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yecang 2017-5-26 15:02
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热度 4 yecang 2017-5-26 13:02
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热度 1 jmluo0922 2015-10-8 12:02
吴新忠 2015-10-7 22:32 麦克斯韦场论出现时,就有三条解释路线:1.麦克斯韦对电磁场的机械以太漩涡理解;2.洛伦兹电子论:电子按照牛顿力学运动,电磁场遵循麦克斯韦方程;3.维恩:把牛顿三大运动定律理解为麦克斯韦方程的逻辑结论,爱因斯坦就是第三条路线,用维恩的思路把洛伦兹电子论归结为麦克斯韦场论一元论,重新理解洛伦兹变换。 我对你的氢原子模型的理解是:1.采用牛顿受力分析,有可能解释量子力学分析力学结构的物理源头;2. 恢复了麦克斯韦场论的先驱理论——库仑定律,安倍定律等在原子世界的合法性;3.把普朗克常数看成是经验测量的产物,而非根据黑体辐射先验约定的。 你自己坚持的就是麦克斯韦的牛顿主义路线,我特别重视2,认为应当追随维恩,爱因斯坦否定牛顿力学的绝对有效性;目前我关注3,认为考虑原子核的万有引力,普朗克常数可变,这就与广义相对论预测引力场改变光速可以相媲美了。 博主回复(2015-10-8 10:51) : 吴博士,你对我的理论的理解非常正确。关于普朗克量子和常数,只是对氢原子结构 及其 共振光谱的求解是准确的,对于其它原子、分子应用时,我们必须引入量子亏损、电荷屏蔽等修正后才可以做到精确。如果我们坚持共振频率只是基频的自然整数倍,那么普朗克常数是可变的。 另外,从本质上来理解,电荷的相互作用是电场相互作用来实现的,因此场是电磁场力研究 的 基础。 作为目前的测量技术,我们只能观测电荷相互作用力及相关的变化,相关理论就受到了限制,对于作用力的描述是准确的,但难于实现场本质的描述。因此,我更愿意采用相互作用力来理解原子结构。
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热度 1 jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:36
Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 24 July 2014 - 10:18 AM I am not the arbiter, but have the right to question it. Just insisting that it is wrong, while providing no evidence to support that (and ignoring all the other evidence) is not questioning it. 0 Back to top #62 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 03:32 AM Just insisting that it is wrong, while providing no evidence to support that (and ignoring all the other evidence) is not questioning it. I would insist what is right deduction by classical theory, and reject to the misunderstanding about the great theory. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #63 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 26 July 2014 - 08:38 AM I would insist what is right deduction by classical theory, and reject to the misunderstanding about the great theory. I would insist that what is right (i.e. works) is what matches observation and evidence. Classical theory doesn't. 0 Back to top #64 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 12:40 PM I would insist that what is right (i.e. works) is what matches observation and evidence. Classical theory doesn't. A simple fact, an electron which is moving in a electromagnetic field is controlled by Lorentz force and will go along a trajectory, Please give me a reliable interpretation by quantum mechanics!!! Edited by Jeremy0922, 26 July 2014 - 12:41 PM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #65 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 26 July 2014 - 12:47 PM A simple fact, an electron which is moving in a electromagnetic field is controlled by Lorentz force and will go along a trajectory, Only if you treat it as a classical object. Please give me a reliable interpretation by quantum mechanics!!! There are dozens of interpretations. Take your pick. http://en.wikipedia....antum_mechanics I am not going to recommend one because I don't really like any of them. They are just stories (fairy tales, lies) to try and make reality fit our expectations. That is your problem; you want the universe to act as you think it should based on your intuition and expectations as a highly evolved ape. There is absolutely no reason to think that the universe should be comprehensible in those terms. Edited by Strange, 26 July 2014 - 12:49 PM. 0 Back to top #66 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 01:08 PM Only if you treat it as a classical object. There are dozens of interpretations. Take your pick. http://en.wikipedia....antum_mechanics I am not going to recommend one because I don't really like any of them. They are just stories (fairy tales, lies) to try and make reality fit our expectations. That is your problem; you want the universe to act as you think it should based on your intuition and expectations as a highly evolved ape. There is absolutely no reason to think that the universe should be comprehensible in those terms. 1. You think Lorentz force is wong, don't it? 2. and deny an electron could moves along a trajectory!!! 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #67 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 26 July 2014 - 01:52 PM 1. You think Lorentz force is wong, don't it? 2. and deny an electron could moves along a trajectory!!! I never said either of those things. 0 Back to top #68 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:12 PM I never said either of those things. Then you explain the fact that an electron could moves along a trajectory by QM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #69 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:14 PM A simple fact, an electron which is moving in a electromagnetic field is controlled by Lorentz force and will go along a trajectory, Please give me a reliable interpretation by quantum mechanics!!! The QM interpretation is that in an atom there is no motion along a trajectory. An electron that does move along a trajectory is obeying classical physics, so there is no QM explanation necessary. Classical physics explains it. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #70 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:18 PM Then you explain the fact that an electron could moves along a trajectory by QM. It is up to you to show that a classical model of the atom works. 0 Back to top #71 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:23 PM It is up to you to show that a classical model of the atom works. If QM can not explain the fact above, We have the right to question QM!!! 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #72 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:43 PM If QM can not explain the fact above, We have the right to question QM!!! QM does not explain evolution, planetary orbits or the tides. That has nothing to do with the correctness of QM, it has to do with the limits of applicability of QM. It is up to you to show that a classical model of the atom works. I second this, and also point out that the rules demand it . 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #73 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 26 July 2014 - 02:59 PM QM does not explain evolution, planetary orbits or the tides. That has nothing to do with the correctness of QM, it has to do with the limits of applicability of QM. I second this, and also point out that the rules demand it . But we are discussing the electron moves in the electromagnetic field. By my opnion, if we consider the mathematical methods in QM is effective to treat the resonace of the elctron orbit in the atom, almost problem would be settled. Edited by Jeremy0922, 26 July 2014 - 03:01 PM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #74 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 26 July 2014 - 05:05 PM But we are discussing the electron moves in the electromagnetic field. By my opnion, if we consider the mathematical methods in QM is effective to treat the resonace of the elctron orbit in the atom, almost problem would be settled. I thought you were discussing QM. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #75 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 27 July 2014 - 12:39 AM I thought you were discussing QM. Generally, there are several mathematical method for solving a physical problem, Schrdinger equation and E=hv were deduced from resonace model by classical theory. I think the mathematical method to solve Schrdinger equation in QM might to be introduced, to solve the resonance problem, or we could select a new method to do that.
个人分类: 物质结构|2691 次阅读|2 个评论
jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:35
swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:08 AM By QM, angular momentum.is only the interpretation about quantum number from the solution of Schrdinger equation, but I do not wether it means angular momentum in physics. By classical theory, the ground orbit of the electron is a circle. Yes, and a charge moving in a circle will give you a magnetic field. Do we see this field when we measure the magnetic moment of the hydrogen atoms? 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #42 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:31 AM Electron moves along the orbit is a kind of periodic movement, isn't it? No. Unless you have some evidence that there is periodic movement of the hydrogen atom caused by the movement of electrons. Which you have admitted you haven't. So, no. As we known, the solution about the hydrogen atom is the greatest and outstanding work for quantum mechanics. There was that little thing that Einstein got a Nobel Prize for. And Planck's solution to the ultraviolet catastrophe. It took quite a long time for quantum theory to be applied to the atom. Even if the classical model is a reasonable approximation in some cases for the hydrogen atom, it is no use for more complex problems. 0 Back to top #43 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:39 AM Yes, and a charge moving in a circle will give you a magnetic field. Do we see this field when we measure the magnetic moment of the hydrogen atoms? Good question! Although I don't know wether there is the technology to do it, but we could apply the magnetic field by moving charges to explain magnetic properties of the magnets and VanderWaalsforce. I don't kown how to explain for these two phenomenon by quantum mechanics. No. Unless you have some evidence that there is periodic movement of the hydrogen atom caused by the movement of electrons. Which you have admitted you haven't. So, no. There is not the technology which is able to observe the electron moves around the proton. Edited by Jeremy0922, 22 July 2014 - 11:41 AM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #44 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:41 AM There is not the technology which is able to observe the electron moves around the proton. So you have no justification for claiming that such movement exists. Especially when there is plenty of evidence showing that the classical model is inadequate. What are you going to do about the photoelectric effect? How are you going to explain the black body spectrum? Edited by Strange, 22 July 2014 - 11:42 AM. 0 Back to top #45 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 11:45 AM So you have no justification for claiming that such movement exists. What we can not observe is not mean there is no! Do you see an electron? do you believe there is elelctron? Edited by Jeremy0922, 22 July 2014 - 12:04 PM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #46 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 22 July 2014 - 12:19 PM Good question! Although I don't know wether there is the technology to do it, but we could apply the magnetic field by moving charges to explain magnetic properties of the magnets and Van der Waals force. I don't kown how to explain for these two phenomenon by quantum mechanics. The magnetic moment would affect the energy levels both in the unperturbed atom (Hyperfine splitting) and when it was subjected to an external field where we would see Zeeman splitting of the levels. The technology exists to observe this; the study is one of spectroscopy. People would have seen such an effect several decades ago, if the structure was there. But the answer is no, there is no effect observed. This is why there is no serious consideration of a classical model: any model that disagrees with experiment is wrong. QM gives the right answer. As to magnetic properties and van der Waal's forces, perhaps you should read up on them. These have been studied for years. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #47 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 12:44 PM What we can not observe is not mean there is no! If we cannot observe it, then there is no reason to think it exists. Inventing an undetectable effect as the basis of a theory is not science. Do you see an electron? do you believe there is elelctron? I have seen the trail of an electron in a cloud chamber. I have seen many other effects caused by the behaviour of electrons. So we have observed and measured behaviour of electrons, used as the basis of various theories. You have invented a non-existent effect. Which do you think I should take more seriously? Science or science-fiction? 0 Back to top #48 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 02:32 PM The magnetic moment would affect the energy levels both in the unperturbed atom (Hyperfine splitting) and when it was subjected to an external field where we would see Zeeman splitting of the levels. The technology exists to observe this; the study is one of spectroscopy. People would have seen such an effect several decades ago, if the structure was there. But the answer is no, there is no effect observed. This is why there is no serious consideration of a classical model: any model that disagrees with experiment is wrong. QM gives the right answer. I want to know the interpretation of magnetic properties (field) of the magnets by QM, not Zeeman splitting. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #49 hoola hoola Molecule Senior Members 482 posts Location colorado, usa Posted 22 July 2014 - 03:41 PM when I was asking about what moves a hydrogen atom, I was referring to a gas of hydrogen atoms, not a single atom isolated. As hydrogen gas is compressed, it is the electron of each atom that is doing the repulsing of it's neighbor, and acts as the active mechanism of the compression energy, correct? Edited by hoola, 22 July 2014 - 03:44 PM. 0 Back to top #50 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 22 July 2014 - 03:55 PM I want to know the interpretation of magnetic properties (field) of the magnets by QM, not Zeeman splitting. That's a separate question to whether or not classical physics is consistent with the spectroscopic results. (It isn't) The point is that a classical orbit of an electron would have predictable effects on the level splittings. These results are not seen, thus the model is wrong. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #51 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 23 July 2014 - 02:10 AM That's a separate question to whether or not classical physics is consistent with the spectroscopic results. (It isn't) The point is that a classical orbit of an electron would have predictable effects on the level splittings. These results are not seen, thus the model is wrong. How do you explain the magnetic field by moving charged particle according to quantum mechanics? Edited by Jeremy0922, 23 July 2014 - 02:11 AM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #52 Sensei Sensei Primate Senior Members 1,594 posts Posted 23 July 2014 - 04:26 AM What we can not observe is not mean there is no! Do you see an electron? do you believe there is elelctron? Long traces in Cloud Chamber are from electrons (they are also called beta rays, or when we're making them using high voltage - cathode rays) The more kinetic energy has particle, the longer trace. 0 How To Calculate Decay Energy Of Radioactive Isotope Chemistry Lab Guru application (turn Full HD mode). Back to top #53 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 23 July 2014 - 07:03 AM Long traces in Cloud Chamber are from electrons (they are also called beta rays, or when we're making them using high voltage - cathode rays) The more kinetic energy has particle, the longer trace. Thanks for your link, I believe there is electron, although we have never get the image about a standing electron. Edited by Jeremy0922, 23 July 2014 - 07:07 AM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #54 Sensei Sensei Primate Senior Members 1,594 posts Posted 23 July 2014 - 07:10 AM Yes, and a charge moving in a circle will give you a magnetic field. Actually, in coil electrons don't move in circle, but in spiral. Single electron is just once passing through wire. When electrons flow in one direction in coil of course it will produce magnetic field, that anybody with compass array device can see on his own eyes. But if we will use alternating current, electrons flow once in one direction, once in opposite direction. Can you detect magnetic field when frequency of AC would be counted in millions or billions Hz? What does show compass array device, if you will place it close to coil through which there is flowing low frequency AC, or high frequency AC.. ? What does show compass array device, if you will place it close to discharge tube with Hydrogen and turn high voltage on to ionize it.. ? The issue I see here is that spectral lines are obtained from discharge tube, with ionized plasma. But electric neutral Hydrogen gas is not mixture of proton and electron, but H 2 molecule, two protons and two electrons. ps. Where in USA and UK somebody can buy compass array like below one? I searched couple times on Google and can't find anything.. Here it costs $40 in the regular shop. Whenever somebody asks on physics forum about moving electron in circle around proton I know they don't mean it literally. Circle is 2d figure, with missing one axis to 3d. Analyze should be done using the all 3 dimensions. What are your predictions of magnetic field lines around it for such coil.. ? Imagine it's single long wire. Edited by Sensei, 23 July 2014 - 07:13 AM. 0 How To Calculate Decay Energy Of Radioactive Isotope Chemistry Lab Guru application (turn Full HD mode). Back to top #55 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 23 July 2014 - 09:47 AM How do you explain the magnetic field by moving charged particle according to quantum mechanics? It's not part of QM, as such. It's explained classically and relativistically. Actually, in coil electrons don't move in circle, but in spiral. I'm not talking about an electron in a coil, I'm talking about an electron in a Bohr orbit and the energy shift that will result if the electron had orbital angular momentum. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #56 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:40 AM It's not part of QM, as such. It's explained classically and relativistically. You are wrong, QM is the theory for solving the structure of atom, molecule, and solid-state, the magnetics properpties are depended on the structure, so,QM should explain it. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #57 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 23 July 2014 - 11:47 AM You are wrong, QM is the theory for solving the structure of atom, molecule, and solid-state, the magnetics properpties are depended on the structure, so,QM should explain it. You are not the arbiter of what QM is. This is simply a straw-man justification for rejecting QM. Perhaps you should actually study the subject and learn about it before criticizing. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #58 Sensei Sensei Primate Senior Members 1,594 posts Posted 23 July 2014 - 12:22 PM Thanks for your link, I believe there is electron, although we have never get the image about a standing electron. Image not (hard to get image of particle at rest), but whole electrostatics is about measuring charges coming from electrons at rest that repel each other.. http://www.sparkmuse...STATIC_MISC.HTM Wimshurst machine http://en.wikipedia....mshurst_machine Electroscope http://en.wikipedia....ki/Electroscope Don't you have these devices.. ?? 0 How To Calculate Decay Energy Of Radioactive Isotope Chemistry Lab Guru application (turn Full HD mode). Back to top #59 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 24 July 2014 - 05:43 AM You are not the arbiter of what QM is. This is simply a straw-man justification for rejecting QM. Perhaps you should actually study the subject and learn about it before criticizing. I am not the arbiter, but have the right to question it. Image not (hard to get image of particle at rest), but whole electrostatics is about measuring charges coming from electrons at rest that repel each other.. http://www.sparkmuse...STATIC_MISC.HTM Wimshurst machine http://en.wikipedia....mshurst_machine Electroscope http://en.wikipedia....ki/Electroscope Don't you have these devices.. ?? Thanks 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #60 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 24 July 2014 - 09:36 AM I am not the arbiter, but have the right to question it. Saying that a particular theory needs to explain a phenomenon outside of its reach is not questioning it. Electromagnetism doesn't explain gravity, but that does not indicate any problem with EM. Explaining magnetism is within EM, not QM.
个人分类: 物质结构|2633 次阅读|0 个评论
jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:32
hoola hoola Molecule Senior Members 482 posts Location colorado, usa Posted 22 July 2014 - 07:14 AM I liked strange's question....do hydrogen atoms really move due to the movement of the electron...? I would presume that movement is due to electron repulsion from adjacent atoms... 0 Back to top #22 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 07:41 AM hoola, on 22 Jul 2014 - 3:14 PM, said: I liked strange's question....do hydrogen atoms really move due to the movement of the electron...? I would presume that movement is due to electron repulsion from adjacent atoms... For an isolated hydrogen atom, there is no adjacent atom. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #23 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:03 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 3:41 PM, said: For an isolated hydrogen atom, there is no adjacent atom. But, again, you haven't answered the question! 0 Back to top #24 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:20 AM Strange, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:03 PM, said: But, again, you haven't answered the question! In the hygrogen atom, there is an electron and a proton. As a clsssical mechanical system, that is a two-body system. About the treatment for two-body system, you could find the answer from text book of physics about mechanics and movement. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #25 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:25 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:20 PM, said: In the hygrogen atom, there is an electron and a proton. As a clsssical mechanical system, that is a two-body system. About the treatment for two-body system, you could find the answer from text book of physics about mechanics and movement. You still haven't answered the question. The question is: do hydrogen atoms move because of the movement of the electrons? I am not asking about classical mechanics, two body systems, or text books. After all, the hydrogen atom is not a classical system so all of that is irrelevant. I am asking about what actually happens . So, again, can you provide a reference that shows experimental measurements of a hydrogen atom oscillating due to the movement of the electron? 0 Back to top #26 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:34 AM Strange, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:25 PM, said: You still haven't answered the question. The question is: do hydrogen atoms move because of the movement of the electrons? I am not asking about classical mechanics, two body systems, or text books. After all, the hydrogen atom is not a classical system so all of that is irrelevant. I am asking about what actually happens . So, again, can you provide a reference that shows experimental measurements of a hydrogen atom oscillating due to the movement of the electron? I think the hydrogen atom is classical system. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #27 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:46 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:34 PM, said: I think the hydrogen atom is classical system. And I am asking for evidence to support that. Your starting point was that the quantum model cannot explain the periodic movement of the hydrogen atom. But you have not yet provided any evidence that this periodic movement exists. So, your argument appears to be: 1. If the atom is classical then there would be periodic movement. 2. Quantum theory cannot explain this periodic movement. 3. Therefore the classical model must be correct. Is that correct? If so: http://en.wikipedia....ng_the_question Edited by Strange, 22 July 2014 - 08:47 AM. 0 Back to top #28 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:52 AM swansont, on 22 Jul 2014 - 02:39 AM, said: I took this to mean that you don't get classical equations of motion from the Schrdinger equation. My thought was that as the WKB gives you quasi-classical trajectories then one maybe able to think about orbits with a lot of care. Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 11:44 AM, said: WKB approximation is only a mathematical method or semiclassical calcultion for finding approximate solutions for the quantum sysytem, the reliability of results depends on whether the Schrdinger equation of the quantum system is correct. See above. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #29 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:52 AM Strange, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:46 PM, said: And I am asking for evidence to support that. Your starting point was that the quantum model cannot explain the periodic movement of the hydrogen atom. But you have not yet provided any evidence that this periodic movement exists. So, your argument appears to be: 1. If the atom is classical then there would be periodic movement. 2. Quantum theory cannot explain this periodic movement. 3. Therefore the classical model must be correct. Is that correct? If so: http://en.wikipedia....ng_the_question Please read post #10 my answer for ajb 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #30 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:54 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:34 PM, said: I think the hydrogen atom is classical system. I think that idea has been rejected over 100 years agao now. You can't explian the orbitals nor the stability usng classical mechanics. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #31 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 08:58 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:52 PM, said: Please read post #10 my answer for ajb I have looked at post #10 again. I don't see a reference to experimental evidence for periodic movement of the hydrogen atom due to the movement of the electron. Does such evidence exist: yes or no? I am very disappointed. I thought I was going to learn something new.... 0 Back to top #32 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:09 AM ajb, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:52 PM, said: My thought was that as the WKB gives you quasi-classical trajectories then one maybe able to think about orbits with a lot of care. See above. In microworld, there are classical and quantum (or resonance) phenomenon, Schrdinger equation is a powerful mathematical tool to solve the resonance phenomenon. Strange, on 22 Jul 2014 - 4:58 PM, said: I have looked at post #10 again. I don't see a reference to experimental evidence for periodic movement of the hydrogen atom due to the movement of the electron. Does such evidence exist: yes or no? I am very disappointed. I thought I was going to learn something new.... I think the structure and linear spectrum of the hydrogen atom could be interpretted by classical theory actually. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #33 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:12 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said: In microworld, there are classical and quantum (or resonance) phenomenon, Schrdinger equation is a powerful mathematical tool to solve the resonance phenomenon. Right, but you could use this with the WKB and path integrals to get at a quasi-classical trajectory. I wonder if you can do this and ragain some notion of an orbit. I really don't know and have not seen it does, maybe you can maybe soemthing goes wrong. Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said: I think the structure and linear spectrum of the hydrogen atom could be interpretted by classical theory actually. Okay, so if you reject quantum mechanics from the start, then you can forget my suggestion. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #34 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:28 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:09 PM, said: I think the structure and linear spectrum of the hydrogen atom could be interpretted by classical theory actually. So you admit you have no evidence that there is periodic movement of the hydrogen atom caused by the movement of electrons. Thank you. 0 Back to top #35 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:33 AM Strange, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:28 PM, said: So you admit you have no evidence that there is periodic movement of the hydrogen atom caused by the movement of electrons. Thank you. Electron moves along the orbit is a kind of periodic movement, isn't it? 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #36 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:37 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:33 PM, said: Electron moves along the orbit is a kind of periodic movement, isn't it? But this exactly the classical notions we are a bit uncomfortable with in this context. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #37 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:48 AM ajb, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:12 PM, said: Right, but you could use this with the WKB and path integrals to get at a quasi-classical trajectory. I wonder if you can do this and ragain some notion of an orbit. I really don't know and have not seen it does, maybe you can maybe soemthing goes wrong. Okay, so if you reject quantum mechanics from the start, then you can forget my suggestion. I reject quantum mechanics, because I think QM denies the causality of nature, and I found we mistook classical theory for the problem of the hydrogen atom ajb, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:37 PM, said: But this exactly the classical notions we are a bit uncomfortable with in this context. If it is trues, I think we should accept it. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #38 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:49 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:40 PM, said: I reject quantum mechanics, because I think QM denies the causality of nature, and I found we mistook classical theory for the problem of the hydrogen atom Then you need to solve all of the problems that others before you could not. For example, in the Bohr model, the ground state of Hydrogen has 1 hbar of angular momentum. That should give a contribution to the magnetic moment of the atom. In QM, the orbital angular momentum is zero, giving no contribution to the magnetic moment. Only one of these can be correct. Which one? 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #39 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 22 July 2014 - 09:52 AM Jeremy0922, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:40 PM, said: I reject quantum mechanics, because I think QM denies the causality of nature, and I found we mistook classical theory for the problem of the hydrogen atom I don't know if the violation of causlity here is rather a philosophical thing, I assume you are talking about things like spontaneous decays and so on. For sure, quantum mechanics gives another view on cauality, but I don't think that is really enough to simply reject it. Also, remember that the hydrogen atom is not the only system well described by quantum mechanics. Edited by ajb, 22 July 2014 - 09:53 AM. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #40 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 10:05 AM swansont, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:49 PM, said: Then you need to solve all of the problems that others before you could not. For example, in the Bohr model, the ground state of Hydrogen has 1 hbar of angular momentum. That should give a contribution to the magnetic moment of the atom. In QM, the orbital angular momentum is zero, giving no contribution to the magnetic moment. Only one of these can be correct. Which one? By QM, angular momentum.is only the interpretation about quantum number from the solution of Schrdinger equation, but I do not wether it means angular momentum in physics. By classical theory, the ground orbit of the electron is a circle. ajb, on 22 Jul 2014 - 5:52 PM, said: I don't know if the violation of causlity here is rather a philosophical thing, I assume you are talking about things like spontaneous decays and so on. For sure, quantum mechanics gives another view on cauality, but I don't think that is really enough to simply reject it. Also, remember that the hydrogen atom is not the only system well described by quantum mechanics. As we known, the solution about the hydrogen atom is the greatest and outstanding work for quantum mechanics.
个人分类: 物质结构|2243 次阅读|0 个评论
jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:30
如果能打开,原始链接地址: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/84583-how-to-understand-the-periodicity-of-the-moving-electron-in-the-hydrogen-atom/page-4 How to understand the periodicity of the moving electron in the hydrogen atom Started by Jeremy0922 , Jul 21, 2014 Page 1 of 4 !--img src='http://www.scienceforums.net/public/style_images/SFN/dropdown.png' alt='+' /-- 1 2 3 Next Please log in to reply 74 replies to this topic #1 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 21 July 2014 - 07:34 AM For a hydrogen atom at ground state, the electron is moving around the proton (nucleur of H atom). The frequency ν 0 and the energy E 0 of the electron in the H atom at the ground state should consistent with quantum hypothesis, that is : E 0 =h ν 0 Where h is Planck's constant . As we known, the period T and the frequency of the electron must obey the following relationship : T=1/ ν Clearly, the electron is moving around the proton with a constant period T 0 , and T 0 = h /E 0 According to the concept of period, the moving electron should be at the same position at the time after a period T 0 . That is easy for us to understand by classic concept and theory, but I don't know How to understand the periodicity of the electron in the hydrogen atom by quantum mechanics, would you like tell me ? Thanks ! Edited by Jeremy0922, 21 July 2014 - 07:40 AM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #2 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 21 July 2014 - 08:55 AM This classical Bhor model of the atom with electrons orbiting the nucleus is not really accurate. It does give correct results for some specific things but is in general not accurate. The quantum mechanical model is that an electrons is not orbiting the nucleus but is spread out around the atom with a defined probability if being found in any given position. http://www.chemguide...tsorbitals.html 0 Back to top #3 Nicholas Kang Nicholas Kang Molecule Senior Members 630 posts Posted 21 July 2014 - 09:49 AM This classical Bhor model of the atom with electrons orbiting the nucleus is not really accurate. It does give correct results for some specific things but is in general not accurate. The quantum mechanical model is that an electrons is not orbiting the nucleus but is spread out around the atom with a defined probability if being found in any given position. http://www.chemguide...tsorbitals.html Now I know why I would hate my Chemistry teacher next year. That was a really great scientific website. I learnt a lot of new things and terms. Thanks, Strange. 0 For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice. Back to top #4 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 21 July 2014 - 10:06 AM This classical Bhor model of the atom with electrons orbiting the nucleus is not really accurate. It does give correct results for some specific things but is in general not accurate. The quantum mechanical model is that an electrons is not orbiting the nucleus but is spread out around the atom with a defined probability if being found in any given position. http://www.chemguide...tsorbitals.html Thank you for your answer, but the interpretation by probability wave contradicts to the periodic movement of the electron. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #5 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 21 July 2014 - 10:17 AM Thank you for your answer, but the interpretation by probability wave contradicts to the periodic movement of the electron. I am not sure if there is any kind of limit for which the Schrdinger equation for the hydrogen atom reduces to Bohr's model. The only thing I can think of is the classical limit, but that would not give the Bohr quantisation conditions. It maybe possible to use the WKB or something like that to get a hursistic picture of an orbiting electron, but you would have to be very careful with the interpretations here. I don't know if you could recover the quantisation contidtions or something close to them. I expect not as the Bohr model is very huristic and based on an ad-hoc modification of classical mechanics. It sounds like you have some solution here? 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #6 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 21 July 2014 - 10:25 AM Thank you for your answer, but the interpretation by probability wave contradicts to the periodic movement of the electron. The conclusion is that there is no periodic motion of the electron, in any meaningful classical sense. The Bohr model is wrong. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #7 StringJunky StringJunky Atom Senior Members 2,576 posts Location UK Posted 21 July 2014 - 11:19 AM The Bohr model is wrong. To say I was pissed off when I found this out going into A level chemistry (16-18yrs) would be an understatement. I felt the previous two years was completely wasted on learning inaccurate information. The tutor actually said: Everything you've learnt so far is wrong! 0 In the absence of data, we have more degrees of freedom to wave our arms. - Anon. Challenge Einstein, and you’d better be prepared to lose. - Anon. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” ~Epictetus Back to top #8 Nicholas Kang Nicholas Kang Molecule Senior Members 630 posts Posted 21 July 2014 - 11:21 AM And what I have learnt in school are all wrong. 0 For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice. Back to top #9 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 21 July 2014 - 11:45 AM Thank you for your answer, but the interpretation by probability wave contradicts to the periodic movement of the electron. What periodic movement of the electron are you referring to? 0 Back to top #10 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:24 PM I am not sure if there is any kind of limit for which the Schrdinger equation for the hydrogen atom reduces to Bohr's model. The only thing I can think of is the classical limit, but that would not give the Bohr quantisation conditions. It maybe possible to use the WKB or something like that to get a hursistic picture of an orbiting electron, but you would have to be very careful with the interpretations here. I don't know if you could recover the quantisation contidtions or something close to them. I expect not as the Bohr model is very huristic and based on an ad-hoc modification of classical mechanics. It sounds like you have some solution here? Hi, ajb, thank you to discuss with you again. 1. The Schrdinger equation can not reduce to trajecctory equation for the moving electron in the center field; 2. Bohr model is the theory closed to sucess for H atom. But we must proof A) there is a ground orbit (or state) for H atom, and B) the linear spectrum is caused by resonance of the ground orbit, and C) the steady state Schrdinger equation of the H atom could be deduced from A) and B) I think the answer or explanation could be found for your questions in my prevous topics and paper: 1. Electromagnetic radiation and steady state of hydrogen atom 2. Why don't we build the model of hydrogen atom independently by QM? What periodic movement of the electron are you referring to? center of mass coordinate of the H atom The conclusion is that there is no periodic motion of the electron, in any meaningful classical sense. The Bohr model is wrong. Nice to meet you again, Swansont. please see my quote above to answer ajb. Edited by Jeremy0922, 21 July 2014 - 03:27 PM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #11 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:30 PM center of mass coordinate of the H atom Does the center of mass move? 0 Back to top #12 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:37 PM Does the center of mass move? Yes, it is moving refere to Lab 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #13 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:47 PM Yes, it is moving refere to Lab I wasn't aware of that. Can you provide a reference describing it? 0 Back to top #14 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 21 July 2014 - 03:54 PM Yes, it is moving refere to Lab In the center of mass coordinates, the center of mass is stationary, by definition. 1. The Schrdinger equation can not reduce to trajecctory equation for the moving electron in the center field; No. That's one of the big differences when compared to classical physics, and one of the central ideas of QM. 2. Bohr model is the theory closed to sucess for H atom. The Bohr model explains a few things properly, but where it fails it fails spectacularly. In a seemingly unrecoverable way. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #15 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:16 PM I wasn't aware of that. Can you provide a reference describing it? You can find the answer in a text book about classical mechanics or wiki, for two-bodies system. http://en.wikipedia....ameredirect=no In the center of mass coordinates, the center of mass is stationary, by definition. The atom is moving to Lab., so, it's center of mass (coordinates) is also moving. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #16 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:37 PM You can find the answer in a text book about classical mechanics or wiki, for two-bodies system. http://en.wikipedia....ameredirect=no The atom is moving to Lab., so, it's center of mass (coordinates) is also moving. Moving relative to the lab. But the center of mass is not moving with respect to its own coordinate system. From the Wikipedia page In all COM frames, the center of mass is at rest 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #17 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:40 PM You can find the answer in a text book about classical mechanics or wiki, for two-bodies system. http://en.wikipedia....ameredirect=no That doesn't say anything about hydrogen atoms. Do hydrogen atoms really move due to the movement of the electron? 0 Back to top #18 ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 21 July 2014 - 04:59 PM 1. The Schrdinger equation can not reduce to trajecctory equation for the moving electron in the center field; You mean that the WKB approximation is not sutiable for what you want to do? I have not looked into this at all. Do you have a reference here? (or is it something I would have to workout myself, null results don't get published!) 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #19 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,432 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 21 July 2014 - 06:39 PM You mean that the WKB approximation is not sutiable for what you want to do? I have not looked into this at all. Do you have a reference here? (or is it something I would have to workout myself, null results don't get published!) I took this to mean that you don't get classical equations of motion from the Schrdinger equation. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #20 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 22 July 2014 - 03:44 AM You mean that the WKB approximation is not sutiable for what you want to do? I have not looked into this at all. Do you have a reference here? (or is it something I would have to workout myself, null results don't get published!) WKB approximation is only a mathematical method or semiclassical calcultion for finding approximate solutions for the quantum sysytem, the reliability of results depends onwhether the Schrdinger equation of the quantum system is correct. By my opnion, Schrdinger equation could be used to describe the resonance of the orbit in atom, eigenvalues of energy from the equation's solutions decide the eigenvalues of orbit radius. For the H atom, we can get eigenvalues of orbit radius of the ground and resonate states by solution of Schrdinger equation, and the elelctron moves along one of the eigen-orbits which obey the control of the Lorentz force. In addition, H atom is only at the ground orbit for the isolated state, and could be at high eigen-orbit by outer resonate field. Edited by Jeremy0922, 22 July 2014 - 04:13 AM.
个人分类: 物质结构|1207 次阅读|0 个评论
jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:03
studiot studiot Scientist Senior Members 3,901 posts Location Somerset, England Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:40 PM Jeremy 0922 A scientific theory or model about nature must obey scientific rules,such as logic, causality, and could completely not partially be confirmed by the facts Well that is not the way we learn, teach or practice Science from an early level. Take for instance the typical highschool maths questions 'A mass M is suspended from a light inextensible string...............' A rigid rod of length l supports two blocks....' 'A frictionless pulley.....' Yet these methods yield reproducible results adequate for many purposes. People every day bet their lives on calculations known to be inaccurate or based on known false assumptions because observation (experience) has shown that those calculations are adequate for purpose. Sometimes we have results without explanation and scientific theories are offered a conceivable explanations, such as the reversing magnetic fields of Earth, but we do not rely on them because they also predict effects we do not observe. Sometimes we have theories that offer apparantly good explanations and the authors of better ones struggle against the establishment to promote them, (isotasy v plate techtonics for instance), but usually further observations come to light which weed out the inadequate. These days we seek corroboration or exception more actively than ever, because we are aware of this. But we should always be wary of specifying how any theory 'should be' . I said 'adequate through experience' above this is a process that gives us increasing confidence in a theory as we make more and more observations that agree with its predictions, but fail to find exceptions. This is the case with Quantum Mechanics, And I commend it to the House. 0 Back to top #122 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 03:09 PM please compare your work along side of traditional methods. i would also like to see why you need it ( what makes it useful). sometimes it is all about presentation... Please see my paper: http://blog.sciencen...uo.pdfid=55724 Empty claim. You need to actually SHOW that it is wrong. because the theoritical coordinates is not the experimental coordinates 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #123 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 15 October 2014 - 03:25 PM because the theoritical coordinates is not the experimental coordinates No, not explain why you think it is wrong. You need to actually SHOW that it is wrong. Quantitatively. In appropriate mathematical detail. 0 Back to top #124 Bignose Bignose Maths Expert Resident Experts 2,429 posts Location Iowa Posted 15 October 2014 - 04:06 PM because the theoritical coordinates is not the experimental coordinates Jeremy, this is a large scope question. In science, the main metric of how good an idea is: how accurate of predictions does it make. In many ways, it doesn't matter if the idea is based upon the wishing of fairies riding unicorns, the most perfect logic, or the most imperfect broken logic. If the idea predicts x, and we measure it as x.... then that idea is scientifically strong. On the other hand, if an idea predicts x and we measure y, then clearly there is an error of (x-y). Logic has failed us before. At one time, it was logical to think that earth was flat. x=flat earth. But, when we finally measured y=mostly spherical earth, then clearly the idea that predicted x was wrong. For us to believer your idea, appeals to 'logic' alone doesn't matter. Today, we measure y about the state of an atom. You are predicting x. Current best theory predicts z. We know what z-y is. Please show us what x-y is. Show us what predictions your idea makes. That is the most important thing right now. Appeals to 'logic' aren't going to get you any more support. If you want support, demonstrate that your idea makes really good predictions that agree with what is measured. Edited by Bignose, 15 October 2014 - 04:26 PM. 0 Back to top #125 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 15 October 2014 - 04:36 PM Related to that, it is quite possible to have multiple theories to explain some phenomenon. For example, both Newtonian gravity and GR make predictions about the effects of gravity. In many cases, they are equally accurate. In some cases, GR is (significantly) more accurate. That does not mean that GR is true and Newton is false. (Or that one is more logical than the other.) One model is more accurate than the other. That's all. 0 Back to top #126 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 06:03 PM Please note a simple fact follow: In different coordinates, the observing results are different for a moving particle. the result in a coordinte could be transferred by coordinates transformation relationship, and will be the same as the result in other coordinate. Coordinate transformation is the correct method for treatment of results in different coordinates. So, if the transformation relationship between two coordinates is unknow or uncertain, the results in these two coordinates can not be compared. -1 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #127 Bignose Bignose Maths Expert Resident Experts 2,429 posts Location Iowa Posted 15 October 2014 - 07:29 PM Coordinate transformation is the correct method for treatment of results in different coordinates. This can be demonstrated by showing us that your coordinates make as good or better predictions than the existing methods. See my note above. Make predictions, not 'logic'. Show us that your idea is actually useful. Basically, you're asking us to drop something -- a something that is has demonstrated it can make really good predictions that agree very closely to what is measured -- to something that cannot make any predictions. Why would anyone do that?!? Why get rid of something useful for something that hasn't demonstrated any usefulness? Hey, I'm going to chop off my hand because I've heard that a pointy stick is better. Sure, no one's given me a pointy stick yet to try, but I'm going to trust Billy Bob because he told it was true...... 0 Back to top #128 Phi for All Phi for All Chief Executive Offworlder Moderators 13,143 posts Location CO, USA Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:49 PM ! Moderator Note OK, 7 pages is more than enough time to provide adequate support for an idea, if such support exists. None has been forthcoming, so the thread will be closed per Speculation section rules. Don't open this topic again unless you can provide some tangible evidence for it.
个人分类: 物质结构|2267 次阅读|0 个评论
jmluo0922 2015-5-7 17:01
ajb ajb Physics Expert Resident Experts 7,564 posts Location Warsaw, Poland Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:31 AM I disagree what you said above, and insist that quantum theory lacks some scientific foundation. I don't think you can dismiss the fact that quantum theory has been shown to agree well with nature over and over again. This is despite any philosophical disagreement or trouble with interpretations: quantum mechanics where is it expected to apply well has yet to fail. You need to point to some experimental evidence that quantum mechanics is not working. 0 In physics you don't have to go around making trouble for yourself - nature does it for you Frank Wilczek. Mathematical Ramblings. Back to top #102 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:28 AM I disagree what you said above, and insist that quantum theory lacks some scientific foundation. That's not what I said, though. I said the theory matches experiment really well. If you disagree, you need to point to some part of the theory that's not supported by experiment. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #103 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:14 PM I don't think you can dismiss the fact that quantum theory has been shown to agree well with nature over and over again. This is despite any philosophical disagreement or trouble with interpretations: quantum mechanics where is it expected to apply well has yet to fail. You need to point to some experimental evidence that quantum mechanics is not working. By the solutions and consequences of Schrdinger equation (and E=hv), the prolems of atomic, molecular, and solid-state structures and spectrums could be solved. As my works shown Schrdinger equation and E=hv could be deduced by classical theory. So, I suggest: Matter wave, quantum which are unnecessary conceptions and come a lot of contradictions, could be discarded. That's not what I said, though. I said the theory matches experiment really well. If you disagree, you need to point to some part of the theory that's not supported by experiment. see above Edited by Jeremy0922, 19 August 2014 - 03:34 PM. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #104 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 19 August 2014 - 03:41 PM By the solutions and consequences of Schrdinger equation (and E=hv), the prolems of atomic, molecular, and solid-state structures and spectrums could be solved. As my works shown Schrdinger equation and E=hv could be deduced by classical theory. So, I suggest: Matter wave, quantum which are unnecessary conceptions and come a lot of contradictions, could be discarded. see above So let's have your classically-backed model of the hydrogen atom. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #105 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:57 AM So let's have your classically-backed model of the hydrogen atom. A scientific theory or model about nature must obey scientific rules,such as logic, causality, and could completely not partially be confirmed by the facts. If a theory which is eventhecurrentmainstreamthinking violate theserules, weshould question its correctness and scientificalness. And I believe we willeventually prove that is wrong and will abandone it. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #106 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 08:51 AM How big will this effect be on whatever you're measuring? It is a problem about logic, but not an error. So the answer only is yes or no. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #107 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 15 October 2014 - 10:07 AM It is a problem about logic, but not an error. So the answer only is yes or no. No, it's not. If the effect is small compared to other effects, and especially if it happens to be below the resolution of measurement, it can be ignored. Science is about making models that agree with how nature behaves. You always have to compare to experiment — if it disagrees, the model is wrong. It never ends at just logic; your logic can be good but if the premise is flawed the conclusion isn't valid. Comparison with empirical results is how you check your work. Since the results of the accepted model do agree with experiment, any perturbation to it that has not been included in the model is too small to currently matter. Abandoning the model will only happen if it stops agreeing with experiment or a better model comes along. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #108 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:25 AM No, it's not. If the effect is small compared to other effects, and especially if it happens to be below the resolution of measurement, it can be ignored. Science is about making models that agree with how nature behaves. You always have to compare to experiment — if it disagrees, the model is wrong. It never ends at just logic; your logic can be good but if the premise is flawed the conclusion isn't valid. Comparison with empirical results is how you check your work. Since the results of the accepted model do agree with experiment, any perturbation to it that has not been included in the model is too small to currently matter. Abandoning the model will only happen if it stops agreeing with experiment or a better model comes along. We are discussing the logic relationship between the experimental data and the hydrogen atom model of quantum theory. Your answer is about resolution of measurement, and is an other question. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #109 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:45 AM We are discussing the logic relationship between the experimental data and the hydrogen atom model of quantum theory. Your answer is about resolution of measurement, and is an other question. I'm trying to discuss science. You appear to be claiming that the accepted model is wrong, and the only way to do that is by comparing the model to experiment. The accepted model does not include the gravitational attraction of the electron and the nucleus, either, because we know how small it is — it can be safely ignored. For your claim to have merit you have to show the effect exists AND it is large enough to make a difference. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #110 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 15 October 2014 - 11:46 AM We are discussing the logic relationship between the experimental data and the hydrogen atom model of quantum theory. There is no logic relationship - there is only the predictions of theory versus the measurements. You have no predictions (other than it is yes or no, which is not very helpful) therefore your comments are not useful. Not even science, in fact. 0 Back to top #111 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 12:07 PM There is no logic relationship - there is only the predictions of theory versus the measurements. You have no predictions (other than it is yes or no, which is not very helpful) therefore your comments are not useful. Not even science, in fact. You think logic relationship between experiment and theory is unnecessary! 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #112 imatfaal imatfaal lazy do-nothing mudslinger Moderators 5,425 posts Location St James's Park Posted 15 October 2014 - 12:50 PM You think logic relationship between experiment and theory is unnecessary! It would be necessary if science was the quest for an ultimate truth - but science is an empirical investigation through models, predictions, and experiments. Nature is under no compunction to agree with my arrogant monkey logic - but if I am doing science then I am compelled to take empirical evidence as the only yardstick of truth. The logical beauty of a scientific theory is of no use whatsoever and can be positively dangerous - we only need to look back at classical Greece to see this. Maths, logic, philosophy were at an amazing (local) peak but whole swathes of observational science were at a standstill because logical beauty trumped observation. This continued for hundreds of years; medicine, biology, astronomy and most disciplines in Europe laboured through to the Renaissance with easily disproved theories which were both ancient and logically necessary but hugely wrong. We adhered to these ideas for the same reason as you are failing - it is all too human to believe there must be an accessible base narrative which explains everything in a logically sound, mutually non-contradictory, and pleasing manner. But firstly we have no reason whatsoever to think nature functions in such a manner, we can probably never understand at such a basic level, and finally we only have observation with which we can honestly probe nature 0 A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again. - Alexander Pope feel free to click the green arrow ---- Back to top #113 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 15 October 2014 - 01:10 PM You think logic relationship between experiment and theory is unnecessary! To the extent that it is necessary it is also insufficient. No theory stands solely on the logic used to develop it. Geocentrism was logical. Phlogiston was logical. The plum pudding model of the atom was logical. But both those and countless others failed because they did not match up with observation; all were ultimately shown to be founded on a false premise. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #114 MigL MigL Primate Senior Members 1,501 posts Location St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada Posted 15 October 2014 - 01:24 PM Somebody trying to re-invent the wheel here ? On the one hand we have a mechanism that works extremely well, but since Jeremy0922 can't see the 'logic' of something round going in a straight line, we should replace it. Replace it with what, we ask. Well, Jeremy0922 has got nothing. Yup, we'll start burning all Quantum Physics books right away ! ( Dripping sarcasm all over the place ) Edited by MigL, 15 October 2014 - 01:26 PM. 0 Back to top #115 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 01:49 PM To the extent that it is necessary it is also insufficient. No theory stands solely on the logic used to develop it. Geocentrism was logical. Phlogiston was logical. The plum pudding model of the atom was logical. But both those and countless others failed because they did not match up with observation; all were ultimately shown to be founded on a false premise. However,we are discussingnowisafundamentalscientificquestions.Thatis the transformationrelationship betweentheoryandexperimentalcoordinate systems. If the transformation relation can not be determined, the experimental data could not be applied to prove the theory. Somebody trying to re-invent the wheel here ? On the one hand we have a mechanism that works extremely well, but since Jeremy0922 can't see the 'logic' of something round going in a straight line, we should replace it. Replace it with what, we ask. Well, Jeremy0922 has got nothing. Yup, we'll start burning all Quantum Physics books right away ! ( Dripping sarcasm all over the place ) Your words is helpless to solve the question, isn't it? 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #116 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:02 PM However,we are discussingnowisafundamentalscientificquestions.Thatis the transformationrelationship betweentheoryandexperimentalcoordinate systems. If the transformation relation can not be determined, the experimental data could not be applied to prove the theory. We ignore it and the model gives the right answer. Which is perfectly consistent with any effect from this being negligible. What you would need to do, and thus far have not done, is show that the effect is not negligible. Without that, all you're doing is saying we're not accounting for an effect that's too small to measure. Physics does that all the time. We're famous for it. Do you have any science to discuss? 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea Back to top #117 davidivad davidivad Molecule Senior Members 586 posts Location south pole Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:03 PM please compare your work along side of traditional methods. i would also like to see why you need it ( what makes it useful). sometimes it is all about presentation... Edited by davidivad, 15 October 2014 - 02:13 PM. 0 Back to top #118 Strange Strange Scientist Senior Members 4,679 posts Location 他国 Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:17 PM You think logic relationship between experiment and theory is unnecessary! The theory IS the relationship: the theory says what results to expect from the experiment. Either the experiment matches the experiment or it doesn't. If it doesn't you modify or discard the theory. I don't even understand what you are looking for. (Except, perhaps, that you want the theory to make sense to your intuition.) 0 Back to top #119 Jeremy0922 Jeremy0922 Quark Senior Members 171 posts Location China Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:39 PM We ignore it and the model gives the right answer. Which is perfectly consistent with any effect from this being negligible. You should not ignore it, because that is wrong action. Schrodinger equation could give some right answer, but matter wave is wrong conception. 0 Trust Science. Think independently Back to top #120 swansont swansont Shaken, not stirred Moderators 29,431 posts Location Washington DC region Posted 15 October 2014 - 02:40 PM The theory IS the relationship: the theory says what results to expect from the experiment. Either the experiment matches the experiment or it doesn't. If it doesn't you modify or discard the theory. I don't even understand what you are looking for. (Except, perhaps, that you want the theory to make sense to your intuition.) And it's important to recognize that logic and intuition are not the same thing. There is nothing illogical about quantum physics, even though it may not be intuitive. You should not ignore it, because that is wrong action. Schrodinger equation could give some right answer, but matter wave is wrong conception. Empty claim. You need to actually SHOW that it is wrong. 0 Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum To shake my vodka martini, click the up arrow ^ I am not a minimum-wage government shill. Forget it, Jake — it's Crackpottown. My SFN blog: Swans on Tea
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stj 2015-5-6 09:07
绘画艺术家都具备高超的速写和素描功底。速写素描反映的是艺术家扑捉眼前的生动情节的能力,要求人能快速把握对象的整体,迅速分析出对象身上哪些地方需要重点表现,哪些东西需要概括,和如何概括。如果没有这个能力,严格来说是不能算艺术家的。这些都是绘画创作的最基本素质。与速写相比,素描更注重对事物的理解和深入刻画,锻炼人的观察能力、想象能力及表现能力。不仅仅是画家需要这些基本素质,雕刻、平面设计、建筑设计都需要这些基本素质。 我们教师也需要这样的素质,能够对我们所讲的课程进行“速写”和“素描”,让我们的学生在较短的时间内(如半节课)快速掌握课程知识体系框架。 我们的大学教材,特别是一些理工科专业课程的教材,往往是知识的简单堆砌,缺乏章节之间的逻辑联系。如材料科学基础,随便拿出一本教材,国家级精品还是普通教材,第一章原子结构,第二章晶体结构,第三章晶体缺陷,第四章相图,第五章扩散......。为什么第一章讲原子结构,...第五章讲扩散...?原子结构、晶体结构、...相图、扩散等等章节之间有何逻辑联系。也许这才是这门课程的灵魂。所以我常常对学生说,这些教材都是失魂落魄的教材,如果老师也成了失魂落魄的老师,你们也最终也是失魂落魄的学生。 什么时候我们在黑板上写上“材料科学基础”,我们学生脑海里浮现的不只是“材料科学基础”这六个冷冰冰的大字,而是一幅鲜活的“速写”或“素描”图画? 你和张三在一个宿舍呆了四年,如果在黑板上看到“张三”的字符,脑子出现的还只是“张三”这两个字符,是不是太不像话? 遗憾的是,我们培养的学生往往是这个样子!
2049 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 jmluo0922 2014-11-3 17:03
我在科学网开篇博客中提出了氢原子结构和光谱现象,可以采用经典的力学和电磁理论来解释,并且通过氢原子轨道共振模型来解释氢原子的线光谱现象。推证了氢原子基态轨道共振方程,可以用目前的薛定谔方程和量子假设的数学关系来描述。 如果我们要认定原子结构和光谱现象,是经典力学和电磁学能够解决的问题,就应该对多电子原子的内的电磁现象进行分析,并且要证明和解释电磁稳定态的存在。 氦原子,核外有两个带负电的电子,如果作稳定的轨道运动,从力学和电磁学角度考虑,最可能的情况如下: 氦原子核n位于原子的质心,电子e1和e2位于两侧等距位置绕n作匀速V圆周运动 两个电子运动的速度是平行反向的,并且大小相等,产生的磁场力是排斥性的;同时电子的电磁辐射产生的完全自约束的位移电流,也是平行反向的,且大小相等。如果,只考虑电子的轨道运动,产生电磁辐射是排斥性,向原子外部传播的,能量会由于辐射而不断地减小。 由于 氦 原子核自转的运动,因此会在周围产生磁场,当核转动电流的方向与电子辐射位移电流平行时,核转动电流产生的磁场就会对电子辐射位移电流产生吸引作用,并改变其传播方向,向原子内部弯曲。如下图所示: Je1,Je2分别是电子e1和e2的辐射位移电流 随着电子轨道半径R的减小,弯曲程度增加。当R减小到a时,电子e1辐射作用于电子e2,对e2起推动作用,此时就形成了辐射耦合,氦原子就处于一个对外不电磁辐射的力学稳定状态,即基态。 以上,就是我最近对氦原子,以及多电子原子电磁学稳定状态(基态)的初步分析,如有不妥请指正。 并且,我认为按照这样的思路,原子中电子的壳层结构也可以得到解释。 特别声明 : 本想将本文的观点写成学术论文后发表,但属于非量子观点,担心再次地受到主流杂志的拒绝,考虑再三,现以博客文章的形式发表。本文是第一次公开上述个人学术观点,未经许可不得全部或部分转载或引用,任何形式的转载或引用,都必须注明出处!!! ( 本文的知识产权归本人和科学网所有 )
个人分类: 杂谈|6452 次阅读|12 个评论
热度 7 jmluo0922 2014-9-16 16:38
一切理论的科学性都必须得到事实的验证和确认,决不能通过对事实的歪曲、片面理解,甚至是否认来回避相关矛盾,用神秘性来掩盖错误。 关于运动带电粒子的磁效应和电磁辐射问题,是电磁学的基本知识,并且有大量的实验进行了证实。 无论是经典理论还是量子力学都必须尊重和面对这个事实,在研究原子结构的稳定性问题时,必须要解决好电磁辐射对原子稳定性的影响,证明自然基态的存在。 从经典电磁理论出发,考虑电磁辐射、带电粒子及其相互作,可以证明氢原子具有稳定的基态轨道运动,这个问题可以参考我的文章和相关博客。因此用经典理论解释氢原子结构,会由于电磁辐射导致“原子湮灭”只是一个误解。 用于氢原子结构和光谱解释的定态薛定谔方程以及E=hv关系,是可以通过基态轨道共振模型和相关数学推导获得的。因此,原则上讲薛定谔方程就已经成为经典理论的一个方程,量子力学通过该方程能解决的光谱问题,经典理论自然也能解决。 量子力学在理解氢原子结构时,承认质子和电子是运动的,并且由波函数描述。按照波函数纯几率波解释,我们仅能获得电子或质子在某时刻,在空间某位置出现的概率,不会知道确定的位置,更不可能知道其速度。因此不可能对带电粒子的磁效应和电磁辐射进行解释的。 对于电磁辐射,不能简单地讲,由于采用了量子观点,加速运动的电子是不会辐射的,因为你要用量子的概念来解释和证明。 前期,我与湖南大学刘全慧教授就量子力学是否面临“原子湮灭”困境进行了激烈的辩论,他在理解量子力学处理氢原子问题时,明显存在错误。为了给他留点面子,没有明确指出。他主动提出休战,我也默认了。但之后,在他的博客文章中出现了可笑的一个评论: 文克玲 2014-9-15 13:00 在朱寅有关博文后的评论,转贴于此,请刘老师批评。 ---------------------- 刘老师的话是正确的,只是不详细而已。 关于“第三部,由于电子运动是低速,辐射就忽略掉。你懂的”: 这里的“辐射”,刘老师是指量子场论中的虚过程。各阶虚过程可以等效为一个“有效哈密顿量”。QED可以计算出这个量的表达式,就是刘老师说的把“一个协变的带有自相互作用的理论引入到QED的hamiton量中”,而“能量移动”就是常说的Lamb位移。它和实验结果准确符合,是QED的著名成果。 这一项很小,在零阶方程中当然可以忽略。 量子力学中氢原子,或者任何原子的基态是稳定的,没有实辐射,不会湮灭。 刘老师肯定了这一点:“量子力学也会面临同样的“原子湮灭”的困境? 没有!!”,他认为读者也应该知道这一点。 但是,罗教明和田云川不相信,或者不知道这一点。 --------------------------------- 任何想对氢原子理论创新的人注意了:如果你的理论不能正确计算出Lamb位移和反常磁矩,主流科学界不会在意你说了什么。 博主回复(2014-9-15 17:27) : 经典动力学所有的后果,例如决定的轨迹、速度,速度和磁场的关系,电磁辐射等等,在量子力学中都不复存在,或者需要重新定义或者解释。这些新定义或者解释后的东西与原来经典力学中的对应物的概念,具有不可通约性。 但是,很多具有经典对应的系统,例如原子模型,其中的动力学、相互作用、对称性,对论性协变性等都保留了,不过,保留后的东西产生的后果,在经典力学却没有对应物,例如Lamb位移,反常磁矩等等。 您是对的,谢谢您! 我认为必须对此进行反驳: 1、“第三部,由于电子运动是低速,辐射就忽略掉。你懂的” 首先, 刘教授你得给我解释一下,电子运动是低速,辐射就忽略掉。这个结论是从那里得到的,辐射凭什么就可以忽略?科学的问题不能信口开河! 2、经典动力学所有的后果,例如决定的轨迹、速度,速度和磁场的关系,电磁辐射等等,在量子力学中都不复存在,或者需要重新定义或者解释。 经典电动力学中,带电粒子服从洛伦兹力的控制,这是无数实验证实了的事实,是不能否认的。量子力学不能解释,并不表明这个事实不存在。
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热度 4 jmluo0922 2014-9-3 16:37
任何一种理论的科学性都需要从逻辑与因果性,以及与实验事实的符合来考量。在这三方面不能出现任何问题,否则其科学性就值得怀疑。 自从有了现代物理,因果性是绝对不准许的,因为所谓的物质波幽灵的鬼异行为,不能容忍前因后果的存在,也就是要否定“我们要感恩父母把自己带到人世,先有父母后有自己”这样简单的因果道理。 无论这样的要求多么荒唐,我们暂时作出让步,只考察现代物理理论的逻辑性和实验验证情况: 首先我声明一点,关于量子力学取得的成就,J.Slater在其著作原子结构的量子理论一书中,有个客观公正的评价,大意是 “薛定谔方程是一个非常有效的数学工具,通过其求解和推论,原子、分子和固体结构问题,可以得到很好的解释,其地位如同经典力学中的牛顿定律,电磁学理论中的麦克斯韦方程。” 因此,量子力学的有效性体现在薛定谔方程。薛定谔讲师提出的、假设性的数学方程,与量子假设和物质波假设构成了量子力学的基础。 今天我们发现根据氢原子基态轨道共振的物理模型,可以推导出氢原子定态薛定谔方程,通过方程的求解可以解释和求解其光谱。因此量子力学的宝典”薛定谔方程“就不在是物质波和量子假设的专有产物,也属于经典的可用于轨道共振求解的数学工具。在经典理论的框架下,氢原子不连续光谱问题就可以得到完全的解释。显然量子与物质波假设就会被完全否定。 物质波违背逻辑的事例可以参看我前期的博客文章,有大量的事实,最致命的两个问题在此还要强调: 1、量子力学求解氢原子的理论坐标系是以什么为参照的?质子是相对于什么在运动的?与实验室参照系是什么关系? 2、质子运动的影响凭什么用电子的经典有效质量进行修正后,就表达了氢原子中两体运动的结果,根据什么逻辑能得出这个结论? 以上两个问题是关系到量子力学科学基础的重大问题,是不能回避的。 关于相对论,其核心思想,也是其精髓,洛伦兹时空变换是如何通过狭义相对论的两条基本假设,以及同时性的相对性概念推导。 1、同一地点对时是否符合逻辑,在坐标系的同一几何点上,在同一时刻是否可以存在多个物体? 2、不同参照系中的时钟,在同一地点对时,之后是否是一直保持同时?如果同时性不能保持,不同参照中发生的事件进行比较就没有意义,洛伦兹变换还有什么意义呢? 我不知道为什么在逻辑上存在如此重大问题的理论,在物理界可以盛行100多年。 从善意的角度,我只能认为: 量子论和相对论的信仰者被乌云挡住了双眼,被幽灵迷失了心智。
个人分类: 杂谈|3457 次阅读|17 个评论
热度 8 jmluo0922 2013-3-11 15:50
“…… , I have just read your paper. Interesting ! Very interesting ! ” 这是一位网友在美国科学论坛网 SFN ,发表的阅读我的论文后的评论,算是我在 SFN 上发帖介绍我的学术观点,展开的一系列争论平息后,得到了一点点回报吧! 在 SFN 上注册,发表自己的学术观点,至今已有 3 年零 3 个月,我目前是该网的高级会员,针对氢原子结构和光谱理论、量子力学与相对论科学基础问题,发启了 5 个话题,共发帖 99 个,由于 我的观点的出发点基于经典物理理论,属于主流思想之一,并且没有个人的假设。因此,我的论点没有受到任何警告。 在 SFN 和中国科学网 ScienceNet.cn 发表个人的学术观点和理论,目的是简单且明确的,希望通过这种传播速度快、影响面宽的新型媒体,介绍相关的学术内容,并希望得到读者的理解和支持。事实上,下定决心在网络公开自己的观点是需要巨大的勇气的,因为 一个不成熟的,甚至是幼稚的观点,可能会给自己的学术前途带来巨大的负面影响,在国外的网络上发表还可能有损于国家和民族的形像 。因此, 我在 SFN 上的每一次发帖都是经深思熟虑,有完全取胜的把握后,才会将相关论点发布公开 。 目前在关于量子力学、相对论的科学基础,氢原子结构的个人新理论的 5 个公开议题的激烈争辩中,没有出现过明显的失误,绝大多数的个人看法和观点在辩论中得到了认同或取得了优势。 在氢原子结构和光谱的量子力学观点与我个人的电磁学模型的争论中,由于 我的论点对量子力学持否定态度 ,令 SFN 上的物理学家十分的不快,并 展开了激烈争辩 ,讨论的 内容包括了能量守恒问题、电场传播极限、理论与观察坐标系关联等问题 ,同时对方也对 电磁学模型是否能解释角动量、电子干涉、光谱精细结构等提出了质疑 , 经过长达三年多的辩论, 这些问题逐一都得到合理的解释或澄清 。我认为已经达到我最初目标,揭示了量子论的内在自身难以克服的矛盾,让大家了解并初步接受了氢原子电磁学新模型。最近在 SFN 写了一段总结性帖子,作为这一阶段的结尾: “ Classical theory not only can explain electromagnetic phenomenon caused by charged particles, but also prove the steady ground orbits with non-zero energy, and Schrodinger equation could be deduced from the resonance of the ground orbits, which could be applied to explain spectrum of atom . By the solution of Schrodinger equation, Quantum mechanics could interpret the structure and spectrum, but cannot explain classical electromagnetic phenomenon. Therefore, I think classical theory is better than QM for the treatment of charged particles system, including atomic, molecular, and solid-state structure . ” 对于量子力学和电磁学应用于带电粒子体系理论描述的如此评价,没有招来与我一直进行激烈争辩物理学家的直接反对,之后一些网友通过电子邮件表达了他们支持我的态度和立场,并认为量子力学存在错误。此时,我总算长长地松了一口气,二十多年来的痛苦思索、八年多时间不懈坚持,没有白费。 由于版权的原因,我不能将 SFN 论战的全部内容,直接转载于此,只能将一些情况作一个简约介绍,目的是希望大家了解相关情况,不要认为我是一位异想天开的狂人,是一位“ XX 的民科”,利用严肃的科学网站传播伪科学。 最后我要再次强调: 欢迎大家以真诚的态度与我共同探讨学术问题,来者不拒,而且我不会回避任何问题! 如果那位只是为了让我“闭觜”,不是以科学的论据进行有效的反驳,而是以代人格羞辱的“ XX 的民科”,甚至不假思索地给我戴上“伪科学”传播者的帽子,我会毫不留情地对此行为发起强烈反击!!
个人分类: 杂谈|4677 次阅读|39 个评论
热度 6 jmluo0922 2012-11-28 17:43
这不是我个人的预言,而是对一件客观事实的陈述! 2012年9月22日,我的生日这天,刊登了我的文章的GED杂志23卷4期寄到我们中心,此时我还在广州中山大学CPS2012秋季学术会议会场。得知这一消息,令我长长地松了一口气,也是我今年48岁生日的最好礼物吧,论文总算在学术期刊正式出刊了。 关于氢原子结构的个人新观点通过网络、报纸和学术期刊三个方式,使得相关理论可以在短时间内得到快速广泛传播,是一件十分令人愉快的事。 采用Google搜索工具,搜索“氫原子結構”有近200多万条相关结果,我的博文和科学日报的报道排在结果首页2-5位,“氫原子結構”图片搜索结果为第一位。 搜索“量子的解释”关键词有4100万条结果,我的系列博文“关于量子的解释(1)-(5)”一直列于结果首页的前列。 氢子结构和光谱是量子力学解决原子结构和光谱最为成功的例子,由于计算出的氢原子光谱的精确程度已经超过了实验测量的结果,因此被誉为目前最精确的理论。量子力学是建立在一系列基本假设基础之上,但对于原子分子的基态不能进行“物理”的说明(或证明),更不能解释带电粒子的电磁性质。因此,我认为量子力学并不是原子结构的终结理论,经过二十多年的努力,采用已知的经典物理理论,对氢原子的轨道结构及共振进行了认真细致的研究,得出了辐射耦合状态下的氢原子基态,及其共振的数学表述,并经相关的数学变换,推导获得了与目前量子力学中的普朗克量子假设和氢原子定态薛定谔方程,完全一致的数学方程。 因此,我们完全有理由相信,氢原子的结构和光谱辐射现象属于电磁学问题,其线光谱辐射是轨道的共振效应。我的这些观点在网络(中国科学网、美国SFN网)公开之后,引起了很大的反响,通过相关的学术交流,表明氢原子新理论没有学术上的问题,能很好地解决目前量子力学能够解释的氢原子结构和光谱现象,并且与目前的经典电磁学理论是完全相容的。 我认为GED杂志23卷4期上发表的关于氢原子电磁辐射和稳定性的文章“ Electromagnetic radiation and stability of the hydrogen atom ”,是目前关于氢原子结构,由中国人独立完成的最完美的模型,必将载入科学史册,成为科学的标准知识进入物理教科书。
个人分类: 杂谈|7383 次阅读|20 个评论
[转载]美利用电子成像技术分析石墨烯 通过掺杂改变性能满足特定需求
crossludo 2012-11-17 17:04
美利用电子成像技术分析石墨烯 通过掺杂改变性能满足特定需求 华盛顿11月15日电 美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室的科学家15日表示,利用实验室的电子显微镜获得的前所未有的石墨烯内单独原子的图像,人们有望全面解开该材料的应用潜能, 满足从发动机燃烧室到电子消费品的需求 。 人们首次获得石墨烯晶体是在2004年。石墨烯为二维(单层原子)结构,硬度超过钻石,强度赛过钢材,且具有电性能和热性能。通过了解石墨烯材料原子结构和 键配位 ,科学家有望提出优化石墨烯的途径,让其更好地适用于特殊的应用。 在新出版的《物理评论快报》上,橡树岭国家实验室和范德比尔大学两机构科学家组成的研究小组发表文章说,他们利用 消色差扫描透射电子显微镜对石墨烯中硅杂质的原子和电子结构进行了研究 。 橡树岭国家实验室研究人员胡安-卡洛斯·艾德罗布表示,他们利用新的实验和计算方法来揭示石墨烯中 单个杂质的键合 特征。比如,他们能区分石墨烯中非碳原子是二维还是三维键合。事实上,自20世纪30年代人们推断出键配位后,这是科学家首次将其视觉化表现出来。 通过研究石墨烯的原子和电子结构以及了解其掺杂物质,科学家能够更好地预测何种掺杂能够提高材料的性能,细微地改变石墨烯的化学组成能够为不同的应用量身定做合适的石墨烯材料。例如,通过增加不同的元素,可以让石墨烯取代汽车中的铂催化转化器,也可让其改善电子器件的功能等。 由于石墨烯具有导热、导电和 光学透明 能力,因此它有潜力替代人们日常用的电子产品中内部元件材料。 铟 是储存量十分有限的元素,它因透明传导性而广泛地用于电子产品(电视、计算机、手机等)的显示器上,人们期望能用更廉价和更丰富的石墨烯来替代铟。
个人分类: 趣味科技|1303 次阅读|1 个评论
Irasater 2012-5-14 15:30
http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=1185318 我是原子与分子物理毕业的,我上学时做的是原子方面的,原子结构和碰撞过程的理论计算。现在高校工作。如果楼主理论方面 强的话可以考虑做理论。根据具体情况吧。我觉得并不一定做实验就好就业,因为现在硕士很难找个好工作啊,而如果做理论的话你就业去一般高校就不受限制,去 了可以发挥自己的理论计算优势,有电脑拿程序就可以做点东西,而如果是做实验的话那找工作就要受限制的多些,因为或许你做的东西不一定一般高校或你去的单 位能有那条件。当然,我觉得这个专业还是很好的,最后是硕博一次读完更好了。 在国内原子与分子物理专业搞的好些的有:吉林大学,他们在分子光谱等等方面做的很好,当时苟清泉老先生就是在那里起步的,我知道的牛点老板比如丁大军 等;清华大学的也在分子光谱这方面做的很好,实验的主要方向有量子光学与原子光学研究组,近场光学和微区光谱研究组,单原子分子测控科学与技术研究中心, 我知道的导师有莫宇翔教授等;中科大也有原子分子物理专业,他们有合肥同步辐射装置,搞实验很便利,还有等离子体所,所以合肥应该说是我国原子与分子物理 研究的一块很重要的基地之一;复旦大学建成的我们第一个电子束离子阱装置(EBIT)也为我们国家开展一些高精度的原子分子物理实验工作奠定了良好的基 础,他们的大老板应该是邹亚明教授;长沙的国防科技大学也做原子分子物理,做的不错的有袁建明教授等;四川大学是最传统了在原子分子物理专业,他们现在方 向也很多,当然很多已经与光学和核物理挂钩,优势已经不怎么明显了;国家另一块原子与分子物理研究的基地应该在西北的兰州,那里有近代物理研究所,国家大 工程-重离子储存环-ECR装置,其终端实验开展的很好,正因为如此地处兰州的兰州大学、西北师范大学都在原子分子物理学科方面取得了很大的成果,兰州大 学做的不错的有陈熙盟教授、胡碧涛教授等等,西北师范大学的原子分子物理专业是省级重点学科,有该专业的博士学位点,领军人物是董晨钟教授,全国著名的理 论原子物理方面的专家,另外还有周效信教授等等,都与近物所有良好的合作;武汉的数学物理研究所在量子频标等方面做的也非常不错,他们是传统的做原子与分 子物理,比如詹明生所长、高克林973首席科学家等等吧。当然国内做该专业的高校或研究所还是很多的,这里只提到了一部分而已。 http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=4406636 就以我们物理学来看,三年半 毕业的人比比皆是,甚至硕博连读一共才3年多或者4年就毕业了的也不少。对比这些人,我真的是无地自容,我硕士加博士,一共读了7年,光博士5年多。当 然,时间长,和课题也有关系。下面细细来数。 我的背景是原子与分子物理,而且是很传统的那种,不是当今很热的量子信息、量子通信、超快等等新物理。 但是,原子与分子物理现在在传统的领域面临着极大的 挑战。 所以,我们就要找新的方法,解决早已存在的问题或者新出现的问题。读硕士就开始思考这个问题,也一直在调研。读了一年多,实在是没有进展。幸好在其 他方面有些成绩,能够提前攻博。 于是,在博士的时候,就面临选择了。要继续做那个课题呢?还是做新的热点? 这个问题困扰了我一段时间,也明白如果继续做那 个问题,肯定有很大的挑战。当时初生牛犊不怕虎,考虑了之后,就决定冲刺一下。于是,漫长的过程开始了。 我读博士前三年,一篇文章也没发。这里有很多原因,最主要的是我没有做出根本性的解决问题的方法。但是,这三年,我看了非常多的文章,学了许多原子物理和 其他方向的交叉学科的知识,对凝聚态物理、等离子体物理也逐渐熟悉。期间,甚至赶上国家高水平大学计划的东风,出国学习了一年。这一年很关键,我学到了凝 聚态物理里面的一个很热点的很powerful的方法,并在这个方法论上做出了一点成绩。做出这个成绩之后,我并没有着急发表文章。回国后,进一步在这个 方法的基础上,改进模型,引入新的物理,最终在这个方法和我的课题之间找到了融汇之地,终于在我博士第四年,也就是整个研究生阶段第6年,发了我第一篇文 章。更进一步,建立了一个更好的模型,也算是推动了某一个方法的应用。这一算下来,整整7年时间过去了。 这7年中, 最难熬的,就是每天坐在电脑前面,不知道具体做什么,只能不断看文献,学习新知识,试图找出新方法。 这个时候,如果真的坐不住,就只有放弃,或 者另选题目了。 实际上,在这个过程中,我也发现了一些很好的课题,也有过改变课题的想法。但是,和导师商量之后,还是决定闭着眼睛走到黑。 这些经历让我明白:做博士,一定要坐得住!最近认识了许多国外的同龄人,他们的博士也大多是在5-7年毕业 (国外硕士时间很短)。这让我更加明白, 博士真 的是没那么好做的 。 其次,我也明白,再难的课题,只要你坚持,都会取得成绩,至少可以取得阶段性进展。我相信,只要你努力,毕业是不成问题的。 当然,要想 做的很好,也还是需要机遇的。我的课题在我当时选的时候并不是多么热点,而是在我毕业的前一年两年,才真正开始热起来。其中的物理问题才真正开始被人们重 视。这也证明了我的导师的眼光的独到之处。 因此,导师也是十分重要的环节,这点不用我多说大家都知道。 好了,写了很多废话。博士,真的没那么容易。对于那些3年就毕业的,我由衷佩服! 我比较欣慰的,是我毕业的时候,我有了我的“拿手绝活”,也因为这些工作,导师多次被国际会议邀请做大会报告。 所以,当你觉得一切都很困难的时候,当你面临困惑的时候,多问问自己:你真的坐住了吗?
个人分类: About life|0 个评论
回答: 被你烦不过,中心思想来了
liwei999 2010-11-21 19:32
虹桥科教论坛 回答: 被你烦不过,中心思想来了 由 covett 于 2006-02-05 14:32:43 送交者: mirror 于 2006-02-05 15:07:48 看来读书只能读出一个结论来,而并非常言所说的:智者见智,仁者见仁。 也不妨给您补一课。老薛首先解决的是为什么原子能够存在的问题。确立了个新的物理法则。那之后,原子才从模型到了实体。 此后,当然就会有生命是什么的设想,结论也只能是原子的结构。要知道,有原子实体的存在的认识,并不是很早就有的。 生命也是个原子的结构在今天看来是常识,但是在当时这是最先进的知识了。这才令人们开始寻找这样的原子的结构。 老薛那个档次的人物,大约不会讲所以肯定有不知道的物理定律起作用这类不着四六的话的。当然,也不否认您可以读出来这样的话来。因为有个俗话叫以小人之心度君子之腑么。 基督教对生命的理解是:生命=神创。
个人分类: 镜子大全|2370 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 jmluo0922 2010-9-8 14:32
量子和 量子力学是先有数学表述,后进行物理解释的理论 。目前有三种公认的表述:薜定谔方程、海森伯的矩阵力学和狄拉克的算符理论,并且在数学上是等价的。很显然,这三种表述应指向共同的物理现象,即 关于量子的终结解释应能为量子力学多种不同的数学表述(至少包括已公认的三种)给出统一物理解释。 1926年,薜定谔方程继海森伯的矩阵力学之后不久发表,标志着全新的量子力学的诞生。矩阵力学明确地表明是来自于振动的分析,由于数学形式复杂目前在应用方面受到限制。薜定谔方程是量子力学的波动版本,通过方程的求解和推论,精确地解释了原子光谱的规律,是目前应用最广泛、给出解释最多的理论。关于算符理论以及电子密度泛函了解不多,认识不够,在此不能给出个人的评价。 薜定谔方程的由来是一个迷。 薜定谔 本人在其关于该方程的第一篇论文中并 没有给出方程的详细推导过程 ,只是 说明通过该方程的求解可获得我们研究氢原子结构所需要的结果 ,可用于氢原子结构与光谱的解释,但没有明确说明该方程与物质波有什么样的联系。 后来围绕这个方程出现了关于量子力学解释的多个平行版本,其中关于波函数及其几率解释即“哥本哈根学说”成为了量子理论的核心之一 ,也是所谓关于物质微观结构和粒子运动“波粒二象性”革命性的新概念,导致了对自然科学和哲学的固有观念的“大革命”。 薜定谔方程决不可能是“周公托梦”的产物 ,薜定谔一定是在一个具体的物理模型下,进行相关的数学推导获得的。 薜定谔保持其方程神密性,同时又对几率波解释持不赞同态度,有其个人必然(难言)的原因 ,这实在是令人费解。关于薜定谔的这些秘密今后只能靠将来的“量子考古”新兴交叉学科的研究人员来研究了。 我个人猜测,薜定谔所用的模型很可能是轨道共振模型,数学推导很可能与本系列博文“关于量子的解释(4)薜定谔方程和普朗克假设”的过程是相同的,由于当时对于氢原子的电子轨道运动持否定态度,因此该模型就不具备前提条件,即论文要被接受和发表,首先应解决轨道的稳定性问题。在当时,由于对运动电荷电磁辐射认识上的问题,这一点是很难完成的。 海森伯的矩阵力学来源于对原子光谱振子模型的理解,由于“经典理论的困难”这一理论正在被物理学渐渐地淡化。 对于原子、分子和固体结构及其光谱的解释,薜定谔方程表现出了其无所不能和无比强大的威力。毫无疑问,这个方程给出了物质结构变化的规律与光谱现象的精确描述。为什么导致物质结构变化的因素不能理解为结构共振呢?而且是结构中的带电粒子轨道共振呢?很显然,这个观点要成立,首先应解决“经典理论的困难”这一难题。 我个人 对于氢原子中电子和质子轨道运动的电磁现象,包括运动电荷的辐射进行了细致研究,提出了 运动电荷电磁辐射新的观点和模型,对于氢原子电磁辐射和结构稳定性的结论是与现有观点是完全不同的。 我认为新的运动电荷电磁辐射模型成功地解释了以下问题: 1、氢原子的电磁稳定性,由于运动带电粒子的 电磁辐射和偶合 ,孤立的 氢原子的 只能处于一个稳定的轨道运动状态,即 基态 ,是电磁性质和力学定律决定的,同时说明了原子的 能量最低原理 也是由此因素决定的; 2、 感应电磁场的自约束, 随频率增加感应电场受自感磁场约束作用和电磁波传播的定域性明显加剧, 光子是 完全自约束的电磁波(或空间位移电流); 3、轨道 共振是导致 原子线光谱即 量子化的原因 , 通过求解驻波的数学方法 ,对氢原子轨道及共振进行数学处理, 获得了薜定谔方程、普朗克能量子、“物质波”等共振时一些物理量之间的数学关系 。 基于上述结果和分析,我认为 “物质波”学说违背了自然科学的基本原则并且自相矛盾 ,除已有的争议外,我个人认为由“物质波”及其几率解释观点出发,我们无法获得原子结构清晰的图像,是令人最难于理解和接受的。我相信科学发展的历史最终将翻过“物质波”学说在科学认识上最为沉重和艰难的一页, 我们会抛弃“物质波”这个自从其提出至今倍受争议,并强迫我们改变科学观念的学说,重新构建我们关于物质结构的理论。 我希望在我的论文(已被GED接受)和日志呈现出的观点能为大家提供参考,共同探索物质结构的真知。 ( 博文中的猜测部分是我不清楚的,请大家不要太认真,欢迎提供正确的信息 ) 系列博文: 关于量子的解释(1) 光子 关于量子的解释(2) 氢原子的电磁自辐射与稳定性 ; 关于量子的解释(3) 共振与量子化 ; 关于量子的解释(4) 薜定谔方程与普朗克常数 ; 关于量子的解释(5) 物质结构理论的新篇章 。 附件: 氢原子电磁辐射与稳定性
个人分类: 物质结构|7512 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 6 jmluo0922 2010-9-3 13:08
在氢原子中, 电子和质子作为围绕其质心经典轨道运动 ,属两体问题,数学上 可以通过电子相对于质子运动的描述将两体问题单体化,同时要求采用电子的有效质量代替电子质量 , 对电子相对于质子的运动的计算分析结果进行修正,这 是经典理论对两体轨道运动的标准而准确处理方法。 处于基态的氢原子,电子沿半径 a 0 的圆形轨道运动, a 0 由洛伦兹力和电磁偶合作用决定,数学方法上可以选择含时间的运动方程或轨道方程进行描述。通过含时间的运动方程,我们可以方便地获得电子任意时刻的空间位置;通过轨道方程我们可以方便地表达不同能量轨道之间的关系。因此不同的数学形式为我们分析同一物理事件中不同物理量之间的关系提供了方便。 从数学方法上讲, 电子沿圆形轨道进行周期运动,可以视为波长为 2π a 0 ,振幅 a 0 稳定不变的驻波 ,可通过驻波方程进行描述和分析。通过驻波方程的求解, 我们可以获得轨道频率与轨道共振频率之间的关系,便于我们通过光谱数据对共振轨道变化(即原子结构的变化)的分析和比较 。很显然电子的 驻波方程并不代表电子的真实运动 ,并且对于电子的真实运动的描述是不完整的,正如同其轨道方程只给出了电子运动限制,要知道电子在某时刻的具体位置还需要其它的初始条件。 根据上面的物理概念和数学方面的认识,基态氢原子的圆周轨道的驻波方程可以参照拉紧弦的驻波方程建立,拉紧弦不含时间部分驻波方程可以用下式表达: ∂ 2 u(x) / ∂x 2 + (k / T p )u(x) = 0 , (5) 或 ∂ 2 u(x) / ∂x 2 + (2π / λ) 2 u(x) = 0 (6) 且 k / Tp = (2π / λ) 2 (7) k = ρ m ω 2 (8) 式中,k为弹性系数,T p 为张力,ω和λ分别代表频率和波长,ρ m 线密度。 由于洛伦兹力中的静电力远大于磁场力 ,电子与质子的相互作用主要为库仑力,因此, 主要针对库仑力求解,而将安培力的影响作为修正处理。 作用于电子的库仑力与电子和质子的距离r平方成反比,因此 弹性系数k(r)是电子的位置的函数 ,对于氢原子半径为r的电子轨道,根据轨道的力学平衡条件和能量关系,可以得出: Tp = e 2 /4πε 0 r 2 (9) k(r) / 2πr = 2T / (2πr ⋅ r 2 ) (13) 式中T为电子的动能,由公式(5)、(9)和(13)可以获得: ∂ 2 u(x) / ∂x 2 + (4π 2 ε 0 /2πre 2 )2T ⋅u(x) = 0 (14) 由于电子轨道在空间中可以任意取向,因此,电子的波方程u(x,y,z)就应采用空间波方程描述: ∇ 2 u(x, y, z) + (4π 2 ε 0 / 2πre 2 )2T⋅u(x, y, z) = 0 (15) 式中 :∇ 2 = ∂ 2 / ∂x 2 + ∂ 2 / ∂y 2 + ∂ 2 / ∂z 2 与(6)比较,波长可用下式描述: λ = h / P (16) 式中P为电子的动量,且 h = e* (μπr / ε 0 ) 1/2 (17) ∇ 2 u(x, y, z) + (4π2μ / h 2 )2T*u(x, y, z) = 0 (18) 式中μ为电子的有效质量。 公式(18)就是电子圆形轨道的驻波方程,很显然该方程难于直接求解和应用,因此需作相应的数学变换。 根据 驻波上节点 的定义,节点 是驻波上的静止点 ,此时是与电子的圆形轨道相对应的。因此圆形轨道用驻波来描述,波的 能量E只含势能部分,与电子运动的动能T和势能V有如下关系: E = V = −2T = −4π 2 μυ 2 r 2 (19) 式中电子的υ为频率,由(17)和(19)式,驻波的能量E可写为: E = −hυ (20) 由于 氢原子 基态轨道的共振是以基态轨道为基础产生,其 高阶共振轨道的频率是基态频率和自然数的函数 ,轨道半径也有相应的关系。因此 基态轨道可以作为高阶轨道描述的参照 。即基态轨道可以作为基本特征用于对高阶共振轨道和描述,因此基态 氢原子的半径 —氢原子的玻尔半径 a 0 可以视为常数 ,(17)式中的h就为常数,即普朗克常数: h = e*(πa 0 μ / ε 0 ) 1/2 (21) 将相关物理量代入计算,可得: h = 6.62437 × 10 −34 JS (22) 显然上式的计算值与光谱实验测量计算出的数值是十分接近的。 将(18)式中T, 用E-V取代,T→E-V ,变为: ∇ 2 u(x, y, z) + (8π 2 μ / h 2 )(E − V)*u(x, y, z) = 0 (23) 很显然,( 23)式与目前量子力学给出的氢原子定态薜定谔方程是完全一致的,但该式是在经典理论概念基础上推得的。 其物理意义是:(23)式是 氢原子基态轨道用驻波形式表达的相关物理量的关系式,但并不表示电子的真实运动是驻波 。通过该方程的求解,可以获得基态轨道共振发生时相关物理量结果或关系,可了解共振导致的轨道结构变化,以及与外界进行电磁能交换(即光的吸收和辐射)的特点等。 因此, 薜定谔方程可以理解为电子轨道共振用驻波形式表达的物理量的关系方程,所谓“物质波”波长与粒子动量的关系,以及普朗克能量子等是电子轨道发生共振现时,物理量之间存在的内在关系。 因此,量子化现象是与电子轨道共振的必然结果。 从结构力学的角度讲, 原子中带电粒子轨道结构的模态响应是量子化现象产生的根源。 系列博文: 关于量子的解释(1) 光子 关于量子的解释(2) 氢原子的电磁自辐射与稳定性 ; 关于量子的解释(3) 共振与量子化 ; 关于量子的解释(4) 薜定谔方程与普朗克常数 ; 关于量子的解释(5) 物质结构理论的新篇章 。 附件: 氢原子电磁辐射与稳定性
个人分类: 物质结构|8913 次阅读|14 个评论

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