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cruise之行,坐看美国奢华 (回忆)
热度 4 wangzhihong 2012-11-22 17:56
看了美国大街上形形色色的车辆,你会觉的变形金刚中的汽车原来不是完全想象。坐了美国的游轮(Cruis),再看泰坦尼克,你会觉的泰坦尼克的铁船变的更加真实。 两个多月前,我和我的太太包括另外的四位友人,开车从Atlanta出发,一路向南,先到orlando,在disiney游玩了四天,接着开车去miami坐游轮,三夜四天,上岸后再从miami出发开到了美国最南端的岛屿,keywest,再从keywest开到了据说美国最有名的白沙滩的tappa,最后再返回亚特兰。整个行程历时十三天,走遍了美国南端最好玩的一些地方(只是走遍了,要说玩我觉的还差一些),现在想来,影响最深刻的还是diseney和美国的cruise. 我们的游轮是从miami出发,最远航行到墨西哥的小岛Nassau,中间会在一个私人小岛Cococay停留一站,最后再从墨西哥湾返回到miami,这个过程中大部分是白天登岛玩,晚上可以在船上玩。没有工作,没有生活的琐碎,每天除了吃buffet,就是在寻思着玩,闭着眼睛想想就可以知道疯狂的老美能玩的是如何的酣畅淋漓,而我们参与的时候很少,大部分时间都是睁着眼睛去观赏他们这次奢华之行,毕竟英语还不是很好,我们的矜持与生俱来,各种玩的方式我们也无法完全接受。做个看客,有的时候也挺好的。 我们搭乘的游轮,游轮很大很大,12层,人很多很多(其实我也不知道它能装多少人) 能想象的出来,这是大铁船中间的购物区么,简直就是个大商场,这里的很多免税商品,便宜的,后悔没买点东西。很多美国人登船的一个重要目的就是购物,那是真抢啊 很正式的晚餐,是只有西装革履你才觉的能与之相搭的那种;是有专门的服务生,围着你不停打转的那种;是你的盘子边上放了三把刀,三把叉,你却总也用不对的那种;也是给你一本厚厚的菜单,你却总也找不到什么是前菜,什么是甜点,什么是主菜的那种;是我第一次去吃,觉的颜面尽失,想能不能只给我点面条就拉倒的那种。 船顶的游泳池,大家玩的最high的地方之一,各种服务生穿梭其中,据说也是他们最好赚取小费的地方。 游轮上的show场,虽然演员不多,但是每晚上也有好几场,脱口秀好像是最受欢迎的, 美国人,也有很多的墨西哥人在玩游戏,看看他们的疯狂,你就知道为什么我们总参与不进去了吧 在私人小岛Cococay上,似乎衣服的多少似乎就是代表着你的聪明程度。穿的越多,你就越傻,在众目睽睽中,我穿的是T恤,短裤,就算是有点二了。 小岛上的buffet,竟然都是从船上运输下来的,你知道船是靠不了岸的,你要上岸,就需要靠小船一船一船的摆渡到岛上来,就为了能玩的高兴,竟然需要把船上的厨师和吃的都运输下来,准备午餐。感叹:钱真是好东西,无论在什么地方。 墨西哥的小城。中国的小城什么样子,这里的小城就什么样子,好乱!发现亮点了么?车都是左侧行驶,刚去的时候,好不适应。 在Nassau的岸边,水很凉,但很清澈
个人分类: 生活点滴|5093 次阅读|8 个评论
热度 8 liwei999 2012-1-17 10:30
答聊友的“为什么cruise翻译成邮船而不是游船?”的问题 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 01/16/2012 18:04:42 网友指名“要镜子来研究研究 ”,不好推辞。 游弋、旅游 中的游,按字典的解说是在不固定、无目标的移动。因此把cruise(r)叫巡洋舰也算是佳译了。当然,这是今天的理解,昨天的人脑里,给不出来 花钱旅游 的想法来, 背井离乡 的事儿倒是可以理解。 把cruise(r)叫客船人们也没有意见。毕竟是载客不是载货,是 客船 与 货船 的区别。至于说 轮船 ,今天都是使用 螺旋桨 做推进,已经看不到 轮桨 了。从北京的颐和园里的石舫上,还可以看到轮船的“轮”,早年还有个小火轮在石舫附近。 网上的石舫图片。 轮船是区别于帆船的分类法。 言归正传,邮船(轮)是如何来的呢? 邮 的原意是位于边陲,给旅客歇脚、住宿的大车店、饭店的意思。繁体字的 邮 字是与 陲 的陲字是亲戚,写作 郵 。今天的 邮 多是指 邮政 ,是说送信、送货的制度、体系,而很少有人联想到大车店、车马店的意思了。因此,如果是现代,cruiser的翻译应该是 旅店船 。而老老年知识分子,按照边陲的大车店的意思,给译成 邮船 了。看看今天cruiser的图像,叫 旅店船 、 饭店船 会感觉很合适。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。 “定期、定线的大型客运船”的说法很到位。说“客运”、“货运”,而不说“运客”、“运货”, 作者: mirror (*) 日期: 01/17/2012 17:27:36 这其中有什么说法呢?“运客”是具体的行为,而“客运”则是抽象的经营、运营 。 邮船相当于今天的公交车,有时间、有固定的停车站。与此做对比的是计程车,基本上是不固定时间、不固定路线,为一个客人服务的形式。在邮船出现之前,交通工具都是 计程车 式样的。到了火车、轮船的时代,出现了定期(时)、定点、定航线的运作方式。 ---------- 就“是”论事儿,就“事儿”论是,就“事儿”论“事儿”。
个人分类: 镜子大全|6785 次阅读|9 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star游轮七日游Skagway返程启航
黄安年 2011-10-28 09:35
Cruise Norwegian Star游轮七日游Skagway返程启航
Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮七日游 Skagway 返程启航 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 10 月 27 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 乘坐 Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮 8 月 20-27 日七日游的最北端是阿拉斯加州的 Skagway , 8 月 24 日 4 : 30PM 是游轮起航开始返回西雅图的时间。 一些游客不到最后一刻是不会返回游轮的,游轮规定 3 : 30PM 返回,但启航的时间是 4 : 30PM , 直到 4 : 20-25 分 , 还有六架乘坐直升飞机旅游游客匆匆降落地面 , 返回游轮 , 三辆旅游大巴疾驶而归 , 固定游轮和码头的两座吊桥已经陆续吊起归位 , 工作人员开始指挥地勤人员撤出游轮 , 4 : 30PM , 游轮正式启航缓缓离开港口码头。用不了 5 分钟光景, 从游轮上望去 , Skagway 码头已经抛在我们视野的后面,按照计划在两天半的时间内,游轮将抵达西雅图港。 照片 23 张是即时拍摄的。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3748 次阅读|0 个评论
在Cruise Norwegian Star游轮上玩国际象棋
黄安年 2011-10-27 21:22
在Cruise Norwegian Star游轮上玩国际象棋
在 Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮上玩国际象棋 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 10 月 27 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮上的体育游戏项目真不少 , 在甲板上有个大型国际象棋的棋盘 , 游客在这里也可以一展身手。 照片 3 张是 24 日拍摄的。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3084 次阅读|0 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star游轮上的早餐
黄安年 2011-10-27 08:39
Cruise Norwegian Star游轮上的早餐
Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮上的早餐 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 10 月 26 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 乘坐 Cruise Norwegian Star 游轮的一大优点是吃住全包在票价中 , 免了游客的一日三餐准备,而且自助餐内容丰富,任意选择不管顿数,只要可肚皮允许,尽管进餐。不过来过这里不止一次的人抱怨现在的质量比起过去差远了。 还有一个问题是 , 这里的早餐基本上是西方的 , 华人餐点尚未打进游轮餐饮业。 照片 18 张是 24 日拍摄的。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3953 次阅读|0 个评论
赴阿拉斯加Cruise Norwegian Star驶抵阿拉斯加首府Juneau
黄安年 2011-10-11 21:10
赴阿拉斯加Cruise Norwegian Star驶抵阿拉斯加首府Juneau
赴阿拉斯加 Cruise Norwegian Star 驶抵阿拉斯加首府 Juneau 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 10 月 11 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 我们乘坐前往阿拉斯加游轮 Cruise Norwegian Star, 于 22 日本 :00PM 驶离 Ketchikan, 经过 16 个小时的航行 , 8 月 23 日晨 7:00AM, 抵达仅有三万人口,常年多雨的 阿拉斯加首府 Juneau, 他是唯一美国大陆上没有公路通达的州府 , 抵达哪里只有通过空中交通或者水路。 有关游轮上看 Juneau 地理位置及码头照片 15 张是笔者即时拍摄的 , 其中最后 6 张图示 , 取自 Alaska! Official State Map; AAA Alaska and NW Canada 。 Juneau, Alaska From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search "Juneau" redirects here. For other uses, see Juneau (disambiguation) . City and Borough of Juneau — City and Borough — Gastineau Channel with downtown Juneau Flag Seal Location of Juneau City and Borough, Alaska City and Borough of Juneau Location of Juneau in the state of Alaska , United States Coordinates: 58°26′40″N 134°13′47″W  /  58.44444°N 134.22972°W  / 58.44444; -134.22972 Coordinates : 58°26′40″N 134°13′47″W  /  58.44444°N 134.22972°W  / 58.44444; -134.22972 Country United States State Alaska Named 1881 Government - Mayor Bruce Botelho Area - City and Borough 3,255.0 sq mi (8,430.4 km 2 ) - Land 2,715.7 sq mi (7,036.1 km 2 ) - Water 539.3 sq mi (1,394.3 km 2 ) - Urban 12 sq mi (31.1 km 2 ) Elevation 56 ft (17 m) Population (2008) - City and Borough 30,988 - Density 11.3/sq mi (4.4/km 2 ) - Urban 17,311 Time zone AKST ( UTC-9 ) - Summer ( DST ) AKDT ( UTC-8 ) Zip code 99801 Area code(s) 907 FIPS code 02-36400 GNIS feature ID 1404263 Website www.juneau.org The City and Borough of Juneau ( / ˈ dʒ uː n oʊ / ) is a unified municipality located on the Gastineau Channel in the panhandle of the U.S. state of Alaska . It has been the capital of Alaska since 1906, when the government of the then- District of Alaska was moved from Sitka as dictated by the U.S. Congress in 1900. The municipality unified in 1970 when the city of Juneau merged with the city of Douglas and the surrounding Greater Juneau Borough to form the current home rule municipality. The area of Juneau is larger than that of Rhode Island and Delaware individually and almost as large as the two states combined. Downtown Juneau 58°18′07″N 134°25′11″W  /  58.30194°N 134.41972°W  / 58.30194; -134.41972 is nestled at the base of Mount Juneau and across the channel from Douglas Island . As of the 2010 census , the City and Borough had a population of 31,275. Juneau is named after gold prospector Joe Juneau , though the place was for a time called Rockwell and then Harrisburg (after Juneau's co-prospector, Richard Harris ). The Tlingit name of the town is Dzántik'i Héeni (" river where the flounders gather "), and Auke Bay just north of Juneau proper is called Aak'w (" little lake ") in Tlingit. The Taku River , just south of Juneau, was named after the cold t'aakh wind, which occasionally blows down from the mountains. Downtown Juneau sits at sea level, with tides averaging 16 feet (5 m), below steep mountains about 3,500 feet (1,100 m) to 4,000 feet (1,200 m) high. Atop these mountains is the Juneau Icefield , a large ice mass from which about 30 glaciers flow; two of these, the Mendenhall Glacier and the Lemon Creek Glacier, are visible from the local road system; the Mendenhall glacier has been generally retreating; its front face is declining both in width and height. The Alaska State Capitol in downtown Juneau was originally built as the Federal and Territorial Building in 1931. Prior to statehood, it housed federal government offices, the federal courthouse and a post office. It also housed the territorial legislature and many other territorial offices, including that of the governor. Today, it is still the home of the state legislature and the offices of the governor and lieutenant governor . Other executive branch offices have largely moved elsewhere, in Juneau or elsewhere in the state, in the ongoing battle between branches for space in the building, as well as the decades-long capital move issue. Recent discussion has been focused between relocating the seat of state government outside of Juneau and building a new capitol building in Juneau. Neither position has advanced very far. The Alaska Committee, a local community advocacy group, has led efforts to thus far keep the capital in Juneau. Contents · 1 History · 2 Geography o 2.1 Adjacent boroughs and census areas o 2.2 Border area o 2.3 National protected areas o 2.4 Climate · 3 Demographics · 4 Economy · 5 Culture · 6 Government · 7 Education o 7.1 Primary and secondary schools o 7.2 Colleges and universities · 8 Transportation o 8.1 Sea o 8.2 Air o 8.3 Roads § 8.3.1 Mendenhall Glacier § 8.3.2 Juneau Access Project o 8.4 Walking, Hiking, and Biking · 9 Media · 10 Sister cities · 11 See also · 12 Notes · 13 References · 14 External links History Chief Anotklosh of the Taku tribe, circa 1913. Long before European settlement in the Americas, the Gastineau Channel was a favorite fishing ground for local Tlingit Indians , known then as the Auke and Taku tribes, who had inhabited the surrounding area for thousands of years. The native cultures are rich with artistic traditions including carving, weaving, orating, singing and dancing, and Juneau has become a major social center for the Tlingit, Haida , and Tsimshian of Southeast Alaska. The first European to see the Juneau area was Joseph Whidbey , master of the Discovery during George Vancouver ’s 1791-95 expedition , who explored the region in July–August 1794. Early in August he saw the length of Gastineau Channel from the south, noting a small island in mid-channel. He later saw the length of the channel again, this time from the west. He said it was unnavigable, being filled with ice. In 1880, Sitka mining engineer George Pilz offered a reward to any local chief who could lead him to gold-bearing ore. Chief Kowee arrived with some ore and several prospectors were sent to investigate. On their first trip, to Gold Creek , they found deposits of little interest. However, at Chief Kowee's urging Pilz sent Joe Juneau and Richard Harris back to the Gastineau Channel, directing them to Snow Slide Gulch (the head of Gold Creek) where they found nuggets "as large as peas and beans", in Harris' words. On October 18, 1880, the two men marked a 160-acre (650,000 m 2 ) town site where soon a mining camp appeared. Within a year, the camp became a small town, the first to be founded after Alaska's purchase by the United States . The town was originally called Harrisburg, after Richard Harris; some time later, its name was changed to Rockwell, after Lt. Com. Charles Rockwell. In 1881, the miners met and renamed the town Juneau, after Joe Juneau . In 1906, after the diminution of the whaling and fur trade, Sitka , the original capital of Alaska, declined in importance and the seat of government was moved to Juneau. Juneau was the largest city in Alaska during the inter-war years, passing Fairbanks in the 1920 census and displaced by Anchorage in 1950 . In 1911, the United States Congress authorized funds for the building of a capitol building for the Alaska Territory. Because of World War I, construction was delayed, also there were difficulties purchasing the necessary land. Local citizens of Juneau donated some of the required funds, and construction began on September 8, 1929. Construction of the capitol took less than two years, and the building was dedicated as the Federal and Territorial Building on February 14, 1931. The design of the building was drawn up by Treasury Department architects in the Art Deco architectural style. The building was originally used by the federal government in order to house the federal courthouse and post office. Once Alaska gained statehood in 1959, the building has been used by the state government. The Alaska Governor's Mansion was commissioned under the Public Building Act in 1910. The mansion was designed by James Knox Taylor in the in the old Federal Style. The construction took two years and was completed in 1912. The territorial governor at that time was the first governor to inhabit the mansion, and he held the first open house to the citizens on January 1, 1913. The area of the mansion is 14,400 square feet (1,340 m 2 ). This is where the governor resides when he or she is in Juneau for official business. The mansion contains ten bathrooms, six bedrooms, and eight fireplaces. In June 1923, President Warren G. Harding became the first president to visit Alaska. During his trip, Harding visited the Governor's Mansion while Governor Scott Bone, who was appointed by Harding, was in office. Harding spoke from the porch of the Governor's Mansion explaining his policies and meeting the ordinary people. Robert Atwood, then publisher of the Anchorage Times and an Anchorage 'booster,' was an early leader in capital move efforts—efforts which many in Juneau and Fairbanks resisted. One provision required the new capital to be at least 30 miles (48 km) from Anchorage and Fairbanks, to prevent either city from having undue influence; in the end Juneau remained the capital. In the 1970s, voters passed a plan to move the capital to Willow , a town 70 miles (110 km) north of Anchorage. But pro-Juneau people there and in Fairbanks got voters to also approve a measure (the FRANK Initiative) requiring voter approval of all bondable construction costs before building could begin. Alaskans later voted against spending the estimated $900 million. A 1984 "ultimate" capital-move vote also failed, as did a 1996 vote. Alaskans thus several times voted on moving their capital, but Juneau remains the capital. Once Alaska was granted statehood in 1959, Juneau grew with the growth of state government. Growth accelerated remarkably after the construction of the Alaska Pipeline in 1977, the state budget being flush with oil revenues; Juneau expanded for a time due to growth in state government jobs, but that growth slowed considerably in the 1980s. The state demographer expects the borough to grow very slowly over the next twenty years. Cruise ship tourism rocketed upward from about 230,000 passengers in 1990 to nearly 1,000,000 in 2006 as cruise lines built more and larger ships—even 'mega-ships', sailing to Juneau seven days a week instead of six, over a longer season, but this primarily summer industry provides few year-round jobs. Its population rank in 2000 was second in the state, closely ahead of Fairbanks; recent estimates have Juneau falling back to third, as it was in the 1960 – 90 counts. In 2010, the city was recognized as part of the "Playful City USA" initiative by KaBOOM! created to honor cities that ensure that their children have great places to play. Juneau is larger in area than the state of Delaware and was, for many years, the country's largest city by area. Juneau continues to be the only U.S. state capital located on an international border: it is bordered on the east by Canada. It is the U.S. state capital whose namesake was most recently alive: Joe Juneau died in 1899, a year after Otto von Bismarck ( North Dakota ). Geography According to the United States Census Bureau , the borough has a total area of 3,255.0 square miles (8,430 km 2 ), making it the third-largest municipality in the United States by area (the largest is Yakutat City and Borough, Alaska ). 2,716.7 square miles (7,036 km 2 ) of it is land and 538.3 square miles (1,394 km 2 ) of it (16.54%) is water. Central (downtown) Juneau is located at 58°18′07″N 134°25′11″W  /  58.30194°N 134.41972°W  / 58.30194; -134.41972 . The City and Borough of Juneau includes Douglas Island , a tidal island located to the west of mainland Juneau. Access to and from Douglas Island is made possible by crossing the Juneau-Douglas Bridge . Adjacent boroughs and census areas · Haines Borough, Alaska - northwest, west · Hoonah-Angoon Census Area, Alaska - south, southwest Border area Juneau, Alaska, shares its eastern border with the Canadian province of British Columbia . It is the only U.S. state capital to border another country. Carson City, Nevada and Trenton, New Jersey are the only state capitals which border another state. · Stikine Region, British Columbia - northeast, east Haines Borough Stikine Region, British Columbia , Canada Stikine Region, British Columbia , Canada Haines Borough Stikine Region, British Columbia , Canada Juneau, Alaska Hoonah-Angoon Census Area Hoonah-Angoon Census Area National protected areas · Tongass National Forest (part) o Admiralty Island National Monument (part) § Kootznoowoo Wilderness (part) o Tracy Arm-Fords Terror Wilderness (part) Climate Juneau features a borderline subarctic climate ( Dfc ) that borders both on a humid continental climate ( Dfb ) and a subpolar oceanic climate ( Cfc ). The city has a climate that is milder than its latitude may suggest, due to the influence of the Pacific Ocean. Winters are moist, long but only slightly cold: temperatures drop to 20 °F (−6.7 °C) in January, and highs are frequently above freezing. Spring, summer, and fall are cool to mild, with highs peaking in July at 65 °F (18.3 °C). Snowfall averages 84 inches (213 cm) and occurs chiefly from November to March. Precipitation is adequate year-round, averaging 58.3 inches (1,480 mm) at the airport, but ranging from 55 inches (1,400 mm) to 90 inches (2,290 mm), depending on location. The spring months are the driest while September and October are the wettest. Climate data for Juneau, Alaska ( Juneau Int'l ) Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Average high °F (°C) 30.6 (-0.78) 34.3 (1.28) 39.5 (4.17) 48.2 (9) 55.7 (13.17) 61.6 (16.44) 64.4 (18) 63.2 (17.33) 56.1 (13.39) 46.9 (8.28) 37.6 (3.11) 33.0 (0.56) 47.6 (8.67) Average low °F (°C) 20.7 (-6.28) 23.5 (-4.72) 27.8 (-2.33) 33.4 (0.78) 40.1 (4.5) 46.1 (7.83) 49.2 (9.56) 48.3 (9.06) 43.8 (6.56) 37.7 (3.17) 28.9 (-1.72) 24.4 (-4.22) 35.3 (1.83) Precipitation inches (mm) 4.81 (122.2) 4.02 (102.1) 3.51 (89.2) 2.96 (75.2) 3.48 (88.4) 3.36 (85.3) 4.14 (105.2) 5.37 (136.4) 7.54 (191.5) 8.30 (210.8) 5.43 (137.9) 5.41 (137.4) 58.33 (1,481.6) Snowfall inches (cm) 25.4 (64.5) 16.2 (41.1) 10.1 (25.7) 1.0 (2.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1.1 (2.8) 11.7 (29.7) 18.6 (47.2) 84.1 (213.6) Avg. precipitation days (≥ 0.01 in) 19.4 16.2 18.8 17.5 17.1 15.9 16.7 18.1 21.1 23.9 20.3 20.9 225.9 Avg. snowy days (≥ 0.1 in) 9.8 7.1 5.9 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 .7 4.9 9.3 39.1 Sunshine hours 80.6 90.4 136.4 183.0 232.5 189.0 182.9 161.2 111.0 65.1 60.0 40.3 1,532.4 Source: NOAA, HKO Demographics Historical populations Census Pop. %± 1890 1,253 — 1900 1,864 48.8% 1910 1,644 −11.8% 1920 3,058 86.0% 1930 4,043 32.2% 1940 5,729 41.7% 1950 5,956 4.0% 1960 6,797 14.1% 1970 6,050 −11.0% 1980 19,528 222.8% 1990 26,751 37.0% 2000 30,711 14.8% 2010 31,275 1.8% source: As of the census of 2000, there were 30,700 people, 11,500 households, and 7,600 families residing in the city/borough. The population density was 11.3/square mile (4.4/km²). There were 12,300 housing units at an average density of 4.5 per square mile (1.7/km²). The racial makeup of the city/borough was 74.8% White , 0.8% African American , 11.4% Native American , 4.7% Asian , 0.4% Pacific Islander , and 1.1% from other races , and 6.9% from two or more races. 3.4% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. 15.1% reported speaking Tlingit at home, 5.1% Inupiaq , 2.6% Tagalog , and 2.4% Spanish. There were 11,543 households out of which 36.7% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 51.2% were married couples living together, 10.5% had a female householder with no husband present, and 33.8% were non-families. 24.4% of all households were made up of individuals and 4.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.60 and the average family size was 3.10. In the city/borough the population was spread out with 27.4% under the age of 18, 8.1% from 18 to 24, 32.8% from 25 to 44, 25.7% from 45 to 64, and 6.1% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 35 years. For every 100 females, there were 101.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.2 males. The median income for a household in the city/borough was $62,034, and the median income for a family was $70,284. Males had a median income of $46,744 versus $33,168 for females. The per capita income for the city/borough was $26,719. 6.0% of the population and 3.7% of families were below the poverty line , including 6.7% of those under the age of 18 and 3.9% of those 65 and older. Economy This section needs additional citations for verification . Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed . (July 2010) Fourth Street downtown, looking east from in front of the Alaska State Capitol . As the capital of Alaska, the primary employer in Juneau, by a large margin, is government. This includes the federal government, state government, municipal government (which includes the local airport, hospital, harbors, and school district), as well as the University of Alaska Southeast . State government offices and their indirect economic impact compose approximately one-quarter of Juneau's economy. Another large contributor to the local economy, at least on a part-time basis, is the tourism industry. In 2005, the cruise ship industry was estimated to bring nearly one million visitors to Juneau for up to 11 hours at a time, between the months of May and September. The fishing industry is still a major part of the Juneau economy, while not the dominant player back in the days of the halibut schooner fleet. Juneau was recently the 49th most lucrative U.S. fisheries port by volume and 45th by value taking in 15 million pounds of fish and shellfish valued at 21.5 million dollars in 2004 according to the National Marine Fisheries Service . While the port of Juneau does comparatively little seafood processing to towns of this size in Alaska, there are hundreds of commercial fishing boats who sell their fish to plants in nearby Sitka, Hoonah, Petersburg and Ketchikan. The largest fleets operating from Juneau are the gillnet and troll salmon fleets. Juneau is also the home to many of the commercial fishing associations in Alaska, including the Alaska Trollers Association, United Fishermen of Alaska, United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters Association and the Southeast Alaska Seiners Association. Real estate agencies, federally-funded highway construction, and mining are apparently still viable non-government local industries. Juneau's only power utility is Alaska Electric Light Power (AELP). Most of the electricity in the borough is generated at the Snettisham Hydroelectric facility in the southern end of the borough, accessible only by boat or plane. In April 2008, an avalanche destroyed three transmission towers, forcing AELP to generate almost all of the borough's electricity with diesel-powered generators. Eaglecrest Ski Area is operated from late November through April each year and offers world class downhill skiing. While there are only 4 chairlifts, the terrain is fantastic, the lift lines are short and when there is a shortage of snow in the Cascades or the Rockies, one can find wealthy west coast skiiers migrating north to enjoy the slopes of Eaglecrest on Douglas Island, a mere 15 minute drive from downtown Juneau. Wings of Alaska , an airline, has its headquarters in Juneau. Culture A salmon-themed stained glass window in the Juneau Public Library illustrates some of the city's heritage. Juneau is home to Perseverance Theatre , Alaska's only professional theater. The city hosts the annual Alaska Folk Festival and Juneau Jazz Classics music festivals, and the biennial Celebration . The Juneau Symphony performs regularly. Downtown Juneau boasts dozens of art galleries, which participate in the monthly First Friday Gallery Walk and the enormously popular December Gallery Walk held in the first week of December. The Juneau Arts Humanities Council coordinates events while fund-raising, distributing some grant money, and operating a gallery at its office in the Juneau Arts Culture Center, 350 Whittier Street. On summer Friday evenings open-air music and dance performances are held at Marine Park. The University of Alaska Southeast Campus also offers lectures, concerts, and theater performances. The Juneau Lyric Opera and Opera to Go are the two local opera companies. JLO produces operas in English and Italian and sponsors two annual choral workshop festivals, as well as the touring group the "3 Tenors from Juneau." Some Juneau artists include violinists Linda and Paul Rosenthal , soprano Kathleen Wayne, bass John d'Armand, baritones Philippe Damerval and David Miller, tenors Jay Query, Brett Crawford and Dan Wayne, Rory Merritt Stitt, pianist Mary Watson, folk musician Buddy Tabor, playwright Robert Bruce "Bo" Anderson , and painters Rie Muoz , David Woodie, Barbara Craver, Rob Roys , Elise Tomlinson , and Herb Bonnet. Alaska Native carver and painter James Schoppert . Photographer Ron Klein is a past president of the International Association of Panoramic Photographers. Government Main article: List of mayors of Juneau, Alaska Juneau City Hall. Alaska State Capitol Two districts have been defined by the Assembly of the City and Borough of Juneau : · District 1 precinct o Downtown Juneau o Salmon Creek o Lemon Creek o Switzer Creek o Juneau International Airport o Douglas Island · District 2 precincts o Mendenhall Valley o Auke Bay o Fritz Cove o Lynn Canal o Tee Harbor Presidential Election Results for the City and Borough of Juneau 2004-2008 Year Democrat Republican 2008 64.4% 32.4% 2004 59.2% 37.3% Education Primary and secondary schools Juneau is served by the Juneau School District and includes the following schools: · Gastineau Elementary School · Harborview Elementary School · Riverbend Elementary School · Mendenhall River Elementary School · Glacier Valley Elementary School · Auke Bay Elementary School · Juneau Community Charter School · Montessori Borealis School · Dzantik'i Heeni Middle School · Floyd Dryden Middle School · Juneau-Douglas High School · Thunder Mountain High School · Yaaḵoosgé Daakahídi Alternative High School · HomeBRIDGE ( homeschooling program) In addition, the following private schools also serve Juneau: · (Glacier) Valley Baptist Academy · Faith Community School · Thunder Mountain Learning Center (Formerly Thunder Mountain Academy) · Juneau Seventh-day Adventist Christian School · Juneau Montessori School Colleges and universities Juneau is the home of the following institutes of higher education: · University of Alaska Southeast The University of Alaska Southeast is located within the Auke Bay community right along the Auke Lake. The Juneau-Douglas Community College, founded in 1956, and the Southeastern Senior College, established in 1972, were merged in 1980 forming the University of Alaska Juneau. The University was restructured as the University of Alaska Southeast to include the Ketchikan and Sitka campuses. The university offers both degrees and undergraduate and graduate studies. The University of Alaska Southeast is known for its research in regards to the Tongass National Forest and the Juneau Icefield. Transportation AMHS's flagship, the M/V Columbia . Juneau is a popular cruise ship destination. Alaska Airlines flight moments after landing at Juneau International Airport . The Juneau-Douglas Bridge , connecting mainland Juneau with Douglas Island . The original bridge was built in 1935. The bridge shown here, which replaced the original, was completed in 1980. Juneau in the winter Sea Juneau is accessible only by sea or air. Cars and trucks are transported to and from Juneau by barge or ferry . The State-owned ferry is called the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS). Juneau is one of only five state capitals not served by an interstate highway . (Others are Dover, Delaware ; Jefferson City, Missouri ; Carson City, Nevada ; and Pierre, South Dakota .) Local government operates a bus service under the name Capital Transit . There are also several taxicab companies, and tour buses used mainly for cruise ship visitors. Air Juneau International Airport serves the city borough of Juneau. Alaska Airlines is as of 2009 the sole commercial jet passenger operator. MarkAir and Western Airlines and its successor, Delta previously served Juneau. Alaska Airlines provides service to Anchorage and Sitka as well as to many small communities in the state. Seattle is a common destination for Juneau residents. Wings of Alaska , Alaska Seaplanes, and Air Excursions offer scheduled flights on smaller aircraft to villages in Southeast Alaska. Some air carriers provide U.S. mail service . · List of airports in the City and Borough of Juneau Roads Avalanche hazards, steep slopes, cold weather and environmental protection concerns are factors that make road construction and maintenance difficult and costly. The Juneau-Douglas Bridge connects Juneau mainland with Douglas Island . Mendenhall Glacier A very popular destination is Mendenhall Glacier . A bridge connects Douglas Island with the rest of Juneau, and there are about five places where roads end. Float planes and helicopters offer glacier tours in summer. Dog sled rides are often given to tourists landing on the glaciers or ice caps. Other companies offer boat rides. One of the signature places in Juneau is The Mount Roberts Tramway , an aerial tramway stretching from a station on the cruise ship docks to a point on the southwestern ridge of Mount Roberts . Juneau Access Project Juneau's roads remain separate from other roads in Alaska and in the Lower 48 . Currently, fast car ferries connect Juneau with Haines and Skagway. There are plans to connect Juneau to Haines and Skagway by road, but the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities announced in 2005 that the connection was to be provided partly by road, and partly by fast ferry. A 51-mile (82 km) road would be built on east side of Lynn Canal to a new ferry terminal at the Katzehin River estuary. A ferry would take cars from the terminal to Haines and Skagway, where the cars could then drive to the rest of North America. In 2006, the project was estimated to cost $258 million, and in 2007, the estimate was increased to $350 million. The Western Federal Lands Center estimates the project will cost $491 million. As of 2009, $25 million has been spent on the project. Local opinions on constructing a road link to the outside world are mixed. Some residents see such a road as a much-needed link between Juneau and the rest of the world which will also provide great economic benefits to the city, while many other residents are concerned about environmental and social impacts. Walking, Hiking, and Biking Residents walk, hike, or ride bicycles recreationally. A study has been conducted to make Juneau a more walkable area. The downtown area of Juneau has great sidewalks and the neighborhoods on the hill above downtown are easily accessible. Media · Print Juneau's only daily newspaper, the Juneau Empire , is published Sunday through Friday, no Saturday edition. There is also a regional weekly newspaper, the Capital City Weekly . Juneau-Douglas High School has The Ego and the Alterego , a monthly magazine, and the University of Alaska Southeast has The Whalesong , a college newspaper. · Radio o AM: KJNO 630, KINY 800 o FM: KTKU 105.1, KSUP 106.3, and LPFM station KBJZ-LP 94.1. o Public Radio: KTOO 104.3, KXLL "Excellent Radio" 100.7 and KRNN "Rain Country Radio" 102.7 (all 3 operated by KTOO). Additionally, the studios of CoastAlaska (a regional public radio station consortium), are located in Juneau. AP (the Associated Press), Anchorage news outlets, and other Alaska media entities, send reporters to Juneau during the annual Legislative session. · Television Juneau's major television affiliates are; KTOO ( PBS ), KATH-LP ( NBC ), and KJUD ( ABC )/ The CW on DT2. Fox and MyNetworkTV are only available on cable via their Anchorage affiliates. The Juneau-Douglas High School also has a program with KTOO, airing one hour a week during the school year, produced entirely by students. Sister cities Juneau has 5 official sister cities . · Camiling , Philippines · Whitehorse, Yukon , Canada · Chiayi , Taiwan , Republic of China · Vladivostok , Russia · Mishan , Heilongjiang Province , People's Republic of China See also Alaska portal · Adair-Kennedy Memorial Park · Auke Bay, Alaska · Douglas, Alaska · Evergreen Cemetery · National Register of Historic Places listings in Juneau, Alaska · Out the road (Juneau) , a region of Juneau · Thane, Alaska Notes 1. ^ a b "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places in Alaska, Listed Alphabetically: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008" ( CSV ). 2008 Population Estimates . U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division. July 1, 2009 . http://www.census.gov/popest/cities/tables/SUB-EST2008-04-02.csv . Retrieved July 27, 2009 . 2. ^ Vancouver, George, and John Vancouver (1801; vols. I-VI). A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific ocean, and round the world . London: J. Stockdale . http://books.google.com/?id=qwol8bPaYxsCprintsec=frontcover#v=onepageqf=false . 3. ^ http://www.gov.state.ak.us/ltgov/elections/capmove.htm 4. ^ "CensusScope – Population Growth" . http://www.censusscope.org/us/s2/c110/chart_popl.html . Retrieved November 15, 2005 . 5. ^ "Juneau's future demographic: Growing older" . JuneauAlaska.com . http://juneaualaska.com/history/history_demograph.shtml . Retrieved 2005-11-15 . 6. ^ Juneau Named ‘Playful’ City, Only Honoree in Alaska . Juneau Empire , September 3, 2010. Retrieved 2010-11-15. 7. ^ "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990" . United States Census Bureau . 2011-02-12 . http://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/gazette.html . Retrieved 2011-04-23 . 8. ^ Weather - Tongass National Forest 9. ^ "Climatography of the United States No. 20 1971-2000: JUNEAU INTL AP, AK" (PDF). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . http://cdo.ncdc.noaa.gov/climatenormals/clim20/ak/504100.pdf . Retrieved 2010-05-21 . 10. ^ "Climatological Normals of Juneau" . Hong Kong Observatory . http://www.weather.gov.hk/wxinfo/climat/world/eng/n_america/us/Juneau_e.htm . Retrieved 2010-05-21 . 11. ^ Moffatt, Riley. Population History of Western U.S. Cities Towns, 1850-1990 . Lanham : Scarecrow, 1996, 4. 12. ^ "American FactFinder" . United States Census Bureau . http://factfinder.census.gov . Retrieved 2008-01-31 . 13. ^ Language Map Data Center 14. ^ The Associated Press. "Alaska capital move would devastate Juneau economy" , Fairbanks Daily News-Miner . April 19, 2009. Accessed August 2, 2009. 15. ^ "Cruise outlook for 2005 shows growth" . http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/041005/loc_20050410003.shtml . Retrieved November 15, 2005 . 16. ^ " Contact Us ." Wings of Alaska. Retrieved on July 18, 2010. 17. ^ "2008 Presidential Election Results by House District in Alaska". USA Election Atlas http://uselectionatlas.org/FORUM/index.php?topic=88046.0 . Retrieved 05 July 2010 18. ^ http://www.jsd.k12.ak.us/newdistrict/schools/ Schools in the Juneau School District 19. ^ a b c d e f Connelly, Joel (July 10, 2009). "Tab for Alaska road: $445 million" . Seattle Post-Intelligencer . http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/archives/173475.asp . 20. ^ Press release of August 10, 2005: http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/081105/sta_20050811017.shtml 21. ^ Sister Cities from the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska website. References http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneau,_Alaska
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|6939 次阅读|0 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star上的墨西哥风味餐
黄安年 2011-10-11 09:24
Cruise Norwegian Star上的墨西哥风味餐
Cruise Norwegian Star 上的墨西哥风味餐 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 10 月 10 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 8 月 22 日晚 , 我们在乘坐的前往阿拉斯加游轮 Cruise Norwegian Star 上品尝了一顿墨西哥风味餐, 按照规定在六夜晚餐中有四次是免费的供应的, 游客可以根据自己的爱好提前预订或者视情况入座。 照片 15 张是笔者即时拍摄的。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3207 次阅读|0 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star离开凯奇坎港口时的部分照片
热度 1 黄安年 2011-9-24 22:40
Cruise Norwegian Star离开凯奇坎港口时的部分照片
Cruise Norwegian Star 离开 凯奇坎港口时的部分照片 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 24 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 8 月 22 日 7:00AM—3 : 00PM, Cruise Norwegian Star 停泊在 Ketchikan, Alaska, 连续下雨严重影响了我们在 凯奇坎的旅游 ,12 时左右已经回到了船上 ,3 : 00PM 准时离船。 这是我们的游轮离港时拍摄的照片 5 张。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|2446 次阅读|0 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star停泊在凯奇坎港口掠影
黄安年 2011-9-22 21:04
Cruise Norwegian Star停泊在凯奇坎港口掠影
Cruise Norwegian Star 停泊在 凯奇坎港口掠影 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 22 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 8 月 22 日 7:00AM, Cruise Norwegian Star 已经停泊在 Ketchikan, Alaska, 这是我们的游轮停泊时在游轮上拍摄的照片 14 张。 另附 **************** 阿拉斯加凯奇坎市容掠影(一) ( 二 ) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 21 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 Seattle Cruise Norwegian Star8 月 20-27 日游 , 实际上仅仅沿着美加内海水道经 Ketchikan ( 22 日 7 : 00AM 抵达, 3 : 00PM 离开)、 Juneau ( 23 日 7 : 00AM 抵达, 1 : 30PM 离开)、 Skagway ( 24 日 7 : 00AM 抵达, 5 : 00PM 离开)。紧靠加拿大边境。位于阿拉斯加西南的阿拉斯加湾的内海水道上 , 正是由于实际上大部分时间没有在太平洋面上航行, 所以总体说来是风平浪静的。 20-22 日晨的由 Seattle 到 Ketchikan 这段航行走的是经温哥华内海水道还是外海水道(即太平洋沿岸)不是很清楚, 从感受上有一段是在洋面上航行,避开了温哥华内海。 22 日 7 : 00AM, 我们的游轮正点在 Ketchikan 停泊, 天空下着雨, 对我们的旅游很不利, 不过还是冒雨在不大的 Ketchikan 港散步和观光, 寻找新的感受。 Ketchikan2010 年人口不到 8000 人( it is the fifth most populous city in the state ),旅游业和渔业是主要支柱之一 , Ketchikan 文化则是吸引人的地方,显示文化多样性和延续性。 is known as the " Salmon Capital of the World." 20-21 日航行是时线路属于太平洋时区,而 22 日凌晨时分航行线路属于阿拉斯加时区,我们的时针需要拨慢一个小时。 照片(一) 27 张 , (二) 13 张 , 是即时拍摄的。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=415do=blogid=488950
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3228 次阅读|0 个评论
Cruise Norwegian Star西雅图--阿拉斯加游启航前后留影
热度 2 黄安年 2011-9-16 20:33
Cruise Norwegian Star西雅图--阿拉斯加游启航前后留影
Cruise Norwegian Star 西雅图 -- 阿拉斯加游启航前后留影 黄安年文 黄安年的博文 /2011 年 9 月 16 日发布 2011 年 8 月 20 日 4:00PM, Cruise Norwegian Star 西雅图 -- 阿拉斯加七日六夜游正式启航 , 开航前 , 我们在游轮停泊码头拍照留念 , 登船后又留下了最初的一瞬间。照片 6 张是即时拍摄的。全家合影的照片需登陆家庭网站, 科学网博客联结。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3113 次阅读|2 个评论
Norwegian Cruise Line.迟到的赴加签证通知
黄安年 2011-9-14 20:40
Norwegian Cruise Line.迟到的赴加签证通知 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 14 日发布 早在今年三、四月间 , 我们就酝酿了 8 月的阿拉斯加游轮行 , 规划了西雅图 -- 阿拉斯加行的大洋两岸的会师路线。我们带由美国来北京过暑假的大外孙到西雅图 , 在美国的女儿等三人则由纽约来西雅图会师 , 然后全家三代 6 人一起游轮阿拉斯加往返 , 再返回美东 Danbury, CT 家中。这次 6 人汇合一起机会难得 , 我们两人已经都是 75 岁的人了 , 多次来美国 , 还去过其他国家。在规划阿拉斯加游时考虑到是在温哥华出发还是西雅图出发? 我们一致以为既然两地飞行时间差不多 , 在西雅图也有朋友可以协助,而从温哥华出发需要办理加拿大签证。我们仅仅是游阿拉斯加,那是美国的领土 , 何必多加一次加拿大签证呢 ? 这个决定使得我们从一开始就忽略了在西雅图乘坐游轮是否需要办理加拿大签证这个重要问题。 如果一开始就十分清楚知道乘坐游轮游阿拉斯加必须持有加拿大入境签证的中国大陆非绿卡持有者护照, 那么在北京是有几个月的时间来办理的。早在 5 月 10 日我们已经获得美国驻华大使馆的签证 , 同时也预订了 8 月 19 日由北京飞往西雅图和由西雅图出发的游轮票。我们看到了购买游轮票的一些具体规定 , 但是这些规定并没有在极其醒目的位置突出强调凡是登陆游轮的游客必须持有加拿大的签证许可 ( 持有加拿大护照和美国护照及中国台湾地区护照,大陆中国持有绿卡者免签 ) , 没有说明如果不取得签证是不能购买游轮票的。 遗憾的是游轮公司在这方面采取了先购票再到临上船前一周时间通知的做法,这种做法加上我们自身的忽略造成我们错失良机。当我们在 8 月 12 日确切知道如果不签证根本上不了游轮时,这才意识到必须赶紧准备办好签证 , 但是在时间已经来不及了。在北京,加拿大使馆即使材料齐备 , 当日签证也需要 3-5 个工作日 , 而星期六日是不办公的, 12 日获悉必须签证, 19 日飞往西雅图是不可能取得签证护照的 , 如果护照押在加拿大使馆, 那么我们 19 日也乘坐不了飞机 ; 在西雅图即使 19 日加拿大领事馆同意签证,这天星期五 , 要到下周一才取 , 时间是 21 日 , 而我们游轮是 20 日开航而这天是星期六。于是几经考虑临时决定我们将飞机票改为 17 日抵达西雅图 , 并且按照使馆要求提供各种申请资料, 终于在 17 日如愿以偿,并在 18 日取得签证许可护照,解决了阿拉斯加游成行难题。 从我们来说 , 这次的教训是办事不能够想当然, 还是要仔细研究各种信息和最新文件,但就游轮公司方面来说不能只顾收钱 , 不提供最重要的信息服务 , 如果一开始在购票是就强调办理加拿大入境签证并且在开船前二三周再次强调, 那么本来这些尴尬事情是完全可以避免的。 附游轮公司信件: Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 22:36:01 -0400 Dear Valued Guest, Thank you for choosing Norwegian Cruise Line for your cruise vacation. We are thrilled you've chosen to sail with us and can't wait to welcome you aboard. As your ship will be calling to a Canadian port, we have important visa and passport requirements for your sailing. US citizens may sail with either a valid passport or original proof of US citizenship. Non-US citizens must present their passport and applicable visas. Due to strict Canadian entry requirements, citizens from certain countries require a valid Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) in order to sail. If you are not a U.S. Citizen/Resident or Canadian Citizen/Resident, please check the following Web site http://www.cic.gc.ca to check if your nationality requires a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). Guests belonging to nationalities that require a TRV will not be allowed to sail if they do not possess this visa. For more information on Norwegian’s documentation requirements, please visit to www.ncl.com/traveldocs . Again, thank you for choosing Norwegian Cruise Line. Captain Svein Sleipnes Senior Vice President, Marine Operations ******************* Cruise ship passengers, take note It should be noted that if you are on a cruise ship which departs from the United States and enters international waters, you will need to either obtain a multiple-entry visa or apply for a new visa to re-enter Canada. Please note that Canadian immigration and visa services are only provided by our offices in Buffalo, Detroit, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. Find out where to apply . 2011-8-14 21:29:56
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Seattle Cruise Norwegian离船登陆Seattle
黄安年 2011-9-7 23:23
Seattle Cruise Norwegian离船登陆Seattle
Seattle Cruise Norwegian 离船登陆 Seattle 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 7 日发布 8 月 20-27 日的 Seattle--Alaska Cruise Norwegian 七人行在 27 日上午八时结束 , 游客需要离船登陆 Seattle 各奔东西南北。离船涉及行李自带还是工作人员负责送到指定地点的服务(免费),如果需要服务则将行李分别不同时间挂上不同颜色的标签放在房间门口,会有服务员专门送到离船口的行李处,再取取行李离船的。我们一行 6 人中的三人,需赶上午 11 时左右的一架飞机经芝加哥回纽约(一早才知道东海岸因飓风航班被取消),所以选择自带行李离船。离船登陆 Seattle 手续比登船要简便得多 , 只需要出示房卡及护照签证就可以通过放行。 这里拍摄的照片 13 张 , 是离船前拍摄的离船通道和岸边情景。
个人分类: 美国纪行见闻(09-11)|3263 次阅读|0 个评论

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