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Charlesworth 2020-8-19 10:43
牛津大学出版社近日宣布与查尔斯沃思作者服务达成合作,双方将在接收稿件语言提升方面进行合作,这标志着查尔斯沃思作者服务的编辑水平再一次得到全球学术出版界的广泛认可,也体现出牛津大学出版社为不懈提高稿件质量而做出的努力。 在将稿件提交牛津大学出版社旗下期刊之前,如果您希望对其进行语言编辑,尤其在英语不是您的母语的情况下,牛津大学出版社将推荐您使用查尔斯沃思作者服务。这并不是强制性的步骤,但是可以帮助确保期刊编辑和同行评审专家更好地理解您论文的学术内容。使用这些服务进行的语言编辑不会限制您最终是否将稿件提交给牛津大学出版社出版的期刊,也不能保证您的稿件一定将被接收并在其学术期刊上获得发表。 希望使用此项服务的作者应可在牛津大学出版社网站的服务推荐链接处获取更多信息。作为服务提供商,查尔斯沃思作者服务将负责处理包括付款在内的各项具体流程。 关于牛津大学出版社 牛津大学出版社(Oxford University Press)隶属牛津大学,以环球出版为志业,弘扬牛津大学卓于研究、博于学术、笃于教育的优良传统。牛津大学出版社成立于1478年,是世界上历史最悠久的大学出版社之一,现也是世界上最大的大学出版社,每年出版物超过6,000种。 如欲了解获取更多信息,请访问: https://global.oup.com/ 关于查尔斯沃思 查尔斯沃思(The Charlesworth Group)于1928年成立于英国,是一家致力于科学、技术及医学(STM)领域的高质量出版服务商,核心服务包括学术资源版权代理、中国市场营销解决方案和咨询服务,以及英语语言编辑服务。成立至今九十多年,已经在全球和整个中国学术市场得到广泛认可,成为学术出版机构、科研机构及作者备受信赖的合作伙伴。 如欲了解获取更多信息,请访问: www.cwauthors.com.cn 论文润色 | 学术翻译 | 其他发表支持服务 | 英国编辑团队介绍
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xupeiyang 2010-9-9 16:32
http://www.oxfordjournals.org/oxfordopen/open_access_titles.html Oxford Open participating titles Titles participating in the Oxford Open scheme are broadly included in one of two open access models, either full or optional open access. All open access articles are automatically deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) by Oxford Journals. The journals participating in this automated process have been determined by PMC, based on subject area. All Oxford Open content at PMC . FULL OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS The following journals are all fully open access AoB Plants Bioscience Horizons Database DNA Research Genome Biology and Evolution Nucleic Acids Research OPTIONAL OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS The following journals are all part of the optional open access model. This means that authors may chose to pay for open access publication in order to make their article freely available. However, open access publication is not a requirement for publication in these journals. Standard model journals Open access articles published in these journals will automatically be deposited in PMC by Oxford Journals on behalf of the author. 请你点击需要的期刊,可以直接查阅网络版全文。 Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Age and Ageing Alcohol and Alcoholism American Journal of Epidemiology American Literary History * Annals of Botany Annals of Occupational Hygiene Annals of Oncology Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Behavioral Ecology Bioinformatics BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia Biostatistics Brain Carcinogenesis Cardiovascular Research Cerebral Cortex Chemical Senses Epidemiologic Reviews EP-Europace European Heart Journal European Journal of Echocardiography European Journal of Heart Failure European Journal of Orthodontics European Journal of Public Health European Sociological Review * Family Practice Forestry * The Gerontologist Glycobiology Health Education Research Health Policy and Planning Health Promotion International Human Molecular Genetics Human Reproduction Human Reproduction Update ICES Journal of Marine Science Integrative and Comparative Biology International Immunology International Journal of Epidemiology The International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies International Journal for Quality in Health Care Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Journal of Competition Law and Economics * Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Journal of Design History * Journal of Economic Geography * Journal of Electron Microscopy Journal of Financial Econometrics * The Journals of Gerontology: Series A The Journals of Gerontology: Series B Journal of Heredity The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy * Journal of Molluscan Studies Journal of Pediatric Psychology Journal of Petrology * Journal of Plankton Research Journal of Plant Ecology Journal of Public Health Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Journal of Refugee Studies * Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences * Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A journal of the IMA Medical Law Review Molecular Biology and Evolution Molecular Human Reproduction Molecular Plant Mutagenesis Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation NDT Plus Neuro-Oncology Nicotine Tobacco Research Occupational Medicine Oxford Economic Papers * Plant Cell Physiology Protein Engineering, Design and Selection (PEDS) Public Health Ethics QJM: An International Journal of Medicine Quarterly Journal of Mathematics * Radiation Protection Dosimetry * Review of Finance * Rheumatology Schizophrenia Bulletin Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Social History of Medicine Systematic Biology The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science * Toxicological Sciences Tree Physiology Twentieth Century British History * * Open access articles from these journals will not be deposited in PMC as these titles do not fit PMC's subject criteria. Alternative model journals Journal of Experimental Botany and Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine both operate alternative models. For more information, please visit: Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal of Experimental Botany
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