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Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 91-110
livingfossil 2013-10-10 04:00
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 91-110 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 91 sps91科学网— 英国古植物学的传承(6)_ 名家Sir Peter Crane.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 92 sps92科学网— H. P. Banks:《比较形态学与古植物学的崛起》.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 93 sps93科学网—美国古植物学研究力量的分布格局.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 94 sps94科学网— 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之一).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 95 sps95科学网— 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之二).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series96 sps96科学网—美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之三).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 97 sps97科学网— 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之四).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 98 sps98科学网— 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之五).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 99 sps99科学网—传奇古植物学家A. C. Noé与煤核在美国的重大发现(+ZT).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 100 sps100科学网—“古植物学家的古植物学家”--H. D. MacGinitie.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 101 sps101科学网—G. R. Wieland.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 102 sps102科学网—一篇未写完的《古植物学的故事》.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 103 sps103科学网—一份没写完的国家自然科学基金申请书.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 104 sps104科学网—更正一帧历史性照片的拍摄时间.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 105 sps105科学网— 著名古植物学家李星学院士(1917--2010)生前实话实说.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series106 sps106科学网—丁文江:中国古植物学的探路者.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 107 sps107科学网—周赞衡:中国最早研究古植物学的学者.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 108 sps108科学网—斯行健_中国古植物学之父.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 109 sps109科学网—杰出石油地质学家潘钟祥的古植物学贡献.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 110 sps110科学网—胡先骕:从现代植物分类学走向“古植物分类学”.pdf ================ Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
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Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 111-130
livingfossil 2013-10-10 03:37
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 111-130 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 111 sps111科学网—徐仁(1910--1992)_为了建立中国古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 112 sps112科学网—一代名师张景钺与古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 113 sps113科学网—李星学:促进中国古植物学全面兴起.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 114 sps114科学网—不该遗忘的涉猎中国古植物学早期研究的地质学家.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 115 sps115科学网—历史因细节而生动_一套没有出版的古植物学文献目录.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series116 sps116科学网—美国科学院院士、植物形态学家John Merle Coulter(1851--1928).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 117 sps117科学网—植物形态学与胚胎学名师C. J. Chamberlain.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 118 sps118科学网—植物形态学与胚胎学的状元老师J. T. Buchholz和他的状元学生.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 119 sps119科学网—印度首任总理尼赫鲁与古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 120 sps120科学网—再读引发“胡先骕事件”的《植物分类学简编》.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 121 sps121科学网—当过“报童”的美国科学院院士David L. Dilcher教授.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 122 sps122科学网—美国科学院院士、木材解剖学家I. W. Bailey.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 123 sps123科学网—古植物学名师Theodore Delevoryas(1929--).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 124 sps124科学网—美国科学院院士、古植物学家T. N. Taylor.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 125 sps125科学网—美国科学院院士、哈佛大学古植物学家E. S. Barghoorn Jr..pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series126 sps126科学网—高产专著的古植物学家D. I. Axelrod - 孙启高的博文.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 127 sps127科学网—没有博士学位的哈佛古植物学家W.C. Darrah.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 128 sps128科学网—堪称劳模的美国古植物学家S. R. Manchester.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 129 sps129科学网—Fancis M. Hueber与巨型蘑菇化石Prototaxites.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 130 sps130科学网—美国华裔古植物学家刘裕生 .pdf =============================== Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|2508 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 131-150
livingfossil 2013-10-10 01:29
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 131-150 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 131 sps131科学网—美国联邦和各州地质调查局(勘探局)与古植物学研究.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 132 sps132科学网—中国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学未来.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 133 sps133科学网—美国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学崛起.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 134 sps134科学网—专业精神的榜样_耶鲁古植物学家L. J. Hickey.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 135 sps135科学网—《古植物学简史与我们的使命》出版信息、内容简介与目录.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series136 sps136科学网—《古植物学简史与我们的使命》自序.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 137 sps137科学网—中国植物学会古植物学分会各届理事会组成名单.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 138 sps138科学网—中国古生物学会古植物学分会各届理事会组成名单.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 139 sps139科学网—纪念中国古植物学家厉宝贤先生(1935--1993).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 140 sps140科学网—纪念中国古植物学家陈晔先生(1935--1994).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 141 sps141科学网—纪念中国古植物学家李中明博士(1945--1995).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 142 sps142科学网—纪念中国古植物学家陈明洪先生(1937--2002).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 143 sps143科学网—纪念中国古植物学家田宝霖教授(1929—2008).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 144 sps144科学网—纪念中国古植物学家陈芬教授(1930--2011).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 145 sps145科学网—关于古植物学研究的生物学思想认识.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series146 sps146科学网—古植物学因思想而崛起.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 147 sps147科学网—中国国家自然历史博物馆势在必建.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 148 sps148科学网—全面建设中国古植物学研究的国家体系.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 149 sps149科学网—中国古植物学人才培养的历史透视.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 150 sps150科学网—开展主动型的国际合作推动中国古植物学全面崛起.pdf ================== Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|2607 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 151-160
livingfossil 2013-10-10 01:14
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 151-160 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 151 sps151科学网—教科书像母乳---简谈徐仁院士未完成的《古植物学导论》.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 152 sps152科学网—中国国家自然历史博物馆在哪里?.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 153 sps153科学网—李希霍芬(1833--1905)与中国早期的古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 154 sps154科学网—古植物学家徐仁院士对斯文•赫定的印象.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 155 sps155科学网—博物馆与古植物学(5)_中国国家自然历史博物馆有什么用?.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series156 sps156科学网—“瑞典模式”:瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆与古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 157 sps157科学网—“美国模式”:耶鲁大学Peabody自然历史博物馆与古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 158 sps158科学网—“印度模式”:古植物学研究所+博物馆(标本馆).pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 159 sps159科学网—《古生物化石保护条例》与古植物学.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 160 sps160科学网—瑞典皇家科学院古植物学院士与外籍院士.pdf ============= Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|1122 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser.161-170
livingfossil 2013-10-3 04:25
Achive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 161-170 Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.161): Historical perspective of Sino-American palaeobotanical communications http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1i d=571389 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-161.pdf Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.162): Members of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1652 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=575639 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-162.pdf Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.163): Members , foreign members and corresponding members of the French Academy of Sciences pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1666 http://bb s.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=577641 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-163.pdf Story of Palaeobotany Series(No.164): A working list of members, correspondent members,foreign members and honorary members of the Russian Academy of Sciences pertaining to the palaeobotanical studies since 1724 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=580849 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-164-Palaeobotany fellow of Russ A S.pdf The Story of PalaeobotanySeries (No. 165) A list of founding fellow,Indian fellows and foreign fellow of the India National Science Academy (INSA)pertaining to palaeobotanical studies ht tp://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=582584 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-582584.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-165-Palaeobotany fellow Inian.pdf The Story of Palaeobotany Series (No. 166) 【如何推 动 中国古植物学全面崛起 ?( 之十五 ) 】 How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XV) 古植物学的未来在中国 ------ 发 展中国古植物学的欧美 标 准 China is embracing the future of palaeobotany -----About some European –American standards for the development of Chinese palaeobotany http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickfo rward=1id=585485 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-585485.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-166-standards.pdf Story of Palaeobotany Series (167): How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part XVII) Distinguished palaeobotanist Wilson Nichols Stewart ( 1917--2004 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=589618 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-589618.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-167-Wilson Sterart.pdf 树 倒猢 狲 散与古植物学灾 难 ---- 博物 馆 ( 标 本 馆 )之研究平台 对 古植物学的重要性 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.168): How to promotethe rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XVI) Palaeobotanical catastrophes like rats abandoning a sinking ship ----Museums or herbarium as important facility for palaeobotanical studies. http ://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=591579 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-591579.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-168-facility.pdf 美国古植物学是如何崛起的? ( 之十八 ) 美国古植物学家 John Hobart Hoskins ( 1896---1957 ) Storyof Palaeobotany Series (169): How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part XVIII) Distinguished palaeobotanist John Hobart Hoskins ( 1896---1957 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=591902 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-591902.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-169-John Hoskins.pdf 美国当代古植物学家(之十) 美国地 质 学家和古植物学家 Aureal Theophilus Cross (1916--) Story of Palaeobotany Series (169) Modern American palaeobotanist (Part X) American geologist and palaeobotanist—Aureal Theophilus Cross (1916--) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=592125 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-592125.html Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-170-A T Cross.pdf =============== Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
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Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 171-180
livingfossil 2013-9-30 03:24
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 171-180 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-171-NMNHC.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-172.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-173-Zhu Weiqing-final.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeotoanty Ser-174-Mi Jiarong.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeotoany Ser-175-Shen Guanglong.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-176.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-177.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-178.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-179.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-180.pdf =============== Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|1861 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 181-193
livingfossil 2013-9-30 02:42
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 181-193 Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-181.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-182.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-183.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-184.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-185.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-186.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-187.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-188.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-189-.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-190-ABC-paleo.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-191.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-192.pdf Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser-193.pdf ================ Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|2466 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 194-195
livingfossil 2013-9-19 04:45
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 194-195 古植物学的故事( 194 期) 古植物学悲剧与奢望 (1) :科学家的信念高于天 ---- 中国的垃圾古植物学之典范 ( 中文版 ) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.194) Palaeobotanical Tragedies and Audacious Hopes (1) A Role Model of China ’ s Rubbish Palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=668540 2013-3-900:49 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-668540.html archive of story of palaeobotany ser-194.pdf --------------------- 古植物学的故事( 195 期) 古植物学悲剧与奢望 (2) :一位中国学术界底层同事的心里话 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.195) Palaeobotanical Tragedies and Audacious Hopes (2) My Chinese colleague at the bottom of academic ladder spoke his mind http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=679701 2013-4-13 04:27 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-679701.html archive of story of palaeobotany ser-195.pdf ============== Refer to the following catalogue: The Bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to 199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|2256 次阅读|0 个评论
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Ser. 196-199
livingfossil 2013-9-19 04:24
Archive of Story of Palaeobotany Series 196-199 古植物学的故事( 196 ): 古植物学博士:毕业就业愁断肠,改行改志放眼量 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.196) Chinese palaeobotany students with lots of worry for study and jobs (in Chinese) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-686785.html archive of story of-palaeobotany-ser-196.pdf ----------- 古植物学的故事 ( 第 197 期 ) 《英国专辑》 ( 补充之一 ) 我所认识的第一位英国古植物学家 -- Dianne Edwards ( FRS, 1942-- ) Story of Palaeobotany Series (197) Dianne Edwards (FRS, 1942--), the first British palaeobotanist I have known (The 1 st Addendum to the Special Issue for British Palaeobotany) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-691304.html archive of story of palaeobotany ser-197.pdf -------- 古植物学的故事(第 198 期) 关于中国的古植物学术社团(之九) 中国植物学会古植物学分会怎么办? Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.198) Palaeobotanical community in China Two state-run palaeobotanical associations in China (partIX) Where is the Palaeobotanical Association of Botanical Society of China (BSC) going next? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-697567.html archive of story of palaeobotany ser-198.pdf ----- 古植物学的故事 199 期 以古植物学为例谈建立中国国家自然历史博物馆的必要性与紧迫性(提纲) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-702778.html Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.199) How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XVIII) Palaeobotany is employed to illustrate the necessity and urgency of establishing the National Museum of Natural History of China (NMNHC) archive of story of palaeobotany ser-199.pdf ================ Refer to the catalogue: The bilingual Catalogue of the Story of Paeobotany Series (Issues 0 to199) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-708772.html 2013-7-1707:27
个人分类: 《古植物学的故事》档案Archive of SPS|2568 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Pure Dance, Pure Finale
livingfossil 2013-1-29 23:52
Pure Dance, Pure Finale By ALASTAIR MACAULAY Published: January 25, 2013 http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/27/arts/dance/trisha-browns-long-career-and-last-dances.html?pagewanted=all_r=0 THE CHOREOGRAPHER TRISHA BROWN has made dances worth arguing about for more than 50 years, and for at least 30 years her dances have been loved across the world. Many of today’s best-known choreographers — including David Gordon, Mark Morris and Stephen Petronio — have cited her influence, whether for the poetic fluidity of her movement or for the steely, analytical methods of her choreographic structures. A pioneer of the pure-dance experimentalists of the 1960s and ’70s, she challenged and changed the way we define dance performance. Between the ’80s and this century’s first decade her collaborators included Robert Rauschenberg and Laurie Anderson, Mikhail Baryshnikov and Simon Keenlyside. And for decades she was a superlative dancer herself, a disarmingly witty artist of exceptional coordination and dexterity. Yet in December Ms. Brown announced that her next two dances would be her last. Though this news wasn’t a total surprise — she is 76 — it nonetheless brought a complex sense of loss. This week those final works have their premieres at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, alongside revivals of some of her most beloved dances. What is it like — for her, for her colleagues, for us — to address the end of such a career? How do we react when a beloved artist (as Philip Roth recently did with fiction) says this is the end? Only about a year ago farewells were paid to the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, another vital force in modern dance. Now comes this. Cunningham and Ms. Brown, both from Washington State , were friends. Ms. Brown studied with Cunningham, absorbed his influence, rejected aspects of it and maintained great admiration for him and his work. Among the world’s foremost dance makers these two led the field in terms of pure-dance movement inventiveness. From the first she accepted some of the radical characteristics of his dance theater (movement for its own sake, independent of music and design) and discarded others (a codified dance technique with academic virtuosity). Now both those chapters are completed. To follow Ms. Brown’s chapter has been a mind-opening adventure. Each decade has opened a new stage in her creative journey. At all times, though, she’s been a figure of intriguing contradictions. One half of her dance brain has applied itself scientifically to process and experiment. (What if this trio consisted of one person standing still and the other two moving in different degrees of slow motion? What if this solo showed two or more quite separate activities in one person?) As a result of such schematic inquiry, ideas about the connections of space and time in many of her dances have seemed to reflect the perceptions of modern physics. Her dance brain’s other half, however, has given itself up to the sensuousness of movement. Often she made dance phrases out of ripple-effect chain reactions passing along the limbs and body. A knee-pull led to a wave traveling up the spine, which led to the lift of an arm into an outward gesture, which would suddenly be adjusted by the hitching of an elbow. A tic became a shimmy became a shrug became a push. So much dance is about academic rigor and outstretched lines, but Ms. Brown once wryly described her dance style as “the line of least resistance.” Her own brilliant, idiosyncratic gifts as a dancer were long a crucial part of her work. True, other important dancers — Mr. Baryshnikov and Mr. Petronio above all — have performed her work beautifully. True, some other companies have mastered individual Brown works with distinction. Even so, more than with most performer-choreographers, you didn’t see all that her work could be if you missed her in it. She took the everyday movement of our pedestrian lives and gave it back to us new. Ms. Brown moved to New York in 1961. The next year she became a founding member of the avant-garde Judson Dance Theater group, with which she made dances that eliminated bravura, academic technique, acting and musicality, which were the hallmarks of modern dance developed by Martha Graham and others. She went on in 1970 as a founder of another experimental collective, Grand Union, and that year she also founded the Trisha Brown Dance Company. Working in unconventional spaces and without music was, in those years, her basic condition. When you study the history of what is now called postmodern dance (easier in these days of YouTube), you learn about three pieces that she created in 1971 (before the word “postmodern” was applied): “Walking on the Wall,” “Roof Piece” and “Accumulation.” “Walking” had dancers suspended in harnesses moving sideways along walls, “Roof” spread its dancers across 12 different roofs on 10 different SoHo blocks, and “Accumulation” was a formal study in graduated movement, with repeated phrases building in complexity (like sentences that each time added one new word). The experimental dance of that era, embodied in those pieces, set itself up against virtuosity. Yet Ms. Brown became a virtuoso of a new kind. In 1978 she took her “Accumulation” solo and embellished it, showing in “Accumulation With Talking Plus Water Motor” just how many simultaneous things could be done. With such works, postmodern dance — as the genre became labeled — came into its maturity. If there is just one work from this era that deserves to be known as a classic, though, it’s her “Opal Loop/Cloud Installation” (1980). Few pure-dance works have ever been purer. A quartet in silence, it is its own music: the connections and ricochets between the dancers making its harmonies marvelous. Here “the line of least resistance” became gorgeous: a fascinating chain sequence of hitches, ripples, shimmies, hops, knee bends. But by the time of that work Ms. Brown had already started a new kind of dance theater. From 1979 she made a series of pieces that turned her purity into a new kind of theatricality, sometimes ravishing and generally novel, working with designers like Rauschenberg, Nancy Graves and Donald Judd, and with sound scores and music by Ms. Anderson, Mr. Judd and others. (When asked why she had stopped choreographing in silence, she once replied, “I got fed up with listening to all the goddamn coughing.”) The names of these works aren’t exactly inviting — “Glacial Decoy” (1979), “Set and Reset” (1983), “Lateral Pass” (1985), “Newark” (1987), “Astral Convertible” (1989), “Foray Forêt” (1990) and “Astral Converted” (1991) — but they excited adoration. (“Set and Reset” and “ Newark ” will be seen this week at the Brooklyn Academy .) These were still pure-dance creations, with ingeniously inventive choreography, but their music, costumes and décor made them potently theatrical: each had a strong atmosphere in which visual effects and music made contributions. With these pieces she rightly gained new prestige and international acclaim. By the late ’80s she was having seasons in big theaters like City Center and Sadler’s Wells in London , while she became a darling of the French. This led to her next phase: a new engagement with classical music. Since the ’90s she has sometimes set dance to music by composers like Monteverdi, Bach, Rameau and Schubert. Her “M.O.” (1995) was based on Bach’s “Musical Offering”; with Mr. Keenlyside she staged Schubert’s “Winterreise” in 2002. Meanwhile she continued to create solos for herself. “If You Couldn’t See Me” (1994) was a wonderful meeting point of her cerebral and sensuous sides. The dance was governed by the idea that her back was turned to the audience throughout; the magic lay in her spine’s fluidity. When in 1989 Baryshnikov turned from being a ballet specialist to a master investigator of American modern dance, Ms. Brown was a favorite collaborator. “You Can See Us” (1996) became a duet; Baryshnikov danced facing front, she still to the back. Of the many great choreographers who have made New York a haven for pure dance, Cunningham and Ms. Brown were among the brainiest: they were devotees of difficulty, never needing to court an audience. Now that their creativity belongs to the past, the city’s dance life is diminished. Look for vividly inventive dance makers younger than 55 (Mr. Petronio and Mr. Morris were born in 1956), and you find no hint of consensus. Though the names Cunningham and Brown are revered, they and their fertile worlds of pure movement are extremes from which most junior choreographers have retreated. The questions that arise now include: Which Brown works can and should survive in performance? Which works deserve to become more widely known and loved? How well can they be passed on to dancers who did not know or see Ms. Brown herself? There will be no simple answers. Ms. Brown’s work is not easily codified, and its language may prove elusive to dancers from a generation who did not know the casual body language of the last century. In this century some of the Brown revivals I’ve watched have felt muted: echoes of something I used to love. Here is a tougher question: How great is even Brown’s greatest work? Like many others, I have loved it and have found its mixture of purity and sensuousness a tonic to the eye and mind. Yet “the line of least resistance” in her style has usually implied a lack of not only rigor but also of drama. Yet now my mind turns to my favorite Brown work of all, “Set and Reset.” This is a dance whose currents you feel kinesthetically as you watch; you feel it on your very skin, like running water. As I remember it I can hardly keep still in my seat. Its translucent pajama costumes and its décor of screens playing black-and-white newsreel-like collage are among the greatest achievements of Rauschenberg; its score by Ms. Anderson is insidious. Ms. Brown’s dances enriched the era in which we lived. “Set and Reset” is a dance I would want the whole world to see. ============== PS— =================== http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trisha_Brown =================== 《古植物学的故事》(科学与艺术) 古植物学犹如芭蕾舞 : “奄奄一息吗?!” Story of Palaeobotany Series (science and art): Palaeobotany looks like ballet: Are they both dying? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=402184 发表于 2011-1-8 2:47:12
个人分类: Behind palaeobotany|1785 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2012-12-9 05:24
I begin to write this issue of the Story of Palaeobotany Series with the following Chinese paragraph: “ 科学是很好玩的,但是它要求你有好奇心,要求你有兴趣。如果你没有好奇心,那么最好不要去做科学家,因为这不是挣钱的捷径。科学的本质首先是一种精神,一种对于奇妙宇宙探索的渴望。” The above words were recently spoken by Professor Ping-xian Wang ( 汪品先 ) of the Tongji University (Shanghai, China) who is a clever marine geologist. He is a current academician or member of the Chinese Academy of sciences. Is palaeobotany really funny? Who plays with it with great ease? Now, let us see: why do American-born Chinese scarcely play with palaeobotany? The number of deceased and living American-born Chinese is huge. It is fact that millions of the American-born Chinese scarcely work on palaeobotany. Some American-born Chinese have to struggle for the physical requirements for theire survival. It is easy to understand that it is very wise for them to not play with palaeobotany largely because of the great difficulty in finding jobs in palaeobotanical circle. Lots of the families of American-born Chinese are very rich. They are not worried about their survival. Generally speaking, they expect (or are expected) to do what they are interested in. Athough these rich American-born Chinese have opportunities to study palaeobotany, it is absolutely not a popular American dream for them to become a palaeobotanist for some historic and cultural reasons. ============= 古植物学的故事 (190 期 ) 为 什么 土生土长的美国华人几乎不玩古植物学? Story of Palaeobotany Series (190) Why do American-born Chinese scarcely play with palaeobotany? Qigao Sun Amherst, MA Dec.8, 2012 ============== 古植物学的故事 (189 期 ) 在德国工作的华裔古植物学家 Carole T. Gee 博士 Story of Palaeobotany Series (189) Carole T. Gee, American-born Chinese, is a palaeobotanist working Germany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=638296 2012-12-2 06:04 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-638296.html 汪品先院士 : 大科学要有大视野 文章来源:解放日报 发布时间: 2012-09-29 http://www.cas.cn/xw/zjsd/201209/t20120929_3654277.shtml Professor Ping-xian Wang ( 汪品先 ) ‘s talk about science Maslow's hierarchy of needs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs American-born Chinese or “ ABC ” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American-born_Chinese 黄 香蕉 http://baike.baidu.com/view/2410718.htm 国际上对海外华人移民下一代的戏谑。是一种西方对东方移民下一代的比喻。   中国人黄皮肤黑眼睛的外貌特征。好比黄香蕉的皮。   从小生长在海外的小华裔们,受着西方白人的文化、教育、生活方式影响,骨子里和西方白人的思维方式、礼仪、生化方式没有太大差异。好比黄香蕉的瓤。 ==============
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博物馆与古植物学专题 (Museum & Palaeobotany, 4th ed.)
livingfossil 2012-7-21 22:37
博物馆与古植物学专题 (Museum and Palaeobotany, 4 th ed.) 古植物学的故事 171 期 伟大的国家需要伟大的自然历史博物馆 -- 关于建立中国国家自然历史博物馆的必要性与紧迫性的论证工作之简要回顾 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.171): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XVII) Great nation has a facility of great museum of natural history ----A brief historical perspective of the necessity and urgency of establishing the National Museum of Natural History of China (NMNHC) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=594335 2012-7-21 14:36 古植物学的故事 168 期 树倒猢狲散与古植物学灾难 ---- 博物馆(标本馆)之研究平台对古植物学的重要性 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.168): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XVI) Palaeobotanical catastrophes like rats abandoning a sinking ship -----Museums or herbarium as important facility for palaeobotanical studies. http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=591579 2012-7-12 22:36 古植物学的故事 159 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.159): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XIV) The Statutes of the People’s Republic of China on Fossil Conservation and the future of Chinese palaeobotany 《 古生物化石保护条例 》与古植物学 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=570962 2012-5-14 22:00 古植物学的故事 158 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.158): Birbal Sahni 古植物学研究所及其博物馆 ( 标本馆 ) ------ 古植物学研究的“印度模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XIII) An Indian model: An autonomous institute of palaeobotany (Lucknow, India) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=568666 2012-5-8 22:09 古植物学的故事 157 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.157): 耶鲁大学 Peabody 自然历史博物馆与古植物学 ------ 古植物学研究的“美国模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XII) An American model: Palaeobotanical studies of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567922 2012-5-6 22:57 古植物学的故事 156 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.156): 瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆与古植物学 ------ 古植物学研究的“瑞典模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XI) A Swedish model: Palaeobotanical studies of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567568 2012-5-5 22:30 古植物学的故事 155 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.155): 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之十) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆有什么用? How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part X) The roles of the National Museum of Natural History of China http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567169 2012-5-4 23:25 古植物学的故事 152 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之九) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆在哪里? Story of Palaeobotany Series (152): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part IX) Where is the National Museum of Natural History of China? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=563627 2012-4-25 22:05 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 3 】 古植物学的故事 147 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之五) 中国国家自然历史博物馆势在必建 ---- 科研是办好博物馆的生命线 Story of Palaeobotany Series (147): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part V) The National Museum of Natural History of China should be established---The world-class original research is a life line for the development of the museum. http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=500218 2011-10-23 22:30 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 2 】 古植物学的故事 (133 期 ) 美国古植物学是如何崛起的? ( 之十六 ) 美国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学崛起 Story of Palaeobotany Series (133): How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part XVI) American museums of natural history and the rapid rise of American palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=485370 2011-9-11 23:17 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 1 】 古植物学的故事( 132 期) 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之一) 中国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学未来 Story of Palaeobotany Series (132): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part I) China’s museums of natural history and the future of Chinese palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=481614 2011-8-31 21:41 ================ 博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 专题 (3 rd ed.) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=570562 2012-5-13 22:05 =====================
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博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany)专题(3rd ed.)
livingfossil 2012-5-13 22:05
博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 专题 (3 rd ed.) 古植物学的故事 158 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.158): Birbal Sahni 古植物学研究所及其博物馆 ( 标本馆 ) ------ 古植物学研究的“印度模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XIII) An Indian model: An autonomous institute of palaeobotany (Lucknow, India) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=568666 2012-5-8 22:09 古植物学的故事 157 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.157): 耶鲁大学 Peabody 自然历史博物馆与古植物学 ------ 古植物学研究的“美国模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XII) An American model: Palaeobotanical studies of the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567922 2012-5-6 22:57 古植物学的故事 156 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.156): 瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆与古植物学 ------ 古植物学研究的“瑞典模式” How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part XI) A Swedish model: Palaeobotanical studies of the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567568 2012-5-5 22:30 古植物学的故事 155 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.155): 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之十) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆有什么用? How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part X) The roles of the National Museum of Natural History of China http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=567169 2012-5-4 23:25 古植物学的故事 152 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之九) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆在哪里? Story of Palaeobotany Series (152): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part IX) Where is the National Museum of Natural History of China? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=563627 2012-4-25 22:05 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 3 】 古植物学的故事 147 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之五) 中国国家自然历史博物馆势在必建 ---- 科研是办好博物馆的生命线 Story of Palaeobotany Series (147): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part V) The National Museum of Natural History of China should be established---The world-class original research is a life line for the development of the museum. http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=500218 2011-10-23 22:30 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 2 】 古植物学的故事 (133 期 ) 美国古植物学是如何崛起的? ( 之十六 ) 美国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学崛起 Story of Palaeobotany Series (133): How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part XVI) American museums of natural history and the rapid rise of American palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=485370 2011-9-11 23:17 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 1 】 古植物学的故事( 132 期) 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之一) 中国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学未来 Story of Palaeobotany Series (132): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part I) China’s museums of natural history and the future of Chinese palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=481614 2011-8-31 21:41 ============================== “ 博物馆与古植物学 ” 的 理念 针对古植物学的跨学科特点,欧美诸国在漫长的古植物学发展过程中,逐步建立了符合古植物学自身发展规律的研究体制和维系模式。英国自然历史博物馆(伦敦)、德国柏林和法兰克福自然历史博物馆以及瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆等都是世界一流的研究型博物馆,同时肩负着重要的社会服务责任。这些博物馆收藏有丰富的植物化石标本,同时也是古植物学研究的重要基地。 美国古植物学的研究力量主要分布在高水平的研究型博物馆,如:位于美国 首都 华盛顿的史密松国立自然历史博物馆。美国一些大学的古植物学研究也“博物馆化”,即在大学所属博物馆进行,如:耶鲁大学 Peabody 自然历史博物馆、佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆等,从而构成了美国古植物学研究的国家体系或研究平台。 尽管古植物学是一个冷门传统学科,普遍不景气,但是欧美古植物学拥有相对稳固的研究平台和相对稳定的学术体制,为维系古植物学之学科生存与发展提供了现实性的可能。 欧美古植物学的历史经验和维系模式值得中国有关学术机构和广大同仁认真考虑和学习。(参见:《古植物学简史与我们的使命》, p.139 ) =============
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3913 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2012-5-4 23:25
中国国家自然历史博物馆有什么用? 众所周知,中国古人关于月亮有两大杰作:一是嫦娥奔月之千年梦想,二是中秋月饼之美妙发明。 40 多年前,美国人成功登月,“嫦娥奔月”不再是空想。目前,中国人正在实施“探月”之类的计划,总有一天也能成功登上月球。而“中秋月饼”早已融入中国的历史与文化,逐步走向世界。 现在,“中国国家自然历史博物馆”只是水中月,探讨它的作用似乎有画饼充饥的意味。不过,我们有这样的信念:建立中国国家自然历史博物馆不仅是学术理想,而且是现实需要。 中国国家自然历史博物馆“ National Museum of Natural History of China ”(简称“ NMNHC ”) 的建设、运行和发展要花费纳税人很多血汗钱。虽然中国国家自然历史博物馆具有天然的公益性,但它不能成为一种摆设,不能成为一个变态的福利性单位,也不能仅仅满足于一个科学普及平台。中国国家自然历史博物馆应该有它崇高的科学使命和社会责任,它的宗旨是立足中国,面向世界、面向未来、面向现代化。它的 目标定位是国际一流的、研究型的、综合性的自然历史博物馆。也就是说, 中国国家自然历史博物馆要以研究立馆,坚持 “标本是办好博物馆的物质基础, 科研是办好博物馆的生命线 ”之理念, 出思想、出成果、出人才。中国国家自然历史博物馆的作用主要体现在以下几个方面: ∮ 1 : 成为现代植物、现代动物、植物化石、动物化石、矿物等标本的采集与保藏中心。 “标本是办好博物馆的物质基础”,也就是博物馆科研的基础、博物馆科普的核心内容。 中国国家自然历史博物馆可以在中国上述标本的保藏格局中发挥积极的优化作用,促进标本资源的整合和利用。 ∮ 2 : 成为植物学、动物学、古生物学、矿物学等研究中心。 “科研是办好博物馆的生命线”。 科研可以产出知识成果,不断深化人类对自然的认识和理解,激发博物馆的生存与发展活力,提高博物馆的国内与国际影响力,也使科学普及充满生机。这样,政府组织、民间机构和普通公民会有兴趣支持博物馆事业。 ∮ 3 : 科学普及。 ∮ 4 : 成为相关学科毕业生实习基地、博士后研究基地,培养优秀科学家。 ∮ 5 :与大学、研究所及相关机构开展合作。 譬如,有些大学和研究所拥有古植物学研究团队,但是他们所在的学术机构没有保存植物化石的条件。 中国国家自然历史博物馆应积极与这些学术机构开展合作,有责任有义务收藏植物化石。 ∮ 6 : 旅游服务。 ∮ 7 :开展国内和国际学术交流。 ∮ 8 :引领中国自然博物馆的未来发展,成为相关学科的火车头。 孙启高 2012 年 5 月 4 日晚 ------------------ 本期编目: 古植物学的故事 155 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之十) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆有什么用? ======= 博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 专题 (2 nd ed.) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=565374 2012-4-30 23:05
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5506 次阅读|0 个评论
博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany)专题(2nd ed.)
livingfossil 2012-4-30 23:05
博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 专题 (2 nd ed.) 理念 针对古植物学的跨学科特点,欧美诸国在漫长的古植物学发展过程中,逐步建立了符合古植物学自身发展规律的研究体制和维系模式。英国自然历史博物馆(伦敦)、德国柏林和法兰克福自然历史博物馆以及瑞典斯德哥尔摩自然历史博物馆等都是世界一流的研究型博物馆,同时肩负着重要的社会服务责任。这些博物馆收藏有丰富的植物化石标本,同时也是古植物学研究的重要基地。 美国古植物学的研究力量主要分布在高水平的研究型博物馆,如:位于美国 首都 华盛顿的史密松国立自然历史博物馆。美国一些大学的古植物学研究也“博物馆化”,即在大学所属博物馆进行,如:耶鲁大学 Peabody 自然历史博物馆、佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆等,从而构成了美国古植物学研究的国家体系或研究平台。 尽管古植物学是一个冷门传统学科,普遍不景气,但是欧美古植物学拥有相对稳固的研究平台和相对稳定的学术体制,为维系古植物学之学科生存与发展提供了现实性的可能。 欧美古植物学的历史经验和维系模式值得中国有关学术机构和广大同仁认真考虑和学习。(参见:《古植物学简史与我们的使命》, p.139 ) ======================= 使命、困境与挑战 裴文中,徐仁,郑作新,周明镇, 1980 , 国家自然历史博物馆势在必建,大自然,第 2 期, 3 — 4 《关于建立国家自然科学博物馆的必要性与可行性研究》课题总结报告 ( 节录 ) 《中国博物馆》 1994 年 02 期, 1—22 《建立国家自然科学博物馆的必要性与可行性研究》课题组 呼唤国家自然博物馆 《中国青年报》 2001-2-5 第 5 版 --- 难产的国家自然博物馆 原载 2001 年 3 月 29 日人民法院报 http://www.chinacourt.org/public/detail.php?id=6731k_author = 作者: 刘海涛 发布时间: 2002-07-15 15:14:30 冷静面对“中国博物馆现象” http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2007947432529188546.html 作者:李先军 来源: 科学时报 www.sciencenet.cn 发布时间: 2007-9-4 0:8:55 83 家国家一级博物馆名单公布 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2008/5/206998.html 作者:游雪晴 来源:科技日报 发布时间: 2008-5-22 13:34:3 高校博物馆:大学的辉煌还是大学的鸡肋 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/3/217619.html 作者:张文凌 黄海萌 来源:中国青年报 发布时间: 2009-3-25 10:18:50 我国科技类博物馆现状调查:繁荣背后呈现四大症结 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/9/223462.shtm 张巧玲 来源: 科学时报 发布时间: 2009-9-17 23:52:39 它们一直很寂寞 北京高校博物馆走访记 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/7/234995.shtm 作者:吴晚林 来源:人民日报 发布时间: 2010-7-23 15:46:14 我国高校博物馆超 200 座 知名度有限影响力不足 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/10/238496.shtm 作者:丁肇文 来源:北京晚报 发布时间: 2010-10-9 10:27:11 最多一年关门 10 个月 高校博物馆如何走出“围墙” http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/7/249662-1.shtm 作者:刘冕 任敏 来源:北京日报 发布时间: 2011-7-18 15:31:50 北京高校博物馆联盟成立 将加速向社会免费开放 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2012/4/262561.shtm 作者:李江涛 来源:新华网 发布时间: 2012-4-11 10:40:5 --- 古植物学的故事 152 期 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之九) 主题:中国国家自然历史博物馆在哪里? Where is the National Museum of Natural History of China? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=563627 2012-4-25 22:05 古植物学的故事 147 期 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 3 】 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之五) 中国国家自然历史博物馆势在必建 ---- 科研是办好博物馆的生命线 Story of Palaeobotany Series (147): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part V) The National Museum of Natural History of China should be established---The world-class original research is a life line for the development of the museum. http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=500218 2011-10-23 22:30 古植物学的故事 (133 期 ) 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 2 】 美国古植物学是如何崛起的? ( 之十六 ) 美国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学崛起 Story of Palaeobotany Series (133): How did American palaeobotany rise? (Part XVI) American museums of natural history and the rapid rise of American palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=485370 2011-9-11 23:17 古植物学的故事( 132 期) 【博物馆与古植物学 (Museum and Palaeobotany) 1 】 如何推动中国古植物学全面崛起?(之一) 中国的自然历史博物馆与古植物学未来 Story of Palaeobotany Series (132): How to promote the rapid rise of Chinese palaeobotany in the round? (Part I) China’s museums of natural history and the future of Chinese palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=225931do=blogquickforward=1id=481614 2011-8-31 21:41 ================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3995 次阅读|0 个评论
Contents of RPP from 1998 to 2011 (Volumes 101 to 167)
livingfossil 2012-4-25 22:48
Contents of Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology from 1998 to 2011 (Volumes 101 to 167) Volume 101, Issues 1-4, Pages 1-286 (June 1998) Reconstructing Tertiary plant communities: introductory remarks Pages 3-6 Robert A Gastaldo, David K Ferguson Comparison of the Eocene plant assemblages of Bohemia (Czech Republic) and Saxony (Germany) Pages 29-41 E Knobloch, M Konzalová Contribution to the flora of the middle Oligocene Calau Beds in Brandenburg, Germany Pages 43-70 Dieter Hans Mai A multidisciplinary approach to reconstruct the Late Oligocene vegetation in central Europe Pages 71-94 R.A Gastaldo, W Riegel, W Püttmann, U.G Linnemann, R Zetter Bı́lina: a window on Early Miocene marshland environments Pages 111-123 Zlatko Kvaček Comparative investigations on the basal fossiliferous layers at the opencast mine Oberdorf (Kflach-Voitsberg lignite deposit, Styria, Austria; Early Miocene) Pages 125-145 Johanna Kovar-Eder, Barbara Meller, Reinhard Zetter A fresh look at the rich assemblage from the Pliocene sink-hole of Willershausen, Germany Pages 271-286 David K Ferguson, Erwin Knobloch ======================== Volume 102, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-114 (July 1998) The influence of gravity and wind on land plant evolution Pages 1-14 Karl J. Niklas Developmental logic: establishing a relationship between developmental process and phylogenetic pattern in primitive vascular plants Pages 15-42 William E Stein Biomechanics of plant growth forms: the trouble with fossil plants Pages 43-62 Nick P Rowe, Thomas Speck ======================== Volume 102, Issues 3-4, Pages 115-320 (August 1998) Attached leaves and fruits of myrtaceous affinity from the Middle Eocene of Colorado Pages 153-163 Steven R. Manchester, David L. Dilcher, Scott L. Wing Tianshia patens gen. et sp. nov., a new type of leafy shoots associated with Phoenicopsis from the Middle Jurassic Yima Formation, Henan, China Pages 165-178 Z. Zhou, B. Zhang Leaf cuticle ultrastructure of two czekanowskialeans from the Middle Jurassic Yima Formation of Henan, China Pages 179-187 Zhou Zhiyan, Gaetan Guignard New and emended acritarch taxa from the lower Dawan Formation (lower Arenig, Huanghuachang Section, South China) Pages 223-248 Yin Leiming, A. Di Milia, M. Tongiorgi ============================ Volume 103, Issues 3-4, Pages 95-302 (October 1998) Batenburgia sakmarica Hilton et Geng, gen . et sp. nov. , a new genus of conifer from the Lower Permian of China Pages 263-287 Jason Hilton, Baoyin Geng ==================== Volume 104, Issue 1, Pages 1-83 (November 1998) A unique and complete polemoniaceous plant from the middle Eocene of Utah, USA Pages 39-49 Terry A. Lott, Steven R. Manchester, David L. Dilcher ======================== Volume 104, Issues 3-4, Pages 183-307 (February 1999) Vegetational and climatic significance of modern pollen rain in northwestern Tibet Pages 183-204 P. Cour, Z. Zheng, D. Duzer, M. Calleja, Z. Yao Skeletal ultrastructure of the calcified red alga Galaxaura oblongata , Hainan Island, China Pages 205-212 Xinan Mu, Robert Riding ======================= Volume 105, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-120 (April 1999) A Zosterophyllum -like plant from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan Province, China Pages 111-118 Zhu Wei-Qing, Paul Kenrick ======================== Volume 105, Issues 3-4, Pages 121-254 (May 1999) The surface pollen of the woodland–steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia, China Pages 237-250 Hongyan Liu, Haiting Cui, Richard Pott, Martin Speier ===================== Volume 106, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-129 (June 1999) Earliest Triassic (Induan) spores and pollen from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, northwestern China Pages 1-56 Shu Ouyang, Geoffrey Norris ============================ Volume 107, Issues 3-4, Pages 125-300 (November 1999) Fertile organs and in situ spores of Marattia asiatica (Kawasaki) Harris (Marattiales) from the Lower Jurassic Hsiangchi Formation in Hubei, China Pages 125-144 Yongdong Wang Study of fossil wood from the upper Tertiary sediments (Siwalik) of Arunachal Pradesh, India and its implication in palaeoecological and phytogeographical interpretations Pages 223-247 R. C. Mehrotra, N. Awasthi, S. K. Dutta ================================== Volume 108, Issues 3-4, Pages 143-268 (February 2000) The use of biological stains in the analysis of late Palaeozoic pteridosperm cuticles Pages 143-150 Michael Krings ============================= Volume 109, Issue 1, Pages 1-83 (March 2000) Ultrastructure and affinity of Lower Carboniferous megaspores from the Moscow Basin, Russia Pages 1-31 Ian J. Glasspool, Alan R. Hemsley, Andrew C. Scott, Andrei Golitsyn ========================= Volume 109, Issue 2, Pages 85-160 (April 2000) Cervicornus wenshanensis , gen. et sp. nov, a Pragian (Early Devonian) plant with forked leaves from Yunnan, China Pages 113-119 Cheng-Sen Li, Francis M. Hueber Zhutheca Liu, Li et Hilton gen. nov ., the fertile pinnules of Fascipteris densata Gu et Zhi and their significance in marattialean evolution Pages 149-160 Zhao-Hua Liu, Cheng-Sen Li, Jason Hilton =========================== Volume 110, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-140 (June 2000) Leaf morphology and cuticular features of Sphenophyllum in the Gigantopteris flora from South China Pages 67-92 Zhao-Qi Yao, Lu-Jun Liu, Gene Mapes, Gar W. Rothwell ============================== Volume 110, Issues 3-4, Pages 141-268 (July 2000) A new species of Discinites (Noeggerathiales) from the Upper Permian of Weibei Coalfield, North China Pages 175-190 Wang Jun, Shen Guanglong Megaspores from the Late Permian, Lower Whybrow coal seam, Sydney Basin, Australia Pages 209-227 Ian Glasspool Pollen fall-out from a tropical vegetation mosaic Pages 229-246 D Walker, X Sun ============================= Volume 111, Issues 3-4, Pages 145-312 (September 2000) Pollen input to, and incorporation in, two crater lakes in tropical northeast Australia Pages 253-283 D. Walker ======================= Volume 114, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-144 (March 2001) Stomatal density and stomatal index as indicators of paleoatmospheric CO 2 concentration Pages 1-28 D. L. Royer Permineralized Callixylon woods from the Late Devonian Cleveland Shale of Ohio, U.S.A. and that of Kettle Point, Ontario, Canada Pages 127-144 S. Chitaley, Chongyang Cai ========================= Volume 114, Issues 3-4, Pages 145-272 (April 2001) A new species of vascular plants from the Xujiachong Formation (Lower Devonian) of Yunnan Province, China Pages 157-174 De-Ming Wang, Shou-Gang Hao An Early Permian plant assemblage from the Taiyuan Formation of northern China with compression/impression and permineralized preservation Pages 175-189 Jason Hilton, Shi-Jun Wang, Jean Galtier, Cheng-Sen Li Cuticles of Mariopteris occidentalis White nov. emend. from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma (USA), and a new type of climber hook for mariopteroid pteridosperms Pages 209-222 M. Krings, T. N. Taylor, E. L. Taylor, B. J. Axsmith, H. Kerp ==================== Volume 116, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-158 (August 2001) Contributions to early land plant research (XVI IBC) Page vii Philippe Gerrienne, Christopher Berry Polythecophyton demissum , gen. et sp. nov., a new plant from the Lower Devonian (Pragian) of Yunnan, China and its phytogeographic significance Pages 55-71 Hao Shou-gang, Patricia G. Gensel, Wang De-ming A new plant from the Xichong Formation (Middle Devonian), South China Pages 73-85 Wang Yi, Christopher M. Berry Rotted wood–alga–fungus: the history and life of Prototaxites Dawson 1859 Pages 123-158 Francis M. Hueber ========================== Volume 116, Issues 3-4, Pages 159-254 (September 2001) Plant Fossils: the History of Land Vegetation: C.J. Cleal and B.A. Thomas; The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, UK, 1999, 316 pages (128 b/w plates), UK 60, ISBN 0-85115-684-3 Page 251 Thomas N. Taylor, Sharon D. Klavins Fossil Woods and Other Geological Specimens: A.C. Scott and D. Freedberg; Harvey Miller Publishers, Belgium, 2000, 424 pages, 242 ills (62 in color), 232 EUR, ISBN 1-872501-91-5 Page 252 Thomas N. Taylor ===================== Volume 117, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-194 (October 2001) Volume 117, Issue 4, Pages 195-298 (November 2001) Traces of arborescent lycopsids and dieback of the forest vegetation in relation to the terminal Permian mass extinction in North China Pages 217-243 Zi-qiang Wang, An-shu Chen Palynostratigraphy and climatic implications of Neogene deposits in the Himi area of Toyama Prefecture, Central Japan Pages 281-295 Wei-Ming Wang, Takeshi Saito, Tomio Nakagawa ========================== Volume 118, Issues 1-4, Pages 1-421 (April 2002) Dr. Stanislas Loboziak retired Pages vii-viii Philippe Steemans, Thomas Servais, Maurice Streel ========================= Volume 119, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-159 (May 2002) Ecology of ferns through time (IOPC-VI) Pages vii-viii Margaret E. Collinson, Johanna H. A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert Ecology of the Early Cretaceous ferns of Northeast China Pages 93-112 Shenghui Deng Fern ecological implications from the Lower Jurassic in Western Hubei, China Pages 125-141 Yongdong Wang ==================== Volume 119, Issues 3-4, Pages 161-344 (June 2002) Symplocopteris wyattii n. gen. et n. sp.: a zygopterid fern with a false trunk from the Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) of Queensland, Australia Pages 241-273 Francis M. Hueber, Jean Galtier Palynological record of Pliocene climate events in North China Pages 335-340 Gengwu Liu, Estella B. Leopold, Yun Liu, Weiming Wang, Ziye Yu, Guobang Tong ================= Volume 120, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-180 (15 July 2002) First evidence of epidermal structures of Ginkgo from the Mediterranean Tertiary Pages 1-15 Thomas Denk, Dimitrios Velitzelos Holocene climate change and hydrarch succession in lowland Amazonian Ecuador Pages 73-90 Chengyu Weng, Mark B. Bush, J. Stephen Athens A new Karkenia (Ginkgoales) from the Jurassic Yima formation, Henan, China and its megaspore membrane ultrastructure Pages 91-105 Zhiyan Zhou, Bole Zhang, Yongdong Wang, Gaetan Guignard Der Versteinerte Wald von Chemnitz – The petrified forest of Chemnitz, by Rler, R., 2001, Museum für Naturkunde Chemnitz, 252 pp.
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[转载]History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays
livingfossil 2011-11-7 21:29
History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/publications/bookshop/page1794.html History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays Product Code: SP241 Type: Book Series: GSL Special Publications Ten Digit ISBN: 1-86239-174-2 Thirteen Digit ISBN978-1-86239-174-1 Author/Editor: Edited by A. J. Bowden, C. V. Burek and R. Wilding Publisher: GSL Publication Date: 18 April 2005 Binding: Hardback Pages: 312 Weight1.00kg Description Often regarded as the ‘Cinderella’ of palaeontological studies, palaeobotany has a history that contains some fascinating insights into scientific endeavour, especially by palaeontologists who were perusing a personal interest rather than a career. The problems of maintaining research facilities in universities, especially in the modern era, are described and reveal a noticeable absence of a national UK strategy to preserve centres of excellence in an avowedly specialist area. Accounts of some of the pioneers demonstrate the importance of collaboration between taxonomists and illustrators. The importance of palaeobotany in the rise of geoconservation is outlined, as well as the significant and influential role of women in the discipline. Although this volume has a predominantly UK focus, two very interesting studies outline the history of palaeobotanical work in Argentina and China. Contents l History of Palaeobotany: an Introduction, A J Bowden, C V Burek and R Wilding The Beginnings l From the rise of the Enlightenment to the beginnings of Romanticism, R Wilding l The Moravian Minister Rev. Henry Steinhauer (1782-1818); his work on fossil plants, their first 'scientific' description and the planned Mineral Botany, H S Torrens The early 19th century l John Lindley, the reluctant palaeobotanist, W G Chaloner and H L Pearson l Illustrations and illustrations during the 'Golden Age' of palaeobotany: 1800-1840, C J Cleal, M Lazarus and A Townsend The later 19th century and into the 20th century l Hugh Miller: introducing palaeobotany to a wider audience, L I Anderson l Baron Achille de Zigno: an Italian palaeobotanist of the 19th century, H L Pearson l The palaeobotanical beginnings of geological conservation: with case studies from the USA, Canada and Great Britain, B A Thomas l Palaeobotanical studies and collecting in the 19th century with particular reference to the Ravenhead Collection and Henry Hugh Higgins, W Simkiss and A J Bowden l The palaeobotanical work of Marie Stopes, W G Chaloner l James Lomax (1857-1934): palaeobotanical catalyst or hindrance? A C Howell l D.H. Scott and A.C Seward: modern pioneers in the structure and architecture of fossil plants, R Wilding l Arthur Raistrick: Britain's premier palynologist, J E A Marshall l The life and work of Emily Dix (1904-1972), C V Burek and C J Cleal l The fate of three university schools of palaeobotany/palynology l The 'other' Glasgow Boys: the rise and fall of a school of palaeobotany, J J Liston and H L Sanders l One hundred and fifty years of Palaeobotany at Manchester University, J Watson l Half a century of palynology at the University of Sheffield, C H Wellman From other continents l The history of palaeobotany in Argentina during the 19th century, E G Ottone l The rise of Chinese palaeobotany emphasizing the global context, Q G Sun • Reviews In their superb new book, the editorial team of Bowden. Burek and Wilding have captured the tangled family history of palaeobotany in the only honest and vibrant way: as a series of loosely connected vignettes of its most colourful characters. History of Palaeobotany: Selected Essays is a treasure-trove of extraordinary personalities, baffling experiments, and spectacular discoveries, the latter made more often than not with that essential item of the palaeobotanical toolbox: the tea strainer! Howard Falcon-Lang (University of Bristol) Thisreview was featured in Geology Today, Vol 22, No. 2 March-April 2006 This review was submitted by: Sales Dept 11 January 2006 I hope it is taken by libraries to be a future valuable resource for those interested in the history of science. This review was submitted by: Andrew C. Scott : Geological Magazine, Volume 144/5 - 2007 15 May 2008 ...useful source of information for one part of the global picture. Robert S Hill Faculty of Sciences, University of Adelaide This review was featured in TAG June 2008 This review was submitted by:Mrs Julie Webster 04 March 2009
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古植物学的故事-英国专辑British palaeobotany special issue 1
livingfossil 2011-2-8 22:00
英国植物学专辑 special issue for British palaeobotany 1 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-411212.html 2011-2-8 22:00 英国植物学专辑special issue for British palaeobotany 1.pdf (Updated on Oct.21, 2015) --------------------- 《古植物学的故事》(英国专辑) 英国古植物学的发展历史悠久,涌现了很多杰出的古植物学家,他们为推动英国乃至世界古植物学的发展做出了重要贡献。“古植物学的学术历史、学术思想和学术道德的综合体系研究”设有英国专题。本专辑是对这一专题研究的初步总结,并收录了当代国际古植物学著名学术领袖 William G. Chaloner 教授的口述历史及其他历史文献,为我们深入探讨英国古植物学的历史现状、学术传承及其与世界其他地区古植物学发展的内在联系提供有益线索。 中国与英国在古植物学的学术传承方面有着深厚的历史渊源。中国古植物学家徐仁先生( 1910--1992 )于 20 世纪 40 年代在印度师从于著名古植物学家、英国皇家学会院士 Birbal Sahni ( 1891--1949 )。 Birbal Sahni 曾在英国师从现代古植物学大师、英国皇家学会院士 Sir Albert Charles Seward ( 1863--1941 )。 徐仁 先生生前两次访问英国有关学术机构和同行,为打开中英两国古植物学交流与合作的大门做出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。 自中国实行改革开放以来,中英两国在古植物学领域的交流与合作越来越广泛、越来越密切。我相信,这对中国古植物学的全面崛起是有好处的。 孙启高 2011 年 2 月 7 日 ------------------------------ 古植物学的故事( 39 ) ---350 年来与古植物学有 缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士( 1660--2010 ) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.39): Fellows and Foreign members of the Royal Society (London) regarding palaeobotany---In commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the Royal Society (London) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-328266.html 发表 于 2010-5-24 23:43:30 古植物学的故事( 编外故事 ) 英国皇家学会古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴 选的 ? Story of Palaeobotany Series (Supplemental issue): How is the palaeobotany Fellow or Foreign Member of the Royal Society in London selected? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-389583.html 发表 于 2010-12-2 12:57:04 《古植物学的故事》( 85 ) 英国的 “ 植物学 Regius 教授席位 ” 与两位古植物学家 Story of Palaeobotany Series (85): Regius Professor of Botany in the UK and two palaeobotanists http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-397837.html 发表 于 2010-12-27 2:36:13 古植物学的故事( 44 ): 著名古植物学家、英国皇家学会院士 William G. Chaloner 教授 畅谈他的学术人 生 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.44): Oral History of Professor William G. Chaloner FRS http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-333604.html 发表 于 2010-6-9 1:02:09 古植物学的故事( 13 ) ----- 看英 伦 英国古植物学的才子与才女 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.13): Take a quick look at British palaeobotany: Brief introduction to the talent genlemen and bluestockings in British palaeobotanical community http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-269898.html 2009-11-10 10:51:34 古植物学的故事( 86 ) 英国古植物学的 传承 (1)--William Crawford Williamson Story of Palaeobotany Series (86): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part I)-- William Crawford Williamson (FRS, 1816--1895 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-398656.html http://www.sciencetimes.com.cn/blog/user_index1.aspx?typeid=135844userid=225931 发表 于 2010-12-29 11:05:21 《古植物学的故事》( 87 ) 英国古植物学的 传 承 (2): 一代宗 师 Sir Albert Charles Seward Story of Palaeobotany Series (87): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part II)-- Sir Albert Charles Seward (FRS, 1863--1941 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-398913.html 发表 于 2010-12-30 0:34:38 《古植物学的故事》( 88 ) 英国古植物学的 传承 (3): 名 师 T. M.Harris 教授 Story of Palaeobotany Series (88): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part III)-- Thomas Maxwell Harris (FRS, 1903---1983 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-399059.html 发表 于 2010-12-30 12:29:29 《古植物学的故事》( 89 ) 英国古植物学的 传承 (4): 名 师 John Walton 教授 Story of Palaeobotany Series (89): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part IV)—John Walton (Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1895-1971 ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-399318.html 发表 于 2010-12-31 1:50:51 《古植物学的故事》( 90 ) 英国古植物学的 传 承 (5): 名 师 William Gilbert Chaloner 教授 Story of Palaeobotany Series (90): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part V)—William Gilbert Chaloner (FRS, 1928-- ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-399331.html 发表 于 2010-12-31 7:19:24 《古植物学的故事》( 91 ) 英国古植物学的 传承 (6): 名家 SirPeter Crane 教授 Story of Palaeobotany Series (91): An interesting palaeobotanical lineage in the UK (Part VI)—Sir Peter Crane (FRS, 1954 -- ) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-399339.html 发表 于 2010-12-31 8:06:07
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5802 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-12-2 12:57
古植物学的故事(编外故事) 英国皇家学会古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选的? 孙启高 2010年12月1日星期三 欧美古植物学研究的历史悠久,科学积累丰富,涌现了许多杰出的古植物学家。在欧美地区,也有许多很悠久的旨在推动现代科学技术发展的国家科学院,如:英国皇家学会(成立于1660年)、 德国科学院 ( 成立于 1652 年, German Academy of Sciences at Leopoldina)、法兰西科学院(成立于1666年)、俄罗斯科学院(成立于1724年)、瑞典皇家科学院(成立于1739年)以及美国科学院(成立于1863)等。在我的研究项目中,我有一个工作计划想把这些科学院中的古植物学院士和外籍院士之名单整理出来。这是一项很有趣的研究,但属于吃力不讨好的工作。我已初步将英国皇家学会和美国科学院以及中国科学院的古植物学院士和外籍院士之名单整理出来了,如:《350年来与古植物学有缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士(1660--2010)》,但还有很多工作要做。 现在,有一个很重要的问题摆在我们面前:这些科学院的古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选出来的?这个问题不简单且极为重要,因为它涉及到科学研究的体制性问题,似乎已超出了古植物学的研究范围。我考虑将此类问题暂作为《古植物学的故事》(编外故事)。本文的问题是:英国皇家学会古植物学院士与外籍院士是如何遴选的? 英国皇家学会的历史非常悠久,已有350 年的漫长历史。让我们先来看一下近一个世纪以来该学会拥有古植物学院士与外籍院士的名单: 1871 Robert Etheridge FRS (3 Dec 1819---18 Dec 1903) Election: 8 June 1871 1894 Dunkinfield Henry Scott FRS (28 Nov 1854---29 Jan 1934) Election date: 7 June 1894 1898 Sir Albert Charles Seward FRS (9 Oct 1863---11 April 1941) Election date: 9 June 1898 1902 Robert Kidston FRS (29 June 1852 13 July 1924) Election date: 5 June 1902 1905 Francis Wall Oliver FRS (10 May 1864---14 Sep 1951) Election date: 11 May 1905 1911 William Henry Lang FRS (12 May 187429 August 1960) 4 May 1911 1917 Frederick Ernest Weiss FRS (2 Nov 1865---7 Jan 1953) Election date: 3 May 1917 1934 Hugh Hamshaw Thomas FRS (29 May 188530 June 1962) Election date: 3 May 1934 1936 Birbal Sahni FRS ( 14 Nov 1891---10 April 1949) Election date: 7 May 1936 1945 Harry Godwin FRS (9 May 1901---12 August 1985) Election date: 22 March 1945 1948 ThomasMaxwell Harris FRS (8 Jan 1903 ---1 May 1983) Election date: 18 March 1948 1976 William Gilbert Chaloner FRS (28 Nov. 1928--) Election date: 18 March 1976 1996 Dianne Edwards FRS(23 Feb 1942--) Election date: 14 March 1996 1998 Sir Peter Robert Crane FRS(18 July 1954--) Election date: 14 May 1998 目前,英国皇家学会只有3位古植物学领域的院士(FRS) ,他们是: William Gilbert Chaloner FRS (1976年当选)、 Dianne Edwards FRS(1996年当选)和 Sir Peter Robert Crane FRS(1998年当选)。最近,我写信请教Bill Chaloner教授上述问题,他回复如下: There are only three people who might be labelled palaeobotanists who are currently fellows of the Royal Society Sir Peter Crane, Prof Dianne Edwards and myself. Election of any scientist to the Royal Society goes through the same routine they need to be nominated by two scientists (who of course need to be in that field of work) and they then join a long list of candidates who are assessed by a series of ten committees, made up collectively of about 100 Fellows. Each year, the best candidates are shortlisted, and then opinions of other scientists (some from outside of Britain) are then sought of those shortlisted candidates. Finally, a list of about 50 candidates is put to the Council of the Royal Society, who then recommend some or all of these to a meeting of Fellows, who normally then elect all or most of them. The procedure for foreign members is similar, but far fewer candidates are nominated the expectation for attainment of international standing is pretty high forthese people. We elected 44 Fellows this year and only 8 foreign members. There are no foreign members at the moment who could be labelled palaeobotanists, and I am not sure that there have ever been any! 为了清楚地了解英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士的一般遴选程序和过程,建议访问该学会的官方网站。为了方便大家阅读,我将有关资料放在此处。如需引用,请直接引用原文,特此说明。 1. 英国皇家学会简介 http://royalsociety.org/ http://royalsociety.org/aboutus/ http://royalsociety.org/about-us/history/ 2. 英国皇家学会院士与院士外籍简介 http://royalsociety.org/about-us/fellowship/?from=footer The backbone of the Society is its Fellowship, which is made up of the most eminent scientists, engineers and technologists from the UK and the Commonwealth. Fellows and Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process on the basis of excellence in science. There are approximately 1,450 Fellows and Foreign Members, including more than 75 Nobel Laureates (PDF) . Current Fellows include Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Harry Kroto, Tim Berners-Lee, Paul Nurse and John Sulston. Individuals who are not eligible for election to the Fellowship in the conventional categories may be eligible for election as Honorary Fellows . Seven Honorary Fellows have been elected to date. Before 1996 some Fellows were also elected under the former Statute 12 arrangements. There are currently five members of the Royal Family who have been elected as Royal Fellows . Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is our patron. Fellows are elected through a peer review process that culminates in a vote by existing Fellows. Each year 44 Fellows, 8 Foreign Members and up to 1 Honorary Fellow are elected from a group of over 700 candidates who are proposed by the existing Fellowship. Read the biographies of those elected in 2010 . Once elected, Fellows may use the postnominal FRS after their name, Foreign Members may use the postnominal ForMemRS after their name and Honorary Members may use the postnominal FRS after their name. Women make up about 5 percent of the Fellowship. Over the last 10 years about 10 percent of new Fellows elected to the Royal Society have been women. A complete listing of the Fellowship from 1660 to 2007 is available for download (PDF) . Fellows are invited to fulfil a range of responsibilities for the Society on a voluntary basis . Many are members of awards or grants committees, editorial boards, research panels or other bodies that oversee the work of the Royal Society. Fellows have the right to stand for election as members of the Council . They may also propose or support the nomination of candidates for election to the Fellowship or Foreign Membership and the nomination of Fellows for election as Officers or members of the Council. The Royal Society regrets to announce the deaths of theseFellows in 2010 . 3. 英国皇家学会院士与院士外籍选举 http://royalsociety.org/about-us/fellowship/election/ (Election) Introduction The process of electing Fellows of the Royal Society is highly thorough and results in the election each year of 44 Fellows , 8 Foreign Members and up to 1 Honorary Fellow , from a group of over 700 candidates who are proposed by the existing Fellowship. According to the Society's statutes, candidates for election to the Fellowship must have made a substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science and medical science. Each candidate is considered on his or her own merits and can be proposed from any sector of the scientific community. Every effort is made to encourage nominations of women candidates and candidates from the emerging disciplines. Download a full guide to the election process (PDF) . Nomination Each candidate for the Fellowship or Foreign Membership must be nominated by two Fellows of the Royal Society, who sign a certificate of proposal. The certificate includes a statement of the principal grounds on which the proposal is being made and is available for inspection by other Fellows. The completed certificate of proposal must be received by 30 September each year. The President of the Royal Society may additionally encourage suggestions for candidates from Vice-Chancellors of universities and Chairs and Chief Executives of Research Councils. These suggestions must also be received by 30 September each year. The proposing Fellows are responsible for informing the candidate that he or she has been nominated. The proposers must ensure, in consultation with the candidate, that all information relevant to the nomination is up to date. There is no limit on the number of new nominations made in any year. Therewere637 candidates for election as Fellows in 2010. Once nominated, candidates remain eligible for election for seven years. If not elected within this period, an individual may be proposed as a candidate again after a break of three years and then remains eligible for election for a period of three years. This three year cycle may be repeated without limit. The Society does not provide details of the identities of nominated candidates to anybody outside the Fellowship, except those individuals consulted in confidence during the refereeing process. Selection The Council of the Royal Society oversees the selection process. Two Officers , the Biological Sciences Secretary and the Physical Sciences Secretary, are responsible for the smooth running of this process. The Council appoints ten subject area committees, known as Sectional Committees (PDF) , to advise it about the selection of the list of the strongest candidates. Each candidate is considered by the relevant Sectional Committee on the basis of a full curriculum vitae, details of their research achievements, a list of all their scientific publications and a copy of their 20 best scientific papers. Members of the Sectional Committees vote in early March each year to produce a short-list. The final list of candidates is confirmed by the Council in April each year and a secret ballot of Fellows is held in May each year. A candidate is elected if he or she secures two-thirds of votes. Admission New Fellows are formally admitted to the Society at the formal Admissions Day ceremony in July, when they sign the Charter Book and the Obligation of the Fellows of the Royal Society. The Obligation reads as follows: We who have hereunto subscribed, do hereby promise, that we will endeavour to promote the good of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge, and to pursue the ends for which the same was founded; that we will carry out, as far as we are able, those actions requested of us in the name of the Council; and that we will observe the Statutes and Standing Orders of the said Society. Provided that, whensoever any of us shall signify to the President under our hands, that we desire to withdraw from the Society, we shall be free from this Obligation for the future. ---- ----------------- 2006年英籍华裔科学家杨子恒(Yang Ziheng, Professor of UCLUniversity College London)当选为FRS。他的个人网页上附载有一份介绍英国皇家学会及FRS的中文资料,内容如下: 英国皇家科学院(ROYAL SOCIETY)的雏形是17世纪40年代中期兴起的 隐形学院。该学院没有固定的场所,没有固定模式,由一些志同道合的自然哲学家自发组成,不定期聚会,探讨佛朗西斯培根的观点以及一些相关学术问题。1660年11月28日,皇家科学院正式成立。 皇家科学院院士的评选基本上每年一次,每次名额最多不超过44位。获此殊荣的都是在科学基础研究或工业及科技前沿研究方面有特殊贡献的科学家,如牛顿、达尔文等。根据遴选条件,获得皇家科学院院士(FRS)头衔的必须是英国公民或英联邦国家和地区的国民。皇家科学院院士的头衔是终生的,并且一旦获得该荣誉,就有权利在本人姓名后加上FRS字样。同时,皇家科学院也从国际上的知名科学家中遴选1-6位外国公民,授予外籍院士资格(Foreign Membership),其中许多是诺贝尔奖得主,比如,华人科学家、诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁于1992年被选为外籍院士。外籍院士资格也是终生的,他们的名字后边可以加上ForMemRS字样。目前皇家科学院有1316位院士(其中20位为诺贝尔奖得主);135位外籍院士(其中46位为诺贝尔奖得主)。 院士的评选有严格的程序。评选的主要指标是学术成就。被推荐的院士候选人必须由两位院士联合签署推荐书。推荐书必须在每年的9月30日以前提交皇家科学院。候选人的数量没有限制。一旦被提名候选,就可以保留7年候选资格,7年后没有被选中,则每3年更新一次资格。院士的评选由学院委员会(the Council)负责组织的。委员会指定10个评选分会,每个分会的成员一般不超过15位。各分会根据研究背景,将候选人分成三类:主流科学家(Mainstream),即那些在科学知识、科学思维领域有建树的学者;应用科学家(Applied science),指那些在应用科学研究中有创新的学者;一般科学家(General Science),指那些在非基础科学研究领域有贡献的学者。评选分会根据候选人的推荐信、相关资料(包括简历、学术著作、20篇学术论文复印件等)以及通过向熟悉候选人的同行私下了解情况后,在每年的1月份确定候选人初选名单(Long list);每年3月底,各评选分会根据各候选人的学术成果强弱,形成入选名单(Short list),提交给学院委员会。4月份,委员会确认44位正式候选人名单(Final list),并将其公布给全体院士。5月份,由全体院士参加的年度选举大会匿名选出年度的44名院士及6名(或以下)外籍院士。新院士一般在每年7月份参加了入院仪式后,正式被列入院士名单。 2006年的44位院士中,牛津大学入选4位、剑桥大学6位、UCL大学3位、帝国理工大学3位。 驻英使馆教育处 2006年6月 上述中文资料出处: http://abacus.gene.ucl.ac.uk/ziheng/ 特别致谢:在写作过程中得到英国皇家学会古植物学院士 Bill Chaloner教授的大力帮助,特此致谢! 相关资料: 古植物学的故事(39 )---350年来与古植物学有缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士(1660--2010) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=328266 发表于 2010-5-24 23:43:30 http://350.royalsociety.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Academy_of_Sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_Leopoldina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Swedish_Academy_of_Sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Academy_of_Sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_National_Academy_of_Sciences http://royalsociety.org/ http://www.leopoldina-halle.de/cms/en/academy.html
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