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【IJAC推文】今天, 你充电了吗?
Chenfiona 2017-5-3 09:30
“五一”小长假终究还是过去了,电量不足的小伙伴们,带上你的小马达,跟我一起充充“电”吧! 第一站:电池诞生记 1 ) 1746 年:莱顿瓶 莱顿大学的马森布罗克用一支枪管悬在空中,用起电机与枪管连着,另用一根铜线从枪管中引出,浸入一个盛有水的玻璃瓶中,一个助手一只手握着玻璃瓶,马森布罗克在一旁使劲摇动起电机。这时他的助手不小心将另一只手与枪管碰上, 随后 猛然感到一次强烈的电击,喊了起来。马森布罗克由此得出结论:把带电体放在玻璃瓶内可以把电保存下来 , 后来人们就把这个蓄电的瓶子称作“ 莱顿瓶 ” ,这个实验称为 “ 莱顿瓶实验 ” 。 2 ) 1786 年:“生物电” 意大利 解剖学家伽伐尼在做青蛙解剖时,两手分别拿着不同的金属器械,无意中同时碰在青蛙的大腿上,青蛙腿部的肌肉立刻抽搐了一下,仿佛受到电流的刺激,而只用一种金属器械去触动 青蛙 ,却并无此种反应。伽伐尼认为,出现这种现象是因为动物躯体内部产生的一种电,他称之为“ 生物电 ” 。 3 ) 1799 年:伏特电堆 意大利物理学家伏特把一块锌板和一块银板浸在 盐水 里,发现连接两块金属的导 线中有电流通过。于是,他就把许多锌片与银片之间垫上浸透盐水的绒布或纸片,平叠起来。用手触摸两端时,会感到强烈的电流刺激。伏特用这种方法成功的制成了世界上第一个电池──“ 伏特电堆 ” 。 4 ) 1836 年:丹尼尔电池 英国的 丹尼尔 对“ 伏特电堆 ” 进行了改良。他使用 稀硫酸 作电解液,解决了电池极化问题,制造出第一个不极化,能保持 平衡 电流的锌─ 铜电池,又称 “ 丹尼尔电池 ” 。 5 ) 1860 年:蓄电池 法国的普朗泰发明出用铅做电极的电池。当电池使用一段使电压下降时,可以给它通以反向电流,使电池电压回升。因为这种电池能充电,可以反复使用,所以称它为“ 蓄电池 ” 。 电池已经诞生了 200多年,现在仍然在前进。无论是过去还是现在,电池的目标都没有改变:随时随地让人享受电能的巨大恩惠。 如何预测电池的剩余电量?如何提高电池性能?英国学者为你解惑 ~ 第二站:好文推荐 VRLA 电池系统中分析孔隙几何形状及识别方块效应的高级预测机制 An Advanced Prediction Mechanism to Analyse Pore Geometry Shapes and Identification of Blocking Effect in VRLA Battery System Alessandro Mariani 1 , Kary Thanapalan 1 , Peter Stevenson 2 , Jonathan Williams 1 1. Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science , University of South Wales , Pontypridd , UK 2. Yuasa Battery (UK) Ltd , Rassau Industrial Estate , Ebbw Vale , UK 收录信息: Alessandro Mariani, Kary Thanapalan, Peter Stevenson etc. An Advanced Prediction Mechanism to Analyse Pore Geometry Shapes and Identification of Blocking Effect in VRLA Battery System . International Journal of Automation and Computing , 2017,14(1): 21-32. 全文链接: 1) Springer Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11633-016-1040-0 2) IJAC 官网: http://www.ijac.net/EN/abstract/abstract1855.shtml 文章概要: 本文提出一种高级预测机制,用于 阀控密封铅酸( VRLA )电池 系统中的孔隙几何形状分析以及方块效应识别。本研究首先构建了一个数学模型来识别 VRLA 电池的剩余电量,而后通过电化学阻抗技术得出实验数据,用以验证该模型。最后,基于数据分析,得出低性能电池中发生扩散限制的原因。通过本研究可知,电极大小及孔分布将影响电池在充电及放电时的电化及电解过程。 关键词 : Positive active material, crystal structure, valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) batteries, modelling, estimation and recovery techniques. 作者简介 : Alessandro Mariani received the B. Eng. degree from University of Glamorgan, UK in 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. degree candidate at University of South Wales, UK. His research interests include lead acid battery technology and electrochemical performance analysis. ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5810-2681 Kary Thanapalan received the B.Eng. degree in control engineering from City University London, UK. Later he received the Ph.D. degree in aerospace control systems from the University of Liverpool, UK . He is currently working as a senior researcher in the faculty of computing, engineering and sciences, University of South Wales, UK, and a leading researcher in the fields of energy and renewable energy and control and automation engineering. His research interests include control system design, renewable energy and optimization analysis. ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6398-4340 Peter Stevenson received the M. Sc. degree in chemistry from the University of Cambridge, UK in 1979. He is currently working as senior technical co-ordinator at the Yuasa Battery (Europe) Ltd. His research interests include lead acid and lithium battery technology. ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3894-2207 Jonathan Williams received the M. Eng. degree in mechatronic engineering and has since worked with numerous industrial companies and specialist materials companies at the University of South Wales, UK . He is currently working as a CAPSE director at the University of South Wales, UK, and a leading researcher in the development of new innovative energy storage system and solutions. His research interests include power system engineering and lithium based energy storage. 部分内容整理自网络,参见: http://tech.qq.com/a/20090524/000025.htm http://baike.so.com/doc/1207846-1277666.html IJAC International Journal of Automation and Computing IJAC的出版服务不会止于论文发表。在论文发表后,IJAC也在积极地通过多种方式帮助作者提升研究成果的影响力,“IJAC推文”是其中一种方式,即通过互联网,以研究简介、实验视频等内容和形式,来帮助作者推广出版作品。 IJAC官方微信平台带您开启一场不一样的学术之旅,这里有最新会议资讯、研究成果、科普常识、美图美文,还有热情活泼而又不失严肃认真的阳光小编! IJAC官方网站: 1) http://link.springer.com/journal/11633 2) http://www.ijac.net 新浪微博:IJAC-国际自动化与计算杂志 官方微信:IJAC Twitter: IJAC_Journal Linked in(领英): Int. J. of Automation and Computing
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[转载][科幻] [最终幻想15:王者之剑(2016)][720p][日本][亚伦·保尔]
lcj2212916 2016-10-11 21:09
《最终幻想15:王者之剑》是由史克威尔艾尼克斯公司制作的3DCG动画电影,于2016年7月9日在日本全国上映。 故事讲述的是游戏《 最终幻想15 》男主诺克提斯的父亲,也就是路西斯王国的国王侧的故事,与游戏中的故事发生时间相同,但又完全独立于游戏故事之外。 The magical kingdom of Lucis is home to the hallowed Crystal, but the menacing empire of Niflheim will stop at nothing to make it theirs. War has raged between the two for as long as most can remember. King Regis of Lucis commands an elite force of soldiers dubbed the Kingsglaive。 下载地址:(关注微信公众号“时尚军事”,回复“最终幻想”在线看) http://www.yimuhe.com/file-3151570.html
1402 次阅读|0 个评论
哈佛1993年博士毕业生-Nan Crystal Arens
livingfossil 2016-4-10 22:17
The Epic of Paleobotany-440 哈佛 1993 年博士毕业生 -Nan Crystal Arens Dr. Nan Crystal Arens graduated from Harvard University and got her Ph.D. degree in 1993. She worked as a ssistant Professor of Integrative Biology and curator of f oss il p lants in the Museum of Paleontology, University of California at Berkeley from 1993 to 2002. At present, Dr. Nan Crystal Arens is Professor of Geoscience, Hobart William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, USA. ∮ 1 Education Background B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, 1987; M.S., Geology, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 1988; M.A., Biology, Harvard University, 1991; Ph.D., in Biology, Harvard University, 1993. The basic information of Nan Crystal Arens’ Ph.D. thesis is as follows: · Title: Reconstructing community dynamics in aPennsylvanian floodplain forest · Attribution: by Nan Crystal Arens. · Author: Arens, Nan Crystal. · Subject: Paleobotany --Pennsylvanian ; Paleobotany -- NovaScotia. ; Paleoecology -- NovaScotia. · Published: 1993. · Description: ix, 312 leaves : ill., maps ; 29 cm. · Language: English · Notes: Includes bibliographical references (leaves -302). Thesis note: Thesis (Ph. D.)--Harvard University, 1993. · HOLLISNumber: 003980412 · CreationDate: 1993 · Source: HVD ALEPH ∮ 2 Employment history 1993—2002: Assistant Professor of IntegrativeBiology, University of California at Berkeley; 1993—2002: Curator of Fossil Plants in theMuseum of Paleontology, University of California at Berkeley; 2001—2005: Assistant Professor of Geosciences,Hobart William Smith Colleges; 2005—2015: Associate Professor of Geoscience,Hobart William Smith Colleges; 2015—present: Professor of Geoscience, Hobart William Smith Colleges ∮3 Research interests (1) The evolution of terrestrial environmentsand the interplay between physical environmental change (e.g., climate andatmosphere) and changes in community composition and structure. (2) Evolution of plant autecology andeco-morphology. (3) Early angiosperm ecology andevolution. (4) Extinction mechanisms. (5) CLAMP climate reconstruction and the roleof phylogeny and biogeography. Courses taught: GEO 142—Earth System Science; GEO 143—Earth Life ThroughTime; GEO 184—Introduction to Geology; GEO 230—Earth History. ∮4 Recent p ublications (see Appendix I) ---------------------- ---------------------- Qigao Sun: Umbrella of American Paleobotany-176 古植物学的故事 440 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.440) April 2, 2016 相关阅读: Nan Crystal Arens http://www.hws.edu/experience/map_arens.aspx Hobart and WilliamSmith Colleges http://www2.hws.edu/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hobart_and_William_Smith_Colleges 古植物学的故事 372 期 Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.372) 尊重自然历史尊重学术历史 铁打的营盘 VS 流水的兵 : Paleobotany vs Paleobotanist http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-903352.html 2015-7-6 22:06 古植物学的故事 228 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list ofAmerican palaeobotanists http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-826366.html 2014-9-10 05:45 古植物学的故事 370 期 Story of PaleobotanySeries (No.370) Umbrella of Americanpaleobotany-129- Open the Umbrella ofAmerican paleobotany-- 撑开美国古植物学之伞 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-901814.html 2015-7-100:02 ============== Appendix: Some recent publications of Dr.Nan Crystal Arens---- Arens, Nan Crystal and Elisha B. Harris* 2015Palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Albian–Cenomanian transition based on adominantly angiosperm flora from the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA. CretaceousResearch 53:140-152. Kennedy, Elizabeth M., Nan Crystal Arens ,Tammo Reichgelt, Robert A. Spicer, Teresa, E.V. Spicer, Lena Stranks and JianYang. 2014. Deriving temperature estimates from Southern Hemisphere leaves. Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 412: 80-90. Arens, Nan Crystal and Sarah E. Allen*. 2014. Aflorule from the base of the Hell CreekFormation in the type area of easternMontana: Implications for vegetation and climate. G.P. Wilson, W.A. Clemens, J.Horner and J. Hartman (eds.) Through the End of the Cretaceous in the TypeLocality of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana and Adjacent Areas. GeologicalSociety of America Special Publication 503: 173-207. Arens, Nan Crystal , Anna Thompson and A. Hope Jahren.2014. Vegetation indicators of environmental change preceding theCretaceous/Paleogene boundary: Implications for the press/pulse model of massextinction. G.P. Wilson, W.A. Clemens, J. Horner and J. Hartman (eds.) Throughthe End of the Cretaceous in the Type Locality of the Hell Creek Formation inMontana and Adjacent Areas. Geological Society of America SpecialPublication 503:209-227. Arens, Nan Crystal , A. Hope Jahren and David C.Kendrick. 2014. Carbon isotope stratigraphy and correlation of plantmegafossil localities in the Hell Creek Formation of eastern Montana, U.S.A.G.P. Wilson, W.A. Clemens, J. Horner and J. Hartman (eds.) Through the End ofthe Cretaceous in the Type Locality of the Hell Creek Formation in Montana andAdjacent Areas. Geological Society of America Special Publication 503:149-171. Jahren, A. Hope and Nan Crystal Arens .2009. Prediction of atmospheric δ13CO2 using plant cuticle isolated from fluvial sediment:Tests across a gradient in salt content. Palaios 24:394-401. Arens, Nan Crystal and Ian D. West*. 2008.Press-Pulse: A general theory of mass extinction? Paleobiology :34:456-471. Jahren, A. Hope, Nan CrystalArens , and Stephanie A. Harbeson. 2008. Prediction of atmospheric δ 13CO2using fossil plant tissues. Reviews of Geophysics 46: RG1002,doi:10.1029/2006RG000219. =======================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2853 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 snowmount 2014-5-30 16:30
我认为这是一篇薄膜生长技术方面的重要工作:我们用X射线晶体截断面倒易杆技术(crystal truncation rod,CTR)研究了LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO)界面原子结构随生长气压的变化关系,发现高气压下生长的一个单胞厚的薄膜就能有效阻挡后续沉积原子的注入扩散行为,促进外延薄膜的制备。 原文见下面链接及其supplemental materials Atomic Layer Engineering of Perovskite Oxides for Chemically Sharp Heterointerfaces ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24, 6423-6428(2012) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201202691
个人分类: 科研|4648 次阅读|1 个评论
Terahertz (THz) Science & Technology
热度 1 antenna 2013-3-17 14:13
Selected Topics in Terahertz (THz) Science Technology THz sources THz detectors THz CMOS circuits THz plasmonics THz superconductors THz metamaterials THz photonic crystals THz liquid crystal THz nonlinear materials and devices THz femtosecond laser THz nanotechnology (Graphene/CNT) THz antennas THz filters THz lens THz switches THz modulators THz absorbers THz quantum optics THz biology THz sensors THz imaging THz communication THz radar THz wireless power transfer THz solar cells THz measurements …
个人分类: 科研工作|1186 次阅读|2 个评论
Effect of Crystal Orientation on Piezoelectric Response
hasanzhong 2013-2-19 02:15
Effect of Crystal Orientation on Piezoelectric Response of Single-Crystal Piezoelectric Layers Authors: Liu, Ming; Yang, Fuqian Source: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience , Volume 9, Number 12, December 2012 , pp. 2062-2067(6) Publisher: American Scientific Publishers Abstract: The piezoelectric response of a piezoelectric material is strongly dependent on the relative direction between external loading and the poling direction. In this study, we present a three-dimensional finite element model to analyze the effect of the angle between the loading direction and the poling direction on the deformation state and electric displacement in a piezoelectric layer. The results show that, under the action of electric loading, the apparent longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient can be determined from the ratio of the displacement difference to the potential difference between the top and bottom surfaces, which is a function of the crystal orientation. The deformation-induced electric potential difference between the top and bottom surfaces of the piezoelectric layer is dependent on the expansion/shrinkage of side surfaces when subject to mechanical loading. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/jctn/2012/00000009/00000012/art00010?crawler=true
个人分类: Paper|3847 次阅读|0 个评论
Dependence of Tcf FOR single crystal silicon microresonators
gcshan 2013-1-29 22:10
Dependence of Tcf FOR single crystal silicon microresonators
CRYSTALLOGRAPHICAND EIGENMODE dependence of Tcf FOR single crystal silicon contour mode resonators HaoshenZhu 1 ,Guangcun Shan 2 , Cheng Tu 1 and JoshuaE. - Y. Lee 1 1 D epartment of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong , Hong Kong; 2 Department of Physics and Materials Science, CityUniversity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong ABSTRACT This paper reports the effects of crystal orientations on the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCf) of single crystal silicon square-plate micromechanical resonators vibrating in two distinct contour modes: Lamé mode and square extensional (SE). For the Lamé mode, the same TCf was found over several devices aligned to the 110 direction, while much greater variation in TCf was observed among the devices aligned to the 100 direction. For the SE mode, the devices in both 100 and 110 orientations exhibit similar TCf values for varying doping levels. These observations are supported by Keyes’ theory and close agreement between experiments and simulations is shown. Date of Conference: 20-24 Jan. 2013 Author(s): Zhu, H. Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Shan, G.C. ; Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Tu, C. ; Lee, J.E.-Y. Page(s): 761- 764 Product Type: Conference Publications Ref: IEEE 26th MEMS 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.761-764, January 20 – 24, 2013 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=arnumber=6474354
个人分类: Information|2386 次阅读|0 个评论
a high quality factor single crystal silicon microresonator
gcshan 2012-7-19 10:35
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 , 034102 (2012); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4737213 Shear dependent nonlinear vibration in a high quality factor single crystal silicon micromechanical resonator H. Zhu 1 , G. C. Shan 2,* , C. H. Shek 2 , and J. E.-Y. Lee 1 1 Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong 2 Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong The frequency response of a single crystal silicon resonator under nonlinear vibration is investigated and related to the shear property of the material. The shear stress-strain relation of bulk silicon is studied using a first-principles approach. By incorporating the calculated shear property into a device-level model, our simulation closely predicts the frequency response of the device obtained by experiments and further captures the nonlinear features. These results indicate that the observed nonlinearity stems from the material’s mechanical property. Given the high quality factor ( Q ) of the device reported here (∼2 × 10 6 ), this makes it highly susceptible to such mechanical nonlinear effects. http://apl.aip.org/resource/1/applab/v101/i3/p034102_s1 *Email:guangcunshanATmail.sim.ac.cn
个人分类: 科学札记|3178 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]various effects excited by electron beam
xpzhanghit 2012-4-26 09:20
Low-energy electrons are produced from a tungsten filament or lanthanum hexaboride crystal cathode and accelerated by a positively biased anode plate to 3 to 30 thousand electron volts (keV). The anode plate has central aperture and electrons that pass through it are collimated and focused by a series of magnetic lenses and apertures. The resulting electron beam (approximately from 5 nm to 10 micrometre diameter) may be rastered across the sample or used in spot mode to excite various effects from the sample. Among these effects are: phonon excitation (heat), cathodoluminescence (visible light fluorescence), continuum X-ray radiation (bremsstrahlung), characteristic X-ray radiation, secondary electrons (plasmon production), backscattered electron production, and Auger electron production.
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Personal profile of Crystal Liu
liukecrystal 2012-1-27 10:06
2008.9- Teaching in Department of Citizen Education at Shanghai Second Polytechnic University. Teaching three courses: Morality Education of Citizens; History of Western Philosophy; Vocational Ethics 2009.3-2011.12 Working in School of Philosophy at Fudan University. Doing research on the theories of natural rights and virtue ethics. 2005.9- 2008.7 Ph.D , School of Philosophy, graduated from Wuhan University 2007.10-2008.4 Visiting to the Philosophy department in the University of Scranton and Loyola Marymount University in U.S.. The main work: doing research on the analysis on Hobbes and Xun Zi’s 2008. 6-7 Attending a meeting hold by the Philosophy department in Fu Jen University in Tai Pei. Article announced: Emotion Theory and Sentimentalism in Western Philosophy
1897 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]关于蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)方法的详细讨论和基于EXCEL与Crystal
chunhuizhang 2011-10-27 02:13
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