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蒋高明 2018-10-11 18:10
大力发展高效生态农业,促进生态文明建设 蒋高明 (中国科学院植物研究所) 这里我们所指的生态农业是,完全不用农药、化肥、农膜、除草剂、添加剂和转基因 ( 六不用 ) ,和仅使用少量化肥而不用其它五项要素的农业模式 ( 五不用 ) ,分别相当于国家认证的有机和绿色标准,或略高于其标准;我们所指的高效生态农业模式为 “ 六不用 ” ,是实现了的有机农业,其附加值高,农户、经营者、消费者、管理者、生态环境都受益,农业因提高了经济效益,农民就会向土地上多投入劳动,农业就会后继有人。通过 12 年研发,我们成功探索了一种重要农业模式,即高效生态农业。高效生态农业有助于解决农业提质增效、产业扶贫、振兴乡村、农田面源污染、大学生就业、全民大健康工程等一系列关键问题。我们认为,高效生态农业是生态文明建设的重要抓手,试分析如下: 第一,中国当前限制农民种地积极性的主要因素是重数量、重品相、轻质量 农产品价格低迷,由此引发的农产品滞销事件连年不断,造成大量水资源、农资、生态资源与餐桌浪费。由于种地不挣钱,农业靠老人和妇女大军惨淡经营。 “70 后不愿意种地、 80 后不会种地、 90 后不考虑种地 ” ,农业后继无人现象令人堪忧。 第二,很多环境污染来自化学农业模式 大量使用化肥,农药,地膜、激素、抗生素,造成的严重环境与健康问题,可以通过发展生态农业来解决。我国约 27 亿吨畜禽粪便、 8 亿吨秸秆、 4 亿吨可降解城乡生活垃圾、还有屠宰场废弃物、酒糟、中药渣、果树剪枝、烟草加工废弃物等等,均可以通过生态农业的办法,化废为宝;其所含有的氮、磷、钾等营养元素可大幅度替代化肥,从源头减少环境污染。人类搞的第一次绿色革命并不是绿色的,中国人应当发起真正的以生态学为主导的绿色革命。 第三,生态农业模式可促进耕地固碳 利用生态农业技术,可以少使用化肥,尽量不用农药、激素和地膜,这就从源头减少了碳排放。在温室气体方面,现代农业模式是净排放的,而生态农业模式是净吸收的,提高有机质并恢复地力。我们的实验结果显示:暖温带农田耕地固碳潜力可达 11.5 吨 /CO 2 当量 / 公顷 / 年。 第四,人民群众健康的源头在健康的农业 当前很多疾病的爆发与食物环境恶化有关,食物品质下降与有害物质残留是工业化农业造成的,健康的食物中是不应当含有农药残留的。在资本话语权下,消费者已被先入为主地告知,食物生产是离不开农药的。其实,吃饭离不开农药是西方人灌输给中国人的错误理念,因为他们走的农业路线从根本上就是错误的。目前,农药中的鸡尾酒现象非常严重。国外科学家研究认为,单独一种农药对人体的影响可能不大,但多种农药混合起来,可能会导致严重的健康后果。 第五,生态农业产量并不低 长期以来,有人认为生态农业产量低,不能满足大量人口的需求,这是一个严重的误区。通过 12 年的科学实验,在山东有机农业模式下,我们已成功将低产田改造为吨粮田(小麦、玉米周年产量);在河南,大面积种植的有机小麦平均 750 斤 / 亩,是在丘陵低产田上获得的(见附件)。很多人担心的产量问题,因为优质优价,农民愿意多投入劳动生产,产量并不会减少甚至提高。实验证明,有机冬小麦、夏玉米、大豆和花生产量,分别超出山东省平均水平 42.6% 、 60.9% 、 32.2% 和 38.1%. 。 第六,利用互联网 + 优势,优质农产品可迅速销往经济发达地区 优质优价食品销售,可让经济发达地区的钞票,流向经济不发达但环境良好的乡村地区,实现生态产业扶贫。目前我国的互联网技术突飞猛进:电子商务、支付宝和微信支付、便捷的物流等,已实现优质产品从偏远山区销往到发达城市,由此带动了种养业、加工业、物流业、生态旅游产业发展。中国是生物多样性大国,陆地与海洋生态系统类型全球最多,且有悠久的农业历史。通过不懈努力,将自己的饭碗端在自己手里,我们是有各种有利条件的,并科学回答布朗之问。 从理论上、技术上,以及市场销售上,中国人已经迈出了艰难的第一步 —— 人类告别百年农药将从中国开始。我们认为,以生态文明建设为契机,大力发展高效生态农业,引领人类走可持续发展的农业道路,既满足粮食安全,又解决环境污染问题,还带动全民大健康工程实施。具体建议如下: 第一, 国家用于扶贫、农业补贴、农村生态环境保护、乡村振兴、土地治理等的资金向高效生态农业倾斜 在全国大力推广高效生态农业模式,可发挥国家涉农、涉环保、涉健康资金使用的有效性,还可以促进精准扶贫,提高农产品的经济附加值,保护生态环境。 第二,扶持优质 “ 零农残 ” 产品销售,向符合要求的销售平台提供必要的资助 生态名优农产品的网络销售,进一步释放了城市居民的购买力,是发展生态农业的巨大推动力。如果 1 亿个城市家庭每年消费 3 万元的生态优质农产品,即可带动 1 亿个农村家庭从事生态农业。围绕生态种植、生态养殖、生态加工与生态农产品的销售,会增加就业机会,引导农二代、大学生二代进入生态农业领域,吸引年轻人回乡就业。 第三,建立高效生态农业实验示范区 选择有良好条件的县或市,大范围推广高效生态农业技术。如果农民积极参与,利用相对较少的土地,同样可以保障国家粮食数量安全与质量安全,促进农业良性循环与可持续发展。食物是用来吃的,不是用来看的,必须对各地搞的所谓现代农业产业园、反季节设施等做法进行反思,对用国家政策资金搞形象工程的做法必须尽快禁止。 第四,促进乡村生态环境保护,恢复农业生态系统健康 优质食品生产对生态环境有严格的要求,水、土、空气都不能污染,从源头减少化肥、农药、除草剂、农膜、人工合成激素,通过市场作用倒逼工厂少生产有害化学物质,帮助国家保护生态环境。高效生态农业其实是一种环保产业,更是最大的公益产业。生态农业还可减少温室气体排放,促进耕地固碳,发挥农业生态系统服务功能。 第五,跟踪示范区人群健康指标,获得第一手健康大数据 从源头遏制重大疾病年轻化趋势,为今后实施全民健康工程寻找合理的途径。病从口入,疾病与农产品质量关系密切。在试验示范区内,生态农业减少了化肥,农药,除草剂对食物和环境的污染,从源头保证了食品安全,实现从 “ 吃饱 ” 向 “ 吃好求健康 ” 的突破,为中华民族的崛起奠定坚实的健康基础。
个人分类: 建言新农村|2942 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-6-1 06:27
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十八 中国环保NGO 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.5.4 中国环保 NGO 4.5.4 Environmental NGOs in China   我的办公室里,有一本外文出版社用中英两种语言出版的书《环保非政府组织的中国故事》,作者是新京报的评论部主任曹保印。这本书介绍了一些比较活跃的中国 NGO 组织(如自然之友、绿家园、地球之友等)负责人的故事,因为我是中国环境文化促进会的理事,所以也把我做过的一些环保工作写了进去。中国环境文化促进会由热心参与环境保护工作的名人组成,环保部副部长潘岳先生任理事长,成龙、姜昆等任副理事长,北京大学、中国环境科学院等单位的一些专家为理事,我只是其中之一。 In my office, there is a book published by the Foreign Languages Press in both English and Chinese entitled Stories of China’s Environmental NGOs , written by Cao Baoyin, Director of the Commentary Department of Beijing News . This book narrates stories of responsible persons of some active NGOs in China (such as Friends of Nature, Green Earth, and Friends of the Earth, etc.). Because I am director of China Environmental Culture Promotion Association (CECPA), some of my experience in environmental protection is also included. CECPA is made of people who are devoted practitioners of environmental protection, with Pan Yue, deputy minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection as the president of the Association, Jackie Chang and Jiang Kun as vice presidents. Experts from Peking University and Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and other units are directors of the Association. I am one of the directors. 环保 NGO 就是环保民间组织,因为国际上 NGO 的缩写用得非常广泛,所以这个字母词也进入了汉语。环保 NGO 以环境保护为主旨,不以营利为目的,不具有行政权力。他们的主要工作是为社会提供环境公益性服务。 Environmental NGOs are non-governmental organizations for environmental protection. NGO, an abbreviation for Non-Governmental Organization, is widely used internationally and was introduced to China as well. An environmental NGO takes environmental protection not profit as its main aim, and it does not have any administrative power. Their main job is to provide environmental public services for society. 1978 年 5 月,中国环境科学学会成立,这是中国最早成立的环保民间组织,由政府部门发起成立。 1991 年,辽宁省盘锦市黑嘴鸥保护协会注册成立。 1994 年,著名的“自然之友”在北京成立。此后,中国各类环保民间组织相继成立起来。 In May 1978, the Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences was founded by the government as China’s first environmental NGO. In 1991, Saunders Gull Conservation Society of Panjin City of Liaoning Province was established. In 1994, the famous “Friends of Nature” was established in Beijing. Since then, various environmental NGOs have emerged. 现在,中国有各类环保民间组织 2768 家,从业人员总数为 22.4 万人。其中全职人员 6.9 万,兼职人员 15.5 万。中国环保民间组织的突出特点是:从业人员年轻人多,学历层次高,奉献精神强,影响面广。环保 NGO 这个字母词被广泛使用,可能就和从业者年轻、学历层次高有关系。从业者中, 80% 左右是 30 岁以下的青年人, 50% 以上拥有大学以上学历,约 92% 是志愿者,不计任何酬劳。 Now, there are 2,768 Chinese environmental NGOs in China, and the total number of employees is 224,000, of which 69,000 are full-time and 155,000 part-time staff. The salient features of Chinese environmental NGOs are: young professionals, high level of education, strong dedication spirit, and wide influence. The popularity of the title of environmental NGO may just derive from these young professionals and their high level of education. Among the staff, about 80% are young people under 30, over 50% have a college degree or above, and about 92% are volunteers receiving no remuneration. 中国环保民间组织有 4 种类型:( 1 )由政府部门发起成立的环保民间组织,如中华环保联合会、中华环保基金会、中国环境文化促进会,以及各地环境科学学会、环保产业协会、野生动物保护协会等;( 2 )由民间自发组成的环保民间组织,如自然之友、地球村,以及以非营利方式从事环保活动的其他民间机构等;( 3 )学生环保社团及其联合体,包括学校内部的环保社团、多个学校环保社团联合体等;( 4 )国际环保民间组织的驻华机构。 Chinese environmental NGOs come in four types: (1) those initiated by the government department, such as All-China Environment Federation, China Environmental Protection Foundation, and China Environmental Culture Promotion Association, as well as various societies for environmental sciences, associations of environmental protection industry, and wildlife conservation associations; (2) self-sponsored NGOs, such as Friends of Nature, Global Village, and other non-profitable private institutions for environmental activities; (3) student environmental protection societies, including environmental protection societies within a school, or consortiums of these societies from several schools; (4) agencies of international environmental NGOs resident in China. 这些环保民间组织已经成为推动中国环保事业发展的不可或缺的重要力量,为中国生态文明建设做出了很大的贡献。他们组织环保公益活动,出版环保书籍,发放宣传品,举办环保讲座,组织培训,参与媒体报道,在提高公众环境意识方面发挥了很大的作用。环保民间组织的活动很多,我在这里举几个有代表性的例子: These environmental NGOs have become indispensable forces for promoting China’s environmental protection and have made great contributions to the building of the ecological civilization. They have organized environmental charity activities, published environmental books, distributed advertising materials, organized environmental seminars and trainings, and participated in media reports, and so on. They have done a great deal in raising public awareness of environmental protection. As their activities are numerous, I just raise a few typical examples here: 表 3 中国环保 NGO 代表性活动及其影响 年代 主要事件 NGO 社会影响 效果 1995 云南金丝猴保护行动 自然之友 媒体详细、持久的报道 建立金丝猴保护区 1999 污染受害者法律咨询热线 中国政法大学污染受害者法律帮助中心 1 万多名污染受害者得到法律服务 50 多起环境污染案件受害者胜诉 2000 环境教育流动教学车 —— “羚羊车” 自然之友 200 余所学校 2 万多名中小学生感受自然、关注环境 2002 北京顺义湿地开发高尔夫球场 绿网 北京平原地区唯一湿地得以保护 成功阻止开发活动 2005 圆明园防渗工程事件 自然之友 绿家园 媒体大量报道,全国首届公众环保听证会举行 环保总局责令圆明园防渗工程整改 2006 保护母亲河行动 多家环保 NGO 联合发起 857 万人次参加 环保志愿者服务形成知名品牌 Table 3 Representative examples and their effects of China’s environmental NGOs Year Event NGO Social influence Effect 1995 Golden Monkey Conservation Action in Yunnan Friends of Nature Detailed and long-lasting coverage by media Establishment of protected areas for golden monkeys 1999 Legal consultation hotline for pollution victims Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims in China University of Political Science and Law more than 10,000 pollution victims received legal assistance victims of more than 50 pollution cases won the lawsuits 2000 Environmental education mobile van—“antelope van” Friends of Nature more than 200 schools More than twenty thousand schoolchildren get the feel the nature and care about environment 2002 Golf course developed on wetland in Shunyi, Beijing CPT Pilot Zone the successful protection of the only wetland in Beijing’s flat areas successful prevention of undesirable exploitation 2005 Anti-seepage project in the Old Summer Palace Friends of Nature Green Earth Volunteers extensive media coverage and the first national public hearing on environmental issues State Environmental Protection Administration order the project to rectify and reform 2006 Mother river protection activity several NGOs 8.57 million people participated environmental volunteer service gains popularity 保护生态环境,保护生物多样性,为子孙后代、也为当代留下更大的发展空间,中国环保民间组织付出了不懈的努力,也取得了一定的成绩,成为官方环保工作之外的一支重要力量。记得有一次,环保部副部长潘岳召集北京主要环保 NGO 的负责人在环保部开会。会上,潘副部长说:“谁是我们的敌人?环境污染的制造者是我们的敌人;谁是我们的朋友?环保 NGO 是我们的朋友。”足见民间环保力量是不可缺少的。 In order to protect the environment and the biological diversity, so as to leave more room for development for future generations, Chinese environmental NGOs have made unremitting efforts and have obtained certain achievements. They have become an important force outside official environmental protection work. I remember that once Pan Yue, deputy minister of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, convened the responsible persons of some major environmental NGOs to have a meeting in the Ministry of Environmental Protection. He stated: “Who are our enemies? Environmental polluters. Who are our friends? Environmental NGOs.” His statement demonstrates that the power of non-governmental environmental organizations is indispensable. 中国环保 NGO ,代表着普通民众的意愿和行动。环保民间组织的从业者中,年轻人居多,代表了中国未来的环保力量。活跃的环保民间组织的活动,不仅切实地推进了中国的生态环境保护事业,而且昭示了一个光明的未来。中国的广大民众,中国的未来一代,一定会越来越关注环保,越来越尊重自然,中国的生态文明建设一定会越来越有成效,建设美丽中国的中国梦,将不再是梦想。 China’s environmental NGOs represent the will and actions of Chinese ordinary people. The majority of young people in environmental NGOs embody China’s future environmental force. Animated activities of environmental NGOs not only effectively promote the cause of China’s ecological and environmental protection, but also demonstrate a bright future. The broad masses of Chinese people and their future generations will become increasingly concerned about environmental protection and show more respect for the nature. China’s construction of ecological civilization will bear more fruit, and to build a beautiful China is not just a dream.
个人分类: 生态科普|3475 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-29 19:27
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十七 合理的消费习惯 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.5.3 合理的消费习惯 4.5.3 Rational consumption habit 由于工作关系,我经常到国外出差,先后到过亚洲、非洲、欧洲、北美洲、南美洲的近 40 个国家。所到之处,使我印象深刻的,是几乎所有国家的旅馆都不提供一次性牙具、一次性拖鞋、一次性梳子和浴帽等,但是在中国,这些东西可是宾馆必不可少的。哪怕最好的五星级酒店,也都会提供。只有在开“两会” 的时候,大会代表们住的宾馆,会停止供应一次性用品。 I have often traveled abroad on business trips and have been to nearly 40 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America. What impressed me most is that almost all hotels do not provide disposable dental equipment, slippers, shower caps or combs. But in China, these things are essential. Even the best five-star hotels will provide such things. Only during the “two conferences” these disposables are not offered in the hotels accommodating the delegates. 顾名思义,一次性用品是使用一次就要扔掉的东西。听起来,这就是一种很大的资源浪费。更何况,一次性用品要求价格低廉,为了降低成本,大部分都是塑料制品,消耗了化石资源,而且不能降解,造成环境污染。 Disposable goods are for single use only as the term suggests. It is a huge waste of resources. Moreover, disposable supplies are required to be low in price, and therefore, for the purpose of reducing costs, most of disposables are made of plastic products which consume fossil resources and, being not degradable, cause environmental pollution. 人类在地球上生活,所需要的所有物资都来自地球。目前,以资本为主导的消费方式,给地球带来了沉重的负担。地球上的其他物种,也向地球索取,但几乎不会留下垃圾,其自身也会加入生态系统的物质循环中。唯有人类不同。人类制造了过量的、地球无法代谢的垃圾,同时意味着资源浪费与环境污染,而这些都与人类过度的消费行为有关。人类制造的很多产品,丢弃后成为了自然界无法降解的垃圾,甚至连重金属都被释放到环境中去了。要减轻地球的负担,从根本上解决垃圾问题,人类最好重拾工业化前的优良传统 —— 节约,形成合理的、良好的消费习惯。 Living on the earth, people depend on it for all their supplies. Currently, the consumption pattern based by capital spending has become a heavy burden on the planet. Other species on the planet also obtain supplies from the earth, but barely leave any garbage because they themselves will join the circulation of materials in ecosystems. Humans are different. People have produced too much waste to be metabolized. And the waste of resources and environmental pollution is all attributed to people’s excessive consumption. Many human-made products become un-degradable garbage after being abandoned and even heavy metals are released into the environment. To fundamentally alleviate the earth’s burden and solve the garbage problem, humans had better revive the good tradition of pre-industrialization times, i.e., thrift and rational consuming habits. 2008 年 6 月 1 日,被民间简称为“限塑令”的一项规定 —— 《国务院办公厅关于限制生产销售使用塑料购物袋的通知》在全国正式执行。“限塑令”出台后,过去常见的超薄塑料袋不见了踪影。超薄塑料袋强度差,基本没有二次利用的可能性,就算是一次性使用,也经常要同时使用两个才能保证安全。但是它们不可降解,对土壤结构的破坏很大。除了严禁生产、销售、使用超薄塑料袋,符合国家质量标准的塑料袋,也要求有偿使用。虽然花钱不多,但有偿使用的塑料袋,非常有效地提示了居民:你应该自带购物袋。“限塑令”出台后,自带布袋,或者重复使用塑料袋,渐渐成为了市民的新习惯。 On June 1st, 2008, the Notice of the State Council on Limiting Production and Sales of Plastic Shopping Bags came into effect, later known to the public as the “plastic limit order”. Since this notice was introduced, the ubiquitous ultra-thin plastic bags have disappeared. Being so fragile, they cannot be used for the second time. Sometimes, two bags are used to guarantee safe carriage. But they are un-degradable and will cause great damage to the soil structure. In addition to a ban on the production, sale and use of ultra-thin plastic bags, other types of plastic bags that comply with national quality standards will not be given free any more. The compensation for the use of those inexpensive plastic bags very effectively reminds residents that you should bring you own shopping bags. Since then, carrying one’s own bags or reusable bags have gradually become people’s new habit. 少用塑料袋事情虽小,但对保护生态环境的作用可不小。根据中国连锁经营协会 2009 年 5 月 20 号公布的调查,各类超市中塑料袋使用率平均下降了 66% ,据估算,每年大概减少使用塑料袋达 400 亿个!以北京为例,北京市每天产生垃圾近两万吨,其中塑料袋含量占到 10% 左右。“限塑令”出台后,北京的塑料袋垃圾减少了 10% 以上,也就是每天减少了 200 多吨的不可降解垃圾。 Reduced use of plastic bags seems trivial, yet contributes a lot to protection of the environment. According to a survey released by the China Chain Store Franchise Association on May 20th, 2009, the consumption of all kinds of plastic bags in supermarkets fell by an average rate of 66%, resulting in an estimated reduction of 40 billion plastic bags a year! For example, Beijing produced nearly 20,000 tons of garbage daily, with plastic bags accounting for about 10%. After the order was announced, the garbage of plastic bags fell by more than 10%, which means a reduction of more than 200 tons of un-degradable garbage per day. 其实,减少使用塑料袋只是公众环保行动的一个缩影。环保中的每一件小事都有可能发挥大作用。从尽量重复使用物品,不随意制造垃圾,到不消费一次性物品;从尽量自备餐具外出就餐,到不过度包装产品,不购买过度包装的产品;从节约每一滴水,节约每一度电……中国生态文明建设需要每个人从身边的小事做起。 In fact, reducing the use of plastic bags is just an epitome of public environmental action. Every seemingly insignificant action in environmental protection from the re-use of articles, a conscious decision not to litter waste, to not using disposable items, from bringing your own cutlery when dining out, to refusing to buy overly-packaged products; from saving every drop of water and each watt of electricity... can make a valuable contribution. China’s construction of ecological civilization needs everyone to take such small steps for big results. In October 1860, the British
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蒋高明 2018-5-28 10:05
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十六 面向未来的环境教育 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.5.2 面向未来的环境教育 4.5.2 Environmental education for the future 2008 年 4 月,一名中学生来到我的办公室,希望加入在内蒙古开展的沙地生态恢复研究。这名学生叫侯炯,来自清华大学附属中学,她是通过北京青少年基金会认识我的。在担任中国生物多样性保护基金会副秘书长期间,我经常深入中学校园开展环境讲座,并担任了北京青少年基金会“小小科学家”的校外辅导员。侯炯同学到我们的课题组,想在内蒙古开展一个治沙科学试验,参加全国举办的“小小科学家”竞赛。我安排博士研究生刘美珍指导她的试验,即利用不同生物方法控制流沙,并促进群落更新。后来,她的试验获得了成功,取得了竞赛一等奖。由于学习成绩优异,加上获得了全国性的奖励,侯炯同学后来被哈佛大学录取。 In April 2008, a middle school student came to my office hoping to join the sandy land ecological restoration research conducted in Inner Mongolia. Hou Jiong, from the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, knew me through the Beijing Youth Development Foundation. When I served as deputy secretary of the China Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, I used to go to secondary schools to attend environmental seminars , and I also acted as an extramural instructor of the “little scientist” contest of the Beijing Youth Development Foundation. In our research group, Hou Jiong wanted to carry out a scientific experiment on sandy land in Inner Mongolia, and participate in the “Little Scientist” contest organized by the country. I arranged for Dr Liu Meizhen to guide her experiment: to control quicksand by use of different biological methods and promote community regeneration. Later on, her experiment succeeded and won the first prize in the contest. Thanks to her academic excellence and national award, Hou Jiong was later admitted to Harvard University. 这是我参与环境教育的一件小事。实际上,我在科研之余,经常到各地进行环境教育讲座,去过北京大学、清华大学、台湾大学、首尔大学等海内外十几所高校,给省(部)、市(地、盟)、县、乡镇(苏木)、村(嘎查)、街道各级干部和社区群众进行生态环境、自然保护宣传培训,多达 150 多场,受众达 3.5 万多人次;我还为中学教师、中学生进行培训,包括在北京四中、北京八中、中国人民大学附中、北京八十中、北京师范大学附中、北京铁道附中、北京平谷中学、顺义杨镇一中、北京丰台二中、北京工业大学附中、昌平先锋学校等演讲 30 多场。像我这样关心环境教育的科学家,在中国还有很多。 This is only an example of my participation in environmental education. In fact, I often went to do environmental education seminars in different places, including more than a dozen colleges and universities at home and abroad, such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, National Taiwan University, and Seoul National University. I also gave training to cadres and community residents at all levels—provincial (ministry), city (prefectural level, league), county and township (sum), village (gacha) and streets on the ecological environment and nature conservation, on more than 150 occasions and with over 35,000 participants. I also organized more than 30 training classes for high school teachers and students, like Beijing No. 4 High School, Beijing No. 8 High School, the High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Beijing No. 80 High School, the High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, the Middle School Attached to Northern Jiaotong University, Pinggu Middle School, Yangzhen No.1 Middle School in Shunyi, Fengtai No.2 Middle School, High School Attached to Beijing University of Technology, and Changping Pioneer School. Many scientists in China care as I do about environmental education. 环境教育是以人与环境的关系为核心,通过普及环境保护知识与技能,提高人们的环境意识和环保参与能力,最终帮助每个人关心环境,参与环保,使全社会都能为生态文明做出贡献。中国政府非常重视环境教育。在各个社区,你经常能够看到有关环保的海报、宣传栏甚至涂鸦墙。北京的很多小区还分发了垃圾分类指南,我接触过的街道社区干部们,都是政府环保教育与宣传的热心工作者。 Environmental education takes the relationship between people and the environment as the core. Through disseminating environmental knowledge and skills and improving public awareness and ability to participate in environmental protection activities, we can help everyone caring about the environment and participate in environmental protection, so that the people of the whole society can be of service to the ecological civilization. The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental education. In each community, you often see environmental posters, billboards and even graffiti walls. Many communities in Beijing have also distributed garbage classification guides. The street and community officials with whom I have contact are all enthusiastic practitioners of environmental education and promotion. 邓小平说过,教育要从娃娃抓起。中国校园环境教育开始于 20 世纪 70 年代,已经积累了丰富的经验。 1987 年,教育部颁布的教学大纲中强调,小学和初中要通过相关学科教育和课外活动、开设讲座等形式,进行能源、环境和生态保护的教育,有条件的学校要开设选修课。 1992 年,教育部颁布的新大纲中明确提出,在相关学科教学内容中要讲授环境保护知识。 1996 年以后,中国出现了“绿色学校”,这类学校在完成基本教育任务的基础上,在学校的日常工作中贯彻环保意识,使学生耳濡目染,在受教育的过程中养成环保习惯。 Deng Xiaoping once said that education should start with children. China’s school environmental education began in the 1970s and has already accumulated a wealth of experience. In 1987, the teaching program issued by the Ministry of Education emphasized that primary and junior secondary schools should carry out energy, environmental and ecological protection education, through related disciplines and extracurricular activities, lectures and other forms, and conditioned schools with necessary conditions may offer optional courses. In 1992, the new teaching program by the Ministry of Education clearly stated that environmental protection knowledge should be included in relevant pedagogical contents. Since 1996, “green schools” have come on the scene in China, with the objective of training students to cultivate the habit of environmental protection in their daily work, on the basis of implementing fundamental education. 毋庸置疑,通过环境教育,中国人一定会越来越关心生态环境保护,中国的生态文明建设一定能够越做越好。 Needless to say, through environmental education, Chinese people will become increasingly concerned about ecological and environmental protection, and China’s ecological civilization construction will make greater progress.
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蒋高明 2018-5-23 21:19
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十五 圆明园环评事件 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.5.1 21 世纪的圆明园事件 4.5.1 The Old Summer Palace incident in the 21 st century 圆明园,这个 150 年前被英法联军烧毁的中国皇家园林,在中国人的心目中,是与“耻辱”两字分不开的 。现在,圆明园已经成为公园,在保持园林原貌和当地生态的基础上,发挥着休闲功能。 The Old Summer Palace (Yuan Ming Yuan) is a royal garden destroyed by the British and French expeditionary forces 150 years ago. It is closely related to the word “shame” in the minds of Chinese people. Now, it has become a park, playing a recreational function while maintaining its original appearance and local ecology. 1985 年,我考研笔试通过,来北京参加面试,来自北大的考生带我去看的北京第一个景点,就是圆明园。而 20 年后,我再次与圆明园相遇,是为了一次环境事件,是 21 世纪的一场新的“圆明园事件”。 In 1985, I passed the written postgraduate entrance exam, and came to Beijing for an interview. The Old Summer Palace was the first spot I visited accompanied by a candidate for Peking University. Two decades later, my second encounter with it resulted from an environmental event, the new “Old Summer Palace event” in the 21 st century. 2005 年 3 月,正是迎接“世界水日”的日子,圆明园的水系却遭了殃。湖水被抽干,十几台挖掘机把自然分布、深浅不一的湖底填平,用塑料膜将整个湖底盖住,周围还用水泥封住。这是圆明园在进行“防渗工程”,耗资超过 1.5 亿元。 In March 2005, just before the “World Water Day”, rivers in the Old Summer Palace suffered a calamity. The naturally-distributed lakes of differing depths were drained, and then filled leveled by a dozen or so excavators. In the end the lake beds were covered with plastic film and sealed up with cement at their edges. This was an “anti-seepage project” costing over 150 million Yuan. 最早发现这一可怕的防渗工程的,是兰州大学的一名兼职教授。《人民日报》则最早报道了圆明园湖底铺设防渗膜事件。要知道,圆明园可不单单是一处爱国主义教育基地,也是北京这座大型都市仅有的几处自然水系之一,对北京市的微气候、地下水都有重要影响。工程实施方称,北京缺水,防渗工程后,圆明园可以由每年向湖中注水三次减为每年一次,可以节约水资源。但是,在湖底铺膜,就割断了湖底生态、湖中生态和水这一生命之源,圆明园的活水会变成死水,圆明园生态会遭受严重破坏,不可降解的塑料膜还会造成环境污染。这是一起典型的破坏水生生态的环境事件,北京各大报纸争相报道,一时舆论哗然,北京市民的反对呼声异常高涨。 It was a part-time Professor of Lanzhou University who first discovered this terrible event, and the People’s Daily was the first media to report it. The Old Summer Place is not just a patriotism education base, but also one of the few systems of natural water in Beijing, having a great impact on the microclimate and the capital’s groundwater system. The company in charge of the project explained that after it was completed, the need to inject water into the lake might be reduced from three times to once a year, thus relieving Beijing’s water shortage. However, applying plastic film over the bottom would destroy the ecology of the lakebed, the overall ecology, and even the life-breeding water resources. The consequence would be that living water would become dead, the ecology of the Old Summer Palace would suffer serious damage, and non-degradable plastic films could also cause great environmental pollution. This is a typical environmental event of damaging aquatic ecosystem. It was carried by all major newspapers in Beijing. The public opinion was seething with indignation, and the voice of denunciation from Beijing citizens was loud and clear. 在这种舆论氛围下,国家环保总局就圆明园防渗工程公开举行了环境听证会。这是中国第一次举行环境公众听证会,由新闻媒体进行了全程网上直播。社会各界代表 120 人和 50 多家媒体参加了听证,我也应邀出席了这次听证会。与会代表对此次听证会的程序、内容和结果所体现的公开、公正予以广泛认同,社会反响也十分热烈,听证会的网络点击率达到了百万次以上。 Faced with this repudiative public opinion, the State Environmental Protection Administration held a hearing. As it was the first hearing on an environmental protection issue, so the whole process was recorded for a webcast. A total of 120 people from all sectors and over 50 media representatives attended the hearing, and I was also invited. The procedure, content and outcome of the hearing were open and fair, and therefore widely acknowledged by the delegates. The hearing aroused enthusiastic social response, and the online viewings exceeded one million. 听证会后,我在《新京报》连续发表了两篇文章,强调圆明园湿地生态的重要性,指出破坏圆明园本地生态的做法的错误性。在广大媒体和公众的一片反对声中,环保总局对一些环评组织进行了整改,按照公众呼声,给出了工程重改方案,拆除塑料膜,铺设自然底泥,恢复天然植被,恢复圆明园原有生态。 After the hearing, I published two articles in Beijing News, emphasizing the importance of the wetland ecosystem in the Old Summer Palace and pointing out the mistakes made. With so much opposition expressed from the media and the public, the State Environmental Protection Administration reformed some EIA organizations. On the advice of the public, it adjusted the project, removed the plastic films, laid natural sediment and restored the natural vegetation as well as the original ecology of the Old Summer Palace. 在整个事件的查处过程中,政府做到了“阳光行政”。从选取听证代表、举行听证、开展环评、再到审查环评报告和公布审批结果,整个过程一直在完全公开、公平和公正的原则下进行,充分保证了人民群众的知情权、参与权和监督权。 In the whole process of the investigation, the government adhered to the principle of “sunshine administration”. From selecting representatives attending the hearing, the procedures adopted, the environmental impact assessment, reviewing the assessment report, to publishing the final results, the whole process was completely open, fair and equitable, and fully guaranteed people’s rights to know, to participate in and to supervise the investigation. “圆明园事件”的成功解决,体现了中国公众和媒体舆论在环保工作上的巨大作用。不仅如此,还体现了政府环境相关部门的应有职责,体现了公开、公正的环境执政能力。 The successful solution of the “Old Summer Palace Event” shows the significant role the Chinese public and media play in the environmental work. It also manifests the indispensible responsibilities of environment-related departments, and their ability to be open and fair on environmental issues. 1860 年10月,英法联军入侵北京,在抢劫一空之后,火烧了圆明园、清漪园、畅春园、静明园、静宜园和万寿山、玉泉山、香山。因为最初的借口是圆明园囚禁了英法人质,因此常被笼统地称为火烧圆明园事件。 In October 1860, the British and French expeditionary forces invaded Beijing, and set fire to the Old Summer Palace, Qingyi Garden, Changchun Garden, Jingming Garden, Jingyi Garden and Longevity Hill, Jade Spring Hill and Flagrant Hill, after widespread looting. The initial excuse for the invasion was that some British and French hostages were imprisoned in the Old Summer Palace, so these events were loosely referred to as Burning of the Old Summer Palace.
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蒋高明 2018-5-20 09:29
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十四 与周边国家环境合作 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.4.4 与周边国家的环境合作 4.4.4 Environmental protection cooperation with neighboring countries 1999 年~ 2013 年间,我曾多次拜访周边国家,参加国际环境合作方面的活动,包括荒漠化治理、生物多样性保护、跨界自然保护区建设等。我还帮助中国呼伦贝尔成功申报了达赉湖世界生物圈保护区项目,该保护区地跨中国、俄罗斯与蒙古三国,是典型的国际保护区,主要保护湿地生态系统与天鹅、黄羊等珍稀濒危物种。 From 1999 to 2013, I visited neighboring countries several times to participate in international environmental cooperation activities, including desertification control, protection of biodiversity, and construction of cross-border nature reserves. I also helped Hulun Buir successfully establish the Dalai Lake World Biosphere Reserve Project. This reserve is a typical international reserve spanning parts of China, Russia and Mongolia, and it is intended mainly for protecting wetland ecosystems and swans and Mongolian gazelle and other rare and endangered species. 我参加的上述活动,属于国际环境科学家之间,科学家与政府、企业之间的交流合作。 2009 年 6 月,我以小组召集人的身份,在日本神奈川县参加了亚欧环境论坛第 7 次圆桌会议。该论坛由亚欧环境基金会、日本环境部、联合国环境计划署( UNEP )联合举办,来自欧洲和亚洲 40 多个国家的 50 多名代表参加了会议,其中有科学家、政治家、企业家、非政府组织、慈善家、媒体从业人员等。会上,我介绍了我们在浑善达克连续进行了 9 年的生态恢复试验。 The above activities I was involved in were relevant to international exchanges and cooperation between scientists of environmental protection, and between scientists and government and enterprises. In June 2009, as the convener of my group, I participated in the seventh round-table meeting of Asia-Europe Environment Forum in Kanagawa, Japan. The forum was sponsored by the Asia-Europe Foundation, the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and the United Nations Environment Program, and attended by more than 50 representatives from more than 40 countries in Europe and Asia, such as scientists, politicians, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations, philanthropists, and media professionals, etc. At the meeting, I introduced our 9-year experiment of ecological restoration in Hunshandake Sandland. 在政府层面上,中国政府也十分重视环境保护工作的国际合作,多次派出由多部门官员和专家组成的中国政府代表团,出席一系列全球性及区域性的环境保护国际合作会议,加强了与联合国环境规划署、联合国开发署、世界银行、全球环境基金等国际机构的协调与合作,较好地完成了一批双边、多边的国际合作项目。 At the government level, China has attached great importance to international cooperation in environmental protection, and sent on several occasions delegations made up of government officials and experts to attend global and regional international cooperation conferences on environmental protection, so as to enhance coordination and cooperation with the United Nations Environment Program, the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility and other international institutions. So far it has finished a number of bilateral and multilateral international cooperation projects. 中日环境合作已建立了比较完善的机制,区域经济集团化和地区环境合作机制,越来越成为中日环境合作的重要管道。迄今为止,中日间已开展了形式多样的各项环境合作专案,包括技术开发、合作研究、人员培训、宣传教育和能力建设等方面,涉及大气和水污染治理、生态保护、农林业、水资源、环境监控、基础环境设施建设和生态城市建设等多个领域。实践表明,这些专案在帮助提高中国环境管理能力、改善环境质量和促进可持续发展等方面发挥了积极作用。 A relatively complete mechanism has been established. Integration of regional economy and regional environmental cooperation mechanism has increasingly become an important channel for China-Japan cooperation on the environment protection. So far, China and Japan have carried out various forms of cooperation in various environmental projects, including technology development, collaborative research, personnel training, education and capacity building, involving air and water pollution control, ecological conservation, agriculture and forestry, water resources, environmental monitoring, infrastructure construction and ecological city construction. Practice shows that these projects have played a positive role in China in improving the environmental management capacity, environmental quality and sustainable development, etc. 中国与韩国隔黄海相望,面临着公共海域的环境污染和生态破坏问题。韩国比较关注黄海的污染,中韩双方曾在 1998 年合作进行过黄海水质调查。按照韩国提供的采样与分析方法,在 24 个监测站点进行了水质检测,共同开展海洋洋流运动、海洋生态变化、海洋污染治理等海域环境状况方面的基础研究。除此之外,中日韩三国还有合作。 1999 年,中日韩为探讨解决三国共同面临的区域环境问题,举行了第一次三国环境部长会议。此后,这一高规格的联合会议连续举办了 7 次。 Separated by the Yellow Sea, South Korea and China face the same problem of environmental pollution and ecological destruction of public waters. South Korea is much concerned about the pollution of the Yellow Sea and has worked with China in surveying the water quality of the sea in 1998. Monitoring has been carried out at 24 sites according to the sampling and analysis methods provided by South Korea. And the two countries have jointly undertaken basic research on marine environments like ocean current movement, changes in the marine ecosystem, and marine pollution control. In addition, cooperation has been conducted among the three countries. In 1999, in order to discuss some common regional environmental problems, China, Japan and South Korea held their first tripartite environmental ministerial meeting. Since then, this type of high profile joint meeting has been held 7 times. 为促进中俄环境合作, 2006 年,中俄总理定期会晤委员会成立了环保分委会,中俄环保合作进入了一个崭新阶段。中俄总理定期会晤委员会环保分委会由中国环保部和俄罗斯联邦自然资源部组成,下设 3 个工作组:污染防治和环境灾害应急联络工作组、跨界自然保护区及生物多样性保护工作组、跨界水体水质监测及保护工作组。其中,中俄在松花江流域水污染防治规划、跨界水体水质联合监测和松花江污染事件应急联合监测等工作上,取得了较大的进展。 In order to promote Sino-Russian environmental cooperation, the Working Group for the regular meeting of Premiers of China and Russia set up an environmental protection committee in 2006, marking a new phase of environmental cooperation between the two countries. The sub-committee of the group comprised of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, with 3 working groups: the response working group on pollution control and environmental hazards, the working group on protection of trans-boundary nature reserves and biodiversity, and the working group on water quality monitoring and protection for trans-boundary rivers. The two countries have made a great progress on a water pollution prevention plan for the Songhua River, cross-border joint monitoring of water quality, and joint emergency monitoring work of the Songhua River pollution incidents. 中蒙两国加强在环保领域的合作,主要体现在加强双方在防治沙漠化、可再生能源开发利用、跨境自然保护区建设等领域的合作。双方还在保护蒙古国珍稀野生动物戈壁熊方面开展了具体合作研究。 2004 年 7 月,我带领中国科学院植物研究所的科研团队,赴蒙古国乌兰巴托和温都尔汗省,开展了一个月的野外工作。因为中国内蒙古和蒙古国的草原是一个整体生态系统,我们选址建立了蒙古草原生态系统长期定位研究站,将中国境内开展的长期草原研究,扩大到蒙古国,建站费用由中国商务部承担。在蒙古国,我遇到了来自俄罗斯和日本的专家,他们对蒙古国这块草原也有着浓厚的兴趣,资助本国科学家来蒙古国开展研究。可见,中国与周边国家,尤其与日本、俄罗斯之间,有合作也有竞争。 Cooperation between China and Mongolia for environmental protection is mainly reflected in the concerted efforts to combat desertification, development and utilization of renewable energy, and construction of cross-border nature reserves, etc. The two countries also joined hands in the protection of the Gobi Bear, a rare wild animal in Mongolia. In July 2004, I led a research team from CAS Institute of Botany to Ulan Bator and Ondorhaan in Mongolia for one month of fieldwork. Because the two countries share a common ecosystem, we established a long-term Mongolia grassland ecosystem research station, so as to expand the grassland study conducted within China to Mongolia, and the costs for building the station were afforded by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce. In Mongolia, I met some experts from Russia and Japan. The two nations also had strong interest in the Mongolian grasslands and funded their scientists to do research in Mongolia. We can see that there are both cooperation and competition between China and its neighboring countries, especially with Japan and Russia. 中国与周边国家的环境合作,提升了中国的国际形象。在人类这个唯一的地球村中,中国向世界贡献的不只是“中国制造”的产品,还有中国的环保理念、环保技术和环保行动。现在,中国政府又进一步下大力气建设生态文明,这些行动对周边国家,乃至对全世界生态环境的改善,都有积极的意义。 China’s cooperation with surrounding countries in the field of environment protection has improved its international image. In the global village, what China contributes to the world is not just “made in China” products, but also China’s environmental protection philosophy, technology and action. Now, the government is endeavoring to build an ecological civilization, which is conducive to its neighboring countries and the whole world as well in terms of improvement of the ecological environment.
个人分类: 生态科普|1655 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-20 09:26
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十三 联合国防治荒漠化公约 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.4.3 联合国防治荒漠化公约 4.4.3 United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 1994 年 6 月 7 日,《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和 / 或沙漠化的国家特别是在非洲防治沙漠化的公约》(简称《联合国防治荒漠化公约》)在巴黎通过,并于 1996 年 12 月正式生效。 On June 7, 1994, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) was passed in Paris, and it came into force in December 1996. 中国于 1994 年 10 月 14 日签署该公约,并于 1997 年 2 月 18 日交存批准书。中国政府积极参加履约委员会的工作,并敦促发达国家真诚履行其义务,协调好公约现有资金机制 —— “全球机制”和全球环境基金的工作。在预算问题上,中国主张缔约方会议尽快就经费等问题做出决定,以加强区域协调办事处的作用。 China signed the Convention on 14 October 1994, and deposited its letter of ratification on February 18, 1997. The Chinese government actively participated in the work of the Compliance Committee, urged developed countries to fulfill their obligations, and coordinated the work between the existing financial mechanisms of the Convention—“Global Mechanism” and the Global Environment Facility. In terms of the budget, China advocates timely decisions on funding by contracting parties to strengthen the role of regional coordination offices. 2005 年 10 月,《公约》第七次缔约方大会在肯尼亚首都内罗毕召开。期间还召开了高级别会议、履约审查委员会第四次会议、科技委员会第七次会议和议员圆桌会议。中国代表团出席了大会。 In October 2005, the Seventh Conference of the contracting parties was held in Nairobi, Kenya. High-level meetings, the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention, the seventh conference of the Council for Science and Technology, and round table conference of councilors were held at the same time. The Chinese delegation attended the conference. 2006 年 12 月 17 日~ 19 日,我应联合国荒漠化防治办公室的邀请,在阿尔及尔出席全球防治沙漠化国际会议。在那次会议上,我作为中国代表团成员之一,介绍了我们在内蒙古正蓝旗浑善达克成功的治沙案例,并作为大会分会场的主持人,与埃及学者共同主持了一个分会场的讨论。 On December 17th – 19th, 2006, I was invited by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification to attend the Global conference to combat desertification in Algiers. At the conference, as a member of the Chinese delegation, I introduced the successful case of combating desertification in Hunshandake Sandy Land of Plain Blue Banner, Inner Mongolia. I also co-chaired with an Egyptian scholar discussions in a subsession. 与生物多样性公约一样,荒漠化公约本身没有法律约束力,仅对签约国有一定的行为督促作用。一系列重大行动计划,在国际会议上形成了决议,但关键还是下一步,各签约国的落实与执行。在荒漠化防治公约履行方面,中国政府应当说是相当积极、有所作为的。除了继续执行“三北防护林”计划,政府还坚持执行京津风沙源防治计划,西部荒漠化地区的退耕还林、退牧还草、自然保护区工程等。中国政府拟连续支持 70 年的三北防护林工程,在国际上的影响很大,被誉为“绿色长城”计划。 Like the Convention on Biodiversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification itself is not legally binding, and it only plays a supervisory role among the signatory countries. Decisions about a series of major action plans have been made at international conferences, but what is more important is the implementation and execution by countries. China has been very active in fulfilling the Convention to Combat Desertification. In addition to the Three-North Shelter Forest Program, it has been carrying out a sandstorm source control program in Beijing and Tianjin, to return grain plots to forestry in western desertification areas, to return grazing land to grassland and to protect natural reserves, etc. Three-North Shelter Forest Program, supported by the Chinese government for 70 years, is greatly influential in the international arena, and it is often called the Green Great Wall project.
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中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十一: 京都议定书
蒋高明 2018-5-17 19:10
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十一 京都议定书 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.4.1 京都议定书 4.4.1 Kyoto Protocol 前面提到的“呼吸税”,其实在国际市场上,是可以交易的。也就是说,减少污染物排放,尤其是二氧化碳和二氧化硫的排放,是可以用来赚钱的。所以技术进步不仅仅是投入,还有回报。这样的项目在中国已经落地了。 The aforementioned “breathing tax”, in fact, can be traded in the international market, which means that the reduction of pollutant emissions, especially carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions can be used to make money. Therefore, technological advance is not merely an input, and it gives rewards. Such projects have emerged in China. 2008 年 9 月 25 日,全国第一家综合性排放权交易机构 —— 天津排放权交易所,在 天津滨海新区 挂牌成立。这个机构,是一个可利用市场化手段和金融创新方式,促进节能减排的国际化交易平台。 On September 25, 2008, the country’s first comprehensive mechanism of emission exchange—Tianjin Climate Exchange, was set up in Tianjin Binhai New Area. This exchange is an international trading platform making use of market measures and financial innovations to promote energy conservation. 以二氧化碳排放为例,企业、政府或个人,尤其是发达国家的企业或政府,由于经历了长期的工业发展,实际上对环境是有“罪过的”。但这样的“过”,可以通过减排温室气体来“将功补过”,这就是“碳中和”。 Take carbon dioxide emission as an example. Enterprises, governments and individuals, particularly enterprises or governments in developed countries, have committed much “sin” against the environment in the protracted progress of industrial development. But they can compensate for the “sin” by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the procedure is called “carbon neutrality”. 所谓碳中和,就是指企业、团体或个人,测算其在一定时间内的碳排放总量,通过购买等量的碳减排指标并注销(即碳减排指标不再转让),从而抵销自身产生的碳排放量。这就需要政府或企业做出切实的贡献,通过技术创新等手段减少温室气体排放,或者到经济欠发达地区植树造林而增加碳吸收。 The so-called carbon neutrality, means that enterprises, organizations or individuals calculate their estimated total amount of carbon emissions within a certain time; and through purchase of an equivalent amount of carbon emission reduction targets and canceling them (i.e., targets are not to be transferred), they offset their carbon emissions. This requires tangible contributions by governments or enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by means of technological innovation, or doing forestation work in economically underdeveloped areas in order to increase carbon sequestration. 天津排放权交易所(俗称“碳排放交易所”)成立的背景是京都议定书的签署。有识之士预感到,人类大量的经济活动,造成了全球温室效应,引发了以海平面升高为代价的全球气候变化。这个变化最早是工业化国家惹的祸,但要遏制气候变化,必须全球各国共同努力。这就促成了《京都议定书》的形成。 Tianjin Climate Exchange (commonly known as the “carbon exchange”) was founded against the backdrop of the Kyoto Protocol. People have begun to realize that excessive human economic activities will result in global warming and trigger global climate change typified by the rising of sea level. The blame for the change was first imputed to industrialized countries, but to curb climate change calls for concerted endeavor from all countries. This is the reason for the formulation of “Kyoto Protocol”. 《京都议定书》制定于 1997 年 12 月,全球有 80 多个国家签署了该议定书。中国政府于 1998 年 5 月签署。目前,中国积极地参加到这一人类减排温室气体的行动中,并承诺到 2020 年,单位国内生产总值 CO 2 排放比 2005 年下降 40% ~ 45% 。 The Protocol was enacted in December 1997, and more than 80 countries worldwide have signed it. The Chinese government signed it in May 1998. At present, China is actively participating in the reduction of greenhouse gases, and has promised that by 2020, CO 2 emissions per unit of GDP will decline by 40% to 45% compared to that of 2005. 因为中国是发展中国家,理论上讲是《京都议定书》的受益国,但中国是最大的发展中国家,它的经济发展方式影响着周边甚至全球气候的命运。作为负责任的大国,中国承诺履行京都议定书的协议,努力减少温室气体与污染物排放。除了成立天津排放交易所外,还在内蒙古、广西发展碳汇林 ,在青海、西藏等地发展太阳能产业,在内蒙古、新疆等地发展风能,以替代高碳排放的化石能源,这一系列行动,都是中国对全球减排行动作出的努力。 China is a developing country. In theory, it should be a beneficiary of the “Kyoto Protocol”. However, as the largest developing country, its economic development mode influences surrounding countries’ or the global climate. As a responsible world power, China has promised to be committed to the Kyoto Protocol and endeavored to reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants emissions. In addition to the establishment of the Tianjin Climate Exchange, China has also developed carbon sink forests in Inner Mongolia and Guangxi, solar energy industry in Qinghai, Tibet and other places, and wind power in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places, as alternatives of fossil energies with high fuel carbon emissions. These actions are intended as contributions of China to the global emission reduction. 以充分发挥 森林 的碳汇功能,降低大气中 二氧化碳 浓度,减缓气候变暖为主要目的的林业活动,就泛称为碳汇林或碳汇林业。 Carbon sink forests or carbon sink forestry refer to forestry activities whose major purpose is to give full play to the carbon sink function of the forest, reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide, and mitigate climate warming.
个人分类: 生态科普|1500 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-15 09:16
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之四十 环境税费制度 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.3.3 环境税费制度 4.3.3 Environment taxation system 六年前,中国出现了一个“呼吸税”风波。起因是中国林业科学院的一位院士,本着对林业建设的好意,在广州召开的中国森林城市论坛上发表演讲,建议政府可以考虑对企业,甚至排放二氧化碳的市民征收生态税。他提出,居民生活在地球上,作为二氧化碳的排放者,应该为节能减排付出代价,“可以考虑让市民每个月买 20 块钱的生态基金”。这个论坛之后,中国公众的词典中出现了一个新名词 —— “呼吸税”,因此还引起了民众的一些议论。 Six years ago, there arose a “Breathing Tax” storm in China. One academician from the Chinese Academy of Forestry, with the intentions of contributing to forestry construction, proposed in a speech at the China Urban Forest Forum in Guangzhou that the government should consider imposing the “ecological tax” on enterprises or even citizens who discharge carbon dioxide. He suggested that people living on earth, should pay for energy conservation because they are emitters of carbon dioxide. “The government may consider making every person buy 20 Yuan of ecological fund a month”. After this forum, a new term “breathing tax” became popular in the public, which aroused some discussion. 中国林业科学院院士的言论也并非空穴来风。森林连同大量的自然生态系统,维持了对人类氧气、水分、材料和食物的供应,对于这些自然生态系统,本来就需要企业,甚至每个人都做出贡献,来予以保护。从企业利润中抽取部分作为环境保护专项资金,也是不少国家的通用做法。环境税,也有人称之为生态税、绿色税,是 20 世纪末国际税收学界兴起的概念。只不过,国外的各种生态税是涵盖在其消费的产品中的,没有专门提出。 The proposal is not groundless. Forests and other natural ecosystems help maintain the supply of oxygen, water, materials and food to humans. It is reasonable that enterprises and even every person should contribute to protecting these ecosystems. It is a common practice in some countries to extract profits from the enterprise as part of a special fund for environmental protection. Environmental tax, also known as eco-tax or green tax is a concept arising from international tax circles late in the 20 th century. But, various foreign eco-taxes are covered in consumer goods, without any specific status. 由于国情和税收政策的差异,各国环境税收制度的具体内容不尽相同,但其基本内容通常都由两个部分构成:一是以保护环境为目的,针对污染、破坏环境的特定行为征收专门性税种,一般称之为环境保护税,是环境税收制度的主要内容。二是在其他一般性税种中,为保护环境而采取的税收调节措施,包括为激励纳税人治理污染、保护环境所采取的各种税收优惠措施,和对污染、破坏环境的行为所采取的加税措施。 Due to differences in national conditions and tax policies, the specific content of environmental taxation systems varies between countries, but the basic content usually consists of two parts. The first part is targeted at specific polluting behavior or destruction of the environment, and is for the purpose of protecting the environment. It is usually called ecological taxation, and considered the main content of the tax system. Included in other general taxes and as a tax adjustment measure for protecting the environment, the second part often contains tax credits in the form of incentives to encourage taxpayers to control pollution and protect the environment, allied with increased taxes for pollution and environmental damaging behaviors. 2011 年 12 月,中国财政部同意适时开征环境税,按照循序渐进的原则,首先针对二氧化硫、废水污染物这类污染物征收。首先选择这类污染物,是因为它们排放量大,而且相对稳定,检测技术也比较成熟。在征税方式上,采用“费改税”的方式,即在开始征收环境税的同时,取消原有排污费。在税率上,也根据循序渐进的原则,在初期基本与排污费持平,随着改革的推进,各地根据不同污染物对当地环境的影响,合理调整环境税税率。该税种开征后,将被纳入地方税种,所得税款除按有关规定上缴国库外,主要由地方财政统一收支,以补充地方财政在污染治理方面的资金需求。 In December 2011, the Ministry of Finance approved of levying environmental taxes in due time. According to the principle of gradual and orderly progress, environmental taxes should be collected firstly on sulfur dioxide, water pollutants and other pollutants, because of their large amount and stable emissions and relatively mature detection technology. The tax-for-fee method is used, namely, to abolish the existing sewage charges in favor of environmental taxes. In terms of the tax rate, in the early stage, the rate is roughly on the same level as the sewage charge, and then, with the progress of the reform, the rate may be adjusted according to effects of different pollutants on local environment. This tax will be included in the local tax system, and the money used locally to supplement the needs for pollution control, with a prescribed part turned into the national treasury. 虽然一般情况下,增加税种会提高财政收入,但中国生态建设中的环境税,绝不能以增加收入为出发点。环境税制的政策目标,是纠正市场失效,保护环境,引导企业有良行为,实现可持续发展。在实践中,地方政府要敢于对资本说“不”,对违规企业实施严格管理,将污染物关在工厂里,关在它产生之前,这才是环境保护的正道。另外,征收上来的环境税要切实用在环境保护上,这样,普通百姓才不至于产生类似对“呼吸税”的误解。 Under normal circumstances, more taxes will mean increased revenues; however, the environmental tax in China must not take increasing revenue as a starting point. The objective of the environmental tax policy is to correct market failure, to protect the environment, to guide enterprise behavior and to achieve sustainable development. In practice, the local government should have the courage to say “no” to capital, to implement strict management of illegal enterprises, to prevent pollutants before they are produced. And this is the right way of environmental protection. In addition, the environmental tax should be spent on environmental protection, so that they are not to be misunderstood by ordinary people as in the case of the “Breathing Tax”.
个人分类: 生态科普|2824 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-13 06:47
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十八 官员环保考核制度 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.3.1 官员环保考核制度 4.3.1 Assessment system for officials in terms of environmental protection 如果有人问,在中国最难做的官是什么官?在我看来,是环保官员。 If asked, “What kind of official has the toughest job in China?” I should say: environmental protection officials. 在基层调研,县环保局局长们经常向我抱怨,县环保局长最难当:环境出了问题,老百姓的庄稼、牲畜、鱼甚至身体健康受害,他们会找环保局;而地方政府为了财政收入,对污染企业又常常睁一只眼闭一只眼,环保局长想管好又管不好。地方环保官员是县里一把手任命的,业务上归口环保部,但人事上又得听地方政府的。 When doing grass-roots researches, I often hear complaints from chiefs of the the Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPB) in various counties to the effect that they are in the toughest official position. On the one hand, when something comes up or when the crops, livestock, fish and even people’s physical health are harmed, the local people will go to the EPB; and on the other hand, local governments often turn a blind eye to those polluting enterprises for the sake of revenue, thus putting the local environment protection chiefs in a predicament. To make the matter even more embarrassing, the local environmental protection officials are appointed by the top leaders of the county, but their work is subordinated to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. 难当的不只是地方的环保局长,就连环保部门的最高领导,有的也因环保事件丢了“乌纱帽”。 2005 年 11 月 13 日,吉林石化公司双苯厂发生爆炸,造成 5 人死亡、 1 人失踪,近 70 人受伤。约 100 吨苯类物质流入松花江,沿江数百万居民的饮水受到影响,影响还波及邻国俄罗斯。国家环保总局局长解振华被就地免职。这一严重事态表明,中国环境保护的压力越来越大了,中国对环境污染事件的处理也越来越严了。环保部门再也不是橡皮图章了。 Even the top leaders in the environmental protection departments may be dismissed from office because of some environmental accidents. On November 13, 2005, an explosion occurred in abi-benzene plant of Jilin Petrochemical Branch Company, causing 5 deaths and 1 missing and nearly 70 people injured. About 100 tons of benzene flowed into the Songhua River, and the drinking water of millions of the local residents was polluted. The accident even affected neighboring Russia. Xie Zhenhua, the Director of the Environmental Protection Administration was removed from office. This serious accident indicates that China’s environmental protection pressure is intensified, and China’s punishment for environment accident is increasingly stern. The environmental protection department is no longer a rubber stamp. 前面谈过的各项环境保护制度,关键在于执行。而决定执行效果的关键,是官员,尤其是地方官员。路线一旦确定,贯彻者与执行者的选择最为重要。对于官员考核,过去单纯以 GDP 论英雄,于是,多数官员就会盲目追求 GDP ,就会对污染企业睁一只眼闭一只眼。环境保护是千秋大业,很多时候在短时间内见不到明显效益,如果官员主要考虑政绩,那就会忽略环境。相反,如果对官员进行考核时,要求必须保护好生态环境,否则 GDP 再高也不能升迁,那官员们肯定会认真对待环境保护这项事业了。 Implementation is crucial to the environmental protection system, and the officials, especially the local officials, are the key to effective implementation. Once the plan is made, selecting people to carry it out is of the highest significance. Many officials used to be tolerant of polluting enterprises, because the assessment system of their performance only took GDP as the norm. Environmental protection is a long-term cause, and its effectiveness cannot be observed in a short time. Therefore, if officials only care for their political achievements, they are sure to ignore environment protection. On the contrary, if their performance in the environmental protection work is incorporated into officials’ assessment, they’ll be much more vigilant about the environment. 松花江苯泄漏事件后,国家环保总局在全国开展了环境隐患大排查。全国环保部门对总投资超过 1 万亿的 7555 个化工石化建设项目,开展了环境风险排查 。由于中央政府的重视,一时间各级政府、企业与民众,都一下子加大了对环保的重视。环境污染现象暂时得到了抑制,直到出现了“红豆水”事件,环保问责制再次显示威力。 After the benzene spill on the Songhua River, the State Environmental Protection Administration launched a nationwide investigation of environmental hazards. Environmental protection departments across the country inspected 7,555 chemical and petrochemical projects invested with more than 1 trillion Yuan in total. Thanks to the concern shown by the central authorities, the governments at all levels, enterprises and the public became acutely aware of environmental protection. Environmental pollution was temporarily restrained until the “red bean water” accident, when the environment accountability system displayed its power again. 河北沧县张官屯乡小朱庄村,地下水变红已经超过 10 年。自 1996 年以来, 800 人的小朱庄已经有 24 人死于癌症,现在还有 6 名癌症患者;农民养鸡也出现大量死亡。 2013 年 1 月,一位周姓养殖户养殖的肉鸡先后死亡 700 只,疑似与周围化工厂水污染有关。 4 月 4 日,面对农民的质疑,河北沧县环保局党组书记、环保局局长邓连军,竟然用“水煮红小豆”来解释,引来专家、网民炮轰。事发第二天,该“红豆局长”被就地免职。 In Xiaozhuzhuang village in Zhangguantun of Cangxian County, Hebei Province, the groundwater turned red for over a decade. Since 1996, 24 people in this village of altogether 800 have died of cancer (there are still 6 cancer patients alive today); and chickens also died in large numbers. In January 2013, 700 chickens owned by a farmer surnamed Zhou died, and the deaths were suspected to be related to water pollution by chemical plants around. On April 4, facing skeptical farmers, Deng Lianjun, Party secretary and Director of Hebei Cangxian County Environmental Protection Bureau, explained the accident as “red bean boiling-water”, triggering strong protests from experts and netizens. The following day, the “red bean director” was dismissed. 传统的中国官员选拔任用,突出“民主推荐、科学考察、党委集体讨论决定、纪律监督”等环节,要依据相关的任用条件和职责要求,全面考察备选人的德、能、勤、绩、廉各方面,其中尤其注重考核实际工作成绩,也就是政绩。但以往的官员政绩考核,却较少考虑到环保标准。 Traditional selection and appointment of Chinese official highlights “democratic recommendation, scientific investigation, party group discussion, discipline supervision” and other procedures the candidate should be assessed in terms of morality, ability, diligence, achievements, and integrity, based on conditions and responsibilities related to the requirements of the post; and performance assessment, namely assessment of achievements in one’s official career, is of special importance. But environmental protection was excluded from performance assessment before. 现在,将环保标准纳入政绩考核的呼声越来越高,今后这样脑子里没有环保意识的官员,可能随时面临着被罢免。环保业绩会与政府官员任免密切挂钩,政府将被戴上环境的“紧箍咒”,而老百姓则能够看到蓝天、白云、青山、绿水。在官员、企业、民众的共同努力下,中国才能实现美丽中国的梦想。 Now, the voice for including environmental standards into performance evaluation has become stronger. Officials without environmental awareness may be removed at any time. Performance in environmental protection will be closely linked with the appointment and removal of government officials. The government will wear an environmental “iron grip”, and the people will be able to see the blue sky, white clouds, green mountains, and clean water. Only through joint efforts of officials, enterprises and the public can we build a beautiful China. 通过环境风险排查,全国3618个项目采取了防范和减缓环境风险的措施,49个项目进行了搬迁。 Through environmental risk investigation, 3,618 projects took precautionary measures to mitigate environmental risks, and 49 projects were relocated.
个人分类: 生态科普|1077 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-12 15:05
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十七 基本草原保护制度 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.2.3 基本草原保护制度 4.2.3 Basic grassland protection system 基本草原这个概念是从基本耕地来的。为什么保护了基本耕地,还要保护基本草原呢?这要从中国国情讲起。 The concept of basic grassland comes from basic farmland. Why should we protect the basic grassland as well as the basic farmland? Let’s begin with China’s national condition. 中国是一个历史悠久的多民族国家,中华民族是多民族融合的结果,其主要文明形态是以农耕文明与游牧文明为支柱的。农业的重要性毋庸置疑,支持着大部分人口的生存,而牧业也支持着众多少数民族人口的生存。 China is a multi-ethnic country with a long history. Its civilization is an integration of multi-ethnic cultures and based on farming and herding. The farming culture sustains most Chinese people and the herding culture nurtures numerous ethnic minorities. 中国的草原分布面积广阔,包括内蒙古、四川、新疆、西藏、青海、甘肃、云南、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、宁夏、山西等 13 个省区的 268 个牧区半牧区县(旗、市) 。有草原,才有畜牧文化,才有与之相关的各项传统。因此,草原的存亡还关系到少数民族文化的存亡。 China’s grassland is distributed across 13 provinces, namely Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Ningxia, and Shanxi, with 268 pastoral and semi-pastoral counties (banner, cities) under their jurisdiction. Grassland generates the nomadic culture and its related traditions. Therefore, the protection of the grassland is concerned with the \0lifeline of the minority cultures. 2011 年,国务院颁布了《关于加快内蒙古草原又快又好发展的建议》。这个建议的出台是来自内蒙古草原研究专家和领导的最初动议。我与草原打交道快 20 年了,期间几乎年年跑草原。草原的问题是什么呢?人类对草原的利用就是自由放牧。这种用法本身没有问题,草原上的人祖祖辈辈都这样做,并且形成了畜牧文化。问题在于,这种文化的形态是较少的人居住在较大的草原上。听听内蒙古的长歌,那里的故事一定是这样的:广阔的草原,少量的牲口,更少的人。而现在的草原倒过来了。牧民定居了,人口增长,牲畜更是大量增加。草原变得狭窄,被铁丝网分割,游牧无法进行了。内蒙古锡林郭勒盟自新中国成立以来,人口增加了 4 倍,牲畜增加了 20 倍!人畜数量增加,生活方式的改变,加上近年草原能源的发现,大量采煤工业造成了草原环境破坏,生态严重退化,草原呈现出明显的向荒漠演化的危险趋势。在这种背景下,国家不得不实行严格的基本草原保护制度。 In 2011, the State Council promulgated the Recommendations on Accelerating the Pace of Healthy Development of Grassland in Inner Mongolia , based on the initial advice of local grassland research experts and leaders. I have been working on grassland for nearly 20 years during which I made trips every year. What’s the problem of grassland? Human use of grassland is in the form of free grazing, which is itself not a problem, because the people have done so for generations on the grassland and developed their distinctive nomadic culture. The matter is that this culture hinges on a small population on a vast grassland. Listen to a long tune in Inner Mongolia. The story in it would tell you the effect that: a vast grassland with sparsely-scattered animals and people. But now the condition has been reversed. Herdsmen are settled, the population is growing, and the number of livestock is increasing even more rapidly. The grassland seems to become narrower and segmented by barbed wire. Free grazing is impossible. In Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia, the population has increased fourfold and the number of livestock twenty-fold since the establishment of the PRC. The increase of people and livestock, the change of lifestyle, and the excessive exploitation of coal discovered on the grassland have caused much damage to the grassland environment and serious degradation of the ecology. The grassland shows a dangerous trend of desertification. In this context, China has to adopt a strict basic grassland protection system. 基本草原是指国家认定的重要放牧场、割草地,或用于畜牧业生产的人工草地、退耕还草地以及改良草地、草种基地,还有作为国家重点保护的野生动植物的栖息地草原。 Basic grassland refers to state-identified pasture or mowing grassland or artificial grassland for livestock husbandry, grassland reverted from farmland, improved grassland, seed grassland, as well as habitat grassland for national key protected wild animals and plants. 基本草原的保护管理办法,是由国务院制定实施的。在基本草原保护区或保护地,不允许开垦草原,不允许改变基本草原的用途 。围绕基本草原保护,国家在建设项目审批核准、资金支持、税收减免和金融服务等方面,给予优惠政策,帮助该地区健康发展;加强基础设施建设,改善饮水、交通、用能、通信条件,鼓励 牧区 特色优势产业发展。在草原生态建设方面,加大退牧还草工程实施力度,提高退耕还草补助标准;在草原畜牧业发展方面,启动实施草原畜牧业转型示范工程,支持肉牛、肉羊标准化养殖小区(场)等建设;在牧区特色优势产业发展方面,支持有条件地区发展清洁能源。 Protection and management measures for basic grassland are formulated and implemented by the State Council. In the protected areas of basic grassland, it is forbidden to reclaim grasslands or change their basic functioning. China has adopted preferential policies with regard to project approval, financial support, tax concessions and financial services, to help regional development. It has strived to strengthen infrastructure construction, and to improve drinking water, transportation, energy, and communication conditions in order to encourage the development of their distinctive and preponderant industries; in terms of ecological construction, China has intensified the implementation of converting grazing land to grassland, and raised subsidies for returning farmland to grassland; as to the development of grassland animal husbandry, the government has initiated demonstration projects of the transformation of grassland animal husbandry, and rendered support to the construction of standardized breeding districts (farms) for beef cattle and mutton sheep. With regard to the development of distinctive and preponderant industries, the government has backed up clean energy projects in regions with required conditions. 草原在地球上存在了几万年,在调节气候、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙上具有重要作用,必须予以保护。 Grassland has existed on the earth for thousands of years. It plays an important role in regulation of climate, water and soil conservation, and wind prevention and sand fixation. It should be protected. 这些区域土地面积近400万平方公里,占全国国土面积的42%;草原面积37亿亩,占全国草原面积的62%。 The land area in these regions is nearly 4 million square kilometers, accounting for 42% of the country’s total land area; the grassland is 3.7 billion mu, accounting for 62% of the total grassland area. 其余草原保护措施包括禁止毁坏围栏、人畜饮水设施、擅自钻井、挖鱼塘、挖沟渠、铲草皮、挖草炭、建造坟墓、倾倒排放固体、液体、气体废物和生活垃圾等。 Other grassland protection measures include a ban on destroying fences and drinking water facilities; on unauthorized drilling and digging of ponds and ditches; on removing grass sod, digging peat, construction graves; and on dumping solid, liquid, and gas waste and garbage, etc.
个人分类: 生态科普|1712 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-9 08:37
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十六 耕地保护制度 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.2.2 耕地保护制度 4.2.2 Cultivated land protection system 中国是人口大国,吃饭可不是小事。毛泽东当年提出的经济发展政策就是“以粮为纲,全面发展”,这是有道理的。近几十年来,中国经济高速发展,遍地是工厂。工商业上去了,但毫无疑问的是农业衰退了。现在,全国约 1.9 亿人依靠进口粮食来满足食物需求。我们说过吃饭是大事,不能因为现在农产品价格便宜就认为它是小事。有经济学家甚至建议政府,不必保护 18 亿亩耕地红线,只要有钱,到国际市场去买粮食就行了。这是极端错误的观点。食物是人类的基本需求,需要最可靠的保证;基本需求受到威胁,其他任何活动都无法保障。进一步讲,遇到非常时期,大家都没有吃的,用钱是买不到食物的。 China is a populous country and food sufficiency is a key issue. The economic development policy proposed by Mao Zedong was, “Take grain as the key link, and ensure all-round development.” His proposal is justified. For decades, China’s economy has been developing rapidly, with factories cropping up all around. Industry and commerce have been on the upsurge, but agriculture is on the wane. Now, 190 million people rely on food imports to some extent. Grain should not be neglected just because of its low price. Some economists have even suggested that the basic area of 1.8 billion mu of arable land does not need to be protected; and we can buy food in the international market as long as we have money. This is utterly absurd. Food is a basic human need calling for the staunchest guarantee; and if this basic need is threatened, no other activity can be ensured. Furthermore, in harsh times, there is no food to buy. Money is to no avail. 中国是一个有着农业文明传统的国家,历届政府都非常重视农业生产。在当前高利润房地产疯狂挤压耕地的严酷形势下,政府提出了严格的耕地保护制度,坚定地维护耕地安全。 China is a country with traditional agricultural civilization and all its governments have attached great importance to farming. Under the current situation of farmland being severely squeezed by crazy real estate expansion, the government has proposed a stringent farmland protection system to firmly safeguard the security of arable land. 中国耕地面积有 18.2 亿亩,听起来不少,但是中国有 13 亿人口。人均耕地面积只有 1.36 亩,是世界平均水平的约 1/4 !不仅如此,遥感调查表明,中国耕地总面积呈现严重减少趋势。 1991 年,中国有耕地 19.6 亿亩 ,现在只有 18.2 亿亩,减少了约 7% 。人均耕地由 1.8 亩减少到现在的 1.36 亩,减少了近 25% !作为食品供应的重要基础,中国耕地还面临着耕地污染和质量下降的双重困境。保护耕地,加强土地管理,守住 18 亿亩耕地红线,已成为国家的头等大事。 China’s 1.82 billion hectares of arable land is shared by 1.3 billion people, resulting in 1.36 mu of arable land per capita, 1/4 of the world average. Moreover, a remote sensing investigation shows a serious reduction of arable land. In 1991, China had 1.96 billion mu of arable land, but now it is reduced to only 1.82 billion mu, a decrease of about 7%. Per capita arable land has decreased from 1.8 mu to 1.36 mu, a decrease of nearly 25%! As an important foundation for food supply, the arable land is also facing problems of pollution and degradation. To protect farmland and strengthen land management, so as to hold fast to the base line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land has become top-priority task. 保护耕地,就是让耕地用于粮食生产的基本属性不改变。曾有一段时间,我在农村考察,发现一些地方政府为了招商引资,将大片的良田圈起来,作为工业开发区。工业项目没有做成,但农田却荒芜了。还有些地方,打着“占补平衡”的旗号,在农田上盖起了楼房,占据了耕地。损失的耕地怎么办?将农民的房子拆了,逼农民上楼,用农民的宅基地补充前面损失的耕地面积。殊不知,这种拆东墙补西墙的做法,对农业生产非常不利。中国的农业传统是精耕细作,耕地是越种越肥的。占用了优秀的耕地,用宅基地补充,可以说是以次充好,达不到平衡。更重要的是,农民上楼了,但拖拉机和农机具不能上楼。改变了农民的居住环境,让农民远离土地,造成了农业生产的困难。耕地保护的最终目的是粮食生产,今后那些破坏耕地或者造成耕作者与耕地脱离的做法,都应当制止。 To protect the arable land is to maintain the basic nature of arable land, i.e., for food production. Once I was doing an investigation in the countryside, and found that much farmland was being usurped to establish an industrial zone, because the local government wanted to attract investment. The industrial project failed, but the land was deserted. Also in some other places, in the name of “requisition-compensation balance”, people constructed buildings on the farmland. How do we compensate the farmers for the loss of their farmland? Their houses were demolished and they were forced to live in tall buildings, namely to compensate loss of farmland with house sites. But this practice of “to rob Peter to pay Paul” is harmful to agricultural production. China’s agricultural tradition is intensive and meticulous farming, whereby the arable land becomes enriched. To compensate rich arable land with provision of home sites is not considered balanced. More importantly, tractors and farm machinery cannot be stored in apartment buildings alongside their owners. The change of farmers’ living environment has taken them away from the farmland, causing difficulties to agricultural production. The ultimate goal of arable land protection is for grain production, and so the practice of damaging arable land or separating farmers from their land should be stopped. 为了保护基本农田,国家制定了更加严格的耕地保护制度。这些制度具有法律效力,包括《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人民共和国土地管理法实施条例》、《基本农田保护条例》等。当前法律规定的耕地保护制度主要有土地用途管制制度、耕地总量动态平衡制度、耕地占补平衡制度、基本农田保护制度、土地开发整理复垦制度、土地税费制度等等。 To protect the basic farmland, China has now developed more stringent farmland protection systems. They have legal force and are protected by such laws as The Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China , Regulations on the Implementation of the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China , and Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland , etc. Specific farmland protection systems include land use control, dynamic balance of total farmland, farmland requisition-compensation balance, basic farmland protection, land development and reclamation as well as land tax system, etc. 耕地是最根本的农业生产资料。要保障一个国家人民的生存安全,必须保护粮食生产安全。根据中国目前的国情,必须实行最严格的耕地保护制度。耕地保护既关系着每个人的生存问题,影响到社会的安定和经济的发展,也关系着国家在国际社会上能否持续保持独立自主的地位。因此,耕地保护制度决不能放松。 Farmland is the most fundamental means of agricultural production. To ensure the survival of the people of a country entails protecting their food safety. According to China’s current condition, it is highly desirable to implement the most stringent farmland protection system. The protection of arable land is related to people’s survival, affects social stability and economic development, and determines whether China can maintain an independent position in the international community. Thus, the farmland protection system must be firmly enforced.
个人分类: 生态科普|1147 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-6 09:46
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十五 国土开发制度 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.2.1 国土开发制度 4.2.1 Territorial development system 许多年来,由于盲目强调 GDP ,全国各地到处都在动土。全国上下成为一片“大工地”,造成了严重的环境污染与资源浪费。直到现在,许多地方政府依然吃的是土地财政,也就是靠卖土地获得收入。很多原来种植粮食的地方,都在试图“种植”房子。如果不及时制止,耕地将面临短缺,食物供应将出现危机,经济也会陷入泡沫。为此,中国政府启动了国土开发规划工作。 2003 年 3 月,国土资源部依据《土地管理法》及国家有关土地开发整理的方针、政策,制定了《全国土地开发整理规划》。 For many years, due to the blind pursuit of GDP, the country has been engulfed by construction fever. The whole country has been turned into a “huge construction site”, causing serious environmental pollution and waste of resources. Until now, many local governments still rely on selling land for revenue. Much land originally planted with crops is now piled up with buildings. If allowed to continue, China will soon face a shortage of arable land, run into a food supply crisis, and in the end reap nothing but a bubble economy. To this end, the Chinese government has launched a territorial development plan. In March 2003, according to the Law of Land Administration and other related policies, the Ministry of Land and Resources formulated the National Land Development and Consolidation Plan . 什么是国土开发整理? What is territorial development and consolidation? 国土开发整理,就是整理好土地,根据土地的特点有计划地进行不同类型的开发。优秀的耕地,要保证它用于农业生产,以便多生产食物;生态脆弱、物种濒危或影响深远的地方不要开发,保持自然状态作为生态屏障;还有些地方,有较好的交通、市场和人才条件,可以安排重大工程,集中开发。 It means proper management of lands, and methodical exploitation of various types according to the nature of lands. Top-quality land is for agricultural production to produce more food; lands with fragile ecology, endangered species or of far-reaching importance are not for development, and must remain in its natural state as an ecological barrier; and lands with better transportation, marketing and personnel conditions can be arranged for concentrated project development. 国土整理工作有三方面内容:土地整理、土地复垦和土地开发。 Territorial consolidation work in China comprises three aspects: land consolidation, land reclamation and land exploitation. 土地整理,就是通过工程手段或种植植物的办法,对田、水、路、林、村进行综合整治,方便耕作,提高耕地生产力。我曾经参与过这样的项目,帮助我们在山东平邑县的科研基地附近的 6 个村庄,成功申请到国家的土地整理资金 800 万元,对科研基地周边的 1 万亩土地进行了整理。这些工程有一部分已经发挥了作用。在具体项目实施过程中,科学家与农民的参与是非常重要的。 Land consolidation means comprehensive improvement of lands, water, roads, forests, and villages through projects or by growing plants, to make them convenient for farming and to raise cropland productivity. I used to be engaged in this kind of project. I helped 6 villages near our research base in Pingyi County successfully apply for a fund of 8 million Yuan for consolidation of land covering 10,000 mu around the base. Some of the projects have begun to function. In the whole process, the participation of both scientists and farmers is very important. 土地复垦是对那些已经不能用于农业生产的土地进行修复,使之能够重新耕种。需要修复的土地包括:在生产建设过程中因挖损、塌陷、压占等造成破坏、废弃的土地,和因自然灾害造成破坏、废弃的土地。 Land reclamation is to recultivate those lands which have not been used for farming to make it suitable for growing crops again. Those lands include lands damaged or abandoned due to digging, collapsing, or pressing in the process of construction, and lands damaged or abandoned because of natural disasters. 土地开发是指在保护和改善生态环境、防止水土流失和土地荒漠化的前提下,对未利用的土地资源进行合理开发利用。 Land development refers to the rational exploitation and utilization of unutilized land resources on the basis of protection and improvement of the ecological environment, prevention of soil erosion and desertification. 按照国土开发制度的要求,今后的土地利用将有章法可循,有科学的规划。对尚未利用的土地进行开垦和利用,对已利用的土地进行整治,都要制度化,要经过论证,这样,才能保证国土有序开发,提高土地利用率,保障耕地安全,保护生态环境。 In accordance with the requirements of the territorial development system, future land use must follow rules and plans. The reclamation and utilization of lands not in use, and the consolidation of lands in use, will be institutionalized through appraisal and demonstration, so as to ensure orderly development, improve the land utilization rate, and protect arable land and the ecological environment.
个人分类: 生态科普|2079 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-5-2 20:43
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十四 农业部 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.1.5 农业部 4.1.5 Ministry of Agriculture 中国人常说民以食为天。吃饭是老百姓的头等大事,因此也是政府的头等大事。农业部就是管这件头等大事的,是主管农业与农村经济发展的国务院组成部门。但农业与生态文明建设有什么关系呢? People often say “Food is the primary necessity of the people”. Food is of utmost importance in life. Naturally it is the top priority of the government. The Ministry of Agriculture is put in charge of this top-priority matter. It is an integral part of the State Council responsible for agriculture and rural economic development. So, what’s the relationship between agriculture and ecological civilization? 中国有 18 多亿亩耕地,有着广泛的农业区。农业生产活动对全国生态环境的影响是很大的。前面说过的焚烧秸秆问题,就是农业生产不当造成的大气污染。除此之外,过量使用化肥、农药,造成地表水甚至地下水污染;农膜造成土地污染和生态破坏;转基因作物飘逸 造成生物多样性遭受威胁等等,都和农业密切相关。因此,耕地生态健康,耕作方式环保,对生态文明建设至关重要。也只有这样,才能够生产安全健康的食品,保障人类的健康。 China has more than 1.8 billion mu of arable lands and broad farming areas. Agricultural activities have great impact on the ecological environment. Straw burning mentioned earlier is air pollution brought about by improper agricultural production. In addition, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides also results in surface water or groundwater pollution; agricultural films cause land pollution and ecological destruction; and the gene flow of genetically modified crops threatens biodiversity. Thus, the ecological health of farmland and environment-friendly farming practices are essential for ecological civilization. Only in this way can we produce safe and healthy food to protect human health. 农业部与生态文明建设有关的工作主要有以下几个方面 : Work of the Ministry of Agriculture related to ecological civilization construction mainly covers the following aspects: ( 1 )组织农业资源区划、生态农业和农业可持续发展工作;指导农用地、渔业水域、草原、宜农滩涂、宜农湿地、农村可再生能源的开发利用以及农业生物物种资源的保护和管理。 (1) organizing agricultural resources division, ecological agriculture, and sustainable agricultural development; guiding development and utilization of agricultural land, fishing waters, grasslands, beaches suitable for farming, wetlands suitable for farming, renewable energy in rural areas, and reservation and management of agricultural biological resources. ( 2 )负责保护渔业水域生态环境和水生野生动植物工作;维护国家渔业权益,代表国家行使渔船检验和渔政、渔港监督管理权。 (2) protecting the ecological environment of fishing waters and aquatic wild animals and plants; safeguarding national fishery rights and interests; carrying out fishing boat inspection, and supervising and managing fishery administration and fishing ports. ( 3 )拟定农业各产业技术标准并组织实施;组织实施农业各产业产品及绿色食品的质量监督、认证和农业植物新品种的保护工作;组织国内生产及进口种子、农药、兽药、肥料等产品的登记和农机安全监理工作。 (3) formulating technical standards for various agricultural industries and implementing them; organizing and executing quality control and certification of agricultural products and green food, and protecting new varieties of agricultural plants; organizing domestic production and registration of imported seeds, pesticides, veterinary drugs, and fertilizers; and supervising safe operation of agricultural machinery. 除此之外,农业部也经常在生态环境保护工作中发挥重要作用,这和当前的化学农业依赖农药、化肥、除草剂等“农业六害”有密切关系。 In addition, the Ministry plays an important role in ecological and environmental protection, which is closely related to the reliance on chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and other agricultural curses. 2013 年 5 月,农业部下大力气处理了山东潍坊一带“神农丹”毒姜事件。神农丹是一种剧毒农药,被国家禁止使用,但有商家违法销售,部分农业生产者违法使用,造成毒姜流向市场。在农业部和公安部的共同努力下,神农丹在农药市场上消失了。 In May 2013, it put in a lot of time and efforts dealing with Aldicrab poison ginger incident in Weifang, Shandong Province. Aldicrab is a highly toxic banned pesticide. But illegal selling and use of it created toxic ginger in the market. Through joint efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Security, Aldicrab disappeared in the pesticide market. 再比如, 2013 年 11 月 1 日,农业部、环保部、联合国开发计划署共同开发的“中国含滴滴涕三氯杀螨醇生产控制和 IPM 技术全额示范项目”圆满结束。滴滴涕是《斯德哥尔摩公约》要求淘汰的首批持久性有机污染物( POPs )化学品之一。中国从 1983 年开始,就禁止了滴滴涕在农业上的使用,但是在生产三氯杀螨醇过程中,存在滴滴涕残留问题。这个项目的实施,用 螨害综合管理( IPM )技术替代了三氯杀螨醇的使用,每年可减少使用约 2800 吨的滴滴涕,意味着减少了约 1000 吨含滴滴涕废物,减少向环境排放滴滴涕约 170 吨。不但减少了环境污染,保护了耕地安全,也为中国《斯德哥尔摩公约》履约工作做出了积极贡献。 Here is another example. On November 1st, 2013, the Demonstration Project of DDT-based Production of Dicofol and Application of Alternative Technology Including IPM on Leaf Mites developed by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the United Nations Development Program came to a successful conclusion. DDT is one of the first batches of POPs chemicals required to be abandoned by the Stockholm Convention . Since 1983, China has banned its use in agriculture, but in the dicofol production process, there remains the problem of DDT residue. The project has substituted dicofol with the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) technology, which can reduce the use of DDT by approximately 2,800 tons per year. It means 1,000 tons of waste containing DDT has been reduced, a decrease of 170 tons of DDT emission. It has not only reduced the environmental pollution and protected arable land, but also made positive contributions to China’s compliance with the Stockholm Convention . 从上面的例子可以看出,农业部在生态文明建设方面的工作,往往直接涉及食品安全,与我们的生活乃至生命息息相关。 As can be seen from the above examples, the Ministry’s work in construction of ecological civilization is often directly related to food safety and closely linked to daily life and human survival. 也叫基因漂移,指通过基因工程,施加于一种生物的目标基因,通过自然传播向附近野生近缘物种转移,导致附近野生近缘物种的基因发生变化。这种变化可能形成新的物种,以致整个生态系统发生结构性的变化。基因漂移作用是转基因工程很难彻底控制的不良后果,具有长远的潜在危险性。 33 Also known as genetic drift, it refers to the process of a target gene applied to a species by means of genetic engineering, which transfers to nearby closely related species through natural spreading, resulting in genetic changes in nearby closely related species. Genetic drift is the adverse consequence of transgenic engineering and it is hard to completely control, so it has long-term potential danger. 农业部的具体职能,可以参看如下网址: http://2010jiuban.agri.gov.cn/nyb/jgzz.htm For specific functions of the Ministry of Agriculture, please visit: http://2010jiuban.agri.gov.cn/nyb/jgzz.htm
个人分类: 生态科普|7763 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-30 09:29
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十三 水利部 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.1.4 水利部 4.1.4 The Ministry of Water Resources 水利部,顾名思义是利用水的利益的部委,如水力发电,水资源调配等。但今天水利部管理的领域由传统的自然水资源,扩大到城市,如对城市用水规划及重大建设项目的水资源调配等。水利部管理的业务,是中国生态文明建设的重要组成部分 ,其中包括:负责保障水资源的合理开发利用;生活、生产经营和生态环境用水的统筹兼顾和保障;水资源保护;防止水土流失及开展水利科技和外事工作等。 As the name suggests, this is the ministry for water use, like hydropower and water resources allocation, etc. But today, the areas it governs have been expanded from natural water resources to cities, such as urban water planning and water resources allocation for major construction projects. Responsibilities of the Ministry of Water Resources are a part of China’s ecological civilization construction, including safeguarding rational development and utilization of water resources, overall planning and protection of domestic, production, ecological use of water resources, water protection, prevention of soil erosion, carrying out water science and technology and foreign affairs work. 北京是严重缺水的城市。但现在的北京市民或远道而来的参观者,并没有感觉到缺水的压力。谁来缓解北京的用水紧张问题?是水利部。正在为北京发挥作用的“南水北调”工程,通过东、中、西三条线路,将长江水和雅鲁藏布江的水调到北京。这种全国性、跨省市的水资源配置工作,是需要由专业部门来完成的。水资源专业规划、水功能区的划分、水资源论证制度、合理用水、计划用水、区域与行业用水定额并监督实施,都与水利部有关。 Beijing is a city that has suffered from a serious water shortage. But now Beijing residents or visitors from afar do not feel the lack of water. Who has alleviated the pressure of water shortage in Beijing? It’s the Ministry of Water Resources. The South-to-North water diversion project transfers water from the Yangtze River and the Yarlung Zangbo River to Beijing through three routes, the eastern, central and western lines. This national and inter-provincial water allocation project needs to be done by a particular sector. Professional planning of water resources, division of water functional areas, water appraisal system, rational and planned use of water, water quota of regional and industrial water resources and supervision of its implementation, all come under the Ministry of Water Resources. 水利部曾经在中国粮食生产中发挥过重大的作用。毛泽东曾指出:“水利是农业的命脉。”二十世纪六七十年代,中国掀起了全面建造水利工程的热潮。仅大小水库全国就建造了十几万座,在提升粮食产量方面功不可没。小时候,我也曾随大人们去参加水利工程的劳动。那时候干活没有工资,还自带干粮,热情高涨。现在才知道,设计水利工程,指导全国水库建设与灌区建设,都是水利部的功劳。可惜的是,今天有大量水利设施老旧,不能发挥作用,影响了农业生产,这是水利部需要关注的工作。 It has played a significant role in China’s grain production. Mao Zedong once pointed out: “Water is the lifeblood of agriculture.” In the 1960s and 1970s, China was engaged in comprehensive water conservancy construction. Hundreds of thousands of reservoirs of different sizes were built, making a great contribution to enhancing food production. When I was young, I used to join the water conservancy work along with some adults. There was no pay and people brought their own food, but they were still enthusiastic. Now, I know that to design water conservancy projects and to guide the construction of reservoirs and irrigation areas should all be credited to the Ministry of Water Resources. Unfortunately, many water conservancy facilities are too old to function, thus affecting agricultural production. This undesirable state should draw the attention of the Ministry. 除了水利,水利部还管水害,包括组织协调全国水土保持工作,承担水土流失综合防治和监督管理。水往低处流,最终的去向是大海。但沿途经过的陆地生态系统,尤其是山地,一旦发生水土流失,则造成生态退化,江湖堵塞,引发灾害。因此在国家水土流失重点防治区,水利部担负着国家重点水土保持建设项目的实施、监督和管理工作。 In addition to water conservation, the Ministry is also in charge of handling water-related damage, including organization and coordination of national soil and water conservation and control, supervision and management of water and soil erosion. Water always flows downward and ultimately to sea. But when it flows through the terrestrial ecosystems, especially mountains, it may cause soil erosion and ecological degradation, clog rivers and lakes, and bring about disasters. Therefore, in major areas, the Ministry of Water Resources is responsible for implementation, monitoring and management of national key projects of soil and water conservation. 另外,节水型社会建设的相关制度和工作规划,也是水利部负责的。水利部在推进节水型社会的宣传工作上功不可没。早在“世界水日”诞生前的 1989 年,水利部就将每年 7 月 1 日至 7 日,定为“水法宣传周”,通过普法教育增强居民合理用水意识。 1993 年,“世界水日”诞生,水利部于第二年将“水法宣传周”改为“世界水日”所在的一周(即 3 月 22 日至 28 日)。除此之外,为了提高城市居民节约用水的意识,从 1992 年开始,将每年 5 月 15 日所在的一周定为“全国城市节水宣传周”。 It also takes charge of related systems and plans of the construction of a water-saving society. It has made outstanding contributions to promotion of water-saving society. As early as 1989, when the “World Water Day” had yet to be created, the Ministry designated the period of time of a year from July 1st to 7th as “Water Publicity Week”. Through law education and publicity, this week is meant to enhance people’s awareness of reasonable use of water by people. In 1993, the “World Water Day” was inaugurated, and in the following year, the Ministry of Water Resources changed the dates for “Water Publicity Week” to coincide with “World Water Day” (22 to 28 March). What’s more, in order to deepen water conservation awareness in cities, the week that includes May 15th was fixed as National Water-saving Publicity Week in Cities, beginning from 1992. 水利部的具体职能,可以参看如下网址: http://www.mwr.gov.cn/zwzc/jgjs/zyzn For specific functions of the Ministry of Water Resources, please visit: http://www.mwr.gov.cn/zwzc/jgjs/zyzn
个人分类: 生态科普|1250 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-30 09:27
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十二 国家海洋局 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.1.3 国家海洋局 4.1.3 State Oceanic Administration 国家海洋局是管理海洋的行政管理机构,归属于国土资源部。国家海洋局的职责是监督、管理海域使用,负责海洋环境保护,依法维护海洋权益,组织海洋科技研究,并以中国海警局名义开展海上维权执法 。具体说来包括: It is affiliated to the Ministry of Land and Resources responsible for managing oceanic affairs. Its responsibilities include supervising and managing sea area use, marine environmental protection, preservation of the marine rights and interests, organizing marine science and technology research, and safeguarding legal rights and law enforcement in oceanic areas in the name of the China Coast Guard. Specifically, it is responsible for: ( 1 ) 负责有关海洋使用、生态保护、科学调查、海岛保护等法律法规的制定。 (1) formulating laws and regulations for ocean use, ecological protection, scientific investigation, and island protection. ( 2 )负责组织开展海洋生态环境保护工作;负责组织编制并监督实施海洋功能区划。 (2) organizing and conducting marine ecological protection; and compiling and supervising marine function zoning and its implementation. ( 3 )负责组织拟订海洋维权、执法的制度和措施;负责组织拟订海岛保护及无居民海岛开发利用管理制度并监督实施。 (3) organizing and developing institutions and measures for protecting marine rights and interests and law enforcement; organizing and developing management system and supervising its implementation for islands protection and development and utilization of uninhabited islands. ( 4 )负责拟订海洋观测预报和海洋灾害警报制度并监督实施。 (4) developing marine observation and forecasting and marine hazard-warning systems and supervising their implementation. ( 5 )负责组织拟订并实施海洋科技发展规划;负责研究提出优化海洋产业结构的政策建议;负责开展海洋领域国际交流与合作。 (5) organizing, formulating and implementing marine science and technology development plan; doing research and putting forward policy recommendations for improving marine industrial structure; and carrying out international exchanges and cooperation in the maritime domain. 值得一提的是,近来海洋的重要性越来越受到人们的重视。一方面,人们越来越认识到 海洋食物的优质营养和健康价值,同时还具有产量大、发展空间广的优势,因此作为人类的“第二农田”发挥着越来越大的作用,有人甚至称之为“海洋农业”或“蓝色农业”。 It is worth mentioning that recently, the importance of the ocean is attracting even more attention. People are becoming more aware of the nutrition and health value of marine foods, and their advantageous large output and wide development space. The ocean is playing a greater role as the “second farmland” for human beings. It is even called by some as “Sea Farming” or “Blue Agriculture”. 在国务院批准的国土优化开发方案中,特别强调了海洋国土开发,这是有战略考虑的。在维护海洋权益的前提下,实施海洋功能区划分,充分考虑海洋资源与环境的承载能力,合理规划海洋开发内容,是对陆地国土空间主体功能区方案的有效补充。 When the State Council approved the plan for optimizing land development, it put particular emphasis on the development of maritime territory out of a strategic consideration. Under the precondition of safeguarding marine rights and interests, the implementation of the marine function zoning with full consideration of the carrying capacity of marine resources and the environment, and the rational formulation of the plan for marine development are an effective addition to the plan for main functional areas on the land. 海洋开发有很大的空间,但机遇与挑战同时存在。开发海洋国土,不能破坏海洋生态。中国正在加大海洋开发和保护工作上的投入, 如自 2010 年起,中国投入 11 亿余元用于海岛整治修复工程, 3 年来已累计支持 55 个项目。 A large space is available for marine development, but the opportunities and challenges co-exist. Development of marine territory should not destroy the marine ecosystem. China is increasing investment in marine development and protection. Since 2010, it has invested 1.1 billion Yuan in the restoration and renovation of islands, and 55 projects have been subsidized in the last 3 years. 国家海洋局的具体职能,可以参看如下网址: http://www.soa.gov.cn For specific functions of the State Oceanic Administration, please visit: http://www.soa.gov.cn
个人分类: 生态科普|2874 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-28 21:11
\0 中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十一 国家林业局 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 4.1.2 国家林业局 4.1.2 State Forestry Administration 在当下生态环境建设方面,国家林业局的主要职责是研究、拟定森林生态环境建设、森林资源保护和国土绿化的方针、政策,组织起草有关的法律法规并监督实施。 In terms of ecological environment construction, its major tasks are to study and formulate some principles and policies for forest ecological environment construction, forest resource protection and land greening as well as to organize the drafting of relevant laws and regulations and to supervise their implementation. 森林是陆地生态系统的主体。森林高大,光合产物常年富集在木材和地下根系中,森林复杂的生态还为多种野生动物提供了生存场所与食物。人类是从森林里走出来的,但长期以来,人们只知道向森林索取,造成了森林生态急剧恶化。因此,恢复森林生态,改善森林环境,保护森林资源,绿化陆地国土,是当前国家林业局的首要任务。植树造林、封山育林、植灌种草、防沙治沙、防治荒漠化、管理国有林场、指导建设森林公园、监督林木与竹林采伐等,是国家林业局负责的具体森林保护与经营工作。 The forest is the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem. Because of the height of the forest, photosynthetic products are accumulated in timber and underground roots. The complex ecology of the forest also provides shelter and food for a variety of fauna. The forest is the original living place for humans, but now the excessive demands of humans have caused sharp deterioration in the forest ecology. Therefore, it is the primary task of the State Forestry Administration to restore the forest ecosystem, to improve the forest environment, to protect forest resources, and to turn the land green. Forestation, sealing off mountainous areas to protect forests, planting shrubs and grass, prevention and control of desertification, management of state-owned forest, directing forest park construction, supervision of deforestation, are the specific tasks of the Administration for forest protection and operation. 以 2011 年为例,林业局印发了《全国造林绿化规划纲要》,在当年计划的指导下,全国完成荒山荒地造林 599.66 万公顷,其中,人工造林 406.6 万公顷,飞播造林 19.7 万公顷,无林地和疏林地新封山育林 173.4 万公顷。在人工造林中,还有一部分属于公众义务植树。 2011 年是开展全民义务植树 30 周年,在林业局和各界共同努力下,全年共有 6.14 亿人次参加义务植树,植树 25.14 亿株。而封山育林完成的 173.4 万公顷,就是我们前面讲的通过自然恢复生态治理所取得的成效。 In 2011, for example, the Administration issued the National Program for Forestation . Under the guidance of the year’s plan, the country accomplished forestation of barren hills and wastelands of 5.9966 million hectares, of which 4.066 million hectares involved artificial forestation, 197,000 hectares aerial forestation, and 1.734 million hectares forestation of non-forest lands and sparse woodlots. In areas of artificial forestation, some public voluntary service was enlisted. The year of 2011 was the 30 th anniversary of the launch of the nationwide voluntary tree planting program. With joint efforts of the State Forestry Administration and people from all sectors, a total of 614 million people planted 2.514 billion trees. A total of 1.734 million hectares of forestation of non-forest lands and sparse woodlots resulted from the aforementioned natural restoration. 此外,陆地野生动植物资源的保护和开发利用,包括相关的濒危物种进出口,国家保护的野生动植物及其产品出口的审批,以及有关国际公约的履约工作,也是由国家林业局负责的。除了以林木为主的生物资源外,国家林业局还负责湿地类型自然保护区的建设和管理。 2011 年,林业局开展了近 20 种野生动物的栖息地恢复试点项目,实施了近 30 种珍稀濒危野生动物的繁育项目;新增国际重要湿地 4 处,新建国家湿地公园(试点) 68 处。通过加强自然保护区建设和管理,中国的濒危野生动物,如大熊猫、朱鹮、金丝猴、长臂猿、兰科植物等 30 多种种群保持了稳定,并有所上升。 What’s more, the Administration is also responsible for protection and development of wild animals and plants, including import and export of endangered species, approval of the export of state-protected wild animals and plants and their products, and implementation work of relevant international conventions. Besides forest-based bio-resources, the Administration is also responsible for the construction and management of wetland nature reserves. In 2011, the Administration conducted habitat restoration pilot projects for nearly 20 kinds of wildlife and breeding projects for nearly 30 kinds of rare and endangered wildlife; and built 4 new Ramsar wetland sites and 68 national wetland parks (pilot). By strengthening the construction and management of nature reserves, 30 species of endangered wildlife, such as the giant panda, crested ibis, golden monkeys, gibbons, and orchid plants, etc., have maintained a stable population and some even increased in number. \0
个人分类: 生态科普|2236 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-27 21:08
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之三十 环境保护部 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 中国人常说,保护环境,人人有责。生态文明建设与每一个人的命运息息相关,同时需要每个人为之努力,是政府与公众共同的责任。 People in China often say that protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. Construction of an ecological civilization is a responsibility requiring the involvement of all. It is a shared responsibility between the Government and the public. 其实,生态环境问题在相当长的一段时期内和中国关系不大。在计划经济时期,生产发展有限而且有序,中国没有出现严重的环境污染和生态破坏。市场经济开始后,各地自主的、分散的、充满激情的经济活动带来了各种各样的生态环境问题。中国政府很早就意识到了这个问题。 20 世纪 80 年代末,生态环境保护作为一项制度,开始提到政府的议程上来。 In fact, the ecological and environmental problem did not worry China for a very long time, as it did to Western countries. In the period of planned economy, the development of production was limited and orderly, so there was no serious environmental pollution and ecological damage in China. But when the market economy is practiced, various ecological and environmental problems began to crop up because of a wide range of independent, decentralized, intense local economic activities. The Chinese government became aware of this problem long ago. In the late 1980s, ecological and environmental protection as a system came to the force on the agenda of the government. 4.1 生态文明建设的相关职能部门 4.1 Related departments of ecological civilization construction 4.1.1 环境保护部 4.1.1 Ministry of Environmental Protection 河水臭了,池塘里养的鱼死了,到哪里去讨说法?工厂冒浓烟,放黑水,谁来管管?这在几十年前,很多人是不会想到的。但随着全社会环保意识的加强,现在人们知道,遇到类似的严重环境问题,可以找这样一个部门 —— 环境保护部,简称环保部。 If you find a smelly river and a stagnant pond, whom do you appeal to? If factories emit heavy smoke and discharge black water, who is in charge of putting things straight? A few decades ago, no one knew what to do. But now, with greater environmental awareness of the whole society, you can take the problems to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. 环保部是中国成立较晚、但发展较快的一个部委。 1985 年 9 月,我从山东大学考入中国科学院植物研究所,进入了环保组。那时候,中国人很自豪,因为我们没有污染问题。所以,当时中国科学院成立环境保护研究队伍,是非常超前的。我们用的参考资料中提到的全球十大污染事件,都是发达国家的例子,如英国伦敦烟雾事件、美国洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件、日本痛痛病事件等。那时,国家没有和环境相关的主管部门,如果非要找和环境有关的政府机关,只能去建设部,那里有一个城乡建设环境保护办公室。后来,在这个办公室的基础上成立了环境保护局,后更名为环保总局。 This ministry was established quite late, but it expanded rapidly. In September 1985, I was admitted to the Institute of Botany of CAS after graduating from Shandong University. At that time, Chinese people were very proud that they did not have the problem of pollution. Therefore, when CAS established an environmental protection research team, it was seen as a far too forward-looking move. The world’s top 10 pollution events used for reference all came from developed countries, such as the London Smog Disaster, Los Angeles Photochemical Smog, and Japanese Itai-itai Disease , etc . At that time, China had no environment-related competent departments. The only concerned department was the Office of Urban and Rural Environmental Protection affiliated to the Ministry of Construction. Later on, the Environmental Protection Bureau was established on the basis of this office, later renamed the Environmental Protection Administration. 2007 年 1 月,笔者与中国环境科学院生态所所长高吉喜研究员联合撰文 ,指出中国经济快速发展的环境代价,呼吁政府加强环境保护工作,建议将国家环保总局更名为环保部。后来这个建议被采纳,环保部现在成为中国政府里发挥重要作用的一个部委。 In January 2007, Gao Jixi, Director of the Institute of Ecology of Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and I co-authored an article, pointing out the environmental costs of China’s rapid economic development, calling for strengthening environmental protection on the part of the government, and proposed renaming the Environmental Protection Administration as the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Afterwards, this proposal was accepted and the Ministry of Environmental Protection is playing an important role in the government now. 可以说,与日常生活有关的各类环境问题,环保部都管。具体的工作包括以下几个方面 : The Ministry of Environmental Protection takes care of all kinds of environmental problems related to the daily life. To be specific, it: ( 1 )负责环境保护制度的建设;指导、协调、监督生态保护工作。 (1) is responsible for the construction of environmental protection systems; for guiding, coordinating, and supervising the ecological protection work. ( 2 )承担预防、控制环境污染的责任;负责环境监测和信息发布;负责重大环境问题的处理和管理。 (2) is responsible for the prevention and control of environmental pollution; for environmental monitoring and information dissemination; and for the handling and management of major environmental issues. ( 3 )负责国家的环保投资类项目,推动循环经济和环保产业发展;承担落实国家减排目标的责任。 (3) is responsible for the country’s environmental investment projects; for the promotion of the circular economy and environmental protection industry; for the implementation of national emission reduction goal. ( 4 )负责核安全和辐射安全的监督管理。 (4) is responsible for the supervision and management of nuclear and radiation safety. 环保部的工作涉及方方面面,包括将主要污染物控制在环境可容范围之内;以及制定水体、大气、土壤、噪声、光、恶臭、固体废物、核辐射、化学品、机动车等各项污染防治管理制度。其中大部分工作都是制度建设和日常管理。具体的环保工作,由其下属的基层环保局来完成。 The Ministry of Environmental Protection involves work in many aspects, including the control of major pollutants in the environment within a tolerable range and the formulation of prevention and management systems for water, air, soil, noise, light, odors, solid waste, nuclear radiation, chemical, motor vehicles , etc . Most of the work is related to the construction of systems and daily management. Specific environmental work is carried out by its subordinate environmental protection bureaus. 蒋高明、高吉喜. 中国经济高速发展的环境代价(第二部分). 中外对话, http://www.中外对话.net/article/show/single/ch/686-The-terrible-cost-of-China-s-growth-part-two- 29 Jiang Gaoming, Gao Jixi, environmental costs of China’s rapid economic development (Part II). http://www. 中外对话 .net/article/show/single/ch/686-The-terrible-cost-of-China-s-growth-part-two- 环境保护部的具体职能,可以参看如下网址: http://www.mep.gov.cn/zhxx/jgzn For specific functions of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, please visit: http://www.mep.gov.cn/zhxx/jgzn
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蒋高明 2018-4-25 20:44
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十九 “未来 500 强”,世界经济的未来 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.2.5 “未来 500 强”,世界经济的未来 3.2.5 “The Future 500”, the future of the world economy 未来的企业是不是还会以财富多少论英雄?那些不顾生态环境乃至他人生命,仅关注赚钱的企业,是否会继续得到认可?这样的话题,如果在 20 年前,中国企业家可能还很陌生。然而,随着中国生态文明建设力度的不断加大,国际社会对人类可持续发展的呼声不断提高,评判今后企业财富的新标准出台了,这就是“世界未来 500 强”。 Will the future corporations be judged by the fortune they accumulate? Will the corporations which ignore ecosystem, even people’s lives, but focus only on money continue to be recognized? Twenty years ago, topics like these, would not appeal to Chinese entrepreneurs. However, as the ecological civilization has been enforced in Chinese society and the cry for the sustainable development of human beings in international society intensified, a new standard for appraising enterprises has emerged, that is “the Future 500”. 以获取最大经济利益为第一目标的市场经济和经济全球化,造就了 “ 财富500强 ” 。但是单纯追求财富的弊端警醒了世界。 1995 年,一批有强烈社会责任感的企业家和学者在美国创立了 “ 世界未来500强 ” , 其目的是帮助企业转变经营模式,树立不同行业适应可持续发展的 “ 好企业 ” 形象。 The market economy and economic globalization, oriented primarily to creating the largest economic profits, gave birth to the original Fortune 500. However, the harmfulness of single-minded pursuit of fortune has begun to appall the world community. In 1995, a group of entrepreneurs and scholars with strong sense of social responsibility founded the Future 500 in America, hoping to transform management models, and set up the images of “good corporate governance” for different trades to emulate in sustainable development. “世界未来 500 强”是一个非营利性的绿色经济企业联盟,以塑造未来型企业为宗旨,推动企业充分履行经济效益、社会道德、环境责任这三重责任。在市场经济条件下,行政命令的作用,甚至那些政府经济杠杆的作用,都比不上软性的市场调节作用。企业在市场上需要树立良好的企业形象和品牌形象,才能获得市场认可,长久地生存。“世界未来 500 强”提供了一个有力的理念、价值观、方法和途径:建立公正而科学的企业评价体系,树立真正的 “ 好 企业 ” 榜样,通过一种标准来约束企业行为,衡量和检验企业为国家的持续发展,乃至为地球和我们的下一代所承担的责任,以及他们履行责任的程度。 As a non-profitable corporate league for the green economy, the Future 500 aims to encourage corporations to undertake the triple responsibilities of economic profit, moral ethics and environmental responsibility. In the market economy, the administrative orders, even governmental economic leverage, play a less and less important part than soft market regulation. Only if corporations set up a good corporate image and a brand image, can they be recognized in the market and last long. The Future 500 has come up with a strong concept, value, method and approach: to establish a fair and scientific corporate evaluation system, to set up a good example for “good business”, to regulate corporate behavior through a standard, to measure and examine the responsibility that corporations undertake for the sustainable development of a country, even for the entire earth and the next generation, as well as to assess the amount of responsibility they carry out. 中国企业要在国际舞台上立于不败之地,要面临 21 世纪的八大挑战:( 1 )适应中国经济、社会、资源和环境的可持续发展战略;( 2 )适应国际化的角色转变;( 3 )适应全球化经营和动态发展的多种国际标准;( 4 )树立新的商务道德,树立信誉和良好的企业形象;( 5 )发展新的企业文化和价值观;( 6 )适应 21 世纪企业定位和企业责任;( 7 )重新认识企业综合竞争力;( 8 )承担企业的社会责任,尤其是环保义务。 To stand firm in the international arena, Chinese corporations face eight challenges in the 21 st century: (1) adjusting to the Chinese sustainable development policy in economy, society, resources, and environment; (2) adjusting to the transformation of their internationalized role; (3) adjusting to multi-international standards for global management and dynamic development; (4) setting up new business ethics, good reputation and corporate image; (5) developing a new corporate culture and value; (6) adjusting to corporate positioning and corporate responsibility in the 21 st Century; (7) revaluing the overall competitiveness of corporations; (8) undertaking social responsibilities, especially environmental protection duties. 从这里可以看出,那种以牺牲生态环境和他人健康换取财富的做法,将被不断发展的国际社会无情淘汰。 Hence, it is clear that the malpractice of making fortunes at the cost of the ecological environment and people’s health will be ruthlessly eliminated by the continuously developing international society. 可喜的是,中国已经引进了 “ 世界未来500强 ” 机制,海尔等“世界财富 500 强”企业,已经通过了国际评判标准,被授予“世界未来 500 强”企业。中国已举办了四次“ 世界未来500强” 论坛,开发研制了适合于中国的 “ 未来500强工具箱 ” ,把 “ 三重责任 ” 融入到经营管理过程中,为企业行为自律提供手段。相信在不久的将来,中国会出现越来越多的“世界未来 500 强”企业,它们将引领企业顺应循环经济发展趋势,肩负起生态环境保护的社会责任。 Fortunately China has already introduced the mechanism of the Future 500. The Fortune 500 corporations such as Haier have passed relevant international evaluation standards, and have been awarded the title of “The Future 500 of the World”. China has hosted the Forum of the Future 500 four times, produced the Toolbox for the Future 500 for Chinese corporations, installed the triple responsibility concept in management courses, and provided accesses to the self-discipline of corporations. In the near future more and more Future 500 corporations in China will follow the circular economic development tendency and shoulder the social responsibility of protecting the ecological environment.
个人分类: 生态科普|2452 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-25 20:38
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十八 循环经济法出台 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.2.4 循环经济法出台 3.2.4 Promulgation of the Circular Economy Promotion Law 循环经济并不是不发展经济,相反,利润空间还更大。循环经济是负责任的现代企业都遵守的原则。在德国,奔驰牌汽车的所有产品,废弃后全部由厂家负责回收更换,旧轮胎可以以旧换新,坏的发动机可以回厂更换,就是汽车解体,厂家也要负责回收。这是一种对环境负责到底的做法。这样的做法,在发达国家形成了惯例,同时法律对他们也有约束。著名企业不会因环保违法,透支他们的信誉。在中国,生态农场也属于循环经济。 The circular economy does not mean discontinuation of expanding and developing. On the contrary, the profit margins are large. A circular economy involves a principle that responsible modern corporations should follow. In Germany, all Benz products are recycled by the producer when it is time for them to be discarded. Used tires can be traded in for new ones, broken engines can be taken back to the factory for refurbishment, and even if the car is dismantled, the factory will be responsible for its recycling. This is what is meant by being responsible for the environment. This kind of practice has become a convention in developed countries, and is even included in the law. Famous corporations are careful not to damage their reputation by violating the environment law. In China, an ecological farm is a kind of circular economy. 国内外的实践证明,发展循环经济意义重大:一是为经济发展开辟新的资源,二是有效减少污染物排放,三是有利于提高经济效益。过去单纯抓环境保护,由于成本高,受到不少企业和地方政府的消极对待。用循环经济的办法,把资源节约、环境保护和经济效益有机地结合了起来,是一种根治环境问题的办法。 Practice at home and abroad proves that it is highly meaningful to develop a circular economy. First, it exploits new resources for economic development; second, it effectively reduces the release of pollutants; and third, it can improve the economic benefits. In the past, due to the high cost, the environmental protection by itself received negative treatment from a lot of corporations and local governments. The circular economy, which effectively combines resource conservation, environmental protection and economic benefits, is a good way to resolve environmental problems. 2007 年 8 月 27 日,十届全国人大常委会第 二十九 次会议对全国人大环资委提请审议的《中华人民共和国循环经济法》(草案)进行了初审; 2008 年 8 月 30 日,十一届全国人大常委会第四次会议在人民大会堂举行最后一次全体会议,表决通过上述法律; 2009 年 1 月 1 日,《循环经济法》正式实施。 On 27th, August, 2007, the 29 th Session of the 10 th National People’s Congress Standing Committee undertook the initial examination of the Recycling Economy Law of the PRC (draft for discussion) proposed by the NPC’s Environmental and Resources Protection Committee. On 30 th , August, 2008, the 4 th Session of the 11 th NPC Standing Committee held its last plenary meeting in the Great Hall of the People to approve this law. On 1 st , January, 2009, the Circular Economy Promotion Law of the PRC came in force. 《循环经济法》实施后,循环经济的理念进一步深入人心,并且对各地经济发展起到了指导作用。以大连市为例,具有区域产业发展龙头地位的产业聚集区,开始由单纯的“招商引资”向“招商择资”转变,要求进入产业聚集区的企业都要制定循环经济发展规划,包括产业定位、产业链选择、能量梯级利用、土地集约利用、水资源分类利用、再利用及再生利用,以及企业共同使用的基础设施规划等。除此之外,重点引进有利于产业聚集区废物交换利用和能量梯级利用的企业,促进产业聚集区形成更完善的物质能量循环。在广大的农村,要求县级政府建立农用废旧物资回收利用体系,合理利用秸秆资源;要求畜禽养殖小区建立畜禽粪污无害化和资源化处理设施,等等。 Since then the concept of circular economy has taken root in the public and begun to orient the economic development in many areas. We here take Dalian City as an example. The concentrated area of industry which takes the lead in regional industrial development has turned from “inviting investment” to “selecting investment”, requiring that corporate entrants should formulate circular economic development plans, including industry positioning, selection of industrial chain, energy cascade utilization, intensive land use, water use classification, reuse and recycling, and infrastructure shared by several corporations. What’s more, corporations that can help in the exchange and reuse of wastes and energy cascade utilization in the concentrated area are given preference to promote formation of a broader overall material and energy cycling system. In the vast countryside, it is required that a county government should establish a recycling system for agricultural waste materials, make reasonable use of straws, and build processing facilities to deal with the manure from the livestock farming community and turn it into a harmless and useful resource, etc.
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中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十七: 低碳经济的责任
蒋高明 2018-4-19 22:39
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十七 低碳经济的责任 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.2.3 低碳经济的责任 3.2.3 The Responsibility of the low-carbon-oriented economy 2009 年 9 月的一天,中国生态学会办公室来了几位特殊的客人,他们是东风日产公司公关部的,总部在武汉。汽车行业的人到中国生态学会来干什么? One day in September 2009, several special guests visited the office of the Ecological Society of China. They were from the Public Relations Department of Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company headquartered in Wuhan. What did they come for? 我以中国生态学会的副秘书长的身份,接待了东风日产公司的客人们。原来,他们有一个低碳产业方案,请求生态学会的专家提意见。这个方案中包括下面这样的内容:将厂区内的所有工业用水做到 100% 循环利用;所有公共卫生间使用循环水;在厂区建设“家乡林”,根据员工来自中国各地和日本本土的现实,考虑到员工的思乡情绪,请各地员工的代表种植家乡的树木,建成纪念林,同时提高厂区绿化率,也使用循环水;在全国销售的东风汽车,做到全程低碳排放,提高燃油利用效率;同时在内蒙古沙地植树造林,吸收汽车排放的碳,实现“碳中和”。 I was then Deputy Secretary General of the Ecological Society of China so I received them. It turned out that they had developed a low-carbon industry program and sought our opinion. The program included the following: to guarantee 100% recycling of the industrial water within their plants; to use the recycled water in all public washrooms; in consideration of the homesickness of employees from different parts of China and Japan proper, to build “hometown woods” in the plants, i.e. , memorial woods with native trees planted by representatives from different regions, which would simultaneously increase the greening rate and be sustained by the recycled water; to ensure low-carbon emission and to improve efficiency of fuel oil use for Dongfeng Auto sold across China; to conduct forestation in the sandy areas of Inner Mongolia, to absorb the carbon emitted by automobiles and to realize “carbon neutrality”. 对于这一系列环保行动,我给予了他们充分的肯定,并就沙地造林和厂区绿化树种选择,提出了我的建议。东风日产公司的做法,最终得到环保部的肯定,被授予“中华环保奖”。在当年汽车销售不景气的情况下,日产汽车因较强的社会责任感获得了市场认可,他们的销售业绩遥遥领先。在“十二五”规划背景下,日产企业进一步推进低碳事业,围绕 CO 2 的削减、资源的有效利用、环境负荷物的削减这三大核心制定了《 2011~2015 环境战略》。 2011 年,该企业实现废气排放监测达标率 100% ,厂界噪声监测达标率 100% ,固体废物综合利用率为 96.5% ,危险废物安全处置率 100% 。 I highly appreciated their actions and offered my suggestions as to the choice of greening tree species in sandy land forestation and tree planting in factory area. Nissan’s initiative was eventually recognized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and awarded the “China Environmental Protection Prize”. Though the auto market was gloomy that year, Nissan’s strong sense of social responsibility greatly boosted its sales. Against the background of the 12 th Five-Year Plan, Nissan further promoted the low-carbon cause and formulated the Environmental Strategy for 2011–2015 focusing on three core issues: reduction of CO 2 , effective use of resources, and reduction of environmental load. In 2011, the attainment rate of the company’s exhaust emission monitoring reached 100%; factory boundary noise monitoring reached 100%; the rate of multipurpose utilization of solid waste reached 96.5%; and the treatment rate of hazardous waste also reached 100%. 为什么东风日产企业会因为“低碳”而获得认可呢? Why did the Nissan Company win recognition because of its “low-carbon” strategy? 原来,随着全球人口数量的上升和经济规模的不断增长,使用化石能源造成的环境问题越来越严重。废气污染、光化学烟雾、水污染和酸雨的危害,温室气体过量排放导致的气候变化,已被确认是人类不当生产、生活方式以及化石能源的过量利用带来的后果。在此背景下 , “ 低碳经济 ”、“ 低碳技术 ”、“ 低碳发展 ”“ 低碳生活 ”、“ 低碳社会 ”“ 低碳城市 ” 等一系列新概念应运而生, “ 低碳 ” 成为中国经济政策中的一个热门词,成为各领域企业不可推卸的责任。 With the constant growth of the global population and economic scale, environmental problems caused by the use of fossil energy have become ever more serious. Exhaust pollution, photochemical smog, water pollution, acid rain, and climate changes caused by excessive emission of greenhouse gases were confirmed to be the consequences of human’s improper production and life-style as well as the excessive use of fossil fuels. Hence, a series of new concepts such as “low carbon economy”, “low carbon technology”, “low carbon development”, “low carbon life”, “low carbon society” and “low carbon cities” have emerged. “Low carbon” has also become a hot word in China’s economic policies and a compelling obligation for enterprises of various fields. 所谓低碳,顾名思义就是低量的碳,指的是使用少量的化石能源。低碳经济,就是指在可持续发展理念指导下,通过技术创新、制度创新、产业转型、新能源开发等多种手段,尽可能地减少煤炭、石油等高碳化石能源的消耗,进而减少温室气体排放,达到经济社会发展与生态环境保护双赢的一种经济发展形态。 As its name suggests, it means low amount of carbon and using a small amount of fossil energies. Low carbon economy refers to striving to reduce the consumption of high-carbon fossil fuels such as coal and oil through multiple means such as technological evolution, institutional innovation, industrial transformation and new energy development guided by the perception of sustainable development. It aims to reduce the greenhouse gas emission and to realize the win-win effect of economic and social development and ecological environmental protection. 在中国,低碳减排目标已经被纳入 “ 十二五 ” 规划,到 2020 年实现中国单位 GDP 二氧化碳排放比 2005 年下降 40% ~ 45% 。这是庄严的承诺,同时也是十分沉重的责任。 The goal of low carbon emission has been included in the 12 th Five-Year Plan, aiming to reduce the carbon dioxide emission level of 2005 by 40%–45% by 2020. This was a solemn promise and a tough responsibility at the same time. 中国政府在推进低碳经济建设上,主要从三个方面着力:( 1 )推进低碳能源系统建设,就是通过发展清洁能源,包括风能、太阳能、核能、地热能和生物质能等,逐步替代煤、石油等化石能源,从而减少温室气体排放;( 2 )支持低碳技术发展,包括清洁煤技术、二氧化碳捕捉及储存技术等;( 3 )加快低碳产业体系发展,包括火电减排、新能源汽车、节能建筑、工业节能与减排、循环经济、资源回收、环保设备、节能材料,等等。 The Chinese government concentrates on three aspects of low carbon economy construction: (1) to promote the construction of a low carbon energy system, i.e., to gradually replace fossil fuels such as coal and oil with clean energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and biomass energy, etc. in order to reduce greenhouse gas emission; (2) to support the development of low-carbon technology, including clean coal technology and carbon dioxide capturing and storage technology, etc.; (3) to accelerate the development of low-carbon industry system, including thermal power emission reduction, new energy automobile, energy saving building, industrial energy saving and emission reduction, recycling economy, resource recovery, environmental protection equipments and energy saving materials, etc. 以深圳市为例,在新能源系统建设方面,深圳重点培育太阳能、生物质能、风电等产业,使新能源产业总产值在 2015 年达到 2500 亿元,新能源发电装机规模占全市总数的 50% 以上。在低碳产业方面,着重推进低碳交通产业,大力发展轨道交通,至 2011 年新建地铁 157 公里;支持新能源汽车产业,使其年生产能力达到 20 万辆;新建自行车道 135 公里,倡导民众自行车出行。在政府主导的投入外,更鼓励企业自主创新投入新能源产品开发。对于投入新能源研发的企业,政府给予最高 800 万元的资助;对于投入新能源研发的研究机构,政府给予最高 500 万元的资助。 Take Shenzhen as an example: with regard to new energy system construction, the city has intensively developed industries such as solar energy, biomass energy and wind power, etc., aiming to make the gross output value of the new energy sector reach 250 billion Yuan and the installation scale of new energy power generation count for over half of the city’s total in 2015. In terms of the low-carbon enterprise, Shenzhen has advocated a low-carbon transportation industry and strived to develop rail transportation, and to expand the newly-built subway network to 157 kilometers in 2011; by supporting the new energy automobile industry the city has boosted its annual production capacity to 200,000; new bicycle lanes have been extended to 135 kilometers, and people are advised to go out by bike. Apart from government investment, Shenzhen has also encouraged enterprises to conduct independent innovation input to develop new energy products. For enterprises investing in new energy development, the government will subsidize a maximum of 8 million Yuan; for research institutes investing in new energy development, up to 5 million Yuan will be offered. 低碳经济建设,从一个侧面推进着中国经济增长方式的转变,推进着经济结构的“低碳化”转型。除此之外,在“低碳生活”、 “ 低碳社会 ”、“ 低碳城市 ” 等一系列理念的影响下,从政府到民间、从企业到个人,都将为此付出更多的努力,成为经济结构转型的当事人、参与者、奉献者,同时也会成为受益者。 From one aspect, low carbon economy construction has promoted the change in the style of Chinese economic growth and the “low-carbonized” transformation of economic structure. In addition, influenced by a range of concepts such as “low carbon life”, “low carbon society” and “low carbon cities”, all parties, from the government to the public and from enterprises to the individuals, will make more efforts and try to become the clients, participants and dedicators as well as the beneficiaries in the transformation of economic structure.
个人分类: 生态科普|2502 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-17 10:17
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十四 生态空间优美 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.1.4 生态空间优美 3.1.4 Beautiful ecological space 笔者小时候,家住村北头,房子后面就是一大片森林,有国槐、刺槐、核桃、垂柳和板栗。印象最深的是,国槐树上经常有一些金黄色的小鸟跳来跳去。鸟的身子是黄色的,但脖子是翠绿色的,漂亮极了!这样可爱的小鸟引来了淘气的孩子们,他们拉开弹弓去打鸟。但小黄鸟太机灵了,还没等你拉开弓呢,它们欢叫着跳到了更高的地方,浓密的树叶遮住了孩子们的视线…… In my childhood I lived in the north of a village. Behind my house lay a large forest, in which various kinds of trees were planted—pagoda trees, acacias, walnuts, weeping willows and chestnuts. I was deeply impressed by some golden birds hopping in the pagoda trees. The birds’ bodies were yellow, but their necks were green. So beautiful! The lovely birds were so attractive that some naughty kids often shot at them with a slingshot. But the yellow little birds were really smart. They would hop to a higher spot before a boy could release the shot and then hide themselves safely behind the thick leaves. 如今,这些让人内心温暖的画面,已经成了回忆了。现在的孩子看不到这种小鸟了,因为农村的本地森林已经基本消失了。 But now, those heart-warming scenes are fading from memory. Kids cannot see the little birds anymore, because the indigenous forest in the rural areas has almost vanished. 几十年前,中国河流里的水捧起来就能喝,而且是在城市郊区、农村等人类活动相对频繁的地方。即使人类活动频繁,但由于当年没有工业污染,生态环境是健康的。这种健康的生态,源自生态系统结构完善,生态功能完备,生态过程顺畅,生物多样性丰富,远离人类制造的化学污染物。现在看来,这正是中共十八大所提出的“生态空间优美”的状态。生态空间优美,生活空间宜居,这应是最根本的民生,是人类最能共享的一种幸福了。 Decades ago, the water in the rivers of China could be drunk directly, even in the suburbs and the countryside where human activities were relatively frequent. That was because there was no industrial pollution and the ecological environment was healthy. And this was the result of the well-structured ecosystem, complete ecological functions, smooth ecological processes and diversity of species. Besides, they are far from the chemical contaminants emitted by humans. That is just the state the 18 th CPC National Congress advocated: beautiful ecological space. Beautiful ecological space and habitable living space are the most fundamental undertakings for people’s well being, and constitute the happiness that all human beings can easily share.
个人分类: 生态科普|820 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-15 07:49
中国生态文明建设连载之二十三 生活空间宜居 本文载《中生态文明建设》(中英对照) 北京语言大学出版社 2014 作者 蒋高明 3.1.3生活空间适宜 3.1.3 Habitable living space 2013年5月,我应海南省澄迈县领导邀请,实地考察了该县生态环境和生态农业产业,以及当地古村落等。那里的百岁老人吸引了我。在老城镇罗驿村,我看到这样一个“准百岁老人”,他已经99岁了,还骑自行车下地干活,自己到镇上买菜做饭。老人记忆力很好,身子骨依然硬朗,中央电视台对他进行过报道。在与老人的交谈中,我明显感觉到老人的生活中充满了幸福和希望。 In May 2013, invited by the leaders of Chengmai County of Hainan province, I carried out an investigation of the ecological environment and ecological agriculture, as well as of the situation of local ancient villages, etc. The presence of centenarians among villagers drew my attention. In the village of Luoyi, I saw an old man who was getting on 100 years old. He was already 99, but was still able to do such things as riding a bike to work, buying food from the town and cooking himself. He had a good memory and a tough body, and was once featured by CCTV. In conversation with him, I felt that the old man’s life was full of hope and happiness. 为什么当今城市里的年轻人都缺乏的幸福和希望,会在农村的老人心中存在呢? Why do happiness and hope so lacking in today’s urban young people still enchant this rural old man’s heart? 我发现,澄迈县具有独一无二的热带生态资源。生态自然,环境优美,当地有名的“三老”——百岁老人、千年老房、万年生态,让我切身感受到,真的是这样健康优美的生活空间,才是最适合人类居住的,才造就了这样健康的百岁老人。在这里生活的人,真的很幸福! I found out that Chengmai County had the unique tropical ecological resource, retaining the ecosystem’s natural state and beautiful scenery. The famous “three old”—old people aged over 100, old house with a history of one thousand years, old ecosystem exising for 10 thousand years—gave me a strong feeling that a healthful and beautiful living space was most suitable for human beings, and that’s why the old man could live healthily to the age of 100. The people who lived there were really happy. “安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜。”唐代诗人杜甫的呐喊,让我们深刻感受到当时社会的苦难。但是仅仅是高楼大厦,能够带给人幸福吗?答案是否定的。今天的人们也向往舒适的生活环境,政府也致力于提高人民群众的居住水平,创造美好的居住家园。但是,中国城市建设最火的几十年,都是围绕着房地产建设展开的。高楼多了,人们的房子宽敞了,但生态环境被破坏了。在过度集中的大城市中,即使有了豪华宽敞的房子,但开窗就是雾霾,出门就是污染,连市场里买回来的粮食蔬菜也是有损健康的。这样的城市,不是真正宜人的生活空间。 Du Fu, the Chinese poet in the Tang dynasty, wrote: “Where can I get thousands of houses to shelter the world’s poor people and make them happy?” I was deeply touched by the hardships of the society at that time. But can buildings alone bring people happiness? The answer is no. People today are also looking forward to a comfortable living environment, and the government has strived to improve people’s living condition and create comfortable homes for them. The decades-long period of brisk city construction in China centers only on real estate construction. More tall buildings have stood up, and people’s houses have become much larger than before; but the ecological environment has been destroyed. In big thickly-populated cities, even living in a large house, people still have to breathe polluted air when they open their windows. Pollution is everywhere once we go out, and even the food and vegetables bought from the market are polluted and bad for our health. A city like that cannot offer a real pleasant living space. 宜居城市是后工业化时代的产物,是指具有良好的居住和空间环境、人文社会环境、生态与自然环境和清洁高效的生产环境的居住地。1996年,联合国第二次人居大会提出,城市应当是适宜人类居住的。此概念一经提出,就在国际社会形成了广泛共识,成为21世纪新的城市观。2005年,国务院批复的《北京城市总体规划》中,也写上了“宜居城市”的理想。 A habitable city is a product of the post-industrial era, referring to a habitat that provides good living space, a social and humanistic condition, an ecological and natural environment, and a clean and effective production environment. In 1996, it was proposed in the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II, that cities should be suitable for human habitation, and after the proposal was put forward the concept was universally acknowledged, becoming a new city concept for the 21st century. In 2005, the Beijing City Master Plan, approved by the State Council, also included the concept “habitable city”. 中国城市竞争力研究会,连续多年发布中国十大宜居城市排行榜。进入排行榜的城市和他们的排名,虽然每年都有所变动,但总体格局没有大的变化。经常被评为“全国十佳宜居城市”的城市是:威海、珠海、金华、惠州、台中、信阳、南宁、衢州、曲靖、香港。作为国际大都市的北京并没有入选。北京目前面临的垃圾围城、雾霾、城市热岛等问题,都对北京未来的发展提出了挑战,给北京的城市规划者提出了新的课题。今后,宜居会变成城市核心竞争力的关键参数。 The Chinese Institute of City Competitiveness has released the list of top 10 livable cities in China for many years running. The rankings change every year, but only a little. The cities that can be often seen on the list are Weihai, Zhuhai, Jinhua, Huizhou, Taizhong, Xinyang, Nanning, Quzhou, Qujing, and Hong Kong. Beijing, as an international city, is not on the list. The problems Beijing faces are trash, haze, urban heat island, and so on, challenging its future development and posing a new conundrum to city planners. In the future, whether or not it is livable will become a key consideration of a city’s core competitiveness. 说到宜居,就不能不提到乡村。著名的广西巴马、海南澄迈等长寿县,都是乡村,那里的百岁老人都是地地道道的农民。他们的长寿并不是靠先进的医疗和奢华的生活,相反,是乡村美丽的生态空间,和谐的人际关系,人们乐观的性格和低微的物质需求。中国政府今后要考虑建设美丽乡村,改善乡村的硬件条件,充分发挥农村的宜居与养老功能。这可以成为城市化建设的重要补充。 When it comes to the habitability, one cannot get around the countryside. The famous towns of longevity like Bama in Guangxi and Chengmai in Hainan are all located in the countryside. The people aged over 100 are thorough-going farmers. They live long not because of advanced medical treatment and a luxurious life but due to the beautiful ecological space in the countryside, harmonious interpersonal relationships, optimistic character and scanty material needs. The Chinese government may consider the construction of beautiful villages, improve the hardware, bring the villages’ habitable function into full play and maximize its role as a place to nurse the aged. This is an important supplement for urbanization.
个人分类: 生态科普|2088 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-13 14:58
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十二 生产空间集约高效 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.1.2 生产空间集约高效 3.1.2 Intensive and effective production space 过去 15 年里,我在内蒙古草原做了大量的研究工作,并成功恢复了 12 万亩的退化沙地草地。中国有各类草地 60 亿亩,但其承载人口仅 1.6 亿人;而 18 亿亩耕地却承载人口 4.94 亿人,并为 6.86 亿城市人口提供了绝大多数的粮食、蔬菜、蛋类及肉类。全国草原地上部生物量仅为 3 亿吨,而农田地上部生物量(秸秆 + 粮食)约 12 亿吨,全部草原仅实现了农区生产力的 25% 。借助现代农业生产工程技术,草地净第一性生产力可提高 10 ~ 20 倍。如果将 10% 的草地生产力提高到农区水平,即可成功保护 90% 的草原!同时可以在 18 亿亩农田之外,再造 6 亿亩“农田”。基于这一思路,建设生态草业特区势在必行。 In the past 15 years, I have carried out a lot of research work in the Inner Mongolia grassland and successfully restored 120,000 mu of degraded sandland. The total area of grassland in China is 6 billion mu, and accommodates a population of 160 million; the total area of farmland is 1.8 billion mu, and sustains a population of 494 million. But it provides most of the vegetables, eggs, and meat for the 686 million people in the cities. The biomass of the grassland in the whole country is just 300 million tons, while the biomass (straw and food) of farmland is about 1.2 billion tons. The productivity of the grassland amounts to only 25% of that of agriculture. With the help of modern agricultural production techniques, the NPP (net primary productivity) of grassland can increase by 10 to 20 times. If 10% of grassland increases its productivity to the level of agricultural areas, 90% of the grassland can be properly protected. Meanwhile, 600 million mu of “farmland” can be built in addition to the 1.8 billion mu of farmland. Guided by this approach, it is imperative to set up ecological forage industry special zones. 生态草业特区,指在一个独立的旗(县)或特定区域内,充分运用生态学原理,借鉴现代化农业理念和工程技术手段,通过科学规划、合理布局、精细管理,建立以发展草牧业为主、多种生物产业为补充的农业生产园区,是牧区生态文明建设的大型 “ 试验田 ” 。 Establishing an ecological forage industry special zone requires us to make full use of ecological principles, learn from modern agricultural concepts and engineering technology in an independent district (county) or specific area. By means of scientific planning, reasonable layout and careful management it is possible to set up an agricultural production park in which grass and animal husbandry are the mainstay supplemented by a variety of biological industry. It is also a large “experimental field” of ecological civilization construction in a pasturing area. “ 特 ” 字主要体现在四个方面,即崭新的发展理念、强大的核心技术体系、独特的绿色经济产业结构和创新的行政管理体制。生态草业特区建设要求有足够大的面积(大于 1 万平方公里),以便充分展开其生态功能。同时其生态产品要在大城市找到市场,实现城乡“三生”(生态、生产、生活)和谐发展。我们这个思路获得了中国科学院和内蒙古自治区领导的高度重视。中国科学院专门成立了一个研究团队,投入 1000 万元进行预研究,以推进该项目的实施。 The word “special” is mainly manifested in four aspects, namely, new concept of development, powerful core technical system, unique industrial structure of green economy and innovative administrative system. Construction requires an area that is large enough (over 10,000 square kilometers) to give full play to its ecological function. At the same time, the ecological products should find their way into a market in the big cities, and only then can we realize the harmonious development of ecology, production, and life. This idea was highly valued by the leaders of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. A research group was set up by CAS with an investment of 10 million Yuan to carry on the preliminary study so that the project implementation can be promoted. 上述草业特区建设的创新思路就是“集约化经营,自然化保育”。人类从原始人进化到今天,生产活动对大自然造成了一定的破坏,低效的、分散的经济活动侵占了野生动物的地盘,造成了许多物种的灭绝,也牺牲了人类自己的家园。因此,提高土地利用效率,为自然腾出更多的空间,是将来要走的路。这就是集约高效经营的理念。 The innovative idea of the construction of the forage industry special zone is intensive management, natural conservation. From primitive times to modern society, human productive activities have caused some damage to nature. Inefficient and decentralized economic activities have invaded the habitat of wild animals, not only expediting the extinction of many species but also damaging our own homeland. Therefore, it is desirable in the future to improve the efficiency of land use and to make more room for nature. And that is the idea of intensive and effective management. “ 集约 ” ,最初的含义是指农业活动中,在同一面积投入较多的生产资料和劳动力,进行精耕细作,提高单位面积产量;现代意义上的广义的 “ 集约化经营 ” ,则泛指人类的一切社会经济活动,即在同一经济活动领域内,通过经 营要素质量的提高、含量的增加、投入的集中以及组合方式的调整,实现增进效益的经营方式。集约是相对粗放而言的,集约化经营以高效益 ( 包括社会效益和经济效益 ) 为目标,重组经营要素,用最小的成本(包括经济成本和环境成本)获得最大的投资回报。 The original meaning of “intensive” is that, in agricultural activities, more means of production and labor are used in an area to increase yield per unit area through intensive farming. The modern generalized meaning of “intensive operation” refers to all kinds of social and economic activities by humans. In other words, this mode of operation can enhance economic performance by improving the quality and quantity of management elements, by focusing on the investment and by adjusting the mode of combination. “Intensive” is a term roughly equivalent to “extensive”. Aiming at high benefits (including social and economic), Intensive operation achieves maximum return on investment with minimum cost (economic and ecological cost) by recombination of management elements. 按照上述生产空间集约经营的理念,重新来看主体功能区划分,毫无悬念的是,中国东部是适宜集约化生产活动的。这是因为那里的人口相对集中,技术和资本投入大,物流运输方便,东临大海,可以发展外向型经济,西靠广阔的内陆,可以获得必需的工农业原料。而西部由于当前已有投入小,生态环境脆弱,适宜在保护环境的前提下,发展适度的集约农业,提高生产效益。同时,基于生态环境现状,从环境保护与食品安全的角度出发,适度集约的农业要符合生态循环原则,生态农业是必由之路。 In light of these ideas, the division of main function region can be considered in a new way. There is no doubt that eastern China is suitable to develop intensive production, for it has the advantages of concentrated population, great investment in technology and capital, convenient transportation and logistics. Besides, it faces the sea on the east, which enables it to develop an export-oriented economy, while getting hold of the necessary industrial and agricultural raw materials from the hinterland of the west. On the contrary, due to the relatively small investment and fragile ecological environment, western China is suitable to develop intensive agriculture to a moderate degree and to increase the productive benefits as long as the environment is well protected. Meanwhile, the development of intensive agriculture should be based on the present situation of ecological environment and of not violating the regulations of environmental protection and food safety. In order to make moderately intensive agriculture and conform to the principle of ecological cycle, we need to develop ecological agriculture is necessary.
个人分类: 生态科普|3408 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-12 20:33
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十一 优化空间发展格局 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 3.1 优化空间发展格局 3.1 Optimizing spatial development pattern 中国有句成语叫“三生有幸”,用来强调自己感到十分幸运与高兴。可以做一下发挥,生产、生活、生态,这 “ 三生 ” ,是与人类生存息息相关的三个方面,只有这三者都“有幸”,人类才能真正获得幸福。过去过度强调经济,强调生产,结果导致生态环境恶化;没有了良好的生态环境,人们的生活质量严重下降,甚至付出生命的代价。在这样的恶性循环中,很难看到生产发展的意义。人类在什么样的环境下生活,采用什么样的生产方式才能与自然和谐相处,决定了人类社会是否能够持续发展下去。在生态环境压力日益增大的今天,中国面临着优化发展的重大选择。 The Chinese idiom “a stroke of luck” can be applied here to express one’s happy feelings. Production, life and ecology are three aspects closely related to human survival, and humankind cannot gain real happiness unless these three aspects develop in a healthy way. In the past, the development of the economy and production came first, leading to the deterioration of ecological environment and the quality of people’s life, and even to the loss of human life. In such a vicious circle, we can hardly see the point of developing production. Whether human society can develop sustainably is decided by the environment in which people live, and the mode of production they adopt. In the face of the increasing pressure from the ecological environment, China has to decide whether to optimize development or not. 3.1.1 优化国土空间开发格局 3.1.1 Optimizing development pattern of China’s geographical space 江苏有个如皋市,该市有个长寿乡,因百岁以上老人数量多,在全国都很有名气。有位老人,105岁了,身体还很硬朗,还能够下地干活。这样的老人在当地有很多。然而,这个长寿之乡,今天却面临着严重的环境污染问题。长寿乡老人的后代们,没有他们祖辈或父辈那样“有幸”,一些人60多岁、50多岁、40多岁,甚至30多岁,就得癌症提前离开了人世。他们白发的父辈看着黑发的孩子离去,“白发人送黑发人”,这在中国人看来是最大的悲哀。 In the city of Rugao, Jiangsu Province, lies a town of longevity, well-known in China for the large number of people living to an age of over 100. I have heard a healthy old man who works in the fields at the age of 105, and he is just one typical example of the numerous local old people. However, the place is facing the problem of serious environmental pollution, now. The descendants of these old people are not as lucky as their fathers or grandfathers, for some of them died from cancer at an early age—just over 60, 50, 40 or even 30 years old. Their white-haired fathers or grandfathers can do nothing but watch them die. It is extremely painful for Chinese to see “the young black-haired die before the old white-haired in a family”. 具有讽刺意味的是,如皋市在家门口发展的产业,是医疗器械产业,是给人治病的产业。但是他们在生产医疗设备的时候,却生产了大量的污染物,那些污染物,染红了长寿乡的大小河流,也使他们患上了癌症。他们生产的医疗器械并不能拯救他们的健康。而当地的百岁老人显然不是靠医疗手段获得长寿的,是曾经有过的宜人环境给了他们健康与长寿。 Ironically, the major industry in Rugao is medical apparatus and instruments, which are used to treat and cure diseases. When medical equipment is produced, a large amount of waste is discharged. The waste pollutes the rivers and water of the town of longevity, causing people to contract cancer. The medical equipment they produce cannot make them healthy and save their lives. The over-hundred-year-old people in the town apparently enjoy longevity not because of medicine, but thanks to the suitable environment they live in. 针对全国广泛存在的环境污染问题,中国政府从问题出现的源头寻找解决方案,发现当年发展经济的时候,并没有进行合理的国土开发规划。工厂随意建设,一些厂区就建在村庄或者城市里。污染物一出厂区,就进入农区或城区,其弊端是显而易见的。 To solve the common environmental pollution problem in the country, the government tries to look for the source of the problem and fix it. It was found out that territorial development was not well-planned when all the attention was focused on economic development: the location of factories was chosen randomly. Some factories were built in villages or cities, and the waste discharged polluted these places directly. The root of the trouble is obvious. 国土是生态建设的空间载体,是人类赖以生存和发展的家园。 中共十八大之后,中央加大了优化国土空间开发格局的力度。 优化国土空间开发格局,才能让生产空间集约高效,生活空间宜居适度,生态空间山清水秀,给自然生态留下更多休养生息的空间,给农业留下更多的良田,给子孙后代留下天蓝、地绿、水净的美好家园。 Territory is the spatial carrier of ecological construction, and the home to human survival and development. After the 18 th CPC National Congress, the central government enhanced the optimization of China’s geographical space as the only way to ensure that the space for production would be used intensively and efficiently, the living space livable and appropriate in size, and that the ecological space unspoiled and beautiful; and more space should be left for nature to achieve self-renewal. More farmland should be allotted to farmers in order to leave to our future generations a beautiful land with green fields, clean water and blue sky. 在规划国土空间开发格局时,政府要按照土地的生态功能与生产功能,根据不同主体功能区资源环境承载能力和现有开发密度,评估当地的发展潜力,统筹谋划未来人口分布和产业布局,进而规划国土利用方式和城镇化格局。 2011 年 6 月,《全国主体功能区规划》由国务院正式发布实施。主体功能区规划,强调了生态环境的保护功能,将国土空间划分为优化开发、重点开发、限制开发和禁止开发四类。 When planning the development pattern of China’s geographical space, the government should evaluate the potential development of the local place and make an overall plan of future population and industrial distribution according to the ecological and productive function of the territory and in line with each main function region’s carrying capacity of resources and environment and its existing development density. In June 2011, the National Main Function Region was officially issued by the State Council. It emphasizes the protection function of the ecological environment, dividing China’s geographical space into four categories: optimized development region, key development region, restricted development region and forbidden development region. 《全国主体功能区规划》对四类地区的规划是宏观的、原则性的。如优化开发区域,正是中国人口密集和环境污染十分严重的地区,包括环渤海地区、长江三角洲地区、珠江三角洲地区等 三 大区域,全国最著名的京、上、广、深四大都市,就属于这类地区。这类地区显然已不堪重负,控制人口,优化产业,环境修复与治理是今后这类地区的发展重点。而对于重点开发区域、限制开发区域和禁止开发区域,国家已有了明确指导和规定。在具体实践中,要依据全国主体功能区的规划要求,严防污染企业打游击战,避免污染企业向其他未污染地区移动。主体功能区定位明确后,财政政策、投资政策、产业政策、人口政策、土地政策、环境政策和绩效考核政策等,都将随之调整。这些调整将有利于当地政府协调生态环境保护和经济发展的矛盾,让中国生态环境保护工作跨上一个新的台阶。 The National Main Function Region provides an overall and principal plan for the four regional types. For instance, the most thickly-populated and seriously-polluted region in China, coincides with the optimized development region which covers three zones of the Bohai Bay Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta, the locations of the famous cities in China, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Apparently the region is overburdened, and so its major developing work should revolve around population control, industrial optimization, environmental recovery and management. As for the key development, restricted development and forbidden development regions, the government has already formulated guidelines and regulations. In practice, according to the requirements of the National Main Function Region, it is necessary to prevent polluting factories from dodging practice and prohibit them from moving to unpolluted regions. After the position of the main function areas is fixed, the fiscal, investment, industrial, population, land, environmental policies and performance appraisal should be adjusted accordingly. These adjustments will help the local government mediate contradictions between the protection of the ecological environment and economic development, in order to upgrade the environmental protection work in China to a higher level.
个人分类: 生态科普|1373 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-8 20:33
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之二十 发展循环经济 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.4.3 发展循环经济 2.4. 3 Developing a circular economy 前面我们讲过自然生态系统是循环的,整个生态过程没有废物,也不会出现能源危机。能不能模仿生态系统的原理建设没有废物和能源危机的经济呢?中共“十八大”提出的循环经济正是朝着这个方向所做的努力。 It was mentioned earlier that the natural ecosystem is circular, and there is no waste in the whole ecological process, not to speak of energy crisis. Can we imitate ecosystem principles to build an economy with no waste and no energy crisis? The circular economy proposed by the 18 th CPC National Congress is just such a step in this direction. 美国西部是干旱区,那里有个亚利桑那州。 1989 ~ 1995 年期间,那里发生了人类科学史上的一件大事 —— 生态学家设计了一个非常大胆的试验,他们要模拟地球!他们将 4 男 4 女 8 个科学家,完全封闭在 1.5 公顷的超大型“温室”中,里面设计了微城市、农田、热带雨林、海洋、荒漠、红树林,就是说,科学家创造了一个微型地球。他们要模仿地球的工作原理,证明人类必需的氧气、水、食物均来自生态系统,生态系统的过程是循环的,物质是可以循环利用的。这个大型试验被设计者称为“生物圈二号”(一号是他们模拟的对象地球)。 The western part of the United States is an arid region, typified by Arizona. Between 1989 and 1995, there occurred a major event in the history of science— ecologists designed a very bold experiment to simulate earth conditions in a laboratory setting! They installed 4 male and 4 female scientists in a 1.5-hectare gigantic “greenhouse” in which there were micro cities, farmland, rainforests, oceans, deserts, and mangroves—in other words, a miniature earth. They wanted to imitate the working mechanism of the earth, proving that oxygen, water, and food that humans need all come from the ecosystem that the ecosystem is circular, and materials can largely be recycled. This large trial was called by designers “Biosphere 2” (Biosphere 1 is the Earth they simulated). “生物圈二号”试验计划进行 4 年,但进行到两年半后,试验不得不中止。科学家不得不承认,人类无法模拟地球。 The experiment was due to last 4 years, but it was halted after two-and-a-half years. Scientists had to admit that humans could not simulate the earth. 2005 年 10 月至 2006 年 5 月,我在“生物圈二号”工作过半年,回国后写了几篇科普文章介绍了其失败的原因。根据我在“生物圈二号”实地工作的研究和分析,这个试验失败的真正原因是食物生产。这让我想到了中国的那句老话:“民以食为天”。原来,那 8 名实验者中没有农民,科学家们不会种地,现场有设备、肥料和种子,但他们没有农业生产的经验,他们种下去的种子收获不到足够的粮食, 8 名可怜的科学家饿得要吃红薯根! From October 2005 to May 2006, I worked for “Biosphere 2” for six months, and wrote several articles to analyze the reasons for its failure after returning to China. According to my experience in the project and analysis, the fundamental reason for the failure lay in food production. This reminds me of an old saying of Chinese: food is the first necessity of life. It turned out that the 8 scientists were not farmers, and they knew nothing about farming. The equipment, fertilizers and seeds were all available; but without experience in agricultural production, they could not get hold of any food, and the 8 poor scientists even ate sweet potato roots out of their hunger. 虽然生物圈二号试验没有运行到预定的期限,但它不完全是失败的。试验充分证明了地球生物圈的工作原理:陆地植被是氧气和生态系统的能量来源;水分能够在生态系统中循环利用;生物圈中的排泄物,经过森林、海洋、湿地、荒漠、农田等进行循环,还能够继续还原为资源加以利用。 Although the Biosphere 2 experiment did not reach the primary goal, it was not a total failure. The experiment proved the earth’s working principle: terrestrial vegetation is the source of energy and oxygen of ecosystems; water can be recycled in the ecosystem; waste materials of the biosphere can be utilized as resources through recirculation by forests, oceans, wetlands, deserts, and farmlands, etc. 这个试验非常发人深省。科学家的试验证明,物质是可以循环的,废物是可以利用的。也就是说,通过循环,废物成为其他生产过程的资源和能源。循环不但能解决困扰城乡的垃圾问题,而且也是解决能源危机的根本出路。如果利用“生物圈二号”的原理,使产业循环起来,就可以建立没有能源危机、也没有废物污染的绿色经济! This test gave food for thought. Scientists proved that matter can be recycled and the waste can be utilized. That is to say, through circulation, waste becomes energy and resources in other production processes. Circulation not only solves the garbage problem plaguing urban and rural areas, but also is the fundamental way to solve the energy crisis. If we use the principle of “Biosphere 2” in industrial recycling, then we can establish a green economy with no energy crisis and no pollution! 以农业为例。我们在 2.1.4 中谈到过,由于农村劳动力不足,老人妇女依靠大量使用化肥、农药、农膜、添加剂、除草剂来进行食物生产。在这个过程中,化肥、农药、农膜、添加剂、除草剂都是商品,均来自工业生产。工业生产的过程中,消耗了能源,排放了污染物;而这些产品的原料大量来自石油等化石资源,又进一步消耗了不可再生资源;大量使用除草剂和化肥,还导致除作物外的生物多样性下降,土壤酸化或板结;由于生产力不足,很多地区的农民都将秸秆一把火焚烧,不但浪费了大量的有机营养物,而且造成了大面积的粉尘污染。秋收季节,狼烟四起,甚至引起飞机无法起飞,高速公路无法通车。 Take agriculture as an example. It was said in 2.1.4 that, due to lack of rural labor, the elderly and women farmers rely heavily on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural films, additives, and herbicides for food production. These are all commodities coming from industrial production. During the industrial production process there is energy consumption and pollutant emission; a large amount of raw materials of these products come from petroleum and other fossil fuels which in turn consumes non-renewable resources; extensive use of herbicides and fertilizers lead to the decrease of crop biodiversity, soil acidification or compaction; due to lack of productivity, farmers in many areas burn straw, which is not only a waste of organic nutrients, but also causes dust pollution over a large area. In the harvest season, the heavy smoke can even cause difficulties for aviation and road transportation. 另一方面,这种产业模式下生产出的食物因为难以避免农药残留,本来用水就可以清洗的食物,食用之前还需要使用清洁剂清洗,进一步增加了来自化学原料的产品的消耗,带来了能源消耗与环境污染。此外,这种产业模式下生产后的土地,因为大量使用农药、化肥和除草剂,加上农膜的残留,造成耕地退化,土地越来越贫瘠,自身营养能力下降,从而需要补充更多的化肥,形成恶性循环;这样的土地,保水能力非常差,会更多地消耗本已紧张的水资源…… On the other hand, food from this mode of production needs to be washed by detergents rather than just in clean water due to pesticide residues, which further increases consumption of products manufactured with chemicals as the raw material and aggravates the energy consumption and environmental pollution situation. In addition, the heavy use of pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides, plus the residual from agricultural films, results in degradation of arable land. The land becomes more and more barren and the self-nutritional capacity declines, thus calling for more fertilizer and in the end creating a vicious cycle; such land is weak in water retention and will consume more of the already strained water supply. 为了解决化学农业带来的严重生态环境污染和食品安全问题,我们在山东省平邑县建立了生态循环农业试验基地。研究结果显示,发展生态循环农业可以大大减少化学物质的投入。 In order to solve the serious environmental pollution and food safety issues caused by chemical agriculture, an ecological circular agricultural experiment base was set up in Pingyi County, Shandong Province. The results showed that the development of ecological circular agriculture could greatly reduce the input of chemicals. 农田废弃的秸秆用来养牛,每头牛可以生产 1 万斤鲜牛粪,能够替代 200 斤化肥。综合利用有机肥可以提高土壤的健康状况和自身营养能力,健康土壤中的大量有机质和细菌,还可以固定工业活动产生的碳,使广大的农田成为碳汇资源。将化学农业改为有机农业,充分实现能量流动和元素循环,减轻了化学产品使用造成的环境压力,耕地碳净排放由 2.7 吨 CO 2 当量 / 公顷 / 年,变成净吸收 8.8 吨 CO 2 当量 / 公顷 / 年,前后相差 11.5 吨 CO 2 当量 / 公顷 / 年! Abandoned farmland straw can be used for feeding cattle, and every head of cattle can produce 5,000 kilograms of fresh cow dung able to replace 100 kilograms of fertilizers. Comprehensive utilization of organic fertilizer can improve the condition of the soil and nutritional ability; and lots of organic matter and bacteria in healthy soil can absorb carbon produced in industrial activities, so that the farmland can become a carbon sink resource. To change chemical farming into organic farming, to fully realize the energy flow and element cycling can release the pressure on the environment caused by the use of chemical products, the net carbon emissions by lands turning from 2.7 tons of CO 2 equivalent/hectare/year to a net absorption of 8.8 tons of CO 2 equivalent/hectare/year, a difference of 11.5 tons of CO 2 equivalent/hectare/year! 除此之外,生态循环农业因为恢复了健康的农田生态系统,使得各种生物能够在土地上生存。生物多样性使生态平衡重新建立,从而使农药的使用量减少到零。不使用农药,减少了很多的环境污染和食物安全风险。 Moreover, thanks to the restoration of a healthy ecosystem by ecological circular agriculture, all kinds of creatures can survive on the land. Biodiversity re-establishes the ecological balance, so that the amount of pesticide use will be reduced to zero, in turn greatly reducing environmental pollution and food safety risks. 实际上,仅从碳排放一项指标来看,从化学农业向生态循环农业的产业转变,可以从根本上解决这个产业的能源问题和污染问题。实践证明,优化发展格局,转变产业形式,发展循环经济,是发展绿色经济,让 GDP 真正绿起来的根本手段。只有这样,才能够让人类社会永续健康地发展下去。 In fact, with only the indicator of carbon emission in mind, the transformation from chemical agriculture to ecological circular agriculture can radically solve the energy and pollution problems of this industry. Practice has proved that, to optimize the development pattern, to change the industrial form and to develop a circular economy are the fundamental means to develop a green economy and a green GDP. Only in this way can we realize the sustainable and healthy development of the human society.
个人分类: 生态科普|789 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-4-6 18:50
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十九 控制能源消费 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 ( 2 )控制能源消费 ( 2 ) Control resource consumption 最近,一位瑞典皇家工学院的朋友告诉我,中国农民用来做饭的沼气,在西方国家已经用来驱动汽车了。在瑞典哥德堡,沼气经过净化之后,会通过天然气管道输送到专门的“加油站”,并且对其加压,以备小汽车使用。任何能使用天然气的小汽车,都能使用这种沼气,这已成当地的一种环保时尚。 Recently, a friend from Kungliga Tekniska högskolan told me that while biogas was being used by Chinese farmers for cooking, it has been used as vehicle gas in Western countries. In Gothenburg, Sweden, biogas will be transmitted by pipeline to a special “gas station” after purification and then compressed for vehicle use. It can be used by any vehicle that can use natural gas. This practice has become a local eco-fashion. 沼气和天然气的主要成分都是甲烷,但不同的是,沼气能够以有机垃圾为原料,依靠细菌制造出来,不必像天然气那样依赖地下的化石资源。从瑞典的例子可以看出,因依赖不可再生能源而引起的当代社会的能源问题,是可以通过可再生能源而得到合理解决的。 The main element of both biogas and natural gas is methane. But the difference between the two is that biogas can be produced by bacteria by means of using organic waste as raw material, while natural gas relies on underground fossil resources. From the Swedish example, we can see that contemporary energy problems caused by non-renewable energy can be resolved by application of renewable energy. 再看中国当前的能源结构: 80% 来自燃煤。 Now, take a look at China’s current energy structure: 80% is from coal. 首先,煤炭资源来自地下的化石,储量有限。虽然各种推算方法不一,但是可以肯定的是煤炭的使用是有年限的。其次,开采、运输和使用煤炭都会造成环境污染。煤炭燃烧会释放二氧化硫、氮氧化物等酸性气体和粉尘。这些酸性气体遇到空气中的水蒸气,会变成无机酸,进而形成酸雨降落到地面上,污染大气、建筑物和水资源;而粉尘排放会造成 PM2.5 ~ PM10 的大量增加。除了环境污染,不可再生能源的采集过程还会造成地面下沉,严重破坏当地生态。 Coal resources are from underground fossil resources with limited reserves. Although a variety of different calculation methods exist, coal resources certainly are not infinite. And, the mining, transportation and use of coal will cause environmental pollution. Coal combustion releases sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other acid gases and dust. These acid gases will become inorganic acid after encountering vapor in the air, creating acid rain that damages the foliage as well as buildings and pollutes the water; dust emission will result in a significant increase in PM2.5~PM10. In addition to environmental pollution, the mining process of non-renewable energy will result in ground subsidence, seriously damaging the local ecology. 根据国家能源局统计, 2012 年全国一次能源消费总量约为 36.2 亿吨标煤,人均 2.7 吨。其中煤炭消费量约为 24 亿吨标煤,人均 1.79 吨;石油表观消费量为 4.8 亿吨,成品油约为 2.7 亿吨,相当于每个中国人年消耗石油 203 公斤。这组沉重的数据说明,中国要想天蓝、水清、地绿,必须从控制能源消耗入手。 According to the statistics from the National Energy Administration, the total consumption of primary energy in 2012 was approximately 3.62 billion tons of standard coal equivalent, or 2.7 tons per capita. Coal consumption was about 2.4 billion tons of standard coal equivalent, or 1.79 tons per capita; oil apparent consumption was 480 million tons and refined oil was 270 million tons, meaning that the consumption of oil by every Chinese was 203 kilograms per year. Such depressive data show that, if China wants blue sky, clear water, and green land, it must start from control of energy consumption. 因此,控制能源消费总量已成为中国能源政策的大势所趋。具体措施包括:通过市场手段严控能源消费总量,完善电价定价机制和煤电价格关系,理顺天然气与可替代能源比价关系,完善差别电价和惩罚性电价政策;推进资源税改革,强化能源消费环节税收调节,严格控制高耗能产业;大力发展可再生能源,向太阳要能源,向风、水、地热、生物质要能源,让高污染、不可再生的化石能源,逐步给可再生的、绿色的能源让路。 Therefore, the control of total energy consumption has become a policy trend. Specific measures include: strictly controlling total energy consumption through market means, improving the pricing mechanism for electricity and the relationship between prices for electricity and coal, rationalizing the price relationship between natural gas and alternative energy, improving differential power prices and punitive electricity pricing policies; promote resources tax reform, strengthen tax regulation in energy consumption, strictly controlling high energy-consuming industries; and vigorously developing renewable energy and energy from wind, water, terrestrial heat, and biomass, so that high-polluting and non-renewable fossil fuels will be replaced by renewable and green energy. 国家的宏观调控和新能源开发等节能措施,可能普通人还很难切身感受到,但是,当你进入电器卖场,国家的节能政策是可以亲身感受到的。近年来,大到冰箱、空调、洗衣机,小到吸尘器、电饭锅,各类电器产品的标签上,一定少不了一张“中国能效标识”。从绿色到黄色到红色的不同标识,显示了产品的能耗水平。购买绿色的低能耗产品,可以获得最高 400 元的国家补贴。也就是说,购买节能产品,虽然价钱昂贵一些,但是在节省电费的同时,国家还会对你的节能行动做出奖励。除此之外,政府还会定期公布“ 节能产品惠民工程推广目录 ”,引导民众加入节能行动,推进节能产品产业升级。据估算,通过这类家用电器的节能化升级,每年可节电 750 亿千瓦时。 Ordinary people may not acutely feel the effects of energy-saving measures by way of macro-control and new energy development. However, you may become aware of the impact of the related state policy when you go into an electronics store. In recent years, on the labels of all kinds of electrical products including major goods like refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and smaller ones like vacuum cleaners and rice cookers, you can notice a China Energy Label. Different label colors of green, yellow or red indicate the product’s energy consumption level. If you purchase green low-energy products, they can qualify for subsidies up to 400 Yuan. In other words, although low-energy products are more expensive, the state rewards you for your electricity saving practice. In addition, the government will regularly publish catalogues of tax discounts for energy-saving products, to guide people to join in energy-saving actions and promote the upgrading of energy-saving products. It is estimated that the upgrading of energy-saving electrical products can achieve annual electricity savings up to 75 billion kWh. 和节水问题一样,在节能问题上,也要讲“开源节流”。要控制能源消费总量,市场手段和税费管理手段,只是针对现有能源进行“节流”;而开发绿色能源等技术手段,是“开源”。 Like water-saving, energy-saving also demands adoption of “exploiting resources and reducing consumption”. To control the total consumption of energy, market-based and tax management means are effective only for reducing consumption to present energy; while the development of green energy and other technical initiatives is “exploiting resources”. 实际上,无论是水资源问题,还是能源问题,比起开源节流,还有一个更根本的思路。在第一章的生态系统原理中,我们说没有废物、无需外界能源输入的生态系统是怎样运转的呢?没错,这个新思路就是“循环”。 Actually, one may resort to a more fundamental strategy than “exploiting resources and reducing consumption” concerning resources of water and energy. In the first chapter, we asked how an ecosystem without any waste and external energy input functions. Yes, this new idea is the “circular economy”.
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蒋高明 2018-4-5 19:47
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十八 走向资源节约型经济 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.4.2走向资源节约型经济 2.4.2 Toward a resource-conserving economy 除了绿色经济,转变发展方式的另一个方向是资源节约型经济。中国自然资源总量丰富,但作为一个人口大国,中国人均资源量非常有限,而在片面追求快速GDP的发展过程中,环境污染和生态破坏又削减了中国的可利用资源量。另外,急于求成的快速GDP使得很多产业的资源利用率很低,浪费现象严重。如果不转变发展方式,按照这种消耗速度,中国的资源危机将越来越严重。为此,中共“十八大”在规划中国生态文明建设工作中,强调形成节约资源和保护环境的产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,这对中国的可持续发展是有重要意义的。 In addition to a green economy, the other strategy for changing the growth mode is to conserve resources. China has abundant natural resources, but per capita resource is very limited in view of the large population in China. In the process of excessive pursuit of GDP growth, environmental pollution and ecological destruction further reduced the available resources. In addition, in the rush to create more GDP, many industries were plagued by low resource utilization rates and serious wastage. If we do not strive to change the growth mode, but persist in the existing high rate of consumption, the resource crisis will become devastating. To this end, the 18th CPC National Congress stressed the formation of an industrial structure, production mode and lifestyle that hinges on resource conservation and environmental protection in ecological civilization construction. This is of paramount importance to China’s sustainable development. (1)保护水资源 (1)Conserving water resources 2007年,北京市居民听到了一个好消息。北京有3万多户经济困难的家庭将免费获得2万套节水马桶配件和5万只节水水龙头。这是北京市政府“节水器具及节水控制技术”推广工作的一部分。 In 2007, Beijing residents heard a piece of good news. More than 30,000 impoverished households in Beijing would receive 20,000 sets of water-saving toilet accessories and 50,000 water-saving taps for free. This was part of the Beijing Municipal Government’s promotion of water saving and water control technology adoption. 2010年5月19日,成都市某小区迎来了节水办公室的客人,他们得到了100套节水阀门和50套节水水龙头。这是成都市政府“全国城市节水宣传周”工作的一部分。 On May 19th, 2010, a community in Chengdu received guests from the district water-saving office who brought 100 sets of water-saving valves and 50 sets of water-saving taps. This was part of the National Water Saving Publicity Week carried out by the Chengdu Municipal Government. 马桶、水龙头,这些日常用品,怎么会引起政府如此高的关注呢? Closestools, taps. Why do such basic daily objects catch so much government attention? 中国是一个严重缺水的国家,人均淡水资源占有量仅为世界平均水平的1/4。在追求快速GDP的发展过程中,地表水遭受了大面积的污染,这使得本来就紧张的水资源进一步告急。水是生命之源,是人类生存和发展的基础。因此,中共“十八大”特别强调了保护水资源的重要性。 China is a country with a severe water shortage, with a per capita share of freshwater resources only 1/4 of the world average. In pursuit of rapid GDP growth, surface water has suffered large-scale pollution, further aggravating the water shortage. Water is the source of life and the basis for human survival and development. Thus, the 18th CPC National Congress put special emphasis on protecting water resources. 从太空望去,地球是一个蓝色的星球,地球表面有70%都被水覆盖,为什么中国会严重缺水,甚至会影响可持续发展呢? Seen from space, the earth is a blue planet, 70% of which is covered with water. Given that fact, why does China lack water resources to the extent that even sustainable development will be affected? 这是因为,目前人类需要和能够利用的水资源,指的都是淡水资源。地球的水资源中,97%为海水,淡水只有3%。而这3%的淡水资源中有78%为冰川淡水,以目前的技术来说很难利用,也就是说,人类能利用的淡水资源总量是十分有限的。中国分布的淡水资源不算匮乏,但是中国人口众多,而且高度集中在东部地区,造成人均淡水资源紧张,人口集中地区供水紧张。随着中国经济和社会的发展,人民生活质量的不断提高,农业、工业、服务业这些经济活动,以及城市生活用水需求量都在不断增加。一方面需求在增加,一方面水污染造成的淡水资源利用功能在不断丧失,这就导致了中国水资源告急的局面。 The reason is easy to figure out. At present only a small amount of the water (3%) is suitable for human consumption, i.e., 3% and the remaining 97% is saline seawater. Of the freshwater available, 78% is of glacier water difficult to utilize with present technology, that is to say, the total amount of freshwater resources for human use is very limited. Freshwater resources located in China are not rare. However, with such a big population highly concentrated in the eastern region, per capita freshwater resources are scarce, so that densely populated regions often experience water shortage. With the development of China’s economy and society and constant improvement of people’s lives, the water demands in agriculture, industry, service industry and other economic activities, as well as domestic needs are dramatically increasing. On the other hand, usable freshwater is reduced due to pollution. Therefore, China is faced with a critical water shortage. 中共“十八大”提出的水资源保护,要从“开源节流”两个方向努力。开源,就是治理污染,使丧失利用功能的淡水资源重新得到利用;节流,主要是指建设节水型经济和节水型社会。 The 18th CPC National Congress proposed that efforts to protect water resources should be made in two ways: better exploitation of resources, but reduction of consumption. To exploit resources is to control pollution in order to increase the usability of hardly usable freshwater resources; and to reduce consumption is to build a water-saving economy and water-saving society. 从技术角度讲,水污染治理技术主要包括污染物处理技术、水循环技术、湿地处理技术、氧气添加技术,这些技术的灵感都来自于大自然的生态自净过程。从水资源管理的角度讲,开源节流、防治和控制水源污染,都是重点。这将涉及水资源、经济、环境三者的平衡与协调发展,还涉及各地区、各部门、集体和个人用水利益的分配与调整。 From a technical perspective, the pollution control technologies include the processing technology of pollutants, water recycling systems, the processing technology of wetlands and oxygen-boosting technology. All these techniques originate from nature’s ecological self-purification process. From the perspective of water management, exploiting resources, reducing consumption, prevention and control of water pollution are of primary importance. They all involve balanced and harmonious development of water resources, economy, and environment, and also revolve around allocation and adjustment of water utilization by various regions, departments, units and individuals. 可见,水资源保护问题,除了技术因素外,更大程度上是一种管理问题。节约用水是保护水资源、实现可持续发展战略的重要措施。节水措施包括:对水资源实行综合利用;发展节水型经济,建设节水型社会;建设节水型城市,普及节水型生活用水器具;建设节水型工业,建立废水处理、循环利用机制;建设节水型农业,开发节水灌溉系统,发展生态农业,增加土壤保水能力等。 It is obvious that water conservation is more a management issue than a matter of focusing on technical factors. Water conservation is an important measure to protect water resources and achieve sustainable development. Water-saving technologies include: comprehensive utilization of water resources; developing a water-saving economy and building a water-saving society; construction of water-saving cities, and popularizing domestic water-saving appliances; construction of a water-saving industry, and establishment of wastewater treatment and recycling mechanisms; and construction of water-saving agriculture, development of water-saving irrigation system and ecological agriculture, and increasing soil water-conservation capacity. 上面提到的各地政府推广节水产品,正是节水型社会建设中的一部分。那么,水龙头、马桶,能省多少水? The aforementioned promotion of water-saving products by government is a part of the construction of a water-saving society. So, how much water actually can closestools and taps save? 可别小看了这些日常用品。以上面提到的节水水龙头为例,新的阀门技术以陶瓷阀门替代了钢阀门,密封性好,开关顺畅,仅这一项,就可以节约1/3的水龙头用水,一年就可以为该小区节约2000吨生活用水。再说节水马桶,通过合理调节冲水出水量,节水马桶每月可为用户节省1890升自来水,同时还减少了1890升污水的排放。 Do not underestimate these daily supplies. Take water-saving taps as an example. The new valve technology replaces steel valves with stoneware ones of higher sealing reliability and smooth switching, and may save 1/3 of normal household tap water. A single community can thus save 2,000 tons of domestic water per year. As to low-flow closestools, through proper regulation of flushing-out water, 1,890 liters of water can be saved for users a month, while 1,890 liters of sewage discharge reduced. 节约用水,建设节水型社会,考验着每一位公民的责任感。节约用水,就是为后代留下生命之源。如果当前的淡水资源都被浪费和污染了,生态循环过程不能持续,后代也就真的只能“望洋兴叹” 了。 Water conservation and construction of a water saving society is the responsibility of every citizen. To save water is to save the source of life for future generations. If the current freshwater resources are wasted and polluted, the eco-cycle process will be balked, and our offspring can do nothing but bemoan their misfortune (“Wang Yang Xing Tan”).
个人分类: 环保呐喊|726 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-3-29 21:31
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十五 湿地修复工程 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.3.3 湿地修复工程 2.3.3 Wetland restoration program 2011 年 4 月 30 日,随着白洋淀十二孔闸闸门缓慢降下,河北省第 4 次“引黄济淀”工程圆满结束。白洋淀水域面积因此扩大了 60% ,白洋淀的“干渴”危机得到缓解,白洋淀湿地生态得到基本恢复。在白洋淀修复之前,这里面临着水质污染、湿地沼泽化甚至湿地干涸等严重的湿地生态退化问题。白洋淀生态修复是全国湿地生态恢复工程的一个缩影。 On April 30, 2011, with the twelfth floodgate of the Baiyang Lake descending slowly, the 4 th phrase of diversion of water from the Yellow River to the Baiyang Lake in Hebei came to an end. The water area in the Baiyang Lake has been expanded by 60%. Its “thirst” has been eased, and its wetland ecosystem recovered. Before restoration, the Baiyang Lake was facing a serious problem of ecological degradation: water pollution and swampiness of wetland or even drying-up. The ecological restoration of the Baiyang Lake is an epitome of China’s national wetland restoration project. 按照国际定义,湿地是地球上所有露头的淡水,以及涨潮深度小于 6 米的近海海域。就是说,江、河、湖泊、沼泽与近海,都属于湿地。中国人非常关心湿地恢复工作,究其原因,是因为该类生态系统受到的损害最大。过去 50 年来,河北省的湿地竟消失了 90% !即便侥幸留下来的湿地,八成以上也变成了污水排泄场所,无法很好地发挥湿地生态功能。陕西关中一带 30 多个县,几十年来消失上万个池塘!在南方,中国最大的淡水湖鄱阳湖,水域面积从最高记录 4000 平方公里,减少到了不足 50 平方公里,竟减少了 98.8% !内蒙古阿拉善盟,由于上游地区过量使用黑河水资源,使得进入绿洲的水量由 9 亿立方米减少到现在的不足 2 亿立方米,致使东西居延海干枯,几百处湖泊消失! According to the international definition, a wetland is a land area saturated with water, or offshore area whose depth of tidal water is less than 6 meters. That is to say, rivers, lakes, swamps and coastal waters are all wetlands. The fundamental reason for China’s concern about the wetland restoration work is that this ecosystem has suffered the most serious damage. Over the past 50 years, wetlands in Hebei actually have been reduced by 90%! More than 80% of the wetlands retained have become sewage areas, instead of playing the ecological functions of wetlands. In more than 30 counties of central Shaanxi, as many as over 10,000 ponds have vanished in the last decades! In the south, the water area of China’s largest freshwater lake, the Poyang Lake, has shrunk from a record-high 4,000 square kilometers to less than 50 square kilometers, a decrease of 98.8%! In Alxa League of Inner Mongolia, due to excessive use of water resources of the Heihe River in the upstream areas, water flowing into the oasis was reduced from 900 million to less than 200 million cubic meters, resulting in the drying up of the East and West Juyanhai Lake and the disappearance of hundreds of other stretches of water! 掠夺性开发和不合理利用,淤积、污染、过度排水等,导致湿地面积和资源日益减少,功能和效益下降,生物多样性丧失。湿地被称为“地球之肾”,湿地的减少和功能退化,不仅对区域生态造成破坏,而且由于湿地生态对区域气候有重要调节作用,湿地的破坏会进一步影响周边其他生态系统的稳定。近年来,洪涝、干旱、赤潮、沙尘暴、荒漠化等自然灾害的频繁发生,许多都与湿地的消失和退化密切相关。不仅如此,湿地面积减少和水质恶化,导致可利用淡水资源严重减少,直接威胁到水资源供给安全,进而影响到整个经济和社会的稳定,影响到中国的可持续发展。因湿地消失,干旱几度由北方转移到鱼米之乡的江南。 2007 年,鄱阳湖大旱,湖畔城市上千万人遭受饮水危机。 Over exploitation and unreasonable utilization, silting up, pollution, and excessive drainage have led to gradual reduction of wetlands and resources, declining functions and efficiency, and loss of biodiversity. The wetland is called “kidney of the earth”. The decrease of wetlands and their degradation of functions, not only inflict damage to the regional ecology, but also further affect the stability of their neighboring ecosystems, because the wetland ecosystem plays an important role in regional climate regulation. In recent years, the frequent occurrence of natural disasters such as floods, droughts, red tides, sand storms, and desertification is closely related to the loss and degradation of wetlands. Moreover, area reduction and deterioration of water quality in the wetlands result in serious reduction of available freshwater resources and pose a direct threat to the security of water supply, which will eventually affect overall economic and social stability and retard China’s sustainable development. The loss of wetlands sometimes causes the aridity to spread from the north to the south, the land of milk and honey. In 2007, the great drought in the Poyang Lake triggered a water crisis for tens of millions of people. 湿地具有涵养水源的作用,湿地萎缩不仅造成供水危机,同时也影响了生态防洪能力。 1998 年,长江流域发生特大洪水,共溃决堤垸 2000 多个,淹没耕地 283 万亩,受灾人口达 253 万。这次洪水与洞庭湖、鄱阳湖等湖泊湿地面积的锐减有很大关系。 Wetlands have the function of water conservation, so that their shrinkage does not only cause a water crisis, but also affects the ecological capacity of flood control. In 1998, a catastrophic flood occurred in the Yangtze River, causing more than 2,000 dikes to collapse, 2.83 million mu of farmland to be flooded and affecting 2.53 million people. The flood was closely linked with the sharp receding of wetlands in the Dongting Lake and the Poyang Lake, etc. 大自然已经敲响了警钟,湿地保护已经刻不容缓! Nature has set off alarm bells, and wetland protection task is pressing! 开始于 2005 年、结束于 2010 年的湿地保护一期工程,使中国 70% 的重要湿地得到了有效保护,基本形成自然湿地保护网络体系。“十二五”以来,中国湿地保护明显提速。按照新的规划,在国家级湿地自然保护区、国家重要湿地区域范围及其周边敏感区域内,要强化保护区建设。中国已从现有的 473 个湿地类型的自然保护区中,选择近一半( 222 个)投资强化保护区建设,另外新建野生稻保护区 13 个,并对 4 处严重退化的国家级湿地自然保护区的核心区实施移民。 The first-stage project of wetland protection beginning in 2005 and ending in 2010 has effectively protected 70% of China’s important wetlands, and a basic natural wetland protection network system has been in shape. Since the launching of the 12 th Five-Year Plan, wetland protection has been significantly accelerated. Under the new plan, it is necessary to intensify the construction of protected areas in National Wetland Nature Reserves, within wetlands of national significance and their sensitive surrounding zones. China has selected nearly half (222) of the existing 473 wetland nature reserves for the construction of protected areas. In addition, it has built 13 new in situ conservations of wild rice resources areas and implemented migration from the core areas of 4 severely degraded national wetland nature reserves. 对于退化湿地,重点进行生态恢复工程,主要包括:生态补水工程,包括吉林向海、黑龙江扎龙、黑龙江洪河、山东黄河河口、黄河禹门口潼关段河滩、河北白洋淀和衡水湖、新疆塔里木河下游、内蒙古黑河下游居延海、太湖、滇池、山东南四湖等;湿地污染控制工程,包括江苏阳澄湖和溱湖、新疆环博斯腾湖、内蒙古乌梁素海,开展富营养化湖泊湿地生物控制示范;湿地生态恢复和综合整治工程,包括大庆、辽河和大港油田,开展湿地保护示范工程…… With regard to degraded wetlands, the focus is on ecological restoration projects, including ecological water compensation projects covering Xianghai Nature Reserve in Jilin, Zhalong Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang, Honghe River Nature Reserve in Heilongjiang, the estuary of the Yellow River in Shandong, river shoals of Tongguan section, Yumenkou on the Yellow River, the Baiyang Lake and the Hengshui Lake in Hebei, the downstream section of the Tarim River in Xinjiang, the Juyanhai Lake in the downstream section of the Heihe River in Inner Mongolia, the Taihu Lake, the Dianchi Lake, and the Nansi Lake in Shandong, etc. The wetland pollution control projects involve the Yangcheng Lake and the Qin Lake in Jiangsu, the Bostan Lake Ring area in Xinjiang and Ulansuhai Nur in Inner Mongolia, in conjunction with the implementation of lake and wetland eutrophication demonstration programs. The wetland ecological restoration and comprehensive treatment project covers the Daqing, Liaohe and Dagang oilfields. 通过有效的湿地治理措施,不少干涸的湿地重现生机。让我们回过头来看看刚才讲的白洋淀。通过生态补水工程,白洋淀水域面积由 82 平方公里扩大到 134 平方公里,占白洋淀总面积的 36% ,水位由补水前的 6.7 米上升到 7.4 米。充足的水量使白洋淀再现烟波浩渺的景象,芦苇、菖蒲、荷花等湿地植物再显白洋淀风光,数百只天鹅或在空中翱翔,或悠然戏水。这样久违的湿地美景,在治理区许多地方重新出现。 Through effective wetland management measures, many dried wetlands have revitalized. For instance in the Baiyangdian Lake, through ecological water compensation projects, the water area has expanded from 82 to 134 square kilometers, accounting for 36% of the total lake area, and the water level has risen from 6.7 to 7.4 meters. Sufficient water means that the lake can reproduce the former scene of a vast expanse of mist-shrouded waters; wetland plants like reeds, calamus, and lotus have helped the former wetland scenery reappear, with hundreds of swans flying in the air or leisurely swimming in the water. Such long-lost views are now reoccurring in many areas through treatment. \0 \0
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热度 2 蒋高明 2018-3-28 09:22
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十四 荒漠化治理 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.3.2 荒漠化治理 2.3.2 Desertification control 上面讲的浑善达克沙地生态恢复的案例,是全国荒漠化治理的一个缩影。如果稀树疏林草地生态进一步恶化,会演化为荒漠生态,形成荒漠化。荒漠化,是大风吹蚀、流水侵蚀、土壤盐渍化等原因,使得土壤生产力下降乃至丧失,进而导致比荒漠生产力高的生态系统( 1.1.1 ~ 1.1.8 所述)演化为荒漠生态系统。中国是世界上荒漠化最严重的国家之一,荒漠化和沙化土地面积达 438 万平方公里,已经大大超过了全国耕地面积的总和,占国土面积的比例高达 45% ! The aforementioned natural restoration of the Hunshandake Sandland is one example of China’s treatment of desertification. If the sparse forest ecology further deteriorates, it will become desert ecology, namely, the process of desertification. This process is the result of wind erosion, soil erosion, and soil salinization, etc. The soil productivity declines or even gets totally lost, which, in turn, will expedite the transformation of ecosystems (as mentioned in 1.1.1–1.1.8) with higher productivity than that of desert ecosystems into desert ecosystems. China is one of the countries undergoing the most serious desertification. Degraded and desertified areas reach 4.38 million square kilometers, far exceeding the total cultivated area, and accounting for 45% of the total land area! 中国人对荒漠化并不陌生。半个多世纪以来,中国政府和民间通过各种努力,与荒漠化进行了长期的斗争。在科学研究方面,中国科学家编制了 1:50 万的各主要沙漠化地区的沙漠化详细地图,并做出典型区沙漠化发展趋势预测图,提出了若干专题研究报告。同时,在不同类型沙漠化地区,建立沙漠化治理的示范试验基地,开展沙漠化治理研究,如宁夏沙坡头沙漠化研究站等。 Chinese people are well aware of desertification. Over half a century, the government and people have been engaged in a struggle to overcome this natural adversity. Scientific study has enabled Chinese scientists to develop a detailed map of the major areas of desertification with the map scale of 1:500,000, to make forecasts of desertification in typical areas, and to come up with a number of research reports. They have also established demonstration test bases in regions with different types of desertification, such as the Ningxia Shapotou Desert Research and Experiment Station. 在科学研究的基础上,中国政府实施了多项荒漠化治理措施。在半干旱区,优化土地利用结构,合理安排农业、林业、牧业的比重;对弃耕地和退化草场,实施封育,促使植被借助自然力恢复;在牧区,采取分区轮牧,限制载畜量;在工程措施上,采用生物固沙为主、工程措施固沙为辅的固沙方法。在干旱区,以内陆河流流域作为生态单元进行全面规划,合理分配上中下游用水比例;以绿洲为中心,在绿洲外建设封沙育草带,在绿洲边缘建设乔木灌木结合的防沙林带,在绿洲内部建立窄林带与小网格护田林网相结合的防护林体系;针对绿洲边缘流动沙丘,采取在沙丘表面设置沙障与障内栽植固沙植物相结合的防护体系…… On the basis of scientific research, the government has implemented a number of measures for combating desertification. In semi-arid region, it has optimized the land use structure and reasonably arranged the proportion for agricultural, forestry, and animal husbandry use; it has adopted the fencing method for abandoned farmland and depredated grassland to prompt natural restoration of vegetation. In pastoral areas, rotational grazing has been implemented to reduce the stocking rate; technically speaking, the biological sand consolidation method has been used, supplemented by engineering method of sand consolidation. In arid areas, a comprehensive plan has been carried out by taking the inland river basin as an ecological unit, and rationally distributing the ratio of water utilization for different reaches of rivers; centering on oases, sand fencing has been installed around oases for forage growth, in addition to building sand-prevention forests with a mix of trees and shrubs along the edge of the oasis, and building shelterbelt networks combining a narrow forest belt and small-grid protective forest belt; as to migratory dunes along the edge of the oasis, the shelterbelt network technique has been adopted, by combining sand barriers on the surface of the sand dunes and planting sand binders inside the barrier… 经过几十年的努力,中国荒漠化治理已取得明显成绩。 2005 年第三次全国荒漠化和沙化监测结果显示,中国荒漠化和沙化土地面积同时缩小,整体扩展趋势得到初步遏制。在这一大好形势下,国家林业局又申请启动了全国性防沙治沙计划,争取到 2030 年,在巩固前期治理成果的基础上,沙化土地总面积逐年减少;到 2050 年,能够治理的沙化土地基本得到治理,最终在沙区建成较为完备的生态体系。 By dint of decades of efforts, China has made significant achievements in combating desertification. Results from the Third National Degradation and Desertification Monitoring in 2005 showed that desert areas had been reduced and the trend of overall desert expansion had been initially curbed. Under these favorable circumstances, the State Forestry Administration applied to launch the national anti-desertification program. According to this program, by 2030 the total desertified land area will steadily fall on the basis of the former achievement. By 2050, all the desertified lands that can be treated will be basically treated until a relatively complete ecosystem will be established in the end. 荒漠化治理的成果鼓舞人心,如果全国性防沙治沙计划全面成功,中国干旱区也许再也不受风沙危害,中国北方很多地方的景观和生活环境,将有可能焕然一新。 The fruits of desertification control are inspiring. If the national anti-desertification program achieves an overall success, then China’s arid region may never suffer from hazards of sand storms and the landscape and living environment in many parts of northern China may take on an entirely new look. (图片来自网络)
个人分类: 生态科普|3125 次阅读|2 个评论
蒋高明 2018-3-25 07:19
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十二 海洋环境保护 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.2.4 海洋环境保护 2.2.4 Marine environmental protection 2009 年 10 月 27 日,中广网珠海频道报道了下面一则消息:珠海香炉湾一带海面,出现了大量泡沫,海水呈现褐色,外观像酱油,水中还可见白色条状物。这已是当地一天之内第二次出现海水变“酱油”了。“酱油海水”出现的原因,是严重的海洋污染造成的大规模赤潮。那么,赤潮是怎么产生的呢? On October 27, 2009, Zhuhai Channel of CNR reported that a lot of foam had appeared on the surface of Xianglu Bay Zhuhai. The water became as brown as soy sauce, carrying some white stripes of substances. This was the second occurrence of “soy sauce” seawater in one day. The reason was large-scale red tides resulting from serious marine pollution. Then, how is red tide generated? 陆地上的各种污染物,尤其是含氮、磷成分的污染物质,随着水流、风力和重力作用,最终在海洋里集中。海洋中那些喜欢高氮、高磷的褐甲藻、裸甲藻等浮游植物,超常地大量繁殖,以至于覆盖了海水水面。因为这类浮游植物颜色以红褐色为主,所以称为赤潮。海洋赤潮的成因在陆地,是陆地上工厂、农田、城市排污过量造成的。 Various pollutants on the land, in particular those containing nitrogen or phosphorus, flow into the sea and are concentrated there by the tide, wind and gravity. Phytoplankton seeking a high nitrogen and high-phosphorus environment, such as brown dinoflagellates and Gymnodinium catenatum , will multiply at an extraordinary rate to the extent that the surface of the sea is covered with them. Because this type of phytoplankton is reddish brown, so it is called red tide. The red tide originates on the land, specifically through excessive discharge of pollutants from factories, farmland, and cities. 赤潮多发期为 5~8 月,高发期在 5 月和 6 月。 2012 年,中国沿海共发现赤潮 73 次, 12 次造成灾害。其中 5 月发现赤潮 31 次,累计面积达 3746 平方千米; 6 月发现赤潮 11 次,累计面积达 3909 平方千米。 2012 年,赤潮造成的直接经济损失达 20.15 亿元。海洋的出现已有几十亿年历史,但人类利用海洋的历史仅几千年。历史上海洋并未发生严重的污染问题,这是因为海洋对有害物质具有巨大的代谢能力。污染物质进入海洋后,经过扩散、稀释等物理过程,氧化、还原等化学过程,以及生物降解等过程,部分或全部被海水吸收、沉降或转化,使海洋环境恢复到健康的状态。然而,海水的巨大代谢能力也不是无限的。现在,海水遭受的污染已经超过了限度,使得海洋出现了史无前例的环境污染和生态破坏。 The red tide often occurs from May to August, the high-incidence months being May and June. In 2012, there were 73 red tides in China’s coastal areas, and 12 of them caused disasters. In May, there occurred 31 red tides, with the total affected area of 3,746 square kilometers; and in June, there emerged 11 red tides, with the total inflicted area of 3,909 square kilometers. In 2012, the direct economic losses caused by these phenomena reached 2.015 billion Yuan. The ocean has existed for billions of years, but human use of the oceans could be traced to only a few thousand years ago. In history, serious marine pollution did not occur, and that’s because the ocean has tremendous metabolic capacity of dealing with hazardous substances. Pollutants in the sea underwent a physical process of diffusion and dilution, chemical processes of oxidation and reduction, and other processes such as biodegradation. Thus, these pollutants would be partially or completely absorbed, settled or transformed by the seawater and in this way the marine environment would return to a healthy state. However, the metabolic capacity of the sea is not unlimited. Now, water pollution exceeds the limit, thus giving rise to unprecedented marine environmental pollution and ecological destruction has occurred. 为了保护海洋生态,控制赤潮之类的环境事件发生,中国于 1982 年颁布了《海洋环境保护法》,并经 1999 年修订后,从 2000 年 4 月开始实施。《海洋环境保护法》颁布之前,许多长期在海上作业的人员,海洋环保意识淡薄,经常违规向海中排放油污水、洗舱水、生活污水,抛弃船舶垃圾等。海洋保护法律实施后,上述违法情况明显减少。 In order to protect the marine ecosystem and to control environmental events like red tides, China promulgated the Marine Environment Protection Law in 1982, which eventually came into effect in April 2000 after amendment in 1999. Before the execution of the law, many long-time maritime practitioners often discharged oil, soiled water, sewage, garbage, etc. into the sea as they were scarcely conscious of their duty to protect marine environment. Now, such undesirable acts have seldom occurred. “渤海碧海行动计划”是近年来清洁海洋的举措之一,该计划对海上油(气)田、船舶的废弃物排放入海和废弃物海洋倾倒等海洋排污行为,作了限制性规定。 “The Clean Bohai Sea Program” (CBSP) is one of such protective and recovery measures. The Program enumerates restrictive provisions for oil (gas) fields and ships in terms of waste discharge and waste dumping into the sea. 建立海洋保护区也是有效控制海洋污染的重要途径之一。目前,全国已建成各类海洋自然保护区 80 余个,其中国家级海洋自然保护区 24 个。在海洋保护区的核心区,严格禁止 工业开发、旅游、捕鱼、养殖等一切经济活动;在缓冲区,允许少量的科研活动;在过渡区,允许符合环境保护要求的经济活动。 海洋自然保护区的目的,是保护具有较高科研、教学、自然历史价值的海岸、河口、岛屿等海洋生态环境,保护类似中华白海豚等珍稀濒危海洋动物及其栖息地,保护红树林、珊瑚礁、滨海湿地等典型海洋生态系统。 The establishment of marine protected areas is also an effective measure. Currently, the country has built more than 80 marine nature reserves of various types, including 24 state-level marine nature reserves. In the core area, all economic activities such as industrial development, tourism, fishing, aquaculture, etc. are strictly prohibited; in the buffer zone, a small-scale research activity is allowed; and, in the transition region, economic activities complying with environmental requirements are allowed. The purpose of marine nature reserves is to protect marine ecological environments like coast, estuaries, islands, etc., with higher scientific, educational and natural historical value, to protect endangered animals like the Chinese white dolphin and their habitats, and to protect typical marine ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, coastal wetlands, etc. 全球生态是一个整体,海洋是全球生态的重要组成部分。治理污染是被动的、抢救性的举措,是不得已而为之。治理污染的最终目的,是恢复原有的健康生态,使当地生态重现活力,进而重新发挥生态系统在生物多样性保护、调节气候等方面的巨大作用。下一章,让我们看看中国在恢复陆地生态方面取得的成效。 The ecology of the world is a monolithic whole, in which the ocean is an important part. Pollution control is a passive and a rescue practice of necessity. The ultimate goal of pollution treatment is to restore a healthy ecology, to restore the vitality of the local ecology, and then to revive the ecosystems’ function of biodiversity conservation, climate regulation and other aspects. The next chapter will introduce the achievements of China’s restoration of the terrestrial ecology.
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蒋高明 2018-3-25 07:16
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十一 水污染治理 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.2.3 水污染治理 2.2.3 Water pollution control 2013 年 7 月 10 日,中国新闻网报道了一则消息:云南省昆明市东川区的小河中,出现大量乳白色积淀物,绵延数公里,人们戏称它为“牛奶河”。“牛奶河”流淌着的可不是什么“牛奶”,而是实实在在的各种污染物的混合物。河水中含有铜、锌、镉、锰等重金属污染物,散发着扑鼻的臭气。严重污染致使河流生态遭受灭顶之灾,河里几乎没有鱼虾等生物,连水草都难以生长。 On July 10, 2013, China News reported that in Dongchuan District of Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, a large amount of milky white substances stretching for several kilometers was found floating in a river. It was called “Milk River” jokingly. This was not milk; rather it was a mix of pollutants like copper, zinc, cadmium, manganese and other heavy metals which gave off disgusting stench. The serious pollution made havoc of the river ecology. All the fish and shrimps perished and even weeds could hardly grow there. 牛奶河所在的东川区,被称为“天南铜都”,有大量铜矿场。其中,部分铜矿场在环保配套设施不完善、未办理环保竣工验收手续的情况下,私设暗渠,将含有有害成分的尾矿水直接排入河中,每天的排放量竟然达数千吨! Dongchuan district, where the “Milk River” lies, is called the “Tiannan (South China) Copper Capital” because of many local copper mines. Some have insufficient environmental protection facilities and have not undergone examination and acceptance formalities for environment conditions. They set up closed conduits without permission and discharged the tailings water containing harmful substances directly into the river, with daily emissions up to several thousand tons! 类似于牛奶河这样的 各类水污染引发了大量环境公共事件,为中国生态环境敲响了警钟,中国对水污染说“不”的时候到了。 A large number of environmental disasters caused by water pollution like the “Milk River” have sounded the alarm. It’s high time for China to say “No” to water pollution. 2001 年至 2010 年的 10 年间,中国投入约 400 亿元巨资,防治三峡库区及其上游的水污染,库区及其上游主要控制断面水质,基本达到了国家地表水环境质量二类标准。 During the first decade of this century, China invested about 40 billion Yuan to prevent water pollution in the Three Gorges reservoir area and its upstream, and as a result their fracture section water quality has basically reached the secondary environmental quality standards for surface water. 2007 年,中国投入数十亿元资金,启动了 “ 水体污染控制与治理 ” 项目,重点治理流域性水环境和城市污水,让老百姓喝上安全的饮用水 。经过数年来的有效治理,污染严重的太湖流域水环境已明显改善;黄河连续 6 年告别了断流的命运,生态得到改善。 In 2007, China invested billions of dollars in the Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, focusing on environment problems in river basins and urban sewage, to supply people with safe drinking water. After several years of effective treatment, the water quality in the originally seriously-polluted Taihu Basin has been significantly improved. The Yellow River started to flow again after being blocked for 6 straight years, and the ecological environment has turned for the better. 但是,中国水污染的现状依然非常严峻,“局部好转,整体恶化”的趋势还十分普遍。为此,国家开展了重点区域水污染治理的科技攻关项目,简称“水专项”,即:在包括“三河”、“三湖”、“一江”、“一库” 在内的水污染重点控制区域,以及珠三角、长三角和环渤海等城镇发展密集地区,开展重大专项科研,为“十一五”期间主要污染物排放总量、化学需氧量减少 10% 的约束性指标的实现,提供技术支持。 However, the current situation nationally is still very grim, and the trend of “local improvement but overall deterioration” is still prevalent. Therefore, China launched a scientific and technological project for water pollution treatment, namely the Major Science and Technology . Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment, in key areas like the “Three Rivers”, “Three Lakes”, “One Jiang”, and “One Reservoir”, and in heavily urbanized regions such as the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and the Circum-Bohai-Sea. Some major scientific researches have been carried out to provide technical support for a 10% reduction of the total discharge of major pollutants and chemical oxygen demand during the “11 th Five-Year Plan” period. “水专项”分三个阶段进行组织实施,第一阶段突破“控源减排”关键技术,即从源头减少污染物排放;第二阶段突破“减负修复”关键技术,即让水生生态系统恢复生机;第三阶段突破流域水环境“综合调控”成套技术,即让生态恢复效果保持下去。水专项是建国以来,投资最大的水污染治理科技项目,总经费 300 亿元。我们期待这个重大项目的实施,能够让日益恶化的水环境,重新焕发生命的清澈。 The Program was divided into three stages. The first stage was to achieve a breakthrough in key technologies of “source control and emission reduction”, i.e. , to reduce emissions at the source; the second stage was to make a breakthrough in key technologies of “environmental burden alleviation and ecological restoration”, i.e. , to restore the vitality of aquatic ecosystems; the third stage was to make a breakthrough in a set of technologies of “comprehensive regulation”, i.e. , to maintain ecological recovery. This is the most heavily-invested water pollution science and technology treatment program since the founding of the PRC, with a total fund of 30 billion Yuan. It is hoped that the implementation of this critical program will rejuvenate the deteriorating water condition. “三河”指淮河、海河、辽河,“三湖”为太湖、巢湖、滇池,“一江”指松花江,“一库”为三峡水库。 Three Rivers refer to Huaihe River, Haihe River, and Liaohe River; Three Lakes refer to Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, and Dianchi Lake; One “Jiang”(long river) refers to the Songhua River; and One Reservoir refers to the Three Gorges reservoir.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|2938 次阅读|0 个评论
蒋高明 2018-3-21 14:29
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之九 生态环境退化导致发展受阻 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.1.4 生态环境问题导致发展受阻 2.1.4 Environmental problems hinder development 很多人说,中国当前的紧要问题是发展问题;环境污染,生态破坏,是发展不可避免的代价,发达国家也曾走过这条道路。但是,当前中国面临的生态环境问题,已经严重阻碍了中国的发展,甚至社会的稳定。主要表现在以下几个方面: Many people claim that, China’s critical issue at present is development; environmental pollution and ecological destruction are the inevitable price of development; and some developed countries have had similar experiences. However, ecological and environmental problems have seriously hampered China’s development and even social stability, mainly in the following ways. ( 1 )直接导致健康问题 ( 1 ) Immediate harm to people’s health 归根结底,发展要靠人的努力。然而,当前发展模式下,城乡严重的环境污染,已经导致人群健康状况严重下降。除了通过水、空气直接进入人体的污染物外,在受污染的环境下生产的食物,不但残留有污染物,还使本来健康的食物,增加了很多危害健康的成分。这些污染物和不健康成分,通过食物链的生物放大作用 , 会在人体内高浓度集中,导致人群健康受损,严重者甚至直接引起死亡。当前,中国每 6 分钟就有一人被确诊为癌症,每天有 8550 人成为癌症患者,每 7 ~ 8 人中就有 1 人死于癌症 。中国每年新增先天残疾儿童 80 ~ 120 万人,其中山西新生儿出生缺陷发生率最高,神经管畸形发生率是全国平均水平的 4 倍 ,这与山西这个能源大省的严重环境污染不无关系 。 Development, ultimately, depends on human efforts. However, under the impact of the current model of development, serious environmental pollution in urban and rural areas has led to a serious decline of people’s health. In addition to the pollutants ingested by the body through water and the air, foods produced in the contaminated environment contain not only residuals of pollutants but also components with great potential hazards to health. These pollutants and harmful components achieve high concentrations in the body through a process known as biomagnification of the food chain, causing damage to human health, and even directly leading to death. Currently, in China, one person is diagnosed as a cancer patient every 6 minutes, 8,550 persons become victims of cancer daily, and 1 out of every 7–8 persons die of cancer. The annual number of congenitally disabled children has increased from 800,000 to 1.2 million. Shanxi province has the highest rate of birth defects and its rate of neural tube defects is 4 times the national average. This phenomenon is related to the serious environmental pollution of Shanxi as a large energy producer. 生态环境问题最终破坏了人类的健康,甚至人类的下一代,这种后果恐怕是任何人都不愿意看到的。 Ecological and environmental problems will ultimately impair people’s health, and even the health of the next generation of humans. Such consequences are dreadful indeed! ( 2 )城市代谢受阻 ( 2 ) Hampered urban metabolism 过度重视大城市甚至超大城市的发展,造成城市饱和,交通拥堵,工商业等人类活动过于集中,导致城市污染严重;过度重视工商业高速发展,引导了奢侈消费;过度包装,造成大量垃圾将城市包围;固体废弃物污染严重,城市代谢受阻。目前,严重的空气污染、城市雾霾,在中国的城市大面积发生,严重威胁着城市居民的正常生产生活。城市这个“发展”的中心,由于生态环境污染和“垃圾围城”,丧失了活力,显得疲惫不堪。 In China, excessive emphasis has been put on the development of large cities and even mega-cities, causing urban saturation, traffic congestion, excessive human industrial and commercial and other human activities, as well as serious city pollution. Overstress on the rapid development of industry and commerce, in turn, has brought about luxury consumption. Excessive packaging has made cities surrounded by rubbish dumps, and severe pollution of solid waste has hampered urban metabolism. Currently, serious air pollution and hazy weather occur in many cities, threatening normal production activities and lives of urban residents. The city, as the center of development, has lost its vitality and become lifeless, because environmental pollution and the emergence of the “garbage heaps” can not be avoided. ( 3 )安全食物供应成为难题 ( 3 ) Tough job to make food supply safe 城市过度繁荣,导致农村过度衰败。由于城市集中了太多的资源,大量农民进城打工,“空心村”大量出现,全国几十万个自然村消失,农业生产靠老人、妇女支撑,食物供应危机四伏。由于农村劳动力严重不足,老人、妇女只好依靠大量使用化肥、农药、农膜、添加剂、除草剂甚至充满风险的转基因技术等所谓“科技力量”来完成农业生产。这种农业产出的食物,不但持续的高产量难以保证,安全性更是不能保障。食物安全供应问题,屡次引发社会风波,成为中国社会安定和可持续发展的“头疼大事”。近年来,儿童性早熟、肥胖症、糖尿病、高血压、不孕不育患者不断增多,与长期不健康饮食关系密切。这种发展模式污染了耕地,牺牲了健康,是不可持续的。 The over-exuberance of cities quickens the decline of the countryside. High concentration of resources in cities has driven a large number of farmers to work in urban areas. As a result , “hollow villages” have emerged in large numbers. Numerous villages have simply disappeared, and the elderly folks and women have been left to take up the agricultural production, thus putting the food supply chain in jeopardy. Due to the serious shortage of labor, the elderly people and women have to rely heavily on the so called “strength of science and technology”, such as chemical fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film, additives, herbicides and even high-risk genetic modification technique, etc., for agricultural production. In these circumstances, not only the continued high output but also the safety of food cannot be guaranteed. Food security has triggered social turmoil repeatedly, and become a big hazard for China’s social stability and sustainable development. In recent years, the sexual precocity of children, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and infertility have become issues of grave concern. All these abnormal physical conditions are undoubtedly associated with long-term unhealthy diets. This development mode that pollutes farmland and threatens human health cannot be sustainable. 生物放大作用( Biomagnification ),指生物体从周围环境中吸收的某些元素或不易分解的化合物,通过食物链向上传递,随物种的营养级的升高,物质在生物体内的浓度升高并远远超过环境中的浓度。又叫生物富集作用,生物浓缩。 19 Biomagnification often refers to the process whereby certain substances such as elements or persistent compound move up the food chain. The substances become more concentrated in doing so until their concentration is higher in living organisms than in the environment of substances in vivo. It is also known as bioaccumulation or bioconcentration. 见李颖、杨洋、贺涵甫. 2013. 2012中国肿瘤登记年报:广东多肝癌,西北多胃癌. 广州日报, 1月11日。 20 See Li Ying, Yang Yang, He Hanfu. 2013. Chinese Cancer Registry Annual Report 2012: Liver Cancer Concentrated in Guangdong, and Stomach Cancer Concentrated in Northwest China . Guangzhou Daily, Jan, 11. 山西省出生缺陷率和神经管畸形发生率分别高达万分之 189.9 和万分之 102.2 ,远远高于出全国万分之 99.6 和万分之 23.9 的平均水平。 21 The occurrence rates of birth defects and neural tube defects in Shanxi Province are as high as 1.899% and 1.022% respectively, which are much higher than the national average of 0.996% and 0.239%. 见周人杰、王亚丹、徐胜. 2009. 山西吕梁晋中等疑环境污染,致新生儿缺陷率高发. 中央电视台(经济半小时).7月12日播出。 See Zhou Renjie, Wang Yadan, Xu Sheng. 2009. Birth defect rate is high in Lvliang and Jinzhong of Shanxi Province, environmental pollution is suspected cause. CCTV (Half-Hour Economy). July 12.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|2767 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 蒋高明 2018-3-21 14:16
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之十 大气污染治理 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 2.2 环境治理,防止污染 2.2 Environmental management and pollution prevention 2.2.1 从口罩热销说起 2.2.1 Brisk Mask Business 2013 年 1 月,在中国最大的网络销售平台淘宝网上,口罩销量猛增。仅 1 月 10 日和 11 日两天, 就有 2.3 万笔口罩订单发生,合计销售近 50 万只口罩!其中,光北京地区就产生了 6920 笔订单,北京人竟然在这两天买了近 14 万只口罩! In January 2013, on Taobao, China’s largest online sales platform, masks sales soared. On only two days of January 10 and 11, there were 23,000 orders totaling 500,000 masks! Among them, orders from Beijing reached 6,920 (140,000 masks)! 口罩为什么突然如此热销? Why do the face masks suddenly sell like hot cakes? 自 2012 年冬以来,中国城市雾霾天气明显增多。这是环境污染物长期积累、集中爆发的结果。北京、山东、河北南部、河南、山西东部、安徽、江苏、上海、浙江、福建、湖北、湖南、江西大部、广东西部、广西东部及四川和云南局部等地区,出现了 10 ~ 20 天雾霾;华北南部及江苏中部、四川东部、重庆西南部、贵州西部等地,有 8 ~ 15 天能见度不足 1000 米;河北南部、山东西北部、四川东部等地部分地区,有 5 ~ 12 天能见度不足 500 米!中国 74 个城市的 PM2.5 值,有 33 个城市指标超过 300 微克 / 立方米,其中京津冀最为严重。有媒体称,北京成为伦敦烟雾事件之后的新 “ 雾都 ” 。 Since the winter of 2012, China’s hazy days have increased significantly, as a result of long-term accumulation and concentrated outbreak of environmental pollutants. Hazy weather lasted for 10 to 20 days in Beijing, Shandong, southern Hebei, Henan, eastern Shanxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, most parts of Jiangxi, western Guangdong, eastern Guangxi, some cities in Sichuan and Yunnan; for 8 to 15 days the visibility was limited to less than 1,000 meters in the southern part of North China, central Jiangsu, eastern Sichuan, southwestern Chongqing, and western Guizhou, and so on; for 5 to 12 days the visibility was restricted to no more than 500 meters in southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong, eastern Sichuan province, and so on! Among 74 cities, the PM2.5 value of 33 of them exceeded 300 micrograms/cubic meter, and the most heavily polluted was the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. It was stated in a mass media report that London may be replaced by Beijing as “the smog capital”. 雾霾的产生,是多雾少风等气候条件,过量的污染物排放,过量浮尘和丰富水汽共同作用的结果。其中,过量的污染物排放是雾霾天气的主要原因。大气污染物遇到浮尘矿物质后,会迅速结合,形成混合颗粒;空气湿度较大时,这种混合颗粒会很快吸收湿气,使得颗粒的粒径增长 2 倍至 3 倍,吸收光线的能力增加 8 倍至 9 倍。空气中漂浮着大量这种颗粒,使得能见度下降为原来的近 1/10 。 Haze results from several factors, such as foggy but windless weather condition, excessive discharge of pollutants, too much dust and abundant moisture. Of these, excessive pollutant discharge is the major cause. When atmospheric pollutants meet dust and minerals in the air, they will quickly mix up to form mixed particles. In humid air, these hybrid particles will quickly absorb moisture, and increase their size by 2 to 3 times and their absorption capacity of light multiplies by 8 to 9 times. A large quantity of such particles floating in the air will reduce the visibility by 90%. 这些颗粒是从哪里来的呢?其中,氧化型有机颗粒物,主要来自北京周边排放;油烟型有机物,主要来自局部地区烹饪源排放;氮富集有机物,是一种化学过程的产物;烃类有机颗粒物,主要来自汽车尾气和燃煤 。 Where do these particles come from? Oxidized organic particulate matter mainly comes from emissions around Beijing; lampblack organic matter is emitted from cooking in certain places; nitrogen concentration organic matter originates from certain chemical processes; and hydrocarbon organic particulate matter is exuded mainly from vehicle exhausts and coal. 伦敦烟雾事件造成 12000 多人丧生;洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件,造成 800 余人死亡。京津冀雾霾虽然没有具体数据,但雾霾出现时,医院呼吸科病人明显增多是不争的事实。 The London smog disaster in 1952 caused more than 12,000 deaths; and photochemical smog in Los Angeles killed more than 800 people. The number of victims of the haze in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region is not available, but there is no denying the fact that the patients in the pneumology department of hospitals increased significantly. 2.2.2 大气监测与治理 2.2.2 Atmospheric monitoring and controlling 在两三年前,人们听到 PM2.5 还会感到陌生。随着中国大气质量监测和发布工作的精细化, PM10 、 PM2.5 、 SO 2 、 NO 2 、 CO 、 O 3 含量这些专业术语也都进入了公众的知识库。 Two or three years ago, people were not familiar with PM2.5. With the refinement of China’s air quality monitoring and dissemination, technical terms such as PM10, PM2.5, SO 2 , NO 2 , CO, O 3 have now become part of the general vocabulary of the public. 近年来,中国政府建立建成了各类空气质量监测网,分布在 338 个地级市,由 1436 个监测站组成。监测项目包括 SO 2 、 NO x 、 CO 、碳氢化合物、浮尘等,最近,部分城市进一步增加了 PM2.5 的监测。 In recent years, the Chinese government has built an air quality monitoring network comprising 1,436 monitoring stations, distributed in 338 prefecture-level cities. Pollutants under scrutiny include SO 2, NO x, CO, hydrocarbons, dust, etc. Recently, some cities have added PM2.5 to the list. 在大气环境监测的基础上,中国针对重点污染区域,加大了大气污染治理的力度。钢铁、电解铝、焦炭等行业大气污染严重,很多地区提高了这些行业的准入标准,从而抑制高污染企业的增长势头;同时对污染企业的产能加以控制,通过降低总产量抑制排放总量的过快增长。与此同时,提高重污染行业的废气处理能力,使已有产能逐渐走向绿色生产。对于严重污染地区的严重污染企业,实施关闭或迁出,比如奥运会前,首钢就迁出了备受污染之苦的北京市。 On the basis of the monitoring of the atmospheric environment, focusing on key polluted areas, China has intensified control of air pollution. Industries like iron and steel, electrolytic aluminum, and coke cause heavy air pollution, so many regions have raised the standards for these industries in order to hinder the growth of high-polluting enterprises. At the same time the total amount of emissions can be decreased by reducing industrial output. Moreover, the exhaust gas treatment capacity of these industries has been improved to bring about eventual green production. High-polluting enterprises in severely contaminated areas are closed or shifted elsewhere. For example, before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the steel-making Shougang Group was removed out of highly polluted Beijing. 针对城市雾霾中的烃类有机颗粒物,一方面努力降低城市煤炭消费总量,另一方面加快治理机动车污染。对于车用燃油,加快低硫化步伐,提升燃油品质;对于机动车,提高机动车排放标准,逐步从国 I 级标准提高到国 IV 级标准。排放标准每提高一个级别,单车污染可减少 30% 至 50% 。在某些严重污染地区,近年来一直实行机动车保有量控制。比如北京市,近两年每年只允许新增小客车 24 万辆,而且个人用车占 88% ,单位、团体等公务用车只能占 10% 。也就是说,在城市雾霾污染严重的北京,可不是有钱就能买到汽车的。 With regard to hydrocarbon organic particulate matter in haze, efforts have been made to reduce total consumption of coal in the cities on the one hand, and to tighten controls over motor vehicle emissions on the other. Steps have been taken to accelerate the low sulfidation of fuel to improve its quality and to raise standards on vehicle emissions from National Stage I to National Stage IV. With increase of each stage level, pollution per vehicle will fall by 30%–50%. In some heavily polluted areas, the total number of motor vehicles has been controlled in recent years. In Beijing, in the past two years, an increase of only 240,000 new passenger cars was allowed for each year. Civilian vehicles account for 88% and official vehicles owned by work units and organizations account for only 10%. In other words, in heavily polluted Beijing, you cannot buy a car just because you have money. 通过长期不懈的努力,中国部分城市空气质量有所改善。如北京市,部分主要大气污染物,治理 14 年后成效明显,二氧化硫 2012 年下降 70% , PM10 下降 40% ,二氧化氮下降 30% 左右。尽管如此,由于城市化的快速发展,大气污染形势非常严峻,治理还要长期坚持下去。蓝天白云不是等来的。 Through unremitting efforts, air quality in some cities has been improved. In Beijing, remarkable achievements have been made in controlling major air pollutants after 14 years of painstaking efforts. Sulfur dioxide was reduced in 2012 by 70%, PM10 by 40%, nitrogen dioxide by about 30%. Nevertheless, due to the rapid development of urbanization, the air pollution situation remains very serious, and so persistent work is still desirable to make our sky blue. 【1】其中氧化型有机颗粒物在整个污染过程中所占比例最大,为44%,其余三个组分别占21%、17%和18%。 Oxidized organic particulate matter occupies the largest proportion: 44%, while the other three groups of matter account for 21%, 17% and 18% respectively.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3084 次阅读|4 个评论
蒋高明 2018-3-20 07:28
中国生态文明建设(中英对照)连载之八 生态系统退化 本书由北京语言大学出版社出版,2014(教学课件光盘版) 作者 蒋高明 \0 2.1.3 生态系统相继退化 2.1.3 Gradual ecosystem degradation 不合理的发展方式,除了对环境造成严重的污染,还对各类自然生态系统造成了结构性的破坏,最终导致生态系统功能退化。目前, 中国十大陆地生态系统都处在不同程度的退化过程中。除了众所周知的森林锐减、荒漠化扩大外,连高寒草甸、温带草原和红树林等生态系统,也受到了严重威胁。 An irrational growth mode does not only cause serious pollution to the environment, but also results in structural damages to various types of natural ecosystems, eventually leading to the degradation of their functions. At present, China’s top 10 terrestrial ecosystems are at different levels of degradation. In addition to the acknowledged sharp decline of forests and expansion of desertification, other ecosystems like the alpine meadows, temperate grasslands and mangrove ecosystems are all facing grave threats. 青藏高原分布的高寒草甸生态系统,因海拔最高、面积最大而闻名世界。因为人烟稀少,过去很少发生生态退化。而如今,这里生态退化非常严重,总体生产力极度下降。20世纪60年代,这里平均每亩干草产量是300公斤,如今降到100公斤以下,50年内减少了2/3以上。高寒草甸的初级生产力 本来就很低,产草量严重下降,意味着生态过程的基础被削弱,生态结构受损,这样下去连下面的冻土都难以保持。 The alpine meadow ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is well known for its highest elevation and largest coverage. In the past, ecological degradation rarely occurred due to the sparse population there. But now, severe ecological degradation is causing sharp decrease in overall productivity. In the 1960s, the average hay yield was 300 kg/mu (1 hector =15 mu), whereas now it is less than 100 kg/mu, a 2/3 decrease over 50 years. The primary productivity of the alpine meadow is undoubtedly low, and with the sharp drop of forage yield, the foundation for ecological processes has been weakened and the ecological structure damaged. Eventually the underground tjaele will not be maintained. 草原的现状也不容乐观。占据国土面积 41% 的各类草原,竟然出现了 90% 的不同程度的退化,并且退化面积正以每年 200 万公顷的速度递增。在退化草原中,有 55% 被开垦为耕地, 30% 沦为不可利用土地。有人认为草原退化的原因在于干旱的气候和蝗灾、鼠害等“天灾”,但实际上,超载放牧对草原的破坏更大。新疆、宁夏、内蒙超载率分别达 121% 、 72% 和 66% 。超载放牧破坏草原植被的同时,还压制了草原生态的自然恢复。 The status quo of grasslands is not desirable, either. A total of 90% of various grasslands occupying 41% of the national land area show varying degrees of degradation, and the degradation is expanding at an annual rate of 2 million hectares. Among them, 55% are reclaimed farmlands, and 30% become worthless. Some people pin the blame for degradation on an arid climate and natural infestations like locusts and rats, but in fact, overgrazing is more destructive to grasslands. The overgrazing rates of Xinjiang, Ningxia, and Inner Mongolia are 121%, 72% and 66% respectively. Overgrazing not only causes damage to grassland vegetation, but also hinders natural rejuvenation of grasslands. 红树林是世界公认的生产力高、生物多样性丰富的生态系统之一。中国的红树林主要分布在福建沿岸以南,历史上最大面积曾达 25 万公顷。近 30 年来,由于受到掠夺性砍伐和违背科学的低效能利用,目前沿海红树林资源正在消失。 20 世纪 50 年代,红树林约剩下 5 万公顷,现在仅剩 1.5 万公顷。红树林为什么消失得那么快?因为它们分布的地区正是沿海经济发达地区,可以说是“寸土寸金”。经济开发需要土地,红树林成为各类楼盘、商场、工厂或道路的牺牲品。但是,没有了红树林的呵护,沿海的城市或别墅,就没有了安全保障,成为了海潮袭击的对象。 2004 年,印尼海啸夺走了 23 万人的生命,城市遭到了毁灭,但相距不远,有红树林保护的村庄却安然无恙。 Mangrove is universally acknowledged as the world’s ecosystem of high productivity and rich biodiversity. China’s mangroves are located mainly to the south of Fujian, and their largest known coverage area in history was 250,000 hectares. During the past 30 years, due to deforestation and unscientific and inefficient utilization, the coastal mangrove resources have been disappearing. In the 1950s, there were 50,000 hectares of mangroves left; now there are only 15,000 hectares. Why have the mangroves disappeared so fast? Because they lie in economically developed coastal areas, and the cost of land in these areas is very high. Economic development calls for land, so mangroves have become the victims of real estate, shopping malls, factories or roads. However, without mangroves, coastal cities or villas are stripped of their protection, thus becoming objects of tidal attack. The Indonesian Tsunami in 2004 took the lives of 230,000 people away. It was found out that some cities were destroyed but the nearby villages remained unharmed because of the protection of mangroves. 生物失去的不仅仅是家园,一些物种连“香火”都快要断送了。联合国《国际濒危物种贸易公约》列出的 740 种世界性濒危物种中,中国占 189 种,约为总数的 25% 。中国濒危或接近濒危高等植物达 4000 ~ 5000 种,占全国高等植物总数的 15% ~ 20% 。环境污染、大坝建设、毁林开荒、生境破碎化 是造成生物多样性减少的重要原因。如今,长江白鳍豚,按照专家的说法已经功能性灭绝,实际上,这个物种在野外已经没有了,物种已经失去了自行繁衍生存的条件。 For some species, degradation means not merely the loss of their homes but also the loss of conditions for their existence. Among 740 kinds of endangered species listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora , 189, or about 25%, come from China. China’s endangered or near-endangered higher plants amount to 4,000 to 5,000 kinds, accounting for 15% to 20% of the total higher plants in the country. Environmental pollution, dam construction, and damage to forests caused by land reclamation, habitat fragmentation, contribute heavily to the loss of biodiversity. Today, the white-flag dolphin in the Yangtze River, according to experts, has become functionally extinct. In fact, this species is not to be found in the wild and it has lost the condition to reproduce by itself. 初级生产力:指生态系统中植物或其他生物进行光合作用、制造有机物的生产力,次级生产力则指动物等生态系统中的消费者消化食物,转化为自身的组织、能量的过程。可参考第一章第一节的开头。 Primary productivity refers to the production of organic matters by plants and other living organisms through the process of photosynthesis; secondary productivity refers to the generation of tissues and energy in consumers in an ecosystem such as animals by themselves through the consumption of food. Details refer to the beginning part of the first section of the first chapter. 生境破碎化:指物种的野外生存环境被压缩、被分割。物种繁衍需要足够大的生存环境,生存环境缩小或者被分割,会严重影响物种的正常繁衍生存。 Habitat fragmentation : refers to the emergence of discontinuities (fragmentation) in an organism’s preferred environment (habitat). An organism needs an environment large enough to survive and multiply, but the discontinuities and fragmentation of the environment will seriously affect the survival of many species.
个人分类: 环保呐喊|1763 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 sciencepress 2016-12-20 09:31
国土生态安全和水土资源优化配置与空间格局 实施“人与自然再平衡”的总体战略,从“人与自然”失衡,经过“人与自然”再平衡的过程,达到“人与自然”和谐、“经济与生态”协调发展的新平衡,实现我国全面、协调、安全可持续发展。具体包括:①人类生产、生活需求与生态系统服务供给能力的再平衡;②社会经济发展与自然资源禀赋的再平衡;③资源开发利用与环境保护的再平衡;④国土资源空间格局与产业布局的再平衡;⑤受损和退化生态系统修复与重大生态工程的再平衡。 实施“人与自然再平衡战略”的10项重点措施是:①调整产业结构,转变传统的低效污染发展模式为绿色、低碳、循环的可持续发展模式;②转变以粮食生产为主的耕地农业为新型的草地–耕地混合农业;③转变依靠出口和投资拉动的经济增长为主要依靠国内消费拉动的经济增长;④水土资源利用总量控制的红线;⑤建设资源节约型社会,高效利用资源;⑥调整生态保护与治理的关系;⑦实施小城镇大战略,优化城镇布局;⑧继续推行“两种资源和两个市场”战略;⑨稳步地放开计划生育政策;⑩正确处理社会公平与效益、公益性与商品性的关系。 统筹区域发展与优化国土空间的三大举措包括:①以“一带一路”建设为契机,构建国际合作新格局,在陇海路—兰新线—北疆线和东南沿海地区筹建“一带一路”的经济核心区,努力推动东部、中部、西部的协同发展,形成优势互补的新局面; ②优化东部、中部、西部三大块国土空间布局,东部地区加大环境治理力度,转变经济发展方式,加快产业结构调整和升级,走在全国自主创新的前列,中部地区要支持农业和农产品加工业发展,在全国率先实现农业现代化,西部地区将生态环境保护放在突出位置,有步骤地建设重点地区和开发自然资源;③构建东南、西南、东北、西北、长江与华北六大国土生态经济区,发挥地缘经济优势。 生态文明建设的能源可持续发展战略 我国能源可持续发展的总体思路是:一是要坚持推动能源生产和消费的革命;二是加强高碳能源低碳化利用;三是要强化能源科技支撑,争占制高点;四是加强国际合作;五是实施能源管理、价格、政策方面的体制变革。低碳减排发展的总体思路:一是控制污染物排放总量,制定主要污染物减排时间表;二是强化节能减排目标的约束性作用;三是要加强环境保护投入的到位;四是健全节能环保法律、法规和标准。 能源可持续发展的目标是:拥有一个中国特色的能源新体系,能源生产和消费都将发生革命性的变革,能源结构将从以化石能源为主逐步向以非化石能源为主转变。至2050年,能源需求总量控制在60亿t标准煤,煤炭和石油能源比例降低到40%左右,天然气(含非常规天然气)、核能和可再生能源占到1/2以上;在化石能源比例大幅提高的前提下,污染物及温室气体排放得到有效控制,二氧化硫、氮氧化物和烟尘排放总量控制在1000万t、1000万t和600万t左右,化石能源燃烧过程的二氧化碳排放量控制在40亿t/a,人均碳排放低于实现低碳经济社会目标。 至2020年,实现能源可持续发展六大重点任务包括:①强调“节能优先、总量控制”,继续强化国民经济发展节能降耗约束性指标和相应的考核约束机制,通过结构节能、技术节能和管理节能使主要高耗能行业能耗水平达到国际先进水平;②提高化石能源低碳化利用技术水平,增强化石能源高效清洁利用;③积极推动成熟的可再生能源发电技术、太阳能和地热能热利用技术规模化应用,安全发展核能利用技术,积极开发和应用有机废弃物的能源化、资源化、高值化利用技术;④注重提高能源输配系统的安全、高效,如已有电网技术的完善与升级、新型输电和智能化、超导电力技术的提升以及电网结构变革等;⑤国内国外市场并举,保障能源供应安全,加强国内能源的勘探和开采的同时积极实施能源进口多元化战略,加强海外油气安全运输体系建设,加快能源资源储备能力建设;⑥加强CCUS技术、先进的新能源利用技术、可再生能源发电技术、核能利用技术等方面的自主创新和关键技术突破。至2050年,实现第二个百年重点任务是在上述先进的新能源利用技术、可再生能源发电技术、核能利用技术自主创新和关键技术突破的基础上,积极推进低成本光伏发电、风力发电、生物质高质化转化技术等规模化商业应用;积极推进快中子堆、受控核聚变等新型核电系统研究、加速器驱动的核乏料处理系统示范工程建设,并逐步推进商业应用;积极推进煤层气、页岩气、致密气、天然气水合物、深层地热等的勘探开发示范工程建设。形成我国自主创新的能源技术体系和能源装备产业。 至2020年,实现低碳减排目标的重点任务包括如下几个。①节能提效,促进低碳减排,针对主要高耗能行业,通过结构节能、技术节能和管理节能,使主要高耗能行业的能耗水平达到国际先进水平,大幅降低碳排放水平。积极推进智慧低碳城市建设,使节能生态智能建筑得到广泛应用。②强化高碳能源的低碳化清洁利用技术,增强能源输配系统,应用智能电网,发展基于可再生能源发电的分布式发电系统,减少碳排放。③优化能源结构,应用低碳能源供应技术,大幅削减污染物排放量,推广核能利用和可再生能源发电和热利用技术;④逐步制定和完善各类污染物排放标准和低碳标准,强化能源绿色低碳发展倒逼机制。至2050年,实现第二个百年重点任务:基本完成能源体系的革命性变革,先进的核能利用技术、可再生能源转化技术以及新能源利用技术逐步实现规模化、商业化应用,并形成我国自主创新的能源技术体系和能源装备产业。以非化石能源为主的能源体系促进低碳减排。形成完善的环境政策标准体系,建成成熟的排污权交易市场机制。 新形势下的生态保护和建设战略 新形势下我国生态保护和建设的总体思路是:以建设生态文明为总目标,以满足全面小康、现代化建设和人们不断增长的生态需求为宗旨,深入实施生态兴国战略,大力构建坚实的生态安全体系,努力建设美丽中国,推动我国走向社会主义生态文明新时代;坚持生态优先,突出生态保护;坚持优化布局,强化生态修复;坚持改善民生,推动绿色发展;坚持深化改革,实施创新战略。 生态保护和建设的总体目标是:到2050年,国土生态安全体系全面建成,生态系统实现良性循环,为建设生态文明和美丽中国、实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦提供坚实的生态保障。 全国生态保护与建设总体布局为:“八区、十屏、二十五片、多点”,将全国陆地生态保护与建设划分为黄河中上游地区、长江上中游地区、三北风沙综合防治区、南方山地丘陵区、北方土石山区、东北黑土漫岗区、青藏高原区、东部平原区。构建东北森林屏障、北方防风固沙屏障、东部沿海防护林屏障、西部高原生态屏障、长江流域生态屏障、黄河流域生态屏障、珠江流域生态屏障、中小河流及库区生态屏障、平原农区生态屏障和城镇森林生态屏障十大国土生态安全屏障;国家25个重点生态功能区的二十五片,及世界文化自然遗产、国家级自然保护区等多点区域。 生态保护和建设的八大重点任务:①保护和建设森林生态系统,②保护和修复草原生态系统,③保护和修复荒漠生态系统,④保护和恢复湿地生态系统,⑤保护和改良农田生态系统,⑥建设和改善城镇生态系统,⑦加强工矿交通废弃损害用地的生态修复,⑧维护和发展生物多样性。所有这些任务都与增加生物碳汇以应对全球气候变化密切相关。 生态保护和建设的12项重大工程包括:天然林保护工程,退耕还林工程,区域防护林建设工程,森林保育和木材战略储备工程,湿地保护恢复工程,荒漠化防治工程,草原治理工程,水土保持工程,工矿交通废弃地修复工程,野生动植物保护及自然保护区建设工程,国家公园体系建设工程,城镇绿化及城市林业工程。 新形势下的环境保护战略 新形势下环境保护的总体思路是:坚持以生态文明建设为指导,树立“保护优先、质量改善、系统控制、协同治理、风险防范、协调发展”的战略思想,摒弃“污染—治理—再污染—再治理”的惯性做法,构建“保护—修复—再保护—再提升”的新模式,改革建立国家生态环境治理体系,改善国家环境执政方式,强化国家环境执政能力,坚持从硬从严、治理为主、全民行动的方针,显著提高环境决策的科学化和民主化水平,最终实现“既要金山银山,又要绿水青山”环境保护和经济协调发展的目标。 环境保护的总体目标是:贯彻落实“以人为本、科学发展、环境优先、生态文明”的战略思想,着眼于我国环境质量和生态系统的全面改善,促进环境保护和经济社会的协调发展,努力提高国家的可持续发展能力,使人民群众喝上干净的水、呼吸清洁的空气、吃上安全的食物,形成中国特色的生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路,全面实现与现代化社会主义强国、全民共同富裕社会以及生态文明相适应的环境质量与生态系统目标。 环境保护的五大重点任务如下所述。①加强水污染综合治理,明显改善水环境和水质,优先保护优良水体,狠抓重污染水体的治理,开展地下水污染防治工程;实施分类、分区的水污染物容量总量控制制度。②深化大气污染综合防治,加速实现空气质量达标,制定与实施城市环境空气质量达标时间表,加强产业结构调整和工业污染防治,加强煤烟型污染控制和煤炭总量控制,强化移动源污染防治,综合整治城市扬尘。③强化土壤保护与污染治理,保障食品和人居环境安全,建立健全土壤环境保护与污染控制的法律法规体系,建立健全污染耕地土壤环境监测和农产品质量检测系统,推行与实施分类管理机制。④加强危险废弃物污染防治,有效降低环境风险,开展全国危险废弃物普查,开展突出危险废弃物环境专项整治,推进高效利用处置设施和危险废弃物监管平台建设。⑤统筹城乡发展,建设美丽乡村,推动农村产业结构转型升级,优化产业结构。开展农业清洁生产,大力发展绿色有机农业。 生态文明建设的新型工业化战略 针对钢铁、石油、化工、建材、有色金属、造纸六大高耗能高排放行业和装备制造业等传统产业绿色转型以及节能环保产业发展,提出的总体思路是:通过工业结构调整,科技创新驱动,政策法规保证等措施,实现工业绿色发展、低碳发展、循环发展。推进源头削减和末端治理的有机结合,重在控制、降低排放总量;持续深化信息技术在工业过程的应用,进一步推进物质流、能量流、资金流和信息流的深度融合;大力发展循环经济,建设和实施一批工业生态园区的示范工程;加快发展生产性服务业,引领企业向价值链延伸方向发展;大力发展战略性新兴产业,带动工业绿色低碳转型。 总体目标是到2050年,我国工业将形成世界一流的创新能力,进入世界创新型国家前列;在若干新兴产业领域掌握关键核心技术,在全球范围引领产业发展;基于强大的创新能力和技术优势,形成一大批具有全球影响力、控制力的跨国公司和国际知名品牌。 新型工业化的四项重点任务包括:①加大结构调整力度,推动产业优化升级,化解严重过剩产能、提高产品附加值、发展节能环保产业、促进生产性服务业发展;②大力发展循环经济,构建循环型工业体系,推进社会层面循环经济发展;③提升自主创新能力,强化设计创新,促进技术进步;④加快工业化和信息化深度融合。 生态文明建设的新型城镇化战略 生态文明建设新型城镇化的总体思路是:强化全民族的生态危机意识,推进中国特色新型城镇化道路,将生态文明理念贯穿于城镇化发展全过程和城镇建设中的经济、政治、文化、社会等各个方面;以区域生态承载力为前提,优化城镇经济发展模式,构建绿色、循环和低碳的产业体系,培育绿色消费方式,加强城镇基础设施建设,制定或完善城镇生态文明评价指标体系,将生态文明建设成就和公众幸福指数等纳入各级城镇党政干部的政绩考核体系;城镇规划建设实施总量控制,控制合理的城市规模、建筑规模,提升城镇宜居性,实现环境友好和资源节约的新型城镇化发展模式;利用当前的窗口期,加强城镇能源、交通、供排水等各类基础设施的建设,大力开采“城镇矿山”资源,保障城镇高效、安全、清洁的运行,充分发挥城市功能,努力建设美丽中国。 总体目标是要充分考虑资源环境的约束,综合考虑资源、环境、经济、人口四大子系统对城镇发展的反馈关系,对城镇生产方式、消费方式、基础设施建设等方面进行生态规划和智能设计,大力提高工业生产的资源利用率和水资源利用率、严格控制新增住宅面积、城镇化率增速、营运车辆单位运输周转量能耗、人均生活用水和工业生产用水量、工业污染物产生量等城镇化发展敏感性指标,合理控制城镇化年增长速度,选择资源节约、环境友好型的城镇化建设模式,倡导绿色生活方式,发展分地区适宜的建筑能源消费模式,缩小不同城市间在资源利用效率方面的差距,逐步形成生态协调的城镇化建设。 城镇化建设领域的八大重点任务:①生态文明建设贯穿城镇化全过程,实现全生命周期管理;②发展绿色产业,优化城镇经济发展模式;③重视城镇设计和建设,控制城镇建设规模;④发展智能技术,建立城市信息网络;⑤城市基础设施建设转型;⑥推动生态城区建设与改造示范;⑦大力开采“城市矿山”资源,实现城市废弃物有效利用;⑧加强城镇污染防治,推动废水、废气的资源化与能源化。 八大重大工程包括:①城镇矿山二次资源开采利用重大工程;②北方城镇采暖大规模利用工业余热重大工程;③城市清洁发电设施建设工程;④城镇绿色建筑及材料推广重大工程;⑤城镇化智能技术与设施推广应用工程;⑥绿色交通运输体系建设工程;⑦城市废水处理和利用建设工程;⑧村镇特色本土化材料应用示范工程。 生态文明建设的农业现代化战略 生态文明建设的农业现代化总体思路是:创新思路,按照“一控、二减、三基本”(控制水资源利用,减少化肥、农药的施用,基本利用农作物秸秆、畜禽粪便和废旧地膜)的要求,统筹“三个推进”(生产生活生态三位一体统筹推进、资源产品再生资源循环推进、资源节约与清洁生产协同推进),搞好“三个结合”(确保国家粮食安全和建立农业可持续发展长效机制的结合,树立农业环境污染全程控制理念与重点治理的结合,实施城市、工业污染与农村污染一体化防控的结合),实现“三个转变”(由生产功能向兼顾生态社会协调发展转变;由单向式资源利用向循环型转变;由粗放高耗型向节约高效型技术体系转变),用绿色发展、循环发展与低碳发展的理念来发展现代农业,开展农业资源休养生息试点,发展生态友好型农业,走适合中国国情的农业生态文明建设之路。 战略目标是以循环经济为理念,为引导现代农业向深度发展提供新思路,即在具有新质的技术创新基础上,实现可再生资源对不可再生资源的替代,低级资源对高级资源的替代,以及物质转换链的延长和资源转化率的提高,从而实现农业产出增长、经济效益提高与农业生产潜力保护、农业生态环境改善的有机统一,按照“一控、二减、三基本”的战略要求,建立农业可持续发展的长效机制。 农业现代化的五大重点任务:①加强农业资源保护;②加强农业生态环境治理;③大力推进农业节能减排;④实施一批生态文明型农业现代化发展的工程;⑤加强生态友好型的农业科技支撑。 生态文明建设的绿色消费与文化教育战略 生态文明建设绿色消费与文化教育总体思路是:发展理念要由量长转为质增,主要工作由基础设施的大量建设转为生态环境的治理营造,经济增长点由投资制造业转为教育、医疗等第三产业。与之对应的,居民消费模式与理念的转变:消费需求由量多变为质优,由对道路、交通等基础设施变为对整体生态环境,由基本的衣食变为精神层面的教育、保健等,即一种精致、适度、重视精神提升的消费模式。实现消费需求的三个转变,需要国家相关的政策扶持,需要企业提供相应的消费品,更需要人民群众消费理念的转变。 绿色消费的总体目标是走“提高产品的劳动力附加值,不过多扩产,提升居民素质,引导居民购买高劳动力附加值的产品,增加文化消费”的发展道路,提出精致适度的绿色消费模式是我国消费模式发展的总体目标。 绿色消费领域的重点任务包括如下几个。①推进日常生活绿色消费的重点任务,引导居民的精品消费,提倡精致生活,一方面需要对居民的消费倾向进行引导,另一方面需要引导企业生产精品,生产高劳动力附加值的产品。②加快交通领域绿色消费的重点任务,应尽快出台《城市公共交通条例》,大力发展公共交通,合理进行城镇规划,减少居民日常工作生活出行距离;为自行车、行人提供良好的交通环境,为低碳出行提供人性化的服务设施。适度控制小汽车的增长速度,通过差别化停车、错时上下班、收取拥堵费等手段来调节中心城小汽车使用,鼓励使用公共交通方式,促进中心城交通供给和交通需求平衡。③推动建筑领域绿色消费的重点任务,引导居民理性消费,从自身实际需求出发,不盲目追求面积与技术的使用,防止建筑领域需求的过快增长,应积极发展与绿色生活模式相适应的建筑技术,倡导绿色生活方式。 生态文明建设的绿色交通运输战略 生态文明建设的交通运输总体思路:深入贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中、四中全会精神,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,将生态文明建设融入交通运输发展的各方面和全过程,以实现交通可持续发展为根本目的,以低能耗、低排放、低污染为特征,以统筹制定规划、调整交通结构、强化科技创新、提升管理能力为重点,以政府主导、政策激励、市场调节为主要手段,加快建设交通运输体系,为建设美丽中国提供有力支撑。 总体目标是依据国家总体要求,立足交通运输行业实际,至2050年达到以下目标:交通运输法律、法规、标准健全,管理体制机制完善,科技研发与应用水平显著提升,高效信息服务体系形成,能源和资源利用效率显著提高,对环境的污染得到有效控制,中国绿色交通运输体系全面建成。 绿色交通领域的八大重点任务:①统筹制定绿色交通运输发展规划,控制交通需求总量的过快增长;②优化运输结构,促进运量向环境友好型运输方式转移;③推广新能源和清洁能源车船,逐步优化用能结构;④优先发展城市公交,倡导建立绿色出行方式;⑤改善综合交通枢纽布局规划,加强各运输方式之间的有效衔接;⑥加强节能环保管理,推动绿色交通运输的发展;⑦发展智能交通,提高交通基础设施的使用效率和服务水平;⑧加强科技创新,提高交通运输节能减排综合水平。 本文由李文超摘编自 中国工程院“生态文明建设若干战略问题研究”项目研究组 编 《中国生态文明建设若干战略问题研究.综合卷》 (北京:科学出版社, 责任编辑马俊 ,2016.9)摘要部分。 ISBN:978-7-03-049844-1 《中国生态文明建设若干战略问题研究.综合卷》 是中国工程院重大咨询项目“生态文明建设若干战略问题研究”成果系列丛书的综合卷,是整个丛书的挈领分册。全书内容包括综合报告和专题研究两部分,综合报告以十二章内容就重大咨询项目的研究成果进行了全面提炼和总述,内容从生态文明建设面临的重大挑战,国土生态安全、水土资源优化配置和空间格局等到“十三五”目标与重点任务,以及生态文明建设保障条件与政策建议,是对项目八个课题主要成果的概要总结;专题研究部分更深入地以数据分析、案例研究等就生态文明建设的各个方面进行了探讨,专题研究的内容以项目组成员发表在《中国工程科学》上的部分文章为基础,进行了重新梳理和编排。 本书适合各级政府管理人员、政策咨询研究人员,以及广大科研从业者和关心国家发展建设的人士阅读,适合各类图书馆收藏。 一起阅读科学! 科学出版社│微信ID:sciencepress-cspm 专业品质 学术价值 原创好读 科学品味 点击文中 书名、作者、封面 可购买本书
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热度 1 蒋高明 2015-11-19 07:18
社会主义核心价值观科普讲座:环境保护与生态文明建设(3 ) 蒋高明 (图)大家看看江南的水质,这是很有名的太湖。2007年蓝岛爆发,守着太湖水没水喝,取水口爆发了蓝岛污染,里面有蓝岛毒素,不适合饮用水。我上大学的时候,我们班有几个专业,我在山东大学上学,我们班有江苏、安徽、河南、陕西、山西和山东本土的,来自江苏的人都会唱个歌,我们都觉得挺好听,“太湖美,太湖美,美就美在太湖水”,后来非常可惜,变成了蓝藻污染,当时不能喝了。这么多年,政府也很重视,花了很多钱,也请了清华的老师帮他们治理,说是“引长济太”,要引长江水,把它冲进海里就拉倒了呗,当时就干净了。我以为都治理好了,结果我前段时间在飞机上看了一个新闻,太湖的蓝藻并没有治理,又回来了。可见这个问题相当严重,污染源并没有切断。 在陆地的淡水流域,污染以后会爆发以蓝藻为主的“水华”,水是绿色的。到了海里,物种变了,还是氮磷化物,但是以褐藻和裸甲藻为主,“赤潮”。赤潮污染在沿海养殖区也爆发得非常严重。全国近293个海水水质监测点严重污染的海域达到了2.9万平方公里。2.9万平方公里是什么概念?中国实际控制的海域是30万平方公里,我们整个海洋面积是300万平方公里,我们实际控制区的十分之一被赤潮污染。大家都比较喜欢吃海洋养殖的东西,尤其是海参之类的,但是在养殖这些物种的时候,就把饵料、重金属的一些激素扔在海里,再加上陆地来的污染物,使得我们的海洋近海污染非常严重。 再看森林。森林生态系统也不容乐观,逐渐退化。原始老林很少了,可能咱们出门的时候,经常有商家打着口号“原始森林区旅游”,不要相信,其实中国已经没有原始森林了,原始森林是人迹罕至,人不能去的地方,都退化了,你能看到一片大的老林,一百年以上的,就已经不错了。严格来讲,非常少人为破坏的还有一些,东北天山山脉、西藏的东南部有一定,但是大部分都在退化。所以森林的退化是非常严重的。中国也非常重视造林,每年都在造,森林覆盖率也在提高,但是这种造林质量不高。比如前两天北京号召百万亩平原造林,当时我和一些专家也参加了论证,我说你百万造林造什么林,质量要考虑。结果看到好多杨树林、银杏林、雪松林,这些是不符合生态的东西,后边我还会讲。完全可以用生态的办法造一个生态林,这样能更好一些。 另外就是大树进城。大树进城这两年造成了乡村树木大面积破坏。上个月我在山东考察的时候,说要把农村的树木改造成城市的树木,多荒唐,杨、柳、榆、槐、椿是乡土树种,要把树砍了,造银杏,造雪松。有一些大树贩子把泰山上的树,油松都搬下来,偷下来,放到苗圃上去卖,这一棵树都得几十万。所以这也是一个利益链。我想我们北京还是有一些胸怀的,看城市发展是不是暴发户形象就看大树,如果大树都是一夜之间来的,就是暴发户形象,江南的一些城市,尤其是小城市特别多的大树进城,这个比较要叫停,这是明显对生态的一种破坏。连国有林场的枫树移到青岛,把我们老家的树移过去,大吊车都动用上了。 另外,我们的草原。咱们的生态系统里草地面积占得非常大,41%的国土面积是草原,总的面积是60亿亩,比耕地多了3倍。其实人很少,估计现在也不太大,只有不到半亿人生活在60亿亩的广袤的草原上,才占全国人口的3.4%。但是这么大的面积并没有把这些人养好,而且造成了很大的生态退化。所以有段时间我们就建议国家,索性给他们直接发工资都行,退化以后再补偿是不合算的。比如内蒙古,整个畜牧业产值大概一百来亿,国家每年投资生态治理一百多个亿,所以好多钱治理的费用并没有进入到牧民那里,被层层截留。 荒漠化。在北京周边就面临着这个问题,北边就是草原,内蒙古西部就是新疆,98.5%的荒漠化区域来自于新疆、内蒙古、西藏、甘肃、青海、陕西、宁夏、河北八省市。有一段时间,北京市面临着比较严重的沙尘暴污染,沙尘暴影响。荒漠化的原因也很复杂,不合理的生产活动再叠加上短期的气候震荡,导致了干旱少雨这种天气。
个人分类: 环保呐喊|2375 次阅读|1 个评论
bqzhu 2015-10-5 14:26
贵州有许多青山绿水,夏天气候凉爽,生态文明建设走在我国前列,是休闲的好地方。观山湖公园位于贵阳观山湖区,贵阳市政府南,由观山湖、金华湖及周边的山丘地带构成。面积达 4 平方公里,是一个湿地、森林、草地相结合,并具有民族特色的公园。观山湖公园开发建设时间不长。它的周围虽被高楼林立包围,但园内恰保留了一个半原生态的自然环境。坡地上的多色小花野草,使人感到大自然的春意盎然,而不是人工花园。湖边的各种水生植物( 睡莲、 荷花、 毛蜡烛 ( 香蒲 )、芦苇、千屈菜、菖蒲、梭鱼草、 旱伞草 等),大部分是原生态的。湖面上和湿地草丛中不时可以看到 䴙䴘 、白鹭 、 野鸭 、 鸳鸯、水鸡在游荡、穿梭,是候鸟的栖息场所。 作为湿地公园,我感到比广州南沙、北京奥林匹克湿地公园要好得多。观山湖的睡莲花朵比在广州看到的要大。广州的禾雀花闻名全国,但紫色的禾雀花难得一见,然而观山湖公园恰有许多。园内休闲场所多,但游人不多,无餐饮业、麻将桌,因此环境卫生好。这与人流似潮涌、到处是餐饮业、麻将桌,环境污染严重的黔灵公园形成鲜明对照。 夏天我要在金阳住一段时间,常带远方来的亲朋好友去观山湖公园走一走。大家都觉得确是生态休闲的好地方。希望观山湖公园能更多的保留她的原生态特征,少打造一些人工花园。 观山湖北向南望。 观山湖南向北望。 金华湖与睡莲。 百步桥。 公园中的小花野草,充满大自然气息。 睡莲与湖中游荡的䴙䴘。 各种湿地植物。 紫色禾 雀花。 风雨桥。
个人分类: 人文自然|6412 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]人民网:正确理解“草牧业” 促进我国草牧区生态文明建设
蒋高明 2015-8-7 18:29
正确理解“草牧业” 促进我国草牧区生态文明建设 方精云、李凌浩、蒋高明、高树琴、黄建辉、白永飞撰写 本文链接:http://env.people.com.cn/n/2015/0717/c1010-27318740.html 2015年07月17日08:34 来源: 《中国科学报》 手机看新闻 打印 网摘 纠错 商城 分享 推荐 字号 原标题:如何理解“草牧业”   2015年中央一号文件中,有一个新提法引起了学界和管理部门的注意,这就是“草牧业”。中央一号文件首次明确了草牧业在促进我国粮—经—饲三元种植结构协调发展中的重要地位。随着各级政府对中央一号文件精神的贯彻落实,草牧业一词也迅速在业内传播开来。然而,不同专业背景的人因理解的角度不同,对其解读存在较大差异。本文根据其提出的背景和思路,阐释其定义和科学内涵。    提出“草牧业”的背景   解决畜牧业饲草不足的关键在于人工草地建设。在我国草原地区和农牧交错带,选择适宜土地,种植人工草地,不仅可以解决饲草料不足问题,也将大大缓解天然草地的放牧压力,使其发挥应有的生态功能。可以说,草业是发展畜牧业的基础,畜牧业是发展草业的出口。草业和畜牧业的发展相辅相成,需要统筹考虑、系统发展。在这一背景下,方精云代表其研究团队在2011年由中科院植物研究所举办的生态草业研讨会上,首次提出了“草牧业”一词。此后,其研究团队组织召开一系列跨学科、跨部门、跨区域的研讨会,对其科学内涵进行了广泛、深入的讨论和科学论证。2014年9月方精云等向国务院提交的《建立生态草业特区,探索草原牧区发展新模式》的咨询报告中,正式使用了该术语。汪洋副总理在2014年10月召开的草原工作专题研讨会上,采纳了咨询报告中“草牧业”的提法,随后“草牧业”一词被写入2015年中央一号文件而广泛传播开来。2015年《农业部关于进一步调整优化农业结构的指导意见》和农业部印发的《2015年畜牧业工作要点》中都使用了该词。    “草牧业”的定义和内涵   “草牧业”字面上是草业和畜牧业结合而简化的复合词,实际上在其内涵上有显著的拓展和深化。我们有必要先回顾一下与其有关的畜牧业、草地农业等术语。   “畜牧业”主要是利用畜禽等已经被人类驯化的动物,通过人工饲养、繁殖,使其将牧草和饲料等植物能转变为动物能,以取得肉、蛋、奶等畜产品的产业。“草地农业”最早于1984年由任继周先生提出,就是把牧草(含饲用作物)和草食家畜引入农业系统,把耕地和非耕地的农业用地统一规划,把牧草作为基质,除了天然草地以外,在耕地上实施草粮结合、草林结合、草菜结合、草棉结合、草菸结合等等,以草田轮作、间作、套种等技术系统,充分发挥各类农用土地的生产潜势。它是一个多层次的现代化综合农业系统,突破了“以粮为纲”的思维定式,使草业与林业、农田等其他农业系统耦合,成为大农业系统。   “草牧业”一词不是“草地畜牧业”的简称或缩写,而是在传统畜牧业和草业基础上提升的新型现代化生态草畜产业。长期以来,草地畜牧业是指草食动物通过放牧或舍饲生产畜产品的传统产业,主要强调天然草地的畜产品生产功能。“草地农业”包含多个生产层的产出,但更多的是强调人工草地的重要性。“草牧业”则强调“自然—经济—社会复合系统”的协同发展,突出草地生产功能和生态功能的合理配置与协调发展,最终目标是实现草原牧区健康持续发展。   为此,“草牧业”定义为:基于可持续科学理论,集成现代科技成果与高新技术,通过科学规划、合理布局、精细管理,发展集约化、规模化、专业化的人工草地,保障现代化畜牧业生产出绿色、优质、安全的畜产品;同时,根据地区特点,发展特色种植、特色养殖,并对其他大面积的天然草地进行保护、恢复和适度利用,开展草原文化旅游,提升其生态屏障和文化服务功能,最终实现牧民收入提高,牧区生产、生活和生态全面协调发展。    “草牧业”的科学依据和发展范式   目前全国耕地年均总生物产量约12亿吨,而草地仅为3亿吨,单位面积的生物生产力仅为耕地的7.5%。研究表明,集约化人工草地的生物产量可以达到农作物的平均水平。因此,发展人工草地是提升我国饲草供给的有效途径。据测算,我国如能利用10%草原面积的牧区和农牧交错区的适宜土地,建立集约化人工草地,每年可生产牧草3亿吨以上。   如何发展“草牧业”,是摆在草原科技工作者面前的重大课题。为此,通过广泛调研和前期科学实验,我们提出了草牧业发展的总体思路:主要包括精细人工草业、现代化肉奶业、特色生物产业、草原文化旅游产业和草—牧—科—工—贸联营体(简称“四业一体”)。具体包括:①精细人工草业,选择不多于10%水热条件较好的土地大力发展人工草地,建立规模化、集约化和专业化的现代草产业;②现代化肉奶业,利用人工草地提供的优质牧草,建立现代化的畜牧业生产和有机畜产品加工基地;③特色生物产业,结合地区特点,开发具有高经济价值的特色果蔬和中草药种植,建立绿色食品生产和加工基地,发展民族药业;④草原文化旅游产业,草原独特的自然景观和游牧民族的生活方式造就了特有的草原文化和游牧文化,通过保护90%以上的天然草地,恢复天然草地的秀美风光,发展具有民族特色的旅游产业;⑤草—牧—科—工—贸联营体,在北京、上海、广州、深圳等大城市建立大型有机食品专卖超市和电商平台,直销草原优质农畜产品,实现草原产品与大城市消费市场链接。   “草牧业”作为我国农业结构调整的转型升级产业,有其特定的科学内涵和发展思路,如何实现“草牧业”的系统发展,目前还没有一个成熟的示范样板。为此,正确理解草牧业,并通过草牧业试验区具体实施,可探索出一条全新的草牧业发展模式,为我国草原牧区生态文明建设提供可资借鉴的样板,从而破解我国草牧业可持续发展中的诸多瓶颈问题。    (本文由中国科学院植物研究所方精云、李凌浩、蒋高明、高树琴、黄建辉、白永飞撰写) (责编:蒋琪、王静)
个人分类: 建言新农村|1307 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 蒋高明 2014-4-18 23:43
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3739 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 5 mhchx 2013-6-14 14:26
由国际低碳经济研究所主持编写的《中国低碳经济发展报告 2013 》日前由中国社科院社科文献出版社出版,并于 5 月 24 日下午在北京科博会平台上首次发布。报告重点分析了中国的大气污染问题、生态文明建设、绿色低碳战略、碳排放交易体系及 “ 页岩油气革命 ” 等,提出了具体的政策建议和落实措施。本报告的两位主编,对外经贸大学副校长、国际低碳经济研究所所长赵忠秀和联席所长、日本名古屋大学教授薛进军指出,中国的环境问题牵扯面广,原因复杂,要从根本上解决,消除雾霾重显蓝天,可能需要 20-30 年以上时间,生态文明建设任重道远。 国际低碳经济研究所是由中国对外经济贸易大学和日本名古屋大学联合组建的一个国际性合作研究机构。汇聚国际知名的专家学者和政府决策人员,开展有关低碳经济的理论与模型创新、低碳发展政策、低碳城市设计等研究和教育,并着重于世界第二大经济体和碳排放第一大国中国的发展模式转换、气候变化对策、能源战略、低碳城市建设的研究。 《中国低碳经济发展报告 2013 》主要内容如下: 1、聚焦中国的大气污染问题 中国社会科学院城市与环境研究所的潘家华和李萌教授等人引用耶鲁大学的研究小组对 PM2.5 地表浓度测算结果表明, 2012 年中国大陆仅有海南、西藏、黑龙江三个省(自治区)达到世界卫生组织安全值( PM2.5 < 10 ),其余省份均超标。同年,世界卫生组织发布了 91 个国家 1100 个城市的空气质量及排名,中国的 32 个城市排名在 812-1058 位。中国科学院教授王跃思教授等基于京津冀区域原生排放的 PM2.5 的来源的调查分析指出,该地区 PM2.5 的主要排放源为:机动车排放和道路扬尘所占比例 50% ,工业排放的占比例 37% ,居民化石燃料燃烧和电厂排放占 10% 左右。据此,治理大气污染应当以控制汽车尾气排放为重点。为此,专家建议,将高能耗的第二产业(工业电厂等)移到有利于一次污染物的扩散和沉降的沿海地区或京津冀以北和以西的高海拔地区,同时快速推进脱硫、除尘和脱硝设备的安装使用,提高油品质量,大力促进清洁能源使用,从根本上降低化石燃料燃烧排放的污染物。名古屋大学教授薛进军和郭琳分析了日本等国环境治理的经验,提出加快发展方式转变,迅速改变产业结构、能源结构、出口贸易结构,加大环境技术的开发与创新力度,建立自下而上的环境监测和治理体系,以及研究环境污染与健康和疾病的关系,加强环境统计等举措。 2、突出强调中国的生态文明建设任重道远 该报告的两位主编,对外经贸大学副校长、国际低碳经济研究所所长赵忠秀和联席所长、日本名古屋大学教授薛进军利用环境库兹涅茨曲线和发达国家的经历分析中国环境问题时指出,世界上没有哪个国家避免 “ 先污染后治理 ” 的惨痛教训,遗憾的是中国也没能避免。报告根据发达国家的经历分析,在治理大气染污方面,英国从 1952 年的 “ 雾都事件 ” 到重现蓝天用了 50 多年,德国用了 30 多年,日本用了 20 多年。而中国是一个发展中大国, 13 亿人口、刚刚超过 50% 的城市化率、高达 50% 的第二产业比重、出口带动的增长模式、以煤炭为主的能源结构等,使得中国的环境问题牵扯面更广,原因更复杂,治理起来更困难。由此预计,今后中国要从根本上解决环境问题,消除雾霾重显蓝天,可能需要 20-30 年以上。中国的生态文明建设任重道远。 总报告的作者赵忠秀、王苒和闫云凤指出,中国在工业化进程中一直高度重视资源节约和生态保护工作。环境保护在上世纪 80 年代就成为中国的基本国策, “ 九五 ” 规划期间国家决定实施可持续发展战略; “ 十五 ” 规划中首次明确提出了主要污染物排放总量减少的目标;中共十六大提出了走新型工业化道路,并在随后的几次全会上提出了具体的科学发展思想,把节约资源作为基本国策; “ 十一五 ” 规划首次确定了能源消耗强度和主要污染物排放总量作为约束性指标,提出要推进主体功能区建设;中共十七大提出建设生态文明、牢固树立生态文明观念、推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展。可以说,中国一以贯之地推进生态文明建设的战略。中共十八大特别把大力推进生态文明建设提升到前所未有的战略高度,开启了中华民族永续发展的新时代。近期发生的雾霾环境危机敲响了警钟,成为绿色低碳发展的反逼机制,迫使政府下死决心,采取更严厉、更具体的措施和果断的行动,以改善国人生存的基本条件。而新一届政府将生态文明纳入到 “ 五位一体 ” 发展的总格局,明确提出绿色低碳发展的模式和大幅度节能减排的目标,给予国人极大的期盼。 3、解读十八大报告和十二五规划 该报告解读了十八大报告关于大力推进生态文明建设精神和 “ 十二五 ” 规划中绿色低碳发展战略,分解了各地区节能减排指标,并提出完成指标的政策建议和落实措施。中国科学院的谭显春、顾佰和王毅指出,走具有中国特色的低碳发展道路,是促进我国转变经济增长方式, 保护生态环境,实现资源可持续利用的重要举措。尽管国际气候变化谈判进展缓慢,中国的低碳发展战略依然稳步推进,已成为世界上可再生能源发展最快、规模最大的国家之一,也是节能减排力度和贡献度最大的国家。发改委能源所白泉研究员等的一项研究提出如何落实 “ 十二五 ” 规划中地区节能减排的分解方法,分析了碳排放的区域差异奇迹特点和原因,提出依据各地区节能责任、潜力、能力和难度因素,建立全面反映不同地区特点的综合评价指标体系,并利用聚类分析方法,在既定全国节能目标前提下,将 31 个省(市、自治区)分为五类,确定相似地区承担相近节能目标。这项研究建议,不同类型地区应有所区别,经济发达和能耗较高地区应承担较高节能目标任务,通过具体落实节能减排指标,鼓励各级政府加快发展方式转变。科学院王毅等专家对各省区碳排放分析发现: 2010 年,碳排放总量是沿海高,内陆低,东部主导;以重化工业为主体的省区碳排放总量普遍较高;碳排放强度是西高东低;人均碳排放是北高南低,东高西低。为此他们建议,按照碳足迹确定差异化的区域低碳发展目标,成立低碳发展的专项资金,建立区域间低碳发展的沟通机制。 4、中国碳排放 交易体系正在形成 利用市场机制减少碳排放是未来中国低碳发重要路径。对此,北京理工大学教授魏一鸣教授和风振华博士分析了国际碳市场,指出由于国际气候谈判政策的影响和全球经济环境影响和供需影响,国际碳交易在 2005-2009 年间发展迅速, 2010 年后开始进入停滞、萎缩阶段。中国虽然起步较晚,但发展很快,截止 2013 年 2 月,我国在联合国已注册项目的 3574 个,占全部项目的 51% ,已成为全球最大的 CDM 项目供应方。 目前已有包括天津排放权交易所、北京环境交易所和上海环境能源交易所等近 20 家交易所。为了进一步推进碳排放交易,他们建议开展试点城市碳交易市场的评估研究,建立碳排放监测、报告和核证体系,合理设置初始配额分配问,合理确定碳价,以及尽快建立碳金融市场。武汉大学齐绍洲教授等介绍了湖北省碳交易试点的制度框架和设计方案以及暂行办法。该方案对湖北省碳交易试点的管理机构、总量设定依据、纳入企业门槛、配额分配方案、交易规则、注册登记、 MRV 、奖惩机 制及各参与主体的法律责任等方面均做出了规定。方案将年能耗 6 万吨标煤及以上的工业企业纳入碳交易试点,通过模型预测确定碳交易市场配额总量,形成既有配 额、新增预留、政府预留三大部分的总量结构。方案还设计了定价转让和协商议价转让两种交易方式,制定交易规则并开发交易系统,设定中国自愿减排交易体系的 核证自愿减排量经认定后可用于抵消,上限不超过初始配额的 10% ,并设置了处罚奖惩机制。这是国内第一家碳交易试点的制度框架和设计方案,如果试点成功, 将对我国建立全国性碳交易体系起到较强的启示作用。 5、 “ 页岩油气革命 ” 将改变世界能源结构和地缘政治 高盛证券日本分析师薛冰等和气候变化非政府机构的代表平田仁子等人以日本为案例介绍了国际气候变化和能源政策发展趋势与经验,指出日本能源政策受 2011 年大地震所引发的核泄漏影事件的影响,严重动摇了日本的能源和气候政策,目前,新的能源与气候政策还在讨论中,但日本已经明确表态不延长京都议定书,并要调整 25% 的减排目标。与此同时,也给日本带来了新的机遇, 2013 年,日本同美国和加拿大签订了大规模购买页岩油气的合同。预计这将会缓解日本的能源供给危机,在一定程度上减缓油价上升对经济的负担。在核能问题上,日本将继续稳步发展核电,并要为印度越南援建高技术水平的核电站,向埃及等国出口核电设备。这些变化,将会对国际能源市场和国际气候谈判产生一定的影响,应当跟进研究。 2012 年底,美国宣布大规模开采并出口页岩油气,这将引起世界能源新的革命,并对全球气候变化谈判产生重大影响。该报告强调: “ 页岩油气革命 ” 将改变世界能源结构和地缘政治,应当提早研究并做好应对准备。 以上内容为相关专家、学者了解国内外低碳经济发展情况,为我国建设美丽中国与创新型国家提供有关应对之策提供参考。故特此推荐。
个人分类: 报告|2725 次阅读|12 个评论
zzllxx5168 2013-2-2 16:43
生态文明视阈下的大林业观建设 作者:中共中央党校哲学部 赵建军;国家行政学院 郝栋。 来源: http://www.lnly.gov.cn/xxdt/dndt/201301/t20130131_228229.html 树立21世纪的大林业观,用大林业观统领生态建设,实现人与自然协调发展、和谐共进,对于实现党的十八大提出的建设生态文明和美丽中国的愿景和目标,具有十分重要的意义。    林业必须大发展,是21世纪大林业时代的一个显著特征。完成林业大发展,用以往的思维方式、工作思路是不够的,也是不可能的。必须对林业进行重新审视,树立大林业观理念,即对林业在国民经济中的重要地位给予充分肯定,对林业和农业、牧业、渔业等门类的关系给予重新界定,彻底摆脱过去把林业只作为农林牧副渔的一个门类的狭隘认识,这是保障林业大发展的关键,也是保障我国构建和谐社会、走向民族复兴的强大动力和坚实保障。   大林业观包括三方面的内容。 一是提升林业在国民经济社会发展中的重要地位。人类步入21世纪,生态环境问题已经成为制约各国可持续发展的重要因素。在发展经济的过程中,唯有林业不会对生态环境带来任何破坏,反而能够保护和修复生态环境。所以,大林业观应该把林业放在国民经济和社会发展的突出位置,作为我国发展战略转型的关键。 二是确立林业是其他产业门类的重要基础和前提。林业是国民经济的基础产业,又是重要的社会公益事业。林业具有多方面的功能,可以缓解“温室效应”、涵养水源、保持水土、防风固沙、调节气候、保护物种、减少噪音、减轻光辐射、维护生物多样性、净化水质等等,这些都为可持续发展奠定了重要基础。 三是突出林业是保护国家经济安全的重要软力量。未来中国经济发展走向很大程度上与低碳经济联系在一起。作为碳汇的主力军,林业是我国国家经济安全看不见的守护神。一方面,发展林业能够缓解我国减排压力,为经济发展尤其是城镇化留出空间;另一方面,减排压力大的发达国家在“巴厘岛路线图”后谈判中更强调“抵消排放”和“换取排放”方案,其比较好的选择方案就是经济实惠的森林碳汇方案,包括国内森林碳汇和国际购买的森林碳汇。发展林业为我们在今后同发达国家的合作,构建国际生态新秩序方面增加了筹码。   树立大林业观有利于生态文明建设。生态文明,是指人类遵循人、自然、社会和谐发展规律而取得的物质与精神成果的总和,是指以人与自然、人与人、人与社会和谐共生、良性循环、全面发展、持续繁荣为基本宗旨的文化伦理形态。森林作为陆地上最大的生态系统,也是人类最早诞生的地方,是人类生态文明建设的主阵地。森林文化推动了生态意识文明。生态意识文明是生态文明的精神依托、道德基础和重要内容,是人们对生存环境的观点和看法,是处理眼前和长远、局部和整体、经济和生态、开发和保护、生产和生活、资源和环境等关系时应具备的观念和常识。   树立大林业观有利于和谐社会建设。构建社会主义和谐社会,是一个包括经济、政治、文化和生态环境在内的全面发展目标,即物质文明、精神文明、政治文明和生态文明的有机统一。这四个文明相辅相成,相互促进,反映了和谐社会的全貌。人与自然协调发展,是和谐社会可持续发展的首要因素。树立大林业观,加强林业建设是人与自然、生态与经济协调发展的迫切要求。   树立大林业观有利于推进绿色发展。良好的生态已经成为一个地区、一个国家最核心的竞争力之一,成为实现绿色增长、科学发展的最主要标志,这既不能靠花钱买来,也不可能靠转移和进口得来。森林是陆地生态系统的主体,林业是生态建设的主体。党中央、国务院之所以确立以生态建设为主的林业发展战略,把发展林业作为建设生态文明的首要任务,就是要求林业承担起生态建设的主要责任,真正发挥出林业对国家、对民族乃至整个人类生存发展的不可替代的作用。因此,我们必须把加强生态建设、实现生态良好放在一切林业工作的首位。   建设生态文明和美丽中国,要求我们构建大林业观建设体系,重点要做好三个方面的创新。   一是思想观念的创新。我国林业建设进入了转型升级的新阶段,迎来了加快发展的战略机遇期,能否在战略机遇期完成我国林业建设的飞跃,首先需要在思想观念上进行创新。保护生态、改善民生是林业转型升级的最基本、最重要、最核心的任务职责。思想观念创新的重心在于科学认识并正确处理两者之间的关系,把改善生态和改善民生放在同等重要的位置,协同推进,互动双赢。发展林业要贯彻抓生态就是抓民生的思想。真正把生态建设放在林业的核心位置,美丽中国的实现与否在于能否通过林业建设为祖国大地披上美丽绿装,为科学发展提供生态保障,为人民群众提供良好的生产、生活环境。大林业观的群众基础在于牢固树立服务民生抓生态、改善生态惠民生的思想。既要把改善民生作为林业工作的出发点和落脚点,让人民群众充分享受林业建设成果,也要让绿色发展的理念深入人心,激发广大人民群众投身林业生态建设的热情。   二是政策环境的创新。林业既是关系到国家生态安全的公益事业、公共部门,也是关系到经济健康平稳发展的基础产业、重要领域,这不但成为了决策者的共识,也体现在国家各方面政策的大力支持和帮助上。1998年至今,我国林业进入到了一个前所未有的“政策红利期”,具体表现在投入增加、立法加强、重大政策密集出台等方面。2005年以来开始的集体林权制度改革,又给林业发展带来了巨大的“改革红利”。建设生态文明和美丽中国,必将催生一批新的政策。林业要努力在生态建设、产业发展、法律法规、体制机制、重大改革等方面,进行政策环境的创新,构建科学合理可行的林业政策体系。   三是发展载体的创新。要围绕服务国家大局创新发展载体,拓展发展领域,创造发展优势。建设生态文明、应对气候变化、实现绿色增长、解决“三农”问题、开展扶贫攻坚等等,既是国家的发展战略,也是林业的发展机遇。要在主动融入和服务这些重大战略部署中,谋求林业的新发展、新提升,加强政策对接,搞好项目储备。这样才能把握好历史机遇,开辟林业发展的新空间。 把握林业基本属性,推动林业科学发展 贾治邦( http://www.forestpest.org/senfang/News/ldjh/2011-02-15/Article_5660.shtml )   林业作为重要的基础产业和具有特殊功能的公益事业,在实现国家“十二五”规划确定的战略任务中,扮演着重要角色,承担着光荣使命。准确把握林业的基础产业和公益事业两大基本属性,对于做好“十二五”期间林业的各项工作,推动现代林业科学发展,更好地服务于经济社会发展大局,具有十分重要的意义。   一、林业是对支撑经济社会发展具有战略作用的基础产业    在深入贯彻落实科学发展观、加快转变经济发展方式的今天,林业的经济功能不断拓展,产业地位不断提升,在国家经济建设全局和发展战略中的作用日益突出。   森林作为重要的资源库,能够提供丰富的原材料和林产品,对于支撑经济社会发展意义重大。依靠森林资源,可以生产出木材及其制品、工业原料、木本粮油、食品药材等一万多种林产品和原材料。我国人均GDP已跨上4000美元,社会消费不断升级,可再生、可降解、绿色养生的林产品越来越受到青睐。近年来,作为三大基础原材料之一的木材,在我国总消费量呈刚性增长,2005年为3.25亿立方米,2009年为4.21亿立方米,“十二五”期间年均将超过5亿立方米。野菜山珍、木本粮油等森林食品,成为人们改善膳食结构、应对“三高”疾病的新宠。茶油作为我国特有的木本食用油,品质甚至优于橄榄油,被联合国粮农组织列为健康型高级食用油。2020年我国茶油年产量将达到250万吨,占到食用植物油总产量的20%以上。大力发展木本粮油等森林食品,已成为提升国民营养健康水平、维护国家粮食安全的重要途径。   森林作为重要的能源库,是生产生物质能源的“绿色油田”、“绿色电厂”,对实施替代能源战略意义重大。森林是仅次于煤炭、石油、天然气的第四大能源资源。据预测,全世界煤炭可供开采年限为220-240年、石油为70-100年、天然气为50-60年。在后化石能源时代,发展以森林为主的生物质能源,成了各国能源替代战略的重要选择。一方面,森林是一座储量丰富的“绿色油田”,许多树木的果实富含油脂,可用于生产生物柴油。我国有果实含油量超过40%的树种150多种,总面积超过400万公顷,开发生物柴油的前景十分广阔。另一方面,森林是一座潜力巨大的“绿色电厂”,其木质纤维的发热量平均都在4000-5000千卡/千克,燃烧产生的热能可转化为电能。我国森林每年可产出枝桠剩余物约3亿吨,如能得到全部利用,可提供相当于我国每年化石能源消耗量1/10的能源。大力发展林业生物质能源,实施林油、林电一体化战略,对维护我国能源安全、促进经济又好又快发展意义十分重大。   森林作为自然循环经济体,是发展绿色经济的重要基础,对转变发展方式和扩大国内需求意义重大。发展林业,有利于逐步摆脱拼资源能源、以牺牲环境为代价的发展方式,有利于促进经济结构调整和绿色产业发展。很多地方通过大力发展林下产业和森林游憩业,变“砍树”为“看树”,改变了过去主要依靠生产木材获得经济效益的林业传统发展方式,林业经济正在实现由“砍伐森林树木”向“利用森林环境”的转变。我国集体林区通过林权改革,27亿亩集体林地成为农民发家致富的新舞台,农业经济正在实现由“耕地为主”向“耕地林地并重”的转变。不少地方通过科学开发森林资源,使一根翠竹撑起一方经济,一个树种成就一个大产业,一处景观带来一片繁荣,区域经济正在实现由“传统发展”到“绿色发展”的转变。发展林业还能够有效解决农民就业增收问题。集体林权制度改革已惠及3亿多农民,受益农户平均获得森林资产近10万元,全国林地每亩产出从2003年的84元,增加到2010年的198元,极大地提高了农民的收入,带动了农村社会消费提升,为扩大内需、促进经济社会持续快速发展增添了强大动力。   二、林业是对保障地球和人类健康长寿具有独特作用的公益事业    林业不但具有显著的经济功能,还有独特的生态、社会、文化功能。在生态危机不断挑战人类生存发展底线、改善生态成为人们迫切愿望的背景下,我国林业发展承担着建设和保护“三个系统一个多样性”(即森林、湿地、荒漠三个生态系统和生物多样性)的重要职责,直接关系到地球和人类的健康长寿。   “三个系统一个多样性”的建设和保护是解决生态危机的根本所在,对于保障地球家园的健康长寿极端重要。科学家把森林喻为“地球之肺”,湿地喻为“地球之肾”,荒漠化喻为“地球之癌症”,生物多样性喻为地球的“免疫系统”。“三个系统一个多样性”在维护地球生态平衡中起着决定性作用,无论哪一个受到损害和破坏,都会影响地球的生态平衡和健康长寿。长期以来,由于对“三个系统一个多样性”的严重破坏,引发了全球气候变化、土地沙化、水土流失、干旱缺水等一系列生态危机,如同病魔一样吞噬着地球的肌体,威胁着人类的生存发展。古巴比伦、古埃及、古印度等人类文明都是因为森林和湿地遭到严重破坏后,随着青山变成秃岭、沃野变成荒漠而衰落。科学家预言,如果森林和湿地从地球上消失,陆地90%的生物将灭绝,全球90%的淡水将流入大海,生物固氮、生物放氧将分别减少90%和60%,地球的健康将恶化到无法根治的地步,人类将彻底失去生存家园。   “三个系统一个多样性”是生态产品的主要产地,对于保障每一个人的健康长寿极端重要。森林、湿地、荒漠和生物多样性通过自身功能的有效发挥,生产出维护人类生存发展和保障人们健康长寿的生态产品。主要包括:吸收二氧化碳、放出氧气,吸附粉尘、净化空气,涵养水源、保持水土,提供淡水、净化水质,增加湿度、调节气候,防风固沙、减少噪声等。森林制造的负氧离子,被誉为“空气维生素”、“健康长寿素”。四川九寨沟、福建武夷山等地,每立方厘米空气中负氧离子超过1万个,高的达到8万个,因此成为闻名中外的休闲养生胜地。这些生态功能和生态产品,可以改善人的生存环境,调节人的生理机能,促进人的身心健康。研究表明,在人的视野中,当绿色达到25%以上时,能消除眼睛和心理的疲劳,释放心理压力。全世界长寿地区,如格鲁吉亚的阿布哈吉亚、厄瓜多尔的比尔卡旺区和我国的广西巴马、湖北钟祥,其共同特点就是青山绿水、生态优美。此外,“三个系统一个多样性”还可以提供丰富的森林药品和保健品等,这些都有利于人类健康长寿。   “三个系统一个多样性”是构建人类文化的不可或缺的元素载体,对于丰富人民群众文化生活极端重要。森林是人类文化产生和发展的源泉。一方面,森林是一部内容丰富、包罗万象的教科书,是一座取之不尽、用之不竭的精神宝库;另一方面,森林以其独特的形态美、色调美、音韵美等,对人们的审美情趣和道德情操起着潜移默化的作用。几千年来,人们从弘扬森林文化中体验和享受人与自然的和谐之美。“宁可食无肉,不可居无竹”便是生动的印证。在全面建设小康社会和生态文明的伟大实践中,人们对以森林文化为主的生态文化更加渴求,对生态文化产品的需求更加迫切。“十二五”期间,要大力繁荣林业生态文化,生产出丰富多彩的生态文化产品,为提高人民群众文化生活水平做出更大贡献。   三、正确处理好林业发展中的五个重要关系,推动林业科学发展    “十二五”时期,林业工作要以推动科学发展为主题,以加快转变发展方式为主线,以兴林富民为宗旨,以实现到2020年森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷、森林蓄积量增加13亿立方米的“双增”为目标,依靠人民群众,依靠科学技术,依靠深化改革,全面开创现代林业科学发展新局面。力争到2015年,森林覆盖率达到21.66%,蓄积量达到143亿立方米,林业总产值达3.5万亿元。为此,要在准确把握林业两大基本属性的同时,正确处理好五个重要关系。   1、正确处理好生态与产业的关系。生态是产业的根基,产业是生态的保障。只有建立起完善的生态体系,形成丰富的森林资源,林业产业才有坚实的基础和广阔的空间。只有建立起发达的产业体系,积累雄厚的财富和充裕的资金,生态建设才有可靠的保障。要把生态与产业统筹起来、协调推进、良性互动,切实促进生态建设产业化、产业发展生态化。   2、正确处理好兴林与富民的关系。兴林与富民相互依存、相得益彰。只有林业兴旺发达,提供出更多就业机会和创业机遇,才能让人民群众得到更多实惠。只有人民群众的物质利益得到应有满足,他们才会自觉地投身林业建设,为林业发展注入强大动力。要真正将林业建设与百姓致富紧密结合起来,做到在兴林中富民、在富民中兴林。   3、正确处理好保护与利用的关系。保护与利用是充分发挥林业多种功能和效益的主要途径,单纯的保护和过度的利用都不可取。要坚持严格保护、积极发展、科学经营、持续利用的原则,在严格保护好现有森林、湿地和野生动植物等资源的前提下,科学合理地开发利用,做到在保护中利用、在利用中发展,实现越采越多,越采越好,青山常在,永续利用。   4、正确处理好数量与质量的关系。森林的功能,是依靠大面积与高质量的森林来支撑的,是数量和质量的统一。要在扩大面积的基础上,加强抚育经营和科技创新,提高林地生产力、资源利用率,提升森林整体功能。生态建设要改变过去“撒胡椒面”模式,着力构建国土生态屏障。产业发展要改变过去“小而全”模式,重点培育主导产业。   5、正确处理好党委、政府主导与依靠群众的关系。林业政策性强、周期长、群众参与度高。只有各级党委政府高度重视、大力支持,林业地位才会更加巩固,生态建设和改革发展步伐才会更快。只有充分依靠群众、发动群众,实现由部门办林业向全社会办林业的转变,林业发展才会动力无穷、生机无限。 保护森林和湿地,维护国家生态安全 全国绿化委员会副主任 国家林业局局长 贾治邦( http://www.forestpest.org/senfang/News/ldjh/2011-02-15/Article_5658.shtml ) 2011年是“十二五”规划的开局之年,也是转变林业发展方式的关键之年。在这个重要的历史时刻,我们迎来了第十五个“世界湿地日”及《湿地公约》成立40周年。今年世界湿地日的主题是“湿地与森林”,深刻揭示了两大生态系统息息相关、相互依存的密切关系,充分体现了湿地和森林在维护地球生态平衡中的重要作用,必将有力地引导人们更加关注这两大生态系统。    湿地具有强大的生态功能,是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要自然资源和生态支持系统。湿地是物种“基因库”,保存了大量濒危野生动植物的特有基因,孕育了世界上极为丰富的生物多样性。没有湿地,许多珍贵的物种基因资源将不复存在。湿地是淡水的天然“储存库”,储存了我国96%以上的可利用淡水资源。湿地是“地球之肾”,其强大的降解污染和净化水质功能,对于保障人们永远能够喝上干净的水,维持多种生物的水环境安全具有不可替代的作用。湿地还是降低自然灾害风险的“缓冲器”,具有调洪蓄水、抵御风暴、预防侵蚀、抗御干旱、调节气候等重要功能,对于构建防灾减灾体系、缓解全球气候变暖等发挥着十分独特的作用。    我国森林面积29.32亿亩,森林覆盖率20.36%,单块面积在100公顷以上的自然湿地面积5.43亿亩,自然湿地占国土面积的3.77%,森林和自然湿地覆盖面积占国土面积的24.13%。被誉为“地球之肺”的森林和“地球之肾”的湿地,既互相依存,又互相作用,共同构筑了我国国家生态安全的强大屏障。森林是一座绿色“水库”,具有巨大的蓄水功能,可为湿地提供持续的水源保障。森林是陆地上最大的吸碳器,科学研究表明,森林每生长1立方米蓄积量,平均能吸收1.83吨二氧化碳,释放1.62吨氧气。森林也是陆地上最大的储碳库,陆地生态系统一半以上的碳储存在森林生态系统中。湿地的固碳能力也不容忽视,特别是泥炭湿地在缓解温室效应、应对气候变化方面发挥着不可替代的作用。根据湿地国际的研究表明,占全球陆地面积6%的湿地储存了约7700亿吨碳,占陆地生态系统碳储量的35%。湿地和森林对保持陆地生态系统的整体功能起着中枢和杠杆作用,无论损害和破坏哪一个系统,都会影响地球的生态平衡,影响地球的健康,危及人类生存的根基。有科学家断言,假如森林和湿地从地球上消失,全球90%的淡水将白白流入大海,陆地90%的生物将灭绝,生物固氮将减少90%,生物放氧将减少60%,同时将产生温室效应等一系列生态问题,生态平衡就无法维持。因此,保护好湿地和森林,是关系到人类社会生存发展的根本问题,也是党和国家赋予林业的重大历史使命。    管理和恢复好湿地生态系统,建设和保护好森林生态系统,是林业部门承担的重要职责和光荣使命。“十一五”期间,在党中央、国务院的高度重视下,我国采取了一系列重大措施,大力加强湿地生态系统和森林生态系统保护和建设,有效发挥了两大生态系统的多种功能,取得了巨大成就。特别是湿地保护与管理工作取得了许多新突破。一是以加强湿地保护和修复为重点,有效遏制了湿地面积缩减的趋势。实施了全国湿地保护工程规划,完成湿地保护与恢复工程项目201个,建立了长江、黑龙江等流域湿地保护网络,湿地自然保护区达550多处,国家湿地公园达140多处,地方湿地公园达120多处,国际重要湿地达37处,有力推进了湿地保护和修复工作。“十一五”期间,全国每年新增湿地保护面积30多万公顷,恢复湿地1万多公顷,自然湿地保护率从“十五”末的45%增加到“十一五”末的50.3%,平均每年增加1个多百分点。二是以完善湿地政策措施为保障,显著增强了湿地保护能力。国家出台了湿地保护政策,将湿地总面积、湿地保护面积纳入了中国资源环境指标体系,开展了湿地保护补助试点,设立了湿地保护补助中央专项资金。制定了湿地保护宏观战略规划,将湿地保护建设纳入了多个重大行业规划。加强了湿地保护管理机构建设,成立了中国履行湿地公约国家委员会,强化了湿地履约跨部门协调机制。开展了湿地资源调查监测和科研工作,建立了生态系统定位监测站。三是以模范履约争当表率为目标,充分展示了良好的国家形象。认真实施《湿地公约》相关决议,连续两届当选为公约常委会成员国,在公约形成相关决议过程中发挥了重要作用,在亚洲履约中发挥了领导作用。加强了国际重要湿地管理,公布了《中国国际重要湿地生态状况公报》。广泛开展国际合作与交流,积极维护国家形象和权益,受到公约秘书处和有关国际组织的一致赞扬。四是以提升全社会湿地保护意识为手段,有力推动了生态文明建设。组织开展了中国湿地文化节、沿海湿地万里行等一系列重大宣传活动,为加强湿地保护营造了良好氛围。建立了世界上最大单一主题内容的国家湿地博物馆,在湿地保护区、湿地公园建立了湿地宣教馆,扩大了湿地文化宣传阵地。树立了一批湿地保护好、增收致富好、生态观念好的湿地文明村、湿地文明户。中国湿地保护已经成为自然生态保护领域的热点之一,成为生态文明建设的亮点之一。    虽然中国湿地保护事业取得了可喜成绩,但从全国总体情况来看,全社会对湿地保护的认识仍需进一步提高,天然湿地数量减少、功能退化的趋势仍在继续,湿地生态系统仍然面临着严重的威胁,保护湿地的任务仍然十分繁重。对此,我们必须保持十分清醒的头脑,以全局观念、世界眼光、战略思维和与时俱进的精神,谋划好“十二五”和未来相当长一段时期的湿地保护工作。    党的十七届五中全会提出了“保护好湿地”的明确要求,为加强湿地保护工作指明了方向。“十二五”期间,我们按照中央的一系列决策部署,决定着力建设以森林生态系统和湿地生态系统等为主要内容的“十大生态屏障”。其中,将以维护湿地生态系统健康为主要目标,正确处理保护与利用的关系,严格保护自然湿地,科学修复退化湿地,积极推进示范工程建设,大力夯实基础工作,积极推动湿地立法工作,逐步理顺体制机制,继续完善湿地保护体系,全面加强湿地国际合作,充分发挥湿地生态系统的多种功能,为发展现代林业、建设生态文明、推动科学发展作出新贡献。力争到2015年,使我国自然湿地保护率达到55%,初步缓解湿地面积减少和功能退化的趋势。    2011年,我们将大力推进湿地保护立法和制度建设,建立健全湿地生态补偿制度;继续谋划实施好国家湿地保护工程,加快构建湿地保护长效机制;促进湿地公园健康发展,进一步完善湿地保护体系建设;系统加强湿地保护科技支撑,研究建立湿地生态系统健康、功能和价值评价指标体系;认真履行《湿地公约》,进一步扩大国际合作;加强国际重要湿地建设和管理,维护我国良好的国际形象;广泛开展宣传教育,提高全社会湿地保护意识。切实发挥林业部门的组织协调指导监督作用,通过各部门的通力协作和社会各界的共同努力,推动湿地保护再上新台阶。    让我们携手一道,积极行动,共同推进湿地保护与管理工作,努力为人类社会创造更多福祉,为推进生态文明建设作出新的更大贡献。 博主简介: 张连翔(1959-),大学文化,学士学位,无党派人士,辽宁省喀左县人。现任北方林业新品种和先进适用技术研发中心教授级高工(3级教授),学术委员会成员,兼任《辽宁林业职业技术学院学报》和《辽宁林业科技》两刊编委,《新农业》杂志园艺版编委,《中国林业网》和《新农村商网》林业科技(在线)咨询专家,中国林学会灌木分会委员,全国林业科技特派员。曾任辽宁省林业高级专业技术职务评委会成员(1993-1995年)。主要从事应用生态及种群生态和数学生态学、森林有害生物可持续控制、抗旱保水造林、困难立地植被恢复与重建、林下经济、园林绿化、生物质能源林、经济林全生态经营和有机果业等的研究。取得科研成果13项,发明专利3项(2项正在申请中),编制辽宁省地方标准2项,发表学术论文近百篇,翻译和发表日文林业科技资料数十万字,主编专著2部、参编著作1部、参编论文集1部。 联系方式: zzllxx5168@126.com;13942112010; http://hi.baidu.com/zzllxx5168/home ; http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zzllxx5168
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热度 1 蒋高明 2013-2-1 23:25
蒋高明 目前全国一窝蜂似的城镇化,依然没有摆脱 “ 房地产 ” 的阴影。据笔者了解,山东某些县市搞的城镇化,已经进军农村,是以消灭农村为目的的。他们首先在老的村庄附近盖楼,也不管农民情愿不情愿,将原宅基地作价,在新楼没有盖好的前提下,每家补助 7000 元 / 年就将农民的房子强行拆除了。在这个过程中,农民得不到现金补助,其回报就是 100 -120 平方米 的回迁楼房 ( 至少 6 层 ) 。而新楼占据的是良田,农民平房腾出的土地被开发商出售了,或继续搞房地产。这样的城镇化继续加大了耕地压力,农民上楼后无法从事农业生产。 我们理解的城镇化是原位的,即政府可帮助农民统一解决自来水、污水、垃圾处理、燃气、网络、电力、电话、银行、医疗、教育等基础设施,而农民不必上楼,既然节约了土地,又方便农民进行农业生产,稳定一支种粮大军,在源头保障粮食安全。 让更多的人口分布在食物生产的第一线,避免了 大城市化带来的让少数人养活多数人的现象。在食品生产、运输、加工、消费各个环节减少有害物质使用,从而使已有的城市化人口得到较为满意的食品。 在人的去留问题上,建议不要发展英美那样的大城市化,而发展就地城市化。将村落发展成为微型城市,农户散落在农田中,从而提高生产效率。这样的话,可以杜绝食物生产的多种危害,同时带动粮食生产、食品加工花卉、宠物生产、休闲、物流、农业观光、生态旅游、养老、保险、教育、金融、电信,等等产业的深入发展,带动大学生就业。 要解决中国人的吃饭问题,政府必须重新审视依赖美国等国家廉价粮食(充满风险的转基因粮食)供应的做法,发展适度的合作化,将农业补贴资金直接与粮食产量挂钩,提高粮食收购价格,并完善监管机制。在技术上,除保留少量的化肥外,抛弃或限制 “ 六大害 ” 技术的应用,应用生态农作技术提高粮食产量,让耕者有其利,从而调动农民种粮的积极性。 农民是种地好手,进城谋生是舍本求末。 中国的粮食安全靠妇女、老人满足,长期下去是非常危险的。 大化肥、大农药、转基因是发达国家劳动力稀缺且昂贵逼出来的路子。我国的优势是人多,人民勤劳朴实。我们舍弃了自身优势,牺牲了乡村生态环境,换回来的是国民很难再吃上放心食品了。城里人想花高价钱买放心食品,但是,放心食品从哪里来呢? 正确的出路在于,让农民在家门口就有活干。这些活就是为 13.6 亿人生产放心食品,农民职业化,享受城市居民一样的周末和假期,同时担任修复退化生态系统(包括自然生态系统和农业生态系统)的重任,恢复日益衰败的乡村道德和乡村文化,构建中国特色的和谐社会。农民做出的巨大贡献,理应得到政府和全社会的认可,并从经济上给予补偿。 国家正在推进的城市化必须以农民为本,发展低成本的就地城镇化,将几百万的村庄整体提升现代化水平,解决农民教育、医疗、养老、生老病死等现实问题,将生态农业作为一项十分重要的公益产业来发展,从而实现真正意义上的城乡互动,建设美丽中国,实现生态文明。
个人分类: 建言新农村|2684 次阅读|2 个评论
生态文明系列讲座2011年第六讲 李昌平 我的新农村理念和建设实践
tian2009 2011-11-27 10:53
生态文明系列讲座2011年第六讲 李昌平 我的新农村理念和建设实践
我的新农村理念和建设实践 李昌平 我的新农村理念和建设实验 主讲人 李昌平 河北大学中国乡村建设研究中心主任、研究员 主持人 田松 北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院 副教授 时间: 12 月 1 号(星期四),晚 7 点到 9 点。 地点:北京师范大学主楼 A809 。 主办单位: 北京师范大学科学与人文研究中心 北京市哲学会 科学普及出版社 中国科学技术出版社 北京市社会科学界联合会重点学术活动资助项目 李昌平: 河北大学中国乡村建设研究中心主任、研究员,中国体改研究会研究员,中南财经政法大学兼职教授。 著名三农问题专家,《南方周末》 2000年年度人物、2006年“中国最具行动能力三农人物”。先后就读于湖北机电学校、华中农业大学农业经济系、中南财经大学经济学系,获硕士学位。1983年参加工作,在湖北监利县任各级基层干部。 2000年3月,他上书朱 镕 基总理,指出“农民真苦、农村真穷、农业真危险”。 9月辞职。 2001年就职《中国改革》杂志社,任记者、编辑、副主编、执行主编,2003年就职香港乐施会,任西南项目官员,2007年任香港乐施会中国部顾问、朝鲜项目高级专员。2006年任河北大学中国乡村建设研究中心主任、研究员。 著有《我向总理说实话》和《我向百姓说实话》等著作。
个人分类: 广而告之|3879 次阅读|0 个评论
生态文明讲座2011年第五讲 廖晓义 乐和家园:生态文明的乡村模式
tian2009 2011-11-24 23:16
生态文明讲座2011年第五讲 廖晓义 乐和家园:生态文明的乡村模式
生态文明建设系列讲座 2011年第五讲 乐和家园:生态文明的乡村模式。 主讲人 廖晓义 北京地球村环境文化中心主任 主持人 田松 北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院 副教授 时间, 11月26号(星期六),晚上7点到9点 地点:北京师范大学主楼 A809 主办单位:北京师范大学科学与人文研究中心 北京市哲学会 科学普及出版社 中国科学技术出版社 北京市社会科学界联合会重点学术活动资助项目 廖晓义: 著名环保活动家, 北京地球村环境文化中心创办人。曾获得 “苏菲环境大奖”(挪威),“班克西亚国际环境奖”(澳大利亚)。 重庆巫溪人。先后在四川大学、中山大学哲学系读书、任教。 1993年在美国北卡罗来纳州立大学做访问学者,并自费拍摄《地球的女儿》。1995年回国,投身环保事业。 “乐和家园”:2009年,“地球村”获得资助,与地方政府合作,在重庆巫溪大坪村开始建设“乐和家园”,这是一个综合的生态文明建设实践,一方面建设节能、节地、节材的生态民居,一方面致力于恢复传统文化在社会生活中的功能。现在项目已经实行两年。
个人分类: 广而告之|4448 次阅读|0 个评论
tian2009 2010-12-3 14:30
京师科学人文论坛 生态文明建设与传统文化系列讲座第 四 讲 生 态农业 ,未来 农业 的 发 展方向 以山 东 弘毅 农场为 例 主讲人: 蒋高明 中国科学院植物研究所研究员。 主持人: 田 松 北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院副教授 时间: 2010 年 1 2 月 6 日 星期 一 1 9 : 00 ─ 21 : 00 地点 : 北京师范大学 主楼 B809 主办: 北京市哲学会 北京师范大学 哲学与社会学学院 科学与人文研究中心 北京师范大学 历史学院 环境史研究中心 本系列讲座获得 北京市社会科学界联合会 支持 联系电话: 58801058 内容提要 在 健康的环境下才能够生产健康的食品,遗憾的是,农药、化肥、工业排放造成的重金属污染,就使得我们耕地变得不干净起来,从而影响了粮食、蔬菜、水果树的生 产。雪上加霜的是,有人在动物饲养和食品加工过程中继续添加污染物质。一些陌生的化工名词一遍又一遍地敲响了国人食品安全警钟。之所以会发生众多 毒 食 品,概因为连续十几年来大量饲料添加剂和食品添加剂的泛滥使用,造成了食品不安全。生态农业或有机农业是破解上述难题的重要途径,本讲座将以山东弘毅生态 农场具体实践为例,说明这一做法取得的成果及其产生的影响与社会意义。本讲座将包括问题的提出的背景、农村环保问题、有机农业概念、生态农业的理论与实 践、国内生态农业实践、弘毅生态农场的运行模式等内容。 蒋高明 教授简介: 1964 年9月19日出生于山东平邑县,1985年毕业于山东大学生物系,1993年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位。联合国教科文组织人与生物圈中国国家委员 会副秘书长、中国科学院植物研究所首席研究员、博士生导师、山东省人民政府泰山学者、中国科学院研究生院教授、联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划城市组委 员、中国生态学会副秘书长、中国生物多样性保护基金会副秘书长、中国环境文化促进会理事、中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员、北京植物学会常务理事、 青年工作委员会主任、中国生态系统研究网络生物分中心学术委员、中国科学院植物研究所学位委员会委员、中国科学院植物研究所多伦恢复生态学试验示范定位研 究站学术委员会常务副主任、中国科学院植物研究所浑善达克沙地草地定位研究站学术委员会副主任等。 1991-1992 和 1995-1996 分 别在英国利物浦大学和美国哥伦比亚大学从事恢复生态学与全球变化生态学合作研究。现为中国科学院植物研究所首席研究员、博导,中国生物多样性保护基金会副 秘书长,中国人与生物圈委员会副秘书长,中国科学院研究生院教授,《植物生态学报》常务编委、《生态学报》编委、《植物学通报》副主编,中国植物学会植物 生态学专业委员、北京植物学会常务理事、中国治沙学会会员、中国社会公益协会创会会员、国家气象局气候委员会委员等。 著作: 在恢复生态学领域,第一次提出了沙地草地生态恢复的 以地养地 模式 (2001) 、 借助自然力 恢复 (2001) 以及 畜南下、禽北上 (2006) 新观点。沙地生态治理新观点被《中国科技创新网》作为 2003 年全国科技、经济、社会 120 余条重要观点之一;被《发明时空》誉为 治沙人的创新 , 他提出的 科学治沙 理论,体现了 不唯上、不唯书、只唯实 的科学精神 。 2000-2006 年在内蒙古正蓝旗浑善达克沙地,与他人共同主持中国科学院退化沙地草地生态系统恢复试验示范重大项目研究,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益,严重退化的沙地草地恢复到了上世纪 60 年代的水平。研究成果通过《人民日报内参》、《新华社国内动态清样》、《北京日报内参》呈报中央领导和决策机构,引起高度重视。在国内最早倡导的 自然力恢复论 ,逐步成为国家生态治理的主流模式。 2007 年 7 月 20 日《科学》 (Science) 科学新闻聚焦 (NewsFocus) 以 3 页完整篇幅 6 副图片报道了蒋高明研究员在内蒙古浑善达克生态恢复效果。   在自然保护区建设方面,负责起草了《关于加大自然保护区投入力度》建议书,该建议以许智宏等 22 名院士联合签名后上报中央。 2007 年,围绕 食品安全 ,在 《 南方周末 》 等媒体发表评论文章,直接促进了全国食品安全大检查和食品安全法的颁布。   围绕新农村建设,发表了大量理论文章,是 由生态学唱主角的新绿色革命 的倡导人。发明实用新型专利一项,专利名称为:新农业革命模型体 ( 专利受理号 200720035375.7)( 发明人:蒋高明、温铁军、窦观一 ) 。发表论文 产生广泛影响 本系列其它讲座: 第一讲 北师大历史学院教授 环境史与生态文明10月20日 10月20日 主楼B809 18:3020:30 第二讲 卢风,清华哲学系教授 生态文明建设与四个转变 10月29日 主楼B809 19:0021:00 第三讲 刘华杰,北京大学哲学系教授 阿米什人(the Amish)的生存智慧 第四讲 蒋高明,中国科学院植物研究所研究员生态农业,未来农业的发展方向以山东弘毅农场为例 第五讲:田松,北京师范大学哲学与社会学学院副教授 传统文化在生态文明中的价值以纳西族的署自然观为例 ---------------- 北京师范大学科学与人文研究中心 北京市新街口外大街19号北京师范大学 主楼B806 Center for Science Humanity Studies, Beijing Normal University Website: www.scihum.com Email: scihum@bnu.edu.cn Tel: 86-10-58801058
个人分类: 广而告之|3735 次阅读|1 个评论

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