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热度 9 fpe 2011-2-18 08:24
学生是一种产品 今天是本专业动员,准备接受 ABET 评估的第一天。本专业在 1977 年通过 ABET ,每 6 年执行一回评估,下一次将在 2012 年底进行。为了保证一次通过,系里也开始动员,准备参与评估。由于 ABET 评估需要准备大量的材料,各种材料都需要每学期的积累,如何对每学期的反馈进行整理,提出改进环节,是准备评估的重要内容。笔者准备用一年半的时间跟踪这一过程,把自己的心得写下来,看一看美国和中国的教育评估有什么不足。我也是生手,如有错误,还望读者包涵。 虽然科举制度诞生在中国,教育评估却只能诞生在美国,原因和美国的制度有关。美国的国父们(有不少是当地的消防队员),在建立联邦之时,达成妥协,限制联邦政府的权力,否则不参加。于是美国没有统一的标准,只有各个专业协会的标准。各个专业协会的标准通过一定的程序上升为国家标准就是 ANSI ,不过 ANSI 在计算机领域多一些,在我们消防安全领域,从来没听说 ANSI ,只有 BOCA , IBC , UBC , NFPA 等协会标准。各个政府想采用哪一家都可以,反正这些协会的主要收入(大约三分之一)就是卖标准,姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩。于是协会繁多,不可胜数。在这种情况下,需要加以规范,于是有各种协会的协会来协调各种协会的工作,其中就包括 ABET 来协调各个大学的工程教育工作,目的是:增加准入门槛(没钱不要办教育);提高教育水平(没人不要误学生);提高教学效果(参考学生的培养目标,改进教育方式)。因为美国的分散而竞争的制度,导致必须要有协会来规范市场,导致教育评估的事业颇为发达,很多国外单位也重视 ABET 评估了,包括中国。但中国有个教育部,于是教育评估到了中国就水土不服了,这是很可惜的一件事。很多人反对教育评估,因为没有见过教育评估,对他们来说,学生懂什么?所以反对教育评估的声浪,一次高过一次,这是有深刻文化背景原因的。 今天的 90 分钟培训,主要是各个系的具体工作人员参与,主要谈了两件事:教育目标要明确,学生目标要具体。给我印象最深的是一句话: 学生是一种产品 。怎么生产,取决于教育目标,也需要学生的教学效果评估。学校准备的评估材料,和 ABET 的反馈材料都是保密的,因为这是知识产权问题,防止各个学校或专业雷同。每一个专业都需要不断根据学生的需要进行调整,一旦调整,就需要学生的反馈。如果没有调整,是很危险的一件事( Red Flag ),意味着专业没有发展,很难通过评估。而调整工作,需要把学生当作主人,调查在校生的未来预期,调查已经毕业学生的工作反馈,凡事都需要量化,以便向 ABET 评估员证明,我们一直在改进。没有改进,就是不合格。 举了四个例子来说明准备工作。 1. 毕业生是否具备获取工程师执照( Licensure )的资格,以及管理别人的资格( Leadership )? 2. 学生们是否能够群体工作,并有效地以口头、书面或图形方式进行沟通? 3. 学生们是否具备基本的数学、分析、科学技能来解决问题? 4. 进行风险分析,并控制预期的风险。 上述每一步都需要量化评估,并与前期进行比较,以证明这个项目一直在改进。如何评估?是需要不断培训的,这是 ABET 组织培训班的目的,也是 ABET 的财源之一。美国政府不会干这种商业行为,政府信誉不能滥用,民众也不相信政府。国内就是不能解决商业行为与政府行为的分开(政企不分),所以没有人相信教育评估的效果。 从美国教育评估的准备来看,通过评估的专业是比较正规的,没有通过评估的专业很可能是因为没有钱(有钱就有实力,古今中外都是如此),没有钱也就没有办教育的实力了。学生选择专业,通过评估的专业是首选。否则在 4000 多所学校的几十万专业面前,你的教育投入应该给谁呢?血汗钱,当然要投入教育产出较为可靠的单位,这是教育评估的本来目的和功能。 有道是,学生是产品,教授是工具,评估是模具,改进靠互动。
个人分类: 工程教育|5300 次阅读|18 个评论
fpe 2011-2-7 23:09
从 WebCT 到 Tegrity 今天( 2010 年 06 月 22 日)参加了学校的 Tegrity 培训,感触颇多,这里分享。 现在美国校园,大部分使用 Blackboard或Desire2Learning 软件作教学平台,里面很多功能大概国内也都有了,就是通知、分享、沟通和打分等功能。 WebCT 是我在母校作助教时的远程教学软件(加拿大UNIX系统),里面有很多多媒体分享功能和即时通讯功能。稍微把 QQ 改动一下,就可以用作这一功用。不过,在 2004 初的一次校际教学讨论会上,与会者同意我们选择的 WebCT软件 功能比当时其他的在线软件更好一点。因此,母校本专业的远程教育也很红火,每年 200 人次消防工程硕士课程,每人次意味着 2200 美元的学费收入,这可是老师们丰厚的额外收入,所以在线教育对老师收入的影响很大。 今天培训的内容是多媒体即时分享软件,比上述两种又更进了一步。现在大家不都是使用 PPT 课件么?播放课件不是要计算机么?那么 Tegrity 的一个启动键,就可以把你的录像,声音,计算机桌面所有内容统统转化成多媒体 Video ,供老师修改,供学生随时学习。这一教育理念,笔者早年有这方面的想法,看到成熟的产品,不能不让人心动。 Tegrity 软件的两大功能,一个是整合所有的媒体,做成一种录像,附带很多检索功能。另一个软件功能就是和 SmartPhone 即时通讯了。大约 3 ~ 5 年前,美国还是网路拥挤的国家, Walmart 卖出的拨号上网工具,每个月 10 美元,到处有人买,就是为了检查一下 Email ,看一看新闻。 可是美国最近 一升级(即所谓的光缆到户,Verison的FIOS系统),什么都提速了,为各种网络工具打开了方便之门,让人感到 IT 时代技术革命的威力。 教育是什么?不是文凭,不是知识,而是知识的互动,讲究学生的参与,教授的指导。现在的软件功能无比强大,所有的多媒体都整合起来了,因此可以把录像象水流一样跑来跑去。信息高速公路,只有你在其上愉快地体验的时候才能感受到其优越之处,互联网已经并将会带来更多的教育体验。 根据笔者作远程教育的助教,也当过远程教育(凤凰大学 EMBA ,美国最大的私校)学生的切身体会,所谓的网上教育,就是老师提前设计出各种互动的机会,让学生疲于奔命,于是学生就有成就感,感到物超所值,感谢教育的结果了。现在的软件,都是增加教师指挥学生学习的灵活度,所以是大势所趋,世界潮流。 另外笔者的感受是,私立学校更重视技术革命,体察技术对教育的影响,努力利用每一种机会去挣钱。话又说回来了,教育,不就是一种挣钱的产业么?羊毛出在羊身上,学生本来是上帝。 有道是,网上高速跑信息,在线教育无远近,教学互动多果效,产品推出藏机会。
个人分类: 工程教育|4704 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 7 fpe 2011-2-6 07:20
私立高教之浅尝 笔者曾在美国私立高校教书一年,当然不是常青藤名校,这里有一点感想,随便谈一谈。 私立高等教育的优势是什么?第一条,当然是入学门槛低。一批卡达尔的留学生,本来都是预期在首都附近的马里兰大学入学的,可是,有些人成绩太差,马大不要,在社区学院学习的效果,当然不如私立大学。这是卡达尔政府决定统一换学校的重要原因。 其次,私立学校可以满足家长对子女不放心的关心需要。例如,为每个学生建立档案,在投资方的要求下,成绩定期送投资方检查。另外,出勤率也会受到经常的考核,保证学生人在学校,心也在学校。总之,谁出钱,谁是大爷。要想见校长,你得多掏钱。家长关心孩子,为了孩子的个人爱好,私立学校更容易满足其上进心。 私立学校强调沟通,为每一个学生建立理论上的导师( mentor ),至于他愿不愿和导师沟通,则是另一回事。第一学期,每一个新生都要见过导师,拿到签字,还是很占老师时间的。 第三,私立学校的硬件一流,都是最新的,可以直接上网的设备,咖啡店设在图书馆内,到处是大玻璃,可以让人参观的豪华设备,满足家长的投资预期。私立学校节省人工,注重外观,如果周围的住家愿意出售,可以把周围土地统统买下来,金钱不是问题。经济越差,教育越火热,私立学校对此更敏感。 第四,私立学校强调名气,每一所学校都重金培养可以给学校带来名气和曝光率的名人,这是美国政府退休高官纷纷挂职学校的重要原因。人脉是最值钱的,有一半人到学校看名气,还有一半看设备,其他就是稀里糊涂的学生了。这所学校,有一半学生是冲着神探李昌钰博士的名头去的,人人都有当大师的美梦,这是追梦代价不菲,因为私立教育不便宜。 第五,私立学校对普通老师压榨厉害,通常对教授的学位都没有要求,硕士即可,但待遇不高,教课任务重( 1 年 8 门课,正常大学教授的负荷是一年 6 门课,研究型教授或拿到 Tenure 的教授,一年 3 门课),有时还有科研任务,就是到社会上靠专业去圈钱。专业方向多(以应付不同的需要),学生沟通多,管理类军事(院主任 Provost 负责制),就像一个公司。 第六,私立学校强调学生的课外活动,让学生活动起来,可以减少阻力,增加学生对学校的忠诚感。毕竟学生随时可以转学,如果选课合理,转学之后可以没有什么损失。学生的转学和淘汰,都是私立学校非常注意避免的局面。 第七,美国东北部是私立教育比较集中的地方,也是收费公路比较多的地方,这是长期的地方观念。南方和后开发的地区,还是以公立教育为主。美国联邦政府没有教育部,这是教育多样化的本性所决定的。教育本来就是一种产品,需要市场来推动,协会来规范。不能形成公平的教育环境,和消灭教育成果多样化的局面,就是成立中央教育部的害处了。 第八,私立教育对新媒体很重视,不断培养新技能,就是为了省钱。在线教育的成败,关键是能否把学生运动起来,如果学生能够按照计划完成任务,网上在线教育还是有效果的。没有效果,学生还愿意交钱么?教育的主体意识一定要分清。 第九,本系 4 个全职教授,一个兼职秘书, 4 个专业(都没有经过评估,评估很花时间和精力,一般的私立学校办不起),供 200 个学生选择。如果选错了课程,就是浪费了投资。所以有设立 Mentor ,帮你选课的必要。 第十,也是最重要的一条,私立学校对招生工作异常重视,分批次地满足各种不同学生的需要,更满足家长的需要。只有家长到来的那一天(每年有 5 到 8 次),午餐免费,学校更像一座共产主义公社,或迪斯尼乐园,而暂时收起冰冷的收费面孔。一旦选定学校和专业,转学是要损失某些课程投入的。所以,美国学生对专业的前期调研非常充分,经常是家长陪同,认真倾听各种反馈。教育嘛,就是投资。投资嘛,都是消费。投资带来消费,消费养活教授,教授折腾学生,学生拿到文凭。高校的公司模式,大抵如此。 拿这所学校和类似的公立学校相比,校园文化差异很明显。因为入学门槛不同,私立学校的多样性更大一些;因为培养目标不同,公立学校的培养内容更明确一点。光从学生看不出太大的区别,成功却是十年之后的事了;十年树木,百年树人,教育还是需要看长远发展目标的。一个成功的教育计划,需要参考学生,同行,校友和整个社会对此的反馈,这是教育评估的内容,笔者点到为止。 有道是,教育本产业,家长有期望,学生有需要,私校更灵活。
个人分类: 工程教育|2995 次阅读|20 个评论
热度 4 fpe 2011-2-4 02:06
卡达尔的遣美团 今天( 2010 年 06 月 12 日)专门为卡达尔来的消防工程遣美团单独注册,耗时 6 个多小时,系里几乎所有的老师全程陪同,颇有感触。 为什么要派送遣美团? 卡达尔是一个漂在石油之上的国家,公民人口 30 ~ 50 万(一说是 56.5 万) ,外来人口 1 到 2 百万。在强大的石油美元面前,十分富裕。但是石油不是无穷无尽的,在耗尽石油之前,卡达尔需要开源,即开发多样化经济,尤其是旅游业。旅游业和石油业都是重视消防工程的领域,而当地人几乎没见过火灾(因为气候炎热,不适合火灾蔓延),所以派了一批定向中学毕业生(当然是公民),来这里读书。从头开始(四年),学费全包,另外给一份工资,相当于替政府工作了,代价是未来给政府工作两倍的时间(至少 8 年)。都是定向培养,沙特石油公司 ARAMCO 的代价是工作 5 年,专攻消防安全。据说,美国所有四所大学的消防工程专业都有中东遣美使(公派留学生),可见消防工程是富人的专业。社会发展到一定的程度,才会考虑人身安全。马斯洛认为饮食男女第一,安全需要靠后的观点也是如此。中东缺乏火灾历史(因为树都变成油藏在地下了),只好到美国取经。 为什么要集中圈养? 2 月初,卡达尔大使馆派人来谈判,就谈到了集中圈养问题。本来这些人都是分散在 DC 附近的各个学校里的,程度参差不齐(有全部是 C 的学生),管理不便。到这所私立学校以后,统统降低了门槛,估计这批人在这里好过一点,所以都到这里来了。不过,每个人都必须签字放弃成绩的私密权,让大使馆及时了解他们的进展,太差的要送回国(放弃培养)。本系仅 4 位全职教授,一个年级仅 50 名学生,卡达尔一次送来 20 人,当然受欢迎。 教育真的是产业 国内吵来吵去,就是不同意教育的产业化。但在这所私立学校,没有人对教育产业化有所争议。你付美元,我给教育。 20 个遣美学生, 200 万美元(还是打折后的批发价格),谁也没有对教育的产业化有争议。本专业还不是通过 ABET 评估的专业,如果是的话,需要严格入口,这批学生也不可能全部都收下。教育真的是产业,对教育产业化有所怀疑的人,要么是思想太左,要么是没有睁开眼睛。那些说英语没有用的人,要么是白痴,要么是别有用心。美国没有教育部,经济杠杆办教育,市场选择淘人才。国内教育产业化没有搞好,但那是方法不对头,不能因此而否认教育产业化本身。 新生注册有烦心 当年笔者大学教育,全班几乎都是一样的修课,只有成绩差别,没有个人爱好(因为是国家付费,也因为是国家包办)。这里学生参差不齐,大部分班级又不超过 30 人,注册群体超过 6 次(很多人只有注册了,才算录取),所以注册冲突的现象很多,尤其是临近开学的批次(好课大家都注册满了)。经济,历史,艺术,心理学,这些与消防工程何干?但都是本专业的必修科目,因为这是全人格培养的必要。所谓的自由艺术( Liberal Arts )教育,就是反对专业化,培养和稀泥型的人才,这种人有可能当领袖,给学校挣面子和捐钱。搞技术的呆子,从来都是不受欢迎的,似乎和工程教育的理念完全冲突。本科注重宽泛,研究生注重专精,这才是大学教育。因材施教,量体裁衣,这才是教育的本质。冲突总会有办法解决的,但需要时间。 阿拉伯历史曾经很辉煌 最近笔者研究本领域的技术发展史,对唐代的阿拉伯文明之辉煌很景仰。人类最早的科技文明发源于位于希腊文明圈之内的亚历山大,但在埃及陷落以后,阿拉伯人翻译了亚历山大的藏书,其科技文明要远远高过中世纪的欧洲。中国的造纸术,火药,印刷术,都是阿拉伯人传到欧洲的。阿拉伯文明的突然爆发,和中世纪和唐朝的全球变暖又很大关系。现在又是全球变暖了,阿拉伯科技是否还会辉煌?至少沙特,阿联酋,卡达尔都在创办世界一流大学,或许人家没有历史的重负,却有大把的美元,更容易把教育搞上去。随便找一个阿拉伯的学生聊天,人家都说要养 5 个崽,这一点人口方面的雄心,在其他地方的人民中间是很难看到的。 另外, 2011 年初发生的阿拉伯世界动乱,和年轻人没有工作有很大关系。所以阿拉伯民族人口的兴旺和全球变暖,风调雨顺有很大关系,这是我的个人观察。 有道是,经济发展重安全,消防工程新领域,后起国家大遣美,重金投入抓消防。
个人分类: 工程教育|4211 次阅读|7 个评论
Honor System in Education (from wikipedia)
zuojun 2010-10-15 04:39
An honor system or honesty system is a philosophical way of running a variety of endeavors based on trust , honor , and honesty . Something that operates under the rule of the honor system is usually something that does not have strictly enforced rules governing its principles. Honor System in Education The first honor system in America was penned by Thomas Jefferson at the College of William and Mary , Jefferson's alma mater. In some colleges, the honor system is used to administer tests unsupervised. Students are generally asked to sign an honor code statement that says they will not cheat or use unauthorized resources when taking the test. As an example, at Vanderbilt University students taking examinations are required to sign and include the following pledge: On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received aid on this examination. Any student caught in violation of the Honor Code is referred to the Honor Council which investigates and determines the appropriate action, which can range from failing the course to expulsion from the University. At the University of Virginia a student taking an examination is also required to sign a pledge not to give or receive aid and there is but one penalty for transgression of the honor code, and that is dismissal from the University. Texas AM also has an Honor System which states, Aggies do not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do. This is listed at the beginning of all tests. Any student that does not follow the code is remanded to the Honor council so they can determine the severity of the case and how the student should be punished or if expulsion is necessary. The students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also maintain a student-run honor system. Students maintain the integrity of the university by pledging not to cheat, steal or lie. Unlike the University of Virginia, the honor system at Chapel Hill allows for different sanctions, ranging from probation to expulsion. Washington and Lee University maintains an Honor System that was introduced by General Robert E. Lee , who stated We have but one rule here, and it is that every student must be a gentleman. The Washington Lee Honor System is entirely administrated through the student body. It is one of the few universities in the United States to have a non-codified system. As a result, students decide what constitutes a breach of honor. These breaches are commonly named as lying, cheating, or stealing, but what constitutes an honor violation is open to the interpretation of the current student body.
个人分类: Education|3572 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Introducing "EarthSky"
zuojun 2010-7-16 06:53
About EarthSky EarthSky a clear voice for science for broadcast and the Internet advocates science as a vital tool for the 21st century. Our award-winning science content in audio and video formats, in English and Spanish is seen or heard 15 million times every day on multiple platforms via both traditional and new media outlets including National Public Radio in the United States, commercial broadcast outlets in the U.S. and around the world, XM/Sirius, Voice of America, World Radio Network, iTunes, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and dozens of online podcast aggregators. We have been a world leader in bringing the voices of scientists directly to you and millions of others across the globe since 1991. EarthSky brings scientists words and insights to a large audience thanks to the support and partnership of thousands of scientists and scientific institutions. EarthSky has more than 600 individual Global Science Advisors, who help us create our content. Partners and sponsors also include the National Science Foundation, NASA, NOAA, Royal Dutch Shell, the Economist, Sustainable Life Media, the American Forest Foundation, Research Corporation, the Edwards Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Space Biomedical Research Institute, the Geological Society of America and many others. We know science is not perfect. Its a process, not a body of facts. History tells us that some of todays scientific truths will inevitably turn out to be wrong, or only partially true. Still, science leads to profound insights about the natural world that are as true as anything can be here at the beginning of the 21st century. The EarthSky Promise: To bring the ideas, strategies and research results of scientists to people around the world, with the goal of illuminating pathways to a sustainable future.
个人分类: Education|2494 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]College Inc. (a PBS program)
zuojun 2010-5-22 09:41
FRONTLINE investigates how Wall Street and a new breed of for-profit universities are transforming the way we think about college in America http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/collegeinc/
个人分类: Education|2257 次阅读|0 个评论
Centre for Learning and Teaching in higher education
geneculture 2010-5-4 01:13
Name: Prof Lin Norton Job Title: Dean of Learning and Teaching Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 3643 Email: nortonl@hope.ac.uk Name: Ms Tessa Owens Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 3819 Email: owenst@hope.ac.uk Name: Mr Brian Farrimond Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Business and Computing Sciences Subject/Service Area: School of Computing Phone No: 0151 291 3606 Email: farrimb@hope.ac.uk Name: Mr Ian Marsh Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Criminology. Subject/Service Area: Sciences and Social Sciences Phone No: 0151 291 3144 Email: marshi@hope.ac.uk Name: Dr Anthony Edwards Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Education Phone No: 0151 291 3751 Email: edwardt@hope.ac.uk Name: Dr Cathy Walsh Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Sciences and Social Sciences Subject/Service Area: Health and Applied Social Sciences Phone No: 0151 291 3826 Email: walshc@hope.ac.uk Name: Dr Jenny Daggers Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Arts and Humanities Subject/Service Area: Theology, Philosophy and Religious Studies Phone No: 0151 291 3588 Email: daggerj@hope.ac.uk Name: Dr Linda Rush Job Title: Principal Lecturer Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Education Phone No: 0151 291 3000 Email: rushl@hope.ac.uk Name: Dr Linda McLoughlin Job Title: Senior Lecturer Faculty: Arts and Humanities Subject/Service Area: English Phone No: 0151 291 3250 Email: mclougl@hope.ac.uk Name: Mr Bill Norton Job Title: Research Associate in Learning Teaching Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 2039 Email: nortonb@hope.ac.uk Name: Mr Lee Shannon Job Title: Research And Administrative Assistant Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 3903 Email: shannol@hope.ac.uk Name: Ms Janette Bonar-Law Job Title: E-Learning Developer Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 3854 Email: bonarj@hope.ac.uk Name: Mr Abdul Hakim Mohamed Job Title: E-Learning Technologist Faculty: Education Subject/Service Area: Centre for Learning and Teaching Phone No: 0151 291 2098 Email: mohamed@hope.ac.uk http://www.hope.ac.uk/norton Upcoming ISSOTL Conferences ISSOTL 2010 : Liverpool, United Kingdom Dates: October 19-22, 2010 Conference Website Venue: Arena and Conference Centre Liverpool . Monarchs Quay, Liverpool, L3 4PF The Centre is a unique, purpose built meetings facility, situated in the heart of Liverpool on the historic, world heritage waterfront. ACC Liverpool is a landmark regeneration project on the outstanding Mersey River Waterfront sited next to the famous grade one listed Albert Dock. Designed by the award winning architects Wilkinson Eyre, ACC Liverpool houses the versatile BT Convention Centre and the Echo Arena Liverpool. Keynote Speakers: Professor Graham Gibbs, National Teaching Fellow, UK: Global theories and local practices: institutional, disciplinary and cultural variations Ray Land and Erik Meyer, University of Strathclyde and University of Durham, UK: Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge Professor Michele Lamont, Harvard University, USA: How Professors Think - Culture and Disciplinary Interfaces Jude Carroll and Janette Ryan, Oxford Brookes University, UK and Monash University, Australia: Learning across cultures: Opening our minds as well as our doors For more information, contact ISSOTL 2010 Chair Chris Rust, Oxford Brookes University, at crust@brookes.ac.uk . ISSOTL 2011 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (United States) Dates: October, date to be determined (Check back here for details as they're announced.) Past ISSOTl Conferences Poster Session Conversation ISSOTL 2008 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2009: Solid Foundations, Emerging Knowledge, Shared Futures in Bloomington, Indiana, United States (October 22-25) Conference Website Conference Program Article in The Chronicle of Higher Education (Here's a public version for non-subscribers.) 2008: Celebrating Connections: Learning, Teaching, Scholarship in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (October 16-19) Conference Program (large PDF) Keynote Address by Sue Clegg 2007: Locating Learning: Integrative Dimensions in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Sydney, Australia (July 2-5) Conference Program 2006: Making a Greater Difference: Connecting to Transformational Agendas in Washington, DC, USA (November 9-12) Conference Proceedings : Plenary Reports, Abstracts, and Syntheses of Sessions 2005: Commitment, Community, and Collaboration in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (October 14-16) Conference Proceedings 2004: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Perspectives, Intersections, and Directions in Bloomington, Indiana, USA (October 21-24) Conference Proceedings We are seeking appropriate sites for future conferences in the following areas: 2012: Australasia 2013: USA 2014: Australasia, Canada, Europe, and other regions of ISSOTL membership http://www.issotl.org/conferences.html The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching Learning was founded in 2004 by a committee of 67 scholars from several countries. The ISSOTL 2008 Poster Session Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ISSOTL was organized to: Recognize and encourage scholarly work on teaching and learning in each discipline, within other scholarly societies, and across educational levels Promote cross-disciplinary conversation to create synergy and prompt new lines of inquiry Facilitate the collaboration of scholars in different countries and the flow of new findings and applications across national boundaries Encourage the integration of discovery, learning and public engagement Advocate for support, review, recognition, and appropriate uses of the scholarship of teaching and learning. The Society's first conference was held October 21 - 24, 2004, at Indiana University Bloomington in the United States. Over 440 scholars from 8 countries attended 280 presentations. The second conference was held October 14 - 16 in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. 672 scholars from 8 countries attended 292 sessions. The third conference was held November 9 - 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C., in the United States. Just under 800 scholars from 16 countries (including Australia, Canada, China, Gambia, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and the United States) attended the conference. The fourth conference was held July 2 - 5, 2007, in Sydney, Australia. Approximately 400 scholars attended the conference. The fifth conference was held October 16 - 19, 2008, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Approximately 527 scholars attended the conference. The sixth conference was held October 22 - 25, 2009, in Bloomington, Indiana, in the United States. Approximately 650 scholars from nearly every discipline, 500 campuses, and 15 countries attended the conference. Founding Committee Jane Aiken Georgetown University Thomas Angelo Victoria University of Wellington Peter D. Ashworth Sheffield Hallam University Marcia Babb Carnegie Foundation Bob Bain University of Michigan Randy Bass Georgetown University Spencer Benson University of Maryland Dan Bernstein University of Kansas Angela Brew University of Sydney Suzanne Burgoyne University of Missouri Mary Burman University of Wyoming Vernon Burton University of Illinois Nick Byrne London School of Economics Political Science Barbara Cambridge American Association for Higher Education Nancy Chism Indiana University-Purdue University Brian Coppola University of Michigan Milt Cox Miami University-Ohio Vaneeta D'Andrea City University of London Lewis Elton University College Daisy Floyd Texas Technical University Richard Gale Carnegie Foundation Lee Gass University of British Columbia Barbara Gayle University of Portland George Gordon University of Strathclyde Mick Healey University of Gloucestershire Linda Hodges Princeton University Mary Huber Carnegie Foundation Pat Hutchings Carnegie Foundation Paul Hyland Bath Spa University Randy Isaacson Indiana University-South Bend Dennis Jacob Notre Dame University Alan Jenkins Oxford Brookes University Mills Kelly George Mason University Carolin Kreber University of Alberta Susan Lea University of Plymouth Davorah Lieberman Portland State University Sherry Linkon Youngstown State University Elaine Martin Victoria University Kathleen McKinney Illinois State University Judith E. Miller Worcester Polytechnic Institute Rob Moore University of Cape Town Pat Murrell University of Memphis Craig Nelson Indiana University Ruth Neumann Macquarie University David Pace Indiana University Bernice Pescosolido Indiana University Caroline Persell New York University Gary Poole University of British Columbia Michael Prosser University of Sydney Paul Ramsden University of Sydney James Rhem National Teaching Learning Forum Eugene Rice American Association for Higher Education Laurie Richlin Claremont Graduate University Jennifer Robinson Indiana University Anthony Rosie Sheffield Hallam University Chris Rust Oxford Brookes University Whitney Schlegel Indiana University Anita Salem Rockhurst University Ian Scott University of Cape Town Diane Sieber University of Colorado Kathy Takayama University of New South Wales Lynn Taylor Dalhousie University Keith Trigwell University of Sydney Emily VanZee University of Maryland George Walker Carnegie Foundation Mark Walter Oakton Community College John Webster University of Washington Deborah Willis Victoria University http://www.issotl.org/history.html
个人分类: 高等教育学|125 次阅读|0 个评论
MODERN is a European platform
geneculture 2010-4-26 23:50
MODERN is a European platform MODERN is a European platform which promotes the modernisation of higher education management. Under the leadership of ESMU, MODERN is a consortium of 10 core and 28 associate partners who have joined forces to provide a structured answer to the fragmentation in the supply of management support to HEIs, their leaders and managers. MODERN is a three-year EU-funded Structural Network (2009-2011) under the Lifelong Learning (ERASMUS) programme. MODERN responds to the Modernisation Agenda of the European Union and to the need to invest in people, to support future leaders and encourage the professionalisation of higher education management at all levels. The overall objective is to ensure HEIs' competitiveness to meet challenges in their external environment and respond to the needs of society. http://www.highereducationmanagement.eu/
个人分类: 高等教育学|264 次阅读|0 个评论
Abraham Flexner
geneculture 2010-4-26 19:50
Abraham Flexner Abraham Flexner (1866-1959) devoted his life to the improvement of teaching and research in America, initiating the modern American medical school and serving as first director of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Abraham Flexner was born on Nov. 13, 1866, in Louisville , Ky. He attended the Louisville High School and returned to it as a teacher after his graduation from Johns Hopkins University in 1886. Four years later he opened a college preparatory school in Louisville and put to a successful test his belief that inspired teaching plus the enthusiasm and competitive spirit of youth made the usual administrative rules, records, reports, and classroom examinations unnecessary. Flexner married in 1898. In 1905 he began graduate studies in education at Harvard University . His concern turned to the institutions and practices of graduate and professional training. He traveled in England , Germany , France , Canada , and the United States . In 1910 his report to the Rockefeller Foundation on medical education set into motion comprehensive reforms which led to the subsequent rise of American medical education to world leadership. Flexner followed this with an investigation of prostitution in Europe and with further research and writing on problems of teaching. As a consultant with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and, from 1913 to 1917, as assistant secretary of the General Education Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, Flexner prepared a statement published as A Modern School (1916). In these pages Flexner emerges as one of America's chief spokespersons for what became known as educational progressivism. He believed in universal education for literacy and a rigorous and demanding academic curriculum for the gifted and interested. During most of the 1920s Flexner continued working for the improvement of medical education as the director of studies and medical education of the General Education Board. Flexner next began examining higher education, visiting universities in England and Germany. In 1930 his Universities: American, English, German appeared. He saw universities not as popular institutions reflecting the desires and whims of society but as intellectual leaders. Universities must at times give society, not what society wants, but what it needs, he wrote. In 1930 he was asked to establish the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and to serve as its first director; now he could put his ideas concerning the place of research in society and the world of learning into practice. His answer to a new fellow who asked what his duties were was typical: You have no duties, only opportunities. He served as the institute's director until 1939 and as director emeritus thereafter. He died on Sept. 21, 1959, in Falls Church, Va. Further Reading Flexner's views on universities are discussed in Alexander D. C. Peterson, A Hundred Years of Education (1952). Further background on education is in Stuart G. Noble, A History of American Education (1938; 2d ed. 1954). □
个人分类: 高等教育学|299 次阅读|3 个评论
Best Graduate Schools(英文原版)
geneculture 2010-4-24 21:42
Best Graduate Schools Home Education Best Graduate Schools U.S. News analyzed more than 12,000 graduate programs to bring you this year's rankings. Select a discipline for access to our top program rankings. America's Best Graduate Schools Business Best Business Schools A-Z Business School Listings America's Best Graduate Schools Education Best Education Schools A-Z Education School Listings America's Best Graduate Schools Engineering Best Engineering Schools A-Z Engineering School Listings America's Best Graduate Schools Law Best Law Schools A-Z Law School Listings America's Best Graduate Schools Medical Best Medical Schools A-Z Medical School Listings Grad Tools Paying for Grad School Video: New in 2011 More School Rankings The Sciences Library and Information Studies Social Sciences and Humanities Health Public Affairs Fine Arts Online Graduate Degrees Online Business Degrees Online Education Degrees Online Engineering Degrees Online Nursing Degrees http://www.usnews.com/sections/education/index.html http://www.usnews.com/articles/education/worlds-best-universities/2010/02/25/worlds-best-universities-top-400 http://www.usnews.com/articles/education/best-graduate-schools/2010/04/23/americas-best-graduate-schools-article-index.html
个人分类: 高等教育学|289 次阅读|1 个评论
annehuang 2010-2-4 08:49
中国男生娘娘腔!?可能很多男生会跳出来跟小编大吵了。但看着电视上越来越多性别不明、男女不清的偶像,真是让人不得不担忧起来。最近一名教授就出书立作,证明中国男生的成长环境,的确很可能把他们变成娘娘腔 中国男生越来越娘娘腔吗?   Chinese boys between the ages of 7 and 17 are 2.54 cm shorter than Japanese boys.Chinese boys are getting physically weaker.Chinese boys are now emotionally more vulnerable than girls。   7至17岁中国男生比同年龄的日本男生矮2.54厘米;中国男生体质越来越弱;中国男生在情感上比女生更容易受伤。   The above are all claims made by a new book, Save the Boys, that has onesimple warning for Chinese society: our boys are becoming more girly. Acombination of popular culture and an education system that in hibits masculine development is to blame, it adds。   以上这些言论都出自新书《救救男孩子们》该书警告中国社会:我们的男孩正在变得越来越娘娘腔。混合的流行文化和我们的教育体系正在扼杀男生们男子气概的发展。    Un-equal education    不公平的教育   We have talked so much about equal education for men and women in the past decades, says Sun Yunxiao, author of the book and a professor at China's Teenager Research Center, but we neglected the fact that boysand girls should be educated differently at school。   该书作者孙云晓(音)是中国青少年研究中的教授,他说:在过去的几十年里,我们谈论了太多关于男女要受平等教育的问题,但我们忽略了男生和女生其实在学校里应该接受区别教育。   Sun'sbook reveals how China's education system, which centers on exams, is amajor disadvantage for the growth of boys. Boys have to stop beingboys in schools; they have to sit still and be obedient. Boys with poor performances in exams feel discouraged by their educators and this hasa negative impact in their self-esteem, says Sun。   孙先生的书探讨了中国的教育制度过于集中于考试,是阻碍男生成长的主要不利因素。男生们在学校里都不能当男生了!他们必须乖乖坐着、好好表现。在考试中表现不好的男生得不到老师的鼓励,这对于他们自信心的成长是不利的。   According to Save the Boys, the traditional Chinese method of 'caged breeding'raises a child like a little emperor and doesn't encouragein dependence. Further more, the frequent absence of a father figure andthe over protection of the mother is another factor that makes Chinese boys more feminine。   《救救男孩子们》一书中还提到,传统中国式的圈养教育把孩子当做小皇帝养,并且不鼓励孩子独立。更进一步,父亲形象的经常缺失、以及母亲的过分保护都使得中国的男生越来越女性化。   Addin China's lack of male educators and the book has a strong argument: Chinese boys are developing in a predominately female environment。   书中还有一个强烈的观点:中国的早期教育缺少男性老师,因而中国男生是在一个女性掌控的环境中成长起来的。    Pop culture influences    流行文化的影响   The book also leaves blame for the change in Chinas males on the doorstep of Chinese popular culture. In recent years the pop culture industry,especially TV talent shows, has produced icons (Li Yuchun, for example)that blur the man/woman divide。   书中同时还认为中国流行文化改变了男性的形象。在近年来的流行文化工业中,特别是电视真人秀节目,制造了很多模糊男女差别的角色。   According to the Save the Boys, when Chinese boys grow up they imitate these gender-ambiguous pop culture influences instead of trying to take on more traditional male roles。   该书认为,在中国男孩的成长过程中,他们会模仿这些性别模糊的偶像、受流行文化的影响,而不是试着扮演更多传统的男性角色。   What will create these masculine men that Save the Boys is looking for?Sun writes on his blog, In order to have Chinese boys grow up to bereal men, they need to participate in sports。   那么到哪里去寻找《救救男孩子们》书中所期待的真男人呢?孙先生在他的博客里写道:为了使中国的男生们变成真正的男人,他们应该多运动。    The Save the Boys debate    关于救救男孩的争论   Sun's book has spurred arguments around the country about young Chinese boys' development.Professor Yuan Jun from Shanghai Normal University's Psychologydepartment is one of the loudest voices against Professor Suns theory。Although gender-neutral men often win talent shows, it doesn't meanboys will imitate their behaviors. These men are just a few of theicons that young boys see。   孙先生的书在国内引起了关于男生成长的诸多讨论。来自上海师范大学的袁军(音)教授就非常反对本书的理论。尽管中性的男人经常赢得真人秀,但并不代表其他男生就会去模仿他们的行为。这些偶像仅仅是小部分。   LiWendao, the other author of Save the Boys, counters this theorysaying that, the feminine men on TV do not influence grown-ups verymuch, but they cause severe confusions and even damage to children。   《救救男孩子们》的另一位作者李文道(音)反驳说:电视里女性化的男子并不会太多地影响成年人,但是他们却能给孩子带来严重的误导、甚至伤害。   Feministsentering into the debate question the root of the book's argument. In asociety where men and women are seen as equals, they question if it isnecessary to teach boys to behave like 'boys' and girls to behave like'girls.' Even if the book's claims are true, does this mean boys reallyneed to be 'saved?'   女权主义者也加入了讨论。他们认为在一个男女平等的社会里,是不是有必要教男生更像男生、女生更像女生。即便书里讲的都是真的,但男孩子们就真的到了要被拯救的地步吗?   There are some however who go further. Netizen Zi Le Shang comments thatChina will soon become second only to Thailand in producing ladyboys.Not even Save the Boys goes this far。   有的人更加极端。网友资乐商(音)评论道中国很快就会变成继泰国之后,第二大人妖产地。即便是原书都没有走这么远。 from: http://e.iciba.com/space-88-do-blog-id-1082168.html?from=slpop
个人分类: 生活点滴|1830 次阅读|0 个评论
How good (or bad) the U.S. education is?
zuojun 2009-12-14 15:21
Every year, the College Board in the U.S. tests high school juniors (11th graders, one more year before graduating from high school) using the so called PSAT/NMSQT, or Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The results for 2009 PSAT administered on Oct. 17, 2009 came out a few days ago. The national mean scores for juniors who took the 2009 PSAT are: Critical Reading 47.0 Mathematics 48.3 Writing Skills 45.9 How did Punahou (the high school Obama graduated from) do this year? Critical Reading 57.2 Mathematics 62.2 Writing Skills 56.0 p.s. Score ranges are from 20 to 80. So, 50 is the middle score. If a young man attends Punahou, even if he plays video games every day and many do, he still has a good chance of beating the national average!
个人分类: Education|3086 次阅读|0 个评论
[Cited]: We may have lost one of our national symols
李丕鹏 2009-11-23 21:49
:We may have lost one of our national symbols The BBC television network has reported that Panama's golden frogs, a species of harlequin frogs that's one of our unofficial national symbols, are now extinct in the wild. This, according to scientists, has been the fate of about two-thirds of the harlequin frog species. The killer is chitrid disease, an infection by the Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis fungus, which generally attaches itself to the frogs when they are in their tadpole stage of development and ultimately kills them as adults. Recent studies have shown that global warming is linked to the mass extinction of tropical frogs, as some sort of trigger mechanism for the fungal infections. The presence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the frogs' natural environments has been known for a long time, since well before it began affecting frogs. The precise mechanism of how it has in recent years become a deadly pathogen for frogs is still something of a mystery. It may be due to a mutation in the fungus, a weakening of the frogs' natural resistance to infection, an environmental shift that has reduced natural forces that limit the fungus or some other mechanism. A recent paper published in Science magazine shows that the infection's spread has closely tracked climate changes that make days cooler (from more cloud cover) and nights warmer in the habitats along tropical streams where the frogs live. The frog extinction is not just of interest to nature lovers, and is not just because frogs may be an indicator species that warns of changes that will soon be felt by others. The investigation of the mechanisms of the fungal infection epidemic may lead scientists to better understand the nature of the threat of emerging diseases that can ravage humanity, either directly or as agricultural blights that in turn cause hunger. A preservation effort has kept a number of the Panamanian golden frogs alive in captivity, so there is a possibility that at some future date they may be reintroduced into natural settings.
个人分类: 研究生教育|3210 次阅读|0 个评论
hanhan, my cute son
lvhaibin 2009-11-11 10:11
a few days ago, sweetie tell me about hanhan some interesting learning from TV. he can make bows with a longer thing in his hands, there is two days before knowing what he is doing. Originally, hanhan watches tv when it is broadcasting a program about burning incense for pray. haha...., how clever my hanhan. At least, more clever than me. hanhan, always has a smile face, not a poker face. He seems busy everywhere and everytime. go to computer or toys or tv or kitchen. well , oh, wish he is happyevery day.
个人分类: daylife|3234 次阅读|0 个评论
Private Schools in Hawaii (转载)
zuojun 2009-10-2 08:57
Hawaii is a wonderful place to live, but if you have a school-age child you need to know the public schools in Hawaii are not well run. So, can you afford a private school in Hawaii? Paying for Private School By Jenny Quill of Honolulu Magazine With 124 licensed independent schools, Hawaii offers an abundance of options for families looking to find the right schools for their children. Each school is different: There are nonsecular and secular options ranging from Catholic to Buddhist; schools that cater to gifted or special-needs children; and schools that focus on specific programs, such as performing arts, technology and environmental stewardship. While a private-school education doesnt come free, it probably wont cost as much as you think. Approximately 65 percent of Hawaiis independent schools charge less than $9,000 per year for tuition, with 43 schools costing less than $6,000 a year. A few schools cost upwards of $15,000 annually, but the substantial range between the highest annual tuition at a standard K-12 school ($19,200 for grades 9-12 at Hawaii Preparatory Academy) and the lowest ($3,400 at Koolau Baptist Academy) means theres a lot of financial wiggle room. When shopping around, it helps to keep your options open. should apply to a variety of schools, says Kathy Lee, Hawaii Baptist Academys director of admissions. And if money is going to be a big factor, look at schools of all different tuition prices so that, in the end, they have several good options. That said, you want to be sure to find the right fit for you and your child, which may mean that the cheaper school isnt necessarily the better school for you. is terrifying, says Laura Brown, whose two sons, Adrian and Ray, have attended or are currently enrolled at ASSETS School, a school for gifted or dyslexic children. You look at your budget and say, Theres absolutely no way our family can do it. But the minute you experience it, theres absolutely no way you cant afford it. You cant believe the difference until you get your kid in there. Learn more at Hawaii Private School Guide 2010 Note: This guide is updated each year, so look for a newer one.
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3759 次阅读|0 个评论
genius331 2008-12-24 07:16
The official RAE data are at: www.rae.ac.uk PDF附件: 英国大学最新排名2008
个人分类: 大学排名|4273 次阅读|0 个评论
npan 2008-9-24 11:34
中国高校中的近亲繁殖,是指一直以来专业教师主要从本校培养学生中选留。此制不知何处学来(前苏联?)且弊端多多. 但几十年沿用至今,确令人诧异不解。此近亲繁殖有百害而无一利, 现择其要如下: 1. 近亲繁殖在其机理上自然尊崇本家。 从其本质上是反突破, 反创新的。其结果大致为全面退化。 2. 当学术水准与团体亲合度有矛盾时,是否合群 便成为最重要的留校考量。 结果大多是不具挑战性格之人留做人师。 3. 一旦留校, 论资排辈自成应遵之矩。 任何出格超越均不被鼓励。 待到棱角磨圆, 媳妇方能成婆。 4. 学校内山头林立是另一必然。 一切多以山头利益为优先考虑。 动辄相互制肘, 内耗频然。 零星外来人才要麽择山头为靠,要麽成边缘人物自生自灭。 ......。 此弊不除,则进步无望, 惶论世界一流?
个人分类: Higher education|2959 次阅读|3 个评论

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