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zhangrongdong 2016-6-14 22:49
2016首届博士(后)中国创新发展高峰论坛 邀 请 函 尊敬的 科学网友们 : 您好! 2016年是我国 “十三五”规划的开局之年、根基之年。党的“十八大”做出了实施 创新驱动发 展战略的重大部署。习近平总书记指出,实施创新驱动发展战略刻不容缓,必须抓紧科技创新,切实营造实施创新驱动发展战略的体制机制和良好环境,加快形成我国发展新动源。国家创新发展的质量、效率和人才资源的优化配置息息相关,始终离不开高端创新人才们思想的碰撞,为发挥博士(后)群体在创新发展中的积极作用,充分释放高端人才潜力,营造“双创”精神的良好环境和社会氛围,安徽大学、中安联合投资集团博士后科研工作站、合肥市人民政府办公厅主办,安徽大学商学院、安徽大学创新管理研究中心 、组委会 承办,北京市博士爱心基金会 、合肥荣智商业管理有限公司、博士后智库 等单位协办的“2016首届博士(后)中国创新发展高峰论坛”盛情邀请您的参与。组委会将在大湖名城、创新高地、美丽的合肥为您搭建了一场思想学术盛会,大家在一起分享观点,切磋砥砺,探索创新,为国效力! 国家的经济繁荣离不开企业的创造力,离不开博士(后)青年科学家们的创造力 , 更 需要 我们加紧密地团结在习近平为总书记的党中央周围,加快实施创新驱动发展战略,为全面建成小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”群策群力,做出新的更大的奉献! 现有关论坛事项函告如下: 一、时间与地点 时间:2016年6月25日下午报到 ● 签到:26日7:30-8: 00 ● 会议:26日上午8:30-12 : 00 下午14: 30 -17:00 ● 地点:解放军电子工程学院科技交流中心A楼17楼会议室 (中国合肥市蜀山区黄山路460号)酒店电话: 0551-62200188 62200199 二、战略合作单位 主办单位:安徽大学 中安联合投资集团博士后科研工作站(北京交通大学) 合肥市人民政府办公厅 承办单位:安徽大学商学院 安徽大学创新管理研究中心 协办单位:北京市博士爱心基金会 合肥荣智商业管理有限公司 、博士后智库 三、会议日程 见附件。 三、活动报名 1、参会名额 以组委会确认为准 ,会议不收取任何费用。 2、请参会嘉宾提前做好行程安排,准时参会,签到时请出示个人名片。 3、组委会联系电话: 0551-68182266 手机: 18756995688 ( 张荣东博士 ) 2016首届博士(后)中国创新发展高峰论坛组委会 二〇一六年六月 附件:论坛日程 活动时间 活动项目 基本内容 活动地点 备注 6月25日 14:00-19:30 迎宾、住宿 外地需住宿的参会人 员报到、办理住宿手续、领取入场券 A座1楼大厅 18:30-20:00 交流晚宴 会务组设置欢迎晚宴 餐厅 6月26日 7:30-8:30 迎宾、签到 嘉宾入席、参会人员报到领取入场券、礼品劵 A座1楼大厅 8:30-8:35 开幕式 主持人介绍出场嘉宾 A座17楼会议室 8:35-8:4 0 致辞 论坛负责人 张荣东博士 致 欢迎 辞 8:4 0 -8:5 0 致辞 安徽大学校长 致 开幕 辞 8:5 0 -9:0 0 致辞 合肥市人民政府领导 致 祝贺 辞 9:0 0 -9: 15 嘉宾合影留念 9 : 15 -10 : 15 主题演讲 新供给经济学研究院院长 贾康研究员、博导:“三层互动的创新构建第一动力” 10: 15: -1 0 : 45 主题演讲 清华大学朱武祥教授、博导:“创新商业模式,助力企业高效发展” 1 0 : 45 -11: 15 主题演讲 首都师范大学赵新峰教授、博导:“京津冀区域政府间环境治理政策协调问题研究” 11: 15 -11: 30 颁发证书 颁发《中国创新发展研究报告》优秀论文证书 11: 30 -1 1 : 45 颁发证书 颁发安徽大学千人博士(后)专家智库入库证书(大学智库) 11: 45 -1 2 : 00 人才引进 铜陵市委党校副校长黄大吉 宣讲人才引进政策 1 2 : 00 - 12:25 会议合影 全体参会人员合影留念 12: 25 -13:00 自助餐 全体参会代表 餐厅 13:30-17:30 平行论坛 (A) 主题:法律主导型政府和社会资本(PPP)模式的构建 1. 梁增乐博士《科技创新在PPP项目中的应用》 2. 李学辉博士《PPP项目合同中的政府角色扮演》 3. 薛起堂博士《 PPP项目主要法律问题 》 4. 樊国辉 博士《 城市建设基金在PPP项目中的应用 》 5. 臧洁妹博士《“一带一路”与PPP项目投资》 6. 贾晓云《 PPP项目合同前沿理论与审判实务 》 7. 周雷博士: 论坛 主持及总结性发言 A座平行论坛会议室 13:30-17:30 平行论坛 (B) 主题:博士(后)人才在创新创业中的引领作用 1. 周文龙 博士《 基于产业金融学理论探索的实践创新应用——以农业产业金融化创新应用为例 》 2. 王彤 博士《 进一步完善有利于创新创业的体制机制 》 3. 易昌良 博士《 推进大众创业万众创新蓬勃发展 》 4. 何国忠博士《 中华复兴之路 》 5. 韦筠寰 博士《 科研体系.投资风险.选题路径 》 6. 李静博士《 文化软实力对中国经济发展的影响 》 7. 赵艳华博士《 现代健康观及启示 》 A座平行论坛会议室 特邀嘉宾 : 贾 康——中国著名经济学家,财政部科学研究所(现中国财政科学研究院)博士生导师,全国多所重点高校特聘教授。曾长期担任财政部财政科学研究所所长,现任全国政协委员、政协经济委员会委员,中国国际经济交流中心、中国税务学会、中国城市金融学会和中国改革研究会常务理事,中国财政学会顾问,北京市人民政府特聘专家,福建省、安徽省、甘肃省人民政府顾问。 朱武祥——著名金融学家,清华大学经济管理学院金融系副主任、博士生导师、教授,商业模式研究工作室主任,狮城国际教育集团金融研究院首席专家。 赵新峰——著名公共经济与公共政策研究专家。首都师范大学管理学院院长、教授,博士生导师,北京大学管理学博士。北京大学政治发展与政府管理研究所研究员。中国行政管理学会理事,全国政策科学研究会常务理事,副秘书长。北京市政治学行政学学会副会长,北京市决策发展研究院副院长。联合国框架公约组织特约观察员。 2016首届博士(后)中国创新发展高峰论坛 报 名 表 基本信息 姓名 手机号码 性别 常住地 邮箱 微信号 学历(勾选) □在读博士 □博士毕业 □在站博士后 □已出站博士后 博士专业 博士在读(毕业)学校 博士后科研(毕业)学校/单位 工作单位 报名信息 是否住宿 请组委会代订房间(费用自理) □单间 □指定人员( )双人标间 □与其他参会人员拼住双人标间 自行解决住宿或者不需要住宿 到肥地点 □新桥机场 □火车南站 □火车站 □汽车站 □自驾车/市内 是否加入安徽大学创新管理研究中心千人博士(后)专家智库 □已加入 □先了解,再决定 □想加入 □不想加入 报名方法 由于座席有限,需事先报名预定,未报名人员恕不接待。请于6月 22日前 填写《报名表》并发至“ doctoral2016@126.com ”邮箱,会务组工作人员将在24小时内通过邮件或者电话与您确认,敬请留意。联系咨询电话:(0551)68182266、 18756995688 备注 1.论坛时间:6月26日8:30——17:30; 2.论坛地点:安徽省合肥市黄山路460号解放军电子工程学院科技交流中心A楼17楼会议室; 3.本次论坛不收取任何费用,(特邀专家和嘉宾由会务组负责安排接待)参会人员交通、住宿费用自理; 4.组委会统一安排6月25日交流晚宴、6月26日自助午餐; 5.组委会统一安排住宿标准为:220元/间或280元/间两档,需要组委会代订房间的,工作人员将联系本人予以确认。
1624 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]R: Getting Started
lixujeremy 2015-7-18 20:32
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. Set RGui Environment Language language = EN inside the file Rconsole (in my installation it is C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\etc\Rconsole); 较早版本的中文教程 ( 数据分析与绘图的编程环境.pdf ,2006 )。 English Version in RGUI-Help-Mannuals (in PDF)-An Introduction to R. Eclipse as IDE for R Programming StatET is an Eclipse based IDE (integrated development environment) for R. It offers a set of mature tools for R coding and package building. This includes a fully integrated R Console, Object Browser and R Help System, whereas multiple local and remote installations of R are supported. 1. From the Eclipse menu bar click Help - Install New Software 2. Click the‘Add’ button. The “Add Site” dialog appears 3. Type in a friendly name for your remote resource, such as StatET 4. Paste the URL (http://download.walware.de/eclipse-4.4, this is the latest version available at StatET website, as of 20-July-2015) into the ‘Location’ box, make sure to check the option of Contact all update sites during install to find required software, then click ‘OK’ 5. Select (check WalWare-Libraries, StatET, Utlilities ) the package components that you want to install, then click ‘Next’ 6. A review screen showing your selection(s) displays. Click ‘Next’ 7. Accept the license agreement, then click ‘Finish’ 8. Now Eclipse will install StatET, but it will take a few minutes. During the installation you may be asked to accept a digital certificate from Eclipse.org. Configure the StatET Eclipse plugin 1. Install R, if you need to. NOTE: as far as Eclipse is concerned, it makes no difference if you run 32 or 64-bit R. Just be sure that you identify 32 or 64-bit R to Eclipse, which we do in the next steps (among other things). 2. From the Eclipse menu bar click Help - Cheat Sheets: StatET: R in Eclipse to put up the official help. This is a handy, built-in guideline, but some of the steps inaccurately describe the menu choices (and one reason why I wrote these instructions). It is a good reference, though, for your later work, so keep it in mind. Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the Cheat Sheet Selection dialog. 3. From the Eclipse menu bar click Window - Preferences: StatET : Run/Debug: R Interaction: Select ‘R Console inside Eclipse (default)’ for the ‘Connectorused to run R code’. Note that this is the default so it might already be this way. This is how I run mine. Be sure to click ‘Apply’ if you change the setting. 4. Back in the left pane click ‘R Environments’ (StatET : Run/Debug: R Environments, which is directly above the ‘R Interaction’ of the previous step). The ‘R Environments’ pane now appears on the right. Click the pane’s ‘Add’ button. The ‘Add R Environment Configuration’ dialog appears. Type in a friendly name in the ‘Name’ box, such as R.x64 2.15.1 or whatever your R version is, for example. For the ‘Location (R_HOME)’ box, paste in the path to your R install directory, for example C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1. (in the same directory with Eclipse) Make sure the ‘Architecture’ field is set to your R type (32 or 64-bit), such as x86_64. Click ‘OK’ to save your changes and close the dialog, which returns us to the ‘R Environments’ pane, which now shows our newly created R environment. Click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ to save and close the ‘R Environments’ pane. 5. From the Eclipse menu bar click Run - Run Configurations. The ‘Run Configurations’dialog box appears. In the left pane click ‘R Console’, right click and select ‘New’ to define a new console entry with a friendly name in the ‘Name’ box, such as ‘MyConsole’. Under the ‘Main’ tab ensure that ‘Launch Type’ is set properly for your configuration. If you are uncertain, choose ‘Rterm’ (this selection is VERY IMPORTANT). For ‘Working Directory’ just provide a path to your projects directory, for example C:\d2\SOFTWARE_DEVELOPMENT\Research\R\Projects No further changes are required, but you can check to make sure that the ‘R Environment’ under the next tab (‘R Config’) is set to that environment you named previously. (Workbench Default) Click ‘Apply’and then ‘Close’ to close the dialog 6. Set perspective for R project If you can not see the R-project under File – New, switch Eclipse’s perspective to StatETby clicking Window – Open Perspective – Other – StatET. References R (programming language), from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . The R Project for Statistical Computing . R for Windows FAQ . Eclipse, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Eclipse . StatET for R . Setting up StatET Eclipse in Windows . R applications see details .
个人分类: R|1404 次阅读|0 个评论
理性的标准的协同智能模型 邹晓辉
geneculture 2015-5-19 00:54
理性的标准的协同智能模型 邹晓辉 广东珠海井岸桥东恒美花园15-2栋201号(白蕉镇连兴路179号29栋) 519125 e-mail:949309225@qq.com 摘要: 有人(Martha Pollack)说:我们要构建智能的活动者而不只是智能的思想者。我们赞同这种观点。进一步考虑之后,我们继续向前推进。让所有的用户及其软件代理(艾真体)在文本总量控制模型或音节总量控制模型(即:标准平台)上工作或活动。意思是:用户能仅用母语理解程序、获取信息或重用知识,而艾真体则仅用0和1处理数据;双方或多方依据标准平台协同工作或活动。该标准平台基于终极标准信息交换码,就像过去和现在基于美国标准信息交换码或国际统一代码的情形一样。我们认为:让所有依据具体的理性智能模型设计的艾真体在一个依据统一的标准智能模型设计的通用平台上协同工作或活动,机器翻译的歧义难题将获得一个较为满意的系统化解决方案。 关键词: 软件艾真体 理性活动者 标准平台 智能模型 RATIONAL STANDARD COOPERATING INTELLIGENT MODEL ZOU XIAO HUI BEAUTIFUL-GARDEN BUILDING 15-2 ROOM 201 IN ZHU-HAI 519125 e-mail: qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn Abstract: Somebody(Martha Pollack) said that we want to build intelligent actors, not just intelligent thinkers. We agree to it and on second thoughts we have been going farther. We let all users and theirs Software Agents work or act on Standard Format which is Gross Text Control Model or Gross Syllable Control Model which is called Standard Format. That means all users could work by only using theirs mother tongue for Programming Language Understanding,Information Acquirement or Knowledge reusing while all Agents only act by using 0 and 1 for Data computing, and both or various change for information according to the Standard Format based on Z-ASCII in the future as it did and does on ASCII or Unicode in the past and now. We thought that if all the individual SIRA Act on the unitary GISF , different meanings of MT will show on GISF and the puzzle can be solved by the numbers. Keyword: Software Agents, Rational Actor, Standard Format, Intelligent Model 1.引言 在过去几年,人工智能的研究取得了长足的进展 和“智能学:信息-知识-策略-行为的统一理论”(钟义信) ( http://caai.cn/documents/caai-10.exe );Agents (艾真体),Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (知识发现和数据挖掘)( http://www.aaai.org );2,协同智能 和语义信息 ( http://potentialscience.org )]。 然而也还有很多重要的问题没有得到满意的解决 。 有鉴于此,本文提出一种协同智能的观点,试图通过“合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补的(基于融智学理论框架的)协同智能”在“强人工智能”与“弱人工智能”之间形成必要张力,并对“信息-知识-智能的理论”探讨中可能存在的问题提出一些值得深思的意见或建议,强调巩固根基。实质上也就是在人工智能与人类智能之间寻求一种和谐的解决方案。 概述: 本文属于交叉-综合-公共-基础 领域 ,具体涉及“信息-知识-智能的理论”探讨。其 特殊性 :直接采用融智学前沿的理论成果,探讨人工智能学界关心的“信息-知识-智能”问题。其 重要性 :从宏观上为解决强人工智能与弱人工智能之间的观念冲突提供科学理论上的疏导;从微观上为解决“消岐” 的技术瓶颈提供科学理论上的支持(注:技术上的支持——标准平台,另文介绍)。 研究途径 :在回顾比较前人和他人的研究与自己前期的研究之间的异同的前提下,梳理融智学前期探讨的有关理论成果,旨在明确“信息-知识-智能的理论”的融智学探讨新思路:“理性人”的智能模式“由合到分”——突出艾真体的理性智能,“标准机”的智能模式“由分到合”——突出标准平台的标准智能,其发展就是让“协同网”的智能模式“融智整合”——突出计算机及其网络的协同智能。 局限性 :本文仅介绍新思路、新理论、新方法的基本框架的有关部分,具体细节和应用实例需阅读参考文献。 基本假设 :合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补的协同智能,可在强人工智能与弱人工智能之间形成必要的张力。 贡献 :在明确“信息-知识-智能的理论”探讨的新思路、新理论、新方法的基础之上,提出了:基于知识信息数据处理的融智学新范式的“消岐”新方案,即:理性的标准的协同智能模型,可让所有依据具体的理性智能模型设计的艾真体在一个依据统一的标准智能模型设计的通用平台上协同工作或活动,使机器翻译的歧义难题获得一个较为满意的系统解决方案。 2.“理性人”的智能模式 我们认为:迄今为止,探讨人工智能的三个流派(符号主义、连接主义、行为主义)和两种倾向(强人工智能与弱人工智能,或:“由上至下”与“由下至上”)之所以此消彼长且长期并存,有一个重要而深层的原因,即:实质上各自(这可能是学界和业界没注意到或注意得不够的方面)都在探讨“理性人”的智能模式或其某些方面。不仅探讨者会坚持“理性人”的某种立场(尽管时常会受情绪、脾气、怪僻等“非理性”因素的左右),而且探讨方式也在模仿“理性人”的某种智能模式。由于各个人的知识背景不同,加之各自处于认知发展的不同阶段,“理性人”对同一个问题不仅可能会得出合乎“理性”的答案,而且也可能会得出违背“理性”的答案。 2.1.什么是智能科学(或:智能理论)? 例1 (答案1陈述) : “展望智能科学”(史忠植)认为:“智能科学(作为)研究智能的基本理论和实现技术,是由脑科学、认知科学、人工智能等学科构成的交叉学科。” 例2 (答案2陈述) : “智能学:信息-知识-策略-行为的统一理论”(钟义信)(在阐述“信息-知识-智能的统一理论”时)写道:“智能理论作为21世纪最重要的两个学科——信息学与生物学——相互作用的交叉产物,是新世纪科学技术研究与发展的焦点。” 分析1: 关于智能科学(或:智能理论)的称谓与界定,例1和例2的问题: 问题1:面对同样的学科领域,例1和例2给出的解释竟如此不同。不仅关于智能这门学科的称谓不同(这是次要的),而且涉及其知识来源的学科范围的界定也不同(这是主要的)。 问题2:例1的作者是否知道“认知科学已包含认知心理学和人工智能这两部分”(是翻译失误,还是另有新的见解)?例2涉及其知识来源的学科(如:生物学)的范围是否界定过宽? 问题3:(主要的区别在于)认知科学与信息学之间能视为等价或相同的学科领域吗? 即使排出关注焦点的差异,甚至忽略学者之间在智能观以及智能科学观的区别,也无法回避以上三个问题(指出它们有利于进一步的科学探讨!)。 结果1: 指出上述问题旨在提出新的观点,即:包含人类智能与人工智能的智能科学(或:智能理论),其知识来源至少涉及:脑与神经生理学、心理学(含:认知心理学)、(自然)语言学、(人工)符号学、逻辑学、数学、通信与计算机科学(含:计算机图形图像处理,语音处理,传感与遥测技术)等科学学科(甚至相关的哲学分支)。否则,就会犯思路过于狭隘的认知错误。 结论1 。知识背景的不同或个人知识的局限,是每一个学者,作为自然人,都无法回避的。面对一个复杂问题或复杂学科,自然人之间要达成共识,并不是一件容易的事情。 建议1: 采用协同智能的理念或策略,即:以“标准机”的通用智能模式,支持“理性人”的专用智能模式,协同辅助“自然人”进行科学探讨。如:确定知识门类划分、确定学科名称、确定各学科的核心概念和基本概念以及典型例证乃至相应的方法及工具等。 2.2.什么是智能?什么是信息?什么是“知识”?什么是“人工智能理论体系”? 例3 (答案系列陈述) : “智能学:信息-知识-策略-行为的统一理论”(钟义信)归纳概述,首先,把智能概略地定义为“认识问题和解决问题的能力”。接着,把智能理解为“一种有目的的行为”(本文称之为:“理性人”的“目的驱动论”)。于是,就得出“智能的完整定义”的以下系列表述: 定义 1 智能 ,是在总体目的的驱动下,面对任何给定的环境,发现(定义)问题、确定目标、获得问题-环境-目标的信息、把信息提炼为知识、把知识激活为合理的策略、在策略引导下解决问题(满足约束)达到目标的能力。 定义 2 人工智能 ,是在给定问题、环境、目标的前提下,机器获取相关的信息、把信息提炼为知识、把知识激活为策略、并在策略引导下满足约束解决问题达到目标的能力。 定义 3 本体论信息 ,是关于“事物的运动状态及其变化方式”的直接表现,与观察主体的因素无关。 定义 4 认识论信息 ,是“主体所感知的事物运动状态及其变化方式,包括这种状态方式的形式(称为语法信息)、含义(称为语义信息)和价值(称为语用信息)”。语法信息、语义信息、语用信息三者的全体(我们认为:此处的“全体”应换为:“总称”),称为“全信息”。 定义 5 知识 是人们实践经验的结晶(最流行的知识定义);经验,是有待确证的准知识。 定义 6 关于某类事物的“知识” ,是人们关于这类事物的运动状态及其变化规律的描述,包括这种状态和规律的形式(形态性知识)、含义(内容性知识)和价值(效用性知识)。 定义 7 常识 是被普遍公认因而无需证明的知识。 综合智能理论 ,曾指出,知识激活成为(狭义)智能(体现为策略),需要有具体的求解问题、环境约束条件和问题求解的目标。否则就会成为空洞的智能。从知识激活的机制看,人工智能现存的三大学派(基于规则性知识的功能主义学派、基于经验性知识的结构主义学派以及基于常识性知识的行为主义学派)正好构成了有机互补的人工智能理论体系,不妨称为“广义人工智能”。它们共同的机制都包含“知识的激活”,只是由于知识的性质不同,激活的具体方法不同而已。正像其它(物质和能量)资源可转换一样,信息也是一类普遍存在的资源,可通过相应的加工机制把它转换成为知识、策略和执行策略的行为,最终成为认知与行事的智能。信息是智能的源泉;智能是信息的归宿。这就是“信息-知识-策略-行为的转换与统一理论”。 2.3.本文对例3的探讨 2.3.1.分析2:关于智能(含:人工智能)的定义,例3的问题 问题4:众所周知,自然人一生中有相当多的情况是“非理性的”。试问:此时的自然人有没有智能?如果有,定义1就缩小了人类智能的范围。如果说“智能是一种有目的的行为;没有目的,谈不上有智能。”那么,“无目的随机应变能力”是不是一种“智能”?在“非理性”或“无意识”的情况下自然人有无“智能”?…值得进一步商榷。 问题5:智能的本质是什么?仍然不清楚。定义 1-7也没明确回答这个问题。 例4: “智能的本质与定义 ”(廉师友)认为“智能本质是信息对信息的一种恰当响应”,并给出以下定义“所谓智能,就是个体、群体或者系统能够对感知信息做出恰当响应的能力”。众所周知,由于信息的本质目前还存在争议,所以基于信息的智能定义及其本质也难下定论。 结果2及结论2: 我们认为:例3试图得到一般的“理性人”的智能模式。这与人工智能学界探讨的各种具体地模拟“理性人”的智能模式的思路方向一致但着眼点不同。众所周知,业界实际成功设计和应用的几乎都是后者——专业化的理性智能模式或具体类型。 2.3.2.分析3:关于信息(定义 4所谓“全信息”)的定义,例3的问题 问题6:语法,既有形式方面,也有内容方面。例3定义 4所谓“语法信息”只讲前者。 问题7:语义,既有逻辑方面,也有语汇方面。例3定义 4所谓“语义信息”只讲前者。 问题8:语用,可指语言效用,更强调上下文。例3定义 4所谓“语用信息”只讲前者。 结果3: 我们发现:例3定义 4所谓“全信息”其实并不全。理由,上述问题6-8已指明其一;其二,为什么会这样呢?本文人为:其中一个主要原因,可能是“全信息”的提出者忽视或低估了自然语言的歧义性特征及其影响效力的深、广、久的特点。我们知道(但大众不知道或不认可):例3所使用的“语法、语义、语用”三个词语是从符号学和语言学临时借用过来的,因此,全信息提及的语法、语义、语用不是大众所熟悉或偏好的通用含义。 议论: 对此,例3的作者在撰写《信息科学原理》时是清楚的,但在与语言学和计算语言学乃至人工智能及计算机科学等领域的其他专家和大众(请注意:在面对“语法、语义、语用”这三个词语的时候,其他人完全可能选择其中两个意思的后者!!见:问题6-8!)交流时却未必次次都能保证双方对此问题的认识是清楚一致的。这可能是造成双方对这个“全”的认知冲突的主要原因。不知这个原因的人(即使对作者本人而言,所谓“全”的假象一时也难以识破),可能会在欣赏“全”的同时却又说它(全信息理论)“遭遇到了实践上的灾难。” 结论3: 我们认为:理论的完整是相对的。如果一个理论的问题不能被发现,那么,它也就难以继续发展。“全信息”理论,没有认识到或至少忽略了这样一组事实,即:由“语法信息、语义信息和语用信息”中借用“语法、语义、语用”而必然造成的表达歧义——因为这三个词语本身就都存在概念上的歧义(见:问题6-8!注:语法本质上是一种关系——词语之间的关系、语义至少有逻辑语义与词汇语义的区别、语用与上下文有关而具体使用时才与具体的人有关)。 2.3.3.希望首先要坚固“信息-知识-策略-行为的转换与统一理论”的根基 分析4: 由于前述“智能理论、智能、信息的定义”的问题,例3关于知识的定义和关于人工智能理论体系的整合,在理论的根基上也就必然存在相应的问题。 结果4及结论4: 我们不仅认同“信息-知识-策略-行为的转换与统一理论”追求卓越和完美的的探索精神,而且,高度评价“(狭义)智能(体现为策略)”的观点,同时,也十分欣赏其试图融合人工智能三大学派的努力。不过,还希望首先要坚固其理论的根基! 2.4.启示1 以上仅仅是对例1-3或两位学者的研究提出了1-8个值得进一步探讨的问题。类似的疏忽或失误,每位(包含我们自己在内)自然人学者都随时可能遭遇。正因为如此,我们更加坚信:通过“合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补的协同智能(狭义部分)的方式”必然会尽可能地降低自然人学者个人的疏忽或失误及其给学术界可能带来的损失或负面影响。 针对以上“理性人”的智能模式,以下提出:“标准机”的智能模式。旨在“取长补短”。 3.“标准机”的智能模式 3.1.深入探讨 “理性人”的智能模式,是基于自然人的智能模式。鉴于自然人智能观的多样性,计算机中体现“理性人”的智能代理——“艾真体”(Agents)的模式也必然是多种多样的。 如果基于自然人的“理性人”的智能模式(由合到分与由分到合孰优孰劣的问题)还有待进一步的科学探讨,那么,能否先设计一种基于计算机的“标准机”的智能模式(由合到分与由分到合不仅孰优孰劣一比即知而且完全可以协同互补)来辅助自然人继续探讨“理性人”的智能模式,并实验构造“合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补的协同智能(狭义部分)”呢? (我们设计的)文本总量控制模型(GTCM)与音节总量控制模型(GSCM)就是基于计算机及其互联网的“标准机”的通用智能模式。经过近几年(2000-2005)小规模试验和局部试用,其效果非常显著。事实证明:无论是知识,还是信息,只要在基于GTCM与GSCM的数据库和数据仓库中,自动查找,自动翻译,辅助训练、写作或创作,…,都是十分方便而高效的。 3.2.分析比较 缺乏GTCM与GSCM系统全面、明确持久、准确有力的支持,无论是自然人(含:个人和群体)还是计算机(含:单机和联网),其内(如:计算机的艾真体和自然人的神经细胞及组织)外(含:计算机的互联网和自然人的社会关系网)环境之间必然隔阂重重(这就是各种自然语言和人工语言以及程序语言应运而生的条件),人与机、机与机、机与人、(即使在网络和计算机辅助条件下)人与人之间也难以实现默契通信(众所周知,就交流或沟通而言,是否默契差别很大。谁都愿和默契的伙伴相处或在默契的团队里学习、工作、生活)。反之,则可实现默契通信或自动消歧。 体现理性智能的专用模式(如:艾真体)虽不错但难以协同运行,如有标准智能的通用模式(如:GSCM与GTCM及Z-ASCII)作为其底层支撑体系,则各种各样的艾真体乃至其用户也就有了共同的基准参照系和应对参照系。这样,可随时随地共享的知识信息数据处理平台的全面支持或辅助,从而,也就自然避免了信息孤岛及其遭遇的歧义困境。 3.3.几组问题 (涉及智能本质探讨,仅供思考,希望对读者有所启示!) 第一组问题: 人工智能与人类智能之间究竟是一种什么样的关系?人工智能的强与弱之间又是一种什么样的关系?“协同智能”概念的必要性和重要性,何在? 第二组问题: 简单性与复杂性是认识智能现象及其本质时常遭遇的一对矛盾。简单化与复杂化是设计智能系统时常遭遇的一对矛盾。简单与复杂是智能化进程中必须解决的一对矛盾。简单与复杂的关系是智能本质探讨的过程中必须处理的一个重要问题。 第三组问题: “人与机、机与机、机与人、人与人”之间的交流或沟通,为什么总是隔阂重重?协同智能计算模型 = 标准计算模型 + 理性选择模型,有何独特功用? 3.4.解题方法 (“协同智能”和“协同智能计算模型”及其“标准计算模型”) 3.4.1.理论方法 首先,通过“计算机的艾真体”和“计算机的互联网”容易证明电脑智能是协同智能的一类特例;接着,通过“自然人的神经细胞及组织”和“自然人的社会关系网及组织”容易证明人脑智能是协同智能的另一类特例;最后,指出:虽然其它“人工装置”与“自然实体”也都可视为协同智能的各类特例,但本文仅限于介绍:由人脑智能与电脑智能这两类特例构成的狭义的协同智能,其特征在于:合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补地融智。 3.4.2.工程方法 首先,构建“合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补的协同智能”的总量控制模型(系统设计已完成且试用效果好),即:文本总量控制模型(GTCM)与音节总量控制模型(GSCM)。 其次,确定“理性人群”与“标准机群”(即;“理性人” + “标准机”)之间默契通信的间接形式化(数学化且计算机化)标准格式 。 再次,计算机系统的“(有限)目标域”数据(D)按标准格式实施全域数码化改造。 接着,一方面,自动构造“标准机”的通用智能模型;另一方面,协同构造“理性人”的专用智能模型。对信息获取与知识表达而言,前者可自动生成;后者可协同采集。生成、采集、比对、转换,有时(如:不确定时)可协同进行,有时(如:确定时)可自动进行。 最后,用户在“(有限)目标域”中重用“已知域的知识”或发现“未知域的信息”。 4.结语 什么是协同智能? 协同智能,旨在“人类智能”与“人工智能”(或“强人工智能”与“弱人工智能”两种“冲突的智能观”)之间寻求一种张力,进而发展出一种“和谐的智能观”。理论上指:侠义融智学定义的顶级的智能观,如:融通、融合的智能观,即:基于“人与机、机与机、机与人、(借助计算机及互联网的)人与人”的“合理分工、开放互动、高度协作、优势互补”的“协同智能”观。工程上指:“协同智能计算系统”。 分析5: 由于看待“人工智能与人类智能的关系”这一基本问题的立场不同,造成了“冲突的智能观”(强人工智能、弱人工智能)与“和谐的智能观”(协同智能)的根本差异,其中,强与弱的人工智能观基于对立或争斗的立场;协同智能观基于融通或融合的立场。 结果5:见:三组关系,即: 协同智能 = 理性人的智能(专业化分工) + 标准机的智能(规范化协作) 协同智能计算模型 = 理性人的专用智能模型 + 标准机的通用智能模型 协同智能计算系统 = 理性人的专用智能代理 + 标准机的通用智能平台 以下框图是本文概括的三种智能模型及其典型实例之间的相互关系示意图。 结论5: 断言:人脑智能与电脑智能是协同智能的两类特例。即:由人脑智能与电脑智能这两类特例之间的特殊关系构成的协同智能与前两者的关系,是:进化发展的关系。 结果6: 发现协同智能与其两类特例(人脑智能与电脑智能)之间实现默契通信的条件——建立“标准机的通用智能平台(即:GSCM与GTCM及Z-ASCII)”获得CA全方位全过程的支持。 结论6: 预言1:协同智能的时代初级阶段(狭义的协同智能得以认同的时代)即将到来,而高级阶段(广义的协同智能得以认同的时代)则需在协同智能计算系统普及之后才有可能到来。预言2:继形式信息革命(即:数字化或数据革命。它是前不久和当前计算机和互联网时代的典型特征)之后的语义信息革命(即:由数据革命进入数字化知识革命。它是当前和近期未来的基于计算机和互联网的数字化知识经济时代的典型特征)将成为进入协同智能时代初级阶段的重要标志。 推论: 智力的技艺体现,智慧的哲学体现,智能的科技体现,前述(智力、智慧、智能)三智融合的融智学体现,是人类认识“智”这一现象的四个发展阶段。 参考文献 1.史忠植:展望智能科学 中国人工智能进展 北京邮电大学出版社2003 2.钟义信:智能学:信息-知识-策略-行为的统一理论 中国人工智能进展 北邮出版社2003 3.Software Agents ISBN 0-262-52234-9 AAAI Press 4.Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining ISBN 0-262-56097-6 AAAI Press 5.邹晓辉:一种知识信息数据处理方法及产品 发明,知识产权出版社 2000 6.Zou Xiao Hui(邹晓辉):The Gross Control Model of Semantic Vocabulary as Dictionary with Examples Recent Advancement In Chinese Lexical Semantics (CLSW-5)Singapore,2004 7.邹晓辉:重构“概念分类体系”的新思路与新方法 CLSW-6 厦门大学2005 8.邹晓辉:优化“语义信息处理”的新方法与实施例 CLSW-6 厦门大学2005 9、邹晓辉:语义信息新论 潜科学(第43期)2005(5) 10.廉师友:智能的本质与定义 中国人工智能进展 北京邮电大学出版社2003 ------------------------------------ 尾注 本文写作的过程中还参考了以下网络文献: http://www.intsci.ac.cn/research/ai.html AI in the news © 2000 - 2005 ( http://www.aaai.org ) 中国人工智能学会第 10 届全国学术年会论文集( http://caai.cn/documents/caai-10.exe ) 钟义信:信息-知识-智能的统一理论( http://nlu.caai.cn/research.html#xzzll#xzzll ) 陆汝钤:发展知识工程 建立知识产业 ( http://www.casad.ac.cn/the_whole_web_root/chinese/yslt/yslt_brow.asp?id=213 ) 邹晓辉:广义文本 与序位本义 潜科学(第43期)2005(5) 邹晓辉:融智学应用实例 潜科学(第43期)2005(5) 潜科学 2002-2005 各期有关信息、知识、智能的探讨文章( http://potentialscience.org )
个人分类: 学术研究|2 次阅读|0 个评论
mothur align.seqs中v3-4区域的位置界定
xbinbzy 2015-4-16 19:18
在利用mothur align.seqs模块将tags比对到sivla参考序列时,为了减少计算量,通常会对silva进行区域的筛选。 针对v4区域的参考位置是start=11894, end=25319 v3-5区域的参考位置是start=6426,end=27654 v3-4区域的参考位置是start=6428, end=23444 材料参考源: http://www.mothur.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=7548 http://www.mothur.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3t=3327p=9623hilit=pcr.seqs+v3_4#p9623 http://www.mothur.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3t=2498p=10536hilit=pcr.seqs+v3_4#p10536 具体的位置界定方法: 1) Find an Ecoli 16S sequence, 2)Trim the sequence to the region within your primers. Whether or not to keep the primer sequences doesn't matter 3)Align the trimmed sequence to the reference alignment (SILVA is preferred) 4)Run summary.seqs on the aligned sequence 5)Use the start and end numbers inpcr.seqs 具体的操作实例可参考: http://www.mothur.org/forum/viewtopic.phpf=3t=2498p=10536hilit=pcr.seqs+v3_4#p10536 在实际使用中遇到以下问题: Some of you sequences generated alignments that eliminated too many bases 针对以上情况,为了保证结果准确性,同时不严重增加计算量的情况下: v3-4区域目前的建议是:start=1, end=25000 相关的具体原理需进一步研究
个人分类: 工具mothur|4965 次阅读|0 个评论
PHD start up course
热度 1 Tom1985 2013-11-30 06:22
PHD start up 的最后一堂课居然请到了TUD的校长,还花一个多小时解答各种问题,不得不佩服老外对于博士的重视,由此也可以理解为什么老外对于Dr.的使用是如此的谨慎!
个人分类: TUD生活|1682 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]解决重新安装MySQL无法 start service的问题
hailuo0112 2013-10-17 11:25
第一次装MySQL,没怎么注意貌似没装好,卸了重装后,怎么也不行,每次都是在最后的时候卡在了start service那,弄一弄就程序不响应了。 在网上找了方法,现贴在这,方便以后用的时候。 转载自http://www.xin126.cn/show.asp?id=2500 原文在哪就不知道了 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 先进入添加删除程序,找到MySQL选择卸载。 然后清除相关文件,要清除的文件主要有: 一、mysql的安装目录,一般为C:\Program Files目录下。 二、mysql的数据存放目录,一般在C:\ProgramData\MySQL目录下(需要注意的是ProgramData这个文件夹默认是隐藏的,要通过 工具-文件夹选项-查看-显示所有文件与文件夹 来设置隐藏文件可见)。 三、删除注册表数据,开始--运行--regedit,删除以下几个文件: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Services/Eventlog/Applications/MySQL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet002/Services/Eventlog/Applications/MySQL HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/Eventlog/Applications/MySQL 我在注册表里CTRL+F搜索跟MySQL有关的注册表项发现不止上面几个,反正找到的都删了! 四、把MySQL Datafiles目录(安装MySQL时自己设置的路径)也删除了。 五、重新安装。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 此外,参考这里http://topic.csdn.net/u/20101221/12/0c78cfb0-a120-4ce9-9924-a0cb929958a5 .html 我在安装的时候,“Enable Strict Mode”没有勾选,也不知道有没有关系
个人分类: MySQL|3710 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Lighting of Olympic flame sparks start of Sochi 2014 Olympic
whyhoo 2013-9-30 10:42
On precisely this spot, thousands of years ago, the Greek people peacefully celebrated their unity in spite of their sometimes hostile diversity. Pierre de Coubertin, whose heart is resting here in Ancient Olympia, rediscovered this unique gift of the Greek people to human culture after more than 1,500 years. He took the idea of the Olympic Games, breathed new life into it, developed it and, together with Greece, presented it to the entire world in 1896. This is why especially here, in Ancient Olympia, we feel the breath of cultural history. But we also feel our responsibility for the future of everything the Olympic Games represent in terms of their culture and values. Today, our Russian partners and friends in particular have a vital part to play in this responsibility. For this reason, I am very happy to greet the Doyen of the IOC, Vitaly Smirnov, the president of the Russian National Olympic Committee and IOC colleague, Alexander Zhukov, together with IOC member Shamil Tarpischev, the Mayor of Sochi, Anatoly Pakhomov, and the CEO of the Organising Committee for the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, Dmitry Chernyshenko. I am certain that they will offer us and the world excellent Games, to which we can all eagerly look forward. The flame lit today by the Greek sun takes on this responsibility for a peaceful celebration here and now; the torches will carry it into the Olympic future. Thus the Olympic Torch Relay will be a messenger for the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect without any form of discrimination. In the coming months, this message will reach and inspire people from all walks of life. The goal and culmination of this journey will be the Olympic Stadium in Sochi on 7 February 2014. There, the Olympic flame will remind all the athletes, participants and spectators of our Olympic values. Just as in Ancient Greece, the Olympic Games cannot directly settle political problems or secure lasting peace between peoples. The Olympic flame thus reminds us to be aware of our own Olympic limits; but it reminds us also to use the strength of our values and symbols for the positive development of global human society. The Olympic Games, the Olympic athletes and above all the Olympic Village can be a powerful symbol; they can set an example for peaceful coexistence and mutual respect. They should inspire the people of the world, and especially the political authorities, by showing them that quarrels and conflicts can be addressed with peaceful means, that we can transcend all boundaries to agree on global rules for human competition and conflict resolution. Understood in this way, the Olympic message sees the global diversity of cultures, societies and life choices as a source of enrichment. It accuses no-one and it excludes no-one. But it does require us all to defend and uphold the Olympic values in all the sports competitions; among all those taking part; and at all the Olympic venues. Only then can we use our positive message of tolerance and respect through fair play in sport to set an example for the harmonious development of humanity. In this sense, the Olympic flame should be an inspiration for billions of people across the globe. It should transmit the sporting joy of living and encourage people to engage in sports activity. And now, as our Russian friends say: Poyékhali! Let’s go! Bolshóye spasíba. Efkharistó poli. Thank you very much. Merci à vous tous. 原文见 http://www.olympic.org/Documents/IOC_President/2013-09-29_Speech_IOC_President_Bach_Torch_Lighting_English.pdf
个人分类: 奥运会|1286 次阅读|0 个评论
yzmhit 2013-7-6 15:19
有了一些思路,开始准备撰写文章了。 总结一下SCI期刊论文的撰写方法。 准备工作: 1. Four questions: (1) Why did you start? (2) What did you find? (3) What did you do? (4) What does it mean? 2. Preparation (1) The title and abstract of paper 论文的题目和摘要帮助读者更好的了解论文内容,也可帮助作者更好的组织论文结构。 (2) Analyze the research result 在结果和数据的分析中,要考虑哪些表格或图形要采用,如果发现有欠缺,要修改,甚至更改或者推翻论文的结论。 (3) Read the references.
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zswscience 2013-3-4 11:00
工程机械噪声与控制理论问题初探 引言   随着工程机械行业的迅速发展,人们对于工程机械的舒适性和振动噪声控制的要求越来越严格。噪声的控制,不仅关系到乘坐舒适性,而且还关系到环境保护。一切噪声又源于振动,振动能够引起某些部件的早期疲劳损坏,从而降低工程机械的使用寿命;过高的噪声既能损害驾驶员的听力,还会使驾驶员迅速疲劳,从而对工程机械行驶作业安全性构成了极大的威胁。噪声控制也关系到工程机械产品的工作的平顺性、耐久性和安全性。因此振动、噪声和舒适性这三者是密切相关的,既要减小振动,降低噪声,又要提高乘坐舒适性,保证产品的经济性,使工程机械产品的噪声控制在标准范围之内。   进入21上世纪后,人类为了实现可持续发展,提出了工程机械的环保技术和信息技术,使工程机械发展进入了新的发展阶段。欧美和日本市场对工程机械产品的噪声实施了更加严格的要求。因此工程机械的环保技术和信息技术是今后国际工程发展趋势的主流。为配合国际化战略,以国际先进产品标准为指导,提升产品技术水平,尤其为进一步开拓国际市场,徐工产品下一步发展思路和主要目标之一就是进行节能、环保、操作舒适性等技术的研究。   1噪声的种类   产生工程机械噪声的主要因素是空气动力、机械传动、液压三部分。从结构上可分为发动机(即燃烧噪声、排气噪声、冷却风扇噪声、发电机噪声),发动机本体噪声(如发动机振动,配气轴的转动,进、排气门开关等引起的噪声)。传动系噪声、底盘各部件的连接配合引起的噪声,车身噪声(发动机引起车身结构的振动,附件的安装不合理引起的噪声),液压噪声(齿轮泵,液压阀及管路振动引起的噪声),制动系统排气噪声,工作装置动作冲击噪声。其中发动机及其相关件产生的噪声占二分之一以上。因此发动机的减振、降噪成为工程机械噪声控制的关键之一。   2噪声要求   早在1983年,一部分国产装载机因噪声过高,北京市公安局不发给使用牌照,购买单位纷纷要求退货,使工程机械生产企业受到了一次强烈的冲击。1984年,机械工业部颁布了《工程机械噪声限值》标准(JB3774.84);1990年国家环保局颁布了《建筑施工场界噪声限值》标准(GBl2523-90)。在以上基础上,参照ISO/DIS6393-6396:1995标准,1996年颁布了国家标准《工程机械噪声限值》(GB16710.1—1996),该标准规定的限值作为现阶段我国工程机械产品的最低指标,是强制性标准而发布实施(比JB3774.1—84有所放宽)。该标准规定了工程机械司机位置处噪声限值为92dB(A),还规定了机外辐射噪声声功率级与标定功率之间的关系。分别见表1,2   由于西方发达国家制造业水平较高,无论是发动机,还是油泵、变速箱、变矩器等机械、液压部件等运行噪声较小。 出于对环境和对人体健康的保护,这些国家的嗓声限值标准一直在不断降低。欧洲噪声限值标准于1997年修订,比原标准下降4dB(A),其中规定最大噪声不得大于113dB(A),发动机功率为154kW时,噪声声功率级限值应小于等于107dB(A),比我国现行国家标准低11dB(A).2002年1月1日,欧洲标准进一步修订,比97年标准下降3dB(A)。在日本,1997年10月颁布实施的最低噪声限值标准,比97年欧洲标准严,其中规定发动机功率大于105kWlt寸,最大噪声不得大于106dB(A),比我国现行国家标准低12dB(A)。现在,降低工程机械产品噪声排放限值已是全球性趋势。   欧盟2000年5月5日的颁布的“有关室外使用设备环境噪声排放”法规规定,从2006年1月,实施该法规第二阶段噪声排放标准,同等发动机功率设备,比1997年修订的欧洲噪声限值低2~3dB(A)。具体噪声排放标准见表3   3噪声评价与噪声的控制   噪声评价指标主要是指车内、外的噪声值和振动适应性。评价方法可分为主观评价和客观评价。影响汽车噪声主观评价的主要因素是舒适性、响度和确定性。在客观评价时,可以采用噪声测量装置测量试验进行分析;此外模拟技术中的声场分析有限元法(FEM)和边界元法(BEM)也被广泛应用。   国外对噪声研究着手较早,1970年美国开始对车内嗓声特性进行研究,八十年代,美国工程力学研究所在研究车内噪声特性预测方面做了大量的研究工作,他们系统研究了声学模态分析的有限单元建模方法,探讨了车身结构振动对车内声场的影响以及车内声压对边界振动的影响,建立了结构一声学藕合的有限单元模型。完成了弹性边界的声学模态分析和车身结构受迫振动时车内声压分布的计算,推导出结构振动一声压波动在受到外界干扰力作用时的有限元计算公式,为车内噪声预测分析打下了良好的基础。   日本对工程机械噪声的研究也非常重视,在主要传动件噪声得到有效控制后,深入研究不同结构形成的空气流噪声,并应用在新一代挖掘机等工程机械上。国内在车辆噪声研究方面起步较晚,工程机械噪声的分析研究则更晚。近二十年来,治理工程机械噪声已成为许多生产厂和科研部门急需解决的重要课题。出于对舒适性的要求,国内外对车体〖驾驶室〗的振动及振动噪声研究较多,对车外噪声的分析研究相对较少,但近几年来也在逐步增加。   噪声治理首先要找出主要噪声源。频谱分析法是识别噪声源基本方法之一,频谱分析中除了使用幅值频谱图以外,最常用的还有功率谱图,此外还有相干函数法、倒频谱法。自70代起,声全息理论发展迅速,但至今未能得到广泛应用,主要是设备昂贵,且空间分辨误差要大于声波的波长。声强测量法是80年代初在声学测量和信号处理方面发展起来的新技术,已为人们普遍接受,由于测点太多,在我国一般厂家很难实现。近几年,采用声近场声全息技术和声压法识别车外主要噪声源的研究都取得了一定进展。   根据噪声产生和传播的机理,可以把噪声控制技术分为以下三类:一是对噪声源的控制,二是对噪声传播途径的控制,三是对噪声接受者的保护。其中对噪声源的控制是最根本、最直接的措施,包括降低噪声的激振力及降低发动机部位对激振力的响应等,即改造振源和声源。但是对噪声源难以进行控制时,就需要在噪声的传播途径中采取措施,例如吸声、隔声、消声、减振及隔振等措施。 工程机械产品的减振降哚水平与整车的热平衡性、动力性、经济性、可靠性及强度、刚度、质量、制造成本密切相关。   3.1发动机的振动与噪声   降低发动机噪声是工程机械产品噪声控制的重点。发动机是产生振动和噪声的根源。发动机的噪声是由燃料燃烧,配气机构、正时齿轮及活塞的敲击噪声等合成的。   (1)发动机本体噪声   降低发动机本体噪声就要改造振源和声源,包括用有限元法等方法分析设计发动机,选用柔和的燃烧工作过程,提高机体的结构刚度,采用严密的配合间隙,降低汽缸盖噪声。例如在油底壳上增设加强筋和横隔板,以提高油底壳的刚度,减少振动噪声。另外,给发动机涂阻尼材料也是一个有效的办法。阻尼材料能把动能转变成热能。进行阻尼处理的原理就是将一种阻尼材料与零件结合成一体来消耗振动能量。它有以下几种结构:自由阻尼层结构、间隔自由阻尼层结构、约束阻尼层结构和间隔约束阻尼层结构。它的采用明显地减少了共振的幅度,加快了自由振动的衰减,降低各个零件的传振能力,增加了零件在临界频率以上的隔振能力。目前,已有一些国家的专家设计了一种发动机主动隔振系统,用于减少发动机振动,以达到降低噪声的目的。   (2)进气噪声   进气噪声是发动机的主要噪声源之一,系发动机的空气动力噪声,随发动机转速的提高而增强。非增压式发动机的进气噪声主要成分包括周期性压力脉动噪声、涡流噪声、汽缸的共振噪声等。增压式柴油机的进气噪声主要来自增压器的压气机。对此,最有效的方法是采用进气消声器。类型有阻性消声器(吸声型)、抗性消声器(膨胀型、共振型、干涉型和多孔分散型)和复合型消声器。将其与空气滤清器结合起来(即在空滤器上增设共振腔和吸声材料,)就成为最有效的进气消声器。   (3)排气系噪声   排气系噪声主要由排气压力的脉动噪声,气流通过气门座时所发出的涡流噪声,由于边界层气流的扰动而产生的噪声以及排气口处的喷流噪声所组成。优化设计性能良好的消声器,是降低车辆排气系噪声的重要手段之一。优化设计的方法有声学有限元法和声学边界元法,但目前还处于起步阶段。避免消声器的传递特性与振动特性耦合是消声器设计中要重点解决的一个问题。但是,降低排气噪声与提高动力性是相矛盾的,因为降低排气噪声与降低排气背压对排气管直径的设计有着相矛盾的要求,前者要求有较小的直径,而后者却相反。目前,汽车上采用并联流路的双功能消声器,在减小背压和降低气流噪声方面颇为有效。   另外,对于发动机排气歧管到消声器入口的一段管路,采用柔性管的减振、降噪效果也很明显。   (4)冷却风扇噪声   冷却风扇是噪声的发生装置,受到护风圈、水泵、散热器及传动装置的影响,但其噪声的产生主要取决于风扇本身结构噪声以及与护风圈的共振。   3.2传动系噪声   传动系噪声来源于变速齿轮啮合引起的振动和传动轴旋转振动。一般采取的措施是:一是选用低噪变速器,二是发动机与变速箱及后桥主减速器等部件与底盘用橡胶减振垫进行柔性连接,从而达到隔振的目的,三是控制传动轴的平衡度,降低扭转振动。 3.3液压噪声   液压系统是工程机械的重要噪声源。现今液压设备在向高速、高压和大功率的方向发展,因此噪声也必然会相应增高。一般来说,高噪声的液压装置较难正常工作,甚至会影响其应有的性能和元件寿命。   液压系统的主要噪声源之一是油泵,为了降低其噪声,一是在油泵结构设计上消除一些机械冲击和压力冲击,二是想办法消除由几何空间变化不均匀所造成的压力脉动。   研究表明,液压阀的噪声特性主要与三个因素有关:阀的类型,阀内流体流向以及回游腔内压力。这三个因素很大程度上决定了液压阀的噪声。   3.4车体噪声   车体噪声主要有两方面,一是车身结构因与发动机相连引起的振动噪声,另一方面是工作装置在装料、卸料工作过程中撞击发生的冲击噪声。控制降低此类的基本途径是设计采用专业的隔振器。   3.5其他措施   对工程机械产品噪声的控制,除了在设计上使用优化方法和零件的优化选用以外,还可以对噪声进行主动控制。这就是以声消声技术,原理是:利用电子消声系统产生与噪声相位相反的声波.使两者的振动相互抵消,以降低噪声。这种消声装置采用极其先进的电子元件,具有优异的消声效果,可用于降低车内噪声、发动机噪声,还可以用于主动发动机支撑系统,以抵消发动机振动噪声。   4噪声测量技术   声级计是根据国际标准和国家标准按照一定的频率计权和时间计权测量声压级的仪器,它是声学测量中最基本最常用的仪器,适用于室内噪声、环境保护、机器噪声、建筑噪声等各种噪声测量。工程机械噪声通常也是采用声级计测量。   声强测量是噪声控制领域内出现的一门新技术。由于声强是矢量,反应了声能传播的大小和方向,其测量不受环境的影响。声强测量也属非接触测量,不受声源类型的限制。通过声强测量,不但可测得声源声强级的高低,同时可识别声源的方位,用它来识别噪声源和研究结构的传声损失,比用声压法研究具有许多优点。随着电子技术、信号处理技术和计算机技术的发展,声强测量法己成为声学领域中一种重要的测量技术,特别是在车辆噪声控制中得到了广泛的应用。声强测量主要的优点在于:   1)声强法具有较好的抗背景噪声的能力,它简化试验条件对试验环境要求不高,可以方便地应用于车辆的噪声测试分析。2)通过声强测试分析得到的三维声强图和等声强线图等,能够定性、定量、形象地描述车辆噪声的声场特性,可有效地进行噪声源定位分析,对于改进设计提高整车的噪声水平具有实际的重要意义。
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miR-21 NEAT1
genesquared 2013-2-16 14:41
chrm start end id strand BindingGroup Ensemble gene description probe MIR21 chr17 57,918,691 57,919,727 chr17:57918691-57919727:+ + . . MIR21 microRNA 21 224917_AT 0 chr17 57,915,319 57,916,647 chr17:57915319-57916647:- - . . VMP1 exon reverse miR21-cis 1569003_AT 2 chr17 57,785,002 57,917,954 chr17:57785002-57917954:+ + . . VMP1 vacuole membrane protein 1 220990_S_AT 3 chr11 65,191,943 65,194,000 chr11:65191943-65194000:+ + . . NEAT1 nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) 224566_AT 4 chr11 65,190,998 65,192,476 chr11:65190998-65192476:+ + . . NEAT1 nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) 214657_S_AT 5 chr11 65,191,943 65,194,000 chr11:65191943-65194000:+ + . . NEAT1 nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) 224565_AT 6 chr5 96,064,012 96,108,523 chr5:96064012-96108523:+ + 1 ENSG00000153113 CAST calpastatin 208908_S_AT 7 chr5 96,079,272 96,109,116 chr5:96079272-96109116:+ + 1 ENSG00000153113 CAST calpastatin 207467_X_AT 8 chr11 35,251,633 35,253,949 chr11:35251633-35253949:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 212063_AT 9 chr14 55,595,998 55,612,019 chr14:55595998-55612019:+ + 1 ENSG00000131981 LGALS3 lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 3 208949_S_AT 10 chr10 95,066,185 95,242,039 chr10:95066185-95242039:- - . . MYOF myoferlin 201798_S_AT 11 chr15 39,873,347 39,889,665 chr15:39873347-39889665:+ + . . THBS1 thrombospondin 1 201110_S_AT 12 chr10 3,818,744 3,821,306 chr10:3818744-3821306:- - . . KLF6 Kruppel-like factor 6 224606_AT 13 chr15 90,931,449 91,044,621 chr15:90931449-91044621:+ + 2 ENSG00000140575 IQGAP1 IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 1 210840_S_AT 14 chr6_ssto_hap7 2,043,293 2,044,623 chr6_ssto_hap7:2043293-2044623:- - . . IER3 immediate early response 3 201631_S_AT 15 chr11 65,199,150 65,200,481 chr11:65199150-65200481:+ + . . NEAT1 nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) 234989_AT 16 chr2 231,280,980 231,335,232 chr2:231280980-231335232:+ + . . SP100 SP100 nuclear antigen 202863_AT 17 chr10 75,545,701 75,548,869 chr10:75545701-75548869:+ + . . SAT1 spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1 210592_S_AT 18 chr11 35,160,727 35,252,243 chr11:35160727-35252243:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 212014_X_AT 19 chr15 45,927,255 45,983,479 chr15:45927255-45983479:+ + . . SQRDL sulfide quinone reductase-like (yeast) 217995_AT 20 chr8 38,854,504 38,962,520 chr8:38854504-38962520:+ + . . ADAM9 ADAM metallopeptidase domain 9 202381_AT 21 chr3 101,568,424 101,579,866 chr3:101568424-101579866:+ + . . NFKBIZ nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta 223218_S_AT 22 chr5 73,981,010 74,017,113 chr5:73981010-74017113:+ + . . HEXB hexosaminidase B (beta polypeptide) 201944_AT 23 chr2 231,280,980 231,335,232 chr2:231280980-231335232:+ + . . SP100 SP100 nuclear antigen 202864_S_AT 24 chr11 35,160,735 35,251,021 chr11:35160735-35251021:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 204490_S_AT 25 chr10 3,818,744 3,819,474 chr10:3818744-3819474:- - . . KLF6 Kruppel-like factor 6 1555832_S_AT 26 chr10 95,066,719 95,241,951 chr10:95066719-95241951:- - . . MYOF myoferlin 211864_S_AT 27 chr1 152,004,981 152,009,511 chr1:152004981-152009511:- - . . S100A11 S100 calcium binding protein A11 200660_AT 28 chr2 192,542,861 192,552,298 chr2:192542861-192552298:+ + . . OBFC2A oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 2A 222872_X_AT 29 chr2 192,548,211 192,551,669 chr2:192548211-192551669:+ + . . OBFC2A oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 2A 233085_S_AT 30 chr1 153,507,075 153,508,503 chr1:153507075-153508503:- - . . S100A6 S100 calcium binding protein A6 217728_AT 31 chr17 76,352,858 76,353,327 chr17:76352858-76353327:- - . . SOCS3 suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 227697_AT 32 chr11 62,283,373 62,294,081 chr11:62283373-62294081:- - 1 ENSG00000124942 AHNAK AHNAK nucleoprotein 211986_AT 33 chr11 65,206,871 65,208,335 chr11:65206871-65208335:+ + . . NEAT1 nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (non-protein coding) 225239_AT 34 chr19 45,252,030 45,263,300 chr19:45252030-45263300:+ + . . BCL3 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 3 204908_S_AT 35 chr15 60,639,530 60,690,174 chr15:60639530-60690174:- - 1 ENSG00000182718 ANXA2 annexin A2 210427_X_AT 36 chr2 28,637,749 28,640,179 chr2:28637749-28640179:+ + . . FOSL2 FOS-like antigen 2 228188_AT 37 chr11 35,160,728 35,251,015 chr11:35160728-35251015:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 209835_X_AT 38 chr11 33,730,131 33,758,025 chr11:33730131-33758025:- - . . CD59 CD59 molecule, complement regulatory protein 200983_X_AT 39 chr8 11,701,827 11,725,573 chr8:11701827-11725573:- - . . CTSB cathepsin B 200839_S_AT 40 chr11 35,160,416 35,243,266 chr11:35160416-35243266:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 1557905_S_AT 41 chr15 60,639,535 60,690,179 chr15:60639535-60690179:- - 1 ENSG00000182718 ANXA2 annexin A2 201590_X_AT 42 chr15 60,639,524 60,649,445 chr15:60639524-60649445:- - 1 ENSG00000182718 ANXA2 annexin A2 213503_X_AT 43 chr1 117,057,156 117,113,603 chr1:117057156-117113603:- - . . CD58 CD58 molecule 205173_X_AT 44 chr6 36,646,505 36,655,109 chr6:36646505-36655109:+ + . . CDKN1A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) 202284_S_AT 45 chr11 35,160,822 35,251,573 chr11:35160822-35251573:+ + 3 ENSG00000026508 CD44 CD44 molecule (Indian blood group) 204489_S_AT 46 chr5 38,934,762 38,935,743 chr5:38934762-38935743:+ + . . OSMR oncostatin M receptor 226621_AT 47 chr2 238,600,928 238,673,906 chr2:238600928-238673906:+ + . . LRRFIP1 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1 201862_S_AT 48 chr12 13,349,656 13,369,708 chr12:13349656-13369708:+ + . . EMP1 epithelial membrane protein 1 201324_AT 49 chr1 151,955,393 151,966,296 chr1:151955393-151966296:- - . . S100A10 S100 calcium binding protein A10 200872_AT 50
个人分类: NEAT1|2 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Leibniz, Complexity and Incompleteness
whyhoo 2013-1-23 16:47
Gregory Chaitin Let me start with Hermann Weyl, who was a fine mathematician and mathematical physicist. He wrote books on quantum mechanics and general relativity. He also wrote two books on philosophy: The Open World: Three Lectures on the Metaphysical Implications of Science (1932), a small book with three lectures that Weyl gave at Yale University in New Haven, and Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science , published by Princeton University Press in 1949, an expanded version of a book he originally published in German. In these two books Weyl emphasizes the importance for the philosophy of science of an idea that Leibniz had about complexity, a very fundamental idea. The question is what is a law of nature, what does it mean to say that nature follows laws? Here is how Weyl explains Leibniz's idea in The Open World , pp. 40-41: The concept of a law becomes vacuous if arbitrarily complicated laws are permitted, for then there is always a law. In other words, given any set of experimental data, there is always a complicated ad hoc law. That is valueless; simplicity is an intrinsic part of the concept of a law of nature. What did Leibniz actually say about complexity? Well, I have been able to find three or perhaps four places where Leibniz says something important about complexity. Let me run through them before I return to Weyl and Popper and more modern developments. First of all, Leibniz refers to complexity in Sections V and VI of his 1686 Discours de métaphysique , notes he wrote when his attempt to improve the pumps removing water from the silver mines in the Harz mountains was interrupted by a snow storm. These notes were not published until more than a century after Leibniz's death. In fact, most of Leibniz's best ideas were expressed in letters to the leading European intellectuals of his time, or were found many years after Leibniz's death in his private papers. You must remember that at that time there were not many scientific journals. Instead European intellectuals were joined in what was referred to as the Republic of Letters. Indeed, publishing could be risky. Leibniz sent a summary of the Discours de métaphysique to the philosophe Arnauld, himself a Jansenist fugitive from Louis XIV, who was so horrified at the possible heretical implications, that Leibniz never sent the Discours to anyone else. Also, the title of the Discours was supplied by the editor who found it among Leibniz's papers, not by Leibniz. I should add that Leibniz's papers were preserved by chance, because most of them dealt with affairs of state. When Leibniz died, his patron, the Duke of Hanover, by then the King of England, ordered that they be preserved, sealed, in the Hanover royal archives, not given to Leibniz's relatives. Furthermore, Leibniz produced no definitive summary of his views. His ideas are always in a constant state of development, and he flies like a butterfly from subject to subject, throwing out fundamental ideas, but rarely, except in the case of the calculus, pausing to develop them. In Section V of the Discours , Leibniz states that God has created the best of all possible worlds, in that all the richness and diversity that we observe in the universe is the product of a simple, elegant, beautiful set of ideas. God simultaneously maximizes the richness of the world, and minimizes the complexity of the laws which determine this world. In modern terminology, the world is understandable, comprehensible, science is possible. You see, the Discours was written in 1686, the year before Leibniz's nemesis Newton published his Principia , when medieval theology and modern science, then called mechanical philosophy, still coexisted. At that time the question of why science is possible was still a serious one. Modern science was still young and had not yet obliterated all opposition. The deeper idea, the one that so impressed Weyl, is in Section VI of the Discours . There Leibniz considers "experimental data" obtained by scattering spots of ink on a piece of paper by shaking a quill pen. Consider the finite set of data points thus obtained, and let us ask what it means to say that they obey a law of nature. Well, says Leibniz, that cannot just mean that there is a mathematical equation passing through that set of points, because there is always such an equation! The set of points obey a law only if there is a simple equation passing through them, not if the equation is "fort composée" = very complex, because then there is always an equation. Another place where Leibniz refers to complexity is in Section 7 of his Principles of Nature and Grace (1714), where he asks why is there something rather than nothing, why is the world non-empty, because "nothing is simpler and easier than something!" In modern terms, where does the complexity in the world come from? In Leibniz's view, from God; in modern terminology, from the choice of the laws of nature and the initial conditions that determine the world. Here I should mention a remarkable contemporary development: Max Tegmark's amazing idea that the ensemble of all possible laws, all possible universes, is simpler than picking any individual universe. In other words, the multiverse is more fundamental than the question of the laws of our particular universe, which merely happens to be our postal address in the multiverse of all possible worlds! To illustrate this idea, the set of all positive integers 1, 2, 3, ... is very simple, even though particular positive integers such as 9859436643312312 can be arbitrarily complex. A third place where Leibniz refers to complexity is in Sections 33-35 of his Monadology (1714), where he discusses what it means to provide a mathematical proof. He observes that to prove a complicated statement we break it up into simpler statements, until we reach statements that are so simple that they are self-evident and don't need to be proved. In other words, a proof reduces something complicated to a consequence of simpler statements, with an infinite regress avoided by stopping when our analysis reduces things to a consequence of principles that are so simple that no proof is required. There may be yet another interesting remark by Leibniz on complexity, but I have not been able to discover the original source and verify this. It seems that Leibniz was once asked why he had avoided crushing a spider, whereupon he replied that it was a shame to destroy such an intricate mechanism. If we take "intricate" to be a synonym for "complex," then this perhaps shows that Leibniz appreciated that biological organisms are extremely complex. These are the four most interesting texts by Leibniz on complexity that I've discovered. As my friend Stephen Wolfram has remarked, the vast Leibniz Nachlass may well conceal other treasures, because editors publish only what they can understand. This happens only when an age has independently developed an idea to the point that they can appreciate its value plus the fact that Leibniz captured the essential concept. Having told you about what I think are the most interesting observations that Leibniz makes about simplicity and complexity, let me get back to Weyl and Popper. Weyl observes that this crucial idea of complexity, the fundamental role of which has been identified by Leibniz, is unfortunately very hard to pin down. How can we measure the complexity of an equation? Well, roughly speaking, by its size, but that is highly time-dependent, as mathematical notation changes over the years and it is highly arbitrary which mathematical functions one takes as given, as primitive operations. Should one accept Bessel functions, for instance, as part of standard mathematical notation? This train of thought is finally taken up by Karl Popper in his book The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1959), which was also originally published in German, and which has an entire chapter on simplicity, Chapter VII. In that chapter Popper reviews Weyl's remarks, and adds that if Weyl cannot provide a stable definition of complexity, then this must be very hard to do. At this point these ideas temporarily disappear from the scene, only to be taken up again, to reappear, metamorphised, in a field that I call algorithmic information theory . AIT provides, I believe, an answer to the question of how to give a precise definition of the complexity of a law. It does this by changing the context. Instead of considering the experimental data to be points, and a law to be an equation, AIT makes everything digital, everything becomes 0s and 1s. In AIT, a law of nature is a piece of software, a computer algorithm, and instead of trying to measure the complexity of a law via the size of an equation, we now consider the size of programs, the number of bits in the software that implements our theory: Law: Equation → Software, Complexity: Size of equation → Size of program, Bits of software. The following diagram illustrates the central idea of AIT, which is a very simple toy model of the scientific enterprise: Theory (01100...11) → COMPUTER → Experimental Data (110...0). In this model, both the theory and the data are finite strings of bits. A theory is software for explaining the data, and in the AIT model this means the software produces or calculates the data exactly, without any mistakes. In other words, in our model a scientific theory is a program whose output is the data, self-contained software, without any input. And what becomes of Leibniz's fundamental observation about the meaning of "law?" Before there was always a complicated equation that passes through the data points. Now there is always a theory with the same number of bits as the data it explains, because the software can always contain the data it is trying to calculate as a constant, thus avoiding any calculation. Here we do not have a law; there is no real theory. Data follows a law, can be understood, only if the program for calculating it is much smaller than the data it explains. In other words, understanding is compression, comprehension is compression, a scientific theory unifies many seemingly disparate phenomena and shows that they reflect a common underlying mechanism. To repeat, we consider a computer program to be a theory for its output, that is the essential idea, and both theory and output are finite strings of bits whose size can be compared. And the best theory is the smallest program that produces that data, that precise output. That's our version of what some people call Occam's razor. This approach enables us to proceed mathematically, to define complexity precisely and to prove things about it. And once you start down this road, the first thing you discover is that most finite strings of bits are lawless, algorithmically irreducible, algorithmically random, because there is no theory substantially smaller than the data itself. In other words, the smallest program that produces that output has about the same size as the output. The second thing you discover is that you can never be sure you have the best theory. Before I discuss this, perhaps I should mention that AIT was originally proposed, independently, by three people, Ray Solomonoff, A. N. Kolmogorov, and myself, in the 1960s. But the original theory was not quite right. A decade later, in the mid 1970s, what I believe to be the definitive version of the theory emerged, this time independently due to me and to Leonid Levin, although Levin did not get the definition of relative complexity precisely right. I will say more about the 1970s version of AIT, which employs what I call "self-delimiting programs," later, when I discuss the halting probability Ω. But for now, let me get back to the question of proving that you have the best theory, that you have the smallest program that produces the output it does. Is this easy to do? It turns out this is extremely difficult to do, and this provides a new complexity-based view of incompleteness that is very different from the classical incompleteness results of Gdel (1931) and Turing (1936). Let me show you why. First of all, I'll call a program "elegant" if it's the best theory for its output, if it is the smallest program in your programming language that produces the output it does. We fix the programming language under discussion, and we consider the problem of using a formal axiomatic theory, a mathematical theory with a finite number of axioms written in an artificial formal language and employing the rules of mathematical logic, to prove that individual programs are elegant. Let's show that this is hard to do by considering the following program P : P produces the output of the first provably elegant program that is larger than P . In other words, P systematically searches through the tree of all possible proofs in the formal theory until it finds a proof that a program Q , that is larger than P , is elegant, then P runs this program Q and produces the same output that Q does. But this is impossible, because P is too small to produce that output! P cannot produce the same output as a provably elegant program Q that is larger than P , not by the definition of elegant, not if we assume that all provably elegant programs are in fact actually elegant. Hence, if our formal theory only proves that elegant programs are elegant, then it can only prove that finitely many individual programs are elegant. This is a rather different way to get incompleteness, not at all like Gdel's "This statement is unprovable" or Turing's observation that no formal theory can enable you to always solve individual instances of the halting problem. It's different because it involves complexity. It shows that the world of mathematical ideas is infinitely complex, while our formal theories necessarily have finite complexity. Indeed, just proving that individual programs are elegant requires infinite complexity. And what precisely do I mean by the complexity of a formal mathematical theory? Well, if you take a close look at the paradoxical program P above, whose size gives an upper bound on what can be proved, that upper bound is essentially just the size in bits of a program for running through the tree of all possible proofs using mathematical logic to produce all the theorems, all the consequences of our axioms. In other words, in AIT the complexity of a math theory is just the size of the smallest program for generating all the theorems of the theory. And what we just proved is that if a program Q is more complicated than your theory T , T can't enable you to prove that Q is elegant. In other words, it takes an N -bit theory to prove that an N -bit program is elegant. The Platonic world of mathematical ideas is infinitely complex, but what we can know is only a finite part of this infinite complexity, depending on the complexity of our theories. Let's now compare math with biology. Biology deals with very complicated systems. There are no simple equations for your spouse, or for a human society. But math is even more complicated than biology. The human genome consists of 3 × 10 9 bases, which is 6 × 10 9 bits, which is large, but which is only finite. Math, however, is infinitely complicated, provably so. An even more dramatic illustration of these ideas is provided by the halting probability Ω, which is defined to be the probability that a program generated by coin tossing eventually halts. In other words, each K -bit program that halts contributes 1 over 2 K to the halting probability Ω. To show that Ω is a well-defined probability between zero and one it is essential to use the 1970s version of AIT with self-delimiting programs. With the 1960s version of AIT, the halting probability cannot be defined, because the sum of the relevant probabilities diverges, which is one of the reasons it was necessary to change AIT. Anyway, Ω is a kind of DNA for pure math, because it tells you the answer to every individual instance of the halting problem. Furthermore, if you write Ω's numerical value out in binary, in base-two, what you get is an infinite string of irreducible mathematical facts: Ω = .11011... Each of these bits, each bit of Ω, has to be a 0 or a 1, but it's so delicately balanced, that we will never know. More precisely, it takes an N -bit theory to be able to determine N bits of Ω. Employing Leibnizian terminology, we can restate this as follows: The bits of Ω are mathematical facts that refute the principle of sufficient reason, because there is no reason they have the values they do, no reason simpler than themselves. The bits of Ω are in the Platonic world of ideas and therefore necessary truths, but they look very much like contingent truths, like accidents. And that's the surprising place where Leibniz's ideas on complexity lead, to a place where math seems to have no structure, none that we will ever be able to perceive. How would Leibniz react to this? First of all, I think that he would instantly be able to understand everything. He knew all about 0s and 1s, and had even proposed that the Duke of Hanover cast a silver medal in honor of base-two arithmetic, in honor of the fact that everything can be represented by 0s and 1s. Several designs for this medal were found among Leibniz's papers, but they were never cast, until Stephen Wolfram took one and had it made in silver and gave it to me as a 60th birthday present. And Leibniz also understood very well the idea of a formal theory as one in which we can mechanically deduce all the consequences. In fact, the calculus was just one case of this. Christian Huygens, who taught Leibniz mathematics in Paris, hated the calculus, because it was mechanical and automatically gave answers, merely with formal manipulations, without any understanding of what the formulas meant. But that was precisely the idea, and how Leibniz's version of the calculus differed from Newton's. Leibniz invented a notation which led you automatically, mechanically, to the answer, just by following certain formal rules. And the idea of computing by machine was certainly not foreign to Leibniz. He was elected to the London Royal Society, before the priority dispute with Newton soured everything, on the basis of his design for a machine to multiply. (Pascal's original calculating machine could only add.) So I do not think that Leibniz would have been shocked; I think that he would have liked Ω and its paradoxical properties. Leibniz was open to all systèmes du monde , he found good in every philosophy, ancient, scholastic, mechanical, Kabbalah, alchemy, Chinese, Catholic, Protestant. He delighted in showing that apparently contradictory philosophical systems were in fact compatible. This was at the heart of his effort to reunify Catholicism and Protestantism. And I believe it explains the fantastic character of his Monadology , which complicated as it was, showed that certain apparently contradictory ideas were in fact not totally irreconcilable. I think we need ideas to inspire us. And one way to do this is to pick heroes who exemplify the best that mankind can produce. We could do much worse than pick Leibniz as one of these exemplifying heroes. 原文见 http://www.umcs.maine.edu/~chaitin/apa.html
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[转载]TSMC 放弃28nm,转向high k(22 nm)
chnfirst 2013-1-21 15:45
http://semiaccurate.com/2010/02/25/tsmc-start-22nm-trial-runs-2012/ TSMC to start 22nm trial runs in 201228nm is slightly delayed Feb 25, 2010 by Lars-Gran Nilsson Share on digg Share on reddit Share on hackernews Share on email More Sharing Services THE MAKING OF computer chips is a complicated business, not only for the chip designers but also for the foundries. TSMC’s senior VP of RD, Shang-Yi Chiang has announced that the company is getting ready for 22nm trial runs towards the end of 2012. According to Digitimes , he also revealed information about TSMC’s 28nm progress. The company is getting ready to begin trial production on one of its nodes at the end of June. This means that we might start seeing real 28nm products sometime towards the end of the year, but this would be limited to TSMC’s low power silicon oxynitride process. However, TSMC is planning to kick off its 28nm high performance application node using its high-k metal gate process for trial production in September, and this will then be followed by the low power version trial production in December. This means that TSMC is at least one quarter late, as the company issued a press release in August of last year stating that it was planning to start its first 28nm “risk production” of its low power silicon oxynitride process in the first quarter of 2010, while the high-k metal gate process was scheduled for the second quarter. Altera, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Qualcomm and Xilinx are said to be TSMC’s first 28nm customers. We would expect many others to follow, although TSMC isn’t the only company getting ready to start 28nm production this year and it might be seeing some competition from GlobalFoundries, as it is also getting ready with its own 28nm process and should kick that off about the same time as TSMC moves to its high-k metal gate process. As for the 22nm process, not much else was said, although the initial runs will be on the high performance process node moving to the low power version by early 2013. Considering the trouble TSMC has had with its 40nm process and the slight delay in kicking off the 28nm production, we won’t place any bets on its 22nm process coming in on time. On a side note, TSMC claims that it’s currently able to churn out 80,000 12-inch 40nm wafers per quarter, although it expects to double this by the end of this year. This is all done in Fab 12, but the company is planning to add a second 40nm production facility called Fab 14 in order to be able to meet increased demand. S|A
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[转载]3M Invests in Novel Silicon Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries
chnfirst 2013-1-21 14:52
http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120315005089/en/3M-Invests-Silicon-Anode-Lithium-Ion-Batteries 3M Invests in Novel Silicon Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries 3M Research to Pioneer the Future; Company Expands Manufacturing ST. PAUL, Minn.--( BUSINESS WIRE )--3M, the leading United States (US) battery materials supplier, is investing in research and manufacturing of novel Silicon (Si) based 3M anode materials. The technology enables advanced batteries for reliable power that is required to keep up with the global increase of mobile societies and electric vehicles. “Our investment into research and development, coupled with our experience and portfolio of more than 40 core technologies – including nanotechnology, adhesives, precision coating, fluoromaterials – give us the tools and confidence in our ability to develop next-generation materials for better cells.” 3M was recently granted another U.S. patent, 8,071,238 for its Silicon anode compositions that can increase cell capacity by over 40 percent when matched with high-energy battery cathodes. The company has invested resources and expertise toward commercialization of battery technology for the past 15 years. 3M’s investments into the high-energy metal based anode for lithium ion batteries include matching a recent U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant for $4.6 million as part of efforts to build more energy-efficient vehicles. The research will help to develop and integrate new cell materials that will make a transformative change in energy density and in cost in lithium ion batteries used in electric vehicles. Especially critical to the project success is 3M’s Si based anode material. The 3M investment in research and development includes putting in 3M’s best battery materials technology for cathode, anode and battery electrolyte additives into the project. “3M has a proven track record of being an innovator in battery materials, and we are committed to supporting the growing U.S. and global lithium ion battery industry,” said Chris Milker, business development manager for 3M Electronic Markets Materials Division. “Our investment into research and development, coupled with our experience and portfolio of more than 40 core technologies – including nanotechnology, adhesives, precision coating, fluoromaterials – give us the tools and confidence in our ability to develop next-generation materials for better cells.” The new research efforts deepen 3M’s rich history of sustainability and in making a global impact through innovation. The research expands upon the company’s long-standing initiatives in the battery market to commercialize battery technology for electric vehicles and consumer electronics. In addition to its investment in robust research and development, 3M recently completed the first phase of Silicon anode manufacturing capacity expansion in early 2012 in its Cottage Grove, Minn., facility. The expansion included the installation of large-scale manufacturing equipment specialized to 3M and its proprietary anode chemistry. The U.S.-based facility will provide Si anode material to 3M’s global battery customers. 3M is well ahead of its time in pioneering research for lithium ion battery materials, which began in the 1990s for early auto market applications. Lithium ion batteries are a common source of power for laptop computers and electronic handheld devices and emerged as a power source for battery powered hand tools. In addition, 3M lithium ion technology is emerging for transport applications including the hybrid vehicles market. Because of the company’s consistent investment into the industry, 3M has uniquely developed three critical battery materials used in lithium ion batteries. These include silicon anode chemistry, novel cathode technologies (nickel, manganese, cobalt) and electrolyte (salts and additives). Besides battery cathode, anode and electrolyte technologies, 3M also offers tapes and adhesives for assembly of consumer electronics and fluids to manage heat during the manufacture of electronic devices. Using its broad portfolio of battery materials, 3M has the unique capability to integrate these materials to solve customers’ battery problems. For more information about 3M battery materials visit www.3m.com/batterymaterials About 3M 3M captures the spark of new ideas and transforms them into thousands of ingenious products. Our culture of creative collaboration inspires a never-ending stream of powerful technologies that make life better. 3M is the innovation company that never stops inventing. With $30 billion in sales, 3M employs 84,000 people worldwide and has operations in more than 65 countries. For more information, visit www.3M.com or follow @3MNews on Twitter.
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热度 1 laserdai 2013-1-7 01:35
本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同实属巧合 爱恨交加, 绝望 吼声,不成功则成仁 上回书 宜将剩勇追情敌,不达目的不罢休 说到,小燕醋劲发作起来真地不得了,想易教授 要么 彻底断绝和其她女人的瓜葛,要么她小燕把一切公诸于天下,在此巨大压力下,易处于非常尴尬的地步,特别是昨天2012年11月30日,易被逼迫得借酒浇愁,然而小燕依然不亦不休,不成功则成仁成了最后的追求。故事也就接近了最后阶段。 2012年12月1日又是一早刚上班,短信就出去了。 小燕:中期考核完信息教研室的下马威、电脑被拖走、张教授李导师等人参予游说的事件,还需要隐瞒吗?是你策划好的吗?问题本身不重要,你明白我要测试什么。 小燕:你是我见过的最为没头脑的男人,混乱中只求自保而越陷越深。你连博士读六年才能毕业、未嫁大龄美女、文艺青年,在不知底细的情况下竟然主动招惹,尽管还未有实质。你知道那么多特征聚集在一个所谓的“文艺范儿”身上意味着什么?说你脑子被驴踢了一点都不为过。常在河边走哪有不湿鞋的?怕是报应来得太早了点儿吧! 这些没有得到易的回复。 12:16 小燕:我刚才给章花打电话了。我决定先把邮件公布了,就现在。 小燕:她(指章花)倒淡定了,我行动。 12:32易回复到:千万别出人命! 小燕:谁?! 小燕:你他妈还和那个婊子演双簧!请她退站,滚出我的视线。 易:我已与她通话表明态度。 小燕:我就这样一封一封来,直到最劲爆的出现。请她现在滚出来,到网上说自己找到合适工作了或者要出国,申请退站,给大伙表明态度。你和那个臭婊子还不死心?看谁能撑到最后?哈哈哈! 12:51小燕:我现在突发脱落得厉害,心脏时而难受,例假不见红。这些都是你的功劳,多谢啦! 小燕:你心动就有心痛,我现在心绞痛。 随后,小燕开始在网络上发布了一点易教授和她以及章花的通信内容,还好没有提到真实姓名。 到了下午,小燕又开始轰炸。 15:09小燕:怎么样,今天知道我不是逗你玩吧?发现一次苗头不对,闹一次,直至你气绝身亡! 易:我这两天就安排退站一事。 小燕:她说要先告你,再退。真热闹啊。 小燕:你的爱妾快气绝身亡了,我在这里回光返照呢!等她告你时,我大力配合,好不的呀?哎呀呀! 小燕:这三个人死一个、两个、三个都行! 小燕:我要给你血的教训,老流氓!给我说爱我! 小燕:你要是今天回京城了见她,我踏平京大马列学院。(这可是最后通牒口气的! ) 易:我是真地爱你,才这样全力争取。 易:打死我都不见她。 小燕:好啊,真的很爱很爱哦!那文艺女青年呢,对人家是啥?爱还是玩弄? 小燕:打死你是迟早的,不用发誓,耳朵都起茧子啦! 15:30小燕:手又痒了。 易:我已约好人事部长安排办退站手续,他在江苏出差,明天中午才回到京城。 小燕:他以后也一样重要了啊,机遇不错滴!那你小妾工作做妥了!男人有多谈心、得了多少额外的性致,就得有多少麻烦。看你的本事啦!别的本事不大,用谎言搞定 女人 还是对你比较有信心,尤其是对白痴! 小燕:回家后用座机打我手机。敢去见婊子,我就一条条发,练练你的心肺功能。。。(继续把一些信息发布到网络上。) 小燕:你对我做过多少亏心事,就得犯病多少回的呀! 15:45易:放心,我回去后给你打电话。 小燕:好啊,现在闲得不行,得你陪我聊的呀! 16:00小燕:好不好呀,真他妈恶心! 16:34小燕:到哪儿了? 易:马上上楼,一会儿电你,稍等,我要去学校接孩子。 易:儿子不知去哪儿了? 小燕:天眼帮我看着你呢,若去婊子那儿,我立刻踏平你的世界!仇恨有多深,力气就有多大!少耍花招!!! 小燕:我现在就踏平! 易:是,马上电你。 小燕:你他妈不是人!迟早我和她一起灭了你! 17:27小燕:又被骂了,确实活得没个人样了。 易:别理会,先集中解决我们的主要难题。 小燕:没有还一句嘴,没力气。其实,我现在基本就是等死的状态 18:21小燕:你今年能为了我逼走章花,曾经就能为了她人逼走我。你真的罪孽深重! 小燕:你真的人品有问题。看你怎么跳出自己画地为牢的圈圈。拿什么让我再信任你呢? 易:那我该怎么办?我对你的感情是真的。还有两全的办法吗?我都糊涂了。 小燕:章花那会儿说先告你,后退站。我就说,你有那不本事还用来这左后,还需要用那种方式来勾引易老师?她就不吭气了。 小燕:博后办过去就不知何目的,总想弄走我成在职的,一次次逼着我。其实,我非常不忍心这样人为地弄一把章花,可谓江湖险恶。便可知,我过去也是这样被人为设计陷害我的! 18:30小燕:你对自己的乌纱帽的感情是真的,别的都扯淡! 小燕:你本事大,糊涂并快乐着,人才啊。 小燕:想来想去,我恨的根本不是章花,而是你。德行不好!一个章花当了牺牲品,你花心、自私的本性不改,还会有后来人作为替补的,你根本没有一点愧疚之心。你的确很自私! 小燕:我决定嫁给你。准备好迎娶啊! 18:47易:我给孩子做饭,等一下发短信,求你了。 小燕:章花的确白痴,听着她说话,很像去年此时的我,觉得你那么真那么好。你是演员吗? 小燕:我自言自语一会儿,你好好做饭。我要成为自己第三人妻子了,先祝贺一下哈! 19:17小燕:她不是说你那么真那么好。而是,去年我觉得你那么真那么好。只有被一次次欺骗才能觉悟。你真是王八蛋一个!! 小燕:你说小娟姐能一点没察觉你的风流韵事吗? 20:14小燕:我给你家打电话,你接啊! 易:让吃完饭好吗? 小燕:你现在不在家吧? 易:咋不接电话呢? 小燕:我要是死了,你是觉得解脱了吧,会不会掉两滴假惺惺的泪呢? 易:你咋不接家里电话,我在儿子房间给你打电话。 小燕:我喝药。 易:别胡来,接电话。 小燕:感冒药! 20:53小燕:喝完感冒药喝睡觉药。 小燕:他(小燕丈夫)说:“你要死别死在我家里。”那你说,我现在死到哪儿合适呢?他让我回娘家。我也不能死到爸爸妈妈跟前。 易:你先睡一会儿安静一下。 小燕:这就是你给我的临别赠言吧? 小燕:祝贺你,要解脱了! 易:亲爱的,你误会了,我让你冷静下来。 小燕:给章花打个电话,看她死了没。比比谁先死的。 21:35小燕:她没死我先逼死他。 小燕:在一起死。 21:56小燕:他彻底不管我了,要死都嫌累赘。 小燕:我死了你就安心了,不用害怕了,和谁心动都行,我不管了,你心安了幸福了,我不值得你爱,不值得不值得 小燕:不值得不值得,从来是骗我。 小燕:再坚持上QQ一下。 22:22小燕:弄死谁都行。她怕了,滚蛋。她有本事弄死你就不是她了!我真得心脏病了,我过去绝对是解脱。他让我从网上买毒药。 小燕:明白了吗? 小燕:你不愿意让我干什么我就干什么,你从来没对我好过。我耗死你,哪壶不开提哪壶。 小燕:回短信。 小燕:我手里没你任何东西,以前都是虚张声势骗你的,不用害怕了。 小燕:放生你了,高兴吧! 易:这是谁的信? 小燕:我的。 易:什么回短信? 小燕:你玩过一种扑克游戏吗,叫吹牛。真真假假。 小燕:全是我的短信。 易:没玩过,有关系吗? 23:04小燕:看来我真是让你厌恶!我现在除了每天发疯,已经没了智慧。以后我们就是利用关系,不谈感情,没有!我的感情也给不了你了。其实,你还真不够我利用的标准,空壳子一副,花架子一副,也就骗骗脑残们! 23:15小燕:你真脑残,一着急咋一点都稳不住阵脚呢?!你跟他们说什么啊,我喝的是感冒药。要死还要再折磨你几年才罢休。 易:你能不能不这样办?我估计我真快脑残了。 小燕:哪样?我那会儿是手麻嘴麻真难受,也是真喝感冒药了,想死如你昨晚也是真的。你要弄到一起! 易:好了,休息吧,我脑袋炸了。 小燕:你给他们说我咋了? 2012年12月2日上午。 10:08小燕:章美写的是抒情散文,章花写的是表意诗歌,常小燕写的是纪实小说,易大校长是主人公。招惹女博士的下场!一个人、一篇说得清,几个人、几十篇,你有嘴都说不清。看你下决心断尾巴不? 11:34易:坚决断掉一切隐患。 小燕:言行一致才是真男人。 易:保证。 小燕:与人事的通话中我心脏难受了,他说让章花类似休学半年的意思,我说没可能。不要以她的死来吓唬我,我随时等着法律制裁、死以及嫁给你。哪种都行,我们且走且看吧! 11:46易:别听他的,你等我和人事部长讨论完。 人事部长中午才回到京大,下午才能和易讨论。于是小燕等到了晚上。 20:44小燕:今天身体怎么样? 易:不太好,血压164/105,头疼,我有点担心。 小燕:是高,吃药。痛苦风波都是为了让你长记性,不狠狠疼一次,记不住。 小燕:不过,我是真的担心你,想你。老头,可怜的老头! 易:我休息一下。 小燕:至于我手里有无东西你有数。不过,我希望,你以后无论对我什么态度,是基于内心。否则,是对我的侮辱。 易:好的。 小燕:你气我是吧? 小燕:明天人事部长来你让我说什么? 21:00易:我现在的确很难受,卧床一会儿。谈的内容你肯定能把握好,他是专程帮你办关系。 小燕:休息一会儿,希望这次我们都能挺过来,挺不过来就一起陪着走,也不枉我们不管因为什么原因相处一场。 易:好。 小燕:你知道我在你这里最在意什么,发脾气的缘由你也知道。 21:20小燕:我最无法忍受的就是你现在这种态度,很容易让我激动。 小燕:如果你这种态度,我明天也不要人帮我办关系。无所谓的,我真不要那些东西了! 易:我已经支撑不住了,让我休息一下好吗? 小燕:我给你打电话。 易:稍等,我给你打。 21:44小燕:我这次绝不会委曲求全的。代价就是我和你一起走上绝路,至于章花,随便她了。毁灭也是一种解脱,决不是吓唬谁。到这个份上,就一切淡然了。你这个伪君子。 小燕:如果你这次逃不脱,一定是宿命,我殉葬值了;我们都能挺过来的话,前提是什么你知道。我现在给章花打电话! 22:10小燕:你没有尊严了,好,我还你尊严。我告诉全世界,我还易爱卿尊严。我但求一死,证明我给你尊严了! 易:别冲动好吗? 小燕:我恨死你! 小燕:我真想死假想死你最明白。。。 小燕:我让你没尊严是我罪该万死,你毁掉我生活下去的信心是你的本事。我多活一天都是罪过。。。 小燕:让我现在和你吵,能耗尽我最后一点力气! 22:56易:别胡思乱想了,好好休息,人事主任专程为你而去,你有什么话都可以同他谈。 小燕:一、我有多么下作,性格中的缺点(可以实事求是、可以稍微夸大);二、你对我的“感情”与态度,可以恶毒点,违心点。这两点加起来不用百字,你组织组织语言,随时发给我,是最有力的工具。祝福我早日解脱,下辈子重新开始。 易:抓紧静下来休息,明天同人事主任好好谈谈。我现在血压高心跳加速已经没力气谈了。明天找时间打电话。 小燕:请你不要心软,成全我祝福我去那个好地方。或把这两点意思转告人事部长,由他说出,还没有留下文字,我一定能以最快的速度还你尊严。 23:16小燕:章花不接我电话,我成全你们这些高尚的人,我最无耻了。 小燕:你能不能让我死了,现在? 易:你又误解,我什么时候你了,快好好休息,明天谈。 易:别胡思乱想,明天人事主任会认真帮助解决困难的。 小燕:我但求一死,别无他求。只愿马列学院,只愿你无愧。还你尊严,我下辈子一定好好做人。 小燕:你心之恶毒,无人能及。 小燕:我遇见你,确实受教了。 2012年12月3日的短信联系就还在持续。 16:40易:我在京城大酒店开全国组织统战会,谈累了吧?抽空聊一聊。 17:04小燕:好。 易:你先休息,昨天我身体极度痛苦,思路不清,等慢慢聊。 小燕:好,多保重,退站事情不能等。 易:知道,人事部长回来我同他推进。 小燕一直等到晚上才回复。 易:你休息得怎么样?今晚还是明天能通话? 20:49小燕:休息得还行。孩子睡着了,有事短信吧。 易:没急事,只是问候一下,那我明天等人事处回来再同他沟通一下。咱俩随时联系。 21:00小燕:你最近受累了,早点休息吧,保重身体! 易:你也多保重。 插曲: 再见我的爱人-邓丽君
个人分类: 社会文化历史|4756 次阅读|1 个评论
xuxiaxx 2013-1-3 13:51
2012年12月,第90期,第12号 研究 秘鲁矿业城镇的土壤铅暴露:由两个对比性实例所支持的国内评估 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 1.21Mb 婴儿常规疫苗接种年龄的中上臂围用以确定高死亡风险婴儿:冈比亚回顾性定群研究 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 823kb 通过监测哨点监测印度抗疟药物的耐药性:2009-2010 年效果和治疗失败的风险因素 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 871kb 政策与实践 抗生素合理使用:促进在泰国合理使用药物的可行模型 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 810kb 在经济欠发达地区诊断和监测艾滋病毒感染的低成本工具 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 780kb 2010 年世界卫生组织预防艾滋病毒母婴传播建议的国家适应 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 1.21Mb 卫生研究数据的系统归档和访问:原理、现状及前进方向 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 801kb 摘自: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/90/12/zh/index.html
2145 次阅读|0 个评论
xuxiaxx 2013-1-3 13:45
2013年1月,第91号,第一期 研究 设置中低收入国家青少年性与生殖健康研究的优先级 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 830kb 对加纳育龄妇女死因别死亡率的影响:ObaapaVitA 试验的二次分析 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 842kb 加泰罗尼亚10 年道路安全政策相关的成本节约西班牙 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 827kb 白俄罗斯耐多药结核病:问题的大小及相关危险因素 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 855kb 系统综述 抗逆转录病毒疗法纳入产前护理和母婴保健诊所:系统综述和荟萃分析 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 869kb 政策与实践 贸易援助:增加水果和蔬菜供应的机会 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 808kb 实地的经验教训 影响中国的湖北和江西省乡村医生的公共卫生服务提供的因素 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 767kb 消除南非母婴艾滋病毒传播 摘要 全文 - 英文 pdf, 987kb 摘自: http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/91/1/zh/index.html
1851 次阅读|0 个评论
Meeting: Summer Meeting on Differential Equations
mathgu 2012-12-9 10:43
SÃO CARLOS, BRAZIL, FEBRUARY 04-07, 2013 Organizing committee: Alexandre Nolasco de Carvalho (ICMC/USP) Ederson Moreira dos Santos (ICMC/USP) Ma To Fu (ICMC/USP) Márcia Cristina Anderson Braz Federson (ICMC/USP) Marcio Fuzeto Gameiro (ICMC/USP) Sérgio Henrique Monari Soares (ICMC/USP) Scientific committee: Alexandre Nolasco de Carvalho (Universidade de São Paulo/Brazil) Carlos Rocha (Instituto Superior Técnico/Portugal) George R. Sell (University of Minnesota/USA) Jianhong Wu (York University/Canada) Joan Solà-Morales (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/Spain) John Mallet-Paret (Brown University/USA) José M. Arrieta (Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Spain) Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers University/USA) Marco Antonio Teixeira (Universidade Estadual de Campinas/Brazil) Orlando Francisco Lopes (Universidade de São Paulo/Brazil) Peter Kloeden (Goethe University Frankfurt/Germany) Sérgio Henrique Monari Soares (Universidade de São Paulo/Brazil) Shui-Nee Chow (Georgia Tech/USA) Tomás Caraballo (Universidade de Sevilla/Spain) Waldyr M. Oliva (Instituto Superior Técnico/Portugal and Universidade de São Paulo/Brazil) Yingfei Yi (Georgia Tech/USA)
2666 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 伍加 2012-12-3 00:02
【文学习作(16)】 悼罗阳校友 伍加,2012年12月2日,周日 惊闻罗阳校友逝世,不胜唏嘘。故国路远,隔山阻洋;遥望星空,以诗为祭。 歼机起落辽宁舰, 航母劈波载誉来。 英雄一去不回返, 百姓千家对壁哀。 华夏代出补天手, 复兴尚待栋梁材。 撒酒遥祭歌一曲, 蓝天碧海英魂埋。 伍加, 2012 年 12 月 2 日, 周日 http://blog.creaders.net/invictus/
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[转载]A Beginner’s Guide to Materials Studio and DFT Calculations
chnfirst 2012-11-8 21:58
http://www.03964.com/read/7c7f4d52e250dac51ed82edd.html A Beginner’s Guide to Materials Studio and DFT Calculations with Castep P. Hasnip (pjh503@york.ac.uk) September 18, 2007 Materials Studio collects all of its les into “Projects”. We’ll start by creating a new project. 1 Now we’ve got a blank project, and we want to dene a simulation cell to perform a Castep calculation on. First we add a “3D Atomistic document”. 2 3 We’re going to start by simulating an eight atom silicon FCC cell, so rename the le accordingly. First we’ll create the unit cell. 4 5 The default is space group P1, i.e. no symmetry. Silicon has the diamond structure (space group FD3M). By telling Materials Studio this symmetry it will automatically apply it to the atoms, thus generating atoms at the symmetry points. 6 Now to add the lattice constant – click on the “Lattice” tab near the top of the “Build Crystal” window. Since FD3M is cubic (FCC) Materials Studio knows only a has to be set, and the angles and other lattice constants are greyed-out. Enter “5.4”, and then click on “Build”. 7 Now we’ll add a single silicon atom... 8 Add a silicon atom at the origin, by changing the “element” from its default and clicking “Add”. By default the co-ordinates are in fractionals, but you can change this on the “Options” tab. 9 Since we’d already told Materials Studio what the symmetry of the crystal was, our single silicon atom is replicated at each symmetry site and we now have a shiny new eight-atom silicon unit cell. You can rotate the view by holding down the left or right mouse button and dragging, or move it by holding down the middle button. Use the mouse wheel, or both the left and right buttons simultaneously, to zoom in and out. 10 By default the atoms are shown as little crosses with lines for bonds, and silicon atoms are coloured brownish orange. You can always change this if you don’t like it. The “bonds” are just guesses made by Materials Studio based on the element’s typical bond-lengths. We’re now ready to run Castep to nd the groundstate charge density. Click on the Castep icon, which is a set of three wavy lines (to represent plane-waves), and select “Calculation”. 11 Materials Studio oers a high-level interface to Castep, with cut-o energy, k-point sampling, convergence tolerances etc. all set by the single setting “Quality”. We’ll look at how to specify these things later, but for now we’ll just do a very quick, rough calculation of the groundstate energy and density of our cell. Make sure the task is “Energy”, and select “Coarse” for quality, and “LDA” for the XC functional. 12 If you want to run your calculations on Lagavulin (or anywhere else you have Castep available) then you’ll want to click “Files” in the Castep window. Simply select “Save Files” to save the cell and param les. By default these are written to a folder in “My Documents” called “Materials Studio Projects” but be warned – cell les are hidden les, and you won’t be able to see them unless you tell Windows you want to view “Hidden and System Files” for that folder. 13 If you want to run Castep on the PC you’re using, you just need to click “Run” on the Castep window. You should see this window appear: Materials Studio is telling you that your system isn’t actually the primitive unit cell, and it’s oering to convert it to the primitive cell for you. For now choose “No”. Castep runs via a “Gateway”, which might be on your local computer or on a remote machine. This Gateway handles Materials Studio’s requests to run calculations and copies the les to and from the “Castep Server”. 14 Since the Gateway is actually a modied web server it is sensible to enforce some security measures. If your Gateway is password-protected (recommended), you’ll need to enter your Gateway username and password (which are not necessarily the same as your Windows ones). 15 When the Castep job is running you will see its job ID and other details appear in the “job explorer” window. You can check its status from here, although our crude silicon calculation is so quick you probably won’t have time now. 16 Castep reports back when it is nished, and Materials Studio copies the results of the calculation back. The .castep le is opened automatically so you can see what happened in the calculation. The main text output le from castep is displayed in Materials Studio. It starts with a welcome banner, then a summary of the parameters and cell that were used for the calculation. 17 After that, there is a summary of the electronic energy minimisation which shows the iterations Castep performed trying to nd the groundstate density that was consistent with the Kohn-Sham potential. This is the so-called “self-consistent eld” or “SCF” condition, and each line is tagged with “– SCF” so you can nd them easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SCF SCF loop Energy Fermi Energy gain Timer -- SCF energy per atom (sec) -- SCF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SCF Initial 2.11973065E+002 4.85767974E+001 0.61 -- SCF Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 7 to 15. 1 -7.22277610E+002 1.02240172E+001 1.16781334E+002 0.88 2 -8.53739673E+002 6.90687627E+000 1.64327579E+001 1.12 3 -8.62681938E+002 6.65069587E+000 1.11778315E+000 1.39 4 -8.62169156E+002 6.69758744E+000 -6.40977798E-002 1.72 5 -8.61880601E+002 6.78641872E+000 -3.60693332E-002 2.06 6 -8.61884687E+002 6.79549194E+000 5.10791707E-004 2.44 7 -8.61884645E+002 6.79874201E+000 -5.25062118E-006 2.75 8 -8.61884639E+002 6.79822409E+000 -8.40318139E-007 2.98 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Final energy, E = -861.8846385210 Final free energy (E-TS) = -861.8846385210 (energies not corrected for finite basis set) NB est. 0K energy (E-0.5TS) = -861.8846385210 eV eV ---------SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF SCF eV 18 We’ll look at this output in more detail later. For now just note that the energy converges fairly rapidly to about 861.88eV, but that the energy is sometimes higher than this and sometimes lower. Let’s have a look at the calculated groundstate charge density. 19 The Castep Analysis window lets you look at various properties you might have calculated during the Castep job. Select “Electron density”. Notice there’s a “Save” button which lets you write the density out to a text le so you can analyse it with another program. We don’t need this now, so just click on “Import”. 20 WARNING: amongst the properties listed here are “Band structure” and “Density of states”. If you select one of these from an energy calculation, Materials Studio will plot the band structure/DOS, but it takes the eigenvalues and k-points from the SCF calculation, not a proper band structure or DOS calculation. 21 By default an isosurface of the charge density is overlaid on your simulation cell. 22 To change the isosurface Materials Studio is plotting, you need to change the “Display style”. Either use the right mouse button when the cursor is over the simulation cell, or use the drop-down menus: Notice that this is also the place you need to come to if you want to change the atom colouring or representation (e.g. from crosses and lines to ball-and-stick). 23 24 Try changing the value of the isosurface your plotting, to see where the charge density is greatest and least. 25 Hopefully you’ve now got the hang of the basic interface. Go back to your simulation system and open up the Castep window again. This time select the “Electronic” tab. 26 This tab has a little more detail, and actually tells you what cut-o energy and k-point grid Castep will use for the given settings. Nevertheless we usually want ner control than this, so click on “More”. 27 Now at last we have four tabs that let us set some of the convergence parameters directly. 28 Basis Allows you to set a cut-o energy, as well as control the nite basis set correction. SCF Sets the convergence tolerance for the groundstate electronic energy minimisation, as well as details of the algorithm used. k-points Controls the Brillouin zone sampling directly. You can either specify a grid, or a desired separation between k-points. Potentials Allows you to change the pseudopotentials used for the elements in your system. In fact if you double-click on your param le in the project window you can edit it directly, but we’ll restrict ourselves to using the GUI for now. 29 Before we continue, here’s a quick recap of the basic approximations we use when performing practical DFT calculations: Exchange-correlation (XC) Functional - we don’t know the exact density functional, so we have to approximate it. There are two common approximations: – LDA - the Local Density Approximation assumes the XC at any point is the same as that of a homogeneous electron gas with the same density. – PBE - this is a “Generalised Gradient Approximation” (GGA) and includes some of the eects of the gradient of the density. You might think PBE is always better than LDA, but that’s not true, both are approximations. You should try each one before deciding which is appropriate to your research project. Basis set - the wavefunction is represented by an expansion in a plane-wave basis. In theory the basis set required is innite, but since the energy converges rapidly with basis set size we can safely truncate the expansion. The size of the basis set is controlled by the cut-o energy. Brillouin zone sampling - calculating the energy terms requires us to integrate quantities over the whole of the rst Brillouin zone. In practice we approximate these integrals by sums over a discrete set of k-points. 30 Exercise 1. Using the Basis and k-points tabs, investigate how the calculated energy of the simulation cell converges with increased cut-o energy, and increased k-point sampling density. Why do they show these trends Exercise 2. Create a unit cell for bulk aluminium. Aluminium is also FCC, with spacegroup FM-3M and a lattice constant of about 4.05 . Investigate convergence of the calcuA lated aluminium energy with respect to cut-o energy and k-point sampling. Compare the total electronic energy with the total electronic free energy for both silicon and aluminium. Why do they dier for one and not the other 31 During your calculations you might see a warning like this in the castep output: Warning: There are no empty bands for at least one kpoint and spin; this may slow the convergence and/or lead to an inaccurate groundstate. If this warning persists, you should consider increasing nextra_bands and/or reducing smearing_width in the param file. Recommend using nextra_bands of 7 to 15. Recall that the electronic energy minimisation algorithms need to include the entire set of occupied states. If the highest state you’ve included in the calculation is occupied, Castep has no way of knowing whether the next state should also have been occupied, and so recommends you include more bands. Only when the highest state is unoccupied can Castep be sure that all of the occupied bands have been included. You can change the number of “empty” bands included in the Castep calculation from the SCF tab of the Castep Electronic Options window of Materials Studio, or just by editing the param le directly. 32 Exercise 3. Repeat the energy convergence test with respect to k-point sampling for aluminium, but using a smearing of 0.5eV (see the SCF tab; the default is 0.1eV). Feel free to use either Materials Studio, or direct editing of the param and cell les. You will probably need to increase the number of empty bands to 8 or so. Compare the results with the previous aluminium calculations. Why the dierence Choose a particular k-point sampling density and look at the nal total energy, free energy, and estimated zero temperature energy for the 0.5 eV smearing and compare them to the results with the original smearing. 33 Exercise 4. Go back to your silicon calculation, and look at the SCF tab on the CASTEP Electronic Options window. We’re using the “Density Mixing” algorithm, and if you click on “More” you’ll see we’re using a Pulay mixing scheme with a charge mixing amplitude of 0.5. Investigate what happens as you vary this initial amplitude from close to 0 to close to 1. The Pulay algorithm takes over after the rst few SCF cycles, and overrides the mixing charge amplitude. This is not true of the Kerker scheme. Use the “More” button and change the mixing scheme to Kerker, and investigate the eects of the mixing charge amplitude again. Exercise 5. Have a play with the Castep interface and Castep. Why don’t you see whether you can get Castep to fail to converge Remember what causes density mixing to be unstable: metals, degeneracies (band-crossings), multiple spin states, long cells, small smearing 34 widths etc. The only restriction is computational time, so if you make a large cell try not to have too many atoms in it or Castep won’t nish in time! If you manage to make Castep fail to converge, try to x it by varying the DM parameters. If that doesn’t work, how does EDFT do Remember you can always save your cell and param les and copy them to Lagavulin if your PC isn’t fast enough. 35 You can also try Castep on your favourite system. Things you might nd useful: Materials Studio ships with lots of sample structures, just click “File” then “Import” and have a look, or create your own. To create a supercell from a unit cell, click on the “Build” menu, then select “Symmetry” and then “Supercell”. To modify atoms just left-click (or dragselect) to select them, and then you can use the “Modify” menu to change their element. Materials Studio has a useful surface builder so you can cleave crystals along bizarre planes without too much eort. 36 If you’re stuck for things to do: Try making a supercell of two aluminium FCC cells, and swapping one of the aluminium atoms for erbium. Run that, and see what happens. Can you improve it Use the task “properties” in the Castep window to calculate the DOS and band structures of silicon and aluminium. Now create a simple molecule surrounded by vacuum, and calculate its band structure and DOS. Do you get what you expect Calculate the binding energy of a simple molecule. Run Castep for the molecule, and then again for a single atom of each of the elements in turn. Subtract the energies, and see what you get. How does the result change if you change the cut-o energy for (a) one calculation; (b) all the calculations 37
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热度 1 Helmholtz 2012-9-28 10:14
(能源新产业面临巨大危机:在德国各路光伏企业纷纷破产之后,噩运也开始降临到两头在外的中国光伏企业的头上。一年前还只是薄膜光伏企业希望抱团取暖过冬,而现在是全行业的冬天到了。只看中国政府如何开放国内市场以拯救这些一度辉煌的企业。但由于光伏行业技术与设备更新快速,最后是拼技术和,而过分依托海外补贴市场、过度投资、当利润无法撑起良性发展,大面积的企业破产可能就是无法避免的宿命了。 亥姆霍兹联合会的于利希中心以及亥姆霍兹柏林能源材料研究中心都是德国薄膜光伏技术开发的欧洲核心单位,但都没有跟国内企业形成战略合作伙伴关系。 能耗之争、技术性价比之争,这是产业竞争力的核心体现。 ---------博主评论。)    近期据尚德电力官网称,澳大利亚工程师协会悉尼分会于9月21日在悉尼举行颁奖仪式,授予尚德公司执行董事长兼首席战略官施正荣“卓越工程师”荣誉称号,以表彰施正荣和其他获奖工程师为世界各地做出积极影响和巨大贡献。   虽然获此殊荣,是我国光伏企业与光伏“人”的荣耀,但我国光伏企业仍处于十分尴尬的局面。   9月22日,尚德电力宣布,收到来自纽交所的警告通知,因截至9月10日的连续30个交易日,公司收盘价连续低于1美元,不符合纽交所的上市规定。根据规定,尚德需要在此后半年内,在任意时段内使股价连续30个交易日高于1美元,否则将面临退市。   底气十足无奈业绩下滑现状   据《证券日报》记者了解,自8月1日起,尚德电力的股价就开始在1美元左右徘徊,至9月7日,股价跌出了年内以及上市以来的新低0.714美元/股。虽然在此之后,尚德电力的股价开始触底反弹,但反弹的力度并不明显,截至9月25日公司最新收盘价为1.01美元/股,能否保持住股价高于1美元是决定着公司会否退市的关键。   9月24日,记者联系尚德电力,询问公司目前是否已经有相关对策以应对此次突如其来的退市警告。相关工作人员向记者表示,目前,公司已经发布了英文公告,来说明公司目前的态度。   另据《证券日报》记者查询公告,并进行翻译后得知,目前,尚德电力会继续在纽交所上市交易,并将继续遵守纽交所的其他上市标准,接受纽交所的监督,同时,公司表示,纽交所的通知并不影响公司业务经营或SEC报告要求。   虽然,在公告中尚德电力的底气十足,但截至目前,公司的财务及经营状况还未显示出有任何实质性的改善。   据公司发布的2012年第二季度初步财报显示,截止到今年6月30日,尚德在第二季度的出货量与第一季度相比环比增加33%,高于原先20%的预测。第二季度的销售收入为4.71亿美元,环比增加15%,其中93%的收入来源于光伏组件销售,7%的收入来源于光伏系统、电池、硅片和生产设备的销售。第二季度的毛利率约为-10%,非现金库存计提7600万美元,影响经营毛利率达16个百分点,扣除非现金库存计提后的毛利率为正6%。   而为了缓解资产负债表的压力,上周一尚德电力突然宣布将位于无锡的电池厂产能下调至1.8吉瓦,涉及员工约1500人。   不仅如此,就在尚德高管纷纷另谋高就的同时,就连公司创始人施正荣前不久也在反担保骗局爆出后卸任CEO。   随着美欧先后对华光伏产品反倾销立案,外部形势愈加严峻。根据尚德太阳能公布的数据,公司名下的运营太阳能面板产能将会从之前的2.4GW被暂时削减到1.8GW,削减幅度在25%。而从市值上来看,近一年来,尚德的市值已经缩水85%以上。   光伏行业“内伤”很严重   从被寄予厚望,到目前内忧外患齐现,中国光伏产业短短几年内经历了冰火两重天,如果说来自美欧的反倾销大棒是压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草,那么无法否认的是,无序竞争导致的产能过剩则是骨子里的“内伤”。   有行业内分析师表示:“以前,江苏省等地区的光伏组件是世界市场的抢手货,而现在堆积如山的光伏组件却难有销路,这些组件的价值也在快速蒸发。”   “据我目前了解,天合光能、尚德电力、英利绿色等国内光伏企业的库存大约在5GW左右,这几乎是全球市场年需求的六分之一左右。按照第二季度每片组件80美分左右的价格计算,这些库存的价值约在45亿美元,但目前市场供应过剩意味着价格仍将快速下跌。”上述分析人士如是表示。   对此,另有业内人士曾认为,市场长期高速增长,使得许多中国的投资者和从业者忽视了光伏市场作为一个产业发展初级阶段的重要特点,那就是,技术和设备更新快速,而且所有技术更新都是围绕“低成本、高效率”来展开的。这个特点使得光伏产业的设备更新快,设备的生命周期短,往往一台设备上市两三年后,就有新的设备使之面临淘汰的命运,因此,建立工厂时,设备投资不宜超前过多;但中国光伏企业几乎全体忽略了这一点。   同时,光伏产业持续多年的暴利使得投资者忽略了自有技术的研发。“由于光伏产业是新兴产业,因此,还没有形成一套成熟的产业技术、装备和工艺,目前各大装备公司所生产的设备也是根据基础研究和实验室试验结果加上小量的实验,开发出来后很快即投向市场。这时,用户自身的研发就显得尤其重要,如果能够对设备做些小的改进,就很容易带来生产效率的大幅提高和成本的大幅下降。但中国几乎所有的光伏企业都忽视了这一点。”上述业内人士指出。
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热度 3 yuedongxiao 2012-8-22 13:44
当年反右估计就是反的这种洋奴哲学。向洋人摇尾乞怜,毫无人格与尊严,无视基本历史事实,其扭曲的逻辑恐怕很多现代英国人听了都觉得脸红。 张维迎的自由贸易论还不是他的原创,而是抄袭发动鸦片战争时英国人的观点。 http://www.eeo.com.cn/2012/0809/231530.shtml 张维迎: 【 近代中国的历史总是与英国分不开。事实上,中国近代史从1840年中英鸦片战争开始,已是一个公认的标准。1997年中国从英国手中收回香港的主权,被认为是雪洗了中国的百年耻辱。但设想一下:如果清朝政府当年能以平等的主权国而非“藩属”对待英国,认真研究一下马戛尔尼的要求,与其谈判达成一个对等的协议,同意英国在北京设立办事处,开放几个口岸,同时也要求在伦敦设立一个中国办事处(而不是等到1876年),鼓励中国商人去英国做生意,鸦片战争也许根本不会发生,之后的中国历史乃至世界的历史就可能完全不同了。 我们经常把当时的西方国家称作“列强”,既指他们的强大,也指他们是强盗。确实,中国的大门就是被这些“强盗”用“坚船利炮”打开的。但就我理解,这些列强最初来到中国还是希望按照市场的逻辑从事商贸和交流,并没有想用强盗的逻辑征服中国。如果当时中国的当权者能理解市场的逻辑,顺应全球化的大趋势,主动开放门户,改革体制,再有一个合适的外交战略,中国不仅不需要割地赔款,而且完全有希望与列强平起平坐,如日本经历所显示的那样。但我们拒绝了市场的逻辑,最后被强盗的逻辑征服了。由此,我们有了现在所知道的这200年的中国历史。 (2012年7月28日写于访英途中,作者系中国企业家俱乐部顾问、北京大学光华管理学院经济学教授) 】
4076 次阅读|4 个评论
世界卫生组织简报,2012年8月,第90期, 第8号,
xuxiaxx 2012-8-5 13:48
研究 肺炎球菌疫苗有效性的疾病哨点和人群监测对比 摘要 全文 - 英文 中国由于不安全的水和恶劣的卫生条件所致疾病的负担方面的区域差异 摘要 全文 - 英文 1950 年至 2010 年女性和男性国际期望寿命不足值差异性 摘要 全文 - 英文 乌干达预防艾滋病毒母婴传播的抗逆转录病毒联合疗法的成本效益评估 摘要 全文 - 英文 系统综述 人口与卫生调查的系统性回顾 : 数据对研究的可用性和利用率 摘要 全文 - 英文 1990-2010 年发展中国家有关安全套使用的安全套社会营销的效果:系统回顾和元分析 摘要 全文 - 英文 实地的经验教训 卢旺达国家人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种计划实现高覆盖率 摘要 全文 - 英文 摘编自:WHO网
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[转载]Day 1 Review: China start in style
whyhoo 2012-7-29 09:38
China emphatically demonstrated their dominance of Badminton as all of their Doubles top seeds eased to victories on the opening day of London 2012 competition. The Asian nation boasts the top pairs in each of the three Doubles events at Wembley Arena and there were no mistakes as all featured in the evening session. Zhang Nan and Zhao Yunlei were hardly troubled as they brushed off the challenge of Germans Michael Fuchs and Birgit Michels in Group A, winning 21-6 21-7 in 28 minutes. Such was their superiority that the longest rally of the match was only 19 strokes. It was a similar story in the women's Doubles as Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang saw off Canada's Michele Li and Alex Bruce 21-11 21-7 in Group D. In the men's event, Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng were not kept long by Australians Ross Smith and Glenn Warfe in Group A, winning 21-11 21-17. Zhao was also in action earlier in the day in the women's Doubles, in which she is seeded second with Tian Qing , and enjoyed a 21-11 21-12 win over Poon Lok Yan and Tse Ying Suet of Hong Kong. Also impressive from China was women's third seed Li Xuerui , who was a late addition to the team but looked imperious as Peru's Claudia Rivero was vanquished 21-5 21-6 in just 22 minutes. Yet the Chinese may not have it all their own way, with the All England men's Doubles champions, the second-seeded Chung Jae-sung and Lee Dong-dae, beating former world leaders Howard Bach and Tony Gunawan 21-15 21-19. With the top seeds in the men's and women's Singles not in action, former Olympic and world champion Taufik Hidayat took centre stage to make a winning start in one of the highlights. The 2004 Athens gold medallist, seeded 11th, proved too strong for the Czech Republic 's Petr Koukal , winning 21-8 21-8 in Group O. Germany's Marc Zwiebler also made swift work of the world's number 209, Mohamed Ajfan Rasheed of the Maldives. 原文见 http://www.london2012.com/news/articles/day-review-china-start-style.html
个人分类: 奥运会|1741 次阅读|0 个评论
Renfuquan1984 2012-7-13 16:38
通过今天一天的研究,终于搞清楚了图像poisson噪声的相关性质和添加方式。呵呵 http://www.google.com.hk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fx_files/9554/5/content/numerical-tour/denoising_data_dependent/index_03.pngimgrefurl=http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/9554-a-numerical-tour-of-signal-processing/content/numerical-tour/denoising_data_dependent/index.htmlusg=__ZD7U84HrtCRhvsHEEsM31P8P5V8=h=379w=506sz=83hl=zh-CNstart=5zoom=1tbnid=uMGg2rDK0QB40M:tbnh=98tbnw=131ei=i6T_T9y2Nq-aiAeQrvzrBwprev=/search%3Fq%3Dpoisson%2Bnoise%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dzh-CN%26newwindow%3D1%26safe%3Dstrict%26client%3Daff-cs-360se%26sa%3DN%26source%3Dog%26tbm%3Dischum=1itbs=1 是个好东东!!希望下一篇论文能顺利完成呀!《基于图像平均曲率约束的Poisson噪声去除算法的研究》即将新鲜出炉,呵呵!!!!
1 次阅读|0 个评论
zhangslvip 2012-6-7 10:54
二、开始-运行-net stop spooler(停止Pringt Spooler服务) 关闭打印机电源 net start spooler(启用Pringt Spooler服务)
5 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]ssh ---无法登录
plgongcat 2012-5-26 12:18
网上有很多介绍在Ubuntu下开启SSH服务的文章,但大多数介绍的方法测试后都不太理想,均不能实现远程登录到Ubuntu上,最后分析原因是都没有真正开启ssh-server服务。最终成功的方法如下: sudo apt-get install openssh-server Ubuntu缺省安装了openssh-client,所以在这里就不安装了,如果你的系统没有安装的话,再用apt-get安装上即可。 然后确认sshserver是否启动了: ps -e |grep ssh 如果只有ssh-agent那ssh-server还没有启动,需要/etc/init.d/ssh start,如果看到sshd那说明ssh-server已经启动了。 ssh-server配置文件位于/ etc/ssh/sshd_config,在这里可以定义SSH的服务端口,默认端口是22,你可以自己定义成其他端口号,如222。然后重启SSH服务: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart ifconfig ----查 ip ssh连接: ssh linuxidc@ 摘自:http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2010-02/24349.htm
个人分类: unbutu常见问题|2990 次阅读|0 个评论
Start my happy and productive 2012
firsy 2012-1-1 08:40
Startmy happy and productive 2012. 2011-12-31 19:38 Johns Hopkins University Medical School
3245 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]学者的良知:阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen, 1933-)
DynamoChina 2011-12-28 17:42
[转载]学者的良知:阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen, 1933-)
阿马蒂亚·森 出自 MBA智库百科( http://wiki.mbalib.com/ ) 阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen) 阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen, 1933-):1998年 诺贝尔经济学奖 获得者,关注最底层人的经济学家 目录 1 阿马蒂亚·森简介 2 阿马蒂亚·森的学术研究历程及成就贡献 3 阿马蒂亚·森担任过的团体职位 4 阿马球蒂亚·森的主要学术贡献 5 阿马蒂亚•森的主要代表著作: 阿马蒂亚·森简介   由于 阿马蒂亚·库马尔·森(Amartya Kumar Sen ) 对 福利经济学 几个重大问题做出了贡献,包括 社会选择理论 、对福利和贫穷标准的定义、对匮乏的研究等作出精辟论述,1998年荣获 诺贝尔经济学奖 ,被称为关注最底层人的经济学家。   瑞典皇家科学院将1998年度诺贝尔经济学将授予了 英国剑桥大学 教授阿马蒂亚·森,以表彰他“在 福利经济学 的基础研究课题上作出数项关键性的贡献,举凡公共选择的一般理论、福利与贫穷指标的定义,到对饥荒的 实证研究 皆属其贡献范围”。 阿马蒂亚·森的学术研究历程及成就贡献   阿马蒂亚·森于1933年出生于印度孟加拉邦桑蒂尼克坦。早年求学于加尔各答大学总统学院。在大学期间,他开始学的是自然科学,后转向了经济学。促使他选择学习经济学的原因之一,是在他9岁多的时候即1943年,他的家乡印度孟加拉邦发生了大饥饿,死亡人数高达数百万。这件事对他以后生活道路选择和学术生涯有重要影响。不过他一接触经济学即表现出对经济学的强烈兴趣。当然,作为一个学生,他对数学、自然科学、哲学也很感兴趣。在加尔各答大学,经济学教学仅仅限于标准的新古典主义经济学。他最早接触的经济学著作包括马歇尔的 《经济学原理》 和希克斯的 《价值与资本》 ,并曾以极大的兴趣阅读 萨缪尔森 《经济学》 教科书,尽管后来他对萨缪尔森的一些观点也提出了不少批评。当然, 斯密 、 李嘉图 和 穆勒 等人的古典主义经济学也是他的兴趣所在。此外,他对 亚里士多德 的哲学著作,肖伯纳的文学,马克思的政治主张都有强烈兴趣。 诺贝尔经济学奖 历届获得者 1969 拉格纳·弗里希 ( Ragnar Frisch ) 简·丁伯根 ( Jan Tinbergen ) 1970 保罗·萨缪尔森 ( Paul A. Samuelson ) 1971 西蒙·库兹涅茨 ( Simon Kuznets ) 1972 约翰·希克斯 ( John R. Hicks ) 肯尼斯·约瑟夫·阿罗 ( Kenneth J. Arrow ) 1973 华西里·列昂惕夫 ( Wassily Leontief ) 1974 弗里德里克·哈耶克 ( Friedrich August von Hayek ) 纲纳·缪达尔 ( Gunnar Myrdal ) 1975 列奥尼德·康托罗维奇 ( Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich ) 佳林·库普曼斯 ( Tjalling C. Koopmans ) 1976 米尔顿·弗里德曼 ( Milton Friedman ) 1977 戈特哈德·贝蒂·俄林 ( Bertil Ohlin ) 詹姆斯·爱德华·米德 ( James E. Meade ) 1978 赫伯特·西蒙 ( Herbert A. Simon ) 1979 威廉·阿瑟·刘易斯 ( Sir Arthur Lewis ) 西奥多·舒尔茨 ( Theodore W. Schultz ) 1980 劳伦斯·罗·克莱因 ( Lawrence R. Klein ) 1981 詹姆斯·托宾 ( James Tobin ) 1982 乔治·斯蒂格勒 ( George J. Stigler ) 1983 罗拉尔·德布鲁 ( Gerard Debreu ) 1984 理查德·约翰·斯通 ( Richard Stone ) 1985 弗兰科·莫迪利安尼 ( Franco Modigliani ) 1986 詹姆斯·麦基尔·布坎南 ( James M. Buchanan Jr. ) 1987 罗伯特·索洛 ( Robert M. Solow ) 1988 莫里斯·阿莱斯 ( Maurice Allais ) 1989 特里夫·哈维默 ( Trygve Haavelmo ) 1990 默顿·米勒 ( Merton H. Miller ) 哈里·马科维茨 ( Harry M. Markowitz ) 威廉·夏普 ( William F. Sharpe ) 1991 罗纳德·科斯 ( Ronald H. Coase ) 1992 加里·贝克尔 ( Gary S. Becker ) 1993 道格拉斯·诺斯 ( Douglass C. North ) 罗伯特·福格尔 ( Robert W. Fogel ) 1994 约翰·福布斯·纳什 ( John F. Nash Jr. ) 约翰·海萨尼 ( John C. Harsanyi ) 莱因哈德·泽尔腾 ( Reinhard Selten ) 1995 小罗伯特·卢卡斯 ( Robert E. Lucas Jr. ) 1996 詹姆斯·莫里斯 ( James A. Mirrlees ) 威廉·维克瑞 ( William Vickrey ) 1997 罗伯特·默顿 ( Robert C. Merton ) 迈伦·斯科尔斯 ( Myron S. Scholes ) 1998 阿马蒂亚·森 ( Amartya Sen ) 1999 罗伯特·蒙代尔 ( Robert A. Mundell ) 2000 詹姆斯·赫克曼 ( James J. Heckman ) 丹尼尔·麦克法登 ( Daniel L. McFadden ) 2001 乔治·阿克尔洛夫 ( George A. Akerlof ) 迈克尔·斯宾塞 ( A. Michael Spence ) 约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨 ( Joseph E. Stiglitz ) 2002 丹尼尔·卡纳曼 ( Daniel Kahneman ) 弗农·史密斯 ( Vernon L. Smith ) 2003 克莱夫·格兰杰 ( Clive W.J. Granger ) 罗伯特·恩格尔 ( Robert F. Engle III ) 2004 芬恩·基德兰德 ( Finn E. Kydland ) 爱德华·普雷斯科特 ( Edward C. Prescott ) 2005 托马斯·克罗姆比·谢林 ( Thomas Crombie Schelling ) 罗伯特·约翰·奥曼 ( Robert John Aumann ) 2006 埃德蒙德·菲尔普斯 ( Edmund Phelps ) 2007 埃里克·马斯金 ( Eric S. Maskin ) 罗杰·迈尔森 ( Roger B. Myerson ) 里奥尼德·赫维茨 ( Leonid Hurwicz ) 2008 保罗·克鲁格曼 ( Paul R. Krugman ) 2009 埃莉诺·奥斯特罗姆 ( Elinor Ostrom ) 奥利弗·威廉姆森 ( Oliver E. Williamson ) 2010 彼得·戴蒙德 ( Peter A. Diamond ) 戴尔·莫特森 ( Dale T. Mortensen ) 克里斯托弗·皮萨里德斯 ( Christopher A. Pissarides )   1953年大学毕业后,随即去了 剑桥大学 ,这使他有机会接触不少著名经济学大师。他常与这些著名经济学家讨论问题,并从中获得了很大教益。在 剑桥大学三一学院 , 莫里斯·多布 (Maurice Dobb)和 皮埃罗·斯拉伐 (Piero Sraffa)曾作过他的老师。他亦与 丹尼斯·罗伯逊 (Dennis Robertson)有不少交往。在 剑桥大学 的第二年,阿马蒂·森即开始在 琼·罗宾逊 ( Joan Robinson )夫人指导下写作论文。他曾与多布一起讨论过 阿罗 (K.Arrow)的名著《社会选择与个人价值》。通过与多布的讨论,他发现了一些具有挑战的问题,并学会了对这些问题作深入研究的方法。   1955年在 剑桥大学 获得文学学士学位后,曾一度回到印度并于1956-1958年担任加尔各答杰得弗帕(Jadavpur)大学教授。不久即回到英国,并于1959年获得博士学位。其博士论文主要探讨经济发展中的 技术选择 问题,即探讨了资本贫乏的国家在何种条件下可以采用资本密集型技术的问题。该博士论文次年以《技术选择》(1960年)为题正式出版,这是他所发表的第一本著作。阿马蒂亚·森还从1957年起担任 剑桥大学三一学院 院士直至1963年。1963年起又回到印度,担任 德里大学 经济学院经济学教授至1971年。期间先后以客座身份担任麻省工理学院助理教授(1960—1961年)和 伯克利加州大学 教授(1964—1965年)。在这一时期,他先后发表了有关农业发展中 劳动力剩余 、机械化与农场规模生产之间关系的论文;两篇有关农民居民户经济行为的重要论文“合作性企业的劳动力配置”(1966)和“有无剩余劳动力的农民与二元性(1966)。两篇同样重要的有关外部性与集体储蓄决策方面的论文—“论优化储蓄率”(1961)和“不保险、保险与社会折扣率”(1967)也先后得以发表。时他开始发表有关 社会选择理论 与 福利经济学 方面的论文,诸如“分配、转移与利特尔(Little)福利准则”(1963年)、“偏好、投票与多数决策的转移”(1964)、“多数决策的不可能性”((1966年)、“帕累托自由的不可能性”(1970年)等论文。有关社会选择理论与 福利经济学 方面的研究在《集体选择与社会福利》(1970年)这一代表性著作中达到了最高峰。此外,他还在《哲学》与《哲学季刊》等刊物上发表了有关社会与道德哲学方面的论文。   1971年回到了英国,于1971—1977年担任 伦敦经济学院 经济学教授。这一时期的主要贡献包括,1972年曾与 达斯格普塔 (P.Dasgupta)和 马格林 (S.Marglin)合作出版了《项目评价指南》一书,该书后来成为发展项目评估方法的标准范本。这一时期的其他贡献与他对 福利经济学 、 伦理学 和哲学的兴趣有关,同时也包括他对不平等及贫困测度的统计理论等方面的贡献,其思想反映在他于1973年所出版的《论经济不平等》一书中。这一时期森对他早期有关技术选择与发展的贡献赋予了新的内容,尤其对不同工作组织方式之间的差异(如雇用劳动与家庭生产)给予了特别的关注,并于1975年出版了《就业、技术与发展》一书。阿马蒂亚·森认为,不同的工作组织方式产生不同的劳动的主观价值,雇用劳动的成本高于家庭劳动的成本。他据此解释了发展中国小型家庭农场采用劳动密集型生产方式的原因。因此他指出,从更一般的意义上说,仅仅从投入与产出的角度我们无法确定什么是最有效率的技术,而必须考虑不同的生产安排中的要素投入的比例或规模,考虑不同工作组织方式中劳动负效用的差异。尽管这一时期森继续对发展问题予以关注,但在整个70年代,阿马蒂亚·森对福利与社会选择理论给予了更多的注意。这一时期,他发表了一系列有关不平等与贫困测度方面的论文。他提出了低于贫困与穷人排序基础上的测度问题。这一测度方法与测度不平等的 基尼 (Gini) 系数 密切相关,并进一步促进了这一领域技术性较高的著作的出版。同时他还出版了有关资本理论与聚集理论、伦理与道德哲学方面的论文。1976年他被印度授予马哈拉诺比斯奖(MahalanobisPrize)。   从1977年起,阿马蒂亚·森担任了牛津大学万灵学院德拉蒙德(Drummond) 政治经济学 教授。这一教授职位此前只有 西尼尔 (N.Senior)、 希克斯 (J.Hicks)、 埃奇沃思 (F.Edgeworth)等杰出经济学家担任过。这一职位可以反映出他在 牛津大学 经济学团体中的领导地位。这一时期他发表了有关 福利经济学 与一般 新古典经济学 的批判性著作。他在担任这职位期间,热心地投入到饥饿、贫困以及其他发展问题的研究,包括性别分工与不平等等问题,有关贫困与饥饿方面的论文先后发表于《经济与政治周刊》与《剑桥经济学杂志》等刊物中,同时他对哲学与伦理学问题有进一步的研究,尤其是对 人性假设 的新古典模式进行了批判。因为传统模式只注重 物质利益 而忽视人的价值、权利与动机之间的关系。 阿马蒂亚·森担任过的团体职位   随着阿马蒂亚·森学术地位的上升,他被先后推举担任一些重要经济学学术团体职位。其中包括: 当选为1982年美国经济学协会外籍荣誉院士 担任1984届经济计量学会会长 1986—1989届国际经济学会会长等学术职位。 1988年起森担任了 美国哈佛大学 经济学与哲学教授 1989年担任了印度经济学会会长 1994年担任过美国经济学会会长 1998年离开 哈佛大学 到 英国剑桥三一学院 任院长,不过他仍为 哈佛大学 荣誉退休教授。   他曾为 联合国开发计划署 写过人类发展报告,当过联合国前秘书长加利的经济顾问。值得一提的是,森尽管长时间在英美国家从事教学与研究工作,但他仍保留了印度国籍,并经常参与印度经济发展计划的制订工作。因而,他也就成为了自1969年首届诺贝尔经济学奖颁发以来获此殊荣的首例第三世界国家公民。 阿马球蒂亚·森的主要学术贡献   一、解决"投票悖论”   阿马蒂亚·森对 公共选择理论 的四项主要贡献之一,是解决了名为" 投票悖论 "的问题。这问题可以用包括三个人物和三项选择的例子来解释。假设人物1选择是a,其次是b,最后是c;人物2的选择顺序是b、c、a;人物三是c、a、b。他们的选择可以表示为:就人物1和3的组合而言,a的选票多余b;但在人物1和2之间,b的选票多于c;在人物2和3之间,c的选票多余a。这里出现一种 投票悖论 ,破坏得多数票者获胜的规则。投票悖论对公共选择问题显然是一种固有的难题,所有公共选择规则都不能避开这个问题。   阿马蒂亚·森建议的解决方法实际上非常简单,假设将人物1的选择中a和b的项目互掉如下:3-cab,2-bca,1-bac。现在b胜过c(人物1和2),c胜过a(人物2和3),而b也胜过a(人物1和2), 投票悖论 已告消失,惟有b获得大多数票而获胜。阿马蒂亚·森在以上的例子中察觉,所有人物均同意a项并非最佳。因此,理应可将这种论证伸展至符合以下三种条件中任何一种选择模式:(1)所有人物同意其中一种选择不是最佳,(2)同意某一项不是次佳,或(3)同意某一项不是最差。至于有四项或四项以上的选择情况时,每个包括三项选择的子集合须符合这三种条件之一。这就是阿马蒂亚•森著名的 价值限制理论 ,它产生的结果是得大多数票者获胜的规则总是能达成唯一的决定。   二、引入“个人选择”   他的第二个主要贡献,就是引入了个人选择的概念,令公共选择理论内容更丰富。除了社会上可供选择的元素外(譬如政府的 税收政策 ),他印入私人方面的元素(譬如个人利得)。私人元素的排列全由这些元素的拥有人来评估,这种情况与社会元素是有所不同的。他证明了,在尊重个人权益与做出集体决定之间,有基本的矛盾存在。换言之,没有一个集体决议机制能与尊重个人并存。   三、挑战“不可能定理”   阿马蒂亚•森克服了1972年诺贝尔经济学奖得主 阿罗 的不可能定理衍生出的难题,在这方面充分显示出他的睿智。他的另一项贡献是关于如何比较人际间的满足水平。   以前的学术文献主要提出了两种处理方法,而阿马蒂亚·森对这两种方法均具贡献。其中一种方法是,就阿罗所定出的四个假设(公理),逐一地加以放宽,并考察放宽的后果。这些公理本身没有什么不好,但更好的做法是增加它们的信息内容。阿罗假设不可将不同人之间的满足程度互相比较,但阿马蒂亚·森却引入满足感的可度量性和可比较性。他和其他学者证明了,如果可具备更多的信息,实在可以扩展合理的 社会福利函数 的范围。一旦个人的满足水平可视为人际间可比较的,则你已可以做出不同种类的社会评价。 阿马蒂亚•森的主要代表著作: 《技术选择》(Choiceofchniques,1960) 《集体选择与社会福利》(CollectiveChoiceandSocialWelfare,1970) 《论经济不公平》(OnEconomicIneguality,1973) 《就业、技术与发展》(EmploymentTechnologyandDevelopment,1975) 《贫困的水平》(1980年) 《贫穷和饥荒》(PovertyandFamines,1981) 《选择、福利和量度》(ChoiceWelfareandMeasurement,1982) 《资源、价值和发展》(ResourcesValueandDevelopment,1984) 《商品与能力》(1985年) 《伦理学与经济学》(1987年) 《饥饿与公共行为》(与让•德雷兹合作著,1989年) 《生活标准》(1987年) 《不平等的再考察》(1992年) 《以自由看待发展》(Development as Freedom,1999年) Rationality and Freedom, 2004. Inequality Reexamined, 2004. The Argumentative Indian, 2005.    他的两本论文集: 《选择、福利和测度》(1982年) 《资源、价值和发展》(1984年)。
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huozhenhua 2011-11-24 21:06
转载请注明链接http://blog.csdn.net/huihui1988/article/details/5665432与作者huihui1988 QThread的用法其实比较简单,只需要派生一个QThread的子类,实现其中的run虚函数就大功告成, 用的时候创建该类的实例,调用它的start方法即可。但是run函数使用时有一点需要注意,即在其中不能创建任何gui线程(诸如新建一个 QWidget或者QDialog)。如果要想通过新建的线程实现一个gui的功能,那么就需要通过使用线程间的通信来实现。这里使用一个简单的例子来理 解一下 QThread中signal/slot的相关用法。 首先,派生一个QThread的子类 MyThread.h view plain class MyThread: public QThread { Q_OBJECT public : MyThread(); void run(); signals: void send(QStrings); }; void send(QString s)就是定义的信号 MyThread.cpp view plain #include"MyThread.h" MyThread::MyThread() { } void MyThread::run() { while ( true ) { sleep(5); emitsend( "Thisisthesonthread" ); //qDebug()"Threadisrunning!"; } exec(); } emit send("This is the son thread") 为发射此信号,在run中循环发送,每次休眠五秒 之后我们需要在另外的线程中定义一个slot来接受MyThread发出的信号。如新建一个MyWidget MyWidget .h view plain class MyWidget: public QWidget{ Q_OBJECT public : MyWidget(QWidget*parent=0); ~Widget(); public slots: void receiveslot(QStrings); }; void receiveslot(QString s)就用来接受发出的信号,并且实现参数的传递。 MyWidget .cpp view plain #include"MyWidget.h" MyWidget::MyWidget(QWidget*parent):QWidget(parent) { } MyWidget::~MyWidget() { } void MyWidget::receiveslot(QStrings) { QMessageBox::information(0, "Information" ,s); } 接受函数实现弹出发送信号中所含参数(QString类型)的消息框 在main()函数中创建新线程,来实现两个线程间的交互。 main.cpp view plain #includeQtGui #include"MyWidget.h" int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplicationa(argc,argv); MyWidgetw; w.show(); MyThread*mth= new MyThread; QObject::connect(mth,SIGNAL(send(QString)),w,SLOT(receiveslot(QString))); mth-start(); return a.exec(); }
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