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显微摄像头下的春天(2) Spring under IPM Scope digital microscope [图文 text with pictures]
entomology 2009-5-3 19:49
Spring under IPM Scope digital microscope 显微摄像头下的春天 (2) By 戴小华 Xiaohua Dai with students (2009.5.3) Insects 昆虫: Fig. 1 unknow egg 01 未知昆虫的卵 01 Fig.2 unknow egg 02 未知昆虫的卵 02 (??might be 粉蝶科 Pieridae: Small White 菜粉蝶 Pieris rapae ) Fig.3 unknow egg 03 未知昆虫的卵 03 (??might be小灰蝶科 Lycaenidae) ycaenidae Fig 4. Japanese pear lace bug 梨冠网蝽 Stephanitis nashi ) (原鉴定 Azalea lace bug 杜鹃冠网蝽 Stephanitis pyrioides 应该错误) Fig.5 甲虫 Beetle (鞘翅目 Coleoptera) Fig.6 Fig. 7 same as above 同上 Fig.8 Eggs of citrus spider mite 柑橘红蜘蛛的卵 Panonychus citri Fig. 9 An aphid 蚜虫 Fig. 10 Striped flea beetle 黄曲纹条跳甲 Phyllotreta striolata Fig. 11蜂 wasp (膜翅目 Hymenoptera) Fig. 12 Orange spiny whitefly 柑橘黑刺粉虱 Aleurocanthus spiniferus Fig. 13 Same as above 同上
个人分类: My Album 图片集|9636 次阅读|4 个评论
显微摄像头下的春天(1) Spring under IPM Scope digital microscope [图文 text with pictures]
entomology 2009-3-27 10:32
Spring under IPM Scope digital microscope 显微摄像头下的春天 (1) By 戴小华 Xiaohua Dai (2009.3.27) The spring is coming! My students and I collected some plants and photoed the flowers, leaves and even insects under IPM Scope digital microscope. We found some interesting microstructures. Here are some pictures; maybe you can guess their names? I will provide the answers next week. 春天来了。我和学生们(主要是曾竞、李珺)在师院黄金校区采集了一些植物并用 IPM Scope 的显微摄像头拍照了花、叶以及上面的昆虫。我们发现了一些有趣的微结构,图示如下。你能猜出这些植物的名字吗?我在下星期将提供答案。 Plant A: Plant B: Plant C: Plant D: Plant E: (to be continued 未完待续)
个人分类: My Album 图片集|2211 次阅读|3 个评论
Aphids under the digital microscope 显微摄像头下的蚜虫
entomology 2008-11-10 20:27
Host plant: navel-orange ( Citrus sinensis ) 寄主植物:脐橙 Possibly Aphis sp. 可能是蚜属一种。 戴小华2008年11月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,November 2008.
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|2251 次阅读|0 个评论
Leafminers and red mites under the digital microscope 显微摄像头下的潜叶虫及螨类
entomology 2008-10-20 21:23
戴小华2008年10月摄于赣南师范学院黄金校区, IPM Scope数码显微摄像头 Photo by Xiaohua Dai with IPM Scope digital micorscope @ Huangjing Campus, GanNan Normal University, Ganzhou, China,October 2008. The IPM Scope combines advanced digital optics and LED lighting in a IPM scouting microscope that fits in the palm of your hand. 40 - 140X (12-140 X for Mega Pixel ) magnification lets you zoom in on the fine details of insects and plant disease symptoms. Place the IPM Scope over the sample, and comfortably view the image right on your computer screen, instead of straining to look into a tiny eyepiece. Capture images, easily add labels, take measurements and even draw right on the live image. More details about IPM Scope @ http://www.specmeters.com/IPM_and_Plant_Health_Tools/IPM_Scope.html IPM Scope结合了电子照相机、精准的光学和LED光源成为一套强力显微镜和影像软体:可用活动的40-140X切换开关來放大植物疾病症兆,害虫或其他裸视无法看清的事物。可轻易地攫取影像、作标定、作测量或什至在影像上作图。只需将IPM Scope放在样品上并在电脑萤幕前舒适地观看影像 更多介绍请参见: http://www.kohsieh.com.tw/PDF_Files/Spectrum/IPM%20%20DM.pdf FIGURES: 1 Citrus Leaf Miner 柑橘潜叶蛾 ( Phyllocnistis citrella ) @ Navel Orange 脐橙 --larva and mine 幼虫和潜道 2Citrus red mite 柑橘红蜘蛛 ( Panonychus citri )
个人分类: Research tools 研究工具|4127 次阅读|1 个评论

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