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热度 1 physicsxuxiao 2013-1-5 13:33
据1月3日的“奶车”说,“ 科学家造出低于绝对零度的量子气体 ”。 这是典型的标题党,显然写报道的人要吗没有弄明白啥是"负温度",啥是“负绝对温度”,要吗是故意误导,吸引眼球。 讲一下统计力学的基本常识。 当一个宏观体系处于平衡态或准平衡态时,粒子一般是遵循波尔兹曼、费米、波色-爱因斯坦三种分布,它们的共同特点,是低能态粒子数多,高能态粒子数少。如果以Bolzmannn分布为例,不同能级上的粒子数将正比于exp(-Ei/(kT)),其中Ei是第i个能级的能级高度(即第i个能级对应的能量值),k是波尔兹曼常数,而T就是吸引眼球的主角:“绝对温度”。 而系统进入非平衡态时,某些情况下粒子的分布会发生变化,高能态粒子数多,而低能态粒子数少,称为“粒子数反转”。所谓“负温度”,是指用温度作为粒子数反转下分布的描述参数时,这个参数是负的。仍以Bolzmannn分布为例,还用exp(-Ei/(kT)),为了描述粒子数反转,只好让T取负数,我们惯常称之为“负温度”。 而“粒子数反转”是产生激光的基础,所以“负温度”不是什么新玩意。 所以,我们科学家不应该搞科学,而应该拜韩寒为师,从事科学的文化的建设,想些劲爆的题目,多发点“奶车”。
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Science =“赛隐私”?!
zlyang 2010-11-11 14:37
Science =赛隐私?! 本文内容,纯属调侃。如无幽默感,请慎重考虑是否继续阅读。 有人将 Science 翻译为《塞阴死》(這個名字太噁心了)。 受到启发,建议 Science =赛隐私 隐私是名人被八卦的重要议题。科学应该比隐私八卦更有用。于是 Science =赛隐私:比隐私更有价值! 欢迎您的指导与批评! 吕喆《Nature=奶车?!》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=373480 Science =赛隐私,最文明。 吕喆兄博主回复:杨兄高见!赛隐私的说法很有意思。 本文一发, 真傻 是否就成为 一天到晚不游泳的鱼 ? 还是成为 薄冰上的北极熊 ? 来自丁甜的博客《2010全球摄影师大赛获奖作品》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=382327
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Eucommia 2010-10-28 06:23
刘实同志壮烈牺牲已有一周时间了吧。过去他博动时还不觉得他存在的重要,有时还烦他博得过多,让我老花眼看都看不过来。特别是他的博风---事事都给原文出处,让我老朽之躯还要凭求真之劲奔波于各链接之间累死人也。不过比某些人说话不靠谱,抄袭不引文,因此相信那些惊人之语却看不到一点依据还是好得多。 刘实同志被双规看来是真的了。要不然他一周都不发一声恐怕也会被憋出病来。总盼望他能尽快结束双规,开始正常的博动,所以我每天还是要光顾一下这个把我的博客当同志的人的博客看看。不过我没看到任何新的刘文,却看到如下牛粪类评论: 新浪网友 2010-10-25 08:24:30 善有善报,恶有恶报,如今满口喷牛屎的人也闭嘴了,可见天有眼。 新浪网友 2010-10-25 08:26:44 你也尝尝锤子的味道如何? 新浪网友 2010-10-26 08:20:42 稽教授这一炮开得好,一下就把不在茅坑里拉屎的老牛打哑巴了! 但刘实同志到底为何原因被双规?我想跟 稽教授的那一炮没关系,毕 竟稽教授也(还曾)是 刘实的同志。而且按 9-29 政治局集体学习是胡总的讲话精神,刘实同志的言语过激、顶多也是人民内部的矛盾。 我想,刘实同志的双规最可能还是与他袭击奶车有关。 刘实同志双规前曾给我及王德华教授发来下面一篇旨在投给《Nasture》的一封Correspondence的草稿。 Treating and dealing with biohackers SIR We are horrified by the classification of dedicated scientists as life hackers ( Nature News Feature 467, 650-652, 2010) or biohackers ( Nature Editorial 467, 634, 2010) when their exposed activities are nothing but only promoting life science and enhancing biology. Hacking is a very negative term that usually refers to re-configuring or re-programming of a system to function in ways not facilitated by the owner, administrator, or designer ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hack_(technology) ).The biohackers exposed by the Nature Editorial or life hackers detailed by the Nature News Feature are just some highly dedicated scientists who are seeking truth through alternative ways.Many of them squeeze their limited spare time and some of them even sacrifice their own careers to do something good for society at their own expense and cost.How could they be classified as hackers? The only way that these dedicated scientists can be treated as hackers is to treat their discoveries as nonsense (to conventional wisdom) and their insights as nuisance (to mainstream knowledge).Indeed, many established authorities and professional mainstreamers tend to do so when they heard of amateur discoveries.This attitude is actually vividly reflected by the editorial statements like Most biohackers are hobbyists who delight in crafting their own equipment and who tackle projects no more sophisticated than those found in an advanced high-school biology lab and garage labs are unlikely to solve the world's energy or health problems any time soon . However, history has shown that most truly great scientific discoveries were made in some unconventional ways.For example, Einstein made his greatest discoveries before he finished his college degree.It is his shoe-maker job that supported his basic living and his off-duty discovering efforts.In the ancient time, of course, there were not even any truly professional scientists.Those dedicated people engaged in scientific research would be called as hackers, if hacking was a known activity harmful to an establishment. Nowadays, most scientists do science in their career jobs and thus the goal of scientific research is even changed somehow: not for truth but for money.One outcome of this mutation in some scientists is the increasingly occurrence of faking discoveries in various ways.When well-paid scientists would rather engage in some truth-hiding and even lie-making activities, some hacking on this corrupted system may be necessary. Fortunately, there are still some odd scientists who would rather maintain a busy life in their spare time, spend their money on some non-leisure research and even give up their career in exchange for time spent on some truth-seeking research.However, how society has treated them so far? It was a true irony that a Breakthrough of the Year in Science (314, 1848-1849, 2006) was made by a lonely Perelman who solved a century-old mathematics problem by publishing his discovery only in a web archive and even refused to re-publish it in any peer-reviewed journal ( Top Watch 1: 18-20, 2006).It is also interesting to know that the winner for this years Nobel Prize for physics actually won a different kind of Nobel award the Ig Nobel ten years ago ( http://improbable.com/ig/ ).Shit! reported of saying that when Geim received the phone call from the Nobel Assembly ( Science 330, 159, 2010). He was not sure if he would display both the awards together in his office ( http://news.in.msn.com/international/article.aspx?cp-documentid=4446465 ). If Nature would insist on calling those dedicated scientists as hackers, we would recommend Nature run a special report on a most dangerous biohacker or life hacker in the scientific history.This man has self-claimed of making the greatest discoveries in life science in his spare time ( http://im1.biz/Liu_Discovery_English.htm ).But he has been called as a spammer three years ago by a Nature editor ( http://im1.biz/albums/userpics/10001/LB2009V9N2A9_Editorial.htm ) when he publicly criticizing iPS research as pseudo-science ( http://im1.biz/iPS.htm ).This man wrote to the Nobel Assembly three times in the past three years to block efforts for awarding Yamanaka, the father of iPS cells, a Nobel Prize ( Top Watch 3, 1-3, 2008 and 4, 36-37, 2009; Pioneer 5, 1-3, 2010).But he has been banned from publishing in Nature or even posting comment under his real name (http://im1.biz/Nature_Delete.htm , http://im1.biz/Nature.htm , http://im1.biz/albums/userpics/10001/SE2010V5N1A2_Macmillan.htm ) after taking Nature into court ( http://im1.biz/Truth.htm ).This man runs a powerful hacking system the Truthfinding Cyberpress (TFCP; http://im1.biz ) which hosts a fleet of new-generation scientific journals such as Logical Biology , Scientific Ethics , Top Watch , International Medicine , and Pioneer . Interestingly, this bio-hacker or life hacker announced the debut of his double-open (open access and open review) scientific journal Logical Biology 10 year ago in Nature , by inserting that advertisement into a Correspondence entitled Debating controversies can enhance creativity ( Nature 403, 592, 2000).Recently, his hacking was discovered but his hacking was not publicly denounced, even though secretly his TFCP website was repeatedly hacked.Most recently, the hacker even left a message on the hacked TFCP website saying hacked by uLTRATurK. What is the name of this bio-hacker in centuries?His name is Shi V. Liu. Let us expose all of his hacking activities and deal with them effectively. 刘实同志的这篇Correspondence不仅指责《Nature》把自费业余时间搞生物学科研的科学家当成bio-hacker or life hacker的不当,更把自己比《Nature》所黑的更黑的行径暴露于《Nature》,还公开叫板《Nature》处理他这个超一流的bio-hacker or life hacker。 如此看来,刘实同志真是一个豪杰。可惜他没击坏奶车,却可能已被奶车压死。 但刘实同志的这一死,是比泰山还重、还是比鸿毛还轻? 为有牺牲多壮志,敢叫日月换新天! 现在是不是黎明前的黑暗?
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Eucommia 2010-10-24 07:21
10 月 14 日 我发了篇《 Nature 如此处理读者来信 》的文章,马上王德华教授就发表了《 差一点就在 Nature 上发 文章 了 》。 我们这两篇文章说的是我作为通讯作者给《 Nature 》投去的一个通讯被《 Nature 》编辑接受,并在大幅修改后寄来了校样,只要 OK 马上就可发表在很贵的 奶车纸张版。 可这煮熟的鸭子竟然被我给弄飞了。 王德华 教授在其《 再说 差一点就在 Nature 发 文章 了 》 对 飞文一事有点透露,但还没具体到人。 作为 通讯作者,我觉得应对 就不当地下 奶车向共同作者作个自然的道歉。同时,在认清形势后,也同原文中的一个作者划清界限。 我们这个煮熟的鸭子竟然飞了完全是我一时糊涂,听信了那位最后的共同作者的绕言。 他说:我们也要警惕被《自然》耍了。 下面是他把我们已被接受就要刊印的 通讯大改后发给我的说明: 自然对读者来信不是照登或简单地压缩而是大肆篡改的作法是没有 Professionalism 的。但对话语的控制权掌握在它手里,你又有什么办法。所以,能渗透一点进去就渗透一点。 下面是我改的,基本上把《自然》写的后大半给否决了。《自然》看了肯定不会高兴。但我们做人也要有底线。 我的改变都是有 ENGLISH 依据的。所以,如果我们坚持,《自然》或许会让步,尤其是我们在回复时加一语气温和、立场坚定的 cover LETTER 说明很多人对《自然》大肆篡改张月红的信已不满,因此,请《自然》在考虑版面有限时也要对编辑有个限度,不能把作者的主旨给改了。 当时一看他说得还是有道理,所以我就接受了,还劝其他共同作者同意这样改制被 《 Nature 》煮熟的鸭子。结果,《 Nature 》编辑在考虑再三后,干脆把这道菜给撤了。 咳,搞了一辈子科研没登顶过《 Nature 》,退休后粘我们著名院长的光登了一次还有点不甘心。好不容易离开院长光环又折腾出篇可在《 Nature 》发表的文章,结果被一自称高人的给忽悠掉了。真是后悔莫及。 没上奶车才知道在奶车上该有多风光!
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热度 4 boxcar 2010-10-15 09:13
本文内容,纯属调侃。如无幽默感,请慎重考虑是否继续阅读。 不久以前,我偶然在科学网上看到一位非常有才的网友(具体是谁待查)把著名的国际刊物 Nature 音译为奶车,这个创意让俺这个一贯喜欢玩儿中文词语撷英(谐音)游戏的土鳖佩服得五体投地。在佩服之后,我又深思,发现 Nature 还真可以称的上是奶车,所以我要专门写篇博文论述一下这个问题。 据说,想做高端前沿问题研究的学者,是要在第一时间拿到并认真阅读 Nature 每期的文章的。这相当于生活很有品味的白领,早上起来的早餐要喝一杯奶车运来的鲜牛奶。因为 Nature 号称是高级科普期刊,文章写得比较易于理解,这样即使是跨学科的东西,也比较好理解,就如一般认为牛奶这种液体流食的营养容易吸收一样。 Nature 的作用,就是输送这种牛奶,就是运奶的车,顾义而命名,可以称之为奶车。 寻常走街串巷的奶车所运之奶,大概非牛奶即羊奶,一般不会运送人奶或者马奶。而 Nature 这部学术界里最知名、最受追捧的大号奶车所运之奶,主要也是牛奶和羊(洋)奶,也就说主要是牛人的或者足够牛的作品(奶)和洋人洋文的作品。寻常土鳖写个稿子投去,多半直接锯掉没商量的,因为看着既没个牛样,读起来又没有羊(洋)感觉,分析一下内容会觉得还很不符合洋人口味的营养搭配,要之何用?! 之所以奶车如此挑剔,敢于如此轻易地刷掉很多文稿,是因为此奶车的奶源是非常充足的,而奶源充足的原因,则是因为奶粉( Nature 的粉丝)很多。由于奶车有一个叫做影响因子(缩写是 IF )的指标非常高,所以得到了海内外学者业界和行政管理者近乎一致的强力追捧。而在中国,这个影响因子,又的确很影响银子,因为很多科研院所是按照这个指标给论文作者发银子(钱)的。面对高影响银子的奶车,焉有不 FANS 之、当其粉丝的道理?所以就有了大把大把的奶粉。 那么奶粉的作品投给奶车之后,会经过奶车的编辑和修改的勾兑和处理过程,变成给人们喝的奶汁。一般情况下(学术论文或快报),这种勾兑似乎还没有太大问题,特殊情况下,这种勾兑却可能会带来问题。由于提供原料奶的作者一般并不知道奶车具体的勾兑过程和配方(技术秘密,不得外传?),结果可能是本来送去的是鲜奶,出来的却成了变味的酸奶。如果拒绝勾兑,则奶车可以很傲慢地拒绝兜售您的奶品【 1 , 2 】。 就在最近的一个多月里,我们有幸看到了奶车的勾兑的诸般效果。【具体请参考 9 月初以来的诸多与 Nature 和张月红有关的科学网博文,恕不不一一罗列】 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 参考: 【1】 王德华: 差一点就在 Nature 上发 文章 了 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=373348 【2】 崔克明: Nature 如此处理读者来信 为什么再发张月红的短信 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=373273
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