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围脖:一个人对抗一个世界,理性主义大师 Lenat 教授
热度 2 liwei999 2013-10-21 10:36
谁说这是一个没有伟人的时代。就是在人工智能和自然语言领域,也有让人高山仰止的伟人:除了当代语言学太师爷乔姆斯基,还有这位人工智能大师 Douglas Lenat 教授,虽然他注定是悲剧人物。 Douglas Lenat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 立委_米拉 :说两代人,也许是因为自己太渺小了,被看到de常识大山吓坏了。反正我打心底赞佩 cyc ,里面的学问蛮深,只是它的创造者 Lenat 教授生不逢时(timing 不对),太超越时代和同辈人了。不巧赶上了Church教授描画的经验主义盛行的时期,可惜了他的理性主义才华。在与经验主义较量中,貌似输得很惨。 (10月20日 14:33) 立委_米拉 : cyc 是属于未来世界的。 他的 cyc 探索必然在历史上留下足迹,未来的某一天,他会被人纪念。生不逢时吧,虎落平川。 有一位牛校计算机系主任,机器学习的权威在教科书前言中取笑他,大体是说:全世界都知道他的道路是死路,就他自己不服,硬是要一路走到底。 (10月20日 14:37) @西瓜大丸子汤 : Doug此人很硬,不讨人喜欢。颇有几个搞逻辑的也是。有人曾说要去买cyccorp。我说doug绝不会卖给你,他要是会卖绝不是Doug 立委_米拉 :伟人嘛,总是有些乖张。他是一个人对抗一个世界,注定的历史悲剧人物。四面楚歌,面对经验主义的洪水猛兽,这位理性主义大师应该是霸王心态吧。10几年前他就自我打气,声称实用在即,他是不甘心。可是找不到应用的突破点也是白搭。无法看好他系统的短期价值,但也无法不对他高山仰止。 (今天 07:03) Douglas Lenat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 如果一项高深的技术,它耗费大,效率低,那能有多少实用价值呢?但也不能断定就完全没有应用的可能,但要找到这样的突破点很难。听说, 美国科学家花了10年时间,耗费了25亿美元,研究出一套尿变水系统 ,它有什么用场呢?在有自来水和瓶装水的现代社会,这项技术成本太高,当然没有价值。可是,在太空站这样特殊的场景,它却找到了应用突破口,因为 每公斤水从地球运上去的成本要5万美元,循环利用就很合算了 。( http://www.dxbei.com/w/20131010/91818.html ) 但愿 Lenat 教授的常识推理系统也有这个幸运,找到一个应用突破口。不过,在日常应用场景,不得不说,根本就没有常识推理出场的理由。 【相关】 【立委科普:自然语言理解当然是文法为主,常识为辅】 《泥沙龙笔记:再谈 cyc》 2015-12-22 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 立委随笔|7002 次阅读|2 个评论
信息检索(IR)领域的杰出干将Doug Cutting
热度 1 huangfuqiang 2011-4-29 21:30
Lucene大名鼎鼎,以下文本中有的链接打不开,可以自行检索。 Doug Cutting has been working in the field of information retrieval for over fifteen years. Beginning in 1988, he spent five years at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) developing novel approaches to information access. These included a high-performance retrieval engine, several innovative search paradigms, advanced linguistic analysis methods, and high-quality text summarization algorithms. This work resulted in seven publications and six issued patents . Some of these technologies are now marketed by Inxight . In 1993 he moved to Apple's Advanced Technology Group (ATG). There he developed a state-of-the-art retrieval engine code-named V-Twin . This engine was to be a part of the Copland operating system, automatically indexing the content of all files as they are created so that the the entire file system could be efficiently searched at any time. Copland was cancelled, but V-Twin has been used in several other Apple products. In April of 1996, Doug left Apple and joined Excite where he took over development of the core search technology. This included growing Excite's web index from two million to fifty million pages; substantially optimizing Excite's search performance; adding phrase-searching capabilities; and creating a thesaurus-like feature which suggests related terms to add to queries. In the fall of 1997 he reduced his commitment at Excite to part-time so that he could write Lucene , an efficient, full-featured text search engine written in Java. In early 1998 he returned to Excite full-time for two more years. Lucene sat on the shelf for much of that time, and was made open-source in the spring of 2000. Doug now works as chief architect and president of Nutch , a nascent effort to implement an open-source web search engine, which aims to provide a transparent alternative to commercial web search engines. The specific purposes for which this corporation is organized are scientific and educational in nature: namely, to promote public access to search technology without commercial bias by: * Providing free high-quality search software and its source code to the public; and * Facilitating ongoing research and development of search technology in a public forum. Doug also serves on Nutch's board of directors, together with Mitch Kapor, Tim O'Reilly, Peter Savich ( Overture Research ), Raymie Stata (UCSC), and Graham Spencer ( Digital Consumer ). 信息来源:http://www.wizards-of-os.org/archiv/sprecher/a_c/doug_cutting.html
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