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Nano-Micro Letters 最新在线文章(Open-Access)
张丽英 2017-9-12 15:18
论文概述 碳纳米管和石墨烯具有较好的力学性能和柔韧性、高电导、高热导等一系列优异特性,将纳米碳材料作为原材料,用于组装/制备新型的高强度、结构-功能一体化的宏观纤维材料已经由大量报道。浙江大学高超教授近期在Nano-Micro Letters 上发表综述文章,总结了碳纳米管基和石墨烯基宏观纤维的组装方法,比较了这些纤维材料的力学性能,分析了力学性能的影响因素,最后一维碳纳米管基和石墨烯基宏观纤维的发展进行了展望。 文章引用信息 Liang Kou, Yingjun Liu,Cheng Zhang, Le Shao, Zhanyuan Tian, Zengshe Deng, Chao Gao, A Mini Review onNanocarbon-Based 1D Macroscopic Fibers: Assembly Strategies and Mechanical Properties. Nano-Micro Lett.(2017) 9:51.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40820-017-0151-7此工作发表于Nano-Micro Letters期刊2017年第9卷第4期,详情请阅读全文,可免费下载。本文同步在期刊微信、微博、科学网博客、Facebook、Twitter等平台推出。以往推文请关注中文推广网站(http://nmsci.cn)。 作者介绍 高超, 浙江大学求是特聘教授、博士生导师、高分子科学研究所所长。 围绕石墨烯化学、液晶及宏观组装开展研究,在Nature Communications 、Advanced Materials、Chemical Reviews 等期刊发表通讯作者和第一作者论文150余篇,文章他引9000多次,H因子50。担任Nano-Micro Letters期刊编委。曾入选或获得国家“万人计划”、科技部“中青年科技创新领军人才计划”、国家杰出青年基金、浙江省“钱江人才计划”、上海市“浦江人才计划”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划”等人才计划。获得浙江省青年科技奖、项国家自然科学二等奖、上海市科学技术一等奖及全国优秀博士学位论文等奖励。邮箱:jiabao.yi@unsw.edu.au主页链接:http://polymer.zju.edu.cn/cg 寇亮, 博士,毕业于浙江大学高分子材料与工程系,师从高超教授,进行石墨烯批量化制备、宏观组装方面的研究,在Nature Communications, Nanoscale,Nano-Micro Letters等期刊发表相关研究论文。2016年入选陕西省“青年科技新星”,目前就职于陕西煤业化工技术研究院有限责任公司新能源技术研究所,从事电化学储能材料及器件的开发。 图文导读 图 1 a) 基于聚合物凝聚纺丝法纺丝CFs的实验装置示意图, b)CF的SEM图,c)在衬底上沉积的色带(黑色箭头表示主轴),d) DNA-SWNT纤维的SEM图,e) 覆盖DNA的SWNT管束横截面的放大图像,f)一个10米长的MWNT纤维缠绕在螺旋形阶梯上 图 2 a) 偏光显微镜观察的分散在123%硫酸中的单壁碳纳米管,b) 碳纳米管a -1/2方向的场发射扫描电子显微镜(FEGSEM)图像,c)混炼和挤出整齐的单壁碳纳米管纤维的仪器设备,d)从毛细管中挤出的单壁碳纳米管液体流, e)一个30米长的水固化单壁碳纳米管纤维卷轴 图 3 a) 纤维低倍SEM图, b) 纤维高倍SEM图, c,d) 中空的横截面的SEM图像,e)折叠丝带的SEM图像,f)固体纤维的SEM图像 图 4 a )钨丝浸入单壁碳纳米管胶体溶液的光学照片(上插图;刻度栏5毫米);在撤出过程中形成的单壁碳纳米管纤维(主面板;刻度杆10毫米);下部插入SEM图像是在虚线圈中放大的单壁碳纳米管纤维(刻度杆10毫米)b) SWNT纤维的实验装置和形成机理图 图 5 a) 从独立碳纳米管阵列中拉出的单个CF , b) 碳纳米管阵列的放大图像, c)碳纳米管阵列的SEM图像,d) a)中纱线的扫描电镜图像(插图是一个单线程的CFS的TEM图像),e) CF的低倍SEM图像,f) CF的高倍SEM图像,g)CF在镍丝周围形成一个环,然后扭曲, h)双捻光纤的SEM图像 图 6 a) 人的头发和两种生长的单壁碳纳米管纤维的光学图像,b) CF的低放大倍的SEM图像,c) CF的高放大倍的SEM图像,d) 单壁碳纳米管纤维的顶视图的HRTEM图像,e) 主轴对准25的直接纺丝工艺图,f) 炉轴线正常时的直接纺丝工艺图,g) 从主轴(左)到第二个主轴(右)CFS缺口照片,h) 低放大率下的CF的扫描电镜图像,i) 高放大率下的CF的扫描电镜图像,j) 从炉中取出的扭曲的CF,k) CFs弯曲引起的扭结的SEM图像,l) CFs反手结的SEM图像 图 7 a) 2mm厚的碳纳米管薄膜制成的200nm厚CF的SEM图像,b) 左边示意图说明了加捻过程对薄膜延伸率的影响,右边分别为薄膜的无应变和应变部分的SEM图像,c) 弹簧状CNT的纺纱工艺图解,d) 一个4.4mm长的、高度一致的、完全排列的绳索的SEM图像,e) Fermat型卷轴的SEM图像,f) Archimedean型卷轴的SEM图像,g) 双阿基米德型卷轴的SEM图像,(插图中分别可以说明);h,i) Si3N4NT@MWNT的双卷纱的SEM图,较亮的区域为多壁碳纳米管,j) TiO2@MWNT纱的SEM图,k) 95% LiFePO4@MWNT纱反手结的SEM图,l) 两个88% SiO2@MWNT纱之间的卡里克弯结,m) 缝在芳纶织物上的85% TiO2@MWNT纱的照片 图 8 a) 拉伸-干燥纺丝工艺示意图和纺线状DWNT纤维的光学图像,b,c) CNT棉纤维的扫描电镜图像,d) 用金刚石拉丝模拉制CNT薄膜的纤维成形示意图 图 9 a) 具有手性相指纹结构的GO水性分散体的POM观察,b,c) GO手性液晶的低温SEM图像和POM织构,d) GF的紧结,e,f) 使用多孔喷丝板生产GO纱线的照片,g) POM观察的凝胶态光纤GO的双折射,h) GO纤维的SEM图,i) GO纤维的放大截面 图 10 A)GO纤维组装过程的SEM图像,B) 湿法纺丝GO纤维的装置示意图,C) 湿法纺丝GO纤维的组装机理 图 11 a) GO多孔纤维的制备方案,f) GO中空纤维的制备方案,b) GPFs折叠的SEM图,c) GPFs拉伸的SEM图,d) GPFs断口形貌的SEM图,e) GPFs的核壳结构模型图,g) 凝固浴中GO-HFs的照片,i) 自然干燥的GO-HFs的照片,h) 自然干燥的GO-HFs的SEM图,j) 链状的GO-HF的照片 图 12 a)同轴纺纱过程示意图,b) 湿GO@CMC纤维的放大图,d) GO@CMC纤维的放大图,c) 湿GO@CMC纤维的POM图表明核鞘结构和核心中对齐的GO表面,e) RGO@CMC同轴光纤的宏观照片,f) 两种完整的棉纤维同轴纤维,g) 基于两同轴光纤制作的超级电容器装置,h-j) 同轴光纤的扫描电镜图像,k) 横截面扫描电镜图像,l) 一个两层YSC侧视图,m) 一个两层YSC结的扫描电镜图像 图 13 a-e) LCST策略示意图,f,g) 得到的复合纤维,h,j) GO-HPG纤维的断口形貌,k,i) 拉伸变形机理模型,m) GO-SA纤维的侧视图 图 14 a) 附在硅衬底上的贻贝照片,b) 通过胶粘剂增强的一维排列的CFs的示意图,c) 纤维纺丝过程的扫描电镜观察,d) 纺布的扫描电镜观察,e) 致密CF的高放大倍率的SEM图像,f)h-PEI-C处理CF,g,h)CFs的力学曲线 Nano-Micro Letters《纳微快报》 Nano-Micro Letters《纳微快报》是严格评审的国际英文学术期刊,快速报道与纳米/微米尺度相关的高水平研究成果和评论文章,尤其关注从纳米到微米的自下而上的工作,旨在推动纳微科技的发展和应用。期刊与Springer合作,以Open Access出版。采用国际一流的Scholarone Manuscripts编审系统。目前,NML期刊已被SCI、EI、SCOPUS、DOAJ、知网、万方等数据库收录。最新影响因子达到了4.849,材料学科和物理学科位于Q1区。2014和2016年连续入选“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”(D类和B类),2016-2018年入选“上海市高水平高校学术期刊支持计划(A)”。2015和2016年均获“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”,2016年获“2016年全国高校杰出科技期刊奖“和”上海市高校精品科技期刊奖”。 期刊执行严格的同行评议,提供英文润色、图片精修、封面图片设计等服务。出版周期1-8周,高水平论文可加快出版。所有文章在期刊网站、Facebook、Twitter、微信、微博、科学网博客等同步推出。欢迎关注和投稿。 联系方式: Editorial Office of Nano-Micro Letters Tel: 86-21-34207624 E-mail: editorial_office@nmletters.org APP: nano-micro letters Web: springer.com/40820 nmletters.org Facebook: facebook.com/nanomicroletters Twitter: twitter.com/nmletters WeChat: nanomicroletters
个人分类: 微纳热点|4332 次阅读|0 个评论
Nano-Micro Letters 最新在线文章(Open-Access)
张丽英 2017-9-12 15:02
Nano-Micro Letters 最新在线文章(Open-Access): 大面积定向单晶有机纳米带阵列:控制生长、晶体管和LED驱动应用 论文概述 基于有机微纳晶体的有机场效应晶体管(OFET)在过去十几年受到广泛关注,目前报道的载流子迁移率已获得极大提高,在高性能、廉价有机电子领域具有广阔的应用前景。有机微纳晶体的定向排布及阵列化有助于降低寄生漏电流,提高器件的均匀性和可重复性。然而如何高效制备晶体生长方向一致的大面积有机微纳晶体阵列是面临的重要技术挑战。现有沉积方法往往需要生长模板、复杂设备及工序,不利于简便及大面积制备,阻碍了其商业化应用前景。有鉴于此,苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院(FUNSOM)的揭建胜教授课题组利用一种简便的液相浸涂方法,成功制备出大面积、定向排布的BPEA和TIPS-PEN有机单晶纳米带阵列。该方法满足大批量制备的需求:在 5 × 10 cm^2硅片基底上可覆盖60%的定向晶体。在BPEA和TIPS-PEN阵列基础上所制备的OFET空穴迁移率分别超过2.0 和3.0 cm^2/V s,同时电流开关比(Ion/Ioff) 大于109。该OFET完全满足发光二极管(LED)驱动的性能要求。 文章引用信息 Wei Wang, Liang Wang, Gaole Dai, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, XiaohongZhang, Controlled Growth of Large-Area Aligned Single-Crystalline OrganicNanoribbon Arrays for Transistors and Light-Emitting Diodes Driving. Nano-Micro Lett.(2017) 9:52.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40820-017-0153-5此工作发表于Nano-Micro Letters期刊2017年第9卷第4期,详情请阅读全文,可免费下载。本文同步在期刊微信、微博、科学网博客、Facebook、Twitter等平台推出。以往推文请关注中文推广网站(http://nmsci.cn)。 作者介绍 揭建胜, 苏州大学功能纳米与软物质研究院,特聘教授教授/博士生导师。1999年与2004年分别获中国科学技术大学物理系凝聚态物理专业学士与博士学位。2005至2008年先后在香港大学与香港城市大学从事博士后研究工作。2006至2011年任合肥工业大学电子科学与应用物理学院教授。2008年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才,2014年获国家自然科学优秀青年基金。研究领域为有机微纳光电材料与器件。主页链接:http://nano.suda.edu.cn/jie-group/index.html 图文导读 图 1 大面积、单结晶有机纳米带阵列的制备 图 2 a)BPEA纳米带的TEM图像,d)TIPS-PEN纳米带的TEM图像,b,e) 对应的SAED图,c,f) 分别为制作在硅衬底上的BPEA和TIPS-PEN纳米带阵列的XRD图谱 图 3 涂层速度分别为10, 30, 80 微米/秒时,在SiO2/Si衬底上形成的BPEA纳米带阵列的 a)荧光显微镜图像, b)相应的SEM图像 图 4 涂层速度分别为10, 60, 80 微米/秒时,在SiO2/Si衬底上形成的TIPS-PEN纳米带阵列的 a)亮视场光学显微镜图像,b)相应的SEM图像 图 5 涂层速度为80 微米/秒时,a,b) BPEA纳米带阵列的AFM图像, c,d) TIPS-PEN 纳米带阵列的AFM图像 图 6 a,b) BPEA的典型转移(VDS =-50 V)和输出特性,d,e) 基于在SiO2/Si衬底优化配置的OFETs的TIPS-PEN纳米带阵列,c)和f)分别为基于OFETs的BPEA和TIPS-PEN纳米带阵列迁移率统计图 图 7 a) 基于OFET-LED的带状阵列的电路图,b) 基于TIPS-PEN带状阵列的OFET驱动的LED照片,c,d) 基于TIPS-PEN带阵列的OFET驱动的LED的像素的照片 Nano-Micro Letters《纳微快报》 Nano-Micro Letters《纳微快报》是严格评审的国际英文学术期刊,快速报道与纳米/微米尺度相关的高水平研究成果和评论文章,尤其关注从纳米到微米的自下而上的工作,旨在推动纳微科技的发展和应用。期刊与Springer合作,以Open Access出版。采用国际一流的Scholarone Manuscripts编审系统。目前,NML期刊已被SCI、EI、SCOPUS、DOAJ、知网、万方等数据库收录。最新影响因子达到了4.849,材料学科和物理学科位于Q1区。2014和2016年连续入选“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”(D类和B类),2016-2018年入选“上海市高水平高校学术期刊支持计划(A)”。2015和2016年均获“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”,2016年获“2016年全国高校杰出科技期刊奖“和”上海市高校精品科技期刊奖”。 期刊执行严格的同行评议,提供英文润色、图片精修、封面图片设计等服务。出版周期1-8周,高水平论文可加快出版。所有文章在期刊网站、Facebook、Twitter、微信、微博、科学网博客等同步推出。欢迎关注和投稿。 联系方式: Editorial Office of Nano-Micro Letters Tel: 86-21-34207624 E-mail: editorial_office@nmletters.org APP: nano-micro letters Web: springer.com/40820 nmletters.org http://nmletters.org Facebook: facebook.com/nanomicroletters Twitter: twitter.com/nmletters WeChat: nanomicroletters
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Linux: whoami, echo, nano
haibaraxx 2017-9-5 04:42
1. 显示当前“操作用户”的用户名: whoami 2. 输出指定的字符串或变量:echo 3. 文本编辑器nano Ctrl+O - 保存 Ctrl+X - 退出 ...
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Small Sciences Symposium将于9月3日在北京国际会议中心召开
WileyChina 2015-8-21 10:00
初秋的北京不仅将迎来反法西斯战争胜利70周年阅兵式,还将迎来 两年一次的纳米科学与技术的盛会 —— ChinaNANO 2015 。为了促进纳米领域内的前沿学术交流,我们邀请了Wiley知名材料科学期刊( Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, AdvancedEnergy Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Optical Materials,Advanced Materials Interfaces, Advanced Science 等)的部分编委会成员并组织了为期一天的论坛。该论坛的具体信息如下,我们期待ChinaNANO的参会人员莅临Small Sciences Symposium。 时间 : 2015年9月3日,上午10点至下午6点 地点 : 北京国际会议中心,会议室305A/B 会议日程 : Thursday, September 3, 2015 Room 305AB Time No. Speaker Affiliation Title 10:00~10:10 Welcome - José Oliveira Editor-in-Chief, Small, Wiley Small Sciences Symposium ( Ⅰ ) Chair: José Oliveira 10:10~10:30 SS-001 Warren Chan University of Toronto,Canada The role of the protein corona in mediating nanoparticle targeting 10:30~10:50 SS-002 Lifeng Chi Soochow University,China On-surface Synthesis of Rylene-type Graphene Nanoribbons 10:50~11:10 SS-003 Fuchs Harald Universität Münster , Germany Biomimetic surfaces generated by DPN-Lithography 11:10~11:30 SS-004 Minghua Liu National Center for Nanoscience and Technology,China Self-Assembled nanostructures through gelation: Towards the design and function of nanoscale twist and helix 11:30~11:50 SS-005 Lei Jiang Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China Smart Interfacial Materials from Super-Wettability to Binary Cooperative Complementary Systems 11:50~13:30 Lunch Small Sciences Symposium ( Ⅱ ) Chair: Guangchen Xu 13:30~13:50 SS-006 Ali Khademhosseini Harvard University,USA Nano- and Microfabricated Hydrogels for Regenerative Engineering 13:50~14:10 SS-007 Yadong Yin University of California, Riverside, USA Reversible Photocatalytic Color Switching for Ink-free Rewritable Media 14:10~14:30 SS-008 Andre Nel University of California, Los Angeles,USA Development of Multi-functional Mesoporous Silica Nanocarriers for Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer 14:30~14:50 SS-009 Wolfgang Parak Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany Interaction of Colloids with Cells 14:50~15:10 SS-010 Limin Qi Peking University,China Controllable Fabrication and Properties of Micro- and Nanostructure Arrays 15:10~15:30 Coffee Break Small Sciences Symposium ( Ⅲ ) Chair: Yan Li 15:30~15:50 SS-011 Zhiyong Tang National Center for Nanoscience and Technology,China Chiral Inorganic Nanoparticles: Origin, Optical Property, Bioapplication 15:50~16:10 SS-012 Jianfang Wang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Colloidal Metal Nanocrystals for Nanoplasmonics 16:10~16:30 SS-013 Shu-hong Yu University of Science and Technology of China,China Macroscopic Nanoparticle Assemblies: Integration, Functionalization and Applications 16:30~16:50 SS-014 Zhongfan Liu Peking University, China Graphene and beyond: Attraction, Reality and Future 16:50~17:10 Small Young Innovator Awards 17:10~17:30 Xiaodong Chen, Nanyang Technological University Nanoelectronic Memory Devices Based on Silk Protein 17:30~17:50 Yi Cui, Stanford University Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment WileyReception : Exhibition Areaon the second floor of BICC on September 3 from 18:00 to 19:00 原文链接 : http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2015/08/small-sciences-symposium-will-be-held-on-september-3-in-beijing-international-convention-center/
个人分类: Physical Science|3236 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nano Today 影响因子大增至15.355
liyadong 2012-7-2 21:47
With a significant increase in impact factor of 31% from 11.750 to 15.355, Nano Today consolidates its standing as a leading journal that serves a broad readership. Ranking #2 in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, #4 in Materials Science (Multidisciplinary), and #5 in Chemistry (Multidisciplinary), Nano Today features the latest breakthroughs in nanoscience, and the impacts of nanotechnology on biomedical, electronic, chemical and energy applications. " We are both excited and happy about the new impact factor of Nano Today. We would like to thank the authors, referees, editorial advisory board and readers for all their contributions. We look forward to your continued support and meeting you at the next Nano Today Conference in December 2013 " says Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jackie Y. Ying of Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore. The 3rd Nano Today Conference will be held in Biopolis, Singapore on December 8-11, 2013. The last conference was held in Hawaii in December 2011 with 500 participants. Nano Today 2010 Impact Factor WAS 11.750 2011 Impact Factor NOW 15.355
个人分类: 研究生培养|8361 次阅读|0 个评论
IEEE Nano 2012的会议,呼唤国内的参会者
caihaoyuan 2012-6-19 21:45
4084 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 redrum 2011-8-3 20:23
今天读了一篇新的ACS Nano :《 Synthesis and Catalytic Properties of Au–Pd Nanoflowers 》( DOI: 10.1021/nn201161m ),受益匪浅。看完后小有感触,那就是做科学一定要实事求是、认真自信。文中作者成功地合成出了形貌很新颖独特的以金为心以钯为瓣的纳米花,并进行了催化Suzuki偶联的催化应用。结果与一般的结构相比,催化活性却没有提高。一般说来,我们合成一种材料,总是想找到一种出众的应用,那么一篇文章也就出来了。如果所尝试的应用效果不好,一定大失所望,可能会就此打住并再去找别的应用,也可能会怀疑自己实验结果有问题,甚而有的人会牵强附会地说自己材料的优点。可是本文作者却并没有这样做,他们详细地研究了催化机理,最后得出结论:该类型催化剂与形貌关系不大,并提出这一反应不适合作为研究结构敏感催化剂的模型反应,这无疑也是一个很大的贡献,很有“山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的味道。这篇paper告诉我,科研,一定要灵活,要认真,要大胆探索,要实事求是。只有这样,才能做好啊。。。
个人分类: 随心录|3550 次阅读|2 个评论
label or label free proteomcis
sunymor 2011-5-27 21:24
今天和Thermal工程师交流一下,谈到label free定量的问题,我是一直想做这种的,因为简单,线性范围较宽,可以同时比较多个样品。不过工程师不建议我这样做,原因是设备条件要求比较高,例如要用nano liter的色谱泵,商品化的nano column and emmiter,以保证每次进样的重复性。这么说来,我目前的条件还不能做,因为用的是micro liter进样,通过分流达到的纳升进样,这样流速其实很不稳定。其次,我使用手工的毛细管填料柱,手工拉制emmiter,这些硬伤无法保证样品的重复性。 预实验表明,用如此系统,分析重复仅有60%左右的重复结果,若是不同样品进行label free,真是不行的。 如此看来,只能尽量提高标记样品的鉴定率了,标记效率还可以,不用考虑。 另外,磷酸化肽段真是讨厌,总是那么少,用Orbitrap velos也没好多少。 有一段时间了,有点烦乱,是自己的问题。
3992 次阅读|0 个评论
liwenbianji 2010-10-14 15:08
最近读到一条有意思的社论,与大家分享一下: 众所周知,向期刊投稿的稿件数量要远远超出刊物有限篇幅内可以刊登的文章的数量,为了确保送交同行评审的稿件是达标的,审稿过程就显得尤为重要。ACS Nano 副编辑Jillian M. Buriak在最近一期(2010年9月28日) 的一篇 社论 中介绍了如何避免稿件在进入同行评审前被拒稿。第一,你的文章中是否有亮点足够吸引住读者的眼球。其次是新颖性、原创性,这与第一点紧密相关。有趣的是,这篇社论里面提到了编辑会通过网络搜索来判断文章的新颖性。第三,也是所有作者最容易实现的,就是使稿件的语言符合期刊的投稿要求。文章语言的好坏直接影响到读者对你工作的评价,评论中的一句话就提到如果稿件读起来就很松散,那么读者会自然而然地认为其科学性也同样松散。因此,提交语言过关的稿件以避免在进入同行评审前就被拒稿是至关重要的。有很多方法可以帮助你的稿件顺利进入同行评审,例如,在写作中使用简单易读的句子,让一位同事(两位更好)帮助通读全文,格外注意稿件是否符合期刊的投稿须知。语言清晰简洁、没有语法错误的稿件将为你争取到更多的机会让审稿人对文章的学术价值和作出正确的判断。 原文: As we all know, the number of manuscript submissions to journals vastly outweighs the amount of space journals have to publish. To handle this process and ensure that appropriate manuscripts are sent for peer review, the editorial process has become more important than ever. The editorial in a recent issue ACS Nano (Sept 28 2010) http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/nn1022318 by associate editor Jillian M. Buriak describes rejecting without review and how to avoid it. There are three points that editors use to select the best papers for peer review. First, does your manuscript have the wow factor, will it grab the attention of the journals readership. Second, which is closely related to the first, is novelty, is the work original. Interestingly, editors use internet searches, described in the editorial, to evaluate a manuscripts novelty. The third, and arguably the easiest to achieve for all researchers, is submitting a well-written manuscript that follows the journal requirements. The way a manuscript is written directly affects what people will think about your work, quoting from the editorial If your manuscript looks sloppy, then everyone will assume that your science is equally sloppy. Thus, it is imperative to only submit manuscripts of a high quality language and avoid being rejected without peer review. There are many ways to make sure your manuscript is not rejected prior to peer review including, write the manuscript in simple and easy to read sentences, have a colleague (or two!) read the manuscript and pay close attention to the journals guidelines for authors. By ensuring the manuscript is clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors will give the journal editors the best opportunity to judge your work on the scientific value and suitability for their journal.
个人分类: 未分类|6710 次阅读|4 个评论
2001-2009 Nano letters Most Prolific Authors (中国籍科学家3位)
jinwei 2010-1-21 09:42
Nano letters 十周年纪念评选出10年来最多产作者 Most Prolific Authors 2001-2009 Younan N. Xia Washington University in St. Louis Zhong Lin Wang Georgia Institute of Technology Lars Samuelson Lund University Charles M. Lieber Harvard University A. Paul Alivisatos University of California, Berkeley Peidong Yang University of California, Berkeley Phaedon Avouris T.J. Watson Research Center, IBM Naomi J. Halas Rice University Pulickel Ajayan Rice University Chad Mirkin Northwestern University Cees Dekker Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology Nicholas Kotov University of Michigan
个人分类: 生活点滴|5013 次阅读|2 个评论
China Nano 2009
rexlee 2009-9-3 01:17
昨天China Nano2009会议正式在北京国际会议中心拉开序幕。很遗憾没能做成志愿者,不能为大会出点力。但是,还是有机会进入会场聆听大师们现身说法。 此次会议的注册人数再创历史新高(中国的传媒比较喜欢用这句话)。偌大的会场,都是黑压压的人群。大会准备工作也不错。音响,投影仪等都合适。宿舍一做志愿者哥们每天都拖着疲惫的身体回来。真的需要好好感谢他们。领导讲完话,就开始大会报告,请的都是牛人,可能是综合原因,听的有点犯困。中午是自行解决午餐,轩轩带着我们跑到麦当劳,吃了点东西,又急急忙忙的往会场赶,第一会场讲纳米材料的,最爆满,特别是唐智勇老师做报告时,人都挤到外边。师兄和师姐选择听自主装,而我和原原去了第二会场,导师正好也在,没座位了,就蹲在地上,不过也值,报告很精彩,思路很新,参杂N的半导体复合结构能够更好的实现电子-空穴分离。之后cui yi的报告也很精彩,工作很出色,讲的特有范,偶像!其他的报告,印象一般,今天的也是。 大会的一个附加品就是很多与纳米相关的展台,各种公司都有。在纳米粒子制备的Ocean公司的展台前观赏了很久,了解了下他们产品的制备,来源以及合作的事项。感觉之一,产品还真赚钱。 总而言之,大会是成功的,大部分人应该也是满意的。但是可能全国的大会都存在这样的通病,譬如说普通报告质量不高,例如一个量子点核壳结构的报告,基本是原先的方法组合;真正有价值的还是邀请报告,大部分的文章都是混毕业的吧。在此也勉励自己,每个报告都应拿的出手。加油! 附:会议新闻通告 2009中国国际纳米科学技术会议召开 2009中国国际纳米科学技术会议(ChinaNANO 2009)于2009年9月1日在北京国际会议中心召开。这是继2005、2007中国国际纳米科学技术会议(ChinaNANO 2005、ChinaNANO 2007)在北京成功举办之后,由国家纳米科技指导协调委员会主办、国家纳米科学中心承办的第三次国际会议。中国科学院常务副院长、国家纳米科技指导协调委员会副主任白春礼院士担任大会主席。本次大会得到教育部、科技部、中国科学院、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国科协等单位的大力支持。 本次大会旨在促进国际纳米科技前沿问题的研讨与交流,进一步提高我国纳米科技的整体研究水平和自主创新能力,推动我国纳米科技界与国际同行的合作。会议将围绕纳米信息材料、纳米能源与环境材料、纳米器件与传感器、纳米医药学和生物医学工程、纳米加工与纳米计量、纳米结构表征、纳米光学与表面等离激元学、纳米结构建模与模拟等领域,分为八个分会展开广泛而深入的学术交流。会议共收到论文摘要1300多篇,来自美国、俄罗斯、日本、英国、德国、法国、瑞典、丹麦、挪威、加拿大、意大利、比利时、西班牙、荷兰、波兰、印度、韩国、马来西亚、伊朗、巴西、泰国和中国等近40个国家和地区的1500余名代表到会注册,其中海外学者近500人。 大会邀请德国卡尔尔斯鲁厄研究中心Horst Hahn教授、美国加州大学纳米技术研究所主任Paul Weiss教授、日本东北大学校长Akihisa Inoue教授、丹麦奥尔胡斯大学纳米科学研究中心主任Flemming Besenbacher教授、日本东京大学Hiroyuki Sakaki教授、美国斯坦福大学戴宏杰教授和美国德克萨斯大学Mauro Ferrari教授等7位国际纳米科技界活跃的专家将作大会特邀报告,同时邀请了美国、日本、英国、德国、瑞士等国家和地区的68位科学家作分会邀请报告。 全国人大常务委员会副委员长、中国科协主席韩启德院士,科技部曹健林副部长,北京大学周其凤校长等中国科技界、教育界领导同志莅临了大会开幕式并致辞。同时,中国科学院、教育部、国家自然科学基金委还向大会发来贺电。 作为中国最大规模的纳米科技国际会议,两年一度的中国国际纳米科学技术会议的召开不仅扩大了我国在国际纳米科技界的影响和地位,促进了国际纳米科技界的学术交流,而且将有力地推动我国纳米科技事业的持续、健康和快速发展。
个人分类: 边走边想|5445 次阅读|1 个评论
ChuWei et al J Catal 252 215-230 2007
ChuWei1965 2009-8-7 17:20
ChuWei, Chernavskii,Khodakov, et al. J. Catal., 252 (2007) 215-230. Cobalt species in promoted cobalt alumina-supported FischerTropsch catalysts J Catal 252 (2007) 215-230 Abstract: The structure of cobalt species at different stages of the genesis of monometallic and Pt-promoted cobalt alumina-supported FischerTropsch catalysts was studied using X-ray diffraction, UVvisible spectroscopy, in situ X-ray absorption, in situ magnetic method, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and DSCTGA thermal analysis. The catalysts were prepared by incipient wetness impregnation using solutions of cobalt nitrate and dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate. Both variation of catalyst calcination temperature between 473 and 773 K and promotion with 0.1 wt% of Pt had no significant affect on the size of supported Co3O4 crystallites. The size of cobalt oxide particles in the calcined catalysts seems to be influenced primarily by the pore diameter of the support. Cobalt reducibility was relatively low in monometallic cobalt alumina-supported catalysts and decreased as a function of catalyst calcination temperature. The effect was probably due to the formation of mixed surface compounds between Co3O4 and Al2O3 at higher calcination temperatures, which hinder cobalt reduction. Promotion with platinum spectacularly increased the rate of cobalt reduction; the promotion seemed to reduce the activation energy of the formation of cobalt metallic phases. Analysis of the magnetization data suggests that the presence of Pt led to the reduction of smaller cobalt oxide particles, which could not be reduced at the same conditions in the cobalt monometallic catalysts. Promotion of cobalt alumina-supported catalysts with small amounts of Pt resulted in a significant increase in FischerTropsch cobalt time yield. The efficient control of cobalt reducibility through catalyst calcination and promotion seems to be one of the key issues in the design of efficient cobalt alumina-supported FischerTropsch catalysts.
个人分类: 环境催化和能源化工 部分论文|4387 次阅读|1 个评论
【会议】IEEE Conf. on Nano/Micro Engineered & Molecular Systems
yahuang 2009-7-7 20:11
5th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems http://www.ieee-nems.org/nems2010/ Conference Scope 1. Micro and Nano Fabrication 2. Nano Sensors and Actuators 3. Nanophotonics 4. Nanomaterials 5. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 6. Micro and Nano Heat Transfer 7. Nanobiology, Nano-bio-informatics, Nanomedicine 8. Nanoscale Robotics, Assembly, and Automation 9. Carbon Nanotube based Devices and Systems 10. Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS) 11. Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) 12. Micro Sensors and Actuators 13. Molecular Sensors, Actuators, and Systems 14. Integration of MEMS/NEMS with Molecular Sensors/Actuators 15. Carbon Nanotube based Devices and Systems Important Dates July 31, 2009: Two-page abstract* online submission due ( http://www.ieee-nems.org ) *The Extended Summary must follow strict IEEE publication guidelines. Accepted summaries will be included in the IEEE Review of Advancements in Micro and Nano Technologies, and will be SCI indexed eventually. Aug 31, 2009: Notification of Acceptance Oct. 15, 2009: Full paper** of 4-6 pages will be due online. *The Full Paper must be 4 to 6 pages and follow strict IEEE publication guidelines. The Full Paper will be included in the Proceedings of IEEE-NEMS and will be included in the IEEE Xplore and EI indexed.
4378 次阅读|0 个评论
Aligned ZnO Nanorod Arrays Grown Directly on Zinc Foils and Zinc Spheres by a Lo
zjgu 2009-2-4 00:59
Vertically aligned, dense ZnO nanorod arrays were grown directly on zinc foils by a catalyst-free, low-temperature (450500 C) oxidization method. The zinc foils remain conductive even after the growth of ZnO nanorods on its surface. The success of this synthesis largely relies on the level of control over oxygen introduction. By replacing zinc foils with zinc microspheres, unique and sophisticated urchin-like ZnO nanorod assemblies can be readily obtained. ACS Nano , Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/nn800759y
个人分类: 生活点滴|7504 次阅读|0 个评论
在Nano Letters上的第一篇文章
麦立强 2009-1-3 23:55
这个假期,除了陪爱人和儿子去逛了一下光谷步行街(吃喝玩乐一条龙,真的挺值得去的,儿子困的眼睛都睁不开了还不想回来呢),基本上都在实验室忙活,觉得还挺累的。刚刚看到下面在Nano Letters上的论文已经在线发表(ASAP)了,又给自己增添了一些动力。这篇论文经过反复的修改和补充重复与对照实验,有幸得到审稿人的肯定,得以发表,本来还有一些性能结果,不过主编认为仅仅组装与择优取向排布已经是比较系统的工作了,没必要再加性能进去。 欢迎各位同行提出宝贵的建议和评论。并祝各位朋友在新的一年里工作顺利,身体健康,合家欢乐! Orientated LangmuirBlodgett Assembly of VO 2 Nanowires Liqiang Mai, Yanhui Gu, Chunhua Han, Bin Hu, Wen Chen, Pengchao Zhang, Lin Xu, Wanli Guo and Ying Dai Publication Date (Web): January 2, 2009 (Letter) DOI: 10.1021/nl803550k http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl803550k
个人分类: 私人空间|11082 次阅读|7 个评论
sunon77 2008-10-13 05:40
This years Nobel Prize of Chemistry went to three scientists who made significant contribution toward marking proteins in the living cell with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP). Nobel prizes usually cause a sensation in the media but not among real researchers. Since if the discovery could be bestowed with the honor, it has already been widely known or widely used for quite a while. Now what researchers really care is what will come after Green Fluorescent Protein technology since GFP certainly has some limits. There are still many urgent demands from biologists which GFP can not meet. Current technology of protein dyes The revolution of GFP is to enable researchers to see when and where certain proteins are expressed. You could even associate the intensity of GFP with the protein concentration. Then you can derive some quantitative measurements for your modeling. The most impressed GFP image which I have seen is from Robert Kays research of the Chemotaxis of E Coli. He showed that when certain genes of molecular motors are knocked out, the cell can not move at all even GFP images show signaling proteins are correctly synthesized in the chemical gradient direction. Fig. 1 GFP to show the expression of Chemotaxis signaling proteins You can see a video here: http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/rrk/movie2.html Gene Myers from Janelia Farm Research campus of HMMI even introduced computerized visual identification to scan thousands of GFP images from genome-wide experiments. Therefore, not just single biochemical pathway could be made clear from GFP. The total protein interaction network dynamics could be inferred from genome-wide protein expression pattern with GFP. Limitation of protein dyes Protein dyes technology is hugely improved fby the mutations leading to various colors and increased Fluoresce in the Roger Tiens hands. However, the number of different color is still too limited with the respect to the increasing demands from biologists to see the expression patterns of the large number of different proteins simultaneously. We could learn when and where proteins are expressed by GFP but the number is usually very small. Fig. 2 Three color scheme GFP image for cell mitosis To make up for this limitation, the current high-throughput technology is usually used to quench cells and extract cell extracts every few minutes or even hours to capture the cell dynamics. Then concentrations of different proteins are separated by mass-spectrometer. However, there are several disadvantages: First, we lose the information of spatial distribution of those proteins. Secondly, it is highly efforts-consuming job so it is quite coarse-grained in time resolution. Thirdly, there certainly are some unexpected changes when we crash the cells. Therefore, high-throughput mass-spectrometry technology can handle with hundreds of proteins at the same time but lose much information of space and time. Outlook of protein marking technology It is urgent to develop a new technology to mark hundreds of different proteins simultaneously and to detect their expression without any damage to the cell. There are many wild speculations. Nobody has really developed some feasible technology, yet. One possibility is to use some proteins with hundreds of different conformations if it is mutated. They can be attached to any proteins which the biologists are interested. Then an nano-NMR array scanner could be used to scan the cell for its spatial-temporary protein expression pattern. There is no need for the nano-scanner to have a high resolution. It is enough if it can distinguish various shapes of mutated protein markers. However, it has to be fast enough to give a better time resolution. Feynman once said that what Biology needs is to see better at the atomic Level: We have friends in other fields--in biology, for instance. We physicists often look at them and say, You know the reason you fellows are making so little progress? (Actually I don't know any field where they are making more rapid progress than they are in biology today.) You should use more mathematics, like we do. They could answer us--but they're so polite, so I'll answer for them: What you should do in order for us to make more rapid progress is to make the electron microscope 100 times better. This observation is still valid if we want to study the details of the biochemical reactions. However, if we want to study the dynamics of hundreds or even thousands of proteins within one cell, a automatic protein marking and detecting technique with high spatial-temporary resolution is what biologists desperately need. This years Nobel Prize does not signify the beginning of the end of protein marking technology; instead, it is just the end of the beginning. END
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4956 次阅读|2 个评论

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