

tag 标签: 微腔放电推力器


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xiaguangqing 2014-4-23 22:15
http://www.chinanews.com/mil/2014/04-03/6027005.shtml 近日, 中国航天科技集团公司五院502所推进产品中心 成立了 微推进技术研发小组 ,旨在解决微卫星、纳卫星、皮卫星的推进系统应用问题,开展微推进系统相关基础技术研究,发展微推进相关基础学科,建立基础研究的手段及方法。   微纳卫星具有一系列优点,体积小、功耗低、开发周期短、可编队组网,能够以更低的成本完成很多复杂的空间任务,并且具备快速响应能力。但由于受整星功耗、重量、体积等约束,现有的推进技术不能满足微纳卫星推进系统需求,国内已发射的微纳卫星均不具备推进系统。   当前,该所在微推进系统和微推力器方面已经取得了系列成果,如微推力器阵列、微小超高压冷气推进系统、轻质低功耗推力器等。微推进技术研发小组成立后,将积极推动在微推进系统和微推进器等多方面的研究,制定技术应用发展方案,推进技术攻关,为不同任务需求的微纳卫星提供推进方案及产品。   为加强基础理论研究,该所 以五院先进空间推进技术核心实验室为依托,联合国内优势高校,建立先进空间微推进技术联合实验室 ,实现优势互补,共同开展关键技术攻关及突破。
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xiaguangqing 2010-12-17 15:31
The Microcavity Discharge Thruster (MCD) is a novel electrothermal thruster concept. It relies on flat panel microplasma heritage, realizing discharges in cavities as small as 10 m in diameter at pressures up to well above 1 atm. Gas temperatures may reach 1500 K or higher at up to 2 W of power deposited per cavity, and if expanded through a nozzle, an electrothermal microthruster array concept can be realized. The thruster concept consists of two perforated aluminum foil electrodes onto which an aluminum oxide layer is grown. The two electrode sheaths are then bonded, and the perforations form the discharge cavities. A chemical etch forms a nozzle for each cavity at one side of the electrode sheath. Applying a 50-150 kHz, 400-1200 VAC to the electrodes creates alternating electric fields inside the gas filled cavity, leading to low (1%) degrees of ionization and subsequent heating of the partially ionized gas in the alternating electric field.
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