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热度 18 waterlilyqd 2016-5-5 11:37
对投稿到 Journal of Mountain Science 的文章而言,投稿后勿需修改就直接发表的情况应该几乎没有,一个好的期刊应该都有明确的同行评议制度,再好的文章在审稿人那里都能够挑出一些毛病,或者说都能够给出进一步完善的建议。这就是同行评审的重要性,也是很多重要的数据库收录某一期刊的基本原则。 此次展示的是一篇立意和写作都很好的文章的作者对审稿意见的详细回应。对初次投稿英文期刊的作者,可以从中得到启发和借鉴,如对审稿人提出的非常好的建议而且自己完全能够修改的,要在文中进行相应的调整和修改或者补充,对审稿人提出的好的建议但是由于条件限制无法实施,应具体说明或者是在讨论部分进行相应的阐述。如果作者不同意审稿人的意见,不必过激反应,而是应该礼貌回应并且说明理由。 由于此文有三份审稿意见,如果全部放在博文中,文字超出了博文规定的字数要求(终于找到为什么博文多次无法发表的原因! ),因此,现将另外两份审份意见和作者的回复分多次贴到评论中! Dear Editor, Dear reviewers Thank you for your letter dated February 22. We were pleased to know that our work was rated as potentially acceptable for publication in Journal, subject to adequate revision.We thank the reviewers for the time and effort that they have put into reviewing the previous version of the manuscript . Their suggestions have enabled us to improve our work. Based on the instructions provided in your letter, we uploaded the file of the revised manuscript. Accordingly, we have uploaded a copy of the original manuscript with all the changes highlighted by using the track changes mode inMS Word. Appended to this letter is our point-by-point response to the comments raised by the reviewers. The comments are reproduced and our responses are given directly afterward in a different color (red). We would like also to thank you for allowing us to resubmit a revised copy of the manuscript. We hope that the revised manuscript is accepted for publication in the Journal of Mountain Science. Sincerely, XXXXXXX Reviewer 1: Comments to the Author Review of the manuscript “CONTINUOUSLY SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MONITORINGAND ANALYSIS IN TWO ITALIAN INSTRUMENTED CATCHMENTS LOCATED IN ALPINE ANDMEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENTS” The manuscript presents a convincing analysis of suspended sediment transport data gathered into two monitored catchments located in different climatic conditions. The catchments differ also in shape and size, offering the opportunity for an interesting comparison between them. According to the authors, one of the main factor explaining the different relationships between Q and SSC, together with the catchment shape and size, is the different distribution of sediment sources and their coupling in the analyzed basins. I think this is a very interesting explanation but maybe also the different climatic conditions, in terms of rainfall intensity and duration, should be considered as a potential factor. In general, the manuscript is well written and deserves to be published. The analysis is sound and quite well documented but some points, especially in the section dedicated to the methods, need to bebetter clarified. In particular, some more details on the criteria chosen to separate rainfall events should be provided because it is not clear from the text (Lines 12-24, page 6) and Figure 5 how this has been carried out. Did you use any quantitative criteria for the choice between single and multiple events? We thank the reviewer for the very interesting comment. In fact, the distribution of the sediment sources and the degree of coupling play an essential role in the relationships between Q and SSC in both catchments. Rainfall quantity was analyzed in order to assess the beginning of the events.We studied rainfall intensity as a potential factor explaining the suspended sediment transport, but we decided not to include that analysis since data were not complete in both cases. Regarding the suggestion about the methods, we changed this part, so the method used to separate rainfall events has been described as follows: “In the case of continuous rainfall causing a multi peak flood event, it was divided into individual events only when it was possible to clearly identify the rising limb and the exhaustion limb for both water discharge and suspended sediment concentration (Figure 5a).Otherwise the event was considered multiple (Figure 5b). In this case, ΔT was calculated considering the absolute Q and SSC maximum values.” (Lines 8 to 15 of page 6). Another issue on the methodological section is that a description of hysteresis analysis is completely missing. A short paragraph could be added in the Data analysis chapter to briefly describe this techniquef or the benefit of those who are not familiar with this kind of analysis. We are grateful for the suggestion. To be more clear and in accordance with the reviewer concerns, we have added a brief description as follows: “The suspended sediment concentration was plotted versus water discharge and the shape and direction of the obtained loops were analyzed. The study of hysteretic loops is a technique used to analyze the relationships between water discharge and suspended sediment concentration at the eventscale. If the sediment peak SSC P occurs before the water discharge peak Q P , or if the SSC/Q ratios on the rising limb of the Q-graph are greater than those on the falling limb, the events show a clockwise loop.Instead, if the sediment peak SSC P occurs later than the water discharge peak Q P , or if SSC/Q ratios on the rising limb of theQ-graph are lower than those on the falling limb, the loops have acounter-clockwise direction. The eight-shaped loop occurs when a combination of a clockwise loop and of a counter-clockwise loop takes place, usually because discharge and/or sediment concentration present more than one peak” (Lines 15to 25 of page 6). Minor comments: The title is too long, I suggest shortening. SUSPENDED SEDIMENT TRANSPORTANALYSIS IN TWO ITALIAN INSTRUMENTED CATCHMENTS could be an option. Thank you for the title suggested. The precedent version of the title has been replaced, becoming “Suspended sediment transport analysis in two Italian instrumented catchment”. Line 25, page 1: bigger-larger (please correct this also throughout the text) Modified throughout the text according to the comment (Line 20, page 1). Line 50, page 1: could mainly be of - could mainly consist of We rephrased this sentence according to the comment (Line 8, page 2). - Line 3, page 2: here you could already state that the small alpine catchment is the Rio Cordon. Thank you for the suggestion, the phrase has beenc hanged according to it (Line 18, page 2). Line 18, page 2: remove “small catchment” if you agree with the previous comment We have modified the sentence according to the previous comment (Line 30, page 2). Line 43, page 2: degree of connectivity- degree of coupling is more correct We have changed it according to the suggestion(Line 2, page 3). Line 13, page 3: are to: a) do- are: a) to carry out…b) to determine We have modified it according to the comment (Lines 24 to 26, page 3). Lines 32-33, page 3: these data are taken from a quite old publication.Trevisani et al. (2010) reports slightly different data. Please consider revising land use percentage. Thank you for underlining this deficiency. This section was revised and modified according to the data presented in the work suggested by the reviewer (Lines 40-41 page 3) Line 33, page 3: “The sediment source areas cover 5.2% of the basin”- aquite recent Ph.D thesis (Cavalli, 2009, page 147) calculated that in 2006 sediment source areas cover a total of about 13% of the basin (considering alsoerosion on talus slope class). Thank you for underlining this deficiency. This section was revised and modified according to the information showed in the work suggested by the reviewer (Line 41, page 3). Line 59, page 5: the dynamics of sediment - sediment dynamics This phrase was modified according to thecomment (Line 30, page 5). Lines 9-24, page 6: please consider revising this paragraph according to mygeneral comment above Thank you for the suggestion. We have added the information required as explained above (Lines 6-28, page 6). Line 11, page 6: “in order to have a better uniformity”- “for a soundcomparison” This sentence was rephrased according to the comment (Line 8, page 6). Line 35, page 13: “exit section”-”outlet” (please check also throughout thetext, e.g. at line 54, page 13) We have modified this expression throughout the text according to the comment. Line 35, page 13: “disconnectivity”-”decoupling” We have changed it according to the comment(Line 25, page 14). Cited reference: Trevisani S., Cavalli M., Marchi L., 2010. Reading the bed morphology of a mountain stream: a geomorphometric study on high- resolution topographic data. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 14,393–405. Cavalli M., 2009. Caratterizzazione idrologica e morfologica dei bacini montanimediante scansione laser da aeromobile. Tesi di dottorato. Dipartimento TESAF,Università di Padova. Supervisore: Prof. Giancarlo Dalla Fontana;Co-supervisore: Dott. Lorenzo Marchi, 186 pp. Availableat https://www.researchgate.net/publication/37677178_Caratterizzazione_idrologica_e_morfologica_dei_bacini_montani_mediante_scansione_laser_da_aeromobile Thank you for the suggestion, we have added these references in the text.
个人分类: 科技写作|63012 次阅读|26 个评论
[转载]Example of letter in response to reviewers comments
zhangdong 2014-12-18 19:37
来源: https://www.google.com.hk/url?sa=trct=jq=esrc=ssource=webcd=2cad=rjauact=8ved=0CCUQFjABurl=%68%74%74%70%3a%2f%2f%77%77%77%2e%64%2e%75%6d%6e%2e%65%64%75%2f%7e%6a%65%74%74%65%72%73%6f%2f%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%73%2f%41%6e%65%78%61%6d%70%6c%65%6f%66%72%65%73%70%6f%6e%73%65%74%6f%72%65%76%69%65%77%65%72%73%2e%64%6f%63ei=5rmSVPXHJuS6mQW9voCYCgusg=AFQjCNEhCbyKr0xpmZuMvgHmbprRIPC2oA Anexampleofresponsetoreviewers.doc
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waterlilyqd 2011-10-28 11:06
Authors' response to reviewers' comments It's really a time-consuming thing to respond to each item of the reviever's comments.But it's a very important part totell the editor that you havecarefully considered thereviewers's comments and suggestions.Sometimes the editors will send the authors' response to the reviewers for further checking when an articles are required to make major revision. Here I show one authors's detailed response. ___________________________________________- The Revision Explanation for all Reviewers Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author: Reviewer: 1 1. The significance of LAI for mountain areas should be clearly stated and extended. Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your good idea. Indeed, in the previous version of this manuscript, there are no specific statement about the significance of LAI for mountain areas. But it is really quite important and should be stated carefully in this paper. So according to your advice, we added the corresponding contents in the second paragraph of “Introduction”. During these contents, we illustrate the significance of LAI for mountain areas from 3 aspects. The detailed information can be seen from those of “For mountain areas, ……Firstly……Secondly……Lastly…..” in the latter part of the second paragraph of “Introduction”. 2. Every figure should have its independence and integration. Place name(s) should be included. Fig.1 and Fig. 11 are too poor. Revision explanation: Thanks a lot for your suggestion. According to it, we have added place name(s) in corresponding figures. Many figures indeed have poor quality. In order to improve it, we redesign and reproduce each of these figures according to the specific requirements of the editorial office of the journal. 3. English language of this manuscript is rather poor. It needs great improvement. Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your gentle reminder. After our revision on the technical problems, another member in our group whose English is quite well has checked the whole contents especially focusing on the grammar and vocabulary problems. After that, we have invited a native English-language colleague of professor Arthur Cracknell to help us improve the whole paper. Therefore there are great improvement in the language of this manuscript. 4. The study area has a very strange shape. How is it defined? It seems that it is cut. Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your question. You are quite right that it is cut out from a large area. It is defined according to the main type of vegetation. As stated in the part of “2.1 study area”, our study area locates in Dayekou forest center in Heihe watershed of Gansu province and has several kinds of vegetation. But our study focuses only on one kind of coniferous tree-Picea crassifolia. Our field measurements are performed aiming to this type of vegetation and thus the models we establish in this paper can only be used for it. So we cut out the concentrated distribution area of this type of vegetation and as a result, the shape of it seems a little strange. In order to make it more understandable, we add some explanation in the part of “Study area”. 5. A total of 11 figures is included. Too many! and most of them have poor quality. Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your gentle reminder. Your advice is quite justified. 11 figures seem too many. So according to it, we move 5 unnecessary figures and only reserve 6 of them. These 6 figures are all been reproduced according to the requirements of this journal, especially on the format and size of them. The corresponding information in the text have also been revised. 6. The leaf area index (LAI) is ecologically important, but what does it mean for mountain regions? Revision explanation: Thank you for your meticulous reminder. Yes, the LAI is ecologically important and also significant for mountain areas. According to your advice, we further review and read many papers and then conclude its significance from 3 aspects. The 1st is from the aspect for controlling water loss and soil erosion; the 2nd aspect focuses on the characterization of impact on local climate; the 3rd is from the aspect of reference for the study of carbon cycle (carbon source and sinks). These are illustrated based on the terrain and climate characteristics of mountain areas. The detailed contents can be seen from the second paragraph of “Introduction”. 7. The title of the manuscript (Retrieval and analysis of leaf area index in mountain area) is not very adequate. The text did not include analysis of leaf area index. It should be "Topographic correction-based retrieval of leaf area index in mountain areas". Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your excellent advice. We have corrected it according to your advice. Thanks again for all your comments which are very helpful for us! Reviewer(s)' Comments to Author: Reviewer: 2 1. The authors present LAI measurements its relation with reflectance and vegetation indices. The efforts made by authors is commendable but it is not very clear how the authors have removed topographic and shadow effect. It will be essential to compare reflectance measurements with the satellite observed reflectance. Revision explanation: Thank you very much for your praise as well as question. As out study focuses on the retrieval of LAI based on the comparison between field measurements and the satellite observed reflectance (together with vegetation indexes) before and after topographic correction, so it is essential to make this key point clear. Due to the effect of topographical variation, there is a difference in the reflectance between shady slope and sunny slope, so we need to remove the topographic and shadow effect. This can be realized by using various topographic correction models which had begun from the beginning of the 1980s and become more and more popular nowadays. The specific model we use here is the SCS+C model which can remove the impact of terrain effectively based on the relationships among sun, senor and canopy simultaneously. Its main principle can be seen from equation (3) to (6). This model has been widely used and its effect has also been validated in many studies. In this study, the effectiveness of the correction can be validated from the different change on surface reflectance before and after topographic correction in shady slope and sunny slope. In summary, through the topographic correction in combination with the slope and aspect of the study area from the DEM, the solar zenith angle and azimuth angle from the optical image, we finally remove the topographic and shadow effect efficiently. In order to make all above more clearly, we revise some contents in the part of “Topographic correction” in this manuscript. Based on these, our goal can be ultimately achieved. 2. Authors may consider to write conclusion separately and discussion combined with results. Revision explanation: Thanks a lot for your excellent suggestion. According to it, we have written the conclusion and discussion separately in the fifth part of this manuscript. And also the discussion is performed combined with the specific result. After all these, the conclusion and discussion become more targeted. Thanks again for all your excellent comments which are quite valuable for us! Editorial Office Comments to the Author Too many figures in this paper. please move the unnecessary ones. And send all figures back as Tiff format. The fonts in the figures and pictures are required to use Times New Roman, and word sizes should be in proportion to the figures (charts, pictures), and the resolution for color graph and grey scale image is required to be 150~225dpi, and the resolution for bitmap image is 600~900dpi. You should ask a native English-language colleague to help you improving the language in the paper before resubmission. Revision Explanation: Thank you very much for your sincere advices. According to it, we have moved 5 unnecessary figures and only reserve 6 of them. These 6 figures are all been redesigned and reproduced according to your specific requirements, especially on the format and size of them. The corresponding information in the text have been revised. These figures are also been uploaded in Tiff format individually. For the language problems, after our revision on the technical problems, another member in our group whose English is quite well has checked the whole contents especially focusing on the grammar and vocabulary problems. After that, we have invited a native English-language colleague of professor Arthur Cracknell to help us improve the whole paper. So there must have great improvement in the language of this manuscript. Finally, thank you very much for all your excellent comments and advices again. These comments are very helpful for the improvement of this manuscript as well as our research in the future. We sincerely appreciate you for your fruitful work. Best wishes to you all!
个人分类: JMS信息|5531 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 11 hufeng 2011-4-25 14:54
小的时候,一队队的小不点蚂蚁在那儿有条不紊的爬动,或者单独的一只充满信心的从一个地方走到另一个地方,常常使我蹲在一旁静静的观看。我当时想:“它们在干什么?,它们也会思考吗?,它们之间也说话吗?”。就这样沉迷到另一个神奇的世界中。等到清醒过来后,常常转身冲回家中,拿出一瓶水, …… 开始朝着蚂蚁狂浇。 蚂蚁经过一亿多年的演化,其种类千差万别。比如有群体规模可达到上百万,有着复杂的社会分工和合作,有“先进”的社会结构,如活跃在南美洲亚马逊丛林的切叶蚁。也有群体规模只有几百只(比如学名 Leptothorax albipennis ,),没有明显的分工,社会结构很“原始”的种类。在“先进”的蚂蚁社会中,出去觅食的蚂蚁在发现食物后,常常在返巢时在食物和蚁穴间留下了一条有化学分泌物印记的路径,从而可以招募到其他的伙伴来协助搬运食物,这种化学分泌物被称为信息素。而比较“原始”的种类,如 Leptothorax albipennis , 可能还不能产生信息素。 下面介绍的是 Leptothorax albipennis 搬家的方式。虽然社会结构很原始,但是这个蚂蚁群体也有着惊人的能力,比如它们常常能够在几个新的居住地点中选出质量好的一个,然后全体蚂蚁都搬家到这个“新家”。他们是如何有这种惊人的能力的呢? 科学家先在实验室中观察了这种蚂蚁搬家过程。生物学中,为了容易的控制实验中的条件,比如制造两个质量上有差别的“新家”,或者设定“新家”的距离与“老家”,或者可以轻易的毁坏掉蚂蚁的“老家”,这些实验常常先在实验室进行。实验室实验的优点是可以精确的、轻易的人为的控制条件,但也有缺点,就是在这种环境中,蚂蚁的表现可能与在自然环境中表现不一样了。所以,生物学家也需要做野外实验( field experiments )来进一步搞清楚动物的行为规律。 因为 Leptothorax albipennis 群体规模小,研究人员可以用一个下午的“愉快时光”把一个群体中的上百个蚂蚁逐个的标记,以此看清每个个体在这场表演中的行为。科学家在实验台上对称的两个地方设置了两个居住地点,一个好,一个差,然后毁坏掉蚂蚁们的“老家”,看他们如何选择新的居住点。现在观察到整个搬家过程经过了四个阶段,首先是所谓的“搜索”阶段,在这个阶段中,会有几只或十几只负责侦察的蚂蚁开始在环境四周搜寻合适的居住点。其次是“评估”阶段,当侦察的蚂蚁发现了一个新的居住点,会根据其质量对其评估。可以观察到好的居住点所花费的评估时间较短,而且在接下来的阶段中,这些蚂蚁会更卖力的宣传这个点。对于较差的居住点,蚂蚁的评估时间较长,而且其后的宣传中,也没有那么卖力。下个阶段是被称为“跟从”阶段( tandem run ) , 发现了某一个新居住点的蚂蚁会返回老巢中,吸引另外一只蚂蚁,让其紧紧的跟在后面,这样一直跟随到新的居住点。这只被招募的蚂蚁也会对新家做一个评估,然后开始它自己的招募过程。在上述过程中,大概只有占整个群体 1/3 的活跃蚂蚁外出活动,还有 2/3 的蚂蚁是不活跃的蚂蚁,在老巢中坐等。最后一个阶段被称为输运阶段,活跃的蚂蚁开始把这些不活跃的蚂蚁直接背到某一个新家中,相比“跟从”的招募方法来说,效率大大提高,很快就可以完成搬家的过程。值得指出的是,这些过程阶段的划分并非对所有蚂蚁都一致,比如有的蚂蚁进入了第四个输运阶段了,有的蚂蚁还出于第三个或者第二个阶段。而且,在第四个阶段,还有部分蚂蚁出现了反向的“跟从”行为,即这些蚂蚁会招募到某一个巢穴中的蚂蚁,把它们引到老巢中。 令研究人员不理解的是,这些蚂蚁群体往往可以作出一个正确的选择,大约 5 次里面有 4 次,群体全部最终选择了条件好的新家,为什么呢? 研究进行到这个阶段,科学家需要提出一些假说、理论或者模型来帮助他们理解这种行为了。研究人员针对这个过程提出了一个阈值响应的机制( Quorum response ),即在跟从阶段,蚂蚁不断的衡量在某一个新家中同伴的数量,一旦发现数量超过了某个值,这些活跃的蚂蚁马上开始了高效率的输运过程,开始把蚁群中其他不活跃的同伴直接搬运到这个巢穴。因为在好的巢穴中往往会有更多的被招募的蚂蚁,所以蚂蚁群体根据这个机制,最终会选择较好的巢穴。 根据这个模型,可以在计算机上绘制出蚂蚁搬家的图像。通过与实验中描绘的蚂蚁搬家的图像比较,研究人员发现这两幅图像非常“相似”。研究人员推测这种阈值响应机制大概在蚂蚁搬家过程中起了重要的作用。 是的,在这儿,有主观的因素进入到了科学研究中。蚂蚁搬家的过程,是一个比较复杂的过程。要描述这个复杂的过程,理论上可以提出一些关键的机制,然后根据这个机制建立模型,但理论或者模型与实验的比较却有着新的方法。再不能像简单体系的物理实验那样达到“小数点后的十几位”,理论与实验的吻合在很大程度上是定性的,依靠人判断的相似性。 也许蚂蚁搬家的时候,它们不会料到,有那么多小孩子,有许多研究人员正在在如此关注的看着它们,思考着它们。 2011/4/25 于重庆师范大学
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回复要“周全”: SCI英文论文修回稿回复信常见问题和错误分析
热度 24 wsyokemos 2011-4-25 01:58
回复要“周全”: SCI英文论文修回稿回复信常见问题和错误分析
本文可以说是我的另一博文的续篇(参见: 写论文如导大片 , 投论文如谈恋爱 ) ,在该文中,我提到:“ 在稿件修回时,修回稿的回复信(即 response letter )更是培养感情的一个绝佳机会。”论文投出后,经过忐忑不安地(甚至有的作者是焦虑地) 等待,如果幸运,就会有修回的机会,当然也有可能是杯具,但是直接接受的可能性非常的低(当然,极个别期刊如 BBRC 除外,参见 我的另一博文 )。恰好 近期有机会审了一些来自国内的英文论文投稿,发现在修回稿的回复信有不少共同的问题,值得网友,尤其是新手注意,下面就 response letter 这个话题谈谈自己的一些看法。 当然如果您已经有 N 篇 SCI 文章,下面的内容也许就不用浪费您时间了,对于 SCI 老手而言,下述内容应该都是常识了。标题为何强调 “ 周全 ” ? 先按下不表,文末您就会知道答案。现结合自己的经验和体会,分述如下: 1. “ 礼 ” 不够: 下面图片中的 response letter 的要点来自理文编辑网站,前面两点都是关于礼貌的,国际学术期刊的审稿人都是义务(无任何报酬)审稿的,人家辛辛苦苦审完稿,指出投稿的问题,自然会理所当然的会希望作者的肯定和感谢,这应该是起码的基本常识,我国又是 N 年的礼仪之邦,但是,我见过的相当多的论文修回回复信中没有看到对编辑 / 主编和审稿人有任何的感谢、感激的字眼。俗话说, “ 礼多人不怪 ” ,这可以说是放之四海而皆准的真理,反过来说,礼少,人必怪!多说你个谢字,不花作者一个大子,于人于己都有利何乐而不为呢?惹得编辑 / 主编和审稿人不爽,那是想让自己的文章死的快! 2 . 回复信的开头要先写上文章的基本信息 :如 manuscript tracking number, title, author 等,另外还要加上是投给哪个期刊的。 3. 对编辑 / 主编的称呼 : 许多信的抬头是 “ Dear Editor”, 这种通用的格式,会使编辑 / 主编感觉作者对自己不尊重,在文章修回后,处理的编辑 / 主编的名字肯定是已经知道的,所以此时应该称呼编辑的名字(姓即可),即: Dear Dr. xxx(the family name of the editor) 。 我自己曾经做过某 SCI 期刊的兼职编辑,对此有切身体会,我明明都注明自己的名字并是 Ph.D., 但是不少作者还是称呼俺 “ Dear Editor”, 当然作者的本意可能觉得这样是为了尊重编辑,但是,可以换位思考一下,如果您是王姓教授,别人不叫您王教授,只是称呼 “ 教授 ” ,您有何感? 有的网友对此,不以为然,认为自己一直就是这样称呼的,文章也都发表了许多,当然,任何一位负责任的编辑 / 主编都不会因为这样的 “ 小节 ” 而据稿,但是,如果这样的 “ 不拘小节 ” 多了,也许 ….( 您懂得 ) 。 4. 回复信要详细 : 这一点非常重要,很多作者不知道这一点。那么回复信要详细到什么程度呢?基本原则是:所有的审稿人不用看修改稿,只需看回复信即可清楚了解作者几乎所有的修改。所修改过的内容,包括图表都要放到回复信中,如果关于文字修改太多,无法一一展示,也要举几个改动大的例子。即使有的审稿人的问题和另外一个审稿人的问题重复,也要分别回答,别怕回复信长,我就见过30多页的回复信。另外审稿人的问题和作者的回答要显著区分开,比如用黑体等方式,总之,要让审稿人阅读方便、一目了然。当然也不能走向另外一个极端,认为是回复信越长越好,用超长的回复信将审稿人砸晕,我们写回复信不是为了挣按字数计算的稿费,说话也要到点子上,审稿人大都是忙人,东拉西扯很可能会误事。 5. 要认真 : 有位牛人说 “ 共 / 产/党最怕认真二字 ” ,审稿人也最怕作者认真,最上火的大概就是作者粗心了。举个例子来说,审稿人要求作者更正某笔误或大小写等小问题,这类的问题往往不至一处,很可能文章的许多地方都需要做相应的修改,作者在回复信中说我们都做了修改,但是审稿人一看修改稿,发现还有不少没有改过来,试想,审稿人忙了一天了,晚上加班加点审修改稿,本来对作者蹩脚的英语已经整得一头火了,现在又看到作者如此粗心,当然会很不爽,另外作者这方面的粗心,很容易使审稿人造成这样一种印象:作者写个 response letter 都如此粗心,想必做实验也是如此,实验结果也就不可靠,所以,有人说态度决定一切,有一定道理,认真可能成就一篇文章,粗心几乎可以肯定会毁掉一篇文章。 综上所述, 修回稿的回复信主要要注意: “ 礼 ” 要周,修改的内容要 “ 全 ” ,简称 “ 周全 ” 。 请问,您的回复信周全了吗? P.S. 另外,特别推荐一篇科学网有关 response letter 的出色博文,标题为: “ 如何回应审稿人的批评 ? ” ,博主为香港大学的金冬雁教授(这个名字,估计搞分子生物学的不知道的不多) (王守业草于 2011 年 2 月,修改于 2011 年 4 月 2 4 日,本文初稿曾贴于丁香园论文版。博主对使用上述理文编辑的图片内容表示感谢, 本人和理文编辑并无任何商业利益。 引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogid=436964 )
个人分类: 论文写作|44164 次阅读|31 个评论
热度 3 hufeng 2011-2-12 12:17
这几个星期一直在忙于和悉尼大学生物学院的一个研究鱼群的博士生合作,题目是研究信息如何在鱼群中传递。关于信息在动物群体中的传递是我一来到悉尼大学后就自己选择研究的题目,主要是理论方面的研究,得到了小组中教授的支持。在去年 8 月份就有了一些初步的结果,还在小组会上做了报告(这次报告我也认识到英文太差了)。当时这份工作是针对蝗虫的一个计算机模型,虽然我所在的这个小组就是以蝗虫为中心研究对象的,有做分子生物学研究的,有做行为学研究的,还有做营养学研究的,可是直到去年 11 月份去野外考察我才见到了做群体运动的蝗虫。我很快就观察到,当蝗虫受到惊吓(这是我的模型中引入信息的方式),他们会跳起来,根本不是我的模型所设计的那样。于是,蝗虫这样一跳,我花费了大半年的模型工作就没有意义了。我从这件事情中得到的教训是,没有见到动物之前,决不要动手写模型。 针对鱼群构建了新的模型后,现在已经有了初步的实验数据,现在等着实验结果对模型结果进行检验了。自从在读博士的阶段迷恋上所谓的“复杂性”后,我就认识到信息以及信息在复杂系统中的传播将是理解复杂系统最重要的入口,著名的物理学家盖而曼教授好像也有相似的观点。关于目前这份信息在鱼群中的传播规律,据我所知,是第一份有信息传递的机制,有实验数据的工作,因此将会是一份重要的工作。 本来这件工作的分工是我提出了信息传递机制的模型,他负责收集实验数据。本来两个人合作研究这个题目就涉及到了如何能够密切合作的问题,因为在研究的过程中,可能会因为实验的数据对模型进行修改,也可能会因为模型的提示做新的实验观察。但因为做实验的这个研究生会在今年 3 月份离开澳大利亚,因此他没有时间来分析实验数据,我因为不会视频读取这项技术,所以我们又找了一位合作者。现在有三个人来合作,真不知道如何才能协调,密切的进行下去。 目前我也开始着手写一篇文章,关于在动物群体行为模型中用更加生物的 Quorum response 代替传统 SPP 模型中比较“物理”的相互作用。目前计算机模拟结果显示,用这种新的相互作用在一维上可以产生传统 SPP 模型类似的结果,二维的工作准备进行。现在最大的挑战是写英文文章了,这也将是在剩下的 2 ~ 3 个月中最重要的任务。下个星期开始,准备更加全面的读一下关于动物群体行为的理论研究的文献。 12 February 2011 于悉尼大学生物系
个人分类: 未分类|4581 次阅读|3 个评论
Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves
kingroupxz 2010-10-24 12:40
http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v81/i6/e066202 Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves using response functions Abstract: Rotating spiral waves are a form of self-organization observed in spatially extended systems of chysical,chemical, and biological nature. In the presence of a small perturbation, the spiral waves center of rotation and fiducial phase may change over time, i.e., the spiral wave drifts. In linear approximation, the velocity of the drift is proportional to the convolution of the perturbation with the spirals response functions, which are the eigenfunctions of the adjoint linearized operator corresponding to the critical eigenvalues =0, +-omega. Here, we demonstrate that the response functions give quantitatively accurate prediction of the drift velocities due to a variety of perturbations: a time dependent, periodic perturbation inducing resonant drift; a rotational symmetry-breaking perturbation inducing electrophoretic drift; and a translational symmetry-breaking perturbation inhomogeneity induced drift including drift due to a gradient, stepwise, and localized inhomogeneity. We predict the drift velocities using the response functions in FitzHugh-Nagumo and Barkley models, and compare them with the velocities obtained in direct numerical simulations. In all cases good quantitative agreement is demonstrated. 这是作者所在研究组一系列文章的一个总结类文献,理论基石仍然是第二作者,D. Barkley在上世纪九十年代发展的稳定性分析。 如其所言,计算response 函数的复杂性让一般,习惯于直接模拟的研究者有点发怵,别人我不敢说,对于我是这样的。 我感兴趣的是其中的resonant drift.
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