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Quantum espresso 5.0.2 electron-phonon coupling limitations
niuyingli 2014-8-13 15:21
phonon.f90 026 ! ... Presently implemented: 027 ! ... dynamical matrix (q/=0) NC , US , PAW 028 ! ... dynamical matrix (q=0) NC , US , PAW 029 ! ... dielectric constant NC , US , PAW 030 ! ... born effective charges NC , US , PAW 031 ! ... polarizability (iu) NC , US 032 ! ... electron-phonon NC , US 033 ! ... electro-optic NC 034 ! ... raman tensor NC 035 ! 036 ! NC = norm conserving pseudopotentials 037 ! US = ultrasoft pseudopotentials 038 ! PAW = projector augmented-wave 039 ! LDA, 040 ! + GGA, 041 ! + LSDA/sGGA, 042 ! + Spin-orbit/nonmagnetic, 043 ! + Spin-orbit/magnetic (experimentalwhen available) 044 ! 045 ! Not implemented in ph.x: 046 ! + constraints on themagnetization 047 ! + Hubbard U 048 ! + Hybrid functionals 049 ! ? + External Electric field 050 ! ? + nonperiodic boundary conditions.
个人分类: Pwscf|0 个评论
Quantum espresso electron-phonon coupling switch
niuyingli 2014-8-13 10:41
phq_readin.f90: 563: ! IF (elph.AND..NOT.lgauss) CALL errore ('phq_readin', 'Electron- 564: ! phonon only for metals', 1) can be commented out.
个人分类: Pwscf|0 个评论
热度 1 wl2119 2014-5-23 21:20
文献耦合和共被引都是指两篇文献通过另外一篇或者多篇文献建立联系。都可以反映出文献之间的联系程度和结构关系,在引文分析中属于同一种类型。这两种方法都可以用于文献关系研究、文献检索和文献结构研究。他们的区别主要有五点。 ① 文献耦合反映的是两篇引证文献之间的关系,共被引反映的是两篇被引证文献之间的关系。前者是由两篇文献的作者共同建立的,后者是由引用它们的作者各自建立的。 ② 文献耦合强度是固定不变的,共被引强度则随时有可能发生变化。这是因为对于任意两篇己发表的论文来说,其后的参考文献是固定不变的。因此,文献耦合后的关系就不会改变,也就长期地得到固定和承认。对于具有 “ 共被引 ” 关系的两篇文献来说,共被引的特性决定了它们始终处于 “ 被动 ” 地位,它们之间的关系总是等着其它文献来建立,其强度也是依赖其它文献的需要量来增加,所以共被引后的关系 “ 仍处于变化之中 ” 。 ③ 文献耦合反映的文献间的关系是一种固定的长久的关系,而共被引反映的则是变化的或暂时的关系。因此,文献耦合形成的模型是静态结构模型,而共被引则是动态结构模型。 ④ 文献耦合是回溯性的,属于 “ 回向引用 ” ,而共被引则是展望性的,属于 “ 前向引用 ” 。 ⑤ 对于研究和揭示科学文献的内在联系与规律,描绘科学发展的动态结构来说, “ 共被引 ” 比 “ 文献耦合 ” 更具有优越性,更适应当前情报科学所研究的对象不断变化和发展的特点。 图文献耦合“ Bibliographic coupling ” 共被引“ Co-citation ” 可以参见加菲尔德的文章,对文献耦合和共被引的分析。 http://garfield.library.upenn.edu/papers/drexelbelvergriffith92001.pdf
个人分类: 文献计量理论基础|9993 次阅读|1 个评论
Spin-Orbit Coupling in Metal Oxides
gcshan 2014-2-17 04:55
Workshop Spin-Orbit Coupling in Metal Oxides April 27, 2014 – May 02, 2014 Location: Columbus, Ohio Photo Credits: IFW-Dresden - Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics, dan418 (stock.xchng), Hamish Johnston, Ceramics.org Organizers: Nandini Trivedi, The Ohio State University Mohit Randeria, The Ohio State University Patrick Woodward, The Ohio State University Transition metal oxides with partially filled 3d and 4d shells have dominated materials research in the past decades, leading to such spectacular phenomena as high Tc superconductivity and colossal magnetoresistance. In contrast, properties of materials like the oxides of rhenium, osmium and iridium, are only beginning to be explored. The presence of a large spin‐orbit coupling on the 5d elements, together with correlations, leads to the possibility of novel phases like topological Mott insulators and Weyl metals. The large variety of crystal structures (pyrochlore, hyper‐Kagome, etc.) in many cases leads to unusual anisotropic magnetic couplings and geometric frustration. Double perovskites with a 5d element are predicted, and in some cases known, to exhibit properties ranging from Mott insulators and spin‐liquids to insulating and half‐metallic ferrimagnets with very high Tc’s. Experimentally we know very little at this time about the effects of doping 5d Mott insulating phases. The aim of the workshop will be to bring researchers with diverse expertise in transition metal oxide experiments and theoretical modeling to focus on the latest developments in oxides with an interplay of strong correlations and spin‐orbit coupling. Topics to be covered during the workshop: •Magnetism: Spin and orbital ordering; Frustrated systems, Spin and orbital liquids, •Multi‐orbital Mott insulators: role of spin‐orbit coupling; doping effects •Topological properties: topological Mott insulators, Weyl metals, magnetoelectrics Tentative list of Invited Speakers: A. Bhattacharya (ANL) L. Balents (UCSB) I. Bozovic (BNL) L. Cooper (UIUC) G. Cao (Kentucky) J. Chakalian (Arkansas) C. Felser (Mainz) I. Fisher (Stanford) M. Franz (UBC) A. Georges (ENS) B. Keimer (MPI) H.‐Y. Kee (Toronto) Y‐B. Kim (Toronto) A. Khomskii (Groningen) G. Khaliullin (MPI) A. Millis (Columbia) N. Perkins (Madison) W. Pickett (UC Davis) G. Sawatzky (UBC) D. D. Sarma (IISc) A. Savrasov (Davis) R. Sheshadry (UCSB) N. Spaldin (ETH) T. Senthil (MIT) H. Takagi (Tokyo) A. Vishwanath (UC Berkeley)
个人分类: Information|3658 次阅读|0 个评论
ANSYS Workbench system coupling流固耦合模块计算滑坡冲击结构
wuhengbin 2013-12-6 20:36
流固耦合问题一直是个难题! 尤其是强耦合问题,如何将固体和流体力学控制方法耦合在一起进行求解计算。 不过对于弱耦合问题,ANSYS现在可以做到这一点了,之前CFX也可以做,自从有了system coupling模块之后,fluent和transient structural模块可以结合到一起。 通过上一篇博文,使用fluent计算滑坡泥石流运动过程,紧接着冲击结构也迎刃而解了。 下面是我做的一个视频:
9988 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 bioysy 2012-4-6 10:14
不一定! 举例说明: Mapping the Core of the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock Defines the Network Structure of the Oscillator http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6077/75.short In many organisms, the circadian clock is composed of functionally coupled morning and evening oscillators. In Arabidopsis, oscillator coupling relies on a core loop in which the evening oscillator component TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1) was proposed to activate a subset of morning-expressed oscillator genes(这是主流观点) . Here, we show that TOC1 does not function as an activator but rather as a general repressor of oscillator gene expression(实验结果把它推翻了). Repression occurs through TOC1 rhythmic association to the promoters of the oscillator genes(进一步阐明抑制机理). Hormone-dependent induction of TOC1 and analysis of RNA interference plants show that TOC1 prevents the activation of morning-expressed genes at night. Our study overturns the prevailing model of the Arabidopsis circadian clock, showing that the morning and evening oscillator loops are connected through the repressing activity of TOC1. 要不人家怎么能发Science呢?当实验结果和流行的理论矛盾的时候,才是真的考验功底的时候,进行研究的人也许会首先怀疑是自己错了,并为此而郁闷.但真正的行家,却会感到无比兴奋.正所谓山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村!科学研究什么最大?事实最大!这应该是做科研的一个最基本的信仰.
个人分类: 专业随笔|3945 次阅读|2 个评论
vasp SOI and Hybrid functional
热度 1 shengxianlei06 2011-12-5 04:15
ISTART = 1 ICHARG=11 ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.1 ENCUT = 500 LCHARG = .TRUE NSW = 0 IBRION = 2 ISIF = 2 NEDOS = 3001 EMIN = -15.0 EMAX = 15.0 LORBIT = 11 #spin-orbit coupling #LSORBIT = .TRUE. #LORBMOM = .TRUE. #ISYM = 0 #ISPIN = 2 # Hybrid functional #LHFCALC = .TRUE. #HFSCREEN = 0.2 #ALGO =All #TIME = 0.4 #RPECFOCK = L ***************************************************************************************************** 增加一些解释,来自vasp官网 http://cms.mpi.univie.ac.at/vasp/vasp/Typical_hybrid_functional_Hartree_Fock_calculations.html Typical hybrid functional and Hartree-Fock calculations It is strongly recommended to perform standard DFT calculations first, and to start Hartree-Fock type calculations from a preconverged WAVECAR file. A typical INCAR file for a Hartree-Fock or hybrid HF/DFT calculation for an insulator or semiconductor has the following input lines: ISTART = 1 LHFCALC = .TRUE. ;HFSCREEN = 0.2 NBANDS = number of occupied bands ALGO = All ; TIME = 0.4 PRECFOCK = Fast ! used PRECFOCK = Normal for high quality calculations NKRED = 2 ! omit flag for high quality calculations For metals and small gap semiconductors it is recommended to use. ISTART = 1 LHFCALC = .TRUE. ; HFSCREEN = 0.2 ALGO = Damped ; TIME = 0.4 PRECFOCK = Fast ! used PRECFOCK = Normal for high quality calculations NKRED = 2 ! omit flag for high quality calculations These input files select the HSE06 functional, which tends to yield very similar thermochemistry as the PBE0 functional, but converges more rapidly with respect to the number of k-points . We thus recommend to apply and use this functional instead of the more demanding PBE0 functional. The NKRED flag is applicable, if and only if the number of k-points is dividable by NKRED (see Sec. 6.71.9 ). PRECFOCK= fast selects a smaller FFT grid for the fast-Fourier-transforms (see Sec. 6.71.5 ). For high accuracy NKRED and in particular PRECFOCK= fast should be ommited, but we recommend to do this only after preconverging the orbitals and atomic positions with the flags specified above. Mind, that the parameter TIME defaults to 0.4, and for the present algorithm this hardly ever needs to be changed. If divergence is observed, simply decrease TIME until the damped or conjugate gradient algorithm become stable (see Sec. 6.47 and 6.51 ). Standard Hartree-Fock type calculations require one to set the flag AEXX = 1.0 to switch on full non-local exchange (local exchange and correlation are automatically switched off): ISTART = 1 LHFCALC = .TRUE. ; AEXX = 1.0 ; NBANDS = number of occupied bands ALGO = All ; TIME = 0.4 PRECFOCK = Fast ! used PRECFOCK = Normal for high quality calculations NKRED = 2 ! omit flag for high quality calculations Concerning NKRED and PRECFOCK the same considerations as above apply. Matter of fact, it is also possible to try to converge using the ``metallic'' setup given above.
个人分类: VASP|6118 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]a+ coupling with MF
chunhuizhang 2011-11-10 09:11
Coupling of modeFRONTIER v4 with Aspen Plus 2006 in a WIN32 OS environment Introduction Aspen Plus 2006 is a process simulation software commonly used for process engineering and chemical engineering tasks. In order to solve optimization problems such as sensitivity analysis’ in Aspen Plus 2006, a coupling of modeFRONTIER v4 optimization software with Aspen Plus 2006 on a WIN32 operating system will be carried out and documented in this paper. A simple process is chosen to explain the necessary steps of work. Description of a simple Aspen Plus 2006 simulation task Two input streams of H2O (H2O1 and H2O2) with different temperatures are fed into a static mixer (MIXER) and result in one output stream (H2OMIX) as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Aspen Plus 2006 User Interface Process Flowsheet window The stream input specifications are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Input stream specifications This simple example is run and will converge without errors (IDEAL property method). Optimization goal and modeFRONTIER v4 workflowsheet Aim of the sensitivity analysis, carried out by modeFRONTIER v4, is the maximization of the output stream mass flow while keeping the output stream temperature at as close to 62 °C (335 K) as possible. The modeFRONTIER v4 workflowsheet of this simple multi objective optimization problem is shown in Figure 2. Table 2 will explain the workflow nodes used in Figure 2. Figure 2: modeFRONTIER v4 workflowsheet Table 2: Description of workflow nodes Process flow in modeFRONTIER v4 4 input variables (as shown in Table 2) are set for this optimization problem. Their range of values is shown in Table 3. Table 3: Range of input variable values The input file window in modeFRONTIER v4 will look like Figure 3. Note that the input format is set to #0 so it will fit the format of the simu1.inp input file. Figure 3: Input Variable Properties window in modeFRONTIER v4 The simu1_inp node is an exported file of the Aspen Plus 2006 simulation explained in chapter 2 with the extension “.inp”. The complete log is shown below. This file is modified by modeFRONTIER v4 for each single optimization computation. Therefore it has been edited so modeFRONTIER v4 is able to locate the needed input information within the simu1.inp (see below). The simu1_out node is a Aspen Plus 2006 report file retrieved when running the simulation with the Aspen Plus 2006 Simulation Engine instead within the Aspen Plus 2006 User Interface environment. To start the Aspen Plus 2006 Simulation Engine from the Windows DOS-Console the following path has to be entered but may differ from machine to machine: Then the folder must be switched to the folder, where the simu1.inp is located. In this case it is stored in Now the simulation can be run with the following command: This command will start a simulation with the input information of the simu1.inp file. The optional indentifier /getridof will purge all unnecessary output files but also create a single simu1.out output file. The log of the operation is shown below. The modeFRONTIER v4 file output node simu1_out with the simu1.out file as input will look like below but is not shown completely because of its size. Note that the output units are different from the input units (for example °C input and K output). However this will not effect the correct computation of the optimization. The simu1.out will inherit the unit settings of the initial run of the simulation and in this way the units may be applied as requested. Note, that the output variables chosen for modeFRONTIER v4 are marked relative (red = variable, green = reference string) since the output file might change slightly and an absolute positioning could cause errors. The selected reference string should be unique throughout the file. The two output variables temp_out and flow_out are each connected to specific optimization goal nodes. The absolute value of the difference of 335 minus the outlet temperature in Kelvin shall be minimized. In other words the temperature should be as close to 62 °C (335 K) as possible. This is implemented in modeFRONTIER v4 as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Design Objective Properties window in modeFRONTIER v4 The second optimization objective is a simple maximization of output mass flow. Logic flow and DOS Batch script node in modeFRONTIER v4 The optimization wizard of modeFRONTIER v4 recommends a Multi Objective Generic Algorithm (MOGA II) with at least 8 generations (time for one simulation = 0,33 min; time for overall simulation = 0,2 h). Figure 5: Scheduler window in modeFRONTIER v4 The Design of Experiments (DOE) should be set to v4. Figure 6: Design of Experiments window in modeFRONTIER v4 The DOSBatch4 script node should be configured as shown in Figure 7. To enter the correct execution path the script window (red circle) has to be opened. The path is stated in “ ” so it is interpreted as a string (actual path may very from machine to machine). This allows advanced characters like spaces which otherwise may be interpreted incorrect. Figure 7: DOS-Batch Properties window in modeFRONTIER v4 Figure 8: DOS-Batch Script window in modeFRONTIER v4 However the identifiers at the end have to be stated outside the “ ”. With simu1 the simu1.inp input file will be used for the simulation and /getridof will purge all unnecessary report files and will create just one simu1.out output file. In this way also a lot of disc space will be saved when multiple simulations will be computed by modeFRONTIER v4. The Logic End node is implemented to terminate the optimization correctly. Run and analysis of the optimization The modeFRONTIER v4 project is saved under the file name simu1.prj in the directory The simulation is carried out, no error designs are created and a total of 31 design cases have been computed. The resulting Designs Table is shown in Figure 9. Figure 9: Designs Table of the simu1.prj Figure 10: Parallel Coordinates chart in modeFRONTIER v4 The optimal designs are marked with a green hook in column 3. The Parallel Coordinates chart (Figure 10) identifies two groups of designs: On group with maximum output of mass flow (design 3, 7, 10, 16, 18 27) and another group of minimal temperature difference to 335 K (design 1, 11, 22, 23 28). However the variety of answers is yet not satisfying so the optimization is run again, this time with a DOE of 10 designs and a MOGA II of 10 generations. The optimization completes with a total of 100 designs. A derived table of all important designs is shown in Figure 11. Duplicates have not been discarded. Figure 11: Optimal designs of second optimization run. In a 4D bubble chart the designs can be evaluated by the user as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12: 4D bubble chart of a derived designs table The user has to decide whether a trade-off solution is reasonable or if an extreme solution is desirable. Summary A coupling of Aspen Plus 2006 and modeFRONTIER v4 on a WIN32 operating system has been shown in this document. A simple simulation problem has been computed and was later evaluated in a sensitivity analysis.
2621 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Critical optical coupling between a disk and a nanowaveguide
gcshan 2011-10-16 11:06
Critical optical coupling between a GaAs disk and a nanowaveguide suspended on the chip C. Baker 1 , C. Belacel 2 , A. Andronico 1 , P. Senellart 2 , A. Lemaitre 2 , E. Galopin 2 , S. Ducci 1 , G. Leo 1 , and I. Favero 1 1 Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques, Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, CNRS-UMR 7162, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris, France 2 Laboratoire de Photonique et Nanostructures, CNRS, Route de Nozay, 91460 Marcoussis, France http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v99/i15/p151117_s1 (Received 2 August 2011; accepted 21 September 2011; published online 14 October 2011) Alert Me When Cited Alert Me When Corrected Download Citation Add to MyScitation Permissions / Reprints Blog This Article Print-Friendly Research Toolkit Email Abstract Connotea CiteULike del.icio.us BibSonomy Tweet this Article Add to Facebook We report on an integrated GaAs disk/waveguide system. A millimeter-long waveguide is suspended and tapered on the chip over a length of 25  μ m to evanescently couple to high Q optical whispering gallery modes of a GaAs disk. The critical coupling regime is obtained both by varying the disk/guide gap distance and the width of the suspended nanoscale taper. Experimental results are in good agreement with predictions from coupled mode theory.
个人分类: 科学札记|2239 次阅读|0 个评论
[分享] 主稳定函数Master-stability functions计算程序
热度 2 luxurytt 2011-6-27 04:33
亮哥近日整理了他的计算MSF的程序(fortran),科学网的各位有需要的话可以email我 ryang8@asu.edu 为第一时间给您回复,请尽量有英文。。谢谢理解了。。 其中文献1可以是一个非常好的工具,上面研究了几乎所有的非线性系统,研究对于不同类型的coupling,不同大小的coupling strength,其对主稳定函数以及同步性能的影响。 Master-stability functions MSFs are fundamental to the study of synchronization in complex dynamical systems. For example, for a coupled oscillator network, a necessary condition for synchronization to occur is that the MSF at the corresponding normalized coupling parameters be negative. To understand the typical behaviors of the MSF for various chaotic oscillators is key to predicting the collective dynamics of a network of these oscillators. We address this issue by examining, systematically, MSFs for known chaotic oscillators. Our computations and analysis indicate that it is generic for MSFs being negative in a finite interval of a normalized coupling parameter. A general scheme is proposed to classify the typical behaviors of MSFs into four categories. These results are verified by direct simulations of synchronous dynamics on networks of actual coupled oscillators. References: L. Huang, Q.-F. Chen, Y.-C. Lai , and L. M . Pecora, ``Generic behavior of master -stability functions in coupled nonlinear dyna m ical syste m s,'' Physical Review E 80 , 036204 (2009). R. Yang, L. Huang, and Y.-C. Lai , ``Transient disorder in dyna m ically growing networks,'' Physical Review E 79 , 046101 (2009).
8206 次阅读|2 个评论
Diffusion coupling, 遇到一个疑惑
热度 1 kainingwu 2011-6-12 15:58
两个或者多个diffusion的偏微系统,通过diffusion couple在一起。线性系统。我在理论和数值实验上都得到了这样的结论:他们couple的diffusion的系数越大,越不容易达到同步化的现象。那么,diffusion前的系数是不是表示他们couple的强度呢?如果是,那就很不好解释---相互couple的越强,反而越不容易达到同步,这与现实不符合。如果说diffusion couple的系数表示扩散的强度,越大,扩散越快,那么他们相互作用的强度越小,这倒是可以解释这个现象。 刚刚搞一点偏微,还弄不明白有些东西的本质,需要学习的还有很多,立此为记。
4630 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]vasp 与castep的区别
robin7777 2011-6-7 14:25
基本的原理差不多。有些算法有差别。 Castep: PW + Norm conserving PP or Ultrasoft PP vasp: PW + Ultrasoft PP or PAW potential -- vasp的pseudopotenital库要比castep的完整。 计算磁性vasp也要比castep的好,能处理好几种特殊的情况,比如: Non-collinear calculations 和spin orbit coupling vasp实现了L(S)DA+U或GGA+U, VASP还在MD方面的能力要比Castep强大的多,而且也好不逊色于CPMD。 (记得那个文献有提到说,vasp在对金属体系做MD要好于CPMD,在对半导体或绝缘体 体系做MD也与CPMD不相上下) Castep的一个好处,是实现在Material Studio中,建模和画图很方便。不过我也只用它 建模而以。鼠标点击,好像很容易入门。。 Castep能计算声子色散曲线(好像只能采用Norm conserving PP)。其实vasp也可以, 不过要结合其他的一个程序PHONON(名字好像是这个,可这个程序要money,只能下载到 demo版)。
个人分类: 科研软件学习|1 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Non-metal-catalysed C-C coupling
daffodilya 2010-12-20 21:58
11 August 2010 Chinese chemists have successfully coupled aromatic molecules without the use of a transition metal catalyst - something that people have been trying to do for years with little success. Such cross-coupling reactions are crucial to organic synthesis and typically require expensive metals such as palladium. Efforts to find cheaper and more widely available alternatives have proved challenging. Now, Wei Liu, from Wuhan University, and colleagues appear to have succeeded by using an organic catalyst, DMEDA ( N,N '-dimethylethane-1,2-diamine) in the presence of the base potassium tert -butoxide. The team coupled unactivated benzene with a range of aryl iodides in the presence of the organic catalyst and the base. We have checked for contamination and excluded the involvement of trace amounts of transition metals - Aiwen Lei, Wuhan University The researchers suggest that the reaction proceeds via the formation of a radical, with the potassium salt initiating radical formation in the presence of DMEDA. 'In radical trap experiments the coupling was inhibited by a classical radical scavenger which suggested that radical species are involved,' says team member Aiwen Lei. Could trace amounts of transition metal have contaminated the experiment? 'Obviously this is one of the most important factors,' says Lei. 'We have checked the contamination of trace amounts of transition metals by ICP and excluded the involvement of small amounts of transition metals in this transformation.' In addition, the potassium tert -butoxide used in the work was purified by sublimation to remove any contaminants. Lei believes that the work could herald a new direction in organic synthesis. 'This is the first report of organocatalysis in carbon-carbon coupling or direct arylation between aryl halides and arenes, which could be considered as a conceptually different approach towards biaryl syntheses.' Commenting on the work, Carsten Bolm, an organic synthesis expert fromAachenUniversityinGermany, says, 'To be able to prepare cross-coupling products without the use of transition metals is an important scientific advance. Although at thepresent stage the substrate scope is by far too limited to make the process synthetically attractive, the findings illustrate that new reaction paths in direct C-H arylations are still to be discovered, and as such this work will be highly stimulating to the community.' Simon Hadlington Interesting? Spread the word using the 'tools' menu on the left. References W Liu et al , J. Am. Chem. Soc ., 2010, DOI: 10.1021/ja103050x http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2010/August/11081002.asp
个人分类: 论文highlights|3172 次阅读|0 个评论
Synthon 2010-10-6 22:42
看看本世纪前10年的诺贝尔化学奖,真是很有意思,2001-2010十年,6年给了生物,4年给了催化 而上个世纪最后十年则完全不同,1991-2000年间,有反应机理(Marcus、Olah),有谱学(Zewail、Ernst),有材料(碳球、导电高分子),有生物(PCR、ATP/离子输运),有大气化学(臭氧降解),还有理论计算(密度泛函) 两者对比,似乎上个世纪的奖项更平衡一些,化学的各个分支都有涉及,而本世纪则过于集中。 另外一个区别,则是上个世纪的奖项感觉跟我们都很近,我作为一个高中生,能够基本上理解1991-2000十年化学奖的主要意义,但是本世纪这10年,我作为一个在化学相关学科的博士生,却发现有好几年的奖项理解不了。。。 很明显,诺奖的口味变了,只是不知道,是变好了,还是变坏了呢?
个人分类: 科教评论|13584 次阅读|5 个评论

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