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Going green is not easy...
zuojun 2013-2-11 08:37
Why? You don't get something (good) from nothing... http://news.yahoo.com/solar-industry-grapples-hazardous-wastes-184714679.html
个人分类: From the U.S.|2769 次阅读|0 个评论
2010年部分SCI影响因子(期刊标题含有 waste, environment)
热度 1 seoal 2011-6-29 09:09
1. Waste Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) ISSN JCR Data Eigenfactor TM Metrics Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfactor TM Score Article Influence TM Score 1 J AIR WASTE MANAGE 1047-3289 3623 1.567 1.923 0.235 136 7.8 0.00852 0.599 2 J MATER CYCLES WASTE 1438-4957 207 0.408 0.000 42 4.6 0.00070 3 WASTE MANAGE 0956-053X 5136 2.358 2.666 0.252 306 4.5 0.01392 0.617 4 WASTE MANAGE RES 0734-242X 1289 1.222 1.308 0.148 122 8.5 0.00239 0.340 2. Environment Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) ISSN JCR Data Eigenfactor TM Metrics Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfactor TM Score Article Influence TM Score 1 AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON 0167-8809 8919 2.790 3.741 0.644 250 6.6 0.02280 1.099 2 ANNU REV ENV RESOUR 1543-5938 973 3.737 8.072 0.385 13 5.3 0.00495 3.064 3 ATMOS ENVIRON 1352-2310 29535 3.226 3.435 0.582 581 6.8 0.07172 1.008 4 B ENG GEOL ENVIRON 1435-9529 404 0.648 0.874 0.133 60 5.6 0.00155 0.335 5 BOREAL ENVIRON RES 1239-6095 867 1.296 1.841 0.795 44 5.2 0.00331 0.613 6 BUILD ENVIRON 0360-1323 4274 2.129 1.998 0.552 288 4.1 0.01456 0.574 7 ENVIRON INT 0160-4120 6437 4.691 4.786 0.623 114 5.8 0.01767 1.321 8 ENVIRON PROT ENG 0324-8828 121 0.427 0.146 48 2.9 0.00022 9 ENVIRONMENT 0013-9157 615 1.864 2.128 0.087 23 8.2 0.00159 0.750 10 FRONT ECOL ENVIRON 1540-9295 2994 8.820 7.931 1.309 55 4.1 0.01599 3.134 11 GEOCHEM-EXPLOR ENV A 1467-7873 318 0.698 0.911 0.567 30 6.0 0.00068 0.222 12 INDOOR BUILT ENVIRON 1420-326X 430 0.634 0.756 0.286 63 5.4 0.00122 0.213 13 INT J ENVIRON POLLUT 0957-4352 664 0.626 0.706 0.087 104 5.0 0.00181 0.176 14 J FOOD AGRIC ENVIRON 1459-0255 659 0.425 0.425 0.106 578 3.0 0.00152 0.064 15 J POLYM ENVIRON 1566-2543 852 1.507 2.005 0.045 89 6.3 0.00201 0.520 16 MINE WATER ENVIRON 1025-9112 196 1.039 0.000 27 4.9 0.00061 17 P I MECH ENG M-J ENG 1475-0902 66 0.259 0.042 24 0.00020 18 PLANT CELL ENVIRON 0140-7791 12031 5.145 5.618 0.813 171 8.1 0.02591 1.750 19 PLANT SOIL ENVIRON 1214-1178 429 1.076 0.200 80 4.0 0.00116 20 REMOTE SENS ENVIRON 0034-4257 15614 3.951 4.605 0.602 244 7.4 0.03525 1.424 21 RES J CHEM ENVIRON 0972-0626 139 0.292 0.029 69 4.3 0.00037 22 SCAND J WORK ENV HEA 0355-3140 3527 3.540 3.586 1.395 43 10.0 0.00584 1.033 23 SCI TOTAL ENVIRON 0048-9697 22018 3.190 3.366 0.418 697 6.5 0.05554 0.962 24 STUD NEOTROP FAUNA E 0165-0521 400 0.596 0.643 0.000 20 10.0 0.00054 0.215 25 TRANSPORT RES D-TR E 1361-9209 817 1.108 1.589 0.049 61 6.2 0.00290 0.605 26 VIE MILIEU 0240-8759 577 0.474 0.779 0.000 16 10.0 0.00071 0.252 27 WATER ENVIRON J 1747-6585 176 0.694 0.763 0.167 36 4.0 0.00081 0.214 28 WATER ENVIRON RES 1061-4303 1766 0.890 0.895 0.094 160 8.2 0.00366 0.231
3107 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]TIAA-CREF needs more staff
zuojun 2011-3-29 14:40
Why? Well, its life insurance company cashed my check on March 4, and then sent me a letter dated on March 21, suggesting that I didn't pay in time. I thought only state governments are having manpower issues, but maybe many big companies, too. No wonder so many people are unemployed in the States these days!
个人分类: From the U.S.|1265 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Six Ways Conventional Wisdom Wastes Money
zuojun 2010-12-5 02:18
by Rose Raymond Saturday, December 4, 2010 Updated guidelines, better ways to save. Most of us learned the basic tenets of budgeting, housekeeping and auto maintenance from our parents. But times have changed, and some of the things you believed to be true are not the case anymore. Following are several examples of conventional wisdom that may cause you to needlessly waste money. Dig in and learn how to effortlessly save money by thinking outside the box. Read on using the link below: 6-ways-conventional-wisdom-wastes-money ps. I don't agree with the author 100%, but she has a point on some of them.
个人分类: From the U.S.|3402 次阅读|0 个评论

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