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ANNOUNCEMENT: Insect Systematics & Evolution Forum
热度 2 zhuchaodong 2017-2-26 11:28
Announcement The 15 th Taxonomy and Faunistics Symposium of the Entomological Society of China 1 st Insect Systematics and Evolution Forum To discuss the development strategy of insect systematics and evolutionary biology, to enhance academic communications and interactions between researchers and to promote capacity building of young scholars and students, the 15 th Taxonomy and Faunistics Symposium of the Entomological Society of China and the 1 st Insect Systematics Evolutionary Biology Forum will be held in July 2017, Beijing, China. The conference is co-organizedby by the Special Committee on Taxonomy and Faunistics, the Special Committee on Fossil Entomology, Young Entomologists Working Committee,the Entomological Society of China and Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and h osted by CAS Key Laboratory of Zoological and Systematics and Evolution. 1. Content Academic talks: Recent research advance of subjects on insect systematics and evolution, including morphology, taxonomy, paleoentomology, insect diversity and other relevant topics. Discussion: development strategy of insect systematics and evolutionary biology, academic communications and interactions between researchers and capacity building of young scholars and students. 2. Dates Training course: 26th-28th, July, 2017 Registration: 29th, July, 2017 Plenary and symposia: 30-31th, July 2017 Departure: 1st August 2017 3. Worki ng Language The official language for the workshop and training course is English. English presentations with Chinese PPT or vice versa are acceptable. 4. Venue Beijing,China (Avenue will be announcedlater) To simplify the procedure and save costs, we advise attendees to arrange hotels and transportations by yourself. 5. Registration The registration fee is 1500 RMB for regular attendees and 1000 RMB for students. Invoices will be issued by the Entomological Society of China. Payment: You can pay your registration at the Registration Desk or through bank transfer. The information on bank transfer appears as below. Please remember to add the note that the registeration is for the ISEBF or taxonomy symposium: Name of thebank account: The Entomological Society of China ( 中国昆虫学会 ) Bank name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing West Haidian DistrictSub-Branch ( 中国工商银行北京海淀西区支行 ) Bankaccount number: 0200004509089163471 As there might not be POS machine while you are registering on desk, please pay yourregistration fee at the Registration Desk by cash. 6. Organizing Commitee Prof. DongREN, Prof. Ge-Xia QIAO, Prof. Wen-Jun BU, Prof. Chao-Dong Zhu, Prof. Xing-Yue Liu,Prof. Qiang XIE, Assoc. Prof. Ming BAI 7. Training Course Location: Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Organizer: Dr. Bai Ming ( baim@ioz.ac.cn ) Specialists: To be announced soon. 8. Contact persons ZhouQing-Song: zhouqingsong@ioz.ac.cn (E-mail) , 13269366765(Tel) DaiQing-Yan: daiqy@ioz.ac.cn (E-mail) , 15210841962 (Tel) Address:Institute of Zoology, CAS, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing100101 Fax: 08610-64807099 Organizers: The Special Committee on Taxonomy and Faunistics, the Entomological Society of China T he Special Committee on Fossil Insects, the EntomologicalSociety of China The Special Committee on PollinatorInsects, the Entomological Society of China The Young Entomologists Committee, the Entomological Society of China The Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS Host : Key Laboratory of Zoological and Systematics and Evolution, CAS 25 th February 2017 Participant information for the Insect Systematics Evolution Forum Name Gender Position Institution Zip Code Talk Title Telephone E-mail
3843 次阅读|2 个评论
xuechunxiang 2015-4-27 22:58
Taxonomy boot camp: http://www.taxonomybootcamp.com/, 2005年至今每年都举办一次由 Taxonomists Content managers Information architects Information professionals Knowledge engineers Information scientists Intranet/portal developers Content classification specialists 参加的会议,交流Taxonomy相关的研究 Taxonomy strategies: http://www.taxonomystrategies.com/index.htm,一个提供企业信息管理的网站,比较关注广义上的Taxonomy研究。 Heather Hedden: http://www.hedden-information.com/index.htm,一个企业Taxonomy专家的网站
个人分类: 我思我在|3235 次阅读|0 个评论
Notes on Building and Using Lexical Semantic Knowledge Bases
liwei999 2014-8-12 09:15
To follow up with my Chinese blog on the three semantic giants and their amazing work in knowledge bases, here are some of my notes in English on their construction/acquisition and application. Traditionally, knowledge networks, especially in the form of lexical knowledge bases, have been hand-encoded by human experts. More recently, efforts on attempting to do knowledge acquisition from corpora are reported as a very promising area. I think that the more challenging task is to use the acquired knowledge base effectively and efficiently whether the knowledge base is hand-coded or learned from corpus. I did not say lexical knowledge acquisition is easy. I said it is promising, at least for the basic ISA-type concept/word taxonomy. Long time ago, Microsoft NLP used automatic parsing of dictionary and encyclopedia definitions in building up their MindNet, with impressive results and very fancy demo. More recently, some Google guys have managed to uncover rich ISA relationships from huge raw corpora based on only two surface patterns (NP1 and other NP2; NP2 such as NP1 = NP1 ISA NP2). For the second research, we managed to repeat the process and gain similar results. The interesting part of this research is that the knowledge results are automatically adapted to the trained corpus. In other words, there is potential for automatically adapting a general knowledge base to a chosen domain along the line of knowledge acquisition from the domain data. In addition to the above automatic efforts, Dr. Lenat encoded common sense into the cyc knowledge base with reasoning capability, Prof Dong has worked out HowNet to connect concepts with deep semantic relationships, and Prof. Fillmore has worked out FrameNet for general-purpose semantic hierarchy of pragmatic situations (scenarios), plus the long-standing quasi-lexical knowledge base in WordNet, all by hand-coding. So we are not really lacking knowledge bases, at least in terms of general domain knowledge. That is why I said the proper use of knowledge is even more challenging and important. After all, knowledge is not the end, the use of knowledge to solve problems is. Unfortunately, the successful uses of knowledge bases are not many. Microsoft's MindNet has been there for decades without being able to be put to any scalable use for practical merits. Cyc faces even more challenges in real world applications. FrameNet has been adopted in academia as a standard for computational semantics research but hardly seen anywhere in industry. The use of WordNet has had many tries, so far with limited success. It is noteworthy that Prof. Dong has been experimenting with his HowNet in improving Machine Translation quality and disambiguation, which starts to show promise. It is an encouraging and important progress to watch. 《科研笔记:自然语言处理领域中的语义路线及其代表人物》 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 立委科普|5179 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhuchaodong 2014-4-12 20:53
这几年,我们在物种界定方面,分别在单个基因、多个基因、大数据库等不同数据水平开展了一系列工作。下一步将涉及基因组数据在物种界定方面的应用。此外,Douglas博士和组外同行合作,对植物分子物种界定也开发了流程(Anna et al. 2014)。这些工作均需要编研一定的代码,实现部分流程中数据的自动化处理。尽管这些代码已经在一些网站开放源码,但对没有编程经验或者更加关注生物学问题的学人,使用仍然是一个问题。因此,我希望这些代码能够首先实现界面友好的网络应用,便于大家使用;然后在后台尽量实现大数据的并行、高效处理。 在研究所及网络中心支持下,我研究组初步建设了一个分子分类学网站(PhyloLab.ioz.ac.cn)。初步的计划是在该网站上测试一些研究组开发的软件,并供注册用户或者有兴趣的学者重复我们的工作,或者试用软件,并提供宝贵意见。 经过Douglas Chesters博士的勤奋工作,该网站的第一个软件( Multi-Gene DNA Barcoding for Bees )已经部署了单机版。该软件实现了多基因物种界别的流程(Douglas et al. 2013)。由于该软件目前部署在一台苹果机上,运行情况还有待试验。 文献: Apoidea: Douglas et al. 2013. Heuristic optimization for global species clustering of DNA sequence data from multiple loci . Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4(10): 961-970. Plants: Anna Papadopoulou, Douglas Chesters, Indiana Coronado et al. 2014. Automated DNA-based plant identification for large-scale biodiversity assessment . Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12256. Insecta: Douglas Chesters, Chao-Dong Zhu. 2014. A Protocol for Species Delineation of Public DNA Databases, Applied to the Insecta. Systematic Biology, DOI: 10.1093/sysbio/syu038. Arthropoda: Chesters D, Zheng WM, Zhu CD. Multi-Gene DNA Barcoding in Arthropods. In submission. 网站: phylolab.ioz.ac.cn 软件链接: 1、 Automated taxonomic identification of Apoidea (bee) DNA sequences 2、 Multi-Gene DNA Barcoding for Arthropods (beta) 反馈意见: If you experience problems using the service, please email Dr. Douglas at dchesters@ioz.ac.cn
7537 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 putin24 2011-11-24 22:36
分类 ( Taxonomy , Science of classification ) 根据事物种类、等级或者性质,对其分门别类,使复杂无序的事物系统化,从而达到更好地认识和区分客观世界的一种逻辑思维方法。 ( Taxonomy is the science which deals with the study of identifying, grouping, and naming organisms according to their established natural relationship.) 分类在某种程度上是将一个类分割为几个或者多个子类进行研究,从而使得对事物的属性、行为、约束 (properties, behaviors, constraint) 更好地认识和理解。 e.g.1 社会分工的出现,柏拉图 (Plato, 427BC-347BC) 认为人们最初为了满足最基本的物质需要,有了农民、牧人、各类工匠,之后出现了商人。亚当斯密 (Adam Smith,1723-1790,UK) 认为由于人导致的才能自然差异,而这又是由人类独有的交换物品私利倾向决定了社会分工。人们不断专业化并提高生产力,从而出现了福特流水线 ( 工位所做工作不一 ) ,农业、工业、服务业等不同从业人员。柏拉图与亚当斯密探究的是社会分工分类的标准,将具有某种相同属性 ( 行为、约束 ) 的人进行分类。 分类过程中最重要的是选择正确的分类标准,而标准必须区别事物本质特征与非本质、主要与次要特征。分类的标准建立注意事项: 划分必须是相应相称的 ; 同一次划分必须根据同一标准 ; 划分出来的子项必须互相排斥。 e.g.2 生物学上的分类 ( 界、门、纲、目、科、属、种 ) ,对草鱼,鲤鱼,黄鱼,娃娃鱼进行分类,自然将前三者归为一类,由于其本质特征是“属于鱼纲”,娃娃鱼属于两栖动物。同样地,如果为了研究淡水生物与海水生物生理特性差别,则我们可将草鱼、鲤鱼和娃娃鱼归为一类进行研究。 某一特定的分类标准下分类的结果通常以等级结构 ( hierarchical structure ) 或者分类表等形式表示。 e.g.3 机械中零部件分类问题,某种类型产品所需要的零部件中,根据在 Dealer Mananerment System 中存在大于 12 个月的零件的销售重要性分为 ABC 三类, D 类——特殊类需要被人工定义的零件; N 类或者 NA 类——新零件; Z 类——数据错误不能正确分类的零件。对同属于一个产品族的零部件更强调其互换性与通用性程度,又可以对零部件进行分类为标准件、非标件等。 e.g.4 价值工程中, ABC 分析法 ( Activity Based Costing ) 又称为作业成本分析法,确定分析对象的特征、可用技术指标、价值指标及效果指标,将分析的事物分成 A( 重点 ) 、 B( 一般 ) 、 C( 不重要 ) 三类不同的类型,运用不同的策略进行管理和处理。 Chart of Romance languages based on structural and comparative criteria not on socio-functional ones. (Koryakov Y.B. Atlas of Romance languages. Moscow, 2001)
个人分类: 学术笔记|10556 次阅读|6 个评论
ASIS&T 2010年会更多关注受控词表和分类表
xuechunxiang 2010-8-30 16:59
ASIST2010年会将于10月份在匹兹堡大学召开(http://www.asis.org/asist2010 /index.html),这次会议的主题是:Navigating Streams in an Information Ecosystem。从会议的seminar和workshop以及要求的keynotes来看,受控词表和分类法仍然是今年的焦点,此外还涉及信息检索和人机交互。 5个seminar,其中前两个是基于SKOS的受控词表构建与相关软件培训,第三和第四是关于分类工具和分类表设计的,第五个是关于意义建构的,涉及人机交互领域: (1)SKOS-2-HIVE: Part 1: Introductory Session: SKOS-2-HIVE (2)SKOS-2-HIVE: Part 2: Implementing HIVE (3)Taxonomy Tools: Requirements and Capabilities (4)Getting Started with Business Taxonomy Design (5)Sense-Making Methodology Interviewing Tutorial: Approaches for Research, Practice, Pedagogy, and Design 此外,workshop中也涉及了分类法研究与实践的。 * What in the World are We Talking About? Info Needs, Seeking And Use: Key Concepts: Convergences And Divergences - The Differences That Definitions Make in Core Concepts (SIGs SI USE) Organizers: Brenda Dervin, Howard Rosenbaum and Christine Urquhart * Defining the Limits of Classification Research Practice (SIG CR) Speakers: Diane Neal, Megan Winget, Molly Tighe, Grant Campbell, Joe Tennis, Abby Blachly * Assessing Research Data Needs at Your Institutiom (SIG DL) Speakers: Barrie Hayes, Susan Wells Parham, Jake Carlson, Brian Westra * Current Research and Thinking in Image Analysis, Descriptions, and Systems (SIG VIS) Speakers: Abby Goodrum, Samantha Hastings, Corinne Jorgensen, Krystyna Matusiak, Elaine Menard, Diane Neal, Brian O'Connor, Abebe Rorissa, Jaime Snyder * Intercultural Information Ethics in the Global Information Ecosystem: Opportunities and Challenges (SIG III) Speakers: Dennis Ocholla, Soraj Hongladarom, Rafael Capurro, Mohammed Aman, Thomas Froehlich, Toni Carbo (moderator) *Educating Information Professionals Around the World (SIGs III ED) Speakers: Gwen Alexander, Alexander Arbuthnot, Gail Bonath, Pascal Calarco, Anne Caputo, Rumi Graham, Guoqiu Li, Ann Prentice, Yukiko Sakai, Nancy Roderer (moderator) 这些能否说明受控和规范语言仍是信息组织与检索领域当前发展的不二法门呢?
个人分类: 学海泛舟|5403 次阅读|3 个评论

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