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AFEC-X 2017, Application Open
lauccy 2017-7-6 09:50
Title: Advanced Fieldcourse in Ecology and Conservation – XTBG, China 2017 Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) , in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China Dates: 12 Oct – 23 Nov 2017 (6 weeks) Organiser: XTBG Course fee: RMB 8,000 (or 1350 USD , high-income countries/regions ), RMB 2,500 (or 420 USD, other countries/regions ) based on your salary country, which is not necessarily your home country. The course fee will cover course materials, lecture room renting, teaching allowance, local transport at the training sites etc. Food and hotel costs: the course organizer will arrange food and hotel, and will have fund to cover part of the cost for all participants. Every participant needs to pay RMB 4,000 (or 680 USD) for the rest part of the fee. Scholarships: We have some budget for scholarships (see the application form for details), which will be awarded based on both merit and financial need. Course credits: AFEC-X has obtained accreditation from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) . Graduate students from the UCAS and the institutes under CAS will receive five course credits towards their degree program upon completion of the AFEC-X field course. Other participants may be able to arrange recognition of these credits by their home institutions. About: This program is an intensive course in field research methods, including research design, sampling and data analysis, intended primarily for early-stage graduate students in Ecology and Conservation. A typical day will include lectures, practical work in the field or laboratory, and opportunities for informal discussion. Participants will take part in established long term field monitoring experiments and gain experience in independent project design. During the course debates and/or games around conservation issues will be organized. With guidance, participants will develop and present research proposals and conduct field-based data collection. The statistical program R will be introduced and used for the data analysis throughout the course. The course concludes with a symposium, where participants present results of course activities amongst their peers and instructors. The course is based mainly at XTBG, with excursions organized to different field sites in the region. During the training course participants are encouraged to approach the XTBG professors to discuss their current research and future plans. For more details, see Faculty and Staff . Topics: Tropical Environments and Ecosystems, Biodiversity Science, Conservation Biology, Soil Ecology, Plant-Animal Interactions, Invasive Biology, Climate Change Biology, Molecular Ecology, G.I.S. and Spatial Modelling, Experimental Design and R Statistics, Presentation and Writing Skills, etc. Registration open until 15 August and 31 August 2017 for application out of China and in China respectively. Click or Scan the code to apply
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Schedule for the 2nd Pollinator Insects Forum
zhuchaodong 2017-5-18 16:32
Schedule for the 2 nd Pollinator Insects Forum 26-27 May, 2017 Registration : B105 Meeting Room, Institute of Zoology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences Contact : Qing-Song ZHOU (Tel: 13269366765, E-mail:zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn), Xue-Mei YANG (Tel: 13552504452), Yi LI (Tel: 18810983116). 27 May, 2017 B105 MeetingRoom, Institute of Zoology, CAS Opening Host: Prof. Chao-Dong ZHU Welcome Address 08:30-08:35 Academic Report Host: Prof. Chao-Dong ZHU Speakers Institution Invited Talk Time Teja Tscharntke Georg-August-University Managing bees for agriculture 08:35-09:20 Zhong-Hua ZHAO The national agricultural technology extension service center 农作物蜜蜂授粉与绿色防控技术集成应用进展 09:20-10:05 Tea Break Group Photo 10:05-10:25 Host: Dr. Yun-Hui LIU Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Xing-Yuan MEN IPP Shandong 壁蜂为果树传粉功能的研究与应用 10:25-10:50 Chun-Ling HE Henan University of Science and Technology 意大利蜜蜂授粉对油用牡丹结实和品质的影响 10:50-11:15 Yi Zou Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Landscape effects on pollinator communities and pollination services in small-holder agroecosystems in South China 11:15-11:40 Xiao-Dan LIN Capital Normal University The natural history of pollinating insects 11:40-12:05 Lunch: 12:05-13:35 Host: Prof. Shi-Xiao LUO Speakers Institution Invited Talk Time Alexandra Klein University of Freiburg Summary and insights into the IPBES global pollination assessment 13:35-14:20 Zachary HUANG Michigan State University Effect of transportation and relocation on honey bees 14:20-15:05 Tea Break 15:05-15:25 Host: Dr. Zachary HUANG Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Jin-Lin GAO Environment and Plant Protection Institute, CATAS 蜜蜂授粉产业化现状与思考 15:25-15:50 Ting-Jing LI Chongqing Normal University 中国胡蜂科生物多样性研究及其与传粉的关系 15:50-16:15 Ping WEN Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS 化学通讯在蜜蜂传粉中的作用 16:15-16:40 Tea Break 16:40-17:00 Host: Prof. Si-Qin GE Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Fang OUYANG Institute of Zoology, CAS 中国农业生态系统中的昆虫授粉功能与价值评估 17:00-17:25 Xiao-Fang JIN Nanchang Institute of Technology Pollinator resource investigation in Shangri-La 17:25-17:50 Yan-Hui ZHAO Kunming institute of botany, CAS Evaluating multiple determinants of the phylogenetic signal of pollination networks in communities in the Himalaya ‑ Hengduan mountains 17:50-18:15 Dinner: 18:15-19:30 28 May, 2017 B105 MeetingRoom, Institute of Zoology, CAS Host: Prof. Chao-Dong ZHU Speakers Institution Invited Talk Time Raphael Didham University of Western Australia Building functional outcomes from pollinator monitoring networks 08:35-09:20 Xiao-Yong CHEN East China Normal University 专性传粉小蜂提供其宿主植物冰期避难所信息 09:20-10:05 Tea Break 10:05-10:25 Host: Prof. Xian-Hui WANG Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Huo-Qing ZHENG Zhejiang University Social apoptosis governs resistance of eastern honey bees, Apis cerana , to mite infestations, Varroa destructor 10:25-10:50 Bin-Yan LU Institute of Botany, CAS Neural basis underlying pollinator’s decoding of floral scents specializes insect/plant interaction in evolution process 10:50-11:15 Yan DONG Chuzhou University 安徽省蝴蝶多样性监测 11:15-11:40 Jing REN Institute of Zoology, CAS 小型叶甲的伪装取食 11:40-12:05 Lunch: 12:05-13:35 Host: Prof. Yan-Qiong PENG Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Michael STAAB University of Freiburg Trap nests for Hymenoptera: past, present, and future of a standardized sampling method in (pollination) ecology 13:35-14:20 Tian-Qi ZHU Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Divergence times estimation with fossil calibration 14:20-14:45 Dun-Yuan HUANG Jiangxi Environmental Engineering Vocational College 油茶传粉野生蜜蜂相关研究进展 14:45-15:10 Tea Break 15:10-15:30 Host: Prof. Chao-Dong ZHU Speakers Institution Oral talk Time Shi-Xiao LUO South China Botanical Garden, CAS Pollination by co-adaptating insects as a key innovation in early angiosperm 15:30-15:55 Gang WANG Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS Try to see the evolution of cauliflory in Ficus with multi-plant-animal interaction view 15:55-16:20 Pan-Long WU China Agricultural University Effects of habitat type, vegetation structure and diversity on the wild bee diversity in agricultural landscape 16:20-16:45 Su WANG Institute of Plant and Environment Protection, BAAFS 生物防治中的景观调控增效作用 16:45-17:10 Tea Break 17:10-17:30 Meeting Summary and Closing 17:30-18:10 Dinner: 18:10-19:30 29 May, 2017 Venue: B105/C101 Meeting Room, Institute of Zoology, CAS 1. 09:00-12:00 Meeting for The Special Committee on Pollinator Insects, and academic discussion of social insects; 2. 12:00-13:30 Lunch 3. 13:30-18:10 Training course (Prof. Teja Tscharntke, Prof. Alexandra Klein, Dr. Zachary Huang, Dr. Douglas Chesters, Dr. Michael Staab etc.) 4. 18:10-19:30 Dinner 30 May, 2017 Venue: E112 Meeting Room, Institute of Zoology, CAS Academic discussions between attendance pollinating researches and invited speakers 30 May, 2017 Departure
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《Training-based Society和细绳拴大象》更新2014-5-12
热度 1 zhaoxc 2014-5-3 05:57
典型的 Training-based 培养模式无疑是高考,这种模式对练习扎实的基本功功不可没,君不见武侠小说经常有这样的桥段:某个忠良之后被家人抱着,被奸人追杀,家人被杀之前用尽最后一丝力气将小孩仍入万丈悬崖,小孩则机缘巧合被世外高人所救,从此苦练 10 年,出山后报仇雪恨。 该模式不仅出现在高考,而国家各行各业的话语权肯定掌握在经过这种 Training-based 模式培养出来的人的手上,进而这种 Training-based 培养模式和思考问题的方式已经变成国家的整体处理问题的思路和出发点,即变成了国家模式,而从这种模式培养出来的人很难跳出这个思考模式,况且也不觉得这样有哪里不对,其实这和细绳拴大象的道理类似,大象跳不出“这根细绳挣不断”的思维模式,除非诸如海啸、地震等巨大的外力推动他们的本能去跳出这个束缚,显然这种外力不常发生,因此细绳拴大象依然如故。 ( 1 )中国体育 乒乓球、羽毛球、摔跤、举重、跳水等等,甚至游泳,这些单人项目,最多双人,中国只要想练好,投入就是,肯定能达到奥运金牌的水准,原因无他,经过长时间、大量的重复练习,这些 Training-based 技巧总会有少数人掌握的炉火纯青,到比赛场上基本也不需要大量的现场发挥,只要把日常练的打出来就基本冠军了。从游泳冠军看,中国想出男子网球冠军也是没问题的。 对集体项目篮球、足球来说,貌似无论怎么练都达不到冠军的水准,原因除了身体条件的天赋之外,篮球和足球是群体运动,足球 11 个人,加上对方队员总共 22 个人,可以想象成平面上红蓝两种颜色的 22 个点,红方点的“源”恰好是蓝方点的“汇”(球门),蓝方点的“源”也恰好是红方点的“汇”,足球则可看作一个足球平面上的“太阳”,因为红蓝两方 22 个点都是时刻围绕足球转,而红方的最终目的就是集全队之力将“太阳”推进本方的“汇”(蓝方球门),蓝方也类似,红蓝两色各 11 个点和球场太阳点构成的图是高度动态的,因此可以想象,这期间每个点每时刻的选位和其他 22 个点的关联是天文数字,这些点除了跑位之外,还有更重要的任务,即需要在高速运动的状态中控制和传接好合理的球,而每个节点(球员)绝大多数情况下需要从海量方案中瞬间选择一个合理的方案,这就需要一个很好的直觉,而这个直觉很大程度上依靠天赋,这个“直觉”靠 Training 肯定是不够的, Training 起到的只是强化合理的选择,类似于神经网络和专家系统的样本或规则的训练,而足球场上到底输出梅西、输出荷甲替补、还是输出中国乙级联赛队员那就看每个球员的演化和泛化能力。这也是我们已经有游泳冠军、网球冠军,甚至短跑冠军了,但足球和篮球却貌似与冠军渐行渐远, 80 、 90 年代我们还可以“亚洲一流”,近些年貌似在力拼印度和新加波。 ( 2 ) 大道至简 。 Training-based 中学生奥赛金牌与 Creative-based 科学研究,科学网人士都清楚,不再赘言。在这儿多说一句个人感受,我们的基础教育太注重各种技巧的训练和强化,把某类题和某些解题技巧建立起映射关联,学习好的是强关联,差点的弱关联,啥都不会不关联,尤其是太多强关联(可以看作思维的收敛态)必然束缚思维的发散,这有点类似于群智能优化算法里选择压力和群体多样性的关系,一方太强必然损害另一方,从而有意无意的忽略了年轻人问题的直觉和最基础、最本原的对问题的分析和计算能力,而 Creative-based 科学研究本质上需要的恰好是“ 大象无形、大音稀声、大道至简 ”的本原能力,华丽的技巧在大问题面前往往是多余的,甚至是阻碍的。 ( 3 )太极。 电影《倚天屠龙之魔教教主》和《太极张三丰》有经典台词:“太极拳只重其义,不重其招,你忘记所有招式, 就练成太极拳了”,“无根无极,万法自然,是谓太极 ”,所谓“义”即指基本功或本原力;所谓“招”当然指的是招式和技巧,这句话套到科研上也一样,要想“太极”,必须忘却以前所有的招式(亦即无论多么华丽的技巧),万法自然,方得“太极”。 ( 4 )中国演员。 中国年轻演员辈出,甚至一部戏都能捧红一批人,但比较遗憾的是,还没有出现有实力替代周润发、李连杰、成龙、周星驰、梁朝伟、刘德华和葛优等这些“老家伙”的实力派明星,影视专业可以培养出演员,好戏可以捧红演员,但距离这些“老家伙”总有些距离,而这种距离专业院校培养不出来,好戏或许可以缩短这些距离,甚至找到超越“老家伙”的激活码,但怎么激活就需要本原的东西了。 ( 5 ) Training, Following 和 Diversity, Originate 一个人的行为方式、思考方式和解决问题的方法被训练多了,当然可以达到熟练、甚至 Profession ,但你从这个方向的反方向看这个问题,这个人也就很难逾越他的 Profession ,因为从一个较高的角度第一次俯看好多新方式时(不仅仅是新创造的,更多的是新接触的),会感觉这些方式的不合常规、甚至幼稚,这就好比在群山峻岭间的一个较高的山峰上如果你俯视,你看到的只是山谷,你只有把眼睛抬高,才可能超越局部的山谷而看到更远处的更高处,但俯视惯的人( a )还有没有抬眼的能力;( b )有没有足够的发现更远处的更高处的视力;( c )有没有勇气和魄力从此高处走到山谷,从而迈向更远的更高处;( d )还有没有迈向更远的更高处的体力。简单说,就是被 Training 多了,就很难 Diversity ,除非他还保留这四条,其实这又类似于群智能优化算法中“多样性路径”和“局部性收敛”。 同理, Following 多了,也很难 Originate ,就看他是否还保留这四条,换句话说,就是看是否还保有本原的好奇心和体力。 演员和科研人员其实是同源同宗的。 现在的年轻演名员中,再也没有刘德华、周星驰那种本原的热情了,当然他们那时候也很无奈,哪怕各种纯底层、纯跑龙套的杂活,演一代充满的是对演艺的热爱,演二代和演 N 代,包括现在很多的年轻演员,则是充满对演艺圈的热爱,就像某主持人评价其前任的一句话“某某是著名的节目主持人,而我是一个著名节目的主持人。” 没有“破”的原力、视力和体力,就没有大“立”的可能。 ( 6 )有点悖论。 道理说, Training-based 的训练模式既然在高考中能贯彻的那么彻底,既然能训练出那么多的奥运冠军和世界冠军,那应该也能 Training 出很多技巧娴熟的技工,而我们的工厂好像又很缺优秀的技术工人,这大概又要归结于社会的评价方式和社会引导。 Training-based Society 除了高考队伍外,需要 Training 更多的优秀技工;需要瞬间的外在爆发力促使大象挣脱其实很容易挣脱的细绳。
个人分类: 随便写写|3404 次阅读|1 个评论
English intensive training for the promising trip to Israel
waken 2013-8-18 09:57
Note: If you want to survive here, you have to communicate with different people about different topics. ---- Prof. Michael Elad 语法大家张道真先生说过,语法体现在词汇中,而词汇又受语法的制约,语法好比是骨架,而词汇好比是血肉,两者是枝与叶的关系,要形成有机的肌体和茂盛的枝叶,必须把两者结合在一起。 在 背诵词汇 的同时,要熟悉写作和口语 话题 ,掌握常见 论点论据 ,牢记写作和口语 高频词汇 ,演练 语法佳句 。要抛弃急功近利的念头,认真研究和分析例句,对一些好的例句,最好能进行背诵或仿写,进 而把经典精炼的语言结构运用在未来的各项应用中去。 No pain, no gain. Cheer up! I wish you have a confident smile on your face after four months of intensive training.
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[转载]交叉验证(Cross Validation)
热度 1 zt2730 2013-3-1 08:07
Breiman and Spector (1992) demonstrated that leave-one-out cross-validation has high variance if the prediction rule is unstable, because the leave-one-out training sets are too similar to the full data set. 5-fold or 10-fold cross-validation displayed lower variance. Efron and Tibershirani (1997) proposed a 0.632+ bootstrap method , which is a bootstrap smoothing version of cross validation and has less variation. LOOCV的误差比较大,而bootstrap的误差相对较小。 All of the data being used to select the genes and cross-validation used only for fitting the parameters of the model. 在高维情况下,容易错误的使用交叉验证/ In a pilot study, we generated 100 samples with 1000 features for each sample, all coming invariably from the Gaussian distribution N(0,1). We randomly assigned the samples into two classes ("fake-classes"). Since the data set is totally non-informative, the faithful CV error should be around 50% no matter what method is used. But by CV1 scheme we could achieve a CV error as low as 0.025 after recursive feature selection, which shows that the bias caused by the improper cross-validation scheme can be surprisingly large. A more proper approach is to include the feature selection procedure in the cross validation, i.e., to leave the test sample(s) out from the training set before undergoing any feature selection. In this way, not only the classification algorithm, but also the feature selection method is validated. We call this scheme CV2 and use it in all of our investigations throughout. For the above "fakeclass" data, the error rate evaluated by CV2 was always around 50% regardless of the specific method used for feature selection and classification. 以下简称交叉验证(Cross Validation)为CV.CV是用来验证分类器的性能一种统计分析方法,基本思想是把在某种意义下将原始数据(dataset)进行分组,一部分做为训练集(train set),另一部分做为验证集(validation set),首先用训练集对分类器进行训练,在利用验证集来测试训练得到的模型(model),以此来做为评价分类器的性能指标.常见CV的方法如下: 1).Hold-Out Method 将原始数据随机分为两组,一组做为训练集,一组做为验证集,利用训练集训练分类器,然后利用验证集验证模型,记录最后的分类准确率为此Hold-OutMethod下分类器的性能指标.此种方法的好处的处理简单,只需随机把原始数据分为两组即可,其实严格意义来说Hold-Out Method并不能算是CV,因为这种方法没有达到交叉的思想,由于是随机的将原始数据分组,所以最后验证集分类准确率的高低与原始数据的分组有很大的关系,所以这种方法得到的结果其实并不具有说服性. 2).K-fold Cross Validation(记为K-CV) 将原始数据分成K组(一般是均分),将每个子集数据分别做一次验证集,其余的K-1组子集数据作为训练集,这样会得到K个模型,用这K个模型最终的验证集的分类准确率的平均数作为此K-CV下分类器的性能指标.K一般大于等于2,实际操作时一般从3开始取,只有在原始数据集合数据量小的时候才会尝试取2.K-CV可以有效的避免过学习以及欠学习状态的发生,最后得到的结果也比较具有说服性. 3).Leave-One-Out Cross Validation(记为LOO-CV) 如果设原始数据有N个样本,那么LOO-CV就是N-CV,即每个样本单独作为验证集,其余的N-1个样本作为训练集,所以LOO-CV会得到N个模型,用这N个模型最终的验证集的分类准确率的平均数作为此下LOO-CV分类器的性能指标.相比于前面的K-CV,LOO-CV有两个明显的优点: ① 每一回合中几乎所有的样本皆用于训练模型,因此最接近原始样本的分布,这样评估所得的结果比较可靠。 ② 实验过程中没有随机因素会影响实验数据,确保实验过程是可以被复制的。 但LOO-CV的缺点则是计算成本高,因为需要建立的模型数量与原始数据样本数量相同,当原始数据样本数量相当多时,LOO-CV在实作上便有困难几乎就是不显示,除非每次训练分类器得到模型的速度很快,或是可以用并行化计算减少计算所需的时间. Test-set estimator of performance has high variance. CV涉及到模型评价与选择,获得最有的模型后,使用所有观测训练作为预测模型。whichever model gives the best CV score: train it with all data,and that's the predictive model you'll use. AIC(AKaike information criterion 赤池 信息标准) ,BIC( bayesion information criterion) how can we use cross-validation to find useful subset! intensive use of cross validation can overfit. hold out an additional testset before doing any model selection. 在pattern recognition与machine learning的相关研究中,经常会将dataset分为training跟test这两个subsets,前者用以建立model,后者则用来评估该model对未知样本进行预测时的精确度,正规的说法是generalization ability。在往下叙述之前,这边就必须点出一个极为重要的观念:只有training data才可以用在model的训练过程中,test data则必须在model完成之后才被用来评估model优劣的依据。 怎么将完整的dataset分为training set与test set也是学问,必须遵守两个要点: training set中样本数量必须够多,一般至少大于总样本数的50%。 两组子集必须从完整集合中均匀取样。 其中第2点特别重要,均匀取样的目的是希望减少training/test set与完整集合之间的偏差(bias),但却也不易做到。一般的作法是随机取样,当样本数量足够时,便可达到均匀取样的效果。然而随机也正是此作法的盲点,也是经常是可以在数据上做手脚的地方。举例来说,当辨识率不理想时,便重新取样一组training set与test set,直到test set的辨识率满意为止,但严格来说这样便算是作弊了。 Cross-validation正是为了有效的估测generalization error所设计的实验方法,可以细分为double cross-validation、k-fold cross-validation与leave-one-out cross-validation。Double cross-validation也称2-fold cross-validation(2-CV),作法是将dataset分成两个相等大小的subsets,进行两回合的分类器训练。在第一回合中,一个subset作为training set,另一个便作为test set;在第二回合中,则将training set与test set对换后,再次训练分类器,而其中我们比较关心的是两次test sets的辨识率。不过在实务上2-CV并不常用,主要原因是training set样本数太少,通常不足以代表母体样本的分布,导致test阶段辨识率容易出现明显落差。此外,2-CV中分subset的变异度大,往往无法达到「实验过程必须可以被复制」的要求。 K-fold cross-validation (k-CV)则是double cross-validation的延伸,作法是将dataset切成k个大小相等的subsets,每个subset皆分别作为一次test set,其余样本则作为training set,因此一次k-CV的实验共需要建立k个models,并计算k次test sets的平均辨识率。在实作上,k要够大才能使各回合中的training set样本数够多,一般而言k=10算是相当足够了。 最后是leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV),假设dataset中有n个样本,那LOOCV也就是n-CV,意思是每个样本单独作为一次test set,剩余n-1个样本则做为training set,故一次LOOCV共要建立n个models。相较于前面介绍的k-CV,LOOCV有两个明显的优点: 每一回合中几乎所有的样本皆用于训练model,因此最接近母体样本的分布,估测所得的generalization error比较可靠。 实验过程中没有随机因素会影响实验数据,确保实验过程是可以被复制的。 但LOOCV的缺点则是计算成本高,因为需要建立的models数量与总样本数量相同,当总样本数量相当多时,LOOCV在实作上便有困难,除非每次训练model的速度很快,或是可以用平行化计算减少计算所需的时间。 使用Cross-Validation时常犯的错误 由于实验室许多研究都有用到evolutionary algorithms(EA)与classifiers,所使用的fitness function中通常都有用到classifier的辨识率,然而把cross-validation用错的案例还不少。前面说过,只有training data才可以用于model的建构,所以只有training data的辨识率才可以用在fitness function中。而EA是训练过程用来调整model最佳参数的方法,所以只有在EA结束演化后,model参数已经固定了,这时候才可以使用test data。 那EA跟cross-validation要如何搭配呢?Cross-validation的本质是用来估测(estimate)某个classification method对一组dataset的generalization error,不是用来设计classifier的方法,所以cross-validation不能用在EA的fitness function中,因为与fitness function有关的样本都属于training set,那试问哪些样本才是test set呢?如果某个fitness function中用了cross-validation的training或test辨识率,那么这样的实验方法已经不能称为cross-validation了。 EA与k-CV正确的搭配方法,是将dataset分成k等份的subsets后,每次取1份subset作为test set,其余k-1份作为training set,并且将该组training set套用到EA的fitness function计算中(至于该training set如何进一步利用则没有限制)。因此,正确的k-CV 会进行共k次的EA演化,建立k个classifiers。而k-CV的test辨识率,则是k组test sets对应到EA训练所得的k个classifiers辨识率之平均值。
个人分类: 统计学|19959 次阅读|1 个评论
K-fold cross-validation— K折(层)交叉检验
flyada 2012-3-23 09:23
K折交叉检验是指,在机器学习中,将数据集A分为训练集 (training set) B和测试集 (test set) C,在样本量不充足的情况下,为了充分利用数据集对算法效果进行测试,将数据集A随机分为k个包,每次将其中一个包作为测试集,剩下k-1个包作为训练集进行训练。 K层交叉检验,就是把原始的数据随机分成K个部分。在这K个部分中,选择一个作为测试数据,剩下的K-1个作为训练数据。 交叉检验的过程实际上是把实验重复做K次,每次实验都从K个部分中选择一个不同的部分作为测试数据(保证K个部分的数据都分别做过测试数据),剩下的K-1个当作训练数据进行实验,最后把得到的K个实验结果平均。 显然,K取值越大,统计偏误就越小,但是需要的计算量较大。一些实验证据表明,当K取10时,在代价和性能之间能达到好的折衷。
个人分类: 授业解惑|7749 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 8 transnet 2012-3-11 16:52
从网上看到对PhD这个缩写词的多种解释。下面这几个很有意思: 1. Permanent Head Damage, 永久性脑残 2. Pig Has Dream, 猪也有梦想 3. Patiently Hoping for a Degree,耐心等待 Source: http://www.douban.com/note/41521861/ 我觉得1和2对PhD这类非正常人群讽刺得忒到位。很喜欢Permanent Head Damage这个解释,哈哈! 至于3嘛,点出了PhD training中很重要的一点:patience。
个人分类: 研究所思|9336 次阅读|8 个评论
小议我国学前教育专业与Cultural Care Au Pair Training School
黄安年 2012-2-18 07:10
小议我国学前教育专业与 Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 协调培训 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2012 年2 月18 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 在美国 400 多万华人、华侨中,对于婴幼儿的家政服务有着强烈的需求。目前这些婴幼儿的家政服务多数限于亲人服务和雇佣华人劳务市场的保姆,然而他们有个共同的缺陷是往往不会开车,在英语交流上也有不少障碍,此外还有年龄及教育程度的不同情况,有的自来劳务市场的还是在美国的滞留人员。华人、华侨中的家政人员来自美国 Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 的很少 , 有的甚至不清楚有这样的项目。 至于在中国国内的学前教育专业的毕业生中,申请参加这一项目的究竟有没有,我不清楚,至少学前教育专业的毕业生知之甚少。笔者以为如果中国的学前教育专业能够和美国的 Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 加以协调甚至合作 , 将会是一个双赢之举。原因很简单学前教育专业受到为期四年的专业系统学习而不仅仅是 Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 仅仅为期不到一周的培训 , 来自短期培训班的学员毕业于不同国家和专业 , 而我国学前教育专业的毕业生如果有机会在美国社区家庭实习将是对于从事学前教育事业人员的一次难得机遇,有利于改善专业教育 , 自然也是拓展培养途径的有效尝试。 ********************* Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 在纽约长岛 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2012 年1 月14 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 在风景秀丽的纽约长岛 , 圣约翰大学( St. John ‘ s University ) Oakdale 校区 , 有座 The Cultural Care Au Pair Training School , 20 多年来 , 从事 Cultural Care Au Pair ‘ s childcare and cultural exchange program ,“ Cultural Care Au Pair is the largest and most experienced au pair organization in the U.S., having successfully placed more than 75,000 au pairs in welcoming American homes since 1989. ”只是华人对此了解甚少。凡是接受 childcare and cultural exchange program 的美国以外的大学生需要在这所训练学校里接受为期四天的集中培训 , 然后分赴联系认定的美国家庭。 今天, Z 博士自 Danbury CT 驱车两个小时来长岛 Oakdale Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 将一位来自墨西哥的大学毕业生接回家 , 开始为期一年的照顾家庭和文化交流的合作项目,这是一项对于美国家庭和外国学生双赢的合作项目,期望获得圆满成功。 照片 26 张是在往返长岛 Oakdale Cultural Care Au Pair Training School 途中拍摄的。 ***************** About the School The Cultural Care Au Pair Training School is located on the beautiful Oakdale campus of St. John ‘ s University on Long Island, New York allowing au pairs to adjust to their first days in the U.S. in a comfortable, collegiate environment. Meet the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School staff and teachers! Schedule Curriculum Au pairs have a full agenda while they are at the training school. But what exactly do au pairs learn while they are there? What is their day like? Read more about the Curriculum at the Au Pair Training School as well as the daily schedule for au pairs. About the School The Cultural Care Au Pair Training School is located on the beautiful Oakdale campus of St. John ’ s University on Long Island, New York allowing au pairs to adjust to their first days in the U.S. in a comfortable, collegiate environment. Meet the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School staff and teachers! Schedule Curriculum Au pairs have a full agenda while they are at the training school. But what exactly do au pairs learn while they are there? What is their day like? Read more about the Curriculum at the Au Pair Training School as well as the daily schedule for au pairs. Experience the Au Pair Training School Upon arrival to the U.S., Cultural Care au pairs attend an exclusive, four-day training program focused on child development and safety. Our unique Au Pair Training School offers instruction from dedicated and experienced educators in a classroom setting. Small class sizes allow teachers to give au pairs one-on-one attention. What is life at the Training School like? What do the dorm rooms look like? What about the classrooms? Experience the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School and start by taking a Campus Tour! Training School Staff Cultural Care has four full-time staff members who work and live on campus to ensure that au pairs feel welcome and well supported during those exciting first days of their au pair adventure. Meet the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School Staff! Training School Teachers Depending on the number of au pairs at the Training School during a given week, we have between three and ten teachers who are all excited to welcome the au pairs to the U.S. and prepare them for their important roles as caregivers. Meet some of the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School Teachers! Location Find out where the Cultural Care Au Pair Training School is located, what facilities are available to au pairs and download a campus map! Cultural Care Au Pair Flexible, affordable childcare For 20 years, Cultural Care Au Pair ‘ s childcare and cultural exchange program has offered families flexible, live-in childcare with a unique international perspective. Your au pair lives with you as a member of your family and your children benefit from a one-to-one committed and caring companion. An organization you can trust Cultural Care Au Pair is one of the largest and most experienced au pair organizations in the world, having successfully placed more than 80,000 au pairs in welcoming American homes since 1989. Our program is strictly regulated, and our dedicated staff all over the world carefully screens each au pair candidate to ensure they meet Cultural Care Au Pair ’ high standards. See what our customers think about Cultural Care Au Pair on our Host Family Survey Website. Impact on the world: Au pairs, host families and local childcare coordinators take an active role in their local communities every day. Read about us In the News. Ongoing support: In addition to your local childcare coordinator and our attentive office staff, you are also connected to the resources of the entire Cultural Care Au Pair global family through our blog, "The Buzz", full of creative ideas and program updates. Enriching lives: Testimonials from our loyal host families, enthusiastic au pairs and caring staff offer you a glimpse into the world of Cultural Care Au Pair and how our program can make a difference in your world. Caring for kids It ‘ s not just our business, it ’ s our way of life. Kids First, established in 2001, is our national campaign to support charities that advocate for children in the U.S. and around the world. Kids First on Twitter: http://twitter.com/kidsfirsttweets Become a fan on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Kids1st Contact us To learn more about our program, please visit the Cultural Care Au Pair website at www.culturalcare.com or contact us at: Toll Free: 800-333-6056 E-mail: aupair@culturalcare.com You can speak to a representative Monday through Friday between 7:30am and 5:30pm (in your time zone). Our Sales and Matching Center is also open between 9am and 4pm EST on Saturdays. If you are a current host family and you would like specific contact information for your Local Childcare Coordinator or Program Director, please log in to your host family online account. If you are a current au pair and you would like specific contact information for your Local Childcare Coordinator, Program Director or local office in your home country, please log in to your au pair online account. Cultural Care Au Pair Training School Our Au Pair Training School is located at: Cultural Care Au Pair St. John's University 500 Montauk Highway Oakdale , NY 11769 Office phone: 631-218-3708 (please note that au pairs cannot be reached directly at this number) Arrival/ Departure and Emergency phone: 631-433-0137 (for emergencies as well as arrival and departure delays/ cancellations ) E-mail: aupair.training.school@culturalcare.com Advice from Au Pair Answer Mom Do you have questions about hosting an au pair? How much does it really cost to have an au pair? What are the monthly LCC meetings all about? Au Pair Answer Mom, Susan Robinson, is sharing her own thoughts on some of the most common questions about hosting a Cultural Care au pair through short video clips that can be viewed on our Au Pair Answer Mom Website. * — ****************************************8 * * ABOUT THE SCHOOL o About the School o Location o Staff o Teachers * SCHOOL EXPERIENCE o School Experience o Campus Tour o Meals o New York City Tour o School Survey o Poll Results o Frequently Asked Questions * CURRICULUM o Curriculum o Classes o Communication Workshop o Personal Safety Workshop o International Sing Along o Schedule * BLOG * ABOUT US If you have Internet Explorer 6 we can not guarantee the proper work of this web site. Please upgrade your browser and return later. Health and Safety in the Home The au pair will learn how to prevent disease and keep their host family and home safe and healthy. Teachers discuss and demonstrate universal health precautions such as hand washing and disinfecting. These are both important techniques to utilize in order to keep germs and bacteria from spreading. They should be practiced regularly and when working with children should be especially careful while diapering and disposing of diapers as well as when feeding infants. This careful attention to eliminating germs and bacteria coupled with an emphasis on exercise, fresh air and rest will maintain a healthy safe home. Food Nutrition Au pairs will learn that a child needs nutritious meals and snacks in order to grow and develop. While living with their host family and taking care of children they will be actively participating in the provision of good nutrition each and every day. As a class they will cover various scenarios and situations that they may encounter during their year as an au pair. Starting solid food will certainly be an important topic for those au pairs who will be caring for infants. They will learn about developmental feeding milestones so that they know what children of all ages should be consuming. A close study of the food pyramid will supplement this knowledge as the au pairs learn about food groups, serving sizes and fun food activities to help their children eat healthy food. Also, an important subject when discussing food and nutrition is eating disorders. This is a topic that the au pairs will become familiar with in order to keep themselves and their friends healthy as well as their host families. Common Childhood Diseases As the Au Pairs experience a full year with their host family they will encounter many days when they need to identify symptoms of an illness. Teachers will discuss general warning signs of common illnesses followed by tips and helpful hints for taking care of sick children. They will also cover common childhood health problems such as allergies, asthma, chicken pox, diaper rash, and the common cold which many au pairs will encounter with their host children. They will learn about a wide variety of health problems in order to be better prepared for a year of childcare in the US. In addition they will learn about immunizations that can help prevent many childhood diseases. As vaccinations vary from country to country it is important that Au Pairs know what their children are immunized against. Safety and Emergency Education Teachers give au pairs and overview of basic first aid and what to do in case of an emergency. There is a strong emphasis on the fact that this is not a first aid course and the au pairs are encouraged to take a first aid course within the first 3 months of their stay in the United States. The key points of this segment of the training are being prepared; having first aid kits stocked and accessible and to always check with parents before administering medicine to a child. Au pairs are taught how to make a home safety checklist and to childproof the various rooms in the home. While discussing safety at home, teachers touch upon gun safety and the risks around home exercise equipment as well. Risks outside of the home are covered as well. Vehicle safety, school bus safety, bicycle safety and other topics that pertain to daily life with a child are covered. Effective Communication Tips for good communication with host children and host parents are given an practiced in order to be prepared to begin the year as an au pair. Effective communication is broken down into categories that are easy to understand and put into practice: never assume, be pleasant, think, listen and understand, respect and facial expressions and body language. Each of these subcategories is practiced during class and in the communication workshop. Other techniques such as frequent sharing and a daily communication log are suggested. The importance of verbal and non-verbal as well as written communication is stressed as English levels vary and not everything will be interpreted the way it was intended by the host family and/or the au pair. Au Pairs as Role Models As a day to day influence in their host families ’ life each au pair is a role model in their home. The au pairs learn that host children will look up to them and imitate their attitudes and behaviors. It is important for au pairs to work closely with the host parents and to look at them as partners. From the first time they meet an au pair should get to know each family member and learn about their interests and values so that the au pair can incorporate them into the daily activities so that she can reciprocate by sharing her culture with them in a fun way. An au pair must be very aware of her habits and appearance. Smoking can be a sensitive issue with a host family especially concerning host children and exposure to second hand smoke. Not only can this affect the children's health but having a smoker in the house can influence their attitude towards smoking, making it an attractive option. Au pairs must also be sure to present themselves appropriately being careful to dress reasonably and to consult host parents about any piercings or tattoos that the children may see. Another concern is computer safety. An au pair can help to monitor her host children's computer use but she should also be careful when she is using the computer so as to not put herself or her host children in danger. Being an au pair can be stressful. There is a lot of responsibility and the au pair has to think about how she is influencing her host children at all times. It is important to be able to identify and manage stress so that it will not affect her health, behavior or quality of care. Ages Stages: Birth to Teenage Years The au pairs learn that children continue to develop from birth through their teenage years. The teachers emphasize that each child develops at his or her own pace. Development is broken down into different categories that can be followed during each year of a child's life. These categories are: physical development, language development, cognitive development, social-emotional development. Within each of these categories au pairs learn about important development landmarks to watch for. Each age group is discussed in terms of these four categories. Au pairs split up to do extensive research on the ages groups that they will be caring for so that they have a better idea of what to expect during their year as an au pair. Age-appropriate Materials and Activities Au pairs learn about toys, learning materials, and activities that are age appropriate in order to help their host children learn, have fun and stay safe throughout their year together. General interests of children in each age group are discussed, with the understanding that children's interest vary and may not fit neatly into these categories. Next, the teachers discuss how to select safe toys for their host children. They go over resources for creative development that may prove as an alternative for TV or video games and will help them to get involved in their local community. Finally, they are presented with a reading list for children which provides titles and authors of books for a wide range of ages. Building Self-esteem in Children Au pairs learn to emphasize the importance of beginning at the earliest age to develop a child's positive self-concept and to explore ways to do this. An au pair, a major influence in the life of a host child, has the task of supporting development by modeling skills of compassion, tolerance and love. These actions help to build a positive self-concept in children which will help determine the child's success in both school and later in life. The au pairs are taught how to respect children's identities and help to support children when they are hurt and to make it clear when behavior is unacceptable leading toward conflict resolution. They learn to teach fairness and to answer questions directly, encourage pride and finally to help children help themselves. It is important to be aware of the other influences in the host children's lives including friends, books and toys to help evaluate them for bias and stereotyping. Behavior Management Au pairs learn to emphasize the importance of beginning at the earliest age to develop a child's positive self-concept and ways to do this. Teachers provide hints for positive behavior management. They learn how to structure a child's environment in order to make it safe and child friendly. Au pairs learn to use natural or logical consequences, a system of punishments and rewards that are appropriate for the situation. Next, they learn to offer the children choices whenever possible and, when a child's behavior is inappropriate, to talk about the behavior and not the child. Au pairs are reminded to use positive statements, to expect cooperation and to be consistent in enforcing rules. Au pairs can also help their host children to use their words instead of force and to solve problems democratically. A variety of common behavioral issues and disciplinary approaches are discussed in order to give an overview of what the au pairs may encounter throughout their year. Cultural Care Au Pair * Cultural Care Au Pair is the largest and most experienced au pair organization in the U.S., having successfully placed more than 75,000 au pairs in welcoming American homes since 1989. http://www.aupairtrainingschool.com/classes.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=415do=blogid=529022
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|2621 次阅读|0 个评论
2002-02PRI prediction enhance EW training
lcj2212916 2012-1-22 15:26
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An amazing cycling training course
热度 1 amelielele 2011-12-7 19:41
I got another cycling traing course this Wednesday, early in the morning, 9:30! Today's content is how to cycle to the city center. I got about 5 minutes late and made Helen await me in the wind, I felt guilty for that! OK, the trip begins! We crossed the road to the opposite side, and turned into the route along the canale.It's a manmade canale, ending at somewhere in Beeston, and all along the city centre of Nottingham.It used to be an important transportation route in the past, still in use today. You can still see some boats commuting on the river. No traffic, just some pedestrians and other cyclists, cool! Helen told me, you can stop at certain places along the way, depending on where you intends to go in the city centre. Our destination is the city rail station. Then we rode into St's court, which deals with some trivial traffic issues, not as important as county court. Then we got into Boardmash Centre, a big shopping mall. Helen guided me inside the centre, we pushed the bike with us.I was informed there are more than one bike park around. But you still need to pay more attention to your bike. For bikes are easier to be stolen in the city centre than on campus. How prosperous it is in the Boardmash! Time to get back. The key is to follow the blue cycling signals.I got a little confused about the directions, but it maybe due to my little experience. If Helen is on her own, she would ride on the road instead of crossing the zera. The sun came out, the air fresh, I really enjoy my trip. Then we see the entrance if I want to go back along the canal the same way we came. Or we can follow another route back the campus. Following the sign again, so amiable to see the blue signs. So familiar, yes, last time I visited Ben's flat, where the Cloister House is! The difference is I may bypass the mailroad, safer for the cyclists! I decided that I need a hat desperately, because I felt a dizzy then, I hope I won't catch cold. We talked little along the next route, because I was exhausing! I asked Helen the recipe for Sheppered Pie while we were cycling. She put so much ingredients into the beef part. 'What if I am able to taste her dish?' I talked to myself. Helen got three kids, the youngest is a daughter, 16, two elder brothers, 17 and 18 respectively. The oldest right now studying Physics in Birmingham, and he is going back home to celebrate the Christmas next Friday. On our way, we met a boy, the son of her friend, who died years ago. While I am typing my story for this trip, it began to rain again. How lucky I am!
个人分类: 心情笔记|2988 次阅读|1 个评论
2011 Korea FlowJo training schedule
FlowJo 2011-11-14 19:31
Nov 15th, 2011 Institute : Stem cell bank, College of Medicine, Catholic University FlowJo basics and advanced functions Nov. 16th Institue : Dept. of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Seoul National University FlowJo basics and advanced functions
个人分类: FlowJo 会议及讲座安排|2866 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Training Workshop: Introduction to Ecosystem Modelling
zuojun 2011-2-12 03:37
Introduction to Ecosystem Modelling Using Ecopath and Ecosim (SAMS, Scotland) http://vds1719.sivit.org/eoc/?q=node/22367
个人分类: My Research Interests|1440 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase function is in
shixiuchao 2010-12-24 15:24
Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2008 Apr;15(2):145-8. Myocardial sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase function is increased by aerobic interval training. Kemi OJ , Ceci M , Condorelli G , Smith GL , Wisloff U . Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK. o.kemi@bio.gla.ac.uk Abstract OBJECTIVE: Reduced activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca ATPase-2a (SERCA-2a) contributes to myocardial dysfunction. Exercise training improves myocardial Ca-handling, but SERCA-2a function is uncertain. We assessed SERCA-2a activity after exercise training. METHODS: SERCA-2a function was assessed by sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca uptake in cardiomyocytes with other Ca uptake mechanisms blocked, in mice after aerobic interval training versus sedentary controls. RESULTS: We established protocols to assess SERCA-2a function, and show that aerobic interval training increases the maximal rate of Ca uptake by 30%. This is at least partly explained by reduced phospholamban-to-SERCA-2a ratio. CONCLUSION: Aerobic interval training improves myocardial SERCA-2a performance, explaining at least partly why myocardial Ca-handling improves after exercise training.
个人分类: 未分类|2149 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Part I: Aerobic Interval Training
shixiuchao 2010-12-24 15:14
Interval Training for Performance: A Scientific and Empirical Practice: Special Recommendations for Middle- and Long-Distance Running. Part I: Aerobic Interval Training Abstract: This article traces the history of scientific and empirical interval training. Scientific research has shed some light on the choice of intensity, work duration and rest periods in so-called interval training. Interval training involves repeated short to long bouts of rather high intensity exercise (equal or superior to maximal lactate steady-state velocity) interspersed with recovery periods (light exercise or rest). Interval training was first described by Reindell and Roskamm and was popularised in the 1950s by the Olympic champion, Emil Zatopek. Since then middle- and long- distance runners have used this technique to train at velocities close to their own specific competition velocity. In fact, trainers have used specific velocities from 800 to 5000m to calibrate interval training without taking into account physiological markers. However, outside of the competition season it seems better to refer to the velocities associated with particular physiological responses in the range from maximal lactate steady state to the absolute maximal velocity. The range of velocities used in a race must be taken into consideration, since even world records are not run at a constant pace.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2236 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Part II: Anaerobic Interval Training
shixiuchao 2010-12-24 15:10
Interval Training for Performance: A Scientific and Empirical Practice: Special Recommendations for Middle- and Long-Distance Running. Part II: Anaerobic Interval Training Abstract Studies of anaerobic interval training can be divided into 2 categories. The first category (the older studies) examined interval training at a fixed work-rate. They measured the time limit or the number of repetitions the individual was able to sustain for different pause durations. The intensities used in these studies were not maximal but were at about 130 to 160% of maximal oxygen uptake (V-dot 2max ). Moreover, they used work periods of 10 to 15 seconds interrupted by short rest intervals (15 to 40 seconds). The second category (the more recent studies) asked the participants to repeat maximal bouts with different pause durations (30 seconds to 4 to 5 minutes). These studies examined the changes in maximal dynamic power during successive exercise periods and characterised the associated metabolic changes in muscle. Using short-interval training, it seems to be very difficult to elicit exclusively anaerobic metabolism. However, these studies have clearly demonstrated that the contribution of glycogenolysis to the total energy demand was considerably less than that if work of a similar intensity was performed continuously. However, the latter studies used exercise intensities that cannot be described as maximal. This is the main characteristic of the second category of interval training performed above the minimal velocity associated with V-dot 2max determined in an incremental test (vV-dot 2max ). Many studies on the long term physiological effect of supramaximal intermittent exercise have demonstrated an improvement in V-dot 2max or running economy.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2159 次阅读|0 个评论
Summary on the training course in Beijing in 2003
waterlilyqd 2010-8-21 09:46
Summary on the training course on Electronic Production of Agricultural Documents and Bibliographic Database Management in Beijing A 7-day training course, sponsored by the FAO Waicent ( http://www.fao.org/waicent ) and organized by the Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, was held in Beijing in October, 2003. People attending the training inlcuded about 30 information workers from more than 20 provincial academies of agricultural sciences and several agricultural universities. All the training courseswere given by Waicent officials and staffs in English. Prof. He, in Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, acted as the interpreter. After the training, everytraineewas required to write an evaluation on this training course in English. Several representatives were selected to talk about what they have gained from the training andwhat needs to be furtherly improved. The following is my commentary on this training. _____________________________ I can summarize this training course with three ‘ G’s: Good teaching contents, Good teachers, Good results. 1. About the teaching contents: The internet has brought about information revolution. It’s more convenient and quicker for people to get information. They don’t need to look up one book or one article through shelves to shelves of the holdings. They just need input several keywords, the title of onearticle or the book name,the names of the authors orotherinformation related to the book or the article, then they can immediately get the desired information only if the information can be available and accessible on the internet. So the important problem is how to let the information available and accessible. This training course has given presentation on many basic concepts related to web and database, online library, electronic publishing, such as the metadata, DTD, AGMES, HTML, XML, and on how to create XML or HTML files, and how to create Word Processing template, how to create a webpage using XML or HTML, how to conduct data exchange among different languages, how to retrieve information via internet or from the (FAO) Agris database and other online databases, and how to log in web agris and download information. 2. About the teachers and the teaching methods: All the teachers are so excellent. Although English is not their native language, they all can speak perfect English. They are expert at computer knowledge and operational skills, so they can solve any problemsimmediately during the class. And they have good teaching experience. They organize their materials very well and present them in well-designed slides with words and pictures, graphics, which greatly facilitate us to understand the contents. Johannes, Anne and Stefano are so patient and kind with us. We are very happy to be in the class and learn so much useful knowledge from them. 3. About the study results: Under the interesting topic “Electronic production of agricultural documents and bibliographic database management”, and under the teachers’ good presentation and guide, we have learned much. Through this training, I have learned how to retrieve information more effectively and efficiently, how to login the (FAO) database and retrieve information or provide data for the Web agris, how to create webpages with HTML. We have also learnt the work flow of the electronic publishing; the data (words, graphics, tables) processing, scanning, the transformation between different document types. ★ I also have some suggestions 1. Make the FAO Agris with richer information and try to provide as possible more abstracts for the readers; 2. Enlarge the subject thesaurus to facilitate the information indexing; 3. Organize more such kinds of training and have more information exchange among agricultural information service workers in the future.
个人分类: 信息分析|3659 次阅读|0 个评论

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