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热度 1 shaopenghan 2020-6-13 11:07
未来我们可以制造出有自主能力的智能机器人,投放到火星,让他们以工厂分工合作的方式制造同类,实现集群繁殖,形成机器人文明。这样会成为火星的星球文明。 火星机器人文明继承了人类文明的科技和文化,遗传了人类文明的信息,就像子女遗传父母DNA信息那样,可以看作是人类文明的下一代。这样地球人类文明得到了传播。 机器人文明建立后也可以建立人类登陆基地,甚至直接改造生物圈,让人类实现星球移民。 相比人类,机器人更能适应复杂环境,机器人文明拥有远超人类文明的生存能力。不仅火星,机器人文明还可以扩展到土星的卫星,其他行星、卫星、甚至小行星上面。未来某一天,星球文明或许会遍布太阳系。 另外机器人还可大可小,寿命也比人类长很多,可以制造微型机器人和飞船,让其携带文明信息,成为星球文明的种子,遍撒宇宙,经过几千年几万年飞行,到其他星系繁衍下一代,实现星际传播。 星球文明的种子,还可以携带人类受精卵或者其他形式的DNA信息,在机器人集群对星球改造后,培育出人类文明,实现人类文明的星际传播。 宇宙广大,时间漫长,也许亿万年后,银河系会遍布地球人类文明的后代,无论机器人文明,还是人类文明。
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benlion 2013-10-19 18:25
- 创新创业思考 认识到市场换不来技术,或技术创新是经济增长的真实源泉,这是中国提出建立创新型社会和引进创业型海外人才的背景;然而,忽视了一个重要的和关键的知识产权法律概念,也就是需要建立一个回国后一段时间的研发投入的概念没有,仍然,存在一些问题急待改进或配套实施。 以历史为借鉴,才是信仰的精神实质。 科学史上,生物电发现与化学电池是基于生理学研究, 20 世纪物理学革命,也同时导致物理学与心理学、生物学的研究交叉,而在晶体化学和生物化学层面走向生物物理学和分子生物学,生物技术仪器和计算机软件技术等。系统生物学 60 年代( V1.0 )提出与计算机技术、系统科学等发展几乎同期;但是,基本为数学、计算生物学的理论层面, 20 世纪 90 年代才开始在科学和工程( V2.0 )双重交叉或整合,也就是实验生物学与计算生物学。 然而, 20 世纪科学与工程发展,核心思想是作为机器的生物系统设计与制造( V3.0 ),认知科学、人工智能与机器人技术。假如,人类航行到外星系,那么,那个景象就是星球、人类与机器的世界,也就是说,人类文明,包括,科学和艺术,集中体现在机器的发明与创造。 而且,从科学历史来看,先工程技术,后科学理论,达芬奇先于伽利略、瓦特先于焦耳等,然后,才是科学与技术几乎同时发展,比如,法拉第与电磁学、西门子与发电机等;但是,美国、日本也都是技术和工业先发展,而后是科学的领先。 梅森的《自然科学史》和奇曼的《技术创新进化论》等,都论述了西方传统的理论思维与东方传统的工程和技术汇集或整合导致了近代科学的诞生。 科学的研究体系,包括,哲学的逻辑思维、数学的定量方法和技术的实验仪器等几个方面的整体,比如,望远镜、显微镜等发明;因此,将科学的传统只归结为希腊 - 罗马自然哲学传统有失偏颇,而且,现代艺术、系统思维、文官体制等哲学层面又源于东方。美国科幻电影,提到科学成就,尤其说及技术( technology )发明和艺术想象( imagination )带来进步和发展等,科学知识和规律的发现,具体化为以实现星际航天的飞行器、大规模数据运算的计算机和智能化机器人等发明与创造为目的。 以近现代科学与工业文明的建立,可以看到科学的知识发现与工业的技术发展之间的耦合关系,如图: 在未来星际文明的世界,其中,操作员工也可能为是机器人,规模化的科学研究或知识发现的实验室也可以使用机器人;因而,只有科学家的创造发明,包括,自然、工程和管理科学等,才是体现为人类的行为。 -(环太平洋)-
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xiaguangqing 2011-10-17 10:54
NASA Selects Companies To Study Solar Electric Propulsion Spacecraft WASHINGTON -- NASA has selected five companies to develop concepts for demonstrating solar electric propulsion in space. These capabilities are important for the agency's future human exploration missions to deep space. The selected companies, pending successful contract negotiations, are: -- Analytical Mechanics Associates Inc., Hampton, Va. -- Ball Aerospace Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo. -- The Boeing Company, Huntington Beach, Calif. -- Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Littleton, Colo. -- Northrop Grumman Systems Corp., Redondo Beach, Calif. The awards total approximately $3 million with a maximum individual contract award of $600,000. Each company will provide a final report to help define a mission concept to demonstrate the solar electric propulsion technologies, capabilities, and infrastructure required for sustainable, affordable human presence in space. The ability to move payloads reliably and cost effectively to high Earth orbits and beyond is critical for deep space human exploration. The mission concept studies will identify technology gaps and look at innovative technical solutions for transportation using solar electric propulsion systems. NASA will use the studies to plan and implement a future flight demonstration mission that will test and validate key capabilities and technologies. NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program is funding the studies. The Space Technology Office at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland is managing the contracts. NASA Issues Announcement For Solar Electric Propulsion Studies CLEVELAND -- NASA issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeking proposals for mission concept studies of a solar electric propulsion system demonstration to test and validate key capabilities and technologies for future exploration missions. Multiple studies have shown the advantages of using solar electric propulsion to efficiently transport heavy payloads from low Earth orbit to higher orbits. This concept enables the delivery of payloads to low Earth orbit via conventional chemical rockets. The use of solar electric propulsion could then spiral payloads out to higher energy orbits, including Lagrange point one, a potential assembly point in space between Earth and the moon. This approach could facilitate missions to near Earth asteroids and other destinations in deep space. Science missions could use solar electric propulsion to reach distant regions of the solar system, and commercial missions could use solar electric propulsion tugs to place, service, resupply, reposition and salvage space assets. NASA's strategic roadmaps for exploration, science and advanced technology all consider solar electric propulsion a vital and necessary future capability. NASA is examining potential mission concepts for a high-power solar electric propulsion system demonstration. Flying a demonstration mission on a representative trajectory through the Van Allen radiation belts and operating in actual space environments could reveal unknown systems-level and operational issues. Mission data will lower the technical and cost risk associated with future solar electric propulsion spacecraft. The flight demonstration mission would test and validate key capabilities and technologies required for future exploration elements such as a 300 kilowatt solar electric transfer vehicle. This Solar Electric Propulsion Demonstration Mission Concept Studies announcement is open to all non-government United States institutions, academia, industry and nonprofit organizations. NASA anticipates making multiple firm-fixed-priced awards with a total value up to $2 million. The deadline for submitting proposals is August 4.
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