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热度 1 liwei999 2020-1-5 01:40
白:“帮”是个很怪的动词,格式像“兼语”,用起来却是“连动”。所以也是穿透。“我帮你做家务”当中,“你”做不做无所谓,反正“我”是要做的。 宋:@白硕 这个例子有意思。“我帮你做家务”按传统汉语语法来说好像算兼语句,“你”是“帮”的宾语,又是“做家务”的主语。但是,正如你所说,“你”未见得做家务,“我”肯定要做的。按照这样的语义分析,这个句子应当是连谓句,“帮你”和“做家务”是“我”的接续的谓语。 如果是“我帮你做作业”,一般来说“我”只起辅助作用,为你解释其中的难点,真正做作业的还是“你”。于是,这句话应当是兼语句。 当然,由此可见把“兼语”从“连谓”中分离出来,理论上是有问题的。不过即使不管术语,只看语义关系,还是有问题。在词形和词义没有改变的情况下,语义关系的分析要依赖于实际场景,这是很糟糕的事情。 李:如果留有空间 给实际场景的解读画个框 就可以避免这种糟糕局面。留有空间就是保持非确定性:连兼 == 连动|兼语。就是个打标的线条粗细而已。细线条看,这是结构歧义。粗线条看,没有歧义。不过是思维语言模糊性的自然反映而已。 宋:是的。只能承认这一现实,保留非确定性。“他帮老师擦黑板”就是歧义句。“帮”引起歧义,可能还有其他动词或句式引起歧义。 李:其实,“我帮你做作业” 的解读,不同人可能不同。我的解读偏向于“我”是“做作业”的主要人,“你”不过就是一个不得不面对作业责任但做不出来的人。 宋:“我”和“你”参与度的划分问题。语义分析碰到这种问题很可悲。不过好像很少遇到。要让机器知道该留有余地,不容易。“我帮他打圆场”,百分百是“我打圆场”,目的是“帮他”。 李:容易啊。 宋:依存的箭头怎么画? 李:我们的思维定势是把标注绝对化了。依存是图不是树。“连兼”画出来,没任何问题。所以我那本小书《自然语言答问》特别有一章,标题就是“深度解析是图不是🌲”。 宋:图也要有边呀。 李:待会儿我到电脑前画给您看。 宋:“我帮他写作业”,“他”和“写”之间有没有边? 李:有,兼语就是两个老爸,老爸“写”是逻辑主语S。@宋柔 PS 树是这样的: 深度解析是图不是树,因此句法树改造为深度依存解析图如下: “帮”与“做家务”连动(关系表示为C,Complement),“你”是兼语,既做“帮”的宾语(O),又做“做家务”的主语(S)。这不就在一张图中实现了“连兼”的语义表示了吗? 也许宋老师的理解中,“做家务”的 S(概率大的主语) 与 S2(概率小的主语) 应该对调,真要这样解析也没什么不可以,但我觉得这个很难说。这里的 S 与 S2 倒不是 XOR/OR 而是 AND。 白:坑和萝卜的关系相对刚性,一坑二萝卜是需要禁止的。谁是“事主”和谁是“施事”,大概率是重叠的,小概率有分歧。有分歧的时候,施事占逻辑主语坑,事主有一万种方法从语义上兜住。帮X,X就是“事主”。事主是否参与了施事,不是要点。要点是施事就是逻辑主语。那个S2可以妥妥地留给事主专用。我们的说法叫“再入”。再入就是非标配,但是有关联。介词也好,特殊本体标记也好都可以。 李:禁不了的。并列在逻辑上就是多个萝卜(填同一个坑)。句法上可以说并列的几个实体就是一个萝卜,但深度解析是 logical form。 白:并列可以认为是几个实体构成一个集合,集合填坑。这个不是问题。特殊动词在兼语或连动的情形下也可以提供再入的标签。这个都不是问题。问题是对S2的定性,不是施事,或者不关心是不是施事,而是事主。事主在句法上是借逻辑主语的坑存在,当施事和事主有分歧时,事主退出,借其他标记再入。 李:好像实际上也没那么大区别。就是个标签,叫什么都可以,相近的标签有细微差别。也都是系统内部的事儿。 白:事主是责任方。在问答等场景,需要区别对待。是不是亲自操刀无关紧要。缺省是亲自操刀,但是如果另有亲自操刀的出场,事主就退场好了。 李:法律上,好像对教唆犯比对事主惩罚更加严厉,LOL 白:教唆和帮,标记是不一样的。教唆的场景,被教唆的反而是施事。教唆的是事主。这需要在词典里把标签给好。 李:“教唆”与“帮”,在某个上位概念上归一。 白:嗯,都穿透到一个动作里。但是角色各有侧重。这就是某种归一吧。“张三教李四认字”,“李四”是“认字”的施事,“张三”是事主。 李:如果区别非常依赖于词汇的不同,细线条的语义工作就是词驱动了。 白:必须的。我们需要新时代的下一个“知网”。 李:这类词驱动的细琐工作,可以在粗线条句法把架子搭起来后去做,属于一种锦上添花的工作。 白:句法挖坑,词驱动填坑。句法大类相同而填不同的坑,说明词驱动会反作用于句法。好的句法在此应该预留这种可能性。把选择权留给词驱动。 李:句法后的词驱动模块可以:1 细化关系;2. 增加关系;3. 推翻关系(休眠唤醒)。细化就是把模糊的句法关系细化为逻辑语义关系。增加关系通常是挖掘隐藏的逻辑语义关系,常常是句法树无法表达的关系。休眠唤醒基本上就是推翻局部句法了。 白:我们的具体做法是,句法给出先验优先级,词驱动调整后产生后验优先级。分析器执行的时候,以后验优先级为准。 李:先验优先级就是标配,管大路货。 白:这里包含两个方面,依据后验优先级可以颠覆单纯依据先验优先级的分析结果,但是分析是句法语义同步进行的,所以单纯依据先验优先级的分析结果并没有产生的机会,当然也就无所谓颠覆。所以,并不是真有一个颠覆的动作。只是回头看,假如没有词驱动,会是那样;现在因为有了词驱动,所以结果是这样。 李:词驱动不会一下子就做全了的,是个过程。在没做全的时候,先验优先级就有机会实现了。 白:这种架构是把词驱动的约束,体现为后验优先级的Fine tuning,这就要“统一度量衡”。没做全的时候,只要有做了的部分,那部分就是使用的后验优先级。没做的部分用的就是先验优先级。大概率下,用先验优先级也死不了人。但是我们的先验优先级也是词驱动的,只不过是仅依据句法标签自带的先验优先级。所谓超越句法的词驱动,用的是其他的标签体系,比如本体标签体系、控制标签体系,甚至还有语种信息。比如,汉语和英语的介词禁止左填坑,日语的格助词禁止右填坑,英语谓词的左填坑个数不能多于1、多了就要等待后置定语从句的修饰,等等。这些都会由句法标签、语种标签、控制标签协同作用的方式决定后验优先级。控制标签不仅是词驱动的,还是解析过程驱动的,不同的解析动作,会精准地改变特定中间成分的控制标签。所以,这里面的关键技术是:1、“先验优先级”要足够强大到可以大概率兜底;2、设计合理的本体标签、控制标签和语种标签体系,体现它们之间对分析的协同作用;3、从先验优先级调整到后验优先级的幅度,要能够在“统一度量衡”的原则指导下,既能最大限度地发挥作用,又能最大限度地抑制副作用。 比如,“这所学校张三是校长”,如果不使用本体标签调整后验优先级,“张三”会去填“校长”的名词坑: 但是一旦使用了本体标签,就进行了后验优先级调整,结果长这样: 前者只是一个无所事事的大S,后者却是实实在在的宿主,有明确的领属对象。这就是词驱动的威力。实际上我们是禁掉了词驱动的本体标签,才得到前面那个结果。分析器实际运行的时候,直接就产生后面的结果,前面的根本不出现,中间过程中也不出现在前一个结果中,“张三”填“校长”的坑,在特定的阈值设置下,是可以避免的,但是这样做就会误伤很多很多本来可以做出来的Hidden Links可以看出,纯句法在这种情况下非常难做,里外不是人但是有了后验优先级,就完全不同了。有些性质是词典本身没有,在分析的过程中借助其他词负载的信息传播过来的。比如,“高兴”并不负载“带自由补语”的信息,但是“得”有。“得”(+S)携带的这个信息不是自己用的,而是传递给被它修饰的S用的。一旦完成S与+S的结合,新的S就具有了“可携带自由补语(没有字数和本体限制那种)”的控制标签。对于紧随其后的S成分,就有了通向Merge操作的可能性。平常Merge操作是实行白名单控制的。成分所处的特殊位置,也是控制标签的来源之一。比如处于句末,处于反向修饰隔离墙下,都可以获得特殊的控制标签,进而驱动后验优先级的计算。 宋:@白硕 你试试这几个例子: 我帮他做家务,我帮他做作业,我帮他打圆场,我帮他打官司 白:宋老师,都长一个样: 词驱动主要是“帮”这里不一样,两个做,和两个打,没区别。我们并不把离合词合成一个词,打圆场,打官司,都是两个词。 宋:问题在于,“打官司”的是“他”,不是我;“打圆场”的是“我”不是“他”。”打官司“我”只是后台帮忙,“打圆场”是我直接行动。 白:在后一动词没有区别那么细。 李:“打圆场”,詞驱动的话,可以把 “帮/替/为/给” 当成介词格变的条件,填个【受益者】的逻辑语义坑,就齐了。“帮”作为谓词,被覆盖了,或者说,被降格为介词了。结构的伪码模式如下: PP(“帮|帮助|为|替|给” NP) “打圆场” –》 VP 这是动词退化为副动词(介词)的实例,与 “给他唱歌” 同理。 动词“帮”降格为介词 白:X帮,不是帮X。如果有左填坑的介词倒是像。这里要单独处理。 宋老师要的是“介词宾语做施事、主语做帮事(我瞎起的名字)”,而不是主语做施事。这和“给他唱歌”完全不同。 李:基本合理。是“我”为了“你”在“打圆场”。细究“打官司”可以另论(是“你”在“打官司”,“我”在过程中“帮”到“你”),虽然其实 “打官司” 同类处理的话,也不无合理之处:是“我”(律师吧)为了“你”在“打官司”。 宋:麻烦在于,这是词之间的二元关系,不是词的一元性质。甚至是3元关系:帮-打-官司/圆场。 白:帮X,X是惠格,这个有。X帮,是友情赞助,没有。 宋:一元性质直接进词库,二元、三元关系麻烦大了。 白:宋老师要的是,你做打官司的施事,我还要填个非标配的语义坑。我这里目前没有准备这个坑。 宋:”打官司”别人不能直接下手,“打圆场”自己不能下手。这是这两个词的本意决定的。这种词义描述也许太精细,但在落地场景(争吵以致发展到诉讼)中却是必要的。就是连谓和兼语的区分。 白:现在从“帮”这个位置上的动词定义控制标签没有问题,在“打官司”这个位置上怎么定义控制标签,需要仔细考虑一下。 contributor,献格。用来描述宋老师说的那种帮办角色,不知是否合适。首先语义上要有这个格,然后对填入这个格的语义萝卜在类型上有什么要求,再然后通常在句法上处于什么位置。这些都有了就可以加进来。 “张三找李四去坦白交代”之前曾经讨论过这个例句。坦白交代有三个角色,谁,向谁,交代什么。这里的人物暂时跟第三个坑都没有牵扯。看“找李四”,无疑李四是两个Human坑当中的一个,假设张三是另一个。但是也有可能张三是编外的非标配坑,比如上面那个contributor,张三是公安局派来给李四传话的,他既不是谁,也不是向谁。这就出现第三个歧义。为坦白交代这件事只是贡献了一个“找”的动作,仅此而已。 宋:是的,“坦白”有3个论旨,但“帮”就只有两个论旨,“打圆场”和“打官司”都只有一个论旨。 我帮他打官司:他打官司,我帮他。 我帮他打圆场:我打圆场,我帮他。 这里帮的语义涉及词的二元甚至三元关系,我觉得这种词是很有限的,因此不会带来知识需求的暴增。不过从中也看出,离合词还是作为整体处理比较好,免得增加关系的元数。文本中凡分开的离合词应当尽量在句法分析前把它们合起来,虽然不可能全部做到。 白:就“坦白交代”而言,很有意思的是,如果它的主动发起方找相对方或者相对方找主动发起方,都是可以的。但是第三方,只能找主动发起方,而不能在主动发起方不在场的情况下直接“找”相对方。 找到一个涉及三人的动词:“登记结婚”:“张三找李四去登记结婚”。 第一,张三是男方,找女方去登记处登记结婚;第二,张三是女方,找男方去登记处登记结婚;第三,张三是男方,李四是登记处的;第四,张三是女方,李四是登记处的;第五,张三是登记处的(有点勉强),李四是男方;第六,张三是登记处的,李四是女方;第七,张三是第四方,李四是男方;第八,张三是第四方,李四是女方。就算男方女方完全对称不加区分,至少也有四重歧义。同样道理,如果张三是第四方,那么李四不可能是登记处的,只可能是婚姻双方之一。 李:我觉得这些带入了场景需求的歧义,不是文法层面的消歧问题,应该属于“伪歧义”。标配无歧义,到了具体篇章或场景,推翻了标配解读也是可以的。那是解析器后续模块的事儿了。 【相关】 【语义计算:李白对话录系列】 【置顶:立委NLP博文一览】 《朝华午拾》总目录
个人分类: 立委科普|4600 次阅读|1 个评论
liwei999 2016-9-12 23:50
白: “三两面”和“两三面”很不一样啊…… 我借过他三两面。我见过他两三面。 我: 三两面 两三面 我见过他三两面 ditransitive, no problem, but: separable verb jian-mian is still not connected 还有: (0)我见过他两三面。 (1)我见过他。 (2)我与他见过面。 (3)* 我见过面 (4)我们见过面。 (5)我与他,见面过。 “见面” 要求或者主语是复数(4),或者主语是并列结构(5),或者带有介词短语“与(with)”(PP或并列在汉语界限不清,(2)),或者动量词疑似的“两三面”前必须有定语【human】。所有的这些句法subcat要求都是满足语义(或常识)的一个【human】的坑:常识是,“见面“”必须在两个或以上的 human entities 之间进行。 HPSG 这类极端依赖subcat数据结构的词驱动的理论和语言学表达,尽管繁缛,但有一个亮点, 就是把上述的句法要求作为 input 的匹配条件描述,与内在的语义要求(类似于 HowNet 的描述)作为语义的 output,一条一条形式化,细致入微,丝丝入扣。用的是 label 的unification(就是 label 所代表的子结构的 sharing)机制。多数系统对于 subcat 的内部结构,input到output的映射,以及背后的句法与语义的关系(语义是句法的动因,同时也是句法的目标:句法匹配,语义实现),都显得太简陋了。 过犹不及,不及犹过。我们一直在探索在 subcat 的表达和实现中,如何做到中庸而不平庸,简约而不简陋。 白: 他我见过几面 我: 简陋之极的一个例证是给人用的 Oxford 高级词典和朗曼词典的那些 subcat codes,类似 v1,。。。v23 之类。后来纽约大学专门组织CL的研究生做 CompLex 和 NomLex 等 subcat 词典。中文方面,社科院语言所的【现代汉语800词】开 subcat 先河,【动词用法词典】等系列辞典,开始试图把 subcat 用某种编码加例句予以表达。所有这些工作,从数据表达和关系看,都显得有些简陋。其根子是,句法和语义没有厘清。 对于一个 NLP practitioner,拿来这些资源,必须在肚子里做这个句法语义的连接和消化,然后确定数据结构,找寻自己的实现途径。实现的时候,很难达到 unification 文法的漂亮,大多是凑合事儿,为的是避免 HPSG 这类的实现起来的低效率和数据结构的难维护。 董老师的 HowNet 对于汉语和英语的 subcat,语义上登峰造极了,但是句法方面还是显得不够细致周全。譬如“见面”这类的上述6-7种句法规定,好像就没有一一描述(董老师指正:也许我没吃透),也没见哪家描述清楚过。也都需要一个重新咀嚼消化,然后去实现。 (3)的 generation 不合法(*),但对于 parsing,鲁棒性要求这样parsing,没错。 没调试,居然出来了,912 的狗屎运吧。(911恐袭,913林跑,都不是好日子。)只剩下 “我见过他两三面” 这个 case 了。这个类似动量补语的东西其实仅限于:“一面”,“几面”,“两三面”,“三两面”,等少数几个。起码,100+ 面 基本不可能 除非是恋人。 张: 崇拜严重中 我: 张老师谬赞。清谈误国,我只要不误“人”子弟就好了,一辈子没当过教授,要误也都是人家子弟,哈。 张: 白求恩 我: 认真说,其实真地涉嫌误人子弟,因为凡事都有一个大环境和背景,我说的这些个多少有些异类,结果是,主流学生雾里看花。雾里看花也算增加视野,最误人的是,看到花,却够不着。这就好比鲁老爷子说的,本来人家黑屋子里面睡得蛮香甜,你非要去【呐喊】,唤醒了,可屋子还是黑屋子,这就不仅仅是残忍了。不残忍的法子就是,等以后退休了,开一个 Deep Parsing 开源公园,每条代码,每个词条,每段规则,全部公开,然后看看能不能靠众人的力量,弄一个无敌系统来。大家一起玩符号逻辑,让两条路线永远。 【相关】 中文处理 Parsing 【置顶:立委NLP博文一览】 《朝华午拾》总目录
个人分类: 立委科普|3370 次阅读|0 个评论
lcj2212916 2014-9-12 21:50
【名稱】: 商务英语900句 【作者】:--- 【大小】:339K 【格式】:pdf 【語言】:簡體中文 【內容簡介】: 《商务英语900句》分为三大部分:(1)日常对话;(2)商务谈判;(3)拓展商务对话。《商务英语900句》共30课,每一课的内容又分为:示范对话、常用句型和相关表达方式三部分。其中,示范对话体现了每一课的主题,具有很好的代表性;而常用句型和相关表达方式则是对话内容的进一步延伸。 【下載載點】: http://www.400gb.com/file/73098534
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bruceyu 2013-10-4 10:30
Beginning 1. In this paper, we focus on the need for 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts 5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction 1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. 2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. 3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. Review 1. This review is followed by an introduction. 2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. 3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given. 4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... 5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. 6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body 1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance. 2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic. 3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx 4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding. 5. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window 6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ... 7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. 8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. 9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx. 10. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision. 11. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules 12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies. 13. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model. 14. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation. 15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. 16. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process. 17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3. 18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data. 19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model .. 20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work. 21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example. 22. Various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2. 23. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system 24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy. 25. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense. 26. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions. 27. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments... This Section 1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described. 2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.Next Section 2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. 3. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section. 4. The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use. 5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections. 6. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx Summary 1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5. 2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation. 3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. 4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper. 5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized 6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn. 7. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper. Chapter 0. Abstract 1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables. 2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures. 3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx. 4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. 5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision. 6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm. 7. The usefulness of xx is also considered. 8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed. 9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem. 10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices. 11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified. 12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. 13. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique. 14. This paper analyses problems in 15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by ... 16. This paper includes an illustration of the ... 17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching 18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated. 19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx 20. Our proposed model is verified through experimental study. 21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of: xx, xx 22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables. 23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure Chapter 1. Introduction Time 1. Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive 2. Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world 3. The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the 4. The development of ... is explored 5. During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions 6.The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years 7. There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ... 8. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve... 9. A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena. 10. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx 11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed. 12. The pioneer work can be traced to xx . 13. To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems. Objective / Goal / Purpose 1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows: 2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction for xxx. 3. The paper concerns the development of a xx 4. The scope of this research lies in 5. The main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making. 6. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ... 7. The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows: 8. The primary purpose/consideration/objective of 9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide 10. The main objective of such a ... system is to 11. The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution. 12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements: 13. In order to take advantage of their similarity 14. more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed 15. In this trial, the objective is to generate... 16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues 17. A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx. 18. For an illustrative purpose, four well known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx. 19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods 20. This illustration points out the need to specify 21. The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive. 22. Chapter 2. Literature Review 23. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx 24. A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade 25. A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx. 26. There is considerable amount of literature on planning 27. However, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty in xx. 28. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in methodological aspects as in concrete applications. 29. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic. 30. Problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system analysis. 31. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of 32. Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated. 33. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature. 34. The central issue in all these studies is to 35. The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches. 36. Applied ... techniques to 37. Characterized the ... system as 38. Developed an algorithm to 39. Developed a system called ... which 40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce 41. Emphasized the need to 42. Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology 43. A comprehensive study of the... has been undertaken 44. Much work has been reported recently in these filed 45. Proposed/Presented/State that/Described/Illustrated/ Indicated/Has shown / showed/Address/Highlights 46. Point out that the problem of 47. A study on ...was done / developed by and is 50. The system developed by 52. ' model draws attention to evolution in human development 54. . 60. Studies have been completed to established 61. The ...studies indicated that 62. Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking. Problem / Issue / Question 63. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects. 64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems 67. ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved 68. Two major problems have yet to be addressed 69. An unanswered question 70. This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. 71. An additional research issue to be tackled is .... 72. Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed 73. The three prime issues can be summarized: 74. The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... 75. There have been many attempts to 76. It is expected to be serious barrier to 77. It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex
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changru123 2012-12-18 09:38
一、否定句 不简单地使用not的否定句。instead of,on on account,under no circumstances,not for...but for,far from 二、非限制性定语从句 对前述整个句子内容进行解释或说明。which...,what... 三、让步句 however,although,reasonable as...sounds, in spite of... that, 四、it引导的句子 it is hard to imagine what... it is conceivable that... it is a highly controversial issue whether...or not it is universally acknowledged that... it is essential that... it is high time that... it has been made easier for...to... it is worth dong... it is no use doing... it has been...since... 五、假设句 if... then, would... if... 六、倒装句 Only in this way...,not only does...but,under no circumstances, so valuable is...that... 七、强调句 it if for the benefit of... that it is not until...that... nothing is more valuable than... 八、比较句 twice as high for...as for,less than,compared with..,contrary to...,is to...what..is to 九、插入语 对一句话做一些附加说明或解释,位于句中,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开 most important of all, in the long run, consciously and unconsciously,some people believe 十、原因句 because,...are responsible for...,attribute to, owing to...
1777 次阅读|0 个评论
【立委科普:及物、不及物 与 动词 subcat 及句型】
热度 1 liwei999 2012-2-24 14:57
理呆说法:“只要找到一个及物反例就可以推翻其不及物的说法”。 及物动词、不及物动词、双及物动词等等叫做 subcat, 是动词大类里面的子类标识(subcategory)。 如果只要找到一个及物反例就否 定不及物,那么就不存在 不及物动词 的子类。比如,英语的 walk / go 是典型的不及物动词,但是就有如下反例: He walks his dog every morning. Go your own way. 这样的话,及物不及物的区别就没有了,那还分子类做什么? 语言学家给词分类,又进一步给动词分子类,是为了归纳句型,parse 语句的方便。如果因为一个反例就不做分类,语言中的分类几乎寸步难行。这样一来,任何概括性规则都写不了,任何语法都玩完儿。语言只能被视为完全无章可循不可理解的怪物。 语言现象中反例太多了,因此才有把文法建立成个性规则和共性规则的层级体系(hierarchy)的设计思想。共性规则靠的就是分类,允许反例。个性规则对付反例,让它 override 共性规则。 所有语言都有这种子类(subcat)。细说起来有两类句型分类:一类是逻辑上的,一类是语言的。 日期: 02/23/2012 19:14:02 逻辑上说,一个谓词需要几个 arguments,是由这个谓词的意义决定的,譬如 “哭/笑” 这样的谓词概念,需要一个人的实体(assuming 动物以及其他实体不能哭笑)作为施事 argument 来表达 “谁(1)哭了笑了”,所谓不及物谓词。对“人”的要求,是所谓语义上的 selection restriction “爱/恨” 这样的谓词需要两个 arguments (所谓及物谓词),前者是人,后者没什么限制,表达 “谁(1) 爱/恨 谁/什么(2)了“。 还有其他 subcats。“给/赠与” 这样的谓词,需要三个 arguments,表达 “谁(1) 把 什么(2) 给/赠与 谁(3)了”,(1)和(3)是人或者机构实体,2 通常是物件。 “认为/声明” 这样的谓词,需要两个 arguments,其中一个是施事实体,表达 “谁(1)的认为/声明”,要求的是人或者机构,第二个 argument 要求一个 statement (嵌套的谓词结构,相当于语言中的宾语子句),表达 “认为/声明的内容(2)”。 这种逻辑上的谓词子类的区分是语言通用的(universal),因为它的根基是概念及其意义的完整性:谓词加上arguments 构成作为 statement 语义核心(所谓 argument structure),核心外围才是时间、地点、条件等附加性语义细节。 以上的逻辑谓词子类表现在不同语言,就是语言学上的 verb subcategories 及其 patterns(句型)。到了语言这个层面,辞典中一个动词的句型子类需要标出以下的subcategorization 的信息(及物 vt / 不及物 vi 只是其简化标识,牛津词典曾经用20多个子类标注每个词条的subcats): 这些 arguments 要求的语言形式(名词短语、介词短语还是还是动词短语?名词是主格还是宾格?介词短语要的是什么介词?每个 argument 所处的位置,语序自由还是固定,等等)。 与逻辑层不一样,subcat 的句型,是针对各个语言的,譬如一个语言用名词或者词尾(如宾格词尾)表达的 argument,到另一个语言可能要借助介词。如:You should serve us (宾格)/ 你要为我们服务(借助介词“为”)。 正是词典中给出的这种子类信息的标注决定一个词可能的潜在句型用法。因此,subcat 信息的完备直接决定了一个parser的质量,是语言研究中非常关键的预示信息。逻辑和语义虽然是人类共同的,subcat 信息各个语言却不同,后者是对前者的语言学映射。 分别以英语和汉语为例,下面把上述逻辑层的示例化为语言层的subcat信息,来揭示对语言形式的要求及其句型的不同: 英语的 cry 是不及物动词(vi),具体说来其 subcat 信息如下:cry 需要一个名词短语(NP)做主语,词序上这个主语通常位于 cry 的前面(词序也是语言形式),如果该名词短语是代词,则需要使用主格形式。 汉语的 “哭”的 subcat 信息与英语类似,也需要一个名词短语做主语,词序上这个主语通常位于 cry 的前面,但是汉语的主语代词没有“格”的形式要求,因为汉语没有格这个语法范畴。 英语的 love 是及物动词(vt),它连接主语和宾语,及物动词的subcat 信息涵盖了主动语态的句型和被动语态的句型两大类。前者的基本句型是主谓宾(SVO)结构:即名词短语位于 love 的前面做主语(如果主语是代词,则需要主格 如 he/she),位于 love 的后面的名词短语做宾语(如果是代词,则要求宾格 如 him/her):He loves her. 这是英语及物动词主动句型的要求。同样的动词还有一系列被动句型的 subcat 要求,除了 love 要转换成被动语态形式的动词以外(如 is loved / has been loved/...), 还要求使用介词 by 来引出原主动语态的主语(介词短语PP引出的逻辑主语),语法主语却变成了逻辑宾语,这就是我么所熟知的主动举行到被动句型的英语转换式:He loves her -- She is loved by him. 汉语的 “爱” 是及物动词,它也连接主语和宾语,但是 subcat 所要求的语言形式与英语不同。基本句型“主谓宾”结构,词序虽然与英语相同,但没有代词主格宾格的区分:他 爱 她【爱得很久了】。汉语及物动词第二个句型是所谓“把字句”,要求在动词前主语后,用介词“把”引出逻辑宾语:他 把 她 爱【得很久了】 。相对于英语被动语态句型的是汉语及物动词的所谓“被字句”:她 被 (他) 爱 【得很久了】。 下面说明从简,懂英语和汉语的人都很熟悉这些 subcat 句型之间的转换,请注意英语汉语之间的异同: Subcat patterns for the ditransitive verb “give”:(1) NP1 + give + NP2 + NP3 (e.g. She gives him a hug); (2) NP1 + give + NP3 + PP(to+NP2): She gives a hug to him; (3) NP2 + give + NP3 + PP(by+NP1): He is given a hug (by her); (4) NP3 + give +PP(to+NP2) + PP(by+NP1): A hug is given to him (by her). 汉语的动词 “给” 的双宾语结构的句型转换如下:(1)基本句型:他 给了 她 一个拥抱;(2)把字句:他 把 一个拥抱 给了 她;(3)被字句: 一个拥抱 (被 他) 给了 她。 Subcat pattern for the verb “think”:(1) NP + think + that-clause (e.g. She thinks ); (2) that is allowed to be omitted, hence: She thinks . 汉语的动词 “认为” 的句型与英语类似,但是没有从句引导词 that:他 认为 【他 爱 她】 逻辑到语言的mapping不是简单的对应,譬如,在逻辑上,语言中的 like 和 please 基本是一个概念,这个概念是及物谓词,需要两个 arguments,可是在语言中,这两个arguments 的指向由于不同的动词选择,可以正好相反: I like iPod 等价于 iPod pleases me. (这种说法英语不常见,但是其他欧洲语言常见) 两种不同的语言表达方式,说的都是人和一个物体的关系,是那个物体带给人心理上的愉悦感受。 对于学习语言,熟悉这些句型信息也非常有用。令人惊异的是,很多人学了多年英语居然没有对动词句型的subcat 的系统认识,语言实践没有上升到语言学理论的高度。我以前教英语的时候,经常要求学生看牛津词典或者朗曼词典后面的句型附录(朗曼的分类与牛津略有不同,分得更细),务必熟悉这些句型的概念,然后在翻阅词典时候注意其标注。 一个词(不仅是动词,还包括形容词和名词)经常分成 n 个义项,每个义项下的 subcat 分类标注往往不同,回去翻翻词典就看到了。 拉拉杂杂,今天就先说到这里。随笔写来,条理性不够,先凑合看吧。(也不能写得太好,太好了若干年后怕有现代红卫兵质疑有代笔,受网络大字报的轰炸,不值。) 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 立委科普|6786 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 FrankZhao 2011-8-29 11:34
我们平时都要阅读大量的英文文献,在这个过程中,除了要借此了解此领域当前的研究现状,本研究所采用的研究方法、所得到研究的结果,以及整体的研究框架之外,我们还应该对文中所使用的一些功能性句型加以留心,做好收集工作,服务于日后的英文论文写作。 台湾学者廖柏森编着了一系列这方面的好书,其中对于我们这些非母语人士写英文论文最有帮助的就是《英文研究论文写作—关键句指引》这一本,只可惜这本书目前在中国大陆也只有通过淘宝代购才能买得到。 不过我在网络上查到了此书的目录,我觉得我们可以在平日的文献阅读中着重以下两方面句型的积累:一类是功能性的句型;另一类则是结构性的句型。 General Sentence Pattern (常用功能性句型) 表达「评论」的句型 : 表达「定义」的句型 : 表达「如下所述…」的句型 : 表达「如前所述…」的句型 : 表达「注意…」的句型 : 表达「换言之」的句型 : 表达「简言之」的句型 : 表达「举例」的句型 : 表达「与…有关、关联」的句型 : 表达「与…比较」的句型 : 表达「相同、类似」的句型 : 表达「不同、相反」的句型 : 表达「区分、区别」的句型 : 表达「组成、包含」的句型 : 表达「重要性」的句型 : 表达「强调、突显」的句型 : 表达「肇因、因为」的句型 : 表达「造成、导致」的句型 : 表达「虽然、尽管」的句型 : 表达「困难、争议」的句型 : 表达「与…一 致、相符」的句型 : 表达「可能」的句型 : Academic Collocations ( 搜集本领域核心的学术搭配词 ) 英文研究论文研究方法与格式简介 (我们可以着重在阅读文献时搜集各个部分的结构性句型) INTRODUCTION (绪论) 1.1 General Background Information (研究背景) A. General Statements about Your Area of Research (说明该研究领域近年来的发展) B. Identify Your Topic within the General Area (描述研究主题在该领域的现况) 1.2 Literature Review (文献探讨) A. Citation (文献引用) B. Commentary (文献评析) 1.3 Establishing a Niche/ Indicating a Gap (研究利基) 1.4 Purpose of Research (研究目的) 1.5 Research Questions (研究问题) 1.6 Value of Research (研究价值) 1.7 Overview (论文概述) METHODOLOGY (研究方法) 2.1 Research Design( 研究设计 ) 2.2 Subjects/ Materials( 研究对象 / 研究材料 ) A. Subjects/ Participants (研究对象) B.Materials/ Instruments ( 研究材料 ) 2.3 Data Collection Procedure ( 数据收集程序 ) 2.4 Data Analysis (资料分析) RESULTS ( 研究结果 ) 3.1 FINDINGS of Research (研究发现) 3.2 Results of Quantitative Research (量性研究结果) A. Descriptive Statistics (描述性统计) B. Correlations (相关) C. ANOVA (变异数分析) 3.3 Results of Qualitative Research (质性研究结果) 3.4 Graphics and Locations of Results (图表 / 研究结果所在) DISCUSSION and CONCLUSIONS (讨论 / 结论) 4.1 Review of Research Findings (探讨研究发现) A. Possible Explanations for the Results (解释研究结果) B. Comparing Your Results with Those of Other Studies (与其他研究比较) 4.2 Implications/Applications of the Study (研究的义涵 / 应用) 4.3 Limitations of the Study (研究限制) 4.4 Recommendations for Future Research (建议未来研究) ABSTRACT (摘要) REFERENCES (参考书目) 1. MLA (Modern Language Association) Style 2. APA (American Psychological Association) Style 《英文研究论文写作—关键句指引》相关介绍 编辑室导读   ■ 际学术期刊惯用句法 600 则 英文写作必学常用范例 300 句。   ■ 精选收录英美国际学术期刊句型范例,专业精准,即学即用。   近年来国内高等教育生态丕变,大专院校数量于短期内暴增,为了在这竞争炽烈的学术环境中脱颖而出,对日益众多的大学生、研究生、甚至教师而言,用英文写作研究报告或论文已是发展学术能力非常重要的一部分。但是用文字描述复杂繁琐的研究本身已属不易,再加上使用英文思考和写作更是难上加难,让很多人视之为畏途。既然英文论文写作难度相当高,学生又有迫切需求,然而大专院校系所却常偏重开设专业课程,而未提供足够的英文论文写作训练,使得大多数学生在届临必须提笔写作的关头,才开始学习如何写论文,这样的写作过程当然是艰辛备尝,可是写作的成果却多欠佳。   其实用英文撰写研究论文在学术全球化的今天相当重要,它不但是现行教育体制对于学生所应具备学术技能的重点要求,也是教师或研究人员发表研究成果、建立学术声望的利器。否则即使研究者有满腹经纶,或是研究成果丰硕,但若未能藉由流畅正确的英文写作有效地传达给全球相同学术领域里的同侪分享,也是美中不足。从某种程度来说,专业研究知识和英文写作技能几乎是同等重要,因为如果无法透过英文写作有效表达自己的研究成果,再多的专业知识也只能孤芳自赏,殊为可惜。   本书编撰的目的也是希望能够协助有研究论文写作需要的人士,在短时间内对所谓研究和论文写作有一基本认识,并利用本书提供的句型和表达方式有效率地完成自己的论文。 适合读者 有写作论文需求的大学、研究生及教师等 作者(廖柏森)简介 · · · · · · 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 (University of Texas at Austin) 外语教育哲学博士 美国纽约大学 (New York University) 英语教学硕士 东海大学哲学研究所硕士 国立台北大学应用外语学系专任助理教授 国立交通大学英语教学研究所兼任助理教授 辅仁大学翻译学研究所兼任助理教授 曾任《经济日报》国外组编译、《远东经济评论》驻华社长助理。
个人分类: 英文写作|6152 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 dabing 2011-3-10 20:14
一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。 Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。 二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.(再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。) 例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. 我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过。 四、There is no denying that + S + V ...(不可否认的...) 例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. 不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下。 五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道...) 例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us. 全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。 六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的...) 例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意。 七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的优点是...) 例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create (produce) any pollution. 使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染。 八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子 (...的原因是...) 例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air./ The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。 九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词 + that + 句子 (如此...以致于...) 例句:So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it. 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。 十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然...) 例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不} 虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意。 十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~the + ~er + S + V ~~~ The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~the + more + Adj + S + V~~~(愈...愈...) 例句:The harder you work, the more progress you make. 你愈努力,你愈进步。 The more books we read, the more learned we become. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。 十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着...,..能够..) 例句:By taking exercise, we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 十三、~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (..使..能够..) 例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松。 十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能...) 例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。 十五、It is time + S + 过去式 (该是...的时候了) 例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。 十六、Those who ~~~ (...的人...) 例句:Those who violate traffic regulati文明用语 should be punished. 违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。 *、There is no one but ~~~ (没有人不...) 例句:There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学。 十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V (不得不...) 例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. 既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动。 十九、It is conceivable that + 句子 (可想而知的) It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的) It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的) 例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. 可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。 二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是...的原因) 例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don’t like it. 夏天很燠热。那就是我不喜欢它的原因。 二十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式...(过去...年来,...一直...) 例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. 过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试。 二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。 例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. 自从他上高中,他一直很用功。 二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (...是值得的。) 例句:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。 二十四、be based on (以...为基础) 例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony. 社会的进步是以和谐为基础的。 二十五、Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的) 例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。 还有下面这些是我正在读的一些原版书里的好句子 You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful. Still, we take what we can get and make the best of 。你永远不能拥有太多的天空。你可以在天空下睡去,醒来又沉醉。在你忧伤的时候,天空会给你安慰。可是忧伤太多,天空不够,蝴蝶不够,花儿也不够。大多美好的东西都不够。于是,我们去我们所能,好好的享用。——《芒果街上的小屋》 IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that (a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.)这是一条举世皆知的真理,那就是...(套进去^^)——《傲慢与偏见》 There is no royal road to (science.) ......路上无坦途。——马克思。 ~可以替换以下的词~ 1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important) 2.common=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants) 4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly) 5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)' 7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. formAL) 8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail) 9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people) 10.top=peak, summit 11.competitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)1 12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) 13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way) 14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation 15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, formal), establish 16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid) 17.complain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way) 18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental 19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe) 20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel 21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is) 22.complex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many all parts and details) 23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her) 24.small=minuscule(very all), minute 25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political) 26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly 27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts) 28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it) 29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically) 30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.) 31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(informal)+ 32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it 33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.) 34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently 35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reas), loathe(dislike very much)! 36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.) 39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always) 40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed) 41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound) 42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)# 43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)! 44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be) 45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive 46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating) 47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. formAL) 48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it) 49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold) 50.hot=boiling(very hot) 51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health) 52.nowadays=currently 53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive; 54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing) 55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of) 56.result=cequence(the results or effects of something) 57.obvious=apparent, manifest 58.basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily) 60.quite=fairly 61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing) 62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest) 63.appear=emerge(come into existence) 64.whole=entire(the whole of something) 65.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)! 66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct) 67.difficult=formidable 68.change=convert(change into another form) 69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something) 70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible) 71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability) 72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, orhis/her opinion is differentfrom most people) 73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money) 74.use= utilize (the same as use) 75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.) 76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction) 77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time) 78.scholarship=fellowship 79.angry=enraged(extremely angry) 80.文明用语elly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant 文明用语ell) 81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)# 82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal) 83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups c文明用语ists of many different kinds of things) 84.disorder=disarray, chaos 85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way) 86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly) 87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual) 88.despite=notwithstanding(formAL) 89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/ 90.sharp=acute(severe and intense) 91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^ 92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it) 93.method=avenue(away of getting something done) 94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career) 95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned) 96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/ 97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved) 98.so=c文明用语equently, accordingly 99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often 100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish) 转载: http://wo.mop.com/topic/read_135_184780_1_0.html
个人分类: 英语学习|2631 次阅读|1 个评论
wchao612 2010-9-29 00:46
英语学术论文常用句型 Beginning 1. In this paper。。 2. This paper proceeds as follow. 3. The structure of the paper is as follows. 4. In this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts 5. To begin with we will provide a brief background on the Introduction 1. This will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined. 2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections. 3. In the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. Review 1. This review is followed by an introduction. 2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2. 3. In the next section, a brief review of the .... is given. 4. In the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ... 5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx. 6. Section 1.1 briefly surveys the motivation for a methodology of action, while 1.2 looks at the difficulties posed by the complexity of systems and outlines the need for development of possibility methods. Body 1. Section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance. 2. Section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the FLC decision making logic. 3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx 4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding. 5. Section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window 6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ... 7. Section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the .. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance. 8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx. 9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx. 10. Section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision. 11. Section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules 12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies. 13. Section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model. 14. Section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation. 15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx. 16. Section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process. 17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3. 18. Section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data. 19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model .. 20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work. 21. Section 6 illustrates the model with an example. 22. Various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2. 23. In Section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system 24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy. 25. In Section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense. 26. In Section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions. 27. In Section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments... This Section 1. In this section, the characteristics and environment under which MRP is designed are described. 2. We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.Next Section 2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements. 3. However, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section. 4. The three components will be described in the next two section, and an example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then illustrate their use. 5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections. 6. The next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xx Summary 1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section 5. 2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation. 3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research. 4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper. 5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized 6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn. 7. Section 7 is the conclusion of the paper. Chapter 0. Abstract 1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables. 2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures. 3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx. 4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations. 5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision. 6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm. 7. The usefulness of xx is also considered. 8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed. 9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem. 10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices. 11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified. 12. The use of the method is discussed and an example is given. 13. Results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique. 14. This paper analyses problems in 15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by ... 16. This paper includes an illustration of the ... 17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching 18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated. 19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx 20. Our proposed model is verified through experimental study. 21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of: xx, xx 22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost, and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables. 23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure Chapter 1. Introduction Time 1. Over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive 2. Technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world 3. The advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the 4. The development of ... is explored 5. During the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions 6.The concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years 7. There has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ... 8. A major concern in ... today is to continue to improve... 9. A xx is a latecomer in the part representation arena. 10. At the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx 11. Although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed. 12. The pioneer work can be traced to xx . 13. To date, none of the methods developed is perfect and all are far from ready to be used in commercial systems. Objective / Goal / Purpose 1. The purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows: 2. The ultimate goal of the xx system is to allow the non experts to utilize the existing knowledge in the area of manual handling of loads, and to provide intelligent, computer aided instruction for xxx. 3. The paper concerns the development of a xx 4. The scope of this research lies in 5. The main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making. 6. These objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ... 7. The objectives of the ... operations study are as follows: 8. The primary purpose/consideration/objective of 9. The ultimate goal of this concept is to provide 10. The main objective of such a ... system is to 11. The aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution. 12. In order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements: 13. In order to take advantage of their similarity 14. more research is still required before final goal of ... can be completed 15. In this trial, the objective is to generate... 16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues 17. A major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx. 18. For an illustrative purpose, four well known OR problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx. 19. A major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods 20. This illustration points out the need to specify 21. The ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive. 22. Chapter 2. Literature Review 23. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx 24. A considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade 25. A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx. 26. There is considerable amount of literature on planning 27. However, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty in xx. 28. Since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well in methodological aspects as in concrete applications. 29. Many research studies have been carried out on this topic. 30. Problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system analysis. 31. Attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of 32. Many complex processes unfortunately, do not yield to this design procedure and have, therefore, not yet been automated. 33. Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature. 34. The central issue in all these studies is to 35. The problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches. 36. Applied ... techniques to 37. Characterized the ... system as 38. Developed an algorithm to 39. Developed a system called ... which 40. Uses an iterative algorithm to deduce 41. Emphasized the need to 42. Identifies six key issues surrounding high technology 43. A comprehensive study of the... has been undertaken 44. Much work has been reported recently in these filed 45. Proposed/Presented/State that/Described/Illustrated/ Indicated/Has shown / showed/Address/Highlights 46. Point out that the problem of 47. A study on ...was done / developed by and is 50. The system developed by 52. ' model draws attention to evolution in human development 54. . 60. Studies have been completed to established 61. The ...studies indicated that 62. Though application of xx in the filed of xx has proliferated in recent years, effort in analyzing xx, especially xx, is lacking. Problem / Issue / Question 63. Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects. 64. Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems 67. ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved 68. Two major problems have yet to be addressed 69. An unanswered question 70. This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. 71. An additional research issue to be tackled is .... 72. Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed 73. The three prime issues can be summarized: 74. The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... 75. There have been many attempts to 76. It is expected to be serious barrier to 77. It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex
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