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《Analytical Chemistry》主编换人有感
热度 4 zhpd55 2011-10-20 10:12
《Analytical Chemistry》主编换人有感
据 CEN 周刊网站2011年10月17日公布的消息,美国化学会出版集团主办的《 Analytical Chemistry 》因为前任主编,北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina)化学教授 Royce W. Murray 退休,将由 Jonathan V. Sweedler 接任。 Murray自1991年以来一直担任《 Analytical Chemistry》主编,而目前 Sweedler担任该杂志的副主编,将在2012年元月1日接替Murray担任主编工作,成为《 Analytical Chemistry 》今后继续远航的掌舵人。 Sweedler1983年从加州大学(University of California, Davis)获得化学硕士学位,1989年从美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)获得分析化学博士学位,1991年进入美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign),Sweedler的研究方向主要是生物分析化学,特别是小体积的的肽组学(peptidomics)以及代谢组学(metabolomics)研究. 美国化学会期刊出版集团高级副总裁Susan King对于Sweedler担任《 Analytical Chemistry 》主编的评价:“我们对调查委员会的此决定都很高兴”("We are delighted by the decision") ,美国化学会出版的学术期刊优势之一就是其期刊编辑都是一些非常活跃的科学家, Jonathan V. Sweedler 就是杰出的研究者和经验丰富的编辑,并有非常广泛的兴趣爱好,作为一名副主编,他一直在与作者非常有效地进行联系。 Jonathan V. Sweedler 说: Royce W. Murray 的离开是编辑部的一大损失,因为“他是出色的工作”使《 Analytical Chemistry 》的报道范围扩大,包括了更多的分析化学新分支,而且又能不断提高其期刊质量及其影响因子。美国化学会出版物分会理事长Brian Crawford对于 Royce W. Murray 的评价认为,他不仅仅是一位编辑,而且也是一位真正的政治家,与他在一起工作是一种荣幸,不仅是《 Analytical Chemistry 》杂志,而且包括美国化学会出版分会的董事会均受益于他的谋略。近2年《 Analytical Chemistry 》的影响因子2009年为5.214,2010年上升至5.784。近10年影响因子变化如下: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY(ISSN 0003-2700) 2001 年 2002 年 2003 年 2004 年 2005 年 2006 年 2007 年 2008 年 2009 年 4.532 5.094 5.25 5.45 5.635 5.646 5.921 5.712 5.214 Scopus Scimago 的近十余年《Analytical Chemistry》各种指标的变化如下: Indicators 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 SJR 0,435 0,463 0,471 0,525 0,631 0,605 0,569 0,656 0,569 0,606 0,458 0,525 Total Documents 925 1.036 971 967 1.048 1.016 1.199 1.171 1.285 1.278 1.354 1.404 Total Docs. (3years) 2.445 2.620 2.813 2.932 2.974 2.986 3.031 3.263 3.386 3.655 3.734 3.917 Total References 38.902 29.088 28.923 33.355 34.152 35.593 42.500 42.032 44.345 49.426 52.152 55.459 Total Cites (3years) 10.639 11.770 12.432 13.913 14.625 15.890 17.431 18.373 18.441 19.611 19.195 20.895 Self Cites (3years) 1.951 2.032 2.220 2.541 2.499 2.456 2.435 2.529 2.443 2.823 2.579 2.975 Citable Docs. (3years) 2.435 2.583 2.685 2.745 2.781 2.850 2.926 3.148 3.236 3.482 3.553 3.772 Cites / Doc. (4years) 4,37 4,63 4,56 5,02 5,10 5,52 6,10 5,88 5,82 5,76 5,42 5,56 Cites / Doc. (3years) 4,37 4,56 4,63 5,07 5,26 5,58 5,96 5,84 5,70 5,63 5,40 5,54 Cites / Doc. (2years) 4,27 4,48 4,47 5,16 5,13 5,33 5,70 5,68 5,28 5,52 5,16 5,53 References / Doc. 42,06 28,08 29,79 34,49 32,59 35,03 35,45 35,89 34,51 38,67 38,52 39,50 Cited Docs. 2.089 2.222 2.334 2.417 2.434 2.561 2.630 2.871 2.953 3.159 3.246 3.488 Uncited Docs. 356 398 479 515 540 425 401 392 433 496 488 429 % International Collaboration 13,51 11,10 0,00 1,86 15,65 18,70 16,93 18,62 19,46 22,54 24,08 21,58 由此可见,主编对于期刊的影响之大,美国化学会出版物分会对于期刊编辑特别是主编的选择,考虑的对象不是行政官员,而是在学术上有所建树的杰出科学家,不是编辑向专业学者转化——编辑学者化,而是学者向编辑转化——学者编辑化。看看 Royce W. Murray 主编20年前的阐述(见附件),或许可以从中得到启示。 anal. chem.-1991 Royce W. Murray.pdf
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|21623 次阅读|5 个评论
zhpd55 2011-4-28 19:46
《医用气体研究》( Medical Gas Research )是一种刚刚创办不久的开放存取(OA)类期刊,是专门发表有关医用气体研究成果的一个平台,这无疑对于医用气体研究工作者来说是一个利好消息。我看到科学网站 专门就有研究氢气医用的-孙学军老师 的 博客,他也翻译了《医用气体研究》的部分内容,我在此还是想说明主编对期刊的影响。 《医用气体研究》主要是将刊发论文的重点主要集中于神经生物学的基础研究和临床研究,以及与医用气体相关的多学科研究成果。医用气体是一个包括氧气、氢气、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氮气、氙,硫化氢、氧化亚氮、二硫化碳、氩、氦和其他惰性气体等在内的多种气体的大家族。这些医疗气体被广泛用于临床与基础科学研究的多个领域,包括麻醉、高压氧医学、潜水医学、内科、外科、急诊医学以及许多基础科学学科,如生理学、药理学、生物化学、微生物学和神经科学等。 我们不仅关心《医用气体研究》OA杂志的创刊,更关注其主编的来头,主编张教授( Professor John Zhang )目前就职于美国加利福尼亚洛马·林达大学医学院(Loma Linda University School of Medicine, USA),张教授的医学根底源于20世纪80年代末(1987年)在我国重庆的受训,1992年他在加拿大埃德蒙顿获得博士学位,主要致力于神经生物学,特别是脑血管疾病研究。2008年张教授编辑了“高压氧用于神经紊乱治疗”(Hyperbaric Oxygen for Neurological Disorders)教科书。目前,张教授在美国加利福尼亚洛马·林达大学医学院主要从事神经外科和生理学研究,其次是麻醉学及神经学研究,张教授被聘任《医用气体研究》主编与其在医用气体和神经血管生物学领域的研究成就密不可分。更为详细的最新消息,请浏览该刊网站: http://www.medicalgasresearch.com/
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|3422 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 zhpd55 2011-4-25 21:32
几年前,我记得西北大学学报编辑部姚远老师曾经说过,有人就有主编影响因子的提法,但是自己至今一直没有看到原文,最近看到《光明日报》开展的高校学报改革出路何在系列报道,结合美国《数学评论》(MR)2010年10月份的收录期刊一览表(是目前最新结果)中中国(包括港台)期刊的新变化,再回头想想昔日接触到的高校学报编辑同仁,感到主编影响因子的确有道理。主编确实对期刊的影响很大,可以说期刊在外界的影响力与主编自身的影响力有正比关系,难怪许多专业期刊的主编不是一种由政界官员来担任的角色,而是由某一领域内的知名学者来掌舵领航,特别是有些国际性的名刊更是如此,丘成桐就是《亚洲数学杂志》的主编之一,我们经常会在CEN周刊网站看到某些新主编的就职公告。但是我在此谈到的是以个人接触到或者了解到的信息作为基础,以高校学报界为例进行简要说明。其主编是广义的,并非就是学报封面或者封底上明确署名的主编,他可能就是一个普通编辑,是负责某些学科的,但是同样会对学报产生重要影响。先说说《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》主编陈汉忠老师,《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》能够在RM淘汰中国期刊的过程中躲过一劫,而且死里逃生,二返长安,其中陈汉忠老师的功不可没,我记得我们2004年联合创办《大学数学辑刊 》(Math Colloq.Chin.Univ.,简称MCCU) 之后,非常关注MR收录我国期刊的一些新变化,并将我们搜集到的信息传递给相关杂志编辑部,虽然有编辑部非常重视,及时回信或者采取积极的补救或者应对措施,然而,绝大多数的高校学报编辑部根本就不回信,置之不理,本人认为这种态度本身就是主编危机意识的反映。处于强手如林的竞争之中,不知己知彼,岂能百战不殆?一劳永逸的思想观念可以说是根深蒂固,认为我刊入选某个数据库之后,就可以成为终身成员,永远不会被淘汰。其实,这是一种完全错误的观点,根本没有任何一家二次文献数据库会将收录期刊一成不变的收录下去,为了保证数据库的高水准,优胜劣汰的规则才是永恒不变的真理。 陈汉忠老师收到我们关于《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》被MR收录中断的信息后,及时与我们联系,将其学报发表的优秀数学论文推荐给我们,我们通过MCCU推荐给MR编辑部,果然被收录了,但是后来我们发现有重复收录的现象(即《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》和MCCU有重叠收录的情况),马上通知陈汉忠老师,建议他单独与MR编辑部联系,《周口师范学院学报》也有类似情况,他们单独联系的结果,《周口师范学院学报》仅仅收录了一年就被淘汰了,而《内蒙古师范大学学报:自然科学汉文版》二返长安后,MR数据库一直摘评延续至今,而且是为数不多的几家高校学报,特别是师范大学类学报之一。陈汉忠老师这几年为了学报的发展,特别是数学稿件质量的不断提高,新招不断,聘请外校兼职编委,向著名学者预约稿件,积极参加专业学术研讨会等。2010年专程从内蒙古呼和浩特来到西安,有转乘去天水,参加第6届国际数论与Smarandache问题研讨会(6th international coference on number thoery and Smarandache problems)”,每年一度的国际数论研讨会今年3月25-27日在渭南举行,陈汉忠老师再次参加第7届国际数论与Smarandache问题研讨会(7th international coference on number thoery and Smarandache problems)”,积极宣传和与作者交谈,为学报组织优秀稿源。 其次就是浙江的《杭州师范大学学报:自然科学版》,2005年的桂林会议上(2005年11月20日至25日在广西 桂林 召开),通过绍兴文理学院学报编辑部的翁胜兰老师介绍,认识杭州师范学院学报编辑部的方岩老师,当时他们学报刚公开不久,尚未入选任何一种国际知名数据库,经过这几年的不懈努力,《杭州师范学院学报:自然科学版》成长为《杭州师范大学学报:自然科学版》,当然与学校更名有关,但是更重要的是学报自身的发展,先后加入了德国《数学文摘》(ZBl)、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(AJ)、波兰《哥白尼索引》(IC)、美国《化学文摘》(CA)等多家国际著名数据库,2010年获奖浙江省优秀科技期刊“编辑质量奖”,都是方岩主编以及编辑部的其他编辑同仁的贡献和努力的结果。还有《北京工业大学学报》的梁洁老师、《合肥工业大学学报:自然科学版》的朱新华老师等曾经多次与本人联系、在获得国际交流联系方式之后,积极进行联系,这2种期刊目前均是MR的尚在继续收录的期刊,也有其他国际著名数据库收录。相反《菏泽学院学报》的成广兴教授(数学专业,已退休)、《西安文理学院学报:自然科学版》主编吕玉琴编审(英语专业,曾经长期在科研机构从事科技信息的咨询服务工作,后调到西安文理学院学报,已退休)等,他们在职时非常重视国际交流,深知入选国际著名数据库对于学报自身扩大影响的重要性,所以千方百计,借助各种渠道,想方设法使自编的学报能够参与国际交流,使其发表的论文在国际著名数据库亮相,而二位退休后,后来者新人有新方式,对于国际交流的热衷程度锐减,表现最为突出的就是与MCCU的合作相继中断,但是发展的结果至今为止,尚未看到入选新的国际数据库。而《南阳师范学院学报》就不同,该刊2002年创刊,先后入选ZBl、CA数据库,参与MCCU的编辑工作,使其数学论文入选MR数据库。在2010年教育部科技司举办的“第三届中国高校精品优秀特色科技期刊奖”评比活动中,《南阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》又一次荣获中国高校特色科技期刊奖。这是该校学报自科版前两届荣获中国高校特色科技期刊奖后,第三次获此殊荣。而且2010年的评比中,全国师范院校学报仅有2家获得此奖,《南阳师范学院学报:自然科学版》是其中之一,也是河南省唯一一家获得特色奖的学报。同时,在全国连续三届获此奖的学报仅有14家。这些成绩的获得与姚兴芝, 陆宜新 主编的努力有密切关系。特别是陆宜新编审,曾经2次到陕西西安、宝鸡,与学报界同行进行交流,积极参与MCCU的合作编辑工作,同时也不放过自身努力,付出必有收获,《南阳师范学院学报:自然科学版》已经入选CA数据库、也被ZBl数据库收录。截止2011年4月26日,ZBl累计摘录49篇论文。相关信息如下: J. Nanyang Norm. Univ. Journal of Nanyang Normal University. Nanyang Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao. Editorial Department of Journal of Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang, Henan. Chinese. Journal, ISSN 1671-6132 http://caod.oriprobe.com/journals/nysfxyxb/JOURNAL_OF_NANYANG_TEACHERS_COLLEGE.htm 1 Zbl 1187.00011 Hou, Shao-jun ; Zheng, Qing-an Mathematics classroom teaching and the improvement of students' originality. (Chinese. English summary) J. Nanyang Norm. Univ. 8, No. 9, 117-119 (2009). MSC2000: *00A35 Comment on this Item PDF MathML XML ASCII DVI PS BibTeX Online Ordering Journal 2 Zbl 1187.03029 Ma, Shu-yun A note on the definition of dependence systems. (Chinese. English summary) J. Nanyang Norm. Univ. 8, No. 9, 27-29 (2009). MSC2000: *03B99 05B35 Comment on this Item PDF MathML XML ASCII DVI PS BibTeX Online Ordering Journal 3 Zbl 1187.49021 Sun, Fan ; Yang, Guo-zhi A variational principle for a class of function without lower bounds. (Chinese. English summary) J. Nanyang Norm. Univ. 8, No. 9, 25-26 (2009). MSC2000: *49M30 Comment on this Item PDF MathML XML ASCII DVI PS BibTeX Online Ordering Journal 《西北大学学报:自然科学版》主编姚远编审,在科技期刊史研究方面成绩突出,《西北大学学报:自然科学版》的科技期刊史研究成为其一个新亮点,过去是内蒙古师范大学的科学史研究在全国乃至世界也有一定影响,但是现在似乎西北大学有超越内蒙古师范大学的势头。 再说浙江大学学报编辑部张月红编审,她是《浙江大学学报》自然科学版的编辑部主任,她也是《浙江大学学报》进SCI的第一功臣。她工作非常执着,依靠自己的英语特长,为《浙江大学学报》在国际舞台赢得一席之地。有人描述当年和ISI沟通申请学报进SCI的可能性时,对方回答:我们已经有nature,science这样的综合、权威期刊,对于综合性期刊我们不再欢迎。张回答:nature,science能把所有的好稿都发了吗?对方语塞。张月红老师手下人员不多,不过团队的硕士、博士个个很敬业,从编辑、校对到排版,事无巨细,坦白的说,比国内不少中文期刊编辑部的效率要高一些。付出就有回报,值得敬佩。也非常值得国内中文期刊编辑部学习。《浙江大学学报》成为中国第一份闯进SCI阵营的高校学报(不含高校主办承办的其它学术期刊),令《清华大学学报》、《北京大学学报》惭愧、汗颜。其后,《地球科学——中国地质大学学报》也进了。再后,浙江大学学报的其它英文辑也进了。《浙江大学学报》入选SCI,是张月红及其编辑同仁的辛劳与付出的最好回报。更详细的信 息可以浏览《 我所知道的张月红老师和浙江大学学报 》。 《地球科学——中国地质大学学报》能够进入SCI,不能说与主编王亨君教授没有关系啊。2000年学报主编王亨君荣获全国“百佳出版工作者”称号。1999年影响因子居高校学报第一位,学报上的文章曾被EI(工程索引)、CA、CBST、GeoRef等国际著名检索系统收录。进入21世纪以来,《地球科学》编辑部在国际交流方面进行了积极探索,为《地球科学》早日走向世界奠定了基础。学报编辑部先后与国际上156个国家和地区的研究机构和出版公司建立了长期的交换和发行关系。为学报国际化、网络化、数字化,为学报网络版问世,为创建中国名牌期刊和世界名牌期刊争进SCI世界著名检索系统而努力奋斗的目标终于变成现实。通过王享君及其同事的不断努力,《地球科学》的编辑出版工作逐渐走上正轨,由复刊初期的不定期到双月刊,由中文版到外文版,由一个不起眼的一般学报发展成为国内外有影响的地学期刊。王亨君是一位“开拓型”人才,始终把追求卓越,不断创新作为自己工作的准则。对她来说,一个目标的实现同另一个新目标的提出总是结伴而行。更多更详细的报道请浏览《编辑学报》2001年04期发表的喻军,王淑华 合作撰写的“ 华丽的乐章——记《地球科学》主编王亨君教授 ”。类似的例证还可以列举很多,不再一一列举。 就约稿而言,与主编的影响也有着千丝万缕的联系。有影响的主编可以约到高水平的稿件。如Cell Research的李党生常务副主编,就能约到美国的一些著名科学家写的综述性文章,这类论文是以国际大视野为背景,综述了某一个领域或者某一个方面近期的研究进展或者发展历史等,对于系统而全面了解其相关知识非常有用,也是易被他人引用的文献类型。约名家、大家写这类稿件,对于大大提升期刊的影响力无疑大有帮助。 当我们看到有些高校学报已经被某数据库淘汰多年,但是他们依然在学报封底或者其他位置注明“被XX数据库收录”字样,这种情况并非少数,从中反映出主编根本就不了解期刊被收录动态信息,可能也不关注收录信息,如果稍有留意就不会出现这种情况。一个仅仅局限于编辑,而忽视编辑结果的外界影响、忽视编辑结果的传播与扩散的主编,这种主编是否会对其期刊带来生机,发展壮大与扩大影响也难以想象,说白了充其量就是一个编校员,期刊的发展需要的不是这样的主编,不知您是否同意我的观点? 主编对期刊的影响是多方面的、全方位的,可能还有许多,欢迎批评指正,相互切磋,共同提高,共同进步。
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|4659 次阅读|6 个评论
fhylren 2011-3-2 14:00
杂志如何运行? 我们在投稿的时候只能看到杂志对作者的要求,一般不了解他们后面在干什么活,了解一下应该对我们有一些帮助。作为新任《 Medical gas res 》 的副主编,我最近接受了几项委派审稿专家的任务,在完成这个任务的过程中,了解到的一点“内幕”,分享给年轻科研工作者,以希望对大家更有效地向国外杂志投稿有一点帮助。 当你的论文被系统确认后,系统给你一个论文编号,主编应该是先看看文章的题目和摘要,根据他的理解,这个内容哪个副主编比较熟悉,就委任这个副主编负责这个稿件的后续工作。当然副主编肯定也要看看内容是否能玩的转,并确认是否接受这个任务。一般情况下,主编都比较忙,不会详细看稿件内容,主要根据题目、摘要、论文副标题、主要结果图片表格。 副主编接受到任务后,下一步主要工作就是寻找合适的审稿专家。 找审稿专家的依据有 4 个方面, 1 是作者建议的审稿专家。 2 是根据 Medline 上的信息与稿件内容符合度,系统自动筛选一批专家,并给出符合度百分比(我觉得这个东西很好,国内的杂志应该效仿)。 3 是杂志的编辑委员队伍。 4 是副主编根据对稿件内容的初步分析,找自己熟悉的专家。一般情况下,副主编比较懒,不会详细看稿件内容,也是主要根据题目、摘要、论文副标题、主要结果图片表格。如果发现论文很有意思,也会细看的。即使副主编自己很熟悉,一般也会继续指派审稿专家的。 所以在投稿的时候,选择比较理想的建议审稿专家也很重要,如果副主编发现你选的是他认为合适,或与系统提示一致的,那么送给这个专家的可能性就比较大。 副主编找好专家后,确认后系统会自动发给审稿专家邀请信,并指定最后期限。信的内容都是套话,就是希望能接受这个任务,帮我们干活。等到了约定时间,如果有的专家没有回来意见,会通过系统发一催促审稿的信。 两个专家的意见到齐后,如果意见比较一致,就是都不拒稿件。副主编会把意见转给作者,在转的时候如果副主编有个人意见,可以在系统中填写,好象一般不写。如果两个专家的意见不统一,则要另请一个专家再审。等第三个专家意见来了,决定拒绝或再审阅,副主编会给主编一个参考意见,主编再指示如何开展后续工作。 作者把修回稿件提交后,主编会再次委托副主编组织工作。一般仍请原来的副主编,当然也可能不同,这个决定权在主编。副主编接受任务后,仍会再邀请原来的两个专家再次审稿(有的杂志邀请另外的专家。)程序同上,这次信的内容中专门写了几个要求: When assessing the work, please consider the following points: 1. Is the question posed by the authors new and well defined? 2. Are the methods appropriate and well described, and are sufficient details provided to replicate the work? 3. Are the data sound and well controlled? 4. Does the manuscript adhere to the relevant standards for reporting and data deposition? 5. Are the discussion and conclusions well balanced and adequately supported by the data? 6. Do the title and abstract accurately convey what has been found? 7. Is the writing acceptable? 总的意思是,作者是否根据阁下的意思进行了正确反馈,从语言表达等细节上考虑能接受吧?当然即使这样,专家可能仍有意见,要求作者继续修改,那么重复上述过程。直到论文接受。 在上述邮件的落款中都是主编,就是说虽然副主编做的具体事情,但审稿专家和作者都会感到是主编来的信。
个人分类: 科研|1872 次阅读|0 个评论
caojian123 2011-1-11 19:14
在前篇博文这样的审稿意见意味着什么 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=398391 一文中,我提到主编要求修改的来信。就在今天,他给通讯作者来信(以前一直和我联系)说: Attached is a much revised version of your manuscript submitted to Human Ecology. Please review our editing but do not make any changes except correcting errors of fact. If you accept the edited version, I will forward it to production. 这是不是意味着文章接受了,而且准备排版发表了? 还有没有其它担心。以前没有发表过SCI,心里没底啊。
个人分类: 生活点滴|4248 次阅读|0 个评论
zllzll 2010-10-16 22:54
当你要把一篇经济学论文投给世界经济,经济研究,经济学季刊等刊物时,最好在参考文献中多引已在该期刊发表的与你主题相关的文献,这样做的好处是 1,告诉主编你所写的领域其实已在该期刊多次发表,所以主题是完全对路,非常合适的,这样主编心里会默认你写的东西是有意义的,是有必要进行研究的或者贴近该期刊风格的 2,暗示主编如果要把你的论文进行外审,只要送给你所引文献中已在该期刊发表的那些学者就行了,因为这些学者不但做该领域,而且还已经在该期刊发表 这就能很大程度上避免一些同学抱怨的,外审完全看不懂我的论文 之类的牢骚, 以上第2点是一个很重要的细节,如果运用的好,就能操纵主编将你的论文送到你想要的审稿专家手里,一般来说,学者都喜欢读在自己的研究上进一步深入发挥的论文,因此容易给于论文好评, 3.通过多引该期刊文献,能增加该期刊在该年度的他引因子与次数,从而为该期刊的名次提高做了一份小小的贡献,这也是主编们喜欢的 本文来自: 人大经济论坛 学术道德监督 版,详细出处参考: http://www.pinggu.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=803654page=1
个人分类: 科学与研究|2817 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-10-12 11:45
博主评论: 衷心感谢朱教授的博文。布鲁斯?艾伯茨的几个观点应该告诉全体中国科技工作者和科技管理部门的领导,使我们真正清醒头脑,而不是在科技发展的漫长黑夜中摸索,找不到正确的方向。 朱猛进 博主的回复:有很多专业媒体参加,希望这些科学记者们能提炼出真正有价值的信息传递给大家。 《科学》杂志现任主编谈中国科研问题 朱猛进的博客 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=372433#t1
个人分类: 科技评价|2718 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhumengjin 2010-10-12 10:54
2010年10月11日,美国《科学》杂志现任主编布鲁斯艾伯茨和亚太分社主编理查德史通应我校邀请参加生物技术与现代农业的科普与沟通系列学术活动。美国《科学》杂志亚洲编辑Richard Stone等就中国转基因水稻研发现状、科学证据在转基因食品决策中的应用、理解和传播、转基因食品健康安全的研究、与转基因和食品安全有关的媒体活动的争议:现状和挑战等具体议题做大会报告。 他们很敬业,很辛苦,白天、晚上都在马不停蹄地为我们作报告。对于报告的具体内容我就不多说了,因为有包括《科学新闻》在内的全国多家媒体参与,后面肯定会有陆续报道。但《科学》杂志主编在报告、座谈过程中先后透露和表达的几个观点对我的感触很大。可以说,布鲁斯艾伯茨一直比较关注中国,2008年曾经采访过温家宝总理,并在Science杂志上专文发表。我认为,作为一个世界知名杂志的主编,布鲁斯艾伯茨比很多西方人都更加了解中国,他真正思考过中国的科研现状,他也真正看到了中国科研问题的一些关键症结所在: (1)中国成名学者不下实验室(布鲁斯以自己作对比,间接表达); (2)过于重视发表论文,对经费和职称考虑得太多; (3)在学术思想上不敢做超越专业领域前辈的事情。 这些虽然不是最关键的体制问题,但毫无疑问都是限制中国科学研究正常发展的真正症结所在。对于科学家下实验室的问题, 布鲁斯艾伯茨自 己在担任美国科学院院长时,依然还在实验室。 相比之下,放眼国内,中国学者一旦成名就几乎不再下实验室,很多年轻学者甚至是刚刚做上研究生导师后就不再亲自参加实验。 他认为关注真正的科学问题对于科学家来说是最重要的,学者如果过于重视发表论文,对经费和职称问题考虑得太多,就没有足够的时间和精力关注真正的科学问题。 在学校圆桌会议座谈时, 布鲁斯艾伯茨毫不忌讳地坦言,中国在全世界所有国家中,是《科学》杂志拒稿率最高的国家,而瑞士是接受率最高的国家。 谈及原因,他认为中国学者比较尊重前辈,在学术思想上不敢做超越专业领域前辈的事情,所以很难做出在某些领域改变人们思想的突破性成果。
个人分类: 科研时评|18193 次阅读|39 个评论
wangyk 2010-8-16 03:04
王 应 宽 2010-08-15 Beijing, China 2010-10-30修订 博主按: 携妻儿黑龙江休假刚回来,忙碌之余,本想抽空写点儿游记,以弥补未提前通告即擅自休博一周的无礼。打开新创博文文件夹,发现 5 月份曾写了几句的一篇博文,随即完成此篇,游记后补。 浪得虚名:教育改变人生 回想在陕西大巴山深处一个偏僻落后的小山村放牛时,也不曾想到未来会怎样?但如果不读书继续放牛,恐怕不但自己走不出那个落后的地方,下一代还得子承父业继续放牛!一个放牛娃通过读书改变了命运,改变了人生轨迹。寒窗苦读数十载,走出大巴山,虽然考入了西北农业大学,在那里读了本科和硕士,但后来没有继续从事自己年少时擅长的行当继续当牛仔放牛,经营牧场,而是到了北京从事科技学术期刊的编辑出版工作。后来还读了北大的博士,去了美国明尼苏达大学作了高级访问学者。如今,从事几本国际英文期刊的编辑出版工作和学术交流工作,在所在的学术圈里广交朋友,广结善缘,得到同行认可,也获得一些微不足道的头衔,可谓浪得虚名(参见下表,更新时间 2010 年10 月)。从我自身的成长经历,切身感受到是学习创造了未来,知识改变了命运,读书使人不断进步,教育改善了人生。尽管我们的教育体制不完善,存在诸多需要改善的弊端,但不能否认的是,教育改变了很多人的人生。因此,对教育杀人的观点不能认同。教育为受教育者提供发展的基础和机遇,但发展后劲和前途就得依靠受教育者自身的再学习、再教育和再努力了。这也是为什么同一个班级的同学毕业数载后发展各异的原因所在。我认识很多学术界的大牛,他们曾经也在放牛,但都实践了知识改变命运,教育改变人生的道路。 博主在此列举浪得虚名,绝非炫耀,旨在说明:学习创造未来,知识改变命运,教育改变人生。 浪得虚名一瞥 编辑本行: 国际农业工程学会会刊主编( Editor-in-Chief of the CIGR Journal ) 亚洲农业工程学会会刊《国际农业工程学报》执行主编 (Executive Editor-in-Chief of International Agricultural Engineering Journal) 《国际农业与生物工程学报》 (IJABE) 创办者、执行主编 (Founder and Executive Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering) 《农业工程学报》副主编、编委 (Associate Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board Member of Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering) 学术兼职 国际农业与工程学会执行委员 ( 中国仅 2 名,博主的执委代表 CIGR 期刊 ) Executive Board Member of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering 亚洲农业工程学会执行委员 Executive Council Member of the Asian Association forAgriculturalEngineering(AAAE) 海外华人农业、生物与食品工程师协会 (AOCABFE) 执行委员兼中国区负责人 Executive Board Member and China Regional Director of the Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers 2011 农业工程新技术国际学术研讨会( 2011EAET )秘书长(受聘单位山东理工大学) Secretary General of 2011 International Conference on Emerging Agricultural Engineering Technologies (2011 EAET) CIGR 期刊管理委员会委员 /CIGR Journal Policy Board Member 福建农林大学兼职教授 /Guest Professor at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University 中国管理科学研究院学术委员会特约研究员 Invited Research Fellow of Academic Committee of Chinese Academy of Management Sciences 《山西农业大学学报》特约编委 Invited Guest Editor of Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University 大众科技报社通讯员 /Guest Reporter of Popular Science News 中国科学技术期刊编辑学会会员 Member of China Editology Society of Science Periodicals 中国农业工程学会高级会员 Senior Member of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 2007 年曾兼任《农业工程技术》杂志社长兼执行主编 Having ever been Managing Editor and Journal Manager of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
个人分类: 随感杂谈|4993 次阅读|2 个评论
sqdai 2010-8-10 23:14
1983 年以后,钱伟长先生在社交活动中有两张名片。一张是去北京开会时用的,上面有他的主要社会职务头衔;另一张更为常用,上面就列着:上海工业大学(后来变成上海大学)校长;上海市应用数学和力学研究所所长;《应用数学和力学》主编。其实,名片对他没多大用处,他的脸就是他的名片。不过,从中我们可以知道,钱先生晚年有三件他最珍爱的宝贝,就是上面列出的上大、上大力学所和《应用数学和力学》杂志。对学校和研究所,人们已作了很多叙述,这是他近二十多年来倾注大量心血的所在。而对于钱先生如何创建《应用数学和力学》杂志,如何投入巨大精力使得该刊成为有国际影响的刊物,人们知之甚少。这里就想简要地补叙这段历史。 缘起 1978 年,我国进入科学的春天,整个社会尊重知识、学习知识成风,科技界热气腾腾。文革期间被禁锢的热情迸发出来了,研究成果开始成批涌现。但当时科技刊物寥若晨星,例如,力学类的期刊也就《力学学报》等几种,人们发表论文很困难。钱伟长先生就想以自己的办刊理念创立一个新刊物。 酝酿 1978 年钱先生在北京建立了中国力学学会理性力学与力学中的数学方法专业组,马上着手组织各类学术活动。当时力学研究正处于群龙无首的状态,钱伟长先生把大旗一撑,很快就集结了二三百人的队伍(以后又滚雪球般增大),大多是对力学的基础研究有兴趣的中青年学人。他就召集了以专业组成员为核心的小组,开始筹备创刊。钱先生提出了初步方案,几经讨论,确定了如下大计方针: 刊物定名为《应用数学和力学》,属于力学基础研究类刊物,这里的应用数学主要是以力学为应用背景的数学,与美国的《应用数学季刊》和《应用数学研究》的内涵相仿; 刊物先是季刊,将来办成双月刊或月刊; 刊物同时出版内容相同的中英文版; 刊物实行编委推荐制; 刊物的编委会应是活跃在科研第一线的中青年学者,只看实际能力,不看资历。 这后三条在当时的中国,绝对是开风气之先的! 编委成员的初步名单随之敲定, 30 几位编委中,只有两位院士、少数几位知名教授(如副主编谈镐生院士、 叶开沅 教授),其余多为副教授(副研究员)甚至讲师(助研)。 困境 办刊需要有资金和场地,但当时钱先生一无所有。按习惯性思维模式,先得找主管单位(挂靠单位)。既然是力学类刊物,顺理成章地去找中国力学学会,那时该学会的关系尚未理顺,掌握实权的是对力学一窍不通的官僚。钱先生一提出办新刊的想法,马上碰了一鼻子灰:摘帽右派想当刊物主编,没门!钱先生与清华的关系有点僵,清华是绝对靠不上的。他面临绝境。 钱 先生没气馁,设法去找主管出版工作的朋友(资深人士),朋友深表理解和同情,跟他说,你只要找到一个单位(高校或研究所)来主办此刊,其余事情我给你开绿灯。 钱 先生猛然想到,在交通部有掌管实权的好友,跑去一商量, OK !这位朋友去找了交通部主管的重庆交通学院的领导,他们很愿意主办此刊,同意把编辑部设在该校。正好, 叶开沅 先生有个学生在那里工作,编辑部的首任主任也选定了。 然而,要同时出版杂志的英文版,在重庆交通学院确有困难,这时,他想起了他的老朋友朱九思( 1916 ~),当时的华中工学院院长兼党委书记,这是一位有雄才大略的高等教育家,他把华中工学院(现华中科技大学)办得有声有色。 朱 先生一听到 钱 先生让他办这么一件好事,一口答应。 至此,大局已定。《应用数学和力学》的中英文版分别在重庆交通学院和华中工学院出版。这样的格局保持到 钱 先生入长上海工大、朱院长 69 岁离休之时,此后,英文版改由上海工大(现上大)出版。 我老在想,凡是 钱 先生陷入困境之时,总是有贵人相助,福人自有福相!归根结底,他在办的总是对人民有利的好事,因此,得道多助。 操劳 就这样,杂志办起来了,钱先生亲自为之忙碌了二十多年,直至年过九旬!很长一段时间内,运作过程大致如下:重庆编辑部把稍经技术处理的稿件送到钱先生处,他逐一过目,每次定稿三四期,发回中英文版编辑部,同时出版。凡是无编委推荐的稿件,由他亲自决定是否推荐发表。 办刊没几年,《应用数学和力学》取得了引人瞩目的业绩,举其要者,有: 很快由季刊转为双月刊,继而转为月刊,当时在国内不多见; 成为我国最早的同时为 SCI 和 EI 收录的源期刊; 最早打开了国际销路,由国外出版社代为发行,很长时间里,国外力学界知道中国有《应用数学和力学》,而不知有《中国科学》; 形成了强有力的编委会和稳定的作者队伍,它的编委、作者迅速成长;当初的编委会中,出了 16 位两院院士、 15 位校长、副校长乃至副省长,所有编委都成了学术骨干。 这一切主要归功 于钱 先生的先进的办刊思想和夙兴夜寐的操持: l 他亲自写了发刊词,而且坚定不移地一以贯之。他力主应用数学和力学要为国民经济建设服务,刊物的论文应保证高质量; l 他群策群力,发挥编委的集体作用,编委推荐加上适当审稿,保证了期刊的高水平; l 他力主办外向型期刊,着眼国际交流。办刊之初,就不惜工本把刊物发到 SCI 、 EI 、 AMR 、 ZB 、 MR 、 SA 等国际知名的检索和评论刊物的总部,很快赢得了它们的关注和认可。 如今, 钱 先生已经做不动了,他把主编担子交给了年青一代,杂志还在顺利印行,不断发展。但这本刊物,始终是他的最爱,因为它是老先生用心血栽种、培育的奇葩。 写于 2009 年 10 月 7 日 http://blog.lehu.shu.edu.cn/sqdai/A123703.html
个人分类: 名人纪实|4161 次阅读|0 个评论
zhao1198 2010-6-1 06:26
也许是因为在经济学界出了几位像科斯和莫里斯这样的传奇人物的缘故,使得人们相信:在经济学研究中,发表的数量并不是一 件很重要的事情。少发文章,多出精品,才是经济学家的风范。像科斯那样有两篇论文就能够获得诺贝尔经济学奖,就是因为已经修炼成旷世高手了。可是,我越来 越觉得,像科斯这样的人物,只能在统计中做为异常数据忽略掉。经济学家的成才之道,仍然应该是“不发表,就发臭”。而且我相信,经济学论文的数量和质量, 在正常情况下应该是成正相关的。 我有四个理由支持这一观点:第一,经济学论文的写作需要技巧,而这种技巧是“心照不宣的知识”,是需要“从干中学”的。经济学论文是为了阐述作者的观点, 所以至少应该写得准确、明白。这听起来像是在初中的作文课上就应该具备的基本技能,但是,从我近年来做经济学刊物编辑的经验看,我发现至少超过一半的作者 似乎都不会受到他们的中学语文老师喜爱。如何选择题目,如何谋篇布局,如何区分主次观点,甚至如何使用标点符号----不动笔永远也不会知道写论文是一件 多么痛苦的事情。更何况,经济学有自己的行规和行情,比如行文的规范化、选题的前沿性等等,只有写得多,发表得多,才能逐渐摸索出个中诀窍。第二,通过阅 读做研究和通过写作做研究是两种风格迥异的方法,但是仅仅靠其中的一种方法是做不出好的经济学的。正如《论语》里说的,“学而不思则惘,思而不学则怠”。 通过阅读能够不断地刺激研究者的观点,但这些观点是发散性的,只有坐下来,确定了要写作的论文题目,才能使作者的思维集中,并有一个引导思考的方向。有一 位名叫莱德的经济学家建议,应该自我训练写下自己的思想,因为“当我在写作的时候,很多直觉就会产生。有一个事实常常是真实的,即直到我写作的时候,才对 我所思考的东西有所认识。”第三,我个人觉得,能否持续不断地发表有影响力的作品是区分才气高低的重要标准。才气意味着旺盛的精力和创造力,才气意味着不 断地对自我提出挑战,不断尝试新的风格和主题。研究生涯是马拉松比赛,起跑时的爆发力对最后的成功并没有太大的帮助。仅仅靠写出一本自传体的小说轰动文坛 的作家多半不会是伟大的作家。第四,只要你是重要的经济学家,在其他条件给定的情况下,一定会比别的经济学家发表的数量更多。因为重要经济学家的课题和研 究项目比别的经济学家更多,约稿也比别的经济学家更多,名气大则往往论文发表的概率更大,所以成就和发表的数量是相辅相成的。 在什么刊物上发表论文 全中国有多少能够发表经济学论文的刊物?数百种,甚至上千种?反正是多如牛毛。中国社会科学院和各地的社科院、许多大学的经济学院、一些国家机关、金融机 构等等都有自己的刊物,这还不算也刊登理论文章的报纸。应该说,最近20 年来,中国的经济学和经济学期刊都有了很大进步,但是,我们还要看到,存在的问题仍然不少:(1)综合性期刊太多,专业性期刊太少。在国外,除了为数不多 的几本综合性经济学期刊外,具有国际性声誉的主要是各种专业性期刊,比如金融有《金融学》杂志,比较经济学有《比较经济学》杂志等。国内的各个经济学期刊 并没有明确的专业分工,内容重叠,使得读者想要了解一个领域的最新进展往往无从入手。(2)对刊物的评价缺乏科学标准。目前流行的刊物分类方法是根据刊物 主办单位的级别进行评级,或是根据国家有关行政单位的评比,这使得学术期刊的评级缺乏学术界公认的科学标准。 学术期刊多而质量参差不齐,对于研究人员和学生发表论文来说,既是一件好事,也是一件坏事。说它是好事是因为从目前的情况来看,一个聪明的研究生随随便便 挑几份刊物,登数十篇论文,根本就不是件难事。说它是坏事,是因为发表论文如此容易,会很容易地毁掉刚出道的学子,让他们觉得科学研究原来是这样一件稀松 平常的事情。所以,我的建议是青年学子们在投稿的时候一定要确立自己的目标,就是不满足于在平庸杂志上发表论文的数量,而一定要登上好的经济学刊物的“大 雅之堂”。 那么,什么是好的经济学刊物?学术期刊上的论文往往充斥着难懂的术语、复杂的推理和烦琐的数据,很难让普通读者读懂,并因此会让门外汉感到“高山仰止”、 “阳春白雪”。事实上,学术期刊与大众媒体的功能是不同的。大众媒体面向的是普通公众,读者只需要受过中级的教育程度并有基本的理解力,但不必要受过某个 学科的专门训练。学术期刊的作者和读者基本上局限在一个狭窄的小圈子里,即受过某个学科的训练并且仍然在从事这个学科的研究和教学的人员。大众媒体上的文 章是为了影响读者,而学术期刊上的论文是为了同行交流。所以,如果用所传递的信息量或是思想的深刻程度来衡量文章质量,学术期刊上的论文并不一定要比大众 媒体上的文章质量更高。比如《经济学人》、《商业周刊》在专业经济学家那里赢得了很高荣誉,不少一流的经济学家都承认他们经常从这些杂志上找到灵感,而在 国际关系领域,《外交》杂志的水平不亚于任何一份最好的学术期刊,但是这些杂志并不能被称为学术期刊。在《经济学人》或是《外交》上发表文章能够提高作者 的知名度但对他在大学里评职称却是一点也帮不上忙。衡量学术期刊的标准首先不在于其内容而在于其形式。 公认的学术期刊必须满足:(1)论文写作的规范化;(2)实行匿名审稿制度。论文写作的规范化包括内容提要、关键词、参考文献等。尤其重要的是,参考文献 的标注必须相当严格。凡是论文中提到的前人的研究都必须一一注明出处。这不仅是为了方便读者查阅,而且是为了保护其他研究者的知识产权,杜绝抄袭现象。匿 名审稿制度的作用在于:(1)编辑不可能在各个领域内都是专家,从专业的角度来看,作者的水平要高于编辑。“外行”审“内行”,怎么能够保证公正地挑选出 在学术研究上有真正见地的论文?实行匿名审稿制度,需要在编辑部成员之外组织一支后备的专家队伍,借助专家的“外脑”提高编辑水平。(2)目前在国内的某 些学术期刊中存在着发“关系稿”、“人情稿”现象,在社会科学领域尤为突出。匿名审稿制度有助于净化学术空气。因为是匿名审稿,审稿专家和作者之间相互都 不知道真实身份,所以判断论文能否采用的惟一标准只能是通过论文的质量而非作者的地位和身份。通过把是否采用稿件的决定权主动让渡给审稿专家,能够从制度 安排上彻底杜绝发“关系稿”现象。(3)过去,国内发表论文往往是一审通过,很少经过修改,但实行审稿制度后,绝大多数稿件要按照审稿专家意见经过修改后 才能发表,这对于加强学者间的批评和交流、不断改进学术研究的质量很有帮助。 提倡学术八股 写论文和写其它文体有极大差异。如果是写小说,会要求作者写得情节曲折,内容感人;如果是写随笔,至少要文笔流畅,观点新颖。论文则要语言平实、简练,而 且有一个固定套路。一篇典型的学术论文应该包括:(1)提出问题,(2)文献回顾,(3)模型,(4)检验,以及(5)结论等部分。从某种意义上说,这个 套路非常像过去科举时的八股文。学术论文要按照这种固定的,甚至多少显得僵化的格式来写作,是有道理的。首先,这种格式实际上反映了科学研究的过程,即先 确定选题,作者应该清晰而简明地介绍自己所要研究的问题以及为什么选择这一问题;然后,作者需要介绍对这个问题以往的研究已经进行到了什么程度 现有的研究还有哪些不足,作者打算在现有的基础上做出哪些方面的创新;在模型部分,作者应陈述自己所做分析的前提假设,然后按照清晰的逻辑一步步进 行推导,最后得出若干可供检验的命题;在检验部分,作者应该用数据或案例对自己所提出的命题做出检验;结论部分将主要介绍现有研究的不足,提供进一步研究 的方向,或是根据自己的分析得出若干政策建议。其次,学术八股能够有效地降低学者间相互交流的交易成本。作者对自己思想的清晰表述能够减少读者的误解,有 着各种偏好的读者也能很方便地各取所需:关心文献的读者可以直接参阅文献综述和参考文献;对理论推导感兴趣的读者可以专注于模型部分;对政策建议感兴趣的 读者或许只需要读读内容简介就可以直接跳到结论部分。最后,有的才华横溢的学生可能会觉得这样枯燥的写作会掩盖自己的灵性。其实大可不必担心。诗歌应该是 最无拘无束的吧,可是艾略特说过,“诗歌不是放纵感情,而是掩饰感情”。闻一多也曾经把他的创作比作“戴着枷锁跳舞”。等到你读学术论文能够读到如醉如痴 的时候,你的学问就算真做成了。 在写论文前,首先要确定选题。好的选题至少是 成功的一半。选题的基本原则是:(1)选择自己感兴趣的问题。对于没有学术兴趣的学生来说,科学研究将是一件非常痛苦的事情,而且将对他们的身心健康不 利。我建议每个学生在找选题的时候首先要找自己真正感兴趣的问题,因为推动学术研究的原动力正是好奇心,是解出猜谜游戏时的那种纯粹的智力上的愉悦。有的 学生可能功利心较重,希望选择对自己的事业发展有帮助的题目,这常常导致他们的选题雷同化,或是过于空洞。前些年,可能有 80%以上的经济学专业的研究生都选择做金融或证券方面的论文。可是,就算是从个人收益最大化的角度来看,这也不能算是一种最优选择,因为在完全竞争的市 场上是不可能获得额外的利润的,想要获得稳定且超额的利润,最好的办法是使得自己的产品差异化。(2)选择你所掌握的理论工具能够解决的问题。中国学生的 另一个特点是总想选择最有意义的题目。这当然无可厚非,但也存在一定误区。有意义的题目太多了,但是我们只能在现有的约束条件内选择题目。这个约束条件就 是我们的工具箱里的分析工具。许多有意义的问题是我们的分析工具暂时无法把握的,所以也就只能抱憾地放弃。比如说,人生怎样才能得到幸福,这可以说是一个 最有意义的题目,但是你能够用什么分析工具去研究这个问题呢?钱颖一教授曾经谈到,到美国留学的女学生和男学生相比上路更快,因为男学生总是想做中国经济 体制改革总体思路这样的大问题,而女学生则比较踏实地按照导师的意见搜集数据、做模型、调参数,结果更容易出成果。(3)尽量使问题细化,不要选大而空的 问题。大而空的问题只能够说明你还没有把一个问题想得很清楚。比如,如果你的选题是“中国国际收支问题研究”,读者根本无法判断你真正想研究的问题,实际 上,这可能跟更适合做为一门课的题目而不是一篇论文的题目。比较可取的题目,比如说,可能是“为什么中国会同时出现经常项目和资本项目的双顺差”。(4) 在满足前三个条件的前提下,尽可能选择别人也会感兴趣的问题。每个人都希望自己的文章被更多的读者阅读,这在写作经济学论文的时候可能带来一个“两难选 择”,从本质上说,经济学论文的读者是不可能很多的。一份一流的经济学刊物可能只是 500 个人写,500 个人看。但是,例外的情况也不是没有。我记得《政治经济学杂志》上有一篇讲童话故事《绿野仙踪》中的政治经济学的文章,据作者考证,这篇童话实际上是一个 政治寓言,反映的是围绕美国货币制度改革的争议。这篇文章得到了弗里德曼的高度推崇。其实它根本不是那种技术性非常强的学术论文,它的高明之处就在于找到 了一个很好的分析角度。张五常的《蜜蜂的寓言》也有异曲同工之妙。设想一下在春光明媚的农场,飘散着浓郁的花香,蜜蜂在花丛中忙忙碌碌,而经济学家在旁边 思考着产权问题。这是多么地浪漫而诗意,怎能让人不争着一睹为快。 提高论文命中率的小诀窍 下面是我从做编辑的角度给作者提出的若干建议,这些建议可能显得非常琐碎甚至愚蠢,但是,相信我,它们非常有用。 1.投稿前一定要读过所要投稿的杂志。 也许你会觉得很奇怪,但是,确实有很多向我们投稿的作者其实并没有读过我们的杂志,否则我想他们是不会向我们投稿的。有很多稿件根本就不适合在我们杂志上 刊登,比如有的稿件只是人物传记,还有些是属于其他经济学分支比如会计理论的。也许你为这篇稿件花了很多功夫,但是你没有花最多 1 个小时的时间浏览一下我们的杂志,判断这本杂志的主要内容、风格和体例,结果是在 30秒的时间内,你的论文就被丢进了废纸篓。 2.用点心思写内容提要。 内容提要就像是你论文的简历。如果你找工作要投寄简历,我可以告诉你一个 30 秒法则,如果你的简历不能够在 30 秒之内引起雇主注意,那么你必定失败。几乎所有的作者都不重视论文的内容提要,认为这是画蛇添足。但是,我可以从编辑的角度告诉你,内容提要非常重要,尤 其是在一流的学术期刊那里。比如说,《世界经济》每天大约收到 10 篇稿件,但每期最多能刊登 15 篇论文,所以我们的录用率在 5%以下。尽管我们尽最大可能不让任何一篇优秀论文漏网,但是考虑到时间和人力的约束,发生遗漏的可能性是不可避免的。怎样避免这种情况,这在很大程度上 取决于你的论文的题目、内容结构、论文的格式是否规范,还有,就是内容提要。内容提要应该用最简练的语言说服编辑和读者阅读你的论文,清楚地表述你想要研 究的问题,你的方法,你的结论,你在哪些方面做出了创新等等。 3.当第一篇论文投稿之后,马上准备下一篇论文。 在实行匿名审稿制度后,论文发表周期将随之拉长。实际上,如果你在国外杂志上发表论文,一般的发表周期会是 2-3 年。国内的发表周期要短的多,但是也至少要有半年到 1 年。因为审稿人提出审稿意见后,作者还需要修改,像原来那种作者寄来的稿件不经过修改直接刊登的情况越来越少了。研究生的在校时间只有 3 年,如果你二年级才动手写论文,寄出后用情专一地痴心等待这篇论文发表,万一发表不了,马上就要毕业了,再想另起炉灶就太晚了。 4.不要在论文中对别人的工作妄加批评。 因为你所批评的那个人很可能就是你的审稿人。 5.试图激怒审稿人对你没有任何好处。 当你遭到退稿时,你可能会很自然地责怪编辑和审稿人没有理解你论文的价值。这是完全可能的,我们并不排除有的审稿人只花 15 分钟读您的论文就匆忙作出结论的可能性。但从另一个方面来看,这恰恰对您的论文提出了更高要求。如果您能够使自己的论文表述得更为清楚,问题更有趣、结论 更鲜明,能够在15 分钟之内给审稿人留下深刻印象,那么您成果的可能性就会大大提高。更多的情况是,绝大多数审稿人会认真地花费数个小时甚至数天阅读您的论文,而且他们都是 在这一领域内的一流的专家。如果这些专家还是理解不了您的思想,那么几乎可以肯定的是,您的论文存在着这样那样的问题。 6.不妨在一开始向平庸的杂志投稿。 什么?你在前面不是劝告我们不要往平庸杂志投稿吗?--别误会,我说的这两点并不矛盾。如果你只往平庸杂志投稿,会很快消磨掉你的才华,你写得太多,写得太手 顺,最后就会沦为只能在平庸杂志上发论文。但是,如果你一开始就直接向一流杂志投稿,遭到退稿的概率会很大,一次又一次的失败可能会消磨掉你的锐气。失败 并不是成功之母,不断有小的成功才能够激发更大的成功。所以,你的确需要一点小小的成就感。 7.千万不要抄袭。 在国外读书的时候,每个入学的新生都会领到一本写作手册,其中的第一条就是:千万不要抄袭。这是学生能够犯下的最严重的罪过,比你考试不及格严重多了,如 果发现抄袭,马上勒令退学。 8.千万不要一稿多投。 我们有一个黑名单,所有一稿多投的作者将永不录用。其实,如果你在一个月之内没有收到我们的通知,就可以视作稿件未被采用,可以另投其他刊物。其他的刊物 也都有类似的声明。如果你连这点耐心也没有,请参照第3条。 9.记住在寄出稿件之前检查公式和图表的错误,改正错别字。 10. 记住写清楚自己的名字、单位和联系方式。
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黄安年 2010-5-27 09:21
杨生茂、张友伦主编《美国历史百科辞典》提要(一) 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2010 年 5 月 27 日发布 书名 : 美国历史百科辞典 主编: 杨生茂,张友伦 副主编: 李青、齐文颖、冯承柏 出版社: 上海辞书出版社 责任编辑 : 林益民 美术编辑 : 俞玮娅 摄影: 钱映芬 出版时间: 2004 年 2 月第一版 印刷时间: 2004 年 2 月第 1 次印刷 开  本: 787X1092 毫米 1/16 印张: 37 插页: 21 印数: 1-3100 册 纸  张: 胶版纸 字  数: 1 , 478 , 000 字 页  数: 552 页 定价: 86.00 元 ISBN : 5326-1352-6/K 127 内容简介   由杨生茂和张友伦先生主编的《美国历史百科词典》于 2004 年 2 月由上海辞书出版社正式出版。 本辞典为美国史方面的一部中型历史百科辞典。全书共收词目 4231 条,共约 148 万字。该书基本上以殖民地时期为上限, 20 世纪末为下限(在本书出版之前适当增加了 2001-2002 年底的某些资料),取材广泛,所收词目包括北美印第安人历史文化,英、法等欧洲国家对北美的殖民侵略和殖民统治史,美国独立和独立后国家政治、军事、经济、社会、文化、教育、科技发展史等,主要名词术语、人物事件(尤其关注妇女运动、工人运动、社会主义运动以及其他社会运动)、政党社团、组织机构、条约文件、民族民俗、历史地名、学校企业、科技发明、文学艺术(戏剧、音乐)、学术流派、报刊杂志、社会生活宗教、体育、名胜和理论学说等方面等。本辞典正文后附有《美国历史大事年表》、《人名译名对照索引》、《美国历届政府主要成员表》、《美国五十州总表》美国领土扩张一览表、美国历届总统一览表、美国行政部院概览表、美国驻中国全权代表、公使及大使一览表、中国驻美国公使、大使一览表、美国诺贝尔奖获得者一览表等供读者参考。书中附有插图 232 幅。   这本词典的编纂工作从 1986 年开始,历经四载完成。主要撰稿者是南开大学的教师以及部分硕士和博士生。北京大学的齐文颖教授和几位研究生以及中国社会科学院的严四光研究员也参加了词典的编写和审阅。撰稿者本着实事求是的原则,力求客观公正,言简意赅,并参考了大量的国内外图书资料,以使词条内容能反映最新的研究成果。本书主要面向高等学校的师生、研究人员和对美国历史感兴趣的读者,对于教学和科研工作者具有重要的参考价值。 目录 前言 凡例 词目表 正文 附录:一 美国历史大事年表 二 美国领土扩张一览表 三 美国五十州总表 四 美国历届总统一览表 五 美国历届政府主要成员表 六 美国行政部院概览表 七 美国驻中国全权代表、公使及大使一览表 八 中国驻美国公使、大使一览表 九 美国诺贝尔奖获得者一览表 人名译名对照索引 后记 杨主编词典的名称和译名的正确意见未被出版社采纳而十分遗憾,并诉诸学界同仁和媒体。 2004 年 5 月 31 日 , 杨先生写信给黄安年说 : 《美国历史百科辞典》于今年由上海辞书出版社出版。此书系 1986 年该出版社来天津组稿, 1990 年底交稿。不料责任编辑(黄安年按 : 姓名这里发布时隐去)因国家政策变更 , 遂怠工压审。中间经过多次周折,经过多次补写,才于今年出版。其中经过一言难尽。我同责任编辑在书名上有分歧,我不主张在历史学科下加百科二字 , 这是画蛇添足,只能表示全书无序,而且全书也不够百科分量。 XXX (黄安年按 : 姓名这里发布时用 XXX 代替 , 下同)坚持己见 , 拒绝直接与我联系 , 所有事务都直接写给张友伦(二主编之一),再由张转告。最后书名仍用百科二字(即《美国历史百科辞典》更不幸的是 , 编辑在书封面上所译的英文书名 , 居然驴唇不对马嘴!(即 Dictionary of Amercian History Encyclopedia! )我让友伦写信去质询 ,XXX( 是比较老编辑 ) 回信竟推卸责任 , 含混其词 ( 见 X 给友伦信的复印件 ) 。如何面对广大读者〉如何使读者相信书的内容?木已成舟,奈何奈何!我真想写一篇小文 , 总结编辑的经验 , 并痛斥唯利是图的编辑们。今寄去 X 信复印件,详尽面谈。出版社只给一本书 ! 无法转赠,亦祈见谅。 (《杨生茂先生较真美国历史词典名称和译名》,黄安年的博客 /2010 年 5 月 16 日发布 ) 杨生茂先生终于在学术界 2004 年第 6 期上发表短文《一个不忍目睹的荒唐的译名》短文强调可信性是工具书赖以存在的首要条件。今在封面上居然发生如此严重的硬伤,的确触犯了编辑工具书的大忌。毋庸讳言,读者无法在眼中揉下这粒沙子。《辞典》的质量自然会招致某种疑惑,甚而对中文书名使用百科二字的适当性也会引起疑义。请读者多提宝贵意见,以便再版时加以修正。 ( 原载《学术界》 2004 年第 6 期第 139-140 页 ) 学术交流网 (www.annian.net)/ 学术问题讨论 /2004 年 12 月 10 日转发 http://www.annian.net/show.aspx?id=11324cid=18 对此,武汉大学李世洞教授发表评论文章:荒唐译名三思以《美国历史百科词典》的英译名为例(学术批评网 2005 年 1 月 12 日)说 : 杨先生的短文反映了出版、传媒界存在的一些具有倾向性的问题。它值得人们认真思考。 并说:早在去年( 2004 ) 4 月 12 日,杨先生在给笔者的信中就已很不安地写道:当我拿到成书后,瞠目结舌,惊愕不已。这个出奇的驴唇不对马嘴的大错误,怎么向广大读者交代?,黄安年教授在他的网上评论中也讲了杨先生三番五次给他写信、打电话、面谈此事。造成这类问题的原因,除了文化素质外,主要还是在思想上把它看成芝麻绿豆而不予重视,因而在实践中缺乏一丝不苟严肃认真的作风。学术批评网 (www.acriticism.com) 首发 2005 年 1 月 12 日 http://acriticism.com/article.asp?Newsid=5970type=1002 评论另见:评《美国历史百科词典》,付成双,《世界历史》 2004 年 4 期 附照片(一) 26 幅 , (二) 15 幅。
个人分类: 美国书目提要(07-11)|4730 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 jjczhang 2010-5-12 05:41
本人近期被选为Journal of Petroleum Science andEngineering 杂志(SCI, Elsevier) 编委会常务委员, 欢迎投稿 --- J. Zhang. I am now an Associate Editor of Journal of Petroleum Sci. Eng. You are welcome to submit manuscripts. Journal of Petroleum Science andEngineering is indexedin Science Citation Index and published by Elsevier. It isone of the best journals in the oil and gas industry. Please refer to the following website for details: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/09204105
个人分类: 生活点滴|7863 次阅读|12 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:37
王 应 宽 2010-04-18 Beijing, China Minutes of the Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Journal Handover to China By Dr. Wang Yingkuan Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Managing Editor of IJABE, Associate Editor-in-chief of Transactions of the CSAE, CSAE and CAAE Time: 9:00-11: 00 A .M, April 7, 2010, Wednesday Venue: Meeting Room A606, Office Building, CAAMS Organizer: Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Master of Ceremony (Emcee): Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department, CAAMS Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, CAAE Attendees: Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Prof. Fedro Zazueta, on behalf of the CIGR Presidium and CIGR President Prof. Sren Pedersen. Invited guests: Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Founder of CIGR Ejournal, USA; Prof Jiannong Xin, Member of Executive Board of CIGR, University of Florida, USA; Prof Yubin Lan, Agricultural Engineer and Professor, USDA-ARS at Texas AM University, College Station, USA. Three Chinese Representatives of CIGR Technical Sections: Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of CIGR Technical Section VII, Honorary President of the CSAE CSAM, Editor-in-Chief of IJABE, China Agricultural University(CAU), China; Prof. Li Baoming, Member of CIGR Technical Section II, Vice Dean of College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China; Prof. Huang Guanhua, Secretary of CIGR Technical Section I, Section Editor of CIGR Ejournal, Director of Chinese-Israeli International Center for Training in Agriculture, CAU, China. Leaders and Representatives from CAAMS, CSAM: Li Shujun, Zhao Xiaopeng, Liu Ruiwen, Zhang Zhenxin, Lanfang Zhang, Li Qing, Wang Jin, Zhang Pengzi Leaders and Representatives from CAAE and CSAE: Zhu Ming, Qin Jingguang, Guan Xiaodong, Wei Xiuju, Wang Yingkuan and two part-time editors Rabi Rasaily and Lingyan Zhang presented. Over twenty participants attended the ceremony. The inauguration ceremony of CIGR E-Journal handover to China was held on April 7, 2010, Wednesday in the meeting room A606 of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) office building. The organizers of the ceremony were Prof Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS and CSAM, and Prof Zhu Ming, President of the CAAE and CSAE. On behalf of Prof Li Shujun and Prof Zhu Ming, Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, called together the ceremony, who was also the Master of Ceremony (Emcee) along with Prof. Lanfang Zhang from International Cooperation Department, CAAMS. The program kicked off at 9:00 am with the introduction to all the participants. The participants from USA were also present via video conference. Because of the time difference, many expected participants failed to present the ceremony. The followings are the key speakers with their brief views and remarks on the handover ceremony: 1. Prof. Fedro Zazueta, Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, gave a wonderful speech with the title of Today is truly a memorable day Via Video Conference. He briefly recalled the history of CIGR Journal with three milestones: Prof Bill Stout launched the journal; Modernize communication resources of CIGR using modern IT technology and redesign the CIGR website, implementing an management system for the CIGR Journal; Move the journal to the Open Journal System with the help of Dr. Jiannong Xin, Dr. Bill Stout, staff at the University of Florida and Staff at Texas AM University. This established a modern online review system and open access repository for publications in our profession at no cost to the authors. Today, we are looking at a new horizon. With the support from CSAM and CSAE, and with a dedicated professional editor, Dr. Yingkuan Wang, the level of the Journal is being raised to a higher standard, and a new stage in the development of the Journal and its positive influence on our profession worldwide will come. He is looking forward to this close collaboration between CSAM, CSAE and CIGR. 2. Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out in his speech that this ceremony is a landmark with great significance in the cooperation between CIGR and China. The CSAM and CSAE joining as a Chinese Federation became a national member of CIGR in 1989. Since then, the academic exchange and friendship between Chinese agricultural engineers and worldwide colleagues of agricultural and biological societies have become more and more close link with good cooperation development. In 2004, the CIGR International Conference with the theme of The Olympics of Agricultural Engineering was successfully held in Beijing. Prof Wang expressed his sincere thanks to all former and active CIGR leadership, all our friends for their great trust, friendship and cooperation. The CIGR E-Journal Handover to China from today will be much helpful for Chinese federation of CSAM and CSAE to learn more experience for CIGR activities. I believe that the editorial board and both the CSAM and CSAE will do best efforts to make the EJournal even greater success. In the past, we all benefited a lot from our successful cooperation. In the future, we will write a new chapter in cooperation. Great thanks to CIGR Leaders who have made the decision that the 18th CIGR World Congress in 2014 will be held in Beijing, China. We will do our best to co-sponsor this important event. Prof Wang stressed that the cooperation to establish a strategic cooperative partnership among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE is a multi-win-win strategy. 3. Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Founder and Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, addressed at the inauguration ceremony at his home in Meridian, Idaho, USA Via Video Conference. He mentioned that the concept of CIGR Ejournal was born in Oslo of Norway in August 1998, and took shape at Texas AM University, USA with the publication of seven technical articles and two overview papers in 1999. By the end of 2009, the journal has grown with the publication of 484 original papers and 115 invited overviews with authors from 57 countries. Dr. Fedro Zazuetta proposed the Ejournal adopt the Open Journal System which was approved by the CIGR Presidium and he was appointed as Editor-in-chief in 2009. China proposed to host the Ejounal some time ago. That leads us to today---the inauguration of Dr Yingkuan Wang as the Editor-in-Chief under the sponsorship of CSAE and CSAM. He thanked the CAAMS and its President, Dr Li Shujun for the moral and financial support for the Ejournal. Prof Bill Stout believes that the future of the CIGR Ejournal is bright. It continues to strive for higher quality and is well on its way to becoming as good as any of the best journals in the field of agricultural and biological engineering. He wishes the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yingkuan Wang and all his colleagues well as they undertake this important assignment. And he is looking forward to continuing to work as their advisor and supporter. 4. Main points of the speech given by Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Executive President of CAAMS Prof Li first thanked the CIGR Presidium for giving China the opportunity to operate the CIGR Ejournal. Since the 2004 CIGR International Conference held in Beijing, more and more Chinese agricultural engineering scientists have been actively involved in the CIGR academic activities and have been playing positive roles in promoting CIGR worldwide. From 2007, China has been seeking the opportunity to host the CIGR Ejournal. The three-party agreement was signed on October 16, 2009 among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE in the CAAMS in Beijing, which was a big step forward for the CIGR Ejournal to come to China. CAAMS provided 1 million RMB Yuan for journal as the launching fund. Two rooms for the Editorial Office of the CIGR Ejournal are ready now, equipped with internet connection facilities, computers, printers, fax machines, four lines of telephones as well as the furniture. Apart from the facilities, five staff members of the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office have been selected and employed. The incoming Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE has been recommended and selected by both China and CIGR due to his outstanding professional qualifications. He appreciated that Prof. Bill Stout accepted the invitation to serve as the advisor to the CIGR Ejournal. Prof Li also promised, as the host of the CIGR Ejournal, CAAMS will be glad to provide whatever is needed by the CIGR Editorial Office and will be happy to offer the best support service. CAAMS will also invite the universities and research institutes in China to make contributions to the CIGR Ejournal. Prof Li stressed that the operation of the CIGR Ejournal should follow the CIGR-CSAM-CSAE Three-party Agreement and the Bylaws drafted by the CIGR Presidium. We will also rely on the CIGR section chairs and editors to ensure high quality, make the best use of the talented people both in China and abroad, and upgrade the professional level of the Editorial Office staff by continued technical training. He disclosed the Dr, Wang Yingkuan, the incoming Editor-in-Chief, has a detailed business plan to improve the journal. He believe with joint efforts of all the related parties under the guidance of the CIGR Presidium and the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, the CIGR Ejournal can be made into a first-class international journal equal to the best journals in the agricultural/biological engineering area. 5. Main points of the address given by Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE and CAAE Prof Zhu Ming first greeted all the friends and guests there. He expressed his great honor and excitement to witness the inaugural ceremony of CIGR Ejournal handover to China. Prof Zhu gave his heartfelt thanks to CIGR Presidium and foreign friends for their friendship, trust and support, so that China can operate the CIGR Ejournal. He warmly welcomed CIGR Ejournal to China, on behalf of Chinese agricultural engineers and scientists! He is quite convinced that Chinas agricultural engineering will be booming together with the prosperity of CIGR Ejournal. Therefore, maintaining a strategic cooperative partnership between CIGR and CSAE/CSAM is a win-win policy, which is good for all. Prof Zhu believes that the joint efforts of two strongest societies, CSAM and CSAE and academies, CAAMS and CAAE in China as cosponsor to operate the journal, will surely accelerate the development of CIGR Ejournal. Dr. Wang Yingkuan from CSAE is well qualified and completely competent for the new editor-in-chief. Prof Zhu promised, as the President of CAAE and CSAE, he ensure that CAAE and CSAE will give full support to run this journal. CSAE will conduct close cooperation with CSAM and CIGR to promote the journal. Last, he wish CIGR Ejournal a great success in China and worldwide! 6. Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief, s hared his ten new ideas on further improvement and promotion of the CIGR Ejournal. Starting with using a definite title of the Ejournal, transforming into a quarterly periodical publication as a professional and scientific journal, active communication with all indexing databases, improving and customizing the journal websites, increasing the visibility and accessibility of journal website, organize OJS training for section editors and editorial staff, strengthening the editorial team by training, improving journal manuscript process, inviting good papers and organizing an international editorial board with over 100 members from about 50 countries. Dr. Wang stressed that he would really appreciate more liberty and decision-making power to handle the journal affairs independently, and should have a major voice in editing and publishing this journal, since CIGR, CSAM and CSAE trusted and selected him as the editor-in-chief. Dr. Wang gave his special thanks to Prof Bill Stout, Zhu Ming and Li Shujun for trusting and recommending him as the new editor-in-chief, and great assistance, guidance, effort and support to host the CIGR Journal in China. Dr Wang believes and wishes this journal a great success in China and around the world! 7. Brief report on the preparation work for the CIGR E-Journal Editorial Office was given by Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CAAMS. The preparation work includes six aspects: 1) Leaders of CSAM and CSAE discussed the operation of the CIGR Ejournal with the CIGR Presidium. Dr. Shujun Li visited the University of Florida and talked with Prof. Fedro and Prof. Jiannong Xin on the CIGR Ejournal matters. 2) A team was set up with Dr. Li Shujun as the leader, and three working meetings were held to make the business plan, formulate the working timetable and the detailed steps to implement the plan. 3) Five staff members for the CIGR Editorial Office were selected and employed, and the first short training on OJS was conducted and the professional training on OJS and the editing expertise training are also planned by new Editor-in-chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan. 4) The present editor-in-chief Prof. Fedro made frequent communications with the incoming Editor-in Chief Dr. Wang Yingkuan, and four online meetings were held between the two editors and the meeting minutes were made, which very much ensured the smooth handover of the CIGR Ejournal from US to China. 5) CAAMS allocated two office rooms equipped with all the necessary facilities and furniture. CAAMS also provided one million RMB Yuan as the fund for staring the operation of the CIGR Ejournal. 6) The Editor-in-Chief Dr. Wang Yinkuan spent a lot of time on visiting the CIGR website and the CIGR Ejournal website to learn more information and try to find out what should be improved. He drafted a detailed plan to improve the quality and promote the journal. 8. After the formal announcement by Prof. Fedro Zazueta, on behalf of Prof. Sren Pedersen, President of the CIGR, the CIGR E-Journal has officially moved to China, and Dr. Wang Yingkuan has been appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the CIGR E-Journal. After the formal announcement of the handover of CIGR Ejournal, farewell was given to foreign guests and video conference was ended. The rest of the participants presented in a meeting room proceeded to the 2 nd floor of the same building for the unveiling ceremony of CIGR Editorial office and Editor-in-Chief office. Prof. Li Shujun and Prof. Zhu Ming jointly unveiled the nameplate of the Editorial Office. Prof. Wang Maohua and Dr Wang Yingkuan jointly unveiled the nameplate of the Editor-in-Chief office of the CIGR E-Journal. The ceremony was officially closed after taking some group photo s. The whole process of the Inauguration Ceremony of the CIGR Journal Handover to China has been recorded, and the video clips will be played during the 2010 CIGR World Congress at Quebec, Canada, on Ju ne 13-17, 2010. After the ceremony, a luncheon party was held to celebrate the successful ceremony and smooth handover.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|4029 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-18 01:27
TenProposals for improving the journal: Address at CIGR Ejournal Handover Ceremony By Dr. Wang Yingkuan Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Managing Editor of IJABE, Associate Editor-in-chief of Transactions of the CSAE, CSAE and CAAE Dear Mr. Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief Prof Fedro Zazueta, Prof Wang Maohua, Prof Bill Stout, Prof Zhu Ming, Prof Li Shujun and other CIGR Officials and Members, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning and good evening ! Thank you all. I am excited and happy to be selected as the new editor-in-chief. I will try my best to improve, publicize and promote the CIGR J ournal. Since all the leaders and distinguished guests have delivered excellent speeches , I will not repeat their kind words of praise and thanks. Today, I am going to share ten of my new suggestions on how to improve and promote the CIGR Journal. First, Unify one definite title of CIGR Journal I know from the emails that CIGR was criticized by Thomson ISI for the confusing journal titles. According to my rough statistics, we have used ten journal titles. They are as follows: E-Journals CIGR Journal CIGR Ejournal CIGR ejournal CIGR E-Journal (hyphen) The CIGR Electronic Journal Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR EJournal ( the Presidium approved this one as the official name, but it can be changed by approval of the appropriate body) Agricultural Engineering International: The CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Research and Development The CIGR Journal of AE Scientific Research and Development I will not make a decision on this, but I welcome suggestions on a good title after in-depth investigation. Frankly, I prefer CIGR Journal. Second, Behave like a journal The present practice of publishing one volume each year is not desirable and scientific. It is more like an online archive depositing some peer reviewed papers, rather than a journal. A journal is a serial publication, thus it should be published periodically. Therefore, some changes are needed. I plan to make the CIGR Journal a Quarterly publication with four issues a year, with volume and number of issues. I also wish to change the appearance, say, design a journal cover, adopt two-column format, add a page header with running title, journal title, volume and number of issue , making it more like a professional and scholarly journal. Third, Keep aggressive contact with indexing system I will conduct active communication with all indexing databases with the focus on Thomson ISI and EI. Certainly, we must continuously improve the quality of our journal. We also need to make some changes to meet the criteria of the indexing databases such as SCI and EI. Fourth, Improve and customize the journal website I will improve and customize the journal website. There are great opportunities for improving the journal website. I will provide detailed journal introduction, guide manuals for authors, reviewers and editors. To enlarge the expert databases of our journal to provide strong support to peer review is also an important task. Fifth, Increase the accessibility and visibility of journal website I will add a direct hyperlink to CIGR Journal in CIGR website. There is a link that leads to a brief introduction to the journal, but it cannot navigate to the journal website. What I need is to navigate directly to the journal homepage after clicking the journal link. I will also try to exchange interlinks with other related journals. After publishing each issue, I will use OJS to send an Article Alert to all the registered users of our journal. All those measures will greatly increase the accessibility and visibility of our journal and published papers. Sixth, Organize OJS training CIGR Journal uses Open Journal System (OJS) to receive submissions, conduct peer review, communicate with all users and publish papers online. Skillful use of OJS will improve the efficiency of handling manuscripts. The best solution to break the bottleneck is to provide OJS training. I plan to organize OJS training for our section editors and editorial staff. I may provide some online video guides for reviewers, authors and readers. Seventh, Strengthen the team of Section editors and editorial staff In order to strengthen our editorial team and also share the workload, I will invite more experts to serve as the section editors. I also plan to appoint more professional editorial staff, including science editors, English editors, copy editors, full time or part-time. Moreover, all kinds of training such as technical writing, editing, reviewing, proofreading for authors, reviewers and in-house editors will be provided. Eighth, Improve journal manuscript process Reasonable journal manuscript process will be made with a timetable for each procedure. We will monitor the review process, to ensure a timely, serious and high quality peer review with good review comments and constructive suggestions. We will ask the authors to make timely and effective revisions with a response letter addressing to the review comments. I plan to strengthen the post-review process, with more emphasis on editing, English polishing, formatting, proofreading, online publishing, to improve the writing and presentation of accepted papers. Ninth, Invite and solicit good papers Free submissions are not enough for a good journal. We cannot sit and wait for free submissions from authors. I will do my possible to invite good-quality papers. I will encourage our staff editors to attend symposia and meetings, contacting scientists face to face and inviting papers. Tenth, Organize an International Editorial Board I will organize an international editorial board of CIGR Journal. The board will consist of over 100 members from over 50 countries. An international editorial board will attract worldwide participation and support. These are just some of my plans. I have a lot of new ideas to improve and promote the journal, and there are many, many things to do. Since CIGR, CSAM and CSAE trust me as the editor-in-chief, I really appreciate more liberty and decision-making power to handle the journal affairs independently. I should have a major voice in editing and publishing this journal. Finally, I have to thank one of my best friends, Prof Bill Stout, for his selfless service and great contribution to the journal in the past ten years. He has launched this journal and has been working hard for it persistently for ten years. Thank him for trusting and recommending me as the new editor-in-chief of the CIGR Journal. I really appreciate his great assistance and guidance serving as an adviser after his resignation. Special thanks also go to Prof Zhu Ming and Prof Li Shujun for their great effort and support to host the CIGR Journal in China. I ask all of you to support the CIGR Journal and me as ever in the future. I wish this journal a great success in China and around the world! Thank you,
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5044 次阅读|2 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:28
Address at Inaugural Ceremony of CIGR E-Journal Handover to China By Prof. Wang Maohua, Honorary President of CSAE and CSAM, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) April 7, 2010 Beijing Dear Distinguished Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR E-Journal, Prof.Fedro Zazueta, Dear Honorary president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, Dear colleagues of CIGR, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very happy to meet so many friends of our CIGR community here for the inaugural ceremony of CIGR E-Journal handover to China . This is a significant landmark in further promotion of the cooperation between CIGR and Chinese agricultural engineering federation. 21 years before in 1989, the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) were joined as a Chinese Federation of CSAM and CSAE to represent agricultural engineering professional community in China to become a national member of CIGR. Since then, the academic exchange and friendship between Chinese agricultural engineers and colleagues of worldwide agricultural and biological societies have become more and more close link with good cooperation development. In the past 80 years, the CIGR have played a great role in consolidation of worldwide agricultural engineering communities to promote knowledge and experience transfer and contribute to change the conventional agriculture into modern food production system with advanced engineering and management technologies in the world. Some Chinese Scholars have actively involved in CIGR leadership and sessions in promotion of academic activities. In 2004, the CIGR International Conference with the theme of The Olympics of Agricultural Engineering was successfully held in Beijing . I would like to express my sincere thanks to all former and active CIGR leadership, all our friends for their great trust, friendship and cooperation. The CIGR E-Journal Handover to China from today will be much helpful for Chinese federation of CSAM and CSAE to learn more experience for CIGR activities. Here I would like to thank the former president of CIGR, Prof. Bill Stout, for his initiation to propose the CIGR E-Journal Handover to China and to extend CIGR E-Journal editorial experience to Chinese Editorial group in many years. I believe that the editorial board and both the CSAM and CSAE will do best efforts to make the EJournal even great success and continuous getting support and guidance from all of you! I believe the CIGR E-Journal will provide good services to CIGR community in the future! The cooperation of Chinese Federation of CSAM CSAE with CIGR is a multi-win-win strategy. In the past, we all benefited a lot from our successful cooperation. In the future, we will write a new chapter in the further even successful cooperation. Great thanks to CIGR Leaders have made the decision that the 18th CIGR World Congress in 2014 will be held in Beijing , China . We will do our best to co-sponsor this important event. Chinese Agricultural and biological engineering community will maintain a close relationship and cooperation with CIGR and establish a strategic cooperative partnership among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE. The world become flat, the fast advances of information and communication technology will change our working and life pattern and will have chance to use the new technologies to create a harmonious world. Thank you.
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Bill Stout教授致辞-Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to Chi
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:22
王 应 宽 2010-04-14 Beijing, China Address at Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Address by Dr Bill Stout CIGR Honorary President Former CIGR Ejournal Editor-in-Chief Good morning to my dear friends and colleagues in China! Good evening to others! I am honored to be invited to participate in this video conference to inaugurate the CIGR Ejournal operations in China. As many of you know, I have been associated with the Ejournal since the original concept was born. It was in August, 1998. I was in Oslo, Norway visiting with CIGR Honorary President, Prof. Egil Berge. We were discussing the need for CIGR to host a means for dispersing technical information to its members in some 95 countries and others interested in agricultural engineering technology around the world. The idea of some kind of international journal emerged. But how? Paper journals are expensive, far beyond the financial resources of CIGR. We talked about the possibility of an electronic journal which has many advantages over paper journals and is much less expensive. I went home and talked with my Texas AM colleagues. They were enthusiastic about the idea and Dr George Sabbagh stepped forward and volunteered to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief. I should also acknowledge the dedicated service of two other Editors-in-Chief---Dr Rosana Moreira and Dr Lingjuan Wang. All these Editors served admirably for several years. The first year, 1999, we published only 7 technical articles and 2 invited overviews. The number of submissions and published articles grew every single year during the first 10 years that I was involved. By the end of 2009 we had published 484 peer reviewed original research papers and 115 invited overviews with authors from 57 countries. All this was done with no cost to authors or readers. But as the Ejournal continued to grow in numbers and quality it became apparent that the workload of processing the submissions was outgrowing the capability of a volunteer Editor-in-Chief to handle. Dr Fedro Zazueta, IT Specialist at the University of Florida (and Incoming President of CIGR) stepped forward and proposed that the Ejournal adopt the Open Journal System, an automated technical journal management system. Everyone agreed so Dr Zazueta was appointed as Editor-in-Chief last year and starting with Volume XI, 2010, the OJS was used. And submissions continued to increase substantially---196 last year. China proposed to host the Ejounal some time ago. Prof. Li Shujun will give details in his address later in this program. That leads us to today---the inauguration of Dr Yingkuan Wang as the Editor-in-Chief under the sponsorship of CSAE and CSAM. Finally, I want to recognize CAAMS and its President, Dr Li Shujun for the moral and financial support for the Ejournal. Details will be given in other presentations. The future of the CIGR Ejournal is bright. It is serving a critical need by providing technical information for both developing countries and industrial countries around the world. It continues to strive for higher quality and is well on its way to becoming as good as any of the best journals in the field of agricultural and biological engineering. I wish the new Editor-in-Chief, Dr Yingkuan Wang and all his colleagues well as they undertake this important assignment. And I look forward to continuing to work as their advisor and supporter. Thank you.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3760 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-4-11 12:51
王 应 宽 2010-04-11 Beijing, China CIGR 会刊落户中国启动仪式举行,王应宽博士就任主编 2010 年 4 月 7 日上午,国际农业工程学会( CIGR, http://www.cigr.org/ )会刊(下称 CIGR Ejournal, http://www.cigrjournal.org ) 落户中国的移交启动仪式在中国农业机械化研究院( CAAMS )隆重举行。这是落实 2009 年 10 月 16 日中国农业机械学会、中国农业工程学会和国际农业工程学会共同签署的 CIGR Ejournal 合作协议的重要步骤,是 CIGR Ejournal 历史上具有里程碑意义的大事。 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部新址办公室设在中国农机院的新办公楼内。移交启动仪式由 CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR Ejournal 现任主编、美国佛罗里达大学教授 Fedro Zazueta 博士、中国农业机械学会副理事长兼秘书长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君研究员和中国农业工程学会理事长、中国农业工程研究设计院院长朱明研究员共同召集,由 CIGR Ejournal 新任主编王应宽博士和中国农业机械学会( CSAM )国际部张兰芳研究员共同主持仪式。 参加仪式的中方嘉宾包括中国工程院院士、中国农业机械学会和中国农业工程学会名誉理事长汪懋华教授, CIGR 第一技术分会秘书、中国农业大学教授黄冠华博士, CIGR 第二技术分会理事、中国农业大学教授李保明博士,中国农业机械学会副秘书长刘瑞雯研究员、张振新研究员,中国农业机械学会国际部赵小鹏部长,中国农业工程学会秦京光秘书长、管小冬常务副秘书长、《农业工程学报》常务副主编魏秀菊研究员等。此外, CIGR Ejournal 编辑部全体工作人员也参加了启动仪式。 通过网络视频会议参加此次启动仪式的国际嘉宾有: CIGR 即任主席、 CIGR Ejournal 现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授, CIGR 名誉主席、 CIGR Ejournal 创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授, CIGR 常务理事会成员、佛罗里达州立大学教授辛建农博士,美国农业部研究中心( USDA-ARS )研究员和得克萨斯农工大学兼职教授兰玉彬博士等。 启动仪式分为两部分,第一部分是通过国际视频会议举行的 CIGR Ejournal 移交仪式, 第二部分为 CIGR Ejournal 落户中国、编辑部新址办公室的揭牌仪式。视频会议中, Fedro Zazueta 教授首先致辞,他对 CIGR Ejournal 落户中国表达了衷心的祝贺,对所有参与会刊移交筹备工作的中国专家和学者们表示衷心的感谢,他祝愿会刊在中国同事们的共同努力下越办越好。随后汪懋华院士在他热情洋溢讲话中特别指出: CIGR Ejournal 落户中国标志着中国农业工程界在国际农业工程学术界的地位再次得到显著提升。会刊创始人 Bill Stout 教授回顾了会刊的创办初衷及近年来的发展历程,特别感谢中国农业机械化科学研究院和李树君博士为推进 CIGR Ejournal 的发展所给予的道德及资金方面的支持,同时表示要尽会刊顾问之责,协助新任主编王应宽博士工作,积极发挥作用,与中国同事一道为将 CIGR Ejournal 办成世界一流期刊而努力。 中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君和中国农业工程学会理事长朱明分别代表两个学会致辞。李树君副理事长在致辞中,总结了近几年中方在积极申办 CIGR Ejournal 过程中所做的大量工作,详细规划了会刊落户中国之后的发展目标,他从全球科技合作一体化的高度阐述了承办 CIGR Ejournal ,以此为平台和桥梁推动我国农业工程领域科学家参与国际学术交流、更快走向世界的重要性。李树君副理事长在致辞中介绍了中国农机院为 CIGR Ejournal 提供的诸多支持,包括无偿提供了编辑部的办公场所、配备了先进齐备的办公设施、拨付了一百万元 RMB 的启动资金、选派和招聘了编辑部的工作人员等,同时郑重承诺中国农机院将为 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部提供一流的配套服务。朱明研究员代表中国农业工程学会致辞,感谢 CIGR 主席团和国际友人对中国的信任、支持和友谊,热烈祝贺和欢迎 CIGR 会刊落户中国!朱明院长表示,随着中国科技和经济的发展,中国农业工程将在国际农业工程中发挥更重要的作用, CIGR 与中国合作共同推进学科和技术的发展,将会使各方面收益,因此,建立 CIGR 与中国的战略合作伙伴关系是多赢的举措。最后,朱明院长代表中国农业工程学会表示,将全力支持办好国际英文刊 CIGR Ejournal 。 新任主编王应宽博士发表了 CIGR Ejournal 会刊改进和完善的十大设想,就如何将会刊办成国际一流刊物进行了具体而系统的规划设计。中国农业机械学会国际部张兰芳研究员代表 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部将前期各项准备工作进行了全面系统的介绍。 CIGR 现任主席 Soren Pedersen 教授因故未能出席,他发来亲笔签名贺信,委托 CIGR 即任主席 Fedro Zazueta 教授代表 CIGR 主席团和他本人宣读致辞,郑重宣布 CIGR Ejournal 编辑工作正式移交中国。 视频会议结束后,所有与会代表参加了在中国农机院二楼举办的 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部办公室揭牌仪式。中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农机院常务副院长李树君研究员及中国农业工程学会理事长朱明研究员共同为 CIGR Ejournal 编辑部办公室揭匾,中国工程院院士、中国农业机械学会和中国农业工程学会名誉理事长汪懋华教授与 CIGR 会刊新任主编王应宽博士共同为会刊主编室揭牌,摄像及摄影都将这一难忘时刻记录了下来。随着现场响起的热烈掌声,移交启动仪式顺利结束, CIGR Ejournal 在发展历程中翻开了新的一页, CIGR Ejournal 来到了中国,期待在中国和世界农业工程界专家的共同努力下, CIGR 会刊将在这块农业大国的沃土上不断发展壮大。仪式结束后,中国农机院在胜利饭店设午宴,共同庆祝 CIGR 会刊落户中国。 资料链接: 国际农业工程学会 (http://www.cigr.org/) 1930 年创建于欧洲比利时。原名为法语 Commission Internationale du Genie Rural ,英文名称为 INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING , CIGR 系法语名称的首字母缩写。现更名为世界农业与生物系统工程学会( INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING ),设有 7 个专业技术分会。目前有近一百个国家或机构会员,是农业工程界最大的国际学术团体,如同农业工程界的联合国。国际农业与生物系统工程学会世界大会( CIGR ),每四年举办一届,是世界农业工程领域最重要、影响最广的国际会议。第 17 届世界农业与生物工程学会世界大会即将于 2010 年 6 月 13-17 日在加拿大魁北克召开。中国 1988 年加入世界农业工程学会成为国家会员(中国农业工程学会和中国机械学会组成联合体代表中国农业工程界),近年来一直积极参加由世界农业工程学会举办的各种学术活动,联系日益紧密,合作范围日益扩大。在 2004 年成功承办 CIGR 学术年会的基础上,还将承办 2014 年的 CIGR 第 18 届世界大会。 CIGR 电子会刊创办于 1999 年。此次,国际农业与生物工程学的会刊 CIGR Ejournal (http://www.cigrjournal.org/) 落户中国,由中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会联合承办,由王应宽博士担任主编,将进一步加强中国与国际农业工程界的交流与合作。 相关报道: 1 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://www2.caams.org.cn/njPublic/showNews.asp?id=1545classid=1ND_Flag=1 2 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://www.agro-csam.org/News/article.asp?id=1440classid=3 . 3 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国 . http://www.cast.org.cn/n35081/n35548/n38680/11880563.html . 4 国际农业工程学会会刊落户中国移交启动仪式成功举行 . http://intl.cast.org.cn/NewsDetails.aspx?Newsid=62 .
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|6347 次阅读|5 个评论
国际农业与生物工程学会会刊CIGR Journal即将落户中国
wangyk 2010-4-5 01:13
王 应 宽 2010-004-04 Beijing, China 国际农业与生物工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 即将落户中国 经过前一段时间的联系和我与 CIGR 即任主席 Fedro 教授之间多次视频会议,终于确定了 CIGR 期刊移交中国承办的具体事项。经过商议,拟准备于 2010 年 4 月 7 日上午 9-11 点在中国农业机械化科学研究院( CAAMS ) A606 会议室举行 CIGR 期刊落户中国移交启动仪式。会议将邀请的外宾包括国际农业与生物工程学会( CIGR )主席团(主席、当选主席、上任主席和秘书长)、 7 个专业技术分会主席、 CIGR 会刊栏目主编和特邀嘉宾等 20 余人。国内参会代表包括中国农业工程学会和农机学会的名誉理事长汪懋华院士、 CIGR 专业技术分会的委员中国代表,中国农业工程学会领导及代表、中国农业机械学会领导及代表和 CAAMS 国际合作部成员、 CIGR 会刊编辑部全体工作人员等 20 余人。会议的语言为英语。所邀请的 CIGR 主席团成员、各分会主席、栏目主编等外宾将通过网络视频 (Video Conference) 形式参加会议。国内参会代表全部到现场开会。启动仪式之后,王应宽博士将接任 CIGR 会刊主编, CIGR 期刊正式移交落户中国。会议中英文议程附后。欢迎关注,期待支持。 中文议程 国际农业与生物系统工程学会会刊 CIGR Journal 落户 中国移交启动仪式议程 时间: 2010 年 4 月 7 日 ,星期三,上午 9:00-11: 00 A .M. 地点: 中国农业机械化科学研究院( CAAMS )六层会议室 A606 召集人 : CAAMS 院长、 CSAM 副理事长李树君研究员 CAAE 院长、 CSAE 理事长朱明研究员 主持人: CAAMS 国际合作部张兰芳研究员 CAAE, CIGR Ejournal 新任主编王应宽博士 出席人员: CIGR 主席团成员(现任主席 Pedersen 、当选主席、上任主席、秘书长等) CIGR 当选主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授 CIGR 前任主席、 CIGR 期刊创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授 CIGR 执委, UFL 教授辛建农博士; USDA-ARS, TAMU 教授兰玉彬博士 CIGR 各专业技术分会主席和期刊栏目主编 ( 但因时差未必都参加 ) CIGR 各专业技术分会执委中国代表汪懋华院士、李保明教授、黄冠华教授 中国农业机械学会领导及代表(李树君、赵小鹏、张兰芳、刘瑞文、张振新、国际部和编辑部工作人员等) 中国农业工程学会领导及代表(朱明、秦京光、管小冬、靳佩贞、魏秀菊、王应宽) CIGR EJournal 期刊编辑部兼职编辑 Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Iris Zhang 议程: 主持人介绍参会来宾 1 CIGR 当选主席、 CIGR 期刊现任主编 Fedro Zazueta 教授致辞(网络视频) 2 汪懋华院士致辞 3 CIGR 前任主席、 CIGR 期刊创始人及前任主编 Bill Stout 教授致辞(网络视频) 4 中国农业机械学会副理事长、中国农业机械化科学院院长李树君研究员致辞 5 中国农业工程学会理事长、中国农业工程研究设计院院长朱明研究员致辞 6 新任主编王应宽博士致辞 7 CAAMS 国际合作部张兰芳研究员介绍 CIGR 会刊编辑部前期筹备情况 8 CIGR 主席 Soren Pedersen 教授宣布 CIGR 会刊正式落户中国(网络视频) 会议室的视频会议结束,与外方视频人员告别,转到二楼办公室举行揭牌仪式。 9 中国农业机械学会领导李树君和中国农业工程学会理事长朱明联合为 CIGR 期刊编辑部新址揭牌 10 仪式结束,合影留念。共进午餐。启动仪式将全程录像,影像资料将在 6 月份魁北克举行的 2010 CIGR World Congress 期间播放。 2 英文议程 Inauguration Ceremony of CIGR Journal Handover to China Time: 9:00-11: 00 A .M, April 7, 2010, Wednesday Venue: Meeting Room A606, Office Building, CAAMS Organizer: Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Master of Ceremony (Emcee): Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department, CAAMS Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, CAAE Attendees: CIGR Presidium: President: Prof. Sren Pedersen Past President: Prof. Irenilza de Alencar Ns Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal: Prof. Fedro Zazueta Secretary-General: Prof. Toshinori Kimura Invited Guests: Prof. Bill Stout, Honorary President of CIGR, Former Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal, Founder of CIGR Ejournal, USA Prof Jiannong Xin, Member of Executive Board of CIGR, University of Forida, USA Prof Yubin Lan, Agricultural Engineer and Professor, USDA-ARS at Texas AM University, College Station, USA. Section Chairs and Section Editors of CIGR Ejournal: Jose Tarjuelo-Section I Chair Daniel Berkmans-Section II Chair John K. Schueller-Section III Chair Mikio Umeda-Section IV Chair Pietro Piccarolo-Section V Chair Jozef Grochowicz-Section VI Chair Antonio M Saraiva-Section VII Chair Andre Aarnink Thomas M. Banhazi Laszlo Baranyai Remigio Berruto William Joseph Chancellor (resigned) Antonio Brasa Ramos Richard Love (resigned) Milan Martinov Neil McLaughlin Soren Pedersen (included) Fedro S. Zazueta Ranahan (included) Bill A Stout (included) Guanhua Huang (included) Chinese Representatives of CIGR Technical Sections: Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of CIGR Technical Section VII, Honorary President of the CSAE CSAM, Editor-in-Chief of IJABE, China Agricultural University(CAU), China Prof. Li Baoming, Member of CIGR Technical Section II, Vice Dean of College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, China Prof. Huang Guanhua, Secretary of CIGR Technical Section I, Section Editor of CIGR Ejournal, Director of Chinese-Israeli International Center for Training in Agriculture (CIICTA), CAU, China Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) Prof. Li Shujun, Executive President of CAAMS, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Member of Executive Board of CIGR Dr. Zhao Xiaopeng, Director, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Prof. Liu Ruiwen, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM Prof. Zhang Zhenxin, Deputy Secretary-General of CASM Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Mrs. Li Qing, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Mrs. Wang Jin, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Ms. Zhang Pengzi, International Cooperation Department of CSAM Leaders and Representatives from Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) Prof Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, Vice Standing Chairman of IJABE International Editorial Board Prof Qin Jingguang, Secretary General, CSAE Jin Peizhen, Director of Information Center, CAAE Prof Guan Xiaodong, Vice Standing Secretary General, Vice Director, CSAE Prof. Wei Xiuju, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Transactions of the CSAE, CAAE Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Managing Editor of IJABE, Incoming Editor of CIGR Ejournal All staff from the CIGR Editorial Office including part-time editors Rabi Rasaily, Lingyan Zhang AGENDA Master of Ceremony (Emcee) introduces all the attendees 1 Address by Prof. Fedro Zazueta (Via Video Conference) 2 Address by Prof. Wang Maohua, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering 3 Address by Prof. Bill Stout (Via Video Conference) 4 Address by Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, Executive President of CAAMS. 5 Address by Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CSAE and CAAE 6 Address by Prof. Wang Yingkuan, Incoming Editor-in-Chief 7 Report on the preparation work for the CIGR Ejournal Editorial Office by Prof. Lanfang Zhang, International Cooperation Department of CAAMS. 8 Formal announcement by Prof. Sren Pedersen, President of the CIGR Ejournal Handover to China Farewell to the foreign guests and End of Video conference Proceed to the second floor of the Office Building of CAAMS, where the CIGR Editorial office and Editor-in-Chief Office locate, to hold the Opening Ceremony. 9 Prof. Li Shujun, Deputy President and Secretary-General of CSAM, and Prof. Zhu Ming, President of CAAE CSAE, jointly unveil the nameplates of the Editorial Office and the Editor-in-Chief office of the CIGR Ejournal. 10 Closing the ceremony. Taking group photos. The Inaugural Ceremony of the CIGR Journal Handover will be recorded and the video clip will be played during the 2010 CIGR World Congress at Quebec, Canada, in June 2010.
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|5737 次阅读|3 个评论
wangyk 2010-3-19 02:37
王 应 宽 2010-03-19 Beijing, China CIGR 期刊网络工作会议纪要( 2010-03-17 ) CIGR Ejournal 期刊工作会议如期举行,此次参加会议的人数增加,有 5 人在不同的地方通过计算机终端参会。会议由本人发起召集,通过 Skype 的 Conference 组建会议功能,召集大家开会。因为网络问题,会议期间有几位几次被 Kick out of the meeting 。会议很热闹,除了了完成各项议程,还进行了友好热烈的讨论。特别难能可贵的是, CIGR 前任主席、名誉主席, CIGR Ejournal 创始人和前任主编, Texas AM University 退休教授 Bill Stout 博士凌晨 4 点多就起床来参加会议,开完会有才回去睡回笼觉。会后他的会议评论很有参考价值,对以后的工作很有帮助。非常感谢各位的支持! 会议确定下次视频会议的时间为 2004 年 4 月 1 日。就是愚人节那天! 贴出会议纪要和 Bill Stout 的评论在此,以作纪念。 Agenda CIGR Journal Transition Meeting 2 7:30 AM Eastern March 17, 2010 Online Meeting In attendance: Wang Yingkuan*, Bill Stout*, Lanfang Zhang*, Xiaopeng Zhao*, Jiannong Xin, Fedro Zazueta* Call to order - 7:39 Changes to the Agenda Timetable for the transition of CIGR Ejournal Transition will take place immediately after the Journal board is in place. An announcement will immediately follow. Wang added: Wang and his editorial team plan to get started in early April after the CIGR announcement. A launching ceremony for CIGR Ejournal transition will be held jointly by CSAM and CSAE. OJS training for editorial staff will be provided in late March. Amendment of the Bylaws (May be discussed in next meeting) Changes to bylaws will follow standard parliamentary procedure, requiring approval by the Presidium. Observations: 1) Title of the Journal is not clear, this needs to be consistent. ISI is confused with it. 2) Some inconsistencies in repeated numbered headings that need to be addressed. 3) CIGR is an open access journal. Need to address copyright issue who holds the copyright author, CIGR?- 4) Composition of Journal Policy board. Members for geographic representation-. 5) Wang may not have the last version of the Bylaws. Communication from Thompson Scientific Request from Thompson for a description of the journal, we will need to respond. Wang will carefully study the ISI criteria to make any necessary changes to the approach. Journal Process The process is a blind review process. Wang adds: In general, after the manuscripts are accepted, technical editing, formatting, proofreading are necessary to make the paper ready to publish. English language polishing may be needed for the accepted papers with poor English from non-English speaking countries. Finally, converting Word file to PDF, and then uploading to the journal website. 100 Member Board? (International Editorial Board) Create an Editorial Board - Leave to Journal Board to create under the Editor. Change ejounral to ejournal Wang and Fedro will discuss offline. Replacement for Richard Love Fedro will work with section chair. Process for Section Editors Suggest to Chairs to move forward quickly A process is in place for the Section Editors to be selected by the technical section. Any member of a member society can be a section editor. The editor may nominate some candidates of section editors to Section Chair for approval. Status of Board members Recommendations will come from EURAGENG will come next week. Not clear about Africa. Next Meeting April 1 st , same time and location. Adjourn 8:21 Prof Bill Stouts Comments added to the Minutes Hello Yingkuan , Lanfang and Fedro , ---It was good to participate as a rather silent partner in the Online Meeting. As my primary assignment in CAAMS this fall is to advise Yingkuan and the Ejournal, here are some of my views. I hope they are helpful. First, some opinions about the overall goals of the Ejournal (not necessarily in order of importance): ---to obtain approval by ISI, EI, etc ---to continue to improve the quality of published papers ---to maintain diversity of authorship among countries ---to maintain a balance of authorship between developing and industrialized countries ---to publicize the success of the Ejournal in various ways, eg exhibits at conferences, articles in the CIGR Newsletter, prepare summary of papers showing authorship by country(I can do this in the fall), etc ---emphasize no cost to authors and readers ---etc A general problem in the past---some Section Chairs have been non-responsive and ineffective as far as the Ejournal is concerned. Dont be surprised if we continue to have this problem. How did I handleI appointed a few Section Editors when the Section Chair failed to fulfill his/her responsibilities. A good example was Bill Chancellor who did an outstanding job as Editor for Section III and served for many years until he resigned recently. Perhaps the authority of the Editor to take this action should be built into the Ejournal Bylaws. We may have a similar problem with members of the Journal Policy Board. Unfortunately, my experience is that sometimes busy people will agree to serve, but later fail to perform as expected and necessary. The key will be to select members who are knowledgeable about editing/publishing and are truly interested. And then to give the Editor the authority to replace non-performing individuals. Agenda CIGR Journal Transition Meeting 2 7:30 AM Eastern March 17, 2010 Online Meeting In attendance: Wang Yingkuan*, Bill Stout*, Lanfang Zhang*, Xiaopeng Zhao, Jiannong Xin, Fedro Zazueta* Call to order - 7:39 Changes to the Agenda Timetable for the transition of CIGR Ejournal Transition will take place immediately after the Journal board is in place. StoutI agree. Lets activate Yingkuan as Editor as soon as practical and end the uncertainty of the transition . An announcement will immediately follow. Amendment of the Bylaws (May be discussed in next meeting) Changes to bylaws will follow standard parliamentary procedure, requiring approval by the Presidium. Observations: 1) Title of the Journal is not clear, this needs to be consistent. In the past ISI has criticized CIGR for using several different names for the Ejournal. We should review all pages of the website (including the CIGR general website, Ejournal website, OJS instructions for authors, etc) to make sure that we consistently use only the official approved name. 2) Some inconsistencies in the membership that need to be addressed. 3) CIGR is an open access journal. Need to address copyright issue who holds the copyright author, CIGR?- 4) Composition of Journal Policy board. Members for geographic representation-. 5) Wang may not have the last version of the Bylaws. Communication from Thompson Scientific (I have a large file of old correspondence with ISI. Yingkuandid I share any of this with you? Do you want any of the old letters?) Request from Thompson for a description of the journal, we will need to respond. Wang (Fedroit would be more personal if you would use Yingkuan, his given name. We should all be on a first name basis.) will carefully study the ISI criteria to make any necessary changes to the approach. Since many of us will be in Pittsburgh for the ASABE meeting in June, should you consider a visit to ISI in Philadelphia? I dont think that I need to be involved, but perhaps Yingkuan and Fedro should consider it. Journal Process The process is a blind review process. The process Fedro outlined is essentially the same as that followed since the beginning of the Ejournal 12 years ago. That is, approval of two qualified reviewers is required. The Editor checks submissions to make sure they deal with engineering and fall within the scope of the Ejournal. Also, when I was serving as Editor, I checked submissions to make sure they complied with the Ejournal Style and Format. Then the manuscripts are submitted to the appropriate Section Editor who selects qualified reviewers. When at least two positive reviews are received, their comments are sent anonymously to the authors who are instructed to carefully consider the reviewer comments and prepare a final draft. I always asked authors to give me a summary of the revisions made in response to reviewer comments and also a list of any reviewer suggestions that were rejected by the authors and their reasons. These records were kept of file for several years in case anyone questioned the review process (actually, this never happened). In the event of rejection of a manuscript by reviewers, it is the Editors job to diplomatically advise authors. I always said the manuscript is rejected in its present form. This gives authors a chance to make major revisions and possibly correct errors, do more research, etc and resubmit if they choose. 100 Member Board? (International Editorial Board ) (I was cut off Skype from this point until the discussion of the next meeting, so have no comments on this section) Create an Editorial Board - Leave to Journal Board to create under the Editor. Change ejounral to ejournal Wang and Fedro will discuss offline. Replacement for Richard Love Fedro will work with section chair. Process for Section Editors Suggest to Chairs to move forward quickly A process is in place for the Section Editors to be selected by the technical section. Any member of a member society can be a section editor. Status of Board members Recommendations will come from EURAGENG will come next week. Not clear about Africa. Next Meeting April 1 st , same time and location. Adjourn 8:21 This type of Online discussion is very useful to keep everyone informed and allow input from all. Best regards to all! Bill Stout 17 March 2010
个人分类: 国际英文刊IJABE|3706 次阅读|0 个评论

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