有人未通过奥运会药检 ” 吗? Callaway 的论证未免也太不合理了。(潜龙) 早前报道 · 《自然》文章称叶诗文奥运表现反常 网友批驳 · 《自然》网站就“ 偏见” 报道叶诗文辩解 · 英国《自然》这次太不尊重“ 自然” 16 岁叶诗文夺冠之后: 外媒质疑: · 叶诗文遭外国记者发难:你是 只会比赛的机器人吗? · 美专家:叶诗文游太快 听闻兴奋剂丑闻困扰中国 · BBC 主 持质疑叶诗文成绩 美杂志:这是西方的耻辱 运动员震惊: · 叶诗文破纪录刘翔被震惊 最后50 米快过罗切特 · 罗切特:叶诗文让人惊讶 她说不定真能够击败我 【话外】游泳冠军的背后: · 叶诗文背后有强大团队 刻意低调保护效果不错 · 高科技助中国游泳崛起 孙杨叶诗文深受其利 【话外】兴奋剂、中国、伦敦奥运: · 伦敦奥运将进行有史以来最大规模反兴奋剂检测 · 世界反兴奋剂机构主席:中国不会回到过去 · 另类谈奥运:高科技和兴奋剂的距离到底有多远 · 兴奋剂阴霾笼罩伦敦 107 人奥运资格存疑 【相关】人物解读: · 叶诗文—— 孙杨以外的另一个惊喜 · 叶诗文:一“ 叶” 倾城 李萌 标签: 叶诗文 杂志 Callaway http://2012.ifeng.com/swimming/detail_2012_08/07/16602837_0.shtml
个人分类: 健身强体随感(10-11)|3912 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-8-20 09:03
《自然》杂志科学人每期必读,无论你从事什么科学研究,可是不少研究生不了解,不喜欢读《自然》杂志。要跟踪发现最新的科学信息、科学研究动态、研究进展、研究成果,开阔视野,丰富知识,贵在坚持,必有收益。 8月19日《自然》杂志精选 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/8/236360.shtm http://www.nature.com/nchina/index.html Overview of Nature China China's growth as a scientific and economic 'powerhouse' has been unprecedented. Over the past 10 years research output has quadrupled to almost 80,000 manuscripts a year. Futhermore, the number of high impact papers from mainland China and Hong Kong in the top 1% of the ISI database in terms of citations has increased more than ten fold to about 300 per year. Nature China will highlight the best research coming out of China providing scientists from around the world with a convenient portal into publications drawn from across all scientific disciplines. Our Editors, each week, will select the best research published and provide a summary of the results. By organizing this research into a comprehensive, regularly updated, one-stop web portal, we hope to help you quickly reach the resources you need to study and to keep you up-to-date with the most significant research coming out of mainland China and Hong Kong.
个人分类: 自然杂志|3263 次阅读|0 个评论

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