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热度 1 杨学祥 2019-6-20 08:33
格陵兰约 20 亿吨冰雪在一日内融化:气候变化与地壳均衡 杨学祥 “雪球地球”曾在一瞬间融化 大约 5 亿多年前,我们的星球是一颗在太空中飞驰的巨大雪球。地质学家认为,在这颗行星的远古时期,至少曾发生过两次神秘的“雪球地球”事件——当时的冰川一直覆盖到今天的赤道地区附近。 如今,科学家发现,最后的一个“雪球”事件很可能在大约 6.35 亿年前的一瞬间便告结束。这是一个地质学上的快速事件,可能会对今天由人类活动导致的全球变暖产生影响。 美国弗吉尼亚理工学院和布莱克斯堡州立大学古生物学家肖书海(音译)是参与这项研究的团队成员之一。肖书海说,在地球 45.6 亿年的历史长河中,这只是一眨眼的时间,表明地球已经到达了一个突然的临界点。 尽管研究小组还不能确定是什么原因导致了这一现象,但由古火山释放的二氧化碳气体可能引发了温室效应,导致了冰盖迅速融化。 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2019/4/425057.shtm 末次冰期导致的冰川地壳均衡 根据地质学的地壳均衡理论(单位均衡面上的物质柱体质量相等),大陆冰盖融化,负载减少,大陆地壳要均衡上升;海平面上升,负载增大,海洋地壳要均衡下降。斯堪的纳维亚半岛在 1 万年前有 2000 米 厚的冰盖融化,已经均衡上升了 500 米 ,并将继续上升 200 米 。同样,全球平均海平面上升了 130 米 ,洋壳均衡下降了 43 米 (地壳与水的密度比大约为 3 : 1 )。所以,斯堪的纳维亚半岛并没有因为海平面上升而被淹没。对于没有冰盖的大陆,海平面的实际上升仅 87 米 ,减少了三分之一。洋壳下降挤压下方岩浆流向大陆地壳底部,使沿海大陆均衡上升。由于地球表面是球面,洋壳下降,球面半径缩小,洋壳将插入到大陆地壳之下,使大陆边缘受到挤压和抬升。 气候变化导致的冰川期与温暖期交替,形成地表巨量海水在两极冰盖、大陆冰川和大洋海盆之间往返转移,相应的地壳均衡运动迫使地下软流层发生反向流动,推动地壳运动,达到地壳重力均衡。在地球的球面上,地壳均衡不仅能产生地壳的垂直运动,而且能产生地壳水平运动。 图 1 两极冰盖压裂地球地壳 由图 1 中可以看到,两极生成的巨厚冰盖可以压裂地壳,形成两极地壳下沉和赤道地区的最大张裂;这是赤道地壳海底火山喷发得原因。火山喷发导致海水变暖,喷出的温室气体导致大气变暖,两极冰盖消失后化为海水流回赤道,冰川地壳均衡运动使卸载两极地壳的均衡上升和加载赤道地区洋壳的下降(见图 2 )。这是两极冰盖开始融化后,两极火山大量喷发,导致两极异常变暖的原因。由于两极火山喷发的参与,两极冰盖可能在短期完全消失。 目前地球正在经历这一过程,人为温室气体排放可能加剧全球变暖的进程。 图 2 地壳均衡、火山活动和温室气体导致的两极冰盖融化过程 http://www.yidianzixun.com/article/0LifTaM4 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-1172920.html 两极火山喷发和异常变暖 近年来科学家对南极考察发现,这个世界上最寒冷的地方出现了大问题:在 南极洲 的底部出现了一个面积非常大,且移动速度非常快的 “ 火炉 ” 。 来自美国海洋大气管理局发布的图像显示,到 2019 年 4 月 1 日 , 白令海 的海水已基本上没有冰,其偏低程度甚至比 2018 年的史上最低还要低, 4 月 1 日 达到了创纪录的低点, 白令海 的融化在整个北极 海冰 范围内造成了很大的影响。这是冰川 地壳均衡 惹的祸。 位于冰岛南部的 艾雅法拉火山 于 2010 年 3 月至 4 月接连两次爆发,岩浆融化冰盖引发的洪水以及火山喷发释放出的大量气体、火山灰对航空运输、 气候 和人体健康等均有长期影响。当地时间 2010 年 4 月 14 日凌晨 1 时 (北京时间 9 时),火山开始喷发,喷发地点位于冰岛首都 雷克雅未克 以东 125 公里 ,岩浆融化冰盖引发洪水,附近约 800 名居民紧急撤离。 根据最新气候报告,南极一直被称为是地球上最冷的地方,可是最近南极冰山突然融化,露出不该出现在地球的东西。据专家称南极共融化了 3 万多吨的冰,而且这次的融化是全球的海平面平均提高了八毫米,如果一旦全部融化,那么全球的海平面将上升 58 米 ,这个消息一传出让世界各国都惊呆了。因为再这样下去我们人类的居住地可能会遭到被淹没的危险,因此找到冰层融化的原因是非常重要的,其实造成冰山融化的原因主要就是全球变暖和火山活动。 据悉专家们在南极竟然发现了 47 个火山,而这些火山所处的位置基本都在冰层的两公里处左右,因此如果这 47 座火山中的一个一旦突然爆发,那么将会是南极的冰川层融化的更快,水平面上升得更高,甚至有可能它会淹没一些沿海国家。因此当这一消息曝光后,立刻就受到了全球各国的关注,而且为了防止火山喷发,更是做了很多预防措施。 http://www.yidianzixun.com/article/0MK4O8AH 根据 NASA 调查发现,近日被大量冰雪覆盖的格陵兰岛出现出现不寻常的融冰情况,约 20 亿吨冰雪在一日内融化,所以说这个冰川融化速度是难以想象的。 http://www.yidianzixun.com/article/0MKVCse2 根据 NASA 科学数据显示,格陵兰岛的融冰季节主要在 6-8 月,此次出现大规模提前融冰, 2019 年恐打破以往记录(也就是说我们冰川融化之后的冰覆盖可能又要刷新记录了),令极端天气更频繁出现。并且格陵兰岛上一次发生了相同情况已是 2012 年, 6 月 5 日 更有地区的气温较平均值高 22.2 摄氏度 。 http://www.yidianzixun.com/article/0MJq3wAu 参考文献 1. 杨冬红,杨学祥 . 全球气候变化的成因初探 . 地球物理学进展 . 2013, 28(4): 1666-1677. 2. 杨冬红 , 杨学祥 . 北半球冰盖融化与北半球低温暴雪的相关性 . 地球物理学进展 , 2014, 29(2): 610-615. 3. 杨学祥. 对冰期和小冰期气候变化因素的探讨. 自然杂志. 2000 , 22 ( 6 ): 358~362 4. 杨学祥 , 安玉萍 . 离极力、向极力与大陆车阀假说 . 地壳形变与地震 . 1996,16(2):78-84. 5. 杨冬红 , 杨学祥 . 地球自转速度变化规律的研究和计算模型 . 地球物理学进展 , 2013 , 28 ( 1 ): 58-70 。
个人分类: 全球变化|3033 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 4 ymin 2018-6-7 09:08
科技奇迹( 180607 ) 闵应骅 我看到一篇文章,说科学、技术不是一回事,这有道理。但我想补充的是技术需要科学,才是科学的技术,同时它又贡献给科学。大家知道,触发器是计算机里最基础的元件,在数字电路中起到关键的作用。 1918 年 6 月 William Eccles and F.W. Jordan 申请了触发器专利,至今正好 100 年,那时中国正在搞五四运动。它可以在失去输入信号的情况下保持原来的状态,也就是记忆功能,从而产生了时序逻辑。它的前身是触发继电器。 20 年以后,用在了计算机中。英国人用它破了德国的战时密码,美国人用它做出了 ENIAC 计算机。现在在集成电路里面那就不计其数了。 Eccles and Jordan 原来的电路是这样:它用两个电子管。电子管本来是用于信号放大的,反复试验来决定这些电阻。这两个电子管互相耦合,起到正反馈的作用,直到它们保持接通或截止状态为止。这些电阻必须有一个合适的阻值,因而需要仔细调整和挑选。这个百年不衰的技术需要科学的分析和设计,同时又应用于科学与生产。 技术的进步是有明确目的的。现在大家都很关心环境污染的问题,大家都认识到先发展、后治理的路子代价实在太大。所以,现在全世界都在关心气候变化的问题。这当然不是某一个国家的问题,而是全世界共同的问题。有人认为气候变化是一个左派的阴谋,只能为科学家增加工作岗位,对于商业是一些无意义的规定。你相信是这样吗?反过来,你是否认为气候变化是地球上的最大危机?特别是能造成历史上从未有过的严重破坏?各人有各人的看法。不要企图去改变人家的看法,但是,简单的观察发现,现在全世界有许多的研究和开发项目在开发和利用技术和基础设施,以减少温室气体排放。政府、公司、慈善机构和大学花数以亿计的经费,致力于这一事业。本月 IEEE Spectrum 2018/6 发表了一组文章,介绍这些看来很有前途的“奇迹”。技术创新不要盯着已有的技术,而要创新现在全世界还没有、而又很需要的技术。我们很想有话语权,那你就得在这样全世界都关心的研究上有所建树。 我们看到,这个挑战是令人吃惊的大。 2009 年,工业化国家的代表在哥本哈根聚会,同意要防止全球平均温度比工业化前提高 2 o C 。2014年政府间气候变化专门委员会宣布,到本世纪中叶,温室气体排放量要比2010年减少40-70%。这个目标指引了2015年的巴黎协定。但是,值得关注的是:即使在巴黎协定之前,皮尔.盖茨就说,他相信只有一系列的能源奇迹出现,才能在减少温室气体排放方面取得有意义的进步。那就是说,不设法出现奇迹,这事儿就没有希望。那么,那些“奇迹”是什么?如果要在几十年后有效减少温室气体排放,它们现在就必须在实验室里出现,那就是前瞻性研究。 本辑关注温室气体排放的三个主要方向:电气、运输、食品和农业。本辑挑选了10个项目。他们选择最有希望的项目,访问了世界各地,看了垂直农场、电气飞机、机器人帮助的基因工程、钢发酵室,尝试绿色早餐的味道。六个月之后,他们吸收了某些最新的思想,用技术减少二氧化碳排放。他们还请著名的能源经济学家给以了评论。 在电气奇迹方面,特拉电厂的行波反应堆是 20 世纪的能源。从常识知道,乒乓球不能达到声速的 2 倍,也不能在重拍时把球拍打穿一个洞。特拉电厂的工程师开始设计一个高级的核动力反应堆,用压缩空气泡给访问者显示威力。它显示原子核分裂的关键概念:一个高速运行的小对象可以对某些看似不能动的物体产生很大的影响。类似地,一个小的高速运行可以对多年来无法撼动的电力工业领域产生巨大影响。在这气候变化的世界,许多专家相信未来的电网将完全靠太阳能、风力和水力。但是,现在少数专家认为未来几十年清洁能源网将带来温室气体排放。太阳能和风力发电会比任何其他发电增长更快。到 2015 年其他发电将少于 2% 。为了建设未来的清洁绿色电网,许多专家说我们得依靠裂变能源。在无碳能源中,只有核裂变反应堆有高效可靠的发电记录,与气候和地址无关。商用的核反应堆自从第一个发电厂建造以来几乎没有变化。现在全世界 447 个核电厂已经老化,并显示其弱点,自从日本福岛第一核电站事故之后,核能处在一个危险状态,世界核能利用由 5.73% 降到 4.14% 。在美国南卡罗来纳州和英国欣克利角核电站由于代价过于高昂而抛弃。在别的地方,譬如中国 38 个反应堆能发电 330 亿瓦,还计划到 2024 年增加 58 亿瓦。现在全世界还有 50 个核电站在建设中。加上 110 个计划中的项目,将提供 1500 亿瓦,每年将避免 5 亿吨二氧化碳排放。为了得到如此的温室减排,运输行业必须放弃 1 亿辆汽车,或者说是所有法国、德国和英国的轿车都得停运。面对这样的情景,新建的一些美国公司追求去掉这些缺点的核电站设计。在麻省的坎布里奇,一个叫 Transatomic Power 的公司正在开发一个反应堆,它靠氟化铀液体运行,即锂和氟化物的混合物。在丹佛, Gen4 Energy 正设计一种更小的模块化的反应堆,它可以在远处快速部署。在这些新公司中,有一家 TerraPower ,在华盛顿州的贝尔维尤,实力雄厚,而且与急需核能的中国有关系。反应堆的开发部分由皮尔盖茨基金会资助,并成为公司的主席。为了证明该设计可行, TerraPower 明年将拆掉试验反应队,与中国国家核集团合作。为了减少煤的依赖,中国到 2020 年要增加 2500 亿瓦的可再生和核能源的能力。 TerraPower 的总裁 Chris Levesque 招人搞安全而又高燃料有效性的核反应堆。他说,反应堆的燃料不能很容易地用于武器。公司声称它的反应堆产生很少的废料,即使该反应堆弃之不用,它也不会造成灾难。 下图显示纳冷却的梦想: 在运输方面,人们期望的是兰天飞机,如下图。 在食品和农业方面,譬如垂直农场,如下图。 很抱歉, 10 个项目我只提到 3 个,而且,每一个都无法详细介绍。希望专业人士自己去参阅该杂志。也盼望中国人为奇迹的出现做贡献。
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mhchx 2018-4-10 11:08
根据2018年4月5日《Nature》报道: 各国政府准备推进减少航运业对气候变化影响的法规。 超过 170个国家的政府正在共同制定 一项计划,以遏制航运业的温室气体排放,填补2015年巴黎气候协议留下的空白。 该框架将于下周提交批准。 联合国国际海事组织( IMO)的一个小组即将在伦敦举行会议,预计会在该会议上达成一项决议,以设定减排目标并为今后的规定奠定基础。国际海事组织然后将充实并在2023年前完成监管框架。 国际航运业 2015年的二氧化碳排放量估计为8.12亿吨,约占全球总量的2.3%。到本世纪中期,该行业的排放量预计会翻番。 一个联合国机构减少航运业的碳排放量的目标。( Thomas Ebert / laif / eyevine) 代表们仍在讨论关于所需温室气体减排时间和规模的一系列想法。但观察人士表示,谈判似乎围绕日本提出的一项建议,到 2060年该行业的碳排放量将比2015年的水平降低近44%。 日本的提案不会像巴黎协议那样迅速或者达到要求的程度减少排放量,巴黎协议旨在防止全球温度上升超过工业化前水平 1.5-2°C,国际清洁交通委员会的一个航空项目、一个设在华盛顿特区的非营利研究组织海洋和海洋科学负责人丹尼尔.卢瑟福(Daniel Rutherford)说。尽管如此,他表示这项提案可能意味着世界各地的船东发生重大变化。 “就行业需求而言,这可能是一笔非常大的交易,”卢瑟福说。 活动目标 虽然减排目标越来越明确,但确保各国实现这些目标所需的法规仍然不明朗。目前正在审议的一个备选方案要求加强和扩大海事组织 2011年通过的能源效率条例。其他提案可能要求清洁燃料或新发动机技术,或对国际水域的船舶施加新的速度限制以减少燃料消耗。另一个悬而未决的问题是航运业是否会被允许通过购买碳信用抵消温室气体排放。 国际海事组织会议上的代表们可能会试图采取渐进式的减排方法,但倡导者说,行业不能采取更积极的行动没有技术上的原因。伦敦大学研究能源和航运业的 Tristan Smith表示,这些努力可能包括立即推动开发无碳燃料和开发新一代船舶,以充分利用它们。 可再生能源可用于生产氢气或氨气,可用于内燃机燃烧或用于燃料电池。 储存这些长途旅行的燃料比使用目前的石油基燃料更昂贵。 但是替代燃料可以在任何地方生产,史密斯说,随着无碳燃料市场的发展,让廉价可再生能源的国家占据一席之地。 “我所描述的是对这个行业的重大改变,”史密斯说。 但是,通过预先规划,他说,在本世纪中叶之前,行业没有理由不能将其排放量减少70-100%。 为未来做准备 欧盟和小岛国正在推动采取更积极的行动,减少温室气体排放。 但许多发展中国家担心,更严格的规则将抬高运输成本,并最终损害其经济,卢瑟福说。 行业组织也在寻求更宽松的规则,但一些航运公司已经在寻求减少或消除温室气体排放的技术。 比利时海事公司( CMB)负责管理安特卫普研发的Roy Campe说,通常情况下,那些已经投资新船队的公司已经支持更严格的规则,而那些拥有较老船队的船队正在应对变革。 去年, CMB改装了一艘双体船渡轮,为其总部供氢。目前发动机燃烧的氢和柴油相等,但很快就会使用85%的氢气混合物。该公司正在准备扩大和调试一艘集装箱船,该船可以运载为期两周的氢气用于辅助发动机。 坎佩说,减少航运业的碳排放并不容易,而且会带来巨大的成本。 但他对未来充满信心。 “那时将会表明,氢气燃料运行比矿物燃料更便宜,我们希望为自己做好准备。” 文献来源 :https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-04100-9
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jackyjjp 2011-5-2 20:56
这是我自娱自乐的研究,主要想看看国内城市现有的统计资料是否足以(自上而下地)核算温室气体排放。从我的研究体会来看,除直辖市外其他城市现有的统计资料完全不足以(自上而下地)核算温室气体排放。因此,目前大部分城市需投入重金自下而上地开展温室气体盘查。从长远来看,大部分城市不可能年年投入重金进行盘查,完善城市统计资料是“性价比”较高的选项。 由于原始数据不是很可靠,就不给出城市名称了,以免误导。如果未来该城市有可靠的统计资料发布,那么我会更新结果,并公布城市名称。 ====以下是概述,仅供“娱乐”==== 内容:内容上包括能源消费、工业生产过程、废物处理及农业生产等四类排放。气体上包括二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)。空间范围上包括市内直接排放(Scope 1)、市外电力间接排放(Scope 2)及市外其他间接排放(Scope 3)。 方法:Scope 1及Scope 2基于IPCC 2006指南,Scope 3基于环境投入产出法。排放因子主要采用中国化的因子。 结果:(1)某市Scope 1排放总量增长了5.5倍,单位GDP排放量下降了45%(2005年可比价)。从排放活动看,化石燃料是主要来源,占历年排放总量的84%-95%。从行业看,电力业和交通运输业是主要来源,两者占历年排放总量的52%-68%。(2)某市Scope 2排放总量增长了8.4倍,占Scope 1的比重由56%增至81%。(3)1997年某市Scope 3排放总量是Scope 1的7.2倍。 本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0 中国大陆许可协议 进行许可。
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热度 4 jackyjjp 2011-2-25 14:52
2011年4月27日更新:正式版请到以下地址下载: http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2442.N.20110427.1248.012.html 2011年5月13日更新:用MATLAB计算很简单,四行代码就行了,具体见: http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=241374do=blogquickforward=1id=347142 (用MATLAB建立中国部门温室气体排放的关联模型) 该文写于2010年5月,被期刊接收于2010年8月,但是漫长的出版过程致使该文至今尚未刊出。为方便交流,先将初步校样稿放出来。 为何写这篇论文?利用投入产出法分析中国部门碳排放的文章不计其数,但多多少少都留下些遗憾,比如: (1)多数是分析能源消费CO2排放的,未包括其他排放源和其他温室气体,而未包括的这部分约占中国排放总量的20%-30%,对某些部门的影响更大。 (2)中国的投入产出表是竞争型投入产出表,即中间使用和最终使用数据同时包括国内产品和进口产品,多数论文并未区分两者的不同,直接使用中国的碳排放强度和上述数据计算。这样计算隐含了一个假设,即进口产品的碳排放强度和国内产品的相同,而世界各国的生产技术差异巨大,生产单位产品排放的CO2必然不可能相同,这一假设的合理性有待商榷。 (3)通过投入产出法可以计算某一部门的最终需求使各生产部门一共排放了多少CO2(也称作隐含碳排放),大多数文章算出这个就算完成了,但是还有一个问题:这些隐含排放在各部门间是如何分配的?对于决策者来说,不仅关心某种最终需求引起隐含碳排放总量,也会关心这些排放在生产链各部门中是如何分布的,这样可以将有限的资源投入到主要碳排放环节进行减排。 这篇论文回答了上面三个问题,虽然还不够充分。对于第一个问题,主要基于IPCC参考方法,但排放因子并没有像多数研究那样直接使用默认数据,而是参考大量关于中国温室气体排放的研究,尽量使用中国化的因子数据。不过,由于数据并非我们亲自调查获取,同时各数据源也未给出具体的调查方法和原始调查数据,因此难以估算温室气体排放数据的不确定性。对于第二个问题,构建了进口竞争型投入产出表,即将进口从中间使用和最终使用分离出来,计算时仅保留各部门对国内产品的使用数据。在目前IPCC“生产者责任”的核算原则下,这样处理算合理——因为生产进口产品而排放的温室气体产生在其他国家,中国不必将这部分排放算在自己身上(当然,目前学术界正在热烈讨论“消费者责任”的核算,这个以后再讨论)。对于第三个问题,我们采用了卡耐基梅隆大学研究人员发展的EIO-LCA法进行计算。 本作品采用 知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 3.0 中国大陆许可协议 进行许可。
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ywang69 2008-9-25 15:30
(全球温室气体减排行动的未来一直处于不明朗的状态,工业化国家和以中国为代表的发展中国家在联合国的环发大会也经常争吵不休。毫无疑问,中国的温室气体排放问题引起世界关注 。 ) Local and regional control of greenhouse gas emissions in China Lead author: Sjaak Slanina (Netherlands Energy Research Foundation) adopted from EarthPortal Introduction China, at present, has not yet openly accepted obligations to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions . This is seen by many countries as a very serious problem in view of the large contribution of this country to global greenhouse gas emissions. China officially takes the point of view that the present concentrations of greenhouse gases have been mainly produced by developed countries and that the responsibility of the developing countries, hence, is very limited. However, measures to reduce local and regional pollution problems will in fact have a large impact on Chinese greenhouse gas emissions. The Problem Figure 1. Carbon dioxide emissions in 2006. (Source: NMP ) A recent report by The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NMP), a Dutch environmental agency, stated that China is becoming the number one carbon dioxide emitter in the world. Until fairly recently that position was held by the United States of America, which means that the very rapid economic growth of China has now changed that situation; according to this report, China overtook the number one position in the year 2006 (see Figure 1). It must be kept in mind that all these statistics have a certain amount of uncertainty and that this conclusion is under heavy debate, especially from the Chinese side. The total carbon dioxide emissions of China are in the same order of magnitude as those from the United States, but if the emissions per capita of the population are examined, the picture changes (see Air pollution in China ). The emissions of carbon dioxide per capita of the population in China is much lower than that of the U.S. and about half of that of Europe. If the economic development in China continues to progress at the present rate, then the emissions per capita of the population in China will surpass that of Europe in the next 10 to 15 years or so. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and NMP the emissions per capita in Europe and China are 7 and 4 tons of carbon dioxide per capita respectively. Even if the announced abatement measures of the EU are ignored, an economic growth of 7% per year in China, a modest estimate, will lead to a doubling of the carbon dioxide emissions in about 10 years, while the emissions in Europe will increase by 20%, based on 2% growth per annum. So the emissions per capita in China will surpass those in Europe in 13 years, based on linear extrapolation with many uncertainties, of course. Effects of Climate Change in China Figure 2. Harbors threatened by oceanic level rise in the next century. (Source: IPCC) A recent evaluation by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has made clear that two out of the three major economic pillars of economic growth in China, namely the harbors at the Yangtze's and Pearl River Deltas, are threatened by climate change, and specifically by an increase in ocean levels (see Figure 2). The third pillar, the Beijing and Tianjin Mega-City is not particularly in danger. A recent overview indicates that a large number of people, 90 million, reside in the threatened low level coastal zones of China. The most important problem in China regarding climate change, in the view of most Chinese scientists, is not the rise in ocean levels but the change in precipitation patterns. Some models indicate that less water will fall in the already dried out northern areas, but increased precipitation will cause more problems in the already often flooded regions in the south of China. Position of Chinese Government on GHG Abatement Table 1. GDP contributions of important Chinese mega-cities. (Source: China Statistical Yearbook ) Even though it is very clear that climate change could present large difficulties in China, its government has made no formal commitment to greenhouse gas reductions for the following reasons: Only 25% or less of the present greenhouse gas concentrations are of Chinese or Asian origin, and the Chinese government is convinced that it is the duty of developed countries to first remove their large contribution to greenhouse gas levels before the Chinese government is willing to accept obligations for abatement. Furthermore, the Chinese are convinced that large economic development is essential for the stable development of China. At present about 46% of the Chinese work in agriculture , compared to 10% in South Korea and 2% in The Netherlands. If we assume that in twenty years time China will look much like South Korea, this means that at least 200 million jobs must be created for agricultural workers and therefore a strong economic development of at least 7% per year is needed to obtain social stability. While Europe and the US can handle proposed reductions by minor adjustmentse.g. use smaller cars and more public transportion, reduce meat consumption , etc., which do not necessary lead to major changes in lifestylethe situation in China is completely different. The high GDP growth rates found in Chinese mega-cities are thus seen as essential by Chinese scientists and government to ensure stable social development. And at present, the growth rates of China exceed those found in even Korea and Taiwan. Characteristics of Chinese Economic Growth Figure 3. Development of container transit in PRD harbors and in the harbor of Rotterdam. (Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2006 ) To complicate matters further, a fairly large portion of the economic growth of China, in total 47% of Chinese GDP, is generated in four rather small areas, namely the Pearl River Delta (PRD), the Yangtze River Delta, the Beijing and Tianjin mega-cities and, recently, the Shenyang-Dalian mega-cities in the northeast plains. This means that a large amount of the emissions from China originate in quite a small area of the country (see Table 1). This high density of industrial activities leads to very high local emissions and concentrations, so local abatement measures are seen as unavoidable and are, at present, implemented on a grand scale, especially in the Beijing and PRD area. The fast development of the Chinese economy is highlighted in Figure 3, where the container transit in the PRD harbor and Rotterdam is given in units of a million standard containers. Its very clear how enormous the growth has been in recent years, comparing this development rate with the growth of the largest European harbor of Rotterdam. Effects of Local/Regional Pollution Figure 4. Ozone concentrations during 2 days in 2000, European air quality standards for ozone are indicated. (Credit: Yuanhang Zhang) At present, the most pressing environmental problem in China is probably the effect of aerosols on human health (for more details, see ]). To give an example, according to recent Health Effects Institute (HEI), USA the range of extra deaths caused by aerosols in the PRD delta area is probably between 15,000 and 35,000 per year, indicating the seriousness of the problem. The second big problem in China is the increase in the concentration of photo oxidants, substances generated by the reaction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (see Ozone ). In Figure 4, the development of ozone in Beijing during a number of days in the year 2000 is shown together with limits as issued by the European Union. Interactions between Local/Regional Pollution and Climate Change Figure 5. Backscatter and absorption of solar light by aerosols in PRD. (Credit: Meinrat Andreae, Pride Campaign) Strong interactions exist between local or regional air pollution problems and climate change and, therefore, measures taken to abate local problems will also have a strong effect on the radiative balance and climate change. A very good example, but one where local or regional measures do not influence GHG emissions , is the interaction between particulate matter and the radiative balance. If the particles are very small, with a diameter of 0.1 micrometer or less, no interaction between particles and incoming solar radiation takes place. If particles are larger than two micrometers, they do not change the intensity of incoming solar radiation very much. If particles are larger than 0.1 micrometer but smaller than 2 micrometers, then internal reflection of incoming solar radiation takes place and a strong backscatter of radiation is observed (for a more extensive explanation, see Aerosols ). If particles are composed of black carbon or soot, then all radiation is absorbed. This rather complex situation makes it difficult to characterize the interaction between particles and incoming solar radiation. In fact, quite complicated measurements are necessary to quantify this relationship. In the years 2004 and 2006, large experiments (PRIDE Campaign) were conducted in the Pearl River Delta in order to characterize the radiative forcing due to particles. The ratio between backscatter and absorption by aerosol particles, as well as the ratio as between backscatter and light reflection of the earth surface determine whether particulate matter cools by reflection or heats by absorption of solar light. These ratios are used to calculate the single scattering albedo , 0 . As a Figure 5 indicates, at a critical value of 0 between 0.8 and 0.9 cooling and light absorption are of the same order of magnitude. If 0 is above 0.9, as generally encountered in Europe and the United States, then cooling is observed. At values below 0.8 light absorption is dominant and heating will take place. The observed values of 0 in the Pearl River Delta are generally at this critical level. So heating by absorption and cooling by reflection are of the same magnitude, both about twelve watts per square meter , about four times the radiative forcing due to all the greenhouse gases . It is clear that any measures either to reduce the concentration of particulate matter or the amount of black carbon in the atmosphere will have a very large impact on the radiative balance, and hence, on climate change in this area. Increased Energy Efficiency Figure 6. GDP, energy use and SO 2 concentrations 1980 to 2000. (Credit: Thomas G. Rawski) As already discussed above, China has no official greenhouse gas abatement obligations. In order to alleviate local and regional problems, measures have been taken which also reduce greenhouse gas emissions . Twenty-five years ago, energy efficiency in power generation and industry in China was very poor. In order to reduce the high sulfur dioxide concentrations in Chinese cities, measures were taken to reduce the energy intensity of industry and electricity production . Figure 6 shows that energy use did not increase as much as GDP and that these measures led to a reduction of sulfur dioxide while also substantially reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Figure 7. Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions due to increased energy efficiency and use of renewables. (Credit: IEA ) In the same way, plans to reduce energy intensity, in order to minimize expenditures for expensive oil and pollution in Chinese mega-cities, will have an impact on greenhouse gas emissions, according to an International Energy Agency (IEA) study (see Figure 7). A total reduction of 45%, compared with the business as usual scenario, is expected due to these measures, again, without accepting international obligations. A recent World Bank study shows that the energy intensity of Chinese industries is still high, even though substantial progress has been made since 1980. There is still considerable room for improvement, especially in regards to the poor performance of trucks. Reforestation Figure 8. Reforestation in China. (Credit: Sjaak Slanina , Xin Hua) Problems with desertification , soil erosion and dust storms have induced reforestation efforts on a very large scale in China. Of course, all these new forests will capture carbon oxide. These projects will contribute to a reduction of the net carbon dioxide emissions of China, even though this was not the most important objective of these undertakings (see Figure 8). Depending on the growth rate of these forests, determined by factors like water supply and nutrients, etc., some 2 to 10% of the China's current carbon dioxide emissions could be sequestered. GHG Emissions by Country of Production or by Country of Consumption One last point to consider in terms of abatement is the question of how to divide the burden of carbon dioxide emissions. Until now greenhouse gas emissions were very simply attributed to the country where the production takes place. The question is whether that is a truly reasonable and fair solution. An alternative to this approach is now under discussion in many developing countries. The global community is dependent on the manufacture of goods, and in terms of environmental impact, these goods should be produced where social and economic benefits are maximal and environmental detriment is minimal. Therefore, greenhouse gas emissions should be allotted according to consumption , and not only according to production. This is a very intriguing question which must be addressed in the next ten years or so. Conclusion It is clear that all these measures to alleviate local and regional pollution problems contribute to abatement of greenhouse gas emissions and that local and regional scales are connected in many ways with global climate problems. References Air Science Group, Environmental Protection Department, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 2006. Air Quality in Hong Kong . A report on the results from the Air Quality Monitoring Network (AQMN). HEI International Scientific Oversight Committee, 2004. Health Effects of Outdoor Air Pollution in Developing Countries of Asia: A Literature Review . Special Report 15. Health Effects Institute, Boston MA. IPCC, 2007. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Summary for Policymakers . Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. ISBN: 0521880092 . National Bureua of Statistics China, 2006. China Statistical Yearbook 2006 . National Development and Reform Commission, Peoples Republic of China, 2007. Chinas National Climate Change Programme . Netherlands Environmental Agency (NMP) et al., 2007. Milieu en Natuur compendium (MNP) . PRIDE special issue, in press. Atmospheric Environment . Rawski, Thomas G., 2006. Urban air quality in China: Historical and comparative perspectives , lecture. Shao, M., Tang, X., Zhang, Y., and W. Li, 2006. City clusters in China: air and surface water pollution . Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment , 4(7): 353-61. Zeng, N., Ding, Y., Pan, J., Wang, H., and Jay Gregg, 2008. Climate Changethe Chinese Challenge . Science , 319: 730-731.
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