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wangyk 2015-11-3 01:45
王应宽 Wang Yingkuan Beijing, China 2015-11-03 国际出版商协会主席 在阿拉伯出版商大会上的致辞 2015 年 11 月 2 日,国际出版商协会 IPA 主席 Richard Charkin 出席在阿联酋沙加召开的 3 届阿拉伯出版商大会并在开幕式发表演讲。 Richard 指出,积极参与就会创造机会支持我们的同事,不参与就一无所成。出版业基于商业,而商业基于沟通和诚信。以下是讲话的全文,主题涉及数字转型、创新、版权和出版自由。 Engagement gives us a chance to support ourcolleagues. said Richard Charkin 2 November 2015 Richard Charkin, IPA President spoke today at the opening of the 3rd Arab PublishersConference in Sharjah, UAE. You can find here below the integrality of hisspeech on digital transition, creation, copyright and freedom to publish. YourHighness, Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Ruler of Sharjah. YourExcellencies, Ladies, Gentlemen, friends, colleagues, competitors. Iam honoured and delighted to be attending the Arab Publishers Conference forthe second time. It is particularly important for me wearing my relatively newhat as President of the International Publishers Association (IPA). Our twoassociations share a number of members and in very recent times IPA has beenable to welcome the publishers associations of Saudi Arabia and Tunisia as fullmembers and Jordan as a new provisional member. I hope there will be many morein the future. Publishingis facing what the Chinese call 'interesting times' as we learn to cope withdigital disruption, new and powerful technology entrants whose aims andobjectives are very different from those of traditional publishers, andGovernments of all persuasions who recognise the importance of publishing ineducation, culture, research and creativity but quite like to tinker with it. Inaddition, as evidenced by today’s ghastly news from Bangladesh, publishers areunder threat of violence, worldwide. Now,more than ever, publishers across the world need to stand together, to learnfrom each other, to ensure that the value of their authors' labours are notundermined, and that readers can have maximum access to books, illustrations,journals and knowledge hubs - in other words access to the world ofopportunity. Conferenceslike this and like the forthcoming IPA Congress organised in partnership withthe UK Publishers Association and the London Book Fair just before the LondonBook Fair in April next year are vital to ensure greater understanding of eachothers' issues and being able to obtain or offer support. Our businesses arebased on commerce, which is their strength; and commerce, particularlyinternational commerce, is based on communication and trust. TheArabic publishing community is well used to disruption, unfortunately all toofrequently, but that also gives it the flexibility and strength to adapt to newconditions such as digital technology. The youth in the Arab world are morethan digital natives, they are digital junkies (as are my grandchildren). Weneed rapidly to expand what we offer them so that the technology can deliverquality as well as quantity. Arabicis the fifth most spoken language worldwide with over 200 million nativespeakers. Yet translation to and from Arabic is far less than is surelypossible. The efforts of Kalima and the Sharjah International Book FairTranslation Grant Program here in UAE and of the Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation,which has delivered nearly 200 Arabic and English titles since 2010, may beturning the tide, but so much more could be done and, I suspect, will be done. Iwant to touch on a sensitive matter, freedom to publish. At the recent GeneralAssembly of the IPA held during the Frankfurt Book Fair our members had somedifficult choices to make about some member applications. Our statutes requiremembers to support the two fundamental pillars of our organization: support forcopyright and support for freedom to publish. The former is vital. Withoutcopyright we and our authors have no businesses and readers will have little orno choice of what to read. There was no dispute that all the associationsapplying to join were able to show their utter and complete commitment to that. Thesecond pillar is equally important but trickier. Different cultures operate indifferent ways. One person's freedom can be interpreted as another person's crime.The IPA is not there to judge a country's policies but it is there to supportpublishers associations in those countries where they are struggling againstabuses. Of course these things are not black and white. We live in an age ofcomplexity and ambiguity and some of our members believe that membership of IPAgives unjustified legitimacy to some regimes. I disagree and was delighted thatall the applications were accepted by a majority in a democratic vote. Weshall, of course, be monitoring our new members to ensure they comply with ourprinciples by means of a number of measures but my view is that engagementgives us a chance to support our colleagues whereas non-engagement bringsnothing. Fortunately most IPA delegates agreed but we must work to show thatthings can change. Atthe risk of embarrassing her, her Excellency, Sheikha Bodour's impact onPublishing in this region and her impact on the IPA itself has been immense andis an example to us all. That there is a session tomorrow on Freedom to Publishis a good sign. Iwould like to thank the Arab Publishers Association for having this conferenceand the Emirati Publishers Association for hosting it, and for the SharjahInternational Book Fair for doing so much to promote reading and publishing. AsI said at the beginning, I am honoured to be here. Thank you. Noteto editors: TheInternational Publishers Association is the international federation ofnational, regional and specialized publishers associations, representing allaspects of global book publishing. IPA is an industry association with ahuman rights mandate. It fights against censorship and promotes literacyand reading, copyright and freedom to publish around the world. www.internationalpublishers.org.
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论出版自由——John Milton
wzjeditor 2015-6-14 08:55
【编者按】这是新闻传播史上最重要的政论思想,是传播人都奋而努力的方向和终生追求的目标——出版自由。 书籍并不是绝对死的东西。它包藏着一种生命的潜力,和作者一样活跃。不仅如此,它还像一个宝瓶,把创作者活生生的智慧中最纯净的精华保存起来。我知道它们是非常活跃的,而且繁殖力也是极强的,就像神话中的龙齿一样。当它们被撒在各处以后,就可能长出武士来。 但是,从另一方面来说,如果不特别小心的话,误杀好人和误禁好书就会同样容易。杀人只是杀死了一个理性的动物,破坏了一个上帝的像,而禁止好书则是扼杀了理性本身,破坏了瞳仁中的上帝圣像。许多人的生命可能只是土地上的一个负担,但一本好书则等于把杰出人物的宝贵心血熏制珍藏了起来,目的是为着未来的生命。 不错,任何时代都不能使死者复生,但是这种损失并不太大。而各个时代的革命也往往不能使已失去的真理恢复,这却使整个的世界都将受到影响。因此我们就必须万分小心,看看自己对于公正人物富于生命力的事物是不是进行了什么迫害;看看自己是怎样把人们保存在书籍里的生命糟蹋了。 我们看到,有时像这样就会犯下杀人罪,甚至杀死的还是一个殉道士;如果牵涉到整个出版界的话,就会形成一场大屠杀。在这种屠杀中,杀死的还不只是凡尘的生命,而是伤及了精英或第五种要素——理智本身的生气。这是杀害了一个永生不死的圣者,而不是一个凡尘的生命。 ——摘自《论出版自由》 John Milton ( 1608-1674 ),英国伟大的诗人和政论家。因其史诗《 失乐园 》和反对书报审查制的《 论出版自由 》而闻名于后世。弥尔顿 1608 年生于伦敦, 1625 年进入 剑桥大学 ,在剑桥大学的克莱斯特学院完成他的 学士学位 和 1632 年硕士学位后,便开始专心于诗歌写作。 1660 年 查理二世 复辟,弥尔顿被捕入狱,退出政治活动,致力 诗歌创作 。在双目失明的情况下,口述完成使他名扬后世的三部伟大著作:《失乐园》和《 复乐园 》,诗剧《 力士参孙 》。 1674 年 11 月 8 日逝世,死后他与乔叟、 莎士比亚 齐名。
个人分类: 卓晶小评|3099 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 24 AlecXu 2015-4-24 18:15
我对科学网上发生的个案不感兴趣。我只对“我虽然不赞同你的观点,但是我支持你讲话的权利”这个观点有话说。 我的观点已经在标题亮明了。我讲几个发生在“言论自由”被提到神坛地位的欧洲发生的一些实例。看过之后,希望大家能有新的思考... 我首先要讲的例子,是在欧洲,批评犹太人的言论会被贴上反犹( anti-semitism )的标签,你会看到铺天盖地的口诛笔伐,但是你可能不知道被媒体集体攻击的人到底一开始说了什么。 这当然和二战的历史有关了。与之相对的,就是在诸多欧盟国家公开表达支持或者表示对纳粹的同情是被法律禁止的,相关刊物也是禁止出版的。 有趣的是,被伊斯兰人认为是侮辱他们宗教的先知的言论和刊物出版,却可以是受保护的言论和出版自由。结果呢,法国1月份一些宗教极端人士用自己的方式对这种“言论自由”,做出了回击,这就有一月份席卷西方媒体头条的著名的 Charlie Hebdo 漫画杂志社事件。之后的发展也很有趣。澳大利亚,加拿大等国拒绝在媒体上刊登引起巨大争议的漫画。纽约时报后来也做了同样的选择。英国的剑桥出版社更是出台了史无前例的政策——儿童漫画里排除掉猪的形象。 对了,既然提到这个话题了,我就顺带再例举一个与该事件有关的,反映西方媒体报道技巧的有趣小插曲。事件发生后,西方社会同仇敌忾,发动声援 Charlie Hebdo ,支持言论自由的大游行,西方多国领导人当然也是义不容辞了。于是我们看到了一些极端人士挑战西方“言论自由”给西方人带来的强大凝聚力: 以及: 大家是不是想象着领导人带领着大家一起游行示威呢?各大媒体确实也是这么写的。 但是实际情况是这样的: 提及这个插曲,虽然偏了言论自由的题,但是如果能让大家看到西方话语和现实之间的区别,我想也是有益的。 最后,再简单阐述一下我的观点。有的言论,不加限制地允许其大肆传播,是会带来社会危害的,比如侮辱性的,传播民族仇恨,煽动国家分裂的言论等等。什么言论自由表达的权利都要支持吗?我是要投反对票的。当然,表达“我虽然不赞同你的观点,但是我支持你讲话的权利”这个观点的自由权利,我是支持的。
个人分类: 社会科学|5526 次阅读|35 个评论
热度 1 黄安年 2013-9-8 07:28
从图书销售看出版自由在台湾 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2013 年 9 月 8 日 发布 出版自由是写在我们的宪法上的 , 但是执行起来其空间很大很大。从普通百姓的角度来看 , 不管持有什么价值观 , 让它出版由世人评说 , 是一种出版开放的出版自由观 , 尽管这种见解可能某些执行官员不认同,不过你可以不认同,但是不宜禁止 , 否则人们怀疑的是宪法保障的空间究竟有多大。 在台北,我已经看了三家书店,里面涉及社科类时政和人物传记类的图书引起我的兴趣。 下面照片里的图书 , 你看看就明白了。
个人分类: 学术问题评论(07-11)|2132 次阅读|1 个评论
gl6866 2010-10-6 13:58
约翰弥尔顿(John Milton,1608-1674)以其著名长诗《失乐园》和《得乐园》而闻名世界文坛。弥尔顿1608年12月9日出生于伦敦一个富裕的清教徒家庭。弥尔顿从小喜爱读书,尤其喜爱文学。1625年16岁时入剑桥大学,并开始写诗,1632年取得硕士学位。因目睹当时国教日趋反动,他放弃了当教会牧师的念头,闭门攻读文学6年,一心想写出能传世的伟大诗篇。1638年弥尔顿为增长见闻到当时欧洲文化中心意大利旅行,拜会了当地的文人志士,其中有被天主教会囚禁的伽利略。弥尔顿深为伽利略在逆境中坚持真理的精神所感动。 1641年,弥尔顿站在革命的清教徒一边,开始参加宗教论战,反对封建王朝的支柱国教。他在一年多的时间里发表了5本有关宗教自由的小册子。最为著名的就是1644年的《论出版自由:论未经英格兰议会许可而出版的自由权演讲》(Areopagitica: A speech of Mr. John Milton for the liberty of unlicensed printing to the Parliament of England)。这是弥尔顿对议会1663年发出的出版许可令的回应,该令规定所有作者的书籍都要经过政府批准才可出版。这个演讲建立在一系列实用性和原则性的辩词上,这些辩词在今时今日已为人熟知。书籍在批准与否的情况下都应予以出版,弥尔顿将出版许可比作殷勤者为了赶走乌鸦而关上公园大门的举动。对于英格兰,一个有着敏锐和创新的精神,而非愚钝的民族,一个能从糟粕里挑出精华的民族来说,出版许可令是一种羞辱。最著名的一句是,误杀好人和误禁好书是一样的。杀人只是杀掉了一个理性的动物,毁掉了上帝之像;禁书确是禁掉了理性本身,毁掉的是瞳仁中的上帝圣像。刚探访完被囚禁在意大利监狱里的伽利略,弥尔顿恳求政府不要用政府暴政重演教会暴政的悲剧:给我自由,让我依着良心去知晓、去言说、去争辩,这是第一自由。 然而,英国议会并没有听取他的意见,审查制度也并没有废除,可是弥尔顿的演讲却成为了一座公民自由表达的纪念碑,也成为了他散文才华的重要标志,就像他的诗歌一样: 言论自由之利正像在躯体方面,当一个人的血液活鲜,各个基本器官与心智官能中的元气精液纯洁健旺,而这些官能又复于其机敏活泼的运用中恣骋其心智的巧慧的时候,往往可以说明这个躯体的状况与组织异常良好那样,同理,当一个民族心情欢快,意气欣欣,非但能绰有余裕地去保障其自身的自由与安全,且能以余力兼及种种坚实而崇高的争论与发明的时候,这也向我们表明了它没有倒退,没有陷入一蹶不振的地步,而是脱掉了衰朽腐败的陈皱表皮,经历了阵痛而重获青春,从此步入足以垂懿范于今兹的真理与盛德的光辉坦途。我觉得,我在自己的心中仿佛瞥见了一个崇高而勇武的国家,好像一个强有力者那样,正从其沉酣之中振身而起,风鬓凛然。我觉得,我仿佛瞥见它是一头苍鹰,正在振脱着它幼时的健翮,它那目不稍瞬的双睛因睁对中午的炎阳而被燃得火红,继而将它的久被欺诓的目光疾扫而下,俯瞰荡漾着天上光辉的清泉本身,而这时无数怯懦群居的小鸟,还有那些性喜昏暗时分的鸟类,却正在一片鼓噪,上下翻飞,对苍鹰的行径诧怪不已;而众鸟的这种恶毒的叽叽喳喳将预示着未来一年的派派系系。
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