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热度 1 csiro 2016-11-30 19:32
今天听澳大利亚初级产业部(农业部)刘德立博士的报告:作物模型理论与研发方法:以QCANE为例。陕西师大的梁伟也来了,也顺便做了个介绍。他是学计算机出身,立志用信息技术把资源环境的模型和数据整合到一起。中午何建强请我们吃的东北菜。 下午冯浩教授的两位博士生答辩,还有蔡焕杰老师的一位博士生答辩。他们是齐智娟(国科大)、李正鹏和郑珍。 晚上与刘德立在食堂吃面条。
个人分类: 人物篇|1465 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 4 huailu49 2016-8-25 08:48
个人分类: 城市园林|2916 次阅读|10 个评论
蒋高明 2015-7-24 17:07
乌兹别克斯坦撒马尔罕州立大学纳斯诺夫教授访问弘毅生态农场 曾彦 2015 年7月15日,酷暑难耐,弘毅生态农场大豆、玉米均已种下,及时雨后苗齐苗旺。这一天,弘毅生态农场迎来乌兹别克斯坦大学自然资源学院院长纳斯诺夫(Muhtor Nasyrov) 教授一行。 弘毅生态农场科学顾问蒋高明研究员、驻弘毅生态农场博士留学生马德、博士生刘海涛、硕士研究生梁啸天、中国农业大学博士后陈文浩及弘毅生态农场工作人员热情的接待了外宾及来访客人。 在蒋高明教授引领下,客人们参观了弘毅生态农场的诺干技术细节。从持续四年不用农药化肥小麦玉米两季亩产达到吨粮田的实验示范田开始,先后参观了青储池、母牛繁育基地、沉淀池、沼气池、试验田、有机大豆、有机花生及有机玉米种植区、优质农产品加工与物流区等。 乌兹别克斯坦MuhtorNasyrov 教授来中国学术交流之后,第一站就是弘毅生态农场,他们也需要生态循环农业更多的信息来运用到他们的国家农业中。希望他的学生马德能够带回系统的专业知识,回国建设生态农业学科。 乌兹别克斯坦斯坦客人来访的当天,前后有河北邯郸学院、大众日报记者站、山东电视台、山东省林业厅、北京某教育集团等几批客人来访。中外来宾相会甚欢,一直畅谈到深夜。 弘毅生态农场考察结束后,相关人员陪同乌兹别克斯坦教授考察的了河北坝上草原。 (曾彦为弘毅生态农场办公室主任)
个人分类: 建言新农村|4109 次阅读|0 个评论
已有 1888888 人来访过(真傻的科学网博客)
热度 20 zlyang 2015-7-18 21:05
已有 1888888 人来 访过(真傻的科学网博客) 感谢上帝! 刚 才的2015-07-18晚上20:36 ,“已有 1888888 人 来访过”。 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 相关链接: 朱晓刚,2015-06-17 21:40,188万8888 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-5889-898817.html
5986 次阅读|46 个评论
duanjunscib 2015-1-23 12:14
2015年1月21日,雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区管理局黄伯高局长一行来访。 2008年,我们曾协助雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区管理局建立起了兰科植物组培体系,目前已生产出了大量的包括铁皮石斛在内的兰科植物种苗。黄局长一行的这次来访,主要就继续开展合作事宜进行洽谈,经深入探讨,双方在兰科植物资源开发利用、铁皮石斛产业化水平的提升和“雅长铁皮石斛”品牌打造等方面达成了初步合用意向。 广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区是在广西国营雅长林场的一部分生态公益林的基础上建立起来,成立于2005年4月,是我国第一个以兰科植物命名并以其为重点保护对象的自然保护区。位于广西壮族自治区西北部乐业县境内,地处东经106°11′31″~106°27′4″,北纬24°44′16″~24°53′58″之间。地跨乐业县花坪、雅长和逻沙3个乡镇9个行政村。保护区东西长26.2km,南北长18km,北起狗论山,南至草王山,西起一沟沟口,东至烟棚村沙子坳,总面积22062hm2。自然保护区的总部设在乐业县城 。 保护区目前已知有兰科植物44属130种,占广西全区兰科植物属数(137属)和种数(347种)的32.1%及37.5%,占中国兰科植物总属的180属1450种的24.4%和9.0%。在这44属中,热带性质属占主导地位的有35属,温带性质属为7属,其种的生活特性:地生、附生和腐生之比为56:49:6,说明在保护区内是以地生兰和附生兰为主。保护区内兰科植物不仅种类丰富,物种丰富度达每平方公里0.52种,局部地区达每平方米0.8种,而且群集度高。从石山到土山,从海拔300m的南盘江河谷到海拔1970.9m的盘古王山,几乎每个山头都有兰科植物分布。经我国兰花专家罗毅波、郎楷永研究员实地考察后确认,莎叶兰野生居群和大香荚兰野生居群是目前已知全球最大的野生居群; 400m2范围内,同时分布着含三种兜兰在内的20余种兰科植物,且带叶兜兰与长瓣兜兰的数量都十分丰富,这是极其少见的。此外,在保护区还发现广西新记录属1个,即盂兰属;全国新记录种1种,即天贵卷瓣兰,广西新记录种15种,由此可见,保护区可以说是全国野生兰科植物的重要分布区及基因库。 在华南植物园实验大楼前(左起:刘世勇 段俊 黄伯高 扬习鹏) 在华南植物园全自然光照组培实验室前交流 在传统组培室(以日光灯为光源的组培室)外交流 在兰花温室交流 参观华南植物园药园
个人分类: 其它|5278 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2014-2-1 09:31
2013年10月 国家测绘地理信息局党组成员、纪检组组长于贤成到中国测绘科学研究院大地测量与地球动力学研究所 房山人卫站 调研,并召开座谈会。 2012年4月 国家测绘地理信息局副局长李朋德到中国测绘科学研究院房山人卫观测站调研,并亲切慰问了在一线执行观测任务的职工。 顾忠良到房山人卫站进行安全检查,2012年 综合多家网站信息 发改委地区司党员同志们参观中国测绘科学院房山人卫站,2007年6月 司长范恒山同志观摩人卫站激光测距设施
个人分类: 科苑记事|1914 次阅读|0 个评论
黄安年 2013-12-3 07:21
感谢董志新、轩宗武、王洪胜先生来访 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2013 年 12 月 3 日 发布 伟大作家曹雪芹逝世 250 周年纪念大会廊坊会议结束后 , 25 日 , 董志新(原白山出版社总编、编审、将军、中国红楼梦学会理事)、轩宗武(美术世界执行主编、吉林省红楼梦学会副秘书长、中国红楼梦学会理事), 12 月 2 日 , 王洪胜(辽阳市艺术馆研究员、中国红楼梦学会理事)先后来天通苑看望杜春耕先生和吕启祥先生, 25 日吕先生在北师大与邸瑞平、邓魁英、李爱冬三位先生聚会, 2 日杜先生在杭州。下列照片 5 张是当日拍摄的。 1,王洪胜、 吕启祥 2, 3,杜春耕、轩宗武、董志气先生(左起) 4,杜春耕、轩宗武、董志气先生(左起) 5,董志新先生
3273 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2013-9-7 20:40
十五所高校大学生志愿者参观弘毅生态农场 蒋高明 2011 年 2 月 15-16 日和 21-22 日,大学网组织 15 所高校的 58 名大学生志愿者,分两批次参观弘毅生态农场,并就生态农业相关问题进行研讨。这些大学生,分别来自北京航空航天大学、中央财经大学、中国政法大学、中国传媒大学、中国矿业大学、中国农业大学、南京农业大学、华中农业大学、北京林业大学、南京师范大学、南昌大学、天津农学院、成都理工大学、广东海洋大学、西安邮电学院。 大学网是由北京航空航天大学等北京几家高校的在校大学生联合创立的。作为新时代的大学生,他们面临着前人从未经历过的物质极大丰富的世界,同时却发现自己的心灵似乎有着太多的游移与不安。他们想追求一些美好的事物,却又为形形色色的现实所困惑。他们想要新的生活,却又难以挣脱既有的束缚。本以为可以不再面临升学压力的他们,心里却又被成长过程中的种种烦恼和将要面对的冷漠世界添上了厚重的阴影。大学网的创始人认识到,只有当整个社会都不再因为贫穷、饥饿和寒冷而发出苦难的悲泣时,个人才可能得到真正的光明与温暖。没有人是独自存在的岛屿,每个人都是大地的一部分。他们以 “ 向往崇高,追求崇高,体验崇高,实践崇高,享受崇高 ” 为宗旨,广泛联络全国高校在校大学生,关注社会,关注实践。就是在这样的理念驱动下,他们看好了弘毅生态农场的社会实践价值。 吴光磊、韦继光、李勇、李彩虹、郭立月、战丽杰、曾祥伟、唐海龙、蒋大龙、博文静、孟杰等在生态农场开展论文研究的中国科学院植物研究所和山东农业大学的博士和硕士生们,热情接待了全国大学生参观团,并向他们详细介绍了弘毅生态农场 “ 大农业 ” 的生态循环理念和农场发展现状,及其各自的研究课题。研究生们陪同大学生们,实地观摩和研讨了农场生态循环农业中的各项技术细节,如秸秆青储饲料加工技术、肉牛育肥技术、有机肥高效利用技术、废弃物资源化利用技术、环境友好型 “ 禽粮互作 ” 模式、环境友好型高产优质栽培技术、清洁能源深度开发技术、种-养-肥-加工-新能源耦合技术等。 图 8-8 全国不少高校大学生来弘毅生态农场参观,这是某高校学生听蒋高明研究员介绍生态农业前景。 研讨会上,来自全国 15 所高校的 58 名在校大学生们对我提出的有机循环理念,及取得的一系列科研成果表示敬佩。同时,他们就转基因主粮商业化种植问题进行了专题讨论;集体观看了山东卫视播出的《餐桌上的世纪悬念》视频;大家从国家安全、经济安全、人体安全等角度全方位讨论了主粮转基因的潜在风险。随后,通过观看美国纪录片《食品公司》,大家了解了西方国家食品生产行业以牺牲公众健康和安全为代价,改变动植物的生长方式和生长周期,从而在经营上获得丰厚利润的黑幕。影片抨击了工业化饲养牲畜做法,呼吁消费者以实际行动支持有机食品。在观看日本 NHK 电视台制作的系列电视纪录片《激流中国 —— 富人与农民工》后,大家更被国内贫富差距这一社会现象所震撼,呼吁国家相关部门更加关注 “ 三农问题 ” ,通过更有效的制度保障社会和谐公平。 活动期间,调研团还在驻农场研究生的帮助下,分别到农场附近的蒋家庄、曹家庄、东荆埠、西荆埠等 4 个村庄入户调查,从政治、经济、文化、医疗及教育等角度全方位剖析,了解到了农村的真实现状。为了使大家真正融入农村,掌握第一手信息,在我的建议下, 58 位大学生全部在村民家中住宿,与当地老百姓进行了充分交流。 两天的活动,紧凑而充实,参观团中的大部分 “90 后 ” 大学生感到受益匪浅。来自中国政法大学的杨博同学深有感触地说: “ 通过此次活动,自己学到了很多在学校和书本中学不到的知识。在我国经济建设取得举世瞩目成就的同时,农村还有很多亟需解决的问题,有机农业需要做的工作还很多。值得庆幸的是,有蒋高明教授这样的科学家长期坚持在农村一线开展科学研究、提供技术服务和发展相关产业,这使我们坚信农村的未来会更加美好 ” 。 在嘹亮而充满激情的红色歌曲中,大学生调研团离开了弘毅生态农场,踏上了返校的旅途。
个人分类: 建言新农村|2440 次阅读|0 个评论
csiro 2013-3-5 12:35
个人分类: 交流篇|9 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2010-10-22 08:27
王 应 宽 2010-10-21 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul MN, USA 奥巴马总统本周六将访问明尼苏达大学 本周明尼苏达最大的新闻就是美国总统奥巴马将于本周六( 10 月 23 日)访问明尼苏达大学(双城校区)。当地各媒体均有报道。 明尼苏达日报( Minnesota Daily )的新闻标题为: Obama to be fourth U.S. president to speak at U ( 奥巴马是学校历史上第四位在明尼苏达大学演讲的美国总统 ) 。第一位访问明大的美国总统是 1903 年来访的罗斯福总统( Teddy Roosevelt ),称赞明大 Gophers 橄榄球队; 8 年后的 1911 年美国第 27 任总统威廉 霍华德 塔夫脱( William Howard Taft )访问明大(称赞明大也许是美国最伟大的高校);再后来是 2002 年乔治 . 布什总统来访(称明大校长 Mark Yudof 是他朋友)。 明尼苏达大学网站报道的标题为: 2010 visit of President Barack Obama to the University of Minnesota 。报道称,明大将热烈欢迎奥巴马总统的来访,大学能有机会迎接总统来访是稀有而独特的荣誉( a rare and unique honor ),将为学校师生和整个社区提供瞻仰和聆听历史人物的良机。活动将于12:30pm 在大学的 University of Minnesota Field House 举行。学校将做好各方面的欢迎准备,包括卫生和安保工作,届时很多大楼设施和通道将关闭。但总统来访的活动对公众开放且不需要买票,但需要遵守相关的规定,要经过与机场类似的安检(undergo airpot-like security)不准带饮料、包、钝器等,但照相机、摄像机、望远镜等可以携带。到时候看看是否有时间也去凑凑热闹,看看总统老马。周六同时也是学校橄榄球队 Gopher 比赛的日子,校园将非常热闹。 2010 visit of President Barack Obama to the University of Minnesota The University of Minnesota will welcome President Barack Obama to the Twin Cities campus on October 23. The opportunity to host the President of the United States is a rare and unique honor, and will give U students and the entire U community a chance to see and hear a historic figure. The event is scheduled on Northrop Mall. Entrances will open at 12:30 p.m. A Gopher football game is also scheduled for Oct. 23, so campus will be busy. If you plan to attend: All those planning to attend President Barack Obamas Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) political rally on the University of Minnesota campus on Saturday, October 23 should keep in mind several important logistical details. A map of the East Bank campus is available here . PLEASE NOTE, ALL DETAILS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CHECK BACK TO THIS PAGE FOR UPDATES. Entry: The event will be held on Northrop Mall (south of Northrop Memorial Auditorium) on campus. The event is free and open to the public and no tickets are required. The entry gates, located on the north end of Coffman Memorial Union plaza at the start of the small bridges that connect the Coffman plaza to Northrop Mall, will open at 12:30 pm. All who enter will undergo airport-like security including screening by metal detector. The program will last several hours. Carry-in policy: For safety and security reasons, certain items are prohibited, including laptop computers, sharp objects, metal or plastic drink bottles, folding chairs, backpacks and bags or purses larger than a standard sheet of paper. No posters or signs of any size will be permitted inside. No food or drink can be carried in, though refreshments will be available from concession stands on Northrop Mall. Personal cameras, binoculars and video cameras will be permitted inside the event area. For those bringing children, be advised that plastic baby bottles will be allowed, but strollers and outside chairs are prohibited. Prohibited items brought to the entry gate will go into garbage receptacles outside of the security area. (The University of Minnesota does not take responsibility for left items.) Food and beverages : In addition to establishments located off campus, food and beverages can be purchased on campus inside Coffman Memorial Union at Starbucks and Einstein Bros. Bagels from 10 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. These items, however, cannot be brought into the event. Beverages will be available for purchase from concession stands within the event area on Northrop Mall. Parking: With a home football game also scheduled for Oct. 23, daytime parking will be extremely limited. Attendees from the campus and Twin Cities community are strongly encouraged to walk or use public transportation . If you must drive, below are some options for parking, available on a space-available basis. Users will be charged event parking fees. Fairgrounds: All-day access is available at the Grandstand parking lot on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. A free shuttle bus will be transporting people between there and TCF Bank Stadium all day. West Bank: The 21st or 19th Avenue ramps on the West Bank will also have all-day access. If you park on the West Bank, we recommend that you walk across the Washington Ave. Bridge to the event. East Bank: East River Road Garage, all-day access; Oak Street, Fourth Street, Washington Avenue, and University Avenue ramps, access after 11:30 a.m. Northrop and Church Street Garages will be closed all day. Directions to campus and maps with locations for these ramps can be found here . People with contract parking in U of M facilities will be able to use their parking passes in their home facility after 11:30 a.m. on a space available basis. Football patrons with parking passes may stay in their parking locations throughout the day. Bike parking: There are more than 6,500 bicycle racks and hoops located across campus. Additional bike parking will be available on the Yudof plaza on the south side of Coffman Union on the day of the event. Traffic: Traffic and bus scheduled and routes will be impacted by some street closures prior to and during and after the event. All those traveling in the campus area Saturday afternoon should be prepared for delays. Football shuttle buses will be extended to St. Paul and West Bank stops until approximately 6 p.m. to accommodate event goers. Metro Transit Bus Service: Bus routes serving the U of M campus on weekends include the 2, 3, 6, 16, and 22. Bus schedules will be impacted by road closures prior to and during the event. The event organizers provide detailed bus information here . General Metro Transit bus information can be found here . Transportation updates: If you are attending an unrelated event on campus, check the sponsoring department's website for additional information on possible cancellations, changes to parking or other details. Whenever possible, persons coming to campus on the day of the visit, whether attending the event or not, are encouraged to find alternatives to driving. Be advised that pedestrian and bicycle routes will be detoured around the site. Where possible, detours will be marked with signs. Pedestrians use extra caution while navigating the vehicle congestion on campus. Accessibility Information: Below is information for people with disabilities who would like to attend the event Parking: A limited amount of parking will be available in East River Road Garage. Users will be charged event parking fees. There will be volunteers at the entrance to the garage to assist event goers with accessibility needs. Upon exiting there will also be volunteers in the area that will direct event goers to the site. Event Entrance: When facing the Northrop Mall (the Coffman Student Union will be directly behind you) please enter the line on your left. This side of the walking bridge that extends over Washington Avenue does not have steps and will allow for easier access into the event. Accessibility Inside: There will be a designated area within the event for those with any special needs, including a sign language interpreter. Access to the area will be directed by volunteers. Those needing access to this area will be able to have one guest accompany them. Building closure: The following buildings will be closed from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 23 Ford Hall Johnston Hall Kolthoff Hall Morrill Hall Nicholson Hall Northrop Pillsbury Hall Smith Hall Tate Lab of Physics Vincent Hall/Murphy Hall Walter Library Wesbrook Hall In addition to the buildings that are closed, access to several other buildings near Northrop Mall will be limited. Buildings on the west side of Pleasant Street -- Science Teaching and Student Services (STSS), Appleby Hall, Fraser Hall, Wulling Hall and Scott Hall -- will be open but will only be accessible by entrances on the west side of the buildings. Similarly, buildings on the east side of Church Street -- Amundson Hall, Lind Hall, Mechanical Engineering, and Rapson Hall will also be open but will only be accessible by entrances on the east side of the buildings. A map of the Northrop Mall area is available here . Media Credentialing: All media must be credentialed for the event. Credentialing is being handled by the event organizers. Questions can be directed to Kristin Sosanie (651-251-6315, ksosanie@dfl.org ). Note: This is a political event. The University of Minnesota is pleased to be the venue for the event, however, it does not endorse political candidates or campaigns. Information about the event itself including accessibility-specifics can be found here . U of M News Service press release Further information about event Presidential visit history Background Information
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