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热度 2 zlyang 2018-9-23 12:53
《 宇宙 》,又想起 卡尔·萨根 :五味杂陈 卡尔·萨根( Carl Edward Sagan, 1934-11-09 ~ 1996-12-20 ),美国天文学家、科普作家。 《宇宙 序 怀念萨根》里说: http://lifeng.lamost.org/novels/cosmos/preface.htm 1996 年 12 月 20 日,萨根因患骨髓癌并发肺炎去世,享年 62 岁。 科普书籍《宇宙》是《纽约时报》连续 70 周的最佳畅销书,是历史上英语出版的科普书籍中发行量最大的——在 80 多个国家发行了 500 多万册。 萨根博士的最后一部著作《魔鬼出没的世界:科学,照亮黑暗的蜡烛》是在他逝世半年之前完成的。 (1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan (2)忘了出处,请您指教! (3)忘了出处,请您指教! (4) https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Sagan 又想起卡尔·萨根:五味杂陈,不知道该说些什么。 萨根享年 62 岁,基本上属于英年早逝。其原因是什么? 可能是没有学好马克思主义! 我国红军战士大多牺牲,活下来的老红军大都很长寿。 老红军,都坚定地信仰马克思主义! 相关链接: 卡尔·萨根,百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8D%A1%E5%B0%94%C2%B7%E8%90%A8%E6%A0%B9 Carl Sagan | American astronomer | Britannica.com https://www.britannica.com/biography/Carl-Sagan Carl Sagan, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan 宇宙 ((美)卡尔·萨根所著科学著作),百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AE%87%E5%AE%99/20153359#viewPageContent Cosmos (Carl Sagan book), From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmos_(Carl_Sagan_book) —— (1980). Cosmos (1st ed.). New York: Random House. ISBN 0-394-50294-9. LCCN 80005286. OCLC 6280573. 魔鬼出没的世界,百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%AD%94%E9%AC%BC%E5%87%BA%E6%B2%A1%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C The Demon-Haunted World, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Demon-Haunted_World 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
9650 次阅读|4 个评论
German Palaeobotany Umbrella-50: Carl Otto Weber (1827-1867)
livingfossil 2017-2-28 06:05
Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (50) German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) 德国医生和病理学家 Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) 19 世纪 德国医生和病理学家 Carl Otto Weber(1827--1867) 于 1827 年出生于法兰克福。他的早期学习在德国西北部小镇 Bremen 主要由当校长的父亲教育。 1846 年, Carl Otto Weber 入读波恩大学学习植物学、地质学和矿物学,还学习了古植物学。 1851 年, Carl Otto Weber 完成题为 “ Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectae ” 的学位论文,获得医学及外科学博士学位。同年,他还发表一篇古植物学论文。 1852 年, Carl Otto Weber 开始在波恩行医,担任外科医生。 1857 年,他担任波恩大学病理解剖学教授。 1865 年,担任海德堡大学外科学教授。 1867 年, Carl Otto Weber 因患白喉而英年早逝,年仅 40 岁。 Carl Otto Weber 生前勤于著述,主要探索病理解剖学问题,也热衷于著名科学家的传记写作。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) --1827: Born in Frankfurt; --Educated at early age under the guidance of his father in Bremen, northwestern Germany; --1846: Began to study botany, geology and mineralogy, palaeobotany at the University of Bonn; --1851: Completed the following dissertation and received a doctorate degree of medicine and surgery from the University of Bonn-- Ossiummutationes osteomalacia universali effectae Weber , Carl Otto ,1827-1867. Bonnae, 1851. --1851: Published the following palaeobotanical reseach-- Weber, Carl Otto, 1851. Die Tertiarflora derNiederrheinischen Braunkohlenfor- mation: Palaeontographica, Band 2, p.117-236, pis. 18-25. --1852: Passed a state exam in Berlin; --1852—1856: Worked as an assistant of Born surgeon Karl Wilhelm Wutzer (1789--1863); --1857: Appointed as a professor of pathological anatomy at the University of Bonn; --1865: Appointed as a professor of surgery at the University of Heidelberg; --1867: Died of Diphtheria( 白喉 ) in Heidelberg at age of 40. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 528 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.528) The Epic of Palaeobotany-528 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(50) German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) 德国医生和病理学家 Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) Jan 31, 2017 相关阅读 : German physician and pathologist Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Otto_Weber https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Otto_Weber 古植物学的故事 527 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.527) The Epic of Palaeobotany-527 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(49) German botanist Carl Albert Weber(1856--1931) 德国植物学家 Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1031960.html 2017-2-6 21:30 ============ Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectae Weber , Carl Otto ,1827-1867. Bonnae, 1851-.. · Title: Ossium mutationes osteomalacia universali effectae · Attribution: Carl Otto Weber. · Author / Creator: Weber , Carl Otto , 1827-1867. · Published: Bonnae, 1851-.. · Description: 25 dl. : ill. ; in-4. · Language: Latin · Notes: Thesis note: Thesis (doctoral)--Universitate Fridericia Guilelmia Rhenana. · HOLLIS Number: 011601774 · Creation Date: 1851-. · Permalink: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/011601774/catalog · Source: HVD ALEPH ------------- SPS-528-German Carl Otto Weber (1827--1867)-rev3.pdf =======
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German Palaeobotany Umbrella-49: Carl A. Weber (1856--1931)
livingfossil 2017-2-6 21:30
Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (49): Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931) 德国植物学家 Carl Albert Weber(1856--1931) 师从植物形态学家 Alexander Carl Heinrich Braun(1805--1877) 和植物学史专家 Julius von Sachs (1832--1897) 。 1879 年 Carl Albert Weber 从 Würzburg 大学获得博士学位。之后,他在 Strasbourg 大学跟随真菌学家和植物病理学家 Heinrich Anton de Bary (1831--1888) 工作了约 5 年。 1884—1894 年, Carl Albert Weber 在德国北方的石勒苏益格 - 荷尔斯泰 (Schleswig-Holstein) 任教于 Hohenwestedt 农学院。期间,他编写一本很有名的农业化学教科书( Leitfaden für den Unterricht in der landwirtschaftlichen Chemie anmittleren und niederen landwirtschaftlichen Lehranstalten )。 1894—1924 年, Carl Albert Weber 在德国西北部的 Bremen 供职于普鲁士湿地研究站( Preußische Moor-Versuchsstation )长达 30 年之久。 Carl Albert Weber 的科学研究主要探讨湿地植被、泥炭的植物成分和演化历史。他的早期工作涉猎了一些植物化石材料。 --------------------------- Brief life chronology of German botanist Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931) --1856: Born in Spandau, Berlin; --1875: Studied with German plant morphologist Alexander Carl Heinrich Braun (1805--1877) at Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (later re-organized and named as Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin); --1876: Studied with Juliusvon Sachs (1832--1897) at the University of Würzburg (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg), who is the authority of history of botany in the 19 th century; --1879: Received a doctorate degree with a dissertation entitled “ überspecifische Assimilationsenergie ”; --1879: Worked with German mycologist and plant pathologist Heinrich Anton de Bary (1831--1888) at the University of Strasbourg (Université de Strasbourg); --1884—1894: Taught at the Agricultural College of Hohenwestedt in Schleswig-Holstein ( 石勒苏益格 - 荷尔斯泰 ), northern Germany; --1889: Wrote a famous textbook,entitled “ Leitfaden für denUnterricht in der landwirtschaftlichen Chemie an mittleren und niederenlandwirtschaftlichen Lehranstalten ”; --1894—1924: Hired as a botanist by the Preußische Moor-Versuchsstation (Prussian Moor Research Station) in Bremen, northwestern Germany; --1924: Got retired; --1931: Died in Bremen at age of 75. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 527 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.527) The Epic of Palaeobotany-527 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(49) German botanist Carl Albert Weber(1856--1931) 德国植物学家 Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931) Jan 28, 2017 相关阅读 : German botanist Carl Albert Weber (1856--1931) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Albert_Weber https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Albert_Weber 古植物学的故事 526 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.526) The Epic of Palaeobotany-526 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany(48) German mycologist and plant pathologist Heinrich Anton de Bary (1831--1888) 德国真菌学家和植物病理学家 Heinrich Antonde Bary (1831--1888) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1030313.html 2017-1-28 21:43 Heinrich Anton de Bary (1831--1888), a German surgeon, botanist, microbiologist,and mycologist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Anton_de_Bary ======
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Umbrella of German Palaeobotany-31: Carl Christian Beinert
livingfossil 2016-12-11 02:15
19 世纪德国植物学家和地质学家 Carl Christian Beinert (1793—1868) 出身于药剂师之家。他早年为了生计从事药剂师工作。 19 世纪 20 年代, Carl Christian Beinert 开始接受正规教育并从事植物和矿物等研究、发表论著。 1849 年, Carl Christian Beinert 和著名植物学家、古植物学家 Johann Heinrich Robert Göppert (1800--1884) 合作发表了有关石炭纪成煤植物的著作。 1857 年, Carl Christian Beinert 被遴选为德国科学院院士 (German Academy of Sciences--Leopolina) 。 Brief life chronology of German pharmacist, botanist and geologist Carl Christian Beinert (1793—1868) --1793: Born in Woitsdorf in Bernstadt; --1806: Studied pharmacy in Bernstadt; --1815: Worked in Oława; --1816: Worked in Wroclaw; --1819: Worked in Erfurt; --Studied at the University of Wroclaw; --1822: Published-- Vorschlagzur Vereinigung zweier Linne’schen Pflanzengattungen, oder wodurchunterscheidet sich die Gattung Ledum von Sempervivum ; --1826:Published-- BlühendePflanzen am 23. Dezember bei Charlottenbrunn ; --1827: Published-- über einen in Charlottenbrunn gefundenenBauchpilz ; --1849: Published Abhandlung ueber dieBeschaffenheit und Verhältnisse der fossilen Flora in den verschiedenenSteinkohlen Ablagerungen eines und desselben Reviers by Carl Christian Beinert; Johann Heinrich RobertGöppert (1800--1884) --1857: Elected to the German Academy ofSciences—Leopoldina; --1868: Died in Charlottenbrunn. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 509 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.509) The Epic of Palaeobotany-509 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (31) German pharmacist, botanist and geologist Carl Christian Beinert(1793—1868) 德国药剂师、植物学家和地质学家 Carl Christian Beinert (1793—1868) November 23,2016 相关阅读: Carl Christian Beinert (1793—1868), a German pharmacist, botanist and geologist https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Beinert http://www.panka.de/14b.htm --- 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (1) 古植物学的故事( 46 ):德国古植物学与古孢粉学发展史上的主要代表人物 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.46): Renowned scientists in the history of palaeobotany and palynology in German http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-334861.html 发表于 2010-6-12 21:09:43 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (5) 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-575639.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 Geology and palaeontology members of German Academy of Sciences(Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院地质古生物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994993.html 2016-8-7 07:47 (Compiled by Dr Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ ---- Botanik members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since1652 1652 年以来德国科学院植物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994989.html 2016-8-7 07:29 (Compiled by Dr. Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ 古植物学的故事 489 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.489) The Epic of Palaeobotany-489 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (17) German Palaeobotanist August von Schenk (1815--1891) 与中国有缘的德国古植物学院士 August von Schenk ( 欣克 , 1815--1891) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-1001322.html 2016-9-7 05:33 ====================
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German paleobotanist Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun(1800-1864)
livingfossil 2016-11-15 23:20
German palaeobotanist Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864) SPS-505-German Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864)-rev6.pdf ∮ 1 德国古植物学家 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864) 19 世纪德国著名古植物学家 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 院士 (1800--1864) 于 1800 年出生于巴伐利亚州北部的 Bayreuth ,其父是一名药剂师。 1819 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 到奥地利从事药剂师之工作了几年。在此期间,他结识了德国药剂师、博物学家 David Heinrich Hoppe (1760--1846) 。奥地利军官、业余植物学家 Ludwig von Welden 男爵 (1780--1853) 对 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 的学术成长有重要影响。不过,根据父亲的请求, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 后来 到位于德国 Thuringia 州的 Erfurt 专门学习制药。 1824 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 在慕尼黑通过了药剂师资质考试,回家乡 Bayreuth 接管了父亲的药剂师工作。但是, 7 年后, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 变卖了药店,全身心投入到科学研究。 1833 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 在 Bayreuth 一所学校获得教职,他讲授自然历史等课程。与此同时,他开始采集、收藏和研究产自 Bayreuth 及邻近地区的古生物化石,也研究了德国古生物学家 Georg Graf zu Münster (1776—1844) 的部分标本 )] 。 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 逐渐聚焦于植物化石材料的研究。 自 1833 年至 1863 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 陆续发表了他的研究成果。如: 1843 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 建立已绝灭植物 -- 本内苏铁目 ( Bennettitales / cycadeoids ) 的一个形态属 Podozamites ( 苏铁杉属 ) 。 1849 年, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 发表有关 Weltrichia 的研究。 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 于 1843 年当选为德国科学院院士。 ∮ 2 Brief life chronology of German palaeobotanist Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864) --1800: Born in Bayreuth, Germany ; Bayreuth in northern Bavaria( 巴伐利亚州 ), Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayreuth -- C.F.W.Braun worked as pharmacist in Regensburg, Germany; Regensburg in Bavaria( 巴伐利亚州 ) , southeast Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regensburg --1819--?? Worked as pharmacist in Salzburg and Klagenfurt of Austria; made acquaintance with German pharmacist and naturalist David Heinrich Hoppe(1760--1846) and Austrian military officer and amateur botanist Baron Franz Ludwig von Welden (1780--1853); Salzburg, Austria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salzburg Klagenfurt, Austria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klagenfurt --1820: ; -- C.F.W.Braun continued to study pharmacy in Erfurt of Thuringia; Erfurt in the state of Thuringia, central Germany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erfurt --1824: Passed the pharmacist examination in Munich, then took over the Bayreuth pharmacy of his father; --1831: Sold the pharmacy in Bayreuth and devoted to botanical studies; --1833: Taught natural history, chemistry etc. at agriculture and trade school of Bayreuth; --1843: Erected the genus of Podozamites assigned to the extinct order of Bennettitales (cycadeoids); elected to the German National Academy of Sciences—Leopoldina; --1849: Elected to the German Geological Society ; --1864: Died at age of 64. --------------------------- Qigao Sun ( 孙启高 ): 古植物学的故事 505 期 Story of Paleobotany Series(No.505) The Epic of Palaeobotany-505 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (27) German palaeobotanist CarlFriedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864) 德国古植物学家 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun 院士 (1800--1864) November 10, 2016 相关阅读 : Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800--1864), a German palaeobotanist https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Braun https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Friedrich_Wilhelm_Braun 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (1) 古植物学的故事 ( 46 ): 德国古植物学与古孢粉学发展史上的主要代表人物 Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.46): Renowned scientists in the history of palaeobotany and palynology inGerman http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-334861.html 发表于 2010-6-12 21:09:43 《德国古植物学之伞》 Umbrella of German Palaeobotany (5) 古植物学的故事 162 期 360 年以来德国科学院涉及古植物学研究的院士们 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-575639.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 2012-5-27 23:26 Geology and palaeontology members of German Academy of Sciences(Leopoldina) since 1652 1652 年以来德国科学院地质古生物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994993.html 2016-8-7 07:47 (Compiled by Dr Qigao Sun) https://www.leopoldina.org/en/members/members-since-1652/ ---- Botanik members of German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) since1652 1652 年以来德国科学院植物学院士名单 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-994989.html 2016-8-7 07:29 (Compiled by Dr. Qigao Sun)
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传奇古植物学家A. C. Noé与煤核在美国的重大发现(+ZT)
livingfossil 2011-1-5 23:55
古植物学的故事(99) 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之六) 传奇古植物学家Adolph Carl No(1873--1939)与煤核在美国的重大发现 孙启高 2011年元月4日 Adolph Carl No (1873--1939)是美国一位富有传奇色彩的古植物学家,他的杰出贡献是在美国发现了煤核并率先开展了研究。 煤在中国仍然是与千百万百姓日常生活非常密切的一种化石能源。但是,社会公众对煤核恐怕不太了解。煤与煤核既有联系又有区别。煤核是煤田地质学或古植物学等领域的专业术语,它的英文为coal ball。煤核是产自煤层中的钙质或镁质结核。煤核通常含有植物化石,其形态解剖学结构保存精美,所以煤核是非常重要的植物化石材料,深受古植物学家和地质学家的青睐。 1855年,英国著名植物学Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker(1817--1911)(他对地质学和古植物学也感兴趣)与著名地质学家和古植物学Edward William Binney (1812-1881)合作发表了一篇研究论文,首次研究了植物化石的重要研究材料煤核(coal balls)。他们是研究煤核植物化石的先驱 。 煤核在美国的发现较晚。根据美国著名古植物学家Tom L. Philips和Aureal T. Cross两位教授的观点,19世纪90年末英国采矿工程师W. S. Gresley曾在美国Iowa发现过煤核,这可能是北美地区最早的记录。但是,在美国发现煤核之正式科学报道始于20世纪20年代早期。1923年,A. C. No在著名的《科学》杂志 (Science)上报道了这一重大科学发现: No , A.C. 1923. Coal Balls. Science 57:385 A. C. von No于1873年10月28日生于奥地利的Graz,曾在Graz 大学(University of Graz)和哥廷根大学University of Gottingen学习。1899年A. C. No来到美国,1900年在芝加哥大学获得文学学士学位(A.B)。尽管A. C. No早接受过古植物学的专业训练,但是他美国教授德语及其文化很多年,并没有机会从事古植物学研究。自1903年开始,他在芝加哥大学担任德语教员。直到1920年,他才开始古植物学的教学与研究,此时他已47岁! 自1921年开始,A. C. No相继与伊利诺斯地质调查局(Illinois Geological Survey)、肯塔基地质调查局(Geological Surveys of Kentucky)等地质机构和煤矿合作。他利用各种渠道获得了大量研究材料,包括煤核。 1923年,A. C. No在《科学》杂志正式报道煤核在美国的重大发现,这为他赢得了很高的学术声誉,同时也为他带来重操旧业的契机。不久,芝加哥大学专门为A. C. No 设置了开展古植物学研究的工作职位和实验室。1924年A. C. No被任命为古植物学副教授,并担任Walker博物馆植物化石的Curator--管理和研究负责人。他在这两个岗位一直工作到1939年他去世。A. C. No不仅开展了大量有关煤核的研究,还培养了一些优秀人才,如: Fredda Doris Reed (1894--1988)。 煤核在美国的重大发现为美国古植物学研究拓展了一个广阔的研究领域,带来一个持续多年的研究热潮,一方面培养了一批优秀人才,另一方面产生许多优秀成果,从而为推进国际古植物学的向前发展做了较大贡献。 中国著名植物形态解剖学张景钺先生(1895--1975)比较敏锐地注意到煤核在美国的重大发现。1924年,他撰写《美国古植物学的新发现》一文,专门介绍了煤核在美国的新发现,参见: 张景钺,1924. 美国古植物学的新发现. 科学,9:809-810 Chang, C. Y. 1924. New discovery of American palaeobotany. Science (in China), 9:809-810 (in Chinese) 有关中国地区发现煤核的公开文字报道非常晚。1979年,中国古植物学家田宝霖先生在《第9届国际石炭纪地层学与地质学大会摘要》(美国伊利诺斯 Urbana )第214页公开报道了煤核在中国地区的新发现。参见: Tian, B. 1979. Coal balls in the coal seams in China . Abst. IX. Int. Cong. Carb. Strat. Geol. Urbana. p.214 ----------------------- 附件 芝加哥大学图书馆保存有Adolf Carl No档案资料 引用: No, Adolf Carl. Papers University of Chicago Library Guide to the Adolf Carl No Papers (1892-1939) http://ead.lib.uchicago.edu/learn_on3.php?eadid=ICU.SPCL.NOEformat=raw-xmlcollection=project/SCRC University of Chicago Library Guide to the Adolf Carl No Papers 1892-1939 Descriptive Summary Title: No, Adolf Carl. Papers Dates: 1892-1939 Size: 7.5 linear feet (15 boxes) Repository: Special Collections Research Center University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A. Abstract: Adolf Carl No (1873-1939) taught paleobotany and German at the University of Chicago. Curator of Fossil Plants, Walker Museum. Contains professional and personal correspondence, lecture notes, published writings, photographs, home movies, and glass lantern slides. Subjects include the collection of fossil specimens; field work; trips to Mexico, Russia and the Canal Zone; state geological surveys; museums; professional organizations and conferences; and personal affairs and interests. Biographical Note No began work for the Illinois Geological Survey in 1921, continuing through the rest of his career, and also worked for the geological surveys of Kentucky in 1922 and Iowa in 1923-1925. Coalmines were a major source for fossil plant specimens, and No's knowledge of coal formations and geology were of value to the mining industry. No developed close relationships with mine owners and operators in many parts of the country, sometimes working as a consultant, other times conducting field work for his own research. He developed a collection of over 25,000 specimens of fossil plants at Walker Museum, and in the 1930s helped prepare a reconstruction of a Carboniferous forest at the Field Museum of Natural History. Adolf Carl von No, paleobotanist, was born October 28, 1873 in Graz, Austria. He attended the University of Graz and the University of GOttingen before coming to the United States in 1899, and received an A.B. from the University of Chicago in 1900. Although his earlier training had been in paleobotany, it was easier in the U.S. to find work as a German teacher. He taught at Burlington (Iowa) Institute and Stanford University, then returned to the University of Chicago as a Fellow in German in 1903. He was an Assistant in German in 1904, received his Ph.D. in Germanic and Romance languages in 1905, and served as an Instructor in German from 1905 until 1910, when he was made Assistant Professor of German Literature. No was married to Mary Evelyn Cullaton in 1901, and they had two children, Mary Helen and Valerie. As well as teaching a full load of courses in German, No also worked half time as an assistant librarian in classification and cataloguing from 1910 to 1920. During this time he published several articles on bibliographical topics, and edited the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America for the years 1913 and 1914. No had served in an Austro-Hungarian hussar regiment in 1894-1895, and as a naturalized U.S. citizen volunteered for service in the Illinois National Guard in 1916. Although rejected because of eye defects, he was a sharpshooter and expert rifleman, and later helped organize and instruct the University of Chicago Rifle Club. He also coached the fencing team, and in 1915 conducted military drills for upper classmen on the Midway. Demand for German classes dropped during the war. Registrations began to pick up after the armistice was signed in 1918, but the Germanic Languages and Literatures Department was still badly overstaffed. No found it advantageous to return to his earlier interests in paleobotany (and to drop the von before his name). In 1920 he began teaching German courses designed for students in the natural sciences, and also taught two courses in paleobotany in the Geology and Botany departments. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Paleobotany in 1921, although he continued to teach German until 1923. In 1924 he was made Associate Professor of Paleobotany and Curator of Fossil Plants at Walker Museum, serving in both those capacities until his death in 1939. No began work for the Illinois Geological Survey in 1921, continuing through the rest of his career, and also worked for the geological surveys of Kentucky in 1922 and Iowa in 1923-1925. Coalmines were a major source for fossil plant specimens, and No's knowledge of coal formations and geology were of value to the mining industry. No developed close relationships with mine owners and operators in many parts of the country, sometimes working as a consultant, other times conducting field work for his own research. He developed a collection of over 25,000 specimens of fossil plants at Walker Museum, and in the 1930s helped prepare a reconstruction of a Carboniferous forest at the Field Museum of Natural History. No was one of the first to offer complete training in paleobotany in the U.S., and thus was able to attract many of the best students in the field. He was well known for his book Pennsylvanian Flora of Northern Illinois (1925), and for initiating the study of coal balls in North America. Coal balls, limestone concretions containing plant fragments found in coal seams, were crucial to the study of the internal structure of paleozoic plants. No did field work throughout the Midwest and in Texas, Arizona, Mexico, the Canal Zone, and the Donetz Basin of Russia. The friendships and contacts he made with officials and mine workers who helped him collect specimens were much appreciated by the researchers who followed him. No was scheduled to retire in October 1939, but died on April 10 of that year. -------------------------------------
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